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Toy feels thread? >love toy collecting >opening a new

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Toy feels thread?

>love toy collecting
>opening a new toy makes me genuienly happy
>everyone gives me shit about it
>told to get a dog or a boyfriend so i spend my money on "better" things
>mums the only one who says she's proud I don't let normie conjecture stop me from doing what makes me happy
>but even she finds it odd

they can pry my toys from my cold, dead hands
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>take a friend/GF to my room
>they see my toys

>wow anon, how much does that all cost?
once you start living on your own no one will give a shit
I do live on my own
live on your own anon. fuck
>>mums the only one who says she's proud I don't let normie conjecture stop me from doing what makes me happy


Get the fuck out you european scum REEEEEEEEEE
then why do you care what other people think?
as long as you moderate how much you spend then there's nothing worng
Most of my friends come to my place, get assaulted by anime figures and karate bug men belts and just sort of shrug it off. The worst I've ever heard is "you buy a lot of stupid shit but it's still kind of cool." Followed by a list of "stupid shit" they'd buy if a budget or SO wasn't in the way.

Ignore your friends. Buy more toys, nobody who's worth a shit would really care.
>"you buy a lot of stupid shit but it's still kind of cool."
>but it's still kind of cool."

kek, nobody says this
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my friends say things akin to this as well. frankly it isn't a big collection yet.
>get a boyfriend
Anon, are you a g-g-g-girl!?
anon, are you an adorable, toy-loving twink?
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WARNING: Long history ahead.

>Be 19 years old.
>Living with my mother, father died on a car accident when I was a child.
>My mother was an ok person. She was very strict on the house rules, worked a lot, but she was caring and cheerful.
>We rarely had fights, except for one reason:
>I had my toy collection.
>She used to be believe it was worthless crap occupying to much space on the apartment.
>She used to tell me those toys would made some kids happier if I were to put them to sale, or just give them away.
>Truth is, I didn't have too much money for worthy stuff, so plenty of it was TF and other wal-mart tier crap.
>But, fuck, it wasn't just about the toys, but about making a point, about standing for something as tiny and ridiculous as it could be.

Yeah, I know, in retrospective it was pretty retarded, but I wasn't a very intelligent person back then. Even now I'm not sure if I learned a damn thing. Anyway...

>Some time ago...
>I had an argument with my mother while shopping.
>I don't remember exact details, but it was about something about the food brands, and random SJW my mother talked with the neighbours.
>Keep arguing on the way home.
>We were too distracted to notice the car.
>The driver was too drunk to care about us.

>Some days later.
>I had a broken leg. The other was missing.
>My mother died.
>My relatives were living in another state and didn't wanted nothing to do with us.
>According to my country laws, I was old enough to take care of myself.
>I was literally alone on the world.
>Was working as half-time waiter on a local restaurant. No insurance or any of the fancy things, just tips and some owner's pocket change for payment.
>Without working legs, I had no chance to go back to there.
>No family, no money, no valuable degree, or anything else.
>I had to start selling my toys just to survive for a while.
>Every time I published on our local craiglist website, I had to relive every argument I had with my mother.
I'm not a normie but I do hang out with some normies, they are actually pretty chill with my hobby, they find the moe girls a little bit awkward but since I'm always hanging out with girls or going to parties with them they are just like "yes this is his shit whatever"

don't get why people are so afraid of being judged
mate literally right above you

Not even European

If I truly cared I'd stop collecting. It sucks when people give you shit for something you genuinely enjoy.

>trying to trick me
I wont be bamboozled.
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>collect solely nipponese kawaii uguu figures
>never cared for or liked muh macho xmanz acshun figures
>bitches be all jelly of my collection of cute nendoroids and begging my permission to unlock the case so they can touch them
>don't get why people are so afraid of being judged

>in 2016

If you don't understand, you haven't been seriously judged before.
post stump
Dogs are awesome though, but yeah spend the money however you want. My parents don't really care, as long as I can support myself and it doesn't effect my financial situation. My girlfriend is the same way, but she wishes I displayed my figures better since I have some in storage. She's right (and wonderful).

If anyone gives you shit then just call them out for it. Be like 'Hey toy collecting makes me happy and it's a hobby I enjoy. It's ultimately my money, so I can do with it how I please. I appreciate your concern, but it isn't effecting me in a negative way (financial, hording,etc.) so you shouldn't worry.'
Sometimes people don't understand that just because it's a less common hobby it makes it not as good as others.
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Toy collecting has become an addiction that I use to try and fill a void in my soul. The small satisfaction of opening and fiddling with a new action figures brings me momentary happiness. I use that as a substitute to real, fulfilling happiness I would be getting if I'd actually move on and do something with my life. 2 years into college, live at home, currently isolating myself from the few friends I have because I'm simply too depressed to move. I continually have dreams of having the proper life I missed out on in highschool cause I was such a pussy and never had the balls to approach the ones I liked. I know I probably need help, but I don't want it.
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>"Crap, my life is fucked beyond belief, but at least I don't eat shit for a living and I'm not Greg!!!"
>not Greg

FUCKING KEK. Don't care if the story is true or not. but fuck Greg.
And we love you too, limpy.

Maybe I'm surrounded by mature people and have nice friends?
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You sassy bitch
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Honestly, I stopped feeling about what people thought of my collecting when a friend was giving me shit about it but in the same conversation said he was buying tickets for Evanescence and started betting in pool.

I can't possibly be the one wasting money the worst way possible.

Some of my own
>be into ponies because the series was pretty good and I like cute shit
>start buying as many vynil horses as I could find
>my favorite wave doesn't make it to my country and the only one that could send it to me, BBTS, sucks shit at shipping internationally almost as badly as Amazon does
>can only find it at Ebay but they become too fucking pricey to be worth it
>timeskip in which the series starts listening to the fandom and violently spirals into a Johnnytestian abbyss of shit
>mfw i realize I'm stuck with a bunch of crappy toys of characters I don't give a shit about anymore since nobody wants to buy girl toys that can be found with more paint and articulation at retail from a smelly, NEET-looking guy
Thank god I learned to stop giving a fuck early in life because my dad was a prick that always took every opportunity to tell me any hobby I picked up was stupid and I should stop it. It didn't matter if it was collecting weeb toys or fixing my own car it was stupid and a waste of my money.
I lost my cat the same day I got a shipment of a Toy I ordered online I just temped to sell that toy back because it will forever remind me of that awful day

Similar thankfulness for Greg too.

>>have assburgers
>>2-yr degree in Mech. Drafting.
>>Full time supervisor at big box retail, getting ass chewed by store manager for barely keeping up with my department.
>>No friends
>>live with parents (they cover rent and utilities, all my other bills and expenses I pay myself)
>>No girlfriend since high school because gave up in my 20s when I joined the nightshift.
>>Became wizard this year.
>>'Skinny-fat', but shower twice daily and wear deodorant always.
>>Days off are spent working on /customs/ and watching animoo.
>>But at least I'm better off than Greg.

I'll have to say one thing Greg can do legitimately well is remind me how well-adjusted and functional I am.
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I can't be the only one that had his vintage Ninja Turtles, MOTUs, Thundercats, GI Joes, Transformers and such given away or sold for mere peanuts by my dad (or mom or someone else) without my knowledge because I was no longer a kid, can I?...
A-a-are you me senpai? I wouldn't call myself an addict, seeing as how I collect much less than those I see in the haul threads, but I have about 60 or so figures. I'm currently avoiding friends not because of depression but because I was fired about two months ago and I've yet to make an attempt on getting a new job.
>Not even European
>be poorfag
>can only buy one figure a month
>later on get a job
>buy anything at any prize I want
>gets boring fast
>put all my figures in boxes
>discover dolls
>so many customizable options
>me likey
>mom loves it because she always liked dolls
>bf is more than okay with it

I'm in my twenties, but now that I had all the joy of being able to spend money, my collection decreased and I now like to keep it small and simple.
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>be with girlfriend for close to a decade
>start collecting a few years in
>years down the line, massive collection, the type you "rotate in and out"
>ok, by rotate I mean "put out the new stuff, old stuff gets put in it's box and amassed in a closet"
>finally decide to end relationship years later. Nothing related to toys or whatever, just things weren't what they used to be
>Living in the same place, single now though
>Initially think "awesome! more space to display collection!"
>for some reason though, having the place to myself made me more aware of just how much stuff I have
>have been selling stuff off ever since. Aiming to get it down to 10% of what I used to have

Really don't know why I've had this sudden shift in attitude towards toys, but there you go.
I moved countries a lot as a kid due to father's work. I'll be honest, as far as toys go I was a bit on the spoiled side. I had loads of Transformers, TMNT and M.A.S.K, just to name a few.

Anyway, every time we moved my parents would give stuff to charity shops to save on boxes because they didn't want to keep carting all my shit between countries.

It took me a while to realise that certain figures had gone missing, which kinda reflects how much I cared about them I guess. Still, pissed me off when I found out though.
You are in your 30s and live with mommy and daddy.

Time to an hero.
If anyone gives you shit about your hobby just a reminder there's a bunch of people who will camp outside for up to 48 hrs in -20 degree weather for 300$ shoes they'll never wear. Everything is a waste of money. The only thing that isn't is education and travel.
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I know that feel, all my Gi joes were sold or given away when I went to College.
I missed out on the Yeezy 750s. Fuck those people :(
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>and travel.

Please nigga. You can sell your toy or your $300 dollar shoes that you never wear when you're tired of it. You can never get the money spent on traveling back.

Traveling is facebook tier meme perpetrated by roasties. It's a great waste of money, but a way to show off that you got money to waste with pictures you get to post on facebook and shit to further showoff. I mean, a trip down to the local zoo or museum is fine, but the way bitches preach about them, about how you should go to paris for a weekend shopping trip or Italy every year or shit, it's just a waste.
This is really idiotic and screams of someone that has never travelled anywhere but I see where you are coming from....kinda, sorta.

To each their own. Do what makes you happy.

The number of people on this board whining about being judged for what they spend their money on is maddening.

Grow the fuck up people. Seriously.
>confirmed for probably not even having a passport, let alone going abroad.

I've lived in two different countries and traveled to multiple. It's just not worth it.
>have terrible anxiety and paranoia
>meds don't really help me for shit
>leave house maybe once a month, mostly just to get food to live on
>lots of pacing too before and after
>rediscover toys after years and years and years
>gives me something to fiddle with when I have an anxiety attack
>doesn't really calm me down or "fix" anything, but it helps to have something I'm fond of around

If I can say one good thing about my problems it's that I always get my bills paid on time because the idea of not doing that sends me into anxiety attacks.
Each to their own. I travel to a different country every 1 - 2 years and it's been a fantastic trip every single time. It's not about posting photos on facebook or whatever, which I almost never do, it's just such an interesting experience every time. Always something new and insightful I've experienced, or just plain fun. I've always been a bit iffy investing the grand or so the whole holiday totals up to, but I don't regret spending that money for a second.
This guy gets it. My friends and I all support whatever hobbies we have, and regularly get each other gifts based on our interests. It's really great, but Christmas gets competitive as fuck as to who can get who the more heartfelt gift.

>TLDR: ditch the people that don't truly support or care for you, find ones that do and keep them
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>are you me
Not unless you also have an increasingly unhealthy infatuation with a girl you haven't seen or spoken to in two years. In the back of your mind you know it would never work anyway because of the drastic differences in personality and views on life and religion, but you still imagine what could've happened had you tried to be her friend instead of blowing her off for the first few years you'd known each other, and by the time you realized you both actually liked each other, it was too late and she goes off to college across the state and you left to stalk her online profiles. You realize that she's moved on completely and that what you imagine and dream about will never be a reality because you simply attach her image to your fantasies. It's not even about her anymore, it's about you, and your unwillingness to let go.
I'm all about unhealthy infatuations. Usually they go away after a little while with basically everyone I meet, but this one has been present for two years now. I only talked to her once as a client at my previous job but then I encountered her at my school's campus. I research everyone I meet so that hasn't helped either, especially since he have similar interests and outlooks. Basically I'm just waiting for her to leave this county and state so that I can hopefully be free again soo yeah hello me.
Are you the one they put the box of toys together for? I remember that thread.
He posted stump but I don't have it
D... do you have Lemony Gem or Zecora, onii-chan?
Since we're being spergs right now, do you have a Minty?
Fuuuck I forgot about Minty. I'll fight you for her m8.
He was just some random anon messing around.

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I believe in us, we will persevere, and hopefully die before we hit 50 so that the real depression and regret don't set in.
If you were looking for a money sink you found the best one.

I look at my dolls and think well that's a holiday to another continent sitting there
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>Hanging out in the old collection room
>Brother in law (H) stops by
>Has his 19 year old brother in law (R) with him
>They come into my room
>"H" tells "R" 'You have to see anon's collection. This guy has everything!"
>"R" walks around my collection room in fucking awe of my setup
>Asks if it's okay to take pictures
>Stop by my brother in law's house today for a 4th of July BBQ
>R is outside with his college buddies
>Sees me
>"There's the guy with that boss ass collection I was telling you about, check out these pics!"
>They call me over and ask me all kinds of questions about my figures, how long I've been collecting, what I think are the best versions of each character, etc
>tfw this happens all the time and I've only ever had positive reactions to my collection

It probably helps that I have all my shit behind glass display cases with lighting and not a clusterfuck.
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>used to collect Pinky Street figs and Nendoroids
>One day came home from school to find my little sister played with them all
>all nendoroids broken
>a few pinky street figurines broken
>a lot of props, faceplates and accessories missing
>tell my family over dinner

"anon, you shouldn't get so upset, they're just toys"

I've moved out but damn I am still salty
Exactly. Well put together collection + generally good human being = people think it's interesting. If you have shit strewn everywhere and you're an asocial retard, people will think it's weird af.
>hundreds of dollars worth of damage

Motherfucker thats something you go to court over.
Man, you guys must hang out with some serious fucking normies if you get shit about your collection. Most people I know are well-adjusted adults and they think my gimmicks are the tits. I actually get more weird reactions from my karate bugmen than I do for my Katsuragi statues.
>Was a kid with no friends
>Loved Beast Wars
>Had every figure from the show
>Played with them for hours
>Now 28 years old
>They're still in my closet, I can never throw them out even though most of them are broken
We got Zecora here, not America btw, but I was driven to get the wave 4 ponies since they (minus Flitterheart, plus Lily Blossom) were [/toy/needsspoilers]the alternate 6 ponies of my fanfiction[/goddamnmyspaghetti].
I pretty much switched my focus towards those when the toyline really took off and ignored everything.

Also, wasn't Minty super rare or something?
I know that feel.

Most of my Beast Wars guys were KOs but I stlil keep the few real ones I had.
Not because I am the kind of sperg to hate on KOs for being KOs, they can be alright if they are made with quality plastic; which was the case of 90s KOs; and most of them were important characters even, but most of them went M.I.A., were stolen, or thrown away during my "toys are for babbies but not the attitude that toys are for babbies hurr" phase.
I still made a point of keeping the real ones, though, mainly because they were fucking expensive with the local exchange rate and I had to save for months to buy most of them.
Man, I miss my oversized Alligator Megatron.
She was an exclusive in a large set of 6+ duplicates only at one of those membership warehouse stores like Costco. This is a character that fans have constantly been asking for, and this is the release they ended up with.
Mind me asking what you do for a living?
I saw Zecora here. I think it was one of those large brushable figures and it glowed in the dark.
>The number of people on this board whining about being judged for what they spend their money on is maddening.
That's the topic of the thread, what did you think people were going to do?
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I suppose that you've subcounsciously realized that being with someone special is way, way more important and awesome than always keeping all of your toys with you with room to spare, but I feel for you anon.
>Had giant stuffed Pooh bear as a kid (the retro kind, that's in the opening live action part of the old Disney movie).
>Loved that bear like Daisy loved Lotso.
>Being a kid I got easily distracted by other toys.
>Didn't notice him go missing
>One day I had to do some chores in the cellar
>Find pooh bear stuffed in the garbage bin with other stuff waiting to be burned in the furnace
>All dirty
>Confront mom violently about the issue
>She tells me it's an old ugly toy we need to get rid of
>I explain my point of view
>She burns it later anyway
My mom's kinda a psycho.
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You should've just grabbed and kept the darn bear, now you will regret not doing so for the rest of your life.
Yeah, I did. Even though it was really dirty at that point, grime and smut all over. Mom stole it again from my room later and burned it anyway.
As I said, she was a psycho back then. Now she doesn't even remember stuff like this, when I bring it up. Weird.
Ouch... well, I'm sorry bro, old-fashioned folks don't understand it seems.
As a queer man who came out when it was considered thoroughly unacceptable, I've gotta tell you that if the most serious judgment you get is friends thinking your toy collecting is odd, you really HAVEN'T been seriously judged before.
this video gives me more toy feels than it should.

The yellow robot at the beginning and the stuffed toys gave me some feels, but I lol'd at the Smurfs... I never really liked those blue little fuckers.
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They Slaughtered Rachet! I'm going to tear them apart!
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I been on my own since I was 19. In my early 30's now, and my mom still gives me shit whenever we see each other as to what I should or should not be doing. Fuck! I could not imagine living under my parents roof as a grown ass man. I would literately an hero the fuck out.
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Your probably still young to care what other people think this much. The good news is that the older you get the less you honestly start caring as to what others might think. Damn! it's so liberating and refreshing. Life becomes so much simpler and less stressing when you only care about the things you really enjoy and less as to how others might see you. I wish this feeling on everyone.

The people who truly care about you are going to love you no matter what. Haven't you seen on tv or heard of parents who still visit their children in prison after they have committed a horrible crime?

Worry about yourself only and what makes YOU happy. Some people love clothes, electronics, kids, and they spend all their damn money on those things and nobody stops them. Well, you should do the same.

As for the opinions of others? Pffft! Do they pay your bills? So, fu*k'em
This is true and makes sense. Strewn about makes it seem like you just finished playing with them.
Holy shit m8, literally me too
Who would have thought I would find someone in the same situation as me in a Singapore statue forum
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I feel you nii-chan. I'm 35 and still in the closet in front of my father.
Holy fuck do something with your life
Tell her an outrageous price. She'll think you're wealthy and instantly drop her panties.
I just collect things I missed out on, Love transformers but i grew up with beast wars so i never got all the cool shit g1 got. So i buy either updated versions or the g1 variants. Example I love bruticus and had the rid ruination variant, but its a brick so I bought a combiner wars one.
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7-11 breathing, i kicked my anxiety attacks with that.
seven seconds in / 11 seconds out, it controls your heart rate and the anxiety drops.

Try it, or not, whatever.
Panic attacks are bitches and can be controlled.

Eh, I've tried all sorts of shit, seen shrinks, etc, it doesn't really help me.

Probably gonna guess it's because my parents did drugs and that just fucked up my brain chemistry beyond repair.
>show gf new toys every time I get something new
>Thinks it's adorable
>Keeper confirmed
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>actually bump into the postman for once as I'm leaving for work
>not expecting anything, decided to hold off on any more purchases for some time
>"Nope, no deliveries for you today for a change!"

Was a bit awkward. I hate think what customs thinks of me.
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Your dad is a total cunt; I do hope you've got the fuck away from him.
>be casual
>give no fucks
Are you a newfag?
grow a pair
I get more shit for fish keeping than I do with toys, probably because my family already knows that fish keeping is extremely expensive while they don't have any idea how much my toy collection cost.
Why are my hobbies so expensive.
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If losing my mother last month has taught me anything, is that lifes too short to give a shit about what other people say about you. Do what makes you happy to your hearts content and live a happy life. My fathers in his 70s and collects model air planes and i've never seen someone so happy and enthusiastic about a hobby. If it makes you happy, do it. Musicians collect instruments, sports fans collect jerseys and memorabilia, film fans collect movies, hell old ladies collect antiques and shit. Just be happy with what makes you happy. I'll always be proud of you /toy/.
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>nobody will ever see my collection besides Margaret and myself.
Mind posting your fish collection? That sounds neat.
>My girlfriend came over last night for the first time
>Two detolfs of /toy/
>She doesn't mind at all
>She likes my lighting setup
>I suck her tit later
>Feels good
I agree. When I talk to people about travelling, they always go to the 3rd world of Hawaii. Really, you want to go to poor countries? Our beaches aren't, uh, Sandy enough for you?

I'd like to visit Europe, to see a place that's different without being poor, but not enough to save up $10K+ to do it.
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Margaret is really cute
Always some bullshit excuse not to do something, isn't it?
No wonder your life sucks. You don't even try.
>you don't even try

>pretending that medicine and therapy are magic, and that the world is good

Sometimes the problem isn't the person, but the world around them. I've given up as well- you can't fix a bad reputation, our next president will be a disaster(no matter which of the 2 gets elected), and sometimes you just have to say FUCK IT because death is inevitable.

>Get friend into toku
>Tell friend about figuarts line.
>Friend starts collecting
>Friend has bigger collection than me now.
>Still text back and forth whenever new figures get shown and bitch about accessories/hand count

Feels good, man.
If you're who I think you are, please stop fucking texting me about that shit. I converse to be civil but like, the way you message me about it seriously makes it sound like it's the only thing in your life and makes you sound fucking sad. It depresses me.
>Be 24 years old
>Still lived with parents because couldn't afford to live alone at the time
>Mom loves marvel movies, was a big sci-fi fan when she was young
>Also loves birdwatching
>Show her Four Horsemen kickstarter for Birdmen
>She fucking loves the Cardinal and orders it for herself along with a Griffon
>Show her Captain America and Thor Figuarts
>She buys them both, even the new AoU Version of Cap as well
>Gets Thinker and Venus de Milo for her desk
>Holy shit did I really get my mom into high-end toy collecting

>At comic shop with figuarts and various other toys
>Actually have to nag my mom to leave because we're late for a family BBQ
>This role reversal
>Realize how lucky I am to not have parents that give me shit about my hobby
>Feels good man
Im not a toy collector but my family are okay with the figures I have whenever they come over to visit. My mom even bought over a few Lego minifigures.
I'm surprised theres a lot of positive posts here. I was expecting all sorts of negativity but it's so nice to see everyone happy with what they're doing.
Made me really happy for some reason, made my day.
> tfw mom bought me a nosy bear and some classic mlp toys from a huge goodwill lot because she thought my Strawberry Shortcake collection would get lonely
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>dad is an immigrant
>he never had toys or shit like that growing up, literal stick and hoop shit
>sees my collection starts up, he laughs a bit
>he thinks my gunpla are cool
>he comes into my room after the month I went crazy.
>he asks me how much all this costs
>tell him because I wouldn't lie to my dad
>he goes bug eyed.
>he just tells me I should slow down a bit.
>he smiles and walks out the door telling me he is charging rent for all the male figures, the once girl stays free though.

sometimes the old man cracks me the fuck up
>>pretending that medicine and therapy are magic, and that the world is good
Not even alluded to in the post. Stop trying to shine the spotlight on something that's not there, to take it off of you. Somebody offers you some good advice and you dismiss it out of hand because you LIKE the sad state of affairs you're living in. You love this Woe is me, I'm the victim bullshit

>Sometimes the problem isn't the person, but the world around them.
Now you're just pulling shit out of your ass to justify your uselessness. BooHooo! The world sucks. I can't have things the way I want it because everyone else is the problem. WAAAH WAAAHH WAAAAH.

>sometimes you just have to say FUCK IT because death is inevitable
Good. So long you useless waste of skin. Hope it's a long and slow, painful death, and you suffer for every second of it, you self-absorbed Emo faggot.
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>waah people don't appreciate my personal hobby I am so sad dem feels waah
Pretty sure people have better things to feel bad about to be honest. Why give a shit about what other people think, you are buying toys, not fucking horses or collecting dead babies.
>Used to be able to buy just whenever I pleased
>Now extra funds are gone and I buy once every few months, if that

It's a jarring change
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My brother's dog had chewed up at least 400 dollars worth of my toys one time when he forced me to dogsit for him.

He didn't even offer to replace or reimburse one damn thing.


Sorry, being family doesn't make you immune to shit actions.
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why the hell were your toys in a place were a fucking dog could get it, are you retarded?
it climbed on top of my desk and reached the shelf from there. Black labs, smart niggas; too bad my brother's dog is an emotional wreck because of how poorly he treats it.

Well the statute of limitations ran out on that one a few years ago, me thinks. But you're right. I've slowly taken some of that money back, albeit passive aggressively, by buying him cheap shitty birthday and christmas gifts.
Drama leaking into /toy/ before our very eyes?
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>all these douche nozzles talking about their gf/bf
>reminding me I will never have a bf who will love me and my toys despite my ugly

I'm sorry to hear about your mother's passing, anon.
First the bad, then the good:
I moved away, couldn't afford to have my things shipped so I neatly and securely packed and boxed them for sending later.
Mom got 'tired of storing them' despite having plenty enough room.
My entire childhood sold in a yard sale.
She did not tell me until afterwards.
I think this is why I have so many Bjd today. (Thankfully still fewer than 20 but my collection still lack a few Grail dolls)
But I think it's balancing out.
A doll I really used to want surfaces for sale recently. Not a Grail but close.
I first expected I'd really want it and I can afford to buy it but upon a bit more thought, "I have enough right now, I'm happy".
I'll love you anonette
>reminding me I will never have a bf who will love me and my toys despite my ugly

If you're female, you can probably catch a dick in you unless you're absolutely hideous or monstrously fat, and sometimes even then just because you share a hobby fat nerds love.

If you're male, too bad. You're gonna be without someone just like the rest of us.
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>>have a friend that collect mythclothes
>> that's cool man but I don't really care about saint seiya
>> friend introduce me DBZ figuarts
>>Wow, now I can finally have the bdz figures I always wanted as kid
>> now I have a bigger collection than him because I do my research and found different lines
>> suddenly I'm the one that have to preorder his figures and be aware on the release date of his toys because he is to lazy to read sites in english
>> he began to do some dioramas that are frankly mediocre at best
>> tell him they are neat to not hurt his feelings
>>He keeps asking me what are the best materias to do certain things
>> tell him I know shit because I don't do dioramas
>> keep insisting and I give him a shit answer like use plaster or balsa wood
>> constantly tellin me how to pose my DBZ figures in really generic fighting stances
>> shit if I wanted that I would buy a statue or a poster I want to do funny/absurd stuff with them
>> keep showing me his "cool" mythclothes display
>> all of his figures have a box pose
>> keeps complaining of how they lack soul (his words not mine)
Sometimes I think I need new collectors friends
>have bad break up with boyfriend
>been saving up to move out with him
>have tons of money now that I have no reason for, since I'm boring and only play video games
>Decide to finally get into doll collecting.
>been wanting BJD since I was 14
>get my first doll, love her
>continue to buy dolls
>Mom loves them and how cute their clothes are, she loves the shoes the most
>Dad thinks the guys look too much like girls
>Sister thinks is a waste of money
>Family accepting of hobby but some of my best friends make fun of it non-stop
>Ditched the bitches
>No regret

Only down side is that now I have a hobby that requires me to spend at least $500 in a doll. I'm ok with that.

Keep at it OP, in the end they can judge all they want but if you are pretty happy with what you are doing then fuck them. People with no creativity or people that are just plain boring are never accepting of shit, their minds are too narrow and simple.
I almost completed the set of every original, standard brushable pony. I only need a few left, and then I'm done.

>tfw don't want them anymore bc Hasbro pissed in my cornflakes

If I complete the set, how much you wanna bet someone will shell out some serious cash for the complete collection if I finish it?

I own both of those.
>tfw no good okami plushies

I bought two Chibiterasus, and they're pretty lackluster. Probably going to sell both of them. I want an Amy, but the only official Amy I've seen for sale is a tissue box holder that goes for $150+. Fuck.
>sell off figure to Anon
>Anon takes a photo of it, cool
>background/desk area is messy as fuck

I mean, I don't really care too much in the end as it's no longer my belonging, but I feel a little bad for the figure.
> Hide my hobbies from all but two of my friends
> Family looks down on it heavily
> Dad used to look down on me as a man for liking dolls (and statueshits)
> Until I bailed him out of a physical altercation (he was getting assaulted by a sociopath)
> Pride slowly returns over time, moreso as I work towards law school

> Still feel like a manchild but no fucks given anymore

> tfw they'll literally pry it from my cold, dead hands

If I go some of my toys go. Fuck that.
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