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Does anyone know if there's still anywhere to preorder Mythic

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Does anyone know if there's still anywhere to preorder Mythic Legions? I really want a Jorund Runeshaper. Will they be available after everythings out from Kickstarter? Is there going to be a forum for trading these guys?

I just saw their toyfair coverage and realized I regret not buying more from kickstarter when I had a chance.

Some new guys are going up this Monday too.
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Pics of the new guys coming out this Monday at 3pm.
I think they'll be available for non-kickstarter order once they actually come in.
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Oops OP was supposed to say Mythic Legions General.
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I'm not much of a Heman fan but this is pretty cute.
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These look rad as fuck. I'm afraid to see how expensive they are.

Man those look great.
>that tummy
How tall are those trolls supposed to be?
They are only 6 inch :/
No they're almost twice that, the rest of the line is 6''.
I AM NEVER GOING TO GET THEM, they are so gonna get sold out i have no chance.
Just look at the video and figure out what you want, then take monday off and spend all day doing nothing but refreshing the page until they put the pre-orders up, and buy all of them as fast as you can. And if you don't make it, you'll have another 20 minute period sometime in April.
When these guys finally launch, whatever extra stock that doesn't get shipped out to backers will be sold on their shop. Current estimates suggest these guys landing in april/may, but whatever does go up on the site will most likely move fast.

The trolls are like 12+" and can actually hold the full sized figures with one hand.

Generally speaking, their pre-orders aren't limited in numbers until after they've been produced. Right now they're seeing how many people are going to order them so they can't "sell out", because they'll produce enough to fill their orders and then order extra on top of that. If you really want to get one of the trolls or any of the four show figures, put the order in when it goes up. The only problem is you pay up front, but with these figures already having most of their production work done, turn around time for these new guys should be much faster.
all those mythic legion things are fucking sold out
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Wish these 4 where going up for preorder instead, they look way more interesting.

Don't know if I can resist a troll though.
I thought they were going up for pre-order with the troll?
Nah, just the ones posted at the start of the thread.
Damn I was planning on getting the ghost. Guess I'll just get that Orc thing.

Yeah, I want the cheetah and the boar super bad.

Yeah,apparently since they have new heads and parts they'll take longer to produce, while the other four are made from already existing molds.
will there be a knight with a deer head? I have always wanted a deer knight
The four figures with new parts are supposedly previews for figures that may appear in the next Kickstarter. Though personally I'm hoping they're more of a "wave 1.5" deal that go on sale before the next KS so they get released before the full wave 2.

The four without new parts are all Con "Premieres", which basically means they're con exclusives without the forced rarity of limited numbers or having to actually be at the con to get them. The Orc specifically is a Powercon figure that they hope to be able to see in person at the con, but he'll still be up for pre-order next week for people who can't go.

Also something that most people who aren't familiar with the line probably wouldn't notice is that each of the 8 new figures shown carry a weapon (or two) that was only available during the original Kickstarter as add-on only weapon packs. The fact these guys are pegged to be sold with these previously extra-purchase only weapons means we can see these things added into the full rotation of the next wave of figures which is a fantastic thing.

With the initial KS, the 30-something figures that were sold all came packed with three of 6 different weapon types, so some combinations started to repeat themselves and it was kind of disappointing. But with these weapons getting thrown into the mix, along side any new possible weapons wave 2 may include, the stuff these guys will come with will be a lot more varied and add tons to each new character.

I plan on getting the Undead Viking simply because of the Axe and shield he comes with, the former only being packed with the 40ish dollar War Banner set and the latter coming in the one weapon pack I didn't buy.
At this point, we have no idea. If there's enough request it'd be possible.

But the line already does have characters with giant antlers attached to their helmets, so it's feasible to do or even make your own with the right part swaps and a custom head.
So what is this coloring a reference to?
man-at-arms from he-man.
Deus Vult
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Is that eastern time?

Guy in the Pixel Dan interview said they haven't decided yet, but he also mentioned the trolls could be up to $100.
do we know when the gold and silver figure on the left of the picture will be available ? It's the only figure/paint combo I really like in the line for the moment.
it's really hard for me to pick but im probably going with the red eyed one because it reminds me a lot of the cave troll from LOTR
I'm going with the green because I can't get over that nose.
I kinda want one of those trolls, but $100 may prevent that. We'll see.
There's a few guys from the original KS that I didn't get but really want.

Gorgo, Bog Goblin, Urzokk, and Malleus. I'm kinda annoyed that Gorgo Aetherblade doesn't come with his namesake sword. But whatever.

I only want the Templar and the Undead Gladiator dude in this upcoming preorder, I might snag some weapon packs too.
how much is a basic ass knight? I don't need fancy armor or frills just give me a basic knight with a broadsword and I'm happy.
I believe in the KS they were 18 dollars and then plus shipping.
Silver Knights were 18.
Well, in the KS they were 18 dollar add on meaning, you had to pledge first I think you had to pledge at least 30 minimum for a basic figure then you can add more on for a discounted price. It was 18 for the silver Knight and basic legions and 33 for the character ones.
The pre-orders were the same price too.
Oh, awesome. Good shit then. That's a fair price. The shippig is like 7
any possible way to get those now? or am I SoL and have to troll ebay?
Well, their plans are to sell them again. I believe they want to have them in stock through their store online. As of right now however, there's no way to get them but of you're patient they most likely will show up again. They released a few of their birds while releasing new ones recently so I wouldn't be surprised if they do that with these figures in some way.
Only test figures have shipped. The actual figures will not arrive until April.
cool, because their entire Web store is sold out except for unnecessary custom figures so I was worried about not getting one.
I hope we get some magic effect parts to go with the mage staff at some point.

Even if it's just a colored, translucent goober that fits around the fist, it would still be nice.
The reason Gorgo doesn't come with his sword is because it wasn't even an option to get made until later on in the KS after every other stretch goal was completely shattered. At that point they needed to add more stuff on so they created various weapon sets and showed them off via concept sketches since they weren't even molded at that point. As such all those cool extra weapons couldn't be added onto the already existing figures without added costs as well, so it was just better to sell the weapon sets on their own.

Honestly, I'm hoping Gorgo gets an updated figure or something in the second wave. All of the other guys are fine and don't really need any tweaks, but Gorgo is the only major faction leader who shares a head with other characters and that kind of bugs me. Mainly because he not only shares that head, he actually shares with three other characters, including one who is almost an exact copy of him (...thanks to the fan-vote) Maybe some sort of berseker/suped up version with a new, unique head and possibly new armor parts but sharing his same color scheme and antlers.

As already stated...multiple times honestly...once these guys are finished and shipping, anything not sent out for the backers initial order will be sold on the site. And seeing as they're going to continually produce new figures using these same parts, it's highly likely older, popular figures can see added runs and re-releases for fans to pick up.

Those things aren't actually "custom figures" but rather one off up-scaled concept figures that were created before the line was even announced.
New shoulders, a unique cape, and maybe some new detailing on his chest and knees would really help Gorgo stand out from the others.
I want these so bad but they they look like they have shit articulation and I'll be annoyed as hell if I spend $50 on one and it's basically a statue
they're hardly mcstatues
Plenty of people have given pretty solid reviews of the test figures.
About the only noted complaint is the lack of a wrist hinge so that you can point weapons more freely, but that's hardly a deal-breaker.
>on off up-scaled concept figures
They also have no articulation.
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what do you mean by no articulation?

>Ball-socket necks, ball shoulders, bicep swivels, double-hinged elbows, ball wrists, ball abs, waist swivel, ball hips, swivel thighs, double-ball knees, and ball ankles.

All of this means no articulation to you?
The 8'' customs aren't articulated.
>This custom figure is non-articulated and not intended for play.
Shit, my bad, brain full of dumb. Lemme just... get rid of that...
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Having them in hand, they do have a pretty great range of motion and plenty of articulation. They all have very deep ball joints at the top of their necks and in the abdomens so they can do some pretty decent crunches and leans in all directions. Their shoulders are universal swivels and while the pauldrons can limit this movement some, they're removable so they're not a major issue. Even with them on you can get a decent range of motion. They also have gauntlet and wrist swivels as well as an elbow swivel and hinge.

Here is where their biggest articulation flaw happens however, as there is no bicep swivel and the ones with armored elbows can't bend a full 90 degrees. They have this soft rubber elbow covering that slightly hinders articulation, combined with the in-out wrist hinge instead of an up-down one, it makes two handed sword poses difficult. The skeletons get a slightly better range of motion, but it's still not enough to double hand a sword.

However, everything from the waist down is amazing. Universal joint hips, which can do full splits, thigh swivels (except skeletons), knee swivels and hinges, and absurdly articulated ankles. There hasn't been a standing pose I could put these guys in that didn't have them stand flat footed. Though sometimes that foot would be angled in an unnatural manner, it was still nice and solid on the ground.

Now they're not going to get into any crazy super flexible ninja poses, they move just like they look, like heavily armored figures. But they have more then enough range of motion to pull off some great action poses.
I like how yours only has one pauldron, did it come that way or are they removable?
Ignore me, I didn't finish reading the post before I responded.
They're removable and swappable. I actually switched the pauldrons and even the collars and neck pieces on my two figures. Pretty much everything on these guys is meant to be swappable except the arms and legs (which you can do, with the boil-n-pop method).

Also, once the pauldrons are in, they're gonna stay in. They don't wiggle or bounce or fall out, they're in pretty secure. Though they do get a bit of up and down movement.
Didn't know all of that, I'll try to pick one up and see how I feel about collecting the line.

They'll be available after the kickstarter thing is over right?
Mabye you can awsener something that's bugging me. Do you know if the plumes on the knights helmets are removable, or are the helmets with and without plumes separate sculpts? I want to put together something similar to the elite knight set of armor from Dark Souls.
It's removable.
Is the figure only coming with what's shown here ? I would rather like a sword and maybe another helmet, to be honest.
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For people wondering of you lost all chance at getting any of the original ones.
Armor always is what you see is what you get. They interchangeable with out figures though.

The original wave had extra weapons

However, this wave has exlcusive weapons you could only get through weapon pack purchases in the KS so I'm not sure if they will have more weapons.
Does anyone remember what weapons the fan choice figure comes with?
I think it was a bastard sword, a spear and an axe, but I might be remembering it wrong.
Kind of a dumb question I guess, but do they ship internationally ? I really want to get one monday but I'll need to prepare correctly I think.
They do ship internationally.
Yeah, they do ship internationally at least on the KS they did
Thanks, that Templar looks really good, and is the next best thing for me since I can't get Owain yet.
Another guy here. Any idea what the shipping costs are to Europe?
I almost bought Owain but instead got an orc and the orc weapon pack.
The Templar does look pretty sweet. I think it helps that his shield isn't unpainted like the others.
That's exactly what I aimed for with my Knight. One thing to note though is that if you remove the plume from the helmet, there's a large empty socket left in it's place. It's something that should be easy to fill for any half decent modder, or anyone who knows how to use epoxy, but it's something that should be noted regardless.

Generally speaking, each figure should come with at least three weapons. The Templar specifically comes with the Mace, Shield and a small sword...which you can see in that pic hanging on his belt.

You are correct, the FanEx figure does come with a Large Sword, Axe set and spear, in addition to a black cape.

The only figures who will have unpainted shield are the troop builders, as they are cheaper because of their lack of paint. Owain, and all the other named characters with shields, will have their faction emblems painted onto the shield.
Faction emblems on shields? Cool. I was worried we'd just get, like, a sticker sheet or something.
To anyone not in the KS, they have announced that the preorder dates for the second wave will be pushed back to Friday the 26th at 3pm and will end March 14th.

The trolls prices are still not definete and they are waiting the factory to determine a price.
Man, the trolls are likely going to be $100 each, but...goddamn, look at them! I've spent more on less; I'll probably have to get them.
ahh noooo $100 american is like $140 in canadian pancakes. And the shipping on them would be killer to. I can't even decide between the two. oh the anguish!
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