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Warhammer 40k general /40kg/

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I want to hug a cultist edition

>/tg/hammer 40k discord server

>FAQ (New FAQ), questionable rules lore wise:


>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Old crap

>List Builder
Squatted harder than Slaanesh

>WIP Math-hammer doc
Crimsons Fists a best.
I like how daemons are now no more scary than a conscript
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I would a cultist
you mean her

Hydra dominatus
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I have about 40 Chaos terminators, old metal stuff, plus some characters. I haven't played since 4th.

Can I field a Chaos terminator army in 8th and not have it be total shit? Can anyone recommend what else I should pick up to add to the army? I like those forgefiend things

To hear /tg/ talk, cultists are the scariest thing in the game right now.

god the tusks really make those look hilarious in a bad way
To get bitz where?
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>not an Eldar like a proper imperial citizen
True, but I would rather shell out to buy new stuff than replace old stuff.
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>From last thread

So I have a couple questions

First off, lets say I'm new to Imperial guard but I have 700 to start an army.

I know Heavy weapons squads are boss in all flavors right now due to being dirt fucking cheap, and sticking 18 of them into a stormlord is hotness.
But past this where do I go with that army? I'm gonna need some infantry, I assume Standard troopers fit the bill for that but I'm not sure how they should be kitted out.
And how many command points should I be shooting for? It seems to me IG can get more Command points than any other army but I'm not sure how worth it they are.
just buy what you think looks cool m8 holy shit
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Has anyone tried a Renegade list in 8th yet?

Looking at the rules it seems like they had the shit nerfed out of them.
Can you imagine the Terminators going into a workshop post-heresy and welding those things on, saying to themselves "Oh yea, this is totally intimidating!"
What? Cultists are like little corn stalks with arms that die to anything and have the leadership of 4 unsupervised rowdy black children in a target
So uh I bought what I liked, mass guardsmen backed by a commissar. It was bad in the previous edition.

But now massing infantry is seen as WAAC and slows the game down too much so people will be reluctant to play.

Planning to go to GW tomorrow, am feeling a bit worried. Will I have problems getting games and fielding the army I like?
>Can I field a Chaos terminator army in 8th
yes, easily
>and not have it be total shit?
depends really, 40 kitted out terminators now will set you back about 2000 points, but they are incredible for an alpha strike when you give them all combi-plasmas/meltas however you have to start at least half your models on the board now
stick them with a term lord/abbadon and they get more deadly
>Can anyone recommend what else I should pick up to add to the army?
like I said, lord or abby for an HQ, could probably pad out with some cultists meaning you can deploy more terminators in deep strike
>I like those forgefiend things
forgefiends seem pretty great, only got 1 but it pulls its weight and more every single game. just try to make sure it isnt your enemys number 1 priority so it doesnt have to move
Really pesky thing with R&H is that there is no way to repair their vehicles, since warp-smiths and hellwrights lack the keywords.

Also they lost tons of their customization and most of their units are just shittier versions of an already existing imperial guard unit.
Yes, feel bad chump.
They'll wait for you to finish setting up and then leave before playing.
Marauders seem cool, not sure how you would get them into combat though? Chimera ?
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So I'm looking to start a DW army, should I do one of the pic related Watch-Fortresses or come up with my own?
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That's what I mean. It seems like they lost everything of value and are now just a weaker version of Guard. I was hoping that maybe they would still be okay on tabletop but I guess not. :/
> Not doing Furor Shield
If you don't have taste, I guess you could do one of those two.

>Surely I won't regret these metre long inflexible attachments ultra glued to my face. What could possibly go wrong
Does rolling double 1's on a charge fail now?
No why would it?
if you are more than 3 inches away, yes
no you charge up to 2 inches, which since you only have to be within 1 inch of the enemy to melee thars a 3 inch threat range
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Just be courteous. If you have an army that size that's already painted, it's obvious that it's a labor of love. My friend's genestealers are now OP as fuck, and I was happy for him.

if they're not painted, fuck you you fucking assclown, the fuck have you been doing all these years? Dipshit. Fuck you.
the least you could do is primer them and touch up some details, im not asking for Golden Demon
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>if they're not painted, fuck you you fucking assclown, the fuck have you been doing all these years? Dipshit. Fuck you.

Basically this.
One of my friends from high school I play with regularly plays tau and part of me changing to DW was I was kind of sick of getting shot off the board after setting up tons and tons of models, so now I can get shot off the board after setting up very few models. I wanted a Watch Fortress that specifically murders tau.
Of course it's all painted. Who wouldn't paint their armies?

.... Who... wouldn't... all those other people at my store... I painted well over 100 guardsmen when I had a full time job and they say they have no time!
To confirm yes they're all painted and I am actually very reluctant to ever field models that haven't been painted.
Got a chance to play my Ynnari in their first tournament today - overall very pleased with their performance. Need to make a few tweaks but I think they're still in a good spot. How'd your hobby go today?
Nice, i never field unpainted shit myself

I'm sure your store will be fine if you've put effort in i would fight a massed IG force just to see how it went

play on, then. You have nothing to fear from any pleb.
What kind of list did you run?
Realized that Fire Prisms are garbage. Sad times, they look sick but they're so bad.
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Daily reminder that RAW as per "9. Keywords", a unit with the <Carnifex> keyword is considered a "Carnifex unit" and thus Old One Eye buffs himself.

Have a good one!
You could also consider a Land Raider for those board-stuck Terminators - they're lethal, as always, and will keep those Termis alive.

>Farseer - Singing Spear
>5x Warriors - Agoniser, Blaster
>5x Warriors - Agoniser, Blaster
>5x Warriors - Agoniser, Blaster
>5x Wraithguard - D-Scythe
>10x Shadow Spectres
>Venom - 2x Splinter Cannon
>Venom - 2x Splinter Cannon
>Venom - 2x Splinter Cannon
>Wave Serpent - Twin Shruiken Cannon, Shruiken Cannon, Vectored Engines
>Hemlock Wraithfighter
>Hemlock Wraithfighter
>Wraithlord - Glaive, 2x Flamers
>Wraithlord - Glaive, 2x Flamers


Yeah I know that feel - they're just awful.


You aren't abusing RAW for this, all characters buff themselves unless otherwise stated. This is the intent of the rules.
Ebay. Otherwise you need to tell us where you live bro, as there are different bitz sellers around the world.
I just crawled out from under a rock and got the chance to look at the Chaos Index. What exactly are "power levels" and what happened to points?
How good are thousand sons at the moment? Tempted to play them because they seem to be pretty fun when combining magic and tanky marines. Honestly more scared of painting them because I'm just getting into the hobby and i know ill be shit at painting and rubric marines and sorcerers have lots of little intricate details
If you didn't see it I posted right at the end of the last thread. TL;DR, build at least one brigade in a list, and then add whatever else you want. After one brigade getting another doesn't add much more value.
If you want leman russes pick up start collecting boxes. Scion start collecting box isn't bad either. Don't buy more then 2 SC boxes because you will need other leman russ variants, and you can only use so many commissars. Also try to pick up the Leman Russ command box to get that techpriest.
Power levels are a quick and dirty way to do pick up games, points are in the back of the book.

Points still exist and are listed in the back of the book. Power Points are for faster/simpler lists for more casual games.
Man, I've played foot Orks for two editions. People get that scowl, until they realise that there are 100 fully painted Boyz and their associated toys, and they know I'm not a WAAC faggot.

If they're grey, I'd still play you, but I'd probably consider you a meme-lister.
They better be old metal, Steel Legion or Kreig. Otherwise you're not fooling anyone.
I tried my Fire Prism too, and am off to mind.
I actually liked how tough it was, but it just doesn't do a lot of damage.

Also tried out my army (mostly craftworld) as Ynnari for the first time, figuring out the right soulburst is triky.

Will say that banshees are better than people think. And so are carbine scourges, though I am modeling up some blasters now.

Half your units have to start on the board, not models.

For chaos that means taking 10-man units of cultists to deploy on the board so you can deep strike your terminators. You could also use three 1-man units of chaos spawn, but that doesn't get you as much cp.

You're also going to want a chaos lord to reroll your 1s to hit to maximize your alpha strike and take a lot of the risk out of overcharging plasma.

The big weakness of so many terminators is being outranged after the alpha strike. You'll need to look into some mix of long-ranged shooting and faster troops to keep the enemy from just running away from your terminators. Raptors and bikers are usable as mobile melta/plasma guns, and havocs, predators, and dreads are good for long-ranged shooting.

Besides terminators, the cult troops are all very strong right now. Their biggest problem is mobility in an edition where rhinos became much more durable at the cost of also becoming much more expensive.

Rubric marines and terminators are good, but TSons as an independent force are lacking in options and hamstrung a bit by the limitation of being able to use each psychic power besides smite only once per turn. Trying to make an army out of them is kinda like making a pure deathwatch force right now.
Why field unpained models? Aren't they a pain in the dick to paint later on?

I hate painting assembled models.
points are definitely the way to go if you are planning a game in advance.
But power is great for if you just brought some models to the shop and run into someone and want a game.

Which is why you should start bringing models with you. Games can be had quick now.
Well that's dumb. Couldn't they have both of them there? It kinda' seems like they're saying "Oh you're one of -those- players, that uses -points-. You have to sit at the back of the book."
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I've not been playing for that long I'm only 24 okay I needed a job before I could afford this stuff! Started say... 3-4 years ago I think?
The idea was that they can update points without releasing new datasheets.
Because you want to play with your shit /now/, not in three weeks when you finally get up the money for the new paints you need for the models and also have the time and motivation to sit down and paint.
Because the best part of the hoby for me is assembling and conversions, playing, and painting. In that order
because then they'd need to include points for all the wargear options and that would clutter up the unit profile.

You have the two pages you need for list building. Then in play you just look at the unit profile.
I'm waiting to be able to spray paint, humidity here blows ass for the past few weeks and days to come.

Probably why some unpainted models are armless or half a torso.

A lot of players who rush to play games or don't care about painting their armies also won't want to deal with annoying sub-assemblies.
Oh, have you been posting about planned parenthood and drumpf on facebook in hopes of attracting one? :^)
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Is this a breacher gun or the tau shoota?
I still have almost thirty primed guardsmen and forty shitly painted ones from ebay, all from before 8th was announced. Just started about nine months ago. Everything I do to try and avoid an OP list while still being at a full 2000 points ends up steamrolling my opponents. I'm getting ready to go full fluff with the most fluffy and ineffecient list I can, both when listbuilding and in battle.
That's a poorly converted eldar fairyboy.
From what I've seen Terminators only need to be used really intelligently or they get shredded by superior firepower (even though they are tough as shit, nothing survives like hundreds of shots without rolling some 1s).

Twentyish terminators and a couple models you can buy used on the cheap and paint if you like such as heldrakes and hellbrutes will definitely work though.
It's a pulse carbine you dip.

I think primarily its to allow points updates without needing to release entire new data sheets.
I know, part of the gun fell out too.
Would a pinvice help?

Thanks anon.
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Hey I have been working on this chart for a bit now, Its about 85% complete. Just gotta make item art and points costs. But what do you think?
Problem is, Wave Serpents just do more damage and are tougher, for less points.

I really wish Falcons and Fire Prisms were better. They don't even have to be great, just make them less horribly expensive paperweights.
>ripping directly form Soda Pop's Super Dungeon Explore

Yeah Wave Serpents being simply a better choice relegates most of the other chassis variants to the shelf. I have had some success with the Night Spinner at least.
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Primaris bois
Add Ogryns and Rough Riders.
The only times I fielded unpainted models was when a guy challenged me right when I finished aseembling my start collecting box and when 8th edition came out because they were within a day of each other. Now I've locked all my nids in my shop to laboriously paint, and only emerge at GW to buy paint and shoot the shit.
I have another 15 gaunts, a hive tyrant, gargoyles, and warriors to paint.
>Stalker bolt rifle
but why?
>Problem is, Wave Serpents just do more damage and are tougher, for less points.
err, I do fine that wave serpents have to be a LOT closer and thus more vulnerable.
My impression may be heavily biased by my complete inability to make 3+ or 4+ saves against flamers.

At least wraithlords are a lot better now, I'll probably run them for my though heavy support choice. With Dark reapers still for the long range damage.

Autarch windrider really impressed me every game.
>not just daemons
>shadowsun is just a fire warrior now
>night bringer but no deceiver

Get the fuck out of my face.
As someone only just this second getting into the hobby, waiting on my first purchases arriving, all the duncan videos suggest painting stuff assembled already seemingly. Is this a bad idea?
>wave serpents have to be a LOT closer
just run it with twin lances and a shuriken cannon, and use it as a gunboat

Banshees popping out of it can threat what, a bit under 18" on a snake-eyes charge roll?

Likewise, Fire Dragons can reach out and touch something that's a tiny bit under 24" away after disembarking.

No need to get that close.
For the most part, if you can't paint an area because an arm or gun or whatever is in the way

no one can see that area anyway so it doesn't matter if you don't paint it.
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Funny Enough I had Shadowsun named as such, but people wanted to make it more generic when I made the card. So I just went with Fire Warrior.
the deathwatch stalker boltgun is heavy 2. i'm surprised this one isn't also. hoping it gets changed for the published rules, because it's really hard to justify it over a guy with a combiplas instead

Yeah it's a pretty bad idea. You can get away with it if the model doesn't hold a rifle across its chest. The more parts you leave off the better your paintjob will be in the end. When I ended up leaving not only the gun, but arms, shoulders, backpacks, and heads off, at that point the only thing I was gluing was chest and legs so I just painted completely unassembled.

Dealing with multiple parts and masking > not being able to paint blocked parts properly whatsoever.
Depends on where you are. When my local store had a scene going on still most people had bare plastic, primed, or poorly painted models on the board. No one really cared, since we were all too lazy and had giant backlogs. Some people will sperg out, though, and chase you off with hobby knives and measuring tape flails.
More adeptus custodes support for 8th when

srsly, at least an HQ would be nice.
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>Play Krieg with IG rules vs salty friend
>He gets salty
>Finally get my Forge World rules in
>Excited to try Krieg rules
>Salty friend promises not to get salty
>Play Krieg vs salty friend
>He gets salty
I don't know what I expected
Hard to not get salty vs an army that doesnt move and blasts you off the table anon, its boring
We used to do Preferred Enemy: Unpainted.
Oh, I'm retarded. You meant before you assemble them.

For some models with a lot of bullshit going on and parts that cover areas of detail, yeah, paint it in pieces. Generally you want to assemble them as much as you can without it getting in the way. Some people (autists) paint on the sprue, though.
>play tau
>people hate me
>tau got nerfed in 8th
>people still hate me
Then again it's not like they were actually nerfed.
>twin lances
should try that.

been very impressed with them from out of a wave serpent.
If you get 1 of the 3 deployments with 18" away you will get off a turn one charge.
If you get the other 3 move the WS turn one, then charge turn 2.
Weak things die, tough things get tied up, melee elites get really pissed when you combine with drain to mean that their S8 D2 weapons are really not doing much.

>Fire Dragons
was kinda disappointed by them.
partly it's that they used to kill any vehicle in one turn, and now that's not a thing.

partly it's, there is no reason to not run scourges now.
Swooping Hawks, now carbine scourges.
Fire Dragons, now blaster scourges.

I mean I'm glad I like the scourge model and used them for hawks and had extras already. but still.
People hate Tau because they're Tau, they just used balance as an excuse.
it's because you're a cunt.
Try not being a cunt.
>wasn't even nerfed
>lie about it anyway

And you wonder why people hate you. Why don't you go beat up some minorities while you're at it.
>Some people (autists) paint on the sprue, though.

I thought this was a meme until I met a guy with weird...spots on his scheme

It was all tabletop standard maybe TT+ except for random white/grey splotches

I finally overheard a conversation where he said "painting on the sprues is just so much easier" If I hadn'y been nose deep in my bag looking for a fucking Herald the look of horror on my face would've raise m,any questions
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7 decides Klan? And if you get decimated.
I would tend to agree with you anon, that's why I played him on a 36" wide table and moved forwards on my first turn to meet him in countercharges.
The saltstorm began on turn two when I fell back from his Swarmlord and killed it with artillery. At this point, he'd wiped out half my army and was holding 4/6 objectives.
snek bites
The ONLY thing I paint on the sprues is certain heads, because they always attach through the bottom of the neck.
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Painting on sprue is for the retards who think they're being smart, but weren't smart enough to paint the parts unassembled, but off the sprue.
Do you clean the mold lines on the sprue, too?
Planning to get Ogryns and still converting up some rough riders. Problem is that time spent on those is time not spent painting.

woah calm down there, vlad
did goblins kill your family or something?
This is poetic.

You can't even reach certain mold lines when the parts are on the sprue, that's the whole problem with the concept, among other things.
Usually. I cut the surrounding sprue out so it's just a bunch of heads on a stick.
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Pink, blue, green
This meme will never make sense.
So let me get this straight if I can because im still new. Marine terminators are said to be equipped with Power fist and Storm bolter, in the Index a terminator is 26 points but at the top of the page it says points don't include wargear. So does that mean a Marine Terminator is actually 48pts a piece stock as they take a power fist and storm bolter?

So 26 a piece or 48, am I interpreting this correctly?
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>>>>>>>guarantees a victory against chaos

48 is correct
It wasn't a lie, it wasn't until the high of the end of riptide wing wore off that people realized the blueberries were still op and we're made harder to kill.
I've got a dozen old metal raptors primed silver, how much should I sell them for?

Just not interested in them and they just take up space and weight
ill settle for Red, Blue Green or Purple Blue Green

They're worth a decent amount since the jump pack is in demand.
I only have the current raptor jump pack

No idea where the originals went
Why 2 Wraithlords?

Jesus christ, double Hemlocks is a thing now?
if you wont do pink do red white and blue, then. It's America day, why the fuck not
it doesn't need to be wildly patriotic or anything, though, and the white can be checkers if you want
big aura conceal.
Auto hit with S10 -4 Ap.
I need a guide on how to make a green stuff hair piece....

Double Hemlocks can almost win games on their own. 2D3 S10, -4, D2 shots a piece plus conceal/reveal is amazing for 211.

The wraith lords just run up the side of table and find a thing to punch, they wreck vehicles and monsters and the framers give them a second job. They're also great deepstrike blockers
Just have a yellow Iron Gob.
Yes I know why Hemlocks will be spammed, I just don't like spam anything. Why 2 Wraithlords though?
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That reminds me, pic related is on eBay right now.
It's name is "Beleebme". Full listed name is ""Beleebme" Greater Plague Demon of Trump, hand made model kit,"
Seems like having AA is gonna be necessary a lot of the time.

Looks like I need to grab a Hydra.
Reminder there is now no negative to bunching up units together as with no templates only one unit can be hit by ordnance at a time.
... did anyone need to be reminded of this? Who is this post for?
Alright, I'll bite. What's the price?
They're expensive as fuck and absolutely not worth it whatsoever.
>Reminder there is now no negative to bunching up

Reduced board control
Reduced unit reach
Reduced charge range
Reduced shooting range
Hahahhahahaha the person who made that either fucking loves Trump or is the most anally ravaged person about his victory
8 points more for an extra wound and pinpoint Deep Strike.

Aetaos'rau'keres 700
Kairos 400
Lord of Change 365
Be'lakor 240
Reinforcements 295

Interested in trying out big bird. gonna order him soon.

A stupid list in the battle of cheesy shit me and my buddy can think of.
Blood Axes
65 USD. Free shipping.
>Reduced board control
Memes, you can advance and cover ground quickly that way.
>Reduced unit reach
Being bunched up means more men can press themselves into a given task.
>Reduced charge range
Stronger charge, 2 men charging in is jackshit compared to 10
>Reduced shooting range
All your men are in optimal shooting range.
I would honestly print the hairpiece. You're going for cartoony over the top anyway so the quality isn't as big of a deal as the overall effect.

See>>54160188 - smash bros basically
>fucking loves Trump
If he did he would model him as Gulliman, not a nurgle demon. That's dude is prolly your average MSNBC, CNN, stephen colbert audience.
>Memes, you can advance and cover ground quickly that way.

>you can cover more ground by advancing X inches than by starting Y inches closer AND advancing X inches
Nurgle is love, Anon.
At 8" move, why wouldn't the enemy just kite them?
Yes you can, now it's a proper line and not a haphazard mob begging to be slaughtered.
But perhaps more importantly it allows you to have more units within range of an aura.
So, I've got new Seekers I need to make, and since I want them to be viable for fantasy I was thinking of sticking them on the square bases. They're a bit shorter than the rounds, though, so do I need to make some shit to sit them on or wrap around the bases to make them the right size, or can I get away with having them as-is?
Doesn't AoS use round bases now?

Average move of 11" once you factor in advance and I honestly try to get people to run from them so I can corral them into better shooting alleys.
they are grown not attached.
Put them on rounds Fantacuck, and play Age of Sigmar with the adults.
I thought bases didn't matter in AoS. Or am I just retarded?
Post them
They don't and GW still mostly packets squares, but AoSfags will shit on you until you rebase them.
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You guys get any painting done today?

I got celestine as a birthday present to myself, so i spent all of today painting her
spotted the shill
Spotted the manchild. Stop taking up space in the shop with your dead game.
You're worse than Hobbitshitters.
So, do we have a verdict on the Contemptor dread?

For the points and options, which one is better, FW or GW version?
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I don't understand how you're this bootybothered by people who play fantasy instead of Skubmar. Did they make fun of your Sigmarines? Did seeing them have fun playing a game you don't personally like make you angry?

>Stop taking up space in the shop
>implying people don't just play it at home with their friends so they don't have to deal with autists like you
I like it matey, looks different from what you normally see.
there is a 'house rule' mentioned in the books that bases can be used to measure from.
Everyone uses it.

It's only a 'house rule' because they didn't want to change the base rules, no matter how terrible Kirby's ideas were.
So how do the pistol shooting rules work in close combat? Is the shooting done during the Shooting phase or is it done during the Fight phase?
If they just would fuck off then this wouldn't be an issue.
If your problem with them is that they exist, you cannot be helped. Consider not taking such a strong stance over such an asinine thing.
Marines drop to 10ppm

How is 40k effected?
Shooting phase.
Primaris become even more worthless, Marine spam becomes overly effective.
>be playing like a normal person
>this neckbeard walks in and goes over to the aos section
>the look of sadness in his eyes as he sees the boxes
>shakes it off and goes to buy a legacy army box (ogres)
>one of my friends plays ogres
>because this fuck bought the last two units of bulls he'll have to go without or order online
Yeah no, I have deeper issues.
There there, anon.
Clean as hell, anon. Love the wings.
>Have plastic set of assault hammernators
>Want to give the sergeant thunderclaws
>Grab one of my old metal terminators from back when thunderclaws were their only option
>set him next to a hammernator
It's like a fucking inch shorter, and is the size of a new manlet marine holy shit.

I didn't realize there's been this much fucking sizecreep what in the fuck I can't even mix metal terminators in anymore shit.

Standing it next to my gravis primaris captain looks like take your kid to school day.
At $65 I'm really considering it
Post a size comparison pic.
>sisters can do cool tricks with acts of faith and tanks (and engines).
>GW removes it

Why does GW hate SoB?
Hey if the chaplain from winter assault is shorter than Sturnn then it's no problem here either.

Their faith isn't as string anymore since the emperor's son promotes human human women getting cucked by xenos.
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That's just natural for human women to gravitate towards the PROBE.
if you do, post us and keep us updated

just don't go blowing $65 basically for a meme unless you're serious about it.
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How does this make you feel?
LoC aren't that good, kind of lame since they are awesome in AoS. Aetaos is awesome though.
>taking be'lacuck
>How does this make you feel?
I've got a 1600 point friendly tourney on Friday that should be fun. I'm thinking dred/kan mob

and an old buddy is coming into town and we want to reignite our old Ork/Nid rivalry so we'll be throwing down 3.5k on sat.

I'm painting 30 metal/plastic stormboys and 2 custom trukks. Shame about the ruling on battlewagons, I was looking forward to building some flash gits
wait now that templates are gone and you can shoot flyers a lot easier, does it mean shoot down flyers with a tank cannon or is there some rule I'm missing
Anyone got the Iron Warriors version of this?
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looks cool as hell.
You're right

I raised this questions last thread because it feels like Battlefield now
You can shoot flyers down with flamethrowers.
Those are some fancy shoes you have there, Anon.
Which makes sense if you think about it.

Heat changes the consistency of air so if you heat up the air around a plane enough it will start to stall. Like how blowing heat into a hot air balloon causes it to rise.


hhaHAHAHAHa yessss
The only thing keeping me from it is that the closest place to play to me is a Games Workshop

Don't forget Skarbrand now makes flyers suicide bomb themselves out of pure anger if they can't hover and have min move. Probably the greatest FAQ answer ever.
I now routinely shoot down fliers with indirect Earthshaker shells. Good times.
haha, I like em. I made those before the venom kit existed
what? explain
Skarbrand prevents units from falling back, so flyers crash if they're in combat near him as they can't do their minimum move.
I am perfectly fine with this.
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it's just like a flak 88
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Units within 8" of Skarbrand can't take Morale, fall back, and add 1 to their attacks. So if Skarbrand enters 1" of any unit with a minimum movement distance they cannot fall back and therefore crash and burn.
Skarbrand prevents falling back
To fallback you must move
Some fliers have a min move
FAQ says if they cannot make their min move they die
They cannot move to leave and this die
Fluff what happens to the flyers.
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There are several things wrong with this.
1. Aircraft do not operate close enough to the ground for the air around them to be heated via flamethrower.
2. changing the consistency of the air around a jet will not cause it to stall. You ever look at the flight paths of jetliners?
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If I were to fill deathwing knight bases with deamon skulls, would that be acceptable? Or do I need to make some fallen for them to stand on?
They're so angry they try and climb out of the cockpit to fight and crash.
They can stand on anything. As long as you're using the base size they come with anything goes.
They fly in the gulfstream which is cooler air. Hence why they're called gulfstream jets.
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afaik, flyers in 40k usually are trucking along at 50ft off the ground.

also, while cool looking I think addingflyers and super heavies to 40k was a mistake
Love it.

neither is really as bad as last edtion. Both are very killable. I feel bad for my necron buddy the tesseract vault can't seem to survive for more than at most 2 turns.
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>they're called gulfstream jets
They're called that because the manufacturer is Gulfstream Aerospace you fucking retard.

You're not wrong, but they feel a lot better this edition. Finally got a game in with my new Stormhawk and I'm loving it.
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not even balance reasons, I just think it's dumb to have supersonic jets flying in circles among a skirmish
Tesseract Vault is really weak for what it costs.
Yo, is that an Emperor's Warbringers bird?
>GW: We heard all your complaints about how retarded the flying potato known as the Stormtalon looked so we fixed it by adding wings and removing the retarded front heavy turret.
>oh by the way it's a new unit too
As of right now it belongs to my Raptors.
But seeing as none of my Raptors have chapter insignia yet and the Warbringers have the same color scheme, I might just think about converting the whole army over to the Imperial Fist successors so I can field Best Primarch when/if GW brings him into 40k.
>And we filled the entire wingspan with weapon systems !
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I used to hate the Ultramarines. I thought they were boring and uninspired.

Then they released RG and the primaris and now all I want to do is build an Ultra Primaris army with RG leading them.

WTF happened?!
What's a cheap tax heavy support that I can field in order to fulfill the Relic rules?
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I bought some recasts, and I Have air bubbles in some fine detail.

How can I repair this? Is greenstuff the only way?
And Genestealer women are all over that dick.
Or disguising it as battle damage
Fucking do it, my Skorcha Bomba is dishing out mortal wounds like it's no one's business.
Another succesfull mindwash by GW. Looks like your reconditioning is complete.
its some eldar stuff, so that simply doesn't look nice.
fill air bubbles with super glue. Save the greenstuff for mold slips
My only issue is that I just cant tell what the sarge is doing

Relic rules?
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So basically I need just 1 tax unit in order to fulfill this rule. That's it.
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How do you guys run your leman russes? I used to spam demolishers but with the new rules im looking to switch it up. Already using pask punisher
posing for the rememberencer
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Girlfriend is buying me a present for our college graduation. Told her to look at the Ork range and pick what she thought looked cool. Her picks were Kaptinn Badrukk, Flash Gitz, a Dakkajet, or a Deff Dread. Rate her taste.

triple punishers with yarrick and some tech priests walking behind. As well an executioner.
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Well she's dating you anon, so she has good taste!

Uh... I dunno what army that is but I could look in the codex if you want
You're a kind soul!
>Badrukk, Flash Gitz
Best Ork minis. Great taste
not bad, not great either
>Deff Dread
meh tier

Good, not great taste overall. like a 6 or 7 out of 10.
fucking kek
Space Marines. Specifically playing Dark Angels and I need a cheap heavy support unit so that I can field my Leviathan Dreadnought. I was thinking maybe a Devastator squad but it doesn't really fit the rest of my army...
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This is why people turn to chaos.
>she might have a penis but she's also got a vagina
Uhm, genestealer women rating genestealer men should be a lot higher
Sounds like a keeper
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Recently in AoS, A stormcast faced Nurgle. Nurgle was portrayed as a cosmic horror to the fullest extent. Bigger than the universe, an infinite of corruption and entropy. As Nurgle reached out to grab the Stormcast with a hand as large as a galaxy, the impossible happened.

The Soulfire of Stormcast blazed brighter than the stars. Full of faith and hope, the soulfire actually hurt Nurgle. It made scream. The Stormcast sacrificed his immortal soul but it was glorious. He accomplished the impossible and showed a Chaos God a taste of what's to come. A warning that the Chaos Pantheon is not safe from Sigmar's Storm.

Going back to 40K, has there been any moments similar to this where a mortal directly defied the Chaos Gods and/or harmed them?
Should be -100%, as that means less coverage of the plague.
Interesting, why do you think so?

I legitimately thought genestealers didn't give a fuck, as long as they got a fuck.
She likes that dakka.

>Age of Shit
Fuck off back to your containment thread.
Thanks for confirming that Stormcasts really were a fucking mistake.
problem with this is that its on fine detail. Think, the eyebrow-area of the helmet has a bubble, or like the mouth-grate of a space marine thing has a bubble.

Super glue will just glob all over the place, and I can't really do that.
No, they need to breed
But it's comfy here.
>STILL this mad
Could you not have kept that to the AoS general ? Reading that made me feel physically ill. Now shoo, I need to puke.
This has to be the least interesting lore I've ever read.
No it is not.
Just wondering if the sister universe had similar moments.
Why does the idea of the Chaos Gods being hurt make you sick?
Maybe try liquid green stuff. Works better for extremely fine details like that.
>STILL this insecure
>Super glue will just glob all over the place
not with a decent applicator like you get with Zap a Gap
Superglue is what everyone, including GW recommends for filling air bubbles
IIRC, Kaldor Dragqueen went into Slaanesh's palace and managed to make it all the way to the center.
>STILL this projecting
>Orks Minis
Orks are always 10/10, so her taste is 10/10.
>liquid green stuff
don't lie to the poor fucker.

I don't want to hear about your abundant youth and pretty 22 year old girlfriend you fucking newfag!!!
>still this not posting in his own thread and keeping it alive instead of the ghost town it is
Is there any size foam that fits in the largest size GW case or should I just say fuck it and buy a different case, because there's no way its going to fit some of the newer more awkward non-space marine models
Then Slaanesh literally drown him in xir innocence and the Knight soul was damned for all time.

That's not exactly hurting a Chaos God. It's just conforming his/her/its/they power.

Well, the absolute cheapest rules wise is a Imperial guard heavy weapon squad which probably fits in even less.

Devastator with no special weapons is the next cheapest.

Then a Thunderfire cannon
Then a Stalker

I dunno what the rest of your list is so I don't know what fits or not.

Prob 5 naked bolter devastators. I would honestly wait for FW and see if you can't take something like 1 Quad Mortar or 1 Tarantula.
>goes into other threads and talks about AoS
>is told to go away
>doesn't get why he looks insecure
Stop it. Get some help.
>still not realising that this thread is comfy I want to hang here
Cardboard Faygo was a mistake.
>thinking I am that anon
>still projecting
It's all Terminators and Bikers. Deathwing and Ravenwing.
That's what I was thinking, a bunch of Devastators, maybe armed with cheap heavy weapons at best so they can camp at objectives. But like I said it doesn't fit my list very well.
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>still talking about a game that isn't 40k in the 40k thread
AoS players, their thought processes are beautiful things to behold.
Why though? Draigo/the Silver Knight wasn't the first or the last being to actually manage to reach Slaanesh. Though, like all of them he failed the final test.

There is
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sure thing buckaroo
Always Tank Commanders and Pask. I only ever run 1-3 of them, and if only 1 it's only Pask. Any more is a waste. Battle Cannon, Demolisher or Punisher are the ones I use.
>still shitposting
Actually, talking about 40K. Asked for similar examples in 40K but you guys wanted to talk about AoS rather than brainstorm any instances in 40K as glorious as that moment. Shame on you.
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>glorious moment
What the fuck happened to the Lucius pattern drop pod?
Got a rules question. Can units start in dedicated transports? I want to take advantage of the special rule for a warkopta, that lets it be placed anywhere 9 inches away from enemy models.
So I wanna throw together a tau list since they aren't cheese-tacular this edition. How should I expand my army? I'm gonna paint everybody up as guerrilla jungle fighters with tiger stripe camo. Here's what I own

1 piranha
1 devilfish
9 crisis suits
1 ethereal
3 stealth suits
and 32 generic fire warriors.

What expand with and wat do for 2k list?
Why just one Devilfish?
Just a regular 40kfag.
GW had their chance and this wowcancer of yours is only making things worse.
>that name tho
Cadre fireblade and commander are what you want next.
Stealth suits with homing beacon will also help your suits.
>Seldom has the manse itself been breached successfully and have the intruders escaped with their lives. One incursion is said to have involved a squad of Fire Hawks Space Marines, a Chapter long since declared lost in the mortal realm. While Nurgle was preoccupied drowning a Lord of Change in his cauldron, the Space Marines arrived engulfed in an inferno of flame and bolter fire to reclaim their fallen captain, whom Nurgle’s minions had once overtaken all-too easily from Khorne’s Wrathgate. The Lord of Decay has his suspicions about the source of this event, laying blame at the feet of the Blood God for the foul deed, for while the Fire Hawks brought their inferno, several blood relics and skull-seeds also vanished from the garden.


>Ten Space Marines of the Fire Hawks Chapter slip through the ethereal void and enter the realms of Nurgle to free Captain Tirek, who is held captive within Nurgle’s manse. The Fire Hawks are enveloped in a spiritual fire, a cleansing inferno of their wrath made manifest. They fight their way through the thick, ever changing gloom and assault his dwelling, burning back the drips of ichor and clouds of spores. Fierce fighting rages throughout his oubliette, their weapons furiously dealing with diseased creatures. Their cleansing flame purges disease from the very air around them. The Fire Hawks’ incandescent attack results in the deaths of hundreds of the Nurgle’s subordinates. Having lost only two battle brothers in the melee, the Fire Hawks finally leave with Tirek. However, little do they realise that Nurgle’s Rot has taken root beneath their captain’s power armour, and the bubbling plague is spreading throughout his body. The Fire Hawks venture back out into the Immaterium, their captain slowly succumbing to disease, becoming a vector for the horrific Red Plague.

-Index Chaotica : Garden of Nurgle

what's wrong with /tg/ these days. People shitposting not contributing.
Here is the closet example I can think of
I started this army right when I started playing and only kind of wanted one of each thing to paint up for fun. I got all the crisis suits from a buddy and bought a burning dawn box since it looked like a fun set.

Ghostkeels and stealth


>Lemon Rust mains xenos
didn't some eldar do a raid on nurgle's garden to free ISHA too?

Since when? Draigo was 'cursed' to become a Warp being for now and all time, but that in effect made him an immortal equivalent of an Eldar Aspect. He briefly popped into the Materium to assist and promote the one Grey Knight master who helped out the Ultramarines in Gathering Storm, so hes still kicking Chaos ass.
ghostkeels and fliers might be fun, I could paint up the fliers with shark faces for the theme
>Why does the idea of the Chaos Gods being hurt make you sick?
It isn't the idea itself, it's the how.
In 40k, Skarbrand once struck a blow against Khorne and damaged his armour. And at least in the old lore, when the Emperor finally brought himself to fully eradicating Horus, the primarch he once was the most proud and trusting of (back then people in 40k had emotions) the Chaos Gods had to quickly withdraw their blessings and influence over Horus or also suffer, so completely was Horus' soul being removed from existence.

That wasn't Draigo. The character in that story has a rune-encrusted sword, a description that does not fit the Titansword at all.
Open 6th ED daemon codex and read the Slaanesh section.

They became screaming trees.

Goddamn, Fire Hawks were cursed with godawful decisionmaking.


Isha is an Eldar Goddess which is eternally stuck in between Nurgle's fat buttchecks, and her torment will only end when Ynnead and the God Emperor obliterate the Realm of Chaos.
We play in a grimdark universe, why would we WANT to hear something noblebright and high fantasy?
variety is the spice of life

Bright Elves are a fun concept.
I know I'm just being salty, but why the heck is an Autarch on a Jetbike 112 points before giving it any options, while an Warboss on a Warbike is only 95
The mold broke, and FW has yet to get off it's ass to fix it.

They're thinking about an entire re-design. Could take a year, probably moar.

The worst part about AoS 'lore' is that it is most likely a taste of what's to come with Primarine fluff.

He killed the Slaaneshi slutwhores while he was there and eventually escaped.
>The character in that story has a rune-encrusted sword, a description that does not fit the Titansword at all.

Draigo reforged his sword using the metal from a Bloodthister's axe.

> it's the how.

What's wrong with the how?
Fucking gay. I'll just use an empty drop pod as a proxy then.
It depends on what army you are collecting but 90 percent of the models can be painted fully or mostly assembled. Keep in mind if you only want to play with painted models and do sub assemblies for all of them you probably will never get to play a game.
>implying 8th ed is grimdark

Girlyman is back baby. Things are only gonna get better.

Man, Khornate weapons are so backwards compatible with loyalists.
Because fuck Eldar, that's why.
>contributing to AoSposting
That's what FW told customers asking how they're suppose to field lucius drop pods in 30k to do.
Seems like it.

Coming back from 4th ed, seems like I missed the golden age
Greentext one more time I swear
All Grey Knights use daemon weapons now.
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>gReeN tEXt OnE moRe TiMe i SwEar
How'd you know she was pretty, anon :3
some people have more than one hobby
>being this upset about being reprimanded for feeding AoSposters
Only Castellan Crowe, and he doesn't really 'use' it.
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Yriel plunged his spear deep into the rearing serpent. It keened terribly, and Yriel salivated as his weapon drank. Since the day he had lost his eye due to the spear feasting on the limitless hive mind, he had managed to control its fell power and its obscene appetites, but at this final pass he no longer had the strength, and the spear’s murderous soul overwhelmed him. He could not stop it feeding, drawing upon the infinity of spirit the Great Devourer possessed. Yriel felt the hive mind, heard it howl. It thrashed about, and Yriel was battered by its anger. Its thoughts were utterly, unimaginably alien. But one thing came through strong and loud. Hatred, hatred for this creature that had for the first time in untold aeons wounded it.


I guess this counts since the Hivemind is technically a Warp God. Here is Yriel wounding the Hivemind.
Acts of defiance that required great skill and sacrifice go pull off
Just feels really nice inside and this hurts Nurgle somehow.
Quite the difference.
Not really. He jumped into the abyss to meet the rising Nurgle. Using his faith as a weapon, he wounded a god.

If it was a 40K battle sister who did it, you would have been okay with. You bigot.
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Cleaned up after the wash, did a little highlighting. I think I'm gonna call it there otherwise these guys may never get finished.
God damn, I never read that exctract about the Fire Hawks, even though I love the LotD. That's rad as fuck.
>Yriel's spear is one of the fabled crone swords
>He used it to wound the Hivemind
>The Eldar already have 3-4 of the crone swords at hand

Does that mean realistically that the Eldar can kill the Hivemind?
Honestly speaking the bare chested torso look is what makes them look so dumb.
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>>Furor Shield
My fucking black-clad kill-brother. You ready to slaughter some smug bugs this edition?
Too comfy to abandon
So what's the physical difference between a Swarm Lord and Hive Tyrant? Looking at GWs website and googling, the Swarm Lord looks exactly the same as a Hive Tyrant kit except they have 4 swords.
>Almost carbon copy of a scene from a WoW novel

Ugh ... just when I thought GW couldn't get less original.

The issue is that Chaos Gods feed on souls and emotions. And somehow that sack of bland copypasta hurt Nurgle with it just by feeling warm and fuzzy inside.
Faith usually results in more protective miracles. If faith protected him just long enough to land a skillfull blow that, whilst not doing any real damage, was felt by Nurgle, then it would have sounded impressive. But that smegmarine's feat was nothing but "Just pray harder and your deity will kill it for you" which just makes him the middleman, nothing but a conduit between two battling godlike beings. Insignificant almost.
Dammit totally forgot to highlight the gold. These guys are gonna take me forever. Would a liberator gold be an okay highlight over retributor?
Probably not, but being able to hurt it is special enough already.

Somehow I read that filename wrong

plz don't judge.
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Celestine's faith makes daemons literally explode. Your post is invalid.
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You're proving his point
Only in new lore.

And it is a major reason of why the new lore is shit. Nobody has to do actually do anything themselves anymore, just suck the Emperor's dick hard enough and it miraculously happens for you.
It has a different head crest iirc

I'm gonna swap swords for mine though
I'd highlight it with applying mithril silver very thinly to the edges. Almost like drybrushing, but then only gently moving a small brush along the edge rather than roughly all over the area.
Why are the Relic rules so fucking stupid? Can I just ignore them entirely?

The funny(Sad?) thing is that the Hive Tyrant COMES with that head crest(The more thicker blade) in it's sprue.
Different horn, pointy sword instead of the normal boneswords.
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They are the same kit.
Yeah the Hive Tyrant kit can make Swarmlord, Flyrant, or Walkrant. I kinda wish I went with my gut and used the swarmlord head, though if people call me out on it they deserve to. I used the flyrant tail with walkrant legs because I like the dynamic pose more.

Might want to model a rock or armor piece or something he's jumping off of but meh.
What's the problem you have with them?
>Can I just ignore rules
the mission or is there some relic table ive missed
They make no sense. Why the fuck do I have to take some dumb tax unit which I'm never even going to pay attention to just to field a single model?
Forgeworld spess muhrines has a rule called Relic where you cannot have more RELIC units than you do non-RELIC units in the same battlefield role. No other faction to my knowledge has this kind of retarded tax.
>I can't take as much p2w forgeworld shit as I want!

Cry more

I think the Relic rule is a tax/balance thing to avoid relic armies
Try a bit harder and you'll get a (You)
Why isn't the rule
>you may only take 1 Relic unit in each detachment
then? Makes more sense than forcing you to take tax units just to field 1 model.
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Like the land raider is a hilariously big target with design flaws common of WW1-era tanks and if it wasn't for "magical force field hurr durr impenetrable armor" fluff it would be as useless as the land battleships it draws aesthetic cues from.
It's suppose to be rare technology that they can no longer properly repair or produce, and most definitely not in large numbers. Same reason that not every single marine is walking around with a plasmagun, plasma pistol and thunder hammer, yet I don't hear you crying like a little bitch about that.
Are Flash Gitz worth taking? How can you use them?
>how to spot a guard player
Restricting the actual number of Relic models you can take rather than forcing you to take tax units makes more sense though. I can just spam detachments with half tax units and half Relic units and that can work without it being illegal despite making no sense.
>TFW people are considering no longer bothering with sloped armour because modern anti tank munitions don't give a fuck about the angle of your armour plates anyway

We've almost come full circle
I tried modelling my flyrant on a rock but because of the legs unposeability, it's fucking impossible. I could use Green stuff, but I know I'd make it look like shit.
Has anyone used anything from Shapeways? I kinda of wanted to try out their shoulder pads, but the fact that they're 3D printed has me worried.
3D printed is simply plastic sculpted. It MIGHT be a bit more brittle than casted plastic, but it should more or less be fine.
I 3D printed Dreadnought arms from FW, they came out decent, but were definitely noticeably a little wonky, even when painted. Something as small as shoulders should be fine though.
I've seen some shitty 3D prints, which is why I'm worried.

Maybe I'll try it out then.
>implying faith isn't the greatest act of willpower and selfless, hanging on to it no matter what and acknowledging that there are things out there more larger and important than one's self
>Implying the power of faith doesn't come from within rather from without

*tip fedora*.
No judgement. I also wish I could change my sex to "xeno hunter".
I actually like a little bit of stormhost silver. Liberator is good tho.
It's kinda weird that they changed it. I thought the previous thing where you could have one relic per army, but anything after that you needed to field a techmarine to monitor it due to the master of the forge only trusting a captain with one priceless piece of chapter history at a time was pretty smooth.

Guard tanks are just as bad or even worse.

Like, the Leman Russ. The tiny, tiny turret and hilariously huge gun just sticking out the front. Where would the breach even go?
I miss Ulric, he was the god that gave you the means of defending yourself but didn't actually do it for you and thus encouraged his worshippers to rely more on themselves. Which is good if you live in Ostland or near the fucking Drakwald.
bacl to your containment thread
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Back to your game that's deader than a discontinued game.

this thread is pretty dead too
How many Skitarii Vanguard/Rangers should I be running at 2000pts?
Lal chaos has no restrictions. :3
It's a holiday and late night in burgerland.
The choice is clear, stick some spikes on those relics and join the superior faction.
Depends on if you want a Brigade or a Battalion. But usually I do a 1:2 ratio of Rangers and Vanguards.
Tau aren't spiky.
He said superior.
Am I retarded or is there no Space Marines in the math-hammer spreadsheet?
Does an army of Renegades and Heretics with a few CSM and Daemon units sprinkled in as force multipliers sound good for representing a Warband that resulted from the merger of some Word Bearers and Night Lords during the Scouring that just "liberated" a prison planet?
This makes way more sense. I might request that my opponents allow me to field a techmarine as my tax unit rather than a random fucking elite/heavy support unit.
>it's like he wasn't here 1-2 weeks ago where every general literally got 800+ replies

blood angels are literally 3rd in the row, followed by multiple flavours of power suit
800+ replies and probably 700 of them were shitposts.
I know.
Clearly you don't or you wouldn't be bringing up the worst faction in the game.
With Assault Cannon Razorbacks looking like the way to go; how the hell are people modeling them w/o spending a bunch of FW money?
>worst faction
>so good just mentioning them makes people break out in hives of rage
That's like saying that BrokeNCYDE are so good that they give people nasopharyngeal cancer.
Can someone give me some general advice for Deathwatch in 8th? Do I want to load up on gear or do I want to keep them relatively cheap? Do I take squad specialists? Do I take power weapons?
>>radically changing your army every time a new edition comes out
This is how you lose money. You gotta go with the flow, baby.
How active is the new discord? I didn't even know that was a thing
Fuck off
Take spare assault cannon from one of the dozen sprues that have them, glue on top of rhino?
come again?
Go to reddit if you want a place where you can post with your special snowflake username.
Why the fuck are their HWTs BS5+ for zero fucking reason?
>why the dregs not good enough to be guard not as good as guard?
Dont both of those have the CHAOS keyword? That should mean you can include them in an R&H army.
yeah for sure, having the convenience of a persistent board, and specific channels for topics is totally lame, I also hate clearing a few of the 10+ 40k threads up at all times. I wish everything was just inconvenient and shitty, let's tell those redditors fellow oldfag!
>m-muh discord
>totally not an attention whore or a beta orbiter here, let me post on a shithole of forum drama and namefag retards
>what could possibly go wrong?
Unironically leave forever. /r/warhammer is more suitable for you.
>Talking mad shit and starting drama because of your personal insecurities and Napoleon syndrome.
>Complaining about forum drama in the same post

Good thing you said unironically otherwise I might not have realized you're actually retarded.
>y-you're just projecting i swear
Truly the words of an eternally assmad redditcuck. What's wrong, did I shit on your special snowflake handle that you spent 2 weeks coming up with?

Here, /r/warhammer is perfect for you
>safe space
>everyone has usernames
>constant stream of shit
>never 404s
>full of retards and forum drama from retards
You'll fit right in!
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Oh ok, you're just trolling. lol I should have noticed the first time you tried to strawman my post. I thought you were just assmad up until you did it again. moving on.
y-you feeling ok, anon?
>o-oh shit i have no retort, better just pass it off as bait
Do you do this in real life too? When your back account runs empty do you assume it's a false flag from the bank and keep going with your frivolent spending on plastic toys? I expected no less from the average redditcuck. Why not tell me your account so I can send you some reddit gold as compensation?
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You can jump on the discord and we can talk about it?
I don't use plebbitor honeypot services, shitface. Do the world a favor and end your pathetic existence already.
You're not even being subtle while you're trolling, if you're not gonna step it up soon I'll just go back to painting my minis.

Seriously, strawman greentext, redit jokes, telling me to kill myself? It's like babies first time trolling on /b/ starter pack

0/10 apply yourself next time
>h-he's just pretending to be retarded, i hope
Fantastic coping method you got there. Reminds me of murderers who keep insisting they didn't murder anybody. Struck a nerve did I? It's ok, you can unload all your feelings on /r/offmychest.
Is that what you pass as a coherent string of thought?

Rekt status:

Not Rekt [ ]
Rekt [x]
>Alpharius is Spartacus
>Roboutte is Julius Caesar
>Horus is Nero

Who are the other Primarchs?
>le ebin rekt meme
Thanks for confirming for me that you truly are a plebbitor. Wanna show me your 1d4chan account next?
u right now lol
Ok reddit. Show me your favorite image macro that you downloaded from /r/adviceanimals. Go on, you know you want to.
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This one really speaks to me
I said reddit stupid boy. That's clearly from funnyjunk. You plebbitors can't get anything right can you?
as OP I'm just gonna delete this shitty thread now
Do it faggot
Is it better to take 1 6 man plague drone squad or two 3 man squads? I'm leaning towards 6 for use with virulent blessing.
Yes. Sounds fine but expensive.


Ask in new thread noob.
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