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Zootopia Thread: Yet Another Affection Edition Pastebin: ht

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Thread replies: 530
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Zootopia Thread: Yet Another Affection Edition

Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/iYDU8g2T

Post how you want to spread caring and affection to the world. Or not.
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And then he was arrested for public indecency for giving so many passersby unwanted dick.
And if she transforms into that while visiting home, she'd be a giant in Bunnyburrow. Could be a real help toting things around the farm.
Anons, would you have gay sex with Jack Savage if you encountered him, somewhat drunk and very horny, wandering about in your hotel vending machine room up at the place where you were staying?
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Just because you have 4 legs doesn't mean you don't have to wear pants, Nick.
That is true. This is now in scope something that I wonder who has the skill to write it. I probably don't. Maybe.
Nah. If he's drunk enough, though, I'd help him climb up to the snacks so he's wandering around in the vending machine instead.
Thank you, officer. I was looking for someone to really talk sense into this rascal.
Last thread had the proposal of a social networking website in Zootopia called either Critter or Chitter designed just around shit-posting. And its logo was like a rabid squirrel. I support this.
Anon, that's tampering with hotel company property. Messing with their vending machines? They could sue you for that. Or, if they're mob connected, fuck you up for that.
I would straight up fuck him hard, no question, using his taur body working his taur ass.
Who has the saved texts with anons actually reviewing this and how good it feels to actually climax in it?
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Look at this loving, tender couple.
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That was a fun thread
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>OC ship
Dawn's roleplay is getting a little extreme.
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>ywn smell Nick's paws
why even live
rabbits have weird fetishes
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Foxes have scent glands on their pawpads.
>then Nick shows her the fox mating call
Well, that was surprisingly hot to read through and look at. And I'm now thinking about how I could afford one.
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Raped by angry preds WHEN.
Fox mating calls at its finest

If I get one, I'll probably go for the alice one by bad dragon
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Hand/paw on face is a really fucking sweet and tender thing just in general.
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Color anon here. Daily reminder that you're all faggots and that Say Judy will be colored in today
I still like this.
What's that thing called?
Guys, fucking him like this would basically be just a tiny bit different than fucking a real-life fox, wouldn't it?
Then I'd make him eat some eggs
It's not about the shape of the animal, it's about whether they're sentient enough to consent.
Sapience level is the key factor here.
I feel so damn conflicted because for months and months I've used a like 50$-ish (I think, been a while) toy that's served me surprisingly long and well. But I want more experiences.

At the same time, I'm aware that I don't like 'that' far from LGBT districts in a major metropolis and I should just get myself a twink, because... well, I should. I guess. But awkwardness.
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Why stop there? Why not just keep adding torsos?
I get this reference and it makes me feel bad.
Now I wonder what he if he winked at me, waved me over, and raised his tail-- then we had hot, sweaty, glorious sodomy-- and then I decided for some post-sex talk only to realize that he can't actually think and just was expressing body language instinct.
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I think the only reason why I haven't got one yet is because I'd never hear the end of it from my sister. However, I'm going to be in a barracks for the next 4-5 years, so I'll probably rethink getting one there.
The dragon, gote, and unicorn versions of this are also pretty funny.
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what is that?
i just saw the movie and i want the alice bunny cunny from bad-dragon now.
Please make it a single image so it'll be easier to repost when I ask for it tomorrow
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Yeah, that's the plan
If you're LGBT and in the military, aren't you like a magnet for affection whenever you get a chance off barracks? I'm super generalizing, but that's my impression. So many guys seem to want a facial or mouthful from a solider when I look about online.
It's a difficult moral quandary that's muddied by mainstream sexual mores. It's probably not okay to fuck something that isn't sentient enough to give meaningful consent... but it's just as bad, if not worse, to kill and eat them, and we do that all the time, right?
Probably a wise investment, seriously.
We do pretty horrible shit to animals all the time, but it's not until sex does "they can't consent" ever get brought up.
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I would consider myself a 2 on the kinsley scale. Basically, I identify as straight and I'm down for shit with chicks whenever, but I also enjoy viewing gay porn too.

So, when jacking off, I'm free range with what I view, but I prefer only chicks outside of that.
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only 1 penetrable?
its the same price more or less as a bad-dragon and i like my bad-dragon toys, so ill probably just get another flop like i have been for the past 3 years from bad-dragon.
I won't press the point and will probably drop it entirely, but I do want to mention that only like a few days ago I saw a straw poll here where it was like 75%-25% divided-- so like one out of four here straight-up admitted to wanting to screw real animals. So they're around.
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Have someone this art?
Jesus... so how many times do you spooge in one per week, and what's your routine?
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Boy you guys are

really persistent, huh
Huh, alright. Have you tried having a guy straight up suck and/or handjob you ever? Or is it just inherently so not appealing that you wouldn't even accept the offer? Just curious.
4chan gonna 4chan. And I'm pretty sure we've got more than a few /mlp/ refugees here, and that's a crowd that has long embraced a willingness to fuck a horse.
Color anon, Judy's scarf is actually Nick's scarf when he was a young junior ranger scout
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That actually is something I've thought about. I think if the opportunity introduced itself, I would likely accept. If not to at least try it.
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idk, a couple times at least a week. but i find myself not even using any of them most of the time because of roommates being around and its alot more prep and cleanup with the lube.

but if im home alone then yeah, i use them for sure. the only ones i dont really like are the dukebutt and snowball, my favorites are the janine, sugarstar, hazel, and equine rump .
i love horse pussy
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I'm back, baby.
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Really now? Alright, I'll make sure to fix that then. Thanks for the info!
Not so much 'raped' as like:
>He moans and groans so much as they feel the shaving devices pressed all against his body.
>They realize how much stroking and petting around his nipples make him squirm and make even nicer noises.
>They put so much detail on shaving about his ass that paws get prodded into his hole, and he's slapped hard without mercy.
>When they get to his crotch, the various predators have touched, massaged, and otherwise played with him so much that he's a blubbering mess, and they've crossed the line-- taking in his shapely body-- to just wanting to fuck him now.
Not exactly an obscure reference here
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>When you signing up for fucking horses, zebras, goats, foxes, and the like well before Zootopia, Undertale, and Friendship is Magic
Weaver please if that's really you just let us have those wooly balls.
It's a weird double standard. I'm pretty sure it's just a bunch of hypocritical justifications to avoid admitting that the main reason is people think it's gross.

I mean if you rape your dog and cause it to bleed to death out it's asshole you're a terrible person and you should be dragged out into the street and shot in the back of the head, but like with actual horsefuckers, if you're doing something to a horse that it doesn't like when you're standing behind it, you're looking at multiple broken bones and possibly death from getting the shit kicked out of you. Yet there are horsefuckers, so logic dictates the horses ain't opposed to it, so... where's the problem there?

I think the best justification for it not being allowed is that there's no way to tell whether the animal actually wants or likes the sexual attention or whether it's just going along with it out of loyalty or obedience, so it's best to err on the side of caution.
I'm suddenly very on board with this.
Well, damn... you're probably in like Oregon or California or Florida or someplace coastal though, aren't you? Blasted distance. You can probably find at least an average guy for you in your area, though, odds are.
Unless the animals is a dolphin. At that point your the one most likely being raped.
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Also to add to that, we gotta eat, so killing and eating animals comes from a level of necessity

Theres no necessity at all to having sex with an animal. It does serve any purpose besides self gratification
You just fantasize or do you watch and listen to stuff on a laptop like while you work your toys? This is getting really personal, but oh well. For me, tend to be lazy and watch plus listen to stuff while lying flat back in bed, or sitting in a chair.
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Yup, east coast.

It's not something I really actively search for. The next several months are going to be quite busy for me.
Hello again!

You've come in at a rather... lewd moment!
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Runner here. Busy morning since 6am. almost 11 now and I'm tired already taking care of stuff.
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Runner here too. Off to mow the lawn in a bit then running for a couple hours
That sucks. But it's good exercise.
There's a strong contender for oldest copypasta on the internet out there somewhere: a long guide to consensual sex with dolphins. I think it dates back to the mid-90s.

Even if you don't buy into the whole legume-tofu-quinoa-lentils-whatever thing, we don't need to eat anywhere near as much animal protein as we actually do. We could cut our meat intake down by probably at least three quarters and still be perfectly happy. But then what, we just slaughter three quarters of all food animals and leave them to rot in mass graves? Release them en masse into the wild and let them outcompete and drive extinct native life? There's no end-game there. Exploiting animals for self-gratification is a cornerstone of human society.
I guess I view it the same as being any kind of caretaker. Even if animals could consent in a meaningful way (and I'm not going to get into whether or not they can because I've seen where THAT argument goes), there's an issue of rape-by-abuse-of-power or whatever the analog is.
My objection is the same as it would be if you were sole caretaker for a very slow human. They rely on you, idolize you, and you have complete authority over them. Ultimately, what are they going to do? Say no? That doesn't make it right.

Not to mention that when these people buy a dog/mare/whatever to fuck, it's just that: they're buying it to fuck. Even if they take good care of it otherwise, the fact that they're buying it for sex explicitly suggests that they view fucking the animal as an inevitability. If the animal can consent and it's not rape why then is it assumed that there's no possibility of the animal not wanting it? A guy was talking about buying a mare to fuck in these very threads, you think he's going to do that and take no for an answer if the mare's not receptive? Or is he going to manipulate and condition and repeat until he can?
Man is God in the eyes of a pet. Exploiting that relationship for sex is wrong by me.

I wouldn't fuck someone I was taking care of like that, animal or human.
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No one else around here to do it, so it's up to me. Don't want my lawn looking ugly as fuck
You can argue, especially when it comes to horse-fucking or stuff at that level, that the animal is clearly enjoying it. And from the guy's point of view you could say that it's not just merely getting his rocks off but also a sharing of affection.

I guess the best comparison is like a guy who's 25 having sex with someone that's like 15 and even for that age rather petite and naive about the world-- so both partners are enjoying it, being affectionate, and giving consent. But it's not "informed consent" because she's not self-aware and intelligent enough to really cross the line.

I guess. I don't have a consistent ethical view on this.
No one argues that animals enjoy being killed and eaten. It's generally viewed as a necessary evil.
People who champion bestiality do not paint it the same way.
You know what you have to do, Batter.

It's the only way.
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can we please talk about literally anything other than actual bestiality
All of that emotional stress and tension probably would make you really need to nut, and you'd want to like have your balls suckled and maybe would have a short trigger in letting out a big wad... just thinking. I should probably stop talking to you for a moment, hah. You might get the impression either that I'm some kind of cute twink when I'm really just like an average guy.
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No fucking clue.
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I have no problems with this
>he will never make that wonderful pose as you orgasm up his fuzzy butthole
Yeah, the imbalance of power is a good point, and it's a major factor in the vast majority of human-animal relations. I think the only exception would be dolphins, I don't know of any other wild animal that would not just allow but also initiate sexual contact with humans.

Basically we need sex-bots already.
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This place is a fucking roller coaster, every single day. I love you all.
im usually looking at some kind of furry porn.
why is that important.
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It's not like I could leave
In shaving his chest, they'd probably make a lot about playing with his nipples. Massaging them with paw after paw and also spanking them. Pinching them bit. In shaving his ass, they'd probably spank so hard that his bare flesh would be getting rather red.
There's nothing wrong with a little lewd now is there?
Do it.

Mow that lawn.
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/pol/ here
Daily reminder that beastiality is degenerate
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Shearing is probably not a big deal to most sheep, though

They could storm in going YEAH WE'RE GONNA SHEAR YOU THAT'LL TEACH YOU but they might as well be a mob demanding to give him a haircut as retribution for as much as that matters to him

I figure Remmy is the kind of guy who styles up his wool (check that wicked pomp') but actually hates it, just because it's so puffy and so much to deal with and it always makes his clothes too tight.
But at the same time he also hates shearing and is too lazy to keep himself well trimmed.
Well good job we only discuss bestiality here then
You fuckers think everything but lights-out missionary between a married man and woman for the purpose of procreation is degenerate. Take your neo-puritanism and shove it riiiiight up your asshole.
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I guess you'd want to be in full uniform while you're being serviced? Or maybe you might play around and be like a predator with like the hoodie, paw pads, and so on? Just exploring here.

I'd probably take in some of your cock in the mouth and just suckle it directly but really want to rather than just leave it in my mouth do a lot of 'slurping the ice cream cone' tongue moves, just out of sheer repetition seeing how close that would get you to popping it.
Yeah but you're still here
Zoophile here.

Naw, killing, torturing and eating animals for food and stuff and then saying it's illegal to give them pleasure and love is backwards thinking to me.

But lets talk about something else.
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I mean bestiality IS degenerate
>Sheep that hates having wool
Confirmed wannabite.
What I'm hearing is that he'd let a group of preds lewdly shear him on a regular basis just so he doesn't have to take care of his wool himself.
I know
I m taking a vacantion
Dolphins are stupidly smart. They even can recognize their own reflections. Funny things is, horses, dogs, and ostriches will try to socialite sex from humans due to being raised around us so much. Ostrich, both male and female, that are farm raised around humans will perform mating displays to humans. Female dogs will present to humans when in heat.
Are we erping here?
Perhaps we should tone it down a smidge
I think he wouldn't mind having a machine or a professional do it but I don't think he'd be comfortable enough with his neighbors, who he already has tension with, to let them do it

Well yeah but he's only right by coincidence.
What do you think is Bellwether's fetish?

You think she's secretly into preds?
Or maybe she's playing it straight and is more into domination?
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To be fair, a mob discovering its chosen method of shaming someone has fallen flat does seem rather amusing.
But what if the lewd shearings would defuse the tension? It'd be win-win.
Dolphins are known to drag humans to underwater rape caves where they would gang rape them to death
Thats one hell of a way to die
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was there ever any doubt
That's the thing, though.

He's not minding the actual shearing but the-- oh, God, the contrast between my body and all of their paws wantingly defiling all over my flesh-- and the fact that so many sweaty males are standing over him, carrying him around like an object... it would be a slow burn that would burn really hot and powerful once they actually are rubbing all over his ass especially. Right?
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Big Monster Cock
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His hips are pretty fucking fat for Nick

Nick was skinny as a board
>thanks, guys. Same time next week?
>just... just shut up, Remmy
>this is actually pretty great, I've been meaning to get this done for months and you guys did a fantastic job
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I have a faux fur fox tail in my closet. Probably wear uniform and the tail.

Anyways, I actually have to go get some work done. I won't be back for a few hours at the least. Now I'm going to be horny as fuck as I work
She secretly wants foxcock
I didn't meant to get it to this point but yeah that's basically ERP. Hehe. Well, you sound like a great guy, solider boy, regardless.
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>''It's called a knot, sweetheart
Even if he got fat, which could happen, the fuck happened to his teeth and mouth?
I like this.
Dolphins can also fall in love with humans. There was this one experiment where these scientists tried to teach a yound dolphin english or something. Eventually he reached sexual maturity and needed a method of release.

So, and i kid you not, one of the scientists behan to regularly masturbate the dolphin. Eventually the study got shut down because they were giving a dolphin hand jobs on government dime.

The dolphin was separated from the scientist, got depressed and eventually killed himself by deliberately not breathing.

And this is 100% true
Well, heh, have a great day, man.
>Dolphins are known to drag humans to underwater rape caves where they would gang rape them to death
Nope, that's a myth.
Looks like Tom from tom and jerry
>this was written by a dolphin
There have been tests done with puppets that look like humans
It is tought the same thing happend to humans do to people dissapearing off the coast
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Again, that's a myth.
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Would the majority of us happily have sex with a fellow /trash/ poster? Not necessarily even from these threads.
Would a dispatch officer wear their utility belt all day even if they dont leave the station?
>DIDF out in full force today
If I could be their qt bunny girl, probably.
>dolphinposter detected

I swear we would collar you bastards if we could just work out the kinks in the technology! I fucking swear! Just give us a few years, and you'll be as subdued as the fucking tigers!
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why do you guys assume Remmy is gay
let alone a gay predo buttslut
>you will never get to rape bellwether in prison as punishment for her crimes
>you will never be part of the gangrape that leaves her broken, her pussy loose as fuck, dripping cum
>you will never get to see her laying on the ground of the cell, covered in semen

Maybe if we were our zoosonas.

In real life? Nah.
I have the sex drive of a chronically depressed panda so probably not.

I'd spoon with one if they had good hygiene, though.
He keeps snacks in it.

Who says he has to enjoy it?
>have sex with a /trash/ poster
Yeah i wou-
>not even necessarily from these threads
Uuuh, less likely. Lots of /trash/ threads are devoted to gross shit.
What if the other guy was from like the scat thread. Fuck that noise so hard
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At least they aren't as bad as horses.

are you suggesting he isn't?
Oh god I didn't even notice that. Yeah these threads only, the rest of /trash/ can sod off.
What about roleplay with outfit touches?
Don't forget the bite marks that you can barely see through her shaved wool, marking her as belonging to all the preds
We don't have enough gays?

We need more gays?

You made a character that's easy to make seem gay?

I mean, it's just simple mathematics, really.
Who said he had to be actually gay and therefore actually enjoy it?

...Outfit touches?

...Go on.
He probably wants to dominate some small prey species. Clamp his blunt prey teeth gently into the poor critter's skin and hope they don't notice how woefully ill-suited they are for it.
Yeah sure.

I'd feel a little weird at first, but I'd probably warm up to it.

And a tail buttplug would be super qt and I question why I don't have one already.
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why IS he so perfect?
Just give the people the wooly balls boy being dominated like they want.
He's not gay, he just wants to make peace with his pred neighbours. A little frottage during shearing between buddies isn't that big a deal, right?
Truly the worst ship
I'm really torn between wanting to see Remmy play pretend-predator in some pred-play RP, and wanting to see him get actually topped by a much stronger REAL predator.
Well, you could always find yourself standing besides a fellow wiggling his fake fox tail and wanting to rub your neckline with it. Maybe you'd delicately feel it along your cheeks as they grow sweaty.
I think they're cute together.
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probably the second strongest suggested ship in the actual movie though.

Whether you like it or not.
The former would be cute

but the latter, handling him roughly, reminding him he'll never truly be a pred, thoroughly reminding him of his place.

And then ending it with warm caring cuddles.
Zootopian pandas probably fuck with the best of them.
Maybe he can sharpen his teeth into fangs. Looks like he's not a subspecies that can grow horns but if he buzzes his wool down and bulks up a bit he might be able to look intimidating.
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they even dance together at the end

...just like nick and judy
>This is what shipfags actually believe
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>Daily reminder that beastiality is degenerate
Yes, and this is /trash/, the board for degeneracy.

What's your point?
I probably have a lot of furry and LGBT stuff that I should have gotten already but I don't have also.
Thats mostly because they were the only other characters who interacted with each other. Otherwise everyone interacted mainly with Nick and Judy

Aside from that, the only connection is they both like Gazelle
>buzzes his wool down
He'd be better off carefully hedge-trimming his wool into fake, sculpted muscles.
>Bogo was based on a bodybuilder
Cool stuff.
That's hot.
>I'm really torn between wanting to see Remmy play pretend-predator in some pred-play RP, and wanting to see him get actually topped by a much stronger REAL predator.
I almost think he'd be into outfoxing.
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So they can't just be friends? If they interact with each other at all, it's "shipping" ?

take off shipping goggles pls
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besides, their personality, physique and height differences make the coupling naturally adorable.

and the worst part is, you know it, it's the same formula that makes nick and judy adorable together.
BL made it work pretty well before they went off the deep end.
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as long as you agree that nick and judy are just friends too then we can level.
Can someone tell me who drew the "You know he eats my fox meat, right?" image, and why it was done?
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I mean if you're 80-90% gay wouldn't 80-90% of your characters be too?
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I dunno. My main issue is I look at Bogo and I dont see a gay guy. I imagine hes got a wife and kids back home. Or hes just married to the job
>Filthy pred tied up and humiliated
Excellent. Just as it should be.
>no awkward stiffy between his legs
It's the cuddles at the end.

Without the cuddles it would be a little offputting.

The cuddles remind us that despite what he says during the act, he really does love him through it all.
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Except Nick and Judy had infinitely more interaction on many more levels. There's a vast ocean of material to support "shipping" between them.

Bogo and Clawhauser only talked to each other twice in the entire movie.

just saying
Nah, for reasons of strict monogamy.

Also we just had a /co/ Zootopia thread nuked for no apparent reason.
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let this meme die
Eweposters go to bed please.
I don't have the money for that stuff.

I'm so poor.

Until we see genitals I'm not so sure. Judging by dem hips I'm thinking reverse trap.
he doesn't have to be a flaming faggot to be gay
that's clawhauser
he just wants to fuck the fat catbutt

Awkward stiffy is MANDATORY. To be otherwise is heresy.
>implying that factual reportings are "memes"
>Until we see genitals I'm not so sure. Judging by dem hips I'm thinking reverse trap.
>Reverse traps
Literally the hottest
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I would monogamously love a fellow trash poster if I found someone who actually was behind the whole thing of being gripped tightly in bed, massaged, and treated as a personal bunny guy while I was his fox.
Bogo/Clawhauser only exists because fujoshits are absolutely desperate and Gary/Larry wasn't enough for them

I find it kinda hilarious that in a movie literally all about stereotypes and shit everyone takes one look at the effeminate character and immediately labels him hard gay. I would laugh until the end of time if they offhandedly revealed that Clawhauser's got a wife or something in the sequel.
Not saying hes gotta be flaming. I prefer nonflaming gays.

Im just saying my gaydar didnt ping on him at all.

Gideon for instance I could see being gay even though hes not really gay acting, but i just dont see bogo as gay at all
That would be fitting with the themes of the movie. I wouldnt mind that at all actually
That's my favorite joke in fanfics. Judy having just assumed Clawhauser was gay when he casually mentions he's got a girlfriend or wife, or starts checking out some of the women around, and Judy realizes she's a total asshole.
Truth. You don't have to act like a stereotype to be gay. There are all kinds of people out there.

It's like a RAINBOW!

Oh, dear.
Im probably one of the four fully hetero posters in these threads, so no
One of the oddest situations involving Clawhauser that I read was a fic where his best friend is a lesbian, but he is secretly in love with her
Aww. I hate tragic unrequited love.
He probably gets laid a ton by girls that have a fantasy about 'converting' a gay guy.
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post rare clementine.
I'm pretty hetero but I'm gonna freely admit that Zeke and Sunny have definitely made me gayer

Okay okay. Hear me out here.

What if Remmy is a reverse trap?

I mean under all that wool, who even knows?

Not like any of the neighbors are familiar enough with sheep to know at a glance.

I'm just saying, maybe "he" has more to hide than just a love of burgers.
das cute anon

I feel the need to reply those words any time being somebody's personal bunny comes up, because I'd be so into that but you always specify >guy
I mean, I'd be into that, but I can't exactly play the part of a bunny. 2tol.
I just thought it was funny that there was a fic where the guy everyone assumes is gay is in love with a gay woman

Thats irony isnt it? Does that count as irony?
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>What do you think is Bellwether's fetish?
Hard vore.

I'ma need a source on that...

Not really, because I know you won't find anything. All legitimate surveys have shown that to be not even close to true
Like rain on your wedding day.
Well, that would make the forced shearing even more tense, that's for sure.
Actually, while we're here, why the hell has this private cuddly RP chat idea not progressed any further.

Unless it's like the same 2 people always posting about it, there seems to be at least a vague amount of interest.
I don't post here but why did the /co/ thread got nuked?
>tfw 1
Well who'd ever thought it'd figgur
Pure hearts, true love
Like the mods have ever needed a reason before?
Why does the sun shine, why does grass grow.
Anon pls I don't want to lie here thinking about Remmy's hidden, plush, wooly pussy lips and how wet they get whenever she's close to those big, musky predators who share her street.
Were all over the country anon. Its a big place.

Besides we shouldnt go full /soc/
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When I thought the comic couldn't get any feelsier. I hate you for making me feel this way.
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All I'm saying is that it's the second strongest suggested ship.

That's all.
>What do you think is Bellwether's fetish?

Mind control.
Gary/Larry is way stronger, B/C is third place at best
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Fuck no.

Then again, I'm not so desperate that I'd have sex with anyone on 4chan.

I don't even know you people.
>Getting wet around preds
They'd figure out her secret REAL fast.
Awwwww, but I guess you can curl up ball-like on a bed and make soft sounds while you're getting all pet, what with these tingles of desire from other affectionate moments such as legs rubbing along your legs and your fake-paw hands being held tightly.
Tough to smell when there so much wool to absorb deoderant
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I dunno man, I just don't see larry as being a gay guy y'know? I imagine he's got a wife and kids back home. Or he's just married to the job.

I mean, they only have like one interaction in the whole movie, can't they just be friends?
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Would she have a strap-on with thin straps she can work under the wool and just have the lifelike dildo protruding, with an attachment to slip inside her so she can get pleasure out of acting the man

So she can daydream of domming and brutally fucking the preds or prey that catch her fancy without them ever realizing it's a woman doing it

Or would she secretly dream of being discovered and blackmailed into being fucked by whichever of her big, toothy neighbours discovered her secret

Would she have a series of daydreams depending which one found out, and a separate one for if all of them found out

Would she keep a daydream journal of all of them, with a lock on it and hidden in a floorboard or a roof tile or a vent

Maybe she wants that wolf that lives just down the road to find out, and then have her teach her how to be a real woman
shit anon.

Why can't that be me already.

I dunno, if we had a Skype chat or chat in some other form it could very well migrate into weird topics and there'd be an issue of who mods, who sets ground rules, and so on. Nice idea though.

Also there's the thing that some people would want more than just RP and would like a kind of map of possible future hook-ups but others would be wary and that could be a can of worms
Hey man, dont steal my quotes
Im not even that guy
>Man, how does Remmy have so much luck with girls. Every time I see him he practically reeks of sheep pussy
I think we should just leave it as if someone's interested they should just swap throwaway emails in the thread. Otherwise it just devolves into a schism shitstorm waiting to happen like the discord.
Put on a masculine voice, get that kind of haircut, maybe even stuff in your shorts, and otherwise play a guy? To be honest, that element would make the full body cradling, the kissing along the neckline, the rubbing on the fake paws, the petting of the fake tail, and the like more adorable for being your dom's bunny boy.
That works I guess.

Man I just need more comfy in my life.
>I don't know if he uses perfume or what but Remmy smells like a fucking girl.
>Dude, that's probably just how sheep smell. Don't be so fucking weird about it.
>Yeah, most prey smell kinda girly. It's 'cause they're all so dainty and shit.
>Yeah, that's probably why.

>Man, how does Remmy have so much luck with girls. Every time I see him he practically reeks of sheep pussy
Ha ha ha holy fuck.
>is it gay if Remmy's smell kinda turns me on
>it's not gay if it's prey
Maybe she daydreams about them not finding out but still trying to fuck her, bending her over and not even fully taking her pants off while they violate her ass.
source please
Funny but I'd think that given how many preds were around like someone, even just at least one, would really get through and realize it.
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At risk of a shitstorm, it's more a matter of being miserable at the thought of playing a guy than it is viably playing the part.
You'd like us if you got to know us.
thank you
And then >>3436390 happens
At risk of going full LONDON, I'll say that not everyone in these threads is hard gay.
Awww, don't worry anon, you'll be someone's bunny guy someday.

Just keep being positive and feeling affectionate.
>Or would she secretly dream of being discovered and blackmailed into being fucked by whichever of her big, toothy neighbours discovered her secret
>Would she have a series of daydreams depending which one found out, and a separate one for if all of them found out
>Would she keep a daydream journal of all of them, with a lock on it and hidden in a floorboard or a roof tile or a vent
Oh, fuck. Yes, this. 100% this.
I exist in a very precarious spot in these threads because people here are not exactly very friendly towards my... "type" i guess.
can someone spoonfeed me a gif of 1.17 from this vid?


Now we just need someone to write a fic about it.

I would, but I wouldn't be able to make it good and also I'm feeling particularly apathetic.
max kek
Man, we're better at writing characters than weaver! What do we even need that guy for!
Dude that constantly talks about doing affectionate things to my bunny guy here: I want to make it clear that I'm just kind of throwing stuff out, and I'd hate to sound like I'm telling someone else what to do. I'm actually a really-- really-- big believer in that you have to value yourself and do what's right for you. You know? Just saying the things that I feel. I'm sure you're a great person and I'd like you if talking to you more.

You're a fucking eweposter, aren't you?
>Every time he comes home, Remmy fucking reeks of sheep pussy.
>What? Really??
>Yeah, dude, it fills up the whole fucking lobby. You can't smell it?
>FUCK! No! My nose is fucked up, remember?
>Well, good for him, dude's so tense he clearly needs it.
>I'd fuck a sheep girl, shit.
>You fucking WOULD.
>Do you think, like... they got wool all over it? Or does it stop? You know, like, bare?
>You're fucking sick man.
>WHAT?? I'm just asking questions!
>Shut the fuck up or you're gonna get Ozzy laughing again
>I'm just saying, like, is it right there, or do you gotta go feeling around for it in there till you find it?
>Christ, here we go.
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Well, sure, but that's just not going to happen on an anonymous imageboard, anon.

Even if we spoke every day for a year, you'd still just be anonymous.

So, trans? Long as you're not obnoxious about it I doubt anyone here will give you shit for it. I'd still spoon anyone in this thread as long as they're hygienic, whatever they've got downstairs.
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Thirded. Or whatever the fuck number we're at.
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>What if Remmy is a reverse trap?
>reverse trap
You mean a female?
>I'm just saying, like, is it right there, or do you gotta go feeling around for it in there till you find it?

Holy shit
And there we are.
>it's not gay if it's prey
Ah, the carnivore motto.
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Or webm?
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Obvious answer
Female genitals, masculine body shape. The opposite of a trap, which is male genitals on a feminine body shape. Don't be deliberately obtuse.
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Fuck. I really want to do it myself. I could. I could make it appealing, I seriously think. I'm mentally and physically fried feeling though all of today plus yesterday.
Yes. Just as a trap is a particularly feminine looking boy who passes for a girl, a reverse trap is a particularly tomboyish girl who passes for a boy.
The idea here is that Remmy is a girl but pretends to be a man, not for any transgender/sexual reasons, but to avoid even further tension with her male predator neighbors.
lol no.

Eweposters a shit

Last time I mentioned it it sparked a shitstorm without even intending to be obnoxious. I don't even like mentioning it.

Nah, don't feel bad, man. It's really cute, and you should keep posting it.

I'd probably just feel weird pursuing anything through here anyways, but it's a nice daydream thought, y'know?
Should I feel bad at how much I like this?
Sorry about that. I figure anyone that deals with being trans without turning into a raving psycho deserves respect instead of being lumped in with the lunatics. Just keep on keeping on, buddy.
Well. Uh.

[email protected] if anyone wants to send me cuddly things. Or nasty, degrading messages, either way.
Shouldn't you wait until we set up a Skype group or whatever?

What if we send you nasty, degrading cuddles?

...I wanna see an example of degrading cuddles.
Maybe Remmy just loads up on predator-strength Musk Mask.

>Sprays excessively down the front of her pants every morning
>Goes about her day knowing her arousal won't give her away
>Comes home in the evening and stops to banter with the preds in the lobby
>Their collective natural smell is like a thick cloud all around her
>She basks in the thick, predatory scent, swimming in their masculine musk, keeping up idle conversation
>Realizes her Musk Mask is starting to break down, its own power losing out to her insatiable arousal
>She excuses herself and runs upstairs to her apartment
>Locks the half-dozen locks
>Immediately strips down and starts pounding herself silly on her bed with her fluffy tail in the air, moaning out desperate, hushed whispers of the names of her neighbors
I'm not listening to you, Lucifer.
You can't anon on skype, can you?
Skype groups devolve into shitty infighting really damn quick as some asshole with no concept of social cues takes over and turns the place into his own magical realm. Better not to bother. If you want to be somebody's bunny, post a throwaway email and see what responses you get.
Nice get

And I don't think a private chat group is a smart move.

reeeeeee schism and all that.

It's easier to toss out a burner email and do some 1 on 1 stuff than it is to go through a skype group or whatever.
The extra 6 flips it back to being good again, you silly!
"Mmm. That's right. Make like the dumb bunny you are and burrow right on into me. I want to feel you squirm under me, you little whore."

Kinky degradation plus the thought of cuddles?

I can get behind that.
Awesome, Anon - you've made my day, thanks!
There's no reason for it, but why not just disclsoe it?

So, in tally terms, how many here want to BE the bunny guy, versus how many want to HAVE the bunny guy?
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Heya Trash! Finally finished my how to draw Nick tutorial.

Just gonna shill this from my main tumblr for you guys. It was requested a lot on my tumblr and thoughtI'd share.

That said, time for me to head to bed. See ya trash!


Switch for lyfe.
can you go and be literal fucking faggots elsewhere, like /soc/? This is getting cancerous even by trash standards.

I really want some lewd fics along these lines. Maybe even a few different ones.
As an anon that's a trans person as well, I totally relate to how just disclosing that as a quick mention as part of something else triggers huge bantering. It just sucks. And I know that being that complicates orientation and attraction a lot, sure does with me. So I relate, and I'm glad that you're able to go through threads talking about all of this comfy stuff. I also don't really mention it either.
Sleep well, dude!
But can you get behind me?
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>even by trash standards
>trash standards
oh sorry. What are those again?

I've forgotten.

Been so long since I've had to deal with pesky things like those here in the fucking trash can.
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Thanks, anon.
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no. i'm a little spoon, anon.
it's truly the best post-big-willie style will smith song.

Top here. The bunny is for having.
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>being balls deep in the furry fandom
>not living and breathing homoeroticism

It's like you don't even BIG HARD NAUGHTY MALE PREDATOR, anon.
shilling implies promoting something people don't want to see or don't care about, which is not the case. Thank you.
Going to say as one of the guys a part of the creation of that couple back among the other anons, like I keep saying, I really so would adorable a bunny guy to just cherish-- even not sexually at all just resting while massaging his back over and over again.
I wonder how many different pred dildos she has in that lockbox under the bed
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something something be the bun
Sorry dude, I'm still pretty fresh in the threads around here. So apologies if I get my terminologies wrong and all.

Alright, really going to bed now.
In my whole life I think the word shill has only been used like one third in its dictionary sense and two thirds just as gentle mockery. Not just online, but when I was doing a service job, when I was a teacher's special assistant, and like everywhere.
None. She's always been too nervous to order any. She uses a vibrating toothbrush and the handle of a hairbrush she's had since she was a teenager.
>at work and unable to join in the fun

Bye, dude. Sleep well.
Not him but I always hated that term because it's kind of ambiguous.
Those heart eyes keep getting me.
But she visits the order page before chickening out so much that her web browser autocompletes it for her whenever she types the first letter, even though she's never dared bookmark it.
Are you kidding me? Small neighborhood like that? She couldn't buy or order a pred dildo without being found out.

At best she could go all the way into another part of the city to shop but even then, you never know.
Weaver's character got completely hijacked by the thread. The irony here is delightful.
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Heart eyes are good.
So basically Buck?
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>Weaver's character got completely hijacked by the thread. The irony here is delightful.
That would imply I'm not right here
Weaver right now
>this is fine
>i'm completely okay with the events that are occurring.
Our wooly friend getting shoved against the ground as multiple predators mercilessly shave his body while the sexual harassment builds, what with all of the asscheek slapping, nipple squeezing, belly groping, and everything else said in detail already, before they finally slip their predator paws on his needy prey dick... when?
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But I absolutely am completely okay with these events
"One of the guys" reverse traps secretly fantasizing about being found out is my fucking fetish

The only conflict I feel is between my original concept for the character and this new highly exploitable angle
So heavenly... so amazing...
>needy prey dick

>okay now you grab his dick
>I said grab his dick!
>I'm trying, man! It's this wool, I can't find it in there!
>sheesh, move over you fuckin' amateur, it's like you don't know how to engage in ambiguously consensual group sex
>wait I can't find it either, Remmy where the fuck is your dick
>I found somethin'
>but it ain't a dick
Well, I eagerly await seeing how this turns out
She can always order in, unless mail theft is way too common.
>Remmy is shoved to the ground by multiple preds
>The shearing razor comes out
>The poor sheep squirms and pleads with increasing panic as the shearing goes on,each inch of bared skin beneath eliciting a more frantic response from the overpowered prey
>The preds keep making jokes about how "girly" he looks
>About how feminine his waist and hips are, how even his chest is pronounced
>A few of them find themselves uncomfortably aroused and try to hide it
>Finally shear the sheep's crotch
>Laughter stops
>Long silent moment as Remmy's face turns bright red and everyone just stares
>There's no dick
>Just a small pair of plush, white, woolly lips
>Suddenly Remmy's figure makes a whole lot more sense now
>The uncomfortably aroused guys are a lot less uncomfortable about it now
Late to the party. Just got finished watching this masterpiece. I can't decide which scene is cuter. The beginning play or elephant suit Finn.
The reverse trap could be Lemmy instead of Remmy.

(The Lamb to his Ram)
>Oh, come on, just shut up and move aside!
>I told you, it ain't--
>Let me give this bastard a good, damn wool, hah let me--
>Holy shit, man, did you just shove the end of your--
>Is that your paw--
>You just almost shoved all of your paw in! The fuck? The fuck is going on?
>Is he... is he...
>Oh, God, listen to all of those moans!
>That fucking face on the wooly shit! Move your paw side to side again!
This is of course why she buys all the burgers. To mask the scent.
Gee Weaver it's not like you've ever had multiple versions of a character running side by side before or anything.

Imagine I posted that comic where Bonnie walked into Mike's apartment and he's like 'wait is this the universe where you want to kill me' and she's like 'oh who even knows any more' because I tried to find it but couldn't.
does anyone here not like weaver bonnie and mike in terms of the glorious human on anthro shipping, because I sure as hell know how i feel
>Remmy where the fuck is your dick
This thread got interesting fast
Oh shit it's rape horse.
Hopefully he's playable in the new Berserk Musou
>Remmy where the fuck is your dick

I think we got the name for the next thread right here
What if Marty knows already...

But he keeps her secret because she keeps the secret that Marty's sister is just Marty in a wig.
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>"you fuckin' amateur, it's like you don't know how to engage in ambiguously consensual group sex"
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>But he keeps her secret because she keeps the secret that Marty's sister is just Marty in a wig.
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>Remmy is secretly a girl
>Marty's sister is just Marty in drag
That makes pic related a whole new level of strange.
>Shipping Bonnie with anyone but Stu
reee, etc.
It's like my boner wants to react to this but needs a while to figure it out
>They never, ever fucked
>Not even the anthro version
there's way too many layers here.

jesus christ.
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So we know there are a lot of reasons to like living in any of the Zootopia districts, but what about the Bad parts of those districts? The places that are maybe not dangerous, but just shitty places to live. What are the worst parts and neighborhoods of the districts, and why?

Personally, I always thought that the Rain forest districts would have some real uncomfortable places to live
>Right near by one of those waterfalls, so the entire day sounds like rushing water
>Someplace nearby is difficult for city workers to get to, so it's a hotbed of swarming, stinging insects
>Humidity off the charts
>House underneath a tree people are living on, so trash just periodically falls from the sky when people toss things over the railing
>Rickety-ass rope bridge the only way in or out
>Tropical birds nesting in the trees, screaming like the assholes they are

What are the annoying places to live in Zootopia?
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This is now my new favorite ship.
>Not wanting Judy to break barriers with their pred/prey relationship
Occasionally they go to a far off district to a predator restaurant. Tundratown or similar.

Remmy gets all suited up, Marty in a fancy dress.

It's not a date of course, how could it be? But it's fun to pretend with each other.
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No wonder he made that face. He's trying to figure out the layers and also figure out what his natural reaction should be.
Who is this and why do I need more of this character?
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>Mrs. Otterton her early years
Deep Rainforest District favelas.
Okay furfags post your fursonas.
That's Nick Wilde from the movie Zootopia
Jokes on you, I don't have one!
Carmelita from Sly Cooper
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i made him
Jesus Christ, is that a fucking gremlin?
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In my heart of hearts

I am

a laundry
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> ywn be worn by judy
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My fursona is a member of the species Homo sapiens.
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>start drawing opossum
>the voice in the back of my head lambasts me all the way through the process
>close the canvas
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Fuck you Cool cat, no one actually likes you.
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Clunkbot - Reporter.png
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Hey guys!

It's Clunkbot here. I just wanted to thank you guys (and the /co/ thread too, but I'd get b& for talking about fanfiction there) for helping to make Intake as popular as it is.

I just got published on Zootopia News Network, link here.


Some kind comments from the publisher:

>I can honestly say I've never encountered a story like this. It takes something that would normally be bland (a doctor's notes on a therapy session) and turns it into a compelling look into the mind of Nicholas Wilde in a Zootopia where shock collars only recently came off. Highly recommend this one.

Thank you guys. Thanks Zoot for the cover sketch. Thanks everyone!
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remmy model2.png
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who knows what lies beneath
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I want to have the bunny guy.
>Guy makes his fursona an omega
At least he knows what he is
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>those hips
why did we ever think Remmy was male
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remmy model.png
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Because this is the original.
Anon, buddy, it's good to see you! How was your day?
Hey watch that shit, or Daddy Derek is going to slap us with a DMCA.

Hey Clunkbot.
Glad to see you're getting more exposure for your works.

BTW, not sure if you were around yesterday, but Stoutwell is officially completed.
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Title Card.png
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By dawn, make your choice.
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Well, you see, the truth is, Nick was wearing muzzle for the next 22 years and it was indeed Carrots who finally managed to get it off him.
This is Sophie's Choice, Weaver.
Why is this gif so choppy?
Weaver, you've got me by the soft woolly little balls.

Can't we have both?
was in the morning. That's usually when I'm on here.

It is!? Submit to ZNN senpai!

Woke up at 4 a.m. today, my stomach fucking hurts. Nick, just fuck my shit up
I mean, I'm going to vote lips, but that's just because I'm really into androgyny.

Like, really, really into.

I am saying that I am sexually attracted to all traps, reverse and non.
>lips are winning
balls are now winning
>It is!? Submit to ZNN senpai!

I've been considering it, but one thing that sticks out for me is the requirement for it to be submitted with art.
I'm no artist, and the only art ever created that is relative to the fic is the pic by Chumpy, and it somehow feels like a crime if they post it with that pic redrawn and colored with Chumpy only getting a "sketch by" credit.
Well, of course they are. You hang out with furries long enough, you become gay. That's just how it is.
So if he were an extremely feminine sheep with a dick, you'd still be into it?
Ask Chumpy about it, but I can understand that. Zoot was understandably peeved when they cucked him out of Short Tails, and they did the same thing with Intake.

I usually ask them to include his name in the credits since nobody deserves to have that happen to them, but I guess they have pretty strict standards.

I thought Stoutwell was pretty good. I think they'll take you.
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God yes.

I said. All. Traps.
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wolfsisters ad.png
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>extremely feminine sheep with a dick
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Not them, but I would!
Maybe you need to help us visualize both options before we can truly make an informed decision. Like how would they both look after a vigorous, dubiously-consensual shearing session?
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Oops, sorry I'm late, boys and girls.
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Quick drawing because I had to test a new fixative.

I have no idea what I was thinking.

Fuck, weaver...

I want you to indulge your reverse-trap fetish, but I also want to see you draw sheep-dick. WHY DO YOU CONFLICT ME.
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we've already seen sheepdick tho
>not inherently sexual
>has a boner
Why is there a carrot in Nicks tushy

That's good shiiiiit, though. I need more, man. You wouldn't understand.
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I'll probably ask him about it sometime in the near future.

Otherwise it was a pretty successful run; yesterday was a record high for view counts on FFN, the AO3 listing is slowly picking up steam, and Comicanon is doing an audiobook recording, which is nifty.

But enough blogposting. Lets get down to real, tough, hard-hitting, biting Zootopia discussion:

Will Geraldson ever complete the trifecta and put Nick in a sexy Asian bikini?
It's breezy out
Obviously we need to be careful enough to end up with the vote being exactly 50/50.

So that Weaver will either have to decide himself, or do both.

Or blueball us.
its a placeholder
>vote split 22/22

Why isn't there a carrot in your tushy?
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Artist_Rose_Jude 01.png
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Anybody get that image Rose drew last night?
Tried loading it up on desu, though that didn't end up working.
source of this image?

Please do both please do both please do both.
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gotchu fampai
Nicks butt must remain pure for me.
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That's not his boner.

THIS is his boner.
so yeah, we've seen both.
We need sheepballs tho
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I want more bondage Gideon
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Oh my god what are you doing to me

You don't even know
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Fuuuuuuuuuuck yes.
"Gideon Grey/Travis"

Holy shit, it's finally happened
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remmy shaved.png
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>Please do both please do both please do both.
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it has been done
They're so alarmed!

now kiss
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Artist_Rose_Nick 01.jpg
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So we have Remmy and Femmy.

Perfect balls and butt ruined by his stupid hair.
>Male symbol is pink
>Female symbol is blue
They're just colors
Sure, but it's a fun implication of their androgyny.
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>gayfags full damage control
Someone screencap all the remmy/femmy greentext.
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>yfw one day Weaver will leave the zootopia fandom just like how he did with MLP and FNAF
that's very nice anon. Why isn't it signed? Why are you defying Lord Byron's will?
archive here, working on it
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ah well, it happens
Only one word can describe this.

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Oi what's this bullshit.png
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No, because no one here is a qt girl that would want to have sex with me

Being straight and single sucks
Goddamn now that's good
True, but he was in those fandoms for years, wasn't he?
I'll follow him to whichever fandom he ends up in. The first few pages of Late Stake brought me into Zootopia.
What if.
What if now.
Remmy has a twin.
But none of the preds can tell because they're both so wooly.
oh whoops. was a quick thing. Will have to sign over the fixative. Crap.
You always managed to find alcohol at the coffee shop, this is probably for the best
I would be relieved. I like weaver's personality, but absolutely detest stuff he posts. I really wish he hadn't started.
Weaver tends to leave whenever the franchise goes down hill, so I think we'll be okay.
And they both pretend to be the same person because the apartment only has one bed and there's rules against subletting?
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Okay, try this on for size. Might be missing a few tidbits.

Also, so angry I wasn't here to participate. Boyish girls are really cute.
I'm not too down about it; I have him on my tumblr watch list now, so I won't miss most of his new stuff, and there's a 50/50 chance whatever fandom he moves on to, I'll be interested in it too.

However, the sad part is realizing that whatever fandom I could follow him to, won't be as comfy as this one has been.
If you expect people to do the same thing forever,then you will be the saddest man.
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Honey's a Kisser.png
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I don't know if anyone remembers but a while ago I was asking about applying to that Photo Editor position at that beer magazine.

Well today I'm going into an interview for it, thanks for convincing me to apply! Wish me luck thread.
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Order Canceled.jpg
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it's been real. I officially retire my andy samberg movie image
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>people unironically liking the shitty ms paintcomic doodles
Go back to /v/
Oh shit, you're the guy who hates beer too, right?

Congrats man, you earned it!
medium is important, but not that important, anon. You shouldn't be trolling on the internet, too.

I remember you!

Good luck!
>telling people to leave because they like what you don't like

No, YOU go back to /v/
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weavalope coffee4.png
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It's just convoluted enough to work!
Woah woah woah woah.


I'm from /tg/

I'm all about the cutebolds and Ruby.
weaver the puns are killing me
I want both milk and cream
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Officer Content, you truly have nothing else to do.
>And they both pretend to be the same person because the apartment only has one bed
Does that mean Remmy and Femmy... sleep together?
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Dangerously close to being scrubbed people!
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Implying Remmy and Femmy is not the same person.
I still dont get the bounce house comic
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> mfw I keep moving to new fandoms, and Weaver keeps showing up in them
> This isn't just like a numbers thing, either
> Literally every time I get obsessed with a new fandom, Weaver shows up not long after
> I'm always just a little ahead of him
> And then he shows up

Clearly he is monitoring my thoughts.
There is no other explanation.
It's a public sex room, get it now?
What do you mean anon, it's only a one-person apartment
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>a fellow lover of kobolds

no one must know my true motives
Platonically, and innocently.

A bit of inadvertent nighttime frottage between twins is perfectly innocent.


Next thread, post cutebolds.
Cutebolds will always have a place in my heart, so sweetly cute.
>A bit of inadvertent nighttime frottage between twins is perfectly innocent.
Good christ let's not get another weird sexy tangent going.
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Thank you.

I wanna see this, too, though. Weaver, you have so much work to do.
Yeah, I mean how could they even frot through so much wool? They'd have to be really, really mashed together.
>There is no other explanation.

Have you not considered the possibility that Weaver is your "Tyler Durden"?
Have you ever experienced moments of lost time?
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oh hell.png
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for what
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Yeah, cutebolds are awesome.
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nick crosses his legs.jpg
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Judy can make anything lewd.

You know you want it.
I bring my own obviously, i mean, i gotta find an easy way to wake up, but coffee tastes like garbage without some extra flavor.
Thread posts: 530
Thread images: 168

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