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/sug/ - Steven Universe General Chasing Those Dank Flavor C

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 698
Thread images: 251

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/sug/ - Steven Universe General

Chasing Those Dank Flavor Clouds Edition

>HQ DL Links for Season 1 and 2, plus comics and shorts:

>Crewniverse tumblr

>Listen to Soundtrack Here:


>OP Paste


>Extended Intro:

>The Classroom Gems

>Hot Dog Duffel Bag

>Lion Loves to Fit in a Box

>Unreleased Promo


>Heap of Trouble

>Goat Guardian

>Gem Bound

>Sword Dancers

>Thread Theme

>Sad Pearl Time Travel Mystery Adventure
Pearl=Best gem
steven is the best gem so obviously he would have the best taste in e-juice.
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it's nice getting breaks from you losers during the weekends
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hello cold tea brigade
I secretly wish I was on /sug/ while hanging out with friends.
>implying Steven won't live for forever
>implying Pearl won't be there for him when Connie dies
>implying they'll never fall for each other and have a secret romance that they can't tell the other Gems about
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First things first.


Second things second.


Now onto business.

She's cool.
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there are no guarantees which part of his parents he inherited more.

it's just about 50/50 he'll make it past 100

then pearl will have lost the last thing related to rose she can latch onto.
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Thanks so much!
I doubt Steven would ever die. And even if he were to suffer from a wound that would kill a normal human, I'm sure he could pull some Deus Ex Machina to survive it. Besides, Rose has already fulfilled her purpose and she got to experience childbirth, I doubt she'd want to come back over Steven.
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post thread theme nigs

I don't think she can take another death. Maybe she'll get pregnant
They'd only fuck in either Steven's or Pearl's temple room, they'd never do it in the house.
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yeah to what, to kill herself?
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Yeah. And to feel what Rose felt when having a baby inside
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I especially didn't miss you
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i'm eating these carrots right now and all i can taste is weed.
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i hope you choke on smoke you disgusting piece of shit
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yeah that's all fine and good and selfish up until she disappears herself and all that's left is a baby that might die shortly after depending if pearls not alone or not.
The temple's room are connected, so I bet the other gems can hear if they scream too much
More pics of Pearl smoking weed.
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i said i taste it.i never said i was smoking it.

yeesh crucify me bruv
What if Steven impregnated a Gem? Would the Gem give birth to a 75% Gem 25% Human without having to give their body up? Would they give birth to their fusion (example: if Steven impregnated Pearl would she give birth to a Rainbow Quartz)?
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dude what you got against smoke?
don't make me go over there and kick your ass
She can leave it to Peridot, so the cycle can continue
I've got asthma.
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can't believe I had to pause Journey for this shit
this is worse than the fedora song
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>brings new meaning to a test tube baby.
that's why you buy good ol rick simpson oil
I thought you hippy degenerate losers were supposed to be peaceful
But how would you know what it tastes like?
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>listening to fucking Journey
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what a fucking nerd
Fair point, and I guess Garnet's future vision could show her futures where she discovers them in the middle of it. Maybe Steven would convince them to join him and Pearl?
>degenerate losers

and that's where you outted yourself as an ignorant dunghead
You think I like having asthma?
Post garnet
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not my problem dude
never my problem
Journey's an OK band, they've just been overplayed to shit.
I miss anti-indexter
don't stop believing is the single most annoying song on radio, wheel in the sky and separate ways are god tier though
fucking high school musical
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I am ok with posting best mom
Why do you keep reposting this image every thread?
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is this a /dank/ thread?
you can have arthritis as much as you want, for all I care.
just don't shit up the threads with your antismoke bullshit
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i'll use a post to answer a post.
Yes. Yes it is.
Do whatever you want, I won't stop you.

Just doesn't it get old? This happens literally every thread. Where's the variety?
Pearl is the best gem. Prove me wrong.
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Do you, really?
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You already know you're wrong.
that one time she raped garnet and watched as a child nearly fell to his death
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it's there but you have to remember pot heads don't have so good short term memories.

but yes it's either this image i just posted or dejected bong pearl no matter what everyday.
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So just like Lapis.
I don't remember that.
No, I don't.
You faggots have yet to prove me wrong.
yes but with a personality
is that amethyst or young greg that just walked in in that image?
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amy = grunge
pearl = postpunk
Jasper = prog
steven = reggae

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No problem.
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you already know what time it is yall!!!!!!!! I will only be posting the latest chapter and then whatever I happen to write after in here so as to not flood the thread with too much of a wonderful thing! I'm showing restraint today and I'm doing it for YOU!!!!!!!!

CHAPTER 25 (1/2)

another slow day at the big donut. The two employees sit idle at the counter.
"hey sadie, I've been thinking. Maybe I should just quit? I mean, my heart just isn't into the donuts anymore. It's a really sad thought but I think I've just grown up.
I used to love donuts as a kid. They were my favorite food. But ever since I started working here, the thought of eating one with all that sugar on and in it is
enough to make me gag. I really don't mean any offense by this, but you've worked here a while, right? well, look what all those donuts have done to you."
"Lars you absolute piece of shit I don't even eat the donuts here. I swear to god I would beat the life out of you if I thought you actually knew any better"
"Wow, touchy subject. I thought we could be frank with each other, sadie, and not have to worry about the other getting sensitive."
"that's being frank? more like being an asshole. you made some really shitty assumptions. Just because I'm kind of maybe a little fat I must be sneaking off and eating
donuts all day? For the record lars, I hate donuts too. We could have really connected here but you just had to bungle the whole thing by running your mouth."
"Connecting? Over a shared dislike? Seems a little shallow, sadie."

Sadie rolls her eyes and turns to face the clock. Only 3 more hours until she can go home to her anime and video games. These days those were all she ever did.
Sadie does not have much of a social life. She realizes deep down that the games are a crutch, an escape from reality into a fantasy world of relaxing repetition and bright
shiny colors, but she can't think of anything else to relieve her of her crushing existential boredom. day in and day out, she wakes up, goes to work, goes home, plays
video games until bed, repeats. Through the games she can explore all sorts of amazing, colorful worlds, all much more fun and interesting than real life. When she
first got into the games, years ago, she was conflicted about the whole "being a consumerist sheep" thing, but at this point she has long since rationalized that away.
She looks back at the clock. Son of a bitch, it's only been 2 minutes.
"hey sadie, quick question for you"
"what do you want lars"
"do you believe that you have the ability to make decisions and form opinions outside of what you've been programmed to think and feel? Am I really only who I am today
because a bunch of random events shaped my thoughts and feelings? Can you really do anything truly random without your brain knowing about it before you?"
"Jesus christ lars" sadie exclaims sullenly, "get out of here with that big bong theory garbage talk. Maybe you really should quit."
Lapis=Easy Listening
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>post punk


>Jasper = prog
If anything, Steven or Greg would like prog.
Can you not.
Don't reply you fucking fool.
Ignore and hide.
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yeah because he didn't just type all that out for a tricksy doo or anything right?

>you must be new
too late buddy

maybe one day you'll understand avant-garde performance art
>Lapis=Easy Listening
it really fits her suicide aesthetic
What's with all the drugs on this thread?

oh shit i got you.
Good job missing the point.

this guy gets it
keep samefagging
people who are in a constant state of suffering usually turn to drugs
would you rather have drugs or absolute desolate inner suffering because i can do both fairly well.

the point is get bent you silly billy.
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would you like different mental illness i have that too

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Stoners and crybabies constantly get into arguments. It's nothing new really.

What're you on? Garnet and blues don't fit at all, if anything it would be Soul and even then she's not that depressing
Ahh yes. The hiatus. I get it now.
Look at the uid count. It's like the same 3 people.
nigga i'll end you
Yea, since Estelle is a soul singer.
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i wanna feel the hammer of the gun you have in my mouth pull back with my teeth don't even get me started.
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>this is good mane
Steven U. The harem anime when?
don't do it please.

it'd be too much.
I honestly want to see it happen. Maybe SU will get an anime reboot in 10 years like this with more gems for more fun.
Refresh my memory...why did we get kicked off /co/?
I want Steven to have all the Gems as his girlfriends.
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that feel when amethyst was a huge fan of this band thanks to greg

the hiatus you dumb piece of shit
Because faggots like you didn't contribute to the threads enough
this shit sounds like Asia
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boy aren't you anons some seedy bitter little weenies or what?

candlemass was some pretty good doom for its time.

i like this mostly now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPksoPVtVDc
Get some good taste you cringey kid.
depressed pearlfag shitposter, are you so sad that you have to shit up these threads all the time? can't you do something that would benefit your life and make it less sad? you simply can't cry about pearl and by proxy your life every day
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oh boy, your sure slaying them today.

i call people like you little fuck asses behind you back kid.

really feeling this circus noise aesthetic desu, good shit
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i'm here for a while and just wait til /co/ gets a load of me.

it's only going to get realer and realer.
Shut the fuck up, that faggot needs to die for being the huge autist he is and if you keep talking to it, it'll think its human.
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You're gonna get yourself banned for shitposting and spamming.
Just kill yourself already. In the flesh, it's not like you're not already dead inside.
gag on a dick mr rude and you better watch out or i'll make the op even better next time too.
He already got banned last night, that's why he's using a proxy right now. Fucking ass faggot, I'm just waiting so I can report his ass again
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well, the good die young and it's not like i cant just cheat my way back.
>boy aren't you anons some seedy bitter little weenies or what?
no, but hey let's just repeat the same thing every thread, surely that'll make for some interesting responses
Moderation team decided so
The reason behind the ruling is not as clear as when HSG had the same fate
it sure is but hey your not thinking about that aspect at all keep right a chugging along!
Instead of wasting your time with these ridiculous threads, start tying the rope around your neck you disgusting aspie
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>in your mouth
Well, he's fucking determined, I'll give him that.
Never ever

I'm shooting for midseason finale but god knows when that is.
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Right NOW
>Moderation team

What the heck are you talking about? It was just one mod, and it was because anti sug faggots kept filling the jans bins with reports for ban request.
/hsg/ is barely /co/ and is dead now so who gives a fuck honestly
i have motives beyond being a time waster like you plebes.

godbless the screencap button right?
>but hey let's just repeat the same thing every thread
isn't that what everyone already does anyway
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He's one of those faggots who thinks he actually gets paid those miserable cents for shitposting in a imageboard. Fucking ass idiot, I hope that bot he just installed bites him in the ass.
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>getting the asian out of the equation
you would think people would understand macro elements of stuff like this but they want that short sighted view so they can feel like they have a good grasp on their surroundings.
Keep samefagging and shittalking, that'll only get you banned more.
Learn English by the way, you repulsive prick
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you're so kawaii desu ne nani anon~
at the time HSG was a lot more active than sug, after more than a full year of hiatus
what makes you think he was banned in the first place
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>booo hooo hoo i cant do anything about it my big red sore ass.

look, i'm sorry you feel this way but you will have to grin a bear it and learn to love just a little bit more in life. [lays a gentle hand on your shoulder]
>I'd close my eyes if where you
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>mfw this thread

I thought of saying good morning but I'm not really sure if this is /sug/ anymore.
All we need to do is remove the depressed pearlfag and everything will return to normal.
poil is shit
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Share your weird/NSFW headcanons that you have with the thread.

>Steven's kids gets their own Gems when they're born
>The CGs have a competition on which one of them can fuse with Steven first
>Steven cheats on Connie with one of the Gems because they can shapeshift and Connie can't
poil is shit
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If we're stagnating because we're not making enough content, the solution is to make more content you fucking shitlords, not to complain about it and continue to make no content.

Use your mouse or track pad to draw your favorite gem in the clothes you're wearing. Use Paint if you have to. I'll start.
Hey I know fanfiction is stupid and dumb and all that crap, but has anyone read a SU fanfic that actually makes fusion seem like, erotic or something?

I've seen a few shipping fics but they always just have the gems doing human sexual shit even though they are aliens with bodies made of constructed light. I think if you did one where the act of fusing in itself was shown in a more visceral or exciting way then it would be kind of cool. Bring another level of interest and highlight the alien nature of the gems.
yeah get rid of him to make room for more great fan fiction
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What's a headcanon anyway? Is it like, stuff you'd like to see in the show but you know will never happen or are they based on actual canon?
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I'm like 70% sure they're the same person.
as the writer of your favorite fan fiction I can say with 100% certainty that they are not

even i know pearl is shit guys
You're responding to the same person who's shitting up the thread.
look here buddy i'm doing you a favor by writing this near-canon take on all your favorite characters while the hiatus is still in effect. I don't need you to be grateful because I know that what I'm doing is incredibly generous. This is your christmas gift you little shit. You're going to take it and you're going to like it
It's stuff that has never been said in the show that you think could be true and doesn't contradict canon.
Headcanon is sort of like a personal answer to something that haven't been touched upon in a work of fiction. For example, if it's never said that the main character in a book is fit or fat, you can headcanon that they are either or. But if the book says that the character is fit but you think of them as fat, you have an Alternative Universe (AU) where they are fat instead.
pearl and lapis are masochists

rose showed the crystal gems human sexuality via lesbian orgies
Fresh from twitter
>from twitter

keep it there
The threads are shit because a third of us are cranky about finals.

Over break things will cheer up. You'll see.
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>more implications that sardonix is the product of a rape fusion
thank u zukerberg do not sudoku yet
thanks for having rational thoughts anon!
gara can't draw faces for shit
sadie looks great but steven is fucked up
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Fresh lapis zuke OC? It really is Christmas
post your headcanons!

Mine is that indexer, depressed pearl, and fanfic anon are the same person
i have read 2 or 3 fics similar , the sexual ones are pretty boring no matter who it's on.
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>looks great
>about to get hammered

this is a good post.
It's actually two. One with Greg, and the second with Steven.
stop giving fuel to the retard, do you want him gone or not?
but yes, it's so fucking obvious those three retards are the same retard
Mine is that I'm the only one who looks forward to Pearl and Steven fusing.
>i have read 2 or 3 fics similar
Got any links? Or at least remember the names? I'd want to read something like that.
that's not true as I am too

...but it'll never happen
>tfw my finals are after Christmas break and when SU finally gets off hiatus

That's the worst feel.
genius fanfic writer here

I'm never going to leave and there's not a damn thing u can do about it

soon my fan fiction will replace the television show in your mind

soon I will be writing for the television show

think I don't have connections kid?

think again

think HARD

then click on my fan fiction and giver a go
it doesn't need too any how.

the hurt would be too real.
>...but it'll never happen
I doubt that they'd never show Steven using one of the most ambiguous Gem powers with Pearl. There's so much character development that could be done with them fusing.
keep replying, I'm only hiding your shitposts
kill yourself already, disgusting prick
i don't have the names but i'll try and dig them up
guys please someone help!!

some dipshit can't read my posts!!!!!!!!!!
i'm not the fanfic guy but you are the funniest when your ass is so sore and red and throbbing you know that right?

you little seether fan you.
In some ways I empathise with them, something pretty traumatising must've happened for them to be so autistic. Would be great if he just left already, though, the repetitive nature of their posts is tiring to see

To me, it seems a little off to have Steven fuse with another gem, given the suggestive nature of fusing (I know this has always been a hot topic, and I wouldn't go as far as to call it 'sexual', but there's definitely something...romantic(?) about it, for lack fo a better word). I can't begin to imagine how they'd handle Pearl fusing Steven, given Pearls really not-subtle thirst for fusion. It'd be weird shit to see.

whom is this targeted at?
Thanks! I really appreciate it. I kind of want to write something like that myself.

Or something like that really depressing idea I had in the last thread.
Please don't hide this post
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don't hide this one either anon please!
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sure ill bite
If the guy who makes the simulators ever does a montage of the depressed pearlfag, he needs to play "Crawling" over it.
pearl is pretty much the mother figure of the three only.

garnet can do the mother thing too but she's always been more of a fatherly type in terms of advice giving and orders.

that's what i got out of it at least.
not if the faggot dies before compilguy comes back
really sad that this guy would just willingly burn these bridges

think of all the fun times we could have had with him he seems like a blast
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looking grim.png
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the great part about inner turmoil right, is that doesn't mean i want to die...just suffer.
what are you talking about?
>autismo anon is samefagging again
Will it ever end?

I'd love to draw something but I'm colorblind and also can't draw for shit.

Take your tumblrisms elsewhere, anon.

pretty good, are you a drawfag?

I'd be tempted to write a non-shitty fanfic or something but I don't know where I'd want to dump it, plus I get the feeling fanficanon would put people off anyway.
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>whom is this targeted at?

Who taught you grammar?
Between Saiyans and Gems, who would win in a full blown race war?

>inb4 extinct monkeys, just think pre genocide
I don't care, man. Just throw yourself down the closest river and drown.
>Who taught you grammar?
nobody, I just wing it. Ya got me.

The most important part is understanding each other anyway
Why is gara so damn edgy?
This thread sucks. Where are the fun times, where's the soul?
I got soul in my panties.
His daddy pegged him and he liked it.
>Where are the fun times, where's the soul?

i got you covered pal thank me later

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>i don't care man
>in response to

do you not think about what your posting while you post or whut bruv?
L-L O N D O N ?
Are you mentally handicapped?
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no, are you still stupid enough to keep responding to bait like a good lil lad?

i can do this for hours and hours kid i'm on the job as we speak.
Just how active was HSG? Was it faster than /co/sug/ even during their hiatus, because that seems hard to keep track of.
>I can't begin to imagine how they'd handle Pearl fusing Steven, given Pearls really not-subtle thirst for fusion. It'd be weird shit to see.
Pearl was thirsty for fusing with Garnet because that made her feel strong when she thought she was weak. Fusing with Steven will probably be a bit weird because she would feel like she'd be one with Rose, when it's actually just Steven's Rose Quartz Gem. But I think this would be great for both Steven and Pearl, it could strengthen their bond and it could help Pearl with getting over Rose by giving her some closure, but maybe not immediately. Besides, think of how cool their fusion would look like, the old Rainbow Quartz was full of femininity, grace, and 80's fashion. It would be really interesting to see how a modern day Rainbow Quartz would look like with Steven in mind.
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I'll just keep on hiding them.
we're all real proud, son
who or what?
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>as he points this out and even takes the time to snag an image for it.
Thank you, I try my best.
i am, bored and taking a break from studying

make the fic and put it on pastebin, i'd want to read it
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Sometimes, what is right and what is moral are two separate things.
It was fast. Really fast. And it was the shittiest a general could get. Sometimes trash/sug/ reminds me of HSG in its hiatus time.
I don't think I can actually be bothered, got no inspiration right now anyway
>got no inspiration right now anyway
free your mind

take some peyote

then crack open my fan fiction
What's the fic gonna be about?
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Kittens are such clingy shits, I tell you what
They keep me up all night with their constant purring in my ears. Why do they even walk under your feet? Now I know why they get run over in the first place.
Oh for shit's sake I should've realised it was you.

That's the thing, I hadn't thought about it, I literally tossed the idea out just because these threads are so devoid of content, and I'd be interested in writing something anyway
>yellow diamond authority shill get out.
who are you quoting?
is that gem-smoocher?
So where else can we go if we get kicked out of here aswell?
alright guys

match the candidate to the gem
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>he can't accept Rose was wrong
>he can't use greentext correctly
that's replying, not quoting.
what a literal retard.
Ok, let me try to understand this...

On a distant planet one of the colony supervisors SUDDENLY decides that her colony is "bad" and starts sabotaging it's work. Large numbers of casualities and losses she justifies because of the "suffering" of horrifying slime-chemical creatures, who inhabits that planet.

Then it's became known that she's gonna totally obsessed with that monsters and constantly take part in their terrifying organic rituals.

After some time of that "celebrations", if i can call it that, she just spits on morality and social rules and starts trying to bring unnatural social networks, which exists between aforementioned monsters in standard social system, which in turn results in her preaching possibility and benefits of often and sometimes constant interclass fusions.

At the same time she's gather all kinds of defective deviants around her and fuses with them constantly.

Am i the only one, who thinks... how to put that...
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Write about something you wanna see in the show, that may not happen in a long while, or not at all.
tl;dr lol fix your format idiot loser
i don't understand. what are you trying to communicate with this post?

thanks and god bless
So. I should write about a Pearl/Steven fusion?#
That's what you want, right?
drawfag here again, just crank shit out and try to improve each time and eventually you'll make worthwhile things even if you have no inspiration

we really do need more content
Is it what you want?
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Basically this. Keep working on something and eventually you'll get better at it.
write about lapis falling in love with donald trump after joining his security team and saving him from a would-be #blacklivematter/#deportracism assassin
drown in piss, gently
Hey, can you please draw Rose Quartz lying on her side like Jabba the Hutt with Pearl chained up to her dressed in the Leia outfit?
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are we getting raided by tumblr falseflaggers?
is it the paid shitposters all over again?
>crying and bawwing sounds
not immediately because i need to study, write a paper, and go to lecture tonight, but in my free time sure
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>rose being wrong
>greentext problems and shitty nerds too wrapped up in the how and not the why of things.
THis <3333 pls its so important
i am a girl
No need to quote yourself.
Awesome, thanks!

Good luck with the studying and such.
no you are the demon
hey baby wanna kiss
are you the finals anon or the oral exam anon?
tits or get asked politely to maybe leave please if you don't mind
Eh, kind of. It's an interesting topic that's been a hot debate lately and it could be fun writing my own take on it, but I wouldn't be able to do it without some mild lewd implications.
I feel like this is the right time to tell you /sug/. I'm a little nervous but I think I'm ready. You see, I'm actually... a girl.
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nice world we live in right?

nice response did your kid brother give that one to you?
i know who you're talking about but i'm neither of them, i'm the easy-as-fuck 4-pager essay anon
These threads are filled with mentally ill lesbians, tell me something new.
no wonder you aren't writefagging ;)
Ahh right.
Yeah you're a faggot, 4 page is really nothing at all
But what's my word? I never actually studied for tests
Well then, write it. I'd love to hear your take on it
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Does anyone have the Garnet and Rose edit?
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>wants to stop her species' entire reproduction cycle without giving an alternative
"They're long lived!" isn't good enough. Eventually they'll need to consume a planet no matter what. Preaching what is effectively genocide and extinction for morality's sake isn't a good thing to do.
you seem tense.
you know there's no need to be upset, right?
drop the bottle, paper tiger
if he doesn't want it I'll just use it for mine

figured i'd toss out some freebies here

I'm an ideas guy, you see
>you're a faggot
guilty as charged
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>implying there aren't tons of planets without life on them

The universe is fucking gigantic, surely they could find a planet without life that they could use?
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is Garnet planning to land on her face?
Forgive me for being a faggot about this, but I've never really written anything, how would I even start?
>implying there is

we are a dead spot on a doomed galaxy
Do all fanartists draw Steven like shit?
Write something shitty as a warmup, then write what you really want to write.
Actually they need a planet with life, since them sucking a LIFE FORCE is the whole idea.
-are short-sighted little shit who would kill their own sisters to save a worm.

Life is necessary for kindergartens to operate. It would be easier and cheaper to set up on a barren world without life or in an asteroid belt if all it took was the minerals in the soil.
It's easier than it looks. Just imagine the scene in your head, write out what the characters are saying and throw in a few details about what they are doing and put in a bit of description for the scene.

It's basically like reading a book, but in reverse.
open notepad

think of idea

write idea

keep going

go back and revise (only if you're a big ol pussy)

then post it here every day

So then find a planet that only has amoebas or some shit.
Guys...what if steven, changes his shirt in the last episode or something
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Post cute/cozy gems

Alright, I'll be back with my shitty short Steven/Pearl fusion fic later (probably).

>then post it here every day

Please stop doing this, fanficanon.
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This >>463499 has got it to start with, but if you really want to git gud you should try to write something everyday. It doesn't have to be long or even good, just do it and don't stop if you feel discouraged or if you suck, because you probably do but you'll get better eventually if you try and work hard to be good.

In other words just do it faggot.
Anybody got that "/co/mrade lost" copypasta?
I'm willing to edit it
after warming up like anon said, write something you want to see. read it over, change it so it's closer to what you intented to write (you're new so your writing will feel clunky and you'll get frustrated, but keep going)

focus but don't dwell on what you did wrong, focus on adjusting what is wrong closer to what you wanted to get across
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what is this ant shit senpai?
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I'd love to see him wear a suit like how his mom wore a dress
How does /sug/ feel knowing that it has been thrown in the trash where it belongs?
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I'm the one who wrote it, here friendo.

>You know what, I can't fucking take these threads anymore. All you stupid fucks do is whine about your shitty waifus, complain about stupid meta shit, post the same shitty images, and talk about the same shitty subjects over and over and over. Literally playing games about dating your waifu and whether she will fuck you. PATHETIC. I thought these threads were supposed to be fun, but it's just full of asinine shit that has NOTHING to do with the SHOW. Well I'm done, I'm just fucking done here. I don't know what I expected in trying to generate conversation with you HALF-FORMED TROGLODYTES, it's obvious you all have no true interest in this show, just want to get off on the lewds of YOUR FAVORITE COLORED BITCH. Fuckers. I hope you idiots enjoy sucking Indexer's dick while jacking off into each others anuses about memes and fangs and whatever stupid fucking shit you care about. I'm never coming back to these useless generals, HOPE YOU DON'T MISS ME ON MY WAY OUT YOU FUCKING LOSER PRICKS. CONSIDER ANOTHER /CO/MRADE LOST.
slightly more annoyed than the last time someone made that joke
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>steven dressing like an over the top as fuck anime character while everyone else in town is going around in t-shirts and board shorts

fucking incredible
>Please stop doing this
not until everyone else is posting OC fan fiction

plus i'm on a goddamn roll I can't stop

I won't stop

That artist is shit anyway
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I'll double down on the 'writing feels clunky when you start out' comment.

Only solution is to practice so it feels more natural every day
>just look for the planets that are one in a billion
well get use to it, because its never gonna stop
Thanks for the advice, anons. I'll take some time to practice but probably not post any of it until I feel I've improved enough.

It may be worth mentioning I'm a musicfag as well; if I wanted to I could make music to match my fiction, though maybe that's taking the autism too far.
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It's not that clever of a joke, i have high hopes that people will eventually just go "heh, that's funny" and stop remarking it every time they hear about it
>It may be worth mentioning I'm a musicfag as well; if I wanted to I could make music to match my fiction, though maybe that's taking the autism too far.

trust me, you do not want to be that guy
well how's this

You know what, I can't fucking take these threads anymore. All you stupid fucks do is whine about your shitty waifus, complain about stupid meta shit, post the same shitty images, and talk about the same shitty subjects over and over and over. Literally playing games about dating your waifu and whether she will fuck you. PATHETIC. I thought these threads were supposed to be fun, but it's just full of asinine shit that has NOTHING to do with the SHOW. Well I'm done, I'm just fucking done here. I don't know what I expected in trying to generate conversation with you HALF-FORMED TROGLODYTES, it's obvious you all have no true interest in this show, just want to get off on the lewds of YOUR FAVORITE COLORED BITCH. Fuckers. I hope you idiots enjoy sucking Indexer's dick while jacking off into each others anuses about memes and fangs and whatever stupid fucking shit you care about. I'm never coming back to these useless generals, HOPE YOU DON'T MISS ME ON MY WAY OUT YOU FUCKING LOSER PRICKS. CONSIDER ANOTHER /SUG/AR CUBE LOST.
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/trash/ seems like a perfect home for /sug/ don't you think? Who needs /co/, am I right?
I'm not sure what you mean by that
Matching music to fics is just kinda cringey imo, and I have written a ton of fanfics so I know my autism.
Normally I assume /sug/ had standards. Boy was I wrong this is a new low.
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>Through some anime bullshit Steven becomes the most powerful gem with the ability to use any gem weapon he wants
>Oh, and he becomes the ruler of Homeworld and as a peacekeeper between earth and HW
How much would either of these piss you off?
the guy writing songs about memes and cartoons and dr who and shit

it's a slippery slope and real quick path to never being taken seriously again
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these are lovely thank you very much!
>I'm a musicfag as well
let's see some links
>implying these aren't already going to be canon
believe in steven stupid meme faggot
The first one I wouldn't accept unless he becomes Pink Diamond, the 2nd I'm well with.
Yeah I guess you're right. Still wish I could contribute some fan music or covers I'd done to these threads, but there's always a concern that it could be traced back to my non-SU stuff due to my music style, something that can't really happen with just fanfics.

I ain't comfortable linking my shit (see above), sorry.
Hell no this place sucks
>/sug/ on /trash/ board
Why am I not surprised?
How many attempts do you plan to make?
The first one will happen, but not the second one.
What happened to sniperbro?
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Gems need a gem to rule them. An idealistic half-gem raised as a human doesn't count.
>I ain't comfortable linking my shit (see above), sorry.
put it on vocaroo buddy, don't be a bitch
Honestly I'd say they're about the same

>has shitposters galore
>most of /co/sug replies to obvious shitposting
>falseflagging galore
>mods deleting threads (even regular discussion threads, although I think they've been kept up more recently)
>can't post porn, which some anons want (even though /aco/ exists, but that's quite a slow board to be fair)

>has at least 1 colossal autist, you know the one
>lots of shitposting, but it's ignored much more
>can post porn, which many here don't like

My style is really easy to spot since I stick to the same chords quite often, I'd hate to be 'found out', if you get me. I already have a soundcloud and I don't think it'd be too hard to figure out the link between my style. Maybe I'm just being too much of a pussy, but I can't help but feel that being found to create music for /sug/ would be suicide for my music portfolio.
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Its reasons like these that lend to /sug/ being thrown the /trash/.
I hope you're happy, cause I am :^)
You know I have to say that I admire how adamant you are in trying to become a troll master like myself, but I just can't see you as 'there' yet. Let me give you some pointers so maximize your shitposting game so you can begin to drop dank memes like their burning in your hands. First off I have to comment on your form, your giving yourself a big opening on a "who are you quoting?" by quoting nobody which I think is a beginner's mistake here. Secondly, blanket statements aren't enough to become the grand master troll that you aspire to be like me, you need to mix it up a bit my son so you can become a good troller like me. Throw in a meme or two and add a reaction face so you can gain attention from those you aspire to troll. Thirdly you should try to spread out your bait as to not make it seem like you're desperate for attention, and then mix up the format some more so you can throw off them biters off your trail as I have so many eons before. Try to work your way up to becoming a top-quality baiter and memer like myself so you do not become embarrassed by all the low quality trolling you are dishing out. When you become a grand master memer like myself you may wish you didn't resort to low quality tactics to try to meme others. You will get there my son, you just have to work hard and meme harder to be the best meme that you can be. I believe in you my son.

Your guide and inspiration,
Mr. Meme aka The Anonymous Lord of Memes
having Saturn in the first house is a bitch, I can't do shit nowadays and this stupid incoming Pluto square to my ascendant will fuck me up.
Who's rising the kid:

- A pair of lesbians, who get so triggered by even a slightest impolite question about they relationship, that they immediately jumps to physical violence. And this is they best social reaction since making a lie about dying kids.

- A nearly crazy neurotic, who completely unable to evaluate the situation, which making her rush between overprotectiveness (like putting a ton of bandages for one amazingly small scratch) and total indifference (like lesving kid in a dangerous life-threatening situations)

- A teenage-issued slob, who never heard about hygiene, and literally eats garbage, maing a mess out of herself, her room and the house, which will eventually result in cockroaches, mold, rats and other infestations. Oh, and she steals things, hijack cars and keeps parts of human corpses in her room.

Also all of them keeping an astounishing amount of deadly weapons in their rooms, in which 12-yeared kid CAN SIMPLY WALK.

Who's NOT rising the kid:

- An honest man, who devoted his all life to his love and family. A man, who refused to chase his own dream, just to be with his loved one, and when she's gone - starts working even harder to pay for everything his son needs, so he can have a happy childhood. A man who's NEVER refuse to help his son, even if that means colossal cost in work, time or money.

I think something go wrong, guys.
He wanders the battlefield, to this very day. Cipher sent him to hell, but he's going even deeper, to take back everything that he's lost. The world calls for wetwork, and he answers. No greater good, no just cause. He's gone, letting the legend come back to life.
sounds like bitch speak to me. I don't see the problem

i have an established brand and proudly consider my wonderful fan fiction to be part of it.

the key is to see where the line is to not cross it

no one's going to give a shit if you watch the show or write riveting tales based on its chapters, but they will absolutely point and laugh when you start singing about wanting to band lapis or whatever
Nah, the gems are cool and Greg doesn't know shit about magic.

This was a good choice.
>based on its chapters

i meant characters but I've got chapters on the brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! better get back to writing!!!
>>has at least 1 colossal autist, you know the one
Who, me?
Honest talk here, why do you do this?
The 2nd fusion reminds me of this song: https://youtu.be/PI3LAgGBxqU
to briefly quell the roaring emptiness inside him?
>thinking you'll get an honest answer
don't even bother, you can't get a straight answer from baiters/autists. The best you can do is ignore them until they wither away and die from loneliness.
>has at least 1 colossal autist, you know the one

Are you talking about indexer?
Episode where greg finally dies when?
what am I doing that is causing you such great stress my friend

let me help you
season 2b finale soon my friend
When Greg pays for everything... with his life!
you okay, /gf/aggot?
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I'm always around, lurking from afar. Opal is best gem, btw.
Guys stop your fighting
The thread is getting shittier than usual
Will his murdercock finally be put to a rest?
>Opal is best gem


what makes you think i am trying to rile u up though this is troubling i strive to spread nothing but happiness and jolly cheer
>Steven wears Greg's old black shirt under a white suit when he's older
>Pearl modified that the reincarnation of Rose looks like Greg
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can you just, like, leave?
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wise choice
no, Pearl will cut it from his dead body and use it to impregnate steven
ProTools MP9 and a keyboard. I do have a guitar (well, electric not acoustic) but can't play it so what you heard was the best-sounding MIDI guitar my DAW came with. Thanks though.
>Steven/Amethyst is a fucking orc
I can see that, actually
ref >>464283
no, sorry

that was fucking MIDI?
a la Realm of The Senses?
This is /trash/ after all, so I see why you want to stay.
Don't you browse other boards? Other threads in this same board?
>that was fucking MIDI?
yes, probably sounds more convincing than usual since I added a touch of reverb and whatever else (I don't remember what I did to make it sound more legitimate, I recorded it a while ago). A lot of the MIDI instruments in my DAW aren't too bad, actually, it just takes some digging and a bit of tweaking.
i like /mu/ and /ck/

isn't the rest of this board mostly just furry porn
well you definitely fooled me

real nice stuff
any /v/idya anons here?
What console would the gems play?

>/v/idya anons

what a fucking ridiculous term
thank you fanficanon.

Now please stop posting your fic in these threads and in return I'll post more music.
Pearl would be into the simulation games; Train Simulator, Farming Simulator, ect.
now you and I both know I can't do that
he asked what console, no what kind of game
yeah we know you're a virgin
I ain't gunna follow your rules

I did ask for consoles not games, but this is fine too.
let's just call it divine inspiration
More like extreme autism.
funny way to say shitposting
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s-sorry anon

>Pearl- WiiU
>Amy- Xbone
Not sure if Garnet would even play vidya desu senpai
Does anyone have any good fanfics where Peridot gets raped?
/k/ always has good taste.
>best gem plays best console
fuck yeah
How difficult is to open a new tab and fucking browse?!?!
I mean just Google IT???
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Garnet is more likely to play vidya than Pearl desu, but only local multiplayer with Steven
not in guns that is
I'm asking for recommendations, not confirmation that what I want exists. Please, this is very serious topic.
>local multiplayer with Steven
Yeah, I could see them playing one of the new Mario games or something similar.
Go suck on a lemon
literally learn how to browse FF.
at least use the aooo bookmarks
you say potato i say read my fan fiction
Garnet PC master race
Its a collection of spices.
you know we all hide it, right?
nobody is autistic enough like you to actually read it.
>Peridot builds Jasper a PC so she can render HD muscles
PC for lesbian VNs
PC for RTSes and Germany-tier simulators
Whatever she can find in the garbage/steal.
Whatever the gems can gouge from Greg.

>I ain't gunna follow your rules

come at me bro with none of your fancy tools
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>Germany-tier simulators

Guys please I'm just trying to find some good, realistic rape porn you don't have to make a big deal out of it
do we look like a fucking fanfiction database
look it up yourself you literal manbabby
You think I fucking care? I don't give a fucking shit.
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It's just fanfiction, man.
There was a guy that used to shill this fic where Ronaldo rapes Peridot and the gems have to heal her back to health. It was weird to say the least.
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What are you trying to prove, to who?
Fucking bite me
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Maybe if you make a tumblr and reblog it a million times on hashtag people will care to read it
Garnet takes Steven to the arcade and has cozy mom and son time with him.
Pearl plays the Wii, probably after finding some dancing game she likes. She then offers to play it with Steven to bond with him and to get him to be more active.
Amethyst would have either an Xbox or PlayStation, not really caring which so long as she can find a cool horror or shooter game.
Peridot custom builds a PC using shit from her escape pod, wasting no time to brag about how it's better than everyone else's on discussion boards, as opposed to actually playing games on it.
Steven plays Smash on the Cube.
Opal can't remember where she left her 3DS.

Now, tell me, if gems summoned firearms as opposed to melee weapons, what would they use?
Indexer pls
Anyone got any more futadot pics?
Why does everyone keep sexualizing the polymorphic sentient rocks?
I feel like this is the right time to tell you /sug/. I'm a little nervous but I think I'm ready. You see, I'm actually... a guy.
I agree with this post's the most. You win.

>Now, tell me, if gems summoned firearms as opposed to melee weapons, what would they use?

I'd answer but as a eurofag I don't really know shit about guns
Haven't you heard? Peridot has never fused before
Hahaha, he actually believes it the absolute madman.
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>in MY trash sug
Post balls or gtfo
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neither have i
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i dunno you tell me.
Try and hit me if you're able
What a nerd
No way!
Try and save pics in better res you total sperg
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I want to get a GF just so jasper can fuck her in front of me, make her orgasm again and again, all while making fun of my small cock and telling me how I'll. Ever be able to pleasure my GF like she can.

Is there something wrong with that?
and I'm out of lyrics that make sense in context.

try being an complete board surfing autistic faggot a little less and then i'll give your suggestion a go.

entitled little cum stain. ;)
the fact that you want Jasper to fuck your gf rather than fuck you
>calls others spergs when he's the one sperging
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What a fucking loser. Who would ever want to be apart of that?
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Ah Jesus, I needed that laugh.
God bless the autists.
>Opal can't remember where she left her 3DS.

Kek. Guys, can we trade all the shitposters in for snipers?
I've already read that one.
At the end she finds out she's pregnant and kills herself.
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>two weeks left until 2016

What a tool.
Then what was the name of your fusion?
you wish I was samefagging, but even so it doesn't not at all refute my point. Continue your shitposting as always anyway
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your trying..but trying isn't enough.

i want results.
Khyber Pass abortion survivor of a rifle
A water gun that shoots a healing salve that cures all ailments.
Hi-Point 9mm Carbine
An industrial water hose
Mk 19 grenade launcher
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Nice projection, but just don't mind me. You keep your sperging and I'll continue with my keks.
P-Peri... I don't have to tell you shit faggot!
I feel the same about you t︂b︂︂h f︂︂a︂m
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What's that shit in the OP? Who was the ebin memester who thought it'd be funny?
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>he's still replying back
Can't believe you're really that dense.
Holly molly, keep it coming.
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Don't point it out, just delete it in the next thread.
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Nah, you really don't. After all, you're the autist who's actually trying.
>Pearl: AR15 of some sort (watches MagPul's "Art of the Tactial Carbine" in her spare time, tightening her form)
>Amethyst: AK47/AKM (simple, requires minimum cleaning)
>Garnet: M2 Browning (just lugs it around like the Bulldozer of Fallujah)
>postan images
>proper grammar
nigga i ain't trying fo shit
are you the pearl that wishes for death?
can you do us a solid and wish harder?
how many weenie boys are going to be pitching a fit because their little enclosed bubble isn't the exact way they want it?

yeah i'll reply, i have the time and don't mind talking to you in the slightest.

you on the other hand have a raised heart beat every time you see a post directed at you soooooooooo.
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tfw you can't make a thread on the tablet because of the captcha
It's the same bullshit. Instead of memes you get a /soc/fag
I'm not, don't compare me to literal autists. I'm fine being just a 4chan variety autistic. If you want that dumb bullshit out of the OP then make the next thread.
When did Ruby look so deformed? Fucking fried egg eyes.
I've said it once and I'll say it again, the show's proportions are shit.
Did you just start watching SU senpai?
making next thread will be a pleasure, but we both know that certain autist has faster fingers than I do. So, if you want next thread to at least have a decent OP, don't jump in to the obviuos bait OP
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hi, suffering pearl here.

vodka and weed everyday anon.
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So what happened to you guys and correct capitalization? Normally I'd blame it on foreigners but this is still a problem during prime time.
everything's memes with you kids

can't you just enjoy an exciting work of art for what it is?
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I didn't remember Keystone Motel looking so shit.
Was it really that long since it aired?
My God, it really is.
intexter...pls... go...
Jasper's looking fine here.
Do you think that will trigger someone? That you will get a funny reaction?

we all had our bar mitzvahs and graduated to big boy speak
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Someone should photoshoop this so it looks like I'm aiming at worst gem.
So who's going to start the pearl slave trade auction meme?


I mean hopefully not me but if it needs to be me then I guess.
Turn it around and pull the trigger and I'd gladly do it.
Ruby's just ugly, anon.
"East Point = arctan (cosST/(-sinST * cos obl))

Vertex = arctan ((-cosST)/(sinST * cos obl-sin obl/tanlat))

Antivertex = Vertex +/-180 degrees

Where obl is obliquity and lat is latitude and ST is local sidereal time, and the quadrant of the answer can be determined from the algebraic signs of the answer and the numerator in the arctan."

astrology is hard, don't let anyone tell you otherwise
What a rude fucking thing to say to someone.

You must be a real angry piece of shit when you think it's safe to be.
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Welcome to 4chan.
You think anyone has to feel scared at you because you own guns? I'm. Shaking.
Bite my ass you stupid cunt.
Doomguy shoots at invisible pinkie
this is the most autistic general thread ive ever seen
Hi, I wasn't the gun anon but I certainly was the one who responded to you.

Act like a dickhead shitter get responded to like one.

The call and response of this isn't very hard to keep track of.
Please enjoy your stay.
And don't forget to keep your feet clean at all times.
Lapis specially looked fucking retarded, holy shit. Who boarded that scene?
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it really is, but it's too entertaining for me to leave now
A bunch of cry baby boys pissing and moaning because their precious thread isn't exactly how they wanted it.

It has to be just so in their little hug box internet playroom or they get fussy.
I have no idea, the entire episode was a bloody mess.
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I don't really understood you t︂b︂︂h
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He did name himself after an abused child murderer.
Then we're only keep up this lack of communication bruv. I'm fine with it being as I'm me.

But are you ok?

Paul and Raven
She looks decent here
what's the onomatopeia for the sound she makes when she summons her helmet?
please give me tips for when i make the next thread
We need a auction set up backdrop and then holding pen backdrop and we can just put pearls in the pens and up for auction!
God fucking damn it I love Jasper
Yeah, she looks good in one frame out of a whole scene.

It's so weird that a season finale episode can look so bad. Thanfully Jailbreak was better.
I love Jasper
It's ok, I used to be hard on you /freaks/ but then the general shitters made you guys seem great by comparasen.

So, you can fuck my pearl!
Jasper is love
her hips are made for loving
I bet she coax anons into crushing their own pelvis by saying lewd encouragement.
Explain this scene
please don't call lapis names anon
Thanks to this proportions argument I rewatched The Return/Jailbreak to look for more shit frames. God, I had forgotten how sexy Peridot looked with her limb enhancers.
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Not shown, poor anon who was given an angry handy.

Jasper was feeling aggressive and frisky...
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Just look at Lapis' head and hair. Jesus Christ.
Lapis has nice hair

All three look fucking retarded, I'm surprised there aren't many reaction images mined from this scene.
There is no gem called Peri other than Peridot
I guess Peridotite could be considered a Gem if Lapis and Malachite are.
Periclase perhaps?

>inb4 not gem
Pearl's not a gem either; not even a mineral.
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I bet you faggots couldn't talk about the show even if you tried.
you're a moron
I don't see you trying
look up faggot
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No greater good, no just cause.
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Gun dude here, I wasn't trying to start a fight between you guys, lets all just get along and shit.
Say what you what you will, I thought that the different angles that they played with and the color scheme of the episode were both really fun.
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>angry handy

Just don't mention op or the fanfic or how depressed pearl is in a negative light and i guess show discussion will flourish~!
nice melty gun.
They either really fucked mini-dot's proportions or simply made Peridot's limbs too fucking long in every other episode. I can't visualize her as she is now here.
i cannot hide your posts fast enough
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Yeah, they kinda fucked up.
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I've been trying to think of a fresh topic to discuss for the past twenty minutes.
More insecure than Pearl
My escort left me behind!
all we can do is speculate and take wild guesses and curse Sugar and hope that Zuke dies choking on her Lapis dildo
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How can you curse a god?
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did someone say fanfic?
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gun anon i think your just fine, and it's not me be a complete shitter over stuff that doesn't matter at all.

you made a request/suggestion and got responded to like you were some sort of asshole.

i don't know you, but i'd do the same just the same.

kill the shitter mentality and shitpost is all im after.

>>465593 <<<<
see what i mean? i mean how mad is this little boy right now? he even has to go so far as to tell me he's hiding my posts as if that's an actual thing that would do anything...to anyone.

fucking weebs mans
What's your game?
post it fucker i dare you
....i may have....?
Why do you assume he's mad? Maybe he's tired of your autism. It's understandable, actually.
There really isn't much that can be speculated on that already hasn't been discussed to death. The most recent episodes have been pretty straightforward, we'd need a really lore heavy or character introspective heavy episode to discuss more.

latest chapter's right here yall!!!

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this general is as futile as our existence
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a look.png
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firstly just because you post here doesn't mean you should speak as if you do.

it's not impressive to me or very interesting to hear everything negative described as autistic or faggy or whatever.

insult with more style guys that would be nice for a change.

about time this was said, loosen up maybe.
>this thread

pack it in everyone time to go back to /co/ and wait it out
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Post episode ideas.

>Hard mode
Slice of life that incorporates at least knew of the gems somehow
Honestly can't tell if it's Pearl or Lapis.
I'm already at /co/
I'm using the Thread Watcher and to be honest, everytime I press refresh and see a notif from here I shudder
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I love Pearl! I live for Pearl! I will die for Pearl!
blah blah blah mr teenager mind.
you get a brigade of trolls, and spam the god with pictures of poop or granny porn
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>hide post
>pointy nose
>gem on forehead
>big eyes
gee, i don't know
the best part though is that you have to initially read the post to figure out whether or not to hide it m8.

i only need the first time understanding to get at you.
Are you retarded?
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i drew it because i'm a faggot and i hate my life

didn't figure they'd be spammed like this, i've learned my lesson
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that's not how it works at all you supreme retard
you press hide
you press the post number and bam, you reply to a hidden post.
An autistic mongoloid like you couldn't have figured it out on your own, I guess
I want Jasper to cuddle me and Peridot.
you should def hate your life because everybody in the world hates you by default. Try killing yourself, do the world a favor. Be a hero! Save a life, put your misery at end
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Hey, I'm not talking about the picture mate, don't beat yourself over it. I'm talking about the last two epick links.
as you respond to what i said youfucking rube.

your a rube kid and you know it or you wouldn't be reacting like this now would you?
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>hide post
>tfw you'll never be fucked hard by Jasper and Peridot and be cuddled afterwards
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>someone already posted smokingisbad.jpg
Well fuck.
how many more days until SU starts again?
Smoking gives emotional relief.
Smoking is good.
>he still doesn't know

It got canned, kid.
It was axed faster than Heil Honey I'm Home.
Now go home.
I want Peridot to ask me out infront of everyone and humiliate her when I reject her!
And then I'll rape her in the parking lot!
You couldn't rape yourself even if your life depended on it.
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It's actually the best m8
Never stop truckin' you magnificent bastard
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Its not my thing, but if you say so.
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>and humiliate her when I reject her!
I never understood this
Unless you're slamming someone head-first into a trash can how is it an humiliation?
God pearl was so great in the first half of season one
Then don't say smoking is bad if you haven't taken a hit in your life, you shameless skank.
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;_; (393).png
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Fly me to the moon
And let me play among the stars
god DAAAAYUM this girl is fine
I'm building momentum on my feet.
Just keep your ass ready.
Then I guess I'll have to do just that!
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I don't care if people smoke, I just don't like Pearl smoking.

There's no need for such hostility. If you need to smoke please go outside, I don't want the smell seeping into the furniture.
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;_; (383).png
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Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
yeah you're right peridot really does have nice hair
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;_; (120).png
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In other words, hold my hand
In other words, darling kiss me
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Class, Smarts and Holograms
These were the ingridients chosen to create the perfect support character
but Professor Sugar accidentally added an extra ingridient to the concoction


those lyrics are bland
that writing is CHEAP
here's a fact i read off my snapple cap
"Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated"
stay tuned i have 6 more cases of snapple
Steven tries to prank Amethyst making her believe they'll make a Li'l Butler reboot, but the prank goes too far when Greg also believe it.
When Steven tells the truth, they both goes bananas.
To fix it up, he invites them to Rose's room so they can see "new" episodes when Steven asks the room for it.
And to make it not filter, the room tries to communicate with Greg
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;_; (499).png
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Fill my heart with song and
Let me sing for ever more
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Pearl smoking shows how far the character has fallen. It isn't like we are petitioning to let her say "fuck" or anything.
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Okay, I'll give this a try:

>Steven, Peridot and the Gems go to some ruins on a mission.
>While there, they find a strange piece of ancient gem tech.
>Peridot examines the device.
>It suddenly goes haywire.
>The device zaps Pearl & Amethyst with a massive bolt of energy, then explodes.
>Moments later, the dust and smoke from the explosion settles.
>Everyone is relieved to find Pearl and Amethyst, both a little dazed, but unharmed.
>Out of nowhere, a familiar-sounding voice says "Hey, what just happened??"
>Suddenly, Opal comes walking up behind Pearl and Amethyst.
>Everyone's fw
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>>The device zaps Pearl & Amethyst with a massive bolt of energy, then explodes.
For a moment I thought you'd go with the "epick mind exchange" route that every cartoon ever made feels the obligation to do at least once. Cheers for trying something different.
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Reminder that Yellow Diamond will not look this cool in the show.
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;_; (757).png
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You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
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Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the lord my soul to keep,
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the lord my soul to take
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The longest night to remember.png
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yeah, I dont think i'll ever be ready when or if Sugar shows us the gems right after Rose dies
Pearl falls so hard all she can go is up
In this shot we see Jasper teaching Lapis Downzuli how to walk
I endorse this
pearl would be the most likely to be addicted to smoking cigs or be an alcoholic. she's also very compulsive and outspoken so she'd also be the one to say fuck all the time
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Garnet is defused somehow, and when Ruby and Sapphire try to fuse it doesn't work, and they just roam around one of the top of the other actually believing the are fused. No one will try to correct them
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After the war is over and battle-call is done.
Our heroes are returning with honor nobly won,
in freedom's cause their blood was shed, and the flag they adore
Shall wave in triumph forever after the war.
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;_; (455).jpg
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In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you
pearl get poofed and steven misplaces her gem
in the toilet
we never see her again
>Had the eye line things of Frieza's final form.
No thanks bruv.
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I actually really enjoy reading your shitty troll fiction. Don't stop until you're finished.

[spoiler]Also carcassonne is a great game[/spoiler]
Changing the way you type doesn't hide your samefag
who is Peridot most likely to crush on?
Lapis because she's pretty.
thank u i appreciate the support in these trying times

and yes all i want in life is a good free online multiplayer carc
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either pearl, because she's so perplexed by how different she is from the pearl race she knows, or amethyst be muh stronk and warrior gem
Why not jaime or ronaldo?
or someone completely different.

This scene was so touching
Yeah cause I was touching my dick the whole time
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My headcanon is that Yellow Diamond doesn't use a weapon to fight, she just uses her bare fists
Pearl definitely, I bet he got a boner when pearl punched him
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>he isn't one with the shitposting
>he hasn't ascended to shitpost nirvana
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already confirmed amethyst r u even watching the television show steven universe baka dog
Is Peridot really that desperate for affection that she'd go for a human?
Yes, she is.
What a loser.
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>liking filthy degenerate human scum
she's clearly all over Steven though
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To the image cap!
i put those that may actually perhaps happen in show
Gem monster shows up on the beach and just scuttles around, is not actually hostile to the gems or anything really
Gems poof it and try to bubble him
Bubble turns blue and monster just reforms inside it
Uses it as a hamsterball to scuttle away
Garnet picks it up and takes it in the temple
All the bubbles in the temple turn blue
Gems overpowered by hamsterballs and we get to see tiny versions of basically every single gem monster fought until now
Steven has to channel his hamster patronus or some bullshit and just bubbles the entire room
All bubbles in the room turn back to pink except the big dick g's thats still scuttling around
Gems just pick up the hamster gem and throw it into the ocean

Episode ends with steven opening up and bubbling another chaaaaps package for peedle
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at least post best gem
I'm sure Jasper raped Lapis's ass the moment she stepped on HW. So she decided to fuse with her as a form of payback
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Reminder that Ronaldo is destined for greatness
i'm just hiding them
I read a fan fiction like that.
more like greaseness
Nah anon, I post 'em all. All gems are best gem.
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foooooolish clods.png
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Steven-Strong + Kind + Protection
Amethyst-Really Strong + Jokes + High Status(in Peri eyes)
Pearl-Intelligence + Handy dandy + Fellow mech
Greg-Watch the fandom explode
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How will you achieve transcendence if you push everyone away? You have to cultivate the ability to see the beauty in every shitpost, anon.
Lapis and Peridot look so fucking pretty on this picture I want to own them and never let them leave the house
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group photo.jpg
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>All gems are best gem.
true that, group photo
Only 25 left
Come here when it finally hits

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>homeworld gems
yeah, no
Why'd you delete the shorts dipshit
But the earth traitors are ugly, anon.
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>only liking the defective gems
get a load of this pleb
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homeworld snug.png
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>rag tag drag dressing rebels
ya na
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they are already on the mega
because he was sacred it was going to be another suffering pearl op.

got cha!
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I do not recognize that filename pattern
What site you getting these off, son?
furaffinity, there's actually some nice art on there if you dig through the masses
hey buddy nice thread but what happened to the fan fiction link how are people supposed to see the link the first post instead of the second post this is a huge inconvenience for me and all fans of this wonderful fan fiction and I would appreciate it if you would fix this problem next time you make a thread thank you and god bless
File: tumblr_nyicq74AlE1qjlauao2_540.gif (141KB, 540x300px) Image search: [Google]
141KB, 540x300px
Oh nevermind i'm fucking stupid
I've spent so little time on furaffinity
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64KB, 392x293px
I'm sorry, who are you?
I'm afraid I'm gonna have to hide your post
I know the gems are polymorphic but Pearl with a rack just doesn't feel right.
Shut you fucking mouth you piece of flith
no please not that anything but that what do you want I have money I can give you money beyond your wildest dreams just please do not hide my posts i am begging you
pls stop ruining mai waifu ;_;
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I like Mayor Dewey.
File: three little words.png (286KB, 798x516px) Image search: [Google]
three little words.png
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>Defective pearl thinking her words hold any value
how am I supposed to read this?
is it right to left, right?
But Pearl is not supposed to be lewd! ;_;
This frame always looked so fucking weird. Like you can barely tell where her chin is and the nose looks like shit.
File: Clusternightmare.png (37KB, 1679x1297px) Image search: [Google]
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I'm gonna say Armstrong.
Can't you at least make her lewd with small titties?
Or with better proportions
>Draw a big titted Pearl
>Doesn't draw a shortstack Peridot
File: Rose Mica and Garnet.png (852KB, 1000x923px) Image search: [Google]
Rose Mica and Garnet.png
852KB, 1000x923px
Of course.

After seeing this what happened to the
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It's social drinking if I'm on SUG, right?
we're all drinking and angry here
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248th for Pearl!
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Is this where the party is?
Aw fuck didn't see there was a new thread, I'll delete it.
Steven confronts the Gems on whether they actually care about him or if they just care about his Gem. He then runs into his Temple room crying and tries to segregate himself inside, but Pearl manages to get in before he blocks the entrance. Steven makes the room construct a huge wall in between him and Pearl. She tries to break it down but it only starts tearing itself down when they try to work out and talk about their issues.
Thread posts: 698
Thread images: 251

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