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ERP Thread Morning wood edition Previous lewd thread: >>1148555

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Thread replies: 117
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ERP Thread
Morning wood edition

Previous lewd thread: >>1148555
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Miyafuji reporting in!
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The doctor is in~
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は ぁ 。 。 。最後にもう一度だけ。。。
Too early in the morning for people to get their willy waxed.
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>He nuzzled your cheek before kissing you all over your face repeatedly. He stopped a moment and looked at you with a meek smile.
I'm sorry I've been gone for so long...but-
>He interrupted himself with a long kiss on your lips before he hugged you tightly again.
I'm here for you know~!

Hiya Valentine!
Oh, I didn't expect to find a fellow fairy here.
Excuse me for not introducing myself earlier, I am Luna Child, Member of the three fairies of light and professional mischief artist.
Well well looks like I wasn't the only cutie who ended up coming back~
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Oh I am ClownPiece the hell fairy!
I live on the moon and cause mischief too!
Nice to meet you Luna Child I hope we can be good friends
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Sleepy loli reporting in~

>Giggled and looked away shyly
Yeah, I decided to stop typing like that because a lot of people didn't like it, but that doesn't matter!
Valley, you're back~!
>She was bouncing up and down with newly found energy seeing her old friend back
I left to find something but only really got some cereal bar...maybe I should eat some more
>A wide smile appeared on her face
It's like she was waiting for us to speak about her senpai~!
>Miyafuji blushed wildly from the assault of smooches barraging her face all the while smiling profoundly.
Hahaha, it tickles Mizuki!~
>The pressed long kiss surprised Miyafuji, she quickly crossed her arms behind your back embracing the sweetness of it all.
Ehehe, I don't even really know where to start.
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>He blushed from your kind words while he fidgeted and avoided looking you in the eyes.
You're really nice Valentine...I missed you a lot.

Ehehe sorry I couldn't help myself from kiss such a cutie.
>He nuzzled your neck before resting his head on your shoulder and letting out a long sigh of relief.
As long as we get to be like this every now and then I'll be happy~
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You cause mischief too. This is beginning to look like the start of a beautiful friendship already!
Excuse me again but it's getting late and I should be heading to dream land, I'll be sure to be around often so we can play some pranks here.
>She just shook her head denying the little wide smile on her own face
Tsk, you got cucked by these people? Do i need to remind them of the tough 'Zuzu I had before?~
>She knelt down until giving a little cutesy boop on her nose...before grabbing her tightly in her arms
Missed you too silly.
I missed you too Mizu!~ What you been up to <3
>She ruffled his hair before pulling him close into a side hug <3
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You go and do that, I'll only molest you a little bit while you sleep!
I hope we can have more adventures while you are awake too, see you later luna
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If that's the case then she's truly a nurse ready for the needs of people.~
I aspire to become if even a bit more like her then.
Too bad I can't share some of my sweets, but before that I'd fill your mouth with apples and bananas for vitamins!

H-have you gained a bit while you've been gone?
>Miyafuji slid her left hand across your back, coming to a stop over your butt cheek before pinching in with the ever so familiar touch she used to make on it.
Just joking.~
I'd be certainly more happy if you'd be sliightly more attentive to the people here.
>She said a bit of pout drawn on her face.
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>She pouted up at you for a moment before your boop made contact with her delicate nose forcing another bright smile to appear. A cheer escaped her lips as you hugged her
I'm just glad to have you back senpai!
How have you been Valley? I assume you helped other people out for awhile since you were gone so long~
I'd love some green apples or a banana right now, but I think I'm going to have to make some more instant noodles until the end of the month
At least it's nice and quick~
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>He thought for a moment before his face turned a bright red. He buried his face in your side as he giggled.
Ehehe n-nothing much...

Uuu...I'm sorry Miyafuji~
>He wiggled in your lap after you pinched him while giving your cheek a kiss.
I-I'll be sure to come around more often then...

(Ugu I have something I wanted to do for a while and this might be my only chance! I'll be back in a while...Love you guys <3)
>She scooped her right into her arms, picking her up a bit....before plopping down into the ground and letting Anzu sit up in her lap, looking down at her with a cheerful smile
Im glad to be back, the anons were so welcome last night, and now you're here too~
Ive been a little busy with studies and stuff, but I've been getting back into "helping" people~
( Bye!~
>''Green apples'', Miyafuji said out loud before turning her lips into a twist.
Yuck, I don't like em, but that's why we have so many different sorts available, hehe.
I've never done instant noodles myself to be honest, how do they taste like?
And there he goes again.
>Miyafuji sighed deeply but returned to her smile.
Take care Mizu and be safe.~
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>She wiggled a bit on your lap as she found the comfiest spot she could get, eventually stopping and gazing up at her friend with a loving smile
I haven't been doing anything as usual~! Sleeping and playing fighting games mostly, leveling in WoW again since I jumped onto another new server~
I hope your studies are going well senpai!
>Giggled at Miya's reaction
I only like green apples because they taste a bit sour, red ones are too sweet for me I feel like
Instant noodles taste...alright I suppose, definitely good enough to eat every day. The main reason I get them is because of how cheap they are so I can buy a lot!
Not me. That's for sure.
Hello Miss Valentine. How are you doing today?
>...She grins seeing that gaze right on her, before giving a playful lick to her nose to disorient~
You best be dunking on all of those losers to show youre the best around~
And yeah they've been going good, though I hope I dont get too out of practice~
Im good anon~ A little busy but good, how about you dear anon?~
Eating instant ramen every day is like reaaaalllllyyyy bad for you.
Just woke up. Figured I come on see if there was anyone cool online. Luckily I ran into you.
Thats true. She already gets a lot of salt from fighting games~
Oh but if youre online, then thats two cool people here~
Good morning/afternoon
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>As you licked her nose her face twitched for a moment along with a bright pink blush.
>She nodded happily
You know I'm beating them up! I still haven't battled anyone in thread in SF3 and lost! A-Although I don't get to battle too many anons...
>She let out an honest sigh
Well, you gotta eat what you can afford senpai, I eat white rice too but that's boarder line it sadly
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>She gives a little smirk and gives a nice slow kiss right on that wet nose!~
Who do you main in SF3? I'm sure there aren't any lolis sadly...~
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Haha, you're wweet. So what are you up to? Got any plans for today?
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>Her blush got brighter, but she looked away almost shamefully before she spoke
I...I play Ken, I used to play Ryu but I was told to try out Ken since he was really good and now I can only play him
I can play Dudley in SF4 now though!
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Please assume the position!
Good morning, how are you today miss?
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...What is this?
Red beans and rice is pretty affordable and filling. Maybe try that?
Pretty good. Just ate dinner.
I should learn a little for exam, but I'm too lazy to do it.

And how are you?

Hello. I guess.
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I got a chem test in about 8 hours but until then...I think im doing good for some....medical examinations~
>With that opportunity, she gives a devilish smile and gives her exposed ear a bite down, nibbling it inbetween her words
Heh that sounds how my mains in Smash work
Oh SF4? I used to main Juri and Hakan there!~
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Hmm.... Haven't seen you for a while now. Valentine is it?
Good. Just killing some time before I go to bed.

Aren't you the one learning programming and AI constructs?
That's good. What kind of... medical examinations? Can you show me?
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Yeah, I was having these exams recently.

But now I'm learning for something different. I'm learning agriculture stuff.
Not my thing, but unfortunately I have exam from this.
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I'll look into it anon, thanks!
>She let out a shaky yelp, trembling for a moment before trying to calm down
N-Not there Valley, I'm sensitive there...
>She took in a deep breath, her face still a bright pink as she spoke
We should play SF4 or something sometime senpai!
Yes I am Valentine but, I dont recall ever meeting you, a shame, you seem like the type of person a girl should get to know very soon~
Oh you know...physical inspections...If I got into it I'd have to lose all that time dear~
I know~ I examined you my self didn't I?~
>She gives a little satisfied hum as her whispers press on your ear, nibbling all along the edge of your ear, her tongue just poking right at it
Mmm too bad I did end up selling it...Maybe I could pick up SF5~
Oh right. Gotcha. I think I was talking to you about that a couple of days ago. You said you did really well on 2 exams and were waiting on the 3rd.

By the way, what's your name if you don't mind that I ask.
I don't think I follow. would losing all that be bad though? Haha
>Valentine plays Juri
My diiiiiick

(Any chance of you ever getting into private mail sessions again~?)
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I dont have that time heh~ Later tonight though, promise?~
Yeah, it was me. Thankfully the 'bad' exams are over. And on the last exams isn't that hard, only there is a lot material to learn.

Name is Erza~
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What is that suppose to mean? The name is Alex Mercer by the way.
Hehehe...I'm always up for the fun characters~
I'm honestly shocked there's so much fan art of prototype, what gives
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(I know its pretty incredible)
Awesome, I look forward to it! Thanks Valentine, you're the best Skullgirl ever!
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>A shy smile appeared on her face for a moment before she let out another shaky gasp feeling your soft lips press against her ear, shivering and holding you more tightly than before
R-Right, you know what you're doing, you're a really kind nurse...
>Her body started to relax a bit more in your embrace

I already got SF5 on lock on steam right now, the online actually looks decent plus I can play with people on PS4
If you brought Juri into these threads I don't think I'd be able to handle it~
Well hey, I'm rooting for you! Kick as much ass as possible!

And nice to meet you Erza! That's a pretty name. Not to to mention that's also a nice shirt.
Was this game some big hit in japan or something

I really don't understand, it was pretty niche here in the west I feel
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Im here to deliver the goods~
Mysterious, dark, brooding...You look just my type~
Is it really kind that I'm just teasing you all the time~
>She gave a little giggle under her breath, wrapping her arms around her tight and squeezing tighter, snaking her fingers in to give a little itty bitty tickle~
Oh I wish I got Sf5 on my steam! But I have no money to buy something that new heh...
Hmmm I think I'll stick with Valentine for now, until my popularity ramps up a little back to how it used to be~
Go to bread Mako
Are you the same juri I was suppose to bully before?
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Psh if I played Juri then everyone else would get bullied~
Thank you~ I'm planning to~

Thanks you for compliment too~
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(I don't know to be honest, but it was enjoyable to play)
Is that so? I'm glad to hear....
Excuse me but i'm not the type that talks much....
Hey, you know what happened to that ninja woman that i left here a while agO
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>She fidgeted for a few moments but ended up smiling up at you with an innocent and cheerful look
I'm sure there is a good reason behind it, so yes, you are still very kind Valley!
>Her grip around you tightened as she hugged you as hard as she could, which wasn't rather strong

You could get lucky and have an anon buy you it on steam for you like me~
I abused her for a bit, tazed her ass after she stabbed me, and now she is locked inside a cage at my house.
did you return the favor to that anon with sexual action
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Seems like you two had a lovely time together. I would have loved to see that myself. Please don't let her out. Atleast not yet. She's probably going to kill me. Not that she ever will succeed.
Only because I like seeing you blush~
>...She smirks right at that innocent smile and gives it the smallest of kisses, before laying her nose right against her hair, snuggling it awfully warmly~
Mmm heh maybe, I dont know how generous these anons are, im still content teasing the hell out of you here~
You're welcome! Anytime Erza.

Out of curiosity, you're not into any lewd sessions, are you?
A little busy right now. Sorry.

Maybe in about 2-3 hours.

(Or you could ask for Skype or soemthing like this~)
Don't you mean get bullied by until you become cunt licking pet?
>not letting juri have her way with you, acting like a cute pet, then mid way through role reversing her, breaking her into a submissive slut forcing her to cum against her will.
Do you even know what I enjoy senpai?
No worries. Whatever works for you. Skype could work, or I could try to catch you again on here later.
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>Do you even know what I enjoy senpai?
Too many obscure things.
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>Not just accepting your pet status and pawing at the feet of the master who gives you the tiniest bit of attention
Its like you dont even want that good life
I should have known you'd try something like that. Now I'm prepared for when I finally do use Juri like I said.
Well, then we try next time~
I'm not so submissive I'd enjoy being owned by someone. Quite the opposite I'd either enjoy a constant fight for dominance each night or just forcing them to be my pet.

Both are fine
No idea what you are talking about hun, just go play juri~
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Im fine with a fight~
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I feel awesome <3
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Welcome back um.... Peach?
And why is that?
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College/Birthday, Duh!
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Oh yeah.... How silly of me....
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Just for you peachy I will start drinking on your birthday!
Good Juri wouldn't just submit without a fight after all, I'd be disappointed if she did.
Happy Birthday! How's it feel to be a legal adult?
Now thats not kosher anon. Two many feet.
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Miyafuji - em.jpg
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Happy birthday Peach!!~
Well then, for you, Mrs. Satan, I'll gladly massage more than just your feet.
Oh anon...What else will you massage hmm?~
Just look at those wonderful breasts, I would love to massage them. Maybe if you spread your legs wide for me, I'll massage your pussy too...
>likes this
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Massage them with those rough hard hands....get me all pent up and hot?~
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>She giggled for a moment before your gentle kiss silenced her for a moment, melting in your arms.
>A deep sigh escaped her lips along with a smile
It's nice to have you back Valley, you're the best at making me feel warm...
>She wiggled more and got comfier in your arms

(Just got back from helping a friend, gotta go back and help some more though)
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Of course, I'd love pleasuring a wonderfully wicked angel like yourself. Now should i help you out of those high heels or that sexy nurse outfit?

>rubs feet
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Foxy! <3

Thank you Miyafuji~

Me too!

It's ok, I don't really mind <3
>She finds herself a quiet place to peacefully read some pages of her book
Mmm you make me warmer silly~
( See you~ )
Psh I am innocent, promise~ But that nurse outfit I'm wearing does get awfully tight on my chest and ass...~
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>He smiled a bit
Always so cheerful...
You like to read alot don't you?
I wouldn't mind if you took it off, you should feel comfortable as I wrap my tender hands around your soles
ay gurl u wnt sum fug?
>She raised the book to her face and slowly pulled it down so it only let him see her eyes, her lips trembling to find a response to the sudden interruption
I...yes, I do.
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A little odd to come read at places like this i would say. Perhaps you are seeking more than just entertainment from your book?
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I thought I'd show up for a bit!

Careful, there.
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Oh my...what woman could resist?
Why would you say that?
>She let the book slip down and wrapped her arms around it, trying to keep her cool, although she was rather nervous to talk
What did...what's wrong with just reading here
Don't you worry about me, I'll just sit down here and rub your feet so well your pussy will start getting wet
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People usually come here to fuck to get their sexual lust satisfied... Nevermind... What are you reading?
Thread posts: 117
Thread images: 82

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