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Completely balanced Edition >FAQ https://www.warhammer-c

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Thread replies: 435
Thread images: 72

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Completely balanced Edition


>FW FAQ (Part 1 and Part 2)


>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:

>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>other MEGAs

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Doing the Emperor's work)
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First for Ultramarines
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and second
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and 3rd!!!
The people that like Ultramarines are the same type of faggots that like Superman.
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Rate my list
>all those primary colours
You. I like you.
T. guardscum faggot/templar nazi.
And much like Superman they're fucking awful in the hands of a bad writer but great with a good one.
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Damn this thread is as still born as a /whfb/ thread what the fuck

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they killed the manta lel.
Oh shit that why
OP is a retarded faggot and messed up the subject! Way to cock it up faggot
Carcharodons are a patrician choice, anon. But: do you want a really patrician army, or a list for faggots?
Tump tacticals, go full terminator and dreadnoughts. This is how real patricians play.
10/10 except for the yellow flamer and the color scheme for the dreadnought
Thank you for the update! Is the game still in progress? 10/10 models btw
Well, tacticals are bodies that can be dumped from transports and kept safe until they are needed, and in 8e you cap objectives by having more models on the objective than your opponent so there's that. There's also the slight problem that I only own ten terminators and two contemptors, while also owning thirty marines armoured in Mark V that wouldn't see use, after I've gone to all the trouble of giving them Phobos bolters with chain bayonets. Tacticals win me games with objectives, while dreadnoughts pound ass.
What's better, pounding ass or capping objectives?????? Come on anon double up on those termies
Over my six years of playing 40k I've come to realise that units should be used in moderation for a specific purpose. An all-terminator and dreadnought list would be fun for a fun game, but my club is very competitive and I try to make the fluffiest lists I can without sacrificing optimization. For this list I tried to cram as many wounds, shots, damage and high saves into the points limit, while maximizing my command points. Everything has a role, and there are no wasted points. I'm pretty happy with it.
Failure is not worthy of the Red Wake, Tyberos would agree with me.
>mfw WAACfagging is actually fluffy
It's your army so whatever. I'm not a competitive player so I can't give you any advice on those aspects. Best of luck, fellow shark
I should note that though Tyberos is 'honorable' in single combat, his methods of waging war are anything but. The Mantis Warriors would be able to attest to this, except, you know...
Thanks my brother. I wish you luck in all your terminator and dreadnought-related endeavors.
Need to swap the AP around on the bolt pistol and combat blade. Play tested it may be but proof read it ain't.

Will hopefully get proper rules in the codex
Let this thread fall into the void, proper thread here

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Why don't they make some Iron Warriors sculpts based off this general design of occasional spikes but mostly hard edges and tech stuff? I'm sick of seeing all the art of em and they look exactly the same as Black Legion despite all the fluff suggesting otherwise

Yeah same
Because anon they're not going to do 9 seperate entirely unique lines of models for Chaos. They don't like Chaos.
and where's that info coming from?
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More Geth-Cron photoshops to expand the concept.

Also because I'm bored as fuck.
To expand on this further, I'm planning to use the head of a banana (you know, the long stem part) and work my way from that using some green stuff
You're one persistent shitposter.
Sorry, was meant for >>54367249
Lol nice do you have a prototype?
Im surprised they are willing to spoil the chapter tactics.
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RG are up
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jesus fucking christ
Tfw no rules for alpha legion in the chaos index
It get's better/worse:
>One of the most exciting new features of the Raven Guard is their unique Stratagem, Strike From the Shadows. You’ll want to pack as many command points as you can into your list to take full advantage of this, allowing you to hold units back at the start of the game and deploy them anywhere more than 9″ away from the enemy just before the game begins
Also, reivers are confrimed to have "grav-chutes" and "grapnels" meaning they're definitely worth the cost now.

If everyone gets stuff like this, 8th will be great. But if only a few codexes get this and everyone else get fucked, it'll be shit.
>One of the two assault marine chapters
>Gets a chapter tactic that's completely pointless for assault marines and that's useless if they use for their custom strategem for any unit
>Get assault units into combat without being shredded by fire
>'Completely pointless for assault marines'
they'll surely get +1 to hit in their codex. in the end we'll just have a ton of modifiers more that cancel each other out.
If RG had these chapter tactics in the Damocles crusade it would have been a victory with flying colors.
>Nerfing shooting
>Useless for Assault Marines

Besides, Raven Guard were always about stealth more than melee.
I t s T h e s a m e t h i n g a s d e e p s t r i k e
stratagems will deal with unit specific buffs, keep up anon.
Hey guys this is my army list for Orks for 1000 points.
Just getting back into it so what I have is limited. Any helpful advice would be welcomed.

Battalion Detachment +3CP (Orks) [69 PL, 1000pts]

HQ [8 PL, 153pts]
>Boss Snikrot [4 PL, 69pts]
-Mork's Teeth

>Warboss [4 PL, 84pts]
-Kustom Shoota [4pts]
-Power Klaw [25pts]

Troops [26 PL, 391pts]
>Boyz [13 PL, 223pts]
Boss Nob [31pts]
-Power Klaw [25pts]
Ork Boy W/ 'Eavy Weapon [18pts]
-Rokkit Launcha [12pts]
Ork Boy W/ 'Eavy Weapon [12pts]
-Big Shoota [6pts]
27x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa [162pts]

>Boyz [9 PL, 78pts]
Boss Nob [31pts]
-Power Klaw [25pts]
12x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa [72pts]

>Gretchin [4 PL, 90pts]
30x Gretchin [90pts]

Elites [22 PL, 222pts]
>Nobz [21 PL, 196pts]
Boss Nob [42pts]
-Power Klaw [25pts]
2xNob [52pts]
-Big Choppa [9pts],
2xNob [102pts]
-Power Stabba [3pts]
Nob [17pts]

>Runtherd [1 PL, 26pts]
-Squig Hound

>Deff Dread [7 PL, 149pts]
Dread Klaw [15pts], Dread Klaw [15pts]
-Pair of Klaw Arms [45pts]
-2x Dread Klaw [30pts]

Dedicated Transport [5 PL, 85pts]
>Trukk [5 PL, 85pts]

-Big Shoota [6pts], Wreckin' Ball [3pts]
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How many Eldar are there on an Eldar craftworld?

Most writers seem to place the number around a human city, so around ~10 million eldars at most right?
This Raven Guard thing seems strong. Not broken, but it's definitely full of flavour and represents them well.

I'm pleased by this and looking forward to seeing how the other Chapters look
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What should I get For A slaanesh Army?
(No nipple marines or Demons)
we will be seeing a lot of Raven Guard Grav Centurions in the future.
You mean like either their strat or deepstriking them?
some units can't deepstrike, such as Grav Centurions
If their storm ravens get it it's broken as fuck.
>Farseer Tilion, the mon'keigh Space Marines known as 'Raven Guard' are attacking. Their Land Raider is heading this way!
>Fools! Our Fire Dragons will burn it to cinders!
>B-but Farseer... Reports are coming in that the Land Raider has dissapeared! We cannot see it! It's merged into the shadows!

>In essence Bs2 Tau

I love how it'll fit Raptors great too.
It says Raven Guard units. Not infantry. So; yes.
Dark angels are pretty cool. I find them much more interesting than any of the other technicolor marines.

I play Tau though so I don't use DA.
>Fire Dragons not being within 12"
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Only it it's a feminine Penis
Come on friend, you don't know that will happen. Besides, we all know the Word Bearer Legion rules will be worse than shit so whatever rules the Alpha Legion do get won't be that bad.
It happens before game, allowing you to move turn one. That's much much much better than deep strike
They're a traitor legion

actual live thread
Only infantry and dreadnoughts get chapter tactics, no?
"Chapter Tactics, this will apply to your Infantry, Bikers and Dreadnoughts. "


When did Storm Ravens become infantry?
When do you think we'll get the rules?
RIP shooty orks.
>Near the limit full of bullshit fake posts

Reading comprehension
>Deep strikes a leviathan dreadnought
Only if you get T1.
So never
Yeah, but luckily you can just put them in deep strike, decide to use the stratagem if you get first turn, or just keep them in reserves if you don't.
So, what will Sallys, BA, IF, WS, SW, DA, IH and so on get?

Salamanders: Ignore Flamer damage on 4+. Re-roll failed wounds on Flamer Weaponry.
BA: +1S/+1A on charge. Maybe both!
IF: +1 extra armour save when in cover
WS: +1M and extra dice roll for advance, choose highest one
SW: Dunno. Whatever it is it'll prob be the best one in the game like in 7th.
DA: Re-roll wounds against Chaos and +1Ld?
IH: Plus +1W heal on vehicles?
read again, the strategem allows you to deploy them up to 9"
IF is the only one that even looks like what the new chapter tactics are. GW has said, and the UM and RG have shown, that these are supposed to be more broad and applicable to any army list rather than making you favor building a certian type of list.
Lads, anybody have the Reiver rules?
>assault will be good this edition they said
Yes, and? You don't have too use it. If it's not likely you'll get turn one, then you can just opt not to, unless I'm misunderstanding it completely.
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I'd shake your hand and buy you a beer.
sure, tell that to the Green Tide. There isnt enough table for them to fall back to.
>being smug over RG chapter tactics
Have fun getting obliterated in melee without the chance to fire overwatch
>BA: +1S/+1A on charge. Maybe both!
So Daemons of Khorne's bonus?
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>Assault army

Black Templars are going to be the true assault masters of the vanilla codex.
I don't really need it, you deepstrike in, you get shot. Pretty cut and dry.
And when the assault masters assault the ultramarines are just going to step back an inch and shoot them in the face.
It's deployment, M8
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So, lifta-droppas. They shave off an average of 3 wounds against targets strength 7 or lower and with the deff-rolla are essentially dreadnoughts. Seems like a good use of 233 pts to me.
If they can't wipe the Ultramarines out in a single turn or lock them in somehow, can you really call them assault masters?
after my first round of shooting there is
>master tacticians
>they get to do something obvious that anyone would do if the game didn't prevent you from doing it
>masters of stealth
>they get to abuse the rules of the tabletop game to give you an advantage during the deployment phase
Wow so far these are shaping up to be really great
I think people are whining cause they can forever take a step back when in combat and are still gonna be hitting on 4+'s. Every time they're engaged in combat they fall back and shoot.
How long will the Dark Angels, Blood Angels and Space Wolves have to wait for their specialized Codices ?
So what's Marneus Calgar up to nowadays?
A year, enjoy the index.
Being the definition of the word "cuck".
Standing in Guilliman's shadow.
Sure, and while I was mostly being facetious and we'll have to wait and see just how bad it ends up being, there are certainly units that should be able to either wipe out completely or whittle Ultramarine units down so much that their shooting is inconsequential, or lock them into combat with at least a chance of not being able to fall back (like Wyches, off the top of my head)
Managing the chapter as always, Rob has to lead the Imperium.
>faggots, edgelords, and yiffs
8th Ed's special snowlfake rules inflation worries me.
Do you think they are going to make changes to the primaris space marines in the new codex?

Intercessors are shit and the rest are simply too expensive.
No, no it isn't.
I just realised BA and GK don't have unique flyers but every other faction does. I guess the Space Marine chapters don't and only SW and DA do.
Wyches for days!
If you are using points, you must still pay the points cost as if you had a minimum-sized unit, even though it contains fewer models. An understrength unit still takes up the appropriate slot in a Detachment.
FAQ'D for Match (Points)
You only pay for what you bring.
at least all pertinent rules are printed on its own profile

you dont need a list of special effects you need to consult every time

the profile itself is bigger, but its a self contained thing
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>Mfw Dorn fags consider the Iron Cage a victory
Iron Cage was an Ultramarine Victory.
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Ork clan tactics
Infantry units have no maximum size limit.
Range of all weapons increased by 6", +1 bs.
>evil sunz
+2" to all units.
Bs becomes 6+, melee attacks get -1 ap.
>evil sunz
Save becomes 4+, as all their shiny bits get in the way.
>blood axes
Scout moves, get +2 to their save from cover rather than just +1.
The bolt pistol and the combat blade AP stats are the wrong way around. Foreign language editions are correct so it's just a proof reading error

Making intercessors obsec was a big change for them, hopefully the inceptors plasma guns make them worth their huge points cost.

Gravis captain just needs options because it's his wargear that's fucking him over currently

Hellblasters, ancient, non gravis captain, librarian and reivers are all priced fine though
Second evil sunz should be bad moons.
I just have best clan on the brain.
>Save becomes 4+, as all their shiny bits get in the way.
I'm assuming you meant Bad Moonz
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This conversion might not be as difficult as it seems at first.

The arm joints of the necron warriors are rounded enough to pass as the green tinted optical lense.

The slight difficulty would be the surrounding head and neck structure, which could be achieved using greenstuff since it is a smooth metallic surface, minimal sculpting is needed, or plasticard and greenstuff could be used together.
Those range from incredibly useless to hilariously situational.
I can barely contain myself

I just want GW to release the fucking models so I can buy them and paint them and play some games

Summer holiday is only going to last so long and then I have to go back and fucking teach
I'm telling you a banana stem works better
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>‘Honour will get you killed.’ Fulgrim raised his own blades to his face, the edges ringing off one another. There was no mockery to the salute. ‘So it is, brother. We come to the end. With you dead, our other brothers will follow, one by one. The Imperium cannot last without your guidance. It is you who holds the whole crumbling thing together.’ He smiled sadly. ‘Dull as you are, you were among the best of us. I almost feel sorry to kill you, if only because you will not see the triumph of the true powers of the universe, and know the liberation they bring.’
Sure Billy.
>Infantry units have no maximum size limit.

Patrol Detachment
>Wierdboy for HQ
>Boyz Squad, Nob with Big Choppa and 320 Boyz

Auto pass Da Jump and surround his entire army. T1 charge.
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How do you autopass Da Jump?
>Infantry units have no maximum size limit.

Weirdboy teleports one 200 boyz unit bahind enemy lines
>Waaagh! Energy
>Add 1 to any Psychic test rolls made for this model for every 10 friendly ORK models within 10". However, if the total result of the test is 12+, this model immediately suffers Perils of the Warp exactly as if you had rolled a double 1 or a double 6.

by rolling 2d6+32?
thats a cute cat
Has there been any indication that successors or yourdude successors will be able to access the Chapter Tactics?
>IG has always been a waacfag faction.
>It simply does not happen every edition.

How does that work?
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People are waacfagging with Retribution Squads
I never thought this day would come.
Primaris Techmarine when?
>How does that work

How can not see it? It's obvious...

Any faction that Anon does not like is WAACFAG
Not everyone is Eldar.

IDK I prefer dominions

5 storm + 5 melta in a repressor, scout move, storm disembark, move, melta and storm shoot

Blew up magnus on T1 in a 1000pt game
What do rets get that makes them tourney tier anyway?
no, first founding and black templars only. You have to paint your minis a specific way to benefit from them

somewhat cheap with HB, 2+ save in cover, can get reroll aura with a cheap-ish character, BS3+
play a different army instead
How can you get more than 4 special weapons in Dominions?

Unless for some reason you are buying two squads letting them ride inside a single transport...

My guess? Double turn of shooting with 4 heavy bolters
"Particularly shrewd readers will notice that’s one more than there should be – that’s because the Crimson Fists, while using the Chapter Tactics of the Imperial Fists..blahblah"
No this is trash, fuck off. USRs were better. A concise list of every special rule an army might use.

Now we have tiny fucking variations of the same rule printed all over the place that you have to learn for every army.

8th is trash.
>affording 40k as a teacher

haha sure

Is it really worth going all chinaman on sisters to have a 20 point 3+ BS/save HB instead of a 23 point 3+ BS/save HB?
For the anon three or four threads ago asking about grot tank recommendations:

I recommend using the ork wartrakk back half, and adding a turret from the battlewagon.

Add some misc bits to fill gaps and to add variations, and there you are.

>not my pic
Someone is putting down 400 Catachan conscripts without Stracken or a Priest, why does he hate having attacks?
The sgt can take a combi for 5.
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Not now those 23ppm 3+BS/save HB come with -1 to hit for anything shooting at them from >12 away.
Well Ret can have two turns of shooting and can be easily buffed for 45 points.

A single squad of Ret can even get models backs on their own if you want too. Also have a 6++ save.
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>ravenguard unintentionally get viable devastators and even better hellblasters
So two squads in one tank.

I rather have two squads with meltas in two repressor. Since my BSS are spamming SB already inside their immolators.
I see the power creep has already begun
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Oh you have not seen the things begun
We hype now?
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>>Implying if he suddenly became real you wouldn't be super stoked and happy about the good he does for the world.

So aggressors are going to be $50, reivers are $60 and redemptor will be $65
>$50 scouts
>$70 dreads

what is there to get hyped over
Suddenly, poorfags.
>almost £20 cheaper than centurions

I'm predicting a lot of conversions in our future.

I just hope they got some nice options and I can replace the tiny missile pod with proper CML. Buy an extra right arm and launcher online and I can turn the DI captain into a sergeant for the unit.
>$50 scouts
>6" WS3 BS3 S4 T4 W2 A2 LD8 Sv3+
It is too bad the lifta isn't precision, it would be a neat sniper weapon. How many armies around running enough teq to justify killing a terminator a turn for 200+ pts?
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>$100CAD for long-leg boxnought

hyped/10, Im waiting for the codex to be leaked on /tg/ to see the art quality before buying it.

More like $60 for 10 assault marines, they're actually cheaper than an 10 man unit of regular assault marines.
Codex leak when???
During the week in the warhammer community site, expect a full leak this weekend or next week.
Inb4 Orks get the worst codex again
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The horusian wars?
because 3 attacks at s3 that will result in 60% not making them cause they're out of melee range are worse than 4 s3 attacks with the whole unit firing
Only just had chance to read the 8th ed rules. Am I reading this wrong, or can you charge after firing rapid fire and heavy weapons now?
I fucking miss this UM colour scheme.

Why did UM havew to go from being Romans-in-spess to being SPIRITUAL LIEGE.
inquisitors who start shit because they think humanity only grows stronger from horrible conflict
Yep. You can.
now that's a great idea. I even have a mold of those tracks
fucking Guard could fall back and fire at FULL ballistic skill with the "Get Back Into the Fight!" order
Selling all my orks as its apparant they will be garbage again this edition once the codexes come out. Howling Griffons or Celestial Lions for my primaris?
Largely depends on the craftworld. The most populous craft worlds match the populations of entire planets where as the smaller ones might have only enough for a small city.
Laurie Goulding said that this novel series will reveal some juicy fluff about the Emperor. What does he mean by this?
They were always French. They were never Roman. Ultramarines are the French faction.
literally who cares
The emperor got Eldrad's wife pregnant.
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>They were never Roman
Is there a pdf of the Prospero painting guide anywhere?
Cool, thanks.
What is Gaul?

They still French
No problem my dude
Check the WIP threads
>Deffskulls get +6" extra range and +1 bs

Shame ork ballistic skills suck arse.

>Bad Moons get 4+ save base, assuming on ALL models

This sound great for attrition based orks.

>Goffs literally get 100 boy mobs

Probably the scariest fucking thing.
Everyone seeing the reaction to MoM revelations about the Emperor
If you can't kill a guard squad you aren't an assault unit.
At least orks get a codex unlike alpha legion.
>Goffs literally get 100 boy mobs
>Not running a 2000pt Patrol detachment with a Wierdboy and a 320 Boy mob.
>not getting codex
Do not make me honey you, because marine have more than enough codex to represent what ever special snowflake flavour you want.
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>Play orks

>literally every marine player in my area plays Raven Guard
I play Ravenguard since today.
cant wait to play against orks
Opinions on running 18 Screamers and a herald as an outrider detachment for 1k sons list?
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>I play Ravenguard since today.
Literally the worst type of person
Different shark here, but I'm going with a 10 Tartaros mostly with claws backed up by shotgun scouts in storms and podding assmarines.
>When she came to this time, the red armoured Space Marines standing over her were all very real. And they were staring at her.

>The storm had abated, revealing the wrecks of Rhinos and Land Speeders and corpses dotted about the desert landscape. But their dead battle-brothers seemed to be of little importance to the living. Even the Librarian was looking at Agentha with what she could only describe as concern.

>In a panic, she checked that her robes were still about her person. Satisfied that her modesty was still intact, she checked to see if all of her limbs were in the same state. Despite her broken left arm, they were all present and – mostly – correct.

>‘What is it?’ she said in exasperation. ‘Why are you all staring at me?’

>The Librarian looked to Lath who in turn looked to Cth. The buck passed no further.

>‘It’s your hair, sister.’

If marines have no libido, then why did the Sister get concerned about her modesty in their presence? Something gotta give, anons.
Personally I've been really underwhelmed by Screamers in 8e. They just kinda die before getting to melee... and even if they DO make it, they don't really hurt anything.
EZPZ when you're a kid and don't paint your toy soldiers
Fluff-wise, do all chapters have primaris marines now? There's a bunch of puritan/fanatic chapters like DA and Templars who I can't see being thrilled by Girlyman foisting reverse-engineered super marines on them and some of the more nomadic chapters like the space sharks who are all still using old 30k tech don't seem to be high on list for getting tech upgrades from the imperium.

Do they still exhibit chapter-specific geneseed markings like Raven Guard pale skin or Blood Angel gangs? Not really kept up with 8th ed, but like the look of the new truescale marines.
Only take choppy units then ya git,
I love how you have to wait probably something like a year to get on our level again.

Xenos trash blown the fuck out again, always and forever.
There was like a 98% rate of acceptance.

Do markerlights no boost BS any more?

I stopped playing in 6th so im sure there have been changes. but back then you could burn 1 marker light token to boost BS by 1. burn 2 for a +2, 3 for 3 ect ect.

in 4th and 5th i loved to take a maxed out unit of stealth suits and make them BS5 so all that dakka hit on a 2+.
Everyone accepted Primaris no problem.
Yes they use their own geneseeds, but the defects are less extreme due to genetic tinkering.
>being happy to be the first codex
How new are you to this game?
Yes everyone has Primaris, can there be individuals that hate them within certain chapters? Sure, thats up to you to decide but every chapter has been reinforced with Primaris.
Every codex is alpha legion codex.

>Yes everyone has Primaris
Factually wrong.
Helbrecht and Grimaldus are bffs with Reivers in CoD masks.
>There's a bunch of puritan/fanatic chapters like DA and Templars who I can't see being thrilled by Girlyman foisting reverse-engineered super marines on them
Well, they accepted them just fine.
that my ork army cant shoot down a RG flier, period..

yeah thats just great
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Chapter traits only affect bikers, infantry and dreadnoughts, learn to fucking read.
The Dark Imperium novel outright says that the regular marines days are numbered. Ultimately, they will be phased out.

But let us step back and consider what's happening. Were the P-Marines necessary lore and game wise?
Re-roll 1s for one markerlight hit, progressively better table for more, they aren't used up like before. It's actually a better for Tau running many small units of fire warriots, but a lot worse for the big suits/quad fusion commnaders etc. So Tau have been crying about it.
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I think I speak for all of us when I say "GIB IRON HAND LEAKS!"
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>watch ork vs guard game at my FLGS
>"okay, my boyz have a leadership of 27"
>Were the P-Marines necessary lore and game wise?

No, but thats not why they exist you retard, they were made to make a whole bunch of money
>marines aren't inherently homoerotic
They're all gay, but that's ok.
>Were the P-Marines necessary lore

No, they could just use new armor instead of being new marines.

> The Raven Guard tactic encourages you to spam Centurions

That's exactly the fucking problem.
>Playing against Tau with my Orks
>Use Snikrot to flak his fire warriors
>Kill entire squad
>He's in cover so he passes all his saves
>Charges second squad and kills them all.

Just loving the Orks now.
They exist to sell more marines to 12 years old.

They are the equivalent of a new hat.
they do?
i must have missed that, where exactly is that written?

evasive dreadnoughts still make no sense
and it doesnt apply to jumppackers which are pretty much essential to RG? rofl
>not gay or nay
Also it's "yea" you double dumbdumb
>Were the P-Marines necessary lore and game wis
Yes. There needed to be a huge invigoration of the Imperium's war-waging-ways and inventiveness or it would simply be the same stagnant repetition of attrition that has been the whole reason why GW have needed to have chadmarines.

Plus when a dude makes new shit, the other dudes at war with him have to make new shit to counter it. Escalation, nigga. That's what Marines 2.0 represent.

Fabius Bile is 100% going to get his hands on some P-Marines and do some shit to give them to Chaos, which will be interesting.
Looking for some info into recasters. I want to get started on an ImpGuard army, but unable to use FLGS. Looking for recaster recommendations based on quality of model and cost. Preferably with a large, well organised catalogue.
But would be stupid enough to fall for such an a lazy trick. They are basically reselling the marines to you guys. I am glad I am a Tau player. I don't have to deal with this shit.
Excuse me sir, do you happen to know what keywords assault marines have?
>There needed to be a huge invigoration of the Imperium's war-waging-ways and inventiveness
new tactics and organization from G money
new weapons and armour from special mc magosflake

The primaris part isn't particularly necessary, and is basically just a way to crowbar in an in-setting explanation for the larger figures.
>spam Centurions

That's a funny way to spell AGGRESSORS

>fixed typos.
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Also a tau player, bought several because I just love the new models.
Dude we already told you last night. Just order a SC! somewhere online before you dive into recast. It's 100% to start with the real thing and good quality.
Starting 40k with recasts is retarded unless you plan on playing sisters.
But wait, there's more...

>They are basically reselling the marines to you guys
People have been wanting truescale marines for fucking DECADES, anon. Even the dudes who pioneered the WHFB Chaos Marauders/Warriors kitbash said they would prefer real truescale but it's the next best alternative.
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>more marines
Meh, call me when GW release something interesting again. Like the Admech and GSC, not my thing but at least it was something "new"
>Added Ogre Magi!
new thread
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>Not being PATRICIAN enough to have your Homebrew Chapter and choose which succesor they are on the spot to give you maximum advantage against the army the other faggot play

Thanks for the "helpful" reply.
>he thinks true scale is the reason
Nop, just a way to resell marines to marine players

GW is trying to milk their own version of the "killer app", some how they never learn that killer apps is a dumb concept in the long term.
True. But Marines have been steadily getting larger each edition. That doesn't mean that each iteration were fluffed out as an entire new army.
looks like its dead, what did it say?
>Nop, just a way to resell marines to marine players
Because people have wanted truescale marines for decades.
rip the dream
its the same faggot posting fake links then samefagging because literraly no one gives a fuck. He will probably continue the for the next month.
Retard here; trying to understand the shooting phase. If I have a single model from a unit in range/LoS of an enemy unit, they can fire all of their guns on all of their models in that unit even if I remove the one visible model after the first shot? But the next enemy unit couldn't because there aren't any more visible model?
>tau players love the new models
It's worse than I thought.
If the anon was clever he would have had the link redirect to a Wrath of Magnus post or some shit
I was waiting truescale for years
>wanting something for decades
>mean GW will make it
How deluded are you?
That's not how it works.
Page doesn't exist
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plastic greatcoat guardsmen are right around the corner!
I wouldn't. Guard is mostly plastic already so unless you plan on something like Kreig you're better off just buying GW from secondary sites. Your quality will suffer and your wallet will hate you if you go all in on recast.
I would bet an extremely large sum of money that the Primaris transport won't have enough room to store the number of marines they claim.
Only things I buy legit from GW is lotr.
Along with Plastic SoB!
Can't wait for the plastic aspect warriors!

I wanted true scale vehicles for decades now! sure GW will make them next!
You forgot to trip your trilby
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So, with the way shooting has changed with 8th does that mean a Bastion can fire all its Heavy Bolters at the same enemy, if that enemy is the closest to every side? Even though the guns face four cardinal directions, there's nothing that says I can't.
I know they put out another resin thunderhawk, but that plastic one is surely on its way

any day now!
Then you don't benefit from chapter Tactics lel
RAW your models have to be painted as the chapter you're playing as
Maybe now will get a plastic with proper special weapons for Guardsmen!

Soon! Soon!
it's a joy everytime anew.
Fear not, peabrainanon who cannot comprehend simple shit! For I am here and shall spell it out for you:

The easiest way to repackage and re-sell marines to people who buy marines (and there are a lot of these people) was to make them TRUESCALE, since PEOPLE (a lot of them, and most SM players at that) HAVE WANTED TRUESCALE for DECADES.

Understand now?

Nowhere did I imply or suggest that I support what GW is doing with Primaris Marines, I was just simply stating a fact. Perhaps your frothing nerdrage prevents you from comprehending, or maybe you refuse to simply because you want to continue to be angry. I don't know. An ex squat player, maybe?
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Oi! Wot clan'z got da most Killa Kans?

And wotz ya clan, Boyz?
I mean technically the command squad boxes had all the guardsman special weapons, as well as a bunch of fancy extra bits

that old catachan infantry box is really showing its age, though
>everyone just said primaris are a way to resell marines
>guysss GW listen and made truescale!
>anon that is reselling
>noooooooooooo it is decades of waiting for truescale

What? We just said primaris are reselling marine.
[Citation Needed]
Thanks lad.
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How is it chaotic, in the small c sense, to follow or become a thrall to the ruinous powers od the warp? Aren't you still a slave except your prayer is now murder or spaceAIDS or loud spaceAIDS?

Are a race like DEldar more 'chaotic' in that they are truly out for themselves and do whatever the fek they want?
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>Le paintgate memeb8
Is hitting with heavy weapons on 7+ still a thing?
Completely missing the point.

Also you have no idea why Squat got squated do you?

>>Take Stormraven
>>load it to bear with Dread and whatever the fuck else you want to cram in it.
>>drop that shit in front of whatever you want dead
It's chaotic on the grand scale, as in tearing down the order of the imperium, not chaotic in a cultist's own life
The hell is this?
That Malcador was actually the wife of the Emperor. She's black, super smart, can pilot a Titan and is super important to the plot outside of what we already know.
They're literally all transsexuals. BA are literally some of the faggiest marines out there.
Which part of the rulebook please ?
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Only the loud faggots that are WAAC. I don't give a fuck call the police, bitch.
Nice try, but you're stuck with shitty Ultramarines now
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t. Fulgrim

Be jealous moar of Sanguinius.
/r/ can someone post the Reiver pic with the solid lower plating shop?
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Is the"space marine rapier quar mortar" any Good?
Like GW are going to gimp and punish players who have decided to paint custom chapters, which they encourage
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We're doing you a favor.

Everything about what you've posted screams "gonna dump a load of money into an army he won't paint or care about and be out of the hobby within months".

Beyond that we've already told you about the chinamen in reddit that are easy as fuck to find but apparently you need even more spoon feeding.

Basically kys
I'm from HK you Third Worlder scum
Reminder that even gw knows magnus did nothing wrong. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/07/17/warhammer-40000-doubles-event-report-magnus-did-nothing-wrong/
Have you seen that white niggers hair? He looks like a little girl with his curls. He also has insane PMS.
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>What is the source gentlemen ?
BA, please give us something for jump packs, and storm talons please.
Yeah Fulgrim does indeed lose his shit if someone implies he isn't Mr Good-at-everything.
SW will get some counter-attacl variant, like gets to fight as though it charged if charged.
Wait, you have Snikrot but not Kommandos? He's going in alone like Rambo, or is he not infiltrating? If you only have him but no Kommandos, I'd probably have him count as an extra Nob or Warboss instead.
Quick, give me the best Forgeworld units for a DAngels army.
Hong Kong? How's that meme political party about rejoining UK just to have shot of China and then hopefully getting full independence going? That is, of course, if you are there. How do you cope with 98% Humidity?

I love BA fluff, the colour scheme and all that jazz but I've always been a fan of defensive stances in war. My favourite general of all time is Wellington for this exact reason. Always preferred going on the defensive. But that just doesn't work with Blood Angels and it makes me sad. I personally would like +1S and +1A like that guy said but that's probably too powerful. Blood Angels are supposed to be the fastest Space Marines on bike, foot or transports... So maybe +1M and +1S?
Wut. Nigga fulgrims even gayer than sangy but that doesn't make him less of a fag.

Apparently you just need 8 dreads
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Spartan filled with a ton of deathwing

Fellblade, falchion and leviathan in general
More like 2 Darkshrouds and 7 Dark Talons. Jesus, shit like this is why I avoid fucking tourneys like the plague.
that being said, if Dark Talons are that good I may just get one to try it out
Within these Walls
Thoughts on the Fire Raptor?
Chaplain Dreadnought. +1S to all units within 6". It used to be DA only but now everybody can have it, so it rocks for GK's and BA. Spartan with Deathwing Knights is pretty cool. Then there is Super Heavies, the Fellblade with the twin-linked Volcano cannon can one hit lots of shit, though I prefer the Volkite thing.

I hate this shit; it's why I've always hated TGC's. You end up missing out on cool and fun shit because you run clone armies.
Tourney fags being cancer on the game yet again, surprise surprise.
Wait... If I put 10 Chaplain Dreadnoughts within 6" of each other, do they all get +10S?
I fucking hate Primaris
Raven Guard: 75% of your army may be deployed in reserve. You may deploy non-vehicle units and characters anywhere on the board, providing they begin the game in cover or the terrain blocks line of site to any enemy model on the board.
I thought auras don't stack.
They do.
>Chaplain Dreadnought. +1S to all units within 6", so it rocks for GK's

Q: Are there any restrictions on which Chapter I can choose when replacing the <Chapter> Faction keyword on datasheets within this book?
A: Yes. You cannot choose for any of these units to be from the Legion of the Damned or Grey Knights Chapters. They can be from any other Chapter though, including Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolves and Deathwatch.
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That's a bit lame. Shame. Thanks for showing. Guess I'll stick with that Librarian Dre... I mean Doomglaive Dreadnought for Grey Knights. Another unique thing BA's don't have; left with nothing now. Both don't have unique flyers despite BA being the Flying Chapter.
this is a GROTpost
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I plan on building a primaris army. I've been away from the game since fifth ed (I started back when second ed was ending and third ed got released with DEldar in the box).

I'm just hoping in the codex coming out that Primaris NOT-Tac squads can get heavy and special weapons in them. Even our modern infantry have SAWs and grenade launchers.

I just want a goddamned Primaris Marine with a heavy bolter. Is that too much to ask?
Nigga what are Baal Preds and Death Company?
>FW lets you take fancy deathwatch stuff
>GW won't let me take a deathwatch apothecary to pick up kill team members when they inevitably eat it
GW why
Fellblade and Falchion are pretty fucking expensive models even if you go recast. Already planning to get a Leviathan, thinking about the Spartan.
>can't take plasma cannon
What the FUCK
Although Deathwing Knights striking at S10 sounds insanely brutal.
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And a Hey dol! Merry dol! To you young Dilo.
WAAAGH! field. The ork thinks it's not open topped.

So it isn't.
>Librarian Dreadnaughts.
>Unique to one chapter.
>Unique to the Jump Pack Chapter

Imo that's something all chapters should have

Chaplain dreadnought is not an aura, they give +1S to all units that are in the same combat as the Chaplain.
also no grot gunner rule even though theres obviously a grot manning the gun

fw have really sunk with these indexes
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I believe you still need to pay the points for the minimum number of Models in a Squad if it is understrength, so the first tactical squad costs the same as the other ones. Also why is it understrength, do you really not own enough Marines? Why the extra Razorback?
If I'm going to be out of the hobby in months, why would I want to spend full price on GW models? I'm asking for recommendations for specific chinamen.
This image makes me extremely angry. I don't care about the racial connotations, but the fact that someone out there thinks they don't need to provide citations for their argument is infuriating.
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Anybody have picture of the standard 20 original prime marks and the chapters?
Chaplian dred gives +1 to S for all units in same combat, not within 6". But yes, that is correct.
Which is hilarious, because mathematically 19 chaplian dreds+some primaris lieutenants will kill a warlord titan in one turn.
Baal Dreads are just slightly faster Preds with a different weapon load out I thought? Which can be nearly mimicked by taking the FW Dread? Death Company is an equiv like Ravenwing or Deathwing or whatever so it's not a unique thing like the Deathshroud or whatever.

Librarian Dreads canonically were given to all Chapters but only the Blood Angels could use them. Magnus gave them to the Legions and was either ignored or not utilised. White Scars Librarians didn't remain powerful enough to do it so only Blood Angels and Thousand Sons could manage it. This is stated in HH Book 7: Inferno and BA 7th Edition. It's 'unique' to represent Vampire Coffins or some shit.

Okay so if you have 10 in same combat, do they all get +10?

Oh this guy answered it. That's fucking awesome. You do apply the x2 first then add the bonuses, just like 7th right? Shame it isn't an Aura.
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last thread i caught wind of some snowflake 40ker triggered by natzi IG ... seriously?

Where were you when 40k armies required trigger warnings?
Thousand Sons better be getting a Sorcerer Dreadnought. Or FW better at least port the Osirian to 40k.
codex leaks when
Imperial guard have used historically inspired camo patterns and uniforms since forever.
desu that is in very poor taste and just an unfunny edgy joke. Doesn't even look good.
So what?
>poor taste

***warning .. snowflake detected***
>last thread I caught wind of a stupid argument that completely shitted up the thread
>could we restart that argument pls?
Must you?
We know it's you just shitposting again, lad. If not, you need to read the entire thing again.
>nazi is edgy

Shalom Shlomo Wolowitz
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>if it's politically incorrect it has to be a joke and not because they enjoy the aesthetic
Have your (You)
Sometime middle of next week, probably. Sometimes an electronic version accidentally goes out on preorder day though, so could be next weekend if we're really lucky.
dunkelgelb looks off/10, also the Olivgrün and Rotbraun don't really look good unless you break out the airbrush for that soft edge look. Not that it's inaccurate for those two colors to look like they were badly applied.

>The Rotbraun and Olivgrün paint was delivered to the units in tins, which were thinned with any available liquid. It was then applied by the maintenance section, which allowed the pattern to match the terrain. This also resulted in a wide variety of patterns, from elaborate sprayed camouflage, to patterns that look like they were smeared on with a broom and rag.
>We know it's you just shitposting again, lad. If not, you need to read the entire thing again.

Actually no it's not. i'm just curious what was going on.
what aesthetic?
The uniforms are preformed on the models, so now you're just painting them black.
Or putting an actual swastika on them, in which case it's not aesthetics wanting to have them be nazis.
>>The Rotbraun and Olivgrün paint was delivered to the units in tins, which were thinned with any available liquid. It was then applied by the maintenance section, which allowed the pattern to match the terrain. This also resulted in a wide variety of patterns, from elaborate sprayed camouflage, to patterns that look like they were smeared on with a broom and rag.

good info. i'll probably redo that army in the future. (sold that one about 2 years ago) it's going to take a lot of work to get it looking better.
Dude, no one believes that. I was there, I told you don't need to defend your honor on an anonymous image board. I wake up and come to /tg/, why am I seeing you still ass devastated from someone that upset you LAST NIGHT. If you're bringing up anything from then, the much more interesting topic of GW stores banning FW minis should be priority.

Hey, did that other anon ever call that store to confirm one of the stories a place banning FW stuff? I'd love to know what the store said.

Fellblades are like $100 from a decent recaster

Spartan or leviathans are always solid choices, leviathans are just cheap enough to fit in any 2000 point marine list
>in which case it's not aesthetics wanting to have them be nazis.
>implying them being nazis isn't an aesthetic in and of itself
Either that or nazis are just fuckin cool. You know, maybe some people aren't retarded and can separate social taboo from something they like for completely different reasons.

Also show me a swastika in that pic because I sure as hell can't find one.
Don't forget how embarrassing it is to paint WWI inspired troops as if it was WWII.

I think this guy was getting angry at the DKoK themselves two or three threads ago.
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If you hate yourself enough you can also consider painting the Infantry with Erbsenmuster (pic related).
Fellblades look like they're too expensive to be practical outside of 3K to Apocalypse games but the Spartan is insanely tempting. I can transport 2 full Terminator squads in there and still have space for 2 characters. Fuck that's good.
So my understanding is once you get above 1500 a LOW is generally a better choice than filling it out with more troops. Let's assume I play Guard and Im not 100% in love with Baneblades and such since it feels like every 2k Guard has one. What's a fluffy alternative I could take with Imperium keyword that still would function as a kick-ass army centerpiece?
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another basic guide
A knight?
Play a 1700pt game (it was power, but it worked out we both had about that many point)
he brought a knight and i bough a billion genestlers, tabled him turn 3
never bring a knight to a genestealer fight
A flight wing? I mean the reason why everyone takes a baneblade is that it's the thing to take.
a knight is the obvious one

The giant aquila stronghold thing would be another, but its rules are unconvincing since I don't think there's any way to buff that 5+ to hit.
>Okay so if you have 10 in same combat, do they all get +10?
No as per the rulebook same aura buffs do not stack
Imperial Bastion or am I thinking something else? Those drop from Orbit right? I DO like the idea of going all RTS and making a fuck you death fortress in one corner of the board blocking LOS to mortars and Earthshaker
Stormlord (BRRRRRRRRRRT gun)
Knight crusader (maximum dakka)
Typhon(big 'o' vindicator)
God bless Warlord.
Source? I just looked through my rulebook and found nothing that said as much
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nah, I meant this

It's 410 or 430 points depending on if you go for the cannon or the missiles.
DOES THAT drop from Orbit and does my newfound pro strat still apply?
I'm out on my phone I don't have the rulebook with me. IIRC it's on a sidebar on the right side of a page. This has come up more than once at our gaming group and I assure you the answer was found each time in the rulebook.

Sry you'll just have to read the rules
I could be wrong but it appears to me that you deploy it like a transport (meaning when you deploy it you can deploy guys inside it too)
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>A roll off to see if the enemy can Fall Back
That's cute
I mean, you can deploy it, and it's big enough to block LoS, so sure.

Fellblades certainly skew a list in a 2000 point game

Spartans are nice because they're really just two land raiders glued together

The design of it and other imperial guard fortifications are partially based on the IG buildings from DoW1 so I could actually believe that
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Actually just checked the FAQ and it's in there as well
Fluff wise I mean lol. I'd like the idea of using it every game because it drops in RTS style. Since I know nothing about fortifications I have to ask now, is it good?
>All the Ork lists flood the board with boyz, a lot have basically a teleport battery of Weirdboys.

I'm surprisingly okay with this.
Out of interest, are the Land Raider door upgrades compatible with the Spartan?
Everywhere I've gone they've been sold out.

I have in infiltrating all the time though plus I need two HQ. He's actually very good alone. 6 attacks hitting on 2s and usually wounding on 2 or 3s.

He can usually take out a full squad of guys in one turn. I usually throw in him cover then use his grenade to kill something before charging.
>I have to ask now, is it good?
If I'm being honest, it looks a whole lot worse than any of the baneblade variants.

T10, 30W and 15 fire points is great, but baneblades just bring so much firepower to the table in comparison. And 8th is definitely all about bringing more bodies and guns to the table.
>84 Tenacious survivor warlord
>21 Leg. fighter warlords
>32 Inspiring Leader warlord
great work balancing that GW
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Well, shit, now I might try that out.

As for Kommandos, unless GW gets back into production or comes out with new ones for the codex, I'm slowly building a few. Trying a few different things to make boyz look extra sneaky is the cheapest route, as long as you can figure a few good ideas for them. A buddy of mine gave me his old metal ones as well, so that'll be the basis for the rest of the mob. I want to do an ork homage to this brick wall.
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just give them brick camo

it wouldn't even be far off the old blood axe kommando scheme
Just buy a bunch of these and put 'em on the table:
Is it possible to make a decent tzeentch-based chaos space marine army?
Is the Zone Mortalis actually any fun in practice? It looks like it could be a good place to implement some unusual tactics and try things out but it could also potentially be rather stale.
>Infiltrate them pregame 13-15" away for -1 BS
>jump 12" during movement phase
So bad
Not the same anon, why would it be a bad thing?
Is it because they might buff the later released codices to even things out?
It's amazing if you know somewhere with a proper board.

By far our fav way of playing HH as well
Yes. 1KSons are solid with or without Magnus. Magnus makes them better though.

It was good fun in 7th because it didn't have Super Heavies and things that should have been Super Heavy. No Riptides or Wraithknights or Knights. Just dudes.
Power creep is natural. They wouldn't put out something new and shitty if the goal is to get people to buy the new toy soldiers.

It's wishful thinking and optimism that it might not happen this time because of limited to no new releases with the flood of codexes, but anything is possible
Just gave me an idea:
Reivers in Zone Mortalis would be really fluffy and awesome.
Should I go for a full 1k sons theme or mix in some other general chaos dudes?

I'm not too sure about rubric marines.
Do any of the chinchong commie recasters sell it, or will I have to shell out the real shekels if I want to get my own board?
Fucking idiot
Not sure desu. I wouldn't buy one personally it's too expensive and time consuming, I play at ZM tables at FLGSs
You must know that 90% of the people who post here don't actually play 40k so they're just shit posting based on two equal armies setting on the line 18" apart with no terrain and rolling dice odds apps
Yeah I can't seem to find it. My FLGS isn't very big so it doesn't have a Zone Mortalis either... Oh well.
It's like £450 from FW, so even from China it would still be very expensive. They're huge and have lots of large parts, so maybe less likely
In other words, Fucking idiots
Rubrics aren't bad. But otherwise you're lacking a bit options.

But until Thousand Sons get their codex, you're probably better off running them as CSM

>Unless you want Rubrics as troops.

Absolutely, doors and assault ramp too
Powercreep, of course.
They said they'd update all the indices yearly so that might balance things out, but that would only happen after a year of powercreep.
thats because they're in the loyalist codex
thanks for that link.. fucking saved
File: AlphariusArt.jpg (117KB, 433x526px) Image search: [Google]
117KB, 433x526px
>Buy a bunch of Primaris marines
>Paint them all white
>Only differences are the squad markings on the helmets
>Gather all of the Imperium's greatest heroes
>Have Alpharius call them up
>Execute order 66
Retard here. What is a LOW?
a lord of war, big shit like Baneblades
fuck now it seems fucking obvious
But Anon, Trazyn already saved the Imperium's Greatest Hero and ambushes don't work on Sly Marbo
Macharius, Crasus, Dominus, Gorgon, Minatour, Valdor, Praetor, Marauder... like half of the FW: Imperial Guard index is Baneblade alternatives.
Trazyn saved Cain?
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