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Warhammer 40,000 /40kg/

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Thread replies: 605
Thread images: 118

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codex scans when edition
>previously: >>54586140

>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8e in pdf & epub, SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>older novels here

>Other megas
https://mega.nz/#F!pFgm0RKR!J06C1gVYcjzNGsF8YNLsjQ (no 8e stuff here)

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-Anon doing Abaddon's work)
First for the Sisterhood.
I told y'all last thread. Order me a pizza and I'll dump the codex scans in a mega.
I think I'll just wait for the epub to be uploaded, thanks. I don't need the codex THAT badly.
Phone number
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Rate my kill team.
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For the human/cutedar alliance!
Dat nat 20 bluff
10/10 would blackshield with
Please to be giving me your home address.
Chaos is making good gains in UK/World and the EU but in the US it lost a ton of ground.

Americans explain yourselves.
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>thigh highs

Twelve fine examples of the Emperor's Finest, they will go far.

Don't forget to base your Blackshield there btw.
I honestly didn't even notice until you pointed it out.
America is the good guys, son.
America has fewer cucks raised by single moms?
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>Blackshield unbased

Lets the rest of the unit down desu
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I have a mini tournament this weekend using FoK
The catch is PL
20-25 PL

>Celestine, 2x twins
>2x Seraphims Squads, 2x Pairs Inferno Pistol; Superior Plasma pistol, power sword
>Marine Attack Bike, Heavy Bolter

>Celestine, 2x twins
>2x Seraphims Squads, 2x Pairs Inferno Pistol; Superior Plasma pistol, power sword
>2x DCA
America has more single parents so moms buy primarines to make up for the lack of attention their children receive
That's literally it, all paint no games
Do we have any details on the codex release schedule?
manlets blwon the fuck out??
Neither of those statements are true.
Is that a pre-Heresy World Eater on the left?

We have the moon rock.
>That second tiny barrel that sticks out of nowhere
It's Combi-plasma magazines all over again.
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People living under the thumb of big brother like the UK citizens naturally gravitate towards the individuality and freedom exemplified by Chaos. Americans are already free, so they're free to pick the good guys.
You don't like freedom, huh Abdul?
does WD give any indication of whether Cypher/Fallen are included in Chaos marines?
It's an underslung noob tube
Nice variety, anon.
What's the stuff on the Blackshield's right pauldron? An oath of moment?
How about I give you the Domino's one town over and you show me a cap of the receipt. https://g.co/kgs/rRVfZR
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Sorry who is 4chan protesting for against network neutrality, was it the humble burger
They were in chaos index so unless Dark Angels get their own codex, why wouldn't they
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For the Emperor and for his Imperium! Glory to the first man to die!
He one mans knights! I'll take it.
>£22.50 for a primaris apothecary
>primaris now cost more than terminators
I'm just happy is not another marine release.
How badly will I hinder myself if I play only Primaris? As in all new models just released.
Why could it be?
Network Neutrality rules are currently just a framework for government control over the internet. 4chan is cucked by the big media which wants government control over the internet.

The attack bike is a better choice for durability and objectives.
4 Inferno pistols might be overkill for vehicles that show up.
Nah nah nah, that leaves me with no leverage.
How many redemptors are you running?

Not hugely but if you are willing to take 1-2 normal marine vehicles you'll be better rounded
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What are some alternate colour schemes I could use for death guard that could potentially fit the fluff other than greens and browns? I find the green/brown thing is a little bland looking when the models are so fantastic looking.
Things such as metallic armor, red blue or things along that line. I considered black too, but black seems very difficult.
Thanks in advance, Nurgles blessing upon you.
Are they really reusing the art?

Hive gang Regiment
>a new faction never shown before in model form
>space marine neophyte rebellion
Redemptors are trash
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The 1st ed style Guard are my bet. Squats are my GW sick humour guess.

Acolyte multipart plastic kit is my wet wishlisting.
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>tfw the lamenters will never catch a break
I like White and bronze. As in, crude dirty white and corrupted bronze with greenish hints on it.
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Man I knew the people of Southend on Sea were troglodytes but this is embarrassing.
Does GW use any DRM or anything on their ebooks, or can I buy one and just instantly share it?
Not that I'm aware of.
Well hand flamers got nerfed.
They went from:
>6" Pistol D6 S3 AP0 D1
6" Pistol D3 S3 AP0 D1

Also I know there are at least 3 Chaos fags bringing just a Knight.
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Played against a Primaris-only marine force the other day with my skittle army.

Don't fight massed vanguard.
lamenters get primaris reinforcements?
Wat. At least the chaosfags will show why you shouldn't use fucking PL for TOURNAMENTS
>what about this pay to win FW trash? REEEEEEEE
A wretched hive of heretics and mutants if ever I've seen one
Too Fragile for their size, really easy to just hit them with a couple lascannons/melta's and make them go pop.
White, bone, corroded bronze, brass, copper or iron, bruise purple, rash red, puss yellow. Just about anything can be made to fit Nurgle if you make it grimy or lurid enough.
That a space m203 I see?
Necromunda Guard reporting for duty.
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>A merciless facist regime where human life is utterly worthless and everyone, except some random nobles live in conditions that are a thousand times worse than anything that exists on this planet today = the good guys and freedom

only 'mericans can think like that
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Grey like here
Loren forest for green
Highlight dorne yellow
Heavy glaze lamented yellow
Grey is probably eshin and administration grey
Anti tank stuff seems like it'd be your biggest problem.

Its probably doable and if I was starting fresh I'd consider it myself, but you'd have lot more rounded force if you threw in a Predator or two.
>Muh free pintle Bolters and powerfists.
That's correct. It increases grenade range to 30".
The Dark Imperium death guard booklet had a large number of "vectorums" which were basically different warbands of the death guard. There was a decently large number of paint ideas there.
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>Hey, you know weak as shit hand flamers no none was using?
>lets nerf it!
I'm pretty sure 8 inferno pistols and Celestine are enough to remove knights.
>Dat Titan ejaculating over heretic forces

>Fight to save humans from slavery to dark gods and for a peaceful future
>Not good guys
I was always partial to the Necrosiuses lot http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Apostles_of_Contagion
>tfw Purifiers have 1 Attack.

I have to believe this rule came from someone ludicrously butthurt about PassBack MSU fun from 5th and just never got over it.

picture of the other page with the release date of CSM codex?
>hey no one seems to buy exorbitantly priced SoB models
>lets nerf their rules more!
>AoF interaction and flame weapon are shit now for SoB
>brilliant that should increase sales!
Except you'll never get first turn and risk getting a big chunk of your army shot off the board before you can do anything.
Sure, I like the Predator and the Whirlwind.
Only one, I guess.
I'll keep that in mind. I really like to play safe and raining fire, but I tried those 3 Reivers in the First Strike box and I loved how much CC hits they can muster.
That was the intention, I even eyeballed the Forge World armour kit for it, just to have a slightly customized one.
He was talking about Murica, anon.
WHAT I CANNOT CRUSH WITH WORDS I WILL CRUSH WITH... guys? guys? Why are you running away?
>what is LoS
So, for Chadnoughts, Gatling or Plasma Gun ?
The imperium's political structure is interesting, because it's not really fascist, but more of a feudal theocracy, yet of course many of its individual worlds are fascist.
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White dwarf is made 7 months in advance, so no they'll have new art, they can't have rushed them this much
Like the tyranid weapons that boost your opponents armour save
t. Verizon
What shops let you set up so much terrain that none of your army is in LoS with the enemy?
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Rate leaked strategems anons

>WE: Unit can fight one more time
>NL: Activate when your unit gets shoot at. For the rest of phase enemies get -1 to hit that unit.
>VotLW: +1 to wound
>GK: Psyker can cast an additional power
Lamenters are MIA

>they can't have rushed them this much
Well this is NEW Games-Workshopâ„¢
And they were like that on the community site when announced.
What are those flying shits in the back?
Only 2 or so left alive, right?
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What are those already ?
A non retarded one? Beside Seraphim squads are small as fuck.
You can hide them behind MK1 Rhino size cover.

You know we are talking about 25 PL games. Small as fuck tables and games.
What changed with AoF for flamers?

Also, I had never considered hand flamers this edition for Seraphim, and the change made it laughably worse

where do you find this view? only find the overview of the whole planet.
>What are those already ?
...dumb animeposter
Plague Drones.
Veterans of the Long War, anon-kun.

Based on the points cost I couldn't ever believe it was anything but a typo
Yeah, it's far too diverse in terms of the political institutions it allows under it's broader structure to be fascist, fascism tends towards centralisation and uniformity at all levels of government.
Gatling is the general recommendation. I'm intrigued by Plasma though in part because the dread can always choose to give himself reroll 1s for a CP.
Knights can just move 12" around the building to shoot and if he sees you through a ruin window, he can shoot you.
And yet, it still hasn't beed FAKK'D out
>Khorne berzerkers + Vrosh
Oh fugg this is gonna be amazing
I really like this, I'll give it a try thanks
I like VotLW, figures that 10,000 year old Horus Heresy veterans would have picked up a few tricks for injuring other Astartes in that time.


Onslaught is the best general purpose gun, the macro plasma is still better than a dual lascannon against vehicles and way better against infantry, it's just not nearly as flashy



Literal p2w
Flamers are rather crappy for the flamer crazy army.
Since AoF occurred between turn starting and movement.

Things that deep strike or are inside a transport basically every unit that can use a flamer can't actually use AoF for anything.

Also you can no longer give AoF to other stuff with keyword interaction thanks to the FAQ.
I never said that the imperium was the side of freedom. That is clearly chaos. I'm saying that since Americans are already free, they don't need to experience independence and freedom vicariously through toys, while the british people clearly do.
Literal p2w
You can't be both World Eaters and Crimson Saughter anon
That's not the only trait of fascism it lacks. But more than its lack of consistency with fascism, it has massive consistency with feudalism. The idea of a decentralized government in which each region reports to a single ruling body with their primary responsibilities being tax and levies which are demanded at a rate unrelated to the actual production of the region but rather are based on targets set by the central authority sounds like textbook feudalism to me. Not to mention their class structure is essentially serf, priest, noble.
Well that is the best anti knight I can do without bringing my own Knight like a dick.

Or spend a CP for stealing first turn.
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For the anon last thread complaining about no mortarion pictures yet
>That is clearly chaos.

They aren't called slaves to darkness for nothing.
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Yes I agree, he is also something that costs in the low 300's that should probably cost 450, like the leviathan
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Z casts as mentioned earlier today. Anything not pictured came off the sprue in transit but it's all the same quality.
Legio Medicae
Not Mortarion. Fuck off third party shill.

But FW isn't the exclusive domain of p2w, like last ed's WK.
>tfw you planned to come to the local GW store today but the Konor win percentage is 93% Imperium
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>this is my local store
Quit running Anon just accept it.
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>macro plasma is still better than a dual lascannon against vehicles
Really? I should mathhammer that out.
>since Americans are already free, they don't need to experience independence and freedom vicariously through toys, while the british people clearly do.
This made me kek, you should tell this to the NRA and their guns. In my experience most burgers understand "free" as not having to pay.
I don't know, I don't play sisters. Those chaosfags are massive dicks for bringing knights at that PL and that should show the shop why PL is not to be trusted for tourney game.

Guilliman is nearly (but not quite) balanced when taken in a non-ultramarine army.

The leviathan is OP as fuck and can be taken in any of the most common armies at full capacity
Have you actually used or played against sisters in 8th? All you need are some HB rets and/or Seraphim to start using faith T1. Flamers are still great, and flamer Immos are disgusting.
They were included in the CSM part of the Chaos Index so I'd be really surprised if they weren't in the upcoming CSM codex.

I really hope their "Fallen Angel" rule turns out to be the DA chapter tactic whenever they get their own book.
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Sgt Telion
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Is that Catachan using an Astartes class Bolter?
Well we know that DA are getting their own dex. Guess I'l just have to wait and see
>vanilla marine codex hits
>shat out a ton of new models in primaris variants
>grey knight codex
>well.. you get.. atleast a character as single pack
>chaos marines
>you get.. nothing

Are you fucking kidding me? They have the fuckin sculpts already since DV, atleast redo the basic csm you humongous fuckers
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>8 inferno pistols, somehow all getting to within 3" melta range (4.47.... avr damage, we'll call it 4.5)
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Dude that has a name I can't remember
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You lied to me, anons. You said marines can't backflip.

This guys moves like a ninja.
He's a big guy
>I should mathhammer it out

Let me save you the trouble

Against T8 3+

Double lascannon BS3+: 2.59 unsaved wounds after damage

Macro plasma overcharged BS3+: 3.11 unsaved wounds after damage

More shots + better AP offsets the lower damage and then some
Just wait til Fabulous makes us new marines.
Those two oceans are fucking them up. How many boats exist in 40k?
Well my options are
>Multi Melta Retribution squads 6PL
>Exorcist 8PL
>Seraphims 4PL
>Melta Dominions 5PL with Repressor 5PL

Or just bring a warden Knight for 25PL like an asshole.
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Warpsmith that has so many separates parts that I only pictured the important bits
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I don't like this.

Using HB ret vs a knight... Brilliant!
So /tg, for a chapter of Heretic Astartes who got caught int the wake of the red path and became corrupted, which is better? Them being lead by their former chaplain? Or the captain wielding a mace/flail made from the skull of their former chaplain?
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Terminators part 1
Overcharging on a 100pt+ unit?
Satan, as you well know Utah is the single largest state rated by visitor count to blacked.com.
You should bring the warden.
That looks pretty good, how do they compare against Rhinos?
Only when overcharged. It's 2.6 wounds for Macro Plasma vs. 2.1 wounds for twin las versus a Land Raider. However if you don't overcharge the MPlas drops down to 1 wound on the LR.
Not a fan of Death Guard (or Nurgle in general), but those guys look pretty great,
I always like the rogue trader style guard.
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Terminators part 2
I love the Chaos marine just BLAMMING that guys head.
Then fight in the true emperor's name, for Pertuabo and for the legion, for the Empire of Iron and for the unbroken chain
>he recasted a calth model rather than buying it on eBay for £7 with shipping
What is this fanfic? and where can I get moar of it
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Imperial space marine
Anyone know if the codex Primaris Captain has any other options besides the ones listed in the card (MC auto bolt rifle, MC stalker bolt rifle and power sword)?
Chaplain wielding a mace/flail made from the skull of their former captain. Hell, make a DP version of him where he is HOLDING HIS OWN SKULL.
But I'm not an asshole.
>50mm bases
Why the fuck did the SC come with all those 40mm then?
I hope my enemy doesn't think I'm waacfagging.
He does not, Bobby G decided the Codex Astartes allowed for too much variation between chatpers.
>He Forgot about the 5 Meltagun dominions in a Repressor
Did you even follow the reply chain, or are you just retarded?
>Legion traits

Thank fuck those are still a thing.
Whats worse is that the Red Hunters who were meant to be watching them popped up somewhere else without them.
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Legion assault dudes 1 of 5. Identical quality so I only took one picture. That's the lot

I paid like 2 pound
How could you possibly WAAC fag with base sizes now that templates are gone?

It only takes 1 mortal wound if it rolls a 1 and it can spend a CP stratagem to reroll all 1's for the turn since it's a dread


About the same, your best anti rhino stuff is actually your hellblasters.


Yeah non overcharge is for MEQs, plain and simple
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Nudity in 40K? How the times changed.
On the Redemptor, overcharging doesn't slay him on 1s : he only loses one wound, out of 13.
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so what is better - macro plasma or uge gettling ? what is your new dread layout ?
Who do you respect more?

A guy who plays ultramarines because thats the first thing he has seen, or the guy with a bad written thought OC-Chapter?
>>well.. you get.. atleast a character as single pack
m8 we get grandmaster baby carriers. who needs anything else :^)
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>I hope my enemy doesn't think I'm waacfagging.
>play Tau
What? they are there

Mmmm the original chain is about 25PL games that then goes talking about assholes Chaos players bringing knights.
Why do you post this bait?
Just checking.

It's weird they couldn't even make Master Crafted a thing that you could take or not take, it's not like the model needs to be different. Little things like that would go a long way balancing out points. Spend a few points extra on an MC stalker over a regular, etc.
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The times really did change to allow this to happen.
I don't respect Ultras. I don't respect shitty homebrew either.
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>Naked SoBs
Are Repentinas and Demonettes so underused that you've totally forgotten them ?

Sad days indeed.
>Quizzy using HALBERD

quite good
Thanks anon
Thats not really true anymore in 8th
See you in 8 months for a complete squad <:^)
I think that's a lady Inquisitor from the recent comics.
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Holy fuck that's not a Sister, kill it with fire, and then kill it again.
Half a butt is barely nudity by any standards
Inquisitor in a Terminator armor ?

That's been around for 10~ years

What's so special about that ?
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I can't stop losing all my games, how do you make a good chaos army?

Perhaps the problem is melee troops just aren't that good? or that hellbrutes aren't good?
She's an inquisitor anon. Hence >>54588280
>WE: Unit can fight one more time

Wait, Kharn and berserkers fighting THREE times in one turn (and all of them before the opponent can do shit if they charged that turn)? Holy shit. Better bring a bucket for all those fucking dice.
Well you can fit 2 Repressors and 2 melta dominions and a squad of Seraphim if going ubound and getting no CP.

Or I'm missing something here?
Enjoy your 35$ characters
Usually they are piloted by old white men. Female inquisitor usually stick with skin tight mostly leather armour. This quite the change of expectations.
>Took the bait

The gun arms are completely swappable even without magnets, they share no parts and just slot into the shoulder

That being said I'm doing Gatling first
Why do people post this. We'll have some faggot soerging out about proportions, other people explain to them its piloted like a mecha, and it'll be the exact same conversation that happens every time someone does it.
There's a lot of "army building" shenanigans you can do to gain maximum CP for little effort.

Outrider + celestine = 5 fucking repressors full of dominions.
"Gee Kharn, how comes Khorn allows you to fight THREE times!?"
Is she piloting that by squatting inside the torso?
Man thats one miniature I really wanted, The scalpers selling them on ebay $100+ can go suck a dick.
I don't get how she can make it function because she doesn't have a black carapace.
Inquisitors my man.
How so ? It is literally butt-naked
It's just a battlesuit anon.
I lose like 60% of my games due to silly mistakes. Every game is like, I'm either almost tabling them, but lose to points, or we're both wiping each other off the table and I lose by 1-2 points. They are great games, I'm just tired of losing by a hair so often because that means it was a few of my mistakes that cost me the game.
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Repentia aren't worth using as anything but fancy objective markers, after trying them for about a dozen games of 8th
>baiting this hard
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Like this?
play smarter
>I paid like 2 pound
and it shows
You can fit more into firing range with smaller bases.
At 25PL?

Dominions and Repressors are 5PL each and Celestine without the fanclub is 8PL
I've yet to see an official or even unofficial 40k non-fetish/porn image of an Inquisitor with "skin tight" thin leather.

The official female GW inquisitor looks like an old ugly lady with funny hair+hat and 4 layers of stacked oldtimey skirts.

The Dawn of War game had the female inquisitor sporting 2 layered heavy trenchcoats.
Kind of. Basically. It's a mech to her.
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pretty much.
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I love it.
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>Black guy wears black armour

Just use flagellants and a priest and use the repentina as "count as".

That's how I do it.

Fuck GW.
Run them as Arco-Flagellants or Death Cult Assassins.

Like anyone that has tried to run that bloody units for ages now.
I found them to make nice flagellants in Mordheim. Just replace the chainswords with flails and great swords.
That is Ordo Malleus Inquisitor. Prepare your rectum for hammering.
First one is exactly what I had in mind
Why is he black?

I was going to do them or "The Tainted" but forge world has made it sound like the tainted will get seperate rules which is confusing as fuck and the official booklet has a new scheme for apostles of contagion so i don't know which to paint.
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There's a strategy to it, Helbrutes are targets though, seriously they are not durable enough. You need something bigger and more durable to draw fire so they don't fucking die because twin lascannons are great but they are prime target for opponents you need a distraction carnifex like the Heldrake.
If you want melee troops you'll want a vehicle to transport them in. Chaos Rhino is acceptable for low points games and Chaos Land Raiders are godly, my opponent heard I put a unit of Chosen with Lightning Claws, Lucius the Eternal, and a Sorcerer in my Land Raider and focused all his fire on it, which let my Helbrutes lay down the fire on his important units. Land Raider died in like, two turns but it moved my melee troops across the field and laid down it's own lascannon and heavy bolter fire along the way.
Some people collect smurfs who ignored the matt ward lore.

30k drew me to smurfs as I hated them in 40k universe..
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what do blood ravens even like to do?
Because of high concentration of melanine in his skin
Wait, how can a ... coloured person be a DA ?!

I thought blacks never are gay because of how much of a taboo it is in their cirlces
GW getting diversified.

He literally has an African-american nose and "I've been bred like an animal for 200 years" face.
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Can I use psychic powers when within an inch of an enemy or in combat?
Or use the Mistress as a Priest.
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It's this or the Daemonculaba.

The Imperium looks pretty good now, doesn't it?
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Blacks are actually disproportionately gay.
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That is like, beyond awesome.

That isn't even remotely accurate. Not every planet is a deathworld or Necromunda. Regular contact with anything outside of one's own planet is rare, be it the rest of the Imperium, Xenox, or Chaos.

It's a big galaxy and there are a lot of planets, despite how up its ass the setting is about being grimdark.
It's called "being on the down low" and it's right up DA's alley ;)
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That was both brilliant and horrible.
You just blew my mind.
I thought that was fan art of Amberley Vail
What about dirty grey armor, with pale blue and purple flesh like distended, bruised, subdermal hemorrhaging?
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>those proportions

I get wanting to move away from boob-plate, but did they even think about how she's supposed to be fitting up into that armor?
It's 40k, everything is shit and your life is likely to be horrible no matter what.
In Imperium your life is horrible because bureaucracy, at least with Chaos you can try to rise above everyone around you.
sounds like your fetish
>two women
>two blacks
>one white man

And he's gay, right?
I've try to run Repentias since 3rd. They simply do not work against anyone with a half ass working brain.

Penitent Engines kind of worked at 1k games or lower in 7th but only against Necrons or worst armies. In 8th still not working that good for how much they cost.
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Aim for "corrupted" colors with matte finishes.


you realize it's a human in terminator POWER armor right ? You're not supposed to reach down to the fucking toes and pinky fingers
To be fair all I could see was the Jokaero
I seem to recall someone saying the artist wanted to make her head bigger to make the suit more proportional, but GW insisted on that look. Could have been bullshit, but when you look at all the tiny headed marines in GW art, it can't be just a bunch of bad artists...
About £2-3 through z
Best way to kit out chaos terminators
>wanting to move away from boob-plate
Fuck off.
Truly, I was rumbled by this incredible Tzeentchian ruse.
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I'm doing mine pale grey with rough dark grey trim and bright flesh and skin colours.
I only saw the monkey and the silly collar of the Inquisitor.

Also he is right humans in terminator armour are basically D.Va

Hehehe. I stayed in a hostel there ran by Trekkies and DnD nerds twenty years ago.
That's because it's from 30k, now stop whining
Aethelion Starz, a generic UM captain on calth
No he's corrupting the pure form, even AL agree
>Or the captain wielding a mace/flail made from the skull of their former chaplain
Edgy and approved
>I only saw the monkey and the silly collar of the Inquisitor.

It's 2017, anon, black people are people.
You called it.
Like pottery
What's the actual practical difference in sculpt between these guys and Cadia? I mean, yes, clearly, Old Guard in plastic would look way different then the old models from 30 years ago, but they mainly look to have the same design - is the difference just zipped-up vests over their chest armor?
Power Armor that doesn't require the Black Carapace isn't unheard of, its just mostly restricted to the likes Inquisitors and Rogue Traders.

All the Black Carapace does (though its a pretty big all) is let a Marine interface directly with the armor so they can move in it like the figurative second skin.
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Actually whites are the least gay.
Black are gayer than whites.
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You hear a knock on the door. When you open it, you see this.

The figure with the giant head crest offers you a glowing ball. Wat do?
does anyone have the space marine chapter roll table?
The only way Repentina works for me is "double stacking" them in a repressor with some dominions. Turn 2-3 they pop out against a decent target.

Problem is flagellants does about the same thing and is more efficient against all targets except terminators and T6

Repentinas are really great at killing Land Speeders. That's about it.
You guys get the banana. Rest should fuck themselves.

Inqui also has a daemonhost in her cargohold, so she is 200% percent radical. But also, she wants to fuck the Dark Angels shit up.
Source what that is then, Anon.
Time to trawl through google/ reddit to find his email I suppose.
Now I have tea coming up my nose. Thanks for the laugh.
t. triggered incel
That's what blacks get for abandoning family values and the church.


Singleparent families.


Prison can change a man.
Take it!
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Even as a Ministorum player, this just looks goofy.
> hee hee I'm so funny with mah pizza meme
But you are not. Please kys.
Is it wrong that I want to kiss and hug battle-scarred Sororitas ?
A skull would make a pretty poor weapon though. Even an Astartes one.
You don't think it's goofy when it's a 500 year old bald one-eyed santa-beared albino-Moses looking dude with 4 teeth doing the exact same thing ?
Also helmets and lasgun pattern. I guess they would put some Solar Auxilia-lite sheit (dont get me wrong I like it) to apologise for more guard looking the same, despite being the most diverse faction.

Still I hope for the Greatcoat Guard (Armageddon, Valhalla) kit and Dress Coat guard Kit (Mordia, Praetoria) similiar to Scion box. With those you can make shit ton of your own regiments, and with upgrade packs, even more.
No, I think it would be a great way to die. I'm just not ready to take that step.
>Abandoning church
Nigger what the hell are you talking about?
Implying you have a chance midget.
A reinforced POWER skull
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Fanart of an inquisitor. But "unofficial" was mentioned.

That said, Greyfax isn't quite skintight, but its not that far off.
Thanks for ruining the hobby Z, no casual games in 7th because everyone was 'practising for a tournament' and then you can't sell models on because recast is cheaper than eBay and strip

"Fascist" means "mean person who disagrees with me" to most people who use it these days.

It's goofy but 40k goofy. Pretty tiny woman in a massive terminator suit looks stupid in a Dreadknight way.


It's understandable. They're more patrician than unscarred ones.
That is Emperors Most Holy Orders of the Emperors Inquisition, Order of the Motherfucking Hammer, you repressed asshat.
I already use actual flagellants, though. Mixing actual and proxies seems unkind and unwise.
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Helmet design, fatigue design, armour design, gun design...
A generic Solar Auxillia armor with GSC-style upgrade sprues would be perfect.
>shitty home brew
What's the chapter symbol
>mfw my Primaris Edition arrived today
>mfw so did my Horusian Wars LE book

Good day lads.
>He thinks new nigs are going to church

Can you please stop reposting this shit ? Its been 6 months.
DCA or just mix them with your arco-fags
Nice, can you scan for us poorfag anons?
>Asmodai was Obama all along
>be me, Lufgt Huron
>fight some rebellion
>get rekt by some terminator dudes
>get psyker skills and become worse in every way

What the fugg. Did FW and GW just not talk at all?
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Also Millenials are super gay.
I think it's time we confront the gay brainwashing issue seriously.
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Male and Female "tiny humans" in Terminator armour have been a staple of the Inquisition for at least 10 years.

Step away from your space marine logic for a second and think.
Is that actually about Asmodai?
Explains some things.
Still waiting for my pizzas and I'll dump the scans
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>10 years
Try 30
Yeah, middle class atheist its pretty always white;
>a problem
Let evolution do its thing and move on.
Wait for someone who isn't a daft cunt to post them then. Money would be better spent on a legit copy than getting you even fatter.
Eat a bowl of dicks to get started with!
I'd rather not damage the books and >>54588731 seems to be doing it anyway.
They made the new Stormies. They made the GSC Neophytes. It is possible. Give us some basic armour variants (flak, greatcoat, dress coat, muscular manliness t shirt), please be so kind to incloude female models (I like aunt vic, but do not like the evil eye of some assholes) and produce more upgrade kits.

We will drown GW in money and all those powerarmour compensating jerks in bodies.
Fuck off pedo
>you need a distraction carnifex like the Heldrake

Heldrake is fucking garbage now that they've lost all the flyer survivability they used to have, so now melee jobbers can just run up and smack the shit out of them and is now ludicrously overcosted, especially if you take the baleflamer.
That's just people identifying, so doesn't that mean it's what they say they are? If you removed everyone on Tumblr, I'm sure the numbers would even out way more.
We are all pedos now thanks to GW.

All this CP in the game is disgusting
>/pol/tards getting assmad at non white male representation in their games

I feel for ya guys, but GW has to take sides. Companies like this can't take too many editorials explaining why they're a white supremecist organization, because the more of that criticism they deflect, the more of our kind they attract. Eventually, companies that resist the liberal ENFORCED DIVERSITY really do become beacons for all kinds of shit that no sane board of directors would ever allow. They have to incorporate *some* shit like this just to stay in the realm of "nonpolitical". The hope is they don't do more than the minimum deflection.

That said, I really *don't* wan't them to take a stand against it and have my favorite hobby be swept up in some SJW storm of outrage and have anyone who sees my collection be like

"but anon, that's that KKK game!"

I literally have already had that happen to me once (by an idiot) but if some SJW catches wind enough of how much white power shit is in this game we need a comic like that to scatter the tracks.
I hope nobody scans it desu, poorfags and piratefags need to learn shit costs. Get the fuck out Commies.
Hmm. Rogue Trader had some weird shit (hello half-eldar ultramarines librarian) so it's a bit of a funny one to use for lore.
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>I thought blacks never are gay

Is this nigga serious?
I'd assume GW to go back to 2e style, where all the dudes basically had the same fatigues, it's just accessories that changed. It's also make it much easier for them to make upgrade kits for regiments, when you just swap out heads, shoulders and guns.
Give gifts and cry because Ragnar blackmane called them faggots
He's not, he's a literal fuckboi sex slave, that's why Asmodai is so pissed, it's the only time he can release the pain he takes in
He had rules in 2nd ed. too..
Yeah, if you remove the Tumblerinas It'd be a bit less.
Besides, saying that you're Bi is popular now.
>hey guys rocket raccoon sold well so let's have an orange monkey because L O L RANDOM
White ass cucks are nervous when a black guy show up in their game.
Any C:SM downloads??
Only people that know nothing about 40k think it's somehow GW's attempt at creating a new Third Reich.
Celestial Lions are a thing.
Sisters of Battle are a thing.
Heck there even are monkeys treated as honoured members of an inquisitor's retinue, what more do they want ?!

>I think it's time we confront the gay brainwashing issue seriously.

Not /tg/ related. Go do this on your board. Let's just be civil and talk about small plastic men.
It regenerates, and the Baleflamer will rip into anyone charging it, it's movement speed is great, it doesn't have to move, and while it's four attacks aren't likely to hit, they are strong enough to kill most infantry when they do.
Also as a flyer it can fall back from combat and shoot whatever was dumb enough to charge it with it's baleflamer.
It's expensive, and an opponent can focus fire all his heavy weapons to take it down in one turn, but it's not useless.
Yeah. That should have been a "drown the newborn. Oh, shoot the parents as well. Frankly, let's just make sure there are no brothers or sisters of this... abomination to spread this taint among us." moment.
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Grandpa Word Bearer is the best example of a human in terminator armour but that was custom made for him back in the good old days.
What? 2nd ed guard are nothing like that. Tallarn have smocks, Mordian have dress unis, Valhallans have great coats, Catachans have muscles, etc.
Nervous that he'll spontaneously decide to change gender or be gay around me maybe.
40k has white power shit??
kys. Those guys are awesome.
Jokaero have been in 40k since forever anon, they aren't anything new.
Okay, two points:
1)Yeah, that sounds awesome, but, how likely are we to really get any of this? Marines are the poster boys, and have been getting all of their love lately. I know that the Guard is stronk at this point in the meta, but it seems like they're just as likely to nerf Guard/buff others as to use it as an excuse to make us nice new things.
2)New Stormies? I don't follow Sigmar, but I assume this means that newer Sigmarine models are hella customizable?
How do some idiots still think this ISN'T the model. Shit a lot of the people who play 40k are some Where on the autism scale
what some refer to as "Militarum Tempestus"
Pretty stupid anon, but you're young and hopefully you'll grow out of it.
My more realistic hopes are along these lines, but I cant let the dream of the greatcoat guard die.

It would still take a lot of explaining that old IG models are not getting retconned. IG players are generally more inteligent than the Marine demographics (sorry to all the fine gentlefolk that are the exception ), but could you imagine the shitstorm, if they would say: "and now, your Kriegs, Vostroyans and your heavily converted Shitstorians are wearing the galaxy wide standard template uniforms of Astra Militarum"

The outrage over Primaris would go into the corner and pissed itself from fear.
Well, we know that at least ONE new guard thing is coming out.
You know you want that salamander
>No helmet
Lofn will have rules come the Eldar codex. As will LIIVI and Taldeer the wraithknight.

>Heck there even are monkeys treated as honoured members of an inquisitor's retinue, what more do they want ?!


SoB come from Blanche's (awesome) super sexualized art. They're not really SJW friendly. That said, who gives a fuck?

But the OVERWHELMING majority of 40k's characters being white is something you can expect to change somewhat, especially when it comes to comics and how GW paints skin tones in their codexes and White Dwarf.

>Only people that know nothing about 40k think it's somehow GW's attempt at creating a new Third Reich.

Well, yeah, exactly. SJWs who know nothing about it are exactly who you should be worried about. That said, 40k is literally a racial theocratic regime. It has acceptable bounds for human gene expression and outside of that you face segregation or extermination.

Plus, old GW actually does have skinhead shit and WP logos all throughout.
This just in from the new Space Marine codex.
Calgar is more than 2000 years old. It doesn't say exactly when, because timelines are for suckers and autists, but Calgar is credited in the codex for leading the Ultramarine to war between M37-M38
What this nigga says.

Srsly, it is just the newfags not knowing their shit.
If I scan my Primaris Edition for you dirt fucking pirate scumfucks, what do you want, just the rules? It'd take ages to do everything desu.
No. But it's not particularly diverse. Unsurprising for a product of young white british dudes in the 80s.
And they still fuck up the model.
Fething newfags, Go and read at least a Lexicanum for Christ sake.
Plastic female guardsmen.
I would not oppose them.
I saw someone post this idea a few threads back, of Gully ordering the creation of the Imperial Auxillia. All the regiments contribute a portion of recruits to it.

So there'd be one mega huge regiment (Or group of regiments), and then there'd be the smaller more specialized ones.
Does it say Marenus Calgar or just Calgar? They take the same names as before.
Honestly, I think most people just use it as a synonym for 'bad government'; maybe even 'oppressive government' if they put a moment's thought into it.
I'm sure that most Hive Worlds are pretty damn autocratic, with not much in the way of rights and privileges for those lower on the totem pole. And even the more 'civilized' worlds that don't have Hive-level population probably have a good amount of dystopia going on. And then you add in the Inquisition, a super-powered secret police that can show up at any time and do pretty much whatever they want. So yeah, there's a lot to indicate that most people's lives in the Imperium are no fun. But that's not the same thing as just using a blanket statement of 'fascism' or even 'autocracy' to describe it.
Can GK use the primaris dreadnought?
>fucking up your expensive book for nerd cred

fuck off
Also, probably should not feed him, he will dies from loneliness and we could discuss important stuff, like new Imperial Guard and Jokareo
Have you NOT seen the Long-Barreled Laspistol leak?
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Marneus Calgar, same first/last name
Link to leaked new SM codex? Someone must have it. The digital edition is out you can just upload it.
Chaos not even once
Chibi is not shota
Yeah. The Eighties were strange times on that front.
Yeah, they White Scars exists for damn ass time. Eldar and Tau are all based on anime. Fuck, even the Salamanders were ACTUALLY black at one point before Ward decided to say "fuck this" and fuck with the fluff of everything.,
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Just the points for the army.
Dont need all the shit.
No need for scans. Just pictures desu.
Are..are you so poor you needed a RECAST of that cheap as fuck captain model? They were almost giving them away on eBay.
Dude this game isn't for you.
I thought you might be referring to that, but I didn't think people around here liked the new stormtrooper look.
Whats with the shaky picture of a dead turkey?
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>that's because it's from 30k

It's problem is that it's undercosted in points, that has nothing to do with lore
>Calgar is allowing himself to be ordered about by an agelet who hasn't even seen his first millennium.
Napping doesn't count.
Is that Taylor Swift what the shit?
Do it
Postin' is hard boss
2/ Stormies/Stormtroopers/Tempestus Scions, sorry for being unclear
1/ Well, the new Rumour Engine with a lasgun (even the site admin confirmed it is a lasgun) lit a beacon of hope of such size, that Salamanders want to bury their fallen battleborther in it.

Rest of it is wishful thinking sliding into wishlisting. I know that hope is a first step on the road to disapointment, but Guardsman can dream.
So /40kg/, I am having a bit of trouble when it comes to playing Admech; Specifically, the fact that with 8th, we are now by far the slowest imperial army in the entire game. Sure, Admech are a gun line army; I'll own up to that. But the lack of transports really cripples our fantastic infantry. And with our two fastest units(Dragoons and Infiltrators) being relativelly easy to remove, we are really, really slow.

So until FoC gives us our sweet, sweet transports and robo's, how do we speed us up? Do we toss in more deep strikers from other armies? Any advice?
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Well this is fluff rape of a rather high degree
Guard need new characters too seing as most are dead now.
Ork codex until 9th edition, at which point it'll be obsolete for the 9th ed index.
He accidentally went back in time.
T. Roastie, no one wants you get out of this hobby before I rape you with a sculpting tool
>white people make Reich from Not! Asians that lasts ten thousand years
>the quote unquote smarter race have weaker plasma
Inb4 Buttblasted communist response
>3.68 MB
At least we know that it's an actual picture you took from your phone.
See if you can bite its head off, farmfag.
I definitely like this. 10,000 years since the great crusade is such a ridiculously long time for anything to be even remotely similar, unless there's people who live a lot longer than we do ensuring that certain things remain. To me, 40k is a medieval setting in space, where writing/record keeping is bad and living memory and oral tradition is more important. The idea that maybe five to ten people have lived and died back to back since the time of the emperor within a chapter like the Ultramarines makes it make more sense that they've remained largely the same in 10k years.

That said, surviving 2000 years of war is insane.
SpongeBob is man's gift to man.
>T. Roastie, no one wants you get out of this hobby before I rape you with a sculpting tool
If you get upset whenever GW or BL or whoever else doesn't bother to look anything up or just arbitrarily decides to change something, you'll be crying fluffrape for the rest of your time following 40k. There's a reason why the chillest 40k players are the ones who don't bother worrying about what the latest thing says about what.
A nice bruised blue/black/purple would be very Nurgley
Damn fine marine
Shit, that means Cassius and Megascout Telion are also two thousand years of age
40k has "white power" in the fact that it imitates real life.

whites = powerful people that make the world go round

this is a much like the law of gravity. It's a set in stone rule. White people rule the world. White people advance the race. White people defend the west and the world.
As if a space Marine could use a catachan bolter.
How are tomb blades and both flavors of destroyers
>no one wants you
>but I'd fuck you
Anon why so tsun?
t. literal insane person
>That said, surviving 2000 years of war is insane.
The question is, how old is Dante now? Dante used to be the oldest non-Dreadnought in the Imperium at 1500~ years old. Has he been cucked of his eldest marine status?
Well, 114 year time jump doesn't mean much, given warp-ness.
And maybe Creed will be back as a Necron-allied unit? Who knows?
Chaplain Cassius is supposed to be significantly older than Calgar though. So what's cassius? 4k years old?
But I don't speak German anon, I speak normal
Kids these days. I blame hentai.
/pol, let us talk about plastic mens. Go back to your containment please.
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Is that a fucking Fable reference?
still no digital codex epub/pdf?
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or even

but please let us talk about miniature spacemen and not this culture war garbage
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It's the lack of reverse corruption I tell ya.
I thought dante was kicking around since the heresy?
Woah, careful there with all that edge.
>if people want to know how the knowledge of technology could degenerate in 40k years, look here.

You kidding, right?
Is that stating that Kraken was around in M37-M38?
Have you thought about using terrain to your advantage
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There is 75 pages of rules alone. I'm not scanning that for you poorfags. I could do points I guess.

Also is this picture fan art? I ask cause it's in the Primaris Edition artbook.
I'm a fucking Swedish liberal arts student, my best friend is a F2M trans waiting another year to get his hormones after we're done with the uni. How the fuck am I /pol/ ?

White people have created most of the civilizations that MATTER.All fields of science, economy, and art.

What's so controversial about this ?
If 40k is full of whitewashed "roman empire wannabe" dude it just makes sense. Because that's how it is here too.
I think he was 600 for Calgar 400 or something. They are not THAT different in age.
No, where on Earth did you ever get that impression? He was certainly greater than 1000 years old, but it was unknown exactly how much older. His relatively new book confirms he was 1550 or so.
Can we get a source there sauceboss?
Cassius was "almost 400", and Calgar (previous) first battle honor as chapter master was 300 years before the present. So they're only decades apart.
Its from Iron Hands supplement.
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>terrain mattering to tau
He's meant to be 1550 or so and has been CM for 1100. This comes from a recent short story I think.
No. Dante was about 1500 years old which ws supposed t be the old living non-dread loyalist marine. The Calgar thing just seems like a fuckup to me.
in response to

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>Is this art in an official book fan art?
Good to know you will be unemployed. Because someone that stupid show really just die in hunger.
It doesn't take much to turn fanart into official art if GW wants it
+1 armour save really isn't that useful.
He edited this to do it as well.
I'll take Warp shenanigans if we get Macharius back.

>Guilliman who?
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>tfw just made a fanfiction.net account

I want to write something absurd and 40kish but I'm not sure what.
Always overcharge plasma or no balls
There's a couple other weird things in there, like the codex said the legions numbered 10000 which hasn't been a thing since forever. So who knows.
Well I'm just not a fan of Dante being dethroned of his deserved title of oldest living space marine for no reason

>not firing on the exposed Eldar
Guilli suit was a mistake.
I'm, sure I'll wageslave away in some danish office cubicle that's totally unrelated to my degree.

I'll earn big cash but slowly work myself towards a depression. Travels to thailand and a thai bride or two will make me feel better and bring me to financial ruin.
So what's the verdict on Reivers?

They don't seem all that great in CC. And you can't throw your fuck-you nades out of "deepstrike" so what exactly is their niche?

If you're going to load them into a repulsor for CC you might as well take terminators or vanguard that can actually kill shit.
...Okay, if we're getting the Solar Auxillia as the new 'regiment', led by Saint Macharius, I am all in, and I don't care how much of a hypocrite that makes me for complaining about Primarchs.
Looks more like just a photo reference to me. Nothing unusual.
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It's an Inquisitor, not a Guardsmen. There is an Inquisitor in Horusian wars who uses a Long-barrelled LasPistol.

The guy does other fan art which is why I wasn't sure. GW could have asked to use it.
Ork boy becoming best friends with a tau battlesuit pilot
Alice no takarakanebano or something, that's the group.
I warn you though, it's an edit about a moral degradation doujin.
Harmony or discord?
Do you want two factions working together in a harmony of mutual respect (or even more) not normally displayed in this universe, or do you want plucky ocdonutsteels triumphing against the odds in a great discordant conflict that should normally end in exterminatus if it weren't for the pure awesome-ness of your heroes?
a Commisar finding out about the Dark Angels deepest DARKest secrets and escaping with her life.

Also, dueling Belial and Azrael at the same time.

I was thinking of writing a philosophical piece with an Ork and someone else sitting on a bench and discussing life, entitled "Waiting for God-Emperor".
The fighters are nearly 1:1 for Eldar. That's fine, the rest of the 40k art is his own, but his art uses real photos and turns them 40k, like >>54589167 there's difference between a reference and doing something nearly 1:1. Not saying he copied it, but those fighters are edited into Eldar.
I have a bunch of stories I could publish but I'm afraid too
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I'm not saying you're /pol/

I'm saying you need to go talk about this somewhere else, because this is a thread about Warhammer 40k, on a board dedicated to wargames, boardgames and RPGs. So please bring your hairbrained civilizational theories elsewhere. Cheers!
Yeah the group Alice no Takarabako artist mizuryu kei, but he's got hundreds of books and most of them are about corruption/degradation.

Trying to find specifically which one...
Space marine gue'vesas.
You should have seen the guy rolling 6+ saves I was playing against earlier this week.

fucker made 3 6+ and 4 5+ in a row.

I think over the course of the game he made like 50% of the 6+ saves I sent his way.
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>kraken was before leaviathan
>khorne lost because of genestealer cults on terra
Nope official, they just hire devinart now because it's cheaper
T. Sissy
Female Imperial Guard veteran gets raped by slanesh daemons.

By forcefully subsisting and consuming endless volumes of horrible daemon semen for over a thousand years she manages to keep herself a life.

The tales she has over the 1000 years. A 10 episode saga.
I r8 l8/8
Ah fuck
I am late as hell
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I wonder. I have an old Macharius model, sans arms. If I buy the Saint Celestine and do a bit of converting... could I make the most badass Living Saint ever?
He copied the pose yes.
>2nd and 11th Primarchs, lost and alone on a Death World at the edge of the galaxy, constantly bickering, being told every day that the Emperor will send them new orders.
I'll allow it.
And phrases like "For over 8000 years the Codex Astartes guided the Space Marines" when I'm pretty sure the Codex has been around for just about all 10000 years of the Imperium's existence. Certainly more than 9000. Unless I'm fucking up my millenniums.
Honestly? This. There is no point in helping the scum on this thread
>race mixing
>Greyfax isn't quite skintight, but its not that far off.
that's literally power armor , it's sculpted
that's like saying BA are almost wearing skintight clothing cause sculpted nips and pecs
Holy shit, THAT'S what Macharius looked like?
Good, than the second most wishlisty possibility is board game with old Inquisitor54 models downsized to 28mm. Either way, my masturbation will be long and merciless.
Doesn't really help when said terrain is filled with Genestealers and Daemons that Advanced across the field and snatched the objective.

That's a pretty awesome idea, actually. Could make for a great short story.


Possibly but if you haven't seen Celestine in the flesh, she's surprisingly small.
Even better - the female imperial guard veterans rape the slannesh deamons. THAT would be unusual.
Umm, they have REALLY big dicks, gay guys love that shit. Its a challenge.
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Cadian, Mordian and Praetorian look to have pretty much the same fatigues, they just have different webbing, shoulders and headgear. Tallarn have a smock (with Cadian pads), those wrappings around their boots and a towel on their head. Steel Legion and Valhallans have heavier coats (seemingly over their fatigues), with different headgear and webbing. Stuff like that.

All looked more or less to have similar basic premise upon which individual world differences were added. Like Marines, who have the same basic armour marks, but each chapter has their own flourishes and variants of the standard ones.

It's not like current IG where a Cadian, Krieger, Vostroyan and Catachans look almost like they're from different games. Not saying it's wrong, but lets face it, we're not getting 15 plastic regiment variants and instead of having to play different colour Cadians or 3rd party models, making a somewhat uniformal "Imperial Infantryman" which can be modified into different regiments though swapping of heads, shoulders and such, would lend itself much better for the Imperial Guard.
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Fuck, that was me choosing a wrong pic. This is how I envisage the model.

The previous pic was Macabeus Quintus Enforcer, probably fanart, but I used it for my character in Dark Heresy 2E
If you knew how the average Swedish women navigates the different planes of human experiences you'd understand.
I think the next specialist game GW is redoing is BFG. Though I guess they might be release Inquisitor.

Won't ever come back. I'd settle for Napoleonic War British uniforms like Mordian.
Ah, got my hopes up for a grimdark saint.

So a dude Celestine? Pretty cool I guess.
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For the wings? You can probably get some elsewhere without buying the whole triumverate of the Imperium.
If that will come to pass, I will be a happy Guardsman. Second choice is official Inq28 though.
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He doesnt literally have wings.
No, not a dude Celestine. He's essentially Caesar of 40k. Expands the borders of the Empire massively, just like Caesar did. In the end he gets old and is killed by his fellows. Which he is.

God that's a fucking awesome looking piece of art.
>le IG is a thinking man's army may-may

Cadians and Kriegers have already had 2 styles. Stormtroopers 3. Praetorians haven't been made in eons.

If someone's really gonna flip their shit that GW isn't making their regiment in the same exact style they used to own... Well, too bad.
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Oh, and the Asian guy is good at math huh?
This comic is offensive.
Well I do like Greyfax model and see no problem with swaping Cawl for pretty much anything. Probably would also used the flying legs.
>tfw Lord Solar Mecharius is dead
Nah, we are all really good at engineering shit, whats annoying is that he fucking dies. Its like a space marine version of Glenn.
I know anon, that artwork just inspired me to do some interesting shit.

anvil industries have some good alternative bits
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Oh you nearly had me anon
Wasn't FW going to make a BFG HH edition?
Add Sarcosan Wave Generator and nothing is impossible! (I know the pic related is Saint Drusus wanabe)
the shield makes it look too much like a Knight
>Even his clones had a hard life
>a mortal died
Wow anon. What a discovery you have made.
Well, not a fullblown SG at first (I think that Inquisitor is low on their priorities), but a boxed game, Silver Tower style, would be reasonable.
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The Mordian and Praetorian models were just headswaps for modeling cost reasons, I think Praetorian may even have been a limited release, everything else in your post is just looking for a similarity and going "they're weaing their coat over it so it must be the same", fluff wise guard have, and had a great variety in equipment, 1st was standardised (and had suicide bomberst), 2nd ed was when "every planet does things differently" was brought in.
Not sure. I know GW was planning on bringing back all the specialist games. Pretty sure Bloodbowl was first, then Epic, then BFG, then Necromunda. Wouldn't be surprised if FW does HH tier stuff. After all Chaos basically use HH tier ships.

Aye I knew what you meant. That'd be cool. Inquisitor, 5 Acolytes and new DCA and shit would be neat.
Macharius is Alexander. His troops refused to go beyond the Astronomicon and his generals fought over his conquests.

Yeah, Praetorian Guard were a limited release to mark the anniversary of Rorke's Drift. I saw a photo of a full army once and it looked fantastic.
Yeah but he's assassinated by his friends. The High Lords fear his power due to how he controls his troops. He expanded the borders more than any other.
>human bomb

Shit you can't do in 2017 england.

Very grimdark though.
No one who isn't in the Adeptus Astartes, Custodes, Grey Knights, or the Emperor himself should use power armor.

No man, woman, or child inquisitor makes sense wearing it. Not one.
>black vahallans
You can buy a full army (with conversions) from Victoria's Miniatures. I've been tempted. The Praetorian box goes for about £500 on ebay.

They have miniaturised Artemis. They have the technology. Now I want 28 Eisenhorn, Tyrus, Ivixia Dommica and and...
he's literally alexander
could you tell me what country you're from so i can mock you with :
>[your country's adjective here] education
Aunt Vicky is awesome. Would love if GW would cooperate with her, but that is even more wishlisty then greatcoat guard.
You are right. That is very unpopular, and is unpopular because its dumb.
Explain how he's Alexander. I'm not arguing who Alexander is, I'm arguing who a fictional character is based on. Macharius is more of an analogue for Caesar than Alexander. I've cited reasons as to why, based on the fluff and the historical realities; how about you do the same?
Power armor meaning what? Inquisitors should be able to use armor that's powered and gives a 2+ save. There's literally no reason why humans can't have powered armor, as long as it's fitted for them. Remember, Terminator armor was designed for humans to wear and adapted for Astartes.

They shouldn't be wearing Astartes versions of power armor, though.
I'm not saying "they're exactly the same gear from the same factory", just that 2e Guard had a much more uniform style compared to what we have now. Or all those regiments in the 3e codex. And yes, that includes looking a lineup of the models and seeing similarities. How much similarities are there between a Vostroyan, a Krieger and an Elysian?

And yes, regiments have had their own individual planetary styles, but they all must adhere to some standard, so that Guard can be sure about their performance and compatibility with other Imperial equipment, munitions, etc.
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This is it, was so tempted.
that is why they made the " X Patterns" thing
Not that anon but the old fluff had Macharius conquer a thousand worlds in seven years and die young after his soldiers forced him to stop because they refused to go beyond the light of the Astronomicon.

The Macharius that is in the Black Library-verse and the Macharius that still is showing up in Codices (at least the part where he conquered a thousand worlds in seven years) have two very different stories.
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GW needs to make new Inquisitors in general.
Now that's a pretty play-as Basilisk.
I want an Imperium/CSM "character spam" army

How would I approach this ?

A lot of single model "one against many" elements in an army for both shooting and assaulting.

Inquisitors in Term armour with psycannons? (they got psyk spells)

Anything better ?
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but then I should've expected this since I bought a pass because the range is blocked from posting

new dude here, are the scions squad and scion command squad sprues the same thing? so in the SC box I'm just getting 10 dudes right?
Her Tannenbergers in greatcoat are awesome.
Dude he's 100% GW confirmed based on Alexander. It's in the Lexicanum. His armor is Hellenic, not Latin. He's undefeated in battle, unlike Caesar, and he just conquers until his troops won't continue further, just like Alexander. His conquests are even named after places Alexander conquered, like Perseopolis. I promise you, friend, he is Alexander.

Also Caesar is killed but he leaves behind an empire to last for centuries after him. Alexander dies and everything falls apart, much more like the Macharian Crusade
It's also funny because BL has the Macharius Crusade and Macharius himself last several centuries, so when Gaunt's Ghosts boasts about how the Sabbat Worlds Crusade is the greatest crusade the Imperium has ever seen since Macharius, they're actually saying "the greatest crusade the Imperium had ever since a couple of decades." A Macharius Crusade that lasts centuries would barely be out of living memory of the peasants by the time the Sabbat Worlds Crusade rolls around.
Those Renegade & heretic "dark lord" or whatever are very good models, but they can't deepstrike.

also samefag
where the hell are you from?
The sprues are the same thing, you can build both command squad or a regular squad.
How do I run 1250ish of Khorne CSM.

I've always liked the zerker models.
>Victoria's Miniatures
Oh god i just saw the Pretorian Matilda not-Russ tank it is BEAUTIFUL
It's pretty clearly a play-as an earthshaker carriage not the basilisk, which is the self-propelled artillery of the same gun.
Hey, out of curiosity has anyone read Eye of Medusa? Better still, does anyone have a link to it?
I've always loved Iron Hands, and they don't get a lot of attention. Plus, Guymer said that if this particular book and its possible sequels do well, that IH might actually get a named character model.
But that aside, I really just wanna try it, and I don't want to drop $16 on a fucking eBook that might not even be very good.
digital codex was released last night, still no links for pdf?
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I took it as Caesar due to the fact he was killed by friends, rather than he just died of old age. But your points are fair.

thinks more in common with Caesar :
Caesar had to answer to the senate, Macharius was under the high lords
things not in common with Caesar:
Caesar really didn't conquer all that much compared to alexander
Caesar waged a civil on the senate
there is absolutely no pompey in macharius' story
Ceasar left an heir
Things in common with alexander
: conquered a shitton up untill the point where his troops wouldn't go any further
(this one is such a direct reference that it should seal the deal really)
Died without an heir, (alex's son was born posthumously and never really got anything done before being murdered ) and possibly poisoned by his generals
His generals fought amongst themselves for his conquests (see macharian heresy)
things not in common :
alex was king

Basically the big 3 are :
a) his troops refusing to keep conquering cause seriously what the fuck macharius slow the fuck down we can't even see the astronomicon no more / shit alex this is a river to far there shouldn't even be anything here according to the maps back home
b) Macharius didn't leave an heir / his generals fought over all of his conquests
c) Ceasar started a dynasty , Alexander/macharius didn't
Fuck off, nobody is going to do it if you keep begging, it'd be in the fucking thread if it was here. People have already said they're not going to scan it.
i've never seen power armor that looks like it's fitted for normal humans, but I also don't play tabletop. do you have a picture?
i wish i didn't play in a gw store so i could her guard
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Okay, this is getting brutal.
The guy is asking about if someone is uploading the digital epub friendo.
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This is pretty great, unless you mean Astartes style armour.
>"ayyylmaos, I see ayylmaos at work"
I got that, same applies. When somebody does it, we'll see it. Several times it's been asked this thread alone.
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that power armor is fine.

that's what inquisitors should wear, not that fucking terminator armor.
after all this time in the thick of the meme, im wishing for plastic Sororitas myself. With the new quality that the miniatures are archiving, we could get some prettty cool stuff done.
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for those interested in scale

New thread
i stand corrected. i didn't knew of the existence of the earthshaker, for im not well aquinted with the imperial armory.
>TFW when the size matters
He says as if we won't have the un<legion>'d model
That's Carapace, no power supply
i can confirm >>54589824
is correct , they only have a 4+ armor save
You can take Bahsahkahs outside of World Eaters you brain dead rat.
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>no more looted wagons
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wanna post some of those kind anon? Here, have a gift.
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Sororitas, RT and Inquisitorial power armor are low tier compared with the Astartes patterns in terms of overall systems and are made for relatively common humans.

I don't understand why people are mad about not Marine power armors users if they never use a Mark VII armor or some shit expecially made for Marines, the only bullshits are Terminator armors but since they are the best armor pretty much humanity have i can imagine that a greed inquisitor want a heavily modified version.
Dark Angels confirmed for Niggerfaggots.
Terminator armor was originally made for humans, not mutant freaks. It was in development before the Legions existed, and even then, it was just a suit of armor based upon DAoT suits used for fixing starship engine's reactors while they were on
Anon what head did you use for that marine?
Does the codex astartes support giving her the D?
Dark Angels are completely fleet based and recruit from many different worlds, some of which have populated equatorial zones.
So, they're gay niggers from outer space?
That movie is actually great
He guys I am painting my first Space Marines is it heresy to paint my marines as Black Templars without the upgrade kit?
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Tiger Tank/Panzer IV when?
Can't decide if bait or just stupid
>As if a space marine could handle a catachan anything

fixed that for you, anon
slaanesh disapproves

That is one tall hellbrute model.

ah major props on the colors, looks really cool.

Mormon pls go
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