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Fate of Konor: Chaos won a planet!

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Thread replies: 157
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Took ya long enough spikey gitz!

>Victory for Chaos at Vanitor:

>Up next, the ocean world of Drenthal!

>This week's mission is 'Countdown to Destruction!'
>Mission pdf

Note to the lorefags about Vanitor: Looks like the outcome of Chaos winning Vanitor means they get more reinforcements, so it's not as OP as you guy were thinking.

Prev. Thread:
Will this stop the reddit chaos fags whining? Probably not, cause they still to even after winning.
>Looking at the narrative overview for this mission
>"Despite the valiant attempt to contain the invading forces... Imperial High Command has taken the desperate decision to overcharge the fusion core of Terebral Station Sigma. All loyalist forces must fight their way to freedom or perish amid the planet's destruction."

You lose ONE planet in system and Imperial High Command is already invoking the "Fuck this planet" option for Drenthal?

That's... a bit extreme, even by Imperium standards.
Dude, what?
So this is a turkey shoot mission.
So What do you get for "Winning" this mission?
For ether side?
Chaos gets to do what it always does: sow Chaos. That's literally the only purpose for that generic evil guy faction. Probably some extra command points or units on the next planet or whatever.

Imperium gets away with their lives and doesn't lose massive amounts of forces. Same deal as with chaos: probably will be getting extra command points or units.
The narrative blurb for the setup to Fate of Konor's Mission 5.

I guess I figured Rowboat's Imperium would be... a little less inclined to pull an Exterminatus-level option right off the bat until the very last moment. I mean, the summary of what's going on planetside for Drenthal says "should all appear lost" the Imperials will do this, but having the mission be Imperial forces essentially running away from an already activated doomsday option seems a bit weird to me.

Still, it's appropriately grimdark by 40k standards.

Imperium gets their forces off planet who get to fight another day, leaving Chaos with a planet that's in the process of tearing itself apart.

Chaos... prevents the Imperium forces on Drenthal from escaping, meaning there's less Imperials to deal with I guess?
It's a pilot training facility. If chaos wins, the pilots dont get offworld, and there's less birds in the air later
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Certainly fits with this week's 'painting group' being Fliers and such (least at my GW shop anyway).
Why did chaos win?

Are GW fudging the result to keep it exciting?
So xenos did nothing this week?
This mission and the last Started with w 75-30 Chaos lead so yes they are.
Got to keep it exciting some how but with Guard options to win t1 with deep strike and move orders that Chaos lead will be gone in a few hours.
>I guess I figured Rowboat's Imperium would be... a little less inclined to pull an Exterminatus-level option right off the bat until the very last moment.
Wasn't the pushed narrative "If Chaos gets this planet, the entire system will be corrupted eventually, grrrr"? If so, just blowing the piece of shit up before even the debris itself would have corrupting influence sounds like a Rowboat thing to do.
Stop being a moron. The destruction of the aerial forces on the planet would serve Chaos.
considering the massive amount of xenos help, it's pretty hilarious they're sweeping it under the rug when the imperium actually loses
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>astropathic relay station
>"hurrrrrrr what could chaos possibly do with a massive number of decently strong pyskers?"

Are people really this stupid? Chaos capturing an astropathic relay planet is about one of the worst things that could happen, there's a reason the imperials are nuking it and moving on.
They didn't nuke it. It's still there spewing daemons everywhere. It's called Vanitor.

Drenthal is the aerial training planet that the Imperials will blow up rather than let Chaos have it.
So despite flyers not counting for VPs... You can still disembark and move...

Is there sudden death in narrative play?
>Is there sudden death in narrative play?
Nope just checked. SD is for matched play

Welp gg all imperium wins
But why, though? Literally why are they nuking the planet?
Because GW has the narrative of a desperate struggle that they want to push, despite the results disrupting that plan. Even if Vanitor had been won by the Imperium, they would still be pushing this explanation.
Because it's better than leaving it to Chaos?
>the flight academies of the Imperial navy are contained upon colossal carriers, each as large as a small city and covered with landing strips, hangars and barracks. The rest of the world’s population exists upon floating metropolises known as seasteads
is this Girls und Panzer
They aren't nuking it. They will nuke it if they lose which as we see from the control meter, it seems will not happen.

Each planet opening narrative is unique and has nothing to do with the other planet's results. The results of the other factions only factored in the result of the week's planet.
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>Xenos helps chaos and abandons Imperium in week 4
>Chaos steamrolls by hilarious margins in-game because of one-sided week 4 mission
>Chaos only reliably loses to Tau in week 4, but tau don't give a fuck anymore, win still counts for kay-oss
>all chaos armies can into psykers, so they score double points
>with all of these advantages, chaos barely wins week 4
>only happened because GW had to beg xenos players to show up (pic related)

Oh yeah, there's absolutely nothing wrong with this campaign whatsoever.
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2 hours ago the Imperials were winning, suddenly this? What the fuck happened?
filthy xenos stealing our points
>Chaos only reliably loses to Tau in week 4
> should the war upon Drenthal seem lost, the station’s fusion bore-drill could be overcharged, piercing the planetary core and setting off a series of seismic eruptions that would tear the world apart. Although such scorched-earth tactics would seriously hamper the ongoing Imperial war effort, they would deny the forces of Chaos a significant conquest.

Imperial plot armor everyone.
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Those infinite reinforcements were only really really really good for shooty armies like Tau.
First few hours are always a shitshow.

Also xenos have literally nothing to do except fuck with the Imperium.
Is every global campaign a 2 sided affair, Chaos vs Imperium? Any GW events that had Xenos winning points for themselves instead of being point stealers? I got into 40k at the tail end of 7th Edition so I have never done a campaign before.
I'd guess because so few games have been counted so far, even a couple in a row for one faction will push it quite far?
Fall of Medusa V
Xenos players only make up about a quarter of the playerbase, which makes it difficult to make a campaign for them.

Granted, the EoT campaign had all of the various factions sorted into one of the two "sides" of the campaign, but that whole thing got shoved under the rug because reasons.
EoT and Medusa had xenos doing side things while the Imperium and Chaos ducked it out.

In EoT the Ork player were suppose to fight the Tau players and oppose their expansion. Instead they went after the Imperium creating the Green Krusade which conquered an Imperial planet and named it Moredakka or something like that. The Tau players had no one really fighting against them so by the end of the campaign they had like 120% control ending with the Tau Empire gaining significant planetary for their empire.
This is the first 40k one for a long long time. The previous one iirc chaos won but GW pretty much fudged things to retain the status quo. They'll almost certainly do the same thing again this time.
So this battle doesn't matter at all then.
None of it matters except for week 6, as retarded as that sounds.

Not to mention we already know the ending, thanks to Dark Imperium.

So yeah, none of these battles matter.
Unless the forces of Chaos heroically stop the reactor in time and save the people of the planet from certain death.
>Dark Imperium

No, we don't. That was Ultramar round 1. Nurgle recalled Mort and his forces for the Rift War. Mort nuked some world and left, retreating to the Scourge Stars.

Dark Imperium has Mort planning for round 2. The Konor campaign is the prelude for round 2 with the Death Guard striking out of the Scourge Stars to assault the vital Konor system before heading towards Macrrage.
>Curses! Foiled again! I'll get you next time Mortarion, and your little Nurgling too. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *Guilliman flees through a Webway Gate to go eat out his Eldar wife*
things tend to solidify by the end of sunday we'll know who's likely to win by then
When did Typhus become such a cheeky cunt?
>is this Girls und Panzer
most likely, remember the halo gun relic for the Imperium in the gathering storm?
This mission is dumb, I won as GK already because half the army deep striked and the other half was nothing but Interceptors.

I'll carry the entire Imperium on my back if I have to with this Strat.
Why does a lord of contagion cost more than typhus?
Because it helps sell models if there's no reason not to buy him.
>Also xenos have literally nothing to do except fuck with the Imperium.
You misspelled Chaos anon.
Why is everybody forgetting about armagedon? That was a campaign all about xenos
Armageddon isn't real, it's just West Ullanor
You have always paid a price for versatility, it's why space marines cost more than other infantry for comparatively less power.
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They finally got around to asking the Greenskins for help I see.

Zoggin' hell Geedubs, this 'xenos please help Chaos!' nonsense is just shameful.
>xenos are only a 1/4 of the playerbase.



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>Neglecting the fact that people own multiple armies, and most everybody usually has some space marines or at least Imperial Gaurd.
Yeah, this also neglects that Imperium Vs Imperium games can give points to Chaos.
>Yeah, this also neglects that Imperium Vs Imperium games can give points to Chaos.
That's not a thing mate. Stop trying to make it a thing.
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>Knows its bait
>Still replies
I think Xenos as a whole might be bigger than chaos now
>blatantly rigged in Imperiums favour
>mission favours Imperium
>every planet still manages to be a close call
>chaos manages to win a planet
Imperium players should honestly be embarrassed.
right but lumping nids, tau, and orks together is just ridiculous

The point wasn't whether Xenos should be a super faction, but that Xenos is a big group of players and not all niche
It has been 10,000 years. Plenty of time for character development, especially the development of cheekiness.
individually though.......
Imperium vs Imperium does give the imperium points though.
>Chaos won a planet.
So is the new ass torn in the fabric of reality as bad as predicted?
>Unless the forces of Chaos heroically stop the reactor in time and save the people of the planet from certain death.
Im imaging some Chaos forces just stoping to think and going.
"Wait a minute isnt this something we should be doing?"
>Imperium are actually the baddies
GW are wanking them to stack deliberate advantages in order for Chaos to win, yes, because if the sides were relatively even to start with the Imperium would completely flatten them.
What, did they take away the ability for xenos players to take points from Chaos?
>completely flatten
In every previous mission you had victory handed to you and you still had to work for it.
Hell you had the advantage last mission and you somehow lost.
You have chaos outnumbered and GW blatantly favouring you and you still can't do better than a Pyrrhic victory.
Imperiumfags should be ashamed.
Store owners do that. If you are an Imperium player they make you choose which of you are helping Chaos. Seriously, don't be retarded.
My store owner flips a coin before game starts and doesn't tell which player who they're fighting for to stop players throwing games.
He only does it for chaos vs chaos or imperium vs imperium.
Unironically not enough xenos players for it to have come up in a xenos vs xenos game yet.
Chaosfags should shut the fuck up with their constant whining. I hope GW just make a full Xenos campaing against the Imperium, just so we don't have to deal with your faggy crying again.
>implying any chaos player gives a shit about the campaign anymore
>let alone cares enough to whine
I'm not whining, I'm mocking you for having so much difficulty winning a rigged campaign.
I'm just using the discounts to buy models I want and enjoying the different missions until this farce is over and GW announces whatever result they already decided is going to happen before the campaign even started.
Its a shame of those chaos players that will ignore this and cry foul because the "game is rigged and the Imperium has moar numbuhs."
Game is rigged, I don't care anymore, I was annoyed at the start but now it's just so blatant and poorly hidden that it's just pathetic.
>>Complaints about not winning before.
>>Talks shit about Imperium players because they supposobly had an advantge.

Literally whining. Please stop playing the campaing and do everyone a favor. And I'm not an Imperium player, I play xenos.
Its okay to cry.
>ah bluh bluh your whining
>b-but you're complaining about not winning
wrong again fuckface.
If Imperium can't win by a landslide with the odds this heavily tilted in their favour they deserve to be derided.
>muh not even my faction bro
Your readiness to jump in at the defence of imperiumfags implies otherwise, how many points did you take away from chaos?
Enjoy your hollow victory
>doesn't care about campaign because of blatant rigging by GW
>must be crying
Like I said, I was salty at the start but over time it just got more and more pathetic.
The only thing this campaign has proven is that Imperiumfags are the most cancerous faction, as if we didn't already know that.
>Store owners do that. If you are an Imperium player they make you choose which of you are helping Chaos. Seriously, don't be retarded.
>Provides no proof from GW's website to back this up
And you're calling the other anon the retarded one.
Chaos is the most cancerous faction. Seriously, its a faction whose main character are literally children with abandonment issues. Its the faction where the players keep yelling "But Chaos will devour everything! We must win everything because Chaos is the main enemy!" Its the faction that complaints when the Imperium is supposbly more "noblebright" because they are beating them, even though the Imperium has other enemies.

Its the faction that rig with fucking proof the old Eye of Terror campaing to win.

Its the faction that cry foul everytime they get something new, like Magnus, or Mortarion, or the Death Guard.

Stop playing the campaing, let the Imperium win, and maybe stop playing the hobby too.
>Your readiness to jump in at the defence of imperiumfags implies otherwise, how many points did you take away from chaos?
>implying xenosfags aren't just taking away points from Chaos out of pure spite

It's not just chaosfags like Carnac that people loathe Chaos as a faction. You guys will cry 'rigged!' at the drop of a hat these days (although to be fair, not releasing all of the codices before the campaign started was a dick move on GW's part).
>>Accuses the game from being rigged.
>>Only has proofs from a made up vote table.
>>Can't check warhammer facebook pages.
>whose main character are literally children with abandonment issues.
Isn't that like ANY flavor of marine spiky or clean? Also you are like the most ass blasted winning faction ever boyo! I didint see a single tantrum like the the on you just posted until you lost ONE planet. Neck yourself you unbearable cock munching autistic Nancy boy.
-Yours truly Anon. xoxoxoxo
None of anything you said is remotely true.
Chaos is the main villain, this has been the case since Fantasy battles.
However that doesn't mean we're going to win in the end, anyone who thinks that is retarded.
Chaos is incapable of winning, it can't be destroyed, but it can't win either.
Chaos is the collective subconscious of every living being with a soul reflected by the lens that is the fabric of reality and amplified. Unless Necrons or Tyranids manage to complete their goals and destroy everything, Chaos will always exist, however Chaos cannot win because it literally relies on the other factions to exist. This is basic shit.
Girlyman has been making things noblebright, it was a shitty story decision to bring him back, but I see why they did it, they wanted to up the power scale and introduce new models.
I'm not going to stop playing because you're a fag and you need to get off the internet and go interact with real people for a moment.
>Codex: Space Marine week 1
>Codex: CSM releases to give us some buffs
>Codex: Grey Knights releases at the same time
>Codex: Deathguard isn't until campaign is over
I don't even play Deathguard, but this is blatant tilting in Imperiums favour.
Deathguard stuff was even released in Dark Imperium box, and then the CSM codex states Deathguard and Thousand Sons can't use the codex rules.
This is either blatant rigging for Imperium or pure incompetence and both are horrible options that GW can't afford to admit to.
But as I said, I honestly stopped giving a shit after week 3 results came in, they were too blatant. Now they're probably fudging the numbers the other way and Chaos will win the other 3 planets and the campaign will end in a dead tie because GW writers are hacks who have no idea how to build suspense or organise a campaign.
Someone drunk ranting much....

Sounds like a Imperium player looking in the mirror and complaining about what he sees.
Thats because you don't read. Last weeks it was only:
And much more crying. Seriously, you can go fuck yourself with that big dildo spike on your marines.

Also, Horus literally turned to Chaos because daddy went to terra. And Abaddon doesnt want to be like daddy.
Well, Chaos and the Imperium are both mirror matches. I hope you all go to hell.

Love - Xeno player.
Man, weak bait or are imperium players actually that brain dead? if they were to rig shit why wouldn't they give chaos a win or two to actually make it seems more exciting? seems like basic logic to me.

Also, the loyalist primarchs have been living at home for the past 10,000 years, get a job and move out you freeloading pricks.
You are o TG dude. Do you really expect anyone here actually interact with people? And, no Chaos is not the main enemy, its one of the enemies. Its one of the reasons Xenos players dislike you guys is because you keep saying shit like this man.
Are Chaos players this retarded, or its this just bait? They literally have counter on their site. But hey, maybe you can also say that is rigged.
Salty Xeno Imperial supporter. Kk King of the Salt throne.

>Space Muhrines have primaris, more options, and a full codex.
>Chaos has a half complete codex with a third of new units coming out in codexes over the next 4 months

Go fuck yourself anon.
>classic fantasy battles had almost all factions hating chaos
>chaos is held out of reality by ancient toad magic
I said originally main bad guys, these days we're only one of the main big bads of course.
Nids and Crons are both trying to actually end all life, Orks want to war with everything.
Personally I think Imperium should just fall to Chaos so we can do Chaos vs Xenos, Xenos actually have decent warp resistance and the three I listed have shown to be able to fuck over daemon worlds.
I feel like it'd be more interesting if humanity was using chaos to fight off xenos threats.
Dude, that was literally the easiest bait.
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... Is rigging a counter impossible somehow?
Well, that is what slanesshmas is for though.
Ask yourself that Chaosfag. Maybe GW will rig a few for you so you can stop whining.
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I just think Chaos and humanity should work together.
CSM as a faction show it's entirely possible.
Possessed as a unit show humans and daemons can work together to the point of sharing a body.
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Chaos and the Imperium working together against the Xenos is very Beast Arises and that could be a cool campaing.
Chaos flat out stated at some points that they don't want the universe destroyed.
Necrons want to kill all life, Chaos doesn't want all life to die because Chaos quite definitely needs life to survive.
Even Nurgle, the chaos god of decay also represents the rebirth that comes from decay.
I'd be pretty happy if a campaign had one of the xenos races showing up in enough force to a place that chaos and imperium were fighting over and both space marines and chaos space marines stopped fighting each other just long enough to bond over their mutual hatred of xenos.
Imperium should just abandon the corpse god and side with chaos, Imperium needs a warp lighthouse powered by the corpse of their emperor, chaos just needs to make deals with daemons to get through, and daemons are pretty easy to please, sacrifice some eldar to Slaanesh, present some nid skulls to Khorne, etc.
You make a good point, but becoming the plaything of overfed space parasites really doesnt sound like my idea of fun so I'll respectfully pass.
they already got free dreadnought weapons on their shitty 50 wound daemon princes and their "ignores invulnerables" psyker shit. glad for more space marine releases
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In no universe would I support Chaos over the Imperium.

The Imperium might be a bunch of primitive superstitious fuckheads, but they are at least reasonable sometimes. Especially with Guilliman in charge.

Chaos can get fucked.
that is a pretty bitchin helm
>The Imperium might be a bunch of primitive superstitious fuckheads, but they are at least reasonable sometimes. Especially with Guilliman in charge.
That seems to be the general vibe from most xenosfags honestly.
Daily reminder that the Tau consider the Imperium to be the greatest threat to their race and empire. In the hundreds of years of the Tau expansion, no faction inflicted as much horror and bloodshed on the Tau like the Imperium. The Tau have little contact with Chaos but a long history with the Imperium. The Tau saying "Remember Damocles" is not new. It means remember when the Imperium genecoide dozens of Tau worlds and ravaged Dal'yth Prime. Remember when the Imperium brought flame to Mu'gulath Bay and the whole gulf. And the Imperium is not stopping. The Damocles Warzone still rages with the Imperium continuously opposing the Tau.

The Tau are burning for revenge against the Imperium. If you don't take this a chance to bring pain to the Imperium, you are the cuck here.

You are not supporting Chaos, you are doing a punitive action against an overtly hostile force that when stabilised will pose a great threat to the Tau.

Yup. People forget that Chaos renegades are just as xenophobic as the Imperium. At leas the Imperium just wants to kill you, Chaos wants to rape you first. And then afterwards.
Mechanically speaking, this campaign has only two sides. You are supporting the Imperium or you are supporting Chaos.

It's part of why this campaign is real fuckin' pointless to half the playerbase.
But the result pages mention xenos....
>genecoide dozens of Tau worlds
Really? Wouldn't that be like a third of their empire? I mean, I know the writers love handing the Tau (and Marines, actually) a whole bunch of troops out of nowhere like that 100 billions-strong fleet that would be pretty much all the Fire Caste ever, but they threw out two expansion spheres pretty damn fast for a faction that had just been savaged that badly.
>suffers extremely pyrrhic victories caused by their own colonialism and rapid expansion
>blames defenders

Fuck Tau
The first Damocles Crusade threw the Tau back across the gulf and smashed into a core sept world.

The Tau's only crime is wanting to spread peace and enlightenment to the suffering populations of the galaxy.
Yeah yeah because just like commies, the Tau's utopia is just one more warcrime away.
To be fair, they're nicer than the Imperium, so you can't really bitch on that front because everyone else is worse. Not that that would be hard.

Still, the Admech is probably about to beat the shit out of them on Cyraxis, which will be satisfying. I just kinda wish we could see the Tau fracture a bit, since they must be running short on resources under this level of pressure even if the Necrons and Chaos are magically ignoring them. Put them on the defensive for a bit, show their scientists running out of theories to apply and time to research more, have some food riots in previously comfy cities when the Ethereals have to leave for whatever reason. Currently they just seem to laugh off everything, whereas the writers go into loving detail about how the Imperium took every kind of heavy loss imaginable for daring to touch them.
Actually, with the Great Rift blowing away the firestorm, the Tau reestablished contact with their cut off Third Sphere Septs which are noted to be incredibly resource rich.
Aaand this is what I'm talking about. One problem solved by having the previous one randomly vanish, since they made a rather big deal about the daemon-possessed firestorm surroun their empire and then it pops out of existence and they just pick their mining tools back up where they left off? Despite losing an entire expansion fleet to the Warp they're still flush with money?
NPC gonna NPC. Dont worry about it mate.
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>Actually, with the Great Rift blowing away the firestorm, the Tau reestablished contact with their cut off Third Sphere Septs which are noted to be incredibly resource rich.

They have robots, you don't. Of course their economy shits all over yours. Their miners are slighty tubby Earth caste techs who sit with their hooves up on a desk all day long looking at a terminal in case a drone mining unit develops a fault, while sneakily playing games. Yours are labourers who toil under the lash, or poor bastards with crude lobotomies and machine arms bolted on.

Of course their economy can bounce back in a hundred years, while yours scapes through the mud and bleeds and toils.
>Imperium should just abandon the corpse god and side with chaos
You were going well, and then you started throwing out traps.
And those mining drones are better at their jobs than a bunch of mining Servitors how? "Because Robots" doesn't really help given Tau don't have full intelligent robots yet, and Admech mines are pretty much the exact same with more incense burners.
Actually, the Phil Kelly novels show that Tau drones are smart, efficient, and capable of having a complete conversation with the Tau.

They also exhibit some strange actions that seem "human" like.
Yeah because thats not going to bite the Tau on the ass. Its really beautiful watching the blueberries making the same mistakes everyone else made millennia ago
Bone breaks, flesh tears, it becomes infected and needs tending, the servitor ages and dies, it takes far longer to replace and from time to time it goes rogue and tries to kill you, and oh yes..

He also requires 2,500 calories a day or more.

Of course, the servitor isn't the workforce. We have plentiful evidence of imperial miners living and working in slave-like conditions, and oh yes, there's even an army for rebel miners in TT (Genestealer cultist default models are miners who've joined the cult) and in Necromunda (Pit Slaves are both pit fighters and miners depending on tools).

Yeah, vastly less efficient.
And it took the humans twenty five thousand years for the assbiting to happen, during most of which the robot-using humans would have dominated the Imperium like a New York dominatrix working over a john's ballsack.

So sure, the Tau will fall in twenty thousand years, after reaching a pinnacle of power that makes the Imperium look like Immortan Joe?

The higher the climb the harder the fall. The Eldar taught the galaxy that.
>it takes far longer to replace
Really? They stamp them out by the million every week, even the Kataphrons with their expensive grav-weapons are expended like bullets and replaced handily. They're somewhat less individually efficient, but Tau 'bots still need fuel and maintenance, and they literally feed the servitors on liquefied dead guy to reduce those problems. Imperial economy seems to be ticking along just fine, and the Tau also has rebels in their red suits and a distinct genestealer problem.


Judging by Gaunt's Ghosts, it's easily possible for the Men of Iron to get corrupted by Chaos. Given there seems to be a fair bit more Chaos around now and the tail end of the Great Rift is right next to the Tau Empire, I'd be surprised if Tzeench or someone doesn't decide to mess with the Tau AIs.
> The higher the climb the harder the fall. The Eldar taught the galaxy that.

Who cares? The galaxy is doomed anyway, they may as well have automation and robot buddies on the way down.

> Imperial economy seems to be ticking along just fine.

The conversation was started about why GW doesn't address economic damage from something that affected the Tau some time ago; they don't need to.
Chaos is winning overall but is lagging behind in the only region that matters which is the reactor region. If chaos wins but the imperium has the reactor they gonna blow up the world.
>Imperium successfully defeat Chaos on 3 worlds.
>Grey Knights show up for the 4th.
>Imperium loses.

Why do we need them again?
>GW expected ANYONE to support literal mega-satan over the Imperium

lesser of 2 evils
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To kill humans that honorobly fought alongside them. Oh, and so Draigo has a backstory.
GW hasn't paid any attention to winning individual regions so far, it's all or nothing.
So have xenos players gone full retard? Seems like most of the xenos wins I see in the ticker are taking points from the Imperium.
That's why Imperialfags get for shittalking for three weeks straight.
>Necrons want to kill all life, Chaos doesn't want all life to die because Chaos quite definitely needs life to survive.
too bad they retconned this and chaos doesn't need mortals to exist since it's timeless or some shit
And Chaos, being in control, will get their valuable forces offworld anyway. Imperium has to try and preserve their own (and do whatever damage they can to Chaos' good stuff before it fucks off).
>So have xenos players gone full retard? Seems like most of the xenos wins I see in the ticker are taking points from the Imperium.
I honestly think that ticker might be on a loop or something, because I keep seeing the same fucking stores pop up on it whenever I look.
>To kill humans that honorobly fought alongside them
I wonder if they still do that
pretty sure they're mentioned in Dark Imperium at least once, and I'm sure Girlyman can see that it's pretty retarded even for the modern Imperium
You could just read the new G codex. They still kill people but not all the time. Those who fight valiantly beside them and earned their credit get to be turned into mindwiped servitors
Xenos are far too fractured in factions to make it matter.
An Xenos only campaign would be pretty cool though. Instead of two factions have orks, necrons, tau, tyranids, all in one big clusterfuck.
>Xenos are far too fractured in factions to make it matter.
>All four Imperium factions: Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, and Skitarii get into fights over stupid shit on a semi regular basis, and when not under the influence of Abby's Mary Sue powers, Chaos will just as eagerly shoot each other as the they will the enemy.
>Meanwhile, Orkz will easily unite as long as someone proves himself Da Biggest an' Da Strongest, All CraftWorld Eldar and Harlequins are united in not getting raped for eternity by Slaanesh, Tyranids are a literal Hivemind, and The Tau only have the Farsight Enclaves division, who they agree with on everything except for Ethereals and the Caste System.
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>Grey Knights get new codex in week 4, making them even more OPHAX! than they were at the start of 8e.
>Imperium still managed to lose Vanitor
On the one hand, it could be Xenos just went full 'fuck the Imperium' last week and the Grey Knights just weren't pulling their weight or some combination of the two.

I mean, last week my store held a psyker duel free-for-all and one guy showed up with a Grey Knight Grandmaster inside a custom dreadknight and pretty much won by psyker-nuking half the players who were in a brawl in the center of the field and picking the rest of us off (I would've taken out that bastard's last six wounds if he didn't deny the witch on my 1st Smite attempt.)

Feels like the Imperialfags just got too complacent and (just the Imperium did like in the Beast Arises series), got its shit kicked in hard for not keeping up the pressure.


and now it looks like chaos has a lead in all regions, though it might swing back and forth like last night,

the momentum and xenos seem to be against the imperium though
>the momentum and xenos seem to be against the imperium though
>and xenos
xenosfag here. I'd say it's more a 33% anti-Chaos, 33% anti-Imperium, 33% fuck 'em both.

I'm also curious how much of that lead is due to Chaos finishing painting their models and submitting them to the stores to get the extra points.
I'm for fucking them both, this game need variety beyond Spacemarines of different sizes, shapes and colors.

I stand by they missed an opportunity to consolidate the factions with 8th Imperium should only have SM, AM and IG. Chaos should only have mortals and daemons. Instead they are making even more codexes for useless shit that could have a page of extra rules in the back of a book.
>I stand by they missed an opportunity to consolidate the factions with 8th Imperium should only have SM, AM and IG. Chaos should only have mortals and daemons. Instead they are making even more codexes for useless shit that could have a page of extra rules in the back of a book.
While I agree that this 'give every major SM chapter their own codex' route GW's heading down is VERY irritating(having DAngles, SpaceFurries, Black Templars, and Ultramarines getting their own codices was bad enough(and that's just me going from memory of what was happening back in late 5e), now it looks like CSM is getting the same damn treatment. Give it a rest GW!) one of the reasons 40k has been able to last for so long is they've had such a diverse range of factions (and factions within factions in SM/CSM's case) for new players to choose from.

Going by what GW's said, EVERY sub-faction will receive a codex in the next couple years. They've already got the SM & CSM basic codices out, and the Imperium's resident special snowflake SM chapter, the Grey Knights, just received theirs. Death Guard drops in a week or two, and AdMech (zog knows why they got to cut ahead of the rest of us) is getting one soon as well.

The diversity of playable factions is a big part of 40k's strength, and why it's likely to outlast both X-Wing and this new SW Legion game that's coming out soon.
Looks like the Yanks have managed to put there region back in Imperium turf again, but the Chaosfags over in the UK are slaughtering the Imperium boys. It's the most lopsided fight at the moment that I've seen... well, all campaign to be honest.

EU's fighting hard, and it looks like the Xenos are turning against Chaos over tsee here.

The next couple days are going to be interesting.
wasnt uk one of the regions that was touch and go on Vanitor?
iirc yeah, it was flickering back and forth, whereas the US faltered at the end and went to Chaos.
I still find the EU region kinda funny, it was solidly ~60% Imperium controlled week 3 and then suddenly week 4 the Imperial players there just utterly shit the bed.
But there is no versatility.
Both the LOC and Typhus are locked into their weapon choices, Typhus however doesn't need to buy his. Typhus is cheaper, has a stronger weapon, can buff your poxwalkers, pumps out mortal wounds, and is a psyker.

The discrepancy is insane, it'd be like making Scions cheaper than conscripts.
It's almost like the
>Xenos shilling
>new Codex
>power of chaff
>blatantly biased missions
Could make a difference

Who cares, though. GW already decided who won and I've been having a blast blowing through chaos and charging to victory this mission. Brimstones, tzaangors, and poxwalkers don't mean shit
Maybe this will make GW realize that Pandering to only one faction, specifically a subset of one faction, results in a hilariously unbalanced community where eventsike this require tons of fixing to make work.
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