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RWBYgt Trash General #98: Beacon Bathtime Edition Previous

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Thread replies: 367
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RWBYgt Trash General #98: Beacon Bathtime Edition

Previous thread: >>3841134

Archive: http://cuckchan.org/trash/search/text/rwbygt/

CYOA Archive:
Toddquest: http://imgur.com/a/Ov4Gb
Biggirlquest: http://pastebin.com/ATJbuuUm
Biggirlquest pictures: http://imgur.com/a/JoF8e
Carrolquest: http://pastebin.com/5PCSqu1p
Grimmquest: http://pastebin.com/NJ2NYxXZ
AnonDarcQuest: http://pastebin.com/p3ccTPJp
AeroQuest: http://pastebin.com/u/Chinote

Current Ocho-CYOAs (8ch DOT net/rwby/)
Jasperquest: res/18947.html
Aeroquest: res/17216.html
Wendellquest: res/17090.html
RASSquest: res/16033.html

Rules of RWBYgt threads:
>1. Be comfy!
>2. Read the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UmEaBVGW
>3. Arguing about the thread isn't discussion.
>4. Don't believe their lies
Sleepy here, gotta resume soon at Ocho, how you anons doing?
Fighting against George Soros and the rest of the globalist elite.
Thinking of the new RWBY outfit preview.
Also Futa Mari on gazelle and smolgrill maybe.
Let's not go making promises we can't keep, eh?
Hey, idea?

Maybe some of the cool drawfags in this threads wants to make a picture of that meta bar with all the CYOA protagonists in it, for Thread #100?
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I know of Todd, Jasper and Mari's appearances. I know some of the others, but don't quite know their appearances.
So if you want one of the protags in there, gib description.

Also prabably going to take a while on this drawing.
Oh and in case anyone's wondering, this is two previous requests in one.

The Meta Bar will obviously not have futanari.
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o-oh boy...
do take your time, this looks..."promising"... to say the least

also I'm going to try to collect the descriptions of the others, hopefully the GMs can help me out if they read this
If you wanna know Wendell's
>Normal skin complexion with slight tan
>Dirty Blonde hair
>Dragonfly wings
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Grimm here.
Jefe is simple he looks like a typical Beowulf. The only difference about him, is that he stands straight up, His *mane* on his back goes down further to his lower back ( is also very fluffy.) And his hands are covered in bony material (kind of like gauntlets.)
>mfw bearded Jasper is of the turbulent wind
Sleepy here, more Wendell details
>"borrowed" Sunglasses
>Casual wear
>Average height
>Short hair

"Nah, I can get my own butts. It's important to earn the booty."

"That's kinda funny."

"How so?"

"You seem the kinda guy who's had everything handed to him."

"Well, since my main contribution to this mission is 'being the bait' I don't think I'd agree with that."

"Oh no" Pi drones. "I have to be pretty at a cute girl. What a nightmare."

"Ah-aaalright then. I think I'm done with this conversation."

"I'm just being honest." Pi shrugs. "It's not like being the cock-bait is hard."

[] Freeform
[] Just get to work
Get to work. Talking to her is a waste of oxygen.
But... Talking doesn't use any more oxygen than normal breathing...
"Really? I'm sure being the cock-bait is pretty...HARD. Get it?"
I get it!
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Here's RASS as they are now.
>go to work!
Three faunus and an elf.
Doesn't it? I mean you have to use your brain to come up with something to say, right? Wouldn't that require more oxygen than doing nothing?
Name of the first porn from RASS?
Poor little elf-boy.
Although I can't see why someoe would call Rowan an elf?
'cause he's a knife-eared piece of shit.

"Yeah, that's great." You wave over your shoulder as you leave her behind.

At least you wanted to leave her behind, but she's following you.

"What, no witty one-liners?"

You decide not to respond, instead closing your face mask as well.

"Thanks, P."

"No problem, boss!"

You ignore Pi asking if you're ignoring her.

"So, after we're done, you want to go see a movie or something?"

"What kinda movie?"

"What do you want to see?"

"Rogue Cop 5: The Revenge of Specter Isle."

"...Do I need to see the other four Rogue Cop movies?"

"I dunno. I sure hope not."

[] It's a date
[] Maybe something else?
>[] It's a date
penny a cute
>It's a date
>[] It's a date
>[] It's a date
JQ is back
Jaune just looks like normal Jaune plus a shitty teenage beard and green eyes

You could add some board-tans behind him I dunno
https://www.twitch tv/rtxrm9

Writing panel is up if anyone besides me is interested/needs inspiration.

"It's a date."


"...That was really missing any amount of drama."


"I was just expecting... Tension or something."



"Anyway, I think you passed the turn to

Fuck, I did say where Deery's parents lived, but now I don't remember.
It was like Station 12 or 13 or something
Try to remember long and hard.
Cyoanon is worst senpai
It was near one of the gates, wasn't it?
>4Q Jaune dates a CYOA character
Anyone up for GQ again?
(need 3 people minimum)

STR: 5
DEX: 1
DEF: 3
SPD: 3

Sunlight filters through holes in the ceiling.

The morning sun warms your body. You stir, slowly awakening.

Eyes blurry you slide out of your sleep spot, ready for the day ahead.
You are.

>Jefe (locked)
[x] Harvey
+2 dex
+1 to the rest
Harvey birbman
Closing in 3
What should I do?

>Watch Lucha Underground
>Run 4Q (And bullshit my way out of the canon-breaking sequence cause it was half-assed and I was hungry)
>Run 4Q (And try to keep going with the WRBY and us fucking up canon in inumerable ways)
>Keep playing Stardew valley (+1)
>Train my sprite drawing skills
[x] Stardew Valley
You are harvey birdmun, and you feel great!

Your nest quite comfortable and filled with shiny objects.

Looking around, you see Yang and ruby (you finally learned their names) sitting at the entrance talking.

Weiss stands in the middle, logs placed on top each other, and using glyphs she starts stacking them.

David comes in and begins using…. Ew his spit to meld them together.

Seems they are making a bigger shelter.

You see Jefe and pyrrha leave, near the back. Jefe holding pyrrha in his arms.

Soon you start hearing weird noises.

Well you got things to do.

Jefe told you of the hunter’s days away, and told you to scout them out.

But he also told you that there’s no rush.

You could go back home and see if mother is there and pay here a visit.

>scout (take someone with you)
>home (solo mission)
>write in (something else before you go?)

>Run 4Q (And bullshit my way out of the canon-breaking sequence cause it was half-assed and I was hungry)
[x] Scout ahead alone
>Run 4Q (And bullshit my way out of the canon-breaking sequence cause it was half-assed and I was hungry)
surprised Harvey remembers him home
closing in 3
Run 4Q to ruin the canon more.
(Timeline status when?)

Okay then gonna start running after I donate this elvish jewelry, and flirt with penny
Stop lusting after Nora, man
Well better safe than sorry you guess.

You stretch out your wings. Ready to take flight.

Now that you think about it, jefe did say to bring someone with you.

Nah you’re good.

You leap and beat your wings upwards.

The wind flows past your feathers, as you fly into the wide blue sky.

Flying is love flying is life.

Before long you are high enough to see the entire forest.

Jefe told you they would be near the old den by now.

With how fast you can fly you can make there pretty quickly, if you fly above the forest.

But they might see you approach.

Or you could fly beneath the trees it would take longer, but they wouldn’t be able to see you coming.

>Above the trees
>Below the trees.
>Below the trees
closing in 5
Last time
>I fucked up
>You fucked up
>We all fucked up

You stand in a void of pure darkness, your sight almost blinded by it, everything eating itself before you


On the corner of your eye a small text appear

>Press the the B button whenever you feel alone! something cool my happen

The text before it changes from time to time

>MiMi likes flowers and secretely cosplays! but don't tell her you know or she'll get angry

>Don't you think love triangles are so cliche? I hate them, Always try to avoid them

>Canon isn't really that big of a deal, It's more about how stupid things can go before people start ignoring you out of shame

>My birthday is coming tomorrow, I hope you guys at least say "Happy birthday!" I don't mind if you do

>I know you think I'm spouting bullshit, but hey, I actually consider myself quite sane

After that last text appearing in the corner of your eye, you wake up in your bed feeling like shit, like if someone hit you in the head with a Jackhammer

On the side of the bed is Nora looking at you with a worried face, hugging you once you regain consciousness

“Finally! Oh man I’m so glad!” Nora says as she hugs you, Pyrrha behind her with a face that you don’t really know how to identify

Pyrrha’s been getting pretty unidentifiable lately.

“What happened?” You say as you look around you, Sc/out/ sitting on Ren’s bed looking at you while chewing some bark

“You kinda passed out after we met that Beowulf remember?” Sc/out/ said as he scratches his head

Wait? What?

>But you remember helping that Beowulf!
>…You wanted to say something but you forgot it the moment you were going to say it
"Are you...sure?"
>check Sc/out/'s autonomy level

[Well that sure was a ride.]
I wonder what flowers are MiMi's favorites..
>stay silent.

>Don't you think love triangles are so cliche? I hate them, Always try to avoid them
you sneaky fuck.
Calling it
Pyrrha is the final boss
[Probably changes with the seasons. Also second.]
“Are…Are you sure?” You say as you stealthily check Sc/out/ autonomy level

>Sc/out/ autonomy level 3/5, did you really have to check tough? I wouldn’t stoop so low and fuck up that much


>Sorry, I’m getting carried away

“I’m pretty sure” Sc/out/ says as he jumps out of Ren’s bed, a frown in his face “You didn’t have a fever or anything else, you just passed out in front of the Grimm and the he took off” Sc/out/ shrugs “I brought you here as quick as I could when I saw you fall down”

“Well at the very least you’re okay” Nora says as she smiles at you

[Well that sure was a ride.]

Was it? I don’t even know what happened

<{He’s telling the truth you know}>
<{I’m currently speaking in another channel}>
<{Please don’t make me hard reset again}>
<{I honestly don’t wanna do that again}>
<{So please}>

Wait a minute

“What day is it?” You ask to whoever wants to answer

“Saturday” Pyrrha says, not happy nor sad, just…says

“Is Blake still gone?”

“Yup” Ren says assuring you that not everything is fixed

Crap again, guess you gonna have to deal with it

You try to get up, but get stopped by Nora

“Woah hey! Not so fast! You still need rest”

>”I just need some air and I’ll be fine”
>*Sigh* “…Okay”
>”Sorry I need to do some stuff first”
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Well you can’t take risks.

Jefe doesn’t like it when you take risks.

Tucking your wings in you dive downwards, the wind stings your eyes.

The ground comes closer and closer, before you hit the ground, you spread your wings.

You fly onward dodging trees and foliage. At this pace you will be there in an hour at least.


What if they do see you?

Do you run or fight. Jefe didn’t elaborate on that. You dodge another tree.

If worst come to worst you might have to fight your way out of this situation.

You smirk.

Good thing when you were traveling to find your new home you have been honing your skills.

You’ve got an ace up your sleeve HA-HA!


What was it again?
>avian reflector: all feathers smooth downwards into a mirror like sheen, reflecting all projectiles back at the enemy for ½ DMG. (Cannot be used in air, melee still hurts you.) (2AP)
>Edge lord: your wings become razor sharp and deal 6 DMG (causes bleed 2Dmg every turn.) (4AP)

But enough about that. You are almost here!

You flutter your wings and land on the ground.

Listening around for the hunters.

Hopping around, you hear voices!

You fly into a tree to get a better look.

“But this is so exciting this is my first mission I can’t let them down!”

Ahead you see a human, with orange reddish hair and green eyes. She radiates happiness.
It makes you sick.

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Another human comes into view, her arms and legs covered in metal. A mask covers her lower mouth.

“Well you being so excited is messing with my concentration. This isn’t a field trip lady we here to find those abnormal grimm.”

She pulls something out of her bag.

She pulls out three small *SHINY* balls and throws them into the air. The tops open up and little propellers come out, and they fly around the human.

These will find anything useful around here. So sit tight, little girl and watch a pro in action.

They fly off in three different directions. One heading near your position!

What do?
>Write in only
>”I just need some air and I’ll be fine”
⟨It wasn't entirely our fault. We can't possibly be expected to feed Nero.
Oh and hey, you learned it. Without a kiss. What a bummer ~⟩
>fly back to the cave
no way a propellor-propelled thingy is faster than a glorious Nevermore
>”I just need some air and I’ll be fine”
[jaune pyrrha is going to come after you be ready]
Flee in an indirect path so they don't follow you back to the den.
You need to go, you hop off the branch spreading your wings.

The ball starts beeping loudly!

It’s not even looking at you!? How did it see you?


The voice of the masked girl comes forward in your direction.

"artia! wait where are you going!?" the orange haired girl says panicky.

She ignores her.

You fly off above the trees.

A loud explosion rings behind you.

You look. You wish you hadn’t.

The masked huntress is flying behind you, bouts of fire coming from her legs.


Oh so that’s how it worked.

You fly left, she follows.

You have to get her off your tail and away from home!

Her arm transforms becoming a gun! Bullets whiz past you as you dodge and weave.

You look for a place to land.

>the old ruins (large)
>the river.
>somewhere else.

⟨It wasn't entirely our fault. We can't possibly be expected to feed Nero.
Oh and hey, you learned it. Without a kiss. What a bummer ~⟩

<{I would insult you...but I'm to tired}>
<{Dinner tonight? I'm free}>

[jaune pyrrha is going to come after you be ready]

Wait what? she's not a psycho

"I just need some air and I'll be fine" you say as you push Nora gently while getting up

Woah, you feel lightheaded

"Then I'll join you! I don't want you passing out in the middle of the street" Nora argues as she grabs you by the arm and interlocks it with hers, making you look like if you we're ready to dance

you leave and close the door behind you


"Hey Ren, have a smoke?" Pyrrha says as she looks at Ren

"You smoke?"

"I guess"

"Since when?"

"Since I started smoking"

"I'm not giving you smoke"

Pyrrha just looks at Ren and shrugs, getting a lighter and going on all fours, trying to light the rug on the floor

"What are you doing?"


“I’ll go get some, just don’t destroy this place” Sc/out/ says as he leaves “What’s your favorite brand?”

“…the smokey ones?”

Sc/out/ just sighs and leaves


You sit on a bench outside of Beacon, breathing the fresh air with your eyes closed

Not exactly what you wanted since you needed to talk with /D/eviant pronto, but you still appreciate the air

Nora does the exact same thing, sitting close to you and looking at the sky

You still have to deal with the /D/eviant problem tough

“I enjoy this” Nora says as she takes in the air “Y’know? Just being company to each other, not needing to strike a conversation or anything like that, makes you realize how used you are to each other” she says with a smile on her face

Fuck now you’ll feel bad if you diss her so you can have privacy and Summon /D/eviant

>Fuck it, you gotta do this
>Just spend more time with her, and wait until she leaves on her own
Go full ace combat and start doing air manouvers

>the old ruins (large)

Keep flying tough, don't stop never stop
>the river
The old ruins.
[Hey, a pity date is still a date. I'll take it.]
Spend some time with her you knob.
This, both of them
Should mention the first part is in response to MiMi
⟨With pleasure.
Although I'm actually surprised you have a meaning of time.⟩

>excuse yourself to go to the toilet, then summon
>confusing poor Jaune like that
you maniac
Forgot to hold shift
>Just spend more time with her, and wait until she leaves on her own
>wanting to confuse and scream at poor Jaune
jesus man...
To the ruins, it’s big enough to maneuver through.

Waves of bullets pass by, some grazing you.

Almost there!

You hear a loud clicking sound

You turn your head,

Her arm starts charging glowing an electric yellow.

"got you now! say bye-bye bird brain!"

She has you in her sights.

What do?
>Land and hide
>Turn around and use edge lord! (4Ap)
>vertical bank!
>land and hide
Turnabout Edge
vertical bank
whelp rolling and writing.
⟨With pleasure.
Although I'm actually surprised you have a meaning of time.⟩
[Hey, a pity date is still a date. I'll take it.]

It’s not a date!

<{It’s less meaning of time and more “My eyes hurt too much too have the sunlight hit me in the face”}>

You decide that at the very least you should spend some time with Nora, she probably got worried with you missing, so give her that

You both sit on the bench, staying silent for a while, Nora staying quiet as well…

Why is nothing happening?

Normally at this point something would explode, or a car would be running at you

<{It’s because I’m actively impeding anything from happening, Right now, Ruby and Weiss are solving a puzzle to free Yang from a really slow death trap, so that’ll take them a while}>
<{A truck was going to take out Nora just now as well, woke up the driver before he deviated}>
<{Pyrrha is crying on the bed right now, just broke the lock of the bathroom as Ren’s taking a shit and Sc/out/ is buying smokes, boom no unnecessary drama}>
<{And that’s just counting the last 5 minutes}>
<{Let me tell you, you better get me drunk, because this headache is just getting started}>
<{Keep on going like this and my brain will go to mush}>
<{….And I hope I’m being figurative}>

Huh, nothing is actually happening

>Say something (Specify)
>Put her arm on her shoulder, might as well
>Keep waiting
>Say something (im bored wanna get something to eat?)
[food solves all problems my fine bearded friend.]
>Put her arm on her shoulder, might as well
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CYOA Noises.jpg
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⟨Just out of curiosity, does the truck like the one in this picture?
Anyways, alcohol is bad, and I'm not sure how it would affect...you.
So how about, instead of getting you drunk, we'll give you a nice massage and watch a really really dumb movie to calm the brain? Like Pacific Rim.⟩

seconding the say something
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[I would've imagine if Blake is getting choked by Merc.]
[While taking a knot composed by /d/]
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Bird brain?




You fly upwards until almost upright, then flip over diving straight to the huntress.

Her eyes widen in surprise, but her arm still charges.

Your feathers straighten becoming razor sharp.

Time seems to slow down, both of you fly at blinding speeds.

It’s not long until you are face to face.

Her face becomes worried, and she fires.

But not before you cut into her.



Both of you fall. Plummeting towards the earth, you stunned by her attack.

And her being hit by your attack.

She crashes into the earth first.


And you land on her


You both lay there for a second just groaning.
>to be continued

>[choking ]
[this is my fetish. anon do not do this to me.]
>Grimm confirmed for Jasper
Dry here.
Call me when others done.
Meta bar eventually.
Futa Mari maybe someday.

>>Put her arm on her shoulder, might as well
⟨Just out of curiosity, does the truck like the one in this picture?
Anyways, alcohol is bad, and I'm not sure how it would affect...you.
So how about, instead of getting you drunk, we'll give you a nice massage and watch a really really dumb movie to calm the brain? Like Pacific Rim.⟩

<{Oh yeah? So like “Netflix and chill”? fufuf- oow ow}>
<{M-massage sounds okay}>

[I would've imagine if Blake is getting choked by Merc.]
[While taking a knot composed by /d/]

Yeah, thanks for the freaking mental image

You tap your fingers before deciding to break the ice

“Hey wanna grab something to eat?” You ask Nora as you smile at her

“Huh? Okay!” Nora just nods at you as she gets up “Where too?

>A fancy restaurant, eats up your money like a sun of a bitch, but hey! Silk napkins!
>A diner, nothing out of the ordinary, just food
>Cheapest place you can find, you gotta take care of your pockets, besides Nora probably dosent mind

(Shit didn't know Dry liked my quest)
(How much smut are you willing to have in exchange of cute art of Sc/out/ being cute (Or being shota))
[x] A diner
A Diner.
>A diner, nothing out of the ordinary, just food
[invite pyrrha you pussy.]
[also diners are awesome, i had lots of gossip, news and pleasant people are always there]
>>A diner, nothing out of the ordinary, just food

>(How much smut are you willing to have in exchange of cute art of Sc/out/ being cute (Or being shota))
I can't be bribed.
⟨I wouldn't be opposed to that~
Although I would be kinda worried about what might happen in bed with a cute girl with giant robo hands after watching giant robots fight giant monsters...⟩

>a Diner
>A diner, nothing out of the ordinary, just food
[Fuck Pyrrha; watching her struggle to be a character now that she's not a love interest is great]
[Nothing much I imagine, since your monster is far too tiny for her to fight]
[Agreed, Pyrrha trying to be a character is her first step of being "redeemable"]
⟨I wouldn't be opposed to that~
Although I would be kinda worried about what might happen in bed with a cute girl with giant robo hands after watching giant robots fight giant monsters...⟩

<{They’re detachable dum dum~, and besides…}>

[Nothing much I imagine, since your monster is far too tiny for her to fight]

<{fufuf- oooww, nope can’t laugh yet}>

[also diners are awesome, i had lots of gossip, news and pleasant people are always there]

“I know a Diner nearby, we can head there with no problem” you say as you take lead, Nora following you along for the ride without much rebuttal


You look at the building in front of you, a small Diner with a turned off neon sign saying “M.M FOOD” on it, the place looked worse for the wear but you could still see some charm on it, mostly an ironic charm, but a charm nonetheless

“This is the place” You say as you look at Nora “What do you think?”

“Looks run down”

“It’s not that bad” You say trying to defend your taste

“W-well it looks run down in a charming way.” Nora backs up, stuttering a little bit “I-it’s probably gets a lot of clients”

“Hmm, no not really”


You both enter and see a fat black man with a metal mask sit behind the counter, speaking to himself, he stops and look at you and Nora before pointing towards the table, you both kinda do as he says (somewhat out of fear) and sit in the table he pointed

Chef is dead. Don't bring him or his chocolate salty balls back.
>Thinking it's chef

Sweet summer child
There are no other fat black robot cooks. That is a specific thing.
The Diner itself is badly lit, one lightbulb trying to come to life as the windows provide must of the light

The man in mask gets off from the counter and approaches you, coughing and getting near you, Nora just looks at you expecting your reaction

The man just stands in front of you, towering over both of you seated, saying nothing

After a silence you speak up and ask “What do you have?”

The man just coughs a little and goes

“Beef rap, could lead to getting teeth capped
Or even a wreath for ma dukes on some grief crap
I suggest you change your diet
It can lead to high blood pressure if you fry it
Or even a stroke, heart attack, heart disease
It ain't no starting back once arteries start to squeeze
Take the easy way out phony, until then
They know they wouldn't be talking that baloney in the bullpen
So disgusting, pardon self as I discuss this
They talk a wealth of shit and they ain't never seen the justice
Bust this, like a cold milk from out the toilet
Two batteries some Brillo and some foil, he'a boil it
He be better off on PC glued
And it's a feud so don't be in no TV mood
Every week it's mystery meat, seaweed stewed”

“Food! We need food!” A voice comes out from the kitchen wailing like a starving man

Nora just moves her eyes between you and the man, fear in her face


>”That didn’t explain anything at all!”
⟨Hmph. I know they're detachable! Don't think I forgot your soft hands when we did the lewdest thing ever ~⟩

that rap was neat Nero
[x] The beef
"So, Nora; know any good diners?"
[Jaune, if you see shady figures in fruity suits, don't borrow money from them.]
[Chances are, they're part of the mafia.]
>Jaune borrows money from the Frutta
>is now strong enough to beat their asses
>No drama at all
>Super helpful
>Always there when you need her
>Maximum cute
>Prank master supreme
>Despite her limitations, wields a huge amount of power
P3-N1 best girl
>[Chief you see im in need of beef.
>Cant you see? Im hung like a tree.
>We need to see your skills if you please. To make a dinner with winner in mind like fine wine.
>So tell me is it meatloaf that gives heatstroke?
>or does it make me feel broke and choke?
>so show the dough that rolls and goes.]

if that doesnt work


[i tried my best, i am not good at this]
[I like it.]
“okaywe’llhavethebeefthankyou” you say quickly as you realize that running might be an option you don’t want to take

The man in the mask nods and retreats once again to the counter, this time heading to the kitchen as well

“FOOOD” Another wail comes from behind the kitchen

You’re not sure how many times Nora blinked since you got here

She just looks at you without saying anything

“aaah…*slurp* aaah *chew*” the same voice says from behind the kitchen

“Give it a sec for the pain to start
This wreck right here, it ain't for the faint of heart
They thought they saw the worst verse
From the team of G men who seem like nerds at first
Once they get to know us people dig us
Leaders in the fight for equal rights for niggas
Inventor of the more dementeder flow, no bout a-doubt it
This go for if you're bout it bout it or rowdy, rowdy
Whatever's clever, the master fold
Who every hooker heard of, but now ho know
If we see tomorrow, the next day classes
The villain in the back with the x-ray glasses
Have no fear, the ninja here
Feel 'em like the tinge in your ear from drinking ginger beer
When it's on loco head gon' lay low
And heat it like beef patty, coco bread kon queso
If you say so lace the whole case load
They say he wear a metal mask in case his face show
He told 'em they flows is bitch talk and ayo's
His whole crew walk with pitchfork and halos”


>You’re way too scared to even move
>Fuck it let’s bounce
>Break a window and run like hell
>”I-it’s not so bad!”
[x] It's not so bad
>Fuck it let’s bounce
No window breaking, incurring damages will just make him hunt us down
>Fuck it let’s bounce
Fuck this, head out.
>Fuck it let’s bounce
also >>3871074
MiMi best girl
>Fuck it let’s bounce
[What type of fucking diners does this place have? DINERS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE COMFY DAMMIT! THIS PLACE IS SHIT!
[Somehow, this place yells "ALLEGED" all over.]
Well she's pretty much a little sister.
You grab Nora by the hand and dart out of the Diner, because fuck me some places aren’t meant to be visited

You go to the door and push it yet… it’s locked

A cold sweat burrows your frow as you start pushing with all your might “nononono” You whisper to yourself as you keep pushing

“Jaune…” Nora says her spirit already fading, don’t worry girl just grab my hand and we’ll be safe, it’s all gonna be okay


Oh god it this how it’s gonna end? Inside a dingy diner? You don’t wanna die! NOT LIKE THIS!


You turn your head to Nora, if you we’re gonna die, at least you we’re going to die with her



She pulls the door with her free hand, opening silently and slowly as you realize how much of an idiot you were

You act like that didn’t happen and just run like hell, just as planned


>”We’ll be back with “attack of the killer cannibals” after these commercials”

Man that 24-hour horror channel really knows how to give you goosebumps. But anyway

You showed that young couple your sweet rapping skills! Hey! It’s the best method of self promotion don’t you think? You even put on a mask like in those themed restaurants, that’ll set you off from the others

You take out the delicious piece of beef you made with love and put it on a plate, writing “Happy meal!” in ketchup, it’s the little things that matter!

You just know this one will be the one! You’re even using the recipe your mama taught you! Maybe you’ll be able to change the lightbulbs after this!

You go to the counter with both plates and the nicest smile you can muster (It’s still just a frown after the incident with the car and you trying to save a puppy) and-


Guess my meal wasn’t happy enough




C-can we go back?
I feel bad for the guy, but evidently fate is conspiring against him, maybe he should reconsider the mask thing
Being Diner Rapper is suffering, we need his finest meals.
File: whatever.jpg (19KB, 300x100px) Image search: [Google]
19KB, 300x100px
[cant be oblivious when running a business. place wasn't comfy.]
You pant as you finally slow down, having a big breath of air as you do so

“What…kind of…diners…do you go to?!” Nora asks you while catching some breath

“H-hey! It was recommended!”

“By who?!”

“T-the monkey guy!”

“The monkey guy?!”

“I forget his name but he said the owner was the coolest and the food was great”

“Well the owner was probably killed and mutilated by that guy!”

“H-hey! I didn’t know that”

You both take a breather before Nora speaks up

“J-Jaune” Nora stutters


“Y-your hand” she says while her face goes red

My hand?


Apparently in the rush of adrenaline you forgot to let go of Nora’s hand

>”U-U-uh y-yeah, right” *Let go*
>*Don’t let go and start to look like a tomato*
>>*Don’t let go and start to look like a tomato*
>*Don’t let go and start to look like a tomato*
[x] Let go
>”U-U-uh y-yeah, right” *Let go*
[His name is Sun Wukong and if you listen closely he sounds a lot like one of the Achieve Men]
Don't let go
[Oh boy the spaghetti, Pyrrha gonna be PISSED]
"Yes, and?" No tomato face.
Fuck the rules, I'm going for her.
[Just remind me to make Sun mad, it would be glorious.]
[My fucking face if the canon-break and Sun getting mad resonante and he just disappears because he ragequits]
>*Don’t let go and start to look like a tomato*
[Tell her you don't mind it if she doesn't mind it.]
[You guys do remember we wanted to fix canon and get Blake and Merc back from /d/?]
[Maybe YOU wanted to]
grimm here.... uh might not be available for GQ for awhile.
I let my anger get the best of me. I might suffer consequences.
uh. bye.
[We can do that /and/ get with Nora.]
Good luck
Anyways, good luck
Trashed your monitor?
Is it a good story?
You keep your hand in place using the other to rub your neck in embarrassment

Nora kinda mimics you as well coughing a little bit, as both of your faces try to compete who’s gets to crimson first

“S-s-so…” you say trying to ignore how about you’re going to die of embarrassment


“K-k-now any other p-places…lightning?”






“h-haha m-maybe I do…Jaunusaurius rex?”


“S-s-so…t-take lead…sparkie?”

“H-Haha, S-s-s-sure”

And you walk alongside her, Nora following the lead while gripping your hand tighter

Oh god it’s so nasty and sweaty, but you don’t wanna let go, cause what if she thinks it the wrong way? Oh god it’s tumbling down


Oh god it’s so nasty and sweaty, but you don’t wanna let go, cause what if he thinks it the wrong way? Oh god it’s tumbling down


lets just say. I left someone bleeding and broken on the floor.
oh boy..
At some point Nora stops walking and points you to an ice cream

“G-great refreshments, m-makes you scream for it!” Nora says, still holding your hand, now drenched in sweat, giving out a weak and faint laugh

Oh god she’s laughing you gotta laugh too

“H-hope you don’t!” you try to make a counter joke but just realize how fucked up that sounds

“Y-yeah” Nora just looks at the horizon

You let go of her hand and both of you take the biggest gulp of air that you could imagine, wiping your sweaty hand against your shirt while Nora does the same

W-wait, what if she thinks that you wanted to stop grabbing hands because you dislike her or something, crap you gotta fix this


W-wait, what if he thinks that you wanted to stop grabbing hands because you dislike him or something, crap you gotta fix this


“I like grabbing your hand tough!” both of you say in unison while your faces are beet red as always



“Let’s just buy Ice cream”


<{Oh my that was hilarious! C’mon you gotta admit that was funny}>
<{Okay let’s give him his manhood back}>
<{Now we’re even~}>

You go to the ice cream vendor and he looks at you both

>Let her order her own
>”Two ice cream cones please”
>”One big ice cream for the two of us”
>”Two ice cream cones please”
>”Two ice cream cones please”
I don't think these dorks can handle sharing a cone right now. But get two different flavours so you have an excuse to share if one wants try out the other's
⟨You are evil, MiMi.
I love it.⟩

>”Two ice cream cones please”
if we let her order, we'll be broke
[get mint]
gonna take a small break


I want to earn it tho.
And I don't want it to be a meaningless one night stand.
Jesus you guys seriously like MiMi

Or maybe it's just that you fucks need some loli in your life
Hey, now. It's not my dick that would be going into MiMi's pooper.
I genuinly like her. She's an interesting character and I have a fondness for meta stuff and near godlike powers.
>Smug loli number 1254
>Being interesting

smut is smut im not picky.

I wonder though will anyone be willing to write snuff?
im not requesting it nor do i want it. im just saying if anyone is willing write it.
⟨You are evil, MiMi.
I love it.⟩

<{What can I say? I need my fun too every once in a while}>

“Two ice cream cones please” you say to the vendor as he nods and asks what flavor



You both kinda shut up for a little and the vendor gives both of you 2 mint ice cream cones

You both head towards a bench and sit in it eating your ice cream in silence

“Jaune?” Nora says as she gains some confidence “Is….Is this a date?”

>Say nothing
>*Deep breaths* “Yes”
>”I-I think so”
>Give her a kiss in the cheek, YOU MADMAN
I imagine low standards are involved
[x] Say nothing, eat ice cream
>"I-I mean... it uh, it could be, y'know, if you wanted it to be one, a date I mean."
"It can be, if you want it to."
>smirk and say nothing
Is there a blue haired weirdo sucking a banana dry?
Why is Pi such a bitch?
>she likes flowers and cosplaying
>she's amibitious and tries to look well to her superiors. could be out of gratitude, could be out of fear, maybe
>she is incredibly powerful yet does not show that all too often, and
>she has and knows her own limits but is not afraid of pushing them
>in the game she's from she's so unimportant that she can be called into herald-ism, which begs the question if she might be less confident than she appears to be

She's actually a lot more interesting than about 80% of the RWBY cast, with a lot more potential.
Why is she a herald? What type of flowers does she like?
How is a life that's solely dedicated to monitoring and supporting characters that are more vital to their respective medium than herself is to her medium?
Does she feel envy for them? Wrath? Pity, maybe?

We just witnessed her misusing her power for her own amusement. So how much freedom does she have? ow much freedom does she allow herself?

I don't judge you for being shallow, and I don't question whoever you take an interest in.
But don't judge others by your own standards.

People can never be more interesting to you as you allow them to be.
Needs a dick in her.
>tfw SPi could've done that herself
In retrospect, knowing what kind of person Pi is it's probably for the best we hobbled her with less effective powers
⟨I don't want to stress you out more, so I'll let this opportunity for a dirty joke about you having "fun" slip.⟩

>”I-I think so”
>wah my waifu with the worst personality in TQ is only 99% as powerful as she could have been
maybe she's so bitchy because she can't literally fuck herself?

Nah, I start to dislike Pi.
Would you rather a Deery or a Pi?
If you had to, man.
Her imouto is sick and dying and everything Pi does is to raise money for the treatment she needs. She takes every job she can get, mercenary, secretary, waitress; anything to get the cash she needs. She doesn't live for herself and that results in stress and tension boiling to the top.

Or she's just kind of a wanker

>maybe she's so bitchy because she can't literally fuck herself?
You mean just like everyone else, or has she somehow never heard of masturbation. Maybe we could hook her up, we know a doc who could help.
>Honesty is being a bitch

You guys are right. You'd have hated the mercenary route.
Pigeon is already dead, anon.
Can Pi shapeshift her personality?

Probably Deery.
Rip in peace whoever the fuck you were
>Can Pi shapeshift her personality?
SPi could...

While personality most certainly isn't based on the general layout of your brain, she could shapeshift single brain cells in such a way to manipulate the flux of nerve signals in her brain in a certain way that changes her personality.
Fuck it let’s go for gold

"I-I mean... it uh, it could be, y'know, if you wanted it to be one, a date I mean." You try to swallow your shame, she was worth it, all the stuff you both passed trough? Out of all the canon breaking shenanigans that you can attest to your name?

This one was the one you were actually happy of happening

"It can be, if you want it to." You add, okay Jaune this is your moment

Nora just looks to the horizon for a while before grabbing you by the neck and putting her lips nex-


Everything comes to a halt as MiMi just warps into the universe, nothing moving except her

{You guys really are determinate huh, aaargh} MiMi looks at the couple and groans {I honestly don’t know what to do here guys! Normally I’m more collected about this} MiMi gives another groan {And they look so cute too!}

{Look I made up the Non-canon hallmark on the fly, I’m sorry, it’s clear that you guys are going for her but I’m doing this for your own good!} MiMi says as she walks around

{If you make Nora be in a relationship with you, it will be the biggest canon-breaking event you’ll ever make! Just think about it!} MiMi says as she sits on a bench, her head getting dizzy {Oh god today has been killing me} she says as she rests for a while closing her eyes and massaging her forehead with her real arms {L-look I’m tired, I really am, You’ve been one of my toughest assignments yet and we’ve still only hit the first volume hallmark, I’ve been trying meditation and yoga and whatnot, While you were prancing around I’ve been erasing minds, redefining textures and…oh god} MiMi just winces in pain as she takes the ice from the ice cream vendor and puts it on her forehead

{Can you give me a hug? I could use a hug} She says as she sits on the bench

>Write in
The little kid with Grimm cancer. I've been over this.
[x] Give her a hug
Hug the fuck out of MiMi.
[Sorry, but I have no intention of backing down from the Nora Route. If this breaks the universe, then we'll build a new universe.]
[We'll make it up to you later with that message.]
[x] [yare yare daze. give her the H]
[personally i want sex craved pyrrha route. but there are more nora fags than me.]
>give a tight hug and a gentle headpat
⟨Eh, challenges help one grow, don't they?⟩
They're in a better place now
Y'know, unless the cancer followed them to the afterlife. Can you imagine that, that would suck balls.

>Honesty is being a bitch
Honesty is one thing. Hell, I wasn't even that bothered by her attempting to touch us after we said no. But then she acted all victimized as if we were the bad guys in the situation. She could've just dropped it after Penny bit her and everything would've been roses
btws Cancer thing is a reply to >>3873349
This. Pi needs to chill, if she wants to have Todd's dick she's got to go through official channels like everyone else.
[Jaune, if you're gonna break this canon, save it for V3]
>like everyone else.
Oh, so rape him first and get him to have consentual sex after that?
She can have a hug
Still going after Nora though, what's the point of this quest if not to disregard canon.
You go ahead and try to hug MiMi

Sadly you don’t have arms

{R-right, I-I…*Deep breath*} MiMi calms herself before summoning your physical body

You then proceed to sit on the bench next to MiMi and hug the fuck out of her

MiMi just closes her eyes and rests between your arms

After a while of her just staying motionless alongside you, she speaks

{I’m sorry…for looking so weak, hell of a professional I am huh?} she just goes back to nuzzle in between your arms

You decide to speak up

[Sorry, but I have no intention of backing down from the Nora Route. If this breaks the universe, then we'll build a new universe.]
[We'll make it up to you later with that message.]

{I know} MiMi says, not opening her eyes from tiredness {It won’t break the universe, but it will surely break me}

{Look I want to help you, I truly do, even tough I shouldn’t do it} she opens her eyes a little to see you in the face {But your going at this too fast for me too handle the workload, First Blake and Mercury, then Jefe, then the hard reset, and everything in only a weekend….You know how much of a bitch it is to try and handle all that workload? I’ve been having migraine since yesterday, add to that all the stunts you did before and I’ve got the whole month planned ahead of me}

{And meanwhile you guys are screwing around without a care in the world, and I honestly don’t blame you, I would do the same really, be in the main characters shoes for a while, do the things he couldn’t do, who wouldn’t}

{But would you please, please slow it down a little bit? At least with Nora? I mean it’s not even gonna end good for you anyways. You switch to Nora this early and she’s the one who goes for the sacrifice against Cinder, Jaune is cursed man I tell you}

You try to de-hug her but she just grabs your burly cowboy arms and holds them in place {I didn’t tell you to stop} she says with a mischievous face, at least she’s getting more relaxed now

>Write in
Finger her
That was just Ciel... and Valentine... I guess you could also count Chloe if you want to get technical...

Man Todd, you have issues
[Wait, you can tell us a vague future?]
Just hold her.

[We haven't done anything to Pyrrha's past though, so she should still be the one dealing with the Maiden bullshit, she just won't have us a character/emotional crutch. As long as we keep the duo away from that train wreck of a plot line, Nora should be fine, right?]
[But, I'll try to slow things down. We were going to fix the Blake/Merc situation before Nora arrived anyways.]
[so you're telling us to keep the relation at A and go after other women? HAREM ROUTE HERE WE COME! thanks cutie]
[also we going to save blake (and maybe mercury)]

[You don't look weak, you look exhausted. Everyone is that, quite often in fact.
Also, it feels nice being able to play the strong man for a girl with such powers.]
>Deery is less rapey than most of Todd's girls

maybe you should stop using the pointy brackets mate, Nero seems to dislike you
Do you think Izzy would've raped him if he somehow remained oblivious of her thirst for long enough?
already did

I hope so, but I think not. I think she would've manipulated into having sex with her.
"Oh no this old lady cursed me with her semblance and the only way to break the curse is for someone with massive cock and a name that ends with "odd" to take my virginity."
[Wait, you can tell us a vague future?]

{Less vague future, more informed guess}

[We haven't done anything to Pyrrha's past though, so she should still be the one dealing with the Maiden bullshit, she just won't have us a character/emotional crutch. As long as we keep the duo away from that train wreck of a plot line, Nora should be fine, right?]
[But, I'll try to slow things down. We were going to fix the Blake/Merc situation before Nora arrived anyways.]

{You still think that this world goes by on the rules of good writing? M&K exists, quite verily}

{I mean look at Pyrrha, you saw her, she’s a wreck, nothing fit to be a maiden, Ren is a guy so shit, Nora is the only one that’s getting along well and the strongest after Pyrrha herself, Plus add to the fact that the Canon has to correct itself, Pyrrha dies as a self-loathing, stalker, Yandere, creepazoid? Some people might cheer, Nora dies after having such a strong and stable relationship with you? Now that’s tragedy} MiMi says as she sits correctly, more rested now

{You see? Not only that, but you’re essentially breaking about half a volume if you don’t go to the Pyrrha route, I mean, it’s destiny! Like, literally!}

{Anyways, point is}

{Jaune is made to suffer, you came to the rescue for that and I applaud you, problem is, I have the latent fear that if you go too far off I’ll have a brain aneurism and die while doing something really embarrassing}

[You don't look weak, you look exhausted. Everyone is that, quite often in fact.
Also, it feels nice being able to play the strong man for a girl with such powers.]

MiMi smiles at you {And it’s nice having someone to hug me and carry me around for a while} before resting her back on the bench

She stays silent and you can hear her deep breaths as she starts calming herself

>Write in
Honestly, I think she was on the verge of giving up. She was throwing some serious trump cards out that night, if they didn't work, nothing would
"Shit. My name ends with ful."
[Well, what would you say we should do?
And a thing that's on my mind for quite some time: What happends once we finish all the current volumes?

Pizza, a movie and a bed? J-just because a bed is more comfy than a couch!]
[Why does it have to be someone from our team? Couldn't the canon correct itself to someone from RWBY? What about Velvet or Coco?

I feel like we're being told to recreate the canon, and in that case, what's the point of this experiment? So that we can see how it looks if Jaune has voices in his head that don't change anything in the story? That's boring. We know how that goes.]
[Shit... So it's a non canon month, and Pyrrha became a wreck in the first volume? That is some serious crutch, but I see how it is.]
[Well, what would you say we should do?
And a thing that's on my mind for quite some time: What happends once we finish all the current volumes? ]

[Why does it have to be someone from our team? Couldn't the canon correct itself to someone from RWBY? What about Velvet or Coco?

I feel like we're being told to recreate the canon, and in that case, what's the point of this experiment? So that we can see how it looks if Jaune has voices in his head that don't change anything in the story? That's boring. We know how that goes.]

{My guess? keep doing what you do, really I'm only saying these because I'm selfish, If I pass out during work? they send a temp and the moment my vitals spike up, he's gone} MiMi looks at the horizon

{They give us shiny titles but really we're just the expendable workforce, I'm ding this because I trust you, because I believe that you can make my life a little bit easier} a sad face shows withing MiMi

{The powers they gave me...they we're for fixing your stuff, the mess you make, but then you started to talk to me, and I first I tought you were just hoping for me to give an upgrade like a stupid weapon or a superpower, but you kept being kind...}

A face of pure sadness covers MiMi's face

{I'm sorry for bothering you like this, I know you must be probably raging to keep on that Nora route}

{I-it's my fault...I'll try and keep up next time}

She keeps sitting on the bench, looking the gloomiest you've ever seen her

>Write in
>kiss her

Jesus Christ I think I understand that anon feeling all tingly about Izzy now.
Hug her hard. Kiss her gently.
[Your employers may not care about you, but we do. Don't overwork yourself for them. Take a vacation, call in sick. Just make sure to take some time for yourself every now and then. You matter.]
It's weird, right?
it is. but I also like it. and I'm afraid.
File: 1467598982432937762082.jpg (332KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
332KB, 1280x720px
Beds are only more comfy for sitting with additional equipment.
that knife really disturbs me.
is it for defense against Skinwalkers?
The sheets are clean by the way, that's a stain. I'm gonna get new sheets soon.
Maybe not use a knife to jack off with the next set and that won't happen.
Can never be too careful.
Maybe shut up and I won't be forced to violate your gugoogle.
Can you imagine the face of some guy breaking into a truck only to find someone masturbating in it, who then proceeds to grab a knife and hold it towards the culprit.
Skinwalkers prefer to attack their victims while they're masturbating, the guard and their pants are down, no one is EVER ready for a skinwalker attack while jacking it.
Is anyone ever ready for anything while jacking it?

I mean, I'd even be not ready for a girl wanting to fuck me while I'm jacking it.
You decide to Hug MiMi as hard as you can, then finish off your combo with a slight kiss in her forehead, making her yelp in surprise but then smile warmly

{Y-you guys r-really are helpless huh?}

{I-I’m glad you are}

[Your employers may not care about you, but we do. Don't overwork yourself for them. Take a vacation, call in sick. Just make sure to take some time for yourself every now and then. You matter.]

{You guys are kinda the only vacation I have, since technically I’m still working…} MiMi smiles warmly as she closes her eyes, hugging your arm {So keep on visiting me why dontcha?} She says as she grins at you

She kinda stays glued to your arm for a few minutes before kissing your arm and getting up

{Well look at me huh? Stealing the spot light for our young lovers, I still need to fix this tough, moment I resume time and they’re still like this I’m still gonna suffer the aneurysm of my life} She says as she looks at Nora in the middle of violently kissing with Jaune

{Any idea? The more cost effective the better} She says as she looks at you, going into business mode once again

>Write in
I'm ready.


I kinda feel like getting a revolver so I don't have to keep my gun unloaded.
[Well. We could tell Nora that we think a relationship is a bad idea because it would hurt Pyrrha.
This way, we can keep the canon mostly intact without hurting Jaune's relationship with Nora and once V3 is over, Nora is free game, pleasing the Norafags.]
[Can you unfreeze only Jaune? Could we then summon [a] board(s) that could do your job for you? I'm not entirely sure who it'd fall under, but would that prevent, or at least mitigate the harm to yourself, or just make things a fuckload worse?]

[>we can't date you now because it might hurt this girl we aren't going to date, but when she dies in a month, we'll hit you up
That's fucking stupid.]
Exactly. Just imagine it, you're having some me-time, in the zone, all cozy with your disgusting fetish fuel of choice. Your laser-focused, your getting closer, you're just about to BAM SKINWALKER!
I keep a hatchet by my bed for that very reason.
[I'm just trying to come up with something. My brain doesn't quite function as effective as it usually does. I'm a bit too moonstruck to think properly.]
change >>3875108 to >>3875151
[Well. We could tell Nora that we think a relationship is a bad idea because it would hurt Pyrrha.
This way, we can keep the canon mostly intact without hurting Jaune's relationship with Nora and once V3 is over, Nora is free game, pleasing the Norafags.]

{I review your opinion too}

[>we can't date you now because it might hurt this girl we aren't going to date, but when she dies in a month, we'll hit you up
That's fucking stupid.]

{And kindly disagree}

[Can you unfreeze only Jaune? Could we then summon [a] board(s) that could do your job for you? I'm not entirely sure who it'd fall under, but would that prevent, or at least mitigate the harm to yourself, or just make things a fuckload worse?]

{Nobody can do my Job except me and any temp herald they find without a job so no dice there}

{Unfreezing Jaune I can do, but I don't really think he would be at all too pleased at us basically telling him to dump the girl he was aiming for just like that and I feel like we would just be making things a fuckload worse. No, this has to be keep between you and me, unless you find a way to say it nicely to him}

MiMi puts her hand on her chin and keeps thinking

{Well we could stop this exact moment from happening, since it's the catalyst, then you can take control of Jaune and reign him down, tough it can be hard, you know, love is the strongest thing in the world and all that spiel}

MiMi just looks at both of them {I mean I might have an idea, but it's a dumb one and it really only is a lesser of two evils}

>write in
[I don't want to break them up. I'd rather we fuck the universe to the point that there is no canon. Everything is new. Sure, certain things are bound to happen, but no one is tied to destiny anymore. Everyone can choose what they want and not be forced into it, like Pyrrha's death or Nora being this universe's Maiden.
But if 'restoring canon' is the only option, then I'll probably just let my voice fade out of Jaune's mind.]
[Well let's hear it, at least.]
[Also, what are the boundaries of heralds? What are the criteria, aside from not being an important character in their medium? Like, could we write a story with a someone deliberately being superfluous so we could use that one as a temp herald? We could even make him super altruistic so he'd love helping us out, even at his own expenses.]
i want a sex scene written by thatcher
me too
[I don't want to break them up. I'd rather we fuck the universe to the point that there is no canon. Everything is new. Sure, certain things are bound to happen, but no one is tied to destiny anymore. Everyone can choose what they want and not be forced into it, like Pyrrha's death or Nora being this universe's Maiden.
But if 'restoring canon' is the only option, then I'll probably just let my voice fade out of Jaune's mind.]

{We're not breaking them up, We're just doing my job a little easier, I was just doing an informed guess before, By all means, if you manage to save everyone, Not only will the experiment be a major success in proving your abilities, but hey, everyone lives}

{The problem is if we do it too much at a time the whole thing goes kaput, you saw the consequences with those car people}

{We just gotta thread lightly sometimes}

[Well let's hear it, at least.]

MiMi takes a peeble and throws it towards Nora's direction straight to the face

{Peeble knocks her out, Jaune freaks out, Jaune takes her to the hospital, Nora recovers quickly, You guys control Jaune, and you give me some time to set things straight, and Not only will you be able to do it, but I'll help you set up the occasion, how's that for a deal?}

MiMi looks at you like a used car salesman with a wide grin

[Also, what are the boundaries of heralds? What are the criteria, aside from not being an important character in their medium? Like, could we write a story with a someone deliberately being superfluous so we could use that one as a temp herald? We could even make him super altruistic so he'd love helping us out, even at his own expenses.]

MiMi looks at you with a ridiculous gaze {You manage to create a story, that manages to be actually called and actual story by normal people, and manage to pull that off? I'll marry you straight on the spot}
Forgot to add the

>Write in
[Alright, we'll go with the pebble plan.
What does "normal people" and "actual story" mean. Do friends or family count, as long as they're not anons? And how long does it have to be? In general a short story is considered anything from 100 to 100,000 letters.]
[And what kind of ring would you want~?]
[do it throw the pebble]
[do it throw the pebble]
[Alright, we'll go with the pebble plan.
What does "normal people" and "actual story" mean. Do friends or family count, as long as they're not anons? And how long does it have to be? In general, a short story is considered anything from 100 to 100,000 letters.]
[And what kind of ring would you want~?]

{A story, trough and trough, 3 arcs, hero’s journey yadda yadda yadda, Discovery, Denial, Climax, you know what you see day to day}

{And don’t you know every girl loves diamonds?} She says as she gives you a kiss in the cheek and makes your physical form disappear

{Thanks for the help. You don’t really see many perverts do that nowadays~} She says as she winks at you and resumes time




(And that’s it for today)
(Recommendations comments and stuff you wanna say just say it I’m all ears)
I think I fell for MiMi.
You did an awesome job with her.

Overall has 4Q become one of my top three favorite CYOAs.
pretty good mate. I like it alot.
Thank brah that makes me fuzzy inside

I had some doubts at the end since I didn't know how would people react with having a literal limiter of craziness with the quest

The problem is that at the pace of canon-breaking we were going, it would end up being a lol-so-random kind of quest, So I put that small limiter

I fully support going totally non-canon But it should be Non-canon where it matters, not on stupid individual stuff that are there just for laughs

That and I seriously want the Nora Route to flow more naturally, Is not that I want to impede it in any sort of way, just that I want it to flow like the same relationship Pyrrha and Jaune had
While I'm not a big fan of the Nora route (I'm not against it either per se, I just want MiMi to be safe), I feel like it's a good conflict and adds a nice dynamic.
Also when are we going to get fan art of MiMi in a wedding gown grumbling to herself about how the hell we managed to keep the part of our deal
looks like GQ will not be cancelled!
Goodnight everyone! happy 4th of july to my american friends!
Conglaturations on your daring escape

I'm working on that story, and I want it to be great.
I figured out the most important thing:
The McGuffin will be called "Herald's Heart" because I'm a huge sap.
Okay if you actually manage to pull it off then fucking kudos

But just so you get it clear

A herald is someone you can completely remove from the story, and there would be completely no significant change in the story at all, as in Jar-Jar binks levels of insignificance as in the character is a big-lipped alligator moment in it of itself
I don't see the difficulty in that. It just needs a little amibition and time is all, since the story doesn't have to be necessarily good.

And I think the herald part is the easiest. Just write a story and then randomly slap the herald somewhere in.
I'm sure that's how Jar-Jar was born, at least.

>go to party
>start dancing, with some random chick
>dude comes in thinking im stealing his girl
>i cant get a word in
>he wants to fight and challenges me
>i mad, and accept.
>I wipe the floor with him
>police show up
>thinking im going to be arrested.
>let go because of something called mutual combat.

There is a lot more to it but thats the basics. The guy was actually cool with the fight and apologized.
>The guy was actually cool with the fight and apologized.
best thing
I was expecting blood Grimm and you dissapoint me once again by being an actually decent human being

For shame
>actually decent human being
i felt horrible afterwards. the first part of the fight was him punching me everywhere. and it legit felt like ant bites. and i just boot him in the stomach causing him to throw up.

but he kept going and so did i.
What are the other two?
If you want cool stories about terrible people, you just have to ask me about my school years.
We wanted cool stories

Finally ate. I missed the feeling of food in my body.
Todd isn't Spiderman. We could only wish his bantz were so fresh.
>We will never be so dense that we continue to ignore Izzy's ridiculously overt attempts to seduce Todd
>We will never unknowingly edge her for days as her frustration towards Todd's obliviousness grows
>We will never wake up to a desperate Izzy forcing herself on Todd in the middle of the night
>We will never be smug about her loss of control for weeks afterwards
Feels bad man

At least there's still always Valentine to fill my fetish of having stuff done to you while asleep/unconscious
I just saw a large Boulder sitting on top of a hill.

On the Boulder was a word that was spray-painted.


I want to think that was some kind of clever planning that eventually when that Boulder rolls down that Hill someone is going to experience a real life Quick Time Event.
Hey Grimm here. Serious question here what do you like about the Grimm quest? What do you dislike?

The reason why im asking is because, im thinking about changing a lot of things around.

Maybe get rid of the RPG elements because it might be too complicated.

So give me your opinion here please.
The RPG elements are fine, they just don't come up often enough.
Maybe instead of a FF model (xp for combat, since that doesn't seem to be the focus anymore) try a V:TMB model (xp for completing objectives).
Also, not enough Ruby. Though that's just a personal preference.
thats actually how i do it. Jefe just leveled up for completing that dungeon.
(also you will get more rube)
Or pull an HJQ levelling system thatch implemented that is not suspended from the story
Choose your Character.

[] Cassandra Jean
[] William Noir
[] Alfonzo Bacon
[] (Create New Character)
One of the main reasons I like Grimm quest is the combat focus.

It's a breath of fresh air to be honest

Also yes I need more lewd rube

and we should be able to lewd the penny as well

Because our dick can do it
Through dick, unity.
>Create new character

Masked Wrestler that defeats everyone by pinning them clean with his SUPLEX RAINBOW
File: Big_MASK.jpg (96KB, 730x592px)
96KB, 730x592px
well you can lewd penny. (because shes life-like in every way. and she doesn't need to breathe!)

You heard him qm

Time to make everyone hit the mat

Shoulders down

Legs clinched

What is your name?

[] Write in

What is your weapon?

[] Mechanical fightan suit w/ qt AI companion
[] Bare hands and DETERMINATION
[] Write in
Masque De Smith


>Bare hands and DETERMINATION
Maximus flexius

unbreakable folding chair that turns into a sledge hammer.

Change weapon from>>3884244

I still want the Name to be Masque De Smith
File: Masque de Smith.png (57KB, 525x1065px) Image search: [Google]
Masque de Smith.png
57KB, 525x1065px
Your name is MASQUE DE SMITH and you are on a Dust Plane to Menagerie.

You and your team were hired by the Schnee Dust Company to keep the mining town of Gravel Pit safe from bandits and Grimm.

Speaking of your team...

[] Look to your left.
[] Look to your right.
[] Look straight ahead.
to the left.


>Not wearing skin tight spandex undies
>Not having those undies underneath a tuxedo so you can be battle ready and stylush at the same time
I thinkk we still need a qt ai companion
maybe Masque is just an idiot and assumes that she's 'the spirit of wrestling' or something
Every yes possible
LUCHA is an honorable sport you fool!

No idiot would be capable of unleaching the SUPLEX RAINBOW to it's full potential!

only honorable, and justice driven tecnicos can perfectly capsule the spirit of LUCHA

If we have an ai companion she should act as our referee and count the pins as well as tell us if out enemy is rope breaking because we are honorable and respect the rules of LUCHA
>thinking idiots can't be honourable
you could have Q.T.A.I function like when church takes over caboose

>Often they are the most honorable.
File: William Noir.png (41KB, 439x805px) Image search: [Google]
William Noir.png
41KB, 439x805px
You look to your left and see your trusted friend, William.

It seems he finally got his daughter to calm down, and is holding her gently to his chest as she sleeps.

You still don't like that he brought her along.

[] Voice your opinion (Write in?)
[] Keep it to yourself and look elsewhere. (Where?)

That vote has passed, sadly. Tin Soldier will have to see the light of some other day.
we're saying it should still be a luchadore, but have the AI too
No spirit of lucha underground AI
Dropped like a bad habit
>tfw your quest was supposed to be combat focused but it slowed way down so that combat only happens every few days and half of the voters only want to lewd the spider instead

>Give his daugther one of your spare mask

>"There, now the spirit of Lucha will protect her, just as a precaution"

Mate, LU is within all of us, you don't need an AI to put your opponent trough a flaming table
Making a new quest after almost no action in the original one, this has to be a new record ~
[] Keep it to yourself and look elsewhere (right)
I don't "only" want to lewd the spider...
She was a package deal with the one of the weapons ;_;

Don't listen to him

He just wants another Penny

Which is impossible
btw Chi, give Dry Aero's description
we were saying just put her in the chair/hammer
File: Alfonzo Bacon.png (32KB, 387x811px) Image search: [Google]
Alfonzo Bacon.png
32KB, 387x811px
You pull out one of your spare masks and offer it to the man.

"For her, so the spirit of Lucha will protect her. Just as a precaution."

He looks up at you with the tired eyes of a parent who hasn't been getting any sleep.

"Er... Thanks, pal. But uh, where were you even keeping that?"

You immediately look away.

To your right is your other brother in arms, Alfonzo. He's always been too cool for school, and a wiz with gadgets. You remember the day he built Maximus Flexius fondly.

[] "Sup?"
[] Chase the rabbit.
I was saying put her in the mask.
Masque could think it was possessed by the spirit of lucha when really it was just a special ops commando mask.
Aero is 5'2".
Red Fox faunus, trait is her tail.
Hair is basically opposite of Ruby's.
Green eyes.

Sorta looks like this girl, if she weren't a harpy;
Is 12Beast still a thing?
that sounds better
make her a combination of>>3884793
and dr grey
Woah, Aero is a lot bustier than I imagined..
Last I saw, it supposedly is, it's just that no one cares enough to translate it.
[] "Sup?"
>Nod at him then look somewhere else
You look down at him.

He looks up at you.

You nod.

He nods back.



Truly this is the epitome of brotherhood.
File: Cassandra Jean.png (37KB, 365x809px)
Cassandra Jean.png
37KB, 365x809px
Turning to face the front you look the the last member of your team, Cassandra.

She's watching little Lena sleep with a wistful look on her face.

[] "Is something wrong?"
[] Remain silent
[] Write in
>"You seem unable to fight, do you need a mask as well? I have bucketloads you know, different colors too"
"You seem unable to fight, do you need a mask as well? I have bucketloads you know, different colors too"

She looks up at you with a start, before schooling her features into a toothy grin.

"I'm sorry, what was that you said big guy? Last I checked, I've kicked your ass every time we've sparred!"

[] Cheeky response.
[] Blame chivalry.
[] Write in.
>[] Cheeky response.
>each time we fight, i am always distracted by your abs. very nice.
>"That was kayfabe Lena, I'm building up our rivalry, you know that, besides, I just don't want to use a piledriver and ruin your neck"
Oh right.
Again, new Aero thread;

Also, resuming.
I've shaved my head. I feel much better.
"That was kayfabe Cassandra, I'm building up our rivalry, you know that, besides, I just don't want to use a piledriver and ruin your neck"

"I'm not going to lie, I have no idea what you're talking about. But if that means you want to have another go, we can do it when we land. Unless you're feeling too pent up to wait~"

Cassie pls.

[] Accept her challenge
[] Accept her "challenge"
[] Decline her challenge
[] Write in
Accept "challenge"
We'll go right now if you want, I can last all night if that's how long it takes.
>give her a "bitch please" look

>"If we're going to fight we're doing it on the ring, so that you know I can beat you clean"
>[] Accept her "challenge"
"We'll go right now if you want, I can last all night if that's how long it takes."

As soon as those words leave your mouth, Cassandra gets a dangerous glint in her eye.

(+5 Cassandra Rep)

"And here I thought you wouldn't have it in-"


The two of you look to the interruption, only to be affixed with William's withering stare.

(-5 William Rep)

"Not. in. front. of. Lena."

He looks calm at first appearance, but you can see the violence in his eyes. You forgot how scary he can be when he's angry.

[] Apologize profusely.
[] Nod and take it elsewhere.
[] Write in
What do you mean, she challenged me to single combat.
My honor as a luchador is on the line.
I will rise to any challenge put to me.
>[] Apologize profusely.
>"hey I'll make it flashy for her, I was a blast with kids back at my stint in the indies on Atlas"
>" Kids would chant my name when I did the boston crab on supremo years ago"

>do a little quiet chant
"Hey I'll make it flashy for her, I was a blast with kids back at my stint in the indies on Atlas. Kids would chant my name when I did the boston crab on supremo years ago"

You chant under your breath, mimicing the crowd.

"Masque! Masque! Masque!"

You see his eyes soften, and his posture relax. It seems you've convinced him of your pure intentions.

(+5 William Rep)

"So wait, we aren't gonna go fuck?"

She just had to poke the badger. She just had to do it.

"That's it! Fonz, hold Lena. I'm throwing Cass out of the emergency hatch."


{"Now arriving at our destination. Please remain seated, and fasten your seatbelts."}

Cassandra flashes you a cheeky grin and wink, while William grumbles under his breath as he buckles himself in.

Well, welcome to Menagerie.
Hey, CYOAnus-senpai. Does shit like this happen to you?

>bourgeois regime
Nice to know that communism is still alive among the Hungarians.
Isn't he by law allowed to run them over?
So thats it?
For now.

I have to go explode things.
Would you fuck MiMi rough or tender
However she wants. Poor girl deserves it from the literal aneurysms we put her through.
Tender is my preference, but if my partner likes it rough I'm willing to oblige.
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