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Suddenly, only one in thirty rounds of any and all ammunition

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Suddenly, only one in thirty rounds of any and all ammunition properly fires. The other twenty-nine don't explode or jam. They simply do not react. The only way you can tell which will or won't fire is to put it through a firearm.

What happens to the world after such a strange event? How would militaries/militas/etcetera have to adapt to such changes?

I want to have this (among other things) be what leads up to an apocalyptic setting across the breadth of North America.

I posted this thread earlier but embarrassingly said only one-in-thirty rounds of ammunition misfire.
I'd imagine we'd see 30-round harmonica guns with gas cycling.
That's dumb. Why would that happen?
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Why would every gun maker on the planet suddenly become incompetent?
Wow kiddo you really blew OP's question out of the water. "that doesnt actually happen irl so its stoopie"

fucking hell check out the bulging cortex on aristotle over here
Getting defensive over your stupid concept instead of thinking about and justifying it is a sign of incredibly poor writing skills. Besides, it's a fair question that I think every player is going to ask when they find out about it.
Dickass space wizard(s), duh!
yeah no, there are "what if's" that are actually interesting and engaging, this one is just plain stupid. "What would happen if people unlearned to drive overnight, like for no fucking reason at all" oh wow so creative
Gas cycling doesn't work with dud rounds. We'd see a return to hand-cranking, OG gat style.
God of mischief thought it would be funny.
Pepperboxes, pepperboxes everywhere.
Assuming that blackpowder stuff still works?
What about handmade paper rounds, or powder apostles?
What about percussion caps?
That's even dumber, and incredibly lazy to boot.
Sounds stupid why ammo would suddenly stop being ammo, but hey, why not.

Considering any and all ammo, I imagine that artillery, tanks, and the like wouldn't be able to be used effectively with conventional ammo. Do you also consider rockets to be ammo? If not, then the tanks and artillery would switch to things like the M549 HERA type weapon systems. Of course, if rockets are ammo, then that means rockets for space application and others uses no longer work.

Granted, this isn't even getting into why the ammo isn't working. Is it the propellant? Casing? Fuse? Primer? Those could change the type of weapons used depending on which is failing, where we could see attempts made to circumvent those in order to have conventional weapons being used to pre-incident levels again.
Not my concept, and you're not asking to justify it, you're saying 'wow thats not a real thing so its bad.

I bet you're the kind of autist who spergs out when potatoes turn up in generic DnD.

It's an alt-tech thread. I presume OP is angling for weird firearm dead-end techs and alternatives that could work around his proposed problem. There's mileage in it and to stroke your own cock at your ability to differentiate reality from fiction whilst shutting it down is a special kind of cancer.

External gas supply, the mechanism's designed to hurl the harmonica through the gun until it finds the ones that fire.
Only gatling guns would be worth a shit, artillery is now useless, and an infantryman would probably be mostly trained in CQC and be tasked with carrying a portion of the ammo the squad's only gun uses.
Electric motors, son. More reliable than hand-cranking because they don't get tired and will always go the same speed until they run out of voltage. With lithium batteries carrying more power around isn't horribly cumbersome, they're just bulky.
How is asking "Why would that happen?" somehow not asking for justification.
>intentionally removing half the post to strip context

"That's dumb. Why would that happen?" =/= "Boy howdy, I sure wonder how that would work!"
>artillery is now useless

Massive revolving autoloaders. You just need a shitton of ammo.
No, but air rifles work perfectly.
Propellant, really. Explosives still function as explosives.
He's likely a guntard and you've offended his stores of ammo. He's just scared and worried anon, don't shake him up too hard.
I guess someone let OP run QC at the ammo factory.
What, did I hurt your fucking feelings or something? It's still asking for elaboration, regardless of what came before the question.
alternate forms of projectile weaponry. 1/30 chance for your gun to not fire is not good chances.
Air rifles might become a thing.
The problem would probably be getting enough speed to actually do decent damage to a human.
I'd imagine a LvIII vest would probably stop just about any air rifle today but maybe if you crank up the pressure you could achieve something.
Getting a bigger projectile won't help because in the end it'll be fighting even more drag as it travels.
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>im just asking why it would happen
>[proof to the contrary]
>w-wow are you upset or something!?!

Good game, friendo. Let's talk about weapons now.
Ah, no surprise that he hurt your feelings by asking reasonable questions, huh. So, are you a woman, or a "man" raised by a single mother? If it's the former, you shouldn't be here unless you're going to post pictures of your tits or something in your asshole, you know.
Yeah, alright, cool. Let's talk about that. First topic, why does most ammunition stop working?
Then ammo would probably revert to gunpowder/black powder or they would switch to another explosive compound that still functions. If none of those are an option then air guns and physical launch systems would make a return, i.e. crossbows, slings, etc.

Governments would also probably step up research on magnetic, electric, and gas propellant sources more than currently.

>Foreign wars collapse
>Internal governments quickly and massively deploy and develop alternative weapons (railguns, flamethrowers, Gas grenade launchers etc.)

Shit is fucked up for a while, crime rises but no roving bands of Cannibals shit.

Martial arts and close combat becomes more important for a while until alternatives are sufficiently deployed and developed.

There. Pretty retarded scenario tbqh.
just imagine being this sensitive and actually going on the internet

Internal governments wouldn't even need to recalibrate their weapons for internal security. Tasers, riot shields, tear gas, even the Active Denial System the US came up with, would be effective systems to deny worse case scenarios, especially since guns not working affect everyone.
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That's optimistic, but a reasonable reaction.
Plenty fucked up to make for greater fucked up persons in quantity and quality, though.
This is a great point.
True but that shit still allows an armed Mob to do a lot more damage.

>Gas maks
>makeshift batons and shields
>motorcycle protective gear and a week of training

Then you have something that actually could win against Riot Police.
Explosives become the new propellant instead of gunpowder
People would go back to crossbows.
Yes, mobs would be a problem, but why would they suddenly rise without provocation just because modern ammunition stopped working as well? If gangs tried to take advantage, they would open themselves to other gangs. Large-scale crime would attempt to still hold their territory, and if citizen mobs did happen firetrucks can also be used to disperse crowds. Just look at Greece's riots.

Something more would need to take effect for the world to have a drastic change more then modern ammo stops being as effective.
Russian Roulette is now played with automatic weapons
Thats why I said shit would be fucked up for a while but no large scale collapse.

Organized crime and fringe political elements would abuse the situation for a while bur the population wouldn't just go into 100% Apocalypse Mode.
Why does only 1 in 30 rounds fire? If there isn't some underlying reason that makes sense and is part of the end goal of the scenario/world to discover then it's absolutely stupid.

The answer of course is that no one would make whatever it is you exactly mean by "ammunition" anymore.
I was agreeing with you for the most part. Really it seems to depend what setting OP is trying to go for.
Well imho I think OP has chosen a British way to do an Apocalypse without Firearms.

Why not go the "protective technology makes a huge leap and now is very widespread and cheap rendering guns pretty useless.
You'd see a mass reversion to manually cycled arms at first, bolt action infantry rifles would come back en mass. After that, in the short term they'd probably work on an electrically actuated system using caseless telescoped ammunition. Caseless telescoping rounds are super light weight, and an electrically-actuated weapon is capable of stupid high RPM. The volume of ammo "fired" would overcome 1-in-30 problem.

Assuming it's only gunpowder projectiles that are affected, there would also be a huge influx of money into designing portable rail guns and direct energy weapons.
No, see, you aren't allowed to ask questions like that here. Asking for justification for stupid concepts marks you as an autist. Just accept it dude.
*brute not british

freudian autocorrect
Mag-lev/railguns become the norm. No misfires.
Good thing the US still has missiles.
Sharpshooters become the most prized thing in the planet, and battles become much slower but deadlier. In modern warfare, something like 90% of bullets already aren't being fired with intent to kill, just as an intimidation/cover fire thing. But the effectiveness of both of those goes to near nothing if people KNOW the actual risk is incredibly low of being fatally hit even by luck.

Armies are going to be reduced to heavily fortified soldiers with incredible accuracy who are making sure to pick valid targets and aiming every time, backed up by skilled cqc meatshields.
Good God, I can hear you getting mad from here, you utter faggot.
The 'why' doesn't matter. Learn to accept reality as it is and stop being a tard.
>why does this happen
>fuck you

If you want a setting with no guns just say that, and ask for gun alternatives. Don't make up silly bullshit and tell us to fuck off when we ask why
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What kind of volume are we talking about, here?
An army of ocelots and snakes, huh?
Funny image, that.
Took long enough for someone to mention this.
Gunpowder and similar reactions were fueled by unseen pixie magic, but they've gone extinct from overuse. Now the chemical reactions are highly unreliable.
But why only 1/30? Wouldn't they just QC out the defective powder?
Then the world would use actual gunpowder/cordite/wahatever for their guns instead of pixie dust.
>fucking hell check out the bulging cortex on aristotle over here
OP just go read Dies the Fire
>B-but they use actual powder!

The actual powder WAS pixie dust all along, just that nobosy realized.

>Why not ditch the defective powder?

Because you can't tell beforehand, and you'd only find out when the reaction happens.

>only 1 in 30 bullets work
>but why?
>pixie magic
>but that's not how guns work in real life!

No shit
Yes, but they change the powder they were using for the powder with the same chemical composition we use. Or just bows and arrows for a while until they figure out how to make our shit.
>It's magic so I don't have to explaaaaaain!

Nah brah. Nah.
>The same chemical composition we use

That is the pixie dust. You're really struggling with this

>Give reason!
>*gives reason*
>Noo! Me no like reason!

You asked.
OP is my boyfriend, pls don't make fun of him
But you didn't give a reason though. You just handwaved and went "eeeeh pixie magic". It's like being asked to show your work on a math test, but instead you just shrug and go "numbers man. Fuckin numbers". While in the broadest, vaguest, and most non-committal sense, yes, you did provide reasoning, that shit is not going to get a pass.
Then they change for the stuff we used to use, or other explosives until we know about it until we find one that works.
What do you mean they just move without muscle? You can't just hand wave and say "magic".
False equivalency. Try again.
How is it not a good reason? Because it doesnt allow you to neatly side-step the actual question like >>55075514 >>55075413 tried to do twice?

It doesnt work, and the reason it doesnt work is that there was an unknown cap on thw amount of powder that could be used efficiently. People hit it, and now it functions only sporadically.

What more do you want aside from someone going to get a chemistry degree real quick to give you a technobabble answer that'll satisfy your autism.
See >>55075285


You're having a real hard time with this 29 in 30 gunshots misfire thing.
Because the reason basically boils down to "it doesn't work because I said so." If your concept can be so neatly sidestepped, you need to either account for it in your reasoning, embrace those ideas, or come to terms with the fact that maybe your idea isn't very good in the first place.

But instead you're getting defensive and bitchy about the whole thing, and your idea and anything that comes out of it will suffer because of that attitude.

We don't criticize your bullshit to be petty and mean. We do it to encourage you to think about your concepts more than not at all and maybe make something worthwhile. But instead you got triggered by the big meanies that hurt your feelings and disappointed us all.
Bullets in that world misfire whenever somebody in our world tries to derail a conversation by complaining about the basic premise.
>The only way you can tell which will or won't fire is to put it through a firearm.

All firearm manufactures have a gun that they slide all their new ammo through the barrel, rebuild the flawed ammo and sell the good ammo.
That sounds hilariously abusable.
>your idea

Except I'm not OP. I gave you a reason, to see if you'd actually start participating in the topic, but no. You came to a thread you didnt like to complain about how this fictional premise wasn't up to your high standards of realism.

I mean, if you're such an expert on chemistry, and you want to help OP out by making sure he has a realistic explanation behind his premise, then surely you already know what the explanation is that would satisfy you? It'd be so easy to share it, except we both know it doesnt exist. You'll complain about any reason given, just so you can keep shooting, or at best, prove how 'smart' you are by poking a hole in the explanation that makes guns still function normally, because you can't bear the thought of a world being different.

Why you're on a board for role-playing games with that attitude, I'll never know.
>I gave you a reason
And it wasn't very good. It didn't answer anything. This has nothing to do with being an expert in chemistry or a firearms scholar or whatever. It's about not being lazy and, again, thinking about shit. Your world can be as different as you want it, but if you don't justify things to a reasonable degree, then nobody is going to care. I mean, obviously you don't give enough of a shit to say anything beyond "eh, pixie magic, fuck it," so you can't really expect anyone else to take your concept seriously either.
What if only 1/30 cocks would get errect when OP sucks them, the only way to tell which would be to stick them in his mouth, how would he react. I have this in quest where we need to stop OP starving to death because he doesn't get his daily ration of semen.
>how about have him learn to be a better cock sucker
>can't magic
>how about eating something that isn't semen
>can't magic
Power Word Kill. Define neurons as guns and signals as bullets. Your brain will cease working in short order.
Of course I was lazy, because it wasn't my idea.

Way to really prove my expectations wrong though. You care enough about the premise to keep shitposting about it, but not enough to actually engage with it.
>Because you can't tell beforehand, and you'd only find out when the reaction happens.
>You care enough about the premise to keep shitposting about it, but not enough to actually engage with it.
there's nothing to engage with, and you fucking retard mistake it with complaining about 'realism'.
It's not about realism, it's about internal consistency. People who want to think through your idea need to know the laws of the universe off that idea. You didn't present any because you're a lazy piece of human garbage, so people defaulted to our laws off physics and called foul.

Here's some fucking 'engaging' with the idea. If that fucking Fairy magic exists and influences things, there's ways to detect it and QC it beforehand. If not, you need to explain why it's still able to influence things.

How does Fairy magic know what constitutes one 'shot of ammunition'? A bullet contains trillions over billions of molecules of powder, why does the reaction fail for all of them in one bullet but not the one next to it? Again, no satisfactory explanation present.
how many of these threads do we need to have

m-muh magic, dooood
>how many of these threads do we need to have
Let's turn this one into something productive.
Starting today, exothermic reaction involving black powder has a 1% chance to summon a fairie nearby.

The fairy's size varies from roughly 3mm for a rifle bullet to about 40 cm for ammo the size of an artillery grenade, they're humanoid with butterfly wings clad in pastel colored silk. They know all human languages intuitively. They can turn invisible and have human like intellects, and do not age, and have a positive attitude towards humans (will prevent human harm when it comes at little or no cost to them). They have no hedonistic desires.
Most importantly:
All fairies are also very much anti-physical-violence of any sort whatsoever and will take any action that is not physical violence as well to prevent any from taking place.

How fucked is mankind?
The fairies piss off some reenactment groups and antique gun enthusiasts.
Oh fuck, I mean whatever we use in bullets nowadays. Military applications of chemistry weren't covered in my studies of the English language so far.
Well how much can they carry, are they just going to be whisking away bullets from a magazine or stopping tanks in their tracks? And do they count killing for food as violance, what about animals killing other animals for food?
>Well how much can they carry
for simplicity's sake, their bodyweight, so a few mm fairy could carry few gram, a 40cm one like a few hundred grams.

>And do they count killing for food as violance
as a minor form, yes, so faeries won't engage in it (they don't eat anyway), but would actually tolerate it for humans because they know we got to eat. Dito for other animals.
This is such a ridiculously retarded idea, just come up with some other reason for why the guns don't work other than "bullets magically don't go lol"
Post-apocalyptic settings are so overdone and that's a weak basis for guns not working. This thread is dumb and you're dumb.
>OP getting butthurt about someone calling out his stupid idea
You'd figure out another method for propelling projectiles at rapid speed. Through railguns, perhaps.
>Bad Peopleâ„¢ set off massive black powder charges, one, by one, until a fairy appears
>Trap the fairy, do Bad Thingsâ„¢ to it, and sell it as a perpetually attractive sex slave for the rich and amoral
That's what'd happen.
>The 'why' doesn't matter. Learn to accept reality as it is and stop being a tard.

Not him but if you can understand the mechanism behind a phenomenon you can engineer solutions to said phenomenon. Whether it's different powder compositions, ignition technologies or some other chemical or mechanical workaround. The physics and chemistry behind a firearm are extremely simple and share the same principles as some very serious reactions that take place in nature.

Unless this is just fucking inexplicable space magic in which case we need to figure out who did this so that we can kill them with a fucking crossbow for their impertinence.
>make batch of powder
>load into 30 rounds
>somehow or other 29 of them suffer instantaneous proton decay or some shit and become inert
>1/30th of powder made functions

>make second, identical batch of powder
>pour into a single artillery shell
>1/30 chance of working at all

>make third identical batch of powder
>load into 30 rounds
>test rounds until one fires
>disassemble remaining rounds, transfer powder to 30 casings of smaller caliber
>dud powder suddenly revitalized??

>make another identical batch
>don't pour it in anything, just light the pile

This entire scenario is so vague as to make discussion useless. You've divorced cause and effect on a fundamental physical level. You've fucking turned chemistry off in a nebulous context that makes speculation useless. Where the fuck does the issue arise? In the choice of powder? The primers? The concept of wrapping a propellant in metal and using it to push other bits of metal around? The idea of propellants in general? Depending on the specifics, this could range from a trivial problem solved by tweaking the chemical composition of the propellant to "Oh shit, cars are impossible now."
you failed chemistry didn't you? viable powder vs non can be measured and scientifically tested, so unless you want physics to suddenly completely stop working you are fairly fucked. And if no physics then why even ask what people would do just go with what you want to happen because lol magic.
I just realized something. This thread answered OPs question by example.
What would happen? A lot of people would get pissed off, some people would try to figure out why and how this all happened and some people would just accept it and move on.
Please prevent any production of offspring.

People switch to something else

Reliability > other concerns
A lot of renewed interest in railguns and coilguns develops overnight, especially miniaturizing them to vehicular or even squad sized weaponry.
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>fucking hell check out the bulging cortex on aristotle over here
>The correct answer.
I actually like the idea of something so entirely against the laws of physics and reality just becoming a new law of existence. Maybe Loki felt like being a dick! Maybe gunpowder is actually a mystic alchemy recipe that changed due to the world leylines becoming obscured. Who cares cause right now you've gotta fight for your life against a seven foot tall man with a machete and all you've got are 29 bullets.
Well militaries move away from their current emphasis on accuracy over rate of fire towards rate of fire above all else. Are missiles and bombs affected?
Oh shit thats right. Automatic weapons don't work if the rounds don't work.
Also tanks are still useful because humans go squish under 80 tons of steel and composite armor

Alien roadside picnic event slightly alters the rules of physics on our planet.
Alternate weapons. I don't think any military force would rely on such unreliable forcepower, so depending on how tech-y you want your setting to be, how long after the incident etc. you would see a return to melee and missile/blackpowder weapons, then stuff like railguns and eventually electric charge/laser weaponry developed.
> missiles
Fire spirits are fickle creatures and would only agree to start the combustion reaction if the number of molecules in the piece of fuel can be divided by 30, which is a sacred magic number they have to respect. It is unobservable in longer reactions, for example when you are trying to light a fireplace, as the number of atoms changes constantly and is almost guaranteed to reach the proper value in a few seconds, but in case of a quick reaction, such as a primer lighting up, spirit only has time to count one time, and if the number was wrong, bullet does not work.
going back to using bows/crossbows/gas-pressure catapults and other ways of flinging stuff like kinetic projectiles and bombs around.
Don't worry, gay sex doesn't produce offspring
Rockets, flamethrowers, 50 caliber airguns, pike blocks, you name it.
If it happened now? Probably a rush to get magnetic and direct fire energy weapons viable, as a stop gap you would probably see modern air rifles with electronic pumps or something similar.
You would also possibly see revolver weapons make a return.
Just read Dies the Fire

That's pretty much the exact concept of the book. Gunpowder/electronics shit the bed worldwide. The story follows multiple characters, but one of the main protagonists is a USMC vet that is flying over Idaho as a bush pilot when SHTF.
There are multiple factions that arise after the 'Change' and it gives viewpoints from each of them. It's one of my favorite 'what if' stories.
Give it a try if you're interested in this type of apocalyptic scenario.
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>Gas maks
>>makeshift batons and shields
>>motorcycle protective gear and a week of training
>Then you have something that actually could win against Riot Police
dude, have you ever been in a riot or seen the riot police training? its about mass psychology ,it'd take a LOT more than a few days of enthusiasts training retards to overcome people who actually had proper schooling on the subject matter
You have to remember the post appoc know it alls are the same people that think a modern army can not beat zombies.

Never underestimate what Kraut Space Magic does to firearms.
Rail gun development suddenly becomes way more important and focused, American navy shoots even further into the lead since they already have them working.
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>fucking hell check out the bulging cortex on aristotle over here
I laffed
Jesus Christ. This was a retarded thread the other day and it's a retarded thread today. Kill yourself, OP.
So we make oil air mixture potato cannons, airguns, coil/railguns, and super overbuilt small arms that use actual high explosives to fire bullets.

Hell we could even build self-cocking crossbows
Use electon microscopes in qc to count atoms or develo
You been listening to Tincture haven't you?
Hope you like air rifles.
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third book W H E N
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Crossbows make a comeback, along with anything else that uses darts or arrows or bolts.

And muskets too, since they don't technically use rounds.
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You mean like the centuries old Girandoni Air Rifle? Because that one absolutely did the job.

It was hard to produce and maintain back then though, so it never took off on an international scale. Today's tech would trivialize that problem, all it really needs is to make paintball guns beefy enough.
I can see an investment in alternate technologies, such as gauss rifles/coil guns where ammunition to malfunction it would have to stop being magnetic.

This man is the hero we need in this thread. Plausibility not realism is what we seek.

Eliminate the 1/30 ratio and you have S.M. Sterlings "Emberverse" where the laws of thermodynamics have changed. No electricity, no steam engines, no gunpowder.
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