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RWBYgt Trash General #206: Yang-a-bang edition Previous thre

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Thread replies: 202
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RWBYgt Trash General #206: Yang-a-bang edition
Previous thread: >>11059678

Archive: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/rwbygt/type/op/

CYOA Archive:

Toddquest: http://imgur.com/a/Ov4Gb
Biggirlquest: http://pastebin.com/99ZVwJxF (embed)
Biggirlquest pictures: http://imgur.com/a/JoF8e
Carrolquest: http://pastebin.com/5PCSqu1p (embed)
Grimmquest: http://pastebin.com/NJ2NYxXZ (embed)
J4uneQuest: http://pastebin.com/p3ccTPJ (embed)
AeroQuest: http://pastebin.com/u/Chinote
IrvingQuest : https://pastebin.com/jQDiDwWH (embed)

Current Ocho-CYOAs:

JasperQuest: res/32254.html
WendellQuest: res/26362.html [Concluded]
MiMiQuest: red/24431.html
AeroQuest: res/22210.html

Rules of RWBYgt threads:
>1. Be comfy
>2. Be active!
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Wooo, new thread!

(Courtesty of Chi, I presume?)
Nope, it was me, Newton

Oh heya, Newt.
How did the ice cream taste?
Its good stuff
So I bought another pint but couldn't complete it in one go, my tongue was getting too cold and I was getting slight brainfreeze
But its soo good

Newt, you're not supposed to finish a pint in one sitting.
I've done it before and regretted it
You're right though

Although, I forgot to mention that you can sure finish it one sitting provided you're sharing it with someone.
But that never works out well if everyone's digging in, kek.

Anyways, good night, Newt.
Good night.
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Then fall Caesar.
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Sorry, been busy. Gonna try to finish this ASAP.
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Very nice.
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Unsatisfied with how Aero looks. Tried to fix.
Nude version please.
[s]Then lesbian sex.[/s]
Oh haven't seen it, but it looks good.
Now I'm imagining Aero lewdly tickling Ty to orgasm
Yeah, Beesting will be a good mom

Holy shit.
Her and Jasper's baby will definitely be the most popular kid in class.

Also JQ tomorrow.

(Also, if y'all need a refresher on who's who and what's what, just lemme know.)
>Her and Jasper's baby will definitely be the most popular kid in class.
now Thatch, I'm not a native speaker, but I'm fairly certain you've got a big grammatical error in there

You see, it should be "would definitely be", and not "will be".
If Thatch makes Yulie cry, I'll hunt him down.

Is it an error?

It's being used as an auxiliary verb in my post.


You anons did that on your own back then remember?
You make everybody cry.

Although I do admit that I commit many grammatical errors any quest has done because of my lack of revision.
>You see, it should be "would definitely be", and not "will be".
There's a lot of time between now and then
Nah, Jasper and Snails' kid will be the cutest

That too, anon!

Lil' mama must be the most adorable mom/wife any father/husband is lucky to have as a partner.

Plus there will be too much cute in the household.
>Jasper's dick is canonwise so big it might hurt Yulie, the giant fucking amazon girl

Jasper wouldn't impregnate Snails, he would make her infertile.
Also, eww. Snails is not for sexes.

'twas a joke about JasperxBee never being a thing ever.
So what's Todd's girl count since it left off? Been gone for 6 or so months.

>>Jasper's dick is canonwise so big it might hurt Yulie, the giant fucking amazon girl

The size of a woman does not marginally reflect her vaginal "capacity", Admiral...
And there's a thing called taking it slow and steady.

Pun not intended.
>JasperxBee never being a thing ever.

The possibility was there.
I never fully wrote the route but I would've dealt with consensual sex when under the influence of alcohol (despite Bee's superhuman tolerance), protectiveness and jealousy of your S.O. being hit on by other people (Bee and Jasper constantly being objectified despite their relationship), and separation between duties (Bee's a pilot while Jasper is a "boots on ground" kind of soldier) and stuff like that.

You also would've gotten to ride around the countryside and dance in the Festival of Petals while simultaneously asking Bee is she's had enough alcohol!
(Remember that she rarely gets a partner that doesn't just want her for the physical side of her character which led to her relationship with the county's savant, Joe Custard, who was the man that got her into piloting in the first place).
Buddy... You haven't even been gone as long as TQ. It's whatever it was when you left.
Fucking really? Have I lost track of time that much? I literally left after it ended, how long have I been fucking gone?

What the fuck
Oh, it never ended.
It just ceased to be.

When /was/ the last time TQ actually ran for more than 2 posts? It feels like it's been almost a year.
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>'twas a joke about JasperxBee never being a thing ever
I don't deal in "never"s
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Little did we know, Jasper ends up having kids by all the JQ girls. After he tragically dies as a hero in the upcoming conflict; he is hailed as a legendary martyr all across Remnant. In an attempt to make us of this legend for propaganda purposes in addition to preserving those sweet genes, a black ops super soldier program artificially impregnates several key women with surviving Jasper samples; the products of which are all raised separately, unaware of each other and led to believe they are the one and only inheritor of the Jasper Greene legacy. JasperQuest IV while consist of all of them brought together to form the party, still unaware of each other's true nature.

Raye would not approve of the sullying of her brother like that.
Momma Gumi when?
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Wen x Gum!
>tfw she was one of the key women
Then I suppose she won't find out about it
We need more art of Gum and Wen.

I don't think y'all realize how protective Raye is towards Jasper.
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>Little Jazzlings pull a Luke&Leia and kiss before they know they're siblings
>Never mention it again and awkwardly act like it never happened once the truth comes out

I feel like you're implementing clones into the story just to suffer.
JQ most likely in a couple of hours.
I'll be holding you to that, Thatch.

I'm glad you still have faith in me, anon.
How long must we wait, Thatcher?
A little more.

Remember when I said likely?
Friend managed to coerce me to watch Daredevil with him.
Trust me, he begged.


You're not me.
Never said I was you, Goldstein. I just made a guess.
>trusting a leaf
To anyone who might still be interested in the Aero and Tyria thinger I'm drawing : I've got stuff irl I need to adjust to.
Thanks, and sorry yet again.
good luck!

I'll have you know that he also bought me vanilla cupcakes.
So I know why RWBYg exists. Why does this thread exist?
It was the first one actually. Someone on /co/ got mad people did greentext stories so the writers (and drawfags too when they got chased out) made this thread and its stayed up since
We used to be more active but most of the people who made stuff to keep us active aren't here anymore or aren't writing
>aren't active or don't write anymore.
Yeah, it's been since vol 2-3 hiatus since I wrote anything. Though, if I think of something, at least I know where to post it. Do I write in Pastebin or Wattpad, then post here?
Pastebin is what everyone here seems to use
K. I used to just green text, so I wanted to be on the same page as everyone else. Thank you.

The anons seceded from /co/'s RWBYg to preempt any more drama back then, thus forming the "free" RWBYg here in /trash/, virtually free from any moderation than our own (see rules at every OP).
From there, /co/'s RWBYg grew more and more about policing what goes what in the threads which lead an influx of the people going into the trash thread overtime until /co/'s RWBYg was finally not allowed in /co/.

When /co/'s RWBYg went to hiatus, so did the making of it's threads (determined to be just recycled shitposts by mods, adding nothing of value to conversation). The remaining /co/ group then began their migration here but was met with dispute from some anons in RWBYgt (note that there were some that greeted them with open arms...like..*ahem* me)

This led to /co/'s RWBYg to create their own RWBYg in /trash/ as their own "true" RWBYg.

Thatcher (me!) is still advocating for a reunification of the two generals, despite being met with dissent from both sides, to this day.
Some other trivia:

The name RWBYgt was decided in the second thread made (the first thread lasting in a dead stall until the influx) as the "RWBYg of /trash/" but also serves as a distinction from the now sister thread residing in this board.

RWBYgt mainly has CYOA quests as a resource (after the CYOA boom began by CYOAnon), mostly about RWBY, and has branched off to 8ch's /rwby/ for a period of time.

CYOAnon was purported to be a skinwalker and is adept at capturing the whole interests of the RWBYgt anons.

The first three quests (referred as the Big 3 by some) of RWBYgt is ToddQuest (CYOAnon), JasperQuest (Thatcher) and MariQuest (Dryden). These quests however are not indicative of quality other writers have brought to the table.

Due to the strict rules on shitposting, minimal porn posting, a lot of non-canon waifuposting (if barely at all) and non-story related discussion the sister thread, RWBYg, sees RWBYgt as an OC-ridden festering pile of cringe totally unrelated to RWBYg
Well that was...informative. But if this is the place of Waifu posting/write fagging, I'll probably kick it here. Now just gotta get them creative juices flowing.
I remember him. Made sexy Nora art for me.

Do you have a name, anon?
I was once known as Noranon.
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But now is time for bed. Good night.
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you're s autistic, thatcher

You must be in heated competition with Chinote then, eh?


I think that's one of my most told compliments around here.
excuse Chi, he was drunk af
Hood morning.

You are the Buttdog who still doesn't have a proper name.

You're definitely still gonna talk to these people, but maybe you should have a way to introduce yourself.

Luna Bootings
>Loony Booty

I feel like I should protest because the first nickname I thought of was this.

I'm not going to.
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>Momma Gumi taking the Dragonfly dick
dreaming of better days
I dunno who Chinote is.
cynic jerk who bullies people and likes Nora.

ran AeroQuest, the one about a cute-lewd foxgirl and her team stopping sinister WhiteFang plans

currently runs SukaeroQuest occasionally, expect suffering.
I kinda remember this person? I haven't been on RWBYg since Vol2-3 hiatus.
>quest thing
No idea what those are. If they're original characters, I have little interest in knowing. No problems with OCs, just don't care for them.

What brings you to RWBYgt then, Noranon?
For fanfics/art/possible inspiration to start writing again. Also it's a nice place to talk about RWBY whilst waiting for next season.

Can I see some of your work?
I'm sad Neo is kill. Can we get a zombie Neo? Grimm Neo? Also, post waifus.
>Texas about to get hit by Harvey
>Realize it's Hurricane Birb
we should have protected his smile
Dead thread.

Is there an ice cream themed guy yet?
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Not yet, but who knows what the future may hold
I just meant nothing going on really.
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You awake to darkness, a damp stone floor beneath you. As you begin to stir you notice a throbbing pain in your left shoulder, and a thick metallic scent in the air.

>Insert action
Inspect left shoulder
You carefully reach up and feel your shoulder. Aside from another sharp fluxation of pain, you feel a coarse cloth underneath your fingers. Some sort of bandage?

>Insert action
Inspect room
You try looking around the room, but quickly realize that even with your eyes adjusted to the darkness you can't see much of anything. You are going to need some form of light.

>Insert action
Noramigo? Been a long time since I seen that pic. Wait, is Noramigo and Chinote the same person? Me memory can be quite faulty.
>Scream "Is anyone there?"
>Activate semblance: Bio-luminescence
Also, I have reasons for consistently disappearing, but let's just confirm for the sake of seeing if anyone else cares to vote.

[] Luna Bootings (Officer Bootings)
[] (Insert name)
> Luna Bootings (Officer Bootings)
>[] Luna Bootings
Bootings is a pretty awkward last name though
>Todd "My dick's a mic and you're the star" Colorful
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Am I just high, or does this look a little derpy to anyone else? The anatomy just seems way off
Neck is definitely too long, but part of the problem might be that the zipper is off-center.
The waist is way too thin. it looks weird in combination with everything else
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>Dog girl called Luna
Guess that makes her the... Luna rover
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Yea, same guy.

How'd working at the national park go?
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Faunus is for breeding
How is everyone doing today?
It's afternoon now.
With or without consent?
Was fun. I enjoyed the scenery, the people, the alcohol, getting high, not so much the work though. How's life w/ you?
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Eh. Pretty boring. Ended up moving to the town with the hospital that had the nurse that spawned this request and the story for school, but I haven't actually been to that hospital since, so I haven't seen her.
>Nurse Nora
Maybe you/the thread can help me out with something that's been tumbling in my head recently.
>fantasy genre
>protag a thief
>gets hired by antag (unknown to protag) to steal something.
>no idea what something is. Orb, cube, some small mystical object.
>then what?
I can't decide where I want to go with it. Whether the object is a doomsday device, helps the protag discover her "true self", antav uses object to take over the world, I don't know. Thoughts or suggestions?
Pic semi related, since kind of drawing inspiration from the character, but really just wanted to post delicious brown.
With a neck like that she might be giraffe Faunus.
Well, I suppose it depends on how you want to write it.

Personally, I'd probably write her give it to them only to later find out it's use then have to try and steal it back to save the world.
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Qrow's bad luck Semblance caused Emerald's tits to bounce out.
God bless Qrow.
Bad luck for his enemies, and good luck for him (and us).
>steal it back
It's tried and true, but also cliché.
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You guys are so boring tonight that Rubes is drinking and falling asleep.
Or Rubes is succumbing to alcohol poisoning.
She's Qrow's daughter. She can handle it.
Things have settled down somewhat. Hopefully I can finish this once I wake up.
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>tfw the only way to feel emotion anymore is through anime

Fucking Re:Creators.
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I'm theorizing a capybara faunus and I don't know how to make the scent gland cute. Let's brainstorm a way.
Tell us about them anon, drop some animal planet on us
Capybaras are the largest living rodent species in the world and are related to guinea pigs. They live in the rainforests of South America and are herbivores. They have a scent gland above their nose, which is more pronounced in males than females, and is used to mark territory.
Don't forget Overwatch grinding!
Hate is an emotion too!
Is hate your favorite emotion?
nah, but Chi's I'd assume
Requesting Snails as Zack Ryder.
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Oh damn, Noranon takes me back.

Soup! I thought you were dead! Why don't you go on Steam anymore?
Eh, just don't like the messenger/don't Steam game as often. I'm trying to get back to the Discord more often, but I'm pretty busy. Such is life
Late night bump

Another late night bump
page 10
Pretty dead in here...

What happened, gt?
Hell if I know, mate.
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Cleaning it up. Should have it finished Soonâ„¢
Let me know if I got something wrong. Better to fix it now rather than later.
Also please comment on the above. I need feedback.
It's fine, nothing wrong with this.
[s]Floof envy, I believe Aero received more gangbangs than Ty.[/s]
the specs on Ty's tits look a bit weird (that'll probably be solved with coloring or more in-depth shading) and her nose seems a bit off, maybe too big? not sure. might also be something with the eyes.
I can't pinpoint it, hinting towards it just being a minor little thingy, but something seems off to me in her face.

Aero's tit seems a bit "flat" (not in the sense of a small chest but in the sense of how tits, their shapes, flatten out when lying down, which seems a bit unnatural when standing).

The facial expressions are awesome on both, especially Ty is easy to read, and the bodies look pretty neato as well. tail could be more fluffy, but I assume that counts towards the details that will get added later on.

I love Aero's back. and backside.
also good work on the whole anatomy part, tho I don't have much knowledge of bones and muscles and such, but it all looks pretty accurate.
You'd be wrong. Fuck outta my canon, Sleepy.
Welp can't argue with dubs.
[s]Besides I wasn't considering lewding Aero in the first place, Regalia is what I'm lewding.[/s]
Yeaaah, that's gonna be tomorrow at the earliest.Getting a massive headache.
Oh, Thanks mate.
The specs are just there for me to know more or less where to shade. It'll be gone later.
As for the nose, I think it's the fact that the ridge is so straight (usually in my drawings or most weebshit it's super curved). I imagined hers would be a bit straighter (kinda like a 'Greek Nose' rather than a turn-up nose). I could always change that though.
Yep, I'm seeing the problem with Aero's tits. The angle I drew her at is making this difficult for me. But I can fix this no problem.
Again, thanks for the feedback.

Who's still here?

How long you got, anon?
Just a reminder for myself:

>[x] Let him go

This choice won right?
Ptero >>11264327
I think so, yeah

Oh, I normally don't critique Dry's works since I have a different way in doing it myself (Difference of ideas and what not).
I don't want to redline it either since I don't do that kind of thing.

I will say though that comparing it to Dry's previous works:

The linework carries more weight and highlight the contours much smoother.
The structure is also more well done with respect to a more grounded anatomy rather than style.

I don't see alot of Dry attempting to foreshorten and play with perspective alot (rather than the male first person during sex thing) which in this case is Aero's left elbow.

And another thing about Dryden's work is that he colours and renders it.
That's a big bonus that I always disparage despite requests doing so.
(Damn you, colour theory!)
With perspective in mind, I should also note that with Tyria's left eye is too wide in respect to her face's direction which should also askew her horns just a bit.

All in all, I've actually grown fond of Dry's style and he's improving at a marvelous rate despite his busy schedule.
His artistry, along with his time in RWBYg, grows with its history and is well-iconic in RWBYg's line of artists.
Especially here in RWBYgt.
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Anytime now, Thatch.

>[x] Let him go

You ease your hold onto the now calmed Soap.
There is still a smidge of resistance from his muscles but you figure that he's just like that all the time.

Your legs and arms slink away into the frost of the concrete below as Soap rolls onto your side, propping himself up with a few coughs with no words to exchange with you.

You on the other hand, lay there with the embrace of the snow around, chilling with a frosty breath and biting against your bare skin.
The view from below here lets you see how large the concrete building is, almost encroaching into the dark clouds that sits atop the zephyr.

It looks peaceful...
There was never any winter back in Vacuo so the phenomenon of the gelid gloom and the thick layers of clothing is however neat, it's just that you never had any childhood memories with it.
Much less so Fort Hammond....exception being when sis visits though.

You really can't help but see her again, you've frankly had quite enough with adventure for a lifetime.

When you sit back up from your boreal blanket, you can still see everyone being silent.
All quietly staring in pause at Juliet staring not a foot away at Soap with a deep glare.

Even he is quite taken aback by her odd gesture.

[] Juliet, don't escalate things any further
[] Just dust yourself off and go
[] Check on Yulie.

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Maybe next time buddy



Whooooooooooooooooo then?
Just some anon.

Wassup, anon.
It's like 3 AM where I am right now.
Nothing much. At the gym because I thought I'd have it all to myself at this hour, but no such luck.

You only go to the gym to be alone?
I go to the gym to work out. I decide WHEN to go to the gym based on the chances of being alone

At least you can manage your time better.
All I can ever manage is a jog now and then.

Anyways, are you familiar with Late Night RWBYgt?
I'm aware of it

Whhaat about a little thing called...Eventide?
I've seen it being run

So what do you think of it?
I've tried running it on /qst/, to no avail...
I'd say it's ability to tell a story was somewhat impeded by it's game play
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Why not do a Funhaus Quest?
>[] Check on Yulie.
she's bleeding, IIRC.
still, try not to be too lovey-dovey.
I don't want provoke/hurt Soap by obviously taking side even more
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