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HG thread

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 419
Thread images: 251

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HG thread
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>post yfw Panty was actually Clownpiece this whole time
>post yfw Clown has been with us longer than we though
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Shitty Bill
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you what now.jpg
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So I can expand my swamp obviously.

To die you annoying brat.
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DDD 223.jpg
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Plot twirl
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>post yfw you're not in the MUGEN
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>Thank you.
>Thanks. I'm starting to think I have too much free time on my hands, but whatever.
>No Ocelot in mugen. Unless you have another ava that's in MUGEN?
No game yet, m8. This is just a hangout thread until someone hosts.
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>clap clap
Looks like even you can do something properly once in a while.
>for the anon in the last thread
I COULD pick her up if there would be no objection to it
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I don't see that happening any time soon. No one here will ever get close to doing it.
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>there is no Mugen in MUGEN
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Reminder that big boobs are gross and that flat is justice.
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>Shame literally none of my avas have a mugen, but whatever. Can't wait.
No one wants a swamp here... it would be unpleasant.
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You know what else I can do? I could tell everyone your dark secret.
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"Sweet mother, sweet mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear."
>pedophiles actually believe this
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Remove the loli and I'd agree
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Praise me too!
Wha-huh? Where a-Oh! That's right, I decided to take a nap here. How is everyone?
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She nods, putting it back into her sheath. She retrieves the paper and pencil she'd been given, writing something new on a fresh page.
She accepts what the girl had to say, unsheathing her knife and digging the blade into the floor. Slowly, it becomes apparent she was writing something.
"Chane Laforet," it said.
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Go ahead and I'll never look in your direction or talk to you ever again.
You're also good at regularly failing miserably.
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This """"""""""argument"""""""""" is getting boring, find a new one.
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I highly doubt you'd be able to do anything against the sevens sins of this world.

You look like you had a lot more happen to you than just sleep.
I could just shove your head into the muck of my swamp and make you into fertilizer for everything to grow. Dead or alive.

Swamps aren't unpleasant you little baby! Their wonderful and great sources of energy.
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Then you admit to being a pedophile?
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What do you mean, sir?

That threat hurts a lot more than any physical pain you've ever caused me.
Put a shirt on
Someone post Muffet's ass.
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It is you again.
Chane. I will remember that. You seem to know how to use weapons.
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>She nods.
I will be your friend. You would be my first friend actually. For you to remember. My name is Chikane Himemiya. Don't forget it.
Everything is well Akitsu.
Think Clownpiece would care if I picked her up?
Reminder that some anime girls have breast cancer
Watch out
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My sword.
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>Sorry about there not being characters, but I hope you like it when it's done.
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Zlatan needs a home.
Probably not. She doesn't ava her much anymore.
or you could not do that. I like the route where we become friends instead.

You look like you had a rough night. Your shirt's all buttoned weird, and it looked like you got into an altercation.
Now go and be happy about it somewhere else.
Good. It's supposed to do that.
Next time take a nap somewhere else and not here.
Do it
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As long as Mokou is in it
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Nah, I'm just sick of debunking it every time it comes up as if it's some "hah! Gottem!" when in reality it just makes you look like a moron.
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That's not really an insult considering I'm way younger than you... But the only people who like swamps are hermits and witches.. or both.
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I'll say it again. Too big for the body
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Not gonna happen. Just stop being so fucking stupid.

I'm the Greatest Witch ever you retard. The Great Swamp Witch Metallia.
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>Do it, give me a reason to use Stocking outside of bullying Souda
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Yeah...I don't have it.

Ah, what a pleasant memory that was!

But could you ever go without talking to me? You implied that you'd hate if I stopped annoying you.
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>I bet we will, keep up the good work.
I don't wanna!
I wish loli and shota were allowed on trash. It makes no fucking sense that we can have cubshit threads but not loli.
Liking flat =\= pedophilia. I'm not even a fan of loli and I can understand that.
>attracted to children
>not a pedophile
Hah! Gottem!
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I'll get started on it then
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She nods her head and keeps up her small smile, clawing another word onto the ground. It read, "trained," and she looks back up, presenting the word to her.
She turns back to the previous page and circles your name, running two fingers over it before holding it to her heart.
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I don't remember saying something like that.
Nobody cares about what you want.
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Well, it's getting late here so good night everyone !
This guy's got it. A cup is best cup tbqh.
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This. I want my /ss/
If you're so great why have I never heard of you? And I suppose it's only fair to tell you my name as well, I'm Kaito.
Stop being so reasonable l'm trying to garner an over the top reaction from him
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I didn't do anything that would count as being stupid. You're acting so hostile for no reason.

I guess it's lost forever, huh? Sorry about that. I'll buy you a new one.

Remember when I offered to stop coming around here as a wager? You denied that pretty damn quickly.
Do I really look that rough? It occasionally happens when I sleep in odd places.

Not that I sleep in odd places often! I mean, just places that aren't home.
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Yeah that was a great game. that trio stayed strong till butterfly betrayed Crimson and Subaru got impaled
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bored now, come up with your next ad hominem
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I need that one!!
Post big anime boobs
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You care what I want!
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Heh... that's kinda of cute and in a strange way. I promise you, that I will keep you safe. And when we're in the arena, you still think of me as a friend.
Th-The legendary Super Saiyan?
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why you little.jpg
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Don't play stupid kid. This entire fucking conversation started because of you making one dumb decision to prove how dumb you are.

Cause I'm stuck in my swamp for being so great and feared you idiot.
Subaru pick me up in your Subaru and let's hit the fucking road mate.
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I remember the outcome.
Do not.
>ad hominem
Hoshit detected
Opinions discarded
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You certainly did look that rough. You didn't have a nightmare, did you? That could have easily caused your messy look.

I'll buy you the best sword money could buy...if I had money. I'm a little broke right now, so this will have to wait a couple years.
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I need some advice on how to use a chainsaw.
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Son Goku (81).png
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Naw, that can't be Broly, I kicked his butt super hard.
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I just want to die. Where do I fit in?
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That was by talking to you, right?

Get on my back and we'll leave.
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Sleep tight Oce.
With the rest of us.
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Maybe I did that because that winning condition was just unbeneficial for me, in a way that it meant nothing.
For the two seconds while I refuse one of your offers.
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With me
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Meanwhile, on bizarro /hg/ ...
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It's the key to my time machine!
I had to sleep outside!
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She nods, looking down at the paper and scrawling another response.
"I will too," it said simply, before she added another line. "Like partners."
She raised her hand to her mouth and smiled, mimicking the motion of a laugh. "Paper?" She etched into the floor.
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Then why are you here? There's no swamp here...
First 48
Rei? Is that you?
G'night, Ocelot.
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ddd 88.png
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Holy shit they do kinda look alike
It's perfectly fine if you ERP in here. No one will mind.
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Good night sweet prince
By screaming out that you were the first bloody idiot to step foot here.

That's what you think but I've been doing some work already.
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Then you wouldn't mind if I stopped talking to you then, right? I don't mind. I have other people I can talk to while ignoring you.

It's nice sleeping under the stars, isn't it? I bet you felt one with this world!
Why does Garnet shitpost so much?
You may be right, but now that I try to recall just what I was dreaming about, nothing is coming to me. Dreams are interesting things, aren't they sir?
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>Hops in the backseat
Take us to the fuckin' McDonalds m8.
Neat lads, hop on in the Subaru and lesgo. I need my daily dose of burgers.
Everyone has a succesful life without misery, pain, agony, social disorders, autism, special ed, meds on the fucking cabinet that has to be taken every damn day over and over, a job that is actually satisfactory, a study that isn't complete dogshit, parents that actually care and most and important of all, we wouldn't be on fucking 4chan wasting our days.
I don't actually give a shit
Heterochromia> tit size anyway
Post more multicolor eyes
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Sweets are gay, I'll stick with my healthy food thank you very much.

>I know right?
>Powered up DIO is literally Broly
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I would never harm a fly, let alone kill a person.
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...M-my sword!
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Why are you so cold anyway?
I'm important.
Thank god that doesn't happen much
Anon. I like you, heterochromia is fucking based.
Dio came before Broly
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I love humans!
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Yes... like partners.
>She sat on the ground, and was looking straight at her.
I've no reason to not to be that way.
Armpit fetish is disgusting
I'm sorry, but please refrain bringing your... 'landscape' with you.
Dio also came in your mom
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>Content person
Oh really
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I sure wish you'd all kill yourselves
>scrathe near ear
Who's a good boy
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>Is an edgelord
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>Not I love dragons
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Anons are competent humans capable of making an intellectual and informed statement that broadens the mind.
>social disorders
A mere concept.
Aw yesh
I don't see anything wrong with that. I think you're against having fun because you don't know what fun is.

They certainly are! Sometimes they almost feel too real, and that's the scary side of them. Every time I...er, pass away it feels like reality, when really it was just a dream...

Hold on there, buckaroo. You better not think about eating in my car. I just cleaned it out yesterday.

You know what's better than a sword? Knives! You'd be a lot better with a knife instead of that heavy sword.
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I love being able to talk.
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Hey guys I'm back
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Stocking (62).jpg
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>No shit?
>Anon I'm just saying that Powered Up DIO looks almost exactly like Broly, or if you wanna be like that, Broly looks almost exactly like Powered up Dio
Sunset? Who's that?
....This hurts.
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Everyone is so hee-nice to each other, ho!
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Yes you do, we're friends!
>Summons Za Waldo Jr.
>Rapes you in stopped time.
Get rekt
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>Dio will never cum inside your mom
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Pass away? Did you mean pass out?
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I need my sword!
Matoi is a shit waifu.
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I hate her
First 48 for the Hoshi tournament

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Your destruction.jpg
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*she takes some paper out of her pocket*
I was holding on to this in it attacks me again. But this is more important.
Fast food is a plight upon humanity.
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Speak up faggot
>The faces when getting raped by Za Waldo Jr. and Za Waldo Sr.
fuck matoi I want kamina back /s
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Burgers taste like shit. I wish that every one of you die in a horrible car crash.
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check em.png
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I never get dubs or off by ones.
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I am landing this plane. With everyone on it
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It's just based on a paper. I'm not forced or intend to be kind towards you.
S-Sure! Let's go with that! Passing out is a real hassle, isn't it?

Let's calm down and think rationally here. There's no way I can get your sword now, so you'll have to wait until tomorrow.
This place is awesome
I hate you guys, I hate singing, and I don't want you guys talking to me.
>my computer is lagging and I couldn't tell
I finished my games and there is nothing special about them
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She sits next to you, scribbling another sentence on the paper.
"Tired. Where to sleep?"
She takes the paper and begins to scrawl a sentence on it.
"Chainsaws are inefficient killing weapons."
She'd go on to write an explanation.
"Barely cut bone. Not like in movies. Too loud. Knife better. Anything better."
>try showing gf normie anime again
>jojo is hella popular let's try that
>hated the art style
>stopped watching because kiddo Dio was TOO MEAN
I don't even understand
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>I hate this place.
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I need it tonight!
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Creator 1.jpg
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I am not the creator of the universe. But a simple bus boy.
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BDDD 110.webm
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Here we go again...
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Best one.
She's unsalvageable. Dump her.
I want to live, my existence is fulfilling and enjoyable
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It isn't a mere concept. Do you even know how many people walk into my mother's practice with social anxiety or disorders that prevent them from an actual social life? People that are hiked up on meds in order to have normal social interaction as they have disorders preventing them, trauma's kicking in once it happens or simply not enough courage that is hindered by their emotional spectrum being pressured into a state of rejecting social interaction and thus avoiding it like the plague?
No matter how you face it, even autism and sorts can be considered to be a social disorder. It isn't a mere concept as it's been proven that several conditions can be malignant the longer they go on without treatment or help as it creates escapism and isolation of oneself.
Nah mate, we gonna park that car and chill the fuck down with a burger you know what I'm saying?
have you tried Madoka?
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So you wanna be that girl that has no friends and 20 cats?
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Josuke (203).png
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Dumper her, she's shit.
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You can sleep anywhere really. There's no hotel, or inn... just the ground.
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>mfw trying to read this
I didn't like Madoka, so no, but she also made fun of me for watching little witch academia
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You can wait till tomorrow. It won't kill you to go one more night without your silly weapon.

Are you trying to sell me an idea of yours? I'll have you know I'm not very good at making dreams come true. You might have better luck eating McDonalds with someone who's a little more influential than I am.
It can be, particularly when you're supposed to be watching out for something.
>trying to introduce someone to anime with cartoonish looking art style.

come on dude... they'll see that, automatically think cartoon, automatically hate it because the whole childish idea. Plus now you've set yourself back
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I already have a friend and multiple acquaintances.
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My head hurts.gif
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That is upsetting. My friend seems to be really fond of it..
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I need it now!
Your GF is beyond normie. Beyond salvaging. Ditch her
Why must you generalize like this?
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REEH 2.png
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>I only just thought of that. Maybe next time
She has shit tastes. Dump her.
And that something keeps getting into trouble, and needs the help of someone else to get them out. I know exactly what that's like...
S-Say, what's your name? I'm Subaru, in case you wanted to know.
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>doesnt hump
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It's worse than I thought.
I don't have any ideas. I'm just fucking around mate.
Next time I'll bother with proper grammar and what not. Not now as I can't be fucked due to the time.
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>Leave her.
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It's good to offend as many people as possible.
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Y-Your opinion doesn't matter.
Ramsay should not kill himself.
Tell me why and I might go and get it for you.

In that case, but me some fries and 3 number 46's.
You should have shown her ep 4 of bebop (or whatever the vicious one is)
She likes "Lelouch of the rebellion" but l don't think anything else
Alright, got it. Hit the McDrive mate.
That sounds like a real problem. I'm Akitsu Maru, it's very nice to meet you.
>Not putting pictures of little Dio everywhere she would never expect to see them.
You've hit a gold mine anon.
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I-I've been holding it for over 24 hours.
>she likes code geass
Dump her and her shit taste.
Well screw you then. You think i'm gonna let this pass by just because you have some nice sweet anime tits?
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K I finally made one. Can I join the cool kids club? c:
It's satisfying as hell.
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No, I'm going to get away with it because I'm a shitposter and do what I want.
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Blue Beetle (60).png
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>BB Finally on a waifu chart
Oh man, this is a good feeling.
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>drives at a cooling 40mph on a 65mph road
We should get there in...30 minutes!

It sure is!
Tell me a little about yourself, Maru-tan. Your appearance has me interested!

W-Wait...you're not talking about "that", are you?

Put me in the middle and you'd be golden!
Those are some weird nipples
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Not me, m8. I made one ages ago. I don't even have it saved anymore.
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I respect your tastes, anon-kun, even if it's a big meme.
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I hope it's not too late...
Alright. I'm holding on tight, hungry as fuck though.
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this wont end well.jpg
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Y-Yeah...I'll go get it now.
>rushes off to get your sword
Please refer to me by my full name if it's not too much trouble, and what do you mean about my appearance sir?
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Just let me sit here.jpg
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I have no idea who this could be.
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She frowns and returns her attention to the paper, scrawling a singular word.

On the paper, she writes, "sorry," holding it up to the girl for her to see.
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Aren't we all dear?
>Yea, I was friends with a lot of these people before they became meme'd.
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>he starts going slower
You're not of a different race, right? I see some cops up there and I don't want to get pulled over.

I mean you look like you're an interesting person to talk to! Your uniform looks neat, and I figure you have a few good stories to tell.
I'm 100% Japanese like you. If they complain we'll say we're Australians, they always get away with everything.
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>it was windows defender lagging me
The worst malware in existence
turn it off and it turns itself on again and lags the system
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But I'm better than you.
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Alma can be a sweetie.
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No, you stay back there! I'll be back in a few seconds!

Do me a favor and hide the gun I keep back there. It's not registered.
Consider it done.
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(Please forgive me.... please forgive me.)
>Hugs her.
...I'm sorry for doing this. But this is the only thing I could... think of.
disable the permission nigga
I'm not sure my stories would be all that interesting, but if you're interested I wouldn't mind telling you a few.
I swore I did
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It is fine. I will make it work until she gets back. It is my purpose.
>I suppose you don't want to say who you are.
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I-I will summon my time machine.
I wouldn't deny that. But don't see it as a big deal.
It's Sol.
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File some of the papers that are scattered back there. I want them to think we're all business all the time.

I'm all ears, Akitsu Maru-tan!
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Good Evening Peoples~
>Nah, maybe once I fill out the chart. Just trying to remember who I could add that I talked to quite a bit. Shocker/Mysterio might go on there.
Ironically Sol is the only one who could possibly decipher who I am.
I'm not really sure what you want to hear about though.
Good evening
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Hello... strange creature.
Are midfags considered oldfags now?
Stop trying to make midfag a thing.
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You're going to break my house if you summon in! More importantly, you're going to attract a lot of unwanted attention by bringing something like that near a busy city!

Evening ghost! What have you been up to recently?

Hm...maybe something that'll teach me a life lesson? Surely you'd have one of those!
If you were here on /b/ I think it's safe to say you're old.
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Uh. Hi.
Everyone is just a fag at this point
>Stop trying to make midfag a thing.
What? Midfag has been a thing for almost a year now.
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A slight shock at first, her hands instinctively dart upwards to push her away, not used to being touched. Before applying any force, though, she catches herself, and allows you to hug her. It's not long before she's sound asleep. It seems you gained her trust after all.
I miss Raine Sage
Whats a god to a non believer who dont believe in anything?
A life lesson? Hmm, that might take some thought.
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gengar neutral.gif
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Hmm... Your name was Akitsu Maru correct? In the navy?

Hello, equally as strange being...

You don't need to keep refering to me as ghostie, I thought I've told you I was called Gengar... Didn't I?

Hello Soviet... Been a while sinc- oh wait you aren't soviet...
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Not a problem.
Only the chosen can see the Emerald Dragon.
Kiryuumaru, the Emerald Dragon.
He is my time machine.
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>Kind of?
>God help me
By people who want to sound important.
A three letter word l guess
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That is correct. We've met before?
>the older you are the more important you are
>people will believe this
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I would kill you if it weren't so late. No. I am not Soviet.
Good night... Chane.
>She gets up, and carries the sleeping girl towards a tree, and lay her there.
I am a human. How am I strange?
That's my point, thanks for making it for me.
No, we call those people "oldfags".
Its good to respect the old and wise. I fail to see how its different here.
The opium of the masses
Maybe something funny? Action-y? Anything that's not a tragedy is fine with me. I have enough tragedy in my life as it is.

I had no clue you had a name, but I'll call you Gengar-tan for now on!

Yeah, of course this would be that convenient.
>they arrive at his house
Alright, it's in there. Go find it.
Because I can rattle off "new" and "mid" fags all day that do more for HG than any oldfag.
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Smug Ninjas
Name them and what they do.
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First, I want to borrow something...
Oldfags set the foundation tho. Got to respect that.
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Supreme reader.jpg
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Fuck old people
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It's good to respect the old, but old does not necessarily mean wise. People are still people, and as such, people can be wrong as it's in our human nature. Nobody is perfect, and that's one of the few things that tick me off is people thinking that just because they're a bit older means that someone else's opinion is more entitled to another person's.
>It's hype time again
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Who is this...? I'm thinking Nito but.. I'm wrong a lot.
Do we?
It's rotten and crumbling
Don't be taking anything that's not yours! I've paid for that stuff with my hard earned money!
I don't think we've met, but it's rather easy to collect information on an a member of the military... espcially when they tend to wear a uniform, sticks out like a red thumb~

Ouch... You're name was... uhh... Bobba? That doesn't sound right...

Humans can be strange too~ I could ask you the same question, why am I strange?

Well, it's not exactly a name... It's like if I were to call you "Human", but I don't really have much more of a name than that
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Smug Horsemen
Hey Kaito. How are you today?
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"Good avatars of HG,
Have you seen the light?
Are my oldfags the honorable spartans I hoped they would be?"
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"Boba Fett". And you are?
Oldfag here, insider tip:

We made the foundation from cardboard and dead jews.
Would you like a name? I could give you one if you'd like.

I thought that's what you wanted the sword for!
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Hmm..I think it was some time in 1944, supplies were running low, particularly food. A lot of folks weren't able to have full meals every day where we were deployed..
How did you know my name though? Were you watching?
>blindly respecting someone because they're old
Hitler is 127 years old, I'd say that's pretty old. Guess I have to respect him by default.
Maybe. But they have seen more shit.

Im just saying id rather trust a 10 year doctor over a novice who just got his PhD
I'm fine, but that means I was wrong right?
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You're a ghost.
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>not respecting hitler
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25 hours...
He didn't even finish the job
Just look at who regularly hosts now.
He was pretty wise tho
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>my little coral poppa got banned this mornings do none of you tried to stop it
I don't know, I'm neither of them. I just wanna talk to someone
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You trying to talk shit about me here, little bastard? I'm the Ultimate Neurologist for a reason, never forget that before I end up carving that into your skull.
I knew this was coming.
lol git rekt
Who are the literal who old fags?
You're welcome.
Sounds more like Ultimate Malpracticioner to me
I fucking TOLD him to delete that post. It's not my problem if he doesn't wanna listen to reason.
Whoa, hold on there for a minute. 1944? Please tell me you're reciting something from a history book here, because you look no older than me.

Just go and get this over with...
Oh, that's fine, I'm always here when I want to talk after all, but how are you today?
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Just call me Gengar.

No thanks, I'll wait to recieve a name.

I like to collect information... it's a bit of a hobby.
That explanation sounds better than, "I can hide in shadows and walls, and listen to conversations" doesn't it?

half right, but being a ghostie isn't so strange... especially in a place like this...
You sound insecure. More like the Ultimate jackass
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Do not raise him to be a moron next time.
>not a full blown meme
>Who are the literal who
You cant say who the literal whos are if you cant even remember them
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BDDD 68.png
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Ya see, I can agree with that as well. But it depends from person to person.
Some people can be so hard-headed that they refuse to use new practices that have showed up in recent years that are proven to work much better than the ones they're used to.
I've seen it time and time again, people that aren't open to criticism and it drags them down. Personally, I'd rather find a middle ground. But hey, you just keep doing you. Who am I to tell you how to live your life, eh?
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>Runs off.
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I think "Super Mega Death Christ III" would suit you well.
If I could remember them they wouldn't be literal who's
I miss Hiccup
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The way I deal with my words isn't the way I deal with my patients. I threaten them once they become too much of a bother, doesn't mean I won't perform my job with 100% efficiency and ensure that the condition they suffer from disappears. That's the task of a doctor.
Sorry but that title was already taken by your father when he forgot that his condom was punctured.
I'm ok. Just caught a bad case of the feels rather suddenly.

Don't we all?
I do too
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She better clean up after herself...
I guess thats just human nature right? We are stubborn motherfuckers.
Yuubari, that destiny guy, Hokki, I want to say Alma but I'm certain she's mid
Yin and Hoshi are the best avatars ever

Maybe, and JUST maybe Chopper
I miss Kurumi
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You're right... this place could bring in far stranger things.
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boba (88).png
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"Gengar". Alright, so what exactly are you?
Are you saiying your my dad?
I haven't played her for two days, how can you possibly miss that shit?
Who the fuck is this Chopper I keep hearing about?
>Literal Who
That makes no sense. Even with him barely being around these days, everyone knows him.
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My sword.
I got a literal who that none of you remember

That one dyke who was stalking uni.
I forgot her name though.
I'm memeing his ass
Can someone post the reason he left?
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I'm not "saiying" anything. I'm saying that your dad had that precious title. Besides someone of my age, who's just reached maturity shouldn't be a parent, especially not when he's already more then dedicated to his job.
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>I haven't been to /b/ in a while because of the rekt threads, I remember when that shit didn't fly, especially the animal abuse ones, the feels used to hit too hard from those..
ah, what happened? It seems like you wanna share.
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BDDD 27.jpg
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We only do it because we just love what we're used to, afraid to get out of our comfort zone unless we know it will benefit us in some way.
I can't blame them though, since I'm the same way. Being human is both a blessing and a curse. But as long as you keep what you love close to you, you should be happy.
I dont think there was a reason. He just randomly left existence
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Did you find it?
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>It's been so long and so much has happened I can't even recall half of them.
Asellus isn't an oldfag

Too much politics bullshit.
him too
Do they try to stay relevant?
I don't He thought his opinions were hot shit and he was a 4chan newfag. The guy was annoying as hell.
What happened to doos anyways?
The purple one, from mirai nikki
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For what purpose.png
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>I'm an old newfag though
OD'd and lost his house
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In a weird way this community is a testament to that.
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Not at all, I was born January 6th, 1926. Anyway, I don't remember what island it was, but as always there were some that would steal other people's rations. Most were caught though, and those that weren't I think later died in battle, but mys sister and I shared our rations with each other and it made the experience not only bearable, but actually kinda pleasurable. I guess the point is: Friends and family can make even very trying circumstances seem like small problems if you let them.
I suppose so.
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>I could've sworn that was one of Yuno's ava's. I'll ask him when I talk to him again.
>I still talk to him daily, he's still lurking and stuff. Just not RP'ing and what not.
The pink haired bitch from kill la kill
>I've never browsed /b/, absolute cancer board filled with 14 year olds who heard about the hacker 4chan meme, plus way too fast. /Trash/ is much nicer, the furries are like a filter that scares most people away.

I was gonna make a friends chart. This always happens when I try to think about hg friends. I'm not sure anyone actually like talking to me. I know some people, "like," me, but what does that even mean? The actions don't support that claim, otherwise they'd message me more often. Of course, I can't tell them that, cause then I'm guilt tripping them, and even if they do start messaging more frequently, I'd suspect it wasn't because they actually wanted to.

>Crab nigga
>Literal who
Sounds like you're not looking hard enough!

Wait, wait, wait!
Yo-you were born in 1926?! H-How do you look sound young and cute if you're basically someone's grandma!
I think so
I think so, but I can't remember myself.
She only really talked to uni.
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A lot of communities around the internet are like that.
That's why it's important to have the first members inside a community to be a certain way so you can shape a community to be fine.
I'm part of like two other communities around the internet and I've seen this happen. I may not be an oldfag here, but over there I'm much more of a "someone".
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I'm sleepy.
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... Like I said, I think I'm gonna wait on getting a name

So, instead of just calling me strange creature, you can just call me Gengar... what should I call you?

Well, I'm part ghostie, part something I haven't quite figured out yet.
more vaguely, I'm a form of creature called a pokemon in my world, which are creatures that have special abilities and types.

So, what brings you to this place? It's not military related is it?
>hunger games
>there is no games
I'm loving it
Sleep with me!
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...It's under my bed.
>especially the animal abuse ones
Animals>Humans desu senpai
So im going to assume you are experienced with being in these type of communities.

So if you dont mind me asking this question. Is HG dying?
oh my lord
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Call me Chikane Himemiya. It's... weird to meet you Gengar.
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206KB, 500x600px
>WAIT WAIT WAIT... I know who you mean! You meant Vino's Minene. Yeah I remember now, Vino's Minene talked to Uni a lot but that was a few months ago.
You're a bit too paranoid, you see? Most people in here aren't the ones that are all that approachable. I know from several that they just don't really know how to keep a conversation going or how to start a conversation. You don't have to think in a way that if they don't talk to you on a daily base that they aren't your friends, that's stupidity. You have to deal with that certainty that some aren't the flatterers that are able to talk for a longer period. I assume you aren't an idiot like most idiots around here, but as per usual you should trust a gifted neurologist in this matter.
ok deal
S-Subaru, my sword!

>The Flashing Buttoner
i was betrayed
Activity wise? No. You have NOT seen dying if you think HG is dying as a community.

Turbolesbian strikes again!
Why do you need a sworf?

? 2016 31683
? anthro 488188
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? armwear 674
? belly 12382
? big breasts 105421
? black nose 29418
? blush 154119
? bottomless 22062
? bra 8929
? breasts 291984
? brown fur 39154
? brown hair 34503
? brown nipples 1167
? clothed 134676
? clothing 258574
? exposed breasts 378
? female 493540
? fur 249721
? green eyes 66266
? hair 307398
? hi res 306759
? legwear 43268
? looking at viewer 148249
? navel 53753
? nipples 201822
? partially clothed 12422
? pussy 180765
? slightly chubby 23192
? smile 118840
? solo 384914
? thick thighs 16586
? underwear 53769
? voluptuous 9775
? wide hips 25183
Suit yourself, but don't say I didn't try to help you out.

I told you, it's under my bed! Go get it before Eruna does bad things to you!

I've already talked to you about this. I'm an insecure fuck when it comes to these sorts of things. Can't be helped
I've been a part of a five man community, funny enough it's been alive like that for the last 8 years.

I suppose it is the result of being born with that special soul, though despite my age I have yet to be fortunate to meet anyone who I might have children with.
No, I just come here because I enjoy the games and some of the people here.
>Akitsu Maru
It's pretty alright. Could do better but also way worse.
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