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/ZTG/ - Zootopia General: Edgy Edition Pastebin: pastebin.c

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 524
Thread images: 130

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/ZTG/ - Zootopia General: Edgy Edition

Pastebin: pastebin.com/iYDU8g2T
Thread journal Backup: https://pastebin.com/GiLL5kAS
ZTG Creator List: derpy.me/ztgcclist

Archives: www.ztarchive.com / desuarchive.org / archive.b-stats.org
Previous thread: https://archive.b-stats.org/trash/thread/11567155
Previous thread: http://www.ztarchive.com/trash/thread/11567155/11567155.html
Previous thread: http://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/11567155

Thematic Thursdays: derpy.me/trashthematicthursdays (Suggestions are open until Sep. 18 00:00 PDT)
Previous Theme: Roaring 20's
TT Archive: t3event.tumblr.com
TT Pastebin: pastebin.com/gudYsYHL
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theyre in love!
I think Jack is dumb. His stripes are dumb. :/
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At least he has a nice bun chair
reminder to ignore yeen posters
preds are stupid
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waiting for a friend in a little coffee shop, gimme some requests

using my sketchbook, so nothing lewd
arctic fox triplets cuddle pile
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You're dumb anon
dead buns that are also alive.

schrödinger's buns
draw some rex my dude

You, waiting for your friend in said little coffee shop
big warm pred hugging bun
Slobby at the climbing wall
lionheart or bogo being effay

now that i think about it, have you ever drawn either of them? i dont think ive seen it
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gravity seems to be off in that pic
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Booty for days

his tired eyes and sleepy smile are so dreamy
thanks nobbo
>nobby's art is even cuter on paper
what the FUCK
it's not even fair lol
Remmy sleeping with Avo.
I bet Avo would stick lollypops all over a sleeping Remmy.
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love this badger.jpg
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very cute
lesbian nick
I hope you all have a lovely day today.
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does nobby live in florida?
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You're nice. You too anon
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Actually, he lives in Australia
this should fix it
washington i believe
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i think if you crop your image, even a little bit, before uploading to 4chan, it'll put it the right way up

that or upload to something like imgur and then download it again

though this does take an extra step
He lives in a place with a funny name. I can't remember which though.
It's either Walla Walla, Keokuk, Cucamunga, or Seattle.

Aw thanks Nobby, I love it. Cozy
i love ozzy

I love ozzys barbed yeen peen
yeen peens arent barbed
i love his cute face

Spotted hyenas do according to the internets. Ozzy is a striped hyena, dunno if they and ardwolves have penile spines
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close enough
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since we're on the topic, which yeens would you fug? which would you cuddle?
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absolutely disgusting.jpg
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you make even the worst character look great

just Ozzy
hes so cute

henrietta a cute
ozzy maybe if he initiated it
NAH's yeen is a bit too overtly lewd, and is for tube use only
Gotta agree there. Futa cat/dog hybrids are hideous.
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gib draw requests
draw a best boy
make bogo cute and happy and comfy
draw a cute yeen
like Ozzy!
The "I'm you but stronger" meme with Pandora and Sydney.
KKK deer
Bate's yeen
remmyxbetty lewd
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Someone please help the poor bastard bury his nuts!
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jack (2).png
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Hello Bellwether
Polyamory going right
Jill and Jack being confused
what if nick wasnt gay
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is the thread usually this dead on a weekend afternoon? are we finally dying for good? is god finally allowing us to escape this hell?
why is gideon such a fag?
I want to draw but everything is coming out badly so I'm avoiding posting and trying to get the spark back.
Yeah, there's a short deadzone around this time on weekends. Usually gets more active in a little over an hour.
How long have you been here? This isn't unnormal for it to be slow on a weekend in the afternoon, and September was slow last year too.
It's not cuck if you keep it in the butt.
He would never pick Judy up as his faghag, they will never dick around Zootopia and find out Bellwether is evil and the world ends in a Savage Apocalypse. Bad end.
i'm trying to make something that's somewhat related to TT
Because he gargles guy goo.
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Summer-time star gazing
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a clog.gif
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Mmm, Judy.
why the fuck do they look like jerboas
Aw snap boney posted some little hustlers

Cos they're cute. CUTE
Lewd or not?
What would be the WORST species to be in Zootopia?
naked mole rat
any rodent

It's lewd
Undoubtedly a *[insert your favourite species here]*
The long neck and weird angle on the legs, I think
You should link it.
Thanks Nobby.
I dunno. They have Little Rodentia and the mob boss of the tundra is a hamster or something. I bet picking on a rodent is a quick way to get your knees bashed in or have cops burst into your apartment looking for planted drugs.

Nick x Rosie

So lewd, Boner_M
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>hamster or something.
that's super cute, KK, thanks!

>Rosie in Nick's bed

It's Boner lewd
And Nick's on the couch. She just needs a place to stay, you animal.
But there's still gonna be rodents who live outside of Little Rodentia who have to deal with almost getting stepped on every day. And I doubt the Mr. Big would particularly care for anyone specifically outside his family.
You lied, anon, but I'm not that mad.
But that's fucking wrong
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It got you to read it, you lewd anon, you
You mean as a sapient?
Anything that's not a mammalian land animal
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Actually, it didn't
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dox fick.png
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heart eyes
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Fucking cease this.
I know what anime that's from. You didn't even put effort into the meme.
It got you to write it, you lewd anon, you.

... not sure that works.
That IS a cute yeen
O_o yandere simulator reference?
nice yeen my mans
>I know what anime that's from. You didn't even put effort into the meme.
good for you weeb, i just saw it on e621.

>putting effort into a meme
nice meme
Anon that's low grade bait

Thanks anon
I think he meant the file name Anon.
>Rosie had her entire muzzle in a can of beans and chili. The can was hugging her cheeks has it rattled around her mouth.
>Stan looked over at her with something between fascination and disgust. "How did you eat that entire wolf-sized can?" he finally asked.
>Her response was chewing, and a bout of coughing. He reached over to her and pulled the can off of her face.
>It looked like one of those cheap horror-film gore scenes, with chunks of flesh and smears of red going down her muzzle and chin.
>She opened her mouth, and gekkered at him, grabbing the can from his paws and stuffing her face back into it.
>Glaring at her, he figured he could wait until she's done.
>Then Melody jumped on his shoulder and yelled towards her, "Keep eating like that and you'll get fatter!"
>That seemed to get her attention, as she let let out an unfox-like growl.
>Tilting her head up, trying to get a few last bits of food he guessed, the can fell over her head like a long, tube-like helmet.
>Melody laughed as she fell to her back and let out a muffled cry for help, clanging the tin of the can against a wall.
>He figured he could wait a few more seconds to help her.
>That should teach her a lesson on respect.
>Plus, that was his chili.

Boney what do you think of being called Boner
Who is the most tubular tube?

got you to respond didn't i ?

guess thats enough for you.


Tube lewd dude
It means I miss mentions of myself when I ctrl-f the threads I missed, but apart from that I don't mind it. Why do you ask?
Where's A Rabbit Clan's Fox 2? can we commission it perhaps?
>Got you to respond didn't I?
No I meant the one you replied to.

Whenever I see someone write Boner_M instead of Boney it makes me chuckle. I wondered if it was the same for you too.
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Different Anon here
Behold the birth of the meme.
Yep, that is exactly what was requested.
I was playing with setting up a Patreon for it but then I got a full-time job and now I don't have anywhere near as much time to burn as I used to. It still lives on in my heart and in my spare minutes but I can't give a better answer than "I'm still trying".

Seeing Boner_M does make me smile but seeing people talking about me at all makes me smile so it's about the same.
Nick in a swimsuit (or panties if you are in a lewd mood).
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>everything about this
But it's porn so whatever.
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We need more screem
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Who do you ship?
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cute boys x larger but still cute boys
what are you a fucking faggot?
ups usually
This except replace "cute boys" with "myself".
OK so it's not just me then. People here have bitched about way less off model Nick and Judy's than these... cough Borba cough
Who is the lewdest tubedude?
>myself x larger but still myself
Gary stop causing howls you dumb cunt.
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Tubes are pretty lewd in general. A Sig is a consistently lewd tube though.
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aw shit.png
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Fuel x ASig OTP.png
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A_sig. He's a sex fiend.
Other than the worried look on Fuel's face, this is such a comfy lewd.
why is everyone on this thread gay?
furries are disproportionately bi/gay.
Even with less time, I'd still give money. Set up that patreon or you'll force me to burn my money instead of giving it to you.
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Nick's a cutie and I wanna shag him, dont know why everyone else is gay though
Why aren't you gay?
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I'm not gay, anon, but you can blame Nick for that.
All the people who don't want to bang the fox(or at least the bunny) have left.
No one can resist the animal dicks
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Don't worry anon, you can join with Weaver as one of our honorary straight people.
Buy yourself something nice and pretend you gave me the money and I spent it on a present for you.
I'm straight and I want to fuck this rabbit. What do I win?
What if the money was spent on lewding you?
who says weaver's straight?
several years of drawing tons of straight porn
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seems is pass protected now
that doesn't mean he can't be bi

Damn hoofers
Then it will be a present for both of us.
Something nice? That's a good idea. I think I buy season two of ARCF. I hear a 'Boney_M' has something like that to sell :D
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I could use some refs for the Des/Molly request. Every pic I see has completely different relative proportions.
That's her mpreg tumblr, I guess she locked it because of all the people who where complaining about it (i'm not a fan of it either DESU).

Her regular tumbler is here:
And before anyone sells anything, I know I misspelled it. It was on purpose.
can you post more of this artist?
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very bad.png
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Damn it
nope i don't have the password i just got the image, look here
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They're hard to pin down, honestly. Almost everyone draws them different. Rule of thumb is that Des is about half as tall as Molly.
Thats comfy
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Sadly I'm late.png
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Aw, I have my tablet now only, I wish I had it to draw something to cheer up Alec.

This is wrong. Also delete.

Ehi! Those drawings are from that damned squirrel! And the yeen! And...
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Extra ticket.jpg
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I think they are Chumpy's characters so his art is the most official I suppose.
Nice skunk BTW
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She's like 16 feet tall, he's like 8. But it's flexible as long as she makes him look like a catlet.
Weaver knows how Pack Street will end.

And he will never tell you anon
I know how his life will end
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>This is wrong.
Wrong. I know what you're into, you lewd tube.

>Also delete.
A_sig lewds give me life. Never.
A fennec girl showing off her stuff.
>I wish I had it to draw something to cheer up Alec.
Wait, what happened with Alec?
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Even he never really pinned them down.
Hopefully the depressed mood Alec is will pass soon.

> I have my tablet now only
What else would you draw with?
High speed collision/impact that's somehow related to a desire for water.
That might be the best one tbqh.
He was feeling down, depressed

I wasn't home until now

>A_sig lewds give me life
It seems I have to pull the plug
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>that droopy nosed Charlie
>"Remi plz"
She's too good for that stink twink
>It seems I have to pull the plug
You'd have better chances of being lewded than killing me.

Hell, you'd even have a better chance of preventing my escape, dude.
who are these
who drew this
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Reposting this for Bate. It's from late last night.
idk, I am used to Fred Perry's furry style. I think that despite them being off-model, the overall mood and atmosphere he delivers with his comics still makes up for it. Just look at all the context
>Judy sitting on Nick's buldge
>They watch predplay porn
>She complains about the actress (tie in with her acting)
>She was soaked during the museum scene (she could have developed it while she quit the police to learn not to fear Nick)
>Nick was hard during the museum scene (he was totally into her by that time, probably waited like a madman for her to comeback)
I just can make this work with the actual story and characters. I like it
That be Ciwi
Good picture.
Underwhelming a bit, but the tented towel is nice.
No word on whether he's back?
Two towels are needed for her. Maybe three!
Approval of an anon aka nothing
Same. I'm one of those +10 year furries that started off with stuff like his, so it doesn't bother me...like, at all.
>Tush still making Zootopia porn
O frabjous day! Callooh; callay!
I need more Ciwi

Like 80 cards worth
weekend afternoons are usually filled with doing normal people things like going outside with friends or doing some kind of work
Hey, as one of the original requesters; thanks a lot, bud!
This is pretty nice
Who drew this?
Holy shit.
I need to read about Judy masturbating to the thought of Nick.
Also, anyone have that picture where Judy was pulling her own ears while riding a fox dildo?
me n u
I ship Nobby with Nuggies
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Here you go anon
I just wish it was Jack
ah well
Goddamn you reminded me

Translator Bear! You around?
Nobby x Nobby is my otp
you could paint white stipres on it and call it nigga jack
>Nobby x Nobby
>Which means Nobby is left out
First of all, Nobby loves Nobby. Second, Nobby is friends with Nobby and knows Nobby has feelings towards Nobby. Third, Nobby has only ever shown interest in Nobby, not Nobby.
I understand some people like Nobby x Nobby, but you have to at least admit its a crack ship compared to the borderline canon Nobby x Nobby.
Nobby is for Nobby anyway. Why does Nobby have to be with Nobby?
Love this
Hugh and Maxine
aka Failure and Hangups
Why are some CCs named what they are? I know Comic wrote a comic script and Bate is after Jason Bateman but I don't know the reasons for many others.
i ship weaver x pack street update
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I sorta just assumed that these were their names from before they started drawing zootopia
Hugh was Retard, anon.
The Tube was Failure.
Oh right, completely forgot. Thought Tube was something demeaning to his panicky attitude.
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knight knight.png
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My usual username is the name of my WoW main. I didn't want to use that here so I went with the loose paladin->knight conversion.
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Weaver weaves, Reply replies, Boney has a boner, it's not hard to figure it out anon
Failure is pretty demeaning. I think Retard embraced his namesake given his infatuation with a lesbian that disliked him and only pegged him non-canonically.
anyone have the comic script he wrote? ive heard of it but never seen it.
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thingken uv gei.png
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Hey uh
if a guy was writing/singing a song about training an anonymous mammal to fuck the fox, would you:
1. prefer the trainer to be Jack because of the male singer, or
2. prefer the trainer to be Judy because of wildehopps?

Hypothetically speaking, of course
First off, welcome back Pandanon.
Second, Judy. Female training male is hot as fug.
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this is a very specific question youve just thrown at us, anon
I dont know if im completely qualified to answer it
but 1
if male singer make it jack
I'd say go with Jack
Most names are just identifiers chosen because the CC liked the sound of them. I go by Boney M because it was a disco band that sung (among others) a song about a Russian lunatic, and before I wrote Zoot stuff I modded and patched /d/ games, and the first was Jack-o-nine-tails, which was coded by a Russian lunatic.
Lol this explanation is gonna sound wierd.
I started going by EyeOfTheTempest because my original plan was so never to be that well known, and to just find a random username that you'd expect from someone on the internet. So I based it off an ability from a video game "Raging Tempest" and a related questline "Eye Of The Storm"
And then I started shortening it to Tempest for convenience.
Counterquestion Mr Trips, how much does an anon need to create before they are called a CC?
haha no; he's skilled
it's a parody of an existing song, and I'm probably gonna rip the backing track from that.
feels good to be confused for him, though

Name's TE
>comicanon never wrote a comic

I want to read so called comic script too
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The calm before the storm.png
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I bet Jack's got a nice singing voice.

How are you still alive?! I went to sleep and you were still streaming! Still, nice to wake up to an adorable badger, sideways or no.

Nick ?

Do you wanna knot the bunny?
Come on lets go and have assplay
I never cum anymore
Come out the door
And fuck my brains away-
We used to be fuck buddies
And now we're not
I wish you would tell me why!-
Do you wanna knot the bunny?
It doesn't have to be predprey.

Go away, Judy

Okay, bye...

Do you wanna knot the bunny?
Or get a blowjob in our car
I think some fun is overdue
I've started talking to
random bucks online-
(Hang in there, Jack!)
It gets a little lonely
All these sex toys,

Just masturbating the hours by-
(bunny moans and wet noises.)


Please, I know you're in there,
People are asking where you've been
They say "get a date", and I'm trying to
I'm right out here for you, just let me in
We only have each other
It's just you and me
What are we gonna do?

Do you wanna knot the bunny?
Well, the name I usually use is too personal.
Then one anon asked me to put a signature on the first drawing I did (first TT, I think), so I literally put A Signature. Shortened A_Sig, because Pastebin doesn't let me use spaces for the username.
Ye, no imagination.
I just use my name.
night /ztg/.
I almost always go by some variation of aguynamed(something). The last bit might change based on where I am, but it's usually something like that.
Roll over.
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Sleep tight bunner!
i rolled otter and wanted a punny name
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Haha, please tell me you didn't just make that up on the spot
If you did all that in just 6 minutes I'm gonna feel pretty ashamed
rolled weasel, am trash


You deserve a medal
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I love me a good pun, but...I'm entigerly floored.
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my full handle was otterlydelightful but just otterly is snappier so i started going by that
Nick has impotence
poor guy
though I heard some people think thats cute, apparently
His prostate can't go limp.
I know the original pastebin anon (the one before Pastebun) gave raccoonfag his name because the guy was originally writing anonymously and the pastebin anon wanted to put down a name to identify him on he fic list.
yeah but sometimes the other guy wants to be dicked, yknow?
>otterly is snappier so i started going by that
And it seems that's gone swimmingly for you. It's a pretty good catch.
Who do I lewd today?
Suggest me (or not lewd the same)
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Page 1 in English.
lewd............................................................................................................................................................................................... u
Nemo used to be clean lineart guy but some anon asked to christen him Nemo for the Latin meaning "nobody" and he agreed
I believe it used to be up on his Google Drive account but was taken down after an anon pointed out that it was linked to his business account and could get him doxed.
Not sure why he didn't re-up it to his current Pastebin account, but I'm guessing he either thinks it's not as good as his other writing or was worried that it'd attract negative attention as the original Officer Content threw hissy fits over it (the latter might not be likely, as ML is still up, and that too drew major controversy).

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this fox doesnt think youre cute anon, im so sorry
Ozzy/Betty lewds
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I'm missing a translate.
Specifically, the center thought bubble in panel 2.
Go to the mammal roller and whichever mammal that it picks lewd whoever has that for their zoosona
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>has a baculum
>also impotence

Why did Miserable Losers have controversy?
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That's okay. I'm lewding him anyways.
Why's a ZPD instructor wearing a beret?
Why are ZPD cadets in camo fatigues?
What is a horseshoe?
What does a horseshoe do?
Are there any horse socks?
Is anybody listening to me?
what's the name of the comic, who's the original artist :v
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Coloured - SavageSkyes.png
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I started colouring Zootopia-related pics for the thread. An anon asked who I was, and since I couldn't think of a good handle and there had already been a couple of ColourAnons, I went with the totally-original and clever AnotherColourAnon.
That's good. It means he shouldn't blush as much from being teased before orgasm.
Most folks didn't like the idea that Nick was presented as being divorced with a son who resented him, and since it was a spinoff of a spinoff based on the infamous This is What True Love Looks Like there was a number of folks who just wanted to label it a "cuckfic", despite it being about two single adults and involved zero cucking.
>my full handle was otterlydelightful
had no clue. that's neat.
Comic was made by Dogear (Inumimi Moeta)

It's called "Carrots for One ~Nick Side Story~", which is a side story to "Carrots for One"
Keep in mind in this place "cuck" translates to "literally anything I don't like."
Oh man, I remember that.

"I'm glad his dog died" what an ass that guy was.
I started with Polyphemus as my first webname because I was a fucking dweeb highschooler who was hyped after reading The Odyssey.

from there I changed it to 'Nobody' because I was still a fucking nerd

then I got too many people making 'nobody' puns so I shortened it to 'nobby'

been using that for a few years now
Cucking has been cucked of the word cuck.
>hyped after reading The Odyssey.
Good shit, the Odyssey was great.

Though I thought the more literal translation was "No man"
At least, that's what it was in my copy of the story.
>Most folks didn't like the idea that Nick was presented as being divorced with a son who resented him
I never understood that interpretation
Its a divorce and it was a young kid
You ever tell your parents "I hate you" when you were a kid? Didn't last forever I'm betting
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who knew nobby had the deepest lore?
Cuck is the smurf of 4chan
Nobby, who has blinded you?!
I miss when -fag was the Smurf of 4chan...
The problem was I could not upload anything without it leading to a lot of SIGN IT replies. Nemo is better than Clean Lineart Guy because some days my lineart is not very clean.
No, who should I lewd?

Anon, I can't lewd other zoosonas if they have not given consent or forcefully lewded the mongoose (making this a revenge lewd)

Wikipedia or other?
Not anymore. Now people who create things based on the works of other are "Content Cucks."
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Zoo Detective.jpg
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Last shill! Reichstagsbrand Chapter 6 is up and ready for your enjoyment!

this dank ass kush hell yeah mate
imagine....... Marty!
Slotho pls
I think if the cyclops had said that I would have liked The Odyssey more.
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Wish I could do this to Nick
Cuck is or has ascended to a level similar to the word Fuck. It can be used interchangeably as an insult regardless of it's original or even extended meaning.

Example. "Fucker" would be something positive as it would imply a person that fucks, especially if you're using fuck in place of "to have sex" essentially saying "person that has sex a lot". But English is a magical and ever changing language, fucker is just another insult.

It probably seems jarring because we've been with fucker for so long and cuck has only recently been brought back spearheaded at an almost unprecedented speed through the internet.
Yeah, I grew up with a lot of friend's whose parents were divorced, so I found it was a fairly accurate depiction.
Why hasn't anyone given Remmy the knot yet? He lives on Pack Street, that means he should be taking pred dick constantly!
Chose whichever roller you think will give better mammals to lewd
I'd rather teach him how to suplex.
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I wanted a completely different handle than the one I had been writing under before, both so my previous audience wouldn't know what I was writing now and so my new audience couldn't see the crap I had written before. I was writing noir, so I decided to just go with "HarryLime".

Thanks for explaining anon
>stick fingers up his butt
These are quality posts and I appreciate them

you just had to ruin it
wish that was my hands lads :(
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>you just had to ruin it

Then my work here is done.
>Yeah, I grew up with a lot of friend's whose parents were divorced, so I found it was a fairly accurate depiction.
Maybe Comic wrote it based on experience then
Charlie x Wolter
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Alright anons, how many of you are fit?
Avo teaching Charlie how to be a camgirl.
How about Nick and Judy?

I'm fit. But I've slacked off this week since I got sick and got to get back at it
i made it ztg
Getting there hopefully, starting going to the gym back in May.
goddamn, I love this piece and colouring so much. Thank you for doing what you do.
congrats on getting cucked
I'm skinny and I eat well, but I'm not athletic at all.

Feels bad.
I like to think I am. Been active for most of my life, been a gym rat for the last 6 years. Long way to go before I'm where I want to be, though.
Eh I'll try going to the gym next year
>there are people that aren't afraid to show their power levels
how do you stop yourself from being easily embarrassed, friends
i used to shitpost with nothing but finnick pictures
that's really it. it's kinda lame.
i have did and thus can blame everything on the other guy
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I had a crush on Finnick when the movie first came out so I know how you feel lad
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We need more of this
Glad to hear you're feeling better, anon. I'm currently trying to loosen up my calves.

Great! Just remember that the hardest part of it all is heading to the gym.

So was I. We all start somewhere, anon.

>Long way to go before I'm where I want to be, though
As it always is. You'll get there, though.

Alright, but don't wait until it's too late.
Gotta get that 3 4 5

Why may?

Are you also fit op?
>human on zootopia character picture

>human on zootopia character writing
>not noice

did you fell for his acting or what?
I am.
I picked something that seemed catchy, but could be secured as a username on multiple websites.

It can also be shortened into an easy single word (which is much less available on websites.)
Tell us about your lifts, anon. Let us share numbers and injury stories.
art>writing anon

I just like cute guys
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Hello /ztg/!

phew what a week I have behind myself.
But never mind that, I managed to find some time to finish this page! With this 2/3 of the scripted comic is done. I'm going to take a short break before continueing, maybe setting up a patreon before the end of oktober with a few practice images I've planned to make.

In anyway, here is a quick reshill of the last few pages with a link to the start:

unidentified hands petting zootopia characters is pretty dope

it's when the entire human is visible is when i hate it
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Unfortunately, I've gotta head out for a family gathering right now, so I can't chat.

But we'll talk sometime.
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yah, he kinda is.
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>First time in my life I'm 100% sure I haven't made any typos here!
Holding you to it fitanon
You do tongues so well
Great stuff man, this is turning out fucking awesome
keep squattin'
anyone else have this strong urge to bury their face in their favorite character's ass?
Something ells me that you are into tongue play...
Good work, Rob
>footpaw licking
You're the shit, Rob.
You're not alone anon
>tongue play
Oh please please PLEASE tell me you're into tongue play
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>not even kiss-kiss bye-bye.
why the fuck she got her gun out
why the fuck are they even stalking him
id yiff any one of them
this desu
From the description, they were investigating something else and saw that.
They take anti-smooshing laws extremely seriously.
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please god let me have him
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Thank you!
That's actually her front paw (you can see her foot is in costume) so this is actually...
pawholding with paw kissing/licking
gods forgive me

Never expected that toungue's will be my speciality, but I'm happy. Can't say If I am, I just naturally thought that for Zootopians licking would come as natural as kissing. But I do enjoy drawing licking, so I guess I AM?
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finnick is on a date.jpg
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Damn... I knew I'm streching it with that one
should I replace it with something?
is there any gazelle futa
>Nemo is better than Clean Lineart Guy
Both of those names were from me, I called you CLG in the hopes you would hate it enough to come up with a better name, and then Nemo when that didn't work.
You make great art BTW, I'm glad you still come here.
>gods forgive me
No, Rob. That's even better.
Strange though. I'm usually not that blind.

I don't mind it desu, everything else is too hot for me to focus on it
This is really nice, although I think there's a bit too much action text in the background.
I'm glad that someone with some decent skill is kind of into it. If tongue play is ever combined with a bit of light bdsm my heart may literally stop.
Talking like that around here might be 'suicidal' ;)

>Fitanon is just comic
Is this a sequel to It Should Have Been Me?
guess I got a death wish then
>Why May
End of tax season, couldn't get into a solid routine until I had some more free time. Should be able to keep it going this year now that I'm used to it.
Is that supposed to be his mom?
that hair tuff was a bad choice
someone draw me their vague idea of where packers, al's building, pandora's box, and the basketball court are in pack street
I didn't know I needed this either, who made this, and is there more?
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I can't draw and keep my eyes open in one of the two days per week I could. This sucks.
I hope at least you will have a goodnight, /ztg/
It's ok, A_sig. Have a good night.
Thank you.
yup, nobby did one horsecock zelle some days ago
That was genderswap Gazelle you dip.
>No, who should I lewd?
Have you lewded NAH back yet? That yeen has lewded you many a time.
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Guyzelle is cute.png
2MB, 1872x2808px
That looked more like R63 than futa, no tits and all that.
It's too late, anon.
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Sleepy Molly and Desmond.png
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Have a good night A Sig.
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Here you go anons, how about now?

Don't put evil notions in my head, anon. The ones already there don't need company

Am I the only person who thinks Nick and Judy don't need to fuck to be a couple? That love is more than sex?
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Ah well, he can lewd NAH another day.
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Have done more than once as punishment, that yeen doesn't learn.
Ok, getting back to bed

I always give a last look
>no tits
like his average zootopia art that are not bajongo tits basically furry pack street
True but does not Gazelle have tits? Like she's one of the three in the film that do?
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Sleep tight tuber!
Sex is just one of the closest and clearest forms of intimacy once a relationship is established. At least in a lot of cases.

But I agree, I like intimate expression without sex a lot more.
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It also has a masculine look, and not just a flat chest.
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night a_sig! Lew... I mean.. see you tomorrow!
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Oh you.jpg
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>how about now?
Now with 10% less text.
only you
the special one
snowflake of reality
one of a kind
different from everyone else
impossible to replicate
time to make an DAE post on reddit
Oh baby. This is even better.
Ok, no notions. Or unsolicited requests for tongue pinching/holding and licking of said tongues.
I will believe this is the canon ending of Shorty Squad, unless Inky comes back to personally tell us it's not.
Sounds like some frustrated virgin's of romance. No. If there ain't sex, it ain't a relationship.
Oh hush
>It also has a masculine look
whatever you guys say
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Here I spent like a minute on it.
Might make a more detailed version if no one else makes one that lines up with mine.
this, judy would be hurt if they had sex too. judy and nick relationship would be stronger than the average one, sex would be just cuddling. if judy needs to scratch the itch, nick could always invite jack over.
Oh also:
Each square thing represents a block.
And i forgot Packer's.

Sexual slavery is hot
ty mystery anon :v

Reminds me of the end of Chobits
Oh hey Arma is that you?
p feels-£÷
Eey, it's Tempest.
>unless Inky comes back
Does anyone know how Inky is doing? I thought she was planning on returning to ZTG...
Would Guyzelle fuck Nicki Wilde, that vixen he dated in high school?
According to her shes in lurker mode
She's still drawing, but is in the TMNT fandom now.

I guess she got burned out on Shorty Squad or something.
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Hey, it's something. I designed the page with the plan to fill the background with the sound effects, it's hard to just drop it and leave a bunch of empty space now

I'm too tired to tell what would be better, It's 2AM in the morning here and I didn't see any suggestions. I'll have to live with it, that I can't make something that everyone will like.

>tongue grab
fuck, that's good

goodnight /ztg/
Eh, well. As long as she's doing fine.
I love his otters.
why are foxes such sluts?

Hate those penises. Look like earthworms.
delet... adam wan killed himself for me. Nothing he ever does will make it right what he did with Nick in his comic
Don't worry about it. Go get some sleep.
Pred cum keeps a fox's coat healthy and glossy. It's a weird dietary quirk that literally no other mammal has.
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That's not Adam Wan.
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Sleep tight Civeter
Oh yes it is. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/16804307/
of course not, it's zaush
Zaush is Adam Wan, champ.
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Sleepy Nick and Judy.png
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>I'm too tired to tell what would be better,
I'd say the second version was a bit better.

Have a good night RC.
good bait mate
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Haha, no.
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I want to draw, but am very tired
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Checking in to say that if you have greentexts you would like read on Greentext Theater, send them on over to me!

I'm planning on hosting it on Tuesday! Will get a specific time for you all soon!

Your traditional work is super nice. You going to be doing more fashiontopia later? Sydney/Artemis draws? Anything under the sun?

Too cute, kk! You especially made Ozzy look really handsome.

Absolutely comfy! Its really nice how you made them so distinguishable from behind, too. I bet Inky will love this!

I was actually going to move everything of mine to an AO3, but I'm really bad about getting used to this whole "internet archive" thingy. Apologies!

Sleep tight tuber!

Sleep tight coffee maker!
no. nothing. not even this

A set of NickXJudy images is not a the same as a story narrated middle finger to everyone who likes and relates to Nick.

He made a cunning, smug fox into a fucking protitute who had no better idea to get money than sell his body.

He made the childhood traumatized protag who obviously has bad memories of being held down and forced stuff on him, a buttom homosexual, used as a fucktoy by tigers.

I'll never forgive it.
Calm down Rob
Reminder that Zaush is actually a rapist.
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put me to sleep with something comfy
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Please, go on...
Artist: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=61284656
wasnt it a dude? and he left?

Here you go buddy!
Zaush has never been in a gay relationship
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then whose story of a guy staying over a popular furry artist and getting freaked out was it? meesh?
Yes Yes. More Gay
Gym rat here
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wow, get a load of that.
shilling away for mackaroo.
do you like drawing? do you want to draw?

our newest resident Dingo Redliner spent all day putting together a pack of homework for those looking to improve their artistic capabilities, feel free to check it out!
I desire more fox vacations
That was a girl and it was Zaush begging and pleading her to stay and not letting her leave until she agreed to have sex with him while his girlfriend was away
We need numbers!
Iv'e always found Zaush's work to be vaguely unsettling, but the more I learn about him, the more obvious and specific that feeling becomes.

The guy is no good, it's a shame that he's one of the most technically skilled furry artists out there. Mostly because it attracts more victims for him to abuse.
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It's very telling that no girl ever lasts more than one date with him ever.
As repugnant as both of you are bring god damned furry pigshit into a zootopia thread, I remember all too fucking well.

His online handle was Crevan Fox or some other such, which is about as obscure a namedrop as Calorath.
Now would you please fucking let me ignore someone's existence in god damned peace or are you going to keep reminding me how close I've come so many times before to snapping?
>I'm really bad about getting used to this whole "internet archive" thingy

you are surprisingly tech illiterate for having the whole VR shtick.
but good luck with ao3! doesnt seem too complicated. then again, ive never used it to upload stuff.
I think you have a problem
140-something, for everything. It's all bodyweight. Pushups, pullups, dragon flags etc.
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>one of the most technically skilled furry artists out there.
lmao i know people consider miles, sunibee and shit like rocosye and sindoll good but fuck, zaush?

pls m8
I don't care about the guy either
Nicely done. Bodyweight is the gym you take everywhere.
so we're about to get a new thread, right?
>nick taking thick tiger diiicks
>judy being a whoooore
>dothraki on an open fieeeeeeld ned
The niggers here are very bad at making new threads.
I chose T because toannghe1997 was a long signature, and I am lazy
When I'm felling angry at the world and everyone in it,
I like to release my pent up frustrations at Discord dot com slash ztg.
It's the best way to brighten up your day!

Sign up now and get a free cockring with an all new specialized tag that reads "I'm a retard!"
I'm sure this is the post I've gotten the most Yous on ever.

Thanks to all of you for teaching us a little bit about you today.
Yo, how do I talk to you in private? Nothing serious just wanted to ask about commissioning you.
Nick: "Another month of this..."
not your safespace, if you are uncomfortable, feel free to leave.
I've been thinking of setting up an e-mail address specifically for that purpose, but I've been slightly hesitant to do so because it'd mean that I'd finally pass the threshold of getting paid for doing something that up to this point I'd be doing for free, and I'm not sure what would happen once I finally made that leap.
I got you.
If it turns out you prefer not to take payment, totally fine
It's partially that, but the biggest leap is that I didn't realize how much translators actually get paid, and I feel like if I asked for anywhere NEAR that amount it'd be robbery. Most translators ask for somewhere around $120 per PAGE, and that's on the cheaper end of the spectrum, which means something like a DogEar comic would cost FUCKING THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS.

I'm trying to think of a payment amount that wouldn't be fucking insane (Do it based on time worked, like an hourly wage or something) and what I've noticed is that it takes me roughly an hour to do about four pages, so maybe something like $20 per every hour I solely dedicate to it ($5 a page? That's not crazy right?)

The problem there is that once again, using the DogEar comic as an example, since it's 36 pages or so that's still something like $180 fucking dollars for just telling you what someone else said.
Cards on the table I was the one asking about translating Shorty Squad, but if what you're saying is true maybe this is far more expensive than I thought it would be
Also I think you said that wasn't your expertise to translate English into Japanese, so maybe you would be better for me to find someone else?
Although English to Japanese isn't what I usually do, I could certainly do it.

Since everything's already out in the open already, how many pages were you thinking, and what was the budget you were expecting? Since I've literally never gotten paid for it before I am EXTREMELY open to negotiation.
Pretty much pay you for the initial comic and then move onto her storybook chapters each
Basically Id have you name your price
I'm not TB, but why do you want to translate Shorty Squad into Japanese?
I saw somebody drew fanart of Maxine who was Japanese apparently
So, eight pages in the initial comic? If I'm charging by pages it'd be 40 dollars flat, or I was considering doing what some translators do which is charge by the word. There are about 570 words (Let's say 550 because I admittedly lost count at one point), and the cheapest I've seen someone charge per-word is 9 cents a pop, which would be... What the fuck, $49.50?

Let's say $40?
Definitely doable for the first comic thing
I'd be down if you're down
I'm definitely down for it, it might take me a little while (i.e a few days) to set up a payment system and all that, since technically it'd be way more convenient for me to be paid in Yen and all that shit (so technically you'd pay me 4,000 yen, which I actually think is cheaper but I could be wrong).

Any specific timeframe you want it done in? If you want it done sooner I can definitely speed up my procrastinating ass
I don't want to take you away from anything you doing right now, but I can send you the money anytime you need and if it's not too intensive of a translation job and getting it done in like a week is cool
I could get it started almost immediately, the biggest hurdle is the payment conversion. Do you know of any PayPal-esque site that let you choose what mode of currency you can pay in? Actually, does PayPal do that already?
Oh, that I have no idea about
I could do either PayPal or venmo, or any other service really if I sign up for it.
Alright, well I gotta git, but according to my wife once I set up a PayPal here in Japan any payment I get will by default will be converted into Yen, so I'm gonna get to work setting up that now. Once I get the e-mail and all that set up I'll post in the thread with all the deets.
File: IMG_20170916_190951.jpg (923KB, 1944x2592px) Image search: [Google]
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OK I busted out some paper for this to make it neater. Each square represents a block, and obviously I don't think that the spaces on the side streets are quite as small as I drew them, that's just to make it easier to fit them all together.
So essentially this is what I think Pack Street looks like Layout-wise.
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