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/TLHG/ - The Loud House General Bust a Nut edition >Boor

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Thread replies: 433
Thread images: 173

/TLHG/ - The Loud House General
Bust a Nut edition



>Thread Archive:






>Paramount making The Loud House Movie due 2020

>New Books & DVD Announced



ARGGH! You For Real?/Garage Banned (7/24)
>Lincoln and Clyde find out that “ARGGH!” is coming to town and decide to go to the taping./ Tired of her siblings, Lori moves to the garage, but quickly finds it is more than she bargained for.

Job Insecurity (7/25)
>When the children discover that their father is not at his old job anymore, they begin to worry it might be their fault.

Change of Heart (7/26)
>Clyde is desperate to learn how to act normal around Lori, so he enlists Leni’s help.

Health Kicked (7/27)
>Worried that their parents are hurting their health from not being active, the children encourage them to exercise.

Lynn-er Takes All (7/28)
>Tired of Lynn’s poor sportsmanship during board games, the siblings decide to team up to take her down.
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Lily 1.jpg
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An older Lily is a cute Lily!
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oh yeah. Honestly didn't remember any names except Carlota and CJ
>LH ballbusting
Now this I can get down with
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Lynn is the best
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Zero effort went into this.jpg
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Do Lisafags even exist?
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Lolacoln fic or Lincori fic?
Lolacoln hands down.
>They made another fucking thread just now
Fuck 'em, they're the mod's problem now. Just stick to this one.
Doesn't seem like the mods are gonna do anything about it.
This. Already bombing another thread sadly.
Okay then, I'll be back in like an hour or so.
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I'm just gonna lay over until tomorrow. Sigh.
See ya around, piggy.

Friendly reminder that Tepdora is fat and gay and you should remind her of this every time you see her.
Thank god for lenibomber. Now we don't have to deal with pedozilla's annoying spam.
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Sooo... Anyone see any good movies lately?
I saw that new Pirates of the Caribbean movie last week. Definitely better than the last one.
>6 threads

I saw Baby Driver. Good movie that I didn't mind sitting through at the theater.
>I saw that new Pirates of the Caribbean movie last week. Definitely better than the last one.
Anything could be better than the last PotC movie senpai

Hey Teo, you are fat and gay.
This is the power of an assblasted autist, nothing specific to /tlhg/, jackass.
>bothered by only 6
Way to show your newfag
The most we've had was 15, right?
You're fat and gay btw.
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This was actually 8 at one point.
what do lincoln's friends look like
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I enjoy that not a single person will acknowledge the leni spam as being any part of why no one's saying anything. Essentially we're at the whim of one spammer who could decide what's "fair" to spam and what's not, and people will just bow away and let him.
I'm pretty sure there were more one night, something approaching 20. Still nothing compared to the shoeposter, though.
No you.
Why is he doing it tho?
I'm not a newfag, been here since december.
Give this man a cookie.
t. No fans show
Oh fuck I forgot about shoeposter
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>Mid year save
>No discount on Dark Souls 3

Goddamnit, I want to do my Leni built
>Not a newfag
Holy fucking shit dude
A thousand thousand lenibombed threads are preferable to a single thread with a Luaggie OP.
You are a newfag if you think 6 threads is anything to bat an eyelash at.
He's mad that no one likes his Luaggie pairing is why he's doing it. Idiot just can't take no for answer.
Because people didn't support his shitty Luaggie ship.

Whatever newfag.
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I almost saw Captain Underpants.
Kino, very kino.
Multiple spammers, newfag. Only his threads are getting spammed anyway.
and yet, we've long had several. This idea that the OP image matters is trivial when we've been passive enough to have completely unrelated images for OPs, and the edition never affects what happens in the threads. And you shouldn't be putting this guy, or guys as it doesn't really matter if it's one or more, and the behavior on a pedestal for essentially halting discussion, for self-righteous reasons that he could move at any time.
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Now we can move to more important things
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But TLH just came out last year, how am i a newfag?
It's also because of how early he made the threads, jackass.
>people flip out over OP images
Are you a newfag or what? This shit happens all of the time.
I'd rather let the dumb fuck throw his temper tantrum by spamming multiple threads than have him constantly bring up why Luaggie isn't well received here. If you were in the past few threads you'd know how annoying he got by how kept pushing the issue when everyone else was tired of his shit already.
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To be fair, Luaggie is about as good as Lynncoln.
>family comes over for holiday
>get to light fireworks for eight kids
life is good
Yeah, and that's actually a really retarded way of allowing spam. We shouldn't be allowing the kind of behavior that lets people be dumb enough to get bothered by this when a simple "hey, just ignore this" or "hey, just wait util we're done with this and then move" could keep the flow going.

And what of this is actually true and what of it is you filling in blanks to find a good narrative?
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>Luaggie is about as good as Lynncoln.
Doesn't matter to me one way or the other. As long as he fucks off back to DeviantArt and takes his gold fish-tier memory with him. We had like several guys explain rationally to him why no one liked Luaggie stuff and he STILL kept looping back 'forced ship' this or 'Lincoln x QT' that.
Good thing no one cares about your opinion.
>we had like
Because I've been in all the past few threads and I've seen him keep bringing up the same subject over and over whilst everyone already told him to quit it. He eventually just stopped caring for rational discussion and started spamming new threads early multiple times.
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fat teo.png
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>Newfag doesn't realize he's a newfag

the comedy.
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>2 threads going
>I wonder which ones getting bombed
we're fucking predictable somedays
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There it is again.
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terrorists win.png
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Does anyone happen to have the complete series of '/trash/, a trashy place' ? Care to post it please?
At this point you two should get married and fuck.
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pig holding lucy.jpg
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Doing requests
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No, HERE it is again
Pigslut Lucy hitting on Lincoln
Lincoln and Lola in 70s disco outfits posing.
requesting you go to bed
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Pic related with Lincoln.
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And no one has to?
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this with Lincoln and Rita
it's like there's no one who watches this show that speaks anything beside spanish
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The superior Luan ship
Eso es Portuguese, pendejo.
That's italian.
Lincoln as pic related
same mother tongue, equally stupid.
Just a note, the person you were talking to and the person who made this and those threads aren't the same persons.
ded hours started early

I blame the butthurt spammer and Teofag.
I really like the smell of my cock.
ward that off with music
>I hate my life.
Just waiting on that Lolacoln fic myself. And I'd be playing Dirty Bomb right now if the fucking login worked.
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ehh on a good day, maybe.
otherwise, my ball funk is too stronk
That's what happens when you shit on one ship and none of the others.
None but knowing that it was pretty easy to have people allow themselves to be messed with and even easier for people to build their own narrative around it.
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Nah nah, just the penis.
But we already do that everyday?
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More Spicest when?
Depression is kicking back
End result remains the same. If people didn't like Luaggie before they're gonna hate the shit out of it now. More drama, just what we needed.
Cease this madness, now.
whenever they get their own show.
Bobby has a cute little cock, makes it easier to self-insert now.
Why not tell us watcha

>ooh Im mad better use a pic where teo is angry
Yeah, but honestly, who cares? No one here makes any content on it, and when they do it's always some sort of subversion. The general consensus of things will never change here, and there's always other places, so what's it matter if this places likes it or not.
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Wow it's been an hour already.
Alright my man, would you like a lewd or comfy lolacoln fic?
Lewd only if you age 'em up, otherwise comfy.
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So, how was your sunday? Your entire weekend?
Did you do everything you wanted?
>who cares?
That's the thing, no one does and that's fine. It's just that he couldn't accept it and tried forcing it. But that's all water under the bridge now, hopefully we can get back to some normal discussion.
it's been almost 2 months since I've drank.
and I worked.
my life is dull
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random best of the worst videos
leapt through time update
its super windy where im at right now.
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my bedroom fan
waiting for the sleeping pills to kick in
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Some shitty doodles
Did some house cleaning today, thats pretty much it.

No. I've lost everything, the only thing I can remotely look forward to is my PhD, but other than that I have no other things in my life. Kinda sucks, but that's what a 2D waifu is for
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bring TulpaLynn to life, anon
Comfy lolacoln is the best
>Comfy *Lanacoln
Heh, you sound like me, wanna get to know eachother?
Dragon Ball Super.
A lot of Japanese VAs.
Lincoln's Last Concert update.
Sick of the humidity around here.
What's up, dude?
sure, but don't be expecting me to show you my dicc or anything. can't fuck me on the first date, yo
Always fun when some jackass assumes it's one person. There were at least two bombers.
SBP Stream Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City
Hellbent by Mystery Skulls
Lynncoln short and something else for another thread
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Twinscoln is the only true answer
> neo
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I'm not too fond of Lana nor the ship, sorry.
That's sort of different I guess.
Except for the two before that. 1 >> 4 > 3 > 2. (Haven't seen the fifth.)
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>I'm not too fond of Lana
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Except I'm all for showing my dick on the first date.
I didn't mean like that--Do you have a history for showing your dick--You've confused me, Anon!
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Ah I just get lonely sometimes. I live alone, and got one friend I chill with on occasions. Last gf I had was 3 years ago. Still not over it, so I get whiny.
There were episodes available online in April 2016. You've been around for six months out of fifteen. That's like the difference between a twelve-year-old and a thirty-year-old.
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>not too fond of lana

welp we all have our own tastes in sisters I guess
I'd like her more if they toned down her gross factor. Seeing her dig through garbage cans to eat out of em just disgusts me.
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nah, just playing. what's up?
you like Lola?
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lincoln at a bachelor party.gif
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Oh, shit dude I expected something heavier, loneliness is ass.
And hey everyone moves at their own pace, as long as you're grieving and not harassing her all is good, right?
clearly you underestimate 6 year olds.
I like Lola, she's cute, with the whole "WORSHIP ME!" Deal, I wanna see her and Lana playing cops again.
I've babysitted enough times to know they only get curious at best. But I've never actually seen any want to stick their hands deep let alone dive in.
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Why are you doing this?
that would be pretty funny. I'm not too keen on her aggressive personality, but it's cute.

>see its liek she's sad lol please love me
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Sony Vegas

Audiosurf 2



I'm trying to scale back one of my ideas to make it less cringy on paper

I don't like this heat
I feel like when she gets older she'll be really mellow and chill.
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Yeah I don't give her any trouble. Just sucks sometimes to realize all the mistakes I made. I guess we've all been there though. Here's hoping the next dice roll fate decides to throw my way is something good.

Otherwise I'll probably try to live a solid life and then off myself when I'm 45 or something.
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All non-content providing avatarfags are cancer
I want Lynn to fuck Lincoln's tight boipussy with her uncut prehensile dolphin dick
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>Waifuposting a waifu character outside of her own threads to invade another waifu show

Please, if you're gonna do it, you need to do it right and use best girl, watch this
Maybe it's just because Grey voices her but I can see her becoming a modern-day equivalent to Azula. Just with everyday girly things instead of World Domination.
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>dolphin noises of approval
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It's a good thing Teofag's provided content
Does anyone know a loud, fast dadrock love song? One that Luna might like to listen to while cumming on a vibrator? I'm asking for a friend, haha!

> playin
Downloaded a Pokémon Pearl rom. Oddly, I'm not feeling any nostalgic love.
> listenin to
> writin
Trying to figure out how this Luna/Sam story is gonna go.
> whatever-in
I have two ice cream coupons, each of which is two dollars off of two pints. I'll save four dollars, then, and use that money to buy another pint.
O-Okay, i guess i'll stop p-posting for today. Goodnight...
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Here's hoping the best for ya, man!
I see myself doing something similar.

That's bullshit but I Christopher Reeve it.
Got you covered, bro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbB4cRbR8ek
but I love u
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I'll be here when you get back
Europe Express was a great album by Kraftwerk
You're doing God's work anon
Will this work?
Worst CC's
Lenibomber if their spam counts as (((content))).
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Not Teo 2.png
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Good evening, fellow gentlemen. Let's discuss about TLH and have good laughs haha.
possibly. people mellow the older they get, unless you're an asshole.
>also, trying to sort my photos for quicker reaction time

you are the best poster in this thread.
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>not picking the song that would fit Luna more
Do you even bi?
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Let's hope she's not an asshole! For the last episode, I'd love to see a time skip 10-15 years into the future to see how each Loud is holding up.
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What the hell happened to the pigslut's waist? Is she just an upper torso fused crotch area?
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>listening to Motley Crue post Too Fast For Love
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Not Teo 5.png
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I don't get it, what are you talking about, sir?
>she doesn't have a back
really should just stick to drawing his same pose
I've been wanting a future ep for a while.
it would be cute seeing the young sisters a little older.

it's pretty obvious you're Teodora the gay ghost fattie.
Did SB99 do the anatomy for her?
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No thanks.jpg
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Human anatomy isn't like that...
So is he just not even posting in these threads anymore, can we just go fuck ourselves? /sug/ and /ceg/ are great but fuck /tlhg/?
Wait that is sb99, oh I'm havin laff. That's legit awful.
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Thanks I appreciate it. Cheers, and I hope everything in your life is great.
Where's everything below her ribcage?
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Oh, nevermind, the pigslut pic is already posted. But yeah, just a little something for today.

And it's been a while since posting here, so hope you guys are doing fine.
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You would think after nearly 1500 Loud House pics, SB99 would be able to grasp basic human anatomy...
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We had two/three threads that were spammed for about half and hour or more for the sole reason of being an OP with an upopluular ship, irregardless of being made "early" after bump limit or the spam being multiple people or not.
That image was only posted a couple of minutes ago, and considering the earlier discussion of "pigslut" he probably planned to post it.
a la >>10232477
That bike is pretty badly done. Lynn is okay I guess.
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Not Teo 6.png
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I still don't get it. Teodora? who's that?
Would Lincoln enjoy the Bill & Ted movies?
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>assuming Linc and Clyde aren't the Bill and Ted of our generation
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It's good enough, I really just want to get a pizza from Domino's.
My life's going good enough, I can't complain, or rather I don't wanna.
I do hope it gets better, you seem like you're trying, dude.

That might be the series finale tho, sadly.
The movie will 99% probably be Viva Loud Vegas.
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You'll accept the word and you'll like it.
I'm doing fine. How about you, working on anything new?
But I never assumed otherwise anon. I was just asking if he'd enjoy the movies themselves.
>>LH ballbusting
>Now this I can get down with
I'd like to try some. Any ideas for later?
At least he doesn't trace like Ultrahand.
>Ultrafat traces
When did this get brought up?
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Don't acknowledge him. It's just the kysfag's new gimmick.
its a new meme they have no proof that ultra traces
A few threads ago, he had a massive melt down over it.

>muh kys boogeyman

I heard this before but no one is willing to dig through the threads to show everyone. Or at least label it on the archive. I mean it might have been but I haven't checked.

some annoying ghost girl who was a rugmuncher in a previous life.
>Obsession with Ultrahand
>Is desperate for attention
Well, if the shoe fits, man...
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There is no proof. No matter how much people ask for it or the supposed meltdown, he never provides it. Just ignore him.
>still no proof
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Third time's the charm.

Was your favorite sister also your favorite brother? For me it was an instant crush with this guy. But my second favorite changed to boy!Lucy, they really should have done something creative with boy!Lynn, like make him the girly one. He was nothing without the tomboy appeal. And holy shit was boy!Luan a piece of garbage, I'm not a huge Luan fan to begin with, but that guy was just an all around piece of shit.
Are the president of this guys fan club? I'm just stating facts.
Facts with no proof.
If you want comedic, Lane with all his siblings lined up to bust him in the balls with increasingly vicious weapons, a-la the classic scene from airplane, starts with golf clubs, up through crowbars, baseball bats wrapped in barb wire. "C-C'mon guys, I already apologized for April Fools..."

Or erotic, Loki lovingly asking Bobby if he's ready while grinding his nuts under his foot. Or Lynn getting ready to have Linka try out her new spike heel boots on his junk.
The thread he had a meltdown in is the proof.
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>Actually talk about the show in literally anyway at all
>Metashitposting, identityfagging and high-school drama-tier bickering like literal fucking redditors
this shit is so toxic holy fuck
Lane and Lars did look like prime bullying material but otherwise none of the brothers really did anything for me.
Which thread? There's a dozen of them.
Shut yo bitch ass up.

>Why is nobody discussing this show that only gets 2 1/2 new episodes a month?!
You're the one staying here for it
Actually, not for me, I like Leni but my favorite brother was Lars. Loni was just kinda eh.
>Ok, Let's talk about the show.

>Who's the best sister?

>Oops I started a shitstorm that killed the thread.
Well you could help by contributing to the actual discussion instead of just passive aggressively complaining about drama. Just sayin'
Let's talk about Luaggie.
>metapost complaining about meta-posting
it's like printing (you)s
>devil trips
I like Lana, and Leif has that dumb cute thing going. I dislike Lola, but Lexx is also cute. Don't care for Lucy, but Lars is adorable. Lisa's cute, but Levi made the least of an impression. Leni's overrated, and Loni sort of the same. Lori's good, but the transition into a guy doesn't take well.
Luke had the misfortune of looking really off with that hair""""style"""".
Not the other guy but I'll give a request
I want to say Lynn and Lincoln but that's so obvious
Maybe Luan and Lincoln, Luan thinking that people will find nutshots funny
>2 1/2
>11 minute eps too short for that guy.
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>when she wants you to cosplay for her
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requesting this with Ronnie and Lynn
What would a Leni build be?
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I don't understand why you think i'm that "Teodora" person in disguise. I just wanted to talk about this fine show, but it seems that it will not be possible

Ah well, a tout a l'heure!
>Lola confirmed for Yaoifaggette fujoshit
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I didn't even know people still did that.
>I want to say Lynn and Lincoln but that's so obvious
thats because it works so well
I guess so. Lane had a sexual pants bulge and short shorts. Lori is mid-tier, but Loki had those exposed shoulders. The rest of the boys were just forgettable, but at leasy those two looked like they'd do butt stuff.
I officially can not pass my calculus class.
Even if I get 100% on the final, I will at best have a D, and that isn't enough to continue to the higher level classes.
Wasted almost this entire summer not playing video games, doing all the homework, taking the tutoring classes after lecture, talking to the professor about things I need to improve on, etc.
Everything all the books and slogans and shit say to do and what not to do.
All that time wasted just to fail the quizzes and midterm, and go on the fail the final probably but it doesn't matter because I'm already too low.
I feel like I'm in one of those fucking cartoons about preparing for a big test, getting all the homework 100% and showing all the work, acing the practice tests and problems in the back of the book, just to be let down when it really matters at the tests. If it was a cartoon I'd have some friend or parent tell me about how hard I tried or how some one else saw all my hardwork and wants to give me a chance at a job offer, but as I lie in reality I just wasted a semester's worth of tuition and books with nothing to show for it.
This isn't /tlhg/ related at all, but it's 1 in the morning and my cats are asleep and won't listen.
Yep. And because people constantly reply to them, trying to "bully" the avatarfag, they give them the attention they need to keep coming back and for new ones to pop up. It's the single simplest rule of the internet: Don't feed the Troll, but seems like no one here can do that right.
Trips demand that this be done.
Waifu wars are astronomically superior to identityfag infighting and if you disagree you really shouldn't be on a website that upholds anonymity above all else because you are a faggot
Wanting your balls busted may be the single most beta fetish aside from being cucked that exists.
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>writing fics about TLH
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I've been well. I'm working on an SU pic next, and drawing things other than Loud House has been such a refresh these past few days. I just couldn't think of anything for this show lately. The Lynn and Lucy pics this weekend were just experimental. And I haven't been in this general in a few days, so I wanted to see what was going on. Have a good evening, though.
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>Drawing pics about TLH
> failing calculus
Jesus fuck, you're a brainlet. What level?
Eh, I don't really have anything to do and I'm losing interest in most of my old hobbies except comics since animation sucks but 2000AD is what's stopping me from killing myself or going outside. Is vidya still shit?
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>posting sad chihuahuas
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>writing fics
Could you try doing them in obnoxiously bright yellow text instead?
it's calc 2, and this is actually the third time i will be failing it, so im pretty sure im just retarded and not just a brainlet
>Not coasting off your senpai from drawing TLH pics.
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>still watching the Loud House
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There are dozens of them.
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>doing ANYTHING at all
To be honest I'm surprised that this place isnt full of /u/-tier faggots after Luna was revealed to be bi
Damn Lori with her insane ranged pokes. Us Lola players literally get the short end of the stick. Doesn't help that she's got that healing move with her Bobby assist.

But then what would we be able to complain about if we fixed all the things we complain about?
Do any anons happen to have any more images of this melancholy doggo? I am... a collector.
>when she stands there and glares intensely at your asscrack
Find other things to complain about when new episodes air, duh.
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I'll trade ya some rare doggos.
To be honest I can't believe Luna us fucking gay.
Not another No Such Luck shit flinging fiesta
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>when she stands there and glares intensely at your asscrack

>tfw you should go to sleep
> Is vidya still shit?
I'm not up to date with everything, but I think it's seen a little improvement. All the normies are in love with the newest Zelda, which is open-world. Splatoon is good, and, afaik, Splatoon 2 should be good, too.
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Why? Outside design, the style doesn't lead itself well to girls, and /u/'s largely anime based. They've got more interesting things they could be watching with actual plot and interactions between girls.
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Man anon that's an awful lot of logic you're using there. I don't think you belong here..
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Thank you for your patronage kind anon, I have made it my quest to track down the source of this particular strain of images but I have met no avail so far.
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Are there any caps of the thread when it aired or at least stream chats? I was too busy with projects to come around back then.
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Because people were writing fucking articles about how it was breaking new ground I thought it would bring a lot of that kind of attention to us.
Did anyone make a new thread yet?
It should also be mentioned that Luna is highly unpopular as she's considered a backround character.
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This is the last one i got.
>When Lola is a sadist in public and around all their siblings
>But absolutely loves when Lincoln dominates her, punishes her for being such a bitch, and is genuinely rough with her in her pink princess bed, staining her sheets with her own innocence
I'll save these ideas. Thanks.
Nice, powerful women who crave being abused and dominated in the bedroom is a huge fetish for me.
This was actually precious. And look at that caboose on Lynn.
CC's who have never seen a human torso
>tfw I'll never get to hear Grey voice out dom'd Lola lines
Just end me.
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If you mean that one thing I remember linking, that wasn't a big deal.On the internet people can generally make articles about anything and it can be creditable based on what type of source it is.
If we're literally talking about /u/, they're not going to care about that and come all the way here when they've got anime manga and other things to ship, and if we're talking about yurifags the type interested in a quaint cartoon like this that happens to feature lesbian/bi character who is only sometimes the main focus in a cast of 13 would probably be on tumblr or definitely not bother to come here.
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I may be a yurifag, but I'm not gonna be a bandwagoning faggot just because someone happens to be gay in the show. My heart and Loyalty belongs to Lynn.
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This was actually precious. And look at that caboose on Lynn.

>four times in one evening
Fuck me, I'm setting a personal record over here. It's actually telling me I can't delete posts this often, I didn't even know that was a thing after 10 fucking years on this site.
She's totally more into dick. It's just so much more fun compared to vagina. That and huge titties.
I only see their legs from the confines of my subterranean lair.
>Leni fags also have the best boy in the series

Being a Leni fag is awesome.
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Wow, a look that actually works for her. I'm amazed.
Goodnight /tlhg/
CC's who have never seen a hman penis
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Which loud sister is most likely to experiment with letting a dog fuck them
Hardmode: no Lana
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Luan X Morty WHEN!?!?
luan, in a joke beast bit for a vid of her's gone wrong when he gets loose
> Oh, gosh! Guys, I... I think this dog is horny! I'm all nice and caring, so I'm gonna give this dog some relief! Using my anus!
CC's who have never seen
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seen what?
Switching the places of Morty and Luan would result in an increase of quaity for both shows. Prove me wrong. Protip: You can't.
Luna she already dived her tongue inside a dog's anus, canonically
Not my fault you got caught in the pleb filter.
I fail to see how Rick and Luan would be a good combo.
goodbye blue skies
>still shitposting
Lynn? Not sure how deep her puppy play fetish goes. But if we're more realistic and going for the long game, then Luan: I can envision her as a lonely, chubby, struggling part-time comedian with a tiny apartment in the big city with only has her dog keeping her company. The knot is the only thing that lets her forget her failure for a while in-between almost unpaid gigs as warm-up in clubs and the fetish clown porn she does to make ends meet.
>... Lincoln released pump after pump shotgun powered ropes of his semen deep into Lola's core
>So much to the point that the sticky liquid began to drip down from between her thighs where they were connected
>Her face laid buried in her pillows, once to try and silence the screams of orgasmic pleasure her older brother had gave her
>Now, they were being used to rest her weary head
>Her hair was beyond disheveled, Lincoln having pulled it several times throughout their now finished session
>Her bare ass rested against his navel, his thick member still stretching her tight snatch
>The once Ivory skin of her ass cheeks, was now an angry red
>Handprints coated most of her soft, yet firm, ass cheeks
>Her breathing was ragged, her throat sore from calling out Lincoln's name into her pillows
>"That should teach you to play nice with everyone. We're all sick and tired of how you treat us" stated Lincoln
>He pulled out of Lola, admiring the seemingly endless amount of spunk that poured from her once, innocent flower
>It stained her sheets, but Lincoln didn't care
>He left the room silently
I can see Luna getting knotted in the context of a wild, drug-fueled post-show orgy and Lucy getting knotted in the context of a satanic ritual where the dog represents Cerberus.
I am being genuinely, 100.0% honest. Leni is a pleb filter. And just because you got mad at something doesn't mean it's bait.
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When Lucy X Dex happens.
What shall we use to fill the empty CC places?
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You're also baiting. She is neither pleb filter nor am I mad. Have more Leni.
Unf, nice.
>pretending that Lola isn't a distant 3rd in the most likely to partake in incest line up after Lynn and Lucy
I miss Mr. Ping, and Garfield 2 a Tale of Two Kitties posters.
I want to pound trap Lori while he is on his hands and knees and fuck him until he leaks precum
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Man, you made me expect something good.
Pat when are you going to color your shit?
Anyone get the pictures?
Describe a CC with a sponebob quote and others guess who.

I'll start,
>"The inner workings of my mind are an enigma."
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Loki? Gross, Loni or even Lane are better choices.
Next thread: >>10234114
There was already a thread up, and you made this early.
Please delete
Which? The Lincoln one?
>Luagggie thread
No thanks
>>10229883 is still up
But anon, don't you know that rarly made threads get bombed? I didn't make the rules.
Lane is reserved for Loud use only. His brothers are his keepers and he's their catcher.
This. No one wants it.
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> also
I'm the same guy, but okay.

So, think aout it for a minute. What do plebs like?
> blonde hair
> big boobs
> exposed legs
> girly demeanor
> a flaw, so they can pretend they aren't shallow, but not a flaw that makes her unlikeable
> niceness: "she's nice, and I'm a Nice Guy™, so we'll get along"
Leni has all that. But here's what patricians see in her:
> will spend your paycheck on overpriced clothing
> can't navigate to the kitchen without your help
> thinks steak is unhealthy
> reads magazines because she's too stupid to come up with her own opinions
> too weak-willed to say "no" to other men
> could easily be convinced to try homeopathy
And, most importantly,
> there is nothing to be learned from her
I'm not saying that everyone who likes Leni is a pleb... but I am saying that all plebs like Leni.
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Did anyone save the Trap Lori pictures? I want something to whack it to.
>"Aw geez...Luan. I d-don't know about this..."
>"Oh lighten up Morty! You gotta learn to live a little."
>"Live a little? The moment you press that button do you know what's gonna happen?"
>"No duh. That's part of the prank."
Leni doesn't have big boobs, the same amount of flaws as the others, hasn't been shown to blow other people's money, navigates the kitchen and a hotel just fine, steak isn't very healthy, but she also doesn't believe broccoli has feelings, most of them read magizines, she rejected plenty of men, the mailman and some guy her age are examples, debatable whether she'd try that stuff. There are things to be learned from her.

Issue with your claims is they can be said about most if not all of the girls.
Who's more of a soulless dick with no regard for human life, Rick or Luan?
Luan has regard for human life, she just loves pranking.
Once you love pranking more than you respect human life, it no longer matters.
Except she still respects human life. She never tried to kill or seriously harm anyone.
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Go ahead, not like anything else is going on.
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>17th day of May.
>It was my third turn at taking care of little Lily by putting her to sleep on my own bed.
>Me? Oh it's not a big deal, I didn't even sleep at all, my duty was to watch, give headpats and caressing her soft head so her anxiousness dissipated.
>I can barely see it's already six in the morning thanks to the rising sun.
>Red squirrel in the morning...
>Sun... It rises.
>Man, Leni sure loves that peaceful song, such a shame she always forgets the lyrics.
>Lily's made a mess of drool on the left side of my pillow, such amount of saliva means she's in deep, deep sleep, I think.
>I grab the blanket's hem and slide it away before getting off the bed.
>That painful dizziness sensation from standing up too quickly hits me like a bucket of cold water.
>I twist the doorknob of my room then mildly sliding it open because I know sooner or later, the pandora box will be opened.
>With steady pace, I grab Lily with both hands to pull her out from the warm blanket, placing her head against my forearm and holding her body with my free hand.
>I go out my abode and reach for Lisa's room, carefully turning the doorknob and going inside.
>Surprisingly, she's still sleeping soundly, and when I say "soundly" I mean she snores like a beast all thanks to her experiments, seems she gets constipated, sick, or literally could die at any moment.
>Wait that's so wrong.
>I place my youngest and prettiest sister in her crib, giving a few headpats right before I make my way out the lab-smelling room.
>Gosh, that's not the environment Lily should be growing in.
>I walk down the stairs, one each second as I rub my eyes clean untill I arrive at the kitchen.
>Still dizzy from before, I dismiss the fact that I went past the actual dining room and instead sit at the kids table.
>It's too quiet down here, it's only been five minutes and no one is flinging shhh..stuff at each other.
>Issue with your claims is they can be said about most if not all of the girls.
Lori can drive. Lynn can run an obstacle course. Luna wouldn't give a shit about what you eat. Neither she nor Luan nor Lynn read magazines. Lori understands money. Luan makes money on her own. Any of them would fight back against another man's advances. Luan and Lori, at least, would be skeptical about homeopathy.

Leni is like an affectionate cat. She looks good in your home, but you'll never have a fulfilling relationship with her. She doesn't have the brain capacity for it.
> Leni doesn't have big boobs
Bigger than her younger sisters.
> navigates the kitchen and a hotel just fine,
"Thank you, sign!"
> hasn't been shown to blow other people's money
What do you think she does at the mall all day?
> steak isn't very healthy
Enjoy your lettuce.
> she rejected plenty of men
They must not have been very persistent. (see: the mailman)
> There are things to be learned from her.
Wow, you sure convinced me with that super cool example.
I just want those trap Lori pics.
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>I place both arms over the wooden table and rest my head on top, looking at my right side where the dining area is.
>Truly my weary consciousness is not the one fooling me, after all that photo-rush event and even Lola's gratefulness, I could collapse in sleep in any second...
-Seriously Lana?! I can't believe your pig did that to my dolls! I'm SO telling dad about this!
-Hey! Don't complain! They looked too nice for him!
>I manage to hear Lola's sultry voice as well as Lana's raspy tone throughout the hall, then a series of quick paced "thumps", makes me think she's coming over here.
>I glance at her golden silk hair without her usual tiara on top, pearl necklace and her eye-catching pink dress reaching her feet.
-Good morning, Linky!
>My blonde little queen dashed towards the table, sat immediately and pulled her chair close to mine.
>Lola flashed a small, but pretty smile at me as her left hand caressed my back through my orange pajama shirt.
-Linky, you don't look so good today... Your eyes are red and you're blinking so much.
Was it because of Lily? Aww, poor boy.
>At this point it looks like she's mocking me.
-You took care of Lily, now, would you like me to take care of you, Lincoln?
>I blink twice and nod ever so faintly.
>Microseconds later, she took my hand and guided me upstairs to her own room.
>Letting anyone inside her abode is a burden and there's a two-percent chance she'll allow Lana to enter the queen's zone.
>Herself pushing the door open, I go inside the mixed room and look at my tomboy-ish blonde sister kneeling in front of her pets while whispering some words.
>Is she praying?!
>What a girl.
>My head soon met Lola's foam-feeling pillow.
>Lola placed more pillows under and over my hands to "keep them steady".
>I hear her gloves being taken off.
>I sense her silk-soft hands fondling my pearl-white hair and forehead.
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>Just how weary people begin to drift into sleep for what it seems like hours, I feel slowly dragged into calmness as my vision starts to dissipate.
>I... have become comfortably numb.
>The blonde queen gives her brother a gentle kiss on the forehead.
>Lola disregards the fact that it's already breakfast time for the family and decides to rest on her own bed once more, positioning herself right beside her Linky and giving him another kiss on his cheek while holding his hand.
>The queen quickly fell asleep and joined her companion's deep slumber.

Leni can drive too, and Luan reads comedy mags. Leni isn't shown to not understand money and Leni can hold a job well enough. All of your reasons are pure headcanon.
Leni has the same size.
That joke is retconned by every other episode that shows her easily walk into the kitchen and find what she needs.
What do the others do at the mall all day? She does the same shit Lori does.
Lettuce is good for you, and tasty.
She rejected him and went to let him down softly. Same with the kid from their school
You convinced me with yours. Keep spouting your headcanon though.
You can have the pastebin for being such a good sport, if you want.

Your precious pastebin, gratefully accepted.
> Leni can drive too,
But not in a straight line.
> Luan reads comedy mags
... What episode was this?
> Leni can hold a job well enough.
The only time she's even had the potential to make money was her charity fashion show. I can respect charity, but you'd think she'd try helping out with household expenses first, y'know?
> What do the others do at the mall all day?
They spend their time elsewhere.
> Lettuce is tasty.
Spinach is tasty. Onions are tasty. Lettuce tastes like wet rocks.
> She rejected him and went to let him down softly.
If a drunk man grabs your breast in a dark alley, you don't let him down softly.
Bait. The episode showed that she's good at driving, until Lori fucked her up. She could easily get back to where she was before that though.
They've been shown in her room that she has comedy magazines.
She did well as Fritz.
Yet they all gleefully voted to go to the mall.
Lettuce and spinach is tasty. Onions are gross.
That's not a drunk man, idiot. It was a mailman who just gave her mail. She rejected him as she didn't want to go out with him and thought he was asking her out. She can easily reject guys, but isn't an ass.

Fuck off with your bait and headcanon. Your last point made no sense in this conversation.
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Why do you keep responding to something you recognize as bait?
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Because it's late at night, the thread's almost dead and I need someone to talk to right now.
Well how about we talk about Linc's nerd friends and which Loud sister they would date, if they could? Or any other female in the show, really.
> The episode showed that she's good at driving, until Lori fucked her up.
She drove a lawn mower, not a car. She used it to draw her name - admittedly impressive - which she misspelled. In case you haven't noticed, most people don't do that.
> She did well as Fritz.
She double-booked a room and gave away a first-floor one for free.
> Yet they all gleefully voted to go to the mall.
But they don't do it every day. Also, > sullivan episode
> Onions are gross.
You have officially achieved maximum overpleb. Congratulations.

As for my last point, when I said originally that she didn't have the willpower to say no to men, I'm not talking about nice men. I'm talking about men who would intimidate her into sex. She'd get on her knees without fighting back.

> everything you don't like is bait
Don't be stupid.
Probably Lynn, Luan, Lucy and Luna as they liked copies of them at the dance.
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You'll feel better after getting some sleep.
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And so will you.
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I know I will. I usually only get like this when I'm tired. Thing is I'm not physically exhausted enough to go to sleep right now.

Ignoring my depression, how are things for you, Lenifag?
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I just woke up and don't have to go to work today. I'll be here all day.
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Go to bed, Alex.
A whole day of procrastinating awaits. Well, either that or I can finally motivate myself to make some content.
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Do you have ADHD? Or is the procrastination just because of laziness? Either way, what did you plan on creating?
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Laziness. When I'm not at work, I'm pissing my life away shitposting. That's why I decided to pick up drawing as a hobby again.
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I had a feeling it was you.
Is that weird?
Is that gay?
How's your writing going?
Why are people still in this thread instead of this thread


page 10 too already
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I'm not who you think I am. I'm not a writer.
>And I show up right when this happens
I'm actually glad to see you still around here, dude, but I won't cut in here.

Glad to see another creative Lenifag round here though. Godspeed to you, brotha.
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I wonder if he thinks I died.--

I'm not dead! And I totally got locked out of my discord like a faggot, I think I messed up the email and shit, I'm sorry for that, how have you been?
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Well, I'm both, so trying to write as a hobby is coming along slowly, and wasting my life is part of the depression. Any fic ideas? Also, are you the anon who did Lola eating her rice?
Because this is the best time for discussion.
Leni needs more creativefags.
Would there be any interest if I drew the Louds as different fitting animals? I was inspired by this pic, and needed more.
> Any fic ideas?
Not him, but whaddaya think of breast expansion? I think it's great, and you should write a fic about it.
I'm interested. Curious to see what you think they should be. Maybe as the zodiac animals?
Zodiac? Like crab, pisces, etc.?
Just hit me you meant chinese zodiac.
Ah, good! I was worried about that, but don't you fret, it's a huge relief to see you. I've been good, trying to get things to settle down at work again so I can get back to creative stuff. I owe a friend some serious work. How about yourself?

Indeed she does, mate. What's been your focus as of late?

I back the Zodiac idea.
>it's a circlejerk episode
Thought these ended a while back
I'mma drop my discord.
I've been alright been drawing here and there, nothing to really write home about, drawing something now, TLH related, but I don't wanna say what it is.
Bugged Life Mechanics#4675
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>Also, are you the anon who did Lola eating her rice?
Nope. Last thing I "finished" was this.

Also, weird how you people recognize each other.
No, like dog, dragon, snake, bull.
Like Jackie Chan adventures.
If you mean in general, trying to do something completely unrelated so I can maybe do a LH game. If you mean Leni related, nothing as I have no ideas.
I'm not a fan of lewd fics, so I don't know how well I'd do a breast expansion fic.
No discussion?
kek. Anyone can add you?
I mean if they wanna, sure, I guess so.
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I honestly don't. I just randomly guess.
>No discussion?
That's what discord is for, take it there
Nah. I prefer discussion to shitposting.
lel. I would, but I feel as though it would be awkward because I'm not a content creator, and the last group I joined had some bad spergs in it.
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I mean.. Why's that matter Anon, we can just shoot the shit, I'm literally not a CC just some sperg who likes to draw.
And maybe write.
This is barely discussion, it's just talking about the discord that you refuse to take the conversation about the discord to
This thread is dying anyway, honestly.
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I'm done with talking for an hour or so. I just thought it was a CC discord.
see >>10235212
We started there and have been going. The thread is almost dead and we aren't hurting the new one.
So instead of taking it where other people don't have to see it you're sing the thread as a personal chat room. When you're literally talking about a chat room you could be having the conversation in
Yeah dude, I mean, maybe not an hour it's like 4AM here.
And no.
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Yes. And you'll be here with us until the very end.
I guess I will. Good to know there's more cancerous CCs to watch out for doing this kind of shit
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Tell us about yourself.
One, just leave the dead thread. Two, we were literally talking about fic and drawing ideas. Are you so blasted that we aren't talking about porn, why a certain sister is bad or how we hate this ship that you're staying here? Or would you rather another Lenibomb?
Only 1:AM here. I'll start up discord and send you add you though.
>wahhh! No discussion. Only shitposting!
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Well I was born in late June, so I am pretty cancerous. Might wanna watch out.

Oki dokey, then!
I'll take a bomb to seeing people turn the threads into r9k, which is shitposting in itself. You're not actually talking about content, you're talking about discord shit without actually doing the discord shit, so just cut out the middleman
>Chinese Zodiac Louds
If they're according to their personality...

Lori: Tiger
Leni: Goat
Luna: Rooster
Luan: Monkey
Lynn: Dragon
Lincoln: Rat
Lucy: Ox
Lana: Dog
Lola: Horse
Lisa: Rabbit
Lily: Pig
Happy late birthday then.
>all discussion has to be about lewds, shitposting or what you can create to appease me
Nah. I'll have a normal discussion on top of the other one.
I'll have to check the JCA wiki, but it would be interesting to give them their powers.
>shoving your discord shit down other peoples throats is discussion
Pretty low bar there. There are better places for what you're talking about, why not use them?
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>anything not related to shitposting is discord shit
kek. Nice bait.
You gotta be shitposting, brudda.

I hate hearing that but, eh, thanks, you didn't know that!
Well I based that off this.
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Why do you keep responding to something you recognize as bait? Again?
Explain the appeal of jerking each other off here when you could be doing it in a place where you don't have to deal with "shitposting" like this
>hate hearing Happy Birthday
Opposite for me. Always fun when someone remembers.
See >>10235212
Is talking like a normal human being jerking now? Maybe you should take a break from this site, anon.
Yeah, that's the normal zodiac. I was talking about the cartoon specifically because of the powers they could all have.
Bait is fun, sometimes.

I'm just cynical, during my birthday.
>oh hey you're that guy I can tell who you are just from how you post/what picture you post with
>what's your discord, girlfriend?
>happy birthday!!1
Jesus christ. If you're going to call what I'm saying shitposting at least don't try to act like you're above it. What you're doing isn't "normal", not here
Assuming the show takes place in 2016...
Lori: Born 1999. Rabbit.
Leni: Born 2000. Dragon.
Luna: Born 2001. Snake.
Luan: Born 2002. Horse.
Lynn: Born 2003. Goat.
Lincoln: Born 2005. Cock.
Lucy: Born 2008. Rat.
Lana, Lola: Born 2010. Tiger.
Lisa: Born 2012. Dragon - same as Leni.
Lily: Born 2015. Goat - same as Lynn.
Did you not see the part where I said I just randomly guess? I always use that picture as a question because I requested it.
>not here
Because you don't know how to talk with real people no one else can?
Birthdays are like Christmas, either you love it, or hate it.
Well, that makes it harder to use all of the talisman.
The conversation you're having belongs in a chatroom or a phone call, not on an anonymous shitposting site. You clearly have discord, so use it. At least there's a piece of content to attach to this shitshow, the Jackie Chan story is the work of circlejerking CCs
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Agent Randall.gif
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I said the cancer/birthday thing just to fist you.
It's true, but he never asked.
>shitposting site
Glad it isn't against the rules to talk like a normal human being from time to time.
I was under the assumption it was discussing a future story. Sometimes people plan ahead. If you talked with people outside of this site you'd know that.
You're also ignoring that only one of us is a CC.
>I'll get him with my 4D chess
That's still just one piece of the puzzle
The work of A circlejerking CC, then. The story discussion is only part of your little /realdepressionhours/ thing or whatever the fuck it is
kek. Good bait. We discussed story ideas, pic ideas, now realtalk. Good thing you have a newer thread to talk about porn in.
K, I'mma fuck off now.
Thread posts: 433
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