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Figure-rise Standard General?

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File: Cell and ssj2 Gohan.jpg (168KB, 999x800px) Image search: [Google]
Cell and ssj2 Gohan.jpg
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Pics of the model kit Cell and Gohan are up. The alt faces aren't as good as the first 2. Boring that they both have Kamehamehas, but I guess it was their signature moves too. Personally thinking of skipping Gohan as of now. Iconic looks are ok but the villains and even the aged Saiyans have timeless looks. Discuss all things Dragonball model kits below.
post more pictures senpai
File: broc.jpg (102KB, 326x400px) Image search: [Google]
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Cell looks unspectacular but passable, but Gohan's anatomy is FUCKED. Why did they make his traps so huge? He looks almost inhuman.
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Well...I had high hopes for this line once upon a time.
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Well this looks awful
I wonder if these really can't pose that well or if the person who poses them just isn't good at getting them in iconic poses. I'm still looking forward to these and hope they do well so they can keep making them. I'm at least in for Goku, Frieza, Cell, and Buu. I wonder how they're doing Cell's parts? 2 layers?
that cell face looks like utter shit
the body decent, except for those fucking seams
i kinda want him just to headswap it with the figuarts for shits and giggles, i wonder if the head connection in the kit will be similar
From the very start they looked bad. Yeah it might be a "more complete" line? If they sell good. But these look pretty fuckin' BAD.

>there are actually people who think these beat out SHFs

Personally, I wouldn't say that they beat them out, but for the price I kinda prefer them to the SHF. And I owned Cell, sold it for ape prices, and would have LOVED to get this, but it looks... bad.
They might not look as good without one's own detailing, but they come with alternate hands, alternate faces, and effect parts, so they're pretty good releases I would say, especially for the price. Goku and Frieza are on the way soon so we can actually see how they look once built. Everyone seems a bit soured now, but I think they still look quite good. The stature on this Cell is actually interesting too, he isn't a thin guy or anything and though he's usually done with less bulk he has quite a bit here. It's like with Cell and Frieza they went with their "100% full power" looks.
This is like the Dragonball Super of Figures.
A bit soured?

Dawg, they look like shit. Don't sugar coat this garbage.
Cause what the fuck is an opinion, am I right? They don't look great, but they look pretty good considering they're unpainted model kits priced at 15-20 bones. I'll sure as fuck take this instead of an extremely scalped Figuarts.
>extremely scalped Figuarts
But the last like... 5 releases have all been readily available before during and after release.

And yeah fuck your opinion. The proportions are god awful, There's clearly scaling problems far greater that SHF's (which aren't that big of a deal in the first place) and there's some pretty bad paint apps. It's a bad sign if your promo pics have bad paint apps! Plus, the ankle joint on Gohan is absolutely disgusting. I'm not even shilling Figuarts. I've got plenty of beef with Bandai. Your apologist mentality and settling for literal junk is laughable.
I agree with this. And it isn't like they look bad. We can't judge these based on pictures where the models aren't even pegged in properly and are posed awkwardly. Not to mention they're actually going to be scaled, which for SHF, for cell especially, he was a shrimp. We can critique these pics but we shouldn't critique the final product just yet as we haven't seen it.
When I said scalped, I meant Cell and Frieza specifically, which still haven't been reissued, and are currently going for 200+. And yeah, I am settling, because it's literally the only other option we have for articulated versions of these characters.
They look terrible. That shit will be cancelled before next year.
Thanks for adding your opinion. Who cares about improvements, cancelling is the way to go just like it was for one piece figuarts and the like.
No amount of paint is going to fix Cell's shitty proportions
Thanks for being so new you still haven't realized Japaneses cancel toylines rather than trying to improve them when they don't sell well enough.
Still butthurt about the truth I see. Telling everyone to stop with their opinions, when they're just being honest critics.
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I have no words for this
>I-it just needs to be painted!
No amount of paint can fix these ugly as sin proportions give it up.
I can't wait to see you shill them in the dbgen in the future
That's not the issue. The opinion is fine, talking about the line's cancellation before even the first figure has been released is just dumb. I personally want the line to succeed because I like Dragonball and I like model kits, simple as that. I couldn't care less what others think.

Friend, I don't want to shill anything. I am simply willing to give these a chance, get them in hand, and form my own opinion of them. If I like the first 2, I'll continue getting whichever models i like. If I don't, then I hope whoever does can enjoy them. As I said above, I like the 2 parts that make up this line so I have no reason to want it to fail. If it does then oh well, I think it would be lost potential things like shenron and what not if not just the characters, and if it does well, great.
>it's dumb to say the truth
We're right and you know it, that's why you're mad.
looks like the guy who put cell together didn't know what the fuck he was doing. the leg seams are much worse in the first 2 pictures than they are in the others. However, I can't understand why he has seams in the front of his crown. they could have just cut the crown into 2 pieces, one for each side and when you swap faces you just pull each side off, but maybe it won't look so bad when someone with a functioning brain puts the model together.
Are there just proportion problems casual DBZ fans just can't see? I seriously can't tell what's so bad about these.
What do you think about Super?
Look at this response, >>5758611, you obviously can't take these guys seriously.
>dat kettling
what scale are these?
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