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Transformers General: No Shitposter Allowed Edition

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Thread replies: 419
Thread images: 94

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Daddy Optimus does not approve.
Previous Thread: >>5911392
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I wonder, perhaps we could add some collecting guides or recommended sites in the opening post for the general? It just looks kind of bland with nothing on it tbqh.

And also a link to the 3rd party thread (>>>5905535 as of now) as something complementary?
this is not /vg/ though
refrain from spoonfeeding please
>link to the 3rd party thread
Bad idea.
Keep the shitposting quarantined here.
A different anon but if "spoonfeeding" brings the quality of the post up in this shit infested thread then I'm all for it.
I said refrain, not ban spoonfeeding outright
give them links if they ask for it
people tend to get more motivated when they're actively looking for something
what you are looking for is strong moderation: which is not something you are going to find here.
>looking for moderation
>on an imageboard
just bully the fuck outta the shitposter if he starts his shit again
seems to be working so far
wew lad
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Has there ever been any good transformers with attachable armor that wasn't a gangly skeletor without armor on or didn't turn the transformer into a giant brick with it on?
MP Star Saber maybe?

No, because thats exactly how armor works with toys. The limbs need to be thin to accomidate it, leading to a stick-figure-ey base figure and chunky armor bits to bulk them up.
What sites are there? Walky's Trigger Wiki, Shit Layout 2005, Trannyspark, Garbotron, anything else?
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does it have to be within the transformers IP?
because pic related (sponsored by takara and toys made by takara) is fucking perfect at it

yeah just make a pastebin
and then share it when people ask
>wanting to share those sites with newfags
at least we're giving it to people ASKING for it
instead of posting the link willynilly like a whore on EVERY General opening post
Why would people want to go to those sites anyways? They're arguably even worse than /tfg/
>Why would people want to go to those sites anyways?

News, actual on-topic discussion in the toy forums, pictures of new releases.
yeah just link to their frontpages
not their forums
that's where most of the cancer are anyways
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>Be Scandinaviafag
>Order LG Scourge, Blurr and some other stuff from Kapowtoys
>Choose UPS as shipping method like always
>Usually takes 4 days to arrive
>tfw it gets sent with Interlink instead for some reason
>tfw estimated time is 7 days
What the fuck is this?
Only TFW2005 does this competently and their layout is now cancer
>actual on-topic discussion
You mean politics shitstorms and attention whoring?
>pictures of new releases
This is the one advantage they have. That's it
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>You mean politics shitstorms and attention whoring?
That happens RIGHT here as well nigger.
Rarely any politics though
lately I'm not so sure of that anymore
Comus is one helluva butthurt taiwanese
That's still not politics. We don't get stuff like Trump vs Clinton wars here
>sentinel prime
>/pol/-tier discussion
from what universe are you posting from?
PLEASE let me in, I want OUT
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What the fuck is happening on this thread and also got this guy quite in the minty condition. Damn now I want Pointblank and Sureshot.
Sentinel Prime is just shitposting and humor. No one actually starts spamming MAGA or anything
If we do get proper Voyager Horrorcons will they have the Triple face gimmick?
They should. It's not even that hard to do but their Titan Masters might be probably specialized for just their alt modes which is completely fine with me personally.
Why would you want that? they never had it before, the triple face gimmick on gen Blitzwing was awful, besides the tm system wouldn't allow it unless they include 3 titanmasters.
I don't think you know what any of us are talking about
>Triple face

You meant double head and triple mode right? Because there is only the beast mode and the actual combined mode head. Unless you count them being separated as another head.
Welp meant to tag this >>5915056 post.
If you meant to ask if they would works as heads in both modes then sure, just use a "mask" like the leaders, but triple face triplechanger just make me think of animated.
If they did Seacons, would one get relegated to Legends size in order to be the Targetmaster? Half the point of the original set was that anyone could become the gun, something which would be lost if it was given to a single Legends figure.
It would work as a regular deluxe + voyager since you know, getting a gun mode out of the regular deluxes is not impossible. More so if they made it specialized while being compatible with the other CW stuff.
>Yuki can't post TF pictures anymore


Typical. Hasbro probably cried to Takara CEO to make him stop.
>constant TAKARA WINS AGAIN bs
This is your fault, /toy/.


Jesus Christ, I didn't know they were selling that badly.
>$70 off
My sides
does the us toy store ship to the uk?
They don't ship outside the US though, so they're basically worthless.

ah well, shouldn't have got my hopes up
not true, they ship to Canada now.
CW Onslaught, Scattershot and Silverbolt are 7.49 each.
looks like they are cleaning out their warehouses
>Menasor is driven by one thing and one thing only: a desire to obliterate the enemy. He attacks Decepticons – on the ground or in the air – with all-out force.
>He attacks Decepticons

Not surprised
No online store has run out them. They have been available since December last year and take up a lot of space.
Vicky will be next, not to sure on Fruiticus since he is a fan favorite.
ok... if i get a us friend to buy them and ship them to the UK, how much is it going to end up bwing?
How the fuck should I know? Figure it out your own damn self, jesus fuck.


>in the air
Superion's bio is exactly the same too
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>*tips fedora* m'lady
What did he mean by this?
I think what he actually meant was
He screamed so hard his eye colors changed from blue in the renders to red on the toy
that worked great for the asian shitposters: oh wait it didn't.
you are an idiot. g1 horrorcons were triple changers capable of switching to two head modes: one for beast and other for robot.
>All of them get turned into legends class and snaptrap is merely deluxe
Ty based John "If it ain't geewun or reedun it won't be done so be done" Warden
>There's a reason over at /toy/ we call him
What did he mean by this anyways?
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I recommended this before, recommended sites to buy new/used, release dates, recommended toys etc, even managed to post it as the OP and all people did was bitch.

And when the next one popped up shit continued on as normal, I'm afraid we're just gonna continue doing the same old shit.

Also I see no point with the 3p thing, its nice and all but sometimes we end up comparing 3p and official.

>refrain from spoonfeeding please

You fucking realize people still ask the same stupid questions right?

>what do I use to fix loose joints
>where can I get x as ebay seems expensive
>where can I buy new toys in x country

We can potentially cut out alot of questions we keep seeing, plus it would save us ALOT of time if people ask these questions, for example

>hay what can I use to fix my joints?
>use pledge and do such and such

Can become this

>hay what can I use to fix my joints?
>read OP

We can just copy paste answers if its all in the OP.

Of course I already tried all of this, it wasn't complete, was still coming up with info to put in, and people continued the next one without a fuck, so yea, here's my rant, ignore it or shitpost a reply back I don't give a fuck, I'll be lurking
>poster names himself after an idw character

pig disgusting
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Nooo I was hoping to see if he would post mp megatron or something, fucking hell
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Do you mean those power-ups/super-modes like RID Optimus or do snap-on armor bits work for you too?
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*inserts Walk Like an Egyptian*
Which is the midget lover in this relationship?
If only those two guns were the same, instead of one being a glorified side car with a gun on it
I've just realized the MP Soundwave I preordered doesn't come with Ratbat. How can I get one? Or Wingthing?
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Just waiting for all of them to go on clearance so I can army build dem blue bots.
Sadly the official way to get mp ratbat is via soundblaster.

There are ko's via ebay and they're cheap enough, about the price of a deluxe or lower.

Ratbat was pretty much an incentive to buy a black repaint
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>an army of blurr's

Oh fuck

In Canada they're already on Rollback in Canada for $12 when they usually go for $19.

Though unfortunate since I went with Takara for Wave 1.
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The Blurr mold was a pleasant Surprise
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I hate to enter the argument but I can't wait to get my hands on the legends blurr, still in private warehouse.

Though I kinda want a hasbro blurr for a custom, but what would work, I can't use it for minerva despite how sleek it is.
The Blurr mold easily has the most articulation of the figures released so far. Can't wait for Brainstorm
Perfect if you like having a statue on your shelf.
Have you forgotten all of the Sentinel Trump memes?
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Sentinel is going to make Cybertron great again.
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I kinda want Sentinel because of the Trump character, should I get him asap or wait for a possible clearance?
I see him shelfwarming currently.
Bee...I think thy're gonna kill us!
They bullied each other though
So at least they aren't united like mongol hordes
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*I'm gonna kill them all
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My Legends Blurr and Scourge will finally ship out soon.

Wait for a Voyager sale.

I bought him full price, he was worth it to me but I could have waited.
>I recommended this before, recommended sites to buy new/used, release dates, recommended toys etc, even managed to post it as the OP and all people did was bitch.
What is it about the fans here?
Marvel, Relvotech, Lego and Star Wars generals all do checklist and guides in every new thread
Why don't we?
Is the retardation really that strong here?
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Does this interest anyone?

I'm considering using proxies to buy him from tru japan but he'll be least be voyager or more in terms of cost this way
That looks dumb as shit.

I hope you find enjoyment in him.
I love these guys. I need more beasts. Seems like the only other one we're getting is Doublecross in Wave 3.
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Who knows, the release dates for hasbro versions would be difficult to track because of how they send them out, even worse for around the world (wave one TR deluxe just arrive here, wave 2 is wide spread elsewhere) while Japanese ones are easier to pinpoint.

We also don't have a single dedicated anon to delegate this consistency to, when I tried to do it I was missing details and in my haste to post forgot the link to the old thread (at the time people were screaming about making a new thread, this was just before we had 4-5 generals in the catalog running).

If someone pulls it off I'll follow suit, the OP should be a simple listing of the TT releases with exclusives, an update on hasbro versions (ie US has them or something), a list of recommended molds, and tips to new comers (fixing loose joints, a rough price guide to buying older molds and what the best online retailer for each country).

Once perfected I'm willing to follow suit, but after my rushed attempt and the feedback I'll just wait
There is also Krok in wave 4, Pounce/Winspan for the boxset (and probably Carnivac),
Exactly. I don't know what Hasbro was thinking making these two look like dollar store figures. All they had to do was mold some limbs and hands in different colored plastic, no paint apps required.
>buy Skullcruncher after several months of not collecting
>loose as fuck leg falls off immediately
>bobble head
What the fuck? Is blurr any better, thinking about an exchange today.
He and Hardhead are the best of the wave.

Skull is unfortunately the worst.
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My guess is they REALLY wanted to save on budget.

g1 blurr is kinda drab and so is scourge, but not this bad, if TR scourge had the proper damn thighs I think everyone would of passed on takara's release.

My guess is they wanted to maximize on mold space or something, I guess they aren't like bandai and have multi injection runners where several plastic runners can be done all at once (but I have no idea of the cost difference seeing how tf toys have screws where gundam models AVOID using screws and are obviously aren't as sturdy).

Haven't heard any bad reports on blurr other than being kinda dull in robot mode, try your luck
Skullcruncher is good, his QC is just rough. A bit of pledge and he's fine though.
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I ended up just doing a little surgery and turning his legs around. I hated his tiny feet with giant heels anyway.
fuck, I just got up and missed them. Maybe eBay prices will drop.
...and hope the head isn't packed in with the TM head sideways, some careless owner is gonna try and rip it out and destroy it.

I'm honestly quite glad that only the TM head remained lodged and I had the correct screw drivers to get the head out and reattach the TM head.

Takara packing the heads away from the body was a smart move despite not being as space/cost efficient
Takara packs their toys in vehicle mode. Hasbro does robot mode since kids want the robot more.
The usual "IT SHOULDN'T NEED MODIFICATION" argument could easily be used here, its a shame, its a great mold honestly.
I love his giraffe hooves.
Not always, it depends on the subject, legends megatron and ultra magnus were in robot mode (infact I love using legends UM in any argument since he isn't the usual anime colors but that's another story), legends shockwave and rewind are in robot forms.

I'm curious as to what legends ginrai will be packed as, having the helmet exposed may risk damage even in a clamshell but it's gonna be a long box, but it won't be a retarded box like legends galvatron
I mean, yeah, it shouldn't.

I actually bought the Tak one, but I meant to cancel my preorder after I did this. I don't actually care about Scourge all that much and this and the Generations one are good enough for me. Luckily I'm sure I can resell it.
Yeah, his guns look like crap, especially cast in that red plastic. Really the only problem I have with the figure.

FFS hasbro, what has the UK done to you to deserve this?

Christs sake, wasn't just changing $ to £ signs for your prices markup enough already?
You didn't do enough to stop the Holocaust.

Seriously though it's because you are not a very big market compared to China or America.
>nobody here reads Japanese but here's what we think it means
Holy shit this has to be a joke.
Is there a site that catalogues the different toylines and their features with images like rebelscum or jedibusiness for Transformers?
>at least we're trying!

Google translate will never be perfect and leaves us to our imaginations, but it does kinda look that way.

I would love to be proven wrong though

tf wiki has all the different transformers, throw in a name, find the toy list depending on the universe version and go.

The star wars tf's are there, is this what you're after?
Thanks for that info!
And I just watched recently Transformers Prime (my first real exposure except the movies friends dragged me into) and I'm really fond of the style and designs on the show.
Anyone having trouble getting into the Hasbrotoyshop site? I've been trying to access it for a while, but it keeps giving me errors.
Prime's one of the nicest cg styled tf shows in a very long time, the designs also try to homage both g1 AND the recent movies.

Its nifty that's for sure
>12 canucks

shame I don't have any big walmarts nearby with actual transformer aisles
12 canucks is a good enough excuse to own 7 sweeps
If you're gonna get Prime shit get the First Edition figures. They're incredible and arguably way better than the mainline ones
>both g1 AND the recent movies.
>not Animated
I'm sorry, perhaps the cg made it hard for me to make a clear distinction.

I still don't see it that way but least the movie part is right...I hope.

EH whatever its pretty good for what it is, we've come a long way from beast wars and energon
>implying Energon isn't a masterpiece of avant-garde post-animation
We're talking about the cg parts anon, not the hand drawn stuff that we wanted more out of
>not realizing that the entire show is a satiric commentary on poor low budget animation
>not realizing that ironhide's dull surprise is a true representation of the lack of emotion in modern society
Git gud plen
Welp I found Alpha Trion and Astrotrain totday. Being that I already have the wave 2 titan masters and legends I'm just waiting on the 4 deluxes and Walgreens brainstorm in order to be all caught up.

I even have two fort maxes so I can have a super base.
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Smyths and Toymaster sell them for 15-17 squid, but The Entertainer is the only place that carries Wave 2 and TRU is the only place that carries Starscream.

Might as well suicide
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>not roadbuster

You first dubshitter
I found a pic of your base anon!
The point is: you can't use an online translator for a news. It's unprofessionnal as fuck. Either have someone who's fluent in Japanese to translate it or wait for other sites to do so.
>I even have two fort maxes so I can have a super base.
You can't just say something that stupid and not post pics of the super base.
seibertron.com does that too and then just edits it in when someone can translate.

They're rushing for a story, like how fox news works, its better than gundam guy who just post pics of new shit but without explanation

Besides, its tf related, if fan exclusives come out shitty like the botcon tigertron and ravage do you think news sites would even try?
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He might go on clearance at some point. Who knows?
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>I even have two fort maxes so I can have a super base
Please tell me this isn't for real. I'd understand it if you bought Legends Fort Max and then got the Hasbro one on clearance, but that's obviously not the case.
Wait they're on sale at Walmart? Shiet imma ask my buddy to pick me some up.
Since the Hasbro Website has Superion and Menasor on sale, think we might get Bruticus on sale as well?
All these minicon posts on CW Megatron are neat, I wish I had some minicons to jab into them.

Does anyone else get the impression that this mold was meant to be Armada Megatron first and foremost by the way?
I kind of visualize it in my head that Hasbro created the mold with the intent of making an up-to-date Armada Megatron, but some marketing execs or something stepped in, caught them making a leader class figure of someone who's like a hair away from being a literal who in this day and age, and told them to redeco it silver, slap a new head on it and sell it as geewun Megatron.
It would make sense considering the G1 version sells for like twice as much as the Armada version.

It also makes me kind of want an updated G2 style Megatron.
I like that look for a tankformer
I have acquired Jetwing Optimus Prime's, uh, jetwings. The only Prime I have is the standard-issue ROTF Leader. Is it possible to attach the pack without modding the base figure, or do the fuel tanks -need- to come off?
Got RiD15 Scorponok and Windblade yesterday, TRU in LFT. Both are great. RiD15 Windblade > Generations Windblade though i don't think Gen Windblade is a bad toy like a lot of others do. I wish there was some way to put her scabbard on her back, though. Where's my single carded Mini Cons, though!?
That's typically something someone would find out for themselves BEFORE they bought something.

You idiot.
If I recall correctly, Jetwing Optimus Prime's tanks have to rotate and open up as a part of the attachment process, and actually peg into the armor for extra stability.

If you have the non-compatible version all you can do is remove the tanks to make the armor fit on
Whats wrong with generation Windblade?
I bought the SDCC one and the regular one on amazon was well below MSRP so I bought it.

I only have one FOC Omega Supreme, one Metroplex and one Devastator though. My Classics shelf is huge though I've gotten every single retail figure since Classics 2007.
If you know the backstory of Thrilling 30, the original design team was reportedly fired in the middle of it and then Warden & co. brought in and he invited a few back on a contract basis, but a few of these projects were rushjobbed or unfinished including the deco for Armada Starscream (according to Kyde) and presumably a lot of the design and engineering for Windblade.
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Post obsucre Transformers that need some new toys.
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You know it.
>tfw he requires a mortgage to own
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I find the most issues in jet mode, like where the shoulders/wings tab in to the fuselage, and that gap between her legs that goes right through the plane. Not a total deal breaker, unless you paid $20+ for her instead of the $15 i did.
Doesn't look terrible really, I can barely even see where the problem lies.

I been kind of regretting skipping out on the generatins fembots lately
All the other working the same way are just as bad.

Also cybergundam does explain what's on the pics, it's in chinese.
>and then you manage to lose the hands
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I want a modern version of Landcross that is not shit.
I have this guy but the little bot has crumpled to almost dust. Other than that he's entirely complete.

He needs a leader class figure at the very least simply because of how cool the tank mode is.
Gens Windblade just had a lot of unnecessary moving parts that didn't really do anything. The RID's simple "flip her over" jet transformation achieves pretty much the same result, some would say it's even better due to the lack of gaps in jet mode, but that wasn't something I was bothered by with the Gens version.

The original Windblade's wrist articulation is really nice, especially since she's a sword user. RID has heel rotations though plus just better balance overall. It's unfortunate that they couldn't just give RID wrists too so she's got the best of both worlds, but heels over wrists is still a good trade-off imo.

My biggest problem with the RID one is the shitty paintjob. So it's either going Takara, getting the SDCC version, or wait for a repaint.
It took those two being on the market for 9 months for that sale to happen.
Fruity and Vicky will see some dips in sure but I doubt they will survive the holiday rush
So the cheapest I see is near $50
But Fruity Bruity is popular so I doubt he will dip much
Vicky is not as unpopular as those g2 repaints so if a dip happens it wouldn't be as bad as those guys.
Most paid even less then that
Hasbro had her on clearance for $5 and discount stores had her for the hook day as low as $3 with her bodyguard, nightbeat and Waspinator
I didn't say she would however I could see half off
She hasn't been pushing that well Amazon has had her for $72 for the last 3 months and the stock hasn't run out
She's pretty close
With Titans return in full swing I really see her value crashing for the hoilday
I want masterpiece versions of all the other cassettebots, especially the combiner ones (like Squawktalk and Beastbox)
And Proper Horrorcons and GodNeptune
I would suggest picking her up when it does because she is a pretty nifty set and if you missed out on her and she becomes like Metroplex where everybody was ignoring and now people are bitching about missing out on him since he is easily triple of his original price in the span of 3 years.
I didn't know there were combiner cassettes till last night honestly. I stumbled upon this weird youtube channel that the guy has MISB/MIB shit of EVERYTHING of the G1 from 1984~1990 and he was showcasing them. I saw the package of the combiner cassettes and now I want them as well.

>MP Horrocons/just good articulated Horrocons
Well Maketoys is making an Apeface and Fansproject is doing a deluxe version of both
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Titan Class Raiden when? Devastator needs his old Diaclone rival back.
>Blurr Gerwalk

>Not "blerwalk"

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Exactly how popular is Raiden anyway?
I wish I had picked up pic related back in the day, I got Superion and he's really neat.
After seeing the Blurwalk mode, I am positively unsure of if I should get Blurr or Hardhead as my first Deluxe. I'll probably go Weirdwolf if possible although I think my local Wal Mart is picked clean by collectors and resellers on restock day.
Japan loves trains, so they like him. In the west hardly anybody knows about him because he's horrendously expensive and was never in any western media. Trains are popular enough that there were two Micromaster train combiners, though they used mostly the same molds except for one train, which is exclusive to each set.
I just use Railracer as a stand-in.
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>All of these Ratchet and Ironhide figures
>Not a single Tow-Line repaint
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You must not actually own these figures. Even with the armor on Gridman's shoulders move up and down and in and out at the shoulders, rotate at the bicep, bend at the elbow, and the wrist articulation lets the arm armor swivel. He's got ball jointed hips (with limited range in and out), bending knees, and a leg swivel. The big feet mean he's fairly stable though both figs can be topheavy. Honestly the only POA that's missing is the heads don't move, but they're freaking fun toys nonetheless. Highly recommended.
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Speaking of trains, it's a pity that this guy was never licensed to Hasbro. He would have fit right in with the minibots. His vehicle mode is suitably chibified, just like the other minibots.

JayC and Wheeljack have always been faggots.

Wheeljack pitched a hissy fit at Hasbro when Archer was answering questions on another board andgot him removed. Basically "If WE can't have exclusive content then NO ONE should!"

Bring this up at TNI and JayC will delete your post or lock a thread.

Jackbooted thugs the both of them. TNI is almost as big a shithole as Allspark.

It's a play on a line from the movie "Casablanca".,

It starred Humphrey Bogart, who was primarily known for his mystery movies. And since Nightbeat is a detective, Bogart is the usual go to guy for detective stereotypes and tropes
>>*tips fedora* m'lady

This comic, and the detective tropes it was based on were made DECADES before that became a thing

I can live with that
Hasbro owns the character and name probably.
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2 years ago I was just 1 minute late to see a complete set of those, some guy sold ALL of them for $60 Canadian. I would have bought that in a heartbeat.

Well he is an iconic Transformer in the Japanese series on top of trains being quite popular in Japan.

Speaking of Sixtrain I need that still myself for Windy, I actually got Sixliner and Sixturbo Japan version. As much as Sixturbo might be close to the American release, the Japanese release had a different fire truck and that one was a fembot so I personally hunted for the Japanese version myself.
These are familiar. But I can't remember what they're from. Red dragon's cool looking.
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>as a stand-in.
What are the popular/common stand ins? I use Orion Pax as "generations Crosshairs"

I tire of that argument.

Perhaps it shouldn't. But Real life doesn't play by "should'ves". You get what you get, and it isn't always the exact way you want it. That's how life is. Suck it up and fucking deal with it.

Just be happy when something CAN be done to make what you get better. A lot of things that happen to you in real life can't.

All these links do nothing but send me to a static "Redirecting" page
Looks like a bulborb
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Or you can just buy an actual one.
>Just be happy when something CAN be done to make what you get better.
I don't mind stuff that needs modification but can be modified.

It usually winds up being pretty fun too, especially if it's a mod you have to make up yourself.

Im sure Hasbro could be allowed to make something similar to him
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I'm not into bricks, but to each their own.
much like windblade her OC gurl power status will poison any chance of her being worth much
2 year later you can still get a brand new generations Windblade under retail.
I argue Vicky will be closer to cost but she isn't going anywhere for a long time.
Not with the OC decepticon girls budging in their turf.
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Well I just like Transformers so I just buy whatever I feel like buying. But G1 bricks do have their charm despite being expensive as fuck for the most part. Also I would understand why some people would justify why they don't buy G1 stuff since I was like that before. I was like "ew G1 bricks, no articulation etc." then I actually started buying them and now I try to get them as much as I can.

Yeah but the LG Windblade is quite expensive now. The Generations might be still at retail but the Japanese version went up in price.
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I want that parallax armor. I got that Henkei Rodimus that has been waiting to get that for 2 years now. I still can't find one for a decent price. Hopefully FP makes a new version of that.

Btw, did you get the igear head for Kup? That sex as fuck head?
That's what Im saying about Vicky with e OC evil sisters
The takara set will climb to $300+ but I bet normal Vicky will float around $70 or less
Slipstream is best girl.

Can I have sex with your Arcee?
Well honestly at the end of the day as long as we can enjoy them that is all what matters. But I still think that it's not too bad that Vicky would not inflate for a while because that means more people would be able to enjoy her set. I wouldn't have bought a set if I didn't see her in person and unlike the photographs, her colors are not offensive to my eyes.
>buy what is advertised as finished goods
>no assembly or painting required
>turns out they actually aren't finished goods and I have to fix them
>"well uh real life isn't fair"

How much more of a corporatecuck could you be?
I guess that also applies to cars since those are mostly minimalistic in paint and apps so you have to actually get down to it to give it new rims and a paint job huh? You probably shouldn't even reheat your food after it gets cold because it was advertised as hot food because that would be modifying your food from the original state it was advertised in. Or your logic only falls on toys? Nothing is black and white.
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Agree. Nothing is wrong with toys that don't raise in value
I'm very happy TFs don't hold the market as strong as they use to and want them at that right spot where they are in demand enough to make but not so balding manchildren want to buy cases and sell them at mark up while watching American Pickers with their wife's son.
Of course. The stock head is awful. I didn't keep the cigar one though.

No, virgin.
>with their wife's son.

aww, someone didn't hide their /pol/ origins too well. Too bad Trump is an Israel-serving Jew and he's sold you out by getting you to back him. And you turned pro-gay because of that faggot Milo. Race traitor scum.
Well some do keep their value but not as much and its mostly the g1 boxed stuff and Japanese stuff so those balding manchildren already stay away from those since they are already worth a lot to even start getting and their pockets can't handle anything over $20.

That is unfortunate, I actually bought the heads for that cigar look.
Your analogies are bullshit.

When I buy a brand new car, I'm not having to put on its rims and paint it. It already comes with rims and a paintjob.

"New" food fresh from the place is hot and "used" food from hours later is cold, everyone expects that.

What you're arguing is the equivalent of saying that it's okay that a hamburger has a raw (not medium rare or whatever but FOCKING RAW) patty then I shouldn't complain, I should just meekly cook my meat in a pan.

You're in favor of paying money for substandard products and then paying more money to make those products functional.
That's nice, but it's not a modern toy to stand in with the modern line. If someone wants a Classics/Generations ____, you don't say "just buy the old figure, lol".
Yeah but some of the older figures are still better fundamentally than some of the re-done CHUGS since the older figs are the original OG of the fiction and some of those OGs wont really get remade into the modern standard for a long time or unless a 3p company picks it up.
Not really. They don't have modern sculpting, paint jobs, articulation or design. They don't fit at all. I still have a few G1 figures, but they don't stand with my Classics stuff. They're novelty tier at this point, and I say this as someone who grew up with G1.

Hardly, I just have a robot fetish and they are a bit too expensive to fuck when it comes to the real deal.
>I have a robot fetish
>not a virgin
Some G1 stuff actually have more paint apps than the shit that came out in the past 3 years.

I actually don't try to fit in the G1 to the CHUGS, I just leave it as is. G1 goes to G1 and CHUGS go to CHUGS so if I want something that didn't get a CHUG, I most likely would get the G1 version just to have it.

Speaking of novelty, I am still planning of picking up all g1 Headmasters even though I am picking up the LG Headmasters since I collect stuff I like and not give into being content to having just 1 version of the toy from two different sub-lines 30 years apart.
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Shitty design and/or QC loses business. T30 Blitzwing left me so burned that I dropped TFs until recently. Missed basically all of Combiner Wars. No regrets, all things considered.

>mfw every combiner needs third party add-ons to not look like shit
Except the OC Vicky. Her hands and feet are quite solid off the box so you don't really need to buy any PE upgrades for her.
She still looks like shit, just for an entirely different reason. You're right that the hands and feet look pretty good, though.

Victorion is way way way too masculine, both combined and in terms of the individual components. That's what happens when you decide to redeco a bunch of masculine characters into a group of female TFs.

Lastly, and this is completely subjective, but I'm just not fond of her color scheme. Period. The Takara version is even worse, too.
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>Victorion is way way way too masculine

Sometimes you have to use what is given to you and just make do. I was testing out poses and when I finally got this really strong feminine look I just left her in this pose. You just have to have a little bit of imagination and not put her in unflattering pose or a static one that makers her look beefy since we already know her mold were originally from the guy molds.
It looks more androgynous than she.
if cars had the same qc as Hasbro they'd be sued to hell and their ceos or engineers probably getting the death penality.
That actually happens and car companies actually call them back and shit. But it wont happen with toys unless lead paint was used and lives were at stake.
I'm glad you found a way to be happy with it. I'll admit, it looks better than most poses.

But I don't think I'll ever be sold on her, myself.
I would have bought her if she was a Decepticon, but she uses three of the most overused molds in the line (one of them twice no less), has a rather garish colourscheme and doesn't really bring anything I need that I can't get from the other combiners. There are already too many Autobots in the combiner wars, and although the Decepticons have Devastator, he really feels like he's from a different line when compared to the rest of them.
It really is dependent on who's buying it.
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Devastator still pisses me off, anon. I don't know who the hell thought charging $150 for six voyagers engineered like Cybertron-era legends was a good idea.

I don't think I'll ever own a Devy. Ah, well. I'm more of a Bruticus person, anyways.
You probably remember them from supherhuman samurai syber squad
Yep, kept thinking VR Troopers but it didn't seem right.
To be fair, cybertron era Legends where engineered like Energon Era Voyagers.
At least Energon toys weren't hollow and unpainted as well. There's no excuse for the way they did Devy. It's a fucking abomination, and not in a good way.
Yeah and now some of the people who hates 3p and is defiant about not buying the CW/UW Devy is stuck buying the UW in this bad exchange rate economy.

And to think there are about 8 different versions of devastator in the market and people still haven't found one that they would enjoy.
Most of his problem is that he's too big for his own good. If he was smaller he wouldn't weigh as much and wouldn't need to be so hollow.
The G1 one is really the only fun way to play with, and the vintage ones are nearly all loose or incomplete while the encore ones have severe mold degradation. Honestly your best bet is probably either a good G1 KO or a G2. When it comes to display CW/UW is fine, but as a toy he's just too big.
The rest of CW and a good bit of T30 beg to differ. Only reason it's a hollow mess was to save money on plastic, and we all know it.
>Taking a meme gag seriously
Well I got the SDCC CW Devy, I was actually thinking of getting the Encore one sooner or later since those are like the closest I would get to a Diaclone buildrobo.
I have Encore 20A, which is the version with the purple mixing drum and the new Devy head, but the hip piece is fucked beyond belief. It won't plug into Long Haul properly, making Devy hunched over all the time while also kicking Scrapper off whenever you move him. If you buy a G1 vintage of just that piece and substitute it in it solves the problems, but there's still the issue of Scavenger's connecter peg being far too tight for Hook's slot, while a peg connecting Long Haul to Devy's head-piece has the same problem.

Otherwise he's OK.
I actually have the option of just hunting the legit G1 as well anyways, but thanks for that heads up so now I can figure our what I would want to do with them if I ever get my hands on any.
Oh yeah and I still don't get why they can't make a reissue Raiden when they can reissue a lot of their other Diaclone molds. They're not like Bandai that destroys their molds after a couple of years so it still baffles me we still haven't gotten and Encore Raiden.
What did you use to make that cut? Did you take the pin out and cut them, then put them back in, or did you cut them while still attached?
I want new versions of the Euro G1 guys.
Predators, Turbomasters, Lightformers, Trakkons, Obliterators etc, I want them all.
I wish I could complete this set, but Arcee disappointed me with her kibble (they could have done something to hide it better), I never saw UM but I didn't hear good things about him either. I got Hasbro Blurr, but his colors aren't growing on me (Takara Blurr just had to come out in at a time I have nothing to buy from Japan).
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>but Arcee disappointed me
>first figure ever
>almost universally hailed as a great figure
>possibly the best first figure a character has ever had

10/10 yes I am angry

I didn't buy it. It was bequeathed on behalf of a friend who just died. Thanks for the help though.

You ass.

Same boat. I'm waiting for clearance at the rate he's selling. I'm also building a version Ferguson Prime as his enforcer. Problem is I could maybe at most get 2 rooks with how popular the little shit is so I might just go with 2 Prowls and a Groove chestplate and theme it that way.
I got one I'm selling 80 bucks
>I'm waiting for clearance at the rate he's selling

Just get him if you want him, he's only 25 dollars, he isn't a Leader, a combiner box set, or a Titan.

Hey, if someone liked the figure that's all good, but I didn't think it was as great as it could have been, specially with the Animated Arcee that got released few years back.
The legit or KO armor? Also are you in US or Canada?
Nice to see your dead friend's legacy of autism live on
>titan class
Not him, but he's a six robot team, so it would be really hard to make a five man team out of that, specially since they're trains.
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Is it that time again?
Are there people selling single iGear Kup heads? Even eBay only has them in sets. I'd gladly buy a non-cigar one off of someone.
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I believe it is.
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So this was apparently what Titans Return Leader Prime was suppose to look like.
I wish I had the skill to do that.

Well I got the cigarless version since its a set but I don't really want to let go of it unfortunately since I could use that if I bother buying another Kup.
So it was originally planned to be closer to his Marvel proportions, and even had new guns. Shit, even the cab looks better, even if it makes him look fat.
Legit. US. It's a first run unit but being the sperg I am I threw out the plastic bubble and I can't seem to find the handshake piece it came with.
Make them all deluxes...?
Shit, that looks great, even the transformation's better.
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Someone last thread said this looked terrible. What was it that you didn't like about it specifically?
Hahahaha fuck me that white paint is bad
Nice. Too bad I already ran out of budget for the month since I just bought a couple of G1 stuff and there is that toyshow on the 18th where TFcon is held but if the same guy is there he will be selling that armor set for stupid scalped price. I have seen him had that on sale for 3 years now since nobody wants to pay his asking price.
Could you be a worse painter please?

>reversed legs
Fucking gross
In what way? The thighs' empty hollow space being being fully covered?

Reversed legs for more variation between shared molds. Plus, the thick feet work.
Also, what's painted so badly?
I find that raising the car fronts on the shoulders makes for a slimmer profile.
Someone decided he didn't want to wait for a new one, so made it himself.
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Fucking excellent mold. I picked up the exclusive "battle damaged" version a while back, and it's one of the few I still keep at hand. I'm excited to see what Hasbro has in store for TR, but coupled with the iGear head, it will be hard to top this masterpiece.

That said, I really love the simplicity of the new, post-CW molds. They're basically just Legends class but bigger, which is really all I need. If I want a complex transformation, I'll turn to MPs.
I like the individual modes but the combined mode is severely lacking. I think this person also did a Lio Kaiser that was great, aside form combined mode.
I would agree with you, but with how they're leaning towards movie accurate molds now I'm almost excited to replace my Generations mold with a movie accurate mold to fit in with my picture here. >>5916001
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He already works well with the TR line. I wonder who they'll remold him from, or whether it'll be an entirely new mold.
I imagine he'll share a mold with Crosshairs. They're both basically the same kind of truck.

For movie accuracy, I'm interested in what the MP line might bring, after their excellent Hotrod mold. To me, the selling point of CHUG was that they didn't have to be animation-accurate.
Fully new mold, at least compared to this figure.
I hope they take some liberties with it, Kup's vehicle mode is so boring.
I got MP Hot Rod, but it didn't give me the super animation accurate job I wanted. I basically got it for the alt mode only. Classics I feel still pull a good enough representation for both modes.
>actually going out of your way to defend your shitty custom
I was gonna do that to be honest but I did that for my Menasor so I was like just leave it down for now and give her sort of a shoulder armor.

Yeah I like him a lot as well.

Well that means more for me then, I always welcome new stuff that will enhance my collection.
there isn't a g1 arcee out there that is any good, they're all garbage clones of each other with ridiculous backpack syndrome

I'm still waiting for an arcee that doesn't turn into a retardo spaceship or a 'cram all my parts into my backpack' shellformer
Compared to what? Real trucks? I prefer them to do a fully movie Kup truck mode.

I'm actually asking for ways to make it better, not defend it.
>I'm still waiting for an arcee that doesn't turn into a retardo spaceship or a 'cram all my parts into my backpack' shellformer

Never happening, anon. Blame it on the fact that her robot mode barely had anything from her vehicle mode. Getting most of the car parts to fold into each other and form a back pack is the best you're going to get.
I feel like it's as good as we'll get. Seeing how the alt. and robot modes were designed entirely independently, there's a big bridge to gap. The MP has such excellent articulation and stylish alt. mode, I don't feel I need much better.
I'm just saying, if they have to use that design, add something to spice it up like a pick-up cover (that works like Hoists, but sleeker, and omitting the blasters). He doesn't need to transform with it since they can just have it turn into a shield or something.
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>'cram all my parts into my backpack' shellformer

Thats literally part of her design. Look at her. She clearly has a big backpack.
How to make it better:
Layer your damn fucking paints
Thin your damn fucking paints
That leg configuration is shit
Also: learn how to fucking paint. That abdomen is cancer
>there isn't a g1 arcee out there that is any good

That is subjective when we only have like 1 g1 arcee mold and it's the Generations/LG. That is the first legit Arcee as G1 as you can get that only took 30 odd years to make. If you want something else you're better off getting the 3p IF legends version or the MMC ones.
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>Getting most of the car parts to fold into each other and form a back pack is the best you're going to get.
Or do it like PRID Vehicon and fold all the car parts into the legs.
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>WG TR Brainstorm still hasn't been officially released.

Fuck, if he gets released next month I'll never be able to get him, since I'll be neck deep in projects until mid December.
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She just needs the "shield mod".
It's a hard robot to reconcile with movie accuracy. All of the '86 movie bots were designed without transformation in mind, which a lot of angry neckbeards don't take into account before getting butthurt over toy designs.

Now I have to try if I can do that to some of my stuff.
I wouldn't call that a big backpack. none of the versions currently available of her are even remotely that small or unobtrusive.

probably. I'm still holding out hope that some creative genius can figure something out with their mass-shifting magic.
This. I love the idea of Kup as an old-timey pick-up truck instead of whatever the fuck he was supposed to be in the movies.
Shhh anon, you can't be reasonable with angry neckbeards because that would literally trigger them to the point of explosion.

>I love the idea of Kup as an old-timey pick-up truck instead of whatever the fuck he was supposed to be in the movies

He was an old timey space pick up truck.

It's hanging over her shoulders. That'd actually be more obtrusive than Gen Arcee's backpack in terms of articulation.
The fact that the new Blurr mold somehow made it work was fucking incredible. A few more things to nail the look down would have made him perfect.

Wheelie... was ok, but the old Third Party one still looks better.
>old timey space pick up truck.
I can buy that. I'd just love to see him as something like pic-related, even licensed. Never gonna happen, though.
The T30 Orion Pax mold is already there. Just swap the head, and repaint it.
The heads for the universe stuff are bigger than the t30 deluxes.
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So, I hope this does not end up as one of those posts where I get ridiculed too much for asking a question, but after reading some of the Transformer wikis/databases, it seems that the original Headmasters are humans/Nebulans/etc who were binary bonded with Autobots and Decpticons. Are the new Titan Masters humans/Nebulans/etc, or are they more like minicons? I've spent a while looking and using search engines but most of what I get is angry fans ranting, or mixed answers.
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just to clarify, are you suggesting that >>5916397 is more noticeable then pic related, or did you just confuse unobtrusive with obstructive?

>I consume shit for food, so you should too
I'm glad people who are coming up with decent designs and trying new ways of making good looking figures don't just throw their hands up and say 'that's as good as it'll ever be'.
Why is she so perfect? If I get a custom bit of art made of her, is it proper /toy/ material to have it put on a dakimakura?
Are the new Titan Masters humans/Nebulans/etc, or are they more like minicons?

They're pretty much mini-cons, but instead of unlocking weapons, they just straight up give you a super power.

No explanation of why they have the faces of the robot they bonded with.
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Whoops, yeah, I meant obstructive. The animation style backpack would literally prevent her arms from moving up past a certain point, while the Gen version, despite it's size, pretty much gives her free range of motion.
But robots though? They hardly seem human-like to me. I never was a fan of piloted Transformers, Targetmasters were alright at least, not a fan of Powermasters. Still, getting a new Wolfwire, Hardhead and Brainstorm seems worth it for me.
Yeah, they're robots now. Not human, not Nebulan.
possibly. again, some of the newer bot designs that have come out are pure genius in terms of mass shifting and balanced proportions with excellent articulation, shit no one would have thought possible 20 years ago. her design is definitely a difficult engineering proposition, but who can say what someone can figure out in the future.
You just don't understand the compromise involved. There are so many idiosyncrasies between Hotrod's bot mode and alt. mode. I honestly have minimal issues with MP Hotrod as he is. You can be an elitist about it all you want, but he's a great figure with a gorgeous alt. mode. I suppose you can persecute me over that opinion all you want. Can they do better? Maybe, but right now, I think this effort is excellent. If you think MP Hotrod is "shit" you're a retard. Or a neckbeard. OR BOTH.
I'll probably be banned for this but I'm captainx1 on eBay. If you're still interested when you're okay money wise it may still be on there
Fuck yes, Robot uber alles!
With those shit arms how can you call it a masterpiece?
Gonna check your stuff now.

Thanks famalam.
n-No! Arcee is my waifu, loving and unspoiled and caring! This is some sick joke! Stop it at once!
No problem buddy. I have a couple more I'm putting up as well as a bunch of comics and other books

I'd say a more animation accurate model could definitely be done. Her torso would probably be hollow though, and you'd just fold everything into her until you were left with those weird bits hanging off her back like the animation.
It's pretty much the only flaw, and I'm willing to deal with it, considering the 16.99 price point. I'll never cease being amazed at the level of flawlessness you people demand over every detail.
It's sprays. You can't fuck that up. It's all masked.
yeah I was really close to buying him, but those combiner tier arms were a dealbreaker.

I dunno, I still might get him. the igear facesculpt really makes it.
All that talk about how Headmasters work reminded me how IDW incorporated both the American, and Japanese version of Headmasters into their continuity (then had them disappear soon after).

Scorponok and Sunstreaker had the American version, with a human being heavily altered to become the head of a Transformer, granting them much faster reaction time to the point were it seemed like they could predict what their enemies were going to do. They also had random troopers that shared Sunstreaker's body, but were lifeless and required a human becoming a headmaster to make them work.

And now the third version is tiny human size transformers that hijack bodies, and eat sparks for nourishment

Just checked it and damn you're using GSP? That shit is a scam especially for Canadians. We don't really have to pay import fees unless we buy over $200 and most of the times its not even enforced but that GSP we are forced to pay "import fees" that is-if not needed, the owners of that sorting center pockets for themselves. The biggest problem with them is that they also open the packages and "repack" them to justify whatever they have charged for that import fees and last time I bought something that went through their sorting center, they ruined my g1 Apeface's box cause they just jammed the already fragile g1 box like its nothing.

You're better off not doing that and just going straight to USPS to the buyer cause when people outside of the USA see you use GSP they are more likely to ignore your listings, just giving you a heads up.
I didn't say it needed to be flawless. I'm just questioning your praise of him. You act like he's the greatest TF ever made.
Oh hell I didn't know all that. Thanks for the heads up I'll change that. Isn't there an option to let the buyer pick the shipping?
Well he managed to. That's a real testament to his ability
I think I'm just impressed with him after the recent deluxe molds. Although I always liked him, he's a great mold. I never said he was the best thing ever, but for the deluxe price point, he certainly is "excellent", and I stand by that.
After you go into GSP it is an extreme hassle to do and the buyer could ask you for a new invoice so you can override that but the biggest problem is the option to do that is hidden and only appears once. If you both mess it up, the buyer would have to pay the GSP and a quick Google search would explain to you how much of a scam that system is. The best thing you can do is fix that now or just relist it. You can relist up to 50 times for free anyways per month.

I'm surprised there isn't a new site that is like Ebay that doesn't do this shady shit. I think this is why Paypal broke off from Ebay even though you can use them as a service for payment. They didn't like how shady Ebay is starting to become with their hidden fees and gangster like shakedown on sellers rule they have on the site.
You called it a masterpiece...
Shit dude. Maybe I'll just post in the bst threads instead if that's the case. I guess (((eBay))) goes on the detector now...
I think, at the price point, it is. Considering at actual "masterpiece" costs $50+. I certainly consider it a top-tier deluxe.
Well you can still sell them on tandem but you just have to watch out so you can minimize the shady stuff they can do to you. I have some stuff on sale on Ebay and I'm also selling it on Kijiji so it would cover bases. If there was a different site that does what Ebay does then I would probably move there easily since Ebay has been super saturated by overpriced stuff.
What's messed up exactly.?

I want to see a revival of both kinds. I think theres room for both kinds.
I'll never understand how Hasbro thinks. That Platinum set with the movie Autobots comes out just when many of those guys are getting new toys. Was it too hard for them to wait a bit, and release the new molds with color schemes that match their movie/S3 appearance?

Seriously, aside from the 3 that won't get new molds, we have Blur, Wheelie, Hot Rod, plus the rumored Kup and Perceptor.
>that abdomen with the shitty paint leaking everywhere
>the two red tubes on his back half-done
>white paint on thighs is sloppy and thick
>that fucking leg configuration
Gee you dimwit, I dunno
I did say a few more finishing touches and Devcon is done in the last thread.
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Why is this still the best toy representation of Blitzwing 31 years after its release? The Titans Return one looks like it might be good, but we won't know until Megatron comes out in December or next year or whenever.
That thing needs more than "a few more touches". The concept is ugly shit and the execution is ugly shit
Mostly just because he's an original set of 6 diaclone molds, just like Devastator.
It's funny because Devastator was also hot garbage.
So basically you don't like Devcon on this mold.
Basically, I think you're horrible at customs and you should just trash that ugly shite
You're not really saying what you don't like about it. The color layout, the color placement, the mold choice, ect. What is it?

That is a good question. It's doubly weird because at the same time they decided to shove 3 new molds into an SDCC set, and all were new molds rather than older shit mixed with some newer.

They should've waited, and put in all the newer molds+Wheelie.
It really isn't.
I don't like the execution. Does that get through your fucking head?
I'm asking what would make it work for you. That's the question. I'm open to multiple opinions to making it happen.
Trash it, learn how to fucking paint, start over.

And fix the fucking leg configuration
What is, then?
That's not what we are discussing. You are giving this toy such high praise like it's a work of art. Makes no sense. Not saying it's a bad toy, but you are putting it up on a pedestal it shouldn't be on.
I am putting it up on a pedestal for its retail price point, something I said multiple times. I asked you to designate a toy that you feel is better at the same price, and you decided to pull a game of "I know you are, but what am I?".

It actually is what we are discussing. Obviously there are better toys, but at the price point of 17 bucks or so, not many.
You called it a masterpiece. It's not even a masterpiece at it's price point.
>FM still 130

Go lower you filthy whore.

CW Devy hit $90-ish on Amazon last year around Sept/Oct/Nov, so hopefully the same happens here.

I honestly should've picked up CW at that point. Even missing elbows, it would've been a good deal. Still, I'm resolved to get the UW for Devy. But if I see a TR FortMax for $90, I'm buying him, space concerns be damned.
I got devy on sale on HTS then pre-ordered the elbows and it was still below normal price for Hasbro devy combined. Shit was cash.
I'll be a bitch to get a decent looking sword, and gun for him. Should have gotten one of those Metroplex guns when I had the chance.

You know, it's kind of weird how dead the scene for FM is, Devy, and Metroplex got a ton of third party stuff, but FM got left in the dirt.
>You're still not offering how to fix it. Sprays don't leave much room for error in terms of "overspraying".

Honestly, all I'm asking for is paint layout ideas. The last Devcon that ran through here was too basic on the blue layout of >blue on legs to make it varied.
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Better than a sea of yellow.
Don't fucking use sprays then, you lazy shit. Learn how to paint properly, and then trash whatever garbage you have now and replace it with a redone one
Blurr is fine. His only issues are around his bland robot mode deco, but as a toy he's great, best in the wave. Hardhead is pretty good too though, and his deco is better.
My interest in the toys was pretty much always been directly related to how articulated and well built the toys were.

I liked the G1 show but didn't give a toss about the toys because even in the 80s I thought they were shit (I definitely understand the charm and collector value though), got into the beast wars toys after the 2nd wave of them got really good, got some RID2001 toys because I liked them, dropped then when no knee articulation and elbows that only bend inward became the norm in the unicron trilogy and ever since good articulation has pretty much become a standard after bayformers I've been stuck on the series
Prime First Ed Bee was a good toy though I think? Not a fan of the prid version.
You will never be able to unsee this.

Eh, I don't care about his sword/gun. He's big enough as-is that he doesn't really need a weapon to look imposing. I'd probably use him to hold my hats or something.

I always assume these pics are in asia or something. I've never seen any US shelf so well stocked, even if it was only with shelfwarmers.
Do you live near any large population areas?
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I didn't even really watch the G1 shows growing up. Sure I've seen a couple but I was too young to understand that it was a long running series till I started watching BW as well but during that time there was still no internet or netflix available so I honestly got to torrent and watch some of the G1 shit a few years ago when I got back into the hobby and personally as somebody who has no nostalgia for the fiction, I found the series bland and just a big commercial for toys. The toys I did grew up with but mostly with KOs of the Japanese stuff.

For me it is mostly the question of if I enjoy the toy and I do like the simplicity of the G1 bricks but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the modern TFs that has a shitload of articulation. Then again I just came from collecting Sentai Bricks so for me G1 has better articulation than most of my Sentai mechas.
The G1 cartoon is a glorified commercial, but there are some genuinely good episodes like Prime Target and Megatron's Master Plan. Five Faces of Darkness works well as a sequel to the movie, but the animation on it is some of the worst in the series, second only to Carnage in C Minor.

Theres a few college towns in my area, so yeah.

The only cartoon I can think of that wasn't a glorified toy commercial was the 90's Batman cartoon. Yeah they made a shitton of Batman toys, but that show never felt like it was trying to push toys, just be a good show about Batman.
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CW Devy hit $115 here in stores so I picked him up and got the PE set later on, no fucking regrets.
Originally he was fucking $230, which is just silly.

>tfw waiting for the same to happen when we get Fort Max
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I watch Himitsu no Cocotama on Thursdays, based on the Cocotama House toyline, and while it's genuinely a good series there have been a couple of episodes devoted to showing off the new big playset with the characters all playing on it in highly detailed 3d animation that literally screams "buy the toy".

It doesn't really push it's product most of the time, but when it does it's extremely blatant.
Good luck with the Fort Max because I don't see it happening for a while because people have been getting smarter so they try to get theirs now rather than wait or some get to scalp when it gets more expensive in the near future. The problem with Titan class shit is that it's a Titan class shit so it becomes more scares faster than anything smaller size and people ask more money for them because it is more hassle to ship even though you're the one paying for the initial shipping fee. Then again they're the ones paying the box and gas to bring it to the post office.
That looks disgustingly cute.
If you intend of displaying him in combiner mode, just get the CW version.
All of the UW changes only affect the individual constructicons. Elbows that won't even be in use 99% of the time aren't worth getting UW Devy for.
No point in talking to autists like that, ignore him.

I like the color arrangements better, and I'd probably swap him between mode on a weekly-ish basis in the same way I do my other combiners.
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It is.
>swap him between mode on a weekly-ish basis

That is some dedication. I haven't even touched my Devy in almost 8 months now, he's just there standing.
Oh yeah speaking of advertisements, Japan is good with that; just look at Kamen Rider and Sentai shows. Those shows are big tv ad for the toys but some actually have a really good story line that you forget that it's all about showcasing the newest toy of the line.

Not dedication, it only takes like 10mins to take apart a CW combiner. Well, the regular ones. Devy I imagine is probably a 20min job start to finish.

I like mixing up my stuff. It's fun. And gives the individual 'bots time to shine. Only ones I usually keep combined are Menasor and Superion.
Still that's 20 minutes also there is a chance if tabs breaking and joints getting looser every time. The smaller combiners I would do that if I have the chance but for Devy? It's hard since he is held up by these thin tabs.

Is he really that bad though? Never really seen anyone complaining about him breaking.
Be careful when transforming Hook to robot mode. The peg that holds his front together is extremely tight. If it breaks you'll have trouble putting Devastator together because his arm will keep falling away when you're trying to get the chest piece on. Once it's on he stays, but it's not ideal.

CW/UW Devy is good for display, but as a toy Devastator you're better off with a good KO, a G2 or a well looked after G1. Encore has too much mold degradation to be good for playing with.
Well I am just more cautious with mine since I do have the SDCC and those things are not cheap. Actually none of them are cheap. If I break it the chances of me getting one again is almost 0.
Exactly the kind of possibilities that need to be explored. I think that would be more than acceptable if it meant getting rid of the studio apartment strapped to her back that just screams lazy/obsolete design.

Something like that isn't going to happen until the current good 3P teams try to make an Arcee sadly. I doubt Takara's got a hardon to do an MP Arcee any time soon, they still didn't even make fucking Jazz or Hound yet. MMC's Arcee is decent, but it's an IDW-based design which isn't what you're looking for if you want a G1 design...
Pity since it really wouldn't be that hard to make an at least decent Arcee out of Titans Return Blurr.
yep, agree with everything you said. 3p war is really the only hope now.
First I'll have to see if we even get Fort Max, the only TR stuff I've found here yet is the Wave 1 Titan Masters in one store.
Though I'm not too interested in him to be honest, so it's not much of a loss if I miss out.
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Actually, I'm surprised that's not happening with all these retools. These vehicle modes got a lot of similarities.
Maybe it could be a con exclusive?
>Maybe it could be a con exclusive?

plz no
They'd need to do the arms and legs somewhat differently or the proportions will be pretty wack.
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I need to share my rambling lunacy
I want a NOD (from Command&Conquer) themed Technobots
Nosecone turns into a subterranean APC
Strafe into a Banshee
Lightspeed into a NOD buggy
Afterburner into a missile bike
Can't say about Scattershot but his cannon mode is clearly an Obelisk of Light
end you're life
Not to mention Hook's peg is also hollow. I don't get that at all
The problem with white paint is that plastic colors tend to kinda show through it. You need to thin the paints and put on multiple layers to keep the blue of the thighs/etc from showing through.
As somebody who knows jack shit about paint, can you actually thin spray can paint?
New Seifuku Robo when?
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Nigga did you flunk out of English class?
Just give the 30th Arcee a Headmaster port and single seater fo the TM to sit on.
Why did they give her a curvy humanized torso?

Curves = feminine

To not give a fembot curves would be silly.
How's TR Powermaster Prime? I've always loved the g1 design.
He's great, unless any of the following bother you
>Sparkly plastic
>Dull gray plastic
>Hollow forearms
>Said hollowness unpainted
>Plain Titan Master
Personally, I'm waiting to see how the Magnus Prime repaint turns out. I'm probably getting Ginrai anyway.
yeah it's a bit excessive. I mean I'm all for female looking bots and not """""female bots""""" like strika, but that arcee even has a freaking bellybutton.
So what TM are worth getting so far?

I'm thinking about Hard Head, Mindwipe and Wolfwire. Was going to get Blurr but I think I'll wait for Triggerhappy.
I only own wave one (sans the leaders cuz no money right now) but everything is pretty solid. Biggest issues are the bad decos for blurr/scourge (both molds are great though) and galvatron's shitty looking mask.
Are store computer listings the only evidence we have of what's coming up in future waves?

I plan to sell off some of my older CHUGs for updates, but not until I know for sure that I'm not selling the chars off prematurely.
Yes. Store listings and a few rumors are all we really have except for Overlord (teased by hasbro at a con)

Isn't Skullsmasher a dud due to the floppy legs in robot mode? They better improve it for Krok.
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Sup, im new here.
I never really got into transformers community because of one thing - i really...And i mean it really love weird or ugly transformers. Late 90s-early 00s. Beast Wars formers and other stuff like that.

Yesterday i bought this amazing thing. Holy shit i was looking at it for a hour - this why i love those weird beast wars.
So many bizzare and brilliant deisgn ideas.
It's a rat that looks like a super sleek robot with some sort of motorcycle seat on it.

HOWEVER. i fucking hate so much that the majority of transoformers community is an exact opposite of that.
Most of them like only cars and hate anything weird or wacky looking.

Is this true? Or its just me who was unlucky?

There is a guy on Youtube with the name "Ballmatrix" and i fucking hate watching his videos where he overly uses words like "SO UGLY" or "IT CREEPING THE HELL OUT OF ME" or "THIS THING SHOULD NOT EXIST"!
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I get where you're coming from, I love the messed up look a lot of the beast wars guys have, I'd like to see more of it in the future.
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> I love the messed up look a lot of the beast wars guys have
I understand why i love them. I like them just as "cool monster toys "oh and they can transforme too"" while "true" transformers fans grew from appreciating cool humanoid robot at first i guess.
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Can never unsee now...
it just hit me, TF:TM 30 Anv is out, how many of those guys are on the shelves right now?
3 sizes of Skywarp
2 sizes of Grimlock
Legends regular Starscream
Leader Emperor Starscream
Legends Optimus Prime
Legends Bumblebee
Legends CliffJumper
I am incredibly jelly, wish those weren't so hard to find
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