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/newc/ Ne(w)cromunda General

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like SW:A but with actual character.
This sounds like a bad idea.
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genuinely curious why you think so?

I'm looking forward to playing it... although I probably won't use GW models
Is everyone ready for the game to include the exact same rules irregularities and ambiguities that both previous releases of necromunda and SW:A which have at this point been FAQed 3 times to be published and FAQed again in this version of the game?
What makes it any different than Dark Heresy 2.0 but with expensive miniatures and setpieces?
They need to just reboot Mordheim, though this is a step in the right direction. Hopefully we get half decent Arbites minis.
You're an idiot.
The fact that Dark Heresy is a RPG and Necromunda is a skirmish level miniatures wargame. They're two totally different, entirely unrelated things.
Necromunda isn't really an RPG. You play competitively over multiple sessions with a metagame/economy component between rounds

Agreed with Arbites. Mordheim already got a video game tho, cmon ;)
Honestly, a mix of SW and the Community Necromunda would be fanfuckingtastic.
>like SW:A but with actual character.

You can be Necrons in SW:A.

Armageddon: 1
Necromunda: 0
Stop shitposting and post all the pics
There's a game called 40k you might be interested in
>implying you can ever play Necrons in too many games

Silly fleshie
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DH is an RPG based on the ground-level inquisition plots.

NM is a skirmish wargame based on hive gangers scragging each other over turf and bullets. Entirely unrelated, except so far as they both take place in 40k, and a shotgun is a pretty reasonable weapon (while bolters are rare and scary)

I'm leery of 8e rules supposedly being the basis for Nucromunda, because it likely means a huge difference from 2e basis. I would've been far more comfortable with the Blod Bowl approach, aka 'just update and polish' bc the community's been doing that job for years.

But hey, it could be great. And good new models is never a bad thing for any system.
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Very unlikely to be like SW, or Necromunda with 2nd ed rule. It was stated to be using 8th rule with some tweak.

Game had been worked on for a long time so SW:A success have 0 influence on it.

You can ignore the new rule and play with old rule if you don't like it anyway.
Worried about the scale of the new models. Don't want them to seem like giants standing in my old Necromunda scenery
>What makes it any different than Dark Heresy 2.0 but with expensive miniatures and setpieces?
I don't want them to seem like giants standing with my old eschers, to begin with.
Most of the bad 40k mechanics that existed for the past several iterations of the game, like the way AP worked and universal movement values are no longer present in 8th edition, so I think for the most part it is likely to be fine.

My only concern is close combat, the 8E system is not really personal enough. Close combat in necromunda has always been janky as fuck though, so we'll see what happens.
Given that most people love the mechanics of 8th, this sounds like a good thing.

The only thing you really see people complain about is simplicity (which you probably don't mind if you're playing a skirmish game), and vehicle wounds/lack of armor angles (not relevant to Newcromunda
I have zero interest in Newcromunda because I don't like the gang aesthetic
But if it means gorkamorka might get a reprint and support, I'm all in
Also at least SW:A lets you take your full scale army models and still use them on the smaller skirmish level, and vice versa
New HOR Killteam is also out. Havent played it yet though.
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they should be fine in old necromunda scenery, unless you were making shit hyper dense

They will definitely seem like giants compared to existing juves, though. Lord Helmawr must be tampering with the food in necromunda.

I've been trying to scale down 40k to Kill Team levels, and it more or less seems to scale down well.

You'd have to work out units and morale, as those seem to be the main problems you encounter at those low points levels.

Besides that, it seems like a relatively smooth transition down to the 150 point level I'm aiming for with my homebrew, allowing only an elite selection from small Infantry and Characters. And the price increase of vehicles means I don't even have to set any prohibitions on them since they either price-out, aren't strong enough to hold their own without support, or are weak enough to function well alongside and against infantry.

I'd like to see how they solve those in Necromunda, as I'd love to steal them for my own homebrew.
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When does my main man Klovis come back?
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Probably in later releases. Redemptionists were always weird specialists.

On the plus side, it's quite possible that people won't have to convert Adeptus Arbites models anymore in the near future.
On the one hand I'm happy, on the other hand they just made Shadow War Armageddon. Unless they make both games directly compatible with each other, spiting the already thin specialist games market is a BAD idea.

IF they ARE going to make both games compatible, why not just release a cheaper book that includes "underhive kill team" lists and "underhive campaign" rules?
If you want to know how to adapt 8th edition to skirmish level look at AoS Skirmish.

I'll take a look. Been using Hinterlands as my main inspiration.
SW:A is literally trash. I expect this new necromunda to take all the fun stuff and make it kinda shit or just take half of the fun stuff and lock the other half behind "expansions" like the bloodbowl abortion.
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Why didn't they just do a re-release with Chaos and Genestealer Cultists? That's all they needed to and we would have gone ape-shit.
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>Plastic Necromunda minis
I never thought I would see the day.

Do you think there's any hope for Battlefleet Gothic?

Anon, Epic is coming back in the form of Forge World's Titanicus. You can bet your sweet ass Battlefleet Gothic is coming back.
considering they literally said they were doing BFG years ago, yeah
Oh, ok. I haven't touched anything 40k in like a decade but I dip in and out.
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Making the two games compatible would have been an insanely good idea and an insanely great way to bring countless people into 40K at a reasonable price point.

Hell you could have even built the SWA campaigns to escalate into full scale army battles. But no they decided to split the community and rape us for one last dollar. they are not getting it from me and I'm not recommending it to anyone I play with. NEC and ORB have worked just fine for 20 years. I'm just not buying into 8th. I'm taking my mid 30's surplus income and going with other gaming companies. I love my old figs but I let them rust before I invest in this treacherous company.
They'd probably try to make it compete with xwing.
Here's the rub. Newfags who never played necromunda and somehow think SW:A is good will eat this up. They'll probably have to add space marines or something though to really make sure the timmy's invest so I expect some stupid shit.

Oldfags may buy the models, but the rules will probably suck like most GW games. So they'll probably just play older editions.
It would be awesome if you could just use the whole god damn codex for all the factions in SWA. Christ, they could even make a stupid skill tree to delay you getting access to elite troops. But it just doesn't seem like GW has that kind of writing capacity anymore. Remember GW isn't a game company, they are a toy company.
Isn't that what they were trying to do with their Dark Eldar game? I hope that BFG stays like it was instead of them changing the rules for pandering purposes.
In the end, regardless of whether you like the new ruleset, having more model choices will be nice. I am looking forward to some nice Van Saars, but you are probably going to be right about the new ruleset sucking.
GW pander? Never!...
That's not EPIC though, it's just Titans.
No troops, no tanks, no planes, just Titans of various sizes.

If we're getting BFG it's gonna be Horus Heresy only, single expensive boxed set and maybe a few small expansions, almost certainly just Chaos and Imperials.
I mean I'd be pumped for some new Delaques myself but I'm always skeptical with GW.
If they ever get that far bro, they might just abort the whole thing after people find out the game sucks.
I'm actually pretty excited for this, I never played Necromunda but I was around for its release and I did get a lot of Mordheim campaigning done back in the day. Hoping when it comes out the local GW will start up a campaign I can get in on.

Really like the new models too, the Goliath look great and I can't wait to see the kit. I think they'll make good Chaos Cultists, too.
>they might just abort the whole thing
if we're going on blood bowl's precedent, we'll likely get four plastic gangs in relatively short order

Where they go beyond that is questionable, and likely depends on what sales look like.
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I actually love 8th. Been playing since 3rd, and each edition after that turned me off more and more. The introduction of unbound, the creation of formations, and the death of the FoC was the end of it for me. 8th is a step in the right direction: I.E. AWAY from formations-editions, but still quite imperfect.

I was actually talking about Necromunda beinc compatable with SWA. Necromunda rules are actually VERY similar to pre-3e 40k rules.
So what's the opinion on this piece of art, think she's a ratskin? I've not heard anything about outlanders yet but she doesn't look like part of any of the standard gangs.
SWAG should stay as far the fuck away from Necro as possible; I don't need hordes of autistic 40kids screaming to play space marines in the underhive.
Someone seems mad.
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So have we all accepted the reality that GW is trying to make all its past models obsolete with scale creep? Will it eventually have the gaul to discontinue bolters in order to sell new figs. Have we accepted the reality that it will betray all our investments for short term profit. Should we simply rebel in every meaningful way possible with our gaming dollar.

Long Live the Old Word, Long Live Sisters and Squats, Long Live Necromunda Community Edition.
Necromunda always had a vague frontier look to its underhive; cowboy hats, rat leather, blindsnake pouches etc.

Could very well just be a generic underhiver.
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I don't think so, X-Wing is all about starfighter dogfighting and such. If anything they'd have to compete with Armada as it's both thematically and mechanically similar. Although using templates for movement is super nice and I wince at the thought of pickup up a tape-measure again. BFG already had the right feeling of huge spaceships duking it out age of sail style, if they just re-released it effectively as-is, maybe tone down bombers a bit, it'd be good. They just need to support it after the fact.

So /tg/, how would you re-launch BFG? What would you change, what would you keep the same?
Why are you upset a gang member is black? I thought you people assumed they were all in gangs anyway since the tv said so.
32mm is hip these days. They have to put their models where the money is.
>Lord Helmawr must be tampering with the food in necromunda.
Lord Helmawr's dead. Jaq Draco's the Planetary Governor of Necromunda now.
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Here's hoping they release it with Cardboard terrain or something instead of the AWFUL Shadow War stuff.
t. guardfag
That's true, it's the musket on her back that's throwing me off.
>Forgot to remove tag.

It's probably just a various form of lasgun. A lot of Tanith guard and such are pictured as having more Frontier-like guns.
>We're bringing back necromunda
>With new, modified, beer and pretzles rules for casuals!
>With presumably no cross compatability with Shadow War Armageddon as a result to force people to buy new kits!
>With poorly proportioned 7 foot tall house escher models!
>And we'll be simultaniously invalidating the fancontent, and our own content, in order to bring this simplification about!
>Also, what's a template?
>What do you mean flamers doing d6 hits will result in them being starkly overpowered?
>What do you mean our shitty CAD buildings are too expensive for necromunda?
>What's wrong with using an understaffed, overworked team that's had to put their major money maker on literal hold in order to keep up and has just had a project lead die?

I don't want this.
All they had to do in order to please me was just Made To Order reruns of metal minis and a black and white pdf/paperback reprint.
The scale creep is just too damn irritating. If anything the existing human minis were already oversized.
>The hyper-aggressive, violent, thuggish ganger is a black
What do you people want
>I don't want this.
All they had to do in order to please me was just Made To Order reruns of metal minis and a black and white pdf/paperback reprint.

For reals.
I actually like the larger models. It allows them to put more details in.

I get where people of the opposing opinion are coming from, but the models have been out of scale for like 20 years.
what? really? where'd that happen?

>betray all our investments
miniature gaming isn't fucking stock trading, and expecting an update to twenty year old figures to follow in lockstep is completely delusional

Jes Goodwin still being alive and present to oversee the design of a new edition of necromunda miniatures is a god damn blessing.
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People are acting like this will kill Necromunda. Absolutely nothing is stopping them from going back to the old edition if they don't like it.

They could also run the new rules with old models if they wanted.

They could also run the new mods with the old game if they wanted.

It's literally a ton of bitching over nothing. Plus we barely know about about it yet.
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Its super irritating. It's a downright slap in the face. People have been working really hard to keep this game alive for 16 years and they just shit all over them.

It's like they couldn't take an extra step to be creative by making a better game. No, they had to be creative in fucking people over and invalidating their investments. Fuck, they could have made four more gang houses and half a dozen extra outlaw gangs. Hell they could have even invited Ork Freebooters and Eldar Scouts along for the ride. Or bare minimum, Chaos and Genestealer cults. But no, let's be assholes and change the scale so people's old figs will look awful on the table and they will buy new figs of the same gangs.

Being a gamer used to be something special and counterculture. Game companies were your co-conspirators and mentors. Now you're just another consumer whore waiting to get fucked in the ass.
You may be better off just getting third party totally not Necromunda models and playing that with friends (I got some really neat Van Saars from Heresy Miniatures a couple years back). Or just play Infinity like all the ex Necromunda guys near me did. Either way you don't need to buy into GW's new shenanigans. I guess they felt like big figures would sell more, and of course didn't have the old range looking good next to the new one in mind.
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>Make new models, bigger to have more detail and easier to paint.

>F-F-F-Fucking GW betrayed us, my old outdated model have feeling too, fielding them alongside new one make them feel insecure about themselves! (even those short model have clear cover/LOS advantage over taller one)
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The new Eschers are practically going to be the size of Terminators.

This shit is ridiculous, moreso because it's CAD and they could just shrink the damn thing as needed.
I'm hoping this is just some terrible angles or thick scenic bases or something, bc necro dudes were for the most part properly tiny. My Escher juves are appropriately REALLY tiny.
>It's literally a ton of bitching over nothing
should really be a /tg/ banner

For what its worth I'm excited and think the models look nice.
Nice terrain. (pic)

Don't be such a fucking shill. GW has the power to make a product worth buying, it has the player base to buy it, and it has the community to expand it to thousands of new people.

This freedom of choice argument isn't the point. People have made an investment and they want GW to support that investment with opportunities to grow their collection and their community. Saying you can play the old rules doesn't make a fluent community. Communities need well developed content and products.
>spend years as queen bitch of the underhive
>but the new gangers are getting bigger and stronger
>they mock your small stature and underdeveloped figure
>even the juves tower confidently over you now
I didn't realize how tall she was until you pointed it out with that picture. At they rate they are going the 40K range will be in scale with 32mm ranges in a couple of years. Hopefully they keep the base sizes the same for normal humans at least.
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I'm surprised no one at Warhammer World (or wherever they have the models on display) have taken a picture of the models they have out with something for scale nearby.
They're a bit oversized, but not too bad. Holding up my old Eschers in front of the screen and adjusting distance til the bases overlap exactly, it looks like the new ones are only taller by half a head or so.
Dude, a 25mm base goes up to a human sized model's NECK.

If that is a 30mm base, that makes it even worse.

They're in display cases. Or at least on display. Hard to just kind of waltz up and start plopping space marines all around them.

It's the equivalent of someone touching your models during a game plus all "don't lean on the glass" plus "don't touch the art" rolled into one. And I think the kind of nerd that gets out into a public venue like that might have enough self-consciousness to keep their hands to themselves.

Looks like how a virgin imagines a woman. These mutant proportions..

Obviously it's a 60mm base, and we're getting a 54mm Inquisitor-type Necromunda game.

The girls are on 25s.

The goliaths are on 30's.

Everyone is going apeshit because they thing the girls are on 30mms.
no, they're 40mms and escher is being refluffed as a gang made up of female ogryn
No, even for 25's they're way too fucking tall. Just like sisters of silence, and celestine.
Holding a model relatively near the glass and taking a picture isn't hard.

Not sure where you got "OMG TOUCH IT IN ITS MOST PRIVATE PARTS" from.

Actually they're all on 30mm, but they're scaled to 8mm for Titanicus so you can pit your Titans against giant mutants and have an "Attack of the 50ft Woman" matches.
>way too tall
not really

They're wearing heels, like greyfax. It's skewing their proportions (and making them seem real tall) since they're otherwise the same height as the dudes.

Naturally, the Goliaths would be wearing high heels as well so it's fair.
Do tou want GW to apologize for all your old models looking bad?

You don't HAVE to buy the new ones you know.
Begone potatoe faced demon

Scavvy with a leg Mutation

Funny weapon. Shitty Mohawk. Facemask goes against the design.

Like it. Again the face is pretty ~mediocre~. Hint hint.

All in all not too overwhelming. I am sure there will be one vor two good minis and bitz to come though.
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>they're making necromunda again
filename very related
The goliaths also sacrificed their necks to the god of gains.

They said it's multipart kits, so they're bound to be ripe for the conversion and kitbashing.
Isn't that how it started before too?

If it sells good, who knows more kinds of units both small and large.

I personally am hoping the imperial guard can finally play around with their macroscale artillery and their mega huge land battleships like the capitol imperialis, leviathans, and who knows what else.

A neck is a small but worthy sacrifice for the boon of the gains.
Hell is canonically cold though

Isn't that only the lowest level?
I really hate the FW painters.
Apologize to savageorkgirl.
Unfortunately now all the escher gangers bully them for being too short.
Dante is fanfiction, not canon

To have gains and be a manlet, or to never have gains at all.

Such is the eternal conflict and sacrifice for the Goliath, to hold within one's grasp both a great boon and a great curse in equal measure, and to wonder if it was all truly worth it.
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You bet I do. On the other hand 'eavy Metal will always have a place in my heart.
Meant for
>Its super irritating. It's a downright slap in the face. People have been working really hard to keep this game alive for 16 years and they just shit all over them.
This is one of the saddest things I've seen here in a while.

You can keep playing with your tiny miniatures if you want, GW isn't obligated to hold off on making new models and editions for old games on account of your personal entitlement.

But please, post some of your old models so we can compare them to the new ones as they come out, we'll see which looks better
Now do that with the old Escher models to compare them to the new ones.
>Make new models, bigger to have more detail and easier to paint.

I have an even better idea: We make them action figure sized and pre painted for you. Also rules are restricting. Scrap them and just bash the miniatures against each other using your imagination or something.
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I don't get why everyone is freaking out over scale. If my old metals are small, that's fine. Just say they're survivors from a small gang that got wiped out (not even an exaggeration of what happened to them when I originally played back in the day). As long as the new plastics are well thought out and have tons of bits so I can make the new gangers really unique, I'll be happy. Getting new gangers is one of the biggest things holding people back from just playing the game, now that we have tons of people making terrain and shit. Even if the new Necromunda rules are somehow complete trash, it'll just get people playing with the old rules. The situation is win-win.
Is it just me? Or does anyone else think that the new models look worse than the old ones?

Maybe it's because the paint job for the new ones are just less vibrant the the old ones?
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How noble. Chunk hardpecs truly bears a heavier burden than all of us.

Escher are going to be done first,
though. Swordbitches and cawdor were my two loves.
Hard to beat classic jes goodwin pewter, but the paintjob is making it tough to judge the models.
I honestly think that the designs are fine. The scaling is dumb, but nothing else about them is really an issue.
Yeah, I thought so too. I'm hoping it's just the piss poor paint job. Will reserve judgement until the multi kits are shown.

In my Necromunda games sometimes I throw in some 40k guest stars. It's going to suck if the new models are towering over orks and genestealers. Plus I have all the original card terrain (and 40k card terrain). I don't want the terrain outscaled too.
You're too good for this place anon
>leg Mutation
she's just wearing platform heels.
It's awesome you still have the old terrain, but they'd have to be REALLY BIG to cause problems with that.

I do like a few small "guest stars", but for me that only really means genestealer cults, and I got the feeling they'll be at most about that height, with Escher hair and heels at most pushing them a bit taller.

Goliaths being about as big as an Aberrant would be pretty cool though.
goliaths will probably end up being a little taller than aberrants, simply because they have better posture
I think the designs are good, better than the originals, and I'm keen to see the full kits. The paint jobs are bad though, and a paintjob makes a huge difference, especially for faces.
>So /tg/, how would you re-launch BFG? What would you change, what would you keep the same?
For the most part I'd keep the rules much the same, though I do think xwing/armadas planned simultaneous movement is really nice for space battles and I could get behind something similar for BFG.
fuck that, re-release Aeronautica Imperialis FW

fucking do it
>plastic greatcoats
Inq28 players must be losing their minds right now
Nothing against your enthusiasm but that's a retarded fluff explanation. I hope there will be some nice bitz or miniatures for which scale isnt as important, such as scavvy or goliath.
Maybe they come up with some goal/ end game rules as well.

All in all a wasted opportunity, but by default not a loss for my enjoyment of the original game.
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That's very true, aberrants aren't actually as big as I thought they were when I actually compare them. Figured since scale is a topic, I'd get my surviving Escher in a line up with a few guys I have lying around. Except for the Space Shark, everyone has the same thin, textured plasticard added to their base, so nearly everyone is on even footing. Escher are sorta tall, in part due to heels and hair.
>what? really? where'd that happen?
One of the novels. It's got him getting married to a girl with very little clothing on the cover; apparently she was one of his recurring nemeses.
The new models are pretty awful sculpts. But I'll play with my old collection happily.

I bet there will be some new cool models that we havent seenh I can use in my genestealer cult army.
Yeah, and honestly I don't mind it. Means the miners/mutants are a bit more scraggly and craven than the "proper" gangers, who are likely hopped up on all kinds of illegal drugs.
>GW suck! Bring back specialist games!
>GW announces Necromunda reboot, updates 20 year old metal sculpts into plastics that stand slightly taller (the horror)

It's like you people enjoy being angry
>We’re launching Necromunda with two classics.

How long do you reckon before we get others?
Neither of these two gangs really blow wind up my skirt, but I don't wanna miss out on playing it because I wait too long, and everyone moves on.
>multipart kits
>each part is specially designed to only fit into a single socket in the other parts in the kit
>they're all monopose
Well, yeah, some people do.

Honestly, more people don't have ANY Necromunda gangers than people who have a full gang of old minis ready to go. Either to play Necromunda or just have tons of bits for other things in 40K, these new kits are going to sell like crazy.

Hopefully not too long, but I really don't know which gangs were the most popular or what order they'll release shit in.
they haven't changed the scale.

that aside basically no matter what they did, the new minis would look better than the old ones. Its just the advancements in technology. Thats a good thing though, its what pretty much all of us want.
>Honestly, more people don't have ANY Necromunda gangers than people who have a full gang of old minis ready to go.
I rarely see Necromunda even mentioned on /tg/. Half the faggots in this thread had never even heard of it til now.
>these new kits are going to sell like crazy.
I'm already mentally cutting them up for inq28 conversions. I can't fucking wait.
>Most people have never heard of Necromunda

You can't honestly believe this .
Perhaps its optimism on my behalf, but I imagine the core gangs would come out quickly. The more unusual stuff like Ratskins and Scavvies might be a while though.
>that aside basically no matter what they did, the new minis would look better than the old ones. Its just the advancements in technology

They don't though..
>but I don't wanna miss out on playing
genestealer initiates are literally necromunda in a box and can stand in as a generic gang easy, though admittedly you may not like them either

I imagine newer gangs will be out on a similar timescale to the new bloodbowl teams (skaven, dwarves, elves, etc)

I think they do. The paint job on the samples is pretty bad though. I'm still interested in seeing the whole kits though and I have a suspicion its going to make me want to use them as Chaos Cultists.. I don't even play Chaos
I didn't say most people. But yes I do believe that. How often is it discussed here?
>genestealer initiates are literally necromunda in a box and can stand in as a generic gang easy,
Aren't they basically Van Saar?
To be fair there hasn't been lot to discuss until now.
Nah, van saar's a whole lot slimmer. Closer to body suits than anything else.

The cultists have real bulky protective gear on.
>Bringing back the names of games
>with entirely new systems attached instead of the games we want

Set your self on fire and take your strawman into the flames with you.
A lot of people at my lgs hadn't heard of it until SW came out. Now they're pretty hyped.
you wot? yes they do, significantly.
They're better proportioned, crisper details and less goofy poses.

There's photos of bare plastic floating around if you're having trouble ignoring the paintjob.
Fine. Opinions then. They definetely dont display the 20 years of technological advancements you were talking about. If anything original Esher are Mord delicate and any bit as detailed as the new ones.
I think even though /tg/ is mostly older than the rest of 4chan, we probably still have a fair amount of posters who were tiny babies when Necromunda was last getting official releases. With tons of newer skirmish games out these days, I wouldn't be surprised if most people won't really know what Necromunda is, having at most heard it in passing when Shadow War came out. Even though a lot of us play older out or print games, the vast majority of people thrive on seeing that new release, and want to feel like they're getting in on the ground floor of a game. Hell, besides getting older players back in, I'm sure 8th ed 40K brought a lot of new people to /tg/ as well. More and more potential players who will only learn about Necromunda from older players.
>instead of the games we want
So go play old Necromunda then
>games and models should remain in stasis for ever, this ISNT FAIR
I look forward to your continuing fuming
*more delicate
What did you want? The exact same game, miniatures, rules etc. as those they put out 20 years ago? None of you people have played it yet, there is hardly any info available, and 4 miniatures have been seen. The amount of rage in this thread is ludicrous.
He'll actually have a much easier time playing old Necromunda thinks to GW releasing plastic gangers. It literally doesn't matter if the new rules are bad, because worst case scenario everyone buys the new minis and plays the old rules.
I think he's upset because his gang are all manlets now. It's the same thing that happened to SM players.
Why was he hoping 20-year old metals were going to blend in seamlessly with modern multipart plastics anyway?
Wbo fucking knows. Right now he's claiming that the old sculpts are objectively superior to the new ones, so clearly he's, at least on some level, delusional.
That is exactly the attitude people should have.

And even if the new rules do end up sucking (which could go either way at this point), you meet some new people playing them and then say "Hey man, I've got the original rules which I think are better, want to give them a shot?" and go from there.

I'm just amused/pitiful of the couple of people flailing about shrieking "GW CAN'T TAKE THIS AWAY FROM ME"
It migjt honestly be the compromises needed for multipart plastics. Real women have curves, which this doesn't do well.
These old Metal models blended in much better with miniatures as recent as genestealers though.
She has triangles though.
The Eschers are on 25s ya dingus
no they're on 80mms
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Jeez, you guys freak out so much without even having a proper size comparison. Here. As you can see, it's not really that big a deal, they're a bit bigger than the old stuff, but you'll never really notice on the table.
>tfw no giantess ganger gf towering over the hive protecting you
Please show where I stated models should be in stasis.
Please show where I've even stated I wasn't fond of them.

A game that isn't necromunda, parading around as necromunda, isn't the game evolving, it's using Necromunda's branding on a new project. A project which will make old necromunda very fucking difficult to get off the ground, unlike currently, where it's easy with shadow war and a certain measure of cross compatibility.
I literally wanted the same rules. It could have been in a black and white, stripped down, 10 pound pamphlet for all I give a damn. GW is sliterally shitting all over 20 years of community development by creating a non compatible system.

Entirely for cynical reasons.

After all, communities doing things on their own means it's harder to make money off of said communities.

Or are you the kind of FSD sodden degenerate that fell for the 'Epoc Noo GW" meme?
No. I like the new models.
I wanted the ruleset to be cross compatible with at least Shadow War and the old White Dwarf and community made material.

Nice projection though, cunt.

Your charitable opinion of people doesn't match reality.
You're basically saying making a new Necromunda = Killing Necromunda.

The old rules still exist and more people will be able to play those rules now that new minis are coming out. And since you haven't seen the new rules, you don't know how much they maintain or diverge from the old Necromunda rules, you merely know they are different. At least wait til they start showing some specifics before being all doom and gloom. If you start out this strong, people are just going to tune you out. Then if you have anything informed to say when we know more, less people will be inclined to listen.
>Mordheim already got a video game tho, cmon ;)

And one is in the works for Necromunda as well from the same developer:

>This much bitterness
Again, play the old Necro if you don't like it. But how the fuck can you know? You've already made up you mind that it's shit without knowing anything of the new version whatsoever, so I'm pretty sure you're either some bitter old grognard who just hates anything GW does on principle, in which casewhy are you even posting in this thread, or you're just a shitposting faggot.

How do Underhives look again? Aren't they a bunch of tunnels and domes connected with one another?
So go play old Necromunda you absolute sperg. Or, as mentioned in >>54867981
actually try it out instead of being the bitter autist you are, and if it turns out to suck then try convince the new players that the old thing is better.

Well, it's not news that GW has been scale creeping consistently through the years so unfortunately they will tower over earlier existing models. From my experience with mini proportion and detail these pictures indeed show taller miniatures.
Source for the rules being based on 8th with some tweaks?
Well they're basically the very lowest level of cities upon cities built on top of one another over millennia. So crumbled building foundations, ancient sewers, abandoned factories, mines, shanty towns... Any shitty urban environment you can think of.
Source that they're *not* making the two games compatible?
I don't think the scale creep is consistent at all, I mean look at the plastic catachans from the late 90s vs the very sensible catachan command squad from years later. Long armed gorilla men anyone?
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lots of gantries, platforms, shanty buildings, smokestacks, industrial equipment, etc

steel mills are a good source of inspiration
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Has there been any indication about Arbites or Redemptionists?
There's nothing wrong with the detail of old, true 28 mm metal minis. Are you 12?
There's nothing wrong with the detail on old, true 28 mm metals tho
Ah, so if they made all the models for a new game ten feet tall (calling them 28 mm as usual) you'd be fine with that as long as all the minis were that scale?
my fucking sides
Because scale sets a standard. Anatomically height does only vary so much. Miniatures out of scale does not look like they're different heights. They just look out of scale. More like they're different species.
If anything, I'd assume Shadow War will be made to be compatible with the new Necromunda rules eventually. Just so that everything shares similar 8th edition roots.
Yeah, and the vast majority of people won't have any old metal gangers. If it bothers you that much, either only play with your old stuff, or only play with the new stuff. It's that easy.
>they haven't changed the scale.
They haven't changed what they call the scale, true. But if you are not aware of the scale creep in geedubs models over the years you're blind.
This thread is literally why we can't have nice things

> People freaking out when we know next to nothing

> GW is bad, they should make Necromunda and all the cool things I remember from yesteryear
> GW releases Blood Bowl, Necromunda, etc.

You guys suck so fucking bad, /tg/ might soon become a black hole that Matthew McConaughey can use to see his daughter one last time...
To be fair, it's probably like 2 or 3 guys complaining, and most people are pretty happy but not posting much. Since we still don't know much yet.
Because they still call their fucking scale 28 mm maybe?
I'm freaking out, but only because I've been waiting like ten years for this release and the teased stuff looks great.
Yeah I guess, it just pisses me of that these people that are literally never satisfied are always so loud in every community.

By the way, the paint job one these models ( and the Blood Bowl ones) is craptastic. Anyone know why it's so different from the 'Eavy Metal style?
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My investment in GW is doing just fine...
Haha yeah, well inconsistent anatomy isn't really what I mean by scale creep. By scale creep I mean the fact that they're scaling up what they keep calling 28 mm. They've done this consistently since forever practically.
I wasn't specifically talking about gangers tho. I was talking about GW scale creep in general. It's a cancer.

Nah, it's suckers that keep turning the wheel of periodical "hype" before moving on to GW's next half-arsed project that mean we truly can't have nice things.

I said this in the last thread, if you actually cared about Blood Bowl before it "came back", you'd know all they've done is take the community rulebook and chunk it up into a £60 box set and £30 expansion books for a few quick £££. Woop dee doo, top effort.
There are going to be differences in models made that far apart. The tendency of old models to squat being one of them. People never seem to take that into account, like when they freaked out about the rubric marines being too tall. It's because they're standing up properly.
>all they've done is take the community rulebook and chunk it up into a £60 box set and £30 expansion books for a few quick £££. Woop dee doo, top effort.
And release a fuckton of miniatures. But that making note of that doesn't fit the narrative so of course you gloss over that.

Why is it a bad thing that they release the community rules as an official product? Isn't that literally what you'd want? They've literally taken the feedback from the community and made it into an offical product. Which they of course sell, since it's a business and making money of their own IP makes a fuckton of sense.
That's not what scale creep is. In case you haven't noticed scale creep is an actual thing, and GW along with many other companies are guilty of it. I've been into minis for over 20 years and I still have some really old ones. It's not hard to see that there is scale creep going on when a dwarf miniature is about as high as a human miniature for example. You can obviously think what you want about it, but it's there. And it's fucking people over who want to use old models, and it's forcing them to choose between using their old models or buying new ones because they don't work together.
>Anyone know why it's so different from the 'Eavy Metal style?
Done by someone from forgeworld, rather than 'eavy metal.

The methods they've used don't translate well with digital post-processing. You'll see the same on a lot of the blood bowl figures and gabriel angelos too.
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Mate if you actually knew anything about BB past GW you'd know it's been the community and third party "Fantasy Football" miniature companies that have kept it as one of the biggest tournament games, even a decade after abandonment. A few new sprues is nice but hardly some game-changing development.

Consider this, the "actual" BB community, led by the NAF, is still using the Community Rules Pack because they don't want GW's shitty DLC approach.

If that's your idea of a good release that doesn't warrant the mildest critique you're a bit special, and should probably look outside the GW bubble more.
Yeah that I understand, but I don't understand why the painter didn't follow the GW house style a little bit closer.

Because it looks worse, which is subjective. But also because it doesn't look like it was painted using GW products and their 'concept' behind the painting range (Base, wash, highlight/drybrush).

Or the NAF is butthurt and will stick to their 'own' package of rules regardless of quality.

And mildest critique is fine, but that's not whats happening. People are ignoring the good parts and are only focussing on the bad parts. And a few sprues is an understatement. So far we've had 4 redone teams or so? With an Elven team coming soon. And also new expansion packs from Forge World.

And my point was more, that fans keep whining for official support, which they then get, but somehow it's never quite good enough.
>And my point was more, that fans keep whining for official support, which they then get

That's not true tho. Fans keep asking GW to support some IP of theirs from the past, and GW says "Nah, but here's a completely new product that you can spend money on that is connected to that IP. Also we've done our best to ensure you can't use our new product with the old products connected to the same IP. Enjoy. Ps we may or may not actually support it this time."
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Jaq Draco is an Inquisitor, of the venerable Inquisition War books, and pic related.

You're thinking of Kal Jericho. Fucknugget.
Forgeworld have always kinda done their own thing I guess. Maybe their painters don't care for the 'Eavy Metal style.

>the "actual" BB community

You mean "a" Bloodbowl community. The NAF doesn't own BB, your community of complaining old farts doesn't own BB. GW owns BB, and they can do what they want with it. They have decided to invest capital (yes, actual real money!) into producing new sprues at very reasonable prices, have taken account of the community input and made new rulebooks which incorporate a lot of those improvements, and devoted substantial amounts of shelf space and marketing effort to the game. It's kind of unclear what you even think they could have done which would have made you happy, hand all of you grognards everything for free and put you in charge because of how loyal you've been to the game?

They're a business, everything they do is aimed at making a profit. They aren't doing this shit in their free time as a hobby like you, it's how they all pay the bills. You don't want to use the new models or rules? Fine, don't, nobody's going to force you, but for fuck's sake stop bitching because it doesn't match your expectation of GW knocking on your door and making you head of their brand new billion pound Bloodbowl division.
>I don't understand why the painter didn't follow the GW house style
Because FW is a whole lot more casual about showcasing product. FW's painters don't have the same kind of standards that 'eavy metal does.

With any luck we'll get some better quality images of the bare plastic.
Which one?
>both have three letter first names
>both have the letter "a" as the second letter in their first name
>both have last names that end with "o"
Easy mistake to make if you can't be bothered to look it up, especially because Kal Jericho's mom is an Inquisitor herself.

>Or the NAF is butthurt and will stick to their 'own' package of rules regardless of quality.

Not at all, and if it was quality the CRP shits all over BB2016, since it's all in one concise free book, and not spread across three or more books, £10 card decks, limited-release Star Players and whatever else GW wants to make a bit of money on.

You don't sound particularly well informed about it all except GW's angle.

>And my point was more, that fans keep whining for official support, which they then get, but somehow it's never quite good enough.

Because from a games design point of view, the Design Studio has been absolutely gutted in recent years. There isn't the same environment or staff experience levels that allowed them to make all these amazing Specialist Games the first time around.

Take both BB and Shadow Wars. The good bits were copy-pasted from the CRP and Necromunda Underhive respectively. The part where it got shit pretty fast was when they tried to add to it, for example in Shadow Wars the braindead campaign structure.


>have taken account of the community input and made new rulebooks which incorporate a lot of those improvements

Absolutely talking out of your arse, I'd love to hear of these "improvements".

In the new big book they actually copypasted in a lot of the old rules 100%. What made this fucking funny was the CRP itself had an errata in the back of the book correcting some skills and that, except they forgot this. That's either lazy or really stupid.

>In the new big book they actually copypasted in a lot of the old rules 100%. What made this fucking funny was the CRP itself had an errata in the back of the book correcting some skills and that, except they forgot this. That's either lazy or really stupid.


inb4 GWIDF says it's a feature not a bug
I just don't understand why their official showcase models don't showcase the 'GW Paint System' which Eavy Metal does to some degree at least.
because it's not 'eavy metal doing the painting, man
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Found the book.
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I bought Necromunda in 1995. A starter kit or something. My brother wasn't into it, I didn't know anyone who did.
I never played it, just read the codex and assembled the figures.
I know, but it looks so fucking off brand that someone should tell those painters dudes, more like this, not like this. It doesn't look good, and it doesn't showcase our painting range in a way that we like.

>Also we've done our best to ensure you can't use our new product with the old products connected to the same IP

Where's your logic on this one?

Is it because the models are a bit larger? So fucking what? I had original RTB01 beakies back when I was young, scale creep set in almost immediately with the 2nd ed marines, the company has always ended up making bigger models because their technology improves and they want to produce more detailed models that will sell. Scale creep is a product of that, not a desire to screw old players over. Nothing is stopping you from using your old models.

Is it because the rules aren't exactly the same as they used to be, or have had slightly different changes from the homebrew you and your mates have been playing? Again, so what? You don't have to use the new rules if you don't want to. Of course they're going to make updates after a near 20 year absence, the fact that they took account of some of the changes the community made is impressive, but you seem to think that they should have directly copied your rules, and shouldn't have charged anything for the full-colour illustrated rulebooks they produced. This doesn't constitute an attempt to screw over old players, it's just issuing an update to the game.


>whatever else GW wants to make a bit of money on

They're a business. They exist to make money, not subsidise your hobby.
>not a desire to screw old players over
B-but Anon, I have to paint GW as a boogeyman at every opportunity. E-everything they d-do is to nickel and dime me! Even though I haven't spend a dollar on their products in 20 years, I still feel slighted every time they release a product that costsmoney instead of my semen.
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If you honestly believe that the old metal models match the quality of the new plastic one, you are delusional.

While the old models weren't horrible, they weren't very good either. Rose colored glasses an such.
real talk

when was the last time you bought necromunda or blood bowl stuff
Never, he'll start buying when they make something he 'likes'

What he likes will, however, be an eternal moving goalpost. The one constant thing is: Not this thing
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I got a "Gator" team from Impact Miniatures a few months back, thank you for asking.
so what does it matter to you at all what gw does with their products
I bought used goliath from eBay 3 months ago.

Because I love Blood Bowl, and I'd like to see it flourish.
Then you should be happy. Because even if you think it sucks, this will get more people into the hobby. And if it does suck so much, you should be getting involved with people playing the inferior version and showing them why your one is better, so that you get new blood and it doesn't stagnate around a core of people who think their vision is flawless and cannot be wrong.

All of these same rules will apply to Necromunda, assuming the rules that we know nothing about turn out to be bad.
>Where's your logic on this one?
>Scale creep is a product of technological advancement
>They want to make more detailed minis

About that logic. You just said they have made technological advancements, right? Then please explain why they have to increase the size of minis to get more detail.

The truth of the matter is that metal hold detail better than ordinary plastic. It always have and always will because of differences in surface tension in the respective materials. The technological advancements they have made has made it possible to create plastic minis that hold almost the same crisp detail that you can get in metal. That combined with increasing the size puts the detail on par with metal because if they'd stayed with the same scale it would've been blatantly obvious that the properties of plastic are inferior. The move to plastic was a matter of cost and logistics more than anything else.

For the rest of your post, revisit geedubs track record. They've always done this. I'm not saying it's right or wrong. I'm just pointing it out to those who buy the excuses and fool themselves.
I'm talking about level of detail. Sculptors have obviously improved as well, as has metal casting. And it's not me who's delusional here. I bought a box of shocktroopers recently and looking at the sprues it was like I traveled through time back to the early nineties. From which I still have some citadel plastics mind you. And plenty of metal. And just to make sure I didn't get a bad sample I looked through plenty of sprues of my mates' and found that they were all of the exact same level. So basically you're wrong.
Necromunda is using unique miniatures, which suggests it won't be the gate-way shit that every other specialist game sans Bloodbowl has been recently. SW:A fills that niche.

I mean, who even uses conversions? Especially newcomers. My local store won't let anyone use proxies, let alone a newbie.
The issue with bigger models is how it affects your bits collection:
>Necromunda is a Your Dudes game
>want to customize Your Dudes
>go into bits box
>realize everything you have is too fucking tiny to go on nucromunda models
>you're restricted to the contents of the nucomunda range when customizing your models, a range that I want to stress will be only two boxes large at the beginning
I have a bad feeling about this but will wait for further pictures.
>the models need to be bigger because then they can get more details on

You hear some dumb shit on /tg/.

I actually imagine GW in about 20 years will be in their own unique 37mm scale
The size difference isn't big enough for that to be an issue

This is some hardcore grognardism right here. I have a 2nd edition Bloodthirster next to me. The detail in the cast is good (though the scult is janky), but it weighs a tonne, is a nightmare to assemble, even worse to convert, and the casting technology is absolutely crap for mass production. You're actually advocating going back to monopose metal minis, how are we supposed to take anything you say seriously?

I don't agree with >>54869670 fully, but this pretty much hits the nail on the head

>About that logic. You just said they have made technological advancements, right? Then please explain why they have to increase the size of minis to get more detail.

I don't even know who benefits from scale creep other than the most lobotomised "bigger=better" types.
from white dwarf interviews with the devs around the start of the big monster trend. they're probably bigger just because they can. They basically said they always wanted to do big minis, it just was less feasible with older production methods and costs. But they can do it now, so they are.
No, it's inexcusable. I demand you shave your neckbeard immediately for even thinking so.

The larger scale is better, it just is. They're easier to paint and convert well, the size allows for additional and better detailing and posing in the sculpts, I can't see anything in favour of traditionally small 28mm scaling other than 'it's always been that way'. I don't want giant models and think GW has had too much of a tendency to release great big 'centrepieces' recently, but the slightly larger scale of normal infantry is an improvement over what came before.
Moremail like Delaques who lost their coats.
What are you even talking about? I was arguing that scale creep is bad. How the fuck did you get from there to what you wrote? How are we supposed to take anything you say seriously when you can't even comprehend what you read?
>the company has always ended up making bigger models because their technology improves and they want to produce more detailed models that will sell.

Anon, having to make something larger to make it more detailed is the opposite of technological progress.
>le STRONK WOMYN fury road ripoff

gw trying to get the tumblr brigade, i:m sure these rules have been past the sensitivity readers
I need to stop getting my news from /tg/. I was fucking hyped for new Necromunda but you lot have just made me depressed

You do realise the original eschers were a sly dig at big-haired feminazis right?
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There's no reason to not be excited. It's great news!

Don't let a couple peeved basement dwellers ruin it for you. :)
Both of you are wrong. Escher is just (cyber) punk amazons. There are no political overtones unless you decide to inject them.
>adapted from 8th Edition

aaaaand dropped
The rest of us shouldn't have to put up with oversized, mongoloid looking sculpts because your sweaty, six fingered ham hands and coke bottle glasses aren't up to a decent paint job. Fuck off.

Be a more critical consumer, you will end up happier because of it.
Never take /tg/ to heart. Use it as a resource for information but always remember how stupid some of the people on here can be. This applies to both the hype and the reeeeeeing.
Oh no. You're actually retarded.
Newfags shitting up the thread with their ignorance. Escher have had that look since before you were a gleam in a trucker's eye.

Man I fucking love the Armageddon pattern autogun in the middle there. I didn't even know any models of it existed, I thought it was fluff / the fire warrior game only.

Neat! Anyone know any other models where that autogun can be found?
What the 'not-m16' model?
Pretty sure you used to be able to get those on a metal sprue (with a load of other necromunda style weapons) in a clamshell.
1 question - is it me or the paintjob is abysymal
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Some of the cultists have autoguns that sort of look like that
It occurs to me that maybe it's mostly the new models platform shoes that are making them taller? Other than that they don't look that out of scale to me
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It's a bad paint job for sure. Forge World and GW painters lately are garbage tier for their reveal/display models.

Eh. I guess I see the resemblance, but aside from the carry handle, they've got some major differences too. Stock style, the big bulky section behind the carry handle, the guard looking thing underneath the muzzle ... But yeah, I see your point. Makes me wonder if there's any AK-lookalike patterns...


Past tense? Shame! Reckon there might still be some floating around on ebay or whatever? How would I find them, if so?

Yeah, that's pretty cool. Looks like kinda customized/sawn down versions rather than standard issue, in typical cultist style. Still, doesn't quite have the same style anymore imo hah. Cheers for the link though!
I remember getting awkward adolescent boners to the blonde juvie with the midriff and pick.
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They probably have dumb Deadlines to finish the display models as GW is bringing out more new models than ever lately. They also want their Box-Art Paintjob to be more achievable for newcomers, a lot of people quit the hobby because they feel their painting skill just wont improve enough
ok both good arguments but shit this is just plain ugly ...
There is reference to them finding men weak and pathetic, they're matriarchal as fuck.

I would go fully autistic with full thrust esq vector movement, to send of variations on every weapon and on board system, and fiddly details about what kind of armor and training your naval armsmen have been given for boarding actions.
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wow, two plastic minis (that can be painted in literally any color you want) painted black by GW in the span of two years, they sure have fully embraced the SJW, haven't they? #PaiseKek #Kekistani #Proudboy
>Thread proves the Specialist games players are some of the most autistic hatefilled fuckers in existence.

As a Mordheim player, I find the autistic screeching of the Necro and BB retards in this thread hilarious.

Who gives a shit about the exact rules when the spirit of the game is the point?

I mean fuck, Necromunda rules were SHIT.
Geedubs tried that for a while on their webstore a few years ago. Suddenly all the paint jobs looked like shit. It didn't work the way they hoped so they backtracked. Not convinced they're about to try that again.
>There is reference to them finding men weak and pathetic, they're matriarchal as fuck.
Thats because the men of their house ARE genetically weak and pathetic. They do think of most guys are beneath them though.
Source on that please. The men in their house are weak and sickly due to some genetic defect. That's what I can find in the fluff, but it's different from what you say in meaning.

Videssians plz go and stay go.
I'm still excited Anon, ignore the children

I only wish... sniff... I hadn't sold my original Necromunda starter set... and My ZX Spectrum +2 when I come to think on it!
Well that's retarded.
Why? Theres nothing intrinsically better about miniatures a few mm smaller in scale.
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But the old rules are bad. Your nostalgia is no reason for an actual company to ignore 20 years of progress in the field of game design.
ignoring the platform heels they'll still be taller, though obviously less pronounced

If I were to give an example, it's the difference in size between the basic tacical marines and the deathwatch veterans. Give or take.
But it looks ugly and disjointed next to the original models.
>I mean fuck, Necromunda rules were SHIT.
Heck off, you dang cowboy dingus.

The manbaby bitching in this thread is embarrassing, but necromunda was way better than mordheim and this release makes me very happy.

really activates my almonds
>Doesn't buy GW minis
>Complains about how the new GW minis look

why do you even care?
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>new plastic escher juves
I'm ready
I disagree, I think it just looks bigger. Its also important to note these are going to be multipose kits and we've seen two (not well painted) examples.

And realistically, the people who have original Necromunda models AND are going to play them alongside the new ones? Thats going to literally be a tiny fraction of players.

I couldn't give less of a fuck about new models making ones that were released 20 years ago look a bit small, and nor should GW. The most recent MkVII, MkIV and MkIII tac squads make the original RT beakies look ridiculous, that doesn't mean that they ought to have made the models in those newer kits tiny with gorilla arms and even more bizarre proportions.

how the fuck do they reproduce (or more accurately: reproduce enough to keep up the numbers, while also having all-female fighters etc).
>Oh Noo GeeDoubleyou, please invalidate the collection of devoted players
>Yes, put out shitty rules for us consumerist morons to buy
>It's okay GeeDoubleyou, we'll mob and shill whenever anyone tries to be critical of your sketchy business practices
>invalidate the collection
that's wrong, though
By fucking all the time, duh.
artificial insemination? considering it's the space future, they've probably got ways.
Use the few men as studs, use their sperm to artificially inseminate your ovaries and put them in artificial wombs and then have the men raise the dozens of babies that they have fathered.

Would you not try and use men that aren't 'weak and imbecilic' ?
Okay anon, you have fun with your stuff, I think the new stuff looks nice and I'll give it a shot if it continues to look nice.
Are you really stupid enough to think putting new versions of old models around 20 years later is "invalidating your collection" and "sketchy business practices"?

Also there literally was a 2nd Edition of Dark Heresy so not only are you an idiot you're a poorly informed one as well.

I feel terrible for your parents.
I picked it up 2 years ago mate.

>invalidate the collection of devoted players

You keep making this whinge, but can't provide a good reason why this is the case. Nobody is going to stop you from playing a game with your 20 year old models. Can you even describe what they would have to do with the Necromunda rerelease in order to satisfy you?
> Arbites finally confirmed via FW open.

Thank god
Releasing the rules for free would be a decent start.

Also, not making the rules based on the abortion of 8th edition, that too.
It's a damn shame there's no free Necromunda PDF based off of older editions of warhammer that you could find somewhere. Damn shame.
That's just the problem, isn't it? When I go to my LGS and say that I want to play Necrounda, I'll have to sort through all the kiddies who are too mentally stunted to realise how shit the new rules are and just picked up the box set because it "looks cool".
Finding a game of real necromunda in a sea of Noocromunda will be harder than ever.
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You can't find a game of Necromunda at the LGS now. No one plays it impromptu, you have to organise that shit, it's too niche.
not really? shit, even shadow war sparked up the old necro leagues around here. The terrain on its own probably would have been enough to do it.
That looks so much better than the shitty FW paintjob
You overreached anon
We all know you don't actually play Necromunda, and when you did it was a small handful of equally bitter cohorts railing against the evils of GW in the corner of the store
And when the new game comes out, you're not going to play anyway, nor will its players be interested in playing with you, so its existing changes literally nothing for your life

>I don't intend to spend a single penny on GW's upcoming Necromunda reboot, but they should cater entirely to me and my ilk

No, anon, you are the cancer.
>People being interested in a game, buying models for it and playing will make it more challenging for me to convince them that they should give the older ruleset which I feel to be of superior quality a try

Are you mute? Can you not talk to human beings and express ideas?
Guy from open talked to spikey bits. Said all gangs from previous editon and expansions are planned
They've always thought that. Man babies being afraid of strong women isn't a new thing. American boys being emasculated shitwalkers has been the deal since post ww2 suburban boom.
House bloodlines, you can't just have kids with dirty peasants. All the gang houses are references to insane inbreeding and factionalism in the noble houses of europe.
Ah 'planned'.

So nothing of real value other than "It will come at some point. Possibly 2+ years from now."
If the bloodbowl releases are anything to go by it won't be too long for the other main factions.
Hoping arbites are soon-ish

Idk man...they keep giving the shit to FW which pisses me off and we havent seen a team release in a while. I WANT MY NURGLE/NECROMANTICS
Have they stated if it's going to be a few at the start, or ONLY the starting set of Goliath/Escher?
Threads like this one makes me completely understand why they killed off wfb and don't give a fuck about adhering to whatever older shit you deem to be the correct way it should be and instead just go about doing something new or whatever.

No one here can agree on fucking anything.

>I hope it comes with cardboard buildings and not shadow war shit

That shit was great, you really fucking want shitty looking cardboard? Make your own, i'd rather have discounted bundaru plastic terrain thanks.

>All they had to do was re-release the old metal mini's
You what? News flash, they look like shit. No one cares if the new models are out of scale with your old garbage looking metal ones. No one except nostalgic old fags is going to buy that old stuff. The newer models look far better.
A change of scale is a big fucking deal. I quit GW for many reasons but still have a few Necro miniatures in my collection and I'm keeping an eye on the local clubs.

The change of scale means I need to drop a full set of cash on a replacement gang.

Hopefully they won't mind me tagging along with my old models but it makes the prospect of redipping my toe in GW waters a much more hestitant one than it needs to be.
>>I hope it comes with cardboard buildings and not shadow war shit
>That shit was great, you really fucking want shitty looking cardboard? Make your own, i'd rather have discounted bundaru plastic terrain thanks.

The cardboard doesn't look shitty, holds up well, and is cheap.

The plastic terrain looks awful, provides no cover, is expensive as FUCK for what it is, and there isn't even 1/10th of what is needed for a proper game.
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Plus the SWA terrain is HORRIBLY out of scale with all other GW terrain and doesn't match the aesthetics of other terrain, which in turn makes mixing and matching non-SWA terrain look like shit.

Depends on how much you're willing to trust chinese whispers from the mongoloids that attended the open day, but the consensus seems to be that they have somewhere between four and six gangs ready to go, with release schedule for them somewhere between 'within a couple of months' and spread over a year from the main game's release, which is either later this year, or at the end of 2018. Something like that.


>The change of scale means I need to drop a full set of cash on a replacement gang.

Boo-fucking-hoo. Why should GW give a fuck about catering to people who weren't going to spend any money with them in the first place?
Because I can ease myself back into the hobby with things I'm missing and then get a full gang when I'm happy the game isn't awful?
Your models will work fine you autist, it's a few millimetres.
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Man I really hate this "4 ready to go but released of a year" bullshit. Just release the ones ready to go at once so people can actually play what they want, THEN focus on releasing the rest.

You can still do that with your old gang, but you seem to think that GW should be going out of their way to placate you, a player who is being hesitant as all fuck about spending what will probably be about £20 RRP for a gang if it's priced like BB actually £15, as nobody in their right mind buys at RRP. If AoS has taught GW (and us) anything, it's that the company is wasting its time trying to satisfy salty grognards, and is much better off just making cool shit and pleasing the players and collectors who actually buy stuff.
Let's be honest, that anon has no real intention of buying into the hobby again. He pretty much said so. He just wants to whine and bitch about the models.
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>The plastic terrain looks awful
Naw. It requires extra scratch built bulkheads to break LOS lanes properly, but it's basically just a modern, better-looking-but-less-modular platformer kit.

More terrain options is always better than less, even if they're too pricey for me to bother with.
Are these still in production?
possibly? I've no idea.

At this point though, MDF has pretty much filled the niche if you don't care for scratch building.
The problem with MDF is that there is NO FUCKING US SUPPLIER.

Want a decent amount of terrain and live in the US? It's going to cost an extra $70 in shipping as a fuck you tax.

There's only one supplier in the US I know of, but their stock is crap for everything but Infinity.
Have you tried ebay? There's a lot of smaller suppliers running from just ebay stores.

I mean they're basically just some dude with a laser cutter in their garage but there's as surprising amount of decent stuff to be found.

Is that art going to be used on the book cover?
It's crazy lazy.
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Yup, same stuff as from the other countries, just overpriced to make up for the shipping so it comes to the same cost.
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Pegasus Hobbies seems to still sell them among other gothic and industrial stuff. They just don't have enough skulls.
You make more money the other way. They'd be stupid not to space them out.
They say they are building it on 8th rules. Shadow War is 2nd edition rules.
For example, there isn't a terrain seller in the US selling anything close to this.
>The change of scale means I need to drop a full set of cash on a replacement gang
no you don't. Its not a change in scale, they're just a couple mm taller. If its anything like BB the younger gamers and blackshirts will love seeing some old minis hit the table.
So, still no word on a release window? I got money set aside for this, but I'd buy other stuff if it's not coming out pretty soon.
nothing concrete.
could be a few months, could be next year.

I'm inclined to think sooner rather than later though.if they've started teasing it.
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Its going to be a mess take a look for yourself. Almost a full head taller.

I miss old Rick, he really kept discipline when it can to this shit.
ok cool.
you've convinced me everything will be fine. no issues form mixing, they blend into that picture pretty well.

GW dun good
It's like they just knew they finally had lines with the Chaos and Genestealer cultists that would work perfectly for Necromunda figs. Ya, lets just fuck that up for everyone.
Don't fall over yourself while selling out there. Shill.
The red line is eye level for a fully erect 28mm fig. These guys are ogers. Guess I can use my old figs as Juves.
To add insult to injury they are going to say the Goliath on the right is using a Stub Gun.
You seem upset.

It's odd, I haven't actually seen many people post their old gangers yet. Like one person so far, and they didn't seem bothered by the new figs.
Go to yaktribe.org if you want to see thousands of old gangers and thousands of creative mods on the 28mm scale. It's not like people have invested in this game over the last 16 years or anything.
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