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Haha I hate myself No edition edition

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Thread replies: 333
Thread images: 125

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Haha I hate myself

No edition edition
This is all the proof we need that Habits is set in Georgia.
Although Clem's species' scientific name had me thinking it was in Virginia.
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It's the only proof we have of it being any actual location at all. There's not a single mention of a specific state or city otherwise.
same comic, the classmate they're hating on is "transferring to tech" aka Georgia Tech. Id say habits is in north GA
plus the author lives in ga.
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There's a shit ton of tech schools out there.

Honestly the fact that they mention grits is pretty indicative just because out west people usually don't know what grits are let alone eat it. Knowing where they are is about as useful as knowing the exact time and date each comic takes place though, it's just not that relevant to the narrative.
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We using this one? Let's use this one.
Why does getting removed and blocked by a friend hurt so much brehs
what happened
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cause you thought they liked you? or just being rejected in general
all the time and effort you invested into building trust and confiding your feelings and identity to a person suddenly became in vain
I guess
I'm completely baffled as to what I did that would warrant that sort of reaction I mean the last thing the guy said before he removed me was that I was nice
i think it was shirmp and grits, yeah? what the fuck youre just going to eat the shirmp? are they not cool enough to be /possum/? where is this arbirary species line drawn?
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Household pets and woodland critters apparently qualify.

A bird or a fish trash person would be way dumb and carnivores still have to eat without it getting weird I guess.
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It was. I'm from Virginia and I'd never heard of shrimp and grits until this comic. I've heard of grits plenty and eat them a lot, but mixing shrimp in them sounds like a coastal deep south thing. I need to try it sometime.
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suddenly, gay lizards

haha you'd think feeling like you don't exist would make it hard to hate yourself but it's surprisingly easy
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There's like two separate threads for lizards, and no less than an entire grocery list worth of gay threads.

This is the depressed mammal thread, stay focused now.
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staying focused is not what i am good at

but um

i found this
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That's adequate levels of trash and mammal. Thank you.
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You know that feeling when you get a good night's sleep for the first time in a week but you still feel like crap anyway? Got that going on right now.
You know that feeling when you get quads? [Spoiler] I don't [/spoiler]
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Haha i hate myself less than a few months ago
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>i think that cider i had last night is my new favourite cider
>hey there's still some left in this can
>there's cider everywhere pic related
are you a girl
it was scrumpy but no, I'm a possum, there are no girls on the internet
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is it a girl's drink in america? because in the uk it's a drink for old men and alcoholics, and we make some strong shit.
As an aspiring alcoholic I consider anything under 35% a girls drink
Percentage or proof?
Also, what dou you have against a cold beer as a refreshing beverage?
I'm just bullshitting. Personally I only consume vodka, and beer.
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stop post
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In the US cider is usually about as alcoholic as a light beer or those fruity flavored malt beers so yeah it's pretty girly.

We've only got like a fuckton of breweries making beer, like 5000 or so, so it's pretty girly to drink the most casual and accessible alcoholic drinks available. It's funny that Europeans think we exclusively produce and consume the cheap pisswater stuff and while that's fairly common it isn't the rule by a long shot.
huh what percentage are those light beers? mild here is about 2 to 3%
my cider was 6% but I usually drink 7.5% corner shop piss cider.... now have i got something for you, possums ... check this out
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literal trash palace
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>>11426591 .
O damn. Nice
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I swear to fuck, it wasn't just one building, it was complex after complex of about 30 (thirty!!!) buildings in total. most still have fireplaces, simply add a roof and you've got possumville
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translation: Sons of the flame
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dunno if you can tell but in the foreground of this picture there is a sealed plastic bottle, of what appears to be very old piss or orange juice which has it's own ecosystem going on inside
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obligatory doom fortress
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someone had a car here once
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unicorn graffiti
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Light beers are like 3.5%-5%. A good strong one will be in that 6%-8.5% range and I don't actually know if I've seen something under that as it seems like a complete waste of time.

This would be my trash tower of choice if I wanted to be a squatter in wherever the fuck that is. The clock face makes it so cool. At least we've got a real life trash town where anarchy meets hippies meets a bunch of self governing RVs and shacks in the middle of some fucking desert.
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each one of those "pillars" is a chimney leading to a fireplace in a room, in a large complex of maybe 10 rooms like that. this was one of atleast 3 similar complexes we found.
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Come for the permanent flea market/garage sale, stay for the weirdly christian specific art painted onto anything they can slap paint on.
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Just in case you forgot how much god is love.
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It's not getting weird or uncomfortable at all. That truck doesn't run but can you imagine that bad boy overtaking you on a desert highway?
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and I'll leave you with this, targets I found in the trash palace, featuring a crow and something vaguely rodenty, in trash.
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>tfw you'll never know true freedom that these people have even over other Americans
>freedom to be really, really sunburned
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Last one I'll post, there's plenty more if you feel the need to google what true freedom looks like.
Man y'all find some cool shit. I need to get out of the suburbs and find a place to wander around
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Do it. Urban exploration is a decisively possum thing to get into, just don't get murdered by a homeless person or spooky ghosts who are freaking out because you wandered into their space.

To chime in, I blocked everyone on my phone last year cause I am a POS. I also moved without telling anyone so no one could find me.

Could be he just hates himself.
The fact that more than one character LIKES grits tells you it's in the south
This is a very good point.
Good job bennet you belong in the trash
Good job man, I've been working on hating myself less too
Also it tastes like foot and wine instead of booze.
These pics are amazing man
is it normal to always be treated like the "bad guy"?

Like, ever since you can remember, feeling universally singled out and held to stricter standards, and then being the wrong/irrational/out-of-line one for standing up for yourself?
It's possible you have a victim complex.
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>interested in writing children's literature
>sign up for children's literature class to fill a lit requirement
>class begins
>Professor says we need to designate a child to read to weekly and blog about it and them
>there are literally zero children in my life
>I'm not even associates with anyone who has children
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>Suffer from xboxhueg self hatred
>Person I hanged out many times took pictures of me in secret and without permission
>Told them to stop doing that multiple times
>Now they keep sending me pictures of me randomly and constantly grossing me out
>And also sometimes blackmails me with shit if I don't hang out with her or other stuff
>"But ur cute so I'm gonna take more pictures of u in the future ^^"
>She keeps getting even more stalkerish and even more red flags keep popping out
>Can't drop her from my life because she goes to the same group therapy session as me, has my phone number and found out herself where I actually live and I fear I will actually get murdered in my sleep

You possums told me to ignore the red flags and hang out with her more
It's getting out of hand
You did this
I shouldn't have listened
I want to die, but I don't want to die by getting murdered by a psycho person
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You're the master of your own life, not anons in possum threads. I personally would have told you not to stick dick in crazy as that sounds a lot like BPD. Anyways, follow the process to get a restraining order and move if you really feel the need to. Buying a new phone is also easy to do.
maybe, I don't know whether to get rid of this feeling or utilize it to develop extreme self-reliance

I know it's irrational but it feels all too real
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If I slit my wrists or hung myself in the doorway right now I would be die before anyone would notice.
I have no reason to keep on living now.
You have the brief moment of happiness that is sleep and rush of ecstasy that is an orgasm to live for anon.
That and tasty ice cream or your favorite food.
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What's up, guy?
Ice cream
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Believe in me who believes in you, Anon!
But seriously, what's good?
I made myself gay, or at least deleted my straightity through copious amounts of exposing to gfur, because I thought I had fallen in love with someone online, but it turns out I'm not really gay, actually kind of disgusted by most of it.

If I ever had a chance of laying with a female, I definitely don't have a chance with a guy. Real life gays are the opposite of virgins apparently.
You mean you're disgusted by pounding tight boipuss?
The human, real life version of it.
Now I can't sleep with a girl either, if I ever found one.
Just find you a nice trap anon and make sure they clean up their butt before sex stuff and I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself.
Well, I'm kind of biased on this, but, women are kind of shitty people, so no real loss there honestly.
You say "most of it", what's that mean exactly?
Cause I'm not exactly into rl dudes either for the most part, besides specifics.
Is it like, naked dudes that's kind of a gross thing? Cause that's where this fuckin hella thing called clothed sex comes in and makes everything so much better.
The fantasy of fucking your furry twink best friend in the butt after beating him at video games appealing, but real human gays are probably the most disgusting people I can think of.
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regarding possible victim complex, do you take responsibility for your problems in life? or blame others? guess which one means you have a victim complex.
Then maybe ERP is for you.
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thanks possum, I've got a few more but this covers pretty much all the bases. I can't believe there's an entire abandoned village out there.

From the signs you can probably guess it's wales so I have no problem saying that in wales, I have found many abandoned derelict buildings like these just outside every little village or near every abandoned mine.

But this .... this was an entire village, a ghost town.
whenever I try to trace one of my issues back to where it originated, most of them tend to lead back to my parents, particularly my mother.


how ever

Some things trace back to myself, for example my loss of friends and lack of motivation, as well as numerous things I've said and/or done to people before, and I assign fault accordingly. I know I have faults even though sometimes I have a hard time pinpointing what exactly they are
oh yeah possum, right on the money there. lemme break it down for you, your parents made you, not just physically but psychologically by how they raised you. you have 1203857082573 times greater self-awareness than the "normies". that's the first step to fixing things, awareness of the problem.

like me, crippling social anxiety, depression, shitty habits- all traceable back to negative examples i learned from my shitty family. Do I blame them? yes, realistically, but now, knowing that, i take responsibility for my own actions and the results of them. For example, the hangover i will have tomorrow morning, totally my responsibility, i have chosen to drink every night this week because i am depressed and wanted a break from it, i could have chosen not to, but i didn't. haha, i hate myself :) but i take responsibility, realistically.
>i have chosen to drink every night this week
aww yis where my other drinkin possums? got some IPA and gonna maybe stumble to a gay bar to shoot pool and slut it up
I have a handle of crown I expect to be empty within a few days
Man, I wish I lived by a gay bar. They sound like interesting places.
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What cigarettes do you possums smoke?
yeah it's kind of like in jurassic park, "I don't blame people for their mistakes but I do ask that they pay for them" or something like that. Past a certain point it doesn't really matter who started it, the damage is already done, might as well start the repairing process

i would if I could, but I got sick from it last time and now the taste of liquor instantly makes me drool and gag and want to puke
I do no drugs aside from occasional drinking
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I might try other kinds
totally can be, the divey ones are the best. dirty, cheap drinks, drag queens, gogo dancers, drugs, buttsex in bathrooms. the upscale ones get on my nerves

I pick them out of ashtrays, like a whitman sampler of cancer, and maybe herpes

yuck i hate that, it took me a few years to be able to drink whiskey after abusing the fuck out of it one night
Literal russian mouth cancer
But shit it is cheap
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>tfw I get mine for $4.50 a pack
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>home alone for the weekend for the first time in my life

wat do possums?
Whatever you usually do, but with peace and quiet.
walk around buck ass naked
This but also nude. It feels weird at first, but it's really liberating to not have to close the bathroom door,
Put phallic shaped household items in your boipucci. Put them back without washing
I don't; I'm already very overweight and sedentary; if I started smoking I'd cross the line from 'unhealthy lifestyle' into 'waging war on my own internal organs'.

My brother's always "borrowing" money from me for his smokes, though. He rolls his own.
Quit, but used to smoke Marlboro Reds for abour 2 years. I dunno what people go on about, giving up smoking was the easiest shit I've ever done.
My grandma apparently had a very easy time giving up smoking, too, back in the fifties or whenever it was they found out cigarettes are super bad for you.

I suppose it must be a genetic thing.
It's odd though, cause my mum and real dad I never met both have been life long smokers. Maybe I just had a high tolerance to nicotine because I grew up around it all the time.

Really I recommend everyone tries quiting every now and then, it looks cool as fuck but the cost is just retarded these days and it'll only keep going up. As gay as it is, if your just smoking for the nicotine a vaporiser might be worth getting to save money.
>first time in your life
are you under 16 or is it time for story time about your dysfunctional relationship with your parents?
Not him, but I was about 17 before I was ever home alone. My mum didn't work so she was home nearly all the time.
I guess I can finally put my music thru speakers for once


kek might try that

Eww das gay and gross anon

>tfw 23

nope it's just that there's always been somebody home in a span of 48 hours. My parents and brother went to the beach for 5 days. It just feels so weird
Get drunk/high, order a pizza, and watch cartoons.
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Yeah let's separate another thread topic and make one just for posting reptiles while depressed, and one for birds and fish.
Because I and others totally want these threads to be stretched thin of posters and instantly die.
No, please, let's only have the same three shit clem reaction images again in these threads, I bet it'll be just as great as the twenty thousandth time. Yes please let's put filters on the gross one and the memes one so we can post them even more.
>Because I and others totally want these threads to be stretched thin of posters and instantly die.
I do want that though.
Cause once these threads die forever I can finally stop having to come to /trash/.

Granted I want the death to be natural and hopefully end when everyone doesn't need to come here anymore.
I mostly just didn't want porn up in here because the entire board already has a metric fuckton of porn going around. Also this thread has had 34 posters so far instead of the usual 60 or 80, these series of threads have long since passed their prime and the comic dying is really what killed the comfy and it isn't going to come back.
Yeah sorry for the sarcasm, I don't really want porn spammed here either. I just like reptiles sometimes especially non-sexually
haha I hate myself again
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same but blacks
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>tfw the C02 powered actual HK NO COMPROMISE branded MP5 at the pawnshop got sold out before i sniped it

i just want to shoot faster than i live
I say there's nothing like chainsmoking gpc cigarettes, cause any smokes will kill ya, but these will make ya feel like it
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>C02 powered

It only costs like 2.5k to own a gunpowder powered one. and you can literally drop a grand off of that price if you're cool with a clone that doesn't have 'HK' on it. It's literally harder to get a real deal USP with a suppressor just because more paperwork and waiting is involved.
>It only costs like 2.5k
the BB model is like 150$ and nonrestricted in every country ever so i dont need a safe or license for it and can shoot it in an alley

[spoiler]also im military so theres yearly shoots with M16 knockoffs anyway to get my fill of sexy actual ball ammo[/spoiler]
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Oh are you European or something?

I sometimes forget that not everyone can just buy basically any gun imaginable on the internet and have it shipped to their local licensed dealer of choice for transfer. Full auto, suppressors, and short barreled rifles/shotguns are a little harder to acquire but it really is just $200 some paperwork and waiting some undetermined number of months for the ATF to get back to you.

Even in America not everyone has the privilege to just wander into the woods or a desert for a few hours to shoot guns freely. Damn I'm privileged.

licenses are trivially easy to get (my yankee immigrant friend has one even!) but living in a city just makes it not practical to get a real gun. i dont drive, ranges are far, it's just a big pain in the ass to have a real gun. even if i could get one at wal mart with nothing but a medicare card, it'd still not be worth it since I just dont wanna go through the rigamarole of going to a place with a safe backdrop

like, the time of just taking the bus out is not worth it in terms of sheer enjoyment; id rather have the literal toy i can pop cans off a fence with behind my apartment, its just that much easier

plus an HK branded BB gun that doesnt even break 400fps would make /k/ so very very upset and thats worth something on its own
Ah, that's a shame because you guys get some really good deals on chinese and russian import shit that us burgers have to pay out the nose to get. At least you do get to shoot real guns occasionally, airsoft is cool and all but the coolest things cost as much as actual guns in America so it quickly becomes less worth it if you're rural and can literally shoot off of your back porch anyways.
like i said, licenses are trivial to get, i just dont want one because i live in the city and it's just impractical

guns themselves are about the same price and the license itself is 80bux for five years iirc, its literally less than a passport (a passport is like 120 for 5 years iirc)
im afraid to own a gun cause i think id snap one day and off myself haha
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It just makes your daily life more interesting is all.
if you don't have to use it it's a good day
I think shooting yourself is the easiest way out, but one of the most selfish ones cause others have to scrape your brains off the wall.
Thoughts are free, who can guess them?
They fly by like nocturnal shadows.
No man can know them, no hunter can shoot them
with powder and lead: Thoughts are free!
youre not helping
hey, coroners have to make a living my dude
how do you deal with identity crisis
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By not having a real sense of self and getting like way depersonalized because disassociation is rad and nothing feels real and oh god please make this miserable existence more manageable
kill me daddy
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can we all be horribly fucked up together

remember my rhyme suicidal possums; You can buy a bottle of happiness for 2 pound 69, remember that before you take your life and then you'll feel fine.
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Couldn't sleep at all last night. Almost fell asleep, but then anxiety kicked in bad. Like, just lying there and I start panicking over something, but have no idea what it is. I'm just glad I don't have anything to do today.

I tell myself to stop being such a bitch. It hasn't worked yet, but maybe one day.
>dealing with things

haha alcohol
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Anyone have plans for the weekend?
Writing maybe, otherwise just compulsively fishing for complements on a discord server populated by degenerates similar to myself. Video games?
how do you deal with being a boy
I resent women and occasionally pride myself on whatever positive masculine traits my lardass still posesses. Really my dude, it's not something most good boys have to deal with. What I don't understand is how women cope with the instinctual drive to be such evil cunts.
i do not like my masculine features
Step 1: Be glad you never have to give birth
Step 2: There is no step 2
thats not normal for a guy to want i guess
It's not like girls have to give birth either.
maayybe i wanna
my tinnitus worsened lately. I can hear the ringing even though there's a relatively loud ambient noise in my room. haha im starting to go crazy
However you want to deal with it. There are countless ways of being a man.
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maybe take the train to meet a friend in another town if he has time. anyone here ever drink absinthe? i wanna try some sometime
Riding out Irma and praying to God I don't have a gigantic panic attack. Haha.
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apparently the proper way to do it is to slowly drip water over a sugar cube on a spoon, into the glass of absinthe untill it turns white/cloudy.

good luck possum, no idea what advice i can give except for; i hope you have a basement to hide in.
Think about who you'd like to be and start approaching that ideal starting with the simplest, easiest tasks.

You want to picture yourself living a perfect life, and be aware you won't be able to achieve that goal overnight. But what you CAN achieve overnight is an easy, managable fraction of that goal. Your perfect self would have a made bed, and he would have the dishes done, a clean room, a clean house, etc. In other words, start small, tend to the other basic requirements of clean, healthy survival. Deal with the problems you KNOW you can handle, and which you KNOW you should be handling. This also includes avoiding the things you KNOW you should be avoding, and which you KNOW you're capable of avoiding.

Then, get into practice doing that every day, all the time. You'll get a little bit stronger and you can go from "no personal identity" to "my identity at least includes keeping my damn room clean." Then you can move on to slightly harder goals, and you'll get a little stronger again. And so on.
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My plan is to drink this
We ain't got basements down here. Thanks for the sentiment though
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this is some good advice right here, I'm going to start taking it right after I am done with that big bottle of cider.
But seriously... that's how to stop hating ourselves.
Absinthe literally tastes like liquid black licorice and it's gross.

Also no, you won't hallucinate or any of the other dumb shit attributed to absinthe it's literally just shitty flavored liquor.
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dubs trips dubs, it must be true, also, i have had it he is right unfortunately.

Just do some fuckin shrooms if you want to halucinate, atleast 40 individual shrooms. you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll see psychedelic technicolor possums everywhere, it'll change your life.
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any of you possums eating delicious unhealthy food AND getting drunk tonight?
had a burger and chips not that long ago, funnily enough
not going to get drunk though
partly because I have no alcohol, partly because I don't see the appeal of getting drunk
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Drugs are way more appealing but alcohol can be bought anywhere for pocket change.

I vaguely remember some dude saying that nobody would drink alcohol if it was as difficult to get as drugs worth doing.
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>I don't see the appeal of getting drunk
are you even a possum? do you hate yourself or what?
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>nobody would drink alcohol if it was as difficult to get as drugs worth doing.

when heroin and opiates were legal they cost like 10% of what they do now, so you could be addicted and it wouldn't ruin your life. way to go, law.
suck it johnny, I've got chips and cider, fuck you!!!
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aw no one else drinking tonight? I'll rave ALONE alone then :(
Work both days. Maybe drinking Sunday night. Probably drinking Sunday night.

God damn. I wish I could buy 3L bottles of booze. Never having to refill my cup sounds like the best way to drink.
i have work tomorrow and I'm drinking that bottle of booze. probably not all of it though.
Why can't you buy 3L bottles of booze?
I've never seen a 3L bottle of booze. The biggest I've seen, that wasn't hard liquor, is like a 40oz malt liquor. I don't like anything remotely like beer, but I can deal with some ciders.

Now, no offense, but that doesn't look like the highest quality cider.
got a huge portion of red thai curry earlier, dunno if that counts as unhealthy.
got some southern comfort and some beer. playing that new pve mode in lol as a group of 5 with friends
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my guy. it does.

>Now, no offense, but that doesn't look like the highest quality cider.
You're probably right. but here's the thing .... it doesn't taste like piss. I've seriously had worse
this is where my rave is at now
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had too many chips and cider, feeling barfy.
consume harder alcohol
not sure that will make me less barfy, what have the studies shown? and of course by "the" i mean "possums" and by "studies" i mean "excessive drinking".
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maybe eat something with more of a basis
maybe the cider is making you feel a bit "full"
drink till it gets better
>begun hating the person I fell in love with because I can't have them while still loving them

define have
butt secks
do they just not want it or is there some other roadblock there
ok plan formulated, executing.
also works for >>11447344
>drink till it gets better
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an ocean and she's already with someone
>when you're in a group call and they're borderline phone sexing
discord was a mistake
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Just make sure you know your limit before you get comatose. Till then, raise your glass, and may >>11447165 raise his ass
shit, that's rough buddy.
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i took a shit and now my butthole is bleeding
This is my number one tip to you guys. POOP. WITH. THE. LIGHTS. OFF.
don't worry, I'm a professional, i just got a few shots of vodka for fixing my housemate's cupboard
but how do you know when to quit wiping?
That's the trick, you go for the two safety wipes and then jump straight into an already on shower.
Basic episemology.
idea: ruined.
Easy, achive omnipotence first, then you will always know
>inb4 he doesnt know how to achive omnipotence
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peronsally i just do a butt wash after each poop session.
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Join the club, broski. My ass has been bleeding while shitting since my sophomore year of highschool. So, basically a decade.
>wipe twice, maybe smearing shit in unpredictable ways, however unlikely
>try to reach for handle, fucker where are you? okay
>get up and walk like a mummy with downsyndrome in the dark
>forget the counter is that far over
>stub toe FUCK
>loose balance oh shit oh shit
>reach out for support
>grab shower curtain, take it down with you
>land painfully in way too hot water

nah senpai, i know a subtle troll when i see one

i got my five year token today. think a combination of alcoholism and sitting on flaccid dicks did it for me. how about you?
Other than being afraid to say the word cute for the first decade or two of my life it doesn't affect me much. No periods or abortions. I dunno gender is really unimportant to me.
Visiting my family with my girlfriend and going to a concert
Wear makeup.
I'm not trolling you. Keep the door open by just a sliver and you'll have enough light anyways.
Huge weather like tornados freak me the fuck out too. Not uncommon. Infind deep breaths are helpful even if they are a cliche
Well, one day I took a shit that was too big. It made my asshole bleed. After that, shitting would re-tear the wound open. Repeat for a decade.

>anal fissures
>not even once

It's not always bad. If I have small poops for a long enough time, it will heal until I have another one that is too big. Maybe I should just stretch my asshole out.
There's a different mental effect than normal liquor, but not hugely. More lucid. But yeah no fairies or anything
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damn, i think thats actually happening to me too, without realizing it. i guess the only solution is to become huge analsluts?
Just let her go man. The resentment will fade.
>different mental effect

Bullshit, it's literally nothing and all the stories came from a really long ass time ago when people made it with god knows what. It's just a waste of time honestly.

t. an alcohol
Wear makup inside
I think the solution is eat smaller meals and shit more often.
Lol I drink all the time and proper absinthe make a your brain feel different than just some grain alcohol will. Either way it's not important, live and let live dude.
anon, im trying to justify realizing my hidden desires. just please let me have this
Lucky for you the solution tonot being an analslut is to become an analslut
Thanks for the replies. I wont go out of my way for it now or have huge anticipation. Maybe ill still try it when im bored and have nothing better to do.
Listen we're not the only ones here with latent, furry-induced homosexuality, but only sexy and cute people are allowed to put things in their butts.
Us ugly people must restrain ourselves to regular old jerk offs.
Cant makeup
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>absinthe make a your brain feel different
Why am I so fucked up, why am I so useless.
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Hey my dudes. I just got back from a sutrömmings party that my swedish friends invited me to this year again. Just as fun as last year but man do they drink. I nned to sober up a little.

What's going on here?
Nothing at all possum friend. Good to hear you had a good time though.
you just made me sad
O man, check out what I got.
It's friday, take it chill my dude.
Swedes arre something special behold. They really are that tall as they say. We began eating a t a lake but after some liquer, songs and more beer we ended up in a hsitty kitchen. They all started singing this song in chorus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy44ocuoWhE
It's apparently written in the 1400s, one of them said that "i can barley understand half of these words". It's about a female troll, proposing to a knight and sings about the gifts she'll give him, the knight dude says no because the troll is not a christian, female troll gets super sad and kills herself. The knight dude is called Lord Mannelig i think.

Virtual hug!
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It says "weather" and has a fan. Does it measure wind speed?

I think that's a yes, then.
Sounds like an awesome time. Gonna have to use it as party motivation in the future
It reads a ton of stuff: barometric pressure, temperature, Max and average wind speed and a couple other things. I'm totally ready to make a grave mistake on Sunday
I really like that song. Kind of want to learn it.
>not using the good old pitot tube
Do you have no class?
That sounds pretty cool. Don't get impaled by a tree.
No promises
how hard were you straining? If it was a lot, that's probably why

just let the shit happen by itself, even if it takes more time
Sometimes you have to strain.
I started adding more fiber to my diet and drinking more water. I never have to strain anymore.
consider: rolling your own from discards

if I smoked I'd totally do that, one of my favorite postapoc games has that as a game mechanic if you take the Smoker drawback
I tried 1 marlboro this week and smartly decided not to continue.
Stay inside, play the ultrasperg realistic-everything Minecraft mod I love, listen to pisscore on repeat, eat grilled meats.
It used to do that but that was due to shitty brewing practices. It's made 'right' now, so it doesn't make you hallucinate anymore.
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Alright /pos/, I'm drinking beer tonight. I don't like it, but it's the easiest-to-drink beer I've found.

Why do people even like this toast water?
Social pressure.
It doesn't taste good but it's easier to get down than hard liquor, so I like having a few before moving on to the heavier stuff.
Having no beer, tonight I've only had my very original vodka+cola mix and I'm not even getting drunk enough to get drunk because I'm not enjoying it.
Sucks bro wish I had beer.
Man, just give me shots of something fruity and an orange soda to chase it. I'm not trying to be manly when I get drunk. I just wanna roll around on the floor and touch everybody.
I only drink in solitude so I don't do shots and stuff, everything goes in the coffee mug.
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beer taste good.
fight me.
I like the taste of beer, especially some good microbrew shit.
On second thought I'm inclined to agree with these possums.
Beer is good.
Beer is one of the oldest memes in human history.
beer is the only reason i havent become anhero
$2 cheap ass beer that taste like bready dick water. the true beverage of the self loathing connisour. going to get fucking blasted on that shit, later nerds
I see your $2 beer and raise you a $20 handle of whiskey and a 12-pack of Diet Coke. The latter actually tastes decent and doesn't adulterate emotionally feeling like shit with physically feeling like shit.
alright I'm signing off
later possies
god it's annoying when people assume I want to have kids someday
>when your body physically rejects getting better in any aspect of your existance
whoever came up with this living thing needs to be shot into the sun
technoskeleton bodies when
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What makes it twenty times as fun is when they find out and start assuming things about you, up to deciding you're a bad person.
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smoking's bad you know.
they demonize because they can't comprehend that not everybody wants the same things in life
I want to make things and be proud of those things and I want those things to be my baby
even if it's R8 shite
the thing I always tell them is 'I'm a fucking wreck and I can barely take care of myself, I wouldn't subject a kid to that"

Most of the time it works, but every so often you meet some upper-middle-class asshat who goes "OH WELL YOU JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE CAPABLE OF"

yeah I know what I'm capable of, and 'traumatizing a kid beyond belief and completely failing to connect with whoever squirts him out' is it
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I had this office job where this happened to me. Im a fag and this middle aged woman was like, you're a handsome young man, do you have a girlfriend? and I was like, nah brah. So she was like why not? you're young and handsome. So i was like i dunno lol. And she was like, well you better get a girlfriend soon and start a family. And i was like, but im only 24, and she was like YOU SHOULD HAVE kids by now. it went down way more awkward than i can convey on here. fucking breeders sometimes. i was just paranoid about being the only fag in a corporate upper middle class environment (i was and am poor though, working as a temp). i was transferred to a different place for the same corperation and some other middle aged dude made wierd sexual remarks cause i think he knew i was a fag. that sucked too, i had no idea how to react to that. this was like a stream of consciousnesses post sorry
I initially wrote a garbled up mess talking about how a co-worker told me he had his kids at 24.
But all I really needed to say was if you are a man, you should not have a kid until 30 or after.

Unless you just don't have any ambitions outside of starting a family.
Even though I dont ever want kids I agree with that. People need more time to mature. I bet theyre projecting and dont want anyone to enjoy young adulthood cause they couldnt. Also theyre probably mad jelly cause theyre going to die in their 80s and were gonna make it to like 130 or something cause the medical field advancing exponentially or something
Why do you think I do it? Haha.
>live in fascist Canada
>can't afford alcohol so forced to smoke pot
Fuck you Wynne
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Tfw you can make cheap liquor nice and fruity yourself
That's got me thinking. I bet I can make schnapps from vodka.
is she /our gal/?

Sure you can. I think some red berries would be good for that too.
Survive the night
more raccoons
Trash sure is moving fast today
What do you expect
it's weekend
>It's about a female troll, proposing to a knight and sings about the gifts she'll give him, the knight dude says no because the troll is not a christian, female troll gets super sad and kills herself. The knight dude is called Lord Mannelig i think.

that's the most mgtow thing I've ever heard.
at first glance, i thought "normie, looks normal" but then i watched the video ... it's always the ones you least expect. dubs checked. 456 checked.
/ O U R G A L /
well, to be honest, beer tasting like shit is a recent thing

in the middle ages, monasteries were full of gay sex, because c'mon, where are you gonna go in the middle ages to be surrounded by dudes who were contractually obligated to avoid women?
the Powers That Be decided, nah, must be the beer (since monks made Shitloads of beer among other things.)

So they put hops in it, because obviously it was the sweetness of beer that was making the monks lustful. Obviously.

beer as the Egyptians made it was really fuckin' alcoholic, but it also had a lot of sweet stuff in it.
well holy shit, where can i find this gay beer?
Midas Touch by dogfish head brewery is supposed to be a Classical era style beer. the story is they analyzed some pottery that held beer and tried to recreate it from that. it's pretty weird imo I think it tastes kinda like beer and wine mixed together
i can feel my sphincter relaxing already
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I've had fruity Belgian beer out of wine bottles and yeah it's like condensed homosexuality.

Pretty tasty tho
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No, Emma Watson is
Why are you all so mean to beer? What has it ever done to you?
Poem time
Beer is my only friend, it too, will betray me in the end.
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Made me run to the bathroom every half an hour instead of getting me proper drunk in a reasonable amount of time and fluid.
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liver damage
M-my livers gonna be okay, right possums? Like, in the future they can 3D print me one or something, right?
My liver is fucked regardless
They'll do the equivalent of that when they figure out how to bake organs in a lab without having to grow them on the backs of mice.
It tastes icky.
Y-You taste icky
i like my bailey's irish cream
fuck everything else
>liquid sugar

Just put Jameson directly into black coffee if you want to be irish about it.
5 more beers to go
about 8 ounces of vodka
and a bottle of wine that i wont drink because the I ripped the foil to shreds like a noob and I dont want internal bleeding
I mean, probably. I don't shower nearly enough.
how very possum of you
it's saturday night, i'm at home, alone on my computer listening to /posmu/ considering drinking for the tenth night in a row, what are you doing possums?
Worrying over i crushi have because they live in florida
waiting... for the beer I put in the fridge to get cold
decided to drink, just a little cider .... with a shot of vodka in it
Drinking a beer b/c I am out of options.
worrying about a friend in florida and also a few other people for other reasons
Just woke up from a nap I didnt need, deciding if I should pour a drink, take it with me and go to this abandoned house, maybe see if one of my two friends want to do anything. i dont know
drink in abandoned house! sounds cool, I'd join if only we weren't likely to be separated by thousands of miles
i wanna go drink in an abandoned house too
I just did it yesterday, guess I could go again. there were a few radios i wanted to see if they still worked.
north eastern united states?
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oh bump limit.
who made these possum comics btw? (pic) i want more of them in my life.
I know lauren monger made the ones with clementine, but what about this other guy here?
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north west UK
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Had hops-which are Satan's dingleberries-in it.
Can we have the femboy synagogue edition next thread.
new england?
Nah, Pennsylvania :/
you brilliant bastard, thankyou possum
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I wish I had bf
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i wish i had a gf, but I'm too depressed right now and no fun to be around so I'd suck at a relationship at the moment.
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So do i. But i am willing to work my way out of my heavy social anxiety, fix myself and look for one. What are you going to do?
>But i am willing to work my way out of my heavy social anxiety, fix myself and look for one
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its almost as though you WANT to be miserable?
I'd love an out but right now there isn't one for me
Yeah I’m aiming for miserability because that's a goal I can actually reach
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P.S. I (>>11464540 >>11464359) am going to do the same as soon as I can get out of this house, live alone and get away from all the fucking idiots.
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Donr give up. Hope it gets better. Get help if it doesnt. Fix yourself. Love yourself. Let others love you. I believe in you. Have a good night.
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Wait, really? Well damn. I owe you an apology, beer. I'll have to try some of the beautiful creature you were meant to be.
thanks man, these comments always make me feel better :) fucking possums in trash are the best threads on 4chan.
to show my gratitude, have some amazing music everyone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fg1WoZOykUI
whens this thread gonna die? i want to make the new one :P
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You can always make retarded spam threads ro bump thisone off. But please let this one have its last 2 hours.
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i have lost control of my life
pizza time
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not fucking doing that, that would be incredibly dickish and we already hate ourselves enough.
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nice accordion music, that's acctually pretty skilled and amazing
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set play speed to 0.75
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