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Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

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"Get behind us manlets, we'll show you how it's done" Edition


>FW FAQ (Part 1 and Part 2)


>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:

>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>other MEGAs

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Doing the Emperor's work)
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First, fuck the Fisters.
Alright anons, it seems that Marines can expect 24 different Strategems.

What Strategem would you like for your faction?
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Best color scheme? Best color scheme.
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fifth for we don't even need chapter approved anymore
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>drab and boring colour scheme
>SM 7/28
>CSM+GK 8/18
>DG 9/22
Rumored release dates from previous thread
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>tfw this will get a plastic kit before the the Thunderhawk
>pompous bright colors
>anything close to "decent"
>Random faggot says random thongs without any context
news at 11
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>10 codices by Christmas
>1 codex per month
Sure why not
Never, it way to big.
Forge World at best.
Thunderhawk got a new resin mold and sculpt from gw. dont expect plastic thunderhawk before 2050.
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Remember the power of technology, science, and the greater good. Remember the promise of progress and understanding, to bring an end to the carnage and slaughter and that buzzing in the comm channels.
It is the 42nd millennium, and it is ours.
soo does the little skull on top of the chadlains cane talk?
>Heroes never die.jpg
Not when they're chosen of Khorne, no.
except at least half of these codexes won't have model releases so they can as well release 3 per month for those.
Nonetheless, according to this schedule, we just need 2 for October, 2 for November, 2 for December.
That's what I meant. Even if they take their sweet time the Overlord is almost certainly getting the plastic treatment before the Thunderhawk.
What is Tau's proposed solution to the whole Chaos problem?
Gibe gk now...
Does anyone think we'll get model releases for them?
Join them? I seem to recall a certain fleet getting lost in a warpstorm...
Duh. GW just released a brand new resin kit. I don't think it can be done in plastic.

Part of me is thinking the Overlord won't be done, it's just too big.

Has anybody got a close up of the Chaplain and Apothecary? Chaplain is fucking baller. GW has done quite well bar the shitty jetpack things.
Resin version existing doesn't preclude plastic.
See Betrayal at Calth and Burning of Prospero.
The Overlord is never getting released.
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>marine codex, marine codex, marine codex, Chaos marine codex, marine codex, marine codex
Ignore it! It worked for the big gold guy, right?
The what now?
Kek.. Dates aside, this release order was confirmed by GW. Check out their community blog thing
>w-why are player races getting more love than NPC ones?
Tau should be getting absolutely fucked by Chaos in their next codex's fluff, but they probably won't be.
Daemons after DG.
ECKS bawks HEUG am I rite fellow 4channer!
I have a feeling this is true. It'll be too big. So either FW kit or not at all. They need a 10-15 man flyer though.
>Tau are a shooting race!
>BS 4
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Reminder that marinelets are obsolete junk
Is that devastator straight up using a necron gauss cannon?
Old /tg/ best /tg/
So that confirms tau soon?
What's the problem? They killed Slaanesh, they can kill the rest.
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Whats the drug of choice for Hellions? +1 Str or +1 Attack? I'm not much good at Mathhammer.
yeah lets stay the same and never change jokes and what not, surely that would be entertaining
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IIRC the Ethereals at least were aware of Chaos being a thing back in 7th, and now we've lost an entire fleet to the warpstorm. I'm not sure if they can just ignore it at this point.

I hope so. Also chaos Tau/internal conflict would be nice.

I hope that something has changed about the Aun'va situation after this time skip. It's hard to believe the Tau have been being fooled by a hologram for this long. Or if they have, it should be called out as an example of how complacent the populace is.
While I don't like it, I expected it and even understand it.
+1 attack death by a thousand cuts!
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omg, this looks so cool!

>Tigersharks AX-1-0
will be used vs vehicles, monsters and big stuff

>Sun Sharks
will br used against infantry

certainly transportting infantry and XV8s. He'll try to bring it close to your lines to disgorge its cargo

Warlord and harasser

probably to finish the job for the other planes and to carry his entire land army


Pic related, my styrofoam attempt on a Tigershark AX-1-0 to test its rules before deciding on buying one
Is nobody gonna comment on the plasma inceptors with the new helmets? They look very Infinity but still better than the unholy abominations we got in DI
while there's certainly reasons to criticize 1d4chan, you can hardly blame them for writing that way when thats what this place was like then. And I would YOU want to go back and update hundreds of dumb jokes on a wiki to keep them relevant?
So I got the HH boxed sets (I love Mk3 armor) and now have 2 squads of Custodes....I've given in, how do I build an army of these guys? I know custodes are beasts on their own, but feel id struggle against horde armies and putting out enough shooting power.

What would be effective to run at 2000 points? What HQ would work best: Ordo Malleus, Gravis Captian, Librarian, etc?
10/10 color scheme
can't pick between this and carcharodons
also when are we getting chapter tactics?
>you can hardly blame them

Yes I can. Have they considered not making a shitty meme wiki?
but that article is for a currebt thing being added to 40k, I think im in my right to criticize that they are writing the article like they would in quite awhile ago
That's a grav gun.
Bro. the mold is literraly 1 month old.
Is it? Oh then absolutely call them memeloving faggots, my mistake
From someone who knows shit about them, +1 Attack is better in majority of scenarios.

Maybe it's so big because it is filled with all the games PS3 doesn't have.
Well he got squatted in AoS and so far this new edition and subsequent releases mirrored AoS, so I'd expect him to go and get replaced by a 4th God. Probably Ynnead.
Chaos space marines are NPC tho.
You cant be a PC without a Warlord Titan.
yeah it's for a primaris flyer that showed up in the dark imperium book.
>before deciding on buying one
good luck with that anon
might pick up some knarloc riders with that too
On that note are space shark chad marines ok?

In the new 40k get started magazine in the CSM section World Eaters, Death Guard and Thousand Sons are mentioned but not Emperor's Children. Not looking good for Slaanesh.
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Can the thousand sons talk? Also what happens if they pull off there helmet?
What's your point?
A plastic Thunderhawk would still happen a lot sooner than a plastic Overlord given the Overlord would be at least Manta sized.

author who wrote the sharks of space books for BL said YES
>Thinking im defending the ps3 against xbox in that post
wow so this is the power of 1d4chan
I it would be extremely painful.
No and they can't.

All they do is psychically scream
>Can the thousand sons talk?


>Also what happens if they pull off there helmet?

They'd probably "die."

The twat who wrote the recent Carcharodons novel blogged that Carcharodons didn't get given primaris by official channels, but pulled some of their super secret contacts to get them anyhow.
It would be extremely painful.

It was the only other ancient videogame system meme I could think of.
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>so I'd expect him to go and get replaced by a 4th God. Probably Ynnead.
>Probably Ynnead.
>40,000 points of puss and ass
They can talk to TS sorcerors in their minds
They're big marines.
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>I-I-t is too big !!!
Meanwhile japanese are doing things 3 times the manta size in MPP without moldlines since the 90's. Oh and 80+ articulations
Noted, thanks anons. Juggling who gets what drugs is tricky.
>Well he got squatted in AoS
The worst meme ever. Stop saying it. Slaanesh has had books about his followers, has rules, has fluff sections in the Chaos books and is regular mentioned in fluff events. Just because you only read 1d4chan, doesn't mean you know what you're talking about.
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I quit 40k mid-5th ed. Never played imperium. (started following these threads a week or two ago waiting for new npc race stuff). Plus I'm not wearing glasses.

Thanks my man.
The emperor is also a choice.
>daemonettes in use by both eldar and humans
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where is her nose!
that expression is disturbing
>factions that sell the best get the most support
Gee, who'd have thought?
What model is the grey statue dude next to the Primmy Librarian
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did my post ever say it was too big? I haven't seen the mini yet and only heard about the thing second hand.
No one is saying it physically could not be done.
Just that GW won't do it when they never even did the Thunderhawk for decades.
It's too big for most games and they wouldn't sell enough for the molds to be worth it.
+toughness on reavers works pretty well too. Saved their ass fighting a bunch of hellblaster chads.
I was half-surprised when opening it to find that it didn't have a or several realistic anatomically correct vagina sculpted in.

Instead it's just a pretty well-executed model.
I thought the whole point of 30k was to dump all their marine bullshit somewhere else?
>marines are the poster boys
>sell the most
>make more marines
Don't kid yourself. Marine love is not 100% fanbased. It's a vicious cycle.
Fuck not the heritic Anon.
and they cost 1% of FW prices because they actually respect their customers.
The largest commercial miniature ever made is a replica of that bigass railway gun, it's the size of a smartcar and costs about $500.
+1M. It lets you get into combat easier. Save +1A for Wyches. +1S for Leliath. I forget who gets +1T, but +1Ld to Beastmasters.
Master of the Fleet,
That Chaplain is sweet. I'm glad the Primaris ake well to religious ornamentation
Chaplain is fucking amazing. Why did GW make Death Company Chaplains for BA then not actually give them rules? That's a cool model. This new Chaplain is pretty baller. Reminds me of another model.. .A Librarian?
That apoc and chaplain models tho.

That's a statue.
Definitely want +1 on the Reavers, but I'm probably splitting mine up into two units, so only one can get that; thats why I was considering +1S for the Hellions and +1A for the second Reaver squad.

No other cult members in my ranks at the moment at least, so that saves me juggling any further.
>grey statue dude
>That's a statue

You don't say
>Definitely want +1 on the Reavers
+1T that is
The 8th ED rulebook says that the Tau shining Utopian world are being eyed by greater horrors of infinite malice and hate.

Necrons vs Tau confirmed. Who is hyped, anons?
Well I think +1M on them is better as it forces people to shoot you or ties up a unit in attack. But that's my opinion.
>I thought the whole point of 30k was to dump all their marine bullshit somewhere else?
I seriously hope you aren't retarded enough to think that because HH exists, and has existed for 3 editions, that meant that GW would stop focusing on the best selling line
>>marines are the poster boys
>>sell the most
>>make more marines
>Don't kid yourself. Marine love is not 100% fanbased. It's a vicious cycle.
No shit dumbass, people always gravitate towards stuff that something focuses on. Only a retard would deny that marines got popular in no small part because they've always been the focus, but only a retard would act like that negates the fact that their still the best selling line.
It's like complaining about Judge Dredd focusing on Judge Dredd, or Halo on masterchief. Since fucking RT marines have been on the cover, of course that means more people will go "hey, those look cool, I want to play as these guys."
The fact that marines are the focus of the setting makes marines sell well doesn't mean marines don't sell well, GW has made a conscious decision to focus on them since the game began and it's payed off extremely well for them, they have no reason to stop. If ain't broke don't fix it
It's the old finecast Chapter Masters painted like a statue
>also when are we getting chapter tactics?
>My light blue warriors are totally different from the deep blue ones or the red ones hurrr xD

Hopefully never

I thought there easy this whole thing about chaos being on the way to fuck up the Tau's shit and steal their stuff that's been a thing for ages?
I think and I might be wrong but bear with me for a moment. I think that might have been a joke
They are all already so damn fast though. Maybe +1 move on a secondary squad like he was saying for a go at what your talking about.
Makes sense geographically. Sautekh is right next door.
Bring back the 'if you get shot you move closer' thing for BTs somehow
I am thoroughly devastated
Ushabti were enough for me
One of the old Masters Of The Chapter metal box set. There were also another four released individually in finecast iirc
think you can get in metal also through ebay
They're confirmed for the SM codex, they've already revealed the Ultramarine tactic. Codex is probably a couple weeks out. We may get leaks soon as books are shipped out to stores.
going from 16M to 18M seems situational at best
Remember when you could make a 10 man formation in Apocalypse to represent the 10 Captains or Equiv? And you could do it for Grey Knights and in 5th they had special rules you could pick for each one, like Counter-Attack and shit. Was awesome.

Oh for sure but making them go faster is pretty cool. Few people expect stuff that fast . Lets your units get close. But that's just me. I and a few other people tried to work out what is best on what.

More it throws people off because of how quick you're getting forward. Though STR or Attack is fine too. I like Strength on Lelith.
Wait, they brought those out in failcast too? Man, I wish I'd known. I bought two of the metal sets when they first came out for conversions.
Warhammer Community just confirmed that the codex goes on preorder next saturday and they are doing a preview article every day for each chapter.
Saw a 35 power level game of O'rks vs Primaris at LGS.

Something like 30 choppa boys and 20 shootas, 5 bikes, weird boy and warboss vs 15 intercessors, librarian and captain.

Ended with just the Weird Boy left, last turn was melee of him, boss and captain. Captain killed boss but got magic missiled to death next turn.
see what is the actual problem with these models
do they really need to get replacements four times per edition
any other army would be perfectly happy to have its old finecast hqs age so well
but nope space marines gotta have more hqs than other armies have total number of all units combnined
anything about FW chapters?
Yeah they can talk, they're known chant "all is dust...all is dust...all is dust..." over and over for example.
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repostan' from WIP. Thoughts on my flash gitz? suggestions?
No, they are manlets
Do you use the flyers return on a 3+ after leaving the board rule? Flyer spamming WAACfag is imposing it on the club.
If flyers leave the board they fucking die, anon
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>codex space marines comes out
>manlets no longer have rules, it's all assumed primaris (tactical squad is the intercessors for example)
Not if you use the rule from death from the skies, which the WAACfag insists we use, arguing that we use terrain rules from advanced rules too anyway.
Needz moar DAKKA!
He can insist all he wants, don't do it. Flyer spam has always been cancer and is just as bad in this edition.
>Flyer spamming WAACfag
Either impose all of death from the skies on him, or force him to use none of it. >>54352007 has it right, in default games flyers can't leave the battlefield without ded. If he wants to leave the battlefield force him to use weapon and armour facings too.
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There is one path for the Tau to take. The Tau must conquer the Sautekh.

Tyrants of death and ruin, beware the light of Tau'va!
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Use the same answer everyone has given since Death from the skies came out anon, "No".

He may try to convince you that you are using a double standard, but be steadfast in the knowledge that he is less than human and full of tricks.
Unfortunately, he has a lot of pull on the local community, being one of the old timers. How do I convince everyone that he's being an asshole?
i bet all the marine players are absolutely thrilled to face all those new exciting marine factions, little Billy told me he never played vs green marines before!
>the front end of a missile launcher
>a fucking smoke launcher
LOL. perfect.
need to work on your greenstuff I think.

can still see lots of fingerprints.
Bah, the only reason people like Red Scorpions is because the /pol/tards like their genetic purity bullshit.
soo how does AoS handle all the slaanesh modelS? theyre illegal or what?
You just don't play him with those rules, don't give a fuck what he says or thinks. If the other people follow him like sheep then fuck them too.

Alternatively turn up with a full Icarus Dunecrawler army and insist that he follows the rules for weapon and armour facings. If he cannot be taught that flyer spam is gay, he must be shown.
Remember when there was balance because everyone got a rules update all at once?

Remember when GW shat all over it by releasing codexes one at a time like usual therefore leaving some armies in the dust for years?
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I like kitbashing but I am pretty new to greenstuff. The shoulders didn't join well with the 3rd party bodies so I needed the sleeves. Can I file down the fingerprints?

I like to think orks would use the whole buffalo
>the only reason people like Red Scorpions is because their genetic purity bullshit makes roleplaying a nazi fun as shit
I mean, the imperium are space nazis anyway, why not embrace it?
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Just getting back into the game after ~8 years, deciding between Blood Angels and Tau. The main thing keeping me from BA is the primaris stuff--I have a ton of marines from back in the day, and I don't wanna be playing them only to have them all phased out in a year. Are they gonna replace my whole army eventually?

Other than that I'm pretty up in the air. Any big pros/cons for either army?
Don't temp the people who excrete tau fluff.

He wasn't squatted, he just went missing and hints he'll be back.

Elf gods beat him and he ran and hid.

All the models are still there.
Lean back and let them all get assraped by his Fliers and sooner or later they'll be agreeing with you.
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I can't imagine regular marines getting phased out and I'm 100% sure you will still be able to use your old figs
Is there are smaller version of the rulebook out yet? I remember 7th ed having small versions of the rulebook in the later releases of Dark Vengeance and that Kill Team box that cut out all the fluff bits and was all-around just a lot easier to flick through for rules queries.

Also, what's the difference between the upcoming codexes and the big index books they've just brought out? Are chapter tactics and chaos legion rules gone now as well (that was the impression I got just flipping through the book, but I'm aware I could have just overlooked it)?

I've not really kept on top of what's going on with 40k,so these are probably pretty entry level questions, but my gaming group are looking to get back into the hobby, so I'm trying to figure out what we'll need to update.
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Yes, a free version. Minis advanced rules.
>Can I file down the fingerprints,

Not if you want a nice finish.

What I suggest is to use vaseline when working on greenstuff.
>Remember when there was balance because everyone got a rules update all at once?


They literally just released a cut down starter box that includes a 96 page soft cover rule book instead of the giant tome that comes in the full starter.
>I can't imagine regular marines getting phased out and I'm 100% sure you will still be able to use your old figs

They will still be there in this edition and the next but expect to not see them getting new models ever
Anon, there are updates every year to every army.
>What I suggest is to use vaseline when working on greenstuff.

Oh my ...
Tau players are fags and are basically considered human scum at any tournament they dare to rear their ugly heads in.

That should be all the answer you need.
No, no there really aren't anon.
Extreme example, but point proven, Marines are literally the only army to get a codex every edition.
>2D space maps
>I can't imagine regular marines getting phased out and I'm 100% sure you will still be able to use your old figs

Well SoB arent "Squated"... but hum... 1 model update in 20 years.
>96 page soft cover rule book instead of the giant tome

Sweet, that's exactly what I'm after. Thanks for the info.
>tfw you remember Dark Eldar not getting a new codex for 10 years

Sure anon ... sure

This is the only correct answer. All your old Marines are 100% playable forever, but they are officially soft squatted because only Primarisâ„¢ Adeptus Astartesâ„¢ will be getting new and/or updated models and kits. You'll still be able to buy the old models for at least one edition, but they'll slowly be phased out production for the new Primarisâ„¢ stuff.
2. Canoness Veridyan and Celestine.
>Marines are literally the only army to get a codex every edition.

Though I think their streak got broken with 7th's nonsense.
Datz neerly enuff DAKKA! God Job Mekboy!
Close. There will be points adjustments. The first 10 codexes are confirmed to be some type of Marine, and they'll all be out this year.
The replacement is teased in the novels, and having many counterparts being revealed makes clear it is eventually going to happen, but not soon.

I do like Tau, they have interesting minis and aesthetics, demo the stigma that revolves around the players keeps me away from them, at least until all WAAC fags shift to something else.
>also orks waited ten years
>sob still waiting
>tyranids not as extreme but up there
Verydian isnt a model update. ots a new character
Can fallen make for a solid replacement gunline if you take cultists as troops or is it just more efficient to grab a CSM squad and get it over with at once?
GW will probably keep producing at least the newer marine kits for the foreseeable future. The most recent marine kit is barely a year old or something, I highly doubt they'll only sell what they stocked up rather than keep producing untill the mold wears out.
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>The Battered Wives of the Emperor
Who here "finally chose a color scheme but regretted it when he finished painting"?
For me personally, because I'm German and Germans have precisely zero tolerance for that sort of thing no matter how over the top your parody is.
I kind of know that feel, my CSM were meant to be turquoise with black pauldrons but it dried just a few shades of green off ultramarines.

It grew on me though.
See >>54352179
They obviously didn't get 1st or 2nd edition books, and according to lexicanum in 7ed they only got shield of Baal, so nope (although I do remember them getting an update, is lexicanum just being retarded again?)
>Salty Xenofags thinking their opinions matter.

Sorry, nobody cares about your irrelevant races.
It was about 75 years ago Hans, it's fine.
I like Red Scorpions because of their colour scheme and I liked Loth. I didn't like their genetic purity bullshit particularly or the 'we won't work with any non-pure faggots' shit. They used to hate pyskers as well but GW realised having one of the most powerful psykers is stupid.
>Nog painting your Chadmarines, scions, OG, Tanks, Titan, Tau armor etc in the same fractal camo pattern
pic of your PC army?

That's basically what I said. They're going to keep up stick for their Marines for awhile, but there won't be any new kits for non Primarisâ„¢ anymore ever. Eventually, within probably a year maybe two, they'll stop producing classic Marines and things will slowly start to sell out. The rules for these models are here to stay, but they will slowly be phased out in favor of newer players with Primarisâ„¢ stuff.
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And you Xenos whores will still give the Imperium your Konor victories.
>They obviously didn't get 1st or 2nd edition books
literally no one had a 1st edition codex
codexes only came into existence with 2nd edition (the first one ever being space wolves)
I did after I painted the first half of 10 models, but then I changed it. I love my current colors and my conscript colors. I just can't come up with what colors to paint my converted special characters.

How much did you paint before you realized you hated it?
Marines aren't being phased out and Primaris marines are shit.
Oh piss off, both of you are shit
It's either Marines or Spiky Marines
How much tau is a fair trade for the first strike accurate representations of 40k players?
>armies nobody played
>most produced 40k models which serve as the basic troop for 1/4 of all of the playable armies

They've had a 6th ed codex, a 7th ed update in imperial agents and now the 8th ed index that everyone's had. It's only models that they've never gotten.
t. butthurt manlet that cant handle Turbomarines shooting 8 plasma shots a turn each even while in close combat
>>most produced 40k models which serve as the basic troop for 1/4 of all of the playable armies
that's primaris anon.
>and he ran and hid.
No, he was captured and imprisoned so now GW just teasing by his returns in the same manner all the time
So take the opportunity to kick the new primaris in the dirt and rub some grime on that toilet seat the Ultramarines call a symbol.
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Are Noise Marines Any Good Now?
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>Duel Wielding plasma cannon pistols
Not until they get a plastic box.
What, did AELVES start crossbreeding with humans or the AoS trademark equivalent name en masse or something?
Eh, it's still updates, and he was talking about codexes ruining balance. A points rebalancing addresses that.
What do you guys think will be in the primaris SC kit? I'm thinking lieutenant, 5 intercessors and the new grav-razorback.
I think BA might have a novel coming out later in the year, sometime around November, if you can wait see what they do with them then.
Fallen don't have the right keywords to get Chaos Lord or Sorceror buff support

Unless, you cna replace <LE|GION> with Fallen? I dunno

They don't have HERETIC ASTARTES for psychic support anyways
I bet if GW knew how much butthurt they would have to put up with they would have never released SoB.
back to your containment thread faggot
They got literally nothing 4th ed.
And Orks got nothing 5th edition, Dark Eldar got nothing 6th edition, and of course each edition lasts more than 1 year, so even if sisters did get one codex per edition that's still only being updated every 3 or 4 years, a bit off of your initial statement.
3 units and a vehicle. Black is dull, even with highlights.
t. npcrace
Use fine wet/dry 1000+ grit sandpaper to smooth it down.
>Those visors on the jump asault primarines
Beautiful, I won't see their shit eating grin again
I'd much rather kick Chaos in it's smug face
You somehow think you're any better than regular space marines
I was asking because I planned for my chaos lord to support my terminators in my vanguard detachment, had enough space to fit in a unit of fallen or two and figured I could get a better standalone gunline and skimp out a bit on the troops.

Forgot about the sorcerer not being able to buff it but I may just have it support my dreadnoughts.
So are Russes as garbage as they seem?
As a guard player i like using tanks but they don't seem viable at all.
Gonna go with the blob meta i guess.
Same to you, Aids of Synagogue has no place in 40k >>>/reddit/
Just field a macharius Vulcan.
Or some Minotaurs
>Guys stop complaining every army gets updated at least once a year
Actually anon make that 4 or 5 years, optimistically.
>Holy shit guys well of course the UNPOPULAR armies don't get updated often, fuckin NPC races
Now that Armageddon pattern basilisks and medusas exist, Yes.

They are overcosted and fail at their primary role.
artillery and conscripts is the only way foward.
Nobody cared about any of those retarded systems that both got ousold by calth.
Go back to your dead threads now.
They're pretty tough T8 over T7 does actually make a fair amount of difference, 1 or 2 with 3 heavy flamers in the front to support the rest of the army does alright, but artilery and plasma infantry are better heavy hitters.
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thanks for the tip

>The old Space Marinelet captain miniatures have been turned into statues


I play Orks and Blood Angels and I just want a close fight. It seems like Marines are already half the playerbase and [Imperium] are half of the playable factions.
Painted 20 Skitarii, a Dominus and a Dunecrawler with literal Babbys First Model skills in Mars colours and then came up with a green+bronze with orange glows scheme that I like much better. I think I may just paint the rest of my army like that and come back to the first Skittles laters.

Are all models as hard for beginners as Skitarii or did I just pick something that kicked me in the dick a bit?
Canonically three Inquisitors have joined up with the Tau. Two choosing to be members of the Tau Empire and an other choosing to be a trusted ally.

What is it with the Tau that attracts such Imperial servants to their Empire? Is it the hope they bring?
Skitarii are super hard for beginners.
Only dead thread is for the dead game, not Fantasy.
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Does anyone have a Squiggoth(smaller one) and an Araknarok they'd be willing to photograph next to each other

Also a Mawcrusha and Orkanaut

Thanks in advance!
GW is run by commies now.
Why the fuck you need a big ass model for this game? Worst, a big ass flyer. People will never use it, those things are only fun to use in something in Epic scale, see what happened to the Manta Taufag.
Which canon is that? What source.
Who are the grey guys in the back?
Considering Stronos is probably getting a model, and considering he is depicted in Indomitus armor here, do you guys think we will get a terminator armor remodel? The models haven't been refreshed in more than 10 years, and GW stated they have still something in mind for manlets
We battlesuit now.
>reasonably tough
>can move and fire turret with no penalties
>can pack 2-3 heavy flamers that also fire on the move with no penalties
russes are alright
Because they are the Ultramarine of the NPC, my dear shitposter
from the looks of it that's just the terminator captain model with a servo harness glued on the back
So are strategems the new formation? Is this where 8th dies?
Well anon, the tau are the good guys and actually value life to the point not even drones are seen as expendable.
It is this fight for hearts and minds that the cold and uncaring imperium of man can't really compete against as it takes something like the brutal massacre of entire guard regiments with no quarter a la that one time with the vostroyans to not fail at this.
the manta doesnt sell because the kit itself need 200+ hours of grinding and greenstuff just to FIT together..
also a retarded price because they wanted to model freaking everuthing inside i stead of being hollow and selling it for 300£
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"Fire and Ice"
"Damocles Anthology"
"Farsight " Crisis of Faith".
>My psychic powerhouse is useless without any psychic powers
You're shitting me?
Never re paint your first model. Keep it always as a testament to where and how you started.
Just because you enjoy shoving daemonettes up your ass doesn't mean the rest of us don't want to you simpleton.
Oh that one. Pretty sure that they weren't confirmed just that they were happy to work with them.
I mean, they made it into a melee unit, and the wand smite bonus isn't too helpful.
No, you cannot replace Legion with Fallen, says so right in the thing.
If you want buffs- take Cypher.
>they made it into a melee unit
Yes because the index rules will never be updated and their rules will never change again.
So if Inquisitor have thrown their lot with the Tau. How long before the SPESS Mahreens follow?
Doubtful any time soon
>none in play store
Meh, guess I'll order the paperbacks.
The additive process was what killed 40k each edition.
>gotta add vehicles.
>rules don't match the rest of the game, but I'm gonna add it.
>gonna add tlos when we want to actively encourage modelling for sales, add it in.
>gonna add flyers with more rules saves even though the rule's imbalanced and bloated
>gonna add formations when we already have alt army comp rules for each faction

40k always broke down when you went beyond basic rules and standard missions
What, you would refuse a Diaz daemonette your anus? Are you one of them dark angels I keep hearing about?
>that TIE fighter cockpit

You ain't slick, anon
Apparently you do, very much so indeed
>Tfw moloc is bigger hand a chadmarine
My nipples explode with delight
Primaris are already pretty tau, especially the ultramarines.
I fully expect to see them as a type of battlesuit for gue'vesa but not the superhuman brainwashed murderhobos of the imperium.
The Imperium aren't nazis.
Better luck next time Ivan.
Get the digital versions. They are on the BL site.
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>actually being a "mariners" cheerleader for a plastic toy company
>for free

Do you guys actually have Stockholm syndrome?
>the manta doesnt sell because the kit itself need 200+ hours of grinding and greenstuff just to FIT together..

That is a problem, because? Oh true you didn't even paint your 3 Riptides before you sell them to buy the Fusion Commanders.

>retarded price
Like everything made by GW and FW

>they wanted to model freaking everuthing inside i stead of being hollow and selling it for 300£.

It is a centerpiece and project as a modeler no point of being hollow, like i said before there is no point for GW to make big ass flyers that people will use 1 time for 10k multyplayer game and notice it is even more annoying to move than a Titan.
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>somebody has opinions
>not even extreme, self-centred, or political opinions
I feel like if I didn't know anything about 40k I would think that all three of those guys are on the same evil team.
I don't understand your premise.

Are you ok?
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*Blacks your path*

What do you do?
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Outta my way Brother or I'll destroy your fortress.
Hug him
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Burn him to ashes
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Remind him this isn't 30k and thus he has no rules.
Then pester him to get an elf wife.
What's the actual story behind each of these? It seems weird that Inquisitors, individuals who are generally some of the most hard-boiled, cynical and suspicous in the Imperium, would join up with the naive and idealistic Tau. Also the radically different approaches to chaos.
>kit is poorly cast
>Don't like high prices
>Don't want to spend money on internal detail when literally who opens a tank up mid-game and has a nozy around inside
Like maybe if GW didn't charge actual car-prices for their models people would be able to afford to play 10K point games? All the internal space does is drive up the price and make it so that you have to crack it open to see all the detail you paid for.
why not play 40k point games?
the only one I'm familiar with is heavily implied to be mind controlled by a psychic brain worm

muh good guys tho
I've literally never played before in my life but have been painting for a long time and starting on 8th with genestealer cult. I have 2 boxes worth of neophyte hybrids, 2 chimeras, a goliath, a valkyrie (I think I can use this under 8th rules) and the box of the hero units. I am assuming I probably do not have enough units for a game, and am looking for guidance of where to go next. Could anyone point me to where I can see other army compositions so I can see how to construct this mess?
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That's what, 10 warlords a piece?
Would be a nifty game.
>he has no rules.
Tell him to continue doing what he is doing, and that he is doing a good job at it. Whatever it is.
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>Kit is very expensive and uxtremely poorly done
>Somehow this isnt a problem

some toptier redshirt right there.

>Like everything made by GW and FW
No GW is pretty cheap, except for this guy.

>It is a centerpiece and project as a modeler
[Citation needed]

>no point of being hollow,
Cut the price in more than half, and as its not LEGO you'll never be able to see whats inside anyway

like i said before there is no point for GW to make big ass flyers that people will use 1 time for 10k multyplayer game and notice it is even more annoying to move than a Titan.

yet they already sold 1200+ Warlord as per the lasts Certificates.
Maybe because the kit is actually GOOD and they dont model every cable inside before putting ceramite on top.
AND the fact it is bigger, heavier, with more pieces AND Cheaper ?

>You somehow want a big Spacemarine flyer that makes you a Tau player haha
I know you didn't go to college.
But don't make it THAT obvious
>the naive and idealistic Tau.

Two Inquisitors choose to align themselves with the Tau because of that. They see the Tau needing guidance and education, not extermination. The Tau one day might be a great ally to the Imperium against the forces of Disorder and Chaos. That's solid reasoning.

The third one is pretty Iffy and subject to debate.
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give me the quick rundown on Corsairs

I never hear about them at all, are they cool? do they have a place in a Ynnari army?
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Making some LOS blocking terrain specifically in mind for mortars/artillery. I know Orks and Imperial Guard have plenty of LOS ignoring guns, but what of the other factions? Am I making terrain only 2 or 3 armies can use?
His rules are for 7th/30k
more expensive and less OP than PLASTIC eldar.
thats why nobody care
SM have orbital strike and whirlwind may ignore los. I can't remember at the top of my head.

Also is it just me or whirlwinds actually good this edition?
>What is it with the Tau that attracts such Imperial servants to their Empire?

There are inquisitors who summon daemons to fight Chaos

Don't look for sense and reason in the Inquisition
Modeling for advantage makes you a git
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just got gifted 3 recast Centurions, I'm boutta build em, but I'm not familiar with the new stats and such so could anyone tell me which one of the three options (las, bolter or grav) is best right now in 8th? What am I getting the most out of? Frien told me las is pretty good rite now.
t. wagecuck
>Answers to probably the hardest Primaris resident shitposter to tell him he plays npc race
Nah he didn't. IIRC Robbie mentioned they didn't get given any ChadCarcharodons, but instead got told how they can make them... I think they're getting the armor ect. through less legit means.
Dont even go Dev.
Go ASS CENT and punch people in the face with twin Heavy Flamers and Drill Hands
Huh, that's actually pretty cool. I hope something comes from that in the future, given that it looks like Tau will be having chaos and genestealer problems very soon.
Not trying to do it, actually don't have Orks or IG right now. Do have Necrons who lack serious long range firepower.
Las. Heavy bolters don't mow infantry like flamers so you want it to commit to multiwound killing
You know, if you had a little more brain left and hadn't wrecked all your brain cells masturbating to cam girls with technicolor hair, you might be able to look at their rules RIGHT NOW and decide which of them you'd like best.

There's modelling for advantage and then there's modelling terrain specifically for the advantage of certain armies. wew lad.
I am not defending the retard prices of FW/GW.

I am just telling the reason why you can't have plastic GW titan flyers and the only reason people buy things like the Manta or Thunderhawk is for modelling purposes something that need a lot of unnecessary details, just see all those tank tha people model their interior or the crew and bridges in ships.
>Poorfags Wargamers
Fabulous Bill
LOS blocking terrain is important for more than just indirect fire stuff.
So you don't know either, but instead of ignoring his post, you just had to act like a smug douche.

Your dick's not getting any bigger no matter how hard you try swinging on the web
t. NEET living off of Daddy's wallet
Not trying to make a board that favors me, but:
>The other player isn't making terrain despite saying he would
> That same player has Eldar with plans to spam Wraithguard
Everyone is touchy feely at my store. How do I hide my chinaman?
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Having supportive parents and having a job is a bad thing now?
in your anus
Paint it you lazy git
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Only got bits for building devs
thanks this helped
Kill yourself is how you hide them. Your family will bury them with you.
Dude that's an awesome Dark souls t-shirt, where'd you get it?
But I have resin of plastic models
Atm 1 piece out of 4 was designed with artillery in mind. My old game table was terribly open, infantry was slaughtered every time by tanks in 7th. So trying to rectify that.
I'm sure I just read this exact post, but with a gay image.
Having anything but loneliness and self loathing is bad on /tg/
https://www.emodels.co.uk/soar-art-1-35-dora-railway-gun-9511.html here's the thing.
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Don't tell them they are recasts.
That stops you from painting... how?
They're so much lighter than plastic, though?
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>Crimson fists getting fucked

just fucking kill me
No one will be able to tell the difference if you paint them.
Get two or three pieces that a larger tank can feasibly use as total cover. Helps break up the gunlines a bit.

In this edition especially, more terrain is always better than less.
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What do you guys think? WIP thread is moving slow this afternoon.
Artillery is bae though, will go for it ty
He thinks they can detect resin vs plastic density
Won't they be able to tell, even if it's painted?

You get your own warlord trait and relic.
If only you used your time to read the rest of the post instead of sperging over here over nothing
They really aren't so much lighter than plastic. It's barely different to human touch. You stupid idiot. Punch yourself for being not only a thief, but stupid too.

The weight and texture are different, too...
But they talk about them, read more, they said Crimson Fist use Imperial Fist Chapter Tactics but with their own Warlord traits and Relic
>the only successor chapters to get shit at all are both Imperial Fist successors
>waa waa, we didn't get our chapter tactics
Paint it.People wont notice the difference in weight in small models like cents, you wily head
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It's not theft, it's piracy.
Great looking spyder but why don't the warriors match?
Hey, retard. Paint your poor fag models and it will be fine. Now shut the fuck up and stop posting about it.
glue a penny under each base for "stability" and do a seal over the top when you are done
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you can get this one also and rock em in tandem with your best buddy or gf
Shit, wow, amazed I remembered it so well. £500, not $500, but still a far cry from £1050 for the manta. Less than half the cost. And it's probably better cast.
Gave the warriors a gold glyph but left them plain other than that. Didn't think lowly warriors needed much decoration. Immortals will get a more splash of color and every other unit above that.
Gross senpai.

I eagerly await the tau sept specialities.

>everyone is touchy feely
>I am lazy and also an idiot

I should be grateful for the community in my city
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you did, when nobody answers you in a dead thread you gotta move on bud
I made this list last night and got some help a couple threads ago, corsair are actually the best troop that aeldari has access to. Better than them in Ynnari are harlequins with shadowseer and solitaire but serve different purpose. As an option to make them jump troops (which you should do) they have the mobility to keep up with the rest of your mobile army and come small enough in number to act as both good screens and generate Soulburst actions to a unit within 7". So you're running corsair skyreaver with shining spears, harlequin or wyches for an extra fight phase or extra shooting phase. The list I made has 3x10 shadow spectres backed up by an autarch and warlock skyrunner. The warlock grants conceal to the spectres decreasing to hit by -2
Screening for them are 4 units of 5 skyreavers, grouping in pairs and within 7" to make use of soulburst.
I think the troops that have most use in Ynnari are corsair skyrunner, guardians for cheap delicious 140 point twin bright lance wave serpent spam, wyches with lelith, harlequin troop with shadowseer and solitaire and kabalite to get throw in gunboat raiders.
So, why the fuck can't I give a succubus a skyboard or a reaver jetbike?

Seems stupid that dark eldar, the speedfreak army, can't give their HQ's any way of moving faster besides transport.
Centurions are for losers, get over it. They look and play like ass and are going to be replaced by aggressors pretty soon.
Seems like ALL HQ choices currently lack most options.
The speedfreak army is Ork Speed Freeks.
>Why the fuck arent all MMA world champion also Moto GP world champion ?? makes no sense!!
This is the whole of my marine force, sans the howling banshees because fuck using power levels.

++ Patrol Detachment (Imperium - Space Marines) [22 PL, 468pts] ++

+ HQ [4 PL, 74pts] +

Primaris Lieutenants [4 PL, 74pts]
. Primaris Lieutenant [4 PL, 74pts]: Master-crafted auto bolt rifle [4pts]

+ Troops [6 PL, 100pts] +

Intercessor Squad [6 PL, 100pts]: 4x Intercessor [80pts], Intercessor Sergeant [20pts]

+ Elites [4 PL, 69pts] +

Primaris Ancient [4 PL, 69pts]

+ Fast Attack [8 PL, 225pts] +

Inceptor Squad [8 PL, 225pts]
. 2x Inceptor [150pts]: 4x Assault bolter [60pts]
. Inceptor Sergeant [75pts]: 2x Assault bolter [30pts]

++ Total: [22 PL, 468pts] ++
Seems like a good beginning for 8th until I get my actual army all done?
>This is the whole of my marine force, sans the howling banshees
How else is he going to get more recruits and raise morale at the same time ?
You know, there's a 1/72 version of that that is rather cheap and almost the exact same dimensions as the Forge World Ordinatus. Do you think anyone would object if I got one, stuck it on two pairs of tracks and Admeched it into an Ordinatus Sagittar?
Reivers don't have points, just 4 power as cost.
Whats a good ratio of Tarox primes to Valkyries in an all Scion army? I currently have 4 primes and 2 valks.
Hey guys, I played my first game of 40k since 2007 the other day.

It was a friend and I, Necrons vs Orks at 1000 pts. I'm quite pleased with 8th edition. Really feels good to play.
I know a couple guys (Myself included) who use Chinacast regularly at Warhammer world.
No one has ever been able to tell the difference.
And theres plenty of redshirt
Glue a washer to the bottom of the base.
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You do know ork players are a thing, right? There's probably already hundreds of them out there covered in dakkajet parts being used as whatever. As long as you don't half-ass it nobody should have a problem. Well, nobody worth playing.
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Hey /tg/, could you rate my chapter idea ?

>Gilded Sentinels
>mostly blue/black with gilded elements
>very bright fantasy arthurian home planet, the Astartes follow a strick code of chivarly
>the fortress monastery is open to the general population, much of which can apply for the role of chapter serfs
>reserve companies put up shows and tournaments for the citizens of the planet when they are not reinforcing any other companies
>families of the boys selected for servitude are treated with great honor, can join as serfs and if they are physically able they can join their family on the battlefield as auxilaries

I'm thinking Black Templars or Salamanders with IG allies rules-wise.
Why do you even need valkyries ina scion army ??? you van deeptrike without.
Get vultures instead
I like how they look, and I don't care if they are good or not, I just want to know which loadout is better, if you're not going to answer that get fucked and go buy some shit you consider worthy
>since 2007 the other day.
Why coming back now ? What did you do the last decade ? another wargame ?
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How to wet palett /40kg/?
It's under the autism cutoff so you're good to go anon!
>taking a superheavy to a 500pt game
Don't know what gilded is but it sounds cool and fresh
>I like how they look
>Shit taste

I was just suggesting you to stop sperging since noone cares about your question you are posting all over the board

>go buy some shit you consider worthy
Am doing
>How to google /40kg/?
That's not the question asked. Are all 40k players illiterate?
You should get at least the shoulder pads the same blue. It makes wonder about making it a coesive army.
Go to >>>/wip/ and read the fucking copypasts
Vidya, /hwg/, martial arts.

Had to stop martial arts because constant vertigo. Had to stop /hwg/ because it died around here. Had some big life changes, make a whackload more money, live near a friend who plays 40k now.
>That's not the question asked. Are all 40k players illiterate?
There was no question in the post I replied to.
If it fits.

Also, just roll a lot of 6
>make a whackload more money, live near a friend who plays 40k
feels good man
The original topic was on centurion loadouts but you just sperged on centuries models for no reason.
>Not taking 2+
The Valkyrie's grav-chute insertion gets the scions hot-shot into rapid fire range, have to be 9in away if deepstriking.
Bought the big FW Bloodthirster and a knight castigator from recasters today. Can't wait to paint them when they get here.
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>The term gilding covers a number of decorative techniques for applying fine gold leaf or powder to solid surfaces such as wood, stone, or metal to give a thin coating of gold. A gilded object is also described as "gilt"
>they've already revealed the Ultramarine tactic
What is it?
Yeah, unfortunately the only hobby store is a bit of a drive. But we'll find time for it.

Sadly he's the only friend who lives near me ;_;
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Holy shit i cant wait to do a Primarine Chaplain with dual shotties.
The last-line of grav-chute insertion says you can't be within 9" of an enemy unit.
*bacons in 6 quad fusion commanders at half range*
Pshh, 2 EZ.
Just have my first 8e game with my friend, have a a question about fight phase. So my friend charges my unit and he fight first since he charge, then I choose my unit to fight back. When it's my turn, if I still have unit in combat, do I get to attack first or my friend still get to attack first ? or we both attack at the same times ?
-1CP for each codex strat to a min of 1, +1 for rulebook strats
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so the 9 inch away thing is ONLY when the valk move 20"+ ?
I tought it was everytime..
No, the manner it is referring to is the grav-chute insertion.
It is everytime
But does not matter as you can move after disembarking.
On your turn you activate all your cfharged dudes, then you get to activate one not charged dude cause its your fight phase. THEN your friend does.
Thats why I only shitpost this on non sextuplequadfusion godmachines lists
Yes but it's still just a disembark, models still get there move after disembarking.
after resolving chargers and other 'strikes first', the player who's turn it is picks a unit to attack, then the other player, continuing going back and forth.
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Damn no one? Unlucky
I'm not really a fan of that genre really, but it seems well thought-out and I can totally see it happening in official fluff. You going to convert any of the aux troops? Because with a little work to provide more model synergy beyond Cadians and normal Marine dudes I can really see that army looking good on the table.
And not after "Deepstriking" ?

Grav-chute clearly stated "disembark"
Isn't Girlyman writing a new codex called Codex Imperialis?
What armies is it worth taking combi-flamers on deep striking terminators against? You don't get to use half of the weapon on the turn you land but can be useful if they move away or you miss the charge but only against low armor enemies.

Combi-plasma seems more useful 80% of the time.
I'm trying to decide how to convert bullgryns into my Squat Guard army. My two major thoughts so far are A) GS giant beards onto them or B) Paint then to look like animated ancestor statues (probably also with beards to be honest).

Yes, but is on politics.
I would say Orks and 'Nids, but nowadays they'll just turn around and rip all your limbs off.
I'd say animated Golems, but I think option C is the best. Use Fyreslayers

Attacks on Hellions, Strength on bloodbrides
I haven't played 40k in AGES. Like, last time I played was 3rd edition. The started box I have has black templars on it.

Regardless, what happened to online stores?! Why are only a fraction of the items available from online stores nowadays?
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ruststalkers or infiltrators into marines?

I could see Inquisitors working with the Tau as a means to an ends. They'd be huge Radicals, for sure, but sniffing out genestealers means less fuel for the Hive Fleets and hitting home the dangers of AI means the Galaxy at large might avoid Men of Iron II: Chaotic Boogaloo.

Also gives them the ability to study the Tau up close to learn more about them. Of course, the Imperium being the Imperium, these Inquisitors will be in a mandatory state of near constant disgust and be severely distrustful of the Tau, given that they have the technological capacity to install tons of listening devices and recording equipment in near everything. I can imagine they'd keep to themselves on their own ship and make exclusive use of Imperium technology, scrubbing themselves down with Dark Age toys to make sure the Tau don't plant any micro-listening devices. They'd also probably be psykers so they can communicate securely without the grayskins eavesdropping, though they'd refrain from using their abilities in the open and make sure not to reveal their nature as psykers.
At least you'll get your overwatch when they do.
>at least 10,000 men and women each must marry Aeldari and have children with them
Try a terminator sorc with warptime.
I would either use the black templar conversion bits for scouts or use scions since their armor looks kinda medieval.

However I'm not sure how to use them mechanically since fighters on par with marines or deep striking commando doesn't really scream medieval fantasy. I might need to check out the rules for the current inquisitorial acolytes.
What, you want to know which is the better option for slaughtering marines? Chordclaw Ruststalkers, especially with Terminators. Both are glass cannons though.
Which one do you speak of ?
thanks bby
You let people fucking touch your models?

What kind of hellhole do you live in? Is it Canada? You can say if it's Canada. Fucking leaf
It's really easy. You want Taser Infiltrators if your goal is to shred infantry and you want Chordclaw Ruststalkers if elite infantry is what you want dead. Your main issue is keeping them alive so they can get into combat.
They do but it's not in the catalog, somewhere along the line GW made it so vendors couldn't use product images on their website (don't remember the exact condition) so you would have to email them for a spreadsheet of products and prices.

I tend to get NIB stuff off ebay for cheap personally.
*shred light infantry.
Damn anon i really like that idea.
Is the Primaris Ancient worth it?

I'm mostly just worried I'll do a crap job of painting the banner
>keeping them alive

good luck
i figured that was the case but i wanted to be sure, the same guy plays nids too so ill be painting up both variants then. And i just like the models so im not fussed if they live long, just wanna show the sicarians some love
Okay, I have to be missing something; Hyperphase Sword and Voidblade seem to have the same stats (S:User, AP-3, D:1), but one costs twice as much as the other, and both are options for Overlords and Lords. Why?
Wouldn't they be too small to be proper bullgryns? Side note I do plan on mixing Kharadrons into the army as possible. Also, already bought/partly assembled bullgryn kit so semi moot point.
Stat wise he is iirc.

Might have to check FAQ's.
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I'm sorry that you're a 12yo with ADD so you need bright colours to keep your attention.
>bolt rifles are just weaker pulse rifles but with -1 ap
I'm looking at the FAQ right now, for Xenos 1, and see no mention of either weapon.
>changing topic
I was giving you a reason on why you are getting no replies, faggot
I'm not sure on sizes, I thought Slayers were pretty big
So are there going to make actual kits for the primaris Marines that have War gear choices when the Space Marine codex comes out or we'll be stuck with only bolt rifles or only plasma guns?
Link to a decently painted dark miniature.
You wont find any at Hussard Or Golden deamon so dont wate time there.

Currently snap-fit only has bolt and plasma. Looks like multi-part kits are coming. Leaked image IIRC shows a Primaris with a different-looking (and better) Plasma weapon, so they'll probably get the option to field Melta and Flamers as well, with the possibility of Grav guns.
Try to get one of the old imperial/bretonian boxes and see if you can equip them with lasrifles and things like that.

Scions can be pseudo squires serfs that are trained personally by their own master to act as elite auxiliars, if they are a problem mechanically use them as veterans or krieg grenadiers.

I would use krieg rules for the auxiliars because higher WS and Death Riders are pretty tough and Scions can use their medieval looks to be some nice cavalry troops
i'll take the boltrifles over pulserifles anyday for that lusty AP1
webstore exclusive stuff means you can only get it off GW's website and I think most of the older models are webstore exclusives.
New player here. Willing to start GK. Should I wait for the codex before getting their miniatures? Is there a tentative release date?
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Is demon summoning as overpowered as it looks? I'm just looking at the rule in the pdf and it looks like you can just have any throwaway idiot character throw dice every movement phase to get free shit up to and including a bloodthirster (also, what's with daemons with power ratings higher than 18 having the summoning special rule) with a pretty low chance of dying?

Just being able to pick what shows up based on your roll rather than having to declare what you're trying to conjure up doesn't seem particularly fluffy either, given how much hyperbole the lore gives to the minutiae of reciting a daemon's true name.
Have they said if like a grey Knights and Space Wolves and blood angels are going to get their own codexes again or they're going to be part of the new Space Marine codex like they were part of Imperial index one?
Heard the new starting sets have small lore books about various factions?
Anyone got details?
Not Even Possible/10
>his post
Yeah, sure buddy, whatever you say.
I'm well aware which loadout for Centurions is better for what purposes, but if you expect spoonfeeding of where to find what you're looking for, you're kinda in the wrong place.
>Should I wait for the codex

That's what i am doing before deciding if to stark GK or not
>have to designate points beforehand and then neither the summoner nor the summoned monster can move
In matched play you have to pay points for those daemons.
After SM codex, probably soon.
You have to pay for stuff you're summoning
I checked as well, can't see shit. I dunno why you'd get rid of the Staff of Light desu. It's an Assault 3 weapon as well as a melee weapon which only is -1 not -2.
My main concern is the release of new models seeing all this Primaris thing. I also noticed the models are pretty cheap compared to other factions or sm chapters so they are probably older?

Thanks.. I'd expect soon to be around 2/3 weeks, right?

Matched Play means you have to set aside those points for summoning, and then use up that pool when summoning. So your list is hugely gimped from the start and you have to spend the blank points you'd set aside to make Daemons.

It lets you pick what's best for whatever your needs are, but it means you start at a disadvantage until you've brought those units into play, and Gods help you if your summoners are killed before you've pulled those Daemons in.
Anon, good finds a way.

Very pricey though, at least more than twice the cost of a FW.
>Death Company
>Sanguinary Priest
>Chaplain Dreadnought

+2S, re-roll hits... With Thunder Hammers they'll be doing S10.
>2094 points of Primaris Marines.
>New releases inbound
Feels good.
Honestly speaking I think it'd be fun to do an Open Play game with one summoning character and the goal is to assassinate said character.

Also a better profile across the board and strong rules to back it up, including an extra wound. But, yeah, less dudes with more power.
I don't think I'll find time to assemble another army since I'm already running three so feel free to use it if you want to.
>krieg grenadiers
Oh right, forgot about them. I will need to check out their current stats later.
Honestly I'd say you should grab a basic 1 HQ, 2 Troop to get your army ready.

It's highly unlikely that they will release any significant new HQ or troop choices. You can probably play kill teams with that too.

I might steal that for a Kill Team game, where the goal is for a team or several teams to work together against a summoner or group of summoners who are pulling a random selection of Daemons into the field to cause problems. A certain turn number means a Daemon Prince shows up and the objective is failed, all teams fight to the death or retreat to try and tackle the problem a different way.
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When do I get looted vehicles and Skullhammas back...
How should I use Centurions? Is the Grav-gun useful? Should i give them all one kind of weapon? Or is two bolters one lascannon a good idea? I thought of letting the enemy get closer while I bombard them, I don't know if it's a bad idea.
its literraly light blue and grey and mithril silver. And even then, looks ass compared to most gw .
It only looks somewhat good because its basically what it is in the movie.
I was actually hoping to drop a lot of Terminators or Paladins, as I'd like to have an elite army with just a few bodies. I've been lurking here a while and GK seems to do the job just fine. But being space marines and seeing all those new models got me worrying a bit. If it's only two-three weeks before we get new info, I guess I could wait...
..Or i could just fall for those sweet boxes
you should burn them and buy Agressors.
>you have to pay for what you summon

Ah, okay, that makes a lot more sense. Thought it was some weird update of last edition's daemonology power. Coming in from 7th ed and just flicking through the indexes to get a feel for how armies have changed and only really checked out the basic rules for 8th so far.

So demon summoning is just for if you want to deep strike demons that are already part of your army then?
>already part of your army
read the rules
Yep. Daemons can no longer deepstrike on their own.
Put them in the trash

P.S. In case you happen to be >>54353110 make sure to throw yourself into the trash with them
Oh. I thought the Gravis armor was replacing the terminators, not the centurions
Terminators are a troop choice, you can field just one unit if you want in a vanguard detachment too anyway.

I'd still say grab an HQ and troop unit
No, I'm not him. Message recieved, either way.
You either take lascannons and centurion missile launchers if you want to use them for long range big target killers, heavy bolters and hurricane bolters if you want to mow down cheap infantry, or grav-cannon with hurricane bolters or the missile launcher to hunt more elite infantry.
This is exactly what GW wants you to think. New models are not direct replacements but very similar to the model range they are replacing in order to say "But they are not a replacement of tacticals (intercessors) of scouts (reivers) of assault (inceptors) or of centurions (aggressors)"
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Is this a good start for an army? Is it good value?

New thread
Reivers can't carry sniper rifles. Yet.
You save about 50 leaf bucks, so yeah, pretty good value.
That's the point I'm trying to make. They are leaving out some options and they are not exact replacements just for this reason. They want you to think they are just complementary to the marinelets model range. Perfect marketing operation in my opinion. Nothing more, nothing less
That chariot looks like an absolute nightmare to carry around and play with.
>Is it good value?
The chariot alone is worth about 70% of the box already.

I'd say that plus a Keeper of Secrets is a ready to play army.
I think the price difference is in relation to what other units can take them, and the point value interacting with them.

I think they gave the options to the Necron HQ lords so they would at least have some sort of illusion of options. but Really it is either Staff of Light of Warscyth
Nah it is yours thought i am already making my own grimderp masochist IF successors, FW like chapter. Using my IG regiment as allies.

Okay, that's actually pretty cool and thematic and probably something I'll actually use seeing as I never really bothered with daemons or summoning last edition (played World Eaters, so no sorcerers). Thanks.
It's great value but the chariot isn't that crunchwise.
If you like the model, go for it I say.
So, has Eldritch Storm been removed from the game?

If I want to kill people with space elf mind bullets is smite my only option?
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Hey anons, I'm looking for some advice. I'm wrapping up my Tau project and I'm looking to restart my Marines for the new codex, but here's the issue:

Back in 5th era I ran a 2000pt Blood Ravens army. It was a great army that won me plenty of local tournaments and best in show for painting, and I was proud of them. During my last move, however, something happened with their case and everything spilled out. Pretty much every model was damaged or ended up missing parts. I fixed what I could, but I just don't think I can use them anymore. I'd rather let them retire with my first IG army for display purposes.

I still have some unpainted and unassembled figures (I had about a five year hiatus from 5th through 7th due to school and work), so I do have a baseline to start with.

Is there anything wrong with just shelving them and starting anew, or am I inviting bad juju on myself and wasting money?

Pic related is where I am keeping my "retired" armies.
It's a pretty good option mind you.
Also, maybe they'll have more powers in their new codex when it drops.
trade off. as the other guy pointed out, better profile. mathhammer i'd bet equal point FWs are better but i'm not a WAACfag so it's w/e to me
So you are both stupid and a cunt. Gotcha. Please get a trip so you can be filtered
You're just feeding GW money, but it's your money, and letting nigger witchcraft dictate what you can and can't do is heresy anyway.
lmao nice to see you're still butthurt by my question after hours that wasn't me btw i don't give a shit about you answering my question a kind anon answered me quite some time ago

ps: the one you're responding to really wasn't me

Though unfortunately you have already purchased inferior goliath vehicles simply make due with what little you have and get the best nid and guard models to ally in
They are all getting their own codexes. The GK codex is confirmed for one of the first 5 codexes released, no word yet on when SW, BA, DA or DW ones are coming.
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