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RWBY/RT Trash General #117: Chilled Huntress Edition Previo

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 475
Thread images: 191

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RWBY/RT Trash General #117: Chilled Huntress Edition

Previous Thread: >>3361878

Archive: https://desustorage.org/trash/search/text/rwby%2Frt/type/op/

Rules of RWBY/RT threads:
>1. Read the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UmEaBVGW
>2. Arguing about the thread isn't discussion.
>3. Don't believe their lies

RWBY Chibi - Latest Episode:

RvB Season 14 - Latest Episode:

Camp Camp Episode 1:
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Ah, and what a fine vintage you have chilled, my good sir.
Link for Camp Camp?
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RNJR will avenge Pyrrha!
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>Columbine massacre and racism jokes edited out of On The Spot
>holocaust, 9/11, and jew jokes are fine
9/11 was fifteen years ago, while school shootings happen every year so they're a lot fresher wounds to avoid joking about. Holocaust is a similar thing.

Couldn't tell you why jew jokes are in but racism is out, though, considering jew jokes are racism.
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There are terrorist attacks all the time though.
Probably because Barb, who is Jewish, is the one who makes the majority of the Jew jokes. It's a Mel Brooks kind of thing.
What were they?
>Barb is Jewish
Man, she's just getting shittier and shittier lately
An episode of On The Spot apparently had to be edited before it could be put on Youtube, but fans complained enough to get the unedited version on there.
well, this took a while. but that other thread? with this link? http://pastebin.com/UmEaBVGW

holy fuck, they might have all the soundtracks, but they're all uncompressed with shitty metadata if any.

here it is, with proper every fucking thing, a gigabyte less: https://mega.nz/#F!x4cF3axI!4nYX8IGLMSt-YiKhYL6ZEg
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Hail the Meme Queen! Bringer of OC and dankness!
>"you just know this is going to get an article on Jezebel"
Brian was great.
He said something about SJWs too, but I couldn't make it out.
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memes just got intense.png
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Oh, you mean like the new camp camp? Thing I haven't watched it yet.

Meme Darkness?
>Oh, you mean like the new camp camp?
No? Camp Camp isn't even on youtube yet.
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...Is that what happens when you ring the bell?

You fools! I warned you that it could be dangerous!
What happened to the general on /co/?
No, when you ring the bell she takes off her top, gets on her knees and opens her mouth.
The mods got fed up with some asshole reporting every single greentext story and post, and decided to ban us until volume 4 starts.
it got saged all the way to /trash/
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Oh, then I don't know what everyone is talking about then. Anyone get a link?

I don't care it was worth it.

Now it was definitely worth it.
Why's that? Why that reaction?

I'm not even sure I want to go back to /co/ once Vol.4 starts. It's just so much comfier here.
Now you're soundin' like them CYOA fellers.

Next you'll be saying that you want to create a self-insert fuckfic and discuss it exclusively...
Because she likes making people happy, duh.
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>Next you'll be saying that you want to create a self-insert fuckfic and discuss it exclusively...

Been there done that. You're welcome to go back but I'm staying here.
I agree

>Next you'll be saying that you want to create a self-insert fuckfic and discuss it exclusively...
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I'll drag you back to /co/ if I have to, anon.
You serious? I need sauce
You can't find the censored one anymore. Apparently it was more Youtube being cunts than RT.
When you ring the bell she goes into heat how every the only time that happens is when she willingly lets your rings it.
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My /trash/y brothers
[spoiler]I love this place[/spoiler]
A downside to this place is the lack of spoiler function

And no namefagging.
>A downside to this place is the lack of spoiler function

That sucks.

>And no namefagging.

A blessing and a curse. More of a blessing.
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The only thing I do miss are the spoilers
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>Still no WeissXBeowulf part 3
Sun is from Vacuo.
that's not very nice ruby, you shouldn't want your partner to engage in bestiality.
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Post your waifu's face when she sees your penis for the first time.
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woop woop neon.png
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Neat so it's back in it's full glory despite the butthurt PC fags?
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Exactly where Sun belongs.jpg
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Sun currently lives in Mistral and that's where we're deporting his stupid ass. If you don't like it you can go with him.
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Yeah it sucks about that

As a former namefag myself I feel a certain weight has been lifted from my shoulders
Freedom to shitpost with out care
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Pretty much this tbqh!
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>mfw someone still wants this

There's already a doujin that fulfills my fetish, I have no drive to write part 3
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>tfw Asian
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I'm only average
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blake is cute
i like her
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Weiss yeahright.png
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It wouldn't be a stereotype if there wasn't some truth to it
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Even after you make her pregnant?
What if Neon and Neo could no longer distinguish between each other?
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Even after she gets fat from eating too much tuna?
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>tfw genuinely don't find blake that attractive at all so my hatred for her is totally unrelenting
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Even after she rejoins the White Fang?

Yes because that design gives me a visual/aesthetic erection. It's probably my favorite White Fang Blake design now.

Link to source?
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Yes, so long as she doesn't run away


what if ruby kept trying to look at your penis
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V3 >V1 > V2
There I said it. I can't believe RT actually made breach and said "Okay this is how we'll wrap this up"
How could anyone not tell the difference between a smug mute with an umbrella sword an a smug meme with glow stick nunchakus an skates? I could imagine them joining forces to irk Yang though.

I don't think anyone with good taste would argue against that ranking. V2 is atrocious for a long list of reasons.
I completely agree with you anon.

V2 falls in between the acceptable production level of V3 and the crappy charm of V1 and as a result it doesn't quite reach either point, so it fails.

I mean, V1's ending didn't particularly feel like an ending, since there was basically no plot to end, but at least it wasn't massively unsatisfying and at least the next volume remembered how it ended
Which RWBY would film rapping while she cooks? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMRP9JTHlw

V1 was also made by like, 15 guys with a limited grasp of what the fuck they were doing.
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It's the practical consensus that V2 was so bad that if V3 was worse they should probably just cancel RWBY.

[spoiler]But I feel like Monty's death meant they felt like they had to give it focus, which helped alot.[/spoiler]
That's probably true

Can you imagine the fan response if volume 3 was terrible? Everyone would be clamoring for it to be cancelled and they'd have lost one of their most profitable shows
No, Hmong American
V3 was an improvement, but the show still has flaws that they need to work on. Volume 4 will be RT's first volume without Monty. It can fail.

I think you overestimate the fans. No matter how shitty RWbY become,s the fans will keep watching it. It will be a guilty pleasure for some, and a real pleasure for the most loyal ones. They are too loyal to RT to quit the show.
>Volume 4 will be RT's first volume without Monty. It can fail.
This is going to sound horrible but seeing as it's the first volume without Monty I actually see vast improvement.
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I'm near 6 inches so I should be okay, right?

Will you still say that if Raven gets written out, SSSN becomes team boyfriend and Pyrrha comes back from the dead?
Both yes and no. Monty was a big asset, but also a big hindrance. He was their biggest strength and their biggest weakness.
> inb4 Shane storms in with a 5 post essay arguing against this
DESU I'd probably be one of the loyal idiots. No skin of my back to watch there stuff.

But V3 gave me hopes, they went wayyy beyond PG 13, had some decent characterization and the story actually did things.
As long as you use it properly, yeah.
what if penny smiled at you
I would stay for a while just to see all the butthurt, specially from tumblr.
> 6 in
actually half an inch bigger than average here in burgerland so you're good
>They announced on the summer of animation livestream they are using Maya, a real animation program

Shane on suicide watch
>Will you still say that if Raven gets written out, SSSN becomes team boyfriend and Pyrrha comes back from the dead?
Considering that Monty was ripping off FF wholesale that last bit was likely to happen anyways.

SSSN actually had less attention placed on them in the thrid volume and Sun was painted in a somewhat unfavorable light.

Raven is meh anyways.
>inb4 Shane storms RT and shoots up the building
Nothing new there, lad.
We already knew this, he said it was one of the reasons he wanted to leave
Some of you are okay.
Don't go to the RT offices tomorrow.
>Sun was painted in a somewhat unfavorable light.
>Raven is meh anyways.
She's one of the few interesting plot points of the show
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Never forget.jpg
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Do it faggot
Do it for her

Monty had a certain aesthetic. Aesthetics do not necessarily make great writing, even if he made cool animation. But when the show is your baby and you're the one working 16+ hours a day to make it work, you get your way.

Even if the batch of writers, directors and animators do not have the exact skills or experience Monty, they at least now have a hopefully properly organized workflow and are no longer pinioned on Monty being gud.
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Why would they avenge what's just going to come back in 2 volumes?
>he said it was one of the reasons he wanted to leave
>Because they started to use a proper animation suite.
I really have to reread that letter because that is a sort of retarded that I didn't think was possible.
This would be amusing if it wasn't, uh, faintly plausible.

Blaine would stop him.
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I'm looking forward to Neon's return either in Atlas where Weiss is or Vale supposing she stayed to help the locals fight Grimm.

Good lord I hope not.
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Is there a way I can get more team CRDL but without C? Those guys had potential
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Fucking Heroes and Halfwits is making me want to play a tabletop goddammit
Which episode was it?
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That sounds nice
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I want little Tay to come back

Welcome back

I know mate
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>I want little Tay to come back
Don't we all
The day she died /pol/ lost it's second daughter
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Blake is the best!
Post time stamp an weapon or your a fagget.

>Blaine would stop him.

I'm dead certain at least one of the RT animators has to have a live sword lying around their desk, and somebody in that studio knows how to use one.
I just killed yang
If we had any Russians on this general, they are gone now.
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I love Griffin
>Being attracted to some attention seeking Degenerate
wew lad
Threadly reminder that Pyrrha is basically going to become Auron.
Raven is already Auron. We covered this a couple threads ago.
what if you sat next to weiss on a very crowded train and your shoulder and touching her shoulder and she smelled divine

Holy shit, that actually stuck with some people? I made those posts on my way home during red lights out of boredom and never checked back when I got home.
I've been doing "X is basically going to be Auron because this is Final Fantasy fan fiction" posts every now and again for weeks and didn't think anyone paid any attention.
hogwarts doesn't like white people, or something like that.
I noticed it got something funky going on with that one, did they just delete the original and re-release it uncensored, or was there a separate uncensored release?
They deleted the censored one after fans complained.
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I did! I then managed to use it to figure out that Yang is Zell. Because it's the same mocap actor for both.
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Every goddam day.png
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Both him and Tidus*
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>Act normal and pretend I'm busy
>Ignore her scent
>Weiss wouldn't want to talk to a nobody like me
>She's probably on her way to meet important people
>Play on phone for a bit
>Wallpaper is spaghetti
>"Oh, must be a bug on the new Atlas OS"
>Open Flappy White Fang
>Trees are replaced with spaghetti noodles
>Character is now a jar of tomato sauce
>"White Fang hackers at it again! Haha!"
>Open wallet to see if I got money for a cup of coffee
>find pic related
Jaune please.
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Tank top master yang.png
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Anyone got a good angry Yang I could use to finish this picture?
Didn't Aaron kick his ass?
He actually doesn't panic when near Weiss all that much.
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Yang Digust.jpg
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Think you can work with this?
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Maybe this?
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The rarest.png
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And I was wrong :D Thank heavens.
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Tank top master yang.png
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Thank's satan, that'll do.
Ruskies got unbanned.
>Be me, cancerous namefag
>In college, suddenly hit hard times
>Get recommended some pizza joint that's hiring
>Decent work for decent pay
>Anyhow, making the pizza pasta is relative easy, but there's one infuriating thing:
>When your putting the pepperonis on the pizza, some times they're furled up and you have to straighten them out
>Its a minor inconvenience but it gets annoying after awhile
>You quickly learn to hunt out the flat ones first
>Slowly I realize because of this, I slowly get a obsession with flat things
>Everything in my apartment is neigh completely level to an almost ocd / autistic extent
>This strangely doesn't bother me, but whatever
>after a couple weeks, realize that I'm saving more Weiss stuff
>Think nothing of it
>Eventually realize that Weiss is now my fucking waifu
>Used to be a hardcore Penny, Rube, and more recenfly,Yangfag
>Fuck em, Its all about Weiss now
>Tfw pepperoni and pizza pasta caused me to be obsessed over a fictional cartoon girl
>Tfw I have no face
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penny 10.png
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why did you abandon her?
Inspiring story friend
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>Used to be a hardcore Penny, Rube, and more recenfly,Yangfag
>Fuck em, its all about Weiss now
Wow a lot of people are joining the Snow Queen side
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I want to ruffle her hair.jpg
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>Implying Penny isn't flat
I didn't, she's still in my top 3 favorite characters
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Weiss and Chibi.jpg
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>Its all about Weiss now
That's right
I've been seeing so much off model art that I literally forgot.
I'm now both ashamed and excited.
Can't hurt to try
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Robot Carnival.webm
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Rest in Peace my adorable mechanical redheaded waifu.
Google "rwby [character] turnaround"
Penny might be even flatter
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MTP 3.gif
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>Anime will never be this level of emotional impact again.

I cried like a bitch for three days after watching this.
>What is the context behind the webm?
For research purposes of course.
No spoilers, watch the stuff.
reese is my big favorite
I saw that shit when I was like nine years old.

It still hurts.
Reminder that you should vote for trump
>male lesbian
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not this one faggot.jpg
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I don't have that picture of camwhore Jaune anymore.
Your computer removed it from itself because it doesn't like arkos. Please save some lancaster images.
Camp Camp is literally foul mouthed spongebob.
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Nugget Chucks.jpg
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If /k/ were to ever be embodied as a person in RWBY...
It was just a picture of Jaune masterbating by himself.

There was no Pyrrha.
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jaune's transformation scene.png
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Have this instead
They would be an arm chair soldier who dies quickly.
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I'm thinking about getting back into writing
Can someone give me some prompts?

No Weiss x Beowolf pt 3
What a hunter/huntress guild system might be like
anonxhis parents who are depressed as fuck because they raised a son who does nothing but leech off his parents and masturbates in their basement.
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>The ultimate self-insert reality
Folk tales that might be told in Remnant
Open a book on creative writing and practice the exercises until you're decent.
Oh, there was a good one on how Faunus were made, it was about some guy taking up the challenge to touch the sun. He wished for a bunch of things and the lady started granting him things that'd make him better like a tail of a monkey for balance or something.
cute penny
Does anyone still have the link to that? It was interesting to say the least
Those are unheard of concepts to me, I don't know what I'm doing
Do you think there's going to be a legitimate origin for the faunus? ancient human experiment with crossbreeding? Elder species? From another world, planet, universe?
Moon aids mutation, they came from the moon
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sarge harder.png
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Atlas military operation gone awry. Only the main character and his squad survived and now they have to get back to base.
...Where Neon Katt, hero of the Atlas military, can help turn the tide!
>male lesbian

>Implying that wasn't a thing years ago
Already got that
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Penny and Ciel x Reader. Comfy slice of life.
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Penny Rare.jpg
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Also, a deleted Penny from that one Nippon twitter artist
>"Am I supposed to put this the same place I put mine?"
>Greentext written by a date less virgin about dating two girls.
It'd almost be worth it just to make fun of it.

RWBY and JNPR are playing a Remnant version of D&D.

Ren is the dungeon master and narrating the story.
Everyone roleplays as their characters (Referring to one another as their character names, treating everything as if it were legitimately happening, etc) and, if not for the fact that they occasionally break character because something about the scene doesn't make sense, or they call bullshit on the enemy selection, you'd swear it was original fiction.
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It would be absolutely adorable.
It would be cringy as fuck.
Your constant shitposting about it is what's making me cringe
I foresee SAO tier shit.
>Your constant shitposting about it is what's making me cringe
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It could be Penny x Ciel. (>'.')> <('.'<)
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>Penny and Ciel x Reader
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meme dream 78904.gif
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Nice dubs anon, I think Neon would approve of your Nugget nunchakus.
>It could be Penny x Ciel.
Well they're both autistic so there's a chance the writer can get into the correct mindset.
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Not writing that
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What about >>3385826 ?
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Twins x Reader.
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The pro meme's huntress.jpg
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Neon would become a reputable general very quickly by displaying her perfectly executing her meme strategy.
Jaune x Reader
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I want to lick her belly.jpg
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>Neon meming people to death
So, how did everyone like Camp Camp?
And how long til we get porn of Gwen?
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>Weiss x Beowolf pt 3

Is it true some of V3 was done in Maya right? If so then which scenes because the environment Salem was in looks too good for it to be poser
They said a while back that a certain new program helped them make the scenes that had a lot going on in them, since poser would crash a lot if you put too much on it.
How long until we get porn of david molesting max?
>since poser would crash a lot if you put too much on it
Why was anyone pissed they left it behind?
This actual is the reason. No joke. It lets you animate certain things faster.
I know that's the reason, why didn't he just take time to learn the Maya shortcuts?
Monty's whole shtick was being able to animate efficiently, and since he trained his fingers to shortcuts for poser, he refused to move onto any other software.
He even forced the entire RWBY animation team to learn Poser so he could operate more efficiently, even though it would probably have taken less time for him to learn maya
He was a turboautist
Ever notice how until v3, the characters would move like robots? Poser lets you create two points in the air and the model will do all the movement between these two points. Monty used this feature for practically all the non-fight scenes so he could be done with them faster.
>Poser lets you create two points in the air and the model will do all the movement between these two points. Monty used this feature for practically all the non-fight scenes so he could be done with them faster.
That really sounds like something that should have been abandoned the second the team grew large enough.
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>Poser lets you create two points in the air and the model will do all the movement between these two points. Monty used this feature for practically all the non-fight scenes so he could be done with them faster.
Admittedly I've never animated anything in my life but that sounds just incredibly stupid.

Didn't the animation team grow exponentially even before his death.
How has this become the views of the majority of people?
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>islam is a race!
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1 IN 3 WOMEN.png
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Leftists and Socialists, they're tearing Western civilization down.
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
Question for the Neonposters:

What is meant by Neon "memeing" people? It seems to be used in a few different contexts. Is it a sex thing or is it her attacking?
Does someone upload the latest membership-only chibi episodes like in the main series somewhere?
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For Monty.jpg
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I'm doing it
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Make him proud
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What if your waifu was into you and you startes dating and had sex a few times and then discovered that you two are blood relatives
Godspeed, soldier.
Anyone got a DL link for Camp Camp?
Huh, turns out MilesM is alive.

I just saw that too. I'm glad he's still writing stuff.
Okay Camp Camp was legitimately pretty funny.

Smut of the councilor and that phone girl fucking when.
I don't mean them fucking specifically, but that's also fine.
I don't think David would behave so unprofessionally to the campers
Obviously it's one of the mandated camp activities.
The notKorra councilor you idiot.
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You don't say?
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I don't understand what this Rube is trying to convey.
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>Murdering your feel with stupid lady stilts
>Even going in the first place
Uh huh
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Indirect Kiss.png
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Sure thing, Rubes.
Isn't there a follow-up to that?
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Under The Red Hood.jpg
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Not that I know of.
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It definitely exists, same paneling.

Also this artist is great.
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It could only be better if Merc had a giant pompadour.
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Hood Buddies.jpg
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Well, those were originally two pics (I just merged them together), so maybe you're thinking of that?
which one of you autists keep spamming blake pictures in a /co/ thread?
>People actually like my writefaggotry
It was written drunk so I'm gonna touch up on it and then post a link.
This is the follow up. The comic includes this picture of best leaders.
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Oh, ok. Thought you meant follow up as in continuation of that comic.
Just look at V3. It's by far the best one in terms of writing, pace and storytelling.

And even if you say you disliked the new dark tone of the series, well, that's probably Monty's doing and the team is just following his original plot even if they twist a few things.
Isn't this the artist who hardcore ships Sun x Roman?
RT probably didn't agree with Breach either. Consider that Monty was in charge of the whole episode and called the shots.

You can even argue that this is one of the main reasons why they changed a lot of Monty's ideas. Most of them have been shitty in everything but action with Breach being the greatest example of what RWBY would be if Monty made every major decision.
No one wanted Breach to be the finale, not even Monty, they just ran into production difficulties and plans had to change
Chibi link

That was really fast... for this thread's standards.

Get crazy
Glad Ren's eyes are magenta again. They were really unsaturated in V3 for some reason
I noticed it was only a few minutes away from release and I had nothing to do so I was just spamming refresh out of boredom
>Cardin wins
Not even mad
>She said "Hello Again"
Man, I was hoping that Chibi would quietly just never acknowledge Pyrrha's existence.
I was hoping an arrow would suddenly fly into her chest from off-screen to end the episode
Pyrrha's voice acting was really bad in this clip.
Pyrrha's voice acting is always bad
I know. I meant it was even worse.
that count as another meta joke.
I wish they'd actually show Professor Peach
I was so happy that they actually talked about her for some reason, I've always liked using Prof Peach as a joke.
>Does she have a peachy ass?
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Inc Chibi ends with Ruby waking up from the dream and crying.

fuck how do i cross board link
three meme arrows, the board name (ex: /v/)then the number

>That ending song
God I can't wait for the soundtrack

fuck im to stupid for this, basically which one of you guys are going on the indie comics threads on /co/ and spamming RWBY pictures
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almost there
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>Yang had the same dream
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I wonder
>Only 5 blake/emerald fics on AO3
Why is the world so cruel?

Yeah, Not to knock monty or anything but he didn't always make the best calls. Especially the chibi and cartoony stuff in vol 1.
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If only Weiss was there for her when she needed her instead of being a frigid bitch. Thanks best teammate
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>Drowns herself in chocolate
>Chokes herself with her cape
Man, Ruby's really taking her mom's/Pyrrha's death hard

looks like the same guy who spammed the RWBYg threads back on /co/
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No, his waifus were posted in alphabetical order

why i don't whats going on
Well, you see Anon, if you listen to Red like Roses II you realize she was always like this except it happens offscreen.


>An anon makes a thread about how Superhero comics are for children and how they should rid his indie comics
>People get mad because the OP is acting like an elitist
>Whole thread is shitposting
>Spam anon starts spamming RWBY pictures
>Anons try to make more indie threads without being condesending
>Spam anon finds them and starts spamming RWBY
Did /co/ get it's own shitposting brigade like /a/?
Inb4 this is the end of Volume 4.
They cut her of in time, but still.
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Just when you thought there was nothing for tumblr to get mad about in this week's Chibi
>silly anon, they always find something to rage over
Just when I thought you'd shut the fuck up about tumblr or at least not post about it here.
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Ryan is best Chibi Achieve Men
>Being triggered by death
>While watching a show about fighting monsters
ayy lmao
At least it wasn't a belt...
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>The bed post blocks out Gavin

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>swapped out ray for jeremy

I like Jeremy but that still makes me sad.
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Fuck you.png
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>mfw they actually did
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>Mercury Black sprains his ankle while running away from Ruby Rose.
It's someone from around here creating bait posts, retard.
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mojo maxwel.jpg
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New Mojo
>Ruby was actually turning purple when she was choking

didn't notice at first
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still great but I was expecting some sexy art with RWBY in counselor outfits

>next is going to be Jaune and David probably both with guitars
>Sun and Max
>Ruby and Space kid
>Mercury and Neil
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>Elizabeth Maxwell is still going around saying "I'm an agent of chaos"

Do you think Ruby can use her semblance to move her hips faster while riding cock?
I guess technically she can but she's not likely to be riding cock so it's a bit of a moot point.

Probably a bit late but

>Pyrrha pushes Jaune into the locker
>He grabs her as he falls and they both end up inside the locker together
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the friction would melt your dick, she's tight enough already
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>all according to plan
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A strap-on is still a cock and a clit is a tiny penis.

>Ruby telling you to take it slow because she's still tight and it hurts a bit.
This. It'd be amazing
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Rooster Teeth is slowly turning him into a westaboo...
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>More Bumbleby jokes and references
>Mentioning Professor Peach
>Breaking the 4th wall with Pyrrha

They're just going all out with the trolling and baiting.
>Pyrrha grabs a bow, some arrows and a quiver
Anybody have that website that plays the links? VLC is shit.
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that's the point, during the stream they said that RWBY chibi comprises of jokes they came up with and how they just have fun with it now
So that's what happens when you ring the bell...
Did anyone grab a cap of Chibi team JNPR?
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>Vol.4 starts
>It's a "Team SSSN turn on each other episode"

I just watched the clip.

Holy fuck it doesn't even sound like her at all.
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Abstract Something....png
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Can't put my finger on it either
You got the Kingdom Hearts one too?
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>Thinking they deserve music that cool.

This is more their speed.
Chibi Pyrrah's boots seem a little...off
Chibi Ren is alright
>Not posting the final mix DUEL WIELD!

>Caring about the boobs on a chibi models
I said boots, not boobs anon
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Fuck. I'll just go back to sleep
Ruby goes to sleep on Emeralds massive futa cock when?

It's such a same Weiss is too busy in atlas to care for her little rose.
Maybe I could be your Ice Princess tonight
Was Pyrrha's VA really strange or was it just me?
She tried WAY too hard. Sounded absolutely awful.
It's their running inside joke
So is everything bad an inside joke?

>Wow RT, that was so shit
>"Haha! Thats the joke! RWBY is pretty shitty! Nice catch!"
Not everything. In this case it is though.
But how do we know?
I forget if it was in the off-topic, one of the others or a commentary but it was brought up earlier.
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I watched that and it was boring as fuck.

also >Mica is in the "RWBY is anime club"

Proving once again she's the best RoosterTeeth girl.
Wait a minute
What the fuck ever happened to agent Wyoming?
He got killed at the end of season 5 by Tucker. Then all his clones were killed by the Reds and Tex
>Best Roosterteeth girl
Did you watch the last Off Topic?
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Yes I did. I didn't get triggered because I'm black too, can relate to what she's talking about and I'm not a manchild.
I realy need to re-watch RvB
Getting Mica tipsy was a mistake
She went on a 45 minute rant about how hard her life is despite being the daughter of a millionaire, excuse me for not dropping at her feet. She's also more tumblr than Meg
>can relate to what she's talking about
>there are actually people this retarded ITT
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New Palcomix!
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>She went on a 45 minute rant about how hard her life is despite being the daughter of a millionaire

>Implying having a lot of money cancels out all problems people have.

Tell that to Robin Williams and Kurt Cobain.

>Being upset because I won't join his hugbox

Mica is a cool person albeit a little tryhard sometimes. I would still buy her a drink, play video games with her and watch anime with her.
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Yeah, it's all just roses and sunshine if you had a bunch of money
NotYang stop that
>Wearing a bunnysuit
Fuckin love it.

I have no idea what got people pissy about her talking about her personal issues while getting tipsy on a podcast.
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Weiss as an example
apparently they've never been tipsy,
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>I have no idea what got people pissy about her talking about her personal issues while getting tipsy on a podcast

4chan isn't safe from outrage culture.
>Being upset because I won't join his hugbox
No, I actually called you retarded. I'm sure you have a hard time reading though.
Pyrrha was somewhat in character for the first two panels.

She REALLY doesn't belong in the comic.
Apparently not, especially since people are pretending like she launched into it and dominated the conversation for the entire time as though Burnie wasn't sitting two feet away fuckin' fascinated and prompting her to continue by asking about stuff.
I want to put a baby in Ruby.
Don't know wha\y we can't talk about Mica, Meg, or Nigri without mentioning Tumblr
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Who doesn't?
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Ruby wants to put a baby in you.
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Miles should dress up more
Delete this.
I want Reese to ask me to touch her crease!
How can you love your waifu if you wont even let her impregnate your butthole? How can you ask so much of her if you wont even be the man momma of her children.
Well, like Burnie said the criticism isn't much about the content as it is about the person attached to it. It's easier to just associate with something else and blanket criticize that than to get to the gritty and specifcis.
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Aaaaaaand it went to shit.
Well, deeper shit than it was.
Advanced shit.
I kind of have to wonder if they get the scripts in recognizable English and then garble it up in production or if the commissions are just generic "I want these girls in this situation" and they take it from there.

Like, I get single image commissions and I'd be pissed if one of the things I asked for got fucked up like Pal does to English.
>Professor Peach

I kek'd
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>Port and Oobleck are based on Mario and Luigi
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>Those thighs
>Ruby about to make Weiss unable to sit right for a week
For me it was less about her talking about her problems and more how it took up an entire quarter of the podcast. It was boring.
Yeah, at least the dog story had some more pep to it.
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>Professor Peach
>Oobleck and Port are based on Mario and luigi

My god does this thing have an original bone in it's body?

>Pyrrah came back
>Ruby said she died
What the fuck is even meant to be happening, they were at not-destroyed Beacon, obviously this is before V3 or takes place out of canon. Werid that they went so forcefully meta on this one joke
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>They're talking about boobs
>Suddenly they're talking about black/gay/women problems
>For 45 minutes
Chibi isn't canon, in case you somehow thought otherwise.
Yeah, and shadow people stopped being a thing in Vol1. Stop being so critical and enjoy the show.
i want reese to tell me she wants to get serious about huntress training and also get a haircut
Jokes are funny, they were just making sure that stupid people wouldn't throw a fit which ironically cause you to throw a fit.
chibi is noncannon taking the piss

Rubes is also a negligent wife beater apparently.
Obviously. But then why did Ruby bring in canon to make a joke? If you have a premise just stick to it.

I'm annoyed that they pissed away the 'Pyrrah's back' joke with a pretty bad joke.

>U sht up
Fight me
Would you deep throat your waifu's tongue?
It's a humoristic spinoff. It doesn't have to have rock-solid continuit.
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raven waht.png
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But it wasn't a bad joke. As we saw, the characters can break the fourth wall, and Ren even knew he was in a skit comedy show.
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>In my headcanon Neo doesn't talk because she's embarrassed by her giant tongue
That's the dumbest fetish I've ever seen. You're a fucking loser.
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Call me stupid, but how am I supposed to run this?
>He says masturbating furiously before his kinkshaming boner dies down
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>Port is short, fat, and boast of his heroics
>Oobleck is tall, skinny, and didn't appear to do much at first
>Both of their weapons can shoot fireballs
Are the fireballs red and green too? I can't tell because of colorblindness.

That's the worst headcanon.
Oobleck's are red at least.
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>the dumbest fetish I've ever seen
>He hasn't seen the rest of it
>He hasn't heard the other things Neofags say
No ur a looser
Fuck, why is Mirror Mirror II so fucking good? I want to see weiss singing it in some small cozy bar so bad.
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flexible Neo.jpg
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Not according to my boner
>not singing it quietly alone in her room
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Snow Fox.png
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Did the writefag decide what's he going to write?
>Not softly singing it while snuggling into ruby's chest while relaxing some weekend

How was that fic anyway? I got it socked away for a rainy weekend
>No one liked Weiss' Inuyasha cosplay.
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Best one yet
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You know Neo has so many different people associating her with their different fetishes i am starting to think Neo herself is a fetish.
The ludicrously long one? Snow Fox's somethingsomething?
No clue. Someone claimed that it gets better as time goes on, but the start was so cringy that I couldn't keep on reading.
>Not like this. Not like this!
I've always loved using that line. Seeing it used here made my day.
That's what happens when you have a character with no personality other than being a murderhobo
I don't like her very much.
Just me or are there only 4 toes on her foot?
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>tfw Neo's class is Adventurer
>tfw Neo's done nothing wrong
Oh man I ain't ready for this.
I see 4
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Why is Blake so beautiful?

Also fuck Twitter for changing gifs to video so I can't save them.
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Neon wins WWII.jpg
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TFW Neon won WW2 for us so Europe could live in peace.

[spoiler]Also I thought it just be nice to make something for the britbong M E M E D R E A M E R S too enjoy.[/spoiler]


>That feel when there's actually really good talent at RoosterTeeth Animation but it doesn't get a chance to actually shine most of the time.

I hope Vol.4 gets a major animation upgrade.
There's a dropbox link in the comments. Fucking spam filter hates the link

It's gonna help that they're in maya finally

These look like League log-in splash arts, I love it.
Every time I see this artist I just remember Penny and Ruby double teaming Weiss [spoiler]and wish I was in Weiss's place.[/spoiler]
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Don't say that. You'll make me want a RWBY MOBA and I hate MOBA. I love League of Legends art but I can't stand the game.

>Fucking spam filter hates the link

Yeah I just saw.

>It's gonna help that they're in maya finally

I really hope they show something worthwhile at RTX.
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our guy.png
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Haven't watched CC yet but I think this guy might indeed be our bestie.
Oh, the deed is done
Jubilation, a new thread
Move it now, ye faggots

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You guys are laughing at the Peach joke for the wrong reason. CLEARLY, it is meant to be funny because she was mentioned once in Volume 1, and now they mention her saying she is never around.

Goddamn. The Mario and Luigi thing is just the surface of it.
thanks haikuanon
Thread posts: 475
Thread images: 191

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