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Nerf Thread "Didn't see one in the catalog" Edition

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Nerf Thread
"Didn't see one in the catalog" Edition
Talk about your recent purchases/local deals/rare finds/mods/nerf wars/etc.
Off brand blasters and super soakers are also welcome.
- Abomination thats btfo by a voltage modded Rapidstrike
- looking good, too bad its just a strife
- another bad modulus gun
- brb selling car to have enough garage space to store that shit
- us only
- us only

really looking forward to 2016's nerf
Y'know...I guess I'm like, a filthy casual. I don't really care about range and shit because I only ever shoot my Nerf guns at my friends across my ~20ft living room. But man, the new Modulus stuff is kinda doing it for me, with some funky silhouettes that I really dig. Anyone know the name of that gun in the lower left? I think I need that.

Also, why is the Recon Mk.II not showing up in stores yet? I've been checking and haven't seen it anywhere.
Ah, nevermind, found it. And it's battery powered, so I'm probably out. I've never really been a fan of battery powered Nerf guns.

The Recon Mk2 isn't battery powered, it works just like the retaliator. You sure you're looking at the right gun?
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sledgefire is moe
You're one of them shortstack /d/egenerates huh?
No, not the Recon. I was talking about the gun in the lower left of OP's image, which I asked for an ID on earlier. That one is battery powered.
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I want a HyperStryfe.
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Fuck modulus making me want to spend money on attachments that do nothing
Did they fix that thing so it could accept mags with the bump on the back?
Yes, they have issued a fixed model, but they haven't pulled the old ones off the shelves, so be watchful. I think you should be able to tell which you're getting by looking carefully around the grip area...check YouTube for mod videos that show you the part that needs removing, then check for it instore. You could also just buy the old one and dremel off the offending piece of plastic.

NERF is apparently also sending out replacement parts for people who bought the old Recon, but from what I've heard, they seem to be fucking up this process pretty hard.
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Found pic related in the local salvation army...
...'s dumpster.

Missing the battery pack, battery cover, belt, stand, and "shield." On top of all that, it's spent a few months on the ground by the looks of things.
Plan is to crack it open, clean it, and go from there.
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Here it is after the first stage of disassembly, alongside EVERY TOOL I needed to get it open, not counting the syringe and sink I needed to wash the mud out of the screw holes.
Shit had been sitting in the gross and wet for so long that two of the body screws instantly stripped (ie. their heads had completely turned to rust) the second I tried to remove them.

I was forced to cut into the body and cut the screw housings. The interior is filled with mud, the battery contacts are worthless, and yes that is an old spider nest visible on the upper body shell.

All in all, much better shape than I had anticipated.
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And here we are after full-body disassembly.
The maverick is from a previous SA trip, and I had planned to do some frankensteining with it and the vulcan's parts to make a prop gun or some shit, like my brother and I did when we were kids, but since the Vulcan's guts still work I'm having second thoughts.

What do, /nerf/?
Should I revitalize the Vulcan, bypass its firing safeties, and make it into something that shoots again?
Should I cannibalize and hybridize?
Third thing?
Voltagemod and Magazine conversion. Or just buy a Rapidstrike.
what do I look like, a fucking pleb?
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It is that little groove in the back.
Having a 20 man war in a lightly forested ATV trail this weekend.

I'm hype bros, share war stories
>tfw it's cheaper to buy a fucking nerf cam than a stryfe+stock and a barrel online

truly the jewery is real, I just want a semi-auto flywheel rifle.
>nerf items on sale in Target
>grab lawbringer

Why does no one talk about this blaster? It's a Target exclusive for now but still, one hand priming, 12 round front-loading cylinder, it's pretty impressive.

Because even if you're paying over 20$ for it it's still shit. One-handed usage is completely pointless.
>lol it's shit it's useless
And what do you use to rekt us casuals, toy blaster operator?

Because you can buy a Hammershot for 1/3 the price and get better performance.

Don't blame me for your shit taste.
>implying I didn't
>implying everyone buying foam dart guns care about performance
>feeling superior because someone bought a toy you don't approve of
not everyone is a tacticool nerf operator, it's a goddamn toy gun, why don't you play airshit instead
Put your fucking dick away and just have fun.

>literally ask, "Why does no one talk about this blaster?"

>get mad when told why

Fucking kill yourself.
>look ma I told someone to kill themselves over the internet
no u

while everyone was discussing the new blasters, the doomlands line gets very little attention, didn't know they even exsited until I saw them in stores, so I asked what do people think of it.

Then there's this guy
Partly because it's a target exclusive line but mostly because it's performance is slightly worse off then similar blasters. I don't know what was done to it exactly, but the Hammershot has the same kind of mechanism but fires much harder. That said, the 12 round cylinder and extra storage in the stock is nice, and I personally like the feel of it. But there's also the issue of it not properly cocking if you try to fire too fast so it's far from fantastic. It's a fun blaster, and fairly unique, but there are better options out there.

But if you collect and play for fun, none of that matters and that blaster is a lot of fun to mess with.
Yea, assholes be assholes here.

I've known of the Doomlands line for a while, and I just didn't get the chance to get one until recently (also due to target sale). I got the Vagabond instead of the Lawbringer because I'm a sucker for shotgun-designs and I think the Lawbringer looks ugly as fuck.

Aside from a slightly jank cock feel, the Vagabond is pretty cool at least.
>yes that is an old spider nest visible on the upper body shell.
>All in all, much better shape than I had anticipated.

nightmare fuel...

Go mad as prop. Once you get pass the looks, the Vulcan really does suck.
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>want a semi-auto flywheel rifle
>all of the options available to me have extra shit I don't want (modulus/nerfcam) or have to spend the same amount of money on making it a rifle (stryfe)
You just missed the deal where Amazon was selling the Modulus package for $25. Otherwise, just buy the parts you want individually for TRU. I picked up a bunch of accessories during one of their BOGO50%.

>cock feel

Okay, I'm pretty new to /toy/, but what's the consensus on Buzz Bee stuff?
I'm a broke-ass university student who wants cheap NERF alternatives from Wal-Mart, and I'm pretty happy with the pair of Buzz Bee Cougars I recently got.

Are there any products I should be on the lookout for?
I heard the sentinel has better performance than the nerf slingfire.
The only Buzzbee I ever liked was the side by side barrel shotgun, which I got from the thrift store and bought brand new shells for. Performance was expectantly crap, but I love that shell ejection system.

Otherwise, I'd say the funnest thing is to scour the thrift stores looking for cheap Nerf gun deals. I could have had so many Vulcans if I had the room to store them.
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I can't stand Flywheels.
I understand, Cheaper and easier mechanics involved, Reasonably the same performance.

But, I just loved the Stampede.
Plunger based Auto Nerf Rifle,
As close to a rifle as you could get without making it compressed air.

The Spin up, The second trigger, Doesn't do it for me.
I want to sneak up on someone and pull the trigger to have a shot fired.
And with the new modular systems, Makes me long for it even more.
From what I hear, the performance is actually pretty similar, but the Sentinel's metal lever seems to be preferred over the Slingfire's flexible plastic one. It really comes down to preference in terms of looks, price and comfort imo.

As much as I love my stampede (it was honestly the first "modern" nerf blaster I purchased) it's noisy, heavy, weak, slow and wildly inaccurate. And again, I love that oversized beast of a blaster enough to hunt down dual 35 round drums specifically for it. I know there's tons of mods to make it better, but the same can be said of most blasters.

If Nerf ever makes an improved version of a non-fly wheel full auto blaster, I'd certainly be all over it. But honestly, flywheels don't bug me all that much, especially considering how compact they can get.
Why doesn't Nerf do summer releases? Literally everything comes out in fall and winter, and it sucks because me and all my college friends end up getting busy again right as everything new comes out. We Nerf a lot through the summer.
Is the white retaliator any better at all than the original?
Nope. The box just emphasizes the 1/1000 chance that a dart fired from a Retaliator angled upward would land somewhere past 75 feet.
Probably cause they can then sell the supersoakers during summer which have to be sold off before the end of the summer season. Nerf however can be sold any time and they often have bigger more expensive models then the supersoakers line has so they get sold for holiday season gifts.
Only someone who frequents /D/ would know that term buddy
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Anyone noticed that the desolator has no flywheels?
It has a rev trigger, so you probably just can't see them.
>Only someone who frequents /D/ would know that term buddy
You must not be very familiar with /tg/ to make that assumption. /co/ as well I believe is familiar with the term, but definitely tg.
Super charge it and put it on your arm.
Need an opinion. I wanna supe up my retaliator because it's been reliable as hell for me since release, so I ordered the orange mod works stage 1 kit for it. I'm reading mixed things about stage 2. Should I splurge for it or will stage 1 not hurt any internals? I read in a place or two that all the reinforced internals they try to sell is overkill
I'm a cheap guy, so I don't think the Orange mods are worth what they sell. But if you have cash to burn, then buy them if it makes you feel good. At worst, you break a Nerf gun.
What nerf gun would be a good base for a Fallout cosplay? Im gonna be rocking a full suit of power armor this September but have no gun
Is there a good way to buy 12 round clips in bulk? Are these knockoffs on eBay any good at all?
I bought a few of the upgrade packs when theu went on clearance at Target.
turn the end of your arm into a nerf gun
Wait, have any amputees ever made a functional arm cannon for cosplay
Dear lord are Nerf threads always this dead?

How about some unpopular Nerf opinions

I love the retaliator and prefer it to the EAT
If you can get your hands on a Vulcan (the belt fed automatic) and paint it silver and brown, you can easily make it look like a Fallout gun. If it doesn't need to work, you can find them easy broken.
I do like the Retaliator, but it just gives me bad memories of the Recon. Also I'm biased towards my Rampage because of that slamfire, and I don't need to put my hand over the blaster, it can stay under.
I don't have any problems with the Retaliator. I rapidfire it just fine and as fast as any other manual cocking blaster. The only retarded design is that they put the tactical rail on the cocking slide, which pretty much negates putting anything on there. It's like manual cocking blasters with the forward grip attachment. You get to shoot one shot before having to take your hand off the forward grip so you can cock the next shot.

Man, me and my friends got back into Nerf in late 2011/early 2012 and started having organized wars and the Recon used to be my jam. Elites hadn't came out yet and none of us modded so we were in awe at 30 feet of range. Loved that old thing.

Now we all have OMW/air compressed/lipo battery shit. War has changed.
I'm still impresses by Elites whenever I go to shoot my old Maverick. Also, it makes me realize how shit its revolving mechanism is compared to the Strongarm

>wtf kind of name did it just give me
I don't know, but check out my name.

I bought 2 or 3 Mavs way back when and they were all trash. The revolving mechanism, like you said, was always trash. Jammed every other dart it seemed.
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Bought 2 of these for 5 bux, did I do good, /nerf/?
Hey /toy/ I recently just got into nerf as an adult because me and my friends have wars at a neighboring college. I used to have a few nerf guns from way back as kid, but I'm not sure about whats good in the new stuff. From what I'm seeing, is the old longshot still my best bet? The spring needs to be upgraded because its pretty old but I'm not even sure I could mod this without breaking it, its the really old blue longshot from when they still used yellow mags. Any recommendations would be nice, I just need a gun with a lot of power and range.
Any pistols can out range the longshot, and the fact that they have a shorter and less cumbersome prime also means they can out gun the longshot as well.
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What the hell since when did nerf go full Warhammer 40k?
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quite some time now

The Elite Retaliator and Alpha Trooper are both nice lightweight guns with fair range stock. The Retaliator can be broken down into a pistol. Both of them are clip fed.

The Strongarm is also good. It's a 6 shot revolver. Another revolver is the hammershot. It only has 5 shots, but it's hammer action, so you can prime one handed.

There are lots of options really, and there are mods for each of them. I recommend searching "nerf" on amazon and taking a gander at all the new stuff. Read reviews and check back here for second opinions.
So I got my stage 2 retaliator kit in from OMW. How on earth do you safely dry fire this thing? I don't wanna leave a clip loaded in it when I'm done with it.
The Retaliator is overpriced for what it is. You mainly buy it because you want the attachments. The Alpha Trooper is nice, but hard to get because it's an out of production Target exclusive, though I think places like kohl's might have them for extravagant prices.

If I had to get into the game, I'd go with the Stryfe. From there, you can use it as the base from which you start adding your nonsensical attachments to (unless you want to masterkey it, which is a perfectly fine mod IMHO).

If you want all-in-one, you can get a Rapidstrike. Full auto, 18-round clip, built-in adjustable stock and extra barrel length (though barrel lengths cut range, but MAH LOOKZ).

If you want to stick to manual power, Strongarm is good. Shooting one-handed with the Hammershot is okay if you're juggling multiple guns or you only have one hand, but the cocking is slow, so you'll be outgunned by anyone willing to use 2 hands.
I currently am in a large college with Humans Vs Zombies, I buy blasters for cheap on Craigslist and Ebay, then turn them around and sell them on campus. I'm known as the 'arms dealer.'

One of my favorite finds was a Maverick that someone painted really shitty gold, like it's all globbed up in some places and they only painted the front half. My friends and I each try to get one stun with it during HvZ.
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i hadn't bought a nerf gun since the longshot was new in 05/06
my friends were talking about nerf last spring (2015) and i was like "ha gay!" then they introduced me to drunk nerf war. Everybody downs a shot of fireball, complete a round, another shot, another round, etc

i've since then accumulated a bunch more nerf (and one boomco) guns

i wish they had mag fed nerf guns when i was a kid, all mine were single shot and goofy looking sci-fi themed.
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My collection so far.

Let's see your Armory nerds
geezus clean your shitbox room
The Doomlands stuff isn't very inspiring for me already, Hasbro made some of the best revolvers already in the Hammershot/Sweet Revenge.

I need more N-strike clip system blasters. Probably the only big nitpick I have about their mags is that they hold the darts caseless, so you can't store them in the mag longterm without deforming them and weakening the spring.
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which one is this?
It's a super soaker
no fuck you MOM
>tfw snagged two starlord guns for 10 bucks a piece
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=( i paid $17 for just one cause i missed the boat and had to buy it for a premium
>tfw i'm considering dropping $20 on the rey's jakku starwars blaster
Thinking about liquidating about half of my collection. A few longshots, a stampede, a complete vulcan, a rapidstrike, some rampages, a sledgefire, too much stuff and it's all too big to ship individually via ebay.

Probably gonna put it up as a craigslist lot.
I'm tempted to get that blaster as well, then possibly streamline the added barrels and unneeded tac-rails. Throw in some stronger springs or something to give a bigger boost and maybe remove the AR so it's actually an effective blaster.

I've been wanting a slide operated internal mag Nerf Pistol for years...I just never imagined it'd be an oversized, under-powered Star Wars blaster
Super Soaker Thunderstorm with Stock/Scope form Modulus.

I really love them. Debating having them painted.

I want the Rey Blaster but it's so huge.
What about just using a Recon/Retaliator?
here's my current collection.
got a local convention with a nerf war happening next week and was wondering what kind of load out I should set up with a primary, secondary and a sidearm?
Option 1:
Main- Modulus
Secondary- Rough Cut
Sidearm- Strong arm

Option 2:
Main- Alpha Trooper
Secondary- Modulus
Sidearm- Strong arm
Option 3:
Just carry all 4 or just 2 because thinking like this is BS.
What are some good guns you can operate one handed? Looking for something good for Humans vs Zombies.

Only one I'm aware of is the Hammershot/Sweet Revenge. Are those basically the same gun just in a different body?

Any better options for one hand operable guns?
Those really are the top teir of one handed blasters. The only other options are the double strike, and the doom lands one unless you get creative with a lanyard and a strongarm
What about the Stryfe or the Rayven? Those could be one handed easily.
If we're including flywheels, don't forget the Rapidstrike and all of the Stryfe reshells like the original Modulus base (Space Marine gun).
I've noticed when I put barrel attachments on my Stryfe, they're wobbly. Is there a way to make them more stable?
I haven't bought a nerf gun since the Raider and the only blasters I still own are a stock Raider, Longshot, and AR-removed Nite Finder and Maverick. I'm preparing for a war a friend is hosting next month. Are there any great must-have primaries or secondaries to know of that have come out the past few years?
how do I be not shit at painting my guns?
Rapidstrike/Stryfe/Modulus or Kohl's orange Alpha Trooper

Strongarm or Hammershot/Sweet Revenge

>Tryhard set
Nerf Rivals Zeus+Apollo
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I stick thick tape (like rubber tape) at the points where the barrel should touch the Stryfe.
Google Nerf painting tutorials.
1. Dissassembe your guns. Only paint The shells.

2. Primer! You need primer.

3. Learn how to use spray paint properly. It's not hard. It's very important.

4. (maybe switch the order of 2. And 3. Since there's spraycan primer)

5 Topcoat!. You need topcoat!

Oh wait, this is nerf, not gunpla or tg. Follow the other anons then,

I'd like to add some important, but overlooked steps

1a. Prepare your surfaces. Nerf plastic is glossy and does not hold paint well. Get some sandpaper and strip that shit off. You only need to do this on the inside

2b. Give the inside a coat of black primer so it doesn't show through.
>painting the inside

A light sanding / washing off mold release isn't a bad idea though
paint the inside of the shell black, unless you want bright blue/yellow showing through the gaps in the plastic
Got a couple rival apollos and they NEVER jammed for an entire week, hundreds of shots each. Took them both to a family nerf war and handed one to a newbie and I think she put too much force on it in a weak point in the prime stroke. Now one of them jams non-stop and doesn't prime without gears struggling a bit. I got it replaced through the retailer, but now I feel like I have to baby them.
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Stopped buying them just before the elite series was released, but I still keep them around to occasionally annoy my dog.
That's actually quite stylish. Good work, anon.
I'm so saddened because I have good closet space and was wanting to do this and there's no way as it is.
I'd have to buy like specific hooks and shit for em.
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So I got these 3 at Goodwill for $6 for cosplay purposes.
How do I sanatize them? They're not too bad but id rather not get an infection or something
You were infected the moment you walked into the Goodwill.

Now you are the zombie...
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so futuristic!
Some Clorox wipes or similar disinfecrtant wips should be fine
>get rough cut and slingfire
>cut handle off rough cut and waterweld slingfire stock onto it

I've looked at a ton of rough cut mods online and only ever seen tactical shotgun mods for stocks on rough cuts (and one with a pistol style stock). Has anyone else here turned their rough cut into a rifle?
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>broken rotofury and persuader
>bad painted hammershot
I thought Nerf brought back the alpha trooper as the CS-6.
Yes, but that too is a exclusive (to Kohls).
>4 rampages
fuck, I'm jelly
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Old Nite-finder

I've been considering modding it for more impact, any tips?
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Update: I put a spring in that's twice the length of the stock one.
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YES I have tips.

First get that spring you just put in put of there .length dont mean shit. Go to home depot and find "ever built" springs. There's one in the pack you'll find that is just the right length and massively powerful.

Next, replace the barrel.
You can use brass or petg if you have it. But I like crayola markers. Rip off the top and butt, dump out the inkwell, drill out the center with a 1/2 inch drillbit, and glue in place.
This will give you a very snug and slightly longer barrel

Next, if you have an extra O ring from another nightfinder, double them up on the plunger head

I would also have suggested stringing rubberbands on the plunger pull, but with the ever built spring, you won't need it.

Pic is my monster of a pistol
I'm going to keep it stock for now because I haven't got the time to run out to home depot. That other spring is insanely strong though, I had a hard time getting it in.

Any advice with the rail on top? Does it just work with standard nerf scopes and whatnot?

Anyways, thanks based anon
The rail will work with just about anything you want to slap on there. Nerfha s kept them consistent since their introduction.

Though nothing you could slap on there will actually help you. They're really more for fun
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