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kpop general

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 471
Thread images: 154

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kpop general
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first for chanmi
I drank too much..
post slags
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what a cummable slut
that's it, gonna cum to this slut right now

what's wrong?
hey anon, how are you
stroking right now
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don't cum to luna you retards
now i'm def gonna cum 2 her
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we love lunablasting here
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313KB, 1000x1391px
what a toe slut
cummable as fuck
fuck... she wants it so bad
Luna made me cum again
I would fuck Luna
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63KB, 540x674px
good boy
don't cum to luna you fucking retards
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79KB, 750x710px
she's already got me rock hard
who should I cum to instead
we don't cum to pure girls here
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more luna
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381KB, 950x1425px
my baby has grown up and now im going to fuck her asshole
fucking idiot DELETE THIS
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cum right now
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good job boys
getting my ppp ready keep posting
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can you not leave your containment thread please
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we only blast to luna here
yeah Luna is my only blast material

lewders go back to mu
lewders stay here ~
it's ok to fap to luna but only if she is your waifu
make me cum to luna please, she's my waifu
I'm gonna fap to her no matter what anyone says
at least don't call her rude names
luna bukkake~~~ with your trash bros
I wish we could do that irl
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sad neckbeard.jpg
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rufus's face when
your all and idiot
I'm furiously fapping rn
calm down tanner

my name is josh
how come
I love you josh

i dont like fags
all this Luna made me horny
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cum for her
I just did ...
omo, good boy
that's three so far including me... anyone else up for cumming to luna?
anyone else cums really fast when fapping to sica feet?
omo, that's a nice picture

I think everyone already let it out to luna though..
:( I would go again but my little guy hurts ...
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seems so, but sica makes me crazy
too lewd
not lewd enough
her name is tanner
her name is lunaposter
tanner is pure, idiot

lunaposter is pure, idiot
I've erpd with her tho
which one

Tanners was romantic and well written
Lunaposter was lewd and passionate
I'm not a liar
tanner doesn't do that
he must not like you

how are you
UFC fight night
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2MB, 2099x1400px
better now
that's good
i WANNA wanna play overwatch
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I'm gonna play overwatch later with my little brother if anyone wants to party too.
anyone trying to erp
i want to feet erp
tanner is
hit him up on http://www.last.fm/user/aaaaaaaaaaagh
ok I messaged him
who wants to cum erp?
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3MB, 1280x720px
only if it involes cummy feet
feet are low tier faps
for me its always the best ones
idiot, tanner is monogamous
he only erps with eunjianon
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290KB, 710x1063px
nice outfit desu
im about to pop a fucking blood vessel trying to get this shit to work
get what to work anon
to get an armor mod im making for new vegas to just fucking WORK
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1MB, 1500x1001px
oh anon... :( maybe you should take a break and come back to it later
feeeeeeeeeelin good
hold on our relationship is strictly in the holding hands and bashful kisses on the lips phase
post cock
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200KB, 1280x1920px
I feel like Winston is only good on maps with a cliff because his ult doesn't seem to get many kills unless if I hit people off a cliff.
but I also suck sooo
yeah your ult is just to stay alive
follow me on last.fm
hi my name is josh.
I'm love with a boy named Josh
who the fuck is josh
i ship josh with seth
Josh is based, he doesn't approve of lunablasting
who was ambro's bf I forgot
im on drugs!!!!!!!
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50KB, 599x799px
whats this sluts name again
Lunablasting is the only reason I'm alive
who is this josh guy?
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331KB, 1080x1080px
tfw thinking about Josh...
lets turn josh into a meme
turn me into a meme instead
whats your name bud
neither of tjose names habe any meme potential
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276KB, 1366x2048px
ok cool winston rules. I use his alt wrong I guess.
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2MB, 1500x2334px
is they any girls here
tanner is a cute meme
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454KB, 1920x1080px

now all i have to make the female version...
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2MB, 1333x2000px
I could dress up as one
a new one
josh is so handsome and cool...
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94KB, 682x1024px
me too
i want to FUCK binnie
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2MB, 507x900px
crossdressing isn't gay
what will your girl name be jackson
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women's clothes are better quality and are more comfy, Kevin showed me.

who is this because she is the most beautiful girl in the world
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784KB, 1069x1600px
w-w-why do I need a girl name
tho I was gonna be named Jacquie if I was a girl...
i need some new guitar strings but dont know waht brand to get
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189KB, 750x1125px
Ernie Ball strings are good
her name is Sluggy
josh can you please call me on skype?
please josh
no fuck off bitch
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3MB, 1280x720px
this song jesus sufjan I never listened to the lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otx49Ko3fxw
>I never listened to the lyrics
I don't pay attention well I do things and listen at the same time.
lol who's the real pleb here
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137KB, 1244x1070px
shut up jackson why didn't you meet me in Chicago
I didn't wanna get beat up
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Ce3u-6SUUAYkX6R.jpg orig.jpg
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we were in the middle of the city with tons of people around.

I know you were scared of me, I mean even my coworker calls me muscles.
you scare me franz
how does ffxii run on pcsx2
lovelyz suck
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I don't like muscles that much myself I like a slim build.
Lovelyz are goat
tfw trapped in a loveless marriage
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Youngji 538.jpg
40KB, 476x466px
casimir pulaski day makes me cry
age of adz is his best album if you don't agree I hate you
anyone else here like deathcore
what is that
well if don't know what that is then nevermind
oh.. ok...
not really but I like some tech death and some metalcore
anyone else here like frenchcore
anyone else here like slutcore
gonna have a GOOD fap tonight
do it to luna
came so hard my dick hurts
give me a picture
scroll up

oh yeah gonna blow a big fat one

don't cum to luna you stupid fucking idiots
why not?
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1MB, 867x1300px
luna loves slurping up cum
post smug Binnie
not that smug... I want smugger
luna is pure you dumb stupid retarded idiots
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679KB, 801x1200px
sufficiently smug ..
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2MB, 1400x2100px
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it's a binnie world
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111KB, 540x810px
and we're just living in it..
heyyy its me from kpop
bin bin
someone send me cute clothing
boy clothing or...
luna is pure

pure slut
cumming to luna again in an hour
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962KB, 1000x1500px
I need to go thrifting sooooon...
i like to fap while wearing panties but im not gay
girl clothing
you crossdress? that's pretty cool...
someone send me common project lows
I love Dot
post binnieboy crossdressing pics
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833KB, 1000x1500px
omo I wanna see those, too bad we won't :(
irenes ass desu
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1MB, 1500x1000px
nice panty lines
omo worthy
im going to fuck every member of red velvet except for joy
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167KB, 1000x1500px
good cause Joy is my wife
im going to fuck binnieboy
post angry Binnie
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1MB, 1280x1920px
I wanna marry Joy
I would feast on Yuri's asshole until my tongue fell off.
same but with Tiffany
tiffany has a nice ass good choice
hi its me, josh
hi jackson i mean josh
my name is josh, and im cool.
same but with jisoo's earlobes
Josh what is your policy re: lunablasting
Josh you will become a new personality like Tim
Trust me daddy
i think everything is just fine
luna made me cum
I didn't sleep well. Too much on my mind.
post cock
i sometimes post mean things on the mu board out of boredom
please don't
>not a single result

the STATE of kpop
which idols have the smelliest soft parts
anyone want to wear girls clothes and kiss
I always knew jackson was lunaposter
it just makes too much sense

>obsessed with tanner
>lonely attention whore
i had two years to drive a mere 50 hours to get my driver's license

now i only have two months left
only 3 of those things are true
do you hate tanner now
no but I'm not obsessed either...
holy shit I was joking do you really crossdress and erp
no comment
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4 (1).jpg
246KB, 945x1422px
leave jackson alone
leave lunaposter alone
leave rufus alone
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1MB, 1000x1500px
:3 let's do it
post your cutest binnie
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152KB, 1280x853px
all binnies are the cutest
post ham
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147 IU.jpg
588KB, 1200x1800px
*puts on girl clothes*
she's cute and cool
sure but that do you think the cutest one is
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147KB, 500x371px
that's true
are we gonna kiss now ?
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900KB, 1500x1000px
i think theyh are all the cutest
you don't have a fav ?
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ttheyare all my favouriute
oh I understand ...
tiffany made me cum again
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965 IU.webm
3MB, 1636x1080px
anybody else get intense waves of nausea while masturbating or is that just me
kiss my dick
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96KB, 710x474px
gotta work on my handles :basketball:
omo, idk if I;m ready...
never but I used to get spams in my feet and now I don't
I have had a real bad headache once after tho
I love ham
I love luna
I love minah
I love kyungri
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861 IU.jpg
151KB, 748x437px
delete this
where's the Lovelyz
I don't like lovelyz very much
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513KB, 2500x2512px
I don't like you very much...
what are some hot thrift stores in the city
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616KB, 1280x1660px
idk there's a bunch on the north side

my mom would know cause she's the thrift queen
post penis
yeah you do
give me a reason
cause you love me
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2MB, 2000x1600px
n-n-no I don't!
I know... I like being where I live cause it's safe and all that but I'd rather be closer downtown... all my friends live in like the Ukrainian Village or Edgebrook...
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860 IU.jpg
259KB, 1024x1536px
I dont know who you are
neither do I
post bb (binnieboy) cd (crossdressing) pics
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2MB, 2448x2448px
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you love me
cumming on Luna is my fav sport
implying the northside isnt safer overall
im joking anyway i just dont know dick about the northside
also those areas are relatively far from each other why so spread out
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it is safer... I think
idk it just seems to be where they're from
most people from hs were from the northside anyways..
everything cool is on the northside
>everything cool is on the northside
word like boystown :^)
but real talk ive never really explored up there
you should, there's tons of cool stuff over there
like the music box and all that.. that's right by boystown
i made some cum
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113KB, 1024x808px
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297KB, 1067x1600px
im not gonna do i tthen sorry
but you do know me
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43KB, 600x398px
did you like Luna's album?..
yeah definitely
especially the single
I'm really pleased and drunk
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868 IU.jpg
1MB, 1200x1634px
then why do i need to post it here then
I guess you don't ..
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532KB, 800x1224px
that's good~ I haven't listened to it yet but I will later
and day drunk omo, 2 bad I can't drink yet :( :( :(
yeah i might do some exploring this summer now that i actually know some people up there
but chinatown is down here
make more
Chinatown is ok... the food is good and they have a few bakeries that are nice, and it's always fun to look at the dumb stuff they sell
and I still need to ride the metra and then take the red line to china town cause it's a far walk...
not gonna get on the 95th st redline :/
yea but u can gawk at all the aqts :^\
are you really worried about the 95th redline?
omo that's true
uhm a little bit
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881 IU.jpg
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i can send in private if you want bby
its you know whatever holiday it is it's ok
barbecuing burgers with the family drinking exotic flavored shitty beer you know
or I guess maybe you don't youngin
u shouldnt be desu just dont dress too fancy and keep your shit tucked away
theres always cops around there no?
I'm just a weak white boy, the metra is better for me
I just got dragged around to different family parties ... maybe being drunk would have made them fun
i hope the gym isn't closed today
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2MB, 2100x1400px
is cute
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268KB, 600x800px
I wanna fuck
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67KB, 500x553px
I wanna fuck Binnieboy...
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3MB, 1600x2521px
why did they blur Yooa
and it's not wtf it's natural
it's natural to want to fuck a cute boy
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96KB, 710x474px
word ..
they did it in Rome
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Youngji 524.jpg
70KB, 540x540px
Enjoy your memorial day dinner.
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285KB, 1067x1600px
not before i do
do it and post it here !
what the heck ...
File: lewdkyungri.webm (2MB, 640x720px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 640x720px
tfw have those stupid hard capatchas...
anyone have fappable sojin pics
anyone have fappable binnieboy pics
tiffany made me cum again
binnieboy made me cum again
what's kpgers virginity do you want to take the most?
File: Irenehasissues.webm (2MB, 846x800px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 846x800px
post them
this is a tough question, what's the list of virgins
File: 1.jpg (1MB, 1400x2100px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1400x2100px
I guess I only have one option ha ha ...
are you feeling better?
Choaboy deserves it... but he left kpg behind.

average probably deserves it the most

post them

that's not a thing.
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331KB, 800x1201px
I wish someone would take my virginity
how do you know?
ive fapped to every member of snsd except for sooyoung
the gym was closed today


sort of i guess, at least im not drinking
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112KB, 768x1024px
i like searching the archive and reading my old posts
what's the best beach boys album
good, one small step at a time!
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Youngji 734.jpg
52KB, 250x250px
pet sounds of course.
pet sounds
then surfs up and smiley smile
tfw an attention whore
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622KB, 250x287px
jump off a building if you want attention
I like when people are mean to me
word but only if it's cute girl bullying my dick
File: duboogers.webm (3MB, 889x500px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 889x500px
i want to hug dubu after she wakes up in the morning and make her a nice breakfast
or a boy ..
not her
File: 0B0QoSi35hY7KeTZOeHdKRDRrRUU.jpg (3MB, 1600x2400px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1600x2400px
im a boy stupid
File: Youngji 569.gif (2MB, 268x170px) Image search: [Google]
Youngji 569.gif
2MB, 268x170px
im a boy too

but you want average to treat you like a girl right?
not him but I want that
who doesn't
I'm a girl desu
we like boys here
if you were a girl average would

>call you beautiful every day
>cook you meals
>make all the money you would ever need
>probably go down on you he seems like a nice guy
>do cute things for you

just based off his dubu posts
what about if I was a boy and I just wore girl clothes
tfw you will never be dubu
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Youngji 525.jpg
83KB, 456x810px
fun overwatch thank you!
I wanna experience getting fucked once before I die
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I wanna experience getting loved once before I die
I'd love you

are you a girl
no but I like to wear skirts sometimes
that's pretty fucking gay dude
all binnieboy needs to do is put on some makeup, a wig and a skirt and average would be into it

its pretty selfish that he isn't trapping it up desu
how is it gay ?? I look good
I haven't erped with lunaposter in weeks
she's busy with life :(
no you don't faggot
i haven't erped with average in hours...
I do tho
and stop calling me a faggot please !

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872KB, 1500x1000px
stop bully
I made lunaposter cum so hard that she died
to the person i called a faggot im sorry
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I accept your apology
tanner are you here
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i want to hold hands with a cute girl and go buy ice cream and sit on a bench and talk about stuff
erp with me
I hope you can do that someday
do it with binnieboy
binnieboy would you turn into a girl for average
I'm not that kind of girl
you have to wine and dine me first
I'd kiss any boy here
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Youngji 543.jpg
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windy day~ windy day~

not when I'm through with him
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109KB, 736x1102px
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sorry i couldnt carry
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Youngji 570.jpg
104KB, 600x659px
It's ok I just suck you tried to carry hard.
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you're barking up the wrong tree my friend I'm taken
you carried hard, we got a bit unlucky
do you erp with eunjianon
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2MB, 640x640px
I fucking hate basketball
a gentleman never asks and a lady never tells
i hope jiae isnt starving herself
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Youngji 862.jpg
76KB, 580x881px
she looks really slim there I am sure she is fine, I hope...
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protect yoo jiae from all harmful things
damn, that's skinny...
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2MB, 1500x2250px
ive lost 10 pounds eating is hard
I'm really mad right now at this stupid nba game
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Youngji 729.jpg
31KB, 448x698px
I am still underweight I know that how it is.
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start cooking again

for when this dies
so, yes

do you pitch or catch?
spits or swallows?
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90KB, 540x810px
Tanner is pure
we just hold hands and carve our initials into trees
is average top or bottom in the binnieboy relationship?
I wish I had a cute person to be shipped with
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1MB, 1500x1000px

who are EA and HM??
you can be with me.
eunjianon and ham masochist
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95KB, 1198x800px
ok... we're dating now
but you don't even know who I am.. you may be surprised.
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it's like mystery dating, I can't help it
you're most likely Franz anyways
wow you are smart lol
binnieboy should seriously trap it up though he would make a cute girl
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722KB, 1067x1600px
you're just obvious
I'm breaking up with you
it's not you, it's me
SW + F
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Youngji 714.jpg
851KB, 900x1350px
:( come back
it's YJ dummy, these kids these days.
but he dumped you
he's with a different F now
average + tab forever tbqh, he should not turn gay
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2MB, 1500x2250px
I'm sorry, it's over
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Youngji 754.jpg
97KB, 610x610px
don't be like that lets talk.
I thought forsakentanner was the otp
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290KB, 476x707px
it's over..
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1MB, 1500x1000px
tabs braces are cute..
tabverage is the realest ship in kpg after tay/chewy
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Youngji 510.jpg
81KB, 540x540px
ok I won't be clingy like certain people.
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133KB, 1080x932px
bunch of busy bodies!!!!
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1MB, 1000x1500px
I ship myself with Dot desu or Yein-ssi
does tab know average is in love with her?
Thread posts: 471
Thread images: 154

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