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/BIOG/ - Bionicle, Technic and CCBS General: Nice Edition

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Thread replies: 362
Thread images: 102

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Welcome to the Bionicle General,

Previous Thread: >>6417621



>G1 Story Material

>G2 Story Material

>Misc. Media

>For builders:
[spoiler]rahkshi heads[/spoiler]
I wish there was some kind of CCBS attachment to one of Lego's own movies. Maybe that would make a difference in sales?
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Let's start off this thread with something a little different: Why was Bionicle so special for you? What did you like most about it? How has Bionicle helped you in life?

>Born in 1995
>Parents were really overprotective and never really let me have friends
>Was always moving around as a kid, dad was in the Navy and was deployed most of the time
>As a result Lego and my brother were all I had growing up
>First got into Bionicle around 2001 when my dad bought me and my brother each a Pohatu Mata set
>Since then I started to become obsessed with Bionicle, started reading the comics, playing the online games, etc
>In 2003 my dad retired from the navy and decided to get a new job in Arizona
>Still had no real friends, at school I would read books all day and at home I would play with my toys and go on the internet
>Discovered BZPower around 2006, ended up joining and was a frequent poster there
>Around this time I also stopped caring about my schoolwork and as a result I barely passed my classes from that point on
>Brother was going through some shit at the time and would take it out on me
>Parents would also take it out on me because beating their kids and yelling at them were all they knew growing up
>Started to get more depressed, would spend literally all my time playing with my Bionicles and using BZPower
> I also ended up browsing 4chan, Encyclopedia Dramatica, etc, and as a result I was exposed to a bunch of fucked up shit that ended up desensitizing me and is the reason I'm such a fucked up person both mentally and sexually
>My freshman year of high school rolls around, my brother is also a senior at the time
>This was also when Bionicle officially ended, meaning I no longer had my favorite toy line to distract myself from reality (Cont)
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>Around this time my brother's suicide attempts start
>Most of my memories of Freshman year are about either me having no friends and making an idiot of myself, or all the times my brother tried to kill himself and we had to rush him to the hospital
>By the end of Freshman year my parents are tired of his shit and basically tell him they don't trust him anymore
>Meanwhile I've basically given up on life at this point and I just don't really feel anything anymore, I just want to go back to the days when I could post on BZPower and not care about the real world
>Brother ended up graduating (just barely), I ended up making actual friends my Sophomore year and did a lot of extracurricular things the next 3 years
>Slowly forgot about Bionicle, but for whatever reason I still believed in the 3 virtues and tried to apply them to my life
>2014, fresh out of high school and doing a whole lotta nothing
>Browsing 4chan like I usually do
>See a thread that's talking about Bionicle coming back
>Holy shit what
>Hadn't really been into Lego since Bionicle ended, but it still gave me some of my best childhood memories
>End up stumbling upon the /toy/ thread, was there when the first /biog/ threads were made
>Still remember the hype, the memories, the memes
>Suddenly all those good childhood memories come flooding back to me
>G2 gets released, buy Pohatu first because it feels right
>Genuinely felt like a kid again when building him
>The following 2 years were spent rediscovering my love for Lego, posting on /biog/, and in general just enjoying the return of the best toy line ever
>Suddenly G2 cancellation gets announced
>Not even that upset, just glad that I could relive one good part of my childhood again and could get some kind of closure once and for all
>No matter how old I get, no matter what I do, no matter what I do with my life, one thing remains constant: Bionicle was fucking rad, and has always been there for me

I guess I just wanted to say: Thanks, Bionicle.
damn dude, hope things are better for you than they have been.
No it's not you stupid fuck. Lehvak-Kal was sent into space because of its powers of vacuum.

Not everything is a fucking Jojo reference you mongoloid.

Greg had (and likely still has) problems with women. Not even memeing, you have to read between the lines, starting from 2004 when he took over as writer:

>bans romance, though he still subtly writes about it
>2004: creates Krakua, the strong womyn sentient Rahi
>2005: adores writing about Roodaka, who is pretty much a sociopathic dominatrix and creates Lariska, the strong womyn high ranking Dark Hunter
>2006: no main female villains much to his chagrin, but manages to make the token Ga-Matoran unusually aggressive and starts making Hahli gradually more aggressive as well
>2007: again, no main female villains, but he more than makes up for it by creating his waifu Tuyet
>2008: a grand year. He creates Gorast, yet another psychopathic female villain and Helryx, the strong womyn who leads the Order of Mata Nui AND has Roodaka and Lariska reappear in the serials and even makes Tuyet reappear as the main villain in another serial
>2009/2010: manages to asspull his way so he can resurrect his waifu Tuyet and creates the strong womyn Sisters of the Skrall

All the female characters he loved to write about were highly powerful, dominant and aggressive, some were outright psychopaths. Reread his stuff with this in mind and he comes across as a /r9k/ robot.

>captcha is "select all images with pants"
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>slightly overweight
>obsession with toyline

All the signs were there.
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That sentient Rahi was called Krahka, not Krakua, Krakua was the fan-created Toa of Sonics.
shame we never got to see him as the lone defender of an island fortress
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Its good youve had this outlet. I hope the next 20 years are better than the last for you
Oh and, I forgot about Gavla, another aggressive female villain in a position of power (leader of the Shadow Matoran, though it didn't matter much).
did the island fortress ever even happen?
Yeah, it's pretty well established that Greg was limited in his character writing, especially when it came to females of whom there were already very few. If they had any personality at all, it tended to sway to either the "soft, gentle" stereotype or, in a lazy effort to dodge that cliche, to the "assertive/crazy/aggressive" stereotype.
It's exemplified well in that scene with Orde and Chiara. Greg's response to the notion of the GBs stereotyping women in one direction was to cater to another extreme stereotype.

But it wasn't just females he wrote this way, he simply didn't have much of a knack for varied character personalities in general. Of course when you have to deal with so many characters, many of whom were created by different people, that tends to happen.
it's a reference to the scene at 2:40, I precise it because you linked the whole scene.
What was the first Bionicle set you guys owned?
>I remember seeing lots of Piraka and Toa Inika at stores and Legoland when I was little
>of course I didn't know anything about Bionicle, so when my parents asked me if I wanted them, I said no and that I thought they were ugly/creepy
>regardless, a year passes and mom surprises me by coming home and buying me Dekar and Thulox (the red Hydruka)
>still have them to this day, and a couple years ago finally bought online Defilak and Morak to round out the collection
>...still don't have any fucking 2002-6 Bionicles tho
I got some Slizers and Roboriders before, and then I got Onua Mata as my first on 2001.

I really should pick up the slack, sort up my clutter of G1 parts and build some of them again.
Gali Mata. Was planning on picking up Onua first, but in the store, Gali's blue suddenly seemed more enticing.
Gali's canister art still brings mighty feels out of me, the image of a lanky blue robot scaling green cliffs in a moody, murky ocean bay stuck with me deeply. A lot of older Bionicle promo art had really nice, memorable compositions and colors, I guess that was part of the draw for me.
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Vakama Hordika and Boggarak. I didn't get into the lore until a while later, so there was a point in time where I thought the Visorak were mounts for the Toa to ride on. I got Roodaka a little while later, but I didn't like her as much, so she quickly became a pile of parts that I used to modify the other two to make them cooler like changing out Vakama's eyes for the silver ones on Roodaka. I totally missed out on 2006 because a friend of mine got me hooked on Star Wars sets for like a year until I went back to Bionicle in 2007. Creeps from the deep made me irrationally fond of Dekar and Kalmah for some reason.
The green Rahkshi and Vakama Metru. Got them both for Christmas.
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>A lot of older Bionicle promo art had really nice, memorable compositions and colors
I'm completely serious. This pic always gives me the chills. It's like pure, unfiltered nostalgia. Didn't even play MNOLG when it was relevant, but still had the basic grasp of the lore from the get-go.
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Everything was so perfect about the first few years. I just about cry from nostalgic joy every time I hear the beach chant.
fuck, this is fun
>Creeps from the deep made me irrationally fond of Dekar and Kalmah for some reason
Fucking this. Kalmah looked so badass and cool, I wanted him so bad.

Also Dekar did nothing wrong
>Out of darkness they come CRAAAWWWLLIIING
Some animator on Tumblr made it back when G2 was taking the normie world by storm. Before you blame me for going to that hell hole of a website, I was low on Bionicle memes and I had to go to some seedy websites to stock up.
>G2 was taking the normie world by storm
G2 took any world by storm?
For a bit, yeah. Basically just a bunch of college kids being like "OH MAN I REMEMBER THESE I HAD THE RED ONE XDDDDD".
You made me rewatch it
I made myself rewatch it. Still good.
Well I mean, thats not all bad. So they had a nostalgia trip, so what? We're having one right now, what makes us any better?
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Nah, I ain't judging them. That's just how I interpret Tumblr/Twitter/Reddit culture.
Well I can't say you're not spot-on...
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It was similar for me. I didn't play MNOG till the rerelease, I only saw the cutscenes around 2002-2003-ish, and those etched themselves into my memory. Back then, MNOG was this unknown, ancient relic for me that I sadly missed out on, and I had this recerence mixed with faux-nostalgia towards it.

Then when I played it, it lived up to the hype. Sure the gameplay was minimal and there was little challenge, but the art, sound design and the atmosphere with all those hints at an ancient lore made up for it. I'll readily admit that it's these things, plus the toys, that got me interested in the franchise, not the story and characters (because I knew so little about those). Even before I played MNOG, I got my fix through the promotional CDs, the character videos and all those CG images. A shame they stopped doing these sort of promos later on. They went a long way towards making the characters and settings memorable.
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I mean reverence of course.
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It's kind of a blur, since around that time, my aunt gave me a dollar store toy nearly every time I went to her house, but I think it was Onewa, or possibly Nokama and Matau at the same time. Could have also been Matoro. The first Toa I got and distinctly remember was Gali from a closeout store. I was really enamored with how much "better" (i.e. more properly proportioned) she was compared to the Turaga and McToran.

Oh my god I just remembered getting a full set Toa Mata complete with canisters for like $15 along with a few Roboriders at a garage sale and ignoring the COMPLETE SET OF THROWBOTS because they were in their featureless plastic carrying cases. One of the Roboriders I got was packed with red Miru, so I regretted for a long time not checking the rest out to see if they had masks packed in too, and now I regret not checking them out because they looked fucking rad.
I was way into Throwbots, then Roboriders after. Bionicle just was the natural evolution afterwards, I nabbed Kopaka, Pohatu, and Onua all at Christmas in '01, what a legendary start.
Started off with the city throwbot. First bonkle was Turaga Nokama.
Pohatu Mata. I thought he was the coolest shit ever when I was a kid. Parents didn't know what they were but started getting me the rest for birthdays and such.
The Hewkii Mctoran. Back then my mum would only let me go to McDonald's on special occasions like birthday parites, and one time my sister was going to one there and I wanted to come too to have a Happy Meal, and this time the toy was this cool little brown guy that was apparently made by Lego! (which I had only found out about like a year before when my dad mistook some for Duplo kek)

Cue an obsession with trying to get them all to make the cool big guy (Never did actually, should try looking for them), and endlessly bugging my mum to get me the even cooler looking, bigger brown guy on the poster the Mctoran came with, which once I got Pohatu turned unto an obsession with trying to get the other Toa to make the cool big guys those could combine into.

Man I just realized how simplistic my reasons for collecting these are, brb making the Kaita.
Edgy as fuck, but still good
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This guy right here.
that was a good read, I wish you luck anon

btw I'm still fucking heartbroken for G2's early death, FUCK YOU lego, I hate you
Same here. I'm italian and we never had any story material (neither the MNOG, lol), but the pictures on the boxes and the CDs made up pretty well for the lack of any book or comic.
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They were really starting to get somewhere and then lego pulled the plug cause the Mouse doesn't want Lego to be too independant.
They didn't

Did they expect they could rely on the old fanbase? Fucking idiots.
hey its elan. can you guys add us back?? :)))
Bohrok Lehvak. My first contact with Bionicle was Mask of Light, and I thought the sets were purely based on the movie, not the other way around, so I had no idea who this guy was supposed to be. For a while I thought he was Makuta (the Bohrok head kinda resembles Makuta's mask from the movie). Yes, I was a strange kid back then.
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Was it autism?
Wait what?
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I'll give this a go.
>born in 96
>end up being the oldest of 4 kids, my closest younger brother only a year apart from me
>grew up with a plethora of toys and Lego
>earliest memories of Bionicle were at about age 5-6, where my brother and I got Makus from McDonalds, and from there I got a Tahu and he got a Gali
> I never got much of the figures from 01-05, only ever completing about half of a given Toa team or villains
>none the less, I was obsessed
>friends at elementary school thought I was a spaz, none liked Bionicle except one other kid but he thought I was annoying
>my brother had fallen out of it back in 02
>I was pretty much my only friend outside of school
>visited the Bionicle website and listened to All Insane Kids over and over to get inspiration for stories and shit
>discovered Brickshelf and Bzp at some point in this time and spent hours making mocs I saw on the websites
>also had MNOG on the house PC and played the hell out of it
>06 rolls in
>fell in love with the Piraka and unique Matoran builds
>this was the year I got every single set sans the weird Good Guy promos and Kardas
>move along was my song this year
>07 rolls in

This is a lot of blog post but I needed to establish a general backdrop for this part of my childhood.

>lived with Mom, dad, and my mom's mother
>parents were teen parents
>never held a job for more than a few months, fought a lot, the works
>fast forward to April
>got all the Barraki, small sets, and Nocturn
>couldn't wait for the Mahri
>my birthday comes along
>parents get in a huge fight and dad walks out to go to his parents
>life changes rapidly
>see dad on the weekends now
>mom starts drinking
>her mother basically takes care of us while she's preoccupied with friends she brings over and boyfriends
>they were either drunks or drug dealers
>child services got involved because her ma didn't like how unsafe the house was for us
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Has anyone built MNOLG Pewku? Granted, Onua claws don't exist in yellow (not that I know of) but yellow or orange would be close enough alternative.
>but yellow or orange
I'm a retard. Meant to write dark tan instead of yellow.
Blue and Tan would look good I think, it would make a good match for the Mukau.
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>move in with dad, leaving most of our shit at mom's place
>now see her every weekend
>middle School comes along and all my friends from elementary go to different schools
>I don't even live in the district my school is in now because of the whole moving situation
>know literally nobody in school
>make "friends" but don't talk about Bionicle
>get a bunch of stuff from mom including my most of my Bionicles and Lego
>mom gets hooked on heroin and just up and disappears for the next 5 years
>her mother had to move into a senior apartment complex
>she saved the last third of my Bionicle collection and we started seeing her every Saturday
>mom keeps trying to see us even though her mother refuses and is sick of her shit
>spend time with gram moving and playing games with my siblings
>she eventually gets sick and has to be sent out of town to the hospital
>this happen like thrice before she was put in a nursing home
>by this point living with dad and stepmother
>gram dies
>get the rest of my collection
>freshman in highschool now, I've taken up drawing but Bionicle is still a fun pass time
>dad and stepmother also don't get along, but this is more of my father's fault this time, she was super sweet
>another argument, and us kids going back to his parents
>most of my collection left behind
>over time get half of it back, but all my built mocs (which was all my important parts and masks) were still there
>she couldn't afford the place alone, and one winter the pipes froze
>they burst in the basement, drowning my mocs in sewage
>I lost shit like Takanuva, my movie Krakhaan, and my original Tahu
>from here on, I'd stopped collecting
>no allowence or jobs so I had no cash to buy new sets
>that, and I just fell out of it since I associated all the shit in my childhood with the theme
>still followed the story online and was sad to see it end in 2010
>fast forward to freshman year in college
>I should note my mother came back from the void so I know she's at least alive and well, but none of her children including me talk to her
>so anyways, I eventually discovered /toy/ and rekindled my love for figures
>then in the midst of missing Bionicle, G2 leaks happen
>the next two years are filled with a yearning I hadn't had since 2007
>I got all the sets and promos sans Gali's mask
>I knew it was only three years but nonetheless I was excited to actually complete this journey because God only knows I wish I could've during G1
>cancellation hits me like a brick
>felt like before when everything started imploding in my life
>eventually come to terms, make JtO Makuta and accept that what's done is done

Because you know what, even without year 3 I got much needed closure. G2 helped me realize that Bionicle was always a well needed shoulder to lean on when I was a kid, and that I shouldn't be ashamed of that. It helped me go back and buy another Tahu and the Mctoran, it helped me get back into toy collecting. And most of all, G2 basically emboldens the same message I have in regards to my shitty youth.

Don't be sad something is over, but instead be glad it happened in the first place. That's my blog post.
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Dang, anon. That's some heavy stuff. Congrats on making it through all that! Much respect towards you.
The problem with a lot of the MNOG stuff is that they just kinda draw parts in close proximity to each other rather than making actual connections. That being said, looks like this person on DeviantArt made it pretty well. I pieced it together in LDD as well in case you can't make out certain details.
Eh, it sounds bad, but it really was only my middle school years where it was the harshest. Highschool I made some really good friends and my now current girlfriend. The weirdest thing is is that I get really nostalgic for it sometimes. Since Bionicle was my coping mechanism for all the garbage that went on I came up with some stellar mocs and stories. Im now just remembering I actually had a story going on when my grandmother was in her little apartment, where there were two islands connected via underground tunnels. One island I had set up in the basement of my dad's place and that was the main island, while the smaller one was my gram's apartment. Each one had characters made from the sets in each house and when there were crossovers, I'd bring mocs to and from either place.

Man, it's shit like that. I've suppressed all the other stuff to the point of not recalling much, but stuff like that just comes flooding back and I get so many feels.
There's literally official Ussal build from back in the day. I was just talking of giving it new coat of paint.
U wot?! I gotta dig that up. I never even knew that existed!
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Oh, anon. How adorable you are.
What are you trying to pull here, boy? That's a tree spider. You think I don't know a tree spider when I see one?
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What part of ONE SET OF BRICKS 15 MODELS you don't understand?
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Ahh, that makes sense now. Why didn't you just post that in the first place?
I wanted a pic that had the box In it, so you could research things via the set number, and I thought the 15 in 1 was pretty self explanatory
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Understandable. Have a great day.
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Bionicle stories?
>get Tahu for my 7th birthday
>slowly collect all toa mata and turaga, or get them randomly from grandparents, parents, etc.
>big rahi too expensive
>one day dad comes home with Nui-Rama
>slowly collect bohrok and bohrok va
>bionicles get more expensive
>parents had enough money but wanted me to search and find bionicles with them in random shops/stores for discount
>collect a couple of other models
>one day see 8811 Toa Lhikan & Kikanalo in store
>literally only one in town, ever
>hide it in the store and come back next day
>finding the ultimate dume set in a random small town on discount
>kept all boxes and containers so could create crazy temples and shit

I think the last set I bought was 8764 Vezon and Fenrakk but reading this gave me huge nostalgia. Some of the newer models look so amazing, but sadly I cannot buy them reliably anymore. Onua uniter of earth looks fantastic!

It's not as sad but I just wanted to share how awesome Bionicle has been for me. It's great we are all connected through this toy.

pic related, my last bionicle.
I really liked early g1 rahi, back when they used technic parts for everything.
Eh, it's an opinion. Most of master builder Rahi are pretty barren, and Muaka & Kane-Ra literally look half finished.

Some of them are great, sure, but don't get blinded by nostalgia.
>sadly I cannot buy them reliably anymore
You are aware that there's a marketplace online for strictly Lego?
I am aware of bricklink, but how is shipping on there? I can only see regular prices
Shipping is entirely decided by sellers. It's like Ebay, not Amazon. All stores have their own stock, rules and fees. Read store terms and splash page while on store, and if they're not listed, ask for a quote (if the seller offers that) or just flat out send them a message asking for shipping fees.
>No it's not you stupid fuck.
Yes it is you stupid fuck.
I made it.
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They're charming in the same vein as a NES game. It's clunky and ugly, but you can still have fun with it and you can tell the people who made it were trying their best with what they had to work with.

On top of that, it's a deceptively powerful idea that Lego never really capitalized. Abstract amalgamations of parts from a (relatively) limited pool of resources arranged to vaguely resemble what they're intended to. Art through adversity. Obscure intent of design sparks the imagination, something that TLG has always been about. Imagine a G1 where instead of an extensive selection of tall buff dudes for titans, we had Nidhikis and Gadunkas and Kikanalos, where the Hordika shared common parts but had unique bestial motifs, where the dreaded Inika torso wouldn't have even been a thought, all because of one thing that Lego either couldn't or wouldn't do for constraction since conception; true part modularity; building a parts library to do away with a need for specialized pieces. A foot that doubles as a forearm, a head with points to attach digits for a hand, a thigh that could easily pass for an upper torso or part of a weapon. Parts designed to fill multiple roles depending on how they are utilized. Is it a breastplate or shinguard? Is it a hammerhead or a laser? An eye or a tooth? Yes. And that's what the rahi were all about, freeform part use. No norms or standards to adhere to, Technic was the wild west, and the guys who wrought the tarakava, nui jaga, and co from a bucket of pins and beams and gears and axles were the desperados.

The point when the Mata trunk was abandoned should have been the point they stopped designing new parts with a solitary application in mind (except masks, of course), and while I can't say any of the 2001 rahi sets were executed anywhere near flawlessly, the potential of the concept is so broad I bemoan that it's been attempted again only in few exceptional cases, a handful of times across the past decade-and-a-half.
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This guy.
>bionicle personification
>its either scalies furry or CWC tier art
it just too late to get quality art
That brings up something that I've always loved, undocumented connection points. Too many times I see parts with holes that could be 3m bar conmections or even studs that just aren't large enough.

But I love stuff like the holes on the Pakari Mata that can fit 3m bars.... been a while since I've built so I can't think of more examples.
>waiting to get two BL orders before I can finish this one MOC I've worked on for almost a month

Bricklink is both blessing and a curse. While I appreciate it, there's also some charm in trying to build around your issue, instead of just buying something that works better.

Then again, most of those parts I need just to unify the color scheme so there's no random parts in red when there's no red in rest of the thing.
It's why Maskposting on Facebook is a thing.

Some people on a /r/me_irl tried to make normie template memes for Bionicle around a few months after G2 was confirmed dead. Everyone got a wave of nostalgia for G1 ("I remember liking the green guy!" Etc.) and there was a big enough surge for Bionicle to go somewhat mainstream again, if only for a short time.

Shame that it had to happen after G2's cancellation. I would have liked to see a surge in popularity that would possibly give us year 3.
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Quick! Post your favorite titan! For me it's pic related.
nui rama didn't even look that much lego technic, its design was simple and it was easy to see what they meant. Some other rahi's looked far more abstract
i liked lhikan and kikinalo, too bad lhikan had retarded arms so he couldn't use weapons well
Takanuva 08
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There was no generation two, despite what media and the suits on top in Lego want you to believe. It was a psy-op to make you think that if Bionicle will be resurrected "third time" it would be a disaster and thus make you less eager to want "G3".

TTV's Brickionicle was part of that plan, they just don't know it themselves, because they are stupid af, and that's the way Lego wants them.
Yo Rollout. If you're lurking. Cyberhand alright? It's been a while since he last posted anything.
I have never bought a Bionicle set from 2004-winter 2007, and the only sets I have from 2001-2003 are Lewa, Pohatu, Tahu Nuva, Gali Nuva, all the Mctoran, and the Hewkii and Hahli 03 matoran.
So, what're your favorite canister, titan, and small sets from this era?
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I made this. R8 pls.
Shit meme
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Thanks man.
Favourite Toa team?
Metru for me, though I'm fond of them all.
Metru had really shitty arms
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It kinda works though. I just like them, despite the weird arms
they had best proportioned arms
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lol China
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The fuck am I looking at...
create a series of low part count, custom part, towball jointed sets that are compatible with technic and system then sell them in fast food meals with a good cg ad on tv

guaranteed interest by kids for a new g of bionicle or something similar
>sell them in fast food meals

Days of Lego in fast food are long gone. When your average murrican mom throws the happy meal boxes on the backseat and then little Timmy chokes on small part, all hell would break loose.
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>white bones
>navy blue bones
I still hope Enlighten's Bionicle knockoff line is decent so I can pretend it's G3
I want to say you're wrong but you're not and that makes me sad
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I got me a thing
The days of the Lego Happy Meal died when the started making action figures instead of mini builds.

On a side note, does Burger King even have toys anymore? My local one never advertises them.
Eyy, you got it. Is it literally just a Krana on a string?
Krana on a string with piece of metal with UDD logo on one side and Lego logo on other.

And yes, I paid like 3€ for it.
The Krana part is kinda lame, but the little UDD thingy is pretty cool. Good find.
from Strike of Kings, a Chinese mobile MOBA
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Holy shit, Chewie is worse in the finalized pics.
I hope this line crashes and burns.
it was ok autism
What um, seems to be the problem here? He looks like chewbacca.
The problem is he's $30, and plenty of the regulars here are still assmad that Bionicle died but Star Wars lived.
>blue, brown and gold knee armour
>white and navy blue bones
>brown and blue Star Wars shin armour

well, that's more than I could hope from a bootleg, and I'd buy that shit in a heartbeat if it was available here
>further simplifying CCBS with those nasty tubular shells
>shit prints
>inflated prices because licenced set
>organic Ultrabuilds are just shit in general and Hasbro's Hero Mashers look nicer
>more Star Wars merchandise to further saturate Lego with more Disney sets, which at this point it's drowning in

Plenty of reasons aside from the typical reason like >>6446060 said. Im a SW fan myself here, but goddamn am I tired of seeing this shitty line slog on through regardless of how overpriced and shitty it is. If they had to stick with organic characters in this weird style, I'd rather they just do another Galidor type of line with wacky aliens or something. Make the sets Protector sized. Give it it's owm story. Literally anything different from them farting out these lanky, bulky, grey and brown figures with that same horrid chestplate and $25+ price points.
friendly reminder that ace is a cuck

even worse: 35
That ugly thing costs more than the Ninjago Water Strider.
That shitstain of a set? This is getting stupid.
for anyone wanting one of these but is incapable of reading moonrunes you can find these by searching for "Compatible with the glory of the King assembling the building blocks of LEGO toy Mecha model zhaoyunyase Liang yaseren" on google. The anime heads are almost better than the star wars human heads lol.
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All the better when it's inevitably clearanced for 5$
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also try "Bionicle Lepin" (even though its KSZ) on Aliexpress
>100% recycled molds
>ugly printing across the board
>but it's good because it's not Star Wars

I don't get it.
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Fug that bottom one is pure sex
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probably the only one worth getting
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even has a wobble function
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not even worth for the flesh-colored bones
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I'm honestly not surprised that there aren't any shots of his back.
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posting something more interesting first
Is that....sand green?!
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Could be.

Could also be lime, normal green or bright pink. Specifications, colors and contents may vary

>black unprinted chest plate
Neat. It's not nearly as bad of a part when it's not covered in shit.
Mostly unprinted. They just couldn't resist to not smear shit on the top of it.
Oh. For some reason I thought it was molded in. But still not nearly as part as say, Finn's chest.
those are just grooves on the part
Well for one, recolored parts in some actually bright vibrant colors. Faggot.
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>wanting price gouged black and grey parts packs
I actually don't mind how Chewie looks. Maybe that's just my blind devotion to the character tho.
It's also good because they cost 10 bucks each and at least according to Djokson the quality is also relatively good.
Is it just me, or does the head look......phallic to anyone else?
It's just you seeing penises everywhere.
This Saturday (tomorrow) at 8pm EST, join us on cytube/r/biog for The Legend Reborn!
It's a little dickular, yeah.
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This is the first of the the Star Wars ones that's I've actually considered buying.
where can I find these?
Get over it, fags. The new ultrabuilds aren't Bionicle, but they're not too bad as far as recolors and overall design goes. Only one that's really terrible is Chewbacca.
I get it, you don't mind sucking cocks because they have a Disney stamp on them.
I fucking loved bonkle and Mixels (don't judge me) but of course fucking lego had to cancel them. Is there anything lego that is remotely like them? Except for the ugly-ass star wars ultrabuilds.
If there was, we probably would be whining a lot less.
>knockoff Skull Grinder with silver skull army shells
Does that Ekimu have a beast head for a pauldron? Because, holy SHIT.
The shoulder armor looks cool. Otherwise, forgettable. Also that helmet design is fucking abyssal.
The recolored parts are not worth the cost of the sets. Get outta here with that shit.
Ordered red dude. If it goes well, will go back and get sand green chick.
Fuck off discord shill
the Nexo Knights battle suits
Cytube isn't Discord though.
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Had a strange bionicle dream last night about a Tahu Nuva Titan set.

That is awesome that Bionicle was your constant, anon. Hope things look better for you in the future. God bless.

As for me, Bionicle was quite simply mine and my younger brother's favorite toy line growing up, but I have a couple more specific special stories.

>got into bionicle slightly late, so I missed the toa mata completely
>get all the nuva EXCEPT for tahu, and of course missed tahu mata as well
>that sucks because i think he looks cool as FUCK
>spend my entire childhood searching for tahu. living in a rural nowhere and having a paranoid family that doesn't want to order online makes this difficult
>i'd get red toa after red toa for birthdays and christmas but none of them were ever tahu
>2007 rolls around and i kind of phase out of bionicle
>couple years later in 2009, im on vacation with my brother and grandparents and we hit up a walmart and see some shit called "glatorian"
>whoa wtf I didnt know bionicle was about gladiators now but this vastus dude KICKS ASS
>enamored with my new venom scythe wielding friend despite not knowing anything at all about his place in the story
>this gets me back into bionicle again
>”oh yeah, I never got tahu”
>i was 17 at this point and discovered prepaid visa cards from rite aid so take THAT, paranoid family
>order my ass some TAHU MATA AND NUVA FROM EBAY
>finally get my childhood grails. Due to my brother being younger, I still milked a couple years of playtime despite my age (I still “play”, but this was full on voices and storylines and sound effects)

now fast forward to summer 2014

>i just started grad school and my younger brother was graduating but that summer at home we build MOCs for 3 months straight
>spend my days browsing /biog/ (day 1 here), building, reminiscing with my brother, digging out our old stuff, general HYPING
>fondly remember spending one of my lectures that fall lurking here for toyfair pics
>see this new age as a chance to right my past wrongs...it's time to get tahu the first time around
>the second he's available for pre-order on amazon, I place mine
>very, very impatiently wait for delivery once it finally ships. The wait for shipping was horrible
>sometime during the first week of january 2015, I receive my new and improved favorite toa
>is one of my favorite figures to this day
Nah, cheap inconsistent chinese plastic color.
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Regale me with your stories, anon.
30 mins until TLR
>want to make the original Toa in Hero Factory style without goofy action features and wonky redesigns
>the colors of the new parts don't match the colors of the original masks
>there are no brown parts for Pohatu at all
>green has been replaced by bright green so Lewa is also a no go
What the fuck?
>Not liking action features
The bright green and Mata green are barely any different desu, plus you can still use some old Mata green parts like the feet, hands etc.
>the colors of the new parts don't match the colors of the original masks
Last time I checked CCBS had a plenty of colors in red, white, black and Mata blue
>there are no brown parts for Pohatu at all
Pohatu's brown has been discountinued in like 2004 I think, so no wonder. There are some parts in reddish brown though (Avak's color)
Found these as well, these are super sick. Ordered the white/red dude on the top right
Hopefully the quality isnt shit. He was like 10$ so I figured why the hell not.
>literal chinese bootleg
I don't know what to tell you, anon.
Just hoping it doesnt fall apart or anything. I personally think he looks cool so eh. We'll see.
It was ultimately just 10$ lol
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>buying the one with the least amount of recolor parts that don't exist as official lego
I just thought he looked the coolest lol
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What are those?
>use the old torso with the old hands and feet with ccbs the limbs
>lime shells for Lewa, orange for Tahu, medium azure for Gali, tan for Pohatu, gunmetal for Onua, silver for Kopaka

It's not rocket science.
>gunmetal for Onua, silver for Kopaka
Light gray and dark grey shells do exist.
>without goofy action features
>when sets between 2001-2005 were defined by goofy action features
Link me bro
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>just do something besides what you want to do!
>its not rocket surgery!
Well if that's not good enough, I don't know what to tell you. Your welcome for the suggestions.
They were used in Exo-Force I believe.
Any set link? They have no number unlike all part I ever saw before.
They were on the front of an older type of minifigure motorcycle that I think was in Jack Stone sets, at least initially.
There's dark grey on jyn erso and a few of the other star wars ultrabuilds
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>Your welcome
To be fair, the action features back then were done through specialized torso pieces and thus went with the design a lot bettter than shoulders six feet behind the neck in 2015 and buttplug gears in 2015.
Check your privilege.
just remindin y'all that ace is a cuck
Check your thesaurus.
I will.
Guess what? SW ultrabuilds that you all hate so fixed the gearbox issue, and even made Skull Basher, only better.
Yeah but then they're SW ultrabuilds, so in the end it doesnt mean much. Plus those gearbox cover pieces they have not only look too smooth for bonkle, but also have some weird neck problems iirc.
>so in the end it doesnt mean much
Why? Because you happen to hate them?

>look too smooth
Nice strawman. It fixes the gearbox issue, doesn't mean jack shit if it doesn't look good to you.
You don't know what a strawman is, dingus. A bullet to the head ends migraines but it's still a terrible solution.
Then how would you fix the issues you listed, cuntbag?
First of all, you're talking to two different people. Second of all, you're a dipshit. The complaint was about those action features making the figure look shitty and your solution is to make it look shittier.
You're all idiots. First of all, ultrabiilds are anything but too smooth, but covering them with pistons like uniter chest would only make matter worse. (Most of you would eat that shit up as long as the boxes wouldn't say Disney, as seen with those fucking hideous bootlegs). CCBS just doesn't work with organic things.

Fixing a broken car with duct tape isn't a good fix, but it can serve as a proxy until better option comes up. The sets are flawed, we can agree on that, but there were bad sets even during g1, and they don't automatically make good sets bad. Give them time. CCBS isn't dead just yet.
just for people who don't know shit about ccbs, what was the gearbox issue?
>Fixing a broken car with duct tape isn't a good fix, but it can serve as a proxy until better option comes up
>CCBS isn't dead just yet.
Yes it is, you irredeemable fuckwit. There are no better options coming.
In 2015 Bionicle sets, the gearbox was attached in a way the arms were set really far back, leading to weird gaps na exposed balljoints on the torso skeleton. Thenn the SW ultrabuilds introduced a new piece that was covering the gearbox, and that piece had a neck already built into it. So while it fixes the previous gearbox problem, it limits the head articulation at the same time.
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Pohatu bru
>tfw will never see setups like this again; -;
this is awsome dude. You're an idiot.
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Im looking to buy either the top left or the middle one to use for parts to maybe improve pic related.
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Pohatu Mata was my first bonkle ever
I recently rebuilt him and I think he holds up really well. that inverted torso + leg action is the shit
Does anyone have the shirtless guy? Do the brown parts match standard Lego brown at all?
Anyone have any good pics/ideas of how to make angel wings, like Gundam Wing Zero Custom, for a 1/6 scale humanoid moc? With long feathers and high mobility
Depends if you want real angel wings a la end of evangelion or just mechanical wings, first one needs system/bs/ccbs pieces but second can be done with bonkles only.
it should look more realstic, like birdwings, with feather details, and not too many bionicle weapons. I've searched for pictures for ages but can never quite find the ideal building method...
Not trying to be rude, but I think you should stop touching this MOC, it's already way too clustered than it should be. Try building something new pal.
when i say realistic i mean the joints and movements, and not the amout of feathers. I want the overall appearance of the wings, in the right (good looking) scale
i agree. Only constructive feedback here. The body is ut together with too many small parts, too much lego / technic / bionicle parts mixed, and too many connection pieces showing through, making it quite messy. Try swapping out some small parts with fever bigger parts, which does the same job, but more clean
I think its already perfect, bionicles aesthetic has always been this busy, greebly type (until 2015 at least) so don't know why people think this looks too busy.
That head looks really goofy.
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It's not perfect solution, but some of the Chima ultrabuilds had wings. You could try to replicate those
yes those ref parts might be good to replicate feathers on the innerside. But they should be white tho... Ty for the tip
Shit, meant to reply to >>6455449
you sir, are a saint!! I was about to say the wings could be white and gold, since that is the color of the moc, but i completely forgot about the fact that i use transparrent blue too (Jintsd in: shoulders, ankles, hands, neck)...And those parts are exactly that. I will definitely look into those parts, thank ypu
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Boy am I glad I can finally post this. It's been on my desk in various stages of completion for couple of months now. It's also my first Bonkle MOC I've done after G1 ended. It's sort of a remake from old MOC, down to color scheme (naturally no trans-purple then) and mecha arm.
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As is the norm in this day and age, he has couple of shit gimmicks. Right arm is connected to gearbox and I did build a balljoint to waist, but it does practically nothing as there's so much built around it. Neck might be bit too tall, sure, but didn't feel like pulling the whole thing apart just to remove the gearbox cover and come up with other solution.

Weapon holder was a lucky accident. There was some of 3L bar sticking out after connecting the ribcage and figured why not to use it.
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You may notice he lost one of his fingertips. Took the photos outside, knocked one of them off and it bounced under the floorboards, never to be seen again. God I want a lightbox.

Big meaty claw on right hand as is fitting for Toa of earth. Weapon attached to one free t-bar end same way as to back, and it's firm enough if all fingers hold it tight.
Cool beans, man. The only thing I'd try to change is the length of the neck. Otherwise, super cool.
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Inner torso was a bitch to fill. I was autistic about using Slizer-torso, and they're so oddly shaped that almost nothing fits through the cracks.

Left arm, the chuuni-arm, was just proof of concept. Wanted to see if I could build mechanical arm using mostly silver, and what do you know, only axles and t-bars are not silver.

Yeah, the neck is a bitch and a half, but maybe I'll figure something out down the line
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Tried not to make him overly tall, so I chose Uniter Tahu as my benchmark. Don't know if I succeeded in making him same height or shorter, but it's close enough.

Don't know if I'll MOC something else. I've been toying with idea to build some other Toa for him to team up with, but we'll see. Will probably change something on him too, but he's complete as of now. Sorry for image dump.
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Razar's wing design is pretty decent and easy to replicate. Having the set I can tell you the wings look a lot better in person. I've built a version that is twice as big, can post pics.
Looks cool my man. The silver arm is my favorite part, could do a whole legion of MOC space utility robots using that style. Good stuff
Thanks. It's pretty simple as far as the construction goes, but I can post breakdown if you'd like?
>purple Bohrok eyes

Neat. Also congrats on making QB chest work with something. It's so messy and has million colors.
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Yes but they are way too simple. I want somthing like pic related. With the right amount of bones/anatomy, and size
This is the moc it's for. A 1/6 scale
Those Bohrok eyes were bit of a lucky find. One BL store had the pair for little under 2€ a pop, and while that's outrageous amount to pay for Bohrok eye, they were the cheapest on BL at time. And qb chest was more or less the last push I needed to build this since it had old purple in it. Planned on using Chi Razar's chest before that.
2018 sets:
Darth Maul
New Vader
Boba Fett
No new theme,sorry guys.
You can try Hahli Mahri's wings maybe?
Why does it have big titties?
lol idk. They are at a better angle now, compared to that pic. They dont stick out as much. It is supposed to be a female (the bird head is not necessarily going to stay, but i thought of it as a mask)
Search for Technic, Panel Fairing on Bricklink, that's probably the closest you're going to get in terms of what you're after. Articulation might be tough to do without aesthetic compromise though.
>the bird head is not necessarily going to stay
You should do a custom head, preferably keeping the bird motif, it looks cool.
Yes those panels have been interesting, but i fear they might be very heavy. Maybe if i use only a few. The most cruicial ones to get the form i want. I am thinking about using some of these ( http://img.bricklink.com/myImg/341200.jpg ) as feathers, like on th epictures i posted. I don't like doing custom heads... :/ but thanks!
could just work a friction extender and piston in there if weight becomes a real issue, but unless you're double or triple layering them it shouldn't be a problem.
layerwise it going to look very similar to the Zero Custom gundam in the pics. Yes i've been thinking about using pistons, and frictionadders. I've been looking at the Kardas Dragons wings
Why don't YOU have big titties, anon?
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I could if... if I wanted to! *sob*
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This was the first bionicle I ever picked up. Rapidly picked up more soon after.
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>bionicle anime never
>WIP pics of MOC titties
Seems like one of Hugebricks constructions..
Oh, I see now. You want those huge animu mecha-angel wings. I'm afraid that's above my MOCing skills, so I think I'll just follow the conversation for now.

He wants something big and complex. If he shot down Razar's wings, Hahli's fins/wings are going to be a no go, even if the look would be suitable.
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Wtf kill me now
All the drama and edge and the overly-complex story would've been a perfect fit for an anime, god fucking dammit

YEs i'm afraid so.. I want to build the wings from scratch.

Hahlis wings could work as secondary wings below the main wings, or as feather on the main wings, but they are silver... I need white, blue or gold

Thanks for trying!

i allso have these parts too, to work with. (the big feathers)
>posting links to images
>on a image board
>wanting to show someone something, without the hassle of downloading, finding and uploading again
You can paste the image url here (some 4chan addons support it on post window) and it'll upload it, without saving it on your hard drive.
Holy shit anon was not a fag.
would you look at that. Never knew, never been here before. thanks for the tip
The Vahki are so underrated
I got Tahu and Lewa mata at the same time, I dont remember which I opened first, but I built them simultaneously.
Did anon ever finish the set?
Anyone have that story about Anon's cousin that pretended to be Lewa and got himself killed?
He's good.
She thic
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No, but I have this
Lemme guess, it goes something like:
>look at me, I can fly!
Well obviously that wouldn't work, he didn't even say wind-fly.
Yea that was it, he said something about wind-flying
Core Hunter for best Hero Factory set.
Try a basic wing shape like Ultimate Dume and slap a whole bunch of Kopaka's shields on it as feathers?
I still like the Witch Doctor the best.
He's cool. Probably in my top 5.
I'm probably only person in the world who doesn't like Witch Doctor. I give credit to his build for being one of the better mashups of Technic and CCBS.

But it doesn't change the fact he has crazy-long legs, squashed torso and GIANT feet.
Whereas that's the entire reason I liked him. He had a very deformed and organic look to him, which was a welcome change from the clean, manufactured look of most other HF sets.. Looking back on it, he was actually really reminiscent of some Bionicle titans that way.
I need my articulation... I will build the basic bonesystem of a bird/real wings, then add base parts and feathers, but the parts you mentioned could be used
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I WOULD say the Toa Hagah, but we all know how that turned out...
...Is this Chinese Galidor?
Since Lego seems to be still doing bumfuck-all anything but Star Wars Any news on the Enlighten CCBS?
We found aliexpress links
The ones posted here are not enlighten products to my knowledge.
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Some nice recolors, especially those HF helmets.
The faces are so badly photoshopped in it's actually funny. But, woah there, those hands.
Was just about to say this.Those hands look REEAAAALLLLYYYY nice.
I think you really hit the nail on the head. I feel part of the appeal of G1 Bionicle was the vagueness of the design and the mystery of the story.

I recall going to the store after the Toa had been out and seeing small signs in Bionicle's made-up letters barely showing the Bohrok hive; eventually I started seeing signs that said 'you wake one, you wake them all'. Although the Bohrok were simple designs, the Bionicle team succeeded in evoking the imagery of a destructive apocalyptic horde.
I like that guitar one. I might actually buy it, I want to see what kind of messed up face it actually has.
What a fag
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So a while ago I mentioned that there was this buildable Dragon Ball figure line coming out that looks like they use the same ball & joint system as CCBS. I ended up not getting 'em back then, but now that they have Broly and Time Breaker Bardock I'll be getting a bunch of 'em.

So did any manage to try to build something with 'em? Unlikly, but I'd thought I'd ask.
What was the best Toa team (that had at least some members released as Toa physically!) and why was it the Toa Mahri?
Mahri was the shit[spoiler]iest plastic quality of all time[/spoiler]
Damn they had nice parts though, looking at your wings Hahli
Anybody else really enjoy the Ignition comic series? They had a great albeit incredibly edgy artstyle. I met the guy that drew them at a Comic-con near where I live and he's a really cool dude too.
Some of those bootlegs would actually be worth it for the parts
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Because the builds were varied and interesting, and the parts were rad. It was definitely the best wave, ignoring the cracking plastic and shit. Also, muh Zyglak
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Why does the bionic chronic always drag me back in ;-;
To expand on anon's list:

1H 2018:
75533 Boba Fett
75534 Darth Vader

2H 2018:
75535 (Han Solo Movie)
75536 (Han Solo Movie)
75537 Darth Maul

There ya go.
Mahri are 50/50 for me.

Hahli is great apart from the disintegrating limbs
Jaller is fine, love thepet crab with mounted launcher and wish it had more of a story presence (imagine a Taku/Pewku relationship)
Nuparu is fine
Hewkii, Kongu and Matoro all have odd builds that, for me, don't quite hit the mark. I can't complain too much though given the alternative was more Inika clone-builds
Guess the both of you are right.
It's really a shame that Nuparu was the best Inika, but as a Mahri, they played it too safe and he's just the same, only worse.
>Frost beast's head in golden
I love this
>frost beast
Now hold on just a fucking second.
>no concept art for the elemental beasts in the concept art book
Jesus, they literally just recycled some unused Hero Factory designs, didn't they.
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>gunmetal jaw
>crystal theme
>light blue color scheme with t. lime highlights
>literally has beast in the name
Seriously, tlg? I can't believe this shit.
It has that something extra.
I'll take gimmicky, but creative set over normal torso and two bone limbs. And besides, Crystal Beast has black jaw.
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Rather had sneks or dragon scalie beast than a random mess of a elemental crystal monster.

Speaking of sneks, any Mocs of this?
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So, anyone built anything sand green with those feet?
Best to wait for Boba fett CCBS and see if we get more sand green pieces besides just feet from that.
The beasts fucking sucked. They're literally just the skull army sets with slightly different functions, a different head, and crystal parts instead of bone parts. Horseshit.
Crystal parts were probably because Nexo Knights was doing a crystal theme the next year and they figured they could reuse the piece on one of those sets maybe.

I doubt the beasts had any budget at all considering the cancellation of the line would have already been decided by that point, im surprised we even got a jaw mold (though to be fair we didnt get one that could move)
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Some allegedly insider said they went into production as pretty much unfinished and the toa masks were a last-minute add on.

I thought the same too with the crystal pieces that they were done partly because of nexo knights, but behold not a sinlge one has been released outside the last wave of G2.
Orly? Source?
Came to /biog/ discord one day and told some stuff what he had heard from one of the guys in lead of G2. I know, sounds very much like "my dad works at nintendo" but that's the best I can give This meeting allegedly took place quite recently after the decision to cancel the line was given.

Could had been a larper, could had been the real deal, who knows. Bottom line is the beasts are garbage and I bet there is not just a single explanation for it.
Looks like Mettaton from Undertale
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It ain't dead yet
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Where though? I thought Tuesday Morning already ate up the excess.
Didn't Lego recall every unsold set?
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A little late, but happy 1 year anniversary since G2's cancellation /biog/. Any current projects you guys working on? Holding out for anything at the moment?

I'm currently making a brick built JTO Makuta. Doing it both for the novelty of a smaller, more posable representation of the character as well as finally giving my Hero Pack mask a purpose. Arms and crotch were taken from another guys moc but everything else I did from scratch. Needless to say, most of the parts right now are stand ins.
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Trying to find out the construction of the Throne Makuta, I'm upset that we only got one fucking pic.
lol what, why would they do that?
Ok. Never touched Undertale myself, so can't confirm or deny that.
Because the line was cancelled and I honestly have no idea, maybe because BZP needed 2 massive boxes of free sets
BZP deserves jack shit. If anyone contributed to the G2 on a community management level it was either Eurobricks or TTV. Fuck BZPower.

Probably some French forum contributed more even.
^ dis.
Trust me, I know. They didn't deserve to get all that for free. And what makes me even angrier is that there are more sets rotting away in a random warehouse or the pieces were melted down for more licensed crap.
>pieces were melted down for more licensed crap
Does Lego even do that? I know they do scrap the returned sets but I've never heard of them melting down existing parts
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>it's been a year
>over a year
Got a few things going, but nothing worth posting yet. One that's 2/3ds of a bust that I want to finish but probably won't, one that I'm just waiting on a bricklink order for, and another I'm trying to find a color that compliments that pearlescent blue that was in the Technic super battle droid.
That was more of a speculation on my end, but honestly wouldn't be surprised if they did recycle G2 sets like that.
Did he give any insight into the line's cancellation?
Nope. The beasts were originally meant to be more like rahkshi (don't if if this was meant story vise or set vise) and there were supposed to be six instead of three.

was unable to remember what the names they were supposed to have, aside of "sandstorm" beast or something.

If this was indeed true, it would enforce my theory that Storm Beast was more likely supposed to be a more water based creature and against Gali, not Kopaka as advertised, but was changed in a hurry so they could had more reasons for people to buy the bigger toa.
I feel happy that you guys still like bionicles, I wish I could.
Been building off and on. Slowly getting my collection from my parents' place, think I've moved about half of it at this point, but it'll be at least a year before I can get the rest.
Otherwise, just getting things together for JtO Makuta while I wait for any new constraction theme. Just need Ikir now, I'll probably pick him up in another month or two.
>Beasts of all the elements, RISE!!!
I always thought that line sounded out of place, given the beasts only had three elements in the first place.
well judging how fucked the elements are in bonkles that's not a problem.
not getting sweet new parts is definitely one.
Oh yeah it's far from the biggest problem in the Journey to One, just something that bugged me, is all.

I feel like if they were only releasing three beasts, the designers should have at LEAST tweaked them to be bi-elemental. It would have fit with the "United, but not One" motif and the idea of elemental combinations being "evil" Plus they could have had each beast share an element for one large Toa and one small Toa.
YES! MAH NIGGA me too! in 5 years...
yes bzp sucks balls, but holy shit you guys will latch onto anything just to shit on them. the sets in the video arent even the ones that you said were recalled.
>the sets in the video arent even the ones that you said were recalled.

*most of the sets
Free parts are still free parts. >>6463724
This anon is right. Lego was so disenfranchised with the fan base, they still thought of bzp as still the top fan site. As such, they got early sets to review in 2014 as well as prototype parts and free shit at the end of the lines run. Meanwhile bzp did fuck all for G2, it's main contributions being bitching about Okoto's patriarchy and whether or not Gali is trans.
Not so much for re-use as far as I know, but corperations do destroy overstocked sets that don't sell because it's apparently cheaper and easier than donating to charity or some shit. Ask on Lego General, someone's bound to have the video links there.
Also I do recall a story about a toys r us getting flooded and all of the merch inside being destroyed by corperate despite the condition it was in.
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About to buy a binna bonkles from Craigslist

>remember, you're here forever
We need a new thread, guys. What's the protocol for making a new /biog/ thread? Do we need to wait for Ace to do it?
We do the same as other generals on /toy/. Until the thread hits image limit or is on page 9.

Also fuck Ace.
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Okay, cool. I guess we wait then.
Go ahead, I didn't want to make every thread till the day I died anyways, just enough to keep it going.

Just make sure you format the OP right with the thread name as the subject, an easily indentifiable image, yadda yadda. Thanks.
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D-Did I do it right?

> [Embed] [Embed]
Good job otherwise.
Ah, thanks for catching that. I'll keep that in mind if I ever need to make another thread.
Nah it's fine.
>If this was indeed true, it would enforce my theory that Storm Beast was more likely supposed to be a more water based creature and against Gali, not Kopaka as advertised, but was changed in a hurry so they could had more reasons for people to buy the bigger toa.

They ARE water based creatures according to the official site an they randomly tossed in Kopaka's mask just for the hell of it


>How they are created
>Having claimed the Mask of Control, Umarak has gained the power to transform his Living Traps into the powerful beasts. The Storm Beasts are transformed Water Traps

>Power 2
>Calling upon the Element of Water, Storm Beasts can create tidal waves of significant magnitude.

Dunno where the hell you're getting your Uber drivers. /biog needs a shot in the arm.
fuck dude, i loved so many titans. umbra, brutaka, nocturn, mazeka...they all impacted my MOCing capabilities/style a bunch too
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