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Official Pony Thread

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 300
Thread images: 251

Official Pony Thread
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Neat, how're you doing?
I'm alright, I slept in, so now I've got bedsores
How about you?
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As in those actual painful welt-like things just from sleeping in? I'd hope not. I'm doing alright, starting on that Loomis drawing shit so I'm not just wasting all my time.
Nah, no welts or anything, just pain
Sounds neat
Needs more LOOMIS!
y'all faggots
I don't see you post very often here
Whats up?
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i miss my 8mb wembs with sound
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a little gay webm 930980.webm
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Ah! Bun! Whatcha done?
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question Nnaa~ bun.png
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sleep and woke up.
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Why would you sleep?
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Because it feels good.
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Sleep is bad for you though.
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4MB limit. Can't violate global rules or be NSFW. Post webm in >>>/wsg/1741897 and link it here.
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I will lead the way bun.png
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Only in excess.
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Night bread
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king of the hill game theory here.

dale knows about john redcorn and his wife's affair.
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Bullshit. The joke is dale is oblivious even when the evidence is right in front of him.
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but that's just a theory.
You know what? Here's a game theory on the same level.
Fallout 4 takes place in Chyna.
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sounds like clickbait.
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Another theory: the internet is now nothing BUT clickbait, just like everything ever. You are the clickbait, I am the clickbait, anon is clickbait, cookie clicker is SUPER clickbait!

Except books, books are not clickbait.
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who the fuck reads books these days?
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story time bun.png
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People who enjoy good stories.
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just flip on the jew box.
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Radicals, lawyers, cat ladies and >>10120932 once knew a girl who did nothing but read.
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>cat ladies
n- no shit huh?
do you think these catgirls are impressed by well read men?
I'm talking crazy emotional baggage jockies Rose. Who would be school shooters if they weren't women.
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oh, I thought you were talking about anthropomorphic cat women.
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How long until we have our first transgender school shooting?
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I thought the latest shooting was committed by one.
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There was a tranny that shot up a school?
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the supermarket shooter identified as a transgender.
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watched teen titans judas contract.. lots of sexual innuendos between starfire and nightwing
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Huh. I'll be damned. All that estrogen didn't slow him down a bit!
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Oh skitty! It's horrible! It's so horrible!
what is
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Your face!
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ur illegal here
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Pasta! You so stringy!
Legalize me!
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Crap, things are dead again!
I didn't kill it! It's all batsy's fault!
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you killed it bun.png
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I didn't do it! You can't prove it was me!
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So it turns out I had an eye doctor appointment scheduled today. Does anybody wanna know what my vision is?
You're blind?
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Been outside, what's been cookin on all of your ends?
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Congrats! Your eyes are shit!
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Riding on the graceful kitten litun and getting right pissed off at the UN.
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Kek, thanks! I'll have to see if I can get corrective surgery in the future.
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Politics are far too tiring for me, I'll take not knowing some probably pointless thing which I can never change, thanks.
I've got astigmatism in my genes so my eyes are going to be fucked at some point too, not to the same level though.
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Oh no, it's not the real UN. It's a bunch of commies in some forum game that mimics the UN. Geopolitics the game. I've made it incredibly difficult on myself by being outed as a fascist because a lot of the users frequent Revleft. Very surprised they've only given me a warning for holocaust denial.

I'm not even playing seriously, I'm just invading everything.
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Oh, more like holohoax amirite
Something like 37,000 being inflated to 6 gorgillion yep.
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I need someone to come in as Argentina and invade Venezuela until they get thrown out of office.
Welp, I just made my dad's day kinda suck.

He's been pitting a bunch of cherries to use in wine. I asked him how much a person would get paid to do that kind of work, and he says a machine would typically do it... although they sometimes miss a pit or two. He then mentions that he sometimes misses a pit or two. My mother asked what he does with the pits, and he says he just grinds them up with the rest of the cherries.

So at this point, I ask, "hey wait, don't cherry pits have cyanide in them?" They tell me to google it, and I find that the amount of cyanide in one crushed cherry pit is enough to kill a 150 pound man.

My dad just had to bin a bunch of ground up cherries.
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>the amount of cyanide in one crushed cherry pit is enough to kill a 150 pound man.
Wtf? I did not know this.

If you swallow a whole cherry pit, it won't kill you. If you eat a crushed or otherwise damaged cherry pit, it will kill you.
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I mean, I always spit out the cherry pits, but to think they have deadly amounts of cyanide in them is kinda freaky.
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Congratulations! How do you feel?
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Did you put it on the floor to take that picture?
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How close are you to finishing your program?
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thanks babe
loved those threads
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There's still a bunch of crap I need to do and it doesn't even run anymore at this point since I'm working on all the network stuff.

Pretty damn good.

More or less.

Bed and tables were messy, so yes.
your hands look pretty hot in that pic
want to get frisky on skype?
What'chu up to?
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Not actually in the mood right now. Just kinda chilling and playing vidya right now.
im sick as a dog, skits
not a doctor but i'd give myself two or six days to live
how are you? are you fairing well in the heat?
okay cool i'll take a rain check
>21st century
>dying of illness
Sucks to be you!
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doing stuff bun.jpg
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If you had thought of it would you have tried to get your hands and phone out of the reflection?
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What do you want to do with your life?
I blame obamacare
i can't wait to die
bet you feel foolish now lol
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What are you sick of/from??
I'm well, just finishing some network stuff for my program. I'm hoping I could have it actually work by tonight, otherwise it should be working tomorrow.
Nope, you just chose the worst possible way to do it. Apparently you could have eaten a crushed cherry.
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happy bun.jpg
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What I'm currently doing.

It's not really something I'm concerned about.
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You are just the worst kind of person.
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i'm sick and tired of being sick and tired
very cool, and it took less than a week. what else have you been up to?

better than getting hanged but the ankles and sawn in half. i am not sure i believe that cherry business. it must take more than a single pit to reach lethal levels
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How're you, Gaufre?
For sure, yeah. Extracting poison is always a process.
"The lowest known adult fatal dose of hydrogen cyanide was estimated to be 50 milligrams. Cherry pits contain about 3% amygdalin which yields 0.17% HCN

29.4 grams of cherry kernels x 0.17% HCN = 50mg of cyanide
One cherry pit weighs about 1 gram, so you're going to have to eat about 30 crushed cherry pits to die a horrible death."

Hm. Maybe it is not so difficult. Thirty is a bit more than one though.
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[excited] bun.png
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Why what do you want to do with your life?
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Being sick always sucks unless it gets you out of doing something you don't wanna do lol
I've not been up to much otherwise, just helped my grandpa find some things on the net, also helped my uncle find some old memorabilia he had upstairs and suddenly ended up misplaced somehow.
Who would actually get married at a taco bell unironically? So dumb and weird. That is definitely my least favorite restaurant. stupid place, I only ever went there once and I still regret it years after the damage
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Post some more pictures then please.
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I don't fucking know grandfather! I don't know! Stop asking me!
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Rarity_I'm a stupid mudpony!.png
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Doing well, as I usually am.
I'm trying to find a certain live performance which may or may not e on youtube, but other than that I'm managing everything.
Do a left foot reveal.
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It would be nice if things could work out that way.
Did you help them find anything of note?
I am sure there are plenty of taco bell loving people who would take it seriously. I was wondering if you would be interesting in doing it as a joke. Vegas is pretty cool and baja blasts aren't so bad. I imagine they are better from champagne flutes. It is quite a bargain for six hundred dollars especially considering included things like a sauce bouquet and a taco twelve pack. Though if you had an unpleasant experience it might not be a fun idea.
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Since you're in /b/read, have you considered using a name and/or trip?

I wonder if Taco Bell does gay/trans weddings...

You want pictures of my hands and phone?
Yes I have but I have difficulty using a name despite the odious nature of anonymous posters.

Something I was hoping to find out. alas..
Post your feet then!
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>I have difficulty using a name
Do you not have namesync?
The struggles are not technological, but mental
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What is the difficulty in using a name?
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Yeah he had lost some 33mm canon shell or one around that size and no one could remember where it was but I found it in my moms room, dunno why she decided to hide it there suddenly but he noticed it was missing right away.

I'm not usually one to take offense and be a faggot about things but you underestimate how much I dislike that particular brand. I liked their chihuahua but that's about it.
How many chromosomes are you on right now?
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CaNoN! Poni ! <3

How was your trip in the mountains? How was the feast?
There isn't any. I relish the freedom of anonymity

Far too many, I'm afraid.

Is it an active shell or is it merely for decoration? I have some 30mm shells from a-10s and they are pretty cool. Can't blame your mother for wanting it.
It's alright, I saw a link today and thought it was funny. I don't actually want to go get married there.
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It's for decoration ofc
also I think it's that size and also I should have said casing but remembered only after the post..

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I wish I could get a gau-8 for groundhog hunting it sure would save a lot of time. though i guess the whole point is long distance marksmanship but i am not looking forward to it. a week of ten hours days on the flats is too long for bonefishing and a week of thousand plus round days is just too much shooting. it feels like genocide. they are just little doggos that live in ground holes.

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Here's a wink bun.jpg
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Sure and anything else you want to.
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yay Urshula!!! <3

Oh it was fine, however my uncle coudn't make it so we had to go without him with my Aunt, the city we went to is about 820m high, so luckily it wasn't humid but it was still a bit on the hot side, but the food was great and the view was okay, then we had icecream at a cafe nearby, so overall it was fun

I might even go tomorrow as well somewhere given it's the last day of feast

how's u? :3
Yay Rap!!

how's it going? :3
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fixing hat bun.jpg
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So what did you order there?
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Fine! Fell asleep for a few minutes... again... so a bit tired, lol

Hi Rap! How's you?
kek, that's ridiculous
how long will you be up? I might go to bed in 2-3 hours maybe.. starting to get sleepy..

also trying to see if I can finish a more or less working version of that program by then. I just now finished some of the important networking code I needed.
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Hiya Interrogator!
Oh some appetizers, we call it "meza" here, something like this http://souar.com/data/media/1/Meza_bigsss.jpg but a quarter of it given we were only 4 persons this time, and then some grilled chicken and kofta with dips and fries (also salad that's included with the meza)

It's nice to get away from the coastal early summer heat

how's you?

hehe well you should probably head to bed then if you keep falling asleep :P
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only up to talk to you, or else i would be on my soon to be death bed reading. so around then i figure
think you can do it? is it as cool as it looks?
i want to be able to send seal team seven to eliminate posters with a mouse click. i think that would be a nice function to add if you haven't yet.
Hey iap <3
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hello there
fondle any horses recently?
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Nah, I'm just gonna power through it. Drink some coffee or soda or something... :P

Sounds like a great meal.
Only in my dreams. Had one where I was making out with a real one. And the day before I was snuggling with chryssy, lol
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Better than nothing I guess.
Though I am not sure what making out with one would be like. They do have great tongues but it is something I have not tried. Do your hips hurt at all?
I've been going to PT this past week and haven't been in pain, and my walking has improved a lot. I still have a pimp limp though. In my dream it wasn't to bad kissing a horse. Neither one of us slipped the tongue, lol.
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Oh cool. It has been quite a healing process. Do you use weed in lieu of roxicets now? they have gotten hard to get these days.
that sounds a bit more like advanced nuzzling which horses excel at.
Yea I still smoke weed and I still have roxies. If we meet and I have some, I'll bring some. :3
Oh I was the big spoon for chrysalis. It was speeshul
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explaining bun.png
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Doing good staying busy at work.
Can you eat pork?
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I have an annoying jewish dealer down there who rips me off sometimes but he can get anything so i will contribute if you wanted.
nice lol
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wow it sure is gay in here
Nah, my doctor isn't a dick and gives me a script when I ask. I still want to try opium with you and play snake on your couch. Lol if you remember us talking about that years ago
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Hey fleur.
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whos u?
how did you know?
I knew because that's how you announce your visit usually. And the avatar
pls, get well soon~
I don't know, I'll have to finish it and judge it then.
kek, that might be a bit more difficult than I anticipated when I started this
oh cool, good for you
i really love that stuff
i remember the thing about opium but my memory fails me when it comes to playing snake. it sounds questionable but fun
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whos u? don't have name sync

oh, almost blew my brains out a few weeks ago, was going to live stream it, booze kicked in as did the weed and I passed out before I did it.
It's like skittys nightcrawlers but on the couch

Also look at this video https://youtu.be/TCQ-RO00mhk top kek
It's a me shiny
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i will try 4u
i'm sure it will be, even if it isn't.
if you are able to include sweet lightning effects surely you can add seal team hit squads. maybe something for a later patch tho.
how many more hours do you have left of prometheus?
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>1 min in
Oh, this is gonna be good. Thanks Shiny!
KEK, I was a little over half way done with it before I stopped watching it to do this.

not that I didn't like the movie I liked it so far but I wanted to do this more...
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I remember your images.
I often wonder what happened to the old posters. I miss some of them, and the good old days when I didn't want to live stream my suicide.
hmm, ok den.
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That's a little depressing to hear. Things are looking that bad?
Np, got it from mlpg. I try to bring the gems here
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Give it up bun.png
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You should follow his example aku.
>namesync is dropped puts name on a couple posts later
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[astounded] bun.png
135KB, 390x388px
How often do you get to have dreams like this? I'm unlucky in that I either don't have dreams or just don't get to remember them.
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I can guess everybody just fine. Like how a buttershy is always a skitty, a chickun or diaper is a blew, bun for buns, overly cartoony/cat/fur is rose, then nick is lewd fur/zootopia, smokey is purple toothpaste pone, moths for Iza, nazihorse for batsy, and others simply announce themselves.
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angery bun noises.png
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Every night and multiple a night, so much I forget them. I am a semi lucid dreamer. Whenever I realize I am dreaming I wake up usually. I can exert some power over a dream and nudge it in a direction, but I have never had full Control
yep, i want the fuck out and hopefully fuck with some people mentally, was debating blowing my brains out in public.
Don't do this please
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why? I don't count, never did.
Yea, I remember when I had 2 exams once and I had to pull an all nighter to study the other so I made some coffee in the middle of the night lol, in the end I did great in the exam so it was worth it :P

I'm gonna head to bed pretty soon I expect

Cool cool,
Call 1-8oo-273-8255 please its professionals that can help
And everyone counts
Bullshit, they don't. Any idea how many educated homeless there are nowadays? No ones going to help us, our future has been outsorced, i've tried everything and can't stand being me anymore.
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eeh bun.png
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Do you know where you could buy some pork products in your city?
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you sure do like a lot of homoerotic stuff for a straight guy
i dunno if it is a good idea skits would be mad with jealousy
wow you guys were really on to something years back. it's all so obvious with hindsight.
>for a man to put on the woman's robe: whoever does such things is disgusting to the lord your god
god is lame af lol

what's so bad about the new world order anyways?
Good night bread, and iap <3
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screen shot 2017-05-18 3.png
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a little over halfway
nah idc, was just curious. i think it is amusing.
you made the right choice though this is a far better use of your time
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Goodnight Shiny!
Nothing gay about a couple guys wrestling on the couch....
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muzzles 9284.png
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sleeptight shinywubs
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It's simple really.
You start with 1... then 2... 3... 4...
what about simultaneously hotgluing pony plushes?
Caught <3
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In my city? no, pork and alcohol are forbidden, however a 1/2 mile drive up the road from my place is outside city limits so you can find those in any shop after that
Jack finally killed aku, was lulzy
kebab country?
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le /b/ anon
k. Lol Europe is on the way to becoming kebab, merkel just said Germany will be islamic soon and from what i've seen the women have no issues breeding with the refugees. So long fatherland ;_;
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I know.
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So uhhh, are you ever curious about what those taste like, or do you not care?
glad they finally ended the show
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Rip best villain.
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that title goes to griffith
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Oh, are you German? yea the shit happening in U.K and France quite are something alright

I also got a 2nd nationality, not western Europe, pretty damn close to Germany though, can you guess?

Chances are I already had some when I was in Europe, oh and once I was hanging with some crazy friends for new year's and they got alot of drinks, so I tried some whiskey, and also I tried some rum chocolate, either I'm doing it wrong but the one thing I notice(besides the taste) is the burning sensation in my mouth. In any case, I extremely rarely drink at all, and never got drunk once in my life.

My dad used to be a drinker though, back then when he had his business here, you'd find all sorts of drinks in his room, Whiskey, Cognac, Vodka, Rum, he had all types of fancy bottles, also beer, but then he completely stopped drinking about 12 years ago when he stopped his business..only other person in my family who still drink is one of my uncles, he likes drinking Red label and Arak, drinks even in his supermarket near my house and doesn't give a shit lol
Doin' good, enjoyed the day with my brother and aunt in the mountains, was suppose to be joined with my uncle but there was a change of plans, in anycase we had fun, and the mountain air was refreshing (well not cool but doesn't feel humid at 820m), then I chilled a bit at the mall back in my city then got home and took a nap, actually gonna be heading to bed pretty soon now

how bout u? how's the cap treating you? :P
also I sent u a link on steam yesterday, but I guess with the cap you probably couldn't open it
polish? hungarian? no idea
murrikan but ethnic german. I'm looking into nova scotia and new zealand now, atleast it's safe. It's so fucking hard to immigrate to most places now and with the muslim threat its not worth it.
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2MB, 998x714px
Well I actually managed to make it work to an extent but I still have a lot to do before it works the way I want.

but at least the basics are working now
Your first guess was right!

Those are some R A D transitions!
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Luna sleep 40.png
998KB, 1024x1250px
Need sleeps, nighty!
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G'night CaNoN!
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those watch settings
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1MB, 1062x702px
I still need to fix stuff quite a bit..

LOL I just needed something to test

here's a demonstration of what it does

still need to do quite a bit of stuff until it's ready

also want to make it pop up a notification on the bottom side when it finds posts, and if i did things correctly you can watch multiple boards for tags like this but i've only tested itt
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it's cool af
you knocked it out to the park with this one, the ui is especially good
it would be cool if terrance would let the marker work here then you wouldn't have to add that first bit every time
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Do you mean that when this is ready you could potentially "summon" someone who is using it just by mentioning a keyword? If so, then that'd really cool.
I didn't coordinate colors for the posts section to the right and I have yet to implement anything that saves settings so that I don't have to type crap in frequently

also I plan to make a board option liike
work so that it attaches to absolutely every thread and looks for whatever keywords there

I'd find that useful for pol and g sometimes

nick pls kek

that's exactly what I was making it for
I want to just leave it running in the back and something I can glance at when I get back to the PC or notify me of mentions when I'm not in the thread so I can be an ultra snoop
it is still topnifty
i guess that will work just fine
will you actually have it send notis to your phone?
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40KB, 517x409px
I heard there's an APP you can get on android and ios that lets you send http posts to their site with your account and it will forward info to your phone and show a notification. if I feel like it (probably not) I'll add integration with that service so it could be set up if it's not too difficult...

I'm not sure what else to make it do

I didn't realize it's already 11pm, I think I'll waste tomorrow trying to perfect the thing.

when are you hitting the hay? I'm getting there
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It's a great starting point and I can't wait to see what you will do with it in the future. Do you have an android device yet that will work?
soon as you do my dude
would you be my battle buddy in the sacred band of thebes?
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I just have my iphone.
Of course kek
I kinda wana go to bed already but i'm so much closer to having a working version of this concept I had a long time ago kek
oh also we need to do some genital jousting sometime
i have to bed soon and maybe even now
if you are on a roll tho maybe you should soldier on
unless it will take hours
then maybe get some healthy sleep and do it tomorrow
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218KB, 1010x741px

I saw the email.. wtf
how can this be allowed to exist on steam?

yeah I'm going to take a shower and hit the bed now
I just made some last minute changes to the apps visuals
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1476225696862 fox.png
2MB, 1317x881px
looks good with the individual posts outlined
i dunno but we should make more people get it
night skits <3
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Didn't you say that you practically always have these threads open?
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197KB, 422x650px
yep. on the computer by my bed.
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What's going on in here bun.png
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spooked bun.png
79KB, 148x341px
How are you doing this evening?
I suffer no agony.
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mitties cosplay bun.jpg
169KB, 546x656px
That's good.

On an unrelated note, I'm going to go take a shower.
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301KB, 750x1000px
Return with pictures of yourself in the shower visibly nude.
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toweling off bun.jpg
174KB, 500x609px
Oh I'm sorry I got in the shower before seeing this, I would have totally done that otherwise.
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1MB, 1240x1754px
I am certain you will remember and comply next time.
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mitty hoddie bun.jpg
153KB, 600x600px
Is the beach fun?
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654KB, 708x1000px
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Oh no bun.png
131KB, 247x385px
Why is that?
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290KB, 825x960px
It is hot and filled with sand and people, sometimes sandpeople.
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having fun bun.jpg
196KB, 600x443px
How did you meet most of your friends?
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298KB, 800x800px
Through other friends and work.
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bashful edgelord bun.png
318KB, 500x657px
Do you like popcorn?
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just having a sip bun.jpg
101KB, 400x472px
Have you ever eaten popcorn with milk, using either a glass or a bowl?
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114KB, 624x900px
Not that I can recall.
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low res bun mia.png
8KB, 512x512px
You should try it some time. What shows did you grow up watching?
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506KB, 911x1200px
Hanna-Barbera cartoons, The Real Ghostbusters, TMNT, He-Man, G.I. Joe, Cheers, Seinfeld, the old Nicktoons, Thundercats, Animaniacs, Tiny Toon Adventures, The Critic, The Simpsons.
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I can dig that bun.png
179KB, 283x405px
Did you have to share the tv with the rest of the family? What's your most missed discontinued food product?
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405KB, 776x1104px

I do not have one.
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You can go buy a ton of cherries if you want cyanide.
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being cheeky bun.png
332KB, 401x685px
Oh I see, didn't want to talk to me huh.
We all take turns talking to you.
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Hmm? I was just watching you question Darwin. Didn't want to interrupt.
Don't peache and apple cores also have it?
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hooded hey there bun.jpg
160KB, 400x533px
How are things going with you Raptor, are all your meds working well for you?
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Yes they do, apparently.
>Apples aren't the only fruits with cyanogenic glycosides, either. Peaches, apricots, cherry pits, almonds, even lima beans—they've all got 'em. But you don't usually eat fruit pits whole anyways, which is where the amygdalin is, and almonds and beans don't have enough to harm you. You'd have to chew or grind a cherry pit into a fine powder for the glycosides to do their work.

How're you?
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547KB, 1280x1041px
I'm capped so posting will be very slow till saturday my time.

but, otherwise ok.
Medications working for the most part, but all it's done is made the stress manageable.
I'm not really improving at all from the sorry state I was in 2-3 weeks ago.

In fact you guys are the only people I'm speaking to anymore... been like that for a while now.
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Yup, sounds right.
Does it say how many cherry pits and things you'd need?
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mamma mia bun.png
474KB, 694x536px
Well at least it's not out of control anymore but I still hope you get even better in the future.
Snukums, give me your folder.
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[flustered] bun.png
3MB, 1200x2060px
Not till the anime is over please.
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The nausea is gone, that was the main thing that was killing me, legitimately.
I don't know how much longer I could have continued on feeling as I did then.

Now I'm just sort of... I dunno existing I guess.
Playing games to pass the time, working to earn money to pay for rent and games and what little food I still want and need,(still losing weight, not far left to go, but I gotta keep restricting my intake. CICO is the ONLY way to lose weight, afterall.) also to pay my bills.... I dunno, I'm better than I was I guess. That's probably the main thing.
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Hope you feel better soon, Rap. I don't really communicate with anyone outside of these threads either.

According to this video it only takes 1-2 ground cherry pits: https://youtu.be/vPszR0-vTqc?t=1m19s
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176KB, 348x295px
I answer all your questions and get nothing in return.
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say.... bun.png
92KB, 228x469px
Just existing is my favorite state of being. What weight are you shooting for? Do your parents own their place?
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going to cry bun.png
116KB, 324x457px
Oh you mean my company isn't good enough?
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[crying] bun.png
280KB, 355x606px
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2MB, 2039x1378px
There, there.
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245KB, 990x990px
So you're entirely content with your life? What are your goals?
Thanks Urshy~
May I ask what your reason for that is?

Will try to watch it in ... I dunno an hour after it's loaded :P

>Home ownership

Top kek, nice transition there :P

I'm aiming for less currently, I don't really know how much less i should be, just that I'm too much currently.
I'm not obese or anything though, thank fuck.
I swear to God if I ever become obese I'll kill myself.
Just straight up knife to the jugular or something,

I've lost 12 kilo's thus far if that's any indication.
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right bun.jpg
101KB, 400x548px
Be content with my life.
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Here's a thought... Bright Mac and Pear Butter may be dead in the pony universe, but this is not necessarily the case in the Equestria Girls universe.
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oooo... bun.png
103KB, 219x337px
Wow that's quite a bit, I hope you keep it up.

>want to sleep with snek
>think it's going to go to the bathroom soon so can't
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310KB, 859x980px
Don't care for being around people except for when it involves a subject I'm interested in. Have difficulty holding a natural conversation because I can't think of things to say, which is less of an issue online.

>Equestria Girls
No thanks.
I am, having lost 2 of those in the last 2 weeks or so.
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in the equestria girls universe, the living envy the dead.
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105KB, 504x1322px

Alright, but in theory, any other parallel universe could also contain a living Pear Butter. Here's an idea for an episode or two: The mane six go to a hellscape universe where events transpired rapidly differently from their own. Applejack is dead, but her parents are alive. Big Mac is the new element of honesty and Fluttershy is a huge bitch!
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200KB, 986x646px
Probably not the best situation to ifnd yourself in
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Nope! I'd retort, but I don't wanna risk insulting you.
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2MB, 1699x1942px
Please, I may be suicidally depressed and anxious to the point of panic constantly, but I can take a joke at my expense Urshy~
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Hmm... nah. Not worth it. I'll argue with Anons instead :P
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Omg, Ruby! >>>/mlp/30400508

Tripfagging on /mlp/ and an EqG thread? Wow... I almost automatically shift-clicked that before thinking of what you had just posted here.
>Applejack is dead
No, YOU'RE dead!
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351KB, 993x872px
Yes? On 4chan Anons argue.

>You're retarded!
>>No, you're a faggot!
I more meant what would you have said ythat could have acused me to argue with you :P
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279KB, 792x990px
I'm not quite understanding... This is a strange conversation. :P
You implied what you would have said would have started an argument
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cute bun ita.jpg
43KB, 400x400px
No, he implied he would have hurt your feelings and you would have run away from the thread in sadness at his harsh words.
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287KB, 1024x751px
It isn't true!
*runs away from bread and cries*
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258KB, 752x921px
I did? I meant that instead of insulting you, I'd rather save the energy for arguing with Anons because the Anons everywhere else on 4chan argue. Had nothing in mind for what to say since I decided not to say anything, lol ... no further implications intended.
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tired bun.jpg
227KB, 600x600px
Well I'm going to bed. Have a good rest of the night everyone and see ya tomorrow.
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Maybe I should've worded my responses differently.

G'night Interrogator!
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359KB, 1280x720px
I don't believe you!

Night bun
Kek, relax Urshy, It doesn't matter~

Thread posts: 300
Thread images: 251

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