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Warhammer 40k General. /40kg/

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Xenos interfering with campaign results... edition.

>Konor Campaign: Chaos Rising Edition

>Check your local store's contribution

>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf & epub, SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Other megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-Anon doing Abaddon's work)
First for Xenos working against imperium because raisins.
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So what are you working on?
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Nth for cutenids
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What color for trim and mutation?
>Penitent engines are in the Ministorum section and don't have the Adepta Sororitas keyword

Aren't they just Repentia in a robot suit?
>no link to previous thread
It's for the best
"Nids evolve to meet any challenge. Sometimes that means gaining cat faces so humans will like them.
Mixture of pallid wychflesh and snot green
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I guess they are not considered part of the sororitas if they are repenting

also it means they can get an extra attack from the priest, which is pretty sick considering thier bonuses
No, not that steve jackson
>Trusting WAAC "Playtesters" to actually playtest
Just wait for the sisters codex for the fix.
What color would that make?
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Chaos players what are you doing to contribute to the war effort? codex bearing reinforcement is coming for the imperium. Find a grey store in your vicinity and cap that bitch! Every model painted is a fresh coat of icor for your favorite plague marine! Every battle won is another skull for the mantel of your best zerker! Get in there fight the good fight and provide a new bottle of astroglide for a slanneshi ass hole! Every strategem point spent for the effort is a "Just as planned." For your favorite lovcraftian blob/bird hybrid!

That's good but they'd get that anyway as all SoB units have the Ministorum keyword. It just means they get no benefits from most acts of faith, which makes them shittier.
Siege Adepts: Reroll 1s to wound against enemy infantry in cover
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Still pouting over color scheme on Wraithlord. And over the fact that its joints were all covered so I couldnt pose it the way I wanted and the pose I did give it while I left it to dry kinda drifted to a static pose.
I doubt it.
From the leak we got CSM codex will have 8 Legion Tactics. 1 for each Legion plus 1 for Renegades.

From how I read that. 1/8 of the tactics is Renegade while the remaining 7 are for Legions.

There are 9 Legions so 2 are being dropped. Death Guard are an obvious one and Thousand Sons for the other

>DG and TS are now Blood Angel / Dark Angel tier, CSM that live outside the vanilla codex.
That's actually pretty reasonable

Wont be the case though. GW believes IW have an irrational hatred of buildings
>Embittered Autistic Screeching : Each unit reduces the Ld. of of nearby IRON WARRIOR units by 1. This is cumulative.
a pus-y grey green. I dont have any snot green or I would show you.
What's some good Forgeworld units for Orks and Deathguard? Visiting Warhammer World on a trip to Northern England so I figured I would get some stuff at the Forgeworld store there. Never used any FW models aside from the Big Trakk in 7th sometimes so pretty oblivious as to what to get.
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Despite the American fuck up, Chaos slowly pushing up in this up hill battle. It 2 days enough to at least get a tie?
I dunno, can't read it.

But it is called Siege Lords.
No. They're ambulatory crucifixes for all manner of heretics. They've always been under the ecclesiarchy rather than the sororitas. One of the pilot models is male for eample.
Reroll failed hits on buildings.

Ignore -1 to hit with heavy weapons.

All on infantry, bikes and hellbrutes of course.
> add 1" to charge distances that target enemy <imperial fists> chapter units
>enemy <imperial fists> chapter units reroll all failed hits and wounds against friendly <iron warriors> legion units
>as all SoB units have the Ministorum keyword

i did not know this, my opinion of SoB has just improved
AHH remove youre sprue bitz and moldlines before assembling.
Ignores Cover while in Cover
Reroll Wounds vs Buildings
The way I do Nurgle, Paint all the flesh bright red and then just brush it with a muddy green.

That way it looks like the flesh is rotting and falling over raw red flesh underneath.
Digganobs: infantry that has not moved in the previous turn counts as in cover.
>Biding my time for Psyker week.
>Daemon of Tzeentch player
doubt it, I just hope chaos gets atleast one region on the planet at this point. we can have another go at the next planets for planetary ownership. Praxima is almost 50/50 so I'd put my points there.
That sounds good man, have you got any pics?

Ah okay, thanks for clearing that up. I thought I'd seen men in them but art almost always has women.


Yeah, it makes them way more viable and gives them some variety. I'm building a Ministorum army rather than a Sororitas one.
Just got something stuck in my throat, something tickly. Made me cough and puke.

A blessing of Nurgle?
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Does Fate of Konor actually have a godamned point? Regardless of allegations that they're rigging the results anyway, we know how this is gonna go down already, is there any way anything actually effects the grand scheme of things?

What I want:

>All IRON WARRIORS models may reroll the dice to determine random number of shots

What I expect:

>A slightly shittier version of the IF chapter tactic
I can't seem to find the page talking about vehicles and bases.

Because if I have a freaking antenna popping from a building I could 360 no scope the entire board.

Side note: 8th rulebook does not make much sense in structure.
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Warboss on a bike. Nob bikers. Grot tanks. Nurgle Sorceror.
Not likely, no. It's been teetering in the 60-40 range for a couple of days now, and while some progress was made in praxima skyport, thats back to 58/42 in favor of the IoM.
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Post your stores /tg/. Pic attached is mine, p close which is kewl.

There was an MS Paint a few weeks ago of a LR with lasers and bullets flying out of its antennae from behind a rock
>Praxima is almost 50/50 so I'd put my points there.
Only way to put your points there is to move to the UK or anywhere that's not EU or NA. You don't have a choice where your fighting at.
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Keep fighting the good fight!
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Do I have a problem tg?
What happens in Konor will have some affect in the writing of Ultramar round 2 when Morty and his gang return to finish what they started.
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Lads painting my first custodian squads not sure whether to go for standard gold bling or something like pic related
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Alright /tg, if you were put in charge of writing your 8e codex and got to add one new unit to your faction, what would it be?
(Pic related for GSC)
Depends on if you have some war-ter hidden off camera.
oh, I havent got to play any games myself cause ive been traveling, I live in NA.
>only gw paints
Yea you do. Take a look at some vallejo and others and prepare to be very happy
Nothing major. Basically whether Ultramar will have some plague planets permanently parked on its border or not.
Dude didn't you have that sorted a few days back?
Gold all the way.
I haven't seen a single black custode that looked good.
Not sure I want to see Nurgle gain more ground, but I sure wanna see schemes unfold.
On the flip side, that tank is also 100% visible and gets no bonus due to cover because it is not within a piece of terrain, just behind it
Cool. But a lot more work.
yeah but like... yeah...
Supposed CSM Traits

-Night lord trait should be : -1 ld by nl unit around you (6" and stack)
-Iron warriors : +1 in cover and -1 vs covers
-World Bearers : Reroll moral.
-Emperors Childrend : Always pile in first (WTF?)
-Black legion : +1 ld and a bonus for advancing and shooting (too small)
-World eaters : Pass all morale while in melee
-Alpha legion : Deep strike at 12" from ennemies.
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Fucking marine players kept losing.

So IG and SoB had to do all the work as usual. Hell even the waacfag that brought a Knight at 25PL games lost 2 times, by exploding.
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I was a bit lazy on this model, but do you see in all his wounds and crevices in his skin you can see the red flesh poking out?
Black obviously.
God that WB trait would suck
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Cute tau girls. Gue'vesa might be neat too.
>Pass all morale while in melee
Wat. That's terrible on everyone except cultists and your an idiot if your runing cc cultists without an apostle
Those... kinda look mediocre
I've always hated the "pile of decaying green shit" aesthetic of the great unclean ones
That's usually what you get with home brew 40k rules.
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I like the idea of cultists counting as cover for Iron Warriors. What do y'all think?

It's basic but I really want a general angry mob option for the Ministorum. A huge army of shittily armed civilians to use as a meat shield for the Emperor's glory. It'd add a ton of conversion options and add some flavour to any Imperial army. Plus it'd be a simple way of adding Necromunda units to 40k.

Failing that, a Sister Famulous.
That sounds pretty damn fun/funny I'd rock with it.
I am hoping for +1 on all rolls for random attributes, and then mutilators and obliterators as troops.
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It's fluffy as Fuck too. Either that, or let me fire into allied units
So I just tried green for the trim and it didn't fit. Any other color suggestions?

Those are all pretty shit except for the black legion and alpha legion ones, so I expect them to get nerfed
I don't play or fought CSM, only loyal Marines.

How much does CSM suffer from morale?

I know for vanilla marines they're basically immune to it via high Ld, low model squads, and ATSKNF
The last two GW greater daemons have been better than the FW ones. Do you think it could be possible? I don't but if they could, good god are we in for a treat.

My dick gets hard thinking about that Stratagem I read a while ago that let you spend command points at the start of a game to bombard enemy units
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Granted the SM codex already came out, so this would have to be in CA, but either one of two things:
Either give all the HQs the ability to take special and heavy weapons, or bring back marine field police, preferably clad in armor like the imperial space marine was.
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Try a brass or bronze
We have the same leadership by no ATSKNF. Unless your taking cultists or big marine blobs it's still not really a problem because you're not taking enough models for it to matter.
Basically if a unit takes morale it's dead anyway.
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The thing is, GW is king of consistency, which is why the previous greater Demons have been so good looking. FW's problem is that their sculpts are hit or miss, and often times look far too realistic for the games they are supposed to be in, as well as having the worst paint jobs ever on their website
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EC up first!
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It's not a busy place.
More like
-Night lords: -1 to hit them with shooting if they're within 12"
-Iron warriors : no penalty for moving and shooting with heavy weapons, -1 model lost to moral to a minimum of 0
-Word Bearers : Reroll charge distences
-Emperors Children : Always strikes first
-Black legion : death to the false emperor activates on a 5 or 6 (4, 5 or 6 with icon of excess)
-World eaters : can advance and charge
-Alpha legion : When they advance in the fight phase they may advance in any direction they wish rather than towards the closest, even if it takes them out of combat.
>(space) communist girls
pick one desu
So like 3 point conscripts with only melee weapons and a 6+++ "Fanatic Zeal" save, that ? I can dig it.
Extra Wound on Possessed!
Heres the link to the image for the legion trait, in case anyone wants to try fucking around to see the other traits, like what we did with the tactics
Apostles of Contagion look fab. Do you know how I could manage that bright to dark transition on the armor?
They seem pretty sweet, just a goddamn shame that there was no hint of new miniatures in the works

Pretty much, basically Imperial cultists. I don't get why we haven't had them since Frateris Militia, which don't even have rules now.
Still 22pts per model and the d3 attakcs is sort of lame, wonder if they changed that too
On a similar note, I find GW to be very clean and smooth while FW more gritty and detailed. Each work for different things and I tend to mix the to for maximum effect.
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Fucking Lord, I like it.

I'd rather hope that Oblits have the LOL RANDUMB guns taken away and replaced with a small list of once per turn weapons again

>Hope is the first step on the path to disappointment
+2 initiative when melee attacking a piece of terrain.
That's literally Catalyst.
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> flamer-armed Chosen
>endless cacophony
How can I go about converting some slaaneshi fellows with flamers?
>inb4 the winner of Konor loses Ultramar
>we high elves now
It's alright. Fighting multiple times is better though, as is the WS chapter tactic.
2 command points to make Emperors Children unit shoot again.

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>TFW the local LGS only has one chaos player, so the event is really Imperium v Xenos.
Use the Raptor flamers, they're more ornate than the regular ones
I ask your advice: what are the absolute essentials for building a dreadnought army? I understand the FW chaplain is a no brainer, but what else do i Need to effectively face most types or armies?
Admech, new HQ:

Explorator (PL4)

WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 A2 W3 Ld9 SV3+

Weapons: Comes default with Phosphor Blast Pistol and Taser Goad.

May upgrade pistol to Gamma Pistol.
May upgrade Taser Goad to Electropriest staff or Omnissian Axe
May take a Servo Arm, Cognis Flamer or the Onager data-tether.

Special Rules:

Reflector field (as Kastellans)

Model is a bigger version of the Engineseer.
I know baby, but we'll make it through this.
So it was actually fun?
I mean facing chaos is rather boring, same as facing marines.
Imperium vs. xenos is funner and more interesting anyways, chaos is a boring antagonist
Airbrush is easiest. Lots of layering would look best but be a ton of work. You could approximate it using shades though. Ever seen Duncan do a gradual color transition on horns using shades? Same principle.
>Chaos nicking things from NPCs to remain relevant
Like pottery
>chaos is rather boring
Chaos is the more interesting version of marines with cultists, daemon engines and demons. Who the fuck did you play against that made them boring?
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>10 man noise marine squad, SCREAM TO BE HEARD.
>I charge your havocs with genestealers
>I still go first because I charged and it's my turn
>literally nothing changes
>Chaos is the more interesting version of marines with cultists, daemon engines and demons
>local lgs
Metal with ryza rust
NPCs nicked them from slaanesh demons
Its Disgustingly Resilient that can be cast on anything.
>shoot twice
>blast masters fire 4d3 krak missiles
>48 sonic blaster shots
You'll suffer against hordes the most, so desu i'd run piles of fist/AC or fist/HB venerables, a quad-las mortis variant and a grav or deathblossom leviathan to handle blobs
DG, Nurgle, Tzeench, Khorne and Alpha

Boring as fuck.
>Imperium vs. xenos is funner and more interesting anyways, chaos is a boring antagonist
>Ork antagonists: WE JUST WANNA FIGHT
>Tyranid antagonists: WE JUST WANNA EAT
>Chaos antagonists: WE JUST WANNA CORRUPT

Face it all the antagonists in 40k are shit.
Most interesting conflict in nu40K is Marneus Calgar's resentment of Guilliman.
Man I would take that in a heartbeat, really need a cheaper hq and exploritors were my favorite dudes in rogue trader.
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Just buy a FW legion flamers set. Pick up heavy weapons for your havocs while you're at it.
>daddy issues
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>Reroll moral
So they might turn loyalist again?
It's not an ability at all, it's a psychic power.
>48 sonic blaster shots
I know they don't, but I can't help but imagine sonic blasters spamming hedgehog soundbites


Buy models from a third party because GW doesn't make a multipart plastic Chosen kit with all options available

Does GW even make a non-forgeworld, non-terminator combi weapon for chaos?
>Face it all the antagonists in 40k are shit.
>antagonist who are simply designed to fight and nothing more, only do what they do because it's what they enjoy
>extra-galactic horror who's only goal is survival and consumption
>not more interesting than "My space daddy didn't treat me right, so now I worship space demons ans want to kill everyone, look at me I'm so edgy"
Kek, orks and nids might not be the most interesting antagonists in the history of fiction, but they are leagues better than chaos
the railroad
Odd question, but since orks loot tech, can say, the Imperium re-loot, looted tech, from the orks if given the opportunity? I understand that manufacturing of many human technologies has been lost but the Imperium still has a number of things it knows well how to make, like many tanks, so if a guard regiment or a space marine deployment kills a fuckbucket of orks and disables a looted land-raider or two, or doesn't completely reduce the tanks to scrap, would id be possible to remove all the orky shit for reclamation?
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Female Guard.

More realistically, I'd really like a pistol-and-CCW basic infantry unit. Maybe like veterans but with 3+ WS instead of BS.
I think the most interesting thing is that renegade marine chapters as a concept is getting a chapter tactic in the chaos book.
Could someone do what they did with the chapter tactics and stuff? Like change the URL or whatever with different legions?
Trying, it doesn't seem to want to be my friend.

>add a new unit
>female guard

Are you serious?
Chaoskiddie please
The imperium, or at least the mechanicum, has been known to re-consecrate baneblades lost to orks. For lesser machines, i havent read anything mentioning it, a relic land raider might get re-consecrated by its chapter but i doubt they'd do it for a leman russ or chimera
No he is baiting. Ignore and move on
Why not?
I play inquisition so i guess I would want arbites. Either that or being the initiates or whatever they were called from shadow war in as troops.
Ork vehicles aren't really just modified stolen vehicles but more like:
1. Dismantle several vehicles.
2. Make a new vehicle out of several dismantled vehicles.
So not really.
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>Extra Shooting
>Always Strikes First
>Feel no Pain


A fighter-bomber with not! napalm for IG
How is this gaem not ded yet? Everyone knows it's a fucking meme

Just buy third party female heads and use them on current Guard. If anyone bitches, tell them you'd use GW heads if they actually made them.
Oh yeah, those would be a nice addition to the roster.
All the ding song day?
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Stat ideas:
M: 4"
WS: 5+
BS: 4+
S: 2
T: 2
W: 1
A: 1
Ld: 3
Sv: 6+ (female armour)

They also cost as much as normal IG.
I'd actually like to see a melee debuff against NL for being spooky.

But we all know it's going to be Ravenguard but worse.
I have not seen a single game of sigmar being played this year. A few of the painting grognards are buying the less-shit models to paint for fun, but thats about it
>why are people not buying from GW?!
>this year nothing but marines! and more marines

Its like why no one bought SoS in 40k and they are trying to sell them at nothing.
It doesn't matter. When the codex comes you won't have the non-box options anymore.
>giving another company models rather than sculpting it yourself
I've always wanted Space Marine scale shotguns, as an option aside bolter patterns. It makes no sense to me that the IG and Space Marine scouts can use shotguns but the motherfuckers that are meant to be elite shock troopers themselves cannot. Grenade launchers were in the same boat until recently.
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Rip in peace.

It was fun, my only problem with it was that the Xenos side didn't enjoy the game. One Imperium player brought a list of pretty much only Vindicare Assassin's and abused the hell out of them. It made a few of the newer players not really want to participate anymore. Throw in the event being super unbalanced objective-wise and you get a goodie experience for them.

I like facing Chaos as long as they actually bring diverse lists.
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This look like a passable firesight marksman?


Cast Prescience on 20 noiselets and use 3 command points: you have 108 noise gun shots with +1 to hit and wound
I still see more people playing AoS than I ever saw play WHFB 8th, plus at least at my lgs we have Sigmar night on Thursdays and it's pretty full
Has games played in my store all the time
Get collecting really boosted it
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Why did GM discontinue the eldar farseer model?
The amount of retarded shit you can do in PL and how the campaign worked resulting in stuff like one guy bringing a techmarine and the FW salamander hero dread with T9.
>pic related
Lol, npcs want power armor, huh? Should've picked Space Marines.
>>extra-galactic horror who's only goal is survival and consumption

Not interesting. Done to death in other settings. Was only made interesting when Guy Haley started giving the Hivemind a petty and venegful character

>>antagonist who are simply designed to fight and nothing more, only do what they do because it's what they enjoy

As someone that read a lot of GW and BL content. Orks stories add nothing to the setting and do not forward your understanding on the setting. It's just mindless violence and bolter porn devoid of anything interesting. I avoid Ork purely novels except the Beast series which had to add in Chaos to make it interesting.

>>not more interesting than "My space daddy didn't treat me right, so now I worship space demons ans want to kill everyone, look at me I'm so edgy"

MUH DADDEH issue was invented by morons who don't read the lore. The CSM range from a lot of character archtypes. With one of one of my favorites being Kassar and Khayon who don't fight for power or for the gods but for their friends. Tyranid and Orks can never offer me a character as enjoyable and as well written as Fabius Bile in his recent novel.

Also the intrigue and horror element that the daemons being is very interesting. Also the whole mythology that they being to the setting by introducing entities like Drach'nyen. Fights with daemons are not just boring slugfests. They are as much philosophical as they are gorey.

Chaos is best villain faction. Necrons were the bestest for me in the past but they were ruined forever by Ward so the only good stories that feature them are the ones they are not talking in and those are hard to find.
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For what it's worth, I started with black, but that looked like garbage, so Is witched to gold on the double.

>tfw no more games nights at your GW because the single staff member thing fucking killed it
>tfw no veteran's night
I'm always down for something new for the Orks but fuck if I knew what that would be. Maybe, Ork equivalent of Centurion suits? So a more tech covered weirdboy?
gonna cost you around 400 points tho
What counts as a diverse list?

>No mention of what the Mark of Slaanesh does

GW pls
So you're telling me you think Deff Skwadron is bad?
I just want my Tau merc choices back, with new additions like Hrud for good measure.
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Emperor's Children are chaos Ultramarines.
>but the motherfuckers that are meant to be elite shock troopers themselves cannot. Grenade launchers were in the same boat until recently.
Bolterweapons of any kind are basically tiny rocket launchers. A SM shotgun would be a downgrade.
Probably being repacked/reboxed to include an 8th ed. Datasheet.
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Man, I was already wishing I had started an Emporers Children force for Noise Marine antics before this too. Oh well.
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Play 30k.
New watracks would be nice
Stories done from Ork perspectives are fun reads.

What I meant in my previous post is Imperials vs Orks stories which feature mostly Imperial PoV. These bore me.
What are you a fucking homo, boi???
Firesight marksmen don't normally have pulse rifles, do they? Looks more like a Cadre Fireblade IMO.
>The CSM range from a lot of character archtypes. With one of one of my favorites being Kassar and Khayon who don't fight for power or for the gods but for their friends. Tyranid and Orks can never offer me a character as enjoyable and as well written as Fabius Bile in his recent novel.
Ah yes, fighting for the power of friendship, such an interesting and unique concept, sich great writing.
>Also the intrigue and horror element that the daemons being is very interesting. Also the whole mythology that they being to the setting by introducing entities like Drach'nyen
>actually liking the stupid shit that was Drach'nyen
Oh, you have inoperable shit taste, never mind then. Go read some actual literature and then maybe you'll understand why "my superpowerful unbeatable gods and their edgy servents are going to destroy the universe because reasons" is a really really shitty and overplayed concept for an antagonist.
>I understand the FW chaplain is a no brainer,
Not sure if its better or not, but if you run a Blood Angels or successor you also have the Librarian Dread as a HQ choice; it also opens up the Furioso and Death Company Dreads as options.
>literally 1 battle has been logged in the GW store in my city
>imperials won it
I haven't been there in ages.
Bolters need time to prime as rockets, a shotgun does not. Using a heavy boltgun close range has always been stupid to me for this reason.
Yep we'll get new models with online rules just like tyranjds did
>the terminus decree is malcadors primarines which are even better than Cawl's
T. Paedos or angry mod that left the /hhg/ discord
They were resurrected by cults over the years
Because proto-imperium was the same but just didn't have chaos everywhere according to Laurie
Look at this pleb! Look at him and laugh!
Not really. At least on the female part. Second one was my actual answer. I want to run melee guard so I can mix Kharadron in with my other Squats. Plus it just seems like being melee heavy would fit tactically for space dorfs.

Can you kindly fuck off
>he doesn't know about tyrian purple, the most imperial colour
begone from my sight, peasant
Ha! The majestic color of royals homo neck yourself my man.
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I would prefer at least 1-2 heads off every Guard box be women. It would at a bit of variety. However, the question was about unit not models.

As for unit, I would like Guard to have a unit that throws out a reliable -1 (or -2) save like every other army has. If you want anything off the sort right now you're stuck spending points on heavy slots or paying extra for more bodies instead of weapons.

Armies that aren't all the same chaos legion, or composed of the same 2-3 units.

Why the fuck would your LGS use power level for Konor? We used it for an escalation league and it was super unbalanced. (Necron immortals we're broken as fuck, and I will never play a power level game against a Cron player again.)

Purple is a cute color.
Quasi relevant, but I remember long ago back in an old White Dwarf (early 90s or so) there was a fluff bit about a Titan factory/force that was stationed more or less across from an Ork staging ground stuck in a protracted, years long stalemate of a war.

Over time the Titans and their Ad Mechs got more and more orky, to the point of installing giant sound systems into the Titans to out-shout the Ork Waaagh warcry with their own.
Will Warhammer 40K ever die?
A re-introduction to all the old Necron shit, I want to use some Tomb Stalkers.
It's a fair paint it would make sense in real life terms, but the rules don't really reflect that.
There was a edition where scout shotguns were pretty devastating. 5th maybe?

Would be an easy fix fluffwise to say you can just use different ammo, like deathwatch marines can.
There are some interesting parts of CSM, but they simply fail to be a good main antagonist. They'd be more interesting and original if they were presented as what they are: fractured, selfish petty super powered warlords, who only care about expaning their own selfish desires, only aboe to work together for a short period of time before they fracture once more.
No idea.

On the flip side, Celestine with two MSU squad of Seraphim and some random Crusaders and DCA for sneaky objective capturing worked like a charm.
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A new, generic HQ for Dark Eldar, one that could be used in a Kabal/Wych/Coven force without being awkward fluff wise. Ideally one that gives troops some decent buffs. I don't like that if I want to go pure Kabal I have an Archon and thats it, and even they're not that great.

-Night lord trait should be : -1 ld by nl unit around you (6" and stack)
-Iron warriors : +1 in cover and -1 vs covers
-World Bearers : Reroll moral.
-Emperors Childrend : Always pile in first (WTF?)
-Black legion : +1 ld and a bonus for advancing and shooting (too small)
-World eaters : Pass all morale while in melee
-Alpha legion : Deep strike at 12" from ennemies.

Night lord stratagem is : -1 to hit.
We already know this is wrong barring NL strat, stop posting it
>Will a 40 year old IP ever die?

No? An established IP brand can keep going forever, it doesn't matter if you like it or not. If there's money to be made, it will be alive.
Is it wrong?
Wrongest wrong you ever wronged.
An HQ choice for the Adeptus Custodes
NL strat and EC trait are both correct
>store still has vet night
>populated almost entirely by tryhard netlisting cunts
I use mine as a Cadre Fireblade
> Cemo night for all the cancer to congregate.
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>Lets have a chaos god dedicated to excess in all things, and a legion of marines that worship her by pursuing an excess of perfection

>How do we reflect this high concept in the model design though?

>Lets make them all really ugly with weird crab hands and tentacles >.< lmao

Fuck GW
That's what I like to hear. I'm thinking of investing my life savings in Eldar models with the hopes of massive gains. Things are looking good so far, so if you lot see a shortage on GW, you know why.
>purple is anything but patrician
>muh womz
Seriously go fuck yourself, women are daemoncubula tier now due to lost worlds
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>TFW my store did the event on Saturday but 2 days later the scores haven't been entered yet.

At some point yes; everything dies eventually. However, for 40k it's a long ways off.

How does having a single staff member stop it?

Only two people were that way at mine with ~20 players. One imperium (6 Vindicares) and one Tau (commander spam).
>Autistic fetish screeching intensifies.
> Read the actual lore you mong.
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So are we going to do that thing again where we spam URL addresses to peek at all the Legion tactics?
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Cheap Admech Alpha Primus like the other anon's Explorator, although I would add an aura of SOME kind. Maybe a purchasable "Targeting Nexus" that gives one unit +1BS or something.

As a different custom, Admech transport based on pic related.

About PL7, carries 12 infantry or 3 Kataphrons, three Fire Points. Moves as fast and decays like the Dunecrawler, fires two Kataphron-grade Phosphor Blasters.
Statline is relatively flimsy, just T6 W9? 4+/Dunecrawler 5++, but it has an alternate PL8 build that replaces the transport capacity and guns with a Void Shield Generator that boosts saves by 1 for Admech Vehicles within 6".

So you can run armoured phalanxes with Crawlers, Kastelans and transports all with +1Sv, making them hard as nails unless the Voidshield tank is destroyed, because you're running around with 2+ 4++ Dunecrawlers, 1+ 3++ Aegisbots and 3+ 4++ transports, but the actual void isn't that hard to disable. Meant to remove the problems with Kataphrons and such being really easy to down and provide the army with a bit more mobility. Now your doomblobs can be mobile at the cost of no Cawl rerolls.
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>Ah yes, fighting for the power of friendship, such an interesting and unique concept, sich great writing.

Bad guys fighting for the power of friendship despite the temptations and hardships that the corruption of Chaos throws at them are very interesting. Fabius being the only true atheist left in mankind despite where he lives and what he does is hella intriguing.

What do Orks and Tyranids can offer that's close to that? Nothing but mindless violence. Genestealers cults MAYBE can mimic what Chaos does but the main Tyranids are awfully dull.

Here is an example, Khayon willing to die for Abaddon and his Xenos lady-friend out of devotion and genuine love. The guy forsook ultimate power and immorality for a man he respects. That's something new and fresh.

Kassar tainting his soul to save his friends , being part of the Emperor's plan, AND being possibly the only CSM on the path towards redemption is awesome.

>>actually liking the stupid shit that was Drach'nyen

I did Terran mythology being adapted into the 40K setting.

>Go read some actual literature and then maybe you'll understand why "my superpowerful unbeatable gods and their edgy servents are going to destroy the universe because reasons" is a really really shitty and overplayed concept for an antagonist.

Actually, it's a unique take on things. In most settings the good guys win. In the warhammer settings, Chaos will win. Full stoo. Because Chaos is a force really a force of evil. It's a force of change and entropy. Men perspective it as evil but what they are seeing it their own evils reflected back at them. Cool concept.

Here is the developer/creator of Chaos explaining its genesis. I suggest you watch it and learn
Nah, they started hashing the addresses after last time.
Please tell me the lore reason a worshiper of slaanesh would want a weird monster face or a crab hand
It could have but they figured out giving the tiniest of shits would make them more money and now here we are. I wonder how long till they forget again.
Chaos is not a force of evil*
Because after a while, they need shit like that to even feel a damn thing.
Dude. You are missing the point. They are so far behind the curve, their perception is completely warped.

It's like when you watch to much porn on the internet. In the beginning nekkid chicks are great. But after a while you need the stronger stuff.
So you end up watching Brazilian scat porn of people setting each other on fire, while riding a motorcycle, because you can't even get it up anymore to regular porn.

That's excess. Perfection implies that at one point you reach a peak, where there is nothing to improve upon. It's the antithesis of what Slaanesh stands for so it makes perfect sense and makes the Emperor's Children's downfall all the more tragic cause it was ultimately a pointless pursuit anyway.

That's my take on it.
A lot of stores would have a "play the staff" night when they re were multiple people working there, now that's hard or impossible, my store owner still makes time every now and again though
what the worshipper wants is immaterial
Have you never been on /d/? People can get into some really weird stuff.
Yeah ok

but why would someone want to buy ugly weird models?

Also the fluff shows that there are still EC obsessed with physical and martial perfection
Enjoy your worthless outdated cancercast
>Copy paste Archaon

Abaddon is waaaay older than Archaon. If anything ARCHAON is the copy of Abaddon. Heck, Archaon recently even copied Abaddon's topknot.

>They'd be more interesting and original if they were presented as what they are: fractured, selfish petty super powered warlords, who only care about expaning their own selfish desires, only aboe to work together for a short period of time before they fracture once more.

This line makes no sense at all. "I hate them because they are not original and bla bla I want them to be (desbribes as what they are in the fluff)". Dude you have issues.
those are haemonculii.
>magnetising Custodes
>arms for every option but only 10 shoulderpads
>no bitz sellers have extra shoulderpads in stock
>having to try and drill the shallowest hole possible to put a small magnet in them without going all the way through and ruining them
Sigvald the Magnificent is one of, of if not my favorite portrayal of a slaneehsi follower ever, he captured more of the "pursuit of excess and perfection" and less of thr "lmao fifties and crabhands and bondage"
We have such sights to show you intensifies.
Meant titties
t. Phoneposting scum
>but why would someone want to buy ugly weird models?
Ok. bear with me here. But GW sells about 30 different armies and subfactions in total, right?

Now imagine, that some people like things that other people don't like. Suddenly it makes all sense. Otherwise GW would just sell one model range, right?

Mind. Blown.

And to answer your question about the lore and the business model at once: Beauty is subjective.
Warped perception > warped understanding of physical and martial perfection.

You are still able to do your own minis however you like though.
>Killed and pissed on by a troll

Just drill further into the arms.
GW sells something else beside marines?
Wow! I didn't know!
A fitting end to such a narcissistic fuck
You'll have to pry the titties from my cold dead crabhands.
>Release new EC model kit

>put head option for fabio marines for reasonable people

>put ugly monster face head for grognards

problem solved
Some people think they're cool. Different strokes for different folks.

For example, tell us what forces you think look good and we'll tell you how shit they are.

>being as retarded as to buy possesed or havoc Models

Get normal Marines and buy Daemonette Claw Bits (or Lascannon bits for havocs)
Remove an Arm each for the daemonette claw to go and use the Slaaneshi bits for Heads, done

The Long Daemonette claws look pretty neato on Marines I did something similar for my Warp Talons
>Please tell me the lore reason a worshiper of slaanesh would want a crab hand
This is Slaanesh worship 101, crab claws are the epitome of physical perfection, there is no better limb you could possibly have.
Since WIP is somewhat dead.

Fellow Marinelets! It doesn't have to end! You too can be tall and proud like the Primarines!
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This is Lyras Tech-pokemon. He is the perfect husbandu in everyway. Creepy and charming at the same time.
Chaos gifts aren't aout what you want.
Hellraiser- Slannesh
Event horizon- Warp travel
Starship troopers - GuardvNids
Any zombie movie - Nurgle
What are some more 40k faction movies?
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>Now my 20 men Noise Marines squad can fire 2 times for 2 CPs
Priest-Super Church/Inquisition friends?
I shiggy what your diggyin.
>my SoB can fire twice on a 2+
>can use a CP to re-roll that 1
Cool, but do you have Blastmasters?
>moving the goalpost
He has issues because he has a different opinion? Chill

>selfish petty super powered warlords, who only care about expaning their own selfish desires, only aboe to work together for a short period of time before they fracture once more

I think his point is that he wishes this was more central to the portrayal of CSM. As it is, GW shows us a lot more of CSM as this monolithic force of chaotic-stupid. They arrive with fuckloads of troops and kill everything because they're lol-so-evil then get booted.

IMO the lore would be more interesting if every faction save nids were totally fractured. IoM is based on the Empire from fantasy, which is in turn based on the Holy Roman Empire, which was one of the most fractured nations that's ever existed.

I really wish IoM had less central authority. As it stands there's actually way too much standardization and structure in the AM or Militarum Tempestus. It would be cool if they played up how Ultramar was like Prussia, the ascendent and unruly state that thinks it's better than the others. Another bit is like Hungary, not technically part of the Imperium but more badass an devout than them anyway. Terra is Aachen, in the soft belly of the empire but perilously close to Chaos/Vikings.
Actually releasing Genestealer aberrants outside of the Deathwatch box set

Or just GSC with the mafia theme instead of miner theme
>there was ever a goalpost set up
why do people think that parroting fallacy names is an argument
Tau in Olive Drab armor and Bleached Orange cloth.

What should my eye-lense colors be?
Bright green, Red, Blue, Turquiose or something else?
>chaos nicking things from the imperium to remain relevant
Like pottery
The true patrician answer.
Blood Ravens Chapter Tactic: For the duration of the game, one enemy Relic becomes your Relic.
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>perfection is always crab arms for Slaanesh

no, not at all

I like both, but 40k badly needs some pretty boi, extremely vain psychopaths for EC. The porn addict hellraiser type is cool, but I'd prefer both.
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Can Magi use their data processing to increase their combat capabilities, or is that just for logistics? I was thinking of having the Executor Fetial (Mechanicum liason with the outside world, so he looks like a normal human) of this Titan Legion being in an IG headquarters when it was attacked and going full Number Man on the Orks, since he can predict where all the bullets and blades are going and aim pretty damn well, thus leaving the Stormtrooper bodyguard who think he's just some random civvie Admech they had to protect a little stunned.

There was a rather good thread on "how would you do a 40k TV series" a little bit ago and one of the ideas was to slowly trickle in how fucked-up the Admech actually are, so to start with you'll have enginseers who are pretty normal, then this high-up gentleman who is deceptively good at commanding and shooting, then maybe a shot of him opening up his human face to do repairs, then you start introducing the freaky stuff like Titan Princeps tanks and Skitarii augments.
Ain't that like the lore and stuff? They have old shit and take new shit to replenish?
>Dude you have issues.
I'm sorry, I didn't realize having a different opinion was considered issues. I don't even hate CSM, I just hate the focus on the black legion and abbadon's quest to destroy the imperium because it's boring as hell. Are you really telling me that having every other major chaos character bend the knee to abby so GW can set him up as this terrifying and powerful bad guy is interesting to you?
>when you have to do so many captchas they expire
Bravo G00k, I love you.
What is one thing that puts you off playing an otherwise tempting army?

I can't cope with the fact that my Patriarch would get absorbed back into the Hive Mind when his Genestealer Cult takes over the world and the Hive Fleet arrives. I mean I know they all get melted down into biopools for reconstituiton later, but I'm too much of a Your Dudes dude to like that if my guys win my leader gets erased anyway. I wouldn't mind it if they were like Hive Tyrants and their consciousness was retained as a separate entity to be put back into the field as necessary.
>not using legacy captcha
But why though?
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My request 500th post last thread.
> /r/ing the miltarum tempestus plasma coils painting guide and the MS paint gem/lens painting guide
>pretty boi, extremely vain psychopaths
That's Fulgrim.
Then make it to where your dudes keep escaping because clearly they did it wrong and keep retrying. There is no way they ACTUALLY wanna eat you right?
Does the venerable dread come with dual fists?
>looting corpses is the same as getting worse versions of imperium abilities
Next up abandon is gonna get a rule where he revives on a 6+
was posted last thread
No. Just two variants for the left fist.
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It's still doing 10 of the damn things.
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Post qt xenos.
No. It does have two different 'hand' options however.
Sotek Green into Temple Guard Blue?
Will it match well with the green though?
Don't play them. That's not even how Hive Tyrants work. The Swarmlord isn't a one-off dude. It's a hero-killer synapse creature. When it gets melted down, the Hive Mind might catalogue what it learned from that creature's experience, but it would only be incorporating that data into a new version of that biomorph on a new planet.
Anon, have you ever considered you might be a robot?
And literally nobody else, see the problem?
>4 armed snake monster
>pick one
>He has issues because he has a different opinion? Chill

>"I want Chaos to be this"
>Desbribes Chaos as it in the fluff

It's not his opinion that's in question. It's his perspective. I mean for fuck sake 8th ed shows that the only reason why Chaos didn't streamroll the setting when the Rift was born was because their unity fractured nearly completely.

>As it is, GW shows us a lot more of CSM as this monolithic force of chaotic-stupid.

That's one theme among many.

>IMO the lore would be more interesting if every faction save nids were totally fractured.

Lets see.

Chaos is fractured. Uniting into a setting ending force every 10K years or more. Usually this fails when they regress into infighting.
Orks are fractured for similar reasons.
Necrons are fractured into warring dynasties.
The Eldar according to the index Xenos 2 are more fractured than ever thanks to the Ynnari

Am I nuts here. Where is this fluff that has factions being all united and junk? Imperium united? It has intra and outra warring factions. We saw that the Imperium went into draining and destructive wars over the Imperial calendar. Bloody hell, half of the Imperium is now separated from it.
>EC legion trait is that they act before everyone else
>their preview was on Monday
Well played GW, well played.

It may take a shit on fluff a bit but there are ways around that. Make it so they somehow gained mental independance from the hive mind and their new goal is to blend in with the humans to survive while fighting off both humans and the other nids trying to absorb them. Maybe some freaky psyker shit altered their minds. It's your story.
I'm getting back into the hobby this week, gonna pick up some tools, paints, and one box of troops to get settled back into things. Which faction should I go with? I'm kinda stuck between Dark Eldar and GSC, maybe Tau but not as likely.
>I can shoot twice with a CP!!!!!!
>Well this army can do the same with just a 2+
>But! tsk... Do you have this?!

That is goalpost moving.
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Well Abby was in the warp a while and found the armor of ETAF so ya makes since to have that.
Just bullshit it out:
>oh my guy mutated and thinks hes king of the tyranids
Have you no imagination?
Is there any lore where space marines actually use their acid spit, ability to eat brains and steal memories, or ability to cocoon themselves in mucous to enter suspended animation?
Dominatrix so that Nids have an actual LoW from GW rather than FW. Barring that, an actual flyer for my Sisters.
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>sure, my entire cult was wiped out AGAIN and I've been chased from another promising world, but I've managed to sneak aboard this cargo ship and next time things will DEFINITELY work out

I like it
The red Tithe a scout bites into a cultist in front of an Arabite to her horror. Scene was pretty great.
>Xenos interfering with campaign results... edition.
Well that's what you get when you forget 70% of a game's factions.
Imperium players are salty
>finish my game as xenos
>guard player at another table filling out his card for a game at home.
>as soon as he turns in his card I come up to tell the shopkeep to reduce points from imperium
>guard spergs out about filthy xenos
>starts talking shit cause he didn't bring an army with him
>basecoat my tervigon and go home
I had a productive sunday.
>Tfw Genestealer cults could be awesome if the archmagos knows full well what will come on the day of reckoning and that he will join the hive mind despite being horribly maimed and devoured
Yeah but that could take 5000 years before the hive fleet arrives, if it ever does. Till then the patriarch is the king pimp on the planet
Dark Eldar are a more complete army that can stand on its own. GSC still need to borrow units from Nids and IG to really be a well rounded force.
I know it comes up a number of times in the Ultramarines Omnibus and Ventris' stories. Like...Pausanias? uses the whole eating brains thing to learn how Markerlights can fire missiles, and they use their sus-an membrane to ...do something on Medrengard I forget.
Read my other post.

>I don't even hate CSM, I just hate the focus on the black legion and abbadon's quest to destroy the imperium because it's boring as hell.

What focus? Abaddon's legions fractured and so did the Gods of Chaos's support. With each Chaos faction ignoring the march to Terra to do their own thing and carve out their own empires.

8th ED had Abaddon and the 13th Black Crusade swept under the rug and ignored in favour of the Deathguard and their primarch which have taken central stage in EVERZING from being on the cover of the new edition to being the main badguys in the current narrative. Abaddon did not get a single meaningful line of fluff about him since 8th ed was launched. Nobody knows where he is or what he was he doing in the past 112 years. He just vanished.

You are complaining about things that are not there.
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I have, but then again I don't frogpost.

Heresy good.
A lord of war, or another HQ so the swarmlord can get promoted.
>intentionally go and provoke someone

Chaos fag here, we don't want your faggot points
From Lexicanum, so don't know how legit it is, but

>However Genestealers are notoriously independent from the Hive Mind and have a great will to survive. During a planetary invasion Genestealers wanting to survive are innately driven onwards and outwards from the Hive Fleet by infiltrating fleeing ships. Or, after the invasion, the Genestealers are reabsorbed into the Hive Fleet as pure bio-matter like all other life is. The infiltrating Genestealers go on to infest more worlds and then in turn lead the Hive Fleet to them. No one amongst the Imperium knows how deep and widespread the Genestealer infestation of the galaxy has become.

I'd like to think my Patriarch gets away.
Don't falseflag, Imperialfag.
Moar cutenid
What body is that one on the right? Deathwatch?
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Hello guys,I want to share a theory:

Vulkan was a white kid with white skin,but when he arrived to Nocturne his highly evolved skin got darker to adapt him to the planet.He probably can change his skin modifying his own cells(primarchs can do that I guess),but he does not do it because the salamanders marines have black skin and its a park of their tradition and culture.Also Nocturne people were white people but they evolved during generations getting a darker skin

In the picture we can check that Vulkan nose is a white person nose
Why would you reduce points of the Imperium?
That is like putting holes into a dam right next to your hometown.
>Uniting into a setting ending force every 10K years or more. Usually this fails when they regress into infighting

What timeline are you even looking at? The gods themselves aren't even so much older than that. Slaanesh is 12,000 years old dude.

We know the factions are split. We're complaining they don't use that in interesting ways. The fluff is always TEN THOUSAND FUCKMEN SEIGED THE PLANET OF FORGEASS AND KILLED SO MUCH THEY GOT MAD AND KILLED EACHOTHER UNTIL THE ASSBOYS ARRIVED AND FUCKED TOO

I don't care about this huge monolithic forces AT ALL. I want to hear about the petty kings and personal empires and tiny skirmishes going on in the EoT.

40k has interesting worldbuilding on a mythical level but it never manages to write the politics of the factions as anything but retarded and boring. I'd much prefer learning about a segmentum's local government, politics and culture, and how it interacts with a local rival, to another primarch.

Flesh shit out, GW
>Acid spit
There are a few examples here and there.

>Eat brains to steal memories
At least in Siege of Castellax this happens. Somebody has to eat an ork's brain to figure out how to fly one of their planes.

>suspended animation
There is a short story about Scythes of the Emperor where a squad is send to rescue marines stranded inside a dead tyranid 'space ship'
>Possessed are one of the most improved units in the new codex, gaining an extra Wound at no increase in points cost

Oh gosh. Are they viable now /tg/?
Nah he's black you play black guys. Get over it Landon.
In Forge of Mars series one guy does exactly that, but he can only stay overclocked for like a minute or the cogitators in his brain will overheat and kill him.
Kitten for HQ
>Xenos interfering with campaign results... edition.
NPC Armies are literally bonus points for the space marines and spiky space marines edition
[citation needed]

Battletech and Command and Conquer would like a word.
Companies can kill an even well-established IP through sheer incompetence regardless of if there was money to be made.
It sounds like the Eisenhorn and Ravenor series are right up your alley.
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>Nah he's black

His skin is black,but not his race

>you play black guys

I dont play with loyalists,and ofc less with some guys that love citizens and have slow movements
No need to make it highly evolved skin getting dark, just make it him tanning overtime, turning completely black to maximise efficiency.

Sure, Salamanders and people of Nocturne are white people with black skin and black eyes. Take into account that Salamanders only started being black (as in african) because a black guy painted >hisdudes like that.
>What timeline are you even looking at? The gods themselves aren't even so much older than that. Slaanesh is 12,000 years old dude.

Time is meaningless in the Warp. It's established that the war against Chaos is millions of years old and humanity's war with Chaos is but a small chapter in a saga that will continue to the end of time.

Dude, you seem to be having the issue of reading the wrong sources.

If you want setting build, then don't read from the codexes. Go to novels and RPG books. Problem solved.
I should know better than to respond, but I was behind him in line so it wasn't to provoke him. I learned he was a guard player because of his rant about taking me down with his guards.
You done good lad! Keep on pushing and we'll have Konor lickidy split!
I love how Salamanders never got accused of Blackface. It'd be legitimately a shame if they ever changed them from having black coal skin despite white Anglo facial features
Do Nocturne people have black eyes or red eyes?I mean the salamanders have red eyes,but it is because of their gene-seed or because everyone in Nocturne have red eyes?

How strong is the spit anyhow? From my half remembered memories of I being used, I think it's nonlethal but very unpleasant to have in your face, giving opportunity to finish the foe off?
How do?
> transform an Astartes' saliva into a corrosive, blinding acid when consciously triggered. This allows a Space Marine to spit a wad of corrosive acid with the effect of blinding, wounding or even killing an enemy outright.
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Some artists paint them with black skin and others with gray/coal skin,its confusing and GW should be clear about how they really are
>debating me about the Death of Innocence

as fucked up as sources are in 40k, you're being retarded if you think Slaanesh isn't 10-20k years old.

I have a feeling blinding is probably the most likely outcome. Astartes have good aim and you probably weren't expecting it.
You have to deep strike 9" away from an enemy yes?
More than 9"
More than 9'' away from enemies.
Their whatever gland fucks with the pigmentation of their skin.
So regular people look normal. Space Marines got the funky organ that reacts weirdly with the radiation on the planet.
Oh no!
I'll be forced to use my index!
That 200 gram more weight will make me lose all tourneys!
>It'd be legitimately a shame if they ever changed them

But they already have, anon. They started out as black people, and it's only as of 5th edition that they're white people in blackface.
MORE than 9"
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For example we have this guy,a primaris marine that has white hair and his skin looks like coal
Slaanesh's birth was ~11000 years ago, but at the same time, it had been around from the beginning of time, and simultaneously knows how the end of things will happen. Warp gods dont follow conventional timelines
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He isn't.
It's stated repeatedly in the Chaos dexes and other sources that time is meaningless in the Warp and that Slaanesh always existed in the Warp.

For example, see the birth of Drach'nyen and how it its essence went backwards and forward in time touching the minds of all humans that ever live, lived, and will live.
The acid spit also allows marines to chew through steel given time.
There's one hilarious scene in the HH novels where Sevatar got caught chewing a hole in his cell wall. He just point's at it and says "The rats did it" After that he is confined in a cell with energized barriers.
It actually makes more sense,I mean the settlers of the planet were from Terra,so they were white people.
>Just white people
You're forgetting to mention that, at the same time, Slaanesh has never existed, Carnac.
Hey Guys, new taufag here. I got the Start Collecting set and decided to go Farsight Enclaves.
Where do I go from here? All I have is the Start Collecting set, and I'm debating getting a Farsight.
reroll wounds versus buildings. and that's it
Hi Carnac! How's life?
40k humans are not modern humans. They are humans made for colonization.

That is why Abhumans are a thing.
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The only non-whites of the Imperium are the white scars and some black people(i dont find the sense of this) from Catachan.
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>people having pitch black skin and red eyes makes more sense than humans being African

Anyway, it's just one more reason the sallys are the dumbest chapter
>GW should be clear about how they really are
They just used to be a normal space marine chapter with mixed ethnicity.
Just check the white brother in here out.

Then for a while they were considered to be black, as in african, and the new official stance from GW is 'actual' black with red eyes.

Artists paint it differently, cause jet black just looks awkward and GW doesn't have a style guide they give to people. So they have to rely on how well the artist knows the universe.
Basically a combination of it being different in the past and a lack of quality control give you different interpretations of that.
>Celestial Lions do not exist apparently
>Neither do any of the examples of people from certain regions or planets have various tints of skin colour
i like truescale. i don't like mk X however. for me it's beakie primaris all the way. and given that i don't fancy them too much, they'll be reserved for HQ and elite roles at this point. durable characters is always good.
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DIY Living Saints. Alternatively, if I can add wargear instead of a unit, the Trinity Guns from this homebrew would be nice.
The non-existing Slaanesh is not the issue. The existing Slaanesh you got to worry about.

The Eldar refer to Slaanesh as mother of Khaine and that they are her PARENT-CHILDREN. Also you have the fact that's it's shown that daemons of Slaanesh walked among the Eldar and manipulated them to birth Slaanesh. Of course, then you have Be'lakor.

>She looked upon herself and saw the blood-soaked maiden within, unlocked from the prison she had created inside her mind. Jain Zar saw nothing specific, only glimpses of terrified faces and splashing crimson, of swift death upon glaive and triskele, countless lives washed away with a tide of blood. She heard the scream, piercing and long, the wail that heralds death. An eternity of slaughter.

>Not an eternity.

>There was an ending.

>The visions became a blur of a passing age, but then stopped, a single vignette of war and devastation, of fires burning the sky and a plain of skulls torn asunder by the fury of battle. A goddess-god, ancient and young, beautiful and terrible, caught up in the flames, dragged into the abyss to share the doom unleashed upon its parent-children.

-Jain Zar
Yes,because of the radiation(humans evolve,unless you believe in imaginary gods in the sky)
Celestial Lions, and any number of black people in random artwork or GW painted models on their store

Use this to make Living Saint Nicholas.
The main thing that pisses me off about Primaris is the new helmets. They shouldn't have seen the need to revamp them as the design is iconic.
Is there a chance in hell that Kasrkins will make a return for a second Made to order, or is it a waste of time to hope?
So I'm making an Alpha Legion primaris successor, and allying in a Vindicare seems appropriate, especially since Alpha Legion famously use regular human operatives.

But how should I model him?
It's in the fine print of their catalog under realms of battle
New ADB novel going preorder this Saturday. I am hyped as shit. Gonna buy the limited edition, the audio version, and the ebook. ADB is a legend worth every dolla. The following weeks gonna be so fun!
>The Eldar refer to Slaanesh as mother of Khaine

source this nonsense
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Why the fuck are all these Tyranid batreps filled with retards who don't know how to build a list or play the fucking faction right? Why do people keep fucking using Hormagaunts over Genestealers? Why are people refusing to use the Swarmlord? Is there any single batrep where they don't disastrously end up tabled or losing?
>Celestial Lions do not exist apparently

They are white,right?I cant find any official picture of a celestial lion without helmet,but I guess they are white(descendants from imperial fists)
post a good list then
Ghat damn well sounds like a good time! Enjoy that Imperial victory on Konor buddy.
>descendants from imperial fists
That means nothing as they draw from home worlds and give people gene seed. Even though Dorn was white, that doesn't mean every person with his blood will be.
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>They are white,right?

Do you like Irish elves doe?
Are you the gene stealer autist from yesterday?! Poooooost that list nigga or at least a bunch of gene stealer models.
there's brown skinned dude on the city fight cover aswell
>but I guess they are white(descendants from imperial fists)
That's not how it works.
Farsight is a no brainer but another start collecting is mandatory, you'll need those need those suits and for a few bucks more why not get some more firewarriors? After that look into some pathfinders/tetras for markerlight support (PFs are great this time around as their drones synergize well with firewarriors), then either some broadsides or hammerheads for big guns.
Fuck of genestealer autist
I fear my enjoyment of based Khayon will overshadow everything else.
Just make sure your dudes have access to escape shuttles, you know, and they purposely planet-hop in the opening days of full tyranid invasion. Because they actually want to live and escape, or because they believe that the tyranids appearing means their work is done and they must exodus to a new planet.

Most of the faithful cultists are left behind and get nommed.

Your dudes (Patriarch's inner circle) escape on a spaceship to claim refugee status on another imperial world, to start the process all over again.

I thought everyone bullshit their cult around dying like this.
Not him, but it would make sense if the lore about Khaine and the other 'original Eldar Gods being artificially constructed by the Old Ones' is true.

Slaanesh is just the first natural Eldar God/dess to form in the Warp. Way I see it is Slaanesh (and now Ynead) are the Eldar equivalent to Orks' Gork and Mork, except they have a more... hostile relationship with the race that created them than Gork/Mork do.
Everyone paint them as white,maybe tanned,but still white
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I feel like the problem is all the grand stories these days. Back when I started playing 40k in the early 90s it was the Wild West. A galaxy on the brink of utter destruction and all the pieces of it stood precariously on the edge. That was an excellent sandbox to play in, because you could create your own stories and anything kinda went.

The natural progression of competition gaming and tournaments, and expanding the IP for exposure via novels etc pushes the system to the place it is now, and the lore to the point where everything has to be epic for people to notice.

The 40k universe used to be a mystery realm of possibilities. Now they just Michael Bay'd it up.

>inb4 arguments about the few cool novels like Brothers of the Snake
It's old, but just replace some of the points from the Malanthrope and add in a Stonecrusher, and that's my list. I have only lost one game with it, and that was IG spam.

I was playing at my FLGS all day, then went to the gym afterwards, so whoever was going off about Pantaloonpurloiners wasn't me. I'd also gladly post my Genestealers if my stuff wasn't locked in my car.
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Assemble the Eight
Yeah totally white with characters named Utumbe and Zangobugoo n sheet
so are death riders of krieg good on the table because they look like they'd get shot to shit turn 1
Seriously those guys are white,do you have any evidence that proves that this is not true?
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And I forgot the image. Here.
Well what color are those gene stealers my man? Sorry to confuse you with the other guy he was amusing.
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Waiting for the chaos codex to come out so that i can decide which legion to go with. Currently leaning towards Word bearers.
The wait is killing me since i can't paint anything.
Agreed. But I feel like they could move it more towards that sandbox by exploding shit a little bit and getting rid of many of their "universals" like these giant organizations, or over-standardization, or the always identical chaos cults, no matter where in the universe they are.
how about you google and look that shit up for yourself.
Stop shitposting weak bait.
Night Lords and Alpha legion are gonna clean house screen cap this. Paint one of those and your golden.
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Maybe they are based in south africans or rhodesians(rhodesia was betrayed by the uk,maybe its the same that those guys were betrayed by the inquisition)
No color currently. I'm in the process of stripping down my models to repaint everything to bring in some models I've bought off of Ebay that I'm fixing up.
Glory to your hivefleet my man.
>Mfw Zimbabwe is literally on fire and millions are starving

I love karma in effect
Nobody gives me any prove that those guys are black,and everyone paint them as white,that is what google says
it gives the slaanesh keyword, get over it faggot, that's what marks are now
New threadd
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Say, do really big infantry models still need bases?

I've got like 15 of the damn Kataphron models and it's hell to transport, plus it's just annoying for squeezing in a lot of places in-game.

Do you think it's okay if I go without them?
Anyway, just look up the official sources and not how somebody posts them in a forum.
Thanks, friend.
>Do you think it's okay if I go without them?
base to base contact is a thing in the rules still, right?
I'd say no. Anyway based minis look better.

The old bikes came without bases too, that was bullshit. And cavalry bases were square. You kids don't even know how good you have it.
Do the books say that they are black?
It gives you the keyword. You need the keyword for associated icon which does stuff, or for that unit to use specific strategems.

You can give slannesh to any havocs and let them use that strategem to shoot twice in a black legion army for example
fire and blood, go read it dick face
They actually came with rectangular cavalry bases which weren't long enough for the whole model, just to glue them to the two contact points of the wheels...
Absolutely atrocious
>Say, do really big infantry models still need bases?
Yes. Bases are not only used to make the models stay upright.

>it's just annoying for squeezing in a lot of places in-game.
So you suggest modeling for advantage?

>it's hell to transport
They look better with bases anyway so if your problem is only transport you should really give priority to looks and rules before transport difficulty right?

>Do you think it's okay if I go without them?
Nah I never liked black templars,but there say that celestial lions are black?
>Possessed gain an additional Wound at no cost
Yeah I meant red eyes.
Archons on mother fucking jetbikes. It's been 5 fucking editions.
A special character for the Iron Hands at fucking last

Obliterator Helbrute

What we need is to bring back Duke Sliscus. I need more drugs!
Tzeentch and Nurle kin confirmed
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Go black.
Why else would he be telling you to read it?

You have to be trolling at this point, nobody is this dense.
What's the most efficient way to markerlight in 8e? Implying I'm going to run a standard gunline Tau, what would be the best course of action? PF? Markerlight Drones?
>tfw tau put no emphasis on sex, its only importance is procreation
>tfw an entire subspecies dedicated to diplomacy and bureaucracy
>Tau realize that humans put importance in close relationships
>tau water caste girls and boys brought up to learn the art of seduction to placate alien populaces through inter species marriage
>Its all an act, but it makes the humans happy
>even if it can be kinda gross
>a small price to pay for the greater good
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