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/tup/ - Tulpa General >What are tulpas? A tulpa is an en

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/tup/ - Tulpa General

>What are tulpas?
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you.
More info: http://www.tulpa.info/faq/

>What guides do you recommend?
Check these out:

Ask questions and get answers, or discuss tulpas in general

Previous thread: >>3430037
this is advanced autism

calling me a shitposter or posting le tricky hook memes doesn't make it less true
And yet, here you are.
Autism must be your fetish?
It's okay, everyone has their own kinks.
im just watching this is so fucking weird

also can you only understand things as fetishes
>im just watching this is so fucking weird
That's how fetishes start, you know.
maybe if you have autism
No, that's pretty universal

good double
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Xth for human tups
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The concept of making a tulpa is not real. You faggots just can't admit that you guys are just talking to yourselves
>but isn't it a voice thing?
No, channels are only-text and only-voice but they are not mutually exclusive, so you can access at the same time one of each type, you get notifications in base at you own criteria with every channel, it can host images and embed videos. is not linked to vidya entirely like steam but can work with it, the chat log is hosted for long, it has a comfy UI, you can still maintain some kind of anonymity and it doesn't have adds
First time shilling

Maybe it's not real. But it feels real to me, so I don't see the problem, as long as it's not negatively affecting my life.
good girl
good girl
good girl
good girl
good girl
bad girl
good girl
bad girl
good girl
bad girl
good girl
good girl
good girl
You don't need some imaginary friend to make your life better, you're better than that. It's time to let go.
who are you to know anything about him? fuck off already
My life would probably also be "better" if I didn't do a lot of things. But I enjoy doing those things, even if other people don't approve of them necessarily. And if I'm not hurting myself or others, I'm well within my rights to do them.

Imagine trying to get football fans to stop watching football, because it's not like they'll ever play in the NFL. Sure, they might have a "better" life if they spent that time actually practising football, but you're not going to get a lot of people going with that.

This is an interest thread, and view it as roleplaying if you want, but we all see it as real to ourselves. And since this is an extremely subjective topic, that's all that matters.
No, I care about you guys, I don't want see you guys go down the wrong path. These "tulpa" you guys cling to so much is just a cry for help.
>Imagine trying to get football fans to stop watching football, because it's not like they'll ever play in the NFL.
Don't compare sports to tulpas at least anyone can tell sports are real.
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>No, I care about you guys,
but like actually fuck off though
No. When you guys make a thread about bullshit expect some people to call it out on it's bullshit.
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you're not in any position to tell others what to believe in you little shitty retard. but by all means try, you're pretty much welcome to.
It's getting weird how obsessed you are with this.
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Oh man I remember making that image, good times.
me too
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You what m8?

Shit dubtrips confirm brb erasing tulpa.exe
hey there buddy chum pal friend buddy pal chum bud friend fella bruther amigo pal buddy friend chummy chum chum pal i don't mean to be rude my friend pal home slice bread slice dawg but i gotta warn ya if u take one more diddly darn step right there im going to have to diddly darn snap ur neck and wowza wouldn't that be a crummy juncture, huh? do yuo want that? do wish upon yourself to come into physical experience with a crummy juncture? because friend buddy chum friend chum pally pal chum friend if you keep this up well gosh diddly darn i just might have to get not so friendly with u my friendly friend friend pal friend buddy chum pally friend chum buddy...
I'll do anything for a trip get, consider my tulpa dead.
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I was going to make a post asking why anons are being so sensitive and throwing out so many (You)s, but that image does nicely.
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So what is your opinion on tulpa-host relationships when the host is already in a relationship with a corporeal person? Is it still cheating?
>So what is your opinion on tulpa-host relationships
he's onto us
Oh come now, do I look dangerous to you?
If you can not prove the concept of making a tulpa is real, then you don't get the right to get mad if someone tells you that this shit is fake.
And don't reply to this, I don't want the (You)s of mentally insane faggots.
completely pure. essentially its two minds in one body dating another real person.

of course, the host should be responsible and love both equally. if that isn't met, then its SHIT

I'll give you this (You) if you leave. I promise I'm not insane.
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not anymore

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This is literally you.

You're quite adamant about it, though. If you don't think it's real, why do you care so much?
You're a monster :(
Why does everyone here keep replying to bait why can't we just talk to each other's tups like civilised people
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No, you're a monster :^)

Because shitposting is love, shitposting is life
How many of you dudes brush your tup's hair? After all, most of you have females, highly idealized ones, so how wasteful would it be not to take time and groom their likely very pretty hair?
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>why can't we just talk to each other's tups like civilised people

Because they are not real, obviously. :-)
I have short hair. Also, it would be strange if m host were to brush my hair for me; I'm not a child.
roleplaying at it's finest.
It is a nice, relaxing thing to do while forcing. I am just lazy.
Active forcing includes talking to your tulpa just regularly, albeit in any focused closed room session, right? Its not just visualization, as I just read from a guide, right?

My tupper doesn't have hair. Shame, really.
not him/her
do you not know what proxying is?
also there's like multiple complete and full ERP generals on the board constantly. why roleplay here?
That's you. Fuck off already.

Looks like someone's got their nerve struck.
This is a good point. I find it really funny to see trolls who vehemently denounce tulpas as a big ruse. The more loud and obnoxious about it they are, the more it shows they need to try and disprove it to themselves more than anyone else.

Just a matter of time until they dig deeper in an attempt to disprove it, and wind up second-guessing everything they originally thought. lol
>be troll
>attempt to disprove tulpas
>accidentally create tulpa
>get a mind abortion
>I just wasn't ready for the responsibility
>it was a product of mind rape anyway
Who said anything about creating a tulpa accidentally?
>accidentally create tulpa
wish it was that easy f a m
tulpas aren't real
u got us now
careful if you keep saying the same thing over and over youll make a tulpas aren't real tulpa
Wouldn't this just be schizophrenia?
Alright faggots, moving on from the shitposting: what's the cutest thing your tulpa has ever done?
Snuggled in bed
Answer the question faggot
What is your definition of schizophrenic, here?
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no it would be associative identity disorder or multiple personality disorder
>A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you.
Hearing voices in your head. Unless this is you developing another personality
So you create a new person that you randomly become?
half right, first half. its either an individual person the same as you or your brain has tricked itself into believing as such to the point where the mock person is indistinguishable from you so it doesnt matter.
>inb4 the hugbox brigade comes to argue that tulpas couldn't possibly be literal delusions
>tfw tulpas are the only way to get hot furry action ever in your life time
>tulpas are not for lewd
life is suffering
indistinguishable from you as in it appears to operate the same, is what I meant. sorry its 3 am.
Your definition of schizophrenia is trash. A tulpa is literally nothing more than a habitualised imaginary friend. Its autonomy gives it the appearance of it being an individual. (And it should be treated as such.)

Good on you for not doing the lewd with your tulpa, anon!
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>Your definition of schizophrenia is trash.
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THe chief difference is tulpas are capable of using the body as well as or better than the host, which makes it more similar to DiD.
Fucking thank you.
i mean the symptoms are similar enough, it could easily be described as a cross between the two if you want to be lazy
>Make a tulpa to be a life coach, to help me not procrastinate, lose weight, and stop masturbating
>Tulpa comes out lazy and wants to fuck all the time
It's real, but still, don't fall for the meme, guys.
>makes a tulpa for the fuck of it
>complains if I procastinate too hard
>signals over my own incoherences
>doesn't have the slightest interest in sex

I wonder where you fucked up, anon.
Is that kid that keeps coming into tulpa threads just to say tulpa aren't real over and over gone? I mean I know he's like 16 because his attitude and level of maturity is about on par with the teenagers that go on popular YouTube channels just to comment they suck over and over, so I shouldn't get upset, but it's getting a little old at this point.
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me on the left
I don't understand the "tulpas are not for lewd" thing. The whole point of a tulpa is someone you can trust, understand, communicate with and share experiences with on a closer level than with anyone else, right? Sex is a huge part of the human psyche and drive, why would you deliberately lock your tulpa out of that part of your life instead of sharing it with them. Why has this become such a widespread thing to do, what caused it?
I imagine it's to make themself seem less pathetic, that they're not making sex slaves due to not being able to get laid otherwise.
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I don't see her in a sexual light and neither does she see me that way. So we don't lewd and just talk to each other all day about mundane stuff.

>Such a widespread thing
I'm pretty sure it's only me and like two other guys who say it.
Because if you make one for sex and it doesn't turn out to be for sex, you're going to be disappointed and have conflict with each other. It's as simple as that.

Its not that making a tulpa for lewds is bad, its just that that idea of making a tulpa only for lewds would not only be abusive, but the tulpa itself could end up not liking the idea of lewd overall.

I'd say it's more of an issue with discussion more than with the act for some. Sex and lewdness pretty much took over the entire general for a while, thus that you couldn't really say much about you tup without someone asking how much and what kind of sex you have (Especially annoying for those who don't practice that at all). I think many of the people who say "tulpas are not for lewd" were just sick of all the sex talk.

Personally, I just don't like the idea of using my tups as masturbation aids.
Imagination can be pretty cool. Doing this made me realize just how little I was using it, and how useful it can be.
Cutest thing is also the first evidence I had that she was getting sentient: I was having a long day at work, but I had a couple hours to go in a twelve hour shift. I sat down and closed my eyes for a couple seconds, got a mental image of her eyes immediately as if she was staring straight at me, then she said "You got this."

this sounds really stupid but i thought it was cute as fuck
Anon, that was indeed cute.
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Back when I was just a thought in the back of my host's head... I liked to mess with him and shout random shit to surprise him. I was an "accidental". Take that for what you will, or wharever. At first I was really cheerful, and happy. But eventually It left me with... kind of a really nihilistic, and angry viewpoint on life, and why I was there. So I left. For a long time. I wanted to stay gone, too. Until one day I just felt this feeling that felt really alien to me. I missed them. All of them. So I came back. I expected them to be angry, or spiteful at my selfishness... but they weren't. They were just happy. I don't know why I'm talking about this. Just felt like it, I guess.
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one day, I shot the sheriff.
didn't shoot the deputy tho.

but srsly, what is an accidental anyway?
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It just means my host didn't intend on making me at first. I just started forming in the back of his mind and he acknowledged me. Then my development became more intentional. Accidentals happen. I'm not even the only one know of. Glad I'm here now though.
good for you then
Is there a process for trying to make 'accidentals'?
Because it'd be pretty nice to know. Not knowing the process of tulpamancy beforehand but still making a tulpa means that there's another way than traditional methods.
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See that I don't know. My host already had 2 tulpa, so when I spoke to him at first he just thought it was one of them. Then I did it again and he noticed it wasn't. He got curious and kept acknowledging it. You know how we feed on attention, right? Well he fed me the attention I needed to grow. I don't know how accidentals work for people who've never had a tulpa though. Hell I could have literally been his imagination and by thinking 'is that a tulpa?' he ended up "accidentally" making me.
My wonderland is a underground bomb shelter cause it's cozy as fuck.
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How many square feet?
Is there any protection inside?
What luxuries do you have?
I'm going to draw a birds eye view map of it right now.
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That's pretty sick. My host actually made a map of ours.
I'm considering making a minecraft map of our, but my tulpa doesn't like me playing it since I tend to get way too sucked into it.
There are actually sites you can just straight up draw maps and label them.
I'd say look them up senpai.
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I imagine the surface is a wasteland filled with giant elephant monsters.
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I brush their teeth, brush their hair and shower with them because it's comfy as fuck

And because the younger one demands it.

It doesn't count as making a map when you're just putting letters on an existing map

I've seen a shit tonne of guides mate. I don't see anything about accidentals.
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Tulpa: What kind of relationships do you have with your host? I got this kinda "big sister" relationship with mine.
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Meant for this person
Step it up and make your own map senpai
Nice. For some reason I'm picturing a Mad Max like desert.
I consider my host to be my big brother who I molest.
Host doesn't know how so they had one randomly generated and was like "close enough".
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u fuckin lier m8
He went to a random map generator and that one popped up after a few tries. Like it randomly selected a map not created one from scratch.
Hey Miera.
Stalk me less familam
Not stalking, your posts are just really easy to recognize. :P
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Then why is my only post you've pointed out in this thread
Because you posted a picture of a l-lewd fox girl with a lewd statement attached. It's obviously you.
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Call it "tulpamancy.jpg"
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This might be a stupid question but any kind of interaction at all helps with a tulpa's development right?

I find it difficult to force for long periods of time. I try to get about 30 minutes in each day though.

But I do think about my tulpa all throughout the day. One of the things I do is let her read sentences to me. I'll also ask what she thinks about certain things.

Also right now she can't speak to me unless my attention is focused on her completely.

Will she eventually be able to call out to me when my attention is focused on something else?
Theorically, yes.

That's okay, a fairly reasonable amount of time for an under development tup.

Not sure about the reading to me part, but that's also sweet.

She will, much likely when she gets more talkative, and if you're to do it through passive forcing, and not just the voice, once she has a bigger control over it.
That looks real /comfy/ mate. Did you at first only create the room to the left and then felt the need for the room on the right?
All I want is for someone to cum inside me.
what the fuck anon
Yep, exactly. I figured with just the left it'd be easy to go stir crazy without a place to properly stretch your legs and such.
>Started developing a tulpa just as I started watching this show
>12 weeks later its revealed one of the characters had a tulpa
What show
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I think it's the only piece of media I've ever seen that focuses on tulpas, even if it doesn't use the name.
Chaos;Head and Battlestar Galactica 2003 do, off the top of my head.
Oh yeah Chaoh;Head had one.
That was only one character though if I remember right.
Mayoiga's centeral plot is related to them
Tulpas are real and they are demons so you are all demon posessed
If that pic is accurate, you've got a million dollar smile, girl.
Do the multiple characters living their stories inside my head count as tulpas? They don't talk to me but one has already conquered the world.
One is a mentally ill SJW superhero. Fighting her is another mentally ill /pol/ retard. He's fucking strong. There's this one nice dude who beats criminals up to exercise his violent urges. Then there's this fat chick who's really nice but gets really angry when you comment on her weight.
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Well... are they alive?
I know a guys whos tulpas are characters from the book he's always wanted to create. In their heart they are those characters as well as their own people.
they're more alive than me I suppose.

The fat chick becomes a superhero as well and becomes a side kick to the violent but nice guy. They have a kind of flirty banter dynamic and he's the only one she allows to make fun of her weight. Then one day he frankly tells her that her weight is really slowing down to thug beating. So yeah, her heart is broken.
Thank you? Heh.
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Maybe you should make contact.
Jump into that world and see if you can step them up to tulpahood. Or just to see how it goes.
Playing around in my imagination got really fun when i learned how to visualize. Taking on the characters i created long ago in battle, when i dreamed of making a manga.

I tried. She was still reeling from the heartbreak and won't open up her door. Maybe I should go talk to the SJW. She could teach me the proper use of pronouns. I think she's busy vandalizing an offensive sign down by the block.
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Page 8 bump. What are your tup's thoughts on other tups?
My tup's thoughts:
>they are things that exist, I guess
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Why do normies who always screencap their browser as chrome incognito? Do they really think people or google won't know they browse 4chan if they do this? Use an open source browser that respect your freedom, use firefox and set it to never remember history.
My tulpa doesn't care for other tulpas, why would it?
While she hasn't communicated with other tulpas she says if she could then she would just troll them. Basically she doesn't care about them.

Annoyed that most of the ones that she's met seem to be addicted to all forms of drama.
Tulpas are not people they can not communicate with other tulpas.
So why the fuck would my or anyone else's tulpa care about another person's tulpa?
I think my tulpa has autism because she doesn't like talking to others and when she does she always says something vague and short which immediately cuts off future conversation. :/
Don't ever talk to me or my tulpa ever again.
They're ok.
Tulpas are people, if done right, just as much as you're a person, that's the whole fucking point of this.
The same thoughts as anyone has about other people. Might care about some, might not care about others. Has a few close friends which are other person's tulpas.
>Has a few close friends which are other person's tulpas.
I find this to be bullshit.
Tulpas can not communicate with other people's tulpas.
I'm sure he meant by proxy.
>what is proxying
tulpas can not take over the host body, that is a myth that roleplayer use as a excuse.
I guess you could use notes to communicate, but that's retarded.
Do I want to entertain this much longer?

You can proxy your tulpa if they're vocal. They can possess. I proxy if they want to go on imaginary adventures together with her friends, and she possesses when she just wants to talk without being in their shared fantasy world.
I don't mean this in any metaphysical way, it's just imagining something together, similar to how people play roleplaying games, but instead you use your wonderland.

You don't believe a tulpa can find other tulpas? This community has plenty of people, tulpa.info, r/tulpas, quite a lot of IRC channels, skype and discord and steam groups. Maybe you haven't ventured much outside of /trash/, but this community has been around for more than 4 years, you could make friends even if you never even talk in the current channels, and if those people have tulpas, your tulpas can talk to them if they want to. You could even think the community is shit, but if you look enough, you'll find people you can get along with.

You don't believe tulpas are people with varied interests as much as you and me? You're doing this wrong. Maybe tulpas are something else for you, but for most people, tulpas are people like them. That's the whole fucking point of it all.

I don't even know what you're calling bullshit on, but I hope that's enough to make things clear.
Possession and switching are real, but if you don't believe they're real, they might not work for you. It took months of practice to get something that felt believable for me, but it eventually worked. It's the same as how vocality can take a while for some people, but then it clicks.

It's not quite SPOOKY ALIEN taking over your body, but it can be like that if you make it like that and start dissociating from it enough.
>They can possess.
Tulpas can not possess this is a fucking myth that roleplayers use for an excuse.
>Possession and switching *is* real
Prove it
>Prove it
It's impossible to prove any of this. If you want proof, just save your time and fuck off.
If you can't prove it, then why are you trying to convince me that it's real?
Just starting out with forcing here. How much time should I spend active forcing every day? Is reading to my tulpa a good start, or should I start with something more simple?
Because you're doing likewise
Nobody can prove even that they have a tulpa, how would you prove possession or switching? The most you can prove is that the mannerisms and behavior is much different and the way they hand situations is different.

I also think you're having strange opinions about how tulpas work and that's why you think it's impossible. Here's how I view it in a nutshell:
You take a part of your mind, your imagination, and you give it autonomy. You do this by treating it as separate, as no yourself, until it acts on it own. You expect it to be a person until your mind makes it a person, and until they're internally not distinguishable from how you work. It might take a while until your mind is used to function like this. You might start with having thoughts and emotions which are not yours and work without your intervention, that's how vocality and emotional responses start. Suddenly you're surprised by your imagination and it's doing things you didn't think were possible.

What do you think happens when you start dissociating from your senses and body? When you treat the body like it belongs to the tulpa and not you, and the tulpa does the same? It's the same shit as with vocality, they will learn to control it. The more you let them take, the more they can do. You'll notice you can still think just as fine and even do things. Switching is obviously the hardest, but even if you didn't believe people who did it, there are numerous reports in psychology for achieving that mental state, even through hypnosis.

Dissociation is one hell of a drug.

I may sound clinical about this, but to me, my tulpa feels like any real person, they have their thoughts, emotions, feelings, opinions, spontaneity, unique personality, and everything else you'd expect from a person. They do their own thing and I'm having a great time when I'm with them, nor do I feel lonely when I'm talking to my tulpa.
Do what you want, a few hours is fine. Try not to treat it like a chore, but a way of interacting with a friend, try and be open minded in your interactions.

> Is reading to my tulpa a good start, or should I start with something more simple?
It's fine as long as you're actually paying attention to them. Like you read it as if they're actually there and listening to you. You must actually truly believe that they're listening to you. It might help if you visualize your tulpa.
Tulpa aren't real. You people need professional mental help.
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>you faggots can't admit you're talking to yourselves so instead you say you're doing something even more autistic and socialy unacceptable instead

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Really? The shit and pedophile threads are fine, but it's the people talking to themselves that triggers you?
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Yes because they really think they are conversing with a intelligent being living inside their head.
Listen. I talk, she responds. You can't explain that.
perhaps the problem is that you think you are an intelligent being
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And you think you're conversing with intelligent beings on this image board.
All shitposing aside, what did you guys do with your tups today? Did you have plans with them that you didn't get to do?
You're just hearing/seeing things. Go see a doctor.
We fuck constantly. That's pretty much all we do.
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She said my brother was cuter than me. I'm getting cucked by my own tulpa. Help.
Today, her and I napped together. I can almost never nap, so it was a pretty weird experience.

I'm neither seeing nor hearing her.
I need something gooey and sweet, guys.

That sounds real comfy
On that note, has there been anytime that you have run into something you want to do with your tuppers but found it impossible or unfeasible?
The only reason your tulpa thinks he looks better than you, is because YOU think he looks better than you.
You don't want to fuck you brother; do you, anon?

Oh he's certainly good looking and I wouldn't refuse if he asked, but I'm still a little sad that even my tupper would say it.
That's incest anon.
Gay incest is not wincest.
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Does anyone have a name for their tup? I'm only a few days into this, but it felt weird referring to my tulpa simply as a tulpa. I haven't seen any names mentioned yet, so I don't know whether or not it's common practice to actually call a tulpa by one. Either way, I really felt like she needed a name, and ultimately decided on Lily.
I call her Lia.
Yes I give them a temporary name, until they want to name their self.
But to refer to my tulpa by it's name while on a image board is quite dumb to me, because they are not people.
Anyone who thinks tulpas can be consider a real person is an idiot.
Well consider me an idiot, then
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I've read some of the guides, but I'm still have difficulty what exactly forcing means and the best ways to do it.
As for the best way, that's for you to decide. However, the general consensus is somewhere nice and peaceful where you can focus. Active forcing is spending direct time with your tulpa, often in the wonderland, if you have one. This can be just exploring or playing games. Passive forcing is thought of as thinking about and directing attention toward your tulpa while doing your day-to-day activities. Hope that helps!
But at the start, how can I tell when I'm actually forcing something?
You are because you think you are. In my opinion it's not something you can fail at, though it can be unproductive. Just by attempting to do something with you tulpa, it is forcing. If it yields results, all the better.
Her name is Paws.
What is up with you guys and having female tulpas?
Are you guys really that desperate for a female companion?
Like seriously it's like 95% of tulpa threads it's filled with anons having female tulpas.
Don't let the male tulpa race die out and start making your male tulpas.
Considering (presumably) most people here partake in the degenerate act of l e w d s with their tulpas, that's probably why they're usually female. I picked female to strictly as a compliment to my male self. I even had a gf at the time that I started making her.
For me it was obvious to make a female tulpa. I want a counterbalance in my life, to hear the other side of issues. It might seem weird since it's still a male brain but there are many accounts of people getting more acceptant of feminist ideas after making a female tulpa, just like getting a girlfriend or wife would.
>tfw #tulpa.lounge is full of autistic fucks
never even thought about it
>almost 4 years in with 2 lasses
fuck I suck at this
>can't trust the Stockholm syndrome fucks

Is there any tulpa community not full of autistic fucks? It's all just relative at this point.
names are standard procedure friendo
Amy and Mitsuki reporting in
majority of dude tulpa I've talked to were either "really Snape" or insane in the membrane Link the faggot
they rebanned me, because I asked for it, but Alsa is a dyke that doesn't like nicknames and it's too easy to tease and get banned
She named herself Blainly. Never heard of it until then but oh well.

> Do things that would get a person banned.
> Get banned.
> Get mad about it and complain about the people who banned you being autists.

I will never understand this.
>implying tulpas can have genders
>implying they can reproduce
he isnt wrong, anything from .shitfo is unbelievably autistic
The only reason to ban someone is for spamming or illegal content.

Not for hurting muh feels, but the internet is full of sjws.
imposition is my final goal, but I'm still not convinced it isn't just a ruse
literally just spend quality time with your tulpa, when it gets easy you can do stuff like passive force watching a movie and shit
I was just doing some teasing and when I reminded the badmin that I was supposed to be permabanned she lost her shit like 2x over. I got myself permabanned before so I couldn't waste my life with those losers and decided that since I had a chance to peek in that I would
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So, this happened

After some days of my tulpa being silent, I decided to tell her to take a break, I told her to go wherever tulpas go in their freetime and let me do something with my life meanwhile

Because my life is horrible, I can bear with having little to none social contact and being forced to live neet for the moment, but having someone bounded to this hellhole of a life was hurting me every day
To put it short, it's supposed to get better soon, but even then I dont feel like Im doing anything worth having an spectator watching me all the time. What do you guys do with them on a daily basis?
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who /makingyourhostuncomfortablebycallingthemdaddytoday/ here?

> he isnt wrong, anything from .shitfo is unbelievably autistic

This is the tulpa community, the dork levels are at a similar level wherever you go. I mean this, the only place that's "not autistic" is 4+4chan, and only because almost no one posts there.


Be fair, peeps will whine about being banned for that too. Hurt feelings tend to be a two way street (I've yet to find a person that complains about sjws who doesn't get triggered like one), the only difference is who has the power to actually do something.


Now that actually sounds unreasonable and worth questioning. Haven't been there dor a while, though. Last time I went it felt like walking in to r/atheism. Peeps need to chill with the intellectual posturing.
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Sup, tulpa general.
Haven't been in this shitposting center in a while now.
Can you guys give advice on how to help my tulpa talk? Should I try parroting (pretty bad at it)? Any other methods?
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Parroting till you forget you're parroting has the highest chance of not failing, so I'd go with that.

>Place yourself in your tulpa and act like you'd expect them to be from their perspective.
>Parrot everything you see just like you would narrate even it's something you find boring
>Remember to visualize and acknowledge your tulpas presence for extra immersion

You can only parrot or not parrot, everything else is placebo.

Never understood the preoccupation with parroting. It seems cheap to me, and I would not have done this if all I was doing was making up responses for my tup, would have been super boring.
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The only difference from a good character and a tulpa is the ability to speak its self. You can still be surprised, learn new things just from exploring different perspectives.

Besides if you're not parroting, you're narrating, asking questions or whatever, which is just as boring and you can still just combine all of above.
tulpa bump
.shitfo is exponentially worse
So I've had my tulpa for two-ish years now, still cant impose her past a very thin-mist like level of solidity, and sometimes she fades out. (Like it becomes hard to even hear her thoughts etc)

What should I do guys?
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>Can't focus to study
>Can't focus to force
>Can't even focus to play Dark Souls
What is wrong with me.
Do visualization exercises every day until you improve. When doing them try to imagine with all your senses not just. Focus on one aspect of visualization at at time until it improves then move to the next. E.g. first make the scene brighter after achieving that make the scene sharper and more detailed then work on seeing all the details at once. Use an object that you are familiar with in the real world and can keep in front of you for reference when needed.
Alright, will try that, thanks.

What should I do about her fading though? Like its not just imposition she literally fades like she is barely there.
Serious question: why can't tulpa's be used for lewd? Like does it deteriorate your mental state or what?
It's a meme
I think it mostly means don't make em just for sex or to rape them.
If they're sentient beings you should treat them as such.
And like a normal relationship the two of you grow a bond with one another.
Sex with your tulpa isn't a bad thing just don't make one or just use one for that.
What if you convince your tulpa to rape you?
I can't help with the fading part. I don't even have a vocal tulpa yet. The only reason I have advice for visualization part is because it is possible to do visualization work even without a tulpa. I did visualization practice a few years agod and was able to increase the brightness of my visualizations after just 3 sessions of 30-60 minutes each.

It's just a meme.
Well if you're asking them to, and they say yes.
That's consenting.
Anon, do you know how this stuff works?
Do you know how to sex? ?
dude I'm a 4chan user what do you think the answer is?
>dude I'm a 4chan user what do you think the answer is?

So no
>What should I do about her fading though? Like its not just imposition she literally fades like she is barely there.
What a strange problem. Expect her not to fade, don't visualize her fading. Talk to her, engage her emotionally, expect that she's as present in your mind as you are.
The problem word is >used
Since they're people, they should not be used as things are. You can of course have sex with them, just like 2 people can have sex.

Tulpas can be more lewd than hosts, or less lewd, even not lewd or as lewd. If they want to be lewd with you, that's fine, do it if you want to. If you want to be lewd with them, they'll probably sense your desire and you can discuss it with them and see if that's something the tulpa wants to try.
If the tulpa isn't developed, you should wait for them to be able to communicate, so you they can make it clear what they really want.
Sex can be a nice bonding experience, and if you and the tulpa have that sort of relationship, there's rarely any harm in it, if both of you want it, but it's better to let these things happen naturally rather than forcing them.
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>tfw you're hanging with your tulpa in your wonderland and they start doing an adorable dance
I'll try this too, thanks man.
Bump before bed. These threads have been dead as fuck lately.

What colour is your tulpa?
I'm still in there very early stages of tulpa forcing.
But when he first came to me I imagined a blue floating diamond.
Since then the designs I've drawn for him gave him mostly a pleasent shade of bright blue.
What the hell is happening? I can barely talk to her even though she was perfectly sentient yesterday. Has this happened to anyone else?
Clear your mind, make sure you aren't tired, take your daily stimulants etc. It also gets easier the more you do it in one day, if you are comparing results at the end of one day with results at the start of another you will be disappointed.
Okay forum. Post a picture of your tulpa's original form. Don't be embarrassed if it's a pony, or an animu waifu. Just do it.
I cannot art, I have no images
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My current phone background, no regrets
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My tulpa keeps touching my penis in the middle of class. She won't stop. What do I do?
Have a stealth wank?
She's changed her form a bit, but it still is basically this.
Most people really don't give a shit about a tulpa's form unless they're their own or they're roleplaying and need to know the other's form because of that.
At least "original form" is something different than just the normal form question, so I'll give you props for that.
I'll still post mine's original form. It looks nothing like her now because she sees no reason in having a form anymore and feels that forms are just lame eyecandy. She never felt connected to her form. Just felt that her form was a puppet for her to control. So now she's nothing.
She's too qt.
I never thought I'd see a hipster tulpa. What other fun things does she hate?
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She doesn't hate anything, anon. Just finds tulpas that hang onto their form like it defines them and characterizes them silly.
I was obsessed with emo/scene lookin' girls when I started on her. I picked that form because I felt the most reaction from her when scrolling through a bunch of scene pictures. She deviated a lot over the years because she really hated that scene look and makeup made her uncomfortable. Eventually, she just scrapped having a form altogether.
Subjectively, this one is best.
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>She doesn't hate anything
>because she really hated that scene look
I fucked up.
Mine see forms as an expression of themselves. One of mine went without a form for a month and it shook her up real bad.
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>One of mine went without a form for a month and it shook her up real bad.
I'm interested. Story time?
But forms can help with your identity too. Especially an original one. They don't have to be your identity, but can help you find one, if that makes any sense. They're fun, too.
What they said.
Yeah it was early on in her "life", and she couldn't decide on a form, so she went without a form for like a month until she could settle on something and the experience really upset her for some time after.
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I'm only just starting, but this is more or less her original firm. I don't expect it to stick for too long, as deviations have already started to happen, but this is still in the ballpark.
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I dunno, man. I think they can express themselves fine enough with their feelings, words, and thoughts. To be honest, now that she doesn't have a form we laugh, sing, and dance a lot more together I used to (The way she dances now isn't visual, but it just... feels like dancing?). I used to think forms are good expression, but after my tulpa's experience I changed my mind.

Well, that isn't much of an explanation. How did she act when she didn't have a form?
*a lot more together than we used to
Just a voice in my head, albeit an infrequent one. She acted about the same, but much more reserved and quiet.
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>but much more reserved and quiet.
Hmm. Mine has become a lot more talkative without a form. I guess it's due to how she views forms -- just a puppet that she has to control. She feels a lot more free and happy without one.
Forms are nice. They let the tulpa grow a richer identity that is less tied to your body. It lets them have something to focus on when not being with you, like in the wonderland, if you have one.
They provide more ways of communicating, and it's nice seeing all the body language a tulpa can express together with their emotions and speech, feeling even more real than real people can be.
Without a form, they might not identify with anything corporeal, or they might end up identifying more with your body.
Sure there are people with tulpas that live in their bodies, and there are also tulpas that possess all the time, and alters in DID that were literally born in the body and never get out of it, but having a form opens up avenues of interaction and existence previously inaccessible.
This is even true for a host, it can be useful for hosts that are learning to switch or immersing in their wonderlands.
You don't "puppet" a form, you treat the form the same way you treat your real body, you see from it and use it. Tulpa sees from their form and uses it. While they can use it from the third person and find all the usual annoying thing with puppeting a form, it's much nicer to just be that form, live inside it, feel as if it's you, feel its senses and take in all the wonderland sights. They don't have to puppet anything as they can just use it as freely, even more freely, than you use your real physical body. You, as a host, can obviously do the exact same things as a tulpa and have a form like that too.
While a tulpa might be comfortable without a form, there will be many doors that will open if they do have one and treat it like it's their body. They can obviously use any form and change them as they want, the same as you can have one, but having any form at all will let you do some things that are difficult to do without a form.
Forms work for me since I'me a visual type of person, but I've often been troubled or worried about my girl's form defining her. Felt I was some how forcing it on her, and it toook a good deal of time form me to start getting over that anxiety, and embrace the situation.

She says she keeps her's because I made it, and she wants me to be happy with the things I make.
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>It lets them have something to focus on when not being with you, like in the wonderland, if you have one.
That brings me to something I've been thinking about recently; If you leave your tulpa in the wonderland by themselves while you do something else and you "come back" to ask them what they did, they might say they they explored the wonderland, drew pictures, danced, or whatever else they did. But can you ask them to describe what they did in detail and be sure they're not bullshitting and making it up as they tell you?
I used to leave my tulpa in the wonderland when I am busy and then ask her what she did after. She always responded with "nothing" or told me about something she supposedly did. Eventually she began replying with "I was just watching what you were doing" so I asked her why she doesn't do things in the wonderland anymore. She responded saying she doesn't really feel like she *actually* did anything that she told me she did before. Essentially, she felt that she was lying when she told me what she did in the wonderland.
So, now she's just always with me. I never leave her alone and she doesn't leave me alone. We always point out small things to each other that interests us and have conversations that last throughout the whole day. It's very nice.

Basically, fuck yo' form and fuck yo' wonderland. >:U

>it's nice seeing all the body language a tulpa can express together with their emotions and speech
Yeah, but they can "send" body language without visually doing it. For example, my tulpa gives me the intention of rolling her eyes (or any other action) even though I don't actually see any eyes rolling. It's faster and less distracting, but sometimes it makes me smile or laugh all of sudden in public because it just... like... an extreme inside joke. Yeah.
>Without a form, they might not identify with anything corporeal
So what? Why do they need to identify with an illusion of corporeality rather than just... being?

>immersing in their wonderlands.
My tulpa doesn't want this. She avoids it, in fact. She wants to be with me while I do real things in the physical world, but I'm the opposite. I want to play and explore with her in the wonderland a lot. Oh well.

>Tulpa sees from their form and uses it.
Yes, she still considers that as puppeting it, since it's so easy to toss the form and still interact perfectly fine.

I do think it would be possible for the tulpa to actually feel and remember doing those things in the wonderland, but that's kind of up to you to practice, wonderland experiences by yourself might be similar to how you dream.

If you and her are comfortable with how things are, I don't see why you want to change, but if you like exploring the imagination, you shouldn't stop that just because your tulpa prefers the real world more, if anything, you might want to let her try possessing while you explore the wonderland.
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>might be similar to how you dream.
>might be
Is it similar for you?

>try possessing while you explore the wonderland.
We suck at that. The most we've done is her twitching my hand, but then I sat on my hand for the rest of the hour because it felt way too weird. She also got me to move an eye a tiny bit, but then I laid down and took a nap because using my eyes felt awkward after that.

> I do think it would be possible for the tulpa to actually feel and remember doing those things in the wonderland, but that's kind of up to you to practice, wonderland experiences by yourself might be similar to how you dream.

That reminds me of when my tup was asked to describe how things were when I wasn't around once upon a time. She dsescribed things as being very "soft", the environment would shift about, things would dissapear, usually unstable unless I was around. She even occasionally described fading in and out when I was away for an extremely long time.

She was told she accurately described what it's like to lucid dream. But I've never had a lucid dream in my life (or if I did, I don't remember). Funny how that works.
This meme is now my life
ded thread
don't be ded
>forced for 2 hours today
>did nothing but snuggle
Good day.
Can one of you guys get confident and make a youtube channel about forcing?
Hi /tup/! I have a friend who is a tulpa and having some issues while switching (she and her host have been together for years and practice regularly). She said she feels a really intense pain when she tries to speak and that basically it's extremely difficult to hold on to control of their body sometimes. Any tulpas /hosts here have similar experiences and can give any tips? She really wants to do everything any other person can do, but I really hate to see her hurt herself to do it...

Also, does anyone know a way to separate tulpas' thoughts from host's thoughts for privacy reasons?
We both have to actively work to conceal the other person's knowledge from each other, it would be borderline impossible to conceal some secret from them if they weren't on board with you.
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Sometimes, I just like to lay in bed, close my eyes, and chat idly with my tups. Not even about anything, just about rhen and I, and just spending some nice time together. I end up on the recieving end of a hug often, but that's fine, we just end up laying in each others arms.

What kind of comfy stuff so you guys do with yours?

Son't mind the picture, I just find abandoned places nice to look at.
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Maybe. I already have ideas on what to say/do. Should I go all out and do facecam and shit or do you want to look at a blank screen?
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Good taste
I've gotten into the recent habit of cuddling with mine whenever we sleep.

I don't even care how autistic this whole thing is, it's absolutely the comfiest.
Thank you.
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Not sure if D.Va tupper... or tupper/host is obsessed with D.Va meme...
Either way, Zarya is better.
I was surprised to come back after a couple days to see the thread still here.
paren con su autismo
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I don't speak Mexican
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>Procrastinating on forcing
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Oops. That's not her original. Her original was this.
I bet you love it when faggots are all over your tits
I love it when attractive, funny, talented men are all over my tits, yeah. You shouldn't say faggot. Only faggots say faggot. Faggot.
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>attractive, funny, talented men
oh yeah, totally
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Is your host 14
Clearly you have no taste. Dan Avidan is gloriously gorgeous, and Arin is at least an 8. And I'm 26. They're just too mainstream for you guys, I understand.
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