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/scaly/ - Scaly General: Thread #39 Post lewd reptiles and

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 337
Thread images: 215

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/scaly/ - Scaly General: Thread #39

Post lewd reptiles and discuss their anatomy, male or female is fine. Dragons, kobolds, wyverns, lizardfolk, snakes, sharks, as well as other scaly creatures and herps are welcome. If in doubt about something, just ask.

Please try to avoid reposting images from the past 2-3 or so threads, keep it fresh and post other stuff.

Also, you may enjoy a collection of scaly-related writings (as well as other non-smut contributions) here, which you are free to contribute to:

Did you miss something? No worries, the previous thread can be found here:

Today's featured image is everyone's favorite casual filter, Pink Rathian.

Topic of the thread: Which worksafe scalies have you fapped to? What images of them are you comfortable in letting other friends and family see?
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This is probably the most worksafe, aside from all the other mawshots. It's kinda nice in that people who don't know what vore is tend to think it's just a threatening-looking dragon doing threatening-looking dragon things.
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>>not wanting to squirm around inside a macro dragoness's glistening pussy

>TFW no big booty lamia gfdom to use you as a heated seat cushion

[spoiler]Comics/fiction of course, it's hotter that way[/spoiler]

Not him but yes, nonsapiency is a boner killer
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I think there's something hot about dragons using psychic powers to have their way with you
>tfw no shy kobold gf who's somewhat embarrassed to cuddle, but literally will not let go as soon as she remembers how warm humans are
<spoiler>That sounds suspiciously close to a scene I'm writing. Are you me?</>
[spoiler]I don't think so[/spoiler]
>Which worksafe scalies have you fapped to? What images of them are you comfortable in letting other friends and family see?

Anyone else like jet-plane mon? Or had her as their first crush?
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>Or had her as their first crush?

That's a cool cup, I see how something with a snout would need something like that. It's a nice touch.
I don't want to go to work today. I want to stay here and talk about sexy dragons
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Call in sick. Tell them you have a dragon deficiency, and that your doctor recommends at least 2 hours of dragon posting, followed by a masturbation session.

They can't fault you for listening to your doctor.

The sooner you get it over with the sooner you can come back and talk about dragons more.
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I see your CAD image and raise you one edit
My boss said he looked it up and that's not a real condition. It's like that time I didn't want to work so I said I got in a car accident and couldn't work because I had to bring it in for repair but I forgot I worked in at a car repair shop so they said just bring it in to work and we'll fix it while you work your normal shift.
Then when I got there they noticed my car was fine and I said I fixed it myself and they asked how and I said I didn't remember.
Now what? I have to start getting ready in 10 minutes.
I feel worse for that dragoness than I did for what's-her-name. Lilac or something
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sexualize the dragons.png
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Loss is only remotely amusing when it's subtle. This is pretty much a reddit rageface comic at this point in time.
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This is the best one in my opinion
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Guess I gotta go to fucking work then. See you fags later.

>only makes sense to people who are in on the joke

See, this is how you make loss edits.
Just... just go to work.
I want to SQUEEZE that TAIL
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At one stage it used to be practically mandatory to edit loss over anything Buckley shat out since then, no matter how shitty the result was. As of now you just need to be even more subtle than before considering every faggot and their mother spouts out I SEE LOSS when they see a four panel comic.
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At one point coolface.jpg was a normal part of /v/ culture too. That doesn't mean it's acceptable years and years later.


Her tail is ludicrously huge though, it looks more like a mutant ovipositor of some kind.

...unless you meant his "tail", that is.
Leopard Gecko tails are super thick.
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I dunno, /v/irgins are still eager to do shitty edits for every new CAD. Whatever humor they have is definitely short-lived however.
This one is more squeezable.
Especially if you're behind her.
Why would you be behind her while she's in this position?
[I wish spoilers worked on this board]She makes you apply sunscreen to her butt since she can't reach it, and smirks at you when she sees you're getting aroused. It is a nude beach after all. Then she applies sunscreen to your areas you can't reach. And some areas you can reach just fine but she wanted to do it anyway. [/But obviously they don't]

>"humor" at all, ever

Loss edits are one of the very, very few bits of culture /v/ has left. Of course they're going to cling to it like a drowning man would cling to a piece of wood.


It's not a bad tail, but thicker tails are better in my opinion.
The world needs more lesbian dragon porn. Why is there so little of it?
Honestly lesbian porn in general has never been a huge turn on for me. I prefer solo females, or just regular penetration.
Or solo males. That works too.

Solo shots are the best. I don't get why you'd want to see someone else fucking who you want to fuck.
There are some pictures where the actual fucking is what makes the picture work, but like 90% of what I save is solo these days.
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>these days

At least you ended up with good taste in the end.
I started browsing 4chan when I was 16, I think. Back then I downloaded whatever I could get my hands on. Stuff that, today, I wouldn't jack it to even if it was the only thing on my harddrive and the internet had been down for a month.

[spoiler]Bit ironic you should mention good taste, though. >>2224788 isn't something I'd ever save.[/spoiler]

>Stuff that, today, I wouldn't jack it to even if it was the only thing on my harddrive and the internet had been down for a month.

Was it 3DPD human women? spongebobsmirk.jpg

>>2224788 isn't something I'd ever save.

The hair, right? I'm not a fan of it either but.. oh well, I guess. It comes with the picture.
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Both 2D and 3D. But the former was the old DA variety, which was pretty much all that was available back in 2004.

Yeah, mostly the hair. But also the lightning storm between her legs.

>deviantart "porn"
>with humans no less


No wonder you ended up finding your own species sexually abhorrent. (Which is something I'm rather fond of, by the way, so thank you.)

>But also the lightning storm between her legs

Which really could be drawn better, I agree.
I'm not turned off in any way by humans. I just prefer scaly aesthetics.

Ah well. At least you prefer superior species to our own, which is what's important.
All roads lead to Rome.

Or, in this scenario, scaly pussy.
Sweet, sweet scaly pussy.

Or dick, if that's your thing.
>I don't get why you'd want to see someone else fucking who you want to fuck.
So I can pretend to be him, it helps my imagination better.
Tail sex is my fetish~
Got any more?

Why not both?


If your imagination is that weak maybe you should exercise it more. Without using a crutch, that is.
Why is it that dragons are so beautiful and sexy? They're so different from humans it doesn't make sense why we'd be attracted to them.
Why are they so much hotter than humans?
I still love jet waifu
My imagination is great. Studies show guys cum more and thier orgasm is stronger when they fap to a guy fucking a girl that a girl alone. It's an instincual thing because he sees cometition and has to compensate.
That being said I fap to solo females most of the time.
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big ol dicks
gigantic dragon dicks
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Because they're imaginary, so we can (and have) give(n) them traits that every human desires to find in another human but never does. They are superior to us in every way because they exist as an impossible representation of our desires.

>that hand size in comparison



Do you have a link to these studies? Out of curiosity, of course.
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It's interesting how /trash/ occasionally uses [spoiler]-type tags in posts, knowing full well that spoilers won't actually happen.
[memeler]It's a meme you dip[/memeler]
It's the sentiment

What >>2225726 said.
I'm aware. It's just neat that spoilers are now a sort of emphasis method, like greentext.

[spoiler]I read this in a different voice.[/spoiler]
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[spoiler]I think you're neat too.[/spoiler]
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>OP image
That artist does some, uh...pretty weird stuff.

Beuwen does good dragons.


I think the "merely pretending to be retarded" about not knowing spoilers has gotten older than an elder dragon, but that's just me.

He does ~very~ good dragons.

>That artist does some, uh...pretty weird stuff.

Really now? Mind if I ask who the artist is?
But that can be true even for 2D humans. Dragons have a pleasing aesthetic on top of the personality traits we give them. I just want to rub my dick all over those smooth scales.

Board culture. Almost no-one uses spoilers for actual spoilers any more, it's closer to formatting or typesetting your posts.
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He draws some of my favorite Hydreigons, but a lot of his stuff is vore, so know that. A lot of dragons too.
tail_sex and tail_masturbation are fun tags.
>his tail vore isn't Cell-style
holy shit finally

Vore is nice and dragons are nice, so I looked through his gallery.

It's alright. O don't have any objection to anything except the fart(?) and scat art with the vore tails and vore cocks being particularly nice, but ultimately I think I prefer winte's art more if we're talking about the weirder stuff instead of just straight vore.

Hey man, I warned you he did weird stuff.
fuck yeah, i love his work

mostly when it's female, or at least ambiguous

You don't have to be so defensive, you know. I like 90% of what he draws.


I prefer ambiguous myself, but female is definitely my second choice.
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>he draws weird stuff though
>well I like most of it except for x
>hey man I TOLD you he draws weird stuff
He didn't use caps in his post, fempie.
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Shush and post more giant dragon dicks.

I want a dragon princess to sit on me...

I don't think I'll ever understand pictures like these. How could a human possibly pleasure a Dragon of that size?
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I prefer non-giant sized.
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I don't know if you'd survive that though, anon.


You're quite literally an ant to a dragon that size. Pleasuring him by yourself is an irrelevant fever dream.


What about leg spreading sized?
I really just prefer my dragons in a size I could realistically have sex with. Anything bigger and it just seems a waste.

There's nothing wrong with that, although I wouldn't call being bigger a waste.
It would be a waste if all we could do was frotting.
>Today's featured image is everyone's favorite casual filter, Pink Rathian.

>wrapping yourself around it and using it like a huge musky gently throbbing body pillow
>a waste
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With a big enough size difference and enough degeneracy
Anon, I can wrap myself around a dragon as well. With the added benefit of penetrative sex. A giant dick (not counting hyper stuff - never been a fan of that) is fun and all, but only for a while. A compatibly sized dragon is forever.

If wanting to be part of something far greater (and bigger) than yourself is degenerate I don't want to be normal.


You have your opinion and I have mine. You don't want something too big to have fun with? Fine. But I don't want something that's basically a regular human being wearing a costume.
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>I don't know if you'd survive that though, anon.

There's bound to be at least one trinket to allow heavy weight on self.
the bigger the better
Far from it. The whole point is that they'd be real, though. Actual dragons (or scalies). Size doesn't mean they're any more or less real, it just limits what you can do together. But you do you, and I can see the attraction in big dragons. It's just not at the top of my list.
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>randomly added a "though" in there
Time to go to bed, I think.
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How are those Argonians coming along /scaly/?
Maybe in a few weeks, when I have time to reinstall Skyrim.

Now we're talking.


Sleep's nice. And so are you, even if we have different opinions.

Sleep well and have a good night, anon.
Gecko tails a best!
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Basically figuring what to do next. I'm either going to start doing Helgen Reborn or the Wheels of Lull. the former will let me keep working on my Hearthfires house because Im pretty sure WoL will take me away from the mainland skyrim
racemenu sliders/facegen pls?
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You too, senpai. May your dreams contain many a giant dragon dick.
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So long as you don't do something stupid like cum digestion, sure. You just need a big enough dragon.
u-unf, thanks~


I'm not a fan of hyper cocks myself, but I love the large balls like that~

Balls are wonderful, wonderful things.


I wish they did, but alas. I have to content myself with sleepy daydreams about dragons with a wingspan fit to swallow the world.
You're welcome.
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sorry anon, although i normally play as an argonian, this time i'm playing as a filthy dunmer.
Favorite non-mega dragon-type pokemon?
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female dragonite 2.jpg
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The original and best one.
>falmer OC

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While not technically dragon type but come on. its a dragon
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hyper charizard ref sheet.png
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How much bigger does Charizard's dick get when he mega evolves? And for that matter, is X's dick bigger than Y's dick?
Dragonite/Goodra are my top two.
Hydreigon. I'm a massive vorefag, and having three heads means three times the prey, or eating prey while using a hand-mouth to suck off the prey or something similar.
Hydras in general are fun.
Gonna agree, though goodra is my favorite overall

I don't know if goodra counts as scalie, though
Probably not, but I like goo/latex stuff.
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This apparently counts as a dragon.


Not according to the dex, Altaria is -clearly- more dragon-like than an orange lizard.
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I remember too much from that goofy-ass Sonic game.
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Gonna have to agree with >>2228162, though dragonite is a very close second. What can I say, muh nostalgia.

Yeah, not gonna trust the dex, anon.
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To the anon who requested the reader pov Bahamut story last thread, I'm going to get started on it since the story I've been working on has been finished and posted. If there's anything else you'd like--or wouldn't like--to see in it, just let me know.
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>tfw you always choose charizard in Smash and Pokken for dat bara action and no one ever realizes
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Back to /v/ with you, my friend.
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Newts aren't scaly...I think.

Are they?
>footjob from a scaly
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>fly on half-machine half-demon dragoness
>this plays

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seath maid.png
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Does he have eyes?
>fake spoilers

Can you guys please stop this meme

Its gotten old and makes you look like a newfag
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>not [spoiler]no[/spoiler]
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It doesn't appear so, at least not in the FF9 version. He's a magic dragon, so guess he doesn't really need them.
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Keep it in-setting. Like the PoV has seen others, like the Grand Dragon, or Ironite, but never been up close with the "king of dragons", so his anatomy or other oddities would be a topic.

Also, just a little bit of internally worrying that any random twitch or flex could be him disapproving, but not too much. I don't really have anything at the top of my mind as far as what I wouldn't want, unless you had some specific examples.
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I mainly use face sculpting to fix some of the common glaring issues with Argonian heads (Vanilla or otherwise)

But here are the body slider values.
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thx bb

Im currently using CBBE though, is UNP better>
with bodyslide it really doesn't matter what you pick, i dunno if you can use bodyslide with UNP but either way you can just make whatever appeals to you and make the outfits fit too.
I'm just want to say two words to you. Just two words. Are you listening?
Post lewds.
Bonus points if you can get what movie I'm referencing.
Alright, can do. I think what you've said now and in the last thread has given me a pretty good idea of what you want; nothing too far, but just an exploration of the mighty beast. I'll see what I can do, anon.
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are there any good argonian textures yet? last time i checked the selection was pretty small
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Bodyslide comes with its own version of UNP called UUNP. It's as customizable as the default body type in Bodyslide and is generally much smoother than CBBE bodies.

It's my body.
Are you guys serious about actually wanting to fuck dragons? What the hell is wrong with you? Why would anyone actually want to take a dragon to bed, lie atop her and run your hands over her body, feeling the bump of every tiny scale caress your hand, softer than your own skin, yet smooth and glassy, and feel her breath against your face as she watches you touch her, knowing what's to come.
Why would anyone in their right mind want to line up your erect cock with her scaly pussy, already wet and swollen with arousal and slowly slip inside her, watching the look of pure ecstasy spread across her face, so exotic yet comfortingly familiar, as her eyes narrow and her mouth opens as a moan of pleasure escapes her and she wraps her wings around you, enveloping you in her warm embrace. You can't seriously want to feel her claws grip around your back and she holds on to you, letting you know you are hers and she is yours as you slowly thrust into her, back and forth, picking up speed as you both make louder and more animistic sounds. Her breathing quickens and her back arches, her hind legs wrap around yours, making you to thrust deeper into her as her tight vaginal muscles clamp down on your cock, sending you over the edge and quickly bringing an orgasm of your own. The pleasure overtakes you until you can't hold back and with a final thrust, empty your balls deep into the dragon below you who's writhing in shuddering ecstasy of her own. Eventually it subsides and she reaches up, licking a bead of sweat off your neck, then nuzzles her face against yours as you both regain your breath.
You people are pathetic. What would your parents think of you fantasizing about being roughly taken from behind from a big strong male dragon, one you know could easily overpower you if he wanted to.
He holds you down with a claw that could easily tear into you as he licks your ass, coating it with slick fluid, getting you ready for something you're anxious about, and can't wait to feel until you're begging him to mount you. Only a freak would enjoy it while climbs into position and you feel something hard, something wet, press against your ass as he pushes his throbbing, swollen cock into you and your ass stretches wide to accommodate him, sending a sharp bolt of pain through your body that slowly dies down and gets replaces by soothing, growing pleasure. Why would you want to feel the rippling muscles bulge under his scales, muscles that flex with every powerful stroke as he pushes deeper with every thrust until his scales are flush with your skin, and you know he's taken you as his, and he'll continue for as long as he wants and there's nothing you can do to stop it?
Who would you actually enjoy the feeling of his teeth poking you in the shoulder as he bites down on you with enough force to pierce the skin but you're practically suffocating in sexual bliss so you barely notice. And he pumps into you, faster and faster until you can feel his whole body tense up, and he lets out a growl that you can feel vibrate your whole body. You can feel warmth spreading through your body as he fills you with his seed and makes you his. The relentless pounding against your prostate builds pleasure up until it consumes your entire consciousness and without warning, without even touching your cock, your knees buckle and your hands clench as you shoot ropes of cum over the floor.

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You're right... I'm such a degenerate scumbag...
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Hnnng, now I just want to fuck/get fucked by a Dragon.

It's okay we all are.
You didn't before?
I need to get back to that playthrough of Has-High-Hopes
Turn off annotations

I don't even /a/ and I laughted
Check the Pastebin

It's still small a selection
You should read it, it's great. Or at least the last sentence.
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Almost skipped reading it. Fuckin' kek.
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Wow, I don't have that picture saved? The fuck?
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Do you at least have the Undertale Harkness Test?
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I'm about to fuck my dragon pussy
Is the Undertale one different?
it wouldn't be called "the undertale one" if it was the same image.
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here you go m8
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i just got this in the mail today and it is going to fuck me :)

MSceptile. MAmpharos and MCharizardX its crying
Excellent taste f.am, but get the bigger ones too.
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i've got an XL naga that i absolutely love, but i was wanting to get something a bit more suited for thrusting. i am kinda regretting not getting the large though.

i wish there was something kinda chance-ish but with a scaly aesthetic.
I wish I liked butt stuff. I have a seadragon and I've used it a few times bu I just don't like it.
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Latios and his sister. They're not technically scaly, but I still love them.

Salamander with fire abilities that evolves into something with wings. Like how there's legless lizards in real life that aren't technically snakes.
Rockin', but yeah, the large would be good. How would a scaly version of chance work out, without it just being a horse-cock-on-a-dragon sort of deal, though? Or are we just talking the length, rather than the aesthetics of the thing?
>that hands-free description
damn that's too real
I need to try it again, it's been a few years
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the length and the general size was what i meant, yeah.
If you ever find it, let me know, anon.
>damn that's too real
Good. I've never done that but I imagine that's what it feels like.
You wrote it? Yeah you pretty much have a lot of trouble fully exerting your legs when it happens. I just laid there a few minutes after to collect myself.
I don't have much experience with anal and I don't even really like it, like I said in
But fuck, I don't have any experience with hex with dragons at all and I've written plenty of that, and people seem to like it.
There's no good human-on-dragon impregnation art or stories, as far as I can tell.

This makes me sad.
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you want some deathclaw stuff?

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Ha. I never thought I'd see that outside of /mhg/. Glad you liked it enough to save it.
It's such a good feeling.

>tfw bf's got a big cock
>tfw bf's shares pretty much all my paraphilias

He liked getting it from me, but I didn't understand the appeal, and after trying it, I'm a bigger buttslut than him. Go figure.
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i want to fuck that hunter.png
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I've only popped in /mhg/ a few times too, largely for just information and one failed hunt.

Keeps thing a bit more fresh than just posting igriega's MH doodles, which are good and all but still.
You can't say
without posting a face.
You now have to post a scaly face that describes what you feel.
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I sometimes have people draw random topics like " draw the last monster you hunted" to spice things up, but only a few ever do them.
>bf's shares pretty much all my paraphilias
Including scaly stuff? If so, I'm jelly. Do you guys growl and bite and turn feral?

>that feel when newfurfags don't know the difference between tfw and mfw
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Why did they insist on bringing back Khezu and the shitty Gen 1 raptors for both 4U and X when there's better versions
>not fur
>ugly neon on lady scalps
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kawaii khezu.png
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I need a pastebin of this for... Umm, research.
>Argonian tits that fucking huge

You're killin' me smalls
This is you right now

[lolspoilers]no fun allowed[/lolspoilers]
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C'mon, it's lost its charm anon.
Go on, post all four variants
[longlivethespoiler]Spoiler posting will never lose its charm.[/longlivethespoiler]
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lizzies, man.png
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Nah, but here, I'll post one anyway.

Pretty much, but not full autism. Feels good, man.

no bully my 3D, please.
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I only have that one because it's the best one. And this.

You can only pretend to be retarded for so long till it becomes genuine, anon. Beware!
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It wouldn't be nearly as insulting if they gave them a proper do-over. Just look at how drastic the changes in rathalos, rathian, and diablos from FU to Tri were
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>Butterflies and moths have membranous wings covered in delicate, powdery scales
Are moths welcome here?
I'm more worried about you wanting stuff gone instead of complaining that they didn't rework them thoroughly as they could have.
Specially since the new raptors aren't even that much better.
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i dunno anon, they're kinda insecty.

Nahh... That's just far-reaching and you know it.
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I think the Jaggi family leave a more memorable impression than the Velociprey at least.

Supposedly a Gravios rework was scrapped in favor of splitting it into two different monsters instead, and then they bring him back for 4U anyway. Though an actual rework would be appreciated, if that's what they intend on doing they might as well keep the newer equivalents if they're not going to improve any time soon.

Fuck Gravios. If one monster justifies the existence of Charge Blades, it's him.
I found the source of all those "hoard" images that were posted. There's a lot so I can't effectively dump them, but here's a link for them. They're pretty neat! http://lizardshuffle.tumblr.com/tagged/hoards/
Some of these aren't even Tumblr memes
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What's up with that penis nose?
i like this, does the artist have anything similar?

or who is the artist?
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That's what I would like to know. The artist just posted this anonymously and vanished.
One of these days these pics will be finished.
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The dick-TRIUMPHS.gif
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Like I even fucking care, dude.
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>View Pokemon XY&Z episode

Boatfag here, who wants to do some worldcrafting?
Oh god, her left leg looks completely broken.
Isn't that a guy? Isn't that the electric gym leader?
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I don't know, I haven't watched or played Pokemon in ages. That leg is still broken as fuck, though - like properly snapped in multiple places - regardless of their gender.
Might be fun to pick it up again, the metagame can be pretty great if you get into it.
God damn, this is fantastic
To be safe I'd stick with the bug thread. They could use more images
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>Knight in edgy armor threatens a kingdom in the name of a dragon
>You defeat him in combat
>Ask for his motivations
>He's doing it only because the dragon offered him another round of sex, but on the condition that he succeeds in killing his given targets

What do you do?
Nah, I don't want to. I had a lot of fun back in the day with Blue - it's probably the LRPG I've enjoyed the most out of any I've played - but I couldn't get into Gold. It just felt like it was the exact same thing, but with altered sprites. And it's not like much has happened since then, outside of the graphics.
Take his place
There's no pastebin but I've done other writing under the name Mercrantos
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I love world-building, what are we thinking?

>the metagame can be pretty great

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uh oh.png
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What sort of political plot is this dragon involved in? I must investigate further.
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2Kinds Trace Nora Slurp Rule 63.jpg
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Nora a cute. CUTE!
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Harkness Snek.jpg
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The current king is in debt with the dragon, and the edgy knight did not describe what or who they were very well

What do you do?
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So the dragon wants to kill the king because they owe them something? This whole scenario seems dubious. I need to investigate further.
There's a choice; either you travel to the city and ask the king personally, or investigate the dragon's den. The edgy knight has given you directions to the latter, and still appears to be incapacitated.

What do you do?
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Well if there is truly a debt then the odds of the king saying anything useful are next to none. I'll go talk to the dragon.
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damn son.jpg
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As you make your leave for the den, the edgelord protests about leaving him for dead. You're perfectly able to kill him, though you do have some spare weak potions at hand if you think you might make use of him. Otherwise if you don't want to waste effort that's fine.

What do you do with him?
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baby cobra.jpg
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I give him a weak potion on the advice/condition for him to keep cool while I talk with her(?).
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I tried to draw that dragon a few days ago. How'd I do?
Sorry for the shitty levels - I drew lightly in pencil and can only do so much by fussing with Brightness and Contrast.

bretty good :DD
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Brutal GMOTA.png
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You heal the edgelord and take him in tow on the way to the den. He's actually a pretty alright guy, albeit usually quiet. Strangely you've never seen him take off any pieces of armor off, not even to take a piss or shit on the way.

After a day of traveling, you're at what is supposedly the den. The entrance, reinforced with a pair of steel gates, isn't too much bigger than you are. A nearby bell seems to be installed, but it looks like somebody didn't secure these gates properly.

What do you do? The spike-armored knight doesn't give a fuck.
Now I'm imagining a hydra where the heads take turns controlling the body, and the middle head decides to stay home and masturbates all day, without the other two being able to do anything but enjoy the ride.

Pretty hot.
Ask the knight if she would care if we let ourselves in of course. Surely he can be fucked to answer such a simple question.

Very hot, really.
You stupid hydra that's not even real meat! It's metal and paint!
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Seems like she ate all the real meat already, though.
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TwoKinds dragons are -very- cute~

Tom draws good dragons.
It's been like 5 years since I read that, is that the MC genderswapped?
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pregnant dragons.png
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>a huge ancient female dragon will never stare directly into your soul

It hurts.
"Well, whatever," the knight says in a disdainful tone, shrugging and opening the gates, welcoming himself in. Considering he's going in first and likely taking the blame, you follow him in.

This 'den' seems to be well-built and furnished, not even the nobility as you knew it could come close to having decor this good. Both clad in metal, you and the knight walk down what seems to be a long hallway. He goes straight ahead, presumably where the dragon lies, but you notice several other curious passages on the way.

What do you do?
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gravid ladies.jpg
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Speaking of preggo
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>directly into your soul


He draws the best swollen dragons.


Is it wrong to be jealous? If so, I don't want to be right.
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Just follow him.

(I wanna talk to a dragon bro, don't tempt me with random curiosities.)
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>Is it wrong to be jealous?

Of course not, who wouldn't want a cheeky elder dragoness gf?
Csn we post pictures of ourselves using dragon dildos?
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I am disproportionately upset that someone edited "Trace" to "Anon."
Well, for all 5 lines that you attempted, it looks pretty decent. The inside of the mouth looks weird, though, and you kinda fucked up the dragon's neck.
It's a good start, I guess, but it's really underwhelming how little of the dragon you tried to draw.
Are you a dragon?
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Remi is cute too.

Absolutely not.


Go to >>>/soc/.
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>I am disproportionately upset that someone edited "Trace" to "Anon."

Why? Is that you, Tom? Will you draw us some dragons?

What I wouldn't give to have one.
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forking paths.png
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The knight travels to the end of the hall and opens a pretty big door. Inside is some kind of contraption with hands and a cushion. You realize it's a literal hugbox.

"What the fuck are you doing?" the frustrated knight exclaims, "You're supposed to take a turn at the left, even the carpet pattern changes there!"

Moving on from your mistake, you walk back to the intersection and follow the pattern down the halls, leading you to a set of closed double doors. Hearing metal rustle on the other side, you try knocking on the door. The rustling intensifies, mixing with the sound of increasingly-loud footsteps that approach the doors as they open before you.

Standing in front of you is a dragon looking right back with golden eyes, its body covered in a coat of metallic black scales. Walking on all-fours, it stands two heads higher than you. "It appears I didn't close the gates properly," it says in a rather annoyed, feminine voice. "Now, come in. What exactly do you seek?"

You enter a rather big room and are presented a seat, though it is furnished it seems to look rather empty in here, as if it was missing something. What do you do?
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Oh man, don't I wish I could draw even half as well - I'm actually >>2236964.
I just have an odd thing about out-of-character stuff, and apparently Nora replacing a powerful spellcaster who she's probably known most of his life and with whom she has gotten into numerous capers before, with Anon, sets off that mild aggravation.
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afallenwolf_Courting Death.png
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>dragon gf so dom she'd roast other people who insult her

Lewd and hot
>just have an odd thing about out-of-character stuff, and apparently Nora replacing a powerful spellcaster who she's probably known most of his life and with whom she has gotten into numerous capers before, with Anon, sets off that mild aggravation.

But the Trace she meets in the comic ISN'T the person she knows. He's a completely different person mentally, and even she acknowledges that.
Get my neutral-good diplomacy on. Ask what debt the king owes to her and if I can help settle things.
Yeah, but she's fantasizing about Templar Trace, not Amnesiac Trace.
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>that image



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She'd probably even give you a good char if you used your mouth for anything other than extolling her endless absolute glory.
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The dangerous waifu, always treading the line between wondering whether she really would broil you if you didn't worship her, or if she's just giving you guff and loves you, but her domineering dragon nature won't let her show it except in a tsundere way.

Source? And please post more dominating dragons.
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Free Dragon.png
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Because videogames hate you.

Did he died?
two kinds a shit
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female dragoness.jpg
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Fear of pain is often close enough to actual pain when it comes to being a motivational aid, and watching others scream themselves hoarse as they dissolve into a pool of blackened bubbling flesh and charred bones for their lack of faith would certainly inspire a strong fear of pain.



>please post more dominating dragons

I'd be more than happy to post my absolute favorite kind of dragon.


The artist hasn't drawn a followup page yet, so it's possible for the moment.
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The metal dragon seems to grow irritated at the mention of the king. She points her claws at the empty spot of the room. "This room used to be filled with gold," she says. "In fact, this room here used to be a safe. So what happened? I essentially lended your king my hoard."

That's a lot of gold. Come to think of it, the king did try to make efforts to stabilize the economy in the past two years, albeit half-assed. You ask if this was his reason for the loan. "Absolutely," she replies. "Guess where most of it went?" The fucker probably lined his own pockets and blew it on other things. "A gigantic waste that I have no choice but to pay in blood," she continued, lamenting her loss.

Without much in the way of gold, you wonder how this knight is even getting hired by the dragon. What do you do next?
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Why yes, that is my fetish.
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dragoness vore.png
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It's a good fetish.
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Yeah, it started off very...bad.

Can you tell that's a dragon in the bottom right?
A dragon just giving gold away without collateral? I hate to say it but she isn't very bright.

Anyway, say you'll offer help but first what is the deal with the weird knight, aside from his weird attitude that is. He doesn't seem completely human.
Got the male one too?

Of course.
This whole "better enjoy this now because you'll be dead soon" is really odd to me. I can understand (even if it's not my thing) soft vore, or even being used by a huge dragon as a sex toy, but anything ending in injury or death is just an instant boner killer for me.
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dragon pegging.png
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It adds meaning. You really -will- enjoy what happens because it will be the last time that you can enjoy it.

That, and some of us are submissive to the point where we'd simply be content with being killed by a dragon instead of by another human being.
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You inquire the dragon about the knight, probably still using that weird contraption. The mention of him even being here seems to have gotten her angry, asking you to explain what happened with him. Still not happy with hearing how he hasn't fulfilled his tasks and especially spilling out his motivations to you, she begins to explain.

"He just simply wandered in here a week ago as a lost soul with only clothes on his back, so I offered the poor thing a little 'treat', so to speak. He seemed eager for more the next day. Seeing as he had no other apparent purpose, I gave him a deal - a job and conjured adequate equipment for it, and the reward. So, free labor. What could go wrong? You, apparently."

That doesn't explain the machine, but whatever. As you let the information dump soak into your mind, you figure that you probably know too much as far as the dragon is concerned. For all she knows, you could very well be working with the king. You look back at the dragon.

"And now dear," the dragon says, "I haven't been able to see that lovely face of yours under that helmet. Surely having it off will be more comfortable, no?" She seems adamant on seeing you without a helmet.

What do you do?
I enjoy submission as well, but dying for the sake of a single lay? That's just stupid. You left out the third option: die naturally of old age. Or, hell, a forth option: the dragon binds your life to theirs, so they can their favorite human (or just lover) around for the rest of their lives.
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I kick her in the nuts - she better respect my authoritah!
I like life-binding as well.

Personally I like old age, then vore. I don't know why you wouldn't want to live a full life with a dragon gf and instead prefer getting eaten like 1 day after you meet her.
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>the dragon binds your life to theirs, so they can their favorite human (or just lover) around for the rest of their lives

You do realize I consider that as abhorrent as the idea of a human binding their life to a monkey's, right? You are just as much of a lesser life form to a dragon.


>why can't you just like what I like jeez

Normie pls. I came here to get away from your ilk.
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I suppose we can take our helmet off. We're asking her to trust us. It's only fair we trust her as well.

Then ask her if she wants to pay back the king, or the entire kingdom. Nobody knew that he tried to support the economy with essentially stolen gold.
Well that's a fair request. I take off the helmet, and tell her I'll lend a hand in recovering her debt if she'll have it.
>You are just as much of a lesser life form to a dragon.

I am superior to them, though. I have many slain heads and procured hoards to prove it.

>why can't you just like what I like jeez
>Normie plz. I came here to get away from your ilk.

>literally meeting a dragon just to die

It's like you don't even want a waifu
>You do realize I consider that as abhorrent as the idea of a human binding their life to a monkey's, right? You are just as much of a lesser life form to a dragon.

You sound like an otherkin faggot
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>being ultra submissive to beings that deserve it makes me an "otherkin faggot"
I don't agree with your argument. A monkey is an animal, incapable of human speech. Even if taught sign language, they're only ever concerned with what's going on at the moment. It's not even a question of them being below us humans in terms of their intelligence, but that they don't seem capable of seeing themselves as individuals. The only animal to ever have asked an existential question was a parrot, and it asked what color it was. That's it.

Even if a dragon would see itself as smarter than a human, and even it that were to be true, it's not nearly as big a gap as that between humans and animals - which is why we made the distinction in the first place. Unless your dragon is quite literally a god, from out perspective, they can still enjoy a good conversation (or an intimate moment) with a human, on a fairly even playing field. It's one thing to *think* you're above all other species, and quite a different thing entirely to actually be so far above as to claim natural ownership over all life.

And, when it comes down to it, there are humans marrying animals. So why not a dragon marrying a human?
>you will never be forcefully facefucked by a huge dragon
Why live?

Because killing yourself before you can be fucked to death with one of these monsters is a sin.
Not a fan of hyper cocks, but I'd love to get knotted on a smaller version of that cock and filled with the load from those massive balls~
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FF10 Basilisk.jpg
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Opinions on Basilisks?
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Before you reach for your helmet, you look through the dragon's request; asking for the helmet off especially? What would use of your face be to her, especially with a no-named adventurer like yourself who could just as well be killed on the spot?

But seeing as she's not too happy, you may as well comply. As you show your face and start to ask about lending a hand, you regret your decision as you see the dragon licking her lips. And your mind starts to feel heavy. Something is wrong.

Your steel helmet was blocking her psychic influence you never knew she had. The dragon had waited you out. Panicking, you try to put your helmet back on but she takes it from you by force, knocking you down in the process. Suggestive thoughts start flooding through your mind as you fail trying to get back on your feet.

Finding yourself on your knees, the dragon's influence has overwhelmed you already. Your body feels more horny and needy with each passing second, your erection trying to push through metal greaves. The metallic beast works her claws all over your armor, tearing it and the clothing underneath off piece by piece. Stripped of your gear, she teases your body with even more sensual bombardment.

She had won. But it doesn't matter. The only thing you can think of is release. The dragon sits there poking your throbbing shaft as you moans get increasingly louder while she continues her mental assault. You plead for her to stop, whatever the cost. She laughs and makes a gesture with her claws. "And, done!" she exclaims. You experience an orgasm like no other, and ropes of semen are fired into the air as you recoil backwards.

As you feel the psychic presence lift from your mind, you faint from exhaustion. Better rest now, as tomorrow you have to kill a king after all.

The end
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And I'm sorry in advance if this felt rushed, it's like 7am here and so I've stayed up for hours typing this shit
Shit DM 2/10 wouldn't play again.
Yeah, it does seem really odd. "I'm going to kill you, or I'm going to kill you in half an hour if you do this thing." Unless the victim enjoyed doing the thing or thought they'd be rescued by then, there's not much of a reason to do the thing.

>rocks fall everyone dies, the ERP
Still, it's not too bad for 7 AM. Kinda thought the story was actually going somewhere, though.
Wow, we're already at autosage.

Would you let yourself get eaten by your scaly bf's comparatively massive cock?
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Cock vore is real?

I think this belongs on the vore thread and not here, man.
I shouldn't have searched that term.
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Did you like it?

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Can anyone recommend me some good cock vore with scaly predators?
>Blur 2: The Blurrening
I can't see if the cock actually grabs a fish, or just touches one and retracts.
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kobold rage.png
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Go here


They can help out better.
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Can we get some more cute in here?
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Does a tsundere t-rex count as cute?
All the cute I have is from /utg/ or /tesg/.
Tsundere T-Rex you say? http://manga.life/read-online/TREXNaKanojo
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Das coot!
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Sanzo also made that too!
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Cute > Lewd
Translation please?
Wish I could read moonrunes... is this a continuation of that one "I don't think my family would let me marry a human" thing?

Tiny dragons are the best, especially when they're enjoying being skritched and pet.
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Cute Romance >>> generic lewd


There was a translator here the other day, maybe he'll show up again?
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>is this a continuation of that one "I don't think my family would let me marry a human" thing?

No, this is way earlier made than that, check the filename.
Cutelewd is my aesthetic, though
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I have just been swamped lately... Hopefully I'll get some more free time going forward.
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>I have just been swamped lately... Hopefully I'll get some more free time going forward.

Hey man, I just appreciate that you do this for us, thanks, and I understand that you're busy.
No worries. I want to keep translating as a means to practice Japanese. I just haven't been able to, to the extent I want.

I might be able to do the rest tomorrow, assuming I can get away early.
New thread, sink your fangs into it

Hell yiss!
What're you doing here? Go to the new thread, silly.
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