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HG thread

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 278
Thread images: 251

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HG thread
>>5486023 (campy)
not in ur case lmao
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>He takes a few giddy licks of the ice cream.
Oh, it's wonderful! Thank you so much, sir!
...no, really, what's going on?
Yes! Freedom of speech is valued at Camp Campbell, though I do step in if things get TOO heated.
Yes, I can see that they're important to you, but how do they move? Is there a motor?
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
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I'm a hee-snowman, ho!
>He takes a bite out of it
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>>5486075 (Mikitaka)
SWEET! DUDE, I'LL TAKE... TWO OF THEM, PLEASE! I don't wanna inconvenience you, now! Let's just take it easy!
>>5486086 (Soviet)
"Keeps them in line"? Dude, Lithuania was ABUSED. Something must have happened to him to make him like this, I'm sure of it.
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>>5486075 (ice cream guy)
Thank you, sir!
>licks the ice cream
if u dont look nice then dont show ur face at all
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>An arm, still weak and shaky, eagerly accepts the gift of ice-cream, it doesn't take long for the receiver to express his approval

Chocolate...my favourite. You have my thanks, sir.

You had..questions? Now is the time to ask them. My apologies for my hostilities, but the urge to give in to the most primal of my strength while in..THAT form is far greater than one could imagine.
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>>5486055 (Garma)
No, I don't.
>She stops in front of him, reaches up, and pokes Garma's cheek.
>A look of realization crosses her face, followed my a smirk
Wanna see?
>>5486075 (Alien guy)
You mean humans? Hmmm, I only need the one thing to survive, myself.
>>5486079 (Ludger)
>She laughs in to her hands again
I just like seeing how people react. That's all, that's all!
But I'm not kidding.
In that case, I wouldn't mind mint. Such a classic flavor, yet its taste always seems new.
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Maybe we could do that later or something, I have some things I have to take care of right now.

See you later, Aikawa.
Ohh, chocolate!
>He begins eating it with glee

...Geez, you're really reminding me more and more of her.
>He approaches and stretches out a hand
Come on, get up.

We're. Fighting. To. The. Death.
Then you are a good man. Keep the new leftists at bay. Such disgrace to Lenin
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We are not one. We know full well the strength needed to keep composure.

You are a crossbreed. Are you parental species as rare as you are, or is it only the fact alone that makes you unqiue?
Aww, see you.
And thanks.
>stays in her room
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Where's the Grim Reaper?
I will ask him later. But if is accusations you know what I will do. Talk about that blue birb
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Just ice? Or justice?
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Well, if you don't like it, I'll just turn the other cheek!
Yes, of course! I've become so curious.
This joke is beginning to run its course.
Camp Campbell accepts all children, regardless of beliefs.
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Your name could be whatever. Fact is that you are from Earth,hence making you an Earthnoid.

I don't know about that...You could wind up dead.

I find your ignorance painful. Well consider yourself lucky! it's not everyday someone meets me in person.

That's my military uniform. I am a Captain after all, so of course I am going to dress the part.

>He slaps her hand away
Hands off! I could have you shot for that!
The Grim Raper?
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A child. A fool. A redundancy. Are either of those correct?
I wish I could take your advice. But Mother is unpredictable with her attacks. She has no need to be patient.
Negative. But if you are so insistent on it, I will smile for you.
I am well for the moment. I do not need anything to eat.
Of course. El is much more personable than me. She was created like that and grew to have even more of them.
You are speaking about the one and only Justice. In spite of how she may look, she was incredibly powerful in her time.
Naw, Deadbolt
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Don't do anything perverted in my room while I'm gone.
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How do you know that I'm from earth?
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Oooh, gentlemanly? How old-fashioned~.
>She accepts the hand with a grin
Who, who?
>She immediately tries the exact same thing with the other hand
Don't threaten, just act, just act!
>She turns around, and laughs under her breath, seeming to mess with something on the front of her dress
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I get it. Initiate the newbie, right? Try and intimidate me?
I knew you'd come around! Let's see those pearly whites!
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Then you must hide, and hide well. And if you can not hide, run.
Ayy, Lenny, are you up to host a little game?
Of coooourse not! ahahaha...
I'm not joking.

>He just gives another annoyed look

My name? It's Ludger Kresnik.
yeah the cheeks you take dick inbetween
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It's half past midnight, I'm not hosting right now.
Besides, I have to find this Grim Reaper guy so I can get his custom event.
Do I need to make a demonstration?
Good. Make sure you have the Jews trust the showers.
He just does
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And, because he's Russia, he'll deny every claim and paint me out to be the attacker. You'd be better off asking a brick wall about it. And she's black, not blue!
Yep, but you don't look like royalty. Maybe if you had a crown or something, I'd take your status like it's royalty, but I'm treating you like a captain for now!
Hm. So she was made to have personality at the start, and then you came around, and it all kicked off from there, right? Jeez, you really do learn something new everyday.
Too bad...
I wish you a good night though.
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Ma'am, what are you doing?
Y-You really aren't joking, are you?
>He begins sweating nervously.
That's just not funny, sir.
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I hope you all enjoy my gift to you. If you would like more please do not hesitate to bring it up.

>He reaches into his bag and pulls out two individually wrapped ice cream cones, still cold.
Here you go, Alfred Jones.

What would that be? I may be able to provide such a thing as a token of good will to you.

>He reaches into his bag and pulls out, lo and behold, a mint-flavored ice cream cone.
Please enjoy this gift.

Very well. If there is anything I can do for you I will see if it is in the realm of possibility.
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12....There were only 12 of them. I slew one of them - The maddened husk of my own ''creator'' myself. I do not know what happened to the rest, dead, if noy dying due to a mind slowly falling apart. I am the result of an...almost unholy union between what sanity remained of my ''creator'' and a human mother.

As far I am aware, I and my offspring are unique. The only three living humans who carry the blood and strength of our progenitors - The First Dragons.

>He did not utter these words with pride - The very fact that his blood was synonymous with evil and madness bore heavily on his mind.
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That's rude! What did I ever do to you? You must be a Feddie.

Is this a game? Are you trying to die!?!

This isn't a joke. A place like this is highly dangerous, I suggest you turn back now...Your body would appreciate that.

Are you going to keep shooting me those dirty looks? Or are we going to move on?

I maybe be royalty,but I dress just like any other soldier of Zeon. You know why? Because I don't see myself as superior to them...We all fight for the same just cause. Something I doubt you would ever know.
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>tfw you aren't anyone's evangelion
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Do you know where I could start looking for this guy by any chance?
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See? I told you. Go back where you came from, your campers are probably looking for you.

>Gives a thumbs up while eating

To what? Introductions?
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wait a minute.
thiths grim reaper guy wouldn't happen to own a gun.
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I meant who you were thinking of~. Kurumi.
>She offers a proper curtsy.
>Wordlessly, she grabs at the back of her dress and yanks just it up.
>Yes, yes it is directly connected to her flesh. In fact, there was holes in the back of the dress for it.
>Just like that, she shoves it back down, turning around with a grin.
Hmmm...weee-eeeel. I can make do with others, buuut my favorite is human blood~.
It is, it is! Kahaha!
>She starts tugging at his cheek
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>Courfeyrac pulls out his rifle from a nearby bag and aims it at David's head
Here's an example, my dear friend.
Much appreciated, sir!
>Courfeyrac wolfs down the ice cream
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Soviet, i have to show you something...
>Takes off mask
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Hee-where did you get it, ho? Seems hee-kinda strange, ho.
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Dragons then.
We have tasted them before. We have no need for your flesh.
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A-at least I can be in the SOS brigade
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Awesome, man! I'd ask how you got it, but it's free ice cream, so why should I?
>He takes them and inspects both of them before unwrapping one and starting to eat it.
This tastes amazing, bro! Even I gotta say that it's better than the ones back at home!
Although I may not be a king, or a general, or anything like that, I'm pretty sure that soldiers and captains aren't really on the same league, but I'm not you, so what would I know? You raise some valid points, the hero must admit.
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I think he does...you know him?
Hey Lenny.
Let's say... hum...
I could write some events for your games (don't get your hopes too high, it's just if I'm bored), would you want them to be simpson themed?
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It's genuine.gif
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This is just so you can shut up.
*she attempts to smile, the two rows of sharklike teeth destroying any attempt to look happy*
Yes. This is what I have to do until then.
Correct. She told me it was okay to have one. Regardless of what Mother says. I tire of talking about this.
You expect me to believe that you are important when you are just like everything else in existence. You are wrong. My name is Ramlethal Valentine.
So you have engaged in those activities before. I assume your offspring was the catalyst of you to stop doing that.
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Bee calm Finger, Bee calm.png
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He waths one of the rethsidentths back in my place in thiths place.
>in other words, I avad him in the secret weekends.
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For a lack of better terms..Yes. Part of me is draconic, yet I consider the most important part of mine human. And I will pretend I did not hear a veiled threat at considering to consume me.
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And if you must fight, fight not alone.
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I appreciate it dearly. What a nice welcome.
Eheh... ah... I think you're right.
Th-They're um... they... they're...
>He stares wide-eyed at the chompers.
They're... beautiful!
>His eyes widen. The aggression, the weapons, the girl with wings, the sharp teeth, it's all coming together now.
D-Did I leave the oven on?
>He sprints away screaming at the top of his lungs.
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Uh, yeah, sure. That sounds good.
All of my personal custom events (or most of them anyway) are based around Simpsons episodes.
Yeeeaaah booooy. That's great.
So that means you get a choice of custom event for my games.
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Hm... That sounds pretty cool, I gotta admit. I'll keep an eye out for her next time.
Well, hey, not my fault I don't ask about certain topics too often. The conversation just leads us to this topic, and I'm always willing to learn about new things! It's just what I do!
Oh, I was talking about this great spirit named Muzet. She acts a lot like you, always pulling pranks and messing with people.

Actually... It's kind of a long story. But I didn't kill because I wanted to.

>He grabs the man by the shoulders
Hey! Pull it together!
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A thumps-up. A sign earthlings use to show silent confirmation. That is a good sign.
>He gives a thumbs up.

That is not something I am able to get for you. I apologize.

If you would like more I am able to provide as much as you'd like. Please do not hesitate to ask.

I created it using my fingers.
>Two of his fingers morph together to form an ice cream cone which he plucks off and holds out to you.
Would you like more?

I am glad you appreciate this gift.

I am glad I could make a good impression, earthling.
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Bee glad.png
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Oh. well I don't really think I can talk for him, but I'd bet he'd want thsomething like "(Player1) joined the zombie gangsters, then got shank by a skeleton" or thsomething like that.
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>He sticks out his hand
I believe I already introduced myself.

S-stop! I really really don't want to shoot you!

I sometimes fight with my comrades. Even if my father disproves. What makes you so heroic?

But I am not like anyone else! I doubt anyone here could pass through the Zeon military academy.

Anyways. I guess it's a pleasure to meet you Miss Valentine...even if you are rude.

Don't let me scare you off. Im just giving you a warning. Why on my first day here I got stabbed.
>Courfeyrac drops the rifle onto the ground and shouts "BANG!"
Hahahaha. What a nice young man.
You've been more than generous. I won't take any more from you.
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Certainly, ma'am, and which time of day do you think he would like this event to take place?
>(bloodbath, day, night, feast?)
You're my evangelion
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You can be MY evangelion.
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Hmmm. Can't spare your's? Oh well, oh well~.
I'm not a spirit! I'm a vampire, I'm a vampire! We're way stronger than any of those!
Do it, do it, do it!
>She laughs loudly
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If you insist, I shall not give you any more.

You asked for the blood of an earthling, but I am not of this world. I am what you would call an extraterrestrial or an alien.
>He takes your hand and shakes
I'm Ludger Kresnik.

Can you manipulate space?
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Bee Casual.png
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I never thsaw him in the daylight, I bet he'd want it in the night.
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David (19).png
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>Still screaming.
H-How are you still alive?!
>deep breath
>more screaming
Y-Yeah. Real.
>sweating profusely
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Damn right I do! To show the world's culture by using multicoloured sweets is a true mark of a HERO~! But, uh, now I'm curious; where'd you get them from, anyway?
Mm. A royal person that fights with his soldiers would raise a few problems, lemme tell ya. The thing that makes me heroic? I'm America, of course! I always save the day and do my best to make everyone smile! I'm the hero~!
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Do we have any heavens lost property avas? I'd like to pick one up
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I-I was hee-eating you, ho?
That is taken care of. I do not need to worry about that.
Beautiful is not a word that is used to describe my teeth. Explain yourself.
What advantage could you gain from learning more about me.
So you had to. I understand. It has happened with me as well.
I will determine whether it is for me once this is over, whoever you are.
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tense up.gif
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>Starts shaking him

>I think you're good, man.
>heavens lost

We had a Nymph, god knwos where she went.
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Not really. Nymph is kind of around and we haven't had an Astrea or the main one(Can't remember the name in a long time, so I say go ahead.
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I made use of my transformation abilities to morph my fingers into ice cream for you to eat.

No. What you ate was frozen dairy with natural chocolate flavor added to it. The source of it was my body.
We used to have a Nymph, but they were an OOC shitter. You're good.
Of course! Now, who should I be thanking for providing such a delicious treat?
You, uh, you can stop now if you'd like.
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N-no! I can't hurt something as cute as you!
>He tries to walk off

What brings you here Mr.Kresnik?

Good question...I don't know!

America? No no that can't be right....

I am Captain Garma Zabi! Heir to the Principality of Zeon!
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There is strength in numbers. Often employed by the weak, it holds just as true for the strong.
Even moreso.
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T-t-that is still creepy, though!
Wait, that's hee-actually cool, ho! Where did you learn it, ho?
>Not remembering the name of best girl Ikaros
I'm disappointed.
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Thank you very much, I'll get to work on it as soon as possible.
Next game'll be a 36. For now though I need some sleep.
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David (64).png
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N-No, they're great! Very distinct!
>smacks himself for composure
Where am I again?
>fast panting
W-Why do people fight here?
Must have been the work of a... really good doctor or something.
>Pssh, snekperson

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Give me 36.

Limit filler until needed and no duplicates.
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Yeah that's the one. I was drawing a total blank there. My bad!
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Goodnight you "perthson who I didn't meet but know iths good anyway."
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Rest well Lenny
Major Major Major
I think she might have meant the main protag. Since we did have him too.
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Back at Mugenkan I could. Hrmph....
Hmmm...yours' would probably be boring, anyways. And I noticed, I noticed~. You have a completely different air around you from a human or youkai, silly.
Of course, of course!
>She smiles.
>She has a pair of fangs.
>As you turn around, the area where you'd carry your sidearm suddenly feels lighter. Not long after a clicking sound is heard

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JaCk FRuSt
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Adrian Rollini
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If you are asking to know my name, it is Nu Mikitakazzo N'Shi. It is a pleasure to meet you.

I am an alien. I am able to transform into any object I desire, and can create objects such as the frozen treats I distributed earlier. My body also has regenerative properties, so I am able to make as much as I like.

Nu Mikitakazzo N'Shi
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Artoria Pendragon
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The Star-Spangled Hero
Hm... Well, it's just always a good thing to know more about the person you're speaking to! Emotional bonding, making it even since you've asked me a few questions, all of those reasons and more!
>Alfred looks at the ice creams. Then at him. Then at the ice creams again. He then slowly begins to eat the one he started.
Y-You don't feel any of this, right?
Yes, yes, that must be right! I'm America! Alfred Jones, all of that! What's the matter, is the hero putting you off?
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The Uber Gang
Misaki Mei
(quickie before bed)
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Ruby Gloom
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Prisma Illya
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What's this for?
Aksis Prime
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You too, huh? It looks like you got out of that life though.

I came here after I made a deal with the Great Spirit Origin to sacrifice my life to save my world. I thought I'd just die, but I ended up here for some reason.

An arena. Don't freak out.
>Lets go of him

Ludger Kresnik
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Junko Enoshima
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Saigen Shuichi
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The Dinkster
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Garma Zabi
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Mahiru Koizumi
Tora Amano
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Fox McCloud
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Seath the Scaleless
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Miyu Edelfelt
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Yukine (238).jpg
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Hee-an alien, ho? Hee-so cool, ho!
>He shakes a bit!
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![Entry] Reigen.jpg
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Reigen Arataka
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Duck Guy
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Professor Chaos
Rika's love interet
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Aikawa 2
Sounds like she's got you beat, Kurumi. Don't worry though, all great spirits are no joke.
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David (84).png
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You're... you're not human, are you?
And everyone kills as many people as they can? That can't be legal!
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double wedding.png
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Me, my best friend, and our wives
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Koyomi Araragi
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nice cock.jpg
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While I'm here, has anyone seen Dex-Starr/Jacket?
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Looking down.jpg
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>he shrugs
This place doesn't have any laws as far as I know. Luckily we get revived if we happen to die in the arena.
>Courfeyrac shrugs and smiles
We don't really die here, so I suppose it's all for good fun. I use it as training but everyone's got their own additional reasons.
That's a bit of a mouthful, isn't it? Are you alright with just Nu?
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Hrmph. My ability's attacking with sound.
>She seems a bit annoyed
Stupid spirits, stupid magic....
Vampire~. Hello, hello.
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Sliver Queen.jpg
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Sliver Queen
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8man withdraws cooly.jpg
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Hikigaya Hachiman
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If you are looking for earthlings who enjoy helping others, you should seek out a man named Josuke. He is about as tall as I am and has wonderful hair.

I do not. Once it leaves my body it is no longer a part of me, it is only ice cream.

You think it is 'cool' that I am an alien? That is intriguing. I know of many earthlings who are much more 'cool' than I am.

You are permitted to use my Earth name, Mikitaka.
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Odd (18).jpg
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Just dropping by, noticed I won last night. Do I get one of those cool card thingies?
"Requesting new directive."
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You suck!
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Or magic. If you believe in that stuff. I have to say I used to be a skeptic.

>He gulps and slowly turns around
Please don't tell me you are doing what I think you're doing.

That's impossible! You don't even exist anymore. Hell,the war made New York into ruins!

That's interesting...it seems we both ended up in the same situation.
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Yes yes, everyone knows that I am openly homosexual. Doesn't Bog J teach you to live and let live and all that?
I love you
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I hee-see humans every day, ho! They are hee-boring, ho! An alien is hee-much cooler, hee-ho!
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David (10).png
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You... don't really die?
H-Hello, hello.
Used to? What happened?
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289KB, 1480x702px
Hmm...buuut most humans don't like vampires~.
And you should differentiate from species and not planet, silly.
>She is, of course, fiddling with your gun. Then, she gives it a twirl, before pressing it against the side of her head
Wanna see something?
>She laughs in to her hands
You're shaking, you're shaking!
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There is a chance where I have to end it quickly. Make your requests.
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During the Bonus Game, Dex-Starr got caught in an explosion. Thought you might want to update your tally thing (if this is you).
Just end it already.
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switch, please.
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I bet your Jewish too you massive traitor.

no, you must love God instead, being lustful will only lead you to hell, with that stupid red guy known as Satan, the massive loser.
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Hee-ho! I get to be with the alien, ho!
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>Apologies, Roy my boy.

No threat. An assessment. We consume to make the strenght of others our own.
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[Anime] Reigen (787).png
1MB, 1280x720px
Swap this please.
Well then Mikitaka, my name's Courfeyrac! A pleasure to meet you.
>He extends his arm for a handshake
Of course not! This place would have cleaned out long ago if that were the case.
Everything looks good on my end! Let's get this done.
>he has a little laugh to himself
You could beat them if you tried hard enough though.

Yeah, there's a way back to my home from here though! Apparently a friend of mine came here before and left it open. Pretty lucky break for me, I gotta say.

Nope. We always come back.

>Checks for his weapons
Got em. I'm ready.
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...W-Well, it IS ice cream, but... Blergh. I just hope it doesn't feel weird when you see me eating yourself, as weird as that sentence is. You washed your hands before, this, right?
Yet here I am, in the flesh! HAHAHAHAHAHA~! You should be glad to meet the hero while he was still around! What is your name, my friend?
DORUFU~! The hero's ready for whatever you throw at me, dude! Go ahead!
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Code Holder Ingrid
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Hey kid.jpg
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Actually, I converted to the mormon faith. Big G told me personally that they got it right.
He uhhh...never told you through prayers? Oh dear.
>Edelfelt strikes a ridiculous pose as her schoolgirl outfit changes into a purple one while music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNzi-3NG1Rk) plays in the background.
I am ready. Please proceed.
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David (27).png
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A-Am I?
I suppose you're right.
So... there's no stakes?
Can I get a kiss, grandma?
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Ready ready! Let's go!
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I think we missed the game, m'am...
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Corrin 2.jpg
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I do not believe you wish to add ''my strength'' to yours. The blood is corrupting. I fear that one day I shall fall to the same insanity as my creator did.

I only hope that I will be put down swiftly.
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Your sanity maybe, but that's about it.
Actually actually swap! Desu!
"I think you may have dialed the wrong number."
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There's nothing a vampire can't overcome! Not even the sun!
And stammering~.
>She gets uncomfortably closed, staring right in to his eyes.
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220KB, 498x670px
This place happened.


Lucky you! I really need to get my comms working. Im still stuck in this dump! My people need me!

This place never fails to surprise me. I am Captain Garma Zabi,Commander of the Zeon forces occupying North America!

Nice to meet you,Mr.Jones!
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I appreciate the compliment. I wish you luck in the coming ritual of combat.

Why is that? That does not seem necessary.

>He shakes hands with the earthling.

Of course. Hygiene is important when interacting with earthlings.
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What...what are you sa- Oh I get it, you're trying to trick me like you did to everyone who was a satanist, right? you can't fool me that easily Satan, I've got Jesus on my side.
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Satan 16.jpg
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Those are some fantastic numeral sequences with my favourite number. I shall accept this token tribute gladly!
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David (33).png
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Well, my sanity is very stable!
R-Really? I haven't noticed.
What's with the fucking booger lmao
Wipe your nose for fucks sake
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mc hammer.gif
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That's a possibility. My bad, I guess two secret avas in one night was a bit ambitious of me.
Looking groovy.
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No... you aren't me. Anyways, go kiss your own grandma.
Yeeeah... I think i'v-
I am going to punch you.
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You two, ho!
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Look kid, I know that your faith thinks of me as the big evil, but I am not here to spread temptation, sin and lust right now. Got to wait untill Friday for that one, kiddo.
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I understand creature. Could you give me your title. I do not feel like calling you that anymore.
Mother never informed me of this Principality.
I know they are unique. It does nothing to tell me why you think they are beautiful.
If you consider this bonding then sure.
More like I was thrown out of it. But you are technically correct. I do not kill for her anymore.
I will not.
You'd probably burn out trying to take on the sun...

You can't call anyone? My GHS still works fine here though. You sure your communication device isn't just broken?

Then I guess you have nothing to worry about. Wait, what about your campers?
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What you have mistaken for the bodily fluid of an earthling is in fact a piece of jewellery.
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Don't ask that much questions.png
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...if you are one of those damn people in a Satan costume I swear to the lord above I will baptize the shit out of you. unless you've been baptized before, which then I'll just go with waterboarding.
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1MB, 1426x4150px
Well, lucky us, huh? What's your name?
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Odd (22).png
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We have broken the chains of corruption with our own rage. Nothing as simple as prey could turn us again.

Have we never told you?
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208KB, 774x437px
Oh Jesus Christ, not this shit again...

>He stomps one hoof on the ground, pillars of flame immediately erupting all around him

See the flames? See my horns and the fact I am way too big to be a human? What do they teach you in church these days?
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David (22).png
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They're beautiful BECAUSE they're so unique!
Gwen is handling them just fine.
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Because even if we look similar, youkai are very, very different from humans, silly.
It is to me.
>Still grinning, she unloads the entire thing in to the side of her head. Not only did she somehow not die horribly, she even seems to be entirely unphased, casually tossing the weapon back before brushing the side of her head
>She pokes a finger between his eyes, before slowly trailing it down and pointing at his legs
I was walking around in the sunlight just a little while ago, you know~.
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Sorry gingey. Only room for one on this cliff edge.
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And it's a pleasure to meet you as well, Captain Zabi! It's always nice to see another American AND someone that acknowledges that I'm the hero! What brings you here, my friend?
Thank God! I'd be horrified if it turned out that you didn't even consider personal hygiene! So, how many flavours of ice cream do you have, exactly?
Uh-huh! Playing Twenty Questions is always a good thing to do with someone, you know! Learning is a key part of socialising, after all, and the hero should know!
I'm always right! Except when I'm wrong.
So where exactly did you have to come from to get a name like Nu Mi-tiki-kaz-zazo N'Shi?
Rude! Very rude! Ungratefulnonaginglady! Thanks should be heard!
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Once this over, I am going to just relax, and have some fruit parfait...
>She takes in a deep breath, and relax her hands.

Let's go!
oh gosh I'm very so- I mean, FEEL MY LABOR OF LOATHING UPON YOUR NOSE!
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Dragon Claw.jpg
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Then I envy you. Your ability to resist degeneracy would be a great asset to ensure that ''the incident'' would never happen again.

I cannot say I have ever met a ...creature such as you. Aplogies for the implications.
...Not enough to make anything big. I'll just have to deal with it.

Gwen? One of your campers is here?

I mean trying to actually take on the sun, like trying to approach it.
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Duel 1
>Shut up Kamina
ew no
>she seems too busy holding the cross up while praying to Christ
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Ded (562).jpg
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Fuck you Garnet
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...I've done this twice today. And the answer to the question, "Am I sane?" Eh, probably.
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...Who said that? Huh??
No one around, huh? Guess I'll just wait here for a bit...
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David (61).png
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>He looks down at his shaking knees.
Yeah, I suppose I am.
What a nice outlook.
No, she's my fellow counselor!
Hello, child! Are you lo-AH! NO! STOP!
oh. uh.
>he throws it back
You dropped this by me.
I suppose we are. Ramlethal Valentine
It is possible I may have forgotten.
That is not a good reason. Whatever. I will not ask any further.
The hero should know a lot of things.
My mistake.
>Shut up Kamina.
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You should not.
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>She raises her hand into the air, and bonks the engrish woman on her head.
I don't feel like saying any thanks... so have that instead.
....I am not having a good day right now.
>Letting out a huge sigh, she delves her head face first into shit.
Anything to win...
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Yup! Give it a couple of days,you'll get used to it!

Shame on her! Really...You should actually be lucky you missed out on the war.

I kind of crash landed. Trust me if I could I would send a message to the fleet and my forces would be here...

>He immediately turns his attention to the sidearm and quickly picks it up. Pulling out a handkerchief and starts cleaning it frantically.

Do you know how priceless this is? It's vintage!

Oh you silly! Im not american. Im just taking it over! See im actually from space. Humanity had to move there no thanks to you!

Anyways,You seem very prideful about your so called hero status,so I won't bother. As for what brings me here...well...I woke up here!
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Sorry, so Sorry, I was trying to fix your hair.
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Uhh...You got a cellphone, kid? I could give oyu his number if you really need him. Just don't call him between 10 in the morning and 9 in the evening, alright?

It's 555-ILIKEPIZZA. Just tell him I send you.
No one, I guess. I may have misunderstood.

Huh, well I haven't seen her around here.
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Ded (629).jpg
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The enhancement made her better than what she was before.
The blonde one caters to his preferred female.
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I knew my training would pay off! Stay down will you?
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David (100).png
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...I'm alive?
I think it's a very good reason.
I-I suppose I will.
I forgive you. Everyone makes mistakes! It's important that we learn from them.
That's because she's back at the camp, taking care of the campers!
Maybe I should not. But I have been raised with the knowledge of everyone around me that I was compeltely normal, including my ''caretakers'' so to speak. As such, I like to extend the same hospitality to everyone that has come to me in good faith.
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1MB, 950x1401px
>She then lightly pushes him with just the same hand.
It's just a useless stick of metal to me, kehehehehehe.
Silly man~. Still not gonna attack, hm?
Isn't it? I've always believed in seeing the best of things.
>she snaps out of her cowardness
Yeah right! I bet it's a cursed number that sucks you in when you dial it, you think this is a sick joke? why would Christ even have a phone? or a number like that?
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Not pelased.jpg
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Hey Alfred? I know I am the Prince of Temptation and all that, but so many burgers are going to make you more than just gluttonous.
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I still can't believe I trusted him.
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Good boy, now kiss my hand
Well, time to have my NAP OF INEVITABLE EVIL.
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images (8).jpg
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If I had lost that fight with him...
>She wipes off the sweat from her forehead, and looks at Soviet's body.
I would have lost my mind...
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Sweet sixteen.jpg
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Oh Jesus Christ, stop being a pussy, kid. I've been here for what, 20 minutes and I haven't even tempted anyone here yet!
....Not that I am aware, atleast. And no cellphone can suck you in like a black portal. What are you? Retarded?
I'm Ludger Kresnik. Pleased to meet you
>He holds out a hand

Hmm... maybe I could have a friend look at it, if you don't mind?


I'll work with you... For now. And I'm sure as hell not doing that.

Well, that's good. It sounds like you aren't stuck here either, so you're double lucky.

I don't have any reason to. You aren't going to hurt me, right?
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And, lo and behold, he does! He just doesn't know much about the people he talks to, that's all, and he's willing to change that when speaking to people!
Awesome! We Americans now get to live in space? THAT'S SO COOL~! I don't know why I should feel bad about that, but maybe I'm misinterpreting something... And it's obvious that I'm the hero, c'mon!
...You woke up here? That's really boring. Is that it?
H-Hey! I'm not getting fat, shut up! I wasn't even hungry anyways, you can take them if you want them!
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David (13).png
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>stumbles back a bit
What was that for?
That's the best way of thinking!
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Duel 2

Some would state he made the right choice.
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Sliver Queen towering.jpg
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No matter. You may know.
We are the Sliver

Envy us.
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Obey your commander!
You have no rights to say that, you dark fiend of evil.
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David (96).png
453KB, 712x750px
Right! In fact, I think I'll leave right now!

Bye, new friends! I'll be back soon!
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312KB, 800x600px
Not unless you want me to, even if I like a nice fight.
Just because. After all, why not, why not?
>Courfeyrac smiles
That's something we've got in common then.
Haha! They fall for it every time.
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39KB, 500x639px
I need a possible reason as to why I should envy you first, stranger.
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Alright, where's the nearest McDonalds? C'mon, you gotta be somewhere around here...!
See ya later, bro!
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Sorry big guy.
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Chaotic LAUGH OF EVIL.gif
1MB, 294x233px
Yes I will join you.
>"What he doesn't know is that what I'll do is NOT follow him, I'll simply just walk the opposite way, HAHAHAHA"
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Hee-that was quick, ho.
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Anyone want to try out this new recipe of mine?

I'll do anything except that. Try again.

See ya.

Then I'm not going to attack you.
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Leave me be.jpg
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If she neglected to tell me then it must not be too important.
It should not be the only reason though. Especially since unique can be a negative thing as well.
>We should play Smash again one of these days.
America. The admirable idiot.
*she stares at the hand for a moment before shaking with hers*
I suppose it is for me as well.
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13KB, 255x197px
No thanks. I am a vegetar -


Look kid, hate me all you want and that's fine. But doesn't your Lord teach forgivness and all that?
>She flinches and takes several steps dramatically back, rubbing the spot the meanlady hit.
Ouch! Muchhurts! Meanoldlady! No favor anymore desu! Goddamn!
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And there is none.
You should not.
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>She catches herself in her fit of angry, and takes in a deep breath.
Calm down... Calm down... Everything is calm, I am the bright sun, and the relaxing sea.
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Wrong Game.jpg
13KB, 225x225px

Dat better be Wii U, nignogs.
File: I hate this world.png (476KB, 680x451px)
I hate this world.png
476KB, 680x451px
Yes, but he didn't mean to accept them. or allow them.
So... Ramlethal, how'd you end up here?
File: Kurumi60.png (26KB, 254x125px)
26KB, 254x125px
Awwww. How boring, how boring.
Corrin was an unneeded addition to Sm4sh.
I hardly know who or..what you are. Perhaps there are things about you that I would like to project in my own life. To improve myself if you will.

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