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RWBY/RT General #84: 2/10 Jaune Not There You've Ruined

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Thread replies: 594
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RWBY/RT General #84: 2/10 Jaune Not There You've Ruined Montys Vision Edition

Previous Thread: >>2895847

Archive: https://desustorage.org/trash/search/text/rwby%2Frt/type/op/

Rules of RWBY/RT threads:
>1. Read the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UmEaBVGW (embed)
>2. Arguing about the thread isn't discussion.
>3. Don't believe their lies

RWBY Chibi - Latest Episode:

RvB Season 14 - Latest Episode:

Shane's Letter about why he left RT:

>2/10 Jaune Not There You've Ruined Montys Vision Edition

>Implying the "Camera" isn't us seeing the event unfold from Jaune's POV.
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>tfw people are still reeee-ing in the previous thread and ignoring here

Weiss is neiss
>Weiss is the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System

That doesn't make any fucking sense, you dolt.
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Weiss is my neissest BFF!
Haven't seen that one before.
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Reminder that Weiss is best girl and has the most potential for power creep outside of Ruby's eye hax

Also, reminder that Qrow x Winter is the best crack ship
Is Qrow x Winter a crack ship?
Yes. Incredibly so.

It was also Monty's self insert ship.
>Is Qrow x Winter a crack ship?

Yes. Qrow is almost old enough to be her father.
I'd mark it as a semi-crack ship. It's reaching a little bit, but not much.
>Is the pairing between a loser in his forties who still acts like a rebellious teenage and a proauthority figure a crack ship
Huh, fair enough. I assumed the wink and stuff meant it was allowed as a "normal" ship since there was canon flirting/teasing.

I mean, shouldn't every ship except Renora, Arkos, Iceberg and White Knight be considered a crack ship, since there's literally nothing to them?
He's in his forties, is a loser and acts like a petulant teenager half the time.

Any ship with Qrow in it other than his hand is a crackship.
How old I'd Winter? I'd say early to mid 20s, and Qrow is probably mid to late 30s. I don't think the age difference is the craziest part of the ship when you factor in personalities and their history.

There's obviously some unresolved sexual tension
>There's obviously some unresolved sexual tension
There really wasn't though.
Keep telling yourself that
Qrow will melt her cold exterior, which will subsequently make her warmer towards Weiss. Winter will also rub off on him, making him take shit more seriously. It'll be great
Except there really wasn't.

I don't know if it's because a lot of people self insert into Qrow but that conversation really didn't go the way you think it did. She went off on him because he insulted Ironwood after all.

Actually pretty much all we learned from that is Qrow is immature as fuck and will pick a fight with someone half his age and with half his experience to prove what that he's a man?
I still really don't get what I was supposed to think was cool about b that scene.

It was like a pro boxer walking into an ametuer gym and picking a fight with a guy inside. Not because the guy was saying shit. Just because they felt like it
The whole alcoholic anti-authority rebel thing? I didn't think that was cool in high school.

Honestly it was pretty cringy to watch what was Monty's idea of badass saunter around the screen. His tweets, edgy story inclinations and tendency to cosplay in public should have warned me but the whole Qrow and listened to Linkin Park thing make sense now.
>How old I'd Winter? I'd say early to mid 20s, and Qrow is probably mid to late 30s

You're correct on Winter.

Qrow, however?
He was on a team with Raven, Tai, and Summer.
Meaning he's at least as old as they are.

Yang is 17 years old.
Assuming Beacon is a 4 year academy, and students start at 17, they most likely didn't graduate until at least 21.
Even assuming Raven and Tai got married RIGHT out of graduation, Raven still needed to be carrying Yang for 9 months. Let's just say it took Tai about 3 months into marriage to manage that one, at a minimum, to round it up to a year.
And then of course, the students have been at Beacon for 6 months.

Qrow, at a minimum, is probably pushing 40 or is 40.
And that's minimum.
It was like a pro boxer walking into a gym, cutting up some of the heavy bags in the gym and picking a fight with one of the amateurs training there by insulting the owner of the gym, because the owner didn't call him when he was in Mexico, when he had all the chances in the world to call the gym owner.
He was drunk and venting his frustration about Ironwood dragging his whole army to Vale. And she drew her weapon on him over a few shots at Ironwood; such excellent military discipline. If she actually kept cool, there would've never been a fight.
>He was drunk and venting his frustration about Ironwood dragging his whole army to Vale.
That sounds incredibly immature as fuck and proves that he will pick a fight with someone who is half his age and has half his experience because he's pissed about something they had nothing to do with.
Qrow sounds entirely in the wrong there.
>And she drew her weapon on him over a few shots at Ironwood; such excellent military discipline. If she actually kept cool, there would've never been a fight.
He's in his forties and is a teacher.
Your math puts him at 39 if you're going for the bare minimum so I really wasn't wrong
I'm going to go and talk shit about my cousin and use this as an explanation afterwards.
Sure, but he was completely right since taking over the robot army was a significant part of Cinder's plan. I'm certainly not absolving Qrow, but Winter was in the wrong as well
>Qrow sounds entirely in the wrong there.

Qrow usually is wrong.
>Knows about Salem and knows that she's planning "Something", and has agents that are planning "Something".
>Doesn't stick to the main tournament site at all times where "Something" is most likely to happen.

>Knows that Ruby has silver eyes and they may activate at any time like Summer's.
>Doesn't stick to the main tournament site at all times where they're most likely to trigger during the "Something" that might happen due to Salem.

If Qrow wasn't an incompetent boob, he'd have already been at the top of the tower fighting Cinder before Pyrrha even got to the top, assuming he didn't go down into the basement with Ozpin/Pyrrha/Jaune in the first place and stopped Cinder before she even had the chance to kill Amber.
>Winter was in the wrong as well

Not really.
Ironwood was in the wrong for wanting to bring all that shit in the first place.
Winter was just doing her duty as a patriot.
That last part was more on Ozpin than Qrow.

He told him to protect the town.
>but Winter was in the wrong as well
He's twice her age, twice as experienced, is actually seen with some, if not respect than awareness of his ability by Ozpin.

Should have Winter attacked him because he insulted Ironwood? No she was retarded.

But Qrow, instead of going to Ironwood or Ozpin or anyone and discussing it like an adult, chose to wreck foreign military property, start a fight with someone who is probably an amateur compared to him and announce to world that shit is going wrong. Which in a universe where people panicking has actual physical consequences is not good.

Also didn't Cinder see him and start panicking?
>Ironwood was in the wrong for wanting to bring all that shit in the first place.
Considering the fact that a bunch of grimm burst through the walls and started rampaging and the fact that he doesn't have the meta knowledge to realize Cinder has the script, the desiction to bring an actual military force instead of oddly dressed teenagers isn't exactly a bad one.

Mages don't usually multiclass into hacking. That shit don't mix.
They're both to blame.
Ozpin should have know better than to send off what is probably his strongest soldier on an assignment that the other professors and Beacon faculty could have handled easily, and Qrow is an idiot for not objecting and just doing what makes more sense anyway.
If Ruby's eyes DIDN'T activate, Cinder would either capture her if Salem wanted her, or killed her.
And that would have been on Qrow.


You know, for what basically amounts to Ozpin's spy master, he's not very good at his job.
Bit of a tangent but I really could have gone the rest of my life not knowing that Qrow was Monty's self insert or that he listened to Likin Park.
>You know, for what basically amounts to Ozpin's spy master, he's not very good at his job.
I swear to god Ozpin just reactivated him because Tai Yang refused to come out of retirement.
Qrow was confirmed as his self insert? Bleh

I mean I like Qrow well enough, but I don't see the appeal of self inserting as him
>but I don't see the appeal of self inserting as him
He was basically everything Monty saw as cool.

And as most of rwbyg proved what they thought was cool as well.
Not only that, but Qrow's statement about how civilians are going to wonder about why Atlas has sent so many soldiers could be explained to the public with a PR statement saying that due to the sharp increase of terrorist attacks committed by the White Fang and the recent breach, that Atlas is offering military aid to Vale.
>He is shocked that Monty had a self-insert that was an edgy "cool" dude with a gruff voice, a scruffy stubble and flirted a lot
>He is shocked Monty animated to Linin Park

Do you even watch RWBY?
Qrow is just really shit at his job.

Imagine the pain it must have caused Ozpin to have to call him.

Honestly, it's better to shut your brain off and just roll with the series until it's clear shit is getting consistently better, and just just "The second half of the third season was better than shit that means it's good now".

>Jaune becomes an edge lord.
Shut off your brain.

>Pyrrha comes back to life.
Shut off your brain.

>Ozpin is actually evil.
Shut off your brain.

>Salem is really Summer.
Shut off your brain.

>Emerald and/or Merc get a hamfisted redemption.
Shut off your brain.

>Yang's new robot arm looks exactly like her old one.
Shut off your brain.

>Penny is rebuilt, but her new body is the Megaman X equivalent of Penny, where she's stronger and looks older than her predecessor, including a growing about 8 inches taller and her body being more 'Full'.
Shut off your brain: Your penis needs that blood more than your brain does for this one.

And I only give these as examples because they're all things that are likely to happen at some point.
Except for older Penny-bot.
That's just my dick rubbing up against an old lamp and making wishes as hard as it can.
>The Fall Maiden is in danger. I need Taiyang for this job.
>Uh Ozpin Taiyang already said he isn't going to help.
>Why not?
>To paraphrase, my daughters have two different last names.
>Well who else do we got?
>There's nobody else? Nobody?
>Who can be trusted to keep their mouth shut and of his ability? No.
>But it's Qrow.
>I know.
>But it's Qrow.
>How badly can he fuck up?

>Qrow is standing in front of Beacon with what looks like a dead girl on his shoulder.
>Uh Ozpin?
>Yes Professor Goodwitch?
>Qrow is back.
>He's fighting with Ironwood's assistant in front of Beacon.
>He is?
>And uh Ironwood left where we were uh having a conversation muttering that he was going to triple the Atlas forces occupying Beacon.
>Alright Qrow. Now that James has left I need you to tell me everything you learned over the past year.
>This girl is bad news.
>She's really dangerous. Really dangerous. And she has parts of the Maiden power.
>That's it?
>That's all you learned from nearly a year of fieldwork.
>I loathe you.

>Ozpin's semblance isn't teleportation or projection or even time travel. His semblance is coffee. Meaning that, no matter where he is, so long as he has a coffee cup, he can make fresh brewed coffee appear out of thin air.

>Pyrrha isn't actually dead. Cinder transported her to her pleasure dungeon where right now, at this moment, Cinder is raping her in front of Emerald. She frequently taunts Emerald by pulling Pyrrha's face away from her vagina and asking Emerald if she wants a taste, only to laugh at her and say "Too bad!" when Emerald timidly says yes.

>Goodwitch frequently gives her male (And the occasional female, if she begs enough) extra credit when they're failing in the form of BDSM sessions.

>Penny's vagina has a vibration function and self lubricates. It also has a pulsating massage feature.

>It normally takes a young human or faunus 9 months to gestate young.
>It takes Velvet just three weeks, and it's always twins.

>Qrow got drunk one night and thought he had an affair with Summer, when in reality he just fell asleep with his head on her lap while sobbing about how nobody loves him. He thinks Ruby is actually has daughter, when in reality it really is Taiyang.

These are all 100% undisputed RWBY facts.
>You must have learned something Qrow. Anything?
>Well there was one thing.
>Well? Out with it.
>They might have semblances.
>...why couldn't your team leader keep it in his pants.

what happened in the last thread

Weiss reporter and people reacting to him.

You really don't need to know more than that.

Let me guess, Weiss Reporter came in randomly started talking about how banning greentexts made the threads more highquaility and then it derailed into a shitfest?
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Pretty much, yeah.
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It's funny because that guy lost
I mean, the general suffered, we lost people and shitposting energy and time, but now RWBYg is a place where greentexts, porn, off-topic wankery, what-if-waifuing, mma-gifs and political faggotry roam free

And apex weissfag is trapped here with us

The only triumph he has left is when people get mad at him. Stop getting mad at him.
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I want to give Yangs butt a slap!
>Yeah Ozpin?
>I need you to listen to me very carefully. I need you to guard Amber's pod.
>No Qrow. Listen to me. I need you to guard Amber's pod.
>I understand.
>No I don't thin you understand. I need you to guard Amber's pod.

>Goddamm it all Qrow!

But no one write's greentext fanfiction anymore,
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i want to spank Yang until her semblance activates!
You're arrested and brutally abused in prison.
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They still do.

It's just that there is no individual writing any massive shitty ones. They're just spontaneous.
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Penny would be your friend, she would accept you and be kind and polite as long as you tried to be as well. Penny is a friendly person and she appreciates you, as long as you aren't mean to her or just a general spoilsport.

We should appreciate Penny more.
she does it out of pity.
I'd rather not. She's like, 13th best girl for me.
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do the robot.gif
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she does it because she doesn't know better ;_;
>not liking a very narrow selection of Linkin Park's opus
the harder you try not to pleb...
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>we were uh having a conversation

I want to poop in Penny's mouth and tell her it's soft serve ice cream.
Qrow could've told Jaune to tell Amber to look out
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I already do Anon
Every single day....

You monster
Taking advantage of an impressionable, naive robot
I would tell Penny that it's against the tenets of my religion and a great spiritual pain to me whenever she stepped on pavement cracks
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I want to punch Yang in the gut repeatedly!
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Would've Ruby died on that tower, without her silver sayajin lensman eyes

between super speed and landing strategies and high range schnee runes she had every possible escape route
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I sexually want to punch Yang in the gut repeatedly!
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I for one want to text dump frog memes to the twins!
I want to ride around on Velvet as if she was a horse
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Operation Branwen.png
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Weiss had no idea she was supposed to be reacting to something, and even if she was i doubt that she'd be able to do much.
If Cinder really wanted Ruby dead there's fuckall she could've done, so she'd have a chance of getting away only if Cinder gave no fucks. Given how much trouble Ruby had caused her before, without pic related she'd be utterly boned.
I'm not even a Yangfag, but that Yang makes me all happy inside.

Sundress Girls are a major weakness of mine.
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>You'll never see your waifu in a sundress
>Ozpin is gone, Atlas reputation is in tatters, hundreds are dead, international communication is down.
>Yeah, that sucks.
>Qrow we need you to...
>Sure thing, after my Patch vacation.
>If I don't come back immediately it's because I'm watching my little nieces antics from a distance
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When will Weiss get seven dimminuitive henchmen?
Maybe some day...

When she meets the Arc Sisters.
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Fresh batch of RWBabbies, coming up
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We need to make merc great again
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We certainly do
Thanks for that cunt.
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>HatAnon and MAGAposting will be gone and banned when we move back to the /co/ general
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He''s great he just needs more memes

Maybe he should say "Waba Haba Ding Dong" once in a while
or play the air guitar, but all depressed indie folk band like
Which RWBY character would support Clinton because they actually believe she is the best candidate?
>There's some amputee fetishist yangfag dicking about on /Tg/
We all know who that is
Well, I don't blame you for thinking that. But that's impossible because I'm him.
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I got you senpai
Blake-Hating senpai?
XOXO I love you!
The fuck ?
Just what I needed doc.

Oh man you just made me realise how much I missed the Daily Dose on the /co/ thread
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Pretty nice memes you blokes got
You're a fucking clown, Izaya. You're a fucking joke. Everyone on /hg/ and /erp/ thinks you're a joke. Society thinks you're a joke. You're nothing, dude, you're zero. You're a human gutter ball. You're nothing but hot dog water, pussy. You fucking clown. God, you're a fucking pussy.
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My searches for Ruby Rose on the imgur is torpedoed not only by one androgynous subequatorial dyke but also a prize-winning hound
Only Jaune would be stupid enough to buy anything she says.
Yeah its me. But enough about that. So how about that rwby ?
So how did you find out this series ?
Which RWBY is the easiest to sell stuff to
... What?
Neptune probably
He seems moderately wealthy, over-accesoirized and not streetsmart at all
The Rube.
Mojo animated a Chibi Lisa Lavendar
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The Rubes will only buy American-made Homemade American Products made by Americans for Americans

What RWBY character listens to Death Grips?
Blake listens to Takyon on loop.
Americans sure are proud of themselves even though they contribute nothing to the word
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Aladdin Shrug.png
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They sure do contribute a lot to obesity statistics.
>Contributed nothing
>What is WW2 ?
That being said, we do love to circle jerk about ourselves.
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Ahoge game is strong
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What's your worst case scenario for Volume 4 guys ?
It's one big Jaune Arc.
Yang immediately forgiving Blake.
>Hitting the Rube
You monster.
I don't know about that, but looking at the experimental genre as a whole, I could see Neo listening to post-2000 Autechre.

Mute girl who likes some good lyricless experimental/IDM? I'm sold.
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>Qrow x Winter is the best crack ship
I disagree
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Plebs, the lot of you


I want a fight or at least a heated argument.
Reminder that Reddit is right here ITT.
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Step up

A fight is the only real option
You act like half of the userbase doesn't go to r/4chan.
Why would anyone go out of their way to go to r/4chan when /s4s/ is right around the corner?
>A fight is the only real option

I'm probably the top Blakefag here and I want there to be a fight. I think it'd be good for their relationship and bring them closer as partners (and maybe more.)

Battle shonen, talking through fists etc.
Sometimes I worry I may be the odd one out who only goes to the 4chan portion of the RWBY fanbase, and at most uses tumblr to find fanart.

I can't be the only one, right?
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>going to Tumblr
I only strictly use 4chan RWBY and get all my art from Gelbooru or from here
I would only go on Reddit or Tumblr to cause trouble and fuck with people by spamming Trump

You need to go back
Man, I only have it still since I got it fuckin' years ago and can't be bothered to delete cause it feeds my terrible attention span. Plus, I mean, it's decent for porn n' shit, and laughing at idiot SJWs getting their arguments torn apart by anti's. And the trump-spam blogs, too, I bet you'd enjoy those.
I can't imagine Blake fighting back honestly. I can only see how running and dodging
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Daily reminder that the fanficfags are the ones that put us in /trash/ and they did the exact same thing to the CYOAers that I did to them.
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This Bait.jpg
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Daily reminder that is just an Anon fishing for (You)s and should be ignored.
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Nice try, bud.
Although, knowing the people here, they'll probably take this and actually use it as "proof" of me starting shit.
I need a confused Weiss version of this. Is there one around?
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Aaaand we've already got at least two people saying they're an avatarfag from the /co/ thread

Lets post some comf instead, shall we?
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I don't think there is one, sorry. I think I have them all.

That's pretty much what I'm expecting and kind of what I want.
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hey guys i like blake shes cute don't tell anyone please
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Does this count as confused?
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Is that skin darkener anon still around?

Could you possibly work your racial magic on this picture? So Emerald is coloured like she is in the show?
That's more of a "the fuck did you just say?" kind of look.
How do you see it happening in your head? I imagine the only reason Blake will run and dodge because Yang will be so angry that she'll actually be extremely menacing and terrifying
So...why not just ignore that guy? Let him pretend to be you just avoid a shitstorm altogether.
do you still like your least favorite rwby would you spend time with her in a group setting
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RNJR visits Haven in another season-long highschool arc

Blake trying to explain herself but Yang being too fired up and angry to listen. Seeing no other way to calm her down Blake defends herself. It ends with a stalemate and a genuine heart-to-heart.

It feels OOC but that's how I imagine it happening.
Reminder that faggots like you are actually why we're here.
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>top blakefag
I would agree on the fight, but by Blake letting Yang vent her anger on her until she's calm enough to let her explain her actions
That's fair enough, but it doesn't need to be defended so often that it brings shit in everything thread
You care about your reputation on here? Don't you know where you are?
what if ruby had a confederate flag on her car and some it got ripped off and somebody keyed her car and slashed her tires
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Ask where she got it because the U.S doesn't exist in Remnant.


That could work. I just don't want there to be automatic forgiveness. I want development and for M&K to remember that they're supposed to be friends and partners.
I'd finish the job and set her car on fire.
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The power of MAGA will not be stopped by some irrelevant reporter

Is this comf?
Even if they made up, I don't think Yang would fully forgive Blake for a very long time. You could argue that she ran for a good reason, but we just need to keep in mind that to Yang, someone ran off from her for seemingly no reason again.
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>everything thread

Not so much defending my reputation as it is not letting retards here lie to make themselves look good. I'm not going to just ignore it when people say dumb shit like "oh yeah reporter-kun reported all the Barb, Hungergames, and MAGA shit. He was crazy for power!". That just makes me out to be someone who wanted to bring the general to its knees.

Basically, if I ignored it, I wouldn't have anyone at my side.
I shall stop you once we return to /co/.

For you see, the /co/ mods are nothing more than tools. The Weiss Reporter may have used them for evil, to purge creativity from RWBYg, but I shall use them for good. I shall use them to excise /pol/ from this general. One report at a time.
You already don't.
In fact, I DID ignore it when someone was pretending to be me about a month after I started, and that lead to this mentality so many people have now.
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>Muh Internet reputation
>on an anonymous Haitan Hexing board
>having any power here

Reddit plezse
I dunno, the people against fanfics and ones who defended me seem to think so. I feel like there aren't as many of them in /trash/ though.

Hi MAGAnon. You're bretty cool.
Do you think Blake has cute kitty teeth?
Blake is shit though.
No. Only one Faunus trait.
I've tried not to reply to these, but man, this is just getting silly.

'Having people at your side'? Seriously? Why are you so obsessed with being viewed as some beacon of authority and goodwill, when all you did was report some posts that you didn't like very much, and then get all miffed about it when people don't instantly take to agreeing with you?

You're on 4chan, man, people here aren't supposed to have authority or all just hugbox it up and agree with each other, this site is a wretched hive of scum and villainy where we come to hate each other one second and talk about something we love together the next thanks to anonymity, and spew out crappy pieces of creativity because fuck it we can, and just hate and love each other for that too.

If anything, avatarfagging and trying to make some 'reputation' or following for yourself on a friggin' anonymous image board ruins the so-called 'quality' of the threads more than any dumb as rocks shoddy greentexts you ever reported.

If you seriously want to do good, keep just reporting crappy greentexts and doing whatever the shit you want to do here like anybody else but quit trying to turn yourself into some public fuckin' figure for it, thats retarded. Hell, if you hadn't given yourself some circle-jerking identity over the whole thing, people couldn't 'pretend to be you' in the first place, for pete's sake.
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yeah she does
I'm pretty sure he's just a troll. He's pretty clearly trying to elicit annoyed replies.
>What is WW2
A war that was won by efforts of many countries.
I know, I know, and I hate myself for succumbing but jeez, if he is a troll, he's a stupidly good one because he's just so damned ass-backwards about everything I just, fuck, man, Y'know?

Damnit, lets just go back to waifus and comf and porn and shit, that's what we come here for anyways
would your waifu like your taste in music
Yeah. We helped. I'm not saying FDR personally punched Hitler or anything.
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>reporting one of the few amount of content to come from this general
Worked great last time, I'm sure mods will love all this waifu posting
who would enjoy a nice comfy pair of black and gum hi-top vans
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>Why are you so obsessed with being viewed as some beacon of authority and goodwill
When did I even imply that? There are simply three sides of the argument, and the one I'm on is the "mine", as in it's the one I'm a part of.

>If anything, avatarfagging and trying to make some 'reputation' or following for yourself on a friggin' anonymous image board ruins the so-called 'quality' of the threads more than any dumb as rocks shoddy greentexts you ever reported
Again, no reputation or following, just the side I'm on. You seem to see me as if I'm some overlord of all reporters when I'm really not. Fuck, I wasn't even the first person to report things here.

>If you seriously want to do good, keep just reporting crappy greentexts and doing whatever the shit you want to do here like anybody else but quit trying to turn yourself into some public fuckin' figure for it
Again, I'm not going to stop defending myself, and again, I'm no public figure (unless people see me in that way, which isn't my fault). The avatarfagging was originally just something I did to get a kick out of the namefags, but now fanfic writers and defenders seem to want to stick everything the image is attached to to the "reporter-kun" or "autismo". So much so that they wouldn't believe I said something unless the image is attached.

You can go ahead and think it's bait, but that really doesn't hurt me in the slightest. I would absolutely love it if everyone stopped bringing me into everything as if I'm the only person who reported things.
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is penny cute or what
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Indeed she is
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i agree i also like penny what's your favorite thing about her you can use words if you want it's okay
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See? If anything it's been the writefags and people against me that have tried to make me into a public figure.
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>Blake is paranoid the whole Volume about how Yang will react
>Finally works up the courage to go see her
>They see each other from afar
>Yang's face lights up
>They run to each other
>The music swells
>Yang immediately punches Blake in the face when they reach other
>Music cuts out and it plays in slo-mo
>Blake goes flying
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penny 5.jpg
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hey how do you feel about penny do you think she's going to be rebuilt will she have her old personality and memories or a completely different cute android
What if Adam went undercover but kept having to wait in massive ques?
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never change reporter-kun keep us safe from all the evil greentext and spam and yangfags
So basically Asura's Wrath final boss?
>Shoulder freckles

My fetish.
>It happens in a stereotypical sunny meadow as well.
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Penny is amazing because I love robots and robot girls of any kind and she has a very cute frame and she is a nice height where is she is still sorta short but also taller than the Rube and she is ginger and gingers are cute especially with light freckling like she has and she has such a sweet and caring personality and a kissable face and she would be an amazing friend

[the worst part is I'm a Weissfag but Penny is a dangerously close second]
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Always and forever.

Penny is my second favorite girl and is cute as fuck and she should have gotten more screen time and she shouldn't have died and I hope with all my heart she comes back
>Apex Weissfag loves Penny
Huh. You're alright.
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she was too pure for Remnent, so they John Coffeyed her
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Probably the "Shut ____ Up" options. There's no way Blake can compare to chakravartin
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Into the trash it goes.gif
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I do hope she comes back, but it's better she broke when she did and kickstarted what little emotionally impactful plot we have

if she's dead and out of the story it's still worth it
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nora penny.png
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agreed except penny is my most favorite i love her i also like nora weiss is okay i guess
wow the animation in this show is not very good
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>Miles will always feel guilty for killing of that little girl's favorite character
Can you run as fast with one arm?

Do you have to learn it all over?
i really enjoy black and gum hi-top vans
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Penny a truest cute, nobody can resist
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Is this the fabled "moé-bait"?
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no that's some lewd Rube you got there
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post Ruby and Qrow
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She never do this with you.webm
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That looks like a taller Jeremy.
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Will we ever get creative Monty weapons again? Qrow's was a step in the right direction, but it was much too simple.
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>That Ruby


Literally too pure for this world.
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>tfw I have multiple cousins who treat me like that
Feels good man
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>You will never have Ruby as your cousinfu
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> Coco tries shitposting, only to find that her perception of a shitpost isn't effective in general conversation
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Fun posting Coco a cute.
>Tfw no qtpie anime cousin
>Tfw no kinky anime wife
>Tfw no hyperactive anime friends
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don't wake the bun.jpg
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>He thinks Coco is inept at anything
I bet you wear overalls too
what if Coco decided that Ruby's dad was kinda hot and showed up to his house in a trenchcoat and nothing else
What would Ruby think of your favorite gun?

Even NPGD or whatever thinks Coco looks like Ruby
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Tai or Qrow
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>tfw not anime
In his final moments, is this what Monty felt ?
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We /franku/ now?
why doesnt it have a blade or something?
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>Being this fucking stupid
Wew lad
I mean, Coco could probably be a phenomenal shitposter on /fa/. But her tactics will just fall flat here.
>Tai is voiced by Burnie
>Burnie literally acts like Barb's Texas dad

It doesn't need one because it's Betty Lou, a ak57 uzi radar laser triple barreled double scoped heat seeking shotgun.
>implying you could ever kill /pol/
>replying to three hours old flamebait
Look in the mirror, anon.
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Uhhhh...It lacks a blade part, but she appreciates the classics.
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Do you think Weiss uses Ruby's cum as moisturizer for her face?
I have. And I saw Nora looking back.

What does it mean?
You might be psychotic.
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I wish someone made a Coco pregnancy announcement meme so I could respond to this properly.
Congratulations, your the new Ren.
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coco velvet slave 1.jpg
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>Hmm, what should I wear to impress him?
>It's got to be eye catching, but not too flashy
>My mother always said the way to a man's heart is through his crotch, so it's got to be sexy
>Well I suppose trenchcoats are in right now...
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Ruby's cum is for the Penn, intended only for joint lubrication
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>Lady with a giant minigun
>Asked to fight close quarters
More of Yatsu's fault. Also
>Comparing anyone to THE one
They have, I don't have it saved though.
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Shell ask me what is it
reese reese reese reese
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>>Asked to fight close quarters

Coco is the team leader anon. She wasn't "asked" to go forward or made to do so, she chose to.
Taiyang's fetish is public flashers ?
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It means you're a cute.
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the cutest
what if ruby threw a surprise birthday for you and you didn't want one
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i would appreciate the effort she put in, but still call her a dolt
That just looked like utter shit.
And she probably thought Yatsu could keep Merc at a decent enough range for her to shoot back. It's been noted that Coco is one of the few hunters that has a weapon specifically made for fighting grimm. It's pretty shit at anything else.
So Coco is an idiot. A stylish idiot, but an idiot none the less.
I think this was further reaffirmed toward the end of the volume when she was like "Don't worry about it Weiss, Velvet can totally take out this killer robot alo- oh shit"
what are some weapon ideas you have?
Is that a fucking Jackhammer?
If so how do you have one, Because correct me if I am wrong but doesn't only one still exist?
A gun that shoots swords.
I can get behind this.
A four bore that turns into a two handed Scottish broadsword.
A hilt and scabbard that forms a blade as it's being drawn.
You can mess with the hilt while drawing to change the blade's shape.
Still don't know what to make the blade out of though.
The idea I came up with for 'my own' weapon or whatever was a war-pick that contracts down into a crossbow of some kind.
A piece of wood with a nail sticking out of it.
A portable Reese.
An atlatl that turns into a spear.
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>kinky cosplay wife
>hyperactive gamebro friends
he died thinking "close... enough"
One of my npcs has a Hockey Stick/ Kukri /Naginata
A bullet that shoots guns
Make it out of ice.
holy fucking shit
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Pretty sure Ruby would literally suck your dick for that
Jesus Christ, do you WANT to light everything around you on fire?
Hiya, Sun
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>Ryan getting salty as fuck in the Uncharted Let's Play
A Katana that controls the blood inside others after they get cut. Maybe have it turn into a rife that shoots needles with wires attached.
Dust steroids. Or dust powered nanites.
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ooh that's good.gif
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>A gun that shoots bullets that shoot guns that shoot more bullets
>You've got the military and every huntress in a hundred mile radius sucking your dick
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A Glock that turns into a grenade.
a bandoleer full of pistols, that transforms into a mace, the pistols being the head flangs
Blake, please.
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>Likes guns and machines
>Sister is a biker
>Uncle and father were in the military
Ruby is the cutest redneck I've ever seen
>Obrez Chucks
Show this shit to /k/
>Rube confirmed cute spergy redneck

literally perfect waifu
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Why do I find this somewhat arousing? I'm not even a /k/fag but this is beautiful
Because it's engineering at its finest?
Hook Swords
you mean a Shotel?
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I just barely saw the source for that the other day. That picture always confused me before. I finally get it.
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He might referring this.
You'll be a /k/fag soon anon, just like us. It's only a matter of time.
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Engineering boners are the best boners
>Wearing camo
Heresy. Unless that's part of her halloween costume.
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Also Eclipse.
I wanna be a /k/fag but I know jack shit about guns besides like, the names of a couple, and the old ornate ones make me pop all kinds of boners. where should i start, man?
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>instead of making Sun a good-natured streetwise thief/lone wolf who decided to help RWBY because they share a similar goal, and it might've turned out profitable for him in the long run, they gave him a team, a love interest, paired him up with the worst boy and made him a normie
Literal trash.
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I want to become a /k/ommando, but I'm mostly interested in melee weapons (mainly old ones, swords, spears, you get it) and some occasional archaic guns, like muskets 'n shit.
I doubt I'll fit in.
Chakrams, but I'm not sure how to incorporate a gun into them
>I like melee weapons(mainly old ones)
Ever hear of a dude named Skallgrim on youtube?
Dude does reviews/showcases on various melee weapons/armors(reproductions sadly decent ones too) and some times older firearms
Is he the gentlemen who made that "scythes are shitty" video that occasionally gets posted?
They also made him too nice
>Give Michael fucking Jones a role
>Don't have him scream
Thank god for that.
Lindybeige? He's great too. I could see him being good friends with Oobleck and Port.
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Go get her.png
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Now I have.
Thanks, anon, looks interesting.
dunno m8
be back In 10-15 min
>He doesn't like old-school Rage Quit
I bet you don't think 2013 was RT's golden age too.
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rube milta.jpg
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Well I can give you a few tips for being a /k/fag. 22lr is a meme round for self defense, all Mosin Nagants all nuggets, make fun of Slav weapons even though you probably own one yourself because 'shitposting', the only good bullpups are made by Steyr and FN everything else is 'probably' shit. I hoped that helped.
>scythes are shitty"
Somebody actually had to make a video about that?
>He doesn't like old-school Rage Quit
Yeah. Exactly.
A sword that explodes on contact.
>10-15 min
Step up
You made Barb cry with your shit taste.
I'm going to put glue in Ruby's chair!
Pick a favorite quote
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>He had to make a follow up video because people kept defending the use of a scythe as a weapon.
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I too am a fan of curtain melees like the shamshir with it's sexy curve perfect for slashing but old fashion war clubs and maces are neat too.

Pic related

Skallgrim is a pretty based melee YT so is scholagladiatoria for really in depth history and fighting styles, I think you'll like him.

Your welcome man
Maces, swords, armor, spears — anything from ye olden times I'm fascinated with.
Although I tend to prefer Medieval European stuff because it looks more simple and dangerous, yet elegant at the same time.
Without even checking the link
>"Tucker, there's a very fine line between not listening and not caring. I'd like to think I walk that line every day of my life"
>a sword and shield
Good. Fuck Barb.
A shield with a gun in it, like what Henry VIII tried to have
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bully the bun.png
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Nigga there's a thread right now about US military uniforms. It's fucking /fa/ up in there.
A collapsible baton doubling as a rocket launcher.
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Indeed that's why scholagladiatoria and Skallgrim are pretty based channels if your into that kind of stuff.

Well, "had to."
It doesn't take many brain cells to realize that if the blade is not pointing towards the enemy, you're doing something wrong
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Weiss is best girl, just accept it. Yang and Pyrrha are good too. Blake is still currently a shit
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Weiss is pretty good. Pyrrha is the best though.
>Lying bitch
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>Weiss is best girl
When I'm not being bias to Yang yeah she is.
Yang is best girl! Blake a shit
>The side that wins is the one that consistently frees up two guys to gang up on one.
>Clinches are entered and used to hold people so buddies can hit them
Does Mexico have a team in this?
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download (30).jpg
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Well, she did kind of spend months telling Jaune that she trusted and had faith in him and proceeded to completely ignore him.
Post autism.
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Its a joke that Pyrrha lied to Jaune about following his orders and such because she ignored him and ran off to die in the end.

I think its perfect character development for when she comes back
... Octy?
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put the cookies in the bag.png
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I want to smother it in ice cream and deepthroat it
You're all pretty cool, don't go to Beacon tomorrow
I don't know.

>Clinches are entered and used to hold people so buddies can hit them
Skip to 11:38 in this one.
thanks m8
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We beaconshipping now?
>Neptune isn't on top
>Cinder isn't on the bottom
It isn't him ;_;
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It's not Octy. You can tell because he doesn't have Weiss or Blake as his bottom two.
This is a real thing?
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Get on my level.
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Holy shit thats good taste man

As the guy you replied to, I just wanna say, you seem fuckin' solid. I'd befriend your ass.
Is that Ant-Man's new costume? Looks like shit desu.
Shit man, thanks
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Coming through nerds

I personally found out about it when the livestream was airing and /heem/ when batshit about it. I looked up the history of it and it was basically everything you expect from the Eastern Bloc.

I fucking love it. It's basically a live demonstration of what would actually happen in a melee between scared amateurs or trained professionals.
Like, it's an actual sport that people do as a career?
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Yang's New Arm.png
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Never forget
No. It's just a yearly event for hobbyist who really want to be knights.
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>Best boy so low
>Neptune not last
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>Velvet that high
>Penny that low
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Beach Bun.png
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Roman is still pretty high, I do wish Merc made top 10
>Hating the bun
>Yang gets a robot arm
>It gets hacked
>She has to fight her own arm
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coco velvet slave 3.jpg
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Bun is only good for lewd
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Yang x Mercury.jpg
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>Arm keeps sexually harassing people
>She gets booked as a sexual predator while Merc laughs in the distance
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Mercury's Beaconship.png
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>The arm is always groping butts, crotches and boobs
>She barely keeps it under control
>Shes alone at night and decides to use it on herself because it will do all the work for her
>It refuses to pleasure Yang.
>Merc continues to talk shit.
>Robot arm grabs his dick.
>"Whoa there Blondie, at least let me buy you dinner!"
>Disabler shippers go fucking nuts.
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>bullying The (Other) One
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Church: There, you hear that?
Tucker: Is it like a screaming, high-pitched whistling noise followed by a series of random clicks?
Church: No, it's just like this constant beep, beep, beep noise.
Tucker: Oh... then no, I don't hear anything.
>>Disabler shippers go fucking nuts.
All ten of us.
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Should've put Yang last.
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MFW Irrelevant characters such as Scarlet David, Sage Ayana, and Reese Chloris get a Beacon ship but Neon Katt the MEME QUEEN isn't on there. Why?
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>She gives up, and tries to flick the bean with her bio-arm.
>Robo-arm grabs her wrist, refusing to let her rub it out.
Yang just can't catch a break.
Other than one of the literally who twins and Reese. Pretty solid top 10.

Not gonna get into whats wrong with 11-37
>The second one team loses as man they start to lose horrifically because people gang up on singles.
This is like a bar brawl with weapons.
It took but one or two determined men to drag us to /trash/. Imagine what ten determined men could do.

We could actually break Reddit and Tumblr, get them to despise the very show they once loved.
Because she's an irrelevant character
That's disrespectful to Baked Alaska. Put Raven at the bottom, with Yang above her.
>Yang is spending all her alone time that night trying to get off
>Leans on the corner of a wooden table
>Begins to grind
>The hand grips onto the edge and flexes the wrist
>Part of the table, along with the corner snaps off
This is why.
(Blake is the autism)
And this is one without weapons.
>In desperation, she goes to the fridge to grab a cucumber.
>Robo-arm wedges itself in between the handles, locking the Yang connected to it to the fridge.
>"My feet hurt."
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That announcer is cute.
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>Not Cinder on the bottom
I kind of want to enjoy this but it's tainted by the fact that honestly there is nothing of value there.

All that is learned is that you can't win a fight against two people at the same time. Which everyone already knows.

And there's not even the entertainment value of craft.
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>All that is learned is that you can't win a fight against two people at the same time. Which everyone already knows.

get good
RT bothered to actually give her a theme song and quite a bit of dialogue in the episode she was introduced in, I'm quite sure will see more Meme Faunus in volume 4.

Shame but that's fine we'll just have to wait for a little while.
>Yang calms down a bit
>The arm senses that she isn't in the mood and lets go
>It was all planned
>She hops in the shower
>Detachable shower head
>She grabs it and begins to wash herself normally
>Moves the stream over her privates
>The arm lets her clean herself
>She holds in there for a few seconds
>The arm intercepts it and crushes the nozzle
>Its just water pouring out of a hose now
>Not enough pressure to cause pleasure
>and quite a bit of dialogue in the episode she was introduced in
That's because she literally only exists to annoy others.
She got about as much dialogue as Ciel, go figure. All it means is that she's Cardin-tier relevant
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If by annoy you mean tell Yang to get her shit together then yes.
It's honestly the best wake up call, alongside that Battle of Nations thing for people who really don't know how a fight in a bar would actually go.

If you clinch up with somebody or it goes to the ground you're fucked if you don't more friends around.

If you're on top, you're fucked if one of their buddies sees you. If you're on bottom you're fucked if their buddies see you.

I don't know if it was that fight or another one but some poor guy was getting triangle choked and someone came over and started punching him.

Or in that battle of nations video where a guy got clinched against the fence and worked over by a third man with a long axe.

On the bright side, if there's five of you and three of them, clinch up immediately and let your buddy start rabbit punching them.
Anyone got a m3u8 of theater mode? I need to kill time.
>some poor guy was getting triangle choked and someone came over and started punching him.
What the fuck?
Episode 1 - http://wpc.1765A.taucdn.net/801765A/video/uploads/videos/56b3c683-21b9-4c80-8d87-81e169071267/index.m3u8

Episode 2 - http://wpc.1765A.taucdn.net/801765A/video/uploads/videos/e9b9889e-bf58-4dd3-9cdb-e894a67458de/index.m3u8
>She keeps calling Yang fat
I never understood this
Noice, thanks so much.
Neon isn't annoying, Yang is just easily triggered when facing enemies with actually technique, remember Neo is a mute and Yang still lost it.
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Yang is fat.jpg
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Well it's true.
Neon comfort eats and has low self esteem and takes it out on others.
>Neo and Neon will never team up and rape Yang
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>Eats nothing but poptarts and skittles
>Neon isn't annoying
Yes she is
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>Actual Technique
Oh i'm havin a giggle
Remove the meme cat

Yang is a fit girl
>Implying she doesn't eat ice cream all day
Wait, they have to license every movie they watch? This won't last long.
Specifically they need to get movies that have been "globally licensed" so they can show it on the RT site. That's why they've been sticking to mostly no-name indie schlock crap that's super easy to get licensed.
Over 30 films have been licensed already, they've been working on this in secret for over a year and they plan to continue it indefinitely
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I... I can still dream anon.
>They will never ambush Yang
>They will never tie her up and blindfold her
>They will never take her to an unknown location and take the blindfold off
>They will never take turns riding her face

Why hasn't a writefag done this yet?
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As a colossal Yang fag who wants nothing more than to revive her smile, I would not be 100% opposed to this. Probably not even 75% opposed.

And also in MST3K fashion, it's way easier to have fun with a crappy B movie than popular films.
Neon would have won that fight but the script need Yang to square off with The One and sadly Gingers in Remnant are subjected to 'Destiny'.

She's just likes being playful and messing around.
If you see the aura percents, Neon was far from untouchable. I doubt she had the fight as in the bag as you claim.
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yang gets meme'd.jpg
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>Implying Yang isn't destined to embrace the M E M E D R E A M and she won't find new happiness with Neon.
You guys can have the new Worms lets play as well, which is sponsor only until tomorrow

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>Implying that Disabler isn't the obvious endgame for Yang

fampai, c'mon
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>Why is it so old?

>If you see the aura percents, Neon was far from untouchable.
I saw that when i was rewatching the show. Either Yang was getting hits in off screen or the rainbows drain her aura
>Qrow has figures something out about Salem's plans after months of hardship and crueling field work
>switches on his scroll at the fringes of civilisation
>now how do I warn Ozping about this clearly yet discreetly, so he can take adequate countermeasures?
>perfect! Remnant sleeps safely once again.
Appreciate it, man.
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Qrow does it again.
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>yang gets meme'd.jpg
Is meme'd codeword for raped?
>has the gall to go back to the team and lecture them on communication
meme'd is codeword for rainbows right in the hooha
I'm going to bite down as hard as I can on Ruby's cunt!
I still think he was just Ozpins last resort because Taiyang refused to help
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They definitely should've teamed that glorious fuck-up with a by-the-book-cop type

Somebody competent and obedient who can handle themself in a fight

I wonder if there is any such a person in or around Ozpin's cabal
But it's completely defenseless!
With how consistently Yang's aura drops lower than Neon's, Yang would have lost regardless if it wasn't for Weiss's sacrifice and convenient luck.

Plus red hair equals destiny, and a pretty shit destiny from what we've seen so far.
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Is rainbows a codeword for something?
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it's actually neon's jizz
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>Tfw you will never superman (ice cream) that ho
The Rainbow's are actually Neon's stink lines.
It's all an illusion to make you think she smells nice
Are there any nudes of Neon yet? Preferably ones where she looks like she's high?
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>you and Yang will never dress up in cute couples halloween costumes
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Neon was forced into a very unfavorable terrain. Even without that bullshit geyser, Yang would have won.
There's a Neptune episode in it
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>You forgot the part where they fondle Yang's big breasts from behind and what ever else while Neon mentions something about Yang's top heaviness and Yang can't say anything because she's gagged.
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I'm really damn jealous of that Neo.
>You will never lead Yang around on a leash.
>You will never somewhat roughly jerk the chain as you move along to the next house.
>You will never see her stifle a moan as you do so.
Another Blake season (the 3rd)
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What theme would you and Yang dress up as? I'd almost do a Joker/Harley, but that seems really normie-like tbqh.
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>Worst case V4
>More Yang tummy
I fail to see the negative aspect of this.
>Neon is fondling Yang and making fun of her
>Neo is gripping Yang's hair and holding her mouth against her slit so she cant reply
>If she tries to, her voice just gets muffled and it only causes Neo more pleasure
>All Yang gets to see is Neo's smug face
>They refuse to give Yang any pleasure
Neon a meh
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Meme Cavalry.gif
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True but Yang didn't intentionally create a ramp to sling Meme Cat up there, she just lucked out when spring and praying.
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I want to do BDSM with Yang!
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>Comes in on a straight line slow as hell
For fucks sakes.
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With Yang as a bottom right? She's bottom as hell.

Also postan full pic. Pardon the cat.
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Post cosplays?

My only problem with him is that he goes full autism mode about fantasy weapons.
>"Day are not re-all-list-ick. Dis is not practical!"
He expects realism from high fantasy shit.
2500 Year old elf that shoots lasers out of her nipples and shits cotton candy? A-okay.
This sword's pommel is too big? "What the hell is wrong with Fantusee writers!"
They're both dudes and you would also need to be missing an arm. No good.
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And the other half.

Anon i hate to tell you this but

1. Not to sound Tumblry but the gender shouldn't count
2. Guess who had to get an arm amputated when they were a kid
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>2. Guess who had to get an arm amputated when they were a kid
Guess that's why your mother never loved you.
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>1. Not to sound Tumblry but the gender shouldn't count
I agree to an extent, but Hammer and Sickle are ripped. Could be a weird costume for a grill.
>2. Guess who had to get an arm amputated when they were a kid
Holy fuck mang can you post your stump. WHy did you have to lose it?
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>You'll never force her to beg for her treat like a real dog
>You'll never get to see Yang kneeling in front of a stranger with puppy dog eyes
>You'll never suppress a boner as the owner of the house tells Yang that she's a good girl and pets her head before putting a candy in her mouth
>You'll never spend the rest of the night telling her she's a good girl and having her feed you candy with her mouth
Which one? Did you get a prosthetic or no?

If you got a prosthetic, did you get a realistic looking one or a cool looking one, like those guys with the mechanical-looking pegleg things? Those always look badass on army vets, dunno if there is an arm equivalent.

I'm not even a fetishist, I just think this shit is cool. I mean, it's obviously horrific and all that stuff and i'm sorry it happened but, I have a positive outlook y'know? Probably way too positive for what it is but still
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Go on anons.
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President Schnee.png
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I'm in same boat, prosthetics are cool as fuck.
People can literally control them via thought, how awesome is that?
He was found jacking off by his extreme Christian soccer mom. And then the bear attacked.
hell yeah, they're cool and that's cool. I mean, those only really exist as expensive tech demos right now, there are some like hands n' shit that can clasp by reading the muscles where they connect on like the one that girl got that was 3D printed, remember that story? Anyways though, I've only ever seen that one video of the old guy with the fully working mechanical arm that he could control with thought, I don't think its anywhere near a full medical use release let alone commercial release, which sucks, but on the upside it can't be more than a few years away.

Unfortunately, price-wise, they're gonna cost and arm and a leg, and I think the people who need them have already learnt the issues about giving one of those up.
>You'll never start to walk home after a long night of Trick-or-Treating with doggy Yang.
>You will never hear her tell you how tired she is.
>You will never give her a sneaky look and tell her you're just getting started.
>You will never literally drag Yang along to toilet paper that one faggot's house.
>You will never watch her cross her arms and refuse.
>You will never semi-jokingly threaten to tie her leash to their fence and leave.
>You will never get Yang to reluctantly help you TP that one faggot's house.
>You will never have to run away in a hurry.
>You will never reassure Yang you'll never abandon her, with this incident proving that assertion.
>You will never she her blush, and admit she had an excellent time.
>You will never get a peck on the cheek from doggy Yang.
Why the hell do I keep coming here? I want to shitpost, not feel.
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>I want to shitpost, not feel.

you seem perfectly capable of multitasking, champ
Dude get a life.
Yang's left arm was frozen it was a good bet to charge while she couldn't defend herself.
>Not making doggy Yang piss on that one faggot's mailbox
She could have swung the frozen arm like a club.
And that's a blunt instrument.
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How do you make Yang blush
Yeah, but only one of them makes me feel accomplished.
I'll have you know I talked to a real life female on Sunday, and I only spilled four strands of spaghetti.
i think that adam took yang's arm home with him and ate it and shared it with his closest friends
Embarrass myself.
I like the way you think anon.
>She gets down on all fours.
>You tell her to lift up a leg.
"D-don't only males do that?"
>Yeah, well they don't talk either.
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Whisper lewd things to her while I breathe and occasionally nibble on the back of her neck.

If that fails, pants her.
So if you were to eve go to Remanet and it turns out as expected your Waifu wants nothing to do with you would you kill yourself?
No, because despite my undying love for her, I have at least three backup plans if it doesn't work out with her.

Or I could just rape her. That works too.
>Pants her
>Her underwear is exactly the same as her shorts
>Get punched
Nah, pull her top up. That way you get a nice view and you can run away while she's tangled up.
>World of Adventure filled with demons.
Fuck that shit.

I'm getting a longsword, growing my hair out putting it in a top knot and calling myself Akuma Yojimbo.

Embrace the edge and live the vagabond life.
Well actually Yojimbo Akuma.
>My waifu is Pyrrha
>Neon then sits Yang on her lap forcing her legs to be spread out and starts playing with pussy
>Neo starts taking pictures her phone
>Yang looks down angerly away from Neo and her smug face
>Pulling down Yang's black spats.
>Expecting anything under there other than a lewd little yellow thong with her emblem right in the center.
It's Yang Xiao Long bro. You now she'd rock that.
Just because of that your waifu ends up with someone else
>Yang becomes embarrassed by the fact that she likes being humiliated
>Yang tries to hide the fact that she's starting to enjoy herself
>Neon and Neo can see right through her though.
Nah. Those would feel weird to fight in.
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Does anyone have that greentext story of Yang fucking mercury while he's tied to a bed only to reveal it was actually Neo?
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Dude. Adventure.
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>The reason why Yang is losing so often is because her underwear is distracting her
That's the fourth back-up plan
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So it's actually your first plan because all those girls will also not want you.
Different anon, for me the plan goes
>Set Penny up with Ruby
>Pretend to care about faunus rights, then Blake
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Neons neon knife csgo.png
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Neon could dodge it easily.

Yang's fighting style is a blunt instrument.
>Implying Weiss would ever want to be with you.
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Plan 1 is more likely to kill you than 2 through 4 combined
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>People who suck at adventure.
>Implying you wouldn't die as soon as you stepped outside Vale
She has canonical interest in Neptune, her taste in men is confirmed as total dogshite, she's probably the one I have the BEST shot with.
Actually that anon, it goes:
Up yours bro she a best.
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yea to be desu the chicks have to come with the adventure not vice versa

I would still die before I get to score, but
>Yang will never pull her top aside to show you her cleavage
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>You'll never ask Yang if she wants to be your date to the dance
>Implying she doesn't already show it all
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Shit, did I miss the .m3u8 for Chibi episode 2? Anyone wanna link that?
I'll do you better
I second this.
>making Sun a good-natured streetwise thief/lone wolf who decided to help RWBY because they share a similar goal, and it might've turned out profitable for him in the long run

It's a shame because if Sun was like this I would have liked him.
>Sun the thief was just in Vale because he heard some criminal shit was going down
>Once the White Fang got involved, he split and helped out RWBY a little before going back to Mistral

It was so easy.

That would be too much like right for M&K. Gotta have forced relationships most of which happens offscreen and inbetween seasons.
>Death is the next great adventure
Shit you're right
Blake and Sun becomes canon.

The best of drama setups.
>Helped Blake because of White Fang
>Met the rest of her team and got to like them
>Spend some time helping them because he has street knowledge 'n shit that Yang doesn't, and their goal falls into his Chaotic Good alignment
>Disappeared one day, taking something "valuable" (like Blake's porn book) as a "payment"
>Last time anybody heard of him, he was heading to Mistral
But no, they had to make him a student.
But in the end Sun and Neptune literally stayed behind while Yang went after Roman in his giant mecha.
He was like that during vol 1, and that's why his dynamic with Blake worked so well, especially his opinion of the white fang, past n' present, being 'a cult'. He was a bit of sanity to the dumb shit she was pulling, and the characters played off eachother well.

then Blake went aesop-amnesia on the vol1 character development, and Sun went almost toally characterless for the rest of the series.

If Sun never got neutered for the sake of SSSN and Neptune specifically, he could have been a great character and also made Blake more interesting and given her a good platform for non edgeshit development.
I'm not sure if you're saying this as a negative or a positive thing, but that's another gripe I have with this whole SSSN thing. Scarlet, Sage and Neptune are useless. They contribute nothing. At least Sun was the catalyst for the whole Weiss and Blake's heart-to-heart in Volume 1, and later he helped Blake with stopping Roman and White Fang.
What plot relevant thing did Neptune do? Or Sage? Or Scarlet? Other teams have similar problems as well, namely CFVY. I'd mention Ren and Nora, too, but I feel bad about even saying that they don't have enough development. It's like pointing out that legless people can't walk.
Why does Jack have a Bernie Sanders shirt that's misspelled?
Does it say Burnie on it?
Yeah. Is it something from the RT store, or does Burnie just give his employees shirts with his name on it?
Does... does it say Burnie?
Yeah, pretty sure that's from the RT store.
>Yang's new arm is made from her motorcycle
>her entire motorcycle
>the exhaust always coughs out black smoke and spews flames when her semblance goes boom
Does it say BerNII-SANders?
>Image limit
I very much like the idea of a flame spewing robo-arm, but then she would't have the bike. Just theme the arm after Bumblebee desu.
what if ruby got hurt really badly and her family blamed you for it
What if I gave your father anal prolapse
I take it you mean passive aggressive nobdy talks about it blaming?
Because else I'm dead twice before I hit the ground
Accept blame, use the fact I've hurt their biggest enemy to impress the bad guys, become bad guy.
>Become bad guy
>Set sights on getting that Cinder pussy
I like the way you think
what if it was your birthday and everyone forgot except penny
New thread when?
True it's a shame Sun is a shadow of the progress in the last two volumes.
I'd thank Penny for being there, and we would eat all but two slices of the cake. The last two would be saved for Ruby and Yang. I can't stay mad at them forever.
When I shit
Well take out the butt plug and get to it
Yang getting M E M E'd by Neon addiction?
please nora i like her
Is it a neon butt plug going up yangs ass?
I'd be super happy that my waifu was there for my birthday and I would be content with cuddles or birthday sex....
Thread posts: 594
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