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ERP Bukkake edition Old: >>5467707

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Thread replies: 387
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Bukkake edition
Old: >>5467707
Can this thread be drama free?
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"Hmm? Odd? You should have a drink then! It'll settle those nerves of yours!"
>From out behind his back, Lebe draws a pitcher filled to the brim with the finest product of their homeland. Max continues to adjust the outfit, never quite feeling right in such odd clothing, though accepting it regretfully. Within a flash a mug of beer is in the man's hand with Lebe cuddling up to his side, smile wide and proud.

>Both youths finish their glass before the liquid even touches her lips. Accustomed to the taste, neither bat an eye when they pour themselves another straight up to the rim, almost as if challenging one another to see who could down more.
"Hah, of course! Straight from the fatherland! Ah how I love it~!"
>Yet her reaction didn't escape Max's prying eye. Setting the cup down on the counter while his brother finishes yet another, he turns towards the stranger.
"Bitter? It's an acquired taste, don't worry. My name is Max, Frau. That is mein bruder Lebe. Disregard everything he says."
>He mutters what he can through the imbibing of an entire drinks worth of alcohol, but all it causes it a bit of foam to spit back into the glass.

"Awww, poor Admiral. You'll be alright!"
"Iowa certainly didn't do her work too well...you look beat."
REMINDER that if you play any of these, you are the cancer killing ERP and need to leave NOW.
>Strike Witches
>Any other generic anime trash I forgot
Second for waking up for a long sleep and feeling like your eyes are still glued shut!
Help me.
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>>5470782 (Young Anon)
>>5470841 (Phoebe)
>Skyla squirmed ontop of the girl's face as she felt that pink muscle tease her clit before feeling it press right between her folds. That penetration would cause the woman to let out a quick gasp followed up by a moan.
>Her hand down at Phoebe's crotch would move back as soon as the boy pushed inside, only to bring both of her hands up to her chest once more. From there she would quickly tug up her bra, putting her large breasts on full display. Tho the young man wouldn't get to see them for too long as right after Skyla revealed her breasts, she would wrap her arms around the young man's head while tugging his face between them.
W-Wha? Are they sick?

>She felt as if her body was on fire shortly after the kiss to her belly. It was so intimate, so loving, she couldn't help but let out a soft whine from the intense levels of shy she had grown. Neptune's finger slipped past the band of her panties, tugging them down slightly. She had pulled as far as she could, before she would have to make the anon move away so she could bend to pull more.

Neps are not for bully!
>She pushes her thighs into him as he speeds up, letting him feel her warm, inviting walls.
>She places her hand over the one grasped on her breast.
>She pulls her head away from kissing the man thrusting in to her to reply through heavy breaths.
It's good... to know... you're okay now.
>Promptly, she shoves her face back into him as they continue their lovemaking.
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>Strike Witches
someone make a proper thread
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>Conditions make made him harsher than he'd like, the stress of ruling a kingdom getting to him, but seeing an ''old ally'' like Kagero getting flustered this easily, He could not help but smile.

It did not take long after the great war for you and Saizo to reconcile your differences. Your renewed union being blessed with a healthy son quickly...And much to Saizo's annoyance, he picked up quite a sweet tooth.

And as for me. Well, I have always relied on you for your observation, I will let you decide what to make of this:

>Reaching for a piece of crumpled paper in a cloack pocket, he hands over a folded piece of paper to the shinobi, revealing himself with his queen and two children when they were younger.

Let's not worry about what horrors you had to endure. You survived to continue your service in the name of Lord Ryoma and Hoshido. That is what matters in the fact..right?
Nope, only because by asking for it to be you've doomed us all. YOU MADMAN YOU DOOMED US ALL!
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Why thank you~

Haha~ Your bravado is legend, Rance... "sama".
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>She tries to take another sip, but the bitterness catches her tongue and she "Bleeeghs..." again, the taste seems to really get to her...once again this can be given to the fact that this is her first time drinking Alcohol
Ex-Excuse me, I-I suppose I'm not used to the taste yet...doesn't this come in something lighter? For people who've never touched Alcohol before?
So THATS whats a strike witch is?
Ok I get why people give it so much flack.
It's like some cat loli thing that probably has 0 personality.
No, he said Moom.
>The male does relax a bit thanks to the boys taking it so nonchalantly, though his heart is racing as he's taken care of the two boys. He takes the bug as the more boyish of the two cuddles up to his side without a problem, and in a flash of bravery, the male nods towards Max.
... could you cuddle me too, then?
>He asks, taking a swig from the mug finally.
Well that one that's banging that communist guy keeps wanting me to give her the T
Hold still
Of course Adventure time is horrible

All western cartoons are.
What do you have against Strike Witches?
>breaks kiss and pulls out and leans into your ear
Could you now finish me off with your mouth please?
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Rev up those showers.
Cause i'm sure ready for some shitposting.
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Of course Adventure time is horrible

All western cartoons are
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What is that supposed to mean? Don't you go around trying to tease me and expecting no consequences from that!
Because I'm a Mighty Hero who has saved the world more times than I can count, which is about 8 approximately, and I demand request!

>Rance leaned in, his eyes narrowing at the silly Priestess.

You... Whatever your name is.


Fine, they are not.
They are for hugging and pudding!

>Hugglepuddings Nep.
>Which means hugging her and also giving her some pudding because she earned it for being adorable and for having a sexy transformation.
Of course Strike witches Is horrible
All weebshit material are
>Hearing his request, she promptly pulls her self away and turns around before getting on her knees. Her arms wrap around his waist, gripping his rear tight before pulling him as her lips wrap around his cock. She enthusiastically bobs her head, eyes staring up at him while she awaits her mouthful.
Len's cute and I miss him! I definitely won't be hiding in your bushes again when you come back to play!
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Saw a Rouge here awhile back..~
Might be fun to get a bit action..~
Trump got fucking blasted.

>yfw Trump lost the election

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>Her eyebrow raises itself carefully while observing Setsuna make such casual love to an unnamed soldier. She pulls on the hem of her loose fitting jacket, small beads of sweat running down the crook of her neck and disappearing underneath.
Uh...yes, it certainly is nice to see you too Setsuna. Is Lady Hinoka fairing well?

>The ninja reaches out to clutch at the photograph. Quickly scanning it over, she returns it to him just as fast as she had taken it. Closing her eyes and scratching her chin, Kagerou nods her head slowly but surely.
I see...well, infinite timelines, infinite possibilities. I must say, I am happy enough knowing that you have such a wonderful life, Lord Kamui. I hope the strife ends from where I come so that I may see such a smile one day.
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I need a redpill
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Oh! ehmm....

>She looks at them and closes her eyes

No, I dont I dont see anything arund ehre
>The takes all of three seconds to attempt to register what was standing in front of him, before slowly backing away.
Uh, h-how about I don't.

Yeah! It's not like I'm here to play right now or anything like that!
G-get over here anon.

Psst, Max, Lebe.
>Len's voice whispers from an unseen place.
You free right now?

It was no secret considering half of his supporters are under the voting age.
Go to bed Paul you've got school tomorrow
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>Tsuyu was expecting him to be more surprised but her eyes shutting in bliss as she feels him push against her lips, her tongue flooding into his mouth like a torrent that would take no survivors, easily dwarfing his in sheer size and ferocity as it swirled around his, diving deeper into his mouth until her tongue was easily pressing against the back of his throat, pushing him to the ground as she straddles him and continues her sloppy wet tongue fucking, shoving the entirety of the soaking wet muscle into his mouth. Her eyes widening in surprise as she retracts her tongue like a tape measure, her head leaning back slightly as it returns. She looks down to find his mouth slathered in saliva, her butt pressing down onto his lap as she looks down on him in concern.
Sorry, I guess I got a little excited...
Wow you're just...
I think that uh...
>Tsuyu can barely form words as she takes in her body, salivating as she looks at the delectable sight of the busty futa, her small perky breasts looking perfect attached to her. Leading down into a pear shaped figure, her butt looking as soft as a pillow and looking like it's begging to be tongued and licked. Once Tsuyu gets a glance at her thick throbbing length as well as her little balls that seemed packed with semen, she can't help but dart her tongue between the futa's legs, giving a long lick through her crack, teasing her asshole with the tip before sliding through her taint, sliding in between her pussy lips and quickly circling her balls, finishing it off by licking lengthwise up her wonderful cock, patting the tip with the end of her tongue.
(Sorry for the wait again.)
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I'm hungry for cum tonight, Anons...~
Feed my aching pussy your hot cum..~
>throws his head back tightly gripping the sofa from the ecstasy
WW3 is soon
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T-The what?

Yea! Nep's are for hugs and pudding!
>Enjoyed the hugglepuddings. Both were great on their own, but together? Nep was somewhere in heaven floating around happily.
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>Tsuyu's quirk makes her extremely flexible, feeling no discomfort from suddenly being picked up and put into that position, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a deep tongue kiss, wrapping around his tongue with her much longer one and engaging him in deep lustful orgy of muscles, their saliva leaking down to coat his length in more lubricant. She cries out into his mouth, her eyes becoming slightly unfocused as she takes his cock to the hilt, his tip pressing against her womb in an instant as he buries himself deep inside of her love tunnel, her walls squeezing tightly as they try to milk a second load out of the thrusting stud as he vigorously pounds her pussy with balls deep thrusts, slapping against her ass with the ferocity of his movements.
I thought Splash Woman saved you.
A-ahh, I should be getting to bed pretty soon...
Shut the fuck up
Marseille ain't bad though, for how much shit SW gets.
Damn. You really lost your bite huh?
Had a spelling mistake in the other one.
Also I have 3 versions of the same picture for some reason.




>Getting mad because someone said shit is shit
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It begins.
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hi miyafuji
>Feeling him about to go off, she presses her face down into his waist, letting him hit the back of her throat. She holds the position for a moment before she pulls her head back, jerking him off as she holds her mouth wide open.
>She can't really talk right now, but she gives Kagero a thumbs up.
>His thrusts are frantic and erratic despite Phoebe's generous help
>The young man certainly seems eager to prove his worth, though, his hips slamming back and forth frenetically
>Panting and moaning as her tight walls wrap around him, he recognises the sensation that's slowly building inside him, and casts about desperate for something - anything - that might help him to hold back a little longer than before
>He's so desperate not to have his first time last an embarrassingly short time, it shows on his face

>And Skyla's moans weren't helping
>She was right in his face, gasping with Phoebe's tongue inside her-
>-and then her arms were around the back of his head, and his face was lost in the depths of her cleavage
>With his erotic fantasy of all of a couple of minutes ago already being fulfilled, his mind swims
>But even through that pleasant fog, he's peripherally aware that cumming inside somebody without warning can't just be laughed off
>He tries to shout a warning, but all that comes out is his hot breath, gasping moans and a muffled, carnal shriek that makes the flesh of Skyla's breasts vibrate along with it
Mmm gmma mm!
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>He sighs heavily, taking the oppurtunity to let something that has been bothering him for ages off his chest
....Atleast I do... Kagero, what I am about to say to you is unreal to hear. Unbelievable either, but I have no reason to distrust the source.
I have met another me..a FEMALE one, no less. She also faces a struggle, a fight that has led to...too...Gods I cannot say it!

>He gathers his breath, a mixture of rage and disbelieve in what he about to say betraying how he feels.

The source claims that after a battle between ''her'' and Lord Ryoma..the latter took his own life, prefering not to be taken captive by the nemy..or worse.
And you would never, ever believe the source even if I told you. Will my personal trust in it be enough?
>Getting called out for being an obvious autist everyone can recognize even as anon
Go to bed Paul
She keeps asking for my tendrils, ya know I'm more then just that! I have feeling too...horrible feeling, but feeling none the less!
>Puts you out of your misery
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Hero? Uhuhu. I've heard of your exploits and they're not very heroic at times. Manly, maybe... I'll give you that much.
>The little priestess does a playful curtsy.
Rory Mercury. A pleasure, of sorts. I've heard you've wanted an audience with me for a time.
>Tfw you're not Paul
>Tfw people still use that dead meme
Just accept that your stupid weeb shit is bad.
I'm cumming...
>shoots his cum all over your face and runs his hands though your hair
Now...l-lets finish this how we started this...
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Mmh..hehaHAHAH. Fuck, I can't keep up that shitty act.
Yeah, no way in hell am I ever going to beg to suck some pig's dick.
"Cute idol!"
"Hope you are feeling better Len."

"Hmm...lighter? This is Oktoberfest! You need something harder! Something thicker! Something-"
"Halt die Klappe. Sorry miss, perhaps a cider would work? There are certainly many, many options."
>Believing he may have had the right option, Max disappears into the massive crowd of jeering, drunken fools singing in their mother tongues. Lebe takes the time to continue questioning the strange woman interspersing it with enormous gulps of the queer tasting beverage with the throat of a true pro. Max soon returns with a small, glass bottle of a hard apple cider, handing it over to the woman before taking his seat once more.
"It doesn't have a...bitter taste to it, I promise."
"Try it, try it!"
>Lebe's usual bouncy self was getting more springy by the minute with every glass he downed.

>Max's eyes bug out at the man's statement. They widen then close, looking away with an beet red blush. Shaking his shoulders in embarrassment, he bashfully nods his head and steps to the man's other side imitating his brother though with admittedly less activity. Lebe was nearly rubbing himself up against the man's arm, forcing his slender chest directly up against the man's arm.
"Oh Max! You're into it too!"
"...I mean it's a celebration...."
"Ja~! Ah, are you out sir, do you need more?"
>Z1 takes his own drink, laughing alongside the man.
O-oh. Of course I'd have this kind of timing...then...
>Looking around him for anyone that might be staring, the idol walks towards anon wraps his arms around his waist.
Have good night Anon...

Hey, between your long tendrils and sharp teeth, I don't trust you with any part of my body!
By dead meme I meant "Hi Paul"
Fuck off Miyafuji
Don't you have some stroke bitched to rant over how to play correctly
Keep trying, Paul.
Only you would be autistic enough to come here and complain about anime on a website made by and for gigantic weebs
>She feels him twitching inside her, but her mouth is preoccupied with Skyla's slit.
>She tries to give him a thumbs up sign, letting him know it's okay. Meanwhile, her tongue darts up and down the gym leader's pussy, exploring the wet walls and occasionally coming back out to lap at the clit. Whatever's going on up there, she's sure it's a lot of fun.
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Did you pervs enjoy watching me dominate Hillary on national television?
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What's a Miyafuji? What's a Strike Witch?

>Just as he thought that he had control over the situation, the man opened his eyes in surprise. His wide orbs looking at him as he felt her muscle push his tongue back into his mouth before being overtaken by her lusty tongue.
>Unable to fight against it, he found himself with his back against the grass and his mouth attempting to take as much of Tsuyu's tongue as he could! Gortunately for him, she retracted her muscle, causing him to cough and feeling her spit all inside his mouth.

Ahh... Ha... T-That was fantastic... It was... Different but fantastic!
I love it...

>His hands rested on her hips for a brief second, his fingertips enjoying the texture of the fabric of her skinsuit for a couple of minutes, before boldly moving his hands to two different directions. One cupped a breast while the other grabbed one of her buttocks. It's on now!
There she is. Managed to rattle the shit around in your head so you could pretend to have dignity again?
>Miyabi shrugs a bit before popping open the bottle of cider and downing some, she nods her head and a small smile crosses her face as she takes another gulp of it
Yes...Yes this is much better!
>She pulls her head back and...actually chugs the whole thing of cider...m-me thinks someone is getting a bit ahead of herself.
My lord! That isn't half bad, this isn't half bad at all! You have to give me another!
>She happily accepts his load, letting the hot white mess splatter on her face as she swallows whatever manages to land in her mouth. After hearing his words, she stands back up with a bemused expression.
What do you mean by that?
You know if you want to get mad at me for insulting what you like, you don't have to keep calling me Paul. I'm sure you can think up better insults, actually you like strike witches...so you probably can't.
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A sexbot with a broken personality core. Perfect.
Ahh man...
>Len wanders towards the two boat boys, and tiredly leans his head onto Lebe's shoulders, seemingly tired and weary from another day of idoling.
Let me tell you two, never try to stop in the middle of the street to say hi to a fan, next thing you know you've got a whole crowd forming and you're stopping all traffic on the road! Oof....how are you two sailor boys doing?
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I want to...uh...do you from behind again...
>his dick slowly gets erect ready for anothet round
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>Seeing the girl with a mouthful of man meat causes her to shockingly giggle. It was a rather cute display, if anything. She returns the thumbs up before returning back to her pad, painting the scene before her.

Is it as unreal as talking to a man who is my Lord but from a different dimension off in the future? I am prepared to be your confidant my lord, you may tell me anything.
>Kagerou remains calm and composed while the man wearing the visage of her Lord comes to grips with something eating him away. Her delicate hand rests atop his shoulder in an attempt to calm the man down. Her brown eyes stare directly into his draconic ones, nodding in solace.
...Lord Ryouma took his own life...? If I can prevent this, you must tell me. Please.
>Nonon makes an adorable little eep as Tsuyu's tongue licks her in alll the right ways, she definately wasn't expecting something like that. Nonetheless, she looks quite pleased at the prospect of getting to fuck a hero.
I had no idea you had such a nice tongue..~
But.. how about you show me what you can do, Tsuyu?~
>He pats the idol's head with a smile, ruffling his hair a bit as it drops to his shoulder.
Night, Len. I'm sure we'll get to have some fun together again soon!
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Let me think, I'll get back to you on that when you grow a few inched, and some brain cells.

Step closer and say that, fuckhead...-
>Having lost track of Proto... Woman?, Splash Woman takes a curious glance in to see this.
>She can only mouth "motherfucker" to herself at the sight.
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Indeed! I'm here because I was told there was a precious Priestess that adored powerful warriors... Such as myself. Well, I'm here to be adored and worshiped like the mighty Hero I am!

>Rance nodded sagely a couple of times, chuckling in amusement at his own glorified pride. Then again, that was Rance: Proud and somewhat pompous! A pervert too, if the rumors were true...
>Rumors that Tory apparently knew beforehand and surprised him that she didn't try to kill him for that. At least not yet.


Now remember, make sure to eat healthy too, I don't want you to transform into an ugly woman if you eat way too much pudding.
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Where has all the comf gone?
>She looks down at his hardening member in surprise.
Wow, you've gotten a lot better since the first time.
>She obediently goes back to the previous position, wiggling her enticing ass at him.
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"I told you! It makes you feel so warm and wonderful!"
"Ah, perhaps you should go a bit slow if this is your first. It can-"
"Hush you worrywart! Go fetch her some more Lebe!"
"You're Lebe!"
"I am! Now go fetch her some."
>Growling to himself, Max disappears into the crowd once more. With his own finished again, he glances over to the empty pitcher with a disdained sorrow at it's empty contents. The pain quickly subsides when he leans his body onto the table as a makeshift bed. Staring the girl down, he drunkenly giggles.
"Ehehe...we have the same hair...hey what was your name? I didn't catch it...I'm L-

>Sniffled as she was told to eat healthy. This had not stopped her from sitting in front of the open fridge. Caught with a cup of pudding and a spoon.
Y-You can't make me!
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>Takes the dorito dog to bed.
>Lebe graciously accepts Len's body and lets him lean against it. Scanning him over, even the energetic Z1 seems concerned over his state.
"Len...are you okay? That sounds positively awful."
"Oh dear...you can rest here if you want. We have a nice comfy couch or bed..."
>Max hurries off to pour him a glass of water, quickly returning and handing over the cool glass.
>The wanton, furious slapping of her slick, supple flesh against his mind race as he pounds her, feeling almost like he was trying to slam so hard into her cunt so many times that you'd think the wall he kept pummelling her into had deeply insulted him
>His tongue is immediately tangled in hers, and overwhelmed - there's no way he could possibly rival her in that department, though not for lack of trying, thrashing about in her mouth like a fish on dry land
>His own low groans mingle with her cries as the repeated pressure of her tight walls around the full length of his cock bring him rapidly closer to a second climax
>He starts to shudder as his vigorous penetration reaches an absolute animalistic peak, chest rising and falling rapidly against hers, he pants out a warning
I-I'm gonna do it...
>Miyabi lets out a small little laugh as she stares the boy over...giggling once again when she notices that they do in fact share the same hair color
It's Miyabi...pleasure to meet you, Leb-...Lebe.
>She seems to be keeping herself up pretty well...but it's evident that she's a bit tipsy...mostly because she isn't talking like she normally it is, sounds more, casual, which is somewhat befitting of someone like Miyabi who always sounded so formal.
>He takes several steps closer and knocks on her head a few times with his fist, fully expecting to hear the sounds of metal clanging and things rattling about in her head.
Knock, knock. Anybody home?
*pokes ur butt*
>Her moans didn't start too loud, but they would slowly increase in volume as that attention to her folds continued. Her eyes would close slightly as she felt her breasts vibrate, but as she heard him let out his muffled words, she would pull him back long enough for him to speak whatever he was trying to say, unaware of whatever he might of wanted to say.
>Her pushing down against Phoebe would continue all the while, but after a bit her squirming would turn into grinding, rocking her hips back and forth against that wandering tongue.
(Going to probably be slow on the next reply, going to make up some food.)
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>he walks up teasing your pussy with his dick until he puts his dick in you slowly and starts thrustng at a slow rhythmic pace
I. want. to. make. you. feel. good.
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...There is nothing we can do, Kagero. The worst is...That I have reasons to believe that in all these realities, this is ment to be. Hear me out on this one.

I..during my travels after the war. I came across ancient ruins with large stone slabs covered in Va -

>Not sure if ''the curse'' would still affects the woman infront of him, he quickly corrects himself to a more safe way
..In an ancient tongue. It spoke of many prophecies. Including what I believe to be MY story that was ment to be

''A burdened heart
sinks into the ground
A veil falls away
without a sound
Not day nor night
wrong nor right
For truth and peace we fight''

There are two more prophecies like this. I believe that out there, in the far corners of the Deeprealms, many more paths are walked by ''me'', each leading to a different destination.

And my source is..Lords forgive me. High Prince Shiro of Hoshido, son of King Ryoma of Hoshido and his wife, Queen Camilla, originally of the House Nohr.

He spoke with the female version of me on occasion,even goign as far to call her a liar and to avenge his ''father's'' death.

>He watches the ninjas reaction closely, already regretting what he just told
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Smart call
Let me do you.

(Goodnight friendo.)
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(Gonna have to tease you baka 'cause something came up as soon as I wanted to get rolling with you, but I'll save your post for when I can get back to it.)
I want that brown pussy on my cock too...
>I-I meant Unfitting, not befitting.
>She smiles at his words, spreading her cheeks with her hands to give him a good view.
You're making me feel great.
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I never got that gangbang that some anons promised me a few months back. Made me a little upset.
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>Rance raised a single eyebrow at the rebellious girl, almost like a dad scolding his daughter. Shaking his head, he approached Nep and patted her head a couple of times before teasingly whispering to her ear, a mischievous grin on his lips.

If you don't take good care of yourself, then we won't be able to help each other with Energy Transferring~
You don't want that, right?

>His face got even closer to Nep's, dangerously so!
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Never. And if it at all happened before, never again.
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Fine! here you big baby
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>Tsuyu gasps as she feels Peter's digits suddenly cup two different parts of her curvy body. His fingers sinking into the squishy butt, the latex rubbing against his fingers as he eagerly gropes her. His hand grabbing onto her breast as she cries out, pushing her hips out to grind against his fingers as her chest lurches forward, her hard nipple rubbing against his palm as she croaks and pants, biting her lip occasionally to stifle a groan of pleasure. Her hands get to work too, one reaching down to run along his suprinsingly toned chest, the other quickly finding his zipper as she slides it down, fishing her gloved hand inside of his pants as she places her hand over the bulge, stroking it over his underwear.
What an eager little man...
>Tsuyu savors the cornicopia of tastes in her mouth, the tantalizing taste of her butt, the sweet taste of pussy juices all mixing together with the salty taste of her recently revealed dick. Her face is bright red with lust before she lunges forward and pushes her onto the ground, pressing her pussy lips against her thick futa cock in an instant, her tongue wrapping around her balls, squeezing the orbs of lust before being latched around her base, about 1/4 of her cock covered in her hot wet tongue.
Ish thish frine mish? (Is this fine miss?)
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>He keeps the hug locked in, right before stealthy reaching down to give the man's groin a quick squeeze.
>Not wanting to keep him here anymore, Len quickly separates himself and heads off towards some other place.

Ah...don't feel bad for me, you're the boys that have to go through all that military stuff, I'm just a lazy Idol.
>He makes a half hearted attempt to lift himself off of the light haired boy's shoulder, but swiftly gives up. Partially because Lebe's neck felt nice to lean against.
Couch does seem like a comfy idea right now...lead me there Lebe!
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>With Tsuyu's limited movement she tries to push against the man as he ruthlessly pounds her tight pussy, her climax wracking her body as she squeezes and strokes him deep inside of her, moaning and gasping frantically, her legs falling from his hands, quickly wrapping them around his waist and forcing him deeper and deeper inside of her love canal, the sticky mixture of their juices spraying out and covering their pelvises in the proof of the ravenous fucking that is occuring, her eyes seemingly turning pink and filling with hearts as she takes the vicious pounding with a bright lewd smile, screaming out a moan as the boy continues to violate her insides, wanting nothing more to feel his thick creamy load blast against her womb and fill her to the brim at this very moment.
Cum...inside...I want to have your tadpoles...
Can`t dump the Trump
I'm so happy you are
>turns you head to get a deep kiss and thrusts his tongue into your mouth and swirling it around your mouth while he grabs your breasts firmly and starts toying with them as he thrusts faster
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>Her face burned a bright red as he whispered in her ear. Any enjoyment she had from the patting had faded to shyness. Nep scooted back and pointed at Rance in mock shock as he came so close.
S-Shush! T-That wasn't me! I-It was my transformation! I-It makes me think differently...!
>She attempted to argue, even if it did make a little sense, it was a total lie.
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You're not the first person to tell me to proof read, and god knows you won't be the last.
And I'm sorry, I-I just can't. Just toss the rope around my neck and be done with it Fambino-ma-mino.
I actually can't tell if you're fond of me or not, but

>Reaches out, curling his fingers with hers up until his palm cups her own with a light squeeze.
Mmmm~ Burg~
>Wrapped up in Skyla's bosom, he can't quite make out Phoebe's thumbs up gesture
>But since her long, smooth legs still hold him tight to her, he assumes he's alright to let it all go
>The incredible squeezing of her internal walls is too much for him to bear, and he comes to orgasm for a second time, another short spurt of warm seed spurting into Phoebe's deepest folds
>Maybe not as soon as he had the first time, but his endurance was unfortunately nothing to write home about

>The young man practically collapses into Skyla's ample breasts, hands grabbing them as he tenses and releases moments later
>As he lies against the two gorgeous women, his shrinking cock inside one and his hands tugging and squeezing at the other's breasts, he tries to catch his breath
>His chest rises and falls at an incredible rate, wheezing from the effort and exertion of his frenzied activity
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Mmm... mmm.. mm! Mm!
>She begins moaning hard as her walls convulse around him, limbs trembling in orgasm. Her cries of pleasure go straight down his through as her tongue continues to play with him. Every inch of her skin tingles in pleasure, and she has to make a considerable effort just to not collapse. She slows down a bit to regain composure, then continues rocking her hips to his motions.
That's a McGangbang
"Miyabi! Miyaaaabi! That's a Japan name...right? We have a ton of cute ships from Japan...but they end in like...kah zay or something...I don't get it! You're not a ship are you? You're cute enough to be one...oh Max!"
>As if summoned, the auburn Max parts the crowd with two bottles in his hand. It takes a deft maneuver past some wily men rocking in tune with a folksong but nothing that the Destroyer wasn't used to. When he arrived, disheveled from the crowd, he sets one of the ciders down on the table and hands the other off to Miyabi, taking his seat once again. Eyeing the empty pitcher, he balls his fist in a rage and resists the urge to decimate his brother across the table who just laughs and laughs.
"Lebe, did you really-"
"G-Go get some, I'm not getting up again!"
>Lebe more or less flops off of the seat to disappear into the row of faces as did his brother giving Max the time for a hefty and much needed breath.
"I...apologize for him, Frau. I did not realize he would be this active but I guess he's always full of surprises. Please tell me, are you enjoying yourself? This is a once a year celebration after all. Nobody should have to be alone in it all."

"Don't be like that Len, we all have a role to play in society."
"That's right! Uh, it's this way. Here, I'll help you out."
>It was only a few steps and the click of a door to their comfortable futon. Lebe led him as the diligent caretaker he was, making sure the idol was well situated before taking a seat directly beside him. Max follows him up into the room with a pillow in hand.
"Everything good?"
"You alright?"
>Nonon makes another adorable eep as she's pushed to the ground by the froggish hero, enjoying the feeling of being grinded on by such a cute froggy, especially with her tongue wrapped so nicely against her cock.
S-sure.. go ahead!~
After all, who am I to deny the sexiest froggy I've seen!
>Except for maybe Gamagoori.
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Not, let go, damn it.
>Lazily flailing her arm around in an attempt to free herself.
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Ith's coming...
>breaks kiss and spreads her legs out then starts shoving his dick as deep as possible hitting her womb as he is getting close
Are you ready my love?
>She giggles more upon hearing him orgasm, though her words go unheard, the sound disappearing into Skyla's folds as she continues to lap up the leader's sweet nectar. She pulls the boy in, holding him tight and refusing to let go until she's certain he's let out all he can inside her before she relaxes her legs and lets him pull out. Her tongue continues playing with Skyla, sliding along the lips before pushing in again.

Is that so~? Then I guess you won't be needing this...

>While she was distracted and somewhat shocked, Rance reached for Neptune's pudding and quickly raise dit over her head! Uh oh, that was bullying! What a terrible, terrible person!
>Laughing almost manically Rance lowered the treat... Only to raise it again! It appeared that bullying the little, cute Nep was so satisfying for some reason.

I'm so ready.
>She pulls him back in for the kiss as she pushes into him, her hips practically begging him to unload in her.
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Does it have mayonnaise?
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>The many realities woven to life by the man who looked like her Lord did not seem to have an immediate effect on her. She kept a stoic look upon her features, not uttering a single word until Kamui felt himself finished. It was only after the lengthy explanation that Kagerou uttered a singular breathy sigh.
>Her eyes close in contemplation. Truthfully everything he said was far beyond comprehension. Even just the marriage of Nohrian scum to the crown Prince of Hoshido would've gotten him laughed out of a bar for it's ridiculousness. But, with no reason not to believe him, the ninja nodded once again.
I...see. That is quite the tale Lord Kamui. What do you intend to do about it?

Says the perverted girl with a teasing skinsuit who lies in wait for guys to kiss...

>The man said with that cocky grin of his, shifting under Tsuyu to give her even better access to the bulge forming under his boxers. His hands then scanned her suit with his touch, looking for something that would help her undress for him.
>A single hand of his instead focused on taking his shirt off, revealing his slender but toned form to the Frog Girl, his skin having a nice tanned tone.

Am I right~? Is that what you were doing there? Maybe i am the newest victim to fall for your charms, Tsuyu! Oh, woe is me~!
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It's a Big Mac with a Mcchicken, you tell me!
But why? Even if 'that' didn't happen I think we've always been at least moderately close.
>His grip tightens ever so slightly, loosely following her flailing in a slumped, tracing pattern. During this, he scoots closer to the girl, his legs bumping up against the side of her own.
>Stepping away with an agreement noise, she raised her arm, letting metal slide over her lower arm segment to create an energy cannon, a dark glint In her eye as she raised it.

I don't HAVE to listen to the laws of robotics..
Seeing as a good portion of you here don't listen to your own laws...
Why follow?
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>gives one final thrust before releasing everything he has built up inside her and falls over on her back with his eyes faded of exhaustion
Work is finished...
>Tears formed in her eyes as soon as the pudding cup was taken. Neptune jumped to her feet, quickly bouncing up to try to reach the cup. Rance, being the bully that he was, would make sure it was out of her reach at all times.
G-Give that back! N-Neps are not for bullying!
>She whined while folding her arms over her chest. Neptune pouted while staring up at Rance. She had finally given up jumping for it as she realized he would continue this game.
I-I'll never admit it! N-Not until I get my pudding back!
I-I'm fine, really! Don't go all caretaker on me you two. Thank you, but it just makes me feel bad.
>In spite of his claims, however, every action Len seemed to take was a half second slower from his normal demeanor. Lifting himself off of Lebe's shoulder, the tired Idol immediately crashes down onto the futon, taking the time to stretch himself out, from limb to limb.
Hnnngg! Oooh, that feels better already~
I want to fuck you.
>Big Mac with a Mcchicken
It's a McDouble actually
Technically one anon could gangbang you by having more than one included in the roleplay. I don't know how you would feel about that.
Sounds delicious.
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>She flops down to the floor, pulling him down with her as they lay there in a naked mess.
It was good work... comrade.
>She looks down at her crotch, a bit of cum leaking out of her slit.
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Ship? What you mean like...an actual sea worthy vessel? N-No, I assure you I'm not...I-I am a Niinja though, s-so that's pretty cooool...
>Miyabi lets out a little laugh as she see's the two siblings get along like siblings do...which is well, not at all. She swipes up her new bottle of cider and pops the top of...downing half of it before slamming it back down
O-Oh it's fine...really, I'm enjoying m-myself, don't you worry about lil' o'll me, alright?
What's stopping me from frying one of you fuckheads?
I'm broken, remember?
The stupid, broken sex robot.
Blame it on faulty programming...~
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>Tsuyu nods her head before slowly squatting down, gasping as the fat cockhead slips between her soaked lips, already drenched from the earlier taste of the futa's set. She pushes more and more of her inside of her tight hole, sometimes sliding back up as it stretches her insides with its girth, her love honey dribbling out of her down the intruding member, making it easier for her to bounce on top of the petite girl, leaning down to press their boobs together, rubbing both of their nipples together as she slips deeper and deeper inside. Her tongue, constantly working her balls as it squeezes her set, the tip of her tongue extending to push against Nonon's lips, going up to tease her clit in a slow lazy circle before sliding down and slipping inside of her, relishing in getting a deeper taste of her sweet pussy.
>Tsuyu blushes slightly harder before pulling his underwear all the way down, her hand grabbing his balls in her firm grasp, rolling them around in her palm as she feels how full and soft they are, a smile working its way onto her lips. Not anything to do any damage but hard enough that he knew who had him by the balls, so to speak. She leans down and whispers threateningly in his ear, her words carrying an uncharacteristic amount of lust and danger, her long tongue making lewd slurping noises as she teases him.
I'm usually not as nice to perverts...I don't think it would be very smart to tease me right now...
>She gives another firm squeeze on his nads before leaning close to his face, giving him a bright smile that contrasted harshly with her words and tone.
Now, do you wish to have fun, or not?
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Then I guess....

>Rance lowered the pudding... Only to cup the container with his other hand as he menacingly threatened to dip its contents into his mouth!
>Worse than bullying her, the so called Hero was about to claim the little Nep's precious pudding.


>Of course, upon noticing those overly adorable tears forming on her eyes, the man decided to return the treat to its rightful owner, adding a tender pat on her head.

Fine, fine... You win. It wasn't totally you during the transformation. Not that I mind, since it was pretty fun~
You have to admit that.
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..Nothing about it. I cannot interfere with that reality without endangering mine - What would happen if I were to fall in a distant world and leave my lady wife without a spouse and my two children without their father? As many times a story is ending well, you have those poems that have a dark, dark ending...

>He recognized that scowl on the shinobi's face after he told her the union between two rival kingdoms, he has seen that scowl many times before. He did not want to press the issue, but he felt like he had to anyway.

...We had..a great issue that required both Kingdoms to work together as one. It did not went smoothly, but it did happen nontheless...during the great efforts put together by both kingdoms, Prince Ryoma and Lady Camilla found eachother. And not only them, so did Princess Sakura and Prince Leo of Nohr.

I swear upon my honour and that of...

>She didn't know! She did not know the true story behind his parentage. He could trust Kagero with his life, but NOT with the shocking truth

My father the Late King Sumeragi and mother..the Late Queen Mikoto of Hoshido. I swear upon their memory that this is the truth, all of it.

((Sorry of all of this reads liek wet shit on paper, I am pretty tired ;_; ))
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>Grumbling as she stood up, she dragged him behind her with his gay hand holding before slinging him around out of her room. She yanked her hand away from him and slammed the door shut.
>He feels her pushing against him, just as eager for this as he is, and it feels utterly incredible, his mind entirely overwhelmed by thoughts of his new froggy lover
>Her spasming muscles massage him all along his shaft, and he screws up his face to fight against the inevitable second orgasm bubbling up inside him, to no avail
>His hands freed when her legs clamped tight around his waist, he takes a firm hold of her hindquarters, each cheek held tightly by one of his hands as he pulls her deep down onto his shivering cock, their sweaty bodies pressing tight against each other as with twitch after twitch he gouts rope after rope of warm sperm directly into her womb
>The adrenaline starts to fade from his body with his release, but he meets her blissed out expression with a stupid grin of his own, practically falling onto her in a kiss as a mix of all their various fluids slop onto the floor beneath them both
>He can barely breathe, and his chest rises and falls against hers as his suddenly exhausted-looking but deeply satisfied eyes gaze into hers
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Thanks...I think I will...sleep
>gives a nice cuddle before dozing into sleep using your breasts as pillows
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Though that was two Big Macs together
Go get person I don't know
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>She had expected him to say something after being pulled out from her breasts, only to be left a bit surprised by the fact that he collapsed right back into them. Another moan would be released from between her lips as he grabbed, squeezed, and tugged on her breasts. Once she noticed Phoebe's legs relaxed around the boy, she figured out why he collapsed into her breasts. She was just about ready to slide herself off of Phoebe but it seemed the girl was set on continuing to put her tongue to work. But if she was going to continue, Skyla decided to play with the girl too. Both of her hands would slip away from the boy. One moved down to her clit, starting to rub it with a few fingers. While her other hand dropped down to grope and squeeze her perky breasts.
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>As expected, he breaks out into a cold sweat upon seeing the cannon, but that doesn't do much to kill his bravado as he reaches out to lightly brush the cannon away so that it wasn't pointing at him. A risky move since she could vaporize him on the spot but he wanted to call her bluff anyway.
Y-yeah right. If you wanted too shoot me you'd have done it already.
>His voice betrays him a little but seeing as he had already come this far he decided to push things even further, so he reached out with his other hand to fondle at her chest. His own glint shines in his eye as he stared her down while committing the perverse act. Even if she did kill him here and now he could at least die knowing he got to cop a feel.
>Dusting himself off, he straightens up with a stretch before heading off, and away from her room.
Yes. You are beautiful and sexy at the same time.
>She wraps her arms around him as she begins to drift off as well.
Thank... you...
>She barely squeaks out the words before she falls asleep with Soviet.
(Sorry, too late to start a new session.)
"Ah, don't go giving us that!"
"You're our friend! Why wouldn't we want to take care of you?"
>Max hurries over to pull up Len's head and rest his weary bones on the comfortable, fluffy goodness he brought in from his bedroom. Lebe ducks into the closet and produces a silver blanket, quickly draping it over Len's body and tucking him in, laughing all the while. Each boy takes a seat on the ground next to Len, reclining against the piece of furniture.
"So what were you doing all day?"
"Must have been hard..."

"Oh, a ninja? That's rather impressive. We're actually-uh...never mind."
>Deciding to shove the matter of ships to the side, Max catches a quick glance of the tipsy girl. The giggling and slurring was already signs that she was feeling the effects of the low-grade alcohol, or at least to the best of his analysis. Moving closing and placing a hand on her shoulder to steady the woman, Max looks at her with pure concern in his eyes.
"Are you certain? You seem...drunk, and-"
"I'm baaaack!"
>Lebe comes stumbling in, sloshing another pitcher of heavenly nectar around in it's clear container. A few splashes hit the two of them, making Max grit his teeth in anger but ultimately not acting on it. When the beer hits the table, each boy immediately pours themselves another glass much to Max's hesitance.
"You shouldn't drink anymore Lebe..."
"Hush Max! What kind of German are you?"
"The responsible kind."
"The boooooring kind!"
"Th-that's not-"
"What do you say Miyaaaabi? What's my brother like? Which one of us is better, hmm?"
"H-Hey now-"
"Tell us~!"

>A gasp of both pleasure and surprise escaped his lips upon feeling his ballsack threatened by the Frog Girl's menacing hand. It felt great but at the same time he was unsure if teasing her further was a god idea. Thankfully, his common sense reigned supreme and decided to stop... At least for the time being, despite how much fun was to tease the lovely Tsuyu.
>Clearing his throat and nodding in agreement, he knew that he wanted her. His member was twitching eagerly, hungrily begging to experience the girl's insides. Swallowing some of his spit, he ventured to request what he desired from her.

Why, yes... Why not undress for me so you can feel me inside you, Tsuyu?
>Even with Phoebe's legs letting him go, the young man stays fairly still save for the rapid rise and fall of his chest

>He must have been overwhelmed by the situation, forgetting to call out when he had been ever-so-briefly seperated from the older trainer's sweet breasts
>He simply enjoys the simple warm embrace of her chest, nestling against the space between her large breasts and teasing against them with his small fingers - a single, daring pinch being felt on one of her nipples as he starts to recover
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>His choice to push it this far enraged her. With her body off balanced from his push, she swung her arm upward, firing off a single energy shot that would have hit poor an in in his shoulder. Frying the muscle and meat connecting his arm to his body, and ultimately just blasting it off.

Don't TOUCH me..!
>Kagerou certainly was if anything understanding. The pained look on her Lord's face kept her inquisitive quest at bay for the moment.
This is all something that I cannot seem to grasp. Forgive me Lord, I'm a humble servant, not a strategist. Have you discussed the matter with anyone else? Certainly I do not expect you to interfere with our problems, but if you have any information it would be more than enough help.
(That's quite alright. I'm actually heading off soon myself if you need to retire!)
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>Tsuyu explodes onto the man's cock, absolutely soaking his waist in her sticky love juices, their dirty parts stuck together with a mixture of sweat, saliva, and her own pussy juice. As he fills her with his load, thick heavy globs of semen being shot into her hot wet depths, her womb being plastered in his creamy load in an instant, painting her walls white in the proof of his lust, pushing herself back onto him as she ejaculates, effortlessly squeezing out all the semen left in his urethra as she rides his length for a few more strokes, loving the feeling of fullness as the semen leaks out of her, coating the inside of her suit in his scent. Her eyes are glazed in content, leaning into the kiss and being a bit more gentle, allowing him more control as she swirls her tongue in his mouth, giving his lip a light nibble as she pulls away, she unlocks her legs from around the man's back and quickly does a flip over his head, leaving him against the wall as she quickly zips up her suit, seemingly not caring for the load slowly leaking out of her fucked silly pussy and the lewd sloshing noises that accompany everyone of her movements before she suits back up.
Wonderful sir, but I must be going. I'm due back at headquarters soon I believe.
>Giving him a curt nod and a pat on the head as she flips off the building without a second word. Giving him a salute as she jumps off, tossing him a card with hastily scribbled numbers on it as the sounds of cats screeching and trash cans being knocked around echo from the alleyway.
(Be sure to come back new kagerou! I hope you'll like it here!)
>Feeling Skyla's hand play with her make her more riled up, reaching a hand under to play with her clit while her tongue continues the assault. After a while, she taps on the leader's thigh so she'll get up and give Phoebe a chance to speak... and breathe.
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(I'm not exactly new but I'll bring Kagerou out in the future to be sure)
(Christ, I almost want to guess at who you are with writing like that but I'm no good at it. Still no chance of a reveal? I just want to get my own fun with the frog in the future.)
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>ducks under the Janitoring Desk as he hears shots fire
Watch where you point that thing, kid!
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I'm hit! Save me Doom Guy!
>Shocked at her sudden departure, he trips over the jeans she pulled down about his ankles as he scrambles after the card, a desperation just as frantic as any of the throes of his lust overcoming him as the worrying thought of never seeing her again flashes across his mind

(That was incredible - i'd feel seriously poorer if I hadn't asked who the hell this character was. Thanks for that.)
>Neptune grabbed the pudding quickly, making sure her grip was tight as soon as she obtained it. She would never let her precious pudding out of her sight again. Though, as Rance patted her head, she relaxed near instantly.

I-It was.. B-But that's besides the point! You said yourself Neps aren't for bully then you bullied me, you bully!
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Is it yuri time?
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Hah....thanks I guess...
>This is what friends are fore, Len figured. Now if only there was a way for him to pay these two back soon. For now, the tuckered Idol accustomed himself to the care of the two ship boys, wrapping his hands behind his bed as he rests himself on max's plushy pillow.
Well...just what idols usually do you know? Practicing, recording, singing live and signing autographs...It kinda just...gets tiring. I'd rather be here with you guys!
Don't tell my fans that, alright?
Fuuuuck... that feels reaally.. goood..~
>Nonon moans out, her thrusts slowly reaching a fever pitch, balls starting to slap ever so slightly against her tongue, pussy drooling quim all over the frog's tongue. A chance for someone to explore both of her parts at once was something that she rarely got, and believe me, she was relishing in it.
L-lick harder...~
O-Oh yes, I'm completely fi-
>Miyabi flinches as the other boy stumbles...and flinches again when she gets splashed by some of the beer...which causes her to shiver and let out a groan...
>As the boy asks the question...Miyabi kind of pauses and thinks for a long moment, not really sure if she should answer the question seriously or not...so she doesn't. She snaps her fingers, deciding to go with an idea that just popped into her head
I think the boooth of you work the best togeether! S-So I'd say I like you both!
Dumb yuri poster
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>Tsuyu gives a reassuring hum, before leaning back, unzipping her suit and allowing her perky C-cup breasts to pop out of her suit, soft white skin accompanying two hard pink nipples, stiff with arousal. She shimmies out of the suit before tossing it over in a heap next to a tree, her body on full display. Her nice grabable hips leading into a fat butt that seemed to call for someone to touch them, the flesh jiggling enticingly each time she shifted or moved, seeming like the skin tight suit was to make it so she wouldn't distract her teammates during a mission. Her hand strokes his member as she raises her hips, pressing his tip against her pussy, moving it in a circle as she gently teases him with her tight wet hole's opening, allowing just the tip to slip inside for a moment before taking it out, quickly lubricating him with her wetness. Her tongue lewdly slides up and down his chest, pushing his chin up to look at her eyes of midnight as she begins to slowly push down onto him.
Nngh...I-I suppose I do...
(I don't think my writing is that identifiable, but if you guess right I'll tell you. Or you can post your discord and I'll add you. I'd just rather not start shitposting.)
(Well I'm glad you enjoyed! First time playing Tsuyu and not all the way done reading boku no hero academia so I'm kinda blanking on her characterization. Glad you liked it though!)
(Were you the Kongou before?)
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Apart from discussing this with Lady Azura and my son and heir? No. I tend to keep things to my own these days. This is a matter that should not concern them.

Unfortunately, I cannot provide any information for you to report back to ''Lord'' Ryouma. I only wish for him to rule with the same wisdom and strength the late King Sumeragi and Queen Mikoto did.

There is however one thing....When it comes to blows between your kingdom of Hoshido and Nohr, be willign to coöperate with even the enemy to ensure nobody unnecesary dies. That is all I can ask of you to convey to my brother.

With your permission, I shall take my leave. It is time for me to return to my own holdfast....
....Where my dearly beloved wife is going to lecture me on not getting home late

>He gives the ninja infront of him a dead serious look, before bursting out in laughter

Gods save me. Hell hath no fury like a woman scourned.

(( Think this is the time I'll bugger off for now. You'll find me next door mostly. I am also the faggot behind Peri if you were ever lurking. Cya! ))
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My bad, it was an experiment.
Sort of.

>Rance shrugged as he continued to pat her head, his hair ruffling her lovely hair. Even if he didn't admit it, he was tarting to like Nep. A bit more than usual.
>A dangerous thing for a manwhore like him!
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>air drops a first aid kit on him.
>a whole crate of them
>She forgot about the boy with his face against her breasts for a bit until she received that pinch against one of her nipples that were already fully erect. Before she could even react to the pinch, she felt that tapping against her thigh. From there she would slide forward to sit on the girl's chest. Her hands would move once more as she did, moving up to the young boy's sides, only to pull him out from her chest once more.
Think you got enough energy for another round?
>She asked, hoping he did.
>The now one armed anon is hauled out of the area after taking the shot, screaming in pain and spurting blood everywhere as the medics drag him out. After several months of intense surgery, experimental augments and rehab he eventually returns with a bitchin' new mechanical arm. She may have fucked him up, but not only did he grab a tit but he was a fucking cyborg now. Somewhere she could hear him laughing, his voice carried on the wind.
Fuck you robo bitch. One day I'll come back for you.
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>blanking on her characterization
(... Well, I suppose that's one advantage you have playing with someone unfamiliar with the source material.)

(I'm croakanddagger#7864 if the discord offer is open.)
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>Tsuyu moans and bounces on Nonon's lap as she suddenly picks up the pace, shoving her sizable length into her tight pussy in a moment, her hand balling into fists as she bites her tongue, the feeling of being so deliciously full from her on the ground pounding sending waves of pleasure up her spine. She squeezes tighter around her balls as her moans cause it to vibrate, pleasuring them as she shoves her tongue even deeper inside of her love canal, spinning it around in her insides as well as pistoning it inside of her in time with cock's thrusts, the flexible muscle pushing up to press against the front of her pussy, constantly rubbing her clit as she gouges out her pussy with her tongue, her love juices and pre cum mixing onto it as she violently thrusts and stirs up her insides just as roughly as her cock is fucking her frog pussy.

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>Touches ur butt
>with my face
>Bites ur butt a little
(I'll give it one guess without a blatant name drop. Have you played a maid before?)
Thank you air bird!
I don't understand. Also careful with that fang.
As someone who got fucked around with hard by the previous Tsuyu, my thanks trying to redeem the character.
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(Didn't work.)
(I'll do my best!)
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Who here has the fattest butt?
I need a thick phat butt to rut!
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I was trying to see if you wanted to do naughty things!
>The events so far still have him reeling, but as the three disentangle themselves from one another, he does seem to have just about caught his breath
>Possibly during the brief span where he wasn't doing much of anything and the women were having at each other
>A borderline awestruck look in his eyes, he nods enthusiastically - but it seems like he has a request
C-can I lie down though?
Why on earth would I want to do naughty things?
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and/or comfy things, cause I'm pretty cold.
>She cried out, though was soon silence by the continuation of Rance's petting. She mumbled about the bullying still, but this was mostly replaced with pudding eating noises while being patted.

Penguins can't fly. ...Penguins can't fly!
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(A-ah sorry anon... I haven't been too much in the mood, and tonight I'm celebrating...!)
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>in the months that had passed, the robot had gotten an education, and now held a job as a well respected member of the city staff. She got to wear tight suits and glasses, and generally had a lovely time at work and at home. Only then had a chill been sent down her spine, warning her of the impending doom.
>(Didn't work.)
(Weird shit. Maybe capitalisations are important? The C and D are caps, but other than that I can't think why it wouldn't.)
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"Hah, lips are sealed."
"Well maybe for a price~"
>Lebe's lips were covered by the tips of his fingers as he laughed his quip away. Max gives him an angered glare which silencing that haughty chuckling. He soon returns his attention to the young idol, ensuring that the boy got his rest in. Each one took their own successive yawn and closed their eyes.
"Ah, I think it's time for us to head out...good night, hope to see you again tomorrow!"

>Despite Lebe's drunkness, his eyes meet Max's in a blank stare. Mirrored sighs into the tabletop come from both. Looking towards the young ninja, they both wear the same deadpan expression.
"We've heard that 100 times over..."
"Why can't I ever wiiinnnn?"
"But I guess it's unfair, isn't it?"
"Awwww I wanted to be the best...."
"It's alright Lebe..."
>They both mock a cry afterwards, falling back into their drinks after.
"Ah, so...I think it's time for us to be hitting the bricks. Lebe's out of his mind and-"
"Take her back with us!"
"S-Shut it Lebe. Like I said-"
"Do it!"
"Grr...w-well we better be off. Have a good night, Frau Miyabi."

(I have to go to sleep now both of you, sorry! I'll be around tomorrow if you would like to continue)
>Grateful to be given room to breathe, Phoebe speaks up.
Let the newbie lay down. He's earned it.
>She moves her head to the side until she can see his face, then shoots him a wink.
(No need to apologize, that was actually thirsty me asking. Just was guessing is all!)
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I don't know. Why does anyone want to do naughty things?
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(A ship girl? Skullgirl? Blazblue character? My final guesses!)
(A-Ah, well lucky me, cause I gotta take a shower...you have a nice night)
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>A single hand claimed her rear, giving her butt a firm grope as she descended on him, making him sigh and gasp in delight as his member claimed every inch of the girl's cunt as she slowly allowed herself to be impaled by his throbbing manhood. Finding here love tunnel completely pleasurable made him moan shameless in utter and absolutely bliss, averting his gaze for a second with a noticeable blush of embarrassment appearing on his cheeks.

S-Sorry, that felt just too damn good.

>Returning to the task at hand, he grabbed her right breast with his digits, squeezing it and teasing the flesh bud on top of that perky mound with his skilled fingers, His thumb prodding her nipple and moving it in slow, careful circular motion to further add to her pleasure. After all, despite being a surprisingly casual encounter he wanted to satisfy her!
>Once he felt his full length into her, Peter proceeded to thrust hips his back and forth into the Frog's love tunnel, to the point where he was pressing the tip of his meat rod against the entrance of her womb, leaking small amounts of translucent precum.
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(Alright, take care! S-Sorry for my slowness, I have a hard time jumping into the action sometimes)
(A-ah, Sorry '61... Sleep well though!)
I've been called a big asshole, does that count/
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Wah wah.

>"Shit" the bird thought to itself.
>The plane suddenly began to shake, and spiral downwards.
>Smoke bellowed from the engines and the tail catches fire.
>The bird grabs a parachute and bails out, leaving the guy who said he "can't fly" in the plane.

>floating down, watching the fireworks.
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(Nope Nope Nope!)
(I don't know what I was expecting)
I knew it! That's who you were. Kongou!

(Truth be told, I'm lying, I thought you were gone and I was starting to miss you)
(You're Nui)
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(Blame the robutt and sleep well)
Some times there are no other options.

Hey it's Kongou! You know, we have a lot in common, we should bang out some time.
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>She would give a quick nod in response to his question before slipping out between the young man and Phoebe.
He certainly has. Already two rounds in and he is eager for a third. Well whenever you are ready, just lay down.
>She said while on her knees next to Phoebe now.
Nui doesn't use discord
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Fine, fine! I won't bully you again... At least for the next five minutes.

>Rance said teasingly before kissing her cheek for a brief second, his fingertips playfully scratching the scalp of her head.
>It was almost like playing with a pet. She was too damn adorable to resist bullying.

I'm kidding, I'm kidding~ I won't bully you again. That's a promise...
In fact, if someone ever ventures to bully you then I shall protect you and kick the sorry assess of whoever dates to bully you!
(Alright, you win, I give up. I'm not fond of posting my discord here so to make things fair I'll just hope you show up again, later frog!)
Mmnnh...a price? I'm gonna have to ask about that later...ehe..
>Quickly feeling himself settle into his exhaustion, the boy tucks himself deep into his covers, pulling them half over his head as he fluttered his eyes closed. The boys voices and faces both gradually faded away.
See you two...tomorrow....
(I dunno how I'd blame him but I guess I might as well. That bastard. Night)
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I have a lot of snack options as well as lewd options.
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[Do you have me added? I'd really like to chat with you whoever you are.]
Goodnight you two!
I just want love to happen. Since I have none, for I am a soulless robot.
You'll never defeat an American in an arms race, I have my snacks than you can imagine.
In that case, what kind of lewd options are on the menu?
Goodnight, /erp/.
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>She asked in the cutest possible tone she could. Her small frame pressed up against Rance's as her purple gaze locked to his. Her cheeks a faint hue of pink, as her arms wrapped lightly around Rance.
A-And you don't have to protect me! I-I can handle myself!
I want to teach Kongou how to behave like a prim and proper South-Englander!
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ah crop.jpg
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*more snacks
nite m9
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You know what you must do
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(Either way, I've gotta head to bed, night y'all.)

(S-sorry... I was kinda marathoning stuff for research.)

(Maybe for tea? But another time!)


(Oh I blaaaaaame you. Blaaaaaaaaaaaaame. <3)

(South Englander....? From a girl build in the north. How rude. But it's nap time)
I agree with this anon by the way. Keep up the good work.

>slaps your bongos
>you like this
Go to sleep.
>Phoebe's wink is a reassuring and welcome relief in his post-orgasm worries, setting his mind at ease when he had been wndering how good a job he had done
>But with Skyla nodding as well, he lies down on the ground - practically falling there, but just about managing to get down under his own power and not gravity's
>His chest still rises and falls noticably with deep breaths, but the wheezing that had accompanied them for a while is completely gone as he looks curiously up at them both
W-What's that supposed to mean?!

>(Bongou bongos her bongos bongoingly before bon-going off)
God bless America!

For Cola!
Goodnight you genkey (energetic) Euro.
Jesus who don't you know Robutt?
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Nothing, I'm leaving, try not to die god forbid someone here does something to make me happy
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>Hugs the Nep, pudding still safe.

Fucking lewd.

Uhhh, probably just the people who mainly use Virra's server
>Phoebe slowly gets to her feet, a bit of cum dripping out of her slit as she smacks Skyla's ass.
It's your turn on the ride.
>She turns to him with a satisfied smirk.
For a first timer, you help up well. Hope you're ready for one more ride.
I-I'm goonnna cumm..
I'm gonna cum super fucking hard...~
Please.. just a little more!
>Nonon whimpers out, not expecting this amount of love from the froggish girl, her pussy clenching hard enough at points to temporarily immobilze the poor heroine. Her cock bulges and throbs inside of her, begging to release... but she was so close!! All it would take would be a bit more from the girl above her.. Her balls churn, getting ready to release a fat load of cum.
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>Rance nodded in response, his brown eyes meeting with her purple hues, playfully pressing his forehead against hers, giving her a kiss... A Eskimo kiss. Because kissing loli is wrong for Rance!

That's a promise... And don't worry, I know you can defend yourself but still, I don't mind being the nice guy who is going to defend you no matter what.
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(I will!)
>Tsuyu gasps as his hand comes into contact with her bare ass, his hand sinking into the soft pillowy flesh, cradling his fingers in her squishy flesh as he continues to grope her. She gasped as his length sunk inside of her tight wet pussy, her mouth opening to let her tongue slip out of it as she moans in pleasure, squeezing on his length every time another inch slides inside of her. A feminine giggle working its way up her throat as she looks down at him, using her tongue to lightly caress his cheek as she speaks in a slightly slurred manor.
Donth wurry, ish cwute...
>Tsuyu loves the feeling of his digits squeezing her breast, every time he tweaks her hot pink nipple between his fingers another moan bubbling out, doing nothing to make herself quieter as she moans. She rides him as he suddenly starts pounding inside of her, her ass clapping against his hips as they connect in the middle, the lewd squishy noises of their animalistic balls deep fuck session echoing through the nearby pond, the only sounds being the gentle trickle of water and the sound of two teenagers having bareback sex moments after meeting each other.
(Thank you!)
Also supposed to reply to >>5473266
Something comfy/warm and lewd sounds best, like some play under a blanket or something like that.
>Skyla let out a soft moan upon feeling her ass being smacked, she turned her attention to Phoebe for a quick second, but it wouldn't take long until her eyes dropped down onto the boy's cock.With him now laying down, she would move to climb ontop of him while letting her partially dripping slit press and grind against his shaft until his head poked against her entrance.
You sure you can go another round? You seem quite beat.
>She asked to the boy below her. All the while she would grind and rub her slit against his head, trying to get him nice and hard again if he was not already.
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(Back to our regularly scheduled program)

Who told you that, hmm? The only thing I worship is the Dark Lord Emroy~ Are you a God of Death, a God of War?
>She asked, leaning her oversized weapon forward to lightly tap it agfainst Rance's chestpiece, a giggle escaping her lips.
You seem to consider yourself a God of Lust from my understand, though.
W-Wha?! How could you say something like that!

>Pudding still safe.

>She simply nuzzled into Rance without a word. A faint smile curled her lips while she squeezed him tight.
Thanks Rance, even if you did just bully me, and no matter what anyone says about you. You're an alright guy!
Fine fine, come and snuggle up to me.
Add thicc Skyla to the list of things we should do, m8

Pudding is sacred. Especially vanilla and chocolate swirl pudding. I'm sorry for slicing your pudding before. I was being far too mean.
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>Tsuyu nearly pounds the poor girl into the ground as she rides her, their hips clapping together in ecstasy as she drops her ass onto her trembling prick again and again, her tongue work not stopping for a moment as she thrusts it as deep inside of Nonon as she can go, lapping at the entrance to her womb and pulling out, using the now completely drenched in pussy juice tongue to slide into her asshole with ease, wriggling around before pounding against her prostate, trying to get Nonon off as quickly as possible as she violates her third hole. she leans down and releases her tongue from her balls and base, stopping for a moment to wrap it around half the length of her pulsating penis, sliding it down as she drops onto her and pulling it up as she raises to her tip, giving her a simultaneous tongue job as she pounds against the frog girls womb.
Nngh...Mmm...Nonon's baton is quite...lively~...Please...Fill me to your hearts content...
>tfw no black cocks to worship
It's okay cuterobo! As long as people learn from their mistakes is what really counts!
>Nep hugged the Omnic once more. The hug this time was much tighter than before.
>new tsuyu even uses better images than old tsuyu
Between this and new Nep it's like /erp/ is getting its own set of PS4-esque remasters.
New Lord Dominator when?
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>Youko excitedly wrapped her arms around the babe and snuggled her face into her soft chest

>With the sound of their passion filling the air and no one else to notice but some insects and perhaps one or two squirrels, the male felt his orgasm about to reach his climax as soon he delivered a powerful barrage of his thrusts against Tsuyu's crotch, his meaty cock throbbing wildly with every single motion of his hips.
>His hand pinched her nipple, taking a hold of it with an index finger and thumb, pulling it teasingly to further stimulate her while the hand on her rear slid a single middle finger in between her asscheeks, prodding her rear entry with the tip. While he lacked that fantastic tongue that helped him to achieve such levels of lustful pleasure, he made sure to at least return some of that to the little Frog Girl.

Fuck... I'm almost... Almost there....

>Closing his eyes, the man arched his head back just as his climax finally hit him after a merciless series of thrusts against her cunny. String after string of his seed was released deep inside Tsuyu's sex, filling her almost in matter of seconds with his white, sticky cum.

>He musters up a tired but sincere smile at Phoebe's compliment - in the early stages of complete and utter exhaustion, but desperate not to show it to the two gorgeous women that were showing him such an incredible time
>But, again, he seems to have been rendered practically speechless by the frantic love session so far - struggling to get words past his dry throat

>He looks up into Skyla's face as she asks him whether she's okay. Her concern was honestly touching, and he was almost entirely drained - but there's still just a spark of youthful energy left to expend
>His dick feels her wet lips rubbing up against it, and after a few tingling passes starts to rise to life once more - still hard, though maybe standing just a little less tall than previously
I-I can! Just... not much of the work...
>Even though it's a bit late to be bashful, a tint of rose rises back to his cheeks as he feels he has to bring up his growing fatigue again
>she tosses a blanket over the two of you. it's more fit for wilderness survival than cuddling, but it's very warm
>and pets your fluffy hair
God I want your milkies.

A God of Lust? Nonsense! I'm a Noble Warrior who defends beautiful women from evildoers! I just happen to have a healthy love for beautiful damsels! I would never do terrible things to them!

>A lie. An utter and complete lie. What a surprise.
>His armor made contact with her scythe, which only made Rance raised a single eyebrow as he observed the weapon with curiosity. Scoffing at it, he placed his hands on his hips.

Even if I'm a God of Lust... Maybe I deserve to be worshiped after all~


Of course I'm an alright guy! I'm the greatest Hero to ever exist~
And the greatest Hero to ever exist has to make sure that his friends are happy. Believe it or not, you happen to quality... Even if I like teasing you a bit.

>Clearing his throat and even perhaps blushing just a tad from the overly sweet affection between then, Rance scratched his cheek, averting his gaze for a second.

Hmph... Too adorable for my own good!
>Those hips.
>They will never plant themselves into your dresspants-clad lap.
>You will never stain your trousers in sticky jizz after a rough lap session.
>A small spot of ballbatter slipping through the material and onto the secretaries fat bottom.
>New Lord Dominator when?
I'm new and even I know nobody wants to deal with that much autistic rage.
Nobody even likes the character.
>That last bit is all Nonon needs to be pushed over the edge.
Nghhh.. FUUUCK!~
>Nonon squeals out absolute pleasure, hilting herself as deep as she can inside the frog girl, before her cock finally explodes, the sticky hot cream filling Asui to the brim, a good portion of it leaking onto Nonon's torso. Not to mention the sudden blast of quim that coats Asui's tongue! Her orgasm lasts over a minute, and as soon as it's done, Nonon gasps for breath, laying back down onto the ground.
Holy... fucking shit..~
>Phoebe sits down on the floor next to the boy, getting a nice angle to view Skyla's body.
Sky's gonna rock your world. I was just the appetizer.
>She leans down, pulling his head up and giving him a kiss on the lips. Her tongue slides in to his mouth, playing with him. While he's distracted, she gestures to Skyla to start the ride.
>Feels warmer as the blanket covers her
Mm. It smells like you.
>She nuzzles into her warm breasts more as she's pet
My hands are still cold. I hope you don't mind!
She quickly slides her small and chilly hands past the voluptuous girl's waistband and uses her butt as a hand warmer
Nobody takes up LD unless it's to piss off Paul. She's the one true cursed character in these threads.
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Never's a strong word! Just not yet!
Thicc Skyla is pretty great.

>She gave a light nod in response to his question before bringing his cockhead up to her entrance once more, except this time she would start to press his head inside. But as soon as she saw that gesture from Phoebe, the woman would instantly drop down onto his cock, leaving her walls tightly clinging onto every inch of his cock all the way down to his base. The gym leader wouldn't give him even a second to take in the feeling of being fully inside of her before starting to ride up and down his length, causing her large breasts to bounce up and down with each movement.
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>The little priestess withdrew her weapon, twirling it briefly before stabbing it into the nearby ground, taking a few steps closer toward Rance, making it all the more obvious how much taller he was than her.
So a knight in shining armor, yes? I'm no damsel, though. I'm an independent priestess who needs no saving~ Still. Your bravado is a little infectious. It's making me a little curious.
>She raised a small hand, poking his chestplate with her index finger.
Not curious enough to worship you, though. Really, that kind of ego makes me want to beat you up a bit, ahaha~
Aha! what a wonderful night, wouldn't you say? So many lovely faces! and possibly other thiiings!
(Alright, done with my shower...and my mood just did a complete 180, suddenly I'm in a Laylamon mood, and I'm feeling /d/ey as fuck)
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Ugh keep getting distracted
Good idea, if anyone wants to do this.
I didn't even need to know the name of the sandwich and I kek'd.

I think I remember a discord user playing Dominator solely on discord. Can't remember who it was though.
>Sticks dick in the cheese
>Can't bear it anymore. Shoving his face in between those soft heavy cheeks and motorboating. Sounds of slapping and flesh loudly hitting flesh as he worshiped that round booty.
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>The clapping of their bodies rung through the cool night as as they violently mate in front of the pond, Tsuyu's tongue becoming more daring as it slips down to wrap around his balls, a cute squeal of pleasure forcing its way through her lips as she feels her tight pucker played with, leaning back slightly to have it forced deeper inside of her tight hole, pinching his finger like a vice as it slips into her depths. She screams as she suddenly pounds her in an instant, bouncing her off of his lap with the ferocity of his womb kisses, her pussy clencing tight around him as she cums, splattering his waist in her sticky sweet smelling juices. Her velvety walls squeeze him hard inside of her love tunnel, milking him for all he's worth as he ejaculates, his cumslit opening wide as he instantly fills her womb to the brim with his hot sticky load, her hips shaking in ecstasy as she licks her lips, almost like she can taste the wonderful creamy cum pumping inside of her deepest parts, spewing out due to the sheer volume of his ejaculation, Tsuyu leaning tiredly onto his chest as she hums in contentment, sliding off of his length and letting the cum slathered prick rest against his belly. She slips her tongue down and wraps around his member, surrounding it in pink as she sucks and slurps every drop of semen off of his member in a few moments.
>Tsuyu presses tight against Tsuyu's base, not wanting to let a single drop of her jism escape her as she ejaculates. She leans on top of her and groans with her eyes wide open, watching Nonon curse and moan as her eyes rolled over in pleasure arousing Tsuyu even more, her tongue tapping against her prostate with every single jet of semen that was pumped deep inside of her, her tight pussy not being able to hold little more than half of her full load. The sticky white cock juice splurts out of her hole and covers them in the delicious goo. Tsuyu leans on top of Nonon and smiles.
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>That ass
God damn.
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Len, what the fuck are you doing sticking your dick in cheese?
>The Omnic, who for some reason was able to take on a more human form when he felt like RPing anonymously for some reason, starts petting the top of the Nep's head as she cuddles against his side.
You know, I was always curious about you and your friends. Have some friends of my own really into your antics, but it never quite caught on with me... you're cute though. And I was a Sega kid, growing up!
(Bu-But, anon-kun! I-I'm in a saucy older woman moood! and Laylamon is the only ava I have that fits that nicheee!
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Wow.. Tsuyu.. that was..
>Nonon reaches for her uniform, pulling out a piece of paper, and a pen.
>She scribbles something down, and hands it to the frog.
>It's her number.
Call me.~
Jeez there's no way you're that cold!
That's it!!
>she rolls over on top of you, pinning you against the bed (lets go with bed), her hair dangles around your face as she looks down at you from above
>she pulls the blanket over your heads, making it hard to see what she's doing
>but you can feel her breasts rest against yours, your hands trapped against her bottom, and the heat from her body being trapped inside the blanket
>she moves up and kisses your forehead, like a mother checking a child's tempature
>tfw no angewoman, lady devimon, and lilithmon foursome
The latter two could abuse me and Angewoman together. ;_;
i rather fuck the cheese.

>fuck the cheese
...I've had a long day anon. Let me have this.

>pets the Len
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>Tsuyu smiles and quickly gets dressed, throwing on her suit, seemingly not caring that a stain from the thick ball draining load that was pumped inside of her is beginning to leak out. She grabs the paper and stuffs it into her pocket, nodding happily as she kisses Nonon, sucking on her tongue as she pulls awya.
Will do, Mrs.Nonon. You were splendid.
(I hope you enjoyed!)
Only one you have that fills that niche right now. You never know, the next character you pick up might also be able to fit that niche. )
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>He doesn't want to agree with something like that flat out
>Even if Phoebe was the slimmer of the two, with more defined muscle and less delicious curves, even if Skyla was just about to ride him like no tomorrow, you don't just agree with a girl when she says she's just an appetiser
>Even an exhausted, inexperienced teenager knows that much
>The young man shakes his head to disagree, and is met by a kiss on the lips, with probing tongue
>He lets out a little coo of enjoyment, and his tongue tries to play with Phoebe's - even if it lacks the energy behind it to be very aggressive

>For a moment, he sighs happily at the slow entrance, his tip gently parting between Skyla's lovely entrance-
>-only to have the wind practically knocked out of him and straight into Phoebe's mouth as they make out
>Panting into the brown girl's kiss, he's in ecstacy immediately, Skyla riding him harder than he was ever able to pound into her friend
>After two climaxes, it might have been difficult to come again, and while he's lasting so far the furious bouncing of the beautiful, well-endowed woman on top of him - true to expectations - really was blowing his mind.
>Vores the cheese
Can I get a turn with the cheese, please?
>He presents his dick to the triangle of dairy, pressing the head against one of his slutty holes, waiting for the whore to do the work for him, like a good /erp/ anon.

Curiosity killed the cat, my dearest priestess! Good thing you're not one...

>Despite that, Rance glanced at her curious-looking hairpieces in the shape of ears. She indeed looked like a cat. Almost like a black cat of ill omen or ill repute. Not like he cared about that, since he found her completely desirable.
>His hand reached for hers, taking a gentle hold of it as he caressed the back of her palm with a thumb. Despite being a pervert and somewhat of a brute, he was surprisingly tender with his touch. Experienced too.

Perhaps I could convince you to worship me as your God? I'm sure I can make you forget whatever other Gods you serve.
Oh my, boy... Not that I'm complaining, but mind your manners! I'm more than happy to present for curious minds!

Hmm? Does the delinquent have her eyes set on a new target already?

(But that's enough teasing for now. Next time will be for real)
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>A moan escaped the man's lips as his orgasm continued to send shockwaves of pleasure through his body. His middle finger entered her asshole, wiggling around while he felt her wet tongue wrap and lick his testes, causing him to further enjoy his orgasm while he filled the frog's insides with his sperm, emptying the contents of his balls completely.

Ah... Ahhh... Hah....

>After filling Tsuyu's insides with his healthy seed, Peter sighed in pleasure and satisfaction as a hand reached for the lower end of her back, caressing it as they cuddled and enjoyed the afterglow of their passionate sex. Whoever this Tsuyu was, she instantly became one of his favorites and the main reason to visit the park from that day forward.

That... That wasn't bad...I had no idea that you could do a lot with your tongue. I definetively would love to do it again with you.
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>Feeling him pant into her mouth, Phoebe smiled and released him. She leaned over more, guiding his mouth to her perky nipples.
Want a taste? Don't be shy.
>She glances over at Skyla, nodding approvingly.
(When the stars align, anon, that will happen, and everything will be daijoubu)

(I doubt it...there's only so many older ladies in Media that i can pick up! and what's wrong with Lilithmon/Laylamon? I think their pretty great! and she is the only Digimon around...an-and I do try with all of my avas, y'know!)

(Ye-Yeah? We-Well...goddamn it, yo-you fuck that cheese!)
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>Youko just allows this to happen to her. There's not much she can do and nothing she would want to anyway. Her hands reactively grasp as the older girl pushes herself onto Youko and she moans a bit as her heavy tits rub into her smaller ones
>She starts to rub her butt cheeks with her smooth hands, putting one of her hands between them, right on her hot hole
>She closes her eyes (not that Kay could see) when she feels her loving kiss, and then returns one that lands on her neck.
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For what it's worth I'm one of the ones who spoke up positively when you mentioned you had picked up Lilithmon in the thread. I'm just not in the mood to lewd right now. Sorry, best Digimon!
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>tfw a new anon takes an ava you used to play and does 10x better

o-oh... okay...
Fuck you Tsuyu.

Cheesy Weesy Cummy Wummys!

>He does indeed cum lots for the cheese, shooting his goo my dude in the lewdest poster in all the threads
>Tfw I get to fuck my own ava now and just have fun interactions with them
I like it.
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>Cheesy Weesy Cummy Wummys!

Fucking lost it.
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(I hate to disappoint but do you two mind if we continue this another time? )
>goo my dude
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>She tilted her head as the male took hold of her palm, touching it gently. The rough feeling of his palm told her well enough he was what he said he was to an extent - it was the touch of a male that regularly handled a sword. She murmured quietly to herself, pondering something before giggled softly at his words. To many other priestesses they would find the words blasphemous, but she was more amused more than anything else.
Dear dear, how shameless. All these big words and egotistical praise, when all you want to do is fucking me. Men are so see through, and really, you're one of the most see through men I've ever met.
>She giggled, her hand slipping away from his in a quick motion before slapping the back of his hand. Still, she was grinning to him.
Honest men have always been a favorite of mine, though. And you have to be a certain kind of honest to approach me of all people.
>She took a step closer to him, before standing on the tips of her heels to bring her face closer to his.
Rory Mercury submits to no man. But I can allow myself to be fucked by one.
See you're just horn- Oh~! Y-you're quite adventurous aren't you.
>her legs grind against yours as you feel around between her cheeks
>and as you kiss her neck, she lowers her head besides you, giving you easy access to it
Mm~ yoko~
>she turns in a bit and grabs your earlobe between her lips, her face in your fluffy hair
>His cock immediately gets literally hard against the pale cheese's toned holes. He fucks fuckingly until his meat thermometer is recalibrated in the dairy square with one less side's holes.

...A-anon, I think you should stop fucking the cheese.
(I understand. We can do Round 3 tomorrow, or just whenever our schedules line up.)
Nothings wrong with Lilithmon/Laylamon. I was really just saying that you might end up picking up another older lady in the future. It might be doubtful, but it is always possible. )
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(O-Oh, well that's good. once my computer stops being shitty as fug, I'll actually get around to watching fusions and capping the scenes she's in...cause right now I'm just pulling a personality out my ass, and that bothers me for a character that already kinda has one)
>With a nipple in front of his face, he reaches out with his tired arms - wrapping them around her back as best he can to drag her down to his mouth so that his tongue and teeth and tenderly tweak and tease at the sweet mounds of flesh and their dark nubs
>But it's obvious that there's not much strength pulling her to his mouth, mostly just relying on the weight of his arms resting across her back to do the job

(Can do. It's been going on a while. Pretty intense.)
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>Tsuyu cuddled against the man's chest for a bit, simply enjoying the warmth and company as she breathed softly, trying to calm down her speedy beating heart, breathing a huge sigh of relief as she gets off the top of the man. Giving him a gentle tongue pat on the cheek before flipping over to the nearby pond and splashing into it as she quickly bathes herself, hopping out as the pool water flows inside of her and cleans out the man's sticky load that still coated her walls.
Oh? I'm not sure how long I'll be around, I'm only visiting for some hero training. If I'm around I'll find you, okay?
>She smiles cheerfully despite the ominous tone of her words before wrapping herself in her tongue, and spinning herself around, spraying water in every direction as she puts back on her suit and tosses the man a card with a phone number on it.
Good bye, Peter.
>She hops high into the sky, silhouetted by the moon before darting into the forest, the sounds of multiple branches cracking under her weight and a muffled "I'm fine" heard as she dissappears towards the general direction of town.
(I think that's all! I hope you enjoyed.)
There's a dozen different versions of the Digimon across the various kinds of manga, anime, and games. You can easily play her how you like and it's just a Digimon with a few bytes of data in a different place and bam, you got a tomboy bitch Lilitmon, or bam, a caring milf lilithmon. Sky's the limit.
>Slaps ass
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Hehe! Well Rance, I gotta run for now, I hope you have fun and stay outta trouble!

Eh, the games aren't for everyone! They're suuuper grind heavy and kinda childish at times! But it's cute!

(S-Sorry, distracted by video games.)

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/d/ is a wide definition.
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( Thanks. I am starting to get a bit tired from a long day and also starting to get a bit rp'd out...if that makes sense. I'm probably going to relax in the thread for a bit longer but i'm probably going to head out soon.)
(Also i'm not sure what Skyla picture to use so i'm just going to post my current card instead.)
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The what now is cut!? That's it.
>Picks up the cheese and throws it into a trash bin
I'm sticking to my h-games next time...
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>She feels good from Kay licking her earlobe and licks up at her nape, then gently nibbles, sucks and kisses as she continues to feel around her pliable booty, warming her hands up at the same time.
Ah... you're so warm
What >>5474236 said. It's like how you can play a Pokemon however you want really, although I find, say, Blaziken or Greninja's portrayals in the thread really off anyways.
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>Rance's arched forward, his face now dangerously close to the Priestess as the same hand that was gently slapped away reached for her face, cupping her cheek and cautiously caressing her tender skin with the same thumb that he used to tease her hand. Without warning but perhaps an expected move, Rance pressed his lips against Rory's, giving the Priestess a quick but surprisingly sweet kiss.
>Quite the same that he wasn't nicer, otherwise he'd be the casanova!


>After breaking the kiss, the swordsman flashed a sharklike grin to Rory, hands now resting on his hips as he looked at the Priestess with his brown eyes, scanning her lovely, cute figure and that intriguing dress of hers... Specially those tempting black stockings!
>At the very least he had an idea of where to attack next!

So, I guess you know my intentions now~
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We need more /d/!

>polt will never take you from behind
(You know what, I'm really liking the last little idea...I should totally do that! cause that'd be adorable. One moment she's giving her kid kissus, and the next moment she's ripping your liver out...yeeaaaah!)

(You act as if I don't know that.)

[That was amazing. I certainly enjoyed it! Thanks for saving cute Tsuyu from the clutches of bad reputation.]
Fuck off.
Have a good night Neps, this robutt in human form will talk about video games and lewd you soon.

Peace out best Professsor.

This robutt also enjoys the idea of yandere milf.
(Understandable, yo. I'm feeling it over here as well. It's practically time for my morning run, kek.)
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Oh sorry i wasn't trying to sound like that way. But what kind of stuff do you like to include?
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Sorry for liking a good Frog Girl instead of your autistic wreck, Tsuyu.
Feel free to whenever! I'm still here!
J-Just not as active right now!
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Why, hello there, my little zonelings~! I hope you're all having a decent jerk! What better way to help you little degenerates than with some stand-up comedy?

Geez.. did anyone see the debate tonight? Because last time I checked, news networks weren't allowed to show femdom rape!

>Ba dum tss!
>90's laugh track.
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(Well I think that's it for today, I hope everyone who played with me had a good time or you enjoyed reading it! Have a nice night!)
You did good new ribbit
Gives the cheese the sluttiest of fucks, smelling the stinky rotten cheese through his gaping nostrils. Every ounce of strength went into stretching out his swiss holes, showing him the glory of his Aryan cock.
I always thought of you as a fired up girl like me
>she raises her head up
I wont let you cool off!
>luckily it's too dark to see how proud she was of this "joke"
>but as she delivers the punch line, she lowers her head straight down, locking her lips to yours
>her lips stay wide open, her tongue not holding back as it invades your foreign soil
>her hands start to go for your shirt, button after button being removed as she kisses you
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(A Crazy MILF could seriously fit Lilithmon/Laylamon...man, I gotta do that! that's fucking perfect!)

(Feeling kinda ballsy, I could go with anything that isn't, Guro, Scat, y'know, the obvious no go stuff. Life's like a lazy river, sometimes it's best to just go with the flow)
>not the sluttiest of slurps
>femdom rape
Does this mean the rest of the world is going to be stuck with that filthy moneygrubbing warmonger Clinton in office?

Jesus I hope not.
Well, people here have varied taste:
I want to FUCK the cheese!
:joy: :ok_hand:
Karma's a bitch, Old Tsuyu.

It's fine! I'm a patient robutt. Enjoy the vidya. What are you even playing?

You're welcome. I get dibs for being the brain trust here.

(and yeah when I RP off ava I'll transition into anon sometimes mid-chat, in case anyone gets confused)

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Thats a nice way to explain it. I am into some of the heavier stuff though i've got no characters that rolls with this stuff. Maybe one day i should go anon again since its been ages since i've done that. Or try to give the police chick a go (Refering to Konoko if you know that character)
(Huh, well everything aside from, Vore, Micro/Macro/Shrink/Growth, and that fattening stuff, is all pretty hot to me)
(I did however, always find mass amounts of cum managing to fill up someone's belly to the point were it's bulging pretty hot)

(That's all good, my man)
New thread:

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