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Zootopia Thread: Caffeinated Edition

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Thread replies: 231
Thread images: 95

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Zootopia Thread: Caffeinated Edition
First for Gideon is for gay
I want to sniff Nick's glands.
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Fourth for Judy x Gideon is OTP
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Describe your relationship with Judy in one video/song.

nth for Josh Turner as Gideon's singing voice.

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I want to cuddle up with Judy.
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This homework assignment is going to kill me. I'm glad I have you guys to cuddle with on breaks.
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xth for you're both collossal faggots and NickxJudy is basically more canon than Gideon not being a homo.
What do you need to do for it?
my friend is becoming a trashman keep up the good work memetopia
>tfw doing literally the last hw assignment this semester and you still can't focus on it because /zoo/ threads
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Need more pictures of Nick taking a selfie in front of controversial imagery.
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So shady.png
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First request
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For college. It's due tomorrow (today?). Essentially, I get to pull an all-nighter.

It involves writing code to simulate a Hohmann transfer between planetary orbits. Thankfully that part is done. I just need to write a report.

Feels the worst.

I know. I'm just a lazy fuck.
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>he says in the trash thread
>It involves writing code to simulate a Hohmann transfer between planetary orbits. Thankfully that part is done. I just need to write a report.

Jesus Christ I'm just writing a basic pixel renderer. That sounds horrible.
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Crashing this thread, WITH NO SURVIVORS!
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nah, even tumblr told them to fuck off, m8.
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It actually isn't as bad as it sounds. The shit part was the forward integration we had to do to simulate it. Took me days.

Anyway, the conversation from the last thread has me listening to a playlist of country music on Youtube. It's pretty chill.
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Reminder for gideonfags.gif
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Fuck off
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Problem, Gideonfag?
Fuck yeah
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Shilling my garbage fanfic

Reposting my request from late in the last thread.

Might as well throw my idea in case drawfags are watching.

I got the idea of Nick and Judy as 70s TV cops, like in Beastie Boys' Sabotage video, all moustaches and large shades. Bonus points for props like an old car with a removable siren, or in the middle of an interrogation.
Me on the left
Why do people do this?
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>Fire up the Quattro.
I know, those curtains and wallpaper suck so bad.
This past year and a half with Gamergate made me realize that the real problem isn't Tumblr, it's Twitter. Don't get me wrong, Tumblr is still awful, but Twitter is concentrated cancer squared.
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>He mentioned The Unholy War of the Two Gs
Please no, not here
anyone got the imgur links to zistopia panels
I bet that curio cabinet is full of garbage memorabilia and grandma's ashes.
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Giraffe A Cute.
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I just mentioned it because it was appropriate for my post tho.
Troves of old photographs that make a person more and more disappointing as they flip through them.
>Wow, Billy. I didn't know your great grandpa was a Wolfenstein fan. He even cosplayed as it!
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Depending on the cosplay and how well he did it, I'd be impressed.
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oh, fucking shit. I just got it. I thought you were implying "sometime in the future" not "billy of the present's grandfather was a nazi".
I've been using the same name for more than 11 years for all my art and I don't intend to ever stop.
Weaver called himself Glitter Glue in MLPG back in the days before /mlp/.
they're both echo chambers where people can post whatever vitriol they want

they're both shit
sure, doxy
>implying Doxy posts here

Fuck, I wish they did, their humanized Fluttershy is pure fucking sex.
>where people can post whatever vitriol they want

He says on 4chan
I don't deny that plenty of shitty things are said here. 4chan isn't an echo chamber though due to the anonymity. That's what I like about this place.
Yeah, but on 4chan no matter what you post you've got the chance of being called out for being a faggot.
Eh, it can get pretty echoy sometimes

>looks at the 'Gideon Sucks' posters
We don't actually know, though. A single person can appear to be many anons, even with different opinions. It may not appear be an echo chamber, but the opinions can be made similarly homogeneous if one can be assed.
oh wait
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Gideon is a glorious faggot and I will defend his right to be the best pastry chef he can be with my life.

I'm not that well known here, sorry
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my gf is judy-sized and she loved the movie and she likes it when i call her carrots my soul has never known more peace
I mean, like, compared to twitter or tumblr where you can surround yourself with people who agree with you
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>Gideon is a faggot
When will this heresy end?
Hey, here we can be honest. If we didn't already know what she was based on, nobody would have a second thought jerking it to Doxy's humanized works.
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Takes a heretic to know a heretic.
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As opposed to here, where I can get into huge shitposting arguments with myself and "lose" to annoy and drive off people who disagree with me.

Not that I do this, of course.
Anyone got those comics by EWS?
Also, come on, let's not lower ourselves any further. Whatever ship floats your boat, floats YOUR boat. This mini conflict is somewhat funny and all, but I just want more content, not arguing.

I will say this though, Gideon is hotter to me in a homosexual context. HE BAKES, for pete's sake.
Never, because gay dudes who act completely normal aside for their preference for other dudes is my fetish.
t.b.h. I'm pretty fine with all ships, even the... creepy ones that ship with Anon. I just tire of the 'your ship is a garbage dump, die die die'

Also I fucking love the heresy meme and want to post it as much as possible
I am so fucking slow I apologize
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Remember, not even your precious Zootopia thread is safe from the GCHQ

Dude has reached mainstream comics now.

And you never posted anything embarassing?

Funny, we talked in the previous thread about someone's opinion of a person's work changing after you find something out about them.

You mean this?

I want to change Finnick's messy diaper.
>And you never posted anything embarassing?
of course I did
No, I mean straight up people would have no problems jerking it to his fluttershy if they didn't know she's based on a miniature cartoon horse.
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shh, it's beautiful. keep going
Wait a second, I know that style. Do you go on a /vg/ general perchance?
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Gideon Cuckolds Headquarters?
Let them read our fetish threads, can only slow down the oppression of freedoms
Their reactions are perfect. Fine work anon
Your style is gorgeous and expressive and I love your version of Judy.
Fine work anon, they'd probably worship you in /co/
>ywn cuddle up to Judy on your couch while watching a late-night movie
>ywn grin as you smell the faint earthy smell of her messy diaper
>ywn pick her up and carry her over to the changing table
>ywn sit her down directly on her messy rump and smile at the face she makes
>ywn tape Judy up in a fresh diaper
>ywn carry her back over to the couch and return to cuddling
>ywn fall asleep nuzzled up next to Judy
Oh sorry, I forgot about that one. There IS another one though.. back to digging..
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Fucking hell
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Ehh..? I don't know if I can get behind this one...
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He just started posting that one.

Anon, please. Ul/trash/itposters have no place talking about people worshipping drawfags they like.
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I saw Snax here earlier so I wouldn't be surprised if its the person you're thinking of.
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And that's all he's done so far. That he's done TWO Zootopia fancomics in the span of less than a month is astounding. He must really like this movie.
well well look at this cheeky motherfucker and their cute-ass animal pals
That got didactic
Snax only dropped one thing though. If it is Fansmut, I wouldn't be surprised.
That's..... kinda hot..

I think I'm irredeemable.
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There's only one thing to do anon. Do it, Zootopia Awaits
I learned a new word. Have an internet.
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I'm unsure as to if this implies you should reproduce, or very much not.
I meant Mizu since they're close friends.
Could be Mizu or Fansmut. They both draw with that brush all the time.
Yeah every time I read that dude's stuff, it starts off alright and ends in a weird sort of way.
>unsure as to if this implies you should reproduce
So he can get a boner every time his kid shits itself? I think not reproducing is the safest option here for Anon.
That's the one, i have three pages of it so far. are there more?
Nope. He's doing it now.
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It might be better than being violently repulsed, Anon. I'm trying to think this through, here.
I can tell you, you don't get violently repulsed. You just learn to deal with it because they literally don't know to do it themselves.

Really, it's no different from cleaning up after a pet once you really think about it.
link, so I can follow it? thanks in advance
I once dated someone with a diaper fetish. He said that he babysat kids in diapers before and that it wasn't an issue at all. There's a very clear distinction between consenting adults and children. If anything, I would think they would be quite good at diaper duty considering they probably have a lot of experience.
He's releasing it on his FA account, I think. I'm just saving them as they get posted here.
That comic was so fucking bad.
Man, I wish I was around when Chumpy is around for requests. Since the movie came out, I've been wanting to get a drawfag to depict either adult or child Judy as Dylan Beekler, but I never luck out.
The cover also stood out among the previous issues' covers like a sore thumb.
He's on most weeknights around 6-7pm PST. Just watch out, sometimes he'll open requests without posting any art. Keep an eye on replies to chumpy art posts. And get in FAST, he usually only does 2 or 3 images a night
taking gideon requests
Although, to be fair, he hasn't been around for a few days. Probably busy with life.
You're just gonna post dumpsters again aren't you...

But on the off chance you are serious pls more Judy x Gideon art
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Draw Gideon coming to terms with his sexuality. Take that how you will.
Gid x his old childhood friend.
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.
Gideon with that sheep from the beginning of the movie. Either the black girl sheep or the white boy sheep depending on how you see Gideon.
He's gonna post dumpsters. Someones does this in /co/ once a week
Is it more or less gay that I actually don't even fantasize about sex with Gideon? I more just fantasize about being there for him, cuddling him, and telling him he's perfect.
Because he's a Baptist, not some kind of heretic Mormon.
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Top prankster.
Gideon holding one of those bad dragon rabbit fleshlights and crying to himself.
Why don't we settle on "just plain gay" and leave it at that
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Don't sad the Gid.
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Make him remove that dumb mustache on his head and then we'll talk.
That's one of the cutest parts about the guy. I just want to run my fingers through it.
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gee judy two knots.png
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Yeah. While I would get on Nick's Wilde ride in a heartbeat, Gideon at least still holds some mild attraction.

I wouldn't fuck him, just eat his pastries and have him on hand as a gay confidant, while I pursue Nick's fox-hole.
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That's all it takes to be a friend of the Gideonfags.

Nick's cute too. However, he belongs to Judy.
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Nah, let the gay anon plow Nick. Judy can have the cute fox
Yeah no. You'll be so damn sad when Nick and Judy get hitched in the next film, kek.
I think you replied to the wrong post, m8.
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Can't find a complete copy of the script anywhere.

Zootopia's Wiki has a partial transcript, but it only goes up to Judy talking with Bogo.

God damn I want to edit it so badly. I can probably go from memory for a while, but I want to take careful notes and repeat certain dialogue.

Is Disney known for having scripts available?
Why are Gideonfags so delusional?
>Is Disney known for having scripts available?

They are known for paranoia levels verging on nuclear bunker tier, that is to say no
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Your ways are a mystery to me.

>implying I want what that fox has to offer
Have you met my husbando?

Well I have been awake for almost 24 hours now that may have something to do with it.
On the bright side, I am almost done with this fucking homework project.
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Lets have a poll
I'm sorry m8, but NickxJudy is the only true path for shipping canon characters.
rused hard :^)
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Damn son, that was fucking impressive.
>You didn't even both posting a dumpster
Come back when you have leveled up your trolling skills more
Why is it that the worst ship is suddenly the most vocal?
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You sure got us.
Its not vocal, I think I'm maybe 1 of 2 or 3 people on here who support it. I just want to see how many people really hate it. Seems like its a lot

>The 2 People who voted 'its not for me but it can exist'
You are the best sort of people
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the buns baking.png
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You're very generous to think I'm fansmut. Her sketches are cleaner.
I don't get why people will jump on anyone who says something about a lesser represented or lesser supported ship. Why care who people ship? With all the Nick X Judy that gets posted, it can be sort of refreshing.

Boss, m8. Thanks.
Mizu then. Nice to see you!
>'its not for me but it can exist'
I was going to vote for that but then I saw the meme. And I went for the meme. (Sorry)
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Moose Detecive (2).jpg
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>tfw we will never really see the seedy underbelly of the city or the cops forced to work it
I shouldn't have done the meme, ah well
I feel bad for you Judeon shippers sometimes. I just want you to know that I appreciate ya.
I was hoping to get at least 2 votes for OTP, self included. I know there is at least 1 more person on /co/ who supports it, guess he isn't on
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Man, I cannot help it. Nick is just too perfect for me.

I cannot sleep without imagining those dark lips of his pressing against mine.
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I understand you in ways you cannot imagine.
I voted for it existing. But honestly it's such a slim chance. Are the lot of you just feeding off of sympathy for Gideon? What exactly inspired your opinion? Was it the short lived reconciliation scene? By all means, make your case and make it a good one. I genuinely want to be sold on the charming hick fox, he was a really good character.

wildehopps is just... so much more obvious of a ship! They're the main characters! They (very loosely) confirmed feelings for each other in the actually-out-there-for-everyone-to-see film! It's straight up denial to say it wouldn't exist at all!

Again, you're perfectly fine to have your fantasy like everyone. I just want some clarity.
Anyone have that one picture of the dude covering himself in rubbish?

The caption is something like 'The trash strengthens me, it is my home'
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Gideon is cute, I like to imagine Judy and Nick remaining good friends but deciding not to ruin that with the tribulations of a relationship, but Judy developing a feeling for foxes. She retires to the farm, Gideon has stayed single because of self doubt and the two slowly end up bonding

That plus I like nonstandard ships in general
They identify with Gideon as they're likely fat rednecks/hillbillies/hicks and want to fuck the rabbit.
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I did it, guys. I finished my project.

Now I need to go sleep for a thousand years. Thanks for being my distraction for the past few hours.

I want to snuggle all of you.


I like the idea of him being afraid to put himself out there because he's insecure about his body or something along those lines.
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No prob. Good to shake out these relaxing sketches. I'll get to the rest when I've slept
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You on the other hand, are the worst kind of people
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On a serious note, that would actually explain a lot about why Gideonfags exist...
Oh shit, forget about the picture, I was not supposed to post that...
I mean,
Double Dose of Fail
So basically your favorite ship revolves around two people being completely unsuccessful at romance--despite one of them having flawless chemistry with someone else--for forty years before one of them finally returns to the place she'd been trying her whole life to escape and falling in love with someone she's more or less actively avoided since she was a child.

I think your true OTP is sadness, Anon.
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We will never forget, Anon.
So you take it as Judy up and leaves the ZPD, her dream from the beginning, that even Gideon himself bolstered? (negatively, mind you)

This just takes the main plot of the film (along with important traits of Judy) and throws it out the window. I get the fetish for the unnatural ship, but still.

I'm enjoying this dicussion, so do please continue.
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Gideonfags are cancer, I hope their number does not grow, and diminshes as they realise their shitty ship is futile.

It's stupid, isn't it?
I mean she finishes her career and heads home as a 50 something (do Zootopian bunnies live that long?). She doesn't give up the ZPD

I know a lot of people with great chemistry who don't commit to a relationship. Maybe they boink once or twice but they'd rather be good friends than married. I also imagine Judy getting so engrossed in the job she doesn't want a full time relationship until she retires
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Boinking and solving crimes is the best kind of relationship.
My version of the Judeon ship doesn't leave Nick in the dust. I just see them as better friends (with benefits) than a couple. Gideon strikes me as the kind of fox Judy might settle down with in old age
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You make old age sound terrible
love the Homer.

Alright, I can buy the 'decades later' deal kind of. But I'll bet money that's not what the judeon supporters (honestly, the name calling is old) are even trying to think of.

Any others willing to share their thoughts?
I'd tell you Gideon haters to go home to the trash, but look where we are.
So basically you want Judy to give up and settle for Gideon.

Is this some kind of weird projection thing for you?
I'm starting to think I may be the only Judeon supporter on this board... all this hate aimed squarely at me

>Settle for Gideon
Does your hatred of Gideon blind you? I explicitly state she chooses Gideon after a fun and carefree friends with benefits pseudo relationship with Nick
Fucking amazing gg anon
Do you think Nick and Judy called each other while he was away in the academy?
I was gonna say something snarky about how many times this has been asked, but then I saw you had trips and didn't
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I don't really see them getting together in any way that doesn't end in heartbreak for Gideon. Judy's life is fast-paced, and she needs someone capable of consistently challenging her, pushing her to new heights and then following her at those new heights. Even in retirement I see this being utterly at-odds with Gideon's lifestyle of acceptance and equilibrium and inevitably ends poorly for Gideon when she decides that she needs more than that.

And really, he deserves more. Give him a nice country gal (or guy.)
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god help me
honey badger confirmed
Fucking Hell Weaver
Eh, I'm still gonna ship it. I didn't expect any converts.
what's wrong anon
I respect your opinion by virtue of you being able to think it out coherently. Relationship development at a later age is possible.

Quite frankly though, the lack of any other clearly thought out opinions says a lot.
>Quite frankly though, the lack of any other clearly thought out opinions says a lot.
I'm literally the only Judeonfag here m8... which sucks
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Not to be mean, Anon, but there's a reason for that.
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>mfw this thread
The main thing I don't/haven't seen is any sign of Gideon being interested in Judy at all.

Weaver's little comics with the cookies are funny, but the concept of gideon/judy NEVER crossed my mind until those came around. I'm honestly convinced that it's just baseless sympathy paddling the 'ship', all hypotheticals aside.
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you're an abosolute madman
Well since I'm the only one paddling I'll have to disagree
I said hypotheticals aside. You're clear to keep "stroking", as it were.
Yeah, this too. I mean, he waited something like fifteen years to apologize for being an asshole as it is. In fact, even in his apology scene he didn't really show much of an interest in friendship or anything. I feel like it's a very projection-based ship, like Danny Fenton/Vlad Masters or some shit.
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You know it
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mfw the 2D bun looks better than in the movie
/co/ seems to have lost their taste for weaver
>/co/ is 3 people
I was gonna right this up in a fanfic, but considering it would basically just be masturbation and the fact whenever I write anything I tend to go off course and spend 200 pages on world building that would result in a treatise on Zootopian politics and business that happens to include Judy and Gideon in a relationship perhaps I shouldn't
the wildehopps ship actually has base made from content. that alone makes it feel not only really good, but REAL.

to my judeon peers, it's pretty clear why the respect for you all is close to non-existant. so you need a better reason than aesthetic or what-ifs to earn any more.
shit *write. Its late, and I haven't had my third coffee
those are the kind of people that take any shred of sexuality as sleaze, and I pity them for it.

As weaver did, in the right amount, it's art/expression. not just some masturbation material.
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>not just some masturbation material.
Lets not kid ourselves here
>not just some masturbation material.
Not that Weaver's above that, you must admit.
Eh its pretty masturbatory. What sets it above general porn trash is it feels like work was put into the plot

>inb4 I w̶a̶t̶c̶h̶ read it for the plot
I did say 'not just'. ;]
I went through an entire box of tissues following 'the late stake', and i hope to repeat that experience.
Thank you for the patronizing Judy.
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Man both this thread and the /co/ thread are going about as fast as Flash on a rush job. May be time for bed
exactly my point. the writing in it made the characters and teased exceptionally well. just because it's erotica doesn't mean there isnt a gauge of literary value. -cough-palcomix-cough-
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One can only see so many genitals before the plot becomes the most arousing part, anon.
Even Weaver is in on the hate >>>/co/81995262
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That being said, I have had such a hard time lately getting off really well on anything but Judy. Let's keep the pics going, the few of us left here.
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Sigh, this must be how furries feel when people shit on them

And then he becomes a supervillain.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
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>how BBEGs are made
that pred-ophile Judy. lol
godammit weaver, love the fuck out of you but YOU'RE NOT HELPING XD
neither are you
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I feel like there's gonna be a war between the Gideon Gay fags and the Gideon haters and I'm gonna be like Gideon with the cookies in that one weaver comic
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