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Fapping together thread Come in and post porn, talk about what

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Thread replies: 377
Thread images: 123

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Fapping together thread

Come in and post porn, talk about what we're doing to our cocks, talk about what we're fapping to etc.

Add each other on steam or start a tinychat room and fap with your fellow degenerates.
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This is nice, I'm fapping right now
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I can't believe I've actually came to this one, several times.
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I like those boobs, i would love to cum all over them
muscular sweaty pokemon are pretty hot~
Just woke up bit hungover and ready for a morning fap
You game?
Unrelated but god I hate that artist, fuck the rape shit
Come one, you gotta now that he draws the worst rape shit. The gifs are a pretty common sight
I hardly jack it to weeb porn at all, so I don't know any weeb porn artist names.
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It's time.
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I wish I could fap right now.
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I'll fap in your stead anon
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me and an anon added each other on steam and fapped while talking dirty and we eventually came together last night it was really really hot~
I wish I could do that...
maybe tonight if you aren't doing anything we could talk whats your steam /id :)
Used to do this like ..daily for a few months with a buddy on steam, it was really nice.

He was really into my big cock despite me being fairly ugly lol, he loved the contrast or something.
how big is your cock?
I would like to, but I'm deathly shy and I'm embarrassed about using my steam to do lewd things...
I wanna hear your shy squeeky moans as we talk about lewd things:3
That's uh

That's not a Pokemon
I'm too shy to talk, and I don't think I sound very cute...I don't think it's a good idea anon
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This sounds hot as fuck. Too bad I live in a dorm where my roommate is around 24/7.
Master the art of stealth fapping. Used to do it all the time when I shared a room with my brother living at my parents.
Oh trust me, I got the stealth fapping down to a t. It's the talking dirty part that would probably get awkward.
Its alright it took me a long time to get the courage to do it and you should never be forced to do something you don't want to.
I'll come around eventually, but thanks for understanding. I like you.
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Been horny as shit today, on my 5th time already. Anyone else on that fap grind?
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Sounds like a lot of fun anon. I'd love to join.
How do you do it? My dick was rekt after stroking and edging for three solid hours in last night's thread.
I'm not sure to be honest. These are all one hour sessions that I usually get between classes. I have high stamina I guess, I also don't grim my dick too tight as well. Lube helps too.
Grip* fucking phone
I edge for 3+ hours too, anon. Feels fantastic.
I won't be able to talk till late tonight but I would be able to chat or play vidya. if you want add me on steam id/ nagr0M
This thread is making me want to jerk off. Too bad I'm doing no fap May.
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I guess you should leave ASAP or it's gonna be the longest 28 days of your life.
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Gotta agree with this. I can lurk porn while doing nofap without giving in, but lewd chats are much riskier.
Why do people do no fap? Can you have sex?
I actually like the feeling of being rock hard but unable to relieve the pressure at all. Going without fapping for so long kinda messes with your head, last time I did this even the tamest images were enough to get me stiff as a board for like 10 minutes. I enjoy that feeling. Plus blowing a gigantic load after a month feels absolutely incredible, you cum ropes. I guess we'll see if I can make it.

I feel the same way, but I think I can handle it.

Some people do it to try to wean themselves off porn because they think they're addicted, I just do it to see if I can. It makes jerking off feel so much better for about a week after you finish, which is really nice. And you can have sex if you want to, I guess. Nofap isn't really for people who are regularly having sex though.
Any nocturnal emissions?

How do I find someone to regularly jack off with online?
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sometimes people usually use no fap as a way to help them get laid other time its for that one good climax.
That is really good undertale porn, have some animal crossing.
I don't really get those.
Getting blue balls really sucks though. I've blueballed myself a few times trying to see if I could cum without touching myself by just watching porn after several weeks of nofap. But other than that, I agree. Although I'll add that I've found it doesn't make that much of a difference if you go two weeks or the full 30 days. It just kinda caps off at some point for me.
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That's some really good animal crossing porn have some more undertale.
I have mostly isabelle
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So looking for jack off buddies, bonus if you like furry stuff. Add me on skype LeonTheLionRawr
I haven't played animal crossing before but after I watched this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeWC9V2qH-8
isabelle makes my dick harder than diamonds.
who wants to do stuff
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nice trips I might add you later tonight when the people in my house are asleep.
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I told myself I wouldn't jack off to Undertale. Not for any particular reason, I just don't want to. This thread is pushing me.
Do it, anon. Don't you want to shoot a big fat load for Toriel?
I'm so fucking hard right now. Been needing to unwind and this thread seems to be good for just that. I remember when I used to jerk off on cam for people I erp'd with. Let them type out the lewd as they get a show in return until I nut. Or have the post pics to see what makes me cum.
I have a big fetish for motherly encouragement during sex so her whole character is already a cocktease for me. She's thick, too.
How about nursing handjobs, would you like a nursing handjob from her?
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So something like this will really get your wheels spinning.
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Motherly embrace is hot as fuck. All I want is for goatmom to grind on my cock as she rubs her breasts in my face.
I love his talent and art style, but the rape I can't deal with. And this is coming from a guy that likes bondage, public use, blindfold stuff, etc.
just around 8 inches.
virgin irl though lol.
Anons pls.
I don't get it. You admit you're attracted to her, so why not fap to her?
I promised myself I wouldn't fap to undertale a while ago, and I've been true to my word so far.
But why? There's a ton of good stuff out there. You even admit Toriel is a giant cocktease. Might as well blow a load or three to her.
I don't know, anon. It's a slippery slope. Next thing you know I'll be jackin it to Undyne or Muffet. Then my promise will be completely broken.
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I don't see what's wrong with that either. Don't you want to feel good?
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That's a really nice picture of Toriel. I was going to go to bed but now I think I'm going to stay up a blow a load to it.

In return, one of my own personal favorite pictures.
I already make myself feel good.
I hope you enjoy yourself. Cum a lot for me.
Yeah but you could expand your tastes. Finding new stuff to fap to is always nice. But no pressure or anything, the Toriel porn will always be around.

what do you like to fap to, anyway?
Yeah but it's not really expanding my tastes when I already jack it to monster girls. I fap to different stuff, just depends on what grabs my interest.
Oh trust me, I am enjoying myself. I'm almost enjoying myself a little too much. It's it's a little hard not to get carried away and cum too soon, especially with Toriel looking so inviting like that.
Ordinarily, I am not into thickness like that, but I'd spend hours with my face between those thighs.
God, I'd sell my soul to eat out Toriel.
Nice. Could you post in this thread when you finally blow your load? I'd like to know.
Tell us all the details, especially about what you're imagining!
What is that? Reverse search isn't giving me anything
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Seconded. Don't hold back any details.
Can we talk about Toriel some more, anons? I'm feeling very aroused and I want to cum for best goat mom.
I liked the thread better before furshits showed up.
You aren't fantasizing about having your erect dick sandwiched between mommy Toriel big motherly breasts, are you? Or about the feeling of her soft flesh enveloping your pulsating manhood, or about the obscene sight of seeing her using her own spit to make her breasts nice and slippery. You're not a pervert, right?

You're not gonna cum thinking about this, are you? Nor would you try to get her sensual neck or her chiseled collarbones covered in your thick, hot, cum, right?

If you did, I bet she would still look at you with a motherly smile on her face, even if her son was a hopeless no-good pervert, she would still smile at you with love.
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what do you want anon do you have any pic requests or do you want to discuss fetishes. ask and you shall receive. Personally tanlines have been turning me on quite a bit lately.
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tinychat /nightmommy
tinychat up
I really like tanlines too! The smaller the better, I like to imagine the girl tanning in practically nothing.
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I want to rub my dick along their tanlines
Oh god that pic is amazing, exactly what I'm talking about. That tiny little scrap just barely covering her nipples...fuck.
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how hard are you right now anon?
Mmm, pretty hard. Not fully erect quite yet, but at this rate I will be soon. Tanlines are so hot.
cum join the tinychat
I would but people are still up in my house and I can't start moaning into the mic till at least 1 in the morning
>it's over
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it's not over, come on in
no its not over cum on in and chat
I guess I didn't install flash right.
Anyone fapping right now?
I am.
Nice, what to?
intermintently, this onahole is far too tight to keep going consecutively for a log period of time if you want a long session
Just mindlessly stroking my dick like a horny anon.
You should get some porn or hentai going! That'll make you harder and more aroused! Are you leaking pre?

Yikes, that's why I never really bothered with them. I mean your hand is warm and fits perfectly around your dick, but I guess being able to thrust is nice.
Yeah, I'm leaking, I'm actually pretty close to cumming, if I try to fap to port or hentai then it would be over too soon, since I kinda have trouble lasting. Like, literally it'd be over in under a minute.
Ah, okay! I have that problem at times too. I'm just greedy and want to cum right away, I need to force myself to slow down.

I hope you let out a big load of hot cum!
Don't worry, I may cum fast, but I usually let out a thick load of gooey spunk.
oh no, i absolutely adore it, but i need to take it slow. pic related, mai waifu
Hot. My loads are usually on the thin side, probably cause I fap so often. I average around 4 times a day. I'm envious of your fat loads.

That's good to hear. I'm not familiar with onahole procedure, is it okay to cum inside of them? I know I'd want to creampie mine if I had one.
I don't fap that often, maybe once or twice a week, probably why my loads are so thick
Yeah, that would do it. I just can't keep my hands off myself, I need to fap at least once when I wake up and once before I go to bed, and I usually get super horny in the afternoon. I've tried holding off for a day or two but I get frustrated and always give in.
do any anons want to talk dirty on steam later tonight I have been edging through my pants for an hour and I need to wait until my parents go to sleep to finish.
I would love to but your times are so late for me I think I would only be able to whisper with you in fear of other people over hearing.
>all these people talking about their fap sessions
>not a single one talks about how hard they came or their load

Boo. I want to hear about fat, throbbing cocks shooting out giant sloppy loads. Please remember to include details about how you finished!
Anybody around? Kinda horny right now
There is always someone fapping. Like me.
I am but I just came a lot so I can't fap with you. I hope you enjoy yourself!
Good. I hope you're still pumping that cock when you read this. Who/what are you pleasuring yourself to?

Aw. Maybe some other time. And yes I'm already rock hard and stroking.
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I got my stash to look through. Currently pic related, been edging for around an hour now.
I'm already fapping, about to cum actually, anyone has a nice image for me to cum?
Whatchu into senpai?
I'm stroking now. Need to blow a nice load before getting some rest.
I want to blow my load on a big butt, my cock feels really hot right now, It wants to burst
Here you go.
Preparing a big load are we? Nice. Don't you wish you could unload it on Hilda's perfect buttocks?

I'm currently admiring some Nanael thighs. Kinda wanna stick my member into something so thinking about busting out my fleshlight.

I love goodnight faps. Only downside is I like to do it in the bed so I can't really chat with other anons.
Good thing I do so before laying down. Hard and beading pre already.
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Why not two.
How many days of not fapping does it take you to build up to that one great climax the next time you do it?
Oh god.. I'm going to blow now
Do it! Shoot out a bunch of sticky cum!
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I hope you don't keep it waiting too long. Wrap your fist around it and give it a stroke for being a good boy.
Fleshlight sounds good to me.

A common answer is 2 weeks, though it varies from person to person.
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You know it, just the thought of her grinding her ass on my rock hard cock almost makes me blow. But I live for the edge, gets alot of precum everywhere tho
Anybody got some dark skinned gals? I'm getting a bit close here.
Oh, you bet. Feels so fucking good.
Gotchu Fampie
Imagine blowing a giant load all over this thick shiny ass.
Holy shit, yes. This is going to be a good one. Pretty much on the edge now!
Don't hold back, give your cock what it wants!
That was a really good orgasm, thank you anon

I made a mess on the floor
Got it soaking in hot water right now. Can't wait to plunge into it.

Mmm. I bet he loves it too, anxious to please you by spewing a hot load all over the place. Keep pumping that cock!
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Hot. Hope it was nice. Continuing the edge over here.
That's a naughty cock of yours, making such a big mess like that.
Going to make it fucking shoot.. All I need is to see some dark skinned pussy to lay into.

I'm going to wait a week before fapping again, I'll come and fap from the start to finish with this thread
mm, you got it. I'm enjoying this a lot along with the pics.
Here you go! Shoot a big load into her!
Shit, I'm cumming!
Ooh, that's a long time. Hopefully that big naughty cock of yours can contain itself for that long.
Good job! I hope it was a big, creamy load.
It went a good few feet out in front of me. Been aching to nut to some sexy dark beauties. I love this thread, and you all that helped.
Are you getting close? I'm pumping my cock with that fleshlight now. Feels so good to grab it with both hands and just go to town, working it like a plunger on a clogged drain all while it makes juicy sucking noises.
not yet but I'm slowly getting there from this thread.
Forgot pic again. Silly me
Yum, sounds like an amazing load.
oh, that's fucking hot.
Stretch that plastic pussy out with your thick cock! Don't let up!
I'll be back later if you want to help me unload to more of those sexy ladies.
Absolutely, come back any time you want to splurt. I have so many dark skinned girls that want your cum.
Careful with saying that. I nearly felt like asking for more and getting one more orgasm out.
Already? My, what an insatiable cock you have.
I've been able to go a few or so rounds in a row before. I get extremely horny under the right circumstances.
So why not do it? Live a little!

I'm pumping it so hard the lube is spurting out from the top. Almost came on accident too!

Still at it? Remember to stroke every inch to show how much you appreciate it.
Mm, I might just..
Keep pounding it! It was made to take your cock!
yeah still at it. you're helping me along plenty too
Ahh. It's getting harder and harder to contain my orgasm... Should I take a break or should I just let it go?
anyone here? I'm ready to cum at any moment
Unloaded inside it. Came so hard I couldn't help but moan audibly and close my eyes. What a nice load too. There has to be at least a whole tablespoon of it.

Do it! Shoot a hot sticky mess!
oh she's a sexy one!
I usually end up horny but I don't actually get the urge to fap.
It's pretty weird.
Are any non-dick persons fapping here at all?
>no dick
laugh all you want, I do a fapping motion to masturbate I just can't use the whole hand obviously
The artist is zaggatar
I thought fap was referring to the sound
How do I train myself to have the self control to not cum, but am still able to edge and deny myself?

I wish I knew. Every time I try edging I end up blowing ejaculating hands free.
Wish I knew, it's like my dick has a mind of it's own. It ends up feeling so good that I just go over the edge without much effort.
I would thigh fuck the hell out of her. That looks so fucking nice.
You and me both anon
Knew better than check the thread again right now. I'm hard as fuck.
You should've known
Oh well, I'm stroking now. May as well get a nice one done.
Cum hard, anon!
Are you doing the same?
I will if you got some saucy dark skinned girls to post. One or two ought to do it.
Just came about 5 minutes ago.
Really let out a lot of thick jizz, my cock just wouldn't stop twitching even after I was done.
Felt amazing.
I'm a different anon than who you were talking to earlier, but yeah I am.
nice job
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How about some (Not)elves?
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Fucking perfect!
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What did you cum so hard to? Tell us about your fap~
Oh god, fucking came! They always get me going. Better clean up, though. Thanks, anon~
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Not sure if it's really appropriate for the thread, but I was in a bit of a submissive mood so I ended up fapping to some Cannabis while self inserting as the trap.

No problem! Always happy to help another anon let out a creamy load.
Oh, fuck. Careful on posting more. I'm still not entirely soft, heh.
Think you could go again?
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Yeah, think I will. No sense in holding off feeling good again.
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That's the spirit!
Just follow your dick~

Any GAL types?
Feels so good.. You're so kind in helping out anons work out some desires.
Pants getting tighter around the crotch region. I think it's that time again.
You mean like gyaru?

Don't worry, just make sure you make your cock feel super good!
Oh, I am. You're doing wonders! Getting closer.
Whew. Just came.It feels way too good.
Might be a little too thick.

Good good, I'm pretty jealous, you can go again so quickly after having already came.
I know what you mean, I'm edging myself closer so I can cum really hard.
Different anon, but not too thick at all!
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What'd you cum to?
different anon.no need to be so jealous
Oh, I can go a few times in a row~ Sometimes I just get going and want to spend the day working it. Or have someone else pleasuring me.
i might just go a second time
I just wish I could fap again right now, but I'm way too sensitive and the urge just isn't there. Sorta just playing with my dick even though I'm soft.

Sounds amazing, spending the day just pumping away at your cock, lost in lust.

You should!
Oh, a collection of things. I'd been feeling horny for a while, but then I stumbled across here, saw some of the dark skinned girls, and literally couldn't help my. Edged, then burst
It is pretty nice. The only downside is the soreness for the next day. Worth it, though. Getting pretty close, too..
Don't worry, it should build up. Meanwhile, I'm already hard again
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Perrine is mai waifu.

Anyone want to jack off to her? I'd love you to use her to get off.
Nice, gotta love that post-fap bliss

Where do you want to shoot your cum?
Inside a dark-skinned girl's pussy? In her mouth? Over her breasts?

Oh wow, you guys really have high libidos.
sure thing, i've been hard in the thread and why not jerk off to this gal?
I'd love to. Thought she had the cutest butt when I watched the series.
I'll get right on it, just for you anon
I love me some pussy. Can't really turn it down. Ready to blow it.
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Alright then anon, give her your gooey jizz, fill up her pussy!~
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She could start with some oral service on you guys.


You think so too? I bet you'd love to fondle it through her pantyhose.
Can't help it. Been holding it in for a while. It's time to let it all out
You got it! Gonna cum!
Indeed. I was so jealous of the bug that got in her buttcrack
oh damn pantyhose are so fucking sexy. she looks great
Feeling her nice, soft mouth wrapped around my dick. Feels way too good
Nothing wrong with that, don't hold back anon.
Indulge yourself.


You can do more than that to her cute little ass.

Have anything in mind?


She's pretty shy, but after getting a good taste of your dick she'll be sure to love it.
mm, I'd love to pull those pantyhose down from her ass and peel her panties along with them.
I'd love to fuck her tight ass over and over again with the other anons until she becomes an anal slut.

Feel free to expose her perfect pale butt, imagine how cute an embarrassed she'd get if you pulled those cheeks apart to see her virgin holes.
Oh, fuck, I enjoy this thread. Nearly made me want to erp fucking a hot dark skinned babe while looking at your pics too.
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It's been a really long day, and I'm seriously considering jerking off to ease some of my stress. Should I do it?
Oh, I'm definitely going to, thanks to your help
I would caress on top of her clothes at first and then pinch those cute little buttocks with some force just to hear her yelp. Then I would move my hands to her front side and pull her close to me so she can feel my hard cock through my pants on her buttcrack.
Different anon. What's stopping you?
oh yes, I bet she's got such a soft little ass. bet her cute pussy looks hot as hell. probably feels even better
Are you really asking that?
Cum with us, nonny.
Anon could i trouble you to post some dark skinned futas? If you have any that is. If you don't have any then please feel free to call me a cock-loving faggot and post something else that in more along the lines of the images you've already been posting.

Sorry if this is a little too much to ask and i'll happily appreciate any attention you throw my way.
I'd just love it if she slowly approached, taking a small hold at first. Proceeding to lightly lick it, as she slowly takes it into her mouth, bobbing her head progressively faster
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You should do it. What would you ERP her doing?
I usually like to keep erp more private while they post pics to get my rocks off during it. Gets a little cluttered and all for a thread.

Then what? Groping her petit body as she feels you growing dick?


I'm stroking so much to the thought of her cute embarrassed face bobbing up and down on your dick, gradually getting addicted to it.
You mean, how'd I'd love to feel her straddle me and the soft loincloth drape across my lower stomach? How I'd feel the bare contact of her sweet vulva brush to the end of my prick, merely hidden by the thin piece of fabric and having her smear my pre along her supple folds? I bet her breasts would be so great to cup and caress, moving my fingers up under the useless straps to tease at her nipples. I'm sure she'd lower one way or the other, allowing me to feel the tip of my cock spreading her open below, loving the warmth of her welcoming body I want to be inside of.

Something like that.
More, please.
And then once she get's completely comfortable, she starts going deep, taking in a much as possible, grabbing my balls in the hopes that I give her some of my cum. And I oblige to give her a taste, emptying into her throat, as she sucks out every drop
Well alright. I have to admit nothing feels quite as good as relaxing after a long day of work, looking up some nice porn on 4chan, and stroking my cock until I shot a thick load of cum all over my fingers.
Yes. Running my hands liberally all over her while slowly moving my hips against her. After a while I begin to unbutton her jacket so I can stick my hand underneath to her budding breast. I pinch and roll the nipple with my fingers to feel it get hard at my touch. Her breathing is getting heavier...

Are you really enjoying reading about me doing such lewd things to your waifu?
I can post some, but won't be able to stay long, and some of it might be dickgirls instead of futa since it can be hard to differentiate the two.
As it should! Masturbation releases cortisol - which helps your immune system - and the other hormones it releases into your bloodstream can help combat insomnia or stress. See? Helps you feel better, so get cranking that cock!

Cumming at least five times a week also helps prevent prostate cancer in later life, which is why it's important for all you boys to cum regularly! Don't let that delicious man-goo build up in your balls, shoot it out instead!
in a moment of weakness, I bought an off-brand magic wand off of aliexpress.

Holy Shit does it feel good!

like, it takes a lot longer to build but it hits way harder and feels uncontrollable cause you aren't using your hand

I think this might be my preferred way of masturbating from now on
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I want to watch it, my perfect waifu getting hopelessly addicted to your juices.


Of course, use her any way you please. I want you to be fully satisfied by using her body.
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Sadly, as I said, I like to erp more in private and all. Gets me off way harder when it's one on one and they post pics help me stay hard or cum during our little foray in lust. Figured a small taste was in order though, since you guys were curious.
If we all go to one place and blow our loads at the sky, simultaneously, how far would it push the earth?
Toys are great! Nothing wrong with indulging yourself. I hope it makes you cum a whole lot~
You should show off her cute pussy to us. Know that you're exposing her body to us anons to masturbate to and touch her openly.
Whatever you can find i am really thankful for, the ones you have posted already are wonderful.

This one is my favorite so far. That cock looks so thick and suckable. I'll bet her loads absolutely balloon out that condom she is wearing.
Thanks again Anon~
There's really nothing that compares to cumming. That light-headed euphoria you get when your body seizes up, that sudden pressure in your balls, and then that feeling as your cock starts to throb, pushing out one, then two streams of cum. The only thing better than cumming is having someone else to cum with. Or in, as the case may be.
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Sure, I want horny anons to take her virginity right in front of me.

Give a good hard dicking to my sweet Perrine.
Ooh, yes. I adore that throbbing feeling, plus the feeling as your hot load bursts from your cock. It's all so good. I think I'm gonna crank out a load now.
Oh, i'd love to indulge in it. I'd make sure to save up as much cum as possible, and cover ever inch of her body in my fluid. She'll pretty much be swimming in it, covered in my seed
Oh damn that's a lovely cunt. Going to just sink right in and start fucking her right in front of you. Hope you don't mind if I knock her up.
Shit, I just jumped on this board to see what it was about and this was the first thread.
I think it's fucking with my head a bit, I've been fucking rock hard for a bit reading it.

Maybe I should give in...
thanks, how do you like cumming?
No problem.
She would definitely have big loads, unfortunately I can't really find anything else quite like it.
You should! Come blow a big load with us. Are you stroking?
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That's the spirit! Tell us how it feels, anon. What are you pleasing yourself to?
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One of us.
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I'd love you to fuck her innocent throat before pulling out and shooting toy thick, warm cum over her face and glasses.


Pound away all you want, by the end I want her to be your cock addicted little cum dump. Make her scream your name.
Not him, but that's the kind of goddess I would worship
After feeling her breast I move my free hand to her nether regions. Rubbing it gently I can feel her getting wet through her panties and pantyhose as she begins to breathe more heavily with the occassional small moan escaping her lips. I pick up the pace as she gets more and more into it. I think she's ready.

I take my pants off, sit on a bed and tell her to come to me. She approaches and I rip her jacket and undershirt open and guide her to sit on my lap so that my hard bare cock is wedged between her still clothed butt. I wrap my arms around her and hump her buttcrack.
Don't worry. I'll always make sure to get in my daily release.
I'd love nothing better than to feel her thoat squeeze up on me just before I shoot it all over her face.
She's so fucking tight. Her pussy is amazing, anon. Your waifu feels so good milking my dick with her body.

Her pussy would soon enough yearn for you, she'd beg to be taken on the bed right there if she was more bold.
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I know right? I'd worship her every day. I'd kneel down in front of her and lick her pussy for hours if she asked me to.
I'm so close Anon, one more well endowed thick girl-cock is going to send me over the edge. Is there any chance you could degrade me for even asking for futas in the first place? I just love filthy words thrown my way~
Hell yes. Being her personal consort would be amazing. Alright, got me stroking, anon
I'm stroking to impregnation stuff, it's my weakness. It feels really good, I can't stop. My cock is pulsing like mad and I'm building up quite a bit of pre.

You're not just going to use her mouth, are you?


I want her to look up at you in adoration as you give her pussy the pounding it needs.
Well, I guess I have nothing else to do right now anyways!
And I haven't taken it out yet, but I think I should get to it. I mean, it's starting to hurt, and knowing myself it's gonna start leaking pre if I don't do something about it soon.
Here we go, going to nut right in that petite pussy of your waifu!
Go for it! It's not good to ignore your cock, just give it what it wants. Any particular kind of images you want posted so you can blow the biggest load possible?
After enjoying grinding on her buttcrack I lift her off so I can finally lower her panties and pantyhose. I stick my finger in her tight honeypot and feel that she's super wet at this point. I sit her on my cock and carefully begin to penetrate her virginal pussy. I can feel her wince a little as my fat cock barely makes an entrance. When I feel my dick's head reaching her hymen, I place my hands on her hips and begin to lift her up. Then I surprise her by forcing her down on my cock, brutally breaking her hymen in the process. I console her a little and tell her it'll be alright. I begin to thrust with careful, deliberate movements.
Another anon here. Look at you, begging for girl cock. Probably edging as we speak, stroking that pitiful dick of yours waiting for it. Even if I had something for you, I don't think you deserve it unless you really beg for it. To get on your knees and wank for your pathetic futa. You wimp. (hope I could help)
So If no one else makes a new thread what type of picture do you guys want to see in the next thread I was possibly thinking of a tanline pic because those made me hard as a rock during this thread
Oh no. I hope to fill every hole until they're practically leaking
Oh god yes. Maybe a girl with tanlines getting pounded?
Yeah, use a tanline one but wait until this one hits page 10. It may be bump limit but it's far from hump limit.
How's this? Honestly it's kinda pathetic that you would even ask me to post stuff like this. Aren't you ashamed of being turned on by fat futa cocks anon? Aren't you embarrassed that you fantasize about being on your knees, having a dark-skinned futa guide her precum-dripping cock into your slutty mouth? She'd use you like a cocksleeve anon, you wouldn't even be able to protest, and the moment she'd shoot her seed in your mouth, your fate as a futa cocksucking faggot would be sealed.
Anyone who's into that would have to be a degenerate.
Good, good! Just imagine how happy your goddess would be to see you stroking your cock over her.
I'm so sure about pictures, but this thread in general's been really stimulating
I'm really fucking weak to the kind of encouragement and light teasing that's been getting thrown around a lot, i-if that matters.

Actually, now that I think about it, wouldn't you happen to have anything handjob-related? I've always found handjobs extremely hot for that reason; it allows the other part to literally toy with you as you melt into a puddle in their hands. You can even throw some dirty talk into the mix. How fun!
Nnf, I can't stop pumping to this webm
I hope she would show off her body to keep me going. Such a beautiful goddess of a woman
Anybody have any flist characters to erp with? Pony, furry, human, elf, etc? I'd be up for something on there right now.
You were both perfect. I really can't thank you enough for degrading me while i stroked it to large thick girl meat. I'll be sleeping well tonight and just maybe i'll be visited by one of the fine futas you posted for me. Thank you~
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I really wanna impregnate Mugi
A handjob, huh? Okay, here you go! Just relax and shoot a big sloppy load for me.

Are you stroking now?
I love these threads now.
That looks pretty damn smooth. Just looked the artist up, and they have a bunch of other good shit.

I sure am! I just couldn't help myself anymore, it's at times like these that I realize just how much of an amazing treat jerking off is. A miracle, really.

>Just relax and shoot a big sloppy load for me.
>for me
A-ah, is that how it's gonna be? You want me to stroke myself for you, then? I guess I don't really have a choice, since I'm just so, so horny right now.
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Anytime anon!
After all, helping others cum is half the fun~
Anyone have any ladies in skimpy or see-through lingerie? I could go an extra round here for whomever posts some.
Yes that's right, I want you to stroke and pump that gorgeous cock until you blast your thick cum everywhere. Doesn't it just feel amazing to play with yourself? Keep going until you're completely satisfied!
Jeez, you're about to help make me cum a third time
Isn't that the truth
I don't think I can hold off for much longer. Gonna shoot a big sticky load all over myself.
Go for it! Just let it all out! Drain those balls!
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I wonder if anyone likes these.
Look what you made me do. My belly and hand are all sticky now.
If your cock feels good then go for it. Don't hold anything back, it's good to cum.

Glad I could help. Be sure to come back here any time you want help blowing a fat load!
Feels so fucking good, I'm melting into my chair already
Usually I like to play with myself and edge around for a lot, it comes easily for me.
This is hard, though, I don't know if I should try to keep edging because I might just push myself over the edge accidentally.

It's not like I'm not used to cleaning up messes with my tongue, but cumming accidentally doesn't feel all that great, by comparison.

And I gotta agree, it just feels way too good, you know?
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>>2666309 dunno what you are talking about.
Lingerie, huh? Here you go.
The jerk off instructions. From the thread is seems like a lot of people like being coaxed into pumping their cocks and getting encouraged to empty their balls.
Fuck. I feel like i'm melting
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I have been edging for hours and I just came to this pic I shot my load all over my chest and some got in my mouth. It tated faintly of citrus. It's so white and thick I think im going to eat the rest of it imagining its your guy's cum.
Oh yes, that's what I want. Made me fucking throb instantly. Drooling so much pre.
Jeez, don't get me too hard now
I'm glad you're enjoying yourself~ Edging is a lot of fun but that explosive finish is even better, make sure you don't ruin your orgasm by mistake. I'd hate to see all that hard work go to waste.

Ooh, nice. I'm glad I could help you cum so well. I'd be honored to have you swallow my cum.
Such a naughty cock you have if it throbbed just from that. Better start pumping and give it what it wants!
Ohh, yes, ma'am. Such lovely attire on that body.
Keep going, pleasure yourself to it as much as you want!
You're right - that sounds too scary! I think I'm gonna have to fold a bit early, here. There's nothing I want more than to blow my load all over myself right now, I feel like a bit of a needy slut, but it's so good.

Besides, I'm sure you'd want me to spurt, as well!

I do like them, especially when they're well written like that one. There's something strangely delicious about reading along and just doing as instructed.
Fuck, it feels so good. I'm so damn hard and pulsing. I won't stop until I cum.
Different anon. Just let it explode.
Yeah, I want you to spurt all over yourself! I'm sure your balls are packed full of delicious gooey cum from all that edging!

Can you cum for me?
Keep pumping that cock! I don't want you to stop until you shoot your load!
Fuck yes, I'll blow it all for you! Keep talking like that. Holy shit, that pic is doing work!
You like it, huh? Is all this naughty lingerie making your cock hard and throbbing? I bet it is! Keep pumping and stroking, it sounds like you're almost there!
I am. I'm so close! The perfect teasing clothing. Able to gives peeks or even show it all off. You got me on the edge!
Could I also do one of these ERP thingies with you? I don't really know how to ask for this, sorry
Well shit.
That could have been a tragedy, but I discharged while stroking so all's good.

Except, I kind of got a lot of cum out, considering I didn't edge for THAT long; hell, when orgasming I just kept quivering until I was almost drooling over myself. I'm gonna go ahead and blame this thread for that!

Sometimes the aftertaste of cum's a bit strong, so I think I'm gonna need some water. That was really fun, though, and surprisingly hot.
Wait, shit, I might get hooked.

Say goodbye to your fluids.
Don't hesitate to let it all out! Make that cock splurt!
Good boy! I'm glad you shot such a big load! Isn't fapping with other people so much better than doing it alone? I hope you come back whenever you feel horny again!
You got any of them undressing from lingerie real quick? I'm edging to build this one up for you.
Well shit, if you eat all of yours, I'd give you some of mine just so it doesn't go to waste. :P
But seriously, try not to get too hooked
>try not to get too hooked
If he does, he'll just have to take a trip to the cocklust thread
Like this?
The other anon implied I could so um. Would you mind making me cum next?
Yeah, that's so fucking good! This is going to be a thick load, and all for you when it happens here shortly!
Yay! Let out that big load, I can't wait to see it!

Can you cum for me?
I'm really sorry, but I have to go soon. I bet you can shoot out a nice big load without me though, and there are other people here willing to help you fap!
>Good boy
Thank you!
And I can't quite put my finger on it, but it's kind of exciting in a whole different way. You're really good at this, haha

I'm used to my own taste by now, but I can't help but think someone else's baby batter would have much more noticeable smell and taste. And I'll try not to. I think.

Whoa, wait, is that the sort of off-topic stuff this board's used for? That sounds dangerous!
Perfect tits, hot lingerie, you got it, babe! Here it goes!
Make that cock go splat!
That's quite understandble, wouldn't be quite the same. Haha

I forgot that thread is still up
Oh boy, you're going to be spilling a lot of seed to these threads anon. Don't think you'll be able to get away that easily!

>That sounds dangerous!
It is.
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B-But I wanted you...
Need a hug anon?
Oh god damn, that felt amazing! I've needed some sexy girls in lingerie for a while. Oh, that hit the perfect spot. Still throbbing and leaking a bit of pre and cum right now. Made a huge mess in front of me but fuck it, I can clean it up later.
C'mon, bring it all in
Ah, are you the guy who just stumbled in here? Congratulations on popping your fapthread cherry. Hope to see you around, it's always fun with a lot of people.
>fapthread cherry
I really don't know how to feel about this, gosh.
But yeah, that's me. And maybe! How often do these threads happen?
I'll, uh, try to keep an eye open for one in the following days. Perhaps? (Probably yes, actually)
There's usually a thread up. /trash/ is a pretty slow board. This one's been up for almost 3 days and there was one before it that was up for a few. I think a new thread's going to be made soon.

Hope to see you around.
That's nice, I like slow boards.
All the more reason to check out next thread, I guess. Godspeed!
New thread lets get lewd
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