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/aosg/ Warhammer Age of Sigmar General

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Thread replies: 332
Thread images: 83

Khaine is cool edition


Core rules


General Handbook

Army builder

Custom Warscroll Designer

Old thread: >>54611658
first for president kroak
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Are skirmish pick up games common for AoS? I got just about enough to fill the 50 renown criteria and was wondering if any of you have done so in your lgs?
Just one quick question why are the fucking dark elves good guys now?
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Oh yeah, in fact in my shop they are more common than normal AoS games. Such short set up and quick gameplay we get through a lot of games in a day.

Whatcha bringing to the table?
They aren't exactly "good" guys. They just fight for Order because they happen to like the concept of civilization and all that.
But they're still the exact same murderous slavers that flay people alive and do shit that's expected of chaos right?
Why does everyone else put up with them? Actually, is there a wiki or something I can read so I can try and wrap my head around this?
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Was thinking my Moon Grots/night gobbos.

I would have

1 Gobbo Shaman
1 Felwatter Troggoth
2 Wolf Riders
14 Moonclan Gobbos (3 nets)

Hits 50 renown exactly.

Havent played in years. Since 6th ed. I am clearing out 99% of my old warhammer but want to softly plop back into the hobby and just have fun.

Plus its mega budgety which helps.
There is precious little lore about them currently other than they exist. We won't learn about them or the aelves in general until the realms of Hysh and Ulgu are expanded upon further.
Sounds like a good balance to me. Though I'd consider swapping the wolf riders with something else. Namely Spider riders
Hey you're the guy from the other night.
your list is actually close to what I would run, but I'd exchange 12 of the grots for another troggoth and trade the wolves for spiders personally.

The games are fun and you shouldn't see one last more than 45 minutes ever, even if your opponent is a dick and did nothing but spam 1 point units.
Idea was to use the wolf riders as harrassers or objective snatchers. Main idea was harry oppenent from a far and when lines close they charge in with the rest.

Spider riders work too sure but thematically I was thinking non forests. Then again that poison sounds vicious.

Heya! Thanks for the info man. I checked the rules and looks like I can only have 1 warscroll each. Though honestly even if I could, I like the idea more of a core of gribbly gobbos than a shaman trying to lead two trolls about. Would be fun as hell to write fluff about but could see me getting outnumbered something brutal if it were possible.

Ya thats another huge plus. Games less than an hour is ideal. The last tabletop match I played like 3 years ago in 40k. Sadly we forgot our dice box so had only 6 to roll with. We gave up after 30 minutes of agonizing dice rolling.
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whos da little greenzkin?im gona smash him in da head
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You can have a max of three troggoths. They normally function in units of three in Age of Sigmar, where in fantasy battles they could be individuals or units.
And best of luck with your list man.
>play daemons of chaos and lizardmen
>my fantasy daemons (which I already used in 40k) can be used in sigmar with basically no alterations
>lizardmen literally become seraphon with no alterations
>don't have to spend any money on new units
god i love these races
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What is your favourite model that you own, but don't use often because its shit?
Mine is this guy.
Way overcosted but I like him.
Oops I misser that. Well im stupid. Even then, Id like to have my grubby green grotties as my core. Now if I played a 100 renowm game, sure! But just wanna keep it to 50 for now.

Thanks and have a good one!
Order is the 'lawful' column of the alignment chart. From the little lore we know about them in the GA:Order book, they fit in the Lawful Evil category. They don't do chaos and believe in living laws, but they just prefer to be the ones making the laws. Right now they are allied with the rest of Order because of common enemies (chaos), they don't believe in destruction for the sake of destruction (destruction), and are not undead (death). Order is just the best fit for them.
To add to that the current Factions split from the original Dark Elf are:
>Darkling Covens: Magically-Charmed armies serving a former Dark Elf Queen.
>Daugthers of Khaine: Crazy zealots of a long dead god that take baths of rejuvenating blood.
>Order Serpentis: Knight Order that genetically manipulated dragons into crazy shapes.
>Scourge Privateers: Beast-hunting pirates.
>Shadowblades: Mysterious assassins that always make their victims aware they are target.
mournfang :(
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I use troggoths regardless of their underperforming
How are they in a proper scale battle? Are they just underperforming or just bad?

Sad as I thought they were always viable somewhat in the original warhammer.
>viable in fantasy battles
>when a standard that gives flaming attacks that cost 50 points existed

Also they can't tank hits like they should. I'm not saying they should be 7 wounds with a 2+ rerollable tough, but they'd be closer to worth it if each model had one more wound. As it currently stands, 20 unsaved wounds is five dead troggoths. What I would like to see is twenty unsaved wounds is four dead troggoths.
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I asked this over in the warhammer fantasy thread so I'll ask here to see if I get some more help, what's the best way to do a Death army that based on Castlevania using only GW or at most, 3rd party bits for conversions?
Back to your cuck shed.
I mean I don't want them to be like the best monstrous infantry Destruction can field, but a block of nine should be considerably more than a mere speed bump to most armies.
> Not playing both Fantasy and Age of Sigmar, Fantasy for nostalgia and AoS since most people in my GW plays that

Am I the only person who does this?
>mere speed bump

Christ it sounds like AoS has a lot of omph behind it if 9 trolls aee just a speed bump. Id have thought once they got into melee they would be pretty good.
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I play both still.
>square bases and of different sizes
You can fuck right off.
Oh yeah they can do some damage if they get in close. If you get a turn after an opponent's combat it isn't as bad because then that juicy regen kicks in. Otherwise they vanish quickly, like most models with only a +5 save
Ignore the asshole. Castlevania monsters are pretty much just about every variant of classic horror monsters combined. So pretty much any death mini would work, painted up in the schemes of screenshots from the video games and all.
5+ not +5
Good to hear I'm not the only one.

Does it trigger you that I still rank up my men in AoS with square bases, still use the lance formation for my Brets, and my unit fillers are now objective counters?

I was thinking of that too.

From the fantasy general, one of those chaps gave me some advice on how to make Legion, do you think any of the other monsters in the game could be scratchbuilt/converted?
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Just a few rule questions

-Is it possible to shoot or blast magic at an opponent even if thry are in combat?

-Since AoS is more skirmishy than blocks, is it possible to take advantage of tight spaces or passageways to take away advantage of greater numbers?

-Is it technically possible to have a functional "shield wall" with a line of tougher infantry in front in a line with halberdiers right behind to dish out damage? Thinking chaos warriors specifically.
>-Is it possible to shoot or blast magic at an opponent even if thry are in combat?

>-Since AoS is more skirmishy than blocks, is it possible to take advantage of tight spaces or passageways to take away advantage of greater numbers?
Melee weapons have a specific range on their attacks, if you use choke points properly you can deny space to fit models into melee

>-Is it technically possible to have a functional "shield wall" with a line of tougher infantry in front in a line with halberdiers right behind to dish out damage? Thinking chaos warriors specifically.
Any unit that is within 3" of an enemy can attack in the combat phase

Putting 2" weapons like spears behind 1" weapons like swords/shield is a common tactic
Well thats sold me. Thanks man.
>still use the lance formation for my Brets,
This is just bad strategy anon
post pics of your dudes fagget.
>-Is it possible to shoot or blast magic at an opponent even if thry are in combat?

>Since AoS is more skirmishy than blocks, is it possible to take advantage of tight spaces or passageways to take away advantage of greater numbers?

>Is it technically possible to have a functional "shield wall" with a line of tougher infantry in front in a line with halberdiers right behind to dish out damage? Thinking chaos warriors specifically.
Fuck yes.

You basically described how I play my Tzeentch army. Chaos Warriors and Horrors for screening while my wizards sit in the back and throw ridiculous numbers of mortal (unsavable) wounds downfield.
You can get more dudes in on 20mm bases, so get out.
They aren't finished

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Is Settra Celestant-Prime?
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looks like the sun is settraing behind him
Behind?Or in front?And is it a sun,or some chaos shit?
Let's say it's behind, so we can also say the sun represents the reign of the chaos gods
Oi shut up. He's dead already.
Dead nigga is a dead nigga.
AOS ignores bases my friend :^)
That's been replaced by a houserule so often that ignoring bases practically has become the houserule
house rule that you have to rebase your minis? yikes
Yes. If you want to look like you actually play the game, you use rounds. Squares are for kings of war, WFB and the 9th age.
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Can anyone explain to me why do treefolk have tits?
They lactate maple syrup
Ever heard of dryads? Besides if you read old folk tales about forest creatures they are often described more akin to female than male. Are you implying that you wouldn't want to fondle delicious wonders of nature?
Anyone have any tips for getting the orange of the bird?

The WHTV did the blues but left out the orange.
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We can assume that greenskinz are as good as officially squated, right? No new models since launch, no battletome, no role in WHQ games. Also no mention about them in GHB17 and they have no usable hero in Skirmish. Were they even mentioned in new lore?
TK are at least playable on their own - mono-greenskinz lists are no-challenge for other armies
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So, I've been thinking for a while now about building a Khorne Skirmish force just with heroes

It would be something among the lines of:
-Slaughterpriest with Hackblade y Wrath-hammer
-Exalted Deathbringer
-Aspiring Deathbringer

Would this list at least be fun to play?

(I'd call it the BloodBros)
Thinking of starting up a seraphon army.
Got a few saurus warriors still lying around and I might go for two starter boxes next.

The idea so far is:
Sunclaw Starhost
- Sunblood
-3 x 10 Saurus Warriors

Firelance Starhost
- Scar-Veteran on Cold One
- 3 x 5 Saurus Knights

For 1.020 Points. The least amount I can get

Leaving me with one carnosaurus and a troglodon to be added in later.
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So, I got the Beastclaw Raiders SC! yesterday. Is it a bad idea to put those 2" longaxes (I think) on my Mournfang pack? I'd trade 1 attack for a bit more reach and a -1 rend. Plus, they look way cooler than the clubs.
Maybe just magnetize them mate? You will have to learn how to do this someday tho
Well, they're not my first army, coming from 40k. I just don't really like magnetising, it's often been a bit fiddly. Although I guess I can use a bit bigger, stronger magnets on the Ogors.
Where do you think acorns come from? Lady trees.
They arent squatted just neglected. They are in the path to glory at least and Ghb likely has them under destruction.
Think you can only have one warscroll per warband so cant have two slaughterpriests. But sure why not? Sounds fun otherwise.
New AoS novel coming. What's your hype level?
Dorfs vs Delves? Not really interested.
I'm not into whfb - what the fuck is this creature?
The gargant hackers are the superior choice unless an abnormal number of wounds are inbound and you didn't get a charge. Fear not: the cooler option is better.
No, go ahead and have a third orc battletomb before one elf one, they'll wait.
Two headed dragon man.
Man, I'm not implying that Greenskinz should have a batteltome right now. I'm not even implying they need a battletome at all but it would be nice to have some new fresh battalion for pure-greenskinz army or maybe a battalion for some greenskinz-grots fun in GHB2
The idea of a nomadic cavalry army has always fascinated me, pretty much like the Mongols were
(I'm refering to the idea itself, I'm not planning to convert them to look like the eurasian nomads)

What is the best army for carrying this out?

A Gorefist Ironjawz army could look cool, but also a Chaos Brass Stampede, and even a Deathrattle army with just Black Knights and Blood Knights between soo many options

Winning games is a secondary option behind aesthetic and money investment
>Khaine is cool edition
Boobs for the boob elves god
20 Chaos Knights and Chaos Lord On Daemonic Mount give you a legal 940pts army
That sounds pretty cool, thanks!
throw in maurader horsemen with javelins to have some ranged attack
looks good. the start collecting is a great deal

do it and paint in many colors
Chaos Dragon.
You could also consider playing Beastclaw Raiders since pretty much all theyr units are cavalry

And the nomadic thingy you like it's theyr theme in the lore

That aside, the Brass Stampede is pretty fucking fun to use
I know that square bases are shit but God help me - I just bought a box of 4 orcs and they fit so perfect with a warboss on boar. All my models are on round bases but I'm thinking about putting these goofy fuckers on squares just for aesthetic
seraphon battalions are a trap for higher competitive play, but that looks like a good starter army
Guys please!

Is the classic splitted/two headed Tzeenchian dragon!
>and even a Deathrattle army with just Black Knights and Blood Knights

And do not forget Hexwraiths

This skeletal cavalry horde could look awesome, but sadly there isn't any special formation for it, so it might feel weaker than the Brass Stampede

But if you said this

>Winning games is a secondary option behind aesthetic and money investment

Then you could consider it

Also, there are rumors about more Deathrattle to come, so there are possibilities of them including more mounted units and even a chariot or something similar

(You could actually still use the Tomb KIngs chariots, and even Settra as the general, it would fit nicely in your theme and be quite competitive)

Wathever you do, good luck! It's always cool to read someone with inventive ideas!
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>they'll wait
they are nearly immortal so they have time to be patient. The longer the wait the more advanced the power creep is bound to be for their release.
and also a chariot or two cannot hurt
lot of attacks for only 80pts
The army you are looking for are the beastclaw raiders
Well, I thought of a War Hydra.
The heads looks alike, but I think they can't fly
They look quite cool

Bad thing is, maybe the numbers are too low to really have visual impact, idk
I've always thought a Wanderers horse archer army would be cool. Glade riders, mounted heroes, and even wild riders or sisters of the thorn for some deer cavalry. It's mostly oop, but could be done with conversions.
whats the best chaos command trait?
Looks like a really original and probably aesthetically pretty idea, thanks!

Allegiance: Chaos
Thanquol and Boneripper (500)
- Warpfire Projectors
Skaven Warlord (100)
- Warpforged Blade
Warlock Engineer (100)
- General
- Command Trait : Great Destroyer
- Artefact : Crown of Conquest
20 x Clanrats (120)
-Rusty Blade
20 x Clanrats (120)
-Rusty Spear
20 x Clanrats (120)
-Rusty Spear
20 x Stormvermin (280)
1 x Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon Team (60)
1 x Ratling Gun Weapon Team (80)
1 x Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (60)
1 x Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (60)
War Machines
Warp Lightning Cannon (180)
Doomwheel (140)
Verminus Clawpack (80)
Total: 2000/ 2000
Heroes: 3/6 Battlelines: 3 (3+) Behemoths: 2/4 Artillery: 1/4
I would put blades on 20x clanrats and run at least one unit of 40x rats with spears

I'm actually working on this right now. I have 16 Glade Riders, 10 Wild Riders and 10 Sisters of the Thorn. Ill have to convert heroes though. For now im using the High Elf Prince on Griffin painted in Wood Elf colors.
Upload some pics of them later, please

I'm sure they're awesome!

The force is very WIP but I'll snap a pic of what I've done so far. Gimme a few.
Squigs won a GT recently?

One of the heats.
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Still have 5 WR and 5 SoT to assemble. None of the riders are glued to make painting easier. It's only 1340pts with just the cavalry. I've also got 80 GG, 20 Rangers, 20 EG, 21 Waywatchers, and a few heroes. I'd love to get my hands on more unpainted Glade Riders but i dont have the money or the time to track them down right now.
They look really sweet, for real!

I hope they release some more cavalry units for Deathrattle, like light cavalry with bows and maybe a chariot

As >>54657445 said I could even use Settra

I really like the idea of a mounted skeleton army, even tho for the looks of things with Slaves to Darkness is a lot easier to do
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tfw the GHB2 balances the power creep and then aelves are the next release and everything is OP and cheap points to make sales numbers huge.
sisters of the thorn are ridiculous expensive in points because of their retarded strong spell. To get them to make that points cost worth your while you need to be casting it on something like sisters of slaughter for hilarious "stop hitting yourself" moments. if you can put them in cover with a mystic shield its even more stupid.

Yeah Deathrattle is my other pet project. I'm currently converting one of the mortarch mounts into a Warsphinx since it has the deathrattle keyword and I hate the Egypt aesthetic.

I hear you. I just like a mounted force and I've got the models.
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Grombrindal. I love him but not having points values means I never get to use him.
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Pssshh. If this was pointed it would be painted today.
KO book? Fuck yes. I'm hype.
I love that model so much. You could always run that one as a dwarf lord on shieldbearers. Not as awesome as being Grombrindal, but better than just going 'yes here is my random slayer'
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Already got my generic shield rider.
>I hate the Egypt aesthetic
Pheasentfags get out

Haha. Hey to each their own man. I can't wait to see if the do a Wight style deathrattle release along the lines of the new Wight King fig. The new Sepulchral Guard warband that got teased looks awesome.
Why not both?
strongly disagree there, 2 attacks hitting on 4's is shit, i'd much rather have 3

This is also ignoring the ironfists which are surprisingly effective at smacking mortal wounds back, it never hurts

Gargant hackers should wound on a 2+ to make up for their shitty hit roll and low attacks
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You thought wrong bitch

Not that anon but while I loved the TKs I fucking hated all the big dumb plastic models they got in 8th(?).
It's a magnificent squig that i'm seeing here?
because they used to mimic humanoids shapes, both for their connection with the elves and also to lure humans into kinky shit like being torn to pieces and getting hung up on various branches
squigs are not coming
Stupid, sexy, branchwraiths.
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Tell me, is this list skirmish legal? Can I use the battletome abilities and artifacts? I have some unused Storm of Sigmar models and I really want to buy a box of bloodletters because they look neat as fuck

Blades of Khorne Warband (50/50 Renown)
Allegiance: Chaos

Bloodsecrator (24)
- General
- Trait: Violent Urgency
- Artefact: Daemon Weapon
- Banner of Khorne: Banner of Rage

Blood Warriors Chaos Champion (4)
- Goreaxe & Gorefist
2x Blood Warrior (8)
- Goreaxe & Gorefist

Bloodreavers Chieftain (1)
- Reaver Blades
Bloodreavers Hornblower (1)
- Reaver Blades
2x Bloodreavers (3)
- Reaver Blades

Bloodletter’s Bloodhunter (2)
Bloodletter Icon Bearer (2)
- Gore Drenched Icon
Bloodletter Hornblower (2)
2x Bloodletters (4)
>fucks dryad
>dick splinters
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I am from the future
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>mfw pirate skaven
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Better shop a Primaris head onto it too, because that's all that is coming the next few weeks.
I thought that the Sphinx was a very fine model. It was the snakes that looked pretty fucking silly. TK would probably had been a more popular army had GW bothered with updating their core units which looked incredibly dated when placed next to the VC units.

It's almost like they should have made the newer skeleton kit be a generic clean skeleton so they could just put a sprue of pieces of armour and a sprue of weapons, which could be changed out.

If they hadn't been planning to just let the less popular faction die of course.
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Round for being heterosexual or square for retro-vibes? I'm not gonna make a greenskinz army - just a small skirmish warband so it's not like it matters for pile-in etc. Also I'm not gonna use these square bases for anything else. The round ones are for skaven so if I use them for orruks I will have to buy some extra round ones someday
I prefer square myself, but that's mostly because I like making displays for my minis, and square is easier for me to incorporate slots for
So, I did a small 400 points game against a newbie kid and his dad and I'm not complaining that I lost the game, sice I was actively helping them defeat me, but I was still quite disappointed with my seraphon's output.
First time in a while playing AoS for me as well and even longer since I last fielded lizardmen.

My army (Seraphon)
- Saurus Oldblood, Suntooth Maul
- 10 Saurus Warriors with Clubs
- 10 Saurus Warriors with Clubs
- 10 Skinks with Boltspitters and Clubs

His army (High Elves)
- Annointed
- 10 Swordmasters
- 10 Lothern Seaguard

The skinks shooting really disappointed me, since they lack both accuracy and only have one shot each.
The saurus did okay against the seaguard and of course got slaughtered by the swordmasters, kinda disappointed, but not too much.
The oldblood was really bad, only two attacks 4+/3+ -1 rend and D3 damage didn't do diddly and then he got squashed.
Well, I think I will stick with squares. I'm gonna run a 7-models list so I can make a nice handy regiment base for them
I'm suspecting that they were planning on axing TK in the seventh edition.
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2x Bloodreavers (2)*
Also bump for tips and advice
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Warscroll builder is actually pretty handy for skirmish warbands. GW should add an option to make warband lists with it.
Also r8 my shitty lists based on homebrew point values. My group is fine with 24 for Warboss and 16 for Shaman

The Killy Warboss list

Orruk Warboss on War Boar (24)
- General
- Boss Choppas
- Trait: Might is Right
- Artefact: Battle Brew

Orruk Great Shaman (16)

Orruk Boss (2)
- Choppa & Shield
Orruk Waaagh! Drummer (2)
- Choppa & Shield
Orruk Standard Bearer with Skull Icon (2)
- Choppa & Shield
2x Orruks (4)
- Choppa & Shield

Total: 50/50


Buffing Warboss list

Orruk Warboss (24)
- General
- Great Waaagh Banner
- Trait: Bellowing Tyrant
- Artefact: Meteoric Hammerblade

Orruk Boss (2)
- Pair of Choppas
Orruk Waaagh! Drummer (2)
- Pair of Choppas
Orruk Standard Bearer with Skull Icon (2)
- Pair of Choppas

Orruk Boarboy Boss (4)
- Choppa & Shield
Orruk Boarboy with Waaagh! Horn (4)
- Choppa & Shield
3x Orruk Boarboys (12)
- Choppa & Shield

Total: 50/50

Karl Franz?
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>discontinued products

some things you can never meme into existence no matter how hard you try
From my experience playing against Seraphon their troops are all pretty weak. You really need some bigger stuff backing up the line troops.
i don't know anything about fantasy or AoS. where is a good place to start learning lore and fluff?
You should've posted The Story with it.
>>Far above the highest mountain peaks, a new power has arisen. The duardin have developed new technology and weapons of war, and now they sail the skies in their amazing airships, seeking wealth and plunder. Brokrin Ullissonn, Captain of the Ang Drak, has a reputation for bad luck. Unless his fortune turns, and soon, he will lose his ship and his livelihood. When he and his crew discover the location of a source of aether-gold of unparalleled quality, the temptation is too strong to resist. No matter what dangers present themselves, the duardin desire wealth beyond all. But when Brokrinn realises what the true cost of the aether-gold will be, is it too late for him to save himself, his crew, and his ship?
Start with reading battletomes and stuff from OP pastebin megalinks
Wow, I might actually want to get this and read it
There's Lexicanum
But it's still missing alot, the Wikia
which is missing less, 1d4 chan
which is kinda ornery.

But the best one I can't remember where I found it but it was a forum post containing background from every book in age of sigmar with lots of images. It was really well done and it was up to date, but I can't remember where it was.
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When are they finally gonna release this faggot I've been waiting for fucking years
Not after they release another Khorne model
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I've been thinking about doing a mounted slaves to darkness army, with 20 chaos knights, 20 chaos marauders horsemen, a pair of chaos charioys and a Lord on Daemonic Mount, for a total of 1500 points

Would it be a good army?
20 knight and daemon prince are one of the cheapest playable AoS army and they are fun to play. Lord on Mount looks cool as fuck. I never played with him or against him but for me he can be even more useless than a clanrat in skirmish games - he looks so good I would forgive him anything
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Well, the idea is to make a whole mounted army just for the aesthetic, and for what I've seen the Lord on Daemonic Mount is pretty decent, he can also buff other mounted units
Play them in Total War if you want them so much.
If you are not sure just proxy your shit and give it a try in the real game - this is what I'm doing before any purchase
Yeah, I think I'll do that

On paper they have enough movility, punch and are fun to play, but I'm probably forgetting something
Well, they are mainly melee but at least they are not slow
Well, at least I will bump the thread for the night. Maybe there is other hero that is better at buffing both mortals and daemons?
>an original fantasy race
id play it.
Are Varghulfs in Age of Sigmar Vampires or Mordants/Ghouls?

The warscroll says Mordant, but I want to know what the lore says, since they were called vampire in WHFB
I would imagine the same as previous. While the setting has changed, the army fluff has barely besides maybe names and their location.

I'm so sorry
No, he's pic related.
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W-what the fuck?
Meant for >>54669506
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I know this is alot, but could someone give me feedback on which list out of these looks the best?
I have a confession to make.

In the past year I have yet to play a single game of AoS. I've been slowly building in painting my army, but literally nobody in my area plays, and I don't have any friends.

I feel like a loser.
Grabbing a start collecting and a Skink priest I could go for 1.000 points:

-Saurus Sunblood (120)
- 3 x 10 Saurus Warriors (300)
- Sunclaw Starhost (80)
- Skink Priest (100)
- 10 Skinks (80)
- 5 Saurus Knights (120)
- Troglodon (200)

Sunblood and Warriors as a battalion to make them a tad more deadly, the skink priest to buff them further with his heavenly rites.
Skinks to hold objectives or mildly annoy the enemy as a screening unit, Knights to do some flanking and the Troglodon to look cool.
That sucks man. Any cons or tournaments that happen within a decent drive of where you are?
Did Settra really walk all the way from Khemri to Middenhiem?
unfortunately while there are two decent sized /tg/ cons a year somewhat nearby, large scale wargaming isn't a thing at either con. One of them used to do an annual 40k tournament, but multiple consecutive years of just a handful of entries they decided to cancel this year and future years.
If the Squats came to AoS, the Tomb Kangs can return too.
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I've seen the Dragon Blades can be easily "converted" into Blood Knights, wich is pretty useful because the first ones are 27€ and the last ones 82€
(just painting them red, with maybe some pieces from the skeleton boxes)

But... is it legal? I mean, I've never minded if someone did this kind of things, but until now I've never done it myself.
If they're well painted and don't look aelfy, I really don't think any opponent would take issue especially given the age and price of actual blood knight models.
GW don't care as long as you're usin' their plastic/resin. Just use the shields from the von carstien upgrade pack
I play both as well. My original Skaven army will remain on squares because fuck rebasing all of those clanrats. My lizards are on rounds, but my newer Spiderfangs are all on squares (though they suck absolute shit in WHFB).
The Shadowstrike Starhost seems super legit. Those Ripperdactyls will RIP and/or TEAR the turn you decide to put them in.
Why would you miss this shitty game? I have played fantasy for something like 5 years and I would never return to play it again
Ohh good idea, thanks!

And yeah, I'll erase all the obviously aelf symbols
It's the least bad starhost but its still bad. Here's why:

1. Ripperdactyls suck
You roll a lot of dice but with no rend you don't actually do much damage.
It's easy to put up a wall unit and totally deny rippers from doing any significant damage.
Terradons do more damage in a single turn than rippers with their rocks > shoot > charge combo. You need two rounds of combat with Rippers to justify bringing them over Terradons, but with their horrible defenses (5+ save and only 3 wounds) they don't last that long.

2. The battalion sucks.
You can already reroll hits from many effects, like an astrolith bearer, a slanns constellation, swooping dive, etc.
Adding 1 to wound rolls is good, but see #1
120 points to drop 6+ rippers into play isnt worth it. It would be worth 100 if we had good artifacts to choose, but the current selection of Order artifacts leaves much to be desired.

I want Seraphon battalions to be good, especially Thunderquake, but right now they leave much to be desired.
Does summoning get any kind of massive regiment discount...? If not, GHB2 makes summoning even worse :/
Yes, he also rko'ed a deamon that was going to attack nagesh so he could eventually kill him himself
Yuck. This is AoS not fantasy, not 9th age and not kings of war.
I cut the cone head part of the helmets off and greenstuffed hair.
Look way less elfy without the cone-heads
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found a pic
I also put on the Von Carstine upgrade kit (shields and the banner)

What a good idea, they look a lot more like the original ones, even better maybe

And about the shields and banner, I personally like the originals with all the dragon heraldry, but with the upgrade kit also look cool
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Anyone had any luck with this? On paper it seems pretty good, especially if you're toting around a settra for more buffing shenanigans
I was looking at that yesterday, looks like a pretty fun thing to do

Sadly I don't have any of the models it requires, but we could test it out
>A squad of 6 chariots in this batallion with settra pumps out 48 hoof attacks hitting on 2s and deals 3 mortal wounds on the charge.
>They literally kick bloodthirsters to death
>how fitting
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omg stoooop

Knowing that both Settra and the chariots are aout of production and will probably never come back that only hurts more!!
>They literally kick bloodthirsters to death
>They can literally run over Archaon

Yes please
But can they run over GW's desire to erase them?
>implying they aren't going to bring back settra as a usurper to nagesh in the new deathrattle book
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That shall be... they'r final race
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While I know AoS is pretty much on a model by model basis (stats are associated solely to that specific mini), how acceptable would it be to use this guy as as chaos lord?

I much prefer this big guy to the slinky horned man. Worst case for a conversion noob/illiterate, how could I make it more clear he is a lord of chaos?
You tell your opponent that he's your Chaos Lord.

No need to thank me.
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>how acceptable would it be to use this guy as as chaos lord?

The Warriors of Chaos pdf literally classifies that model as a Chaos Lord

>could I make it more clear he is a lord of chaos?

I undertand the guy pretty much looks like a normal chaos warrior, like a paladin at most, but you could make him to stand out just with your painting.

As a conversion itself, put him on a big rock or similar, that extra height will work too
Well ya I know thats the common sense solution but I am wondering how this is received in the the AoS community in general or in official/tournament scenes?

Am I gonna get barked down my throat or are AoS players normally chill about this?
It aint Archaon though anon its Crom.
Oh fuck true I always confuse them

It says nothing about Crom in the pdf, but Crom was already a Chaos Lord, so as >>54675865 said there should be no problem.

There's quite the same discussion with this >>54672625 and the answer was "Yes, as long as they look like what they are meant to be"

So no problems with you using Crom as an standart Chaos Lord
I mean, you literally are using a Chaos Lord model as a Chaos Lord model after all
>archeon on foot got relegated to bring a standard Lord
>how will archeonlets ever recover
I should have been a bit clearer why I am asking something like this. Its labelled and links to the Exalted Champion of Chaos warscroll on the website, despite it being a chaos lord before AoS. So I was not sure how nitpicky people are regarding things like that in this gane system.

Of course to avoid confusion id highlight "He is a chaos lord" but was curious to note how they manage this in the main as I know some communities or tourney scenes got sticks up their bum.
Actually that's Crom, not Archaon on foot

I got confused aswell
Substitute warscrolls
Archaon on foot...................chaos lord
I'm not talking about crom
Btw, as long as you don't use models built specifically to abuse cover or rules in general, people who are assblasted about a nice conversion or counts-as are probably people you don't want to play anyway. Famous examples of this would be Wraithknights and Riptides in 40k, built kneeling so these huge models can abuse cover more easily. It can be done well, and as a nice centerpiece model, no problems with that desu, but it was mostly done for WAACfaggotry.
Well, as long as in your list is listed as a Chaos Lord and you communicate that to your opponent, things should go well

But as you said, idk how some poeple will react :c
No intention whatsoever of doing that, that sounds like a load of shite honestly with the wraithknights. Just leave Crom as Crommy as he is.

He is my ideal chaos lord, looks bulky and has full plate chaos armour with helm and a gigantic shield and sword. Love him.
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>What are black knights
>What is a Chaos chariot base
So for now I should rather ignore the battalions, put the points into more units and rely on the buffs my heroes give me?

And warriors, clubs or spears? With clubs, I can always use the shield bash as welll since its also 1", but I gotta position myself more carefully since they wont be able to attack at all from the second row at all. So it boils down to either one row attacking with clubs and shields or spears from first and second row...
clubs if you run units of 10, spears if you run units of 20+
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put him on a taller base and paint his sword glowy or something.
my chaos lord isn't a chaos lord model either.
>Spending around 50€ of at least 2 different boxes to just make one character and lukilly some other model

Honestly no, thanks.
and here are some TK skeletal horsemen made from vampire counts black knights
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>uses settra's chariot and body
>Implying Settra hasn't killed the Chaos Gods
>Implying the four aren't now simply expressions of Settra's psyche
>Implying Slaanesh is powerless not because of the twin faggot elves, but because Settra cannot indulge into excess because everything is rightfully his in whatever amount he desires

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>complaining about money while playing warhams
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I wonder if anyone has made a Khemri Titan out of Alarielle yet
You can use it as a necrosphinx
This guy gets it
>being this stuck on a squatted army
get help
Sick looking Lord anon. Welp, that settles it. I'm going to get Crom tomorrow and start my Skirmish Slaves to Darkness warband.
>not shitposting about the tomb kings at every given opportunity
It's like you don't want to enjoy life
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so is this something you got off ebay or are you trying to drop some kind of leaked picture indicating GW is going to start making TK again?
I wish it were the latter, but it is the former
>"settra himself"
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Too late
I have a lore question.
Are stormcasts flesh and blood or magical lightning magic under their armor?
Flesh and lightning. Literally.

They have physical bodies under the armor. It's not like a 1k sons sort of thing.
Flesh and blood but with every reforging their personality loses a bit of humanity so they are changing into vengeance golem
honestly Warhammer is pretty cheap for a hobby
>pcmr friend dropped 3 grand on a rig last year
>"I love pc gaming because it's so cheap"
>I dropped about 500 on a 2500 point tomb kings list
>"lmao dude why do you play such an expensive Fuckin game"
Well compared to vintage motorcycle and car collecting and restoration, sure.
Shooting is retarded expensive in bongland too

68 bongs for 100 rounds of .357 mag ;_;
I have build a 2000pts skaven army by buying two spire of dawn boxes and a single start collecting box. I sold aelves for 50% of each box price. Then I sold square bases for something like 20% of box price so I actually spend a 30% of box price for each SoD box. I also sold the plague monks from SC box.
Models are the cheapest aspect of the hobby - the real problem are paints - mainly primers and base spray paints
a i r b r u s h
Can anyone explain to me how exactly heroes join units in AoS? I am not seeing any rules for this in the back of my Grand Alliance books.

If they aren't able to join, how exactly do you keep your general safe in melee or do you just keep them at the middle/rear? Cause I'd really like my general, Lord of Chaos in this case, get stuck in and kill in the name of the Gods good and proper.
>Can anyone explain to me how exactly heroes join units in AoS?
They don't.
Oh. Well in that case I assume to avoid my general being unceremoniously gunned down from range I should plop him behind a unit of warriors to screen him from line of sight?
Each hero is a separate one-model unit
Unless he's behind a big thick monster where the shooting unit literally cannot see him, friendly units do not block line of sight.
Does this mean Settra has become super-Doomguy?
Well damn. Guess I ought to pick my fights carefully then. Or I'm fighting a mainly melee army like Orruks.
Being a complete noob but just from observation and having the most basic grasp of the game, where is the anti gunline pieces anon? I mean, I am not seeing any Hellcannons to ward off potential archers or enemy artillery.
He ascended to doomguyhood when he swore to kill chaos for disrespecting him
Don't feel like a loser, I've been doing this for ten years and I've never even played a game once. I don't even know how to!
At least you are doing the good part of the hobby man. Don't feel like a loser, its a good pass time and artistic hobby. A lot better than doing drugs and overdrinking.
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>there are people in this very thread who unironically use ROUND bases.
I have 3 models on round bases and that's only because I'm waiting for my scenic squares to come in
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I have 120 rats on round bases but under certain circumstances I pick square ones
Hellcannons aren't nurgle bro
I know man but it falls under the same grand alliance chaos. Food for thought as a mass infantry army so specialized I can see suffering from ranged harrassment.
Are there any 3rd party models that would work as a decent female bloodsecrator?
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>being that guy who converts female models
I love the lack of self awareness for images like that. Some dude getting mad at news articles, frantically drawing arrows and underlining the parts that enrage them the most, and then posting it on an anime imageboard for other people to get mad at.
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I love the lack of self awareness for images like that. Some dude getting mad at news articles, frantically drawing arrows and underlining the parts that enrage them the most, and then posting it on an anime imageboard for other people to get mad at.

Pic is me btw.
>Everyone who disagrees with me is a numale faggot REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Why so salty? Some 3rd party models are fine and bring some fresh air on the table. I was thinking about working on the original bloodsecrator model but using something totally different seems to be more fun for me
That's why I was thinking blightguard and bloab each give -1 to hit and the harbingers provide another wound/mortal wound save.

Maybe I could fit in some plagueclaws.
Are you kidding? I don't even need the underlines and arrows to point out what's so fucking infuriating about that article. How would the person in 2nd place not feel like the trophy was literally stolen from her?

Self-awareness, friendo. The anon was talking about converting some warhammer minis, not discussing the rules for female weightlifting competitions in kangaroonia.
I really wouldn't mind some female bloodreaver models so that my army could be more varied and not just several dozen techno Viking wannabes
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I need this picture's Vampire Knight as a model, please

It's so fucking badass
>It's so fucking badass
Nope, kys shiteater
You can fit a ton more men in base size with those smaller dimensions, giving you an unfair advantage.
So fuck off.
>actually play the game,
I've bet you also "actually" play Syrim
The fuck is syrim. Measuring from the model is retarded for anything with weird extremities (spearmen etc), and squares don't have a uniform diameter and can be used to achieve annoying spacing fuckery that the game can't account for.
>Measuring from the model is retarded
So as round bases
>and squares don't have a uniform diameter and can be used to achieve annoying spacing fuckery that the game can't account for.
Hey, it's just a game, take it easy.
>The fuck is syrim.
Soft conversion should not be too hard.

>So as round bases

You mean "So is measuring from round bases" (learn proper english, faggot).

Also no, it's not. If you think measuring from round bases is retarded you must hate 40k and basically any wargame that isn't on squares.
Squares only makes sense for models meant to be fielded in blocks. Age of Sigmar doesn't work that way, ergo squares are just ugly and retarded to work with.
>forcing people to rebase their shit because muh fee fees
Grow up
Wanting to use female models in a WARgame is faggotry incarnate.
>not following the rules because you're too attached to a dead shit game
Grow up.
Ah I see now. You are retarded
Someone had a bad day. Why dont you go back to harassing another group? This thread was fine till you came along.
>Hey, it's just a game, take it easy.


No one made you engage in this discussion. If you don't like, and you can't contribute anything meaningful, just fuck off. Turn off your screen nigga.

Every AoS tournament I've seen measures from base to base and requires round bases. Tournaments are the pinnacle of competitive play in the same way that golden demon is the pinnacle of competitive painting. Both provide objective standards as to what is practical and fair to be practised in a competitive game of AoS.

GW continues to repack old kits with round bases, phasing out square bases. All post-AoS kits come with round bases only. GW has published articles which teach and encourage players to rebase their models.

Squares are no more than a bandaid solution to you oldfaggots screeching autistically that your shitty hobgoblin or halfling collection is invalid.
Wrong post I linked but just ignore and report him. Thread was fine till he came in insulting everyone.
that specific one is a conversion
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Has there been any insight in the fluff the average level of technology normal humans have in the realms?

Are they mostly Not-Empire or what?

Also are the origins of chaos armour still the same as before?
empire level
There hasn't been anything too specific. The Age of Chaos destroyed many civilisations and survivors either exist as tribes or hidden cities. Some have types of defences that could be described as the magic equivalent of high-tech. It's likely that survivors of the AoC have more high-tech than most.

For example there is Lykerna in Hysh that is protected by a magical maze made of light or the Tephran Crater in Aqshy whose defences are composed of things like a giant gate that pulls it's victims in with tentacles or the giant mandrakes that are imbued into the walls of fortresses as a way to weaponize their screams.

Armywise, the Ironweld Arsenal are the best representants of mid-class technologically development, even trough they are a Duardin-Human faction.
Huh so the main human populous is scarce? At a glance I thought humanity would be all over the place like usual.

That sounds cool but I am wondering if knights and gunners still existed in a non steam pump aos dorf level.

Where did you read this fluff? Might grab an AoS novel.
Well regular human knights are gone, aside from demigryph knights. Handgunners and blackpowder weaponry are still common though.
Oh I meant like pic related.

>no horses

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I want to do a free peoples army but I don't want to use the wrong bases
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Just roll with it man. Unless its a preference then just buy one of those base packages.
The main human populous is probably either enslaved by chaos, because it was the age of chaos, which lasted between 200 and a 1000 years. The rest was pockets of civilisations or tribes that survived the devastation or the refugees of Azyr. Through this is probably not just human.

Gunner and Knights are part of the Free Guilds, which is the equivalent of the empire, but that's just humans. Order Draconis and Order Serpentis are essentially elven dragonknights and Ironweld Arsenal are the Human-Duardin technological faction.

Legends of the Age of Sigmar are usually good reads and more focused on worldbuilding.

Black Rift is the one that contains the bio-horrors of Tephran Crater. A chaos lord, favoured by Khorne, conquered the city of Uryx and is going to use an artifact to summon a bunch of daemons and a Bloodthirster that wants revenge on the Stormcast, because he was the first one to be forced to walk the path of shame to the Brass Citadel in a while.

Lykerna is from one of the Call of Chaos stories which are a bunch of short stories about chaos worshippers. This one is a Chaos Lord that is pissed of at his home city. He was born blind and that city consists of human Tyrion worshippers that consider blindness a blessing. People in his homecity didn't take his plight seriously so he decided to become a Chaos Lord so he could take revenge. He gets to beats a Luminark beam with a lighteating macguffin weapon.

I heard Warbeast(Gained/nominated for an award) and Pantheon are good. Legends of the AoS are also pretty good I heard specially City of Secrets and Pestilens
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Someone should make Leitdorf and Daisy out of stormcast on dracoth.
Thanks man. I may get the Chaos one as I am really, really thinking of starting a Slaves to Darkness warband and now that not-vikings are gone or at least not the same as before, a bit of insight would be great.

That looks like a sigmarite with a head swap conversion?
looks like a starter box retributor with a head swap, shoulder swap, and a lot of lightning emblems removed
Besides the hat I think its a marked improvement over the standard design.
Call of Archaon is also good, if you want a more focused story. Funny thing about that one is time fuckery. One Khornate Chaos Lord goes back in time and talks to his own past self, accidentally convincing him to commit a suicidal charge against his future self, which leads his past self to be taken by Sigmar and possibly turned into a Stormcast.
I really want a perspective or lore focus on the new generation of Chaos warriors. Where do they come from? What are their motives? Where they get their armour?

The spirit seems the same frm the google search of the everchosen battletome but the followers seem more diverse.

Sounds good though, im gonna go binge dhopping tomorrow but if there is one a book of small shorts focused on chaos would be ideal.
Which of those novels has the most himan element?

I found one critic on Call of Archaon summed it up well: Where is the human element? The story seemed too epic and hard to relate to.

Like I found Skarsnik was an amazing read as there was a nice human element to it as well as good humour.
Just buy round bases on a bits website or ebay.
That would be a fucking wonderful idea for a named character for each faction
This model is perfect for demonstrating the distinction between skill and composition. It's obviously skillfully converted and painted, but it looks rubbish because the proportions are whack and the creator hasn't paid attention to the distinct stylistic difference between the ranges from which it originates and has simply mashed them together.
Then its Call of Chaos series that you're looking for.
Thanks bro. Now I just need to pray my gw has it.
I'd argue that the most human and most interesting theme in Age of Sigmar is the story of the refugees from the Age of Chaos. Their once mythic empires have been destroyed and many have been forced to flee and survive in small tribal communities. They were denied the refuge of Azyr and Sigmar stopped answering their prayers, forcing
many to have to turn to Chaos to survive. They then have to survive for five centuries, before Sigmar goes back on the offensive. Those that did turn to Chaos get killed while those that remained faithful get inducted into Sigmar's new cities. But they're treated as the bottom rung of society and are seen as untrustworthy and tainted, like how real refugees are treated. It's also interesting to note that Sigmar treats himself and his Stormcast as a kind of liberation force, while in reality the refugees of the Age of Chaos are still oppressed.
Thanks for that account. That isnt just human thats pretty tragic. That sounds grimdark in a more grittier way than 40k. Is this fluff in the main AoS book?
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Is there any mention of more traditional dungeon crawling like dungeons in AoS anymore? Or has the tech advanced too far for that?
The Silver Tower was pretty much a dungeon crawl
Shadows over Hammerhall a little bit depending on your definition of dungeon.
Shadows over Hammerhal is pretty much an AoS dungeon crawling boardgame. If you want a trippy chaos magical dungeon then there's Silver Tower.

>Or has the tech advanced too far for that?
What are you talking about? The karadron overlords are not a representation of the mortal races as a whole.
Bricks, stone floor, traps, large beasts and monsters spread around in a labryinth with multi floors. You know like D&D.

>stone floor


>large beasts and monsters

>labryinth with multiple floors

>like d&d
>like D&D.

That's where what he is expecting is going to fall apart. AoS is pretty damn far from D&D, even their crazier settings like Eberron, Planescape, or Spelljammer. And AoS is all the better for it. I like those D&D things, but it's nice that AoS tries to be different in several regards.
even the wfb old world had a distinct 'not d&d' feel to it
I meant in that its fantasy with weird creatures. I guess Warhammery would have been better but ya it looks spot on.

Mainly because I lack an established lore book and I dont know how much detail the main book goes into. So I am trying to gauge what semblence AoS has thematically and aestheyically to the old warhammer.
old world was D&D on meth. But not while it was on a high, it was D&D after having heavily used it, reached rock bottom, and crying and laughing and twitching in the corner on the throes of its inevitable death unless it gets another hit.

AoS is D&D while it's on a meth high.
>So I am trying to gauge what semblence AoS has thematically and aestheyically to the old warhammer.
Very little. Again, that's not necessarily a bad thing.
So there is no semblance of medieval europe or architecture among the normal people either?

On one end I am goven the impression AoS is so vast, it could still be like that. On the other hand some cities seem Warcraftian tech wise akin to gnomes or the newer magi tech stuff.

>Literally never

They combo absurdly well with big units of dryads in cover though
File: lantic_empire.jpg (331KB, 1301x896px) Image search: [Google]
331KB, 1301x896px
>So there is no semblance of medieval europe or architecture among the normal people either?
There is ancient ruins and remnants of ancient people, but they may not necessarily resemble medieval europe. But the point is there may be some old empires that resemble that, but also so many others. We know little about the ancient human empires, just some snippets. At least not until the story gets around to them.
Fair enough. Man Chaos seems to have gone from evil with a few sprinkles of humanity underneath it to full blown evil/evil.

also each of the mortal realms are huge, though it isn't clear how large exactly. Planet sized maybe.
I feel like the world of AoS is perfect for YOUR DUDES. You can just pick a random uninhabitated spot on one of the planes, set your dudes there and come up with your own backstories without it clashing much with the overall story.
In one way its great for the reasons you said but I feel it may be too vague. The Old World had a unified feel and foundation in terms of its aesthetic and themes. So you had something to work off.

Here it seems so vague you can have warcraft tier dorfs one end and bretonnia the other. Least as far as humans are concerned.
You get it. That's the beauty of AoS. As the setting developes, we get more and more info on all the varied factions and settings. It's actually exciting to read about the stuff as it's getting revealed to us.
and that's one of the things I actually really like about the setting, is that even the more established parts are rich with areas you can add your own creativity.

I wouldn't mind having a bit more direction for some of the things though. Even just little things descriptions of landscapes. What is the realm of metal like? Is it literally made of metal, or just mountainous with rocky crags and towering spires of stone, with ribbons of metal ore decorating sheer faces of rock?
Old world had a lot of definition, but there was literally no room for your dudes. AoS is in the opposite direction. One thing about that though is it is still young and GW is not done developing it.
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How are Tzeentch Daemons? I've got a bunch of Pink Horrors that I've barely touched since 5th 40k because they've either been dog shit or cheese. Off the top of my head, I have:

3 Princes
Metal LoC
Metal Changeling (best)
Converted Herald on a disc
35-40 horrors (Some converted to heralds)
5 screamers
3 Failcast flamers
5 metal 2nd Ed flamers with the beaks

Pretty sure that's it because I haven't bought anything for them since 5th.
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