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Drawing Improvement/Progress Thread Previous edition: >&

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Thread replies: 296
Thread images: 85

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Drawing Improvement/Progress Thread

Previous edition: >>9727219 / >>9814859

Post what you're working on, ask questions, discuss general art-related things.

Video Tutorials:
Proko - https://www.youtube.com/user/ProkoTV
Sinix - https://www.youtube.com/user/sinixdesign
Scott Robertson - https://www.youtube.com/user/scottrobertsondesign
Matt Kohr (CtrlPaint) - https://www.ctrlpaint.com/library

QuickPoses - https://www.quickposes.com/en
PoseSpace - https://www.posespace.com/posetool/default.aspx

Books (navigable folders)

Q: I'm a total beginner. Where should I start?
A: Do the exercises in either "Keys to Drawing" by Bert Dodson or "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" by Betty Edwards. Additionally, you can try the first few lessons of http://drawabox.com/ for building up muscle memory and confidence.
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I'm sorry your autism is so severe that you actually had to revive this dead general because the MS Paint threads didn't satisfy you
Sorry what exactly is wrong with this thread?
Not active enough to survive the spam
I don't have an immediate example or current study to show but: digitigrade legs, how do you draw them properly for animals?
I know an animal walks on its toes and the ankle bone is off the ground opposed to plantigrade. Feels like whenever I draw them, they're either too long, the ankle doesn't look like it is supported properly on the ground or the way the femur is attached toward the pelvis doesn't make sense.
oh hey, this thread is back
oh i have something that can help
Oh, this thread again x2

Honestly maybe it should just merge with mspaint threads, but in a subtle way withohut unsolicited criticism
I feel uncomfortable posting there because they're generally shit.
Like they're not trying to improve, they have given up and do mspaint tier shit for "fun". The name really suits it
Why exactly does this make you uncomfortable
You sound kinda judgemental
(I'm not trying to belittle you, that's a genuine question)
I like these threads. always learned a thing or two here.
Shame it stopped (till now)
I don't see how that's judgemental, probably because I called it shit. But that's the only way I can describe 95% of the pictures there which are stick figures or literally drawn in ms paint.
I would feel uncomfortable posting fully rendered art there where I guess they're just trying to have fun. I would feel like a dick.
The maybe 2 or 3 people that post sketches there only get a "looking good" or whatever shit, nobody there can help them.
At least in these threads we get competent artists that actually know something and want to improve.
Their discord was a bit better but I left it a long time ago since it was mostly the same thing.
If that's judgemental then fuck it, I don't post there anyway so it makes no difference
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I'll start then.
I'm working on a doberman and a husky.
(some things might still get edited)
Lmao, dude, relax
I more or less understand what you mean now, but I've seen competent artists posting there so they are there, you just have to start a dialogue I guess
I don't know if it would be dickish to post a picture in which a lot of effort went, but as long as you don't go criticizing people for not putting enough effort, it probably won't be much of a problem
I don't even know anymore, ehhh
Maybe their arms are a little bit too short, but it's hard to tell because their assess are huge
I assume one should be able to reach the bottom of their buttocks effortlessly

I can't really give any good critique, I'm honestly here to mooch only
I'm one of the garbage stick figure artists from there (currently because I'm stuck phone posting and finger drawing over vacation).
First off, your 95% figure is a gross exaggeration. However, if you want to call it mostly /i/-tier work, then I will agree with you. As far as I can tell, it's pretty much /i/ on /trash/ (but faster than the entirety of /i/). There's some good art, and then there's my art that sets the bar low.
Second, I am looking to improve, but in the focus of quantity and basic constructions. I cannot speak for the rest.
Third, I am perfectly ok with fully rendered art there. It would also be cool to see the entire process, from sketch to line to color to shade. However, others may not feel the same as I do, so I will continue to post low quality work so they feel ok.
Fourth, and most critically, the thread has a focus on people not being judgemental to bad art. The side effect is those shallow replies, as you have mentioned. You could try posting "requesting critique and analysis, please" and see where that goes, but I'm unsure on the outcome. (I may ask the anon that posts the OPs to include a critique clause to the OP.)
Therefore, the improvement threads have a much better focus for competent artists looking to improve further, but merging (due to lack of interest) with mspaint might not be a terrible compromise. Alternatively, this thread can be renamed "monthly drawing improvement thread" and look to be posted on a regular day every month, for artists to post their works they have accumulated over the month.
>Fourth, and most critically, the thread has a focus on people not being judgemental to bad art. The side effect is those shallow replies, as you have mentioned.
Honestly I think neither threads are really judgemental of bad art
I've already posted before why replies may be shallow
>people might be afraid to point out a problem, despite actually noticiing it, because their general skill level is lower
>people might be afraid that they're wrong
>people might be afraid of giving critique when the person didn't ask for critique explicitly in the frist place, and seem rude
>people might be afraid of being too critical and discouraging other person from working further on the piece
>people might be lazy to redline
>people might consider critique without redline useless, therefore not bothering with it in the first place
I am currently drawing a dude in armor, and for the most part everything looks to be coming out well. Only thing I am struggling with right now is the hands. He is holding onto a halberd. How do you do you make armored fingers that aren't sausage links /trash/?
I don't know, get a gauntlet reference
Post your hands and maybe someone will help with it
which one are you
I have masturbated 3 times to this pic already
In the middle of my 4th
Unf might eat my cum this time too, fuck I'm too horny
thanks for sharing your art
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>im gonna spend hundreds of hours honing my skills
>become talented
>waste artistic talent on animal porn
As opposed to...?
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I like these threads, lets me flex, and I don't post my shit anywhere else, besides /kobold/. This probably could be merged with the MSPaint thread, and rename it to a different, though. This place seems to go faster than it.should with all the generals for retarded shit.

Is Good, now for the slow grind to better anatomy, if you want.

What else am I going to do?
I'm this trash:
Remember, I'm stuck finger drawing for a while.
Might as well post a freaking portfolio so I don't look completely garbage:
Digitally, I draw with a mouse, low dpi, no stabilizer.
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>mouse, low dpi, no stabilizer
ah, strength training I see.

Draw from life, namely from your own hand as reference. Wanna post what you have atm?
Oy, now I recognize you, lol
You've also posted in dragon vs knight thread I guess
Says the retard
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I was bitching in some picarto chats about how there were no good art classes in my area, and someone recommended I check out Aaron Blaise's courses. Pretty fucking helpful, yeah? This is about a month and a half of progress.
> Tfw all I do is try to copy better artists in order to acquire skill.
> Last original picture I did was over a month ago, and I spent entirely too much time on it.
In any case, this is the last picture I tried to put some effort in. I've been drawing for a year and a half, it's not great, but I'm sorta happy with the progress, considering I was practically incapable of drawing when I started.
How's this?
I've mostly been doing gesture and figure drawings from croquis cafe videos, but I'm not sure where to go next. I think I should actually crack open a book, but Loomis's Figure Drawing for what it's worth was waaay too intimidating.
Real fuckin' good.
isn't the whole premise of the thread to post shit without worrying?
why wouldn't you post good shit then, it doesn't matter what skill level right? sure, it's not ideal but at least those threads are consistently here, whereas these threads are rare.
>digitigrade legs, how do you draw them properly
by studying them
stop using tutorials and asking furries how to draw
draw animals by looking at animals

I see no real difference.
That's pretty good, way above anything I could do and I'm somewhere around one year in
Hands and skull seem a little wonky but that's an easy target
You need someone familiar with composition and stuff to criticize this
Sorry, what did you say?
Being a retard must not be easy for you.
Not bad
Nice detail on the cloth
Thanks anons.
But yeah, hands and skull are pretty wonky, I tried to fix them many times, but I was starting to damage the paper, so I tried to do my best and roll with it.
If there's an important lesson I learned from this is to try to practice the elements individually before jumping into something you intend to finish.
I'll head over to /ic/ later and see what they think.
That's baller as fuck.

Here's a doodle of mine.
Hello I'm so bad at drawing that the pre chapter exercise in drawing on the right side of the brain looks like a young child drew it.
send help
And sweet Jesus, that's some bountiful xeno booty.
I like your use of hatching lines to indicate the softer lines and shadows on the body, and you use your lines efficiently. Good stuff, mang.
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No drive to doodle today
When will I ever learn fucking basic proportions, this is abysmal

I should get rid of the thick pencil brush because I turn everything into smudge with it
lol if you say so
What do you mean

This book is exactly for people who draw "like children", keep going
is there tips to drawing anthro shit?
idk the examples previous to the exercise are much better than what I drew
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>tfw you have no motivation to draw unless you're in class

send help
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Drew this today! Whaddon a think?
That's supposed to say "Whaddoya"
For proportions, just gotta remember either the 7-8 head rule or rule of thirds as a general guideline.

One thing that helps considerably with proportions is drawing dynamic poses to get a better feel of anatomy instead of drawing what amounts to statues.
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Meta Night... Belt?

Is this the new canon?
Drawing dynamic poses is scary though
We all gotta start from somewhere anon. Dynamic poses can look intimidating, but once you get a general feel for the pose you're trying to mold together, it's considerably easier than your standard stiff standing pose.

Learn from pictures and video of humans.
Learn from pictures and video of animals.


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Mienshao master race reporting

Its been about 8 months since I started. Drawn about 50 pics total. I wish I wasn't so lazy I could've been further by now but Im ok with where I am. Really want to work on my colors and I still can't do backgrounds for shit.

Man I wish my lineart was this smooth
Ayyyyyy I gotcha


>dumb hotdog snapchat meme
>drawing instead of paying attention in class
>in class
Are you underage?
I have a really hard time with perspective especially with legs or arms. Does anyone have any tips or tutorials or whatnot on how to have better perspectives? If I wanted to draw an arm outstretched towards the viewer the arm often looks too short or too fat or pointing too far off to the side.
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Lines suck. This is where I always lose interest. What's everyone working in? Paint programs/traditional tools?

Lines are better. Nice.

Copying isn't inherently wrong, as long as you are seeing how they draw shit. I copied a shit when I first drawing smut. Just gotta avoid picking up there style too hard. Try lots of different artists, then work on some original shit.
If this is where you're at after a year and a half you are on the right track.


Proportions take a lot of practice to do naturally and it look right. Why is left dude's hand Mae?


Backgrounds aren't really important for this subject matter, but colors are so hard to.
I just want to be able to draw backgrounds beyond a single color, even if they're simple.
Anyway I like the way you draw fur, nice and fluffy.

Why are people triggered by this word, I see it pretty often. Its another word for drawing, it doesnt mean it took 20 minutes
I've been in several college courses with three hours per class session and 21 years old+ is going past the average age of trash users
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Can someone PLEASE teach me how to ink? I feel like I could cheese my anatomy in the sketch, but my inking is shaky and it all falls apart.
I was more like making a joke there, pointing out that he called his alien booty a doodle when it is quite well rendered.

Anyway, I think backgrounds of single colors, sorta like an ambient feeling, single color or whatever, are fine. It's more like, do want to draw a sexy Mienshao or a sexy Mienshao in a weight room or gym setting or whatever, doing something. It's all about what you want to convey. As for doing that, it's the same deal as anything: think about some stuff, sketch some stuff out, and get some references. The biggest problems I have is that my backgrounds look too sparse or the perspective is wonky.

That's like literally the hardest position to draw. Try looking up arm/leg anatomy, it helps to know whats going on underneath. Or actually stare at your arm, rotate it and whatnot, get a good idea of it's structure and. Don't do that in public tho, probably get arrested or something.
I like both the ms paint thread and the improvement threads. Drawing and having fun should be a given. When you people constantly shit on drawing while people are trying to find out what they need to improve on they usually give up or keep the drawing to themselves. I don't want people becoming egotistical and have drawings like you seem them on tumblr and deviant art (the bad part of it).
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I understand what you mean now and I agree. I suppose I want backgrounds for my sfw pics.
For example in this one I didnt mind just doing a simple background since the focus is just straight up sex.

I like to look up comic stuff like marvel for those perspectives. Look up on YouTube drawing in perspective, specifically spiderman has some really good poses to practice.
Todd McFarlane makes good videos, I love his art.
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Critique me
Thank christ this thread is back
Ive been shitting up the mspaint threads instead
Get a hold of a pen, put it to the paper, and try not trace to an extent, but try to capture what you want out of your sketch.

t. local squidkid
it's like the draw/request threads, good artists came and still take request, now anons are spoiled and only want perfection. The mspaint threads were fun until it became a who can out do one another to get (you)s. it's unfortunate but it happened
Why do people want (You)s some much?
Theyre our reddit upboats
Also validation
I also like getting OP the rare times I deliver
>spend hundreds of hours honing skills
>Why is left dude's hand Mae?
Because I couldn't figure out which way it should be and I had Mae's head doodled in the corner of the canvas
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>dead thread
I'm not touching the pen until the evening, I have shit to do
We should discuss merger with mspaint thread maybe, just to make sure no one gets upset or something
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I feel like somethings really off with this, but I can't put my finger on why.
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Gonna post some phone stuff so the thread doesn't die while I'm at work.

The highlights are a little lazy and seem off and the claws shouldn't really be blend into the foot like that. Pose is pretty good tho.

I don't see anything. Try flipping the canvas around some to see if it jumps out at you.
I suppose that's true enough. I sometimes post my shit in there but it's not satisfying since it's usually ignored or "looks good" and I never ever make it in the OP for some reason lol. I dont particularly care about having (You)s, I would just like to have discussions about art and shit but nobody ever says anything interesting to me there.
I think bird eyelids don't work like that. Maybe try leaving the top eyelid round and adjusting the bottom one instead.
If the biggest thing wrong with it is lazy highlights and blended in claws, then Im on the right track
My anatomy is usually all fucked up to hell and back and I thought I would have fucked it up royally with this pose.
Delete that hair, seriously.
Not the artist, but I think those are spines. Spines as a replacement for hair in reptilians are pretty rad, in my opinion.
But the color bothers me a bit, the red on her face is nice because it's a small amount, but the spines being red too seem a bit too much.
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is this a decent progress for this much time?
same but on a lunchbreak.

i usually have the most motivation for drawing right after i wake up. sucks i need to go to work right aftr that.
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Wipping on this lion OC. The crazy gf type.
Anatomy looks a little fucky but progress is progress. Not everyone /has to/ or /can/ progress as quickly as others, so just keep at it and measure progress by your own hand.
still using too much line
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Yeah, I think you're right, ended up going with this.
Is that semen or just bird excreta?
Can you explain further what you mean by too much line
that you're defining edges with lines instead of values
I don't really know how to simplify that
multiple parts of the piece on the right uses lines to defines shapes
when they should instead be defined by value and hue
like the hand, ears, and basically the entire ass
there's clear, hard outlines
sure the lines have color and that looks better than nothing
but they still stand out
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finished, I suppose.
Looks a lot better, though I'd maybe try making the beak a bit sharper.
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Just did this.

>8 months
Yeah I don't believe you. You are way too good for 8 months. Either that or you actually take art improvement seriously. I wasn't even close to that in 4 years.

Nice stuff.

The fattest asses.
Well I do try to improve from picture to picture. Every drawing I start I finish, fully colored and shaded. They do take me a few hours though, trying to fix shit that looks wonky.
Id post my first two pictures but theyre so horrible they make me want to commit suicide, they're embarrassingly bad.
Those two are the only ones I didn't post on my galleries, but they're in the drawthread booru. The further back you go in my gallery the worse they get but I keep them there to see my progress, and maybe someone else will be inspired to practice.
I know for me seeing others progress inspires me. These threads motivate me. And the art and kind words of artists better than me, such as yourself, are the biggest motivator. I want my lines and anatomy to be as good as yours. So thank you for saying Im good, it truly means a lot.
I just obtained my first tablet, a small Wacom Intuos CTL 490. Any recommendations on what art program I should use, and perhaps some tips for getting a nice brush to use? Should I even be worried about these things as a beginner?
Any good tutorials on textures, colors and composition?

>please respond
I use the Wacom Draw, cheapest smallest tablet.
I like paint tool SAI. It has a stabilizer so that helps.
I use the default brushes too. The only one that matters that you should look for are watercolor brushes for shading, and that's only if youre going to color
Whats the benefit of drawing in sai/csp over photoshop
I really dont wanna learn another program
Bump before bed
Possible to get the files in the OP via torrent, or a filehost that doesn't impose download limits?
Sai is nice because it's so dang lightweight and easy on any computer
Clip Studio Paint is more fully featured and has a lot of neat shit, like posedolls and tools for making comics and perspective. The brush adjustment and learning curve is a little more complicated than Sai, though. You can regularly get it for 15-20 bucks when it goes on sale multiple times a year if you can't find a working crack, and it also gives you access to a -ton- of free brushes and materials from the community. It's big in Japan.

Photoshop does everything, and has been around forever. Whether or not you need a ton of shit and filters is up to you.
Clip Studio also has really, really nice multi-touch features if you draw on a 2-in-1 or a Windows Tablet, which Sai doesn't have any of.
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Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain covers all of this. Tutorials are a noob trap in art, so I recommend avoiding them

1. Textures are edges and lines. Find images of textures you like and emulate the marks you see

2. Color theory is a vast ocean. Start with complementary colors and practice.

3. Composition is using the whole page to covey an idea. Like color theory, it's a complicated subject. Look up 2D design and things like visual hierarchy, focal points and dominance+subordination.
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Anyone suffer from drivers failing on your tablet? I have to start a rain-dance and summon the spirits of my ancestors before I can get my wacom bamboo to function.
Ah okay thanks, I currently use photoshop but I've had buncha people tell me using sai is better for whatever reason but they couldn't really tell me.
My intuos doesn't like w7 very much and I have to manually define the drawing area everytime i start up ps
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can someone for the life of me show me how to do highlights on the hair? I never ever colour my work, probably because im too autistic to understand colours and brushes
but ive tried a multitude of ways and cant get the highlights on the hair right (i use an almost white colour for it)
If you already know photoshop and are comfortable with it, you should probably just stick with it. It has a nice enough workflow, and all of the tutorials on ctrl+paint are for it anyways.
New layer, soft light, yellow brush, change opacity based on preference

What do you think of my drawing /trash/
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how long have you been drawin lad
hows this?
Maybe a little less opacity
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Maybe 100% less opacity.
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About a year now
Artist here, they are spines. I was testing colors here, and I sorta like the red. Any suggestions?

A couple steps forward on the buildup, but maybe a step back on the form/composition.

Very nice. Musculature is on point. Right thigh seems a bit long, maybe?. Actually needs to be pushed up and back, it's to far over her center.

SAI has been good to me. Bit light on features sometimes, but that'll just make you stronger.

The inner hairline (whatever you call it) is a nice touch. Imma remember this.

My favorite thing about SAI is probably how easy it is. I come from traditional drawing of like 5 years before picking up a tablet in 2015. Only thing I've used beside some Corel bullshit that came with my Intous and MSPaint.

Coloring/shading can only take you so far. Fat asses can take you father tho
not bad anon, i commend you even as you are a beginner
i do suggest practice of course, but you had a much better grip on perspective than i did when i first started out
I really like the third one.
Reminds me of sunibee (in a good way)
Thanks anon here's what I been up recently
Looks like I didn't save this. Lost all my progress. Gonna go die now.
who are your inspirations art-wise,anon
Idk but my friends on kik help me start drawing. Should I post more of my stuff?
if youre up for some critiquing, go for it.
youre a beginner so dont be put down if someone comments on one thing,youre doing a good job
Thanks. Also what is critiquing?
you know, like when someone gives criticism (hopefully constructfully)
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Ok. Older drawing but planning to redue it
I like your color and shading
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2AM sketch.png
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I've been drawing for a few months now and this is about the best I can do at 2 AM.
First time drawing a spacesuit helmet
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This is what my art looked like about 6 months ago.
I had that same problem when I first got my tablet and one day it just stopped doing that and works perfectly now. I don't know what I did but it worked.
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I know literally nothing, how does everyone make such clean pristine art
nah this is a cool style my man
Thanks for this book collection, I feel like I've been looking for this my entire life
If i start practicing, will i be good enough to charge comission in a year?
Depends how talented you are, how fast you learn, and how motivated you stay.
Also Ive seen total shitters charging 25 bucks for flat colored stuff. Idk if people actually commission them though
You're welcome
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no fun allowed.png
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working on this, i haven't drawn in a while.
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As other anon said, it's all up to you and depends mostly on how much effort you will to put into studying

I'm seeing a lot of your shapes defined by contour line, so there is a lot of inconsistency in proportions and symmetry. I'd suggest doing some life drawing to get a better understanding of the thickness and shapes that make up the human body, as well as how to create poses that have more dynamism and life-like qualities.

Start with this:
Gesture - Theory
Gesture - Practice

Then take what you've learned from those and apply them to any of the live model sessions found here:

Feel free to check out the additional (free) drawing exercise videos from Proko and http://www.onairvideo.com/drawing-tips.html
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Ennzie - Smaller.png
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Tried making something like a daki.
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Testarossa (resized).png
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this is my only trash related drawing that is currently "in progress"
It really just comes from copious practice and learning to relax.
try heading into component services in control panel and manually restarting the wacom service when that happens. Works sometimes. Mine stopped doing that once I purchased a windows key, so if you're pirated that might also be why
I'll take your advice anon
That's a nice looking car, Apтём
Perspective on the road seems a bit weird, though
Contour lines will come naturally as you learn how dimensional shapes come together, and they'll look more natural and lifelike.
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doing exercises on drawabox and wondering if i really need the pens to do the exercises
Ahh spasibo!
I was going to change it actually. It was gonna curve sharply to the right and past a ridge. I never got around to finishing the piece though.
I actually started doing them about a week ago
Got myself the felt-tips he recommends yesterday and they feel really good to use so if you can afford to, I'd say go for it
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Some half-assed quick practice, the only pose I didn't completely bork today and that's using a ref
Disregard the gray parts, I have no freaking sense of value at all
Probably shouldn't have listened to a post-rock radio while doodling because I'm sad now
looks very good.
Only thing that seems off is the arm/shoulder at the back
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can someone please explain to me what this red line represents in this drawing? I'm told it's the other cheek, but why does it extend all the way up to the eyebrow?
The cheekbone flows into the ridge on the outside of the orbit and up into the brow ridge. It looks to me to be highlighting how that entire connected prominence is seen at that angle.
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Yeah I might have lowered the shoulder too much

>The cheekbone flows into the ridge on the outside of the orbit and up into the brow ridge
Oh wow, it actually does
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I think(?) i see what you're talking about. I tried to mark what I think i see in red. The lighter red line is for what's not shown in the shot. I still don't understand what the blue line represents though.
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I'm not as good at anatomy or art as I wish I were, but roughly, I took your original red line and drew in the equivalent area on the other side of the face. And added blue lines to the bottom of the cheekbone as it goes toward the medial side of the orbit (the left one is a bit off on mine, but hopefully you see where I'm going). And I screwed up the exact placement of the green line for the bottom of the jawbone, so I included a reference picture of a human skull so you see what I'm going for. What your second red line is doing is mostly tracing visible contours, but contours only mark where a shape ends, which varies wildly depending on the viewing angle. Also, for the blue section on your second pic, I made that purple in this one.
no u
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I think i see what you mean


I don't know
Everytime I boot or open an art program that messes with tablet functions my drivers reset and I have to map all my hotkeys all over again. Probably need to reformat or get a new tablet.
[sketching trigonometrically]
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You can skip step 1
-unplug the tablet
-uninstall the driver
-restart your computer
-reinstall the tablet drivers
-plug in tablet
and see if that fixes the issue
>dead again
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How to draw lizard butts.png
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Thread necromancy with an embedded reminder.
if both methods are wrong, what's the right way?
Realizing that exclusively bipedal animals would probably not need a tail, unless they had digitigrade legs and a body posture that forced them forward, making them front-heavy.

Or just do it like the lower image, but instead of the tail being so perked up, making it at less of an angle to align with the spine.
Or you could take artistic liberties and do it like the lower image anyways, you're already drawing animal people.
What do you guys think of Bridgman's book(s)?
nice for quick reference
Never read them
A good source of insoluble fiber.
You fags didn't practice today at all, didn't you?
I-I'm gonna, I swear! I'm having a hard time deciding what to practice, whether or not I want to do gesture or try opening up a fucking drawing book and trying to work on construction
i'm so garbage it makes it hard to draw every day.
I already did something yesterday, and today I decided to play vidyagays.
Ended up just looking at computer hardware reviews all day.
Good, then I'm not the only one
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same artist as this

want critique real bad, im super happy with this one so i need it torn to shreds so i dont develope bad habits
Well for one that pose wouldn't be possible, the weight is off.
Maybe if you extend the rope from the wrists to the ceiling, but then you'd have to reposition the arms to be pulled up as well.
Alternatively, the knees could be bent more but you'd have to reposition the whole body
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I finished the lines while bingeing nature documentaries. Destroy me.

>torn to shreds
Your linework is super messy, even on fur, and I can't even begin to understand how the shoulder works. It's like the head is growing out of the shoulder. I suggest adding more base sketches before doing final lines, you'll realize that a pose is sorta impossible sooner.
>weight is off
in the future what should I do to correct that?

yeah it is super messy
i like how you did the fur texture way better, guess i need to git gud at finer lines
I don't know what to tell you, stuff like that is just kind of obvious to me.
I watched a YouTube video a long time ago, just look up drawing with weight or something along those lines.
You do see what I mean right? The zoroark would fall forward in that pose, the center of gravity is too forward.
>in the future what should I do to correct that?
Not that anon but some options
>look for similar references
>check if center of mass is ABOVE the support base and not outside of it
>try to assume the same position yourself (I'm not the only one who does that, right?)
No, I actually did that pose just now to confirm what I already knew
i do see what you mean, i was just hoping their was some technique i could use to help while i get better at poses

next time ill try the position, should help a lot
>(I'm not the only one who does that, right?)
That's one of the most fun parts of exploring poses.
you meant this month?
or the last?
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guise, here's a quickie I did for some other thread. Be honest with me... is there any hope for me to make it?

sorry for shitty photo but no scanner at the moment.

looking at it some days later after doing it what I'm not really feelin' is the position of the ears and how the tail doesn't seem to flow with the pose.
>is there any hope for me

Everyone stop doing this, stop drawing one sketchy thing and post it betting for replies or sympathy or validation or WHATEVER YOUR REASON



“Every artist has thousands of bad drawings in them and the only way to get rid of them is to draw them out.” -Chuck "Don't give a FUCK" Jones
>Be honest with me... is there any hope for me to make it?
What does this even mean
I can't really be bothered bumping this thread any further desu.

So I open it, reply, go to quickposes, do 20 gestures poorly and the thread is on page 10 already. This board is too fast.
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Posted this on /ic/ but didn't get any responses.
Any critique?
It's cute, but it doesn't look like there's any movement to speak of. So if your intent was for it to look like it was stuck on the slide, then I'd say you succeeded. Other than that, I'd lighten up or remove the lines on the sides of the slide entirely, the value shift should be enough to denote a change.
Love the water

Perspective on the slide seems somewhat confusing
I'm not saying that it's wrong, but wrapping lines on the surface of the slide could help

Also, something feels off about hind legs. You'll need someone who knows how to draw dogs or other quadrupeds to get some feedback on vaporeon though.
Dude, you can't draw something in 5 minutes and use that to represent the entirety of your artists skills. Put a large amount of effort into a picture, then come back to be brutalized.
Why the fuck do you niggers do this?
Do a "quickie" for people and then posting it expecting people to think it's good? It's shit ok? It's fucking shit because its a damn quickie. Spend some time drawing, actually put some effort in instead of scribbling some shit down in 10 minutes. There isn't hope for you if all you're going to do are "quickies".
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A couple of referenced practice drawings I might as well try and take further
that stands for him having crippling self esteem issues i guess
Doubt that's self-esteem issues, it's probably just fear of failure everyone has to some degree
Like, if you undermine your own work prematurely, if it will suck, nothing bad comes out of it
But if you put effort into it and it's not as good as you've thought, it feels bad
thanks for the replies guys
>use that to represent the entirety of your artists skills
but that's like the pinnacle of my artistic skill at the moment fampai...

i have this problem where I just lose interest in what I'm currently drawing after getting to some point and move on to another drawing. dunno how to put it, but I rarely go beyond the stage that pic is, a sketchy sketch i guess. I do a bunch of 5 mins sketches and never actually finish one. I hate it because i can't find the patience to go farther to something that can be considered even half completed.

also, I'm really scared about the inking part. i shake just thinking about the fact I can mess up any moment and it's permanent... I try to tell me "it's just a shitty sketch for practice, it doesn't matter" but still I get really uncomfortable with the ink.

fuck it, gonna go back and finish it later tonight. ink it and put some colors on it.

sorry I'm too used to shitty /ic/ memeing

>crippling self esteem
>fear of failure
a bad mixture of both.
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Oh my, page 10.

Gonna sleep on it as usual.
>"no, you have to draw my fetish MY way!!"
That artist is a fucking crybaby.
Want to know how to get comfortable with ink?

Draw in ink. Sketch in ink. No erasing. Do the line confidence exercises in part 1 of Drawabox.com

A good book I can recommend (to anyone, especially those who want to loosen up a bit and flex a different set of muscles from normal academic drawing) is The Art of Sketching by Albert W Porter. It's an old book, but I think that sets it apart from a lot of modern stuff. You'll be freeing your hand and relaxing the FUCK up in no time.
Find it at a local library, or get it used. I doubt any scanned versions exist.
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I think that their point with this particular picture is valid.
The top one disregards anatomy, and a tail simply jutting out of the spine at an angle would make for a very awkward positioning of the bones.
Consider that the tail continues from the sacrum, and as such should be properly aligned with it for it to make anatomical sense. Sure if you're inclined on doing something more stylized and bending the rules anatomy, you might want to tone down the prominence of supporting musculature, but you should at least try to get it anatomically correct.
Even on a fictitious creature like the xenomorph, you can see that this is taken into consideration, so it's less of a "doing things my way" scenario, but doing it according to what is known about anatomy.
Hey was wondering if anyone knows where I can buy a cable that'd work with a wacom intuos tablet?

I know it's micro USB but the slot is small so very rarely do I find one that's long enough that also fits it, anyone know where I can buy one?
Good stuff anon, but the necks sorta fucked on the left one. What are you using for references?

Ever since I started drawing scaly, this shit has bothered the fuck me. I like the thick tails, but they basically fuck every rule of of bipedal animals.
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You have to try drawing more finished pictures, because it's essentially practice and you can't learn without it. Failing at drawing is relatively harmless and not the same as, let's say, failing at electrical safety. Just don't go full bonanza inking and coloring every picture, though, because if you don't know your limits, you'll actually discourage yourself quickly.

Also, you can try try to get some inspirtation by looking at art of your favourite artsits to and thinking "Hey it would be cool to draw something like that"
You know, I'm of the opinion that if realism gets too much in the way of the work, you should feel free to bend it. Because at the end of the day, as much as life is a valuable teacher and as much as realism is a solid tool to learn from, a lot of us are drawing fantasy creatures, and obsessing over the rights and wrongs of every anatomical detail can detract from the enjoyment of drawing cute animal people.
So go for thick tails all you want, mang. If that's what you like on your lizards.
My dream Tbh
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The solution is to make them stand like lizards too.
Did you try Amazon?
If not, Monoprice has tons and tons of cables of all sorts of lengths, connectors, etc etc.

If you're talking locally, ehhhh I dunno, you'll probably get ripped off. Fry's Electronics?
Going off the other guy, tigerdirect sells lots of different cables for cheap and free shipping too
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I fully support this notion.
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>browsing 8ch fur pokemon thread
>my art gets posted
Fuck it feels good knowing someone likes your shit enough to save it and even further share it
>disregards anatomy
Whoopdy shit, it's cartoon porn.
Then why not apply this logic to the rest of the art and put the legs in the bellybutton, arms in the neck and head at the tip of the cock?
If you want to do things right, then do them right consistently, try to be correct on as many things as "correctness" can apply. If not, then hell you are free to do the strangest eldritch abominations that would probably be really cool in their own right. But don't half-ass it. If you break a rule, such as putting dicks in the nipples, do it with a purpose, not for lack of knowledge.
As I said, liberties can be taken in a lot of aspects but things should ultimately be done with knowledge, purpose and follow basic anatomic guidelines.
Unless your intent is to break those guidelines in the first place.
Theres a difference between changing something to make it look better and just being a retard and making abominations.
God you realism fags are insufferable.
You probably dont like tits on reptiles either and like cloacas and dog pussy
You are exaggerating his comment far too much.
On the contrary, lizard tits are a miracle of the universe.
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cleaned up my linework
i think i did better with the pose here
would like critique
Yeesh, sorry I hurt your stupid lizardfucker feelings, Captain Hyperbole.
Wasn't 8ch dead since Google blacklist it
Its not blacklisted I think
It is really slow though
I usually go through quickposes 20 pose thing, and then keep a couple that turned out passable/interesting.
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Riley Dynamics 1 with sketch.png
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I'm really bad about every pic having the same wooden pose, so here's my first try at more dynamic ones....

Poses from these http://anatoref.tumblr.com/post/124899489221/dynamic-poses-by-modelfactory
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Blacklist was rather short-term.
It was killed off mostly by admin incompetence.

For example, they wanted a board software upgrade, so they have hired a literal NEET dropout, who has never worked on a project of this scale before, to "write" it for them, made a donation drive and everything, obviously no board upgrade happened, the site actually went down for a week and they've also partially lost their database, managed to leak a bunch of users IPs, while NEET ran off with 12 grand. That's probably when eightchan lost majority of it's non-pedo audience.

The highlights/shading looks kinda random
I'm pretty bad at this so take it with a grain of salt, but here's some of my confusion

Also the pose seems confusing a bit, Is he lying on his side or he's supported by his arms? Maybe someone else can redline it.
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>hired a literal NEET dropout
hehehehehehe, but we meme'd on josh real gud
poor kid went crazy with smug anime girl posters
Hey /trash/, what do you think of this?
I like these a lot anon. Anywhere where you post your work?
I understand that feeling well, but it's just like any other skill based hobby. If you want to turn it into something lucrative you need to practice the fuck out of it, if not then at least do it for the sake of being good. You can't be discouraged because some pictures look like shit, you have to be dedicated. Of course, it takes more than dedication obviously, but that's an important part. There is a place for posting 5 minute scribbles but it isn't here.
That being said I hope you improve and achieve whatever it is you want, keep trying.
Half lying on his side half supported by his arms
Kinda a lazy half pose thing

As for the lighting its coming from the front of the picture, not the back
But yeah your right, theirs quite a few places it was pretty random and not really right now that you point it out

Thanks man
deviantart tier
There's really not much to say about this

Colors aren't toxic, that's something good I suppose
Random shading, but again, not too awful
Otherwise it's just cartoonish characters with no anatomy and it doesn't have anything interesting, like a good gesture or background, going on

I'd say work on the perspective regarding vaporeon, it looks a little small/ thin, but overall it's great, good job!
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Left /hyw/ on /co/ cause of shitposting and >bullying.
here's some porn I just finished
Thanks guys, looking now

Used to sell my old sketches from a year ago on redbubble but took them down as I really disliked my old style.

Spent the last year spending 30ish minutes a day sketching in a notepad for uni. If the new cable works out I'll be posting stuff soon.

Thanks again <3
Unless the thread dies
Just how exactly does copying work? Do you just eyeball the thing you want to copy to draw it? Similarly, how exactly does this teach you skills applicable in later drawings, assuming those drawings are of different objects, people, places, etc?
>Do you just eyeball the thing you want to copy to draw it?
You could draw straight ahead (eyeballing) or you can construct the figures or objects of the composition. The former is better for achieving flow and line placement and the later is better for perspective/form and proportion practice. Even tracing has some benefits as long as you're taking a educational approach to it.

>Similarly, how exactly does this teach you skills applicable in later drawings, assuming those drawings are of different objects, people, places, etc?
You have to use what you learned in your own drawings. It's that simple. If you're studying how someone like Darkgem is using anatomy, try taking that body type and making a new pose from it.

I definitely find it useful to have Loomis or Hampton or Robertson nearby while I'm studying someones art so that I can cross reference and see how they stylize their fundamentals, or even see what mistakes they made.

General idea is that you eyeball stuff while paying attention to what you copy
It's good, probably even crucial, to have some basic understanding of the subject, so you'll know what to "look for", that's why other anon said it's good to have a figure drawing book nearby when you're copying pictures of people.

Books on their own have useful info, but it's pretty hard to wrap your mind around it until and unless you analyze lot's of "examples" (e.g. photo references or work of other artists), and if you actually copy them, you'll have some benchmark to test yourself against. E.g. if you copy a drawing and it looks different/worse, it means you didn't get something, and you can compare the result and the original to see what exactly you did miss.
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I realized I don't really have a place to post my porn since I only draw it for the my friends who want porn of my comic characters
Quickly put one together, and posted my stuff.

ded bred :-DDD
That bed is fucking HUGE

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I was probably drunk or something, cause in canon the bed is like a twin size.
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That's the thing I started yesterday. Work's about 2-3 hours in. I started around March in 2015, which sounds like a lot of time to improve, but really isn't considering I've completed maybe 20 pictures in that time. Without guidance by a similar picture, I still suck at basically everything. The other stuff is from way before I bought a tablet and still used pencil/paper (sorry for potato quality btw., phone is old as well).
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Hello I can't draw a straight line to save my life
Like literally unless I use the shiftkey or i'm drawing diagonally mmy lines end up looking kinda like the photoshop brush preview

Dark line was rotated page and drawn diagonally but still has a bit if wave to it.
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That's a non-issue.
Use the line tool when you need a straight line.
Most lines in organics aren't straight anyways.
You can rotate canvas as you want, it's not illegal.
Your motorics gets better as you just draw.
You can do draw-a-box if you want to get better lines faster, but it shouldn't be your first priority if you're new to drawing.
If it's not an issue then I won't worry too much about it then, thanks.
Don't draw every head at the same angle with a blank stare

Not that anon, but you should get comfortable drawing straight lines and fundamental shapes for the purpose of motor control and confidence, at least. Just don't make it your only form of practice; do draw everything you want from imagination, reference, etc.
Try drawing from your shoulder more. Practice keeping your wrist and fingers stiff.
What is opinion ITT about using stabilizers
Stabilizers are fucking great! I always use a little stability when I'm sketching, and then jack it way the fuck up when I'm lining.
I have no idea how to use one properly, so I don't use it
My lines are shit though and I never ink
Do you use lazy nezuma or the builtin stabilizer in like csp
The in-built stabilizer in CSP is pretty good, and you can adjust it as you see fit; Lazy Nezumi has a ton of really neat micro-tuning features for getting your strokes just how you like them, along with adjusting your pressure values and all kinds of other weird meme features. Again, though, you can find most of it within CSP.
almost there
>been on and off drawing for 10 years.
>improved from drawing a circle to animu from doodling which i didnt know that it was bad practice, i just wanted to drawing my favorite show.
>didnt know about the importance of anatomy or even heard of it.
>plateaued around 6-9 years ago and it caught in the trap of complacency and stuck on animu style when i want to get gud and faux comic style when i dont give a shit.
>artist block when trying to draw something new but accidentally redraw the same shit from my old doodles.
>am now early adult with an elementary drawing skill, compostion and have to work another 5-10 years to break away from symbol drawing thanks to being too consistent with it.
>mfw people in this thread has been drawing for months and weeks and shows complete improvement in contrast to my artist skills.
time to off myself.
I guess that's what they call "muscle memory", only through practice you can retrain your muscles to get to the new style you want.
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Is it sad I put more effort into drawing animal women with hueg tits than any other thing in my life?
No I find drawing really fun when I get in the zone.
Its getting in the zone that's the hard part with all these distractions.
Whats going on on the right side, that's some crazy anatomy stuff going on?
You have something that you enjoy and that doesn't hurt anyone. That's not sad, that's something to celebrate.
Musculature study. Sorta going alright.
The red lines are notes I took after letting the picture sit for an hour or so.
Keep doing that
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I can't figure out the lines for the back and the ass.
Can you help out?
Did some sketches yesterday night
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That's a rather defeatist attitude
I suppose there are bad habits, but 5-10 years is a real fucking stretch
If you're aware of the things you want to fix, it shoudln't take long
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just finished this too, experimenting with coloring
What do you think ?
Ugh, these sketches are really nice, but that's not my fetish

Dunno about the colors, she looks bruised
grotesque. The fetish is offputting and the coloring isn't helping.
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These threads are a thing again?
No they're not
We're going to die (again)
Animal women with huge tits are one of the finer gifts of life. The study on the right is looking damn nice.
Also, the traditional coloring pencil look is just too charming for me.
should i make a new thread when it hits bump limit?
Nah give it a week or two so people have more time to or practice what their drawing
ok, next thursday then
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