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/scaly/ - Scaly General: Thread #115 Post lewd reptiles and

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 312
Thread images: 184

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Dragon a cute! CUTE!.png
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/scaly/ - Scaly General: Thread #115

Post lewd reptiles and discuss scaly stuff, male or female is fine. Dragons, wyverns, reptile folk, snakes, and sharks on top of other scaly things are welcome. As some may take a few creative liberties on their creations, do inquire if there's a particular edge case you're unsure about.

Please avoid reposting images from the past 2-3 or so threads, try to keep things fresh and post other content.
We don't have any other form of chat setup outside these threads, don't ask.

You may enjoy a collection of scaly-related smut and other relevant items of interest here, of which you are also free to contribute to:

Did you miss something? Catch the previous thread here:

Today's featured image is a kobold possibly turning the tables on his draconic mistress

Topic of the thread: What's your favorite body part on a scaly? Aside from their genitals, ass, and tits if they have them.
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Tails. Thick tails built for wrapping and holding friends and lovers close and tight.

>cute snek kidnaps you in a library
>won't let you go until you read to her
>she likes books, but never learned to read
>...her last caught humans kept trying to get out of her coils too much, so she ate them
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>What's your favorite body part on a scaly? Aside from their genitals, ass, and tits if they have them.

I like the reptilian head, really makes the feeling of kissing a foreign being much more odd and hot.
Probably the tail.
Nipples and butts a close second
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that cynder looks more like a man than spyro
Spyro is a very rare fuccboi dragon.
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Wings on dragons.

Tails on everything else.
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Rick is cute.
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Love Love Love Thick reptile Tails. Second is their bellies or their feet. Mainly its their tails I love.
who are good scalie artists?
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Literally who.
Rick is the lizard. He is cute.
You know what blows?

I'd really love to make a dragonfucking VN or story or something, but I have literally zero artistic talent. I can write (and write code as well) but nobody wants to jack off while reading, so even trying is kind of pointless.

What's worse? I don't even know why I want to make something pornographic. I just kind of do.
Are you me? That's exactly why I'm trying to learn how to draw now.
I tried to learn to draw and it went nowhere. Drawing is probably my absolute weakest artistic skill. I'm better at fucking music than I am at drawing.
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>Lol zombies

Do like that corruption of heros game. Writing and programming is all you need for patreon funding by autists.
I like erotic fiction.
i love jacking off when i read
Probably won't work, people will just say it's a CoC rehash. The anon'd have to make it better somehow, through UI, writing, or game mechanics.
That is an idea.

I've tried that before, but at a certain point became consumed by shame and deleted everything. I guess I could try again.

The initial concept was called "Magical Realm Quest", and it basically involved you being singled out as a huge pervert by the Goddess of Lust and getting taken to her domain. The plan was to make a porn game that poked fun at porn tropes.

Does that still sound like a worthwhile concept?

I can probably do all three to be honest. CoC is a bit subpar on all of those fronts.
Eh, the concept sounds interesting, but not as a porn game.
Most furries don't care, they just want to keep jacking off to their fetishes. If he has the ability to make a superior game, autists WILL pay for it.
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I want to ride this dragon.
What sort of concepts do work for a porn game?
Anon no you'll die.
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Then I'll kiss his rump.
I'd done right, EVERYTHING.
Usually tail, digitigrade legs, snout, flat chest, claws and not paws.

Pic related is perfect.
This, Fenoxo literally gets $12k a month and does fuck all for actually working on TiTs/CoC.

>CoC rehash
There's already those, and they get bux too, like that Transformation game with a dragoness stuck in a wall posted here a few times. (Chrissie, I think her name was?)

>but nobody wants to jack off while reading
We literally have a writebin for jacking off too. Also I love reading.

>Does that still sound like a worthwhile concept?
Yeah, a Magical Realm game sounds like it could be fun actually. I mean someone made that "Book of Scales" alpha, and that was just a lizard love text sim, but I still wanted more.
>make a porn game that poked fun at porn tropes
To be funny? I don't see what for.
The idea of being funny is that porn is kind of inherently silly, so you might as well be funny intentionally.

I do enjoy a small amount of plot in my porn, personally, so if I have to have an over-reaching story, it's going to be a funny one.
Most furry plebs just want what boils down to "I'm the poolboy" scenarios.
Eh. I'm picky, CoC got way too weird, and it sound like that would too.

I just want a scaly porn game with mininimal furry (nothing feline, equine, canine). And no over the top fetishes, with good gameplay and story that doesn't focus on porn to the detriment of everything else. Is that so much to ask for?

Even the one good scaly game about being a dragon added a few too many furrys. It could have been SO FUCKING GOOD. And was never finished. Fuck.
This, I'm a sucker for the genral scaly body type, especially digitigrade legs. I go either way with tits, but its just the overall structure that I love. That's why I'm also fond of sergals, since their bodytype is basically "generic scaly w/fur".
Don't get me wrong, scales are great, but I love the body-type more.

I know sergals catch a lot of heat because the cringe OC's are so prevalent, but being a dragon-faggot for so long just kinda makes you numb to the autistic OC's. You just kinda turn a blind eye and continue on.
There will be some other furry because I need cash, but you can avoid those scenes.

I don't have any over-the-top fetishes. I might add some transformation for gameplay mechanics, maybe, but nowhere near the fucking weird shit that CoC has.

Plot-wise... Well, as I said in >>5508086, I'm also a fan of plot. So that will hopefully happen.

That's so fucking boring, though.
>I know sergals catch a lot of heat because the cringe OC's are so prevalent, but being a dragon-faggot for so long just kinda makes you numb to the autistic OC's
I don't get this forced meme.
All furry OCs, scaly and what not are the same cringy garbage. There is no difference that makes one worse than the other.
original pic?
>I know sergals catch a lot of heat because the cringe OC's are so prevalent,

Well, that and the sergal creator hates all the ocs that resulted so much she barely uses sergals in her own story setting now.
What the fuck is a sergal? Just looks like a generic furry wolf.
Gnolls are okay and satisfy the canine requirement, I'll accept centaurs for equine, anything else would feel forced. Fuck cat people, way wayyyy over done forced gay and stupid.

COC shows if you make it, they will come. If we can cry over games filled with crap and still play it, they can cry over lack of their special rainbow snowflake fetish/creature and still play it. They still have the bulk of shit anyway.

Can I offer advice and ideas to be taken seriously plz, pleaaase?

What do you want in it?
What I want in it?

I don't know. Fucking dragons and Kobolds, I guess? Maybe a lizardperson. That's the things I have to have in it.

If you have any suggestions, I'm totally open to them. Right now I'm trying to figure out the best way to implement this.

It's going to be in HTML/JS, that much I know. Right now I'm trying to figure out a good way to write the sex scenes while keeping some variable interpolation and stuff. Unfortunately the way Fenoxo did it is pants-on-head retarded, so that's not happening, apparently.
The only reason I mention it is that I know across multiple boards there are a lot of people that hate sergals for some reason, so I'm always hesitant to even bring them up. I don't really get it either.

Yeah, and it's a shame. Mick's art and lore is all pretty cool. When shit gets popular, it always gets cringey. The correct response it to just ignore it and keep making the stuff the way you as a creator like it.

I wish the other chapters were translated, I don't want to read them out of order, and sadly I do not japanese.

Their a fictional race with decent backstory on some fictional planet. Inspired by a combination of raptors, sharks, wolves, and rabbits(?). e621 sergal or trancey mick. I would post more, but this isn't a sergal thread, nor are they scaly.
I dunno have to think, can help with plot and such well I'm at it I found that game I was talking about, Redscales adventure.




Erase the cat and dog people and it was the nearest to awesome I ever found.

Text based game ( with some limited graphics).

A young red dragon sets out into the world beyond his mother's final resting place for the first time.
Includes lots of violence, potentially rape and/or devouring your enemies, m/m and m/f sex scenes (and some group sex), and lots and lots of time wasting.
I don't know why, but trout's artwork turns everything adorable.
Dragons are just the best.
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Snakes are cool too.
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also truth
More thinking done.

Good combat system, without action it gets boring. Add as much randomization as possible, it adds tons of variation with acceptable effort. (See DCSS and dwarf fortress).

Detailed weapons and armour. Ask and will receive.

Fairly detailed bondage/capture/surrender system.

See the game I posted for ideas on sex

Rape, bondage, heavy bondage, casual sex, slavery, love, mild violence, cute, cuddles, are all amazing.

Add scat, farting, vore, watersports, diapers, super size, fat (chub is good) anything over the top/pointlessly silly; I will Fucking kill you for making me lose last addition hope I did not know I had.
Actually now that I think about it help me scaly;

Scaly approved fetish list:

Off/on toggle
Fuck no

Honestly, all the really obscure fetishy stuff is how you make bank, because those people will shell out for their obscure kinks. Just make sure you find people who actually want to write that shit to do it so you don't have to. You fix it for everyone else by putting toggles to toggle off all those encounters at the start menu, just erasing any npc associated with it from the world entirely. Make it an opt in for people who want all that nonsense. If you're not going for making bank, you could just not include it at all though.
>affirming dragon best-ness
>dinky posting
You know things
Post your first image in your dragon pic folder
fuck you 4chan
wow, i wasn't expecting a top tier quality pic to be first, but that 0 in the filename did it.
Agreed like dragons, sergals and nevrean are amazing if done right. They are just overwhelmingly done wrong. Yinglets cute too.

Not here though. Only scaly after this. Can always make new thread.
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I wonder if I can get away with making a TwoKinds thread on /co/ so long as I only post Nora and human characters...
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Is Nora even still relevant to the comic?

I thought Reni was the new dragon hotness.
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Oh, yes it is. I even give you permission to name the goddess Ovamiat.
I remember nora going into hibernation but I haven't read twokinds in 3, maybe 4 years
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Oh yeah. That probably works too.
who is this dragon?
delet this
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gibe peets
I get that it's not up to par but it's better than a few of the images around it.
>The dragon folder is an old one...
Which "first"? Top of the list, like something starting with a number or "A"; or the very first file as determined by date?
Goddamn we're moving fast

>There's already those, and they get bux too, like that Transformation game with a dragoness stuck in a wall posted here a few times.

Flexible Survival. Which also gets weird.

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Current sorting, regardless of what it is.
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>Goddamn we're moving fast

No shit, someone asked for a dump of everyone's first pic and another was discussing his ideas/implementing a game. (Which is neat if true)
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the way I sort my images does not simplify to a "dragon folder" but have the first applicable result in the closest thing to that

Nigger that ain't Guoh
I thought the joke was obvious.
Because it's not scaly in the literal sense.
Sauce on this snake?
his name is Dtz hes an Alien, not a real dragon. But he can shapeshift into one.
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who then, I must've assumed
>Mary "Dewdrop" Sue
I actually feel a tinge of disappointment whenever I encounter characters like these.
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>tfw you concern yourself with making your characters too flawed and tripping into major edgelord territory

Not an OC but I had a character who's entire purpose was to be raped and killed to establish a recurring theme of karma
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since we're on the topic of games, i might as well repost the silly game I made for a jam in case peeps didn't catch it two threads or so ago


its pretty shit and amateury, but its got a cute? dragon in it and i promised /scaly/ I'd make it.

In the end, if you want scalies in games you have to do it yourself. My main project apart from this jam was going to be a platformer in the spirit of spyro/mario 64, but progress on that is slow.
If you were reading a furry comic (scalies included) and all of the characters were just typical animals- household pets, woodland critters, common zoo animals, and you're multiple pages into it, and all of a sudden a dinosaur character showed up, would you be fine with that? Or would the anachronism bug you?
Do you get to fuck scalies to collect eggs?
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An anonymous drawfag who posted them in these threads a good while ago. He stated that he wanted to absolutely get the fuck away from FA's community for privacy reasons.

Think he did post a tumblr but didn't want to drop too much information in the case somebody connected the dots.
if the story didn't start with a really earth seeming world with human tech and cars and other timeliney stuff it wouldn't be so crazy.

but I personally wouldn't care

you feed the dragon, brush the dragon's teeth, and give him a bedtime massage
and s̶e̶c̶r̶e̶t̶ ̶h̶a̶n̶d̶j̶o̶b̶
No, I meant for your platformer game.
Nah it's set in pretty modern times, in a junior high, actually, just all anthro characters. My Gym Partner's a Monkey, but without the human.
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I wasn't really planning on it being super lewd or anything

induced labor through forced cloacal dilation and lubrication sounds kinda brutal t b h
maybe a dine and wine first
I need pictures
pictures of cute kobolds
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Oh I love this about dragons. Mixing both beauty and beast in one.
I already posted a bunch.
Oh well.
I think that strays into the other end of the spectrum but only if it's obvious.

I like to keep my characters as grounded in reality as possible, it just helps that I've personally experienced *some* of the darker stuff in life that people try to play at.
Personally, whenever I go to write a protagonist or antagonist in whatever story or plot, my focus is always on determining what makes the character flawed, and how their flaws help drive a story that might accentuate their strengths. More often then not though [spoiler]when I do rp [/spoiler] I am asked how I create such grounded and 'realistic' characters. My answer has always been studying what makes a character driven story good, even if the subject matter might not interest you.

If they were struggling to make a character that doesn't venture into boring mary sue territory, a peculiar writing exercise I recommend is to create the most mundane character imaginable. If you start to have trouble writing about them? Just keep going. Whatever comes to mind that adds that mundane flavor to them, write it. Eventually the concepts that surround the character get more interesting as you go on, and then from there, you pair down these concepts until you got more succinct ideas that work together.
Checked, but "write the most boring character imaginable?" If you're writing and any of the characters are boring then you're not really conveying who they are correctly, everyone has something interesting. I get the point of the exercise, but isn't that teaching the wrong lesson?

I prefer to draw from people I know, examine who they are as people and why they do what they do. Usually you can condense everyone down to fit under some neat label, but the problem many writers have is they fall off the wagon around that point. Writing in some stereotype is not a good idea, it's a failing found in fanfiction all the way up to Hollywood productions, everyone is capable of it and once you start doing it you had better have an interesting story to carry it. Ultimately focusing on details, realism, motivations and apprehensions (a character terrified of spiders is not going to be okay with clearing out cobwebs, for example) is what keeps a story grounded.

Then again I tend to avoid people who make a cast of Mary Sue types, I've never actually helped anyone with their writing before.
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Well, that one's obvious.
I wouldn't say that the focus is exclusively on making "the most boring character imaginable". Keep in mind that this is something I recommend to people who's compulsion is to create mary sue characters. The thought process for people who make these characters is to focus on aspects that make the character unique or interesting, while at the same time, weary of giving any strong limitations that ( from what I have been told) "holds up the story". The point of the exercise is not to stick strictly to the character that they make mundane for whatever narrative they create, but to instead draw from what they know when it comes to what makes a character average or unassuming. The more and more they expound on these thoughts, the more they force themselves to think on what these character traits mean and how they differ from how they have typically done a character.

I guess my point is that the exercise is not the only tool a person should use in kicking bad writing habits, but it is a helpful tool nontheless.
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It's hard to like something that doesn't exist.
>nipples aren't real
Not on reptiles they're not.
What about anthro reptiles?
We're talking about real things. What do you think?
>complaining about morphology on non-existent creatures

You can do whatever you want with them.

Maybe in the scenario of the picture reptiles do have these features and mammals are the ones to be nippleless? Ever think about that smarty pants?
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The detail put in sometimes come to me as a bit weird but I still like the guy's stuff
that's ok, you can be the ideas guy
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/co/ these days will throw a hissy fit over anything remotely furry. You'd have better luck making the thread down here
So the director?
That anon is joking.

There's no room for idea guys in indie games. Learn a skill or get cash to pay people.
This one is best
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what sucks is when you can't even find people to hire. I tried getting a project together once, and offered cash to anyone who could code or draw. I figured recruiting NEETs would have been the way to go, but none of them ever want to commit to anything.

I don't get NEETs. They have all the free time in the world, yet have no motivation or work ethic to get anything done.
Not a NEET, but someone suffering from serious procrastination.
For me it's perfectionism. I want to get shit done. I'm highly fucking motivated, and when I start a project I don't stop until I've achieved everything I've set out to do.
It's just that my fear of fucking up and disgust at my own mistakes is far stronger, and there's no rationalising that out of existence, so I don't even start.
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I'm not even a NEET and face a similar problem
I'm going for an illustration major because I'm convinced all I want is to further my art but I'm addicted to videogames

I began writing a novel last year as well, but my outline is telling me it's going to end up being a tome

I have skills just am shit at both improving and applying them

also this, but I'm beginning to loosen up
I start things then leave them unfinished
Might want to read Tim Urban's procrastination texts/listen to the TED talk.
Helped identify some of my fuckups. Realised they were bad enough that I could use a psych.
I'm coming for those eggs, anon
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Oh my god.



you mean lagiacrus?
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That's a lagiacrus

No... that's a Hork-Bajir! Don't you see the blades on the head and tail?

Doesn't ANYONE remember Animorphs?
are you retarded?
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where is my source

Are you insane?
Doubtful, likely delusional

igriega and talikira respectively

>ravaging a kitteh

>ywn have felyne servants tease your nethers while you roll quads
life is without purpose
Quads are just self-important dub-dubs, anon.
I'm referring to >>5518680 goddamn it
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What's a good artist to commission dragon porn from?

Bonus if they can do dragon/human stuff.
It's a Lagiacrus. Anon please.
Did you just forget I was asking for the source.
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I'm not seeing it.
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advanced shitposting
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What am I witnessing?
Why is he so perfect? How did they do it, bros?

Answer me plz
Have to go to the source.
Where's Smough with the double team? Everyone knows they're a two-man gank squad!
He's in the corner masturbating like a cuck.
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Titty wyvern
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She's the breast!

I wish we had spoilers...
I think I've should've gone for titty monster instead, but whatever
Guoh's blog just updated after a month of inactivity
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Fuckin' wait

/scaly/ is not always a fast general
I wonder why he didnt post the other one.
Syrinoth used to be pretty decent for that, but I think they fell off the world.
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this picture is perfect, sauce pls anon.

I should train my scaly stuff to look like that, so far i can only manage pic related which is meh
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shulk shrugs.png
135KB, 500x369px
Better than a lot of us.
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>croc tiddies

hey you saved my drawing from reference practice picture. nice.

sadly i forgot whos art is used for that practice
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78KB, 567x740px
Probably this one.
ye that's the one
I like both, but the arm looks weird if you look at it for too long. Like a pineapple or something.
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1MB, 1700x2366px
This is worth one last shot.

Anyone got sauce?
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Checked again, and fair enough but I was questioning the wisdom of immediately going to the other end of the spectrum as a teaching tool. Since you've elaborated a bit I think you're advocating what I imagined you should have been anyway: teaching the fundamentals of character building.

Worldbuilding is something else that bothers me, but fortunately there's resources out there that help authors with this.
TFW no rath,narga or tama gf
I dont want to live
I have fantasies of waking up one day as a small version of one of my favorite monsters then having to miss a semester of school for fear of discovery before returning when it all blows over after a few are captured and studied, as the same thing happened to a ton of other people

I've got a really specific one where the people looking for me tell me to not be afraid and that they only want some saliva, furs, and blood before sending me on my way


I had an image to post but my internet is being so slow I want to smash the router
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I should really make a start on MH3U but I have to sort out the charm table

I'll show you a real titty wyvern
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Just hack them in.
There's a pastebin with a timing exploit, it's what I used, table 10 on first try
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61KB, 531x750px
i will admit, that's both extremely cute and extremely fucking cool
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dead eye.jpg
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Yeah, I'll considering doing that and then doing the whole fish finder thing for verification. What was so great about Table 10 again?

I try not to if I can help it. Though I got an okay haul out of many sakura charm runs (like FastCharge +5 OOO), getting a Sharpness +5 OOO charm in MHGen really fucking pissed me off and that's the only thing I bothered cheated for in the game and then deleted the tools afterwards to avoid further temptation.

Fuck hacking in god charms, though.
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fatalis self msolo1.jpg
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Cute, too bad he's a cunt
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People shit on Fatalis for being a generic evil dragon but I still like him
Why does that dick look strange to me?
it's also a shit fight
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this guy.jpg
267KB, 768x768px
Most elders are
best elder dragon is shaggy maggy
Pretend this is shaggy maggy
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Shaggy is actually pretty good minus the landmines in G-Rank, but I suppose it's because it's building off what is probably one of the most 'fair' monsters in the series.

...why did someone commission a special snowflake Gore when Shaggy is literally just that?
It's garbage. Random aoe all the time ruins the fight and it's basically just a gore in rage mode.
Just fight Gore instead.
it's a shit picture

i should clean this folder out
I have, and always will, love art that feel like stills for a panel for a comic strip that feature anons.

Cute semi-cartoony porn is best porn.
I don't know, people are weird
See: Inq

But the aoes are fun
They're easily avoidable and give intensity to the fight, not in the favor of hammers though because it's pretty much a game of how long can you deepthroat this dragon's cock and his head is almost always a danger zone
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302KB, 600x950px
Chaotic Gore is pretty fun
Syrinoth is one of those artists who deletes their entire account periodically for no reason at all. Hypersensitive to criticism too. He draws shit that he never posts, all the time.
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102KB, 892x504px
That picture reminded me of this.

>But the aoes are fun
>They're easily avoidable and give intensity to the fight
You're really just sounding like a retard. They make the fight less fun.
I think this is opinion, what weapon do you normally use? That could be a part of it

Are you talking about the "RNG" blight bursts?
>ywn have those legs bury your head into her vulva
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>love art that feel like stills for a panel for a comic strip that feature anons.

That dragon, Alscodex (Alsie) is from Weaver, and he regularly does comic strips of that nature.
>and the rest of you
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gore hearts2.png
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I don't think she's large enough for that
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Nonsense! Nothing is ever too small for a little spelunking.
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lusting gore.png
40KB, 250x380px
>vertical slit
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fab magala.png
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PoPoLoCrois has a dragon mother that sacrificed herself for her son.
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Any more DQ dragons?
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Well, there's always lyc
Extreme uncanny valley.
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sharing, one of my fave pics
Good taste. Share some more.
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Oh my god.
That's adorable.
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I require context.
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In Dark Souls, you can give yourself a dragon head and body. I think since the dragon head is larger than your normal head, it looks like you're splashing your Estus on your neck rather than actually drinking it.
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In the original dark souls, when assuming dragon form the animation for drinking estus (liquid fire) doesn't change but you head is now higher up, making you pour it on your neck
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>The joke

In the first game, the Dark Souls dragonoid transformation uses a static head mesh with a longer neck than normal, so the Estus (healing drink) animation is misaligned.

In the third game, the new dragonoid form has this oversight fixed and so the character will appear to be consuming Estus properly.
And what the DaS3 dragonoid looks like.
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burning man.jpg
185KB, 640x1280px
we /dsg/ now?

You got that image with the dragon form rgb values to make the dragoness slut build?
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das3 dergon.jpg
2MB, 1533x1596px
And if you want matching body color or something.
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dark souls proportions.jpg
1MB, 1911x1739px
Somebody's values for body proportions in DaS1. Supposedly requires CheatEngine to edit them in.
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daftpatriot dragonoid messy mm1.jpg
1MB, 1024x1024px
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2MB, 219x391px
And I think this is such results in GIF form.

I'll leave it at that.
Would you strap yourself to the underbelly of a dragon and lock yourself in with his cock inside you all day as he flies around and does dragon stuff
Define dragon stuff
I dunno
Eating livestock, flying around, burning down villages, shitting on villagers from above. thats what id do if I were a drago
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1MB, 1016x714px
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dragon quest.png
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So I'm taking it these dragons don't follow conventional reptilian anatomy?
Because I imagine with a cloaca shitting with your dick out might be an interesting experience.
>not sheaths
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i wanna be inside that belly @w@
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um, rude? >.>
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I'm in the minority but I like the ds3 form
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thanks lad OwO
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>dick goes here

o.O wow, thanks mister!
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[screaming begins again].jpg
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So this is what /scaly/ is like when /ded/.
Plebbit, underage bait, regular bait, and faggotry.
Fuck this, I'm going to bed.
sleep tight :3
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1MB, 679x1100px
I know, right?
Maybe posting deathclaws makes those faggots go away.
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dragon schoolgirl.png
2MB, 854x744px
you think that artist has a hidden stash of deathclaw porn he doesn't share?
wanna yiff?
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I hope so.
God, I hope so.
I leave you guys alone for one night...

I hate waking up to it.
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Time to banish the cringe.
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And maybe a helpful kobold servant will do the trick.
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Kobolds are good.
Nowhere near my favourites, but still good.
what cringe, furiend? x3
I hate that there isn't enough pics of yooka.
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>lets take a cartoon character and get rid of all their personality and interesting quirks by giving them a generic human body
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Lust Dragon-Final.png
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yes actually
I did that, but have't played dark souls in a long time.
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Dragon Butt.webm
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Time to post it again.
Source, please? iqdb and friends aren't turning up a thing.
Sorry, I got it off of /scaly/, too.
I heard it's from Overlord.
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310KB, 1327x909px
That's a whole lot of reading.
Time to find them and acquire porn.

Also new thread when
Does iqdb and friends not include google?
It does! It just didn't show up for me for some reason.
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Do you like the whole thing or just the head? The head looks great, albeit a little small, but the body is literally copy-pasted off of those maggot barfing hollows near the deacons. They put a scale texture on the spine and slapped a dog tail on it, then colored it grey/blue. They really didn't have the time to make a new model from scratch? When a whole area is dedicated to it? C'mon.

I've been a devout dragonbro in all the games, but ds3 is the only one where I never use the body stone. The stun is the worst its ever been, and the fire isn't even worth casting(in pvp). They went through all the trouble of making two extra stones just so that they could never even be used. They should have made transforming with the twinkling stones give you a less hollowed looking form or something, at least some reason to use the damn things.
New thread, have fun with it
Thread posts: 312
Thread images: 184

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