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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 184
Thread images: 29

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>GM or Player
>Time availability
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
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>GM or Player
AD&D 2E (Oriental Adventures)
Tuesdays 9:30 EST
>Text or Voice
Voice (Skype), Roll20
>Contact Information
[email protected]
>Additional Information
New campaign, plenty of slots open.
i'm... so lost without you?
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Can these threads be saved?
Maybe summer break will create an influx of games/players?
College-age gaming
>GM or Player
Strike Legion, Rifts (Savage or Palladium), Bliss Stage, Double Cross, Kamigakari,Tokyo Nova, Remnants, Dungeons the Dragooning, Fight!, Thrash!, Robotic Age, FFd6, Tenra Bansho Zero, Adeva either edition, Second or Third Edition BESM, Second edition OVA, Heay Gear, Jovian Chronicles, Mekton Zeta, Mechamorphosis, Halo Mythic, Recon, Iron Kingdoms, or Anima as a last resort.
>Time availability
Thursdays or Fridays after noon PST
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information Akitoscorpio#7598 on Discord
>Additional Information
Would prefer Double Cross, will play anything on the List(edited)
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>GM or Player
Legend of the Five Rings (4e)
Every saturday, 11AM - 3PM EST
>Text or Voice
Voice, skype/roll20
>Contact Information
[email protected]
>Additional Information
Life has swallowed up two of us, so I'm looking for replacements into our swarthy fold.

We run all sorts of shit: 2e DnD, mouseguard, shadowrun, etc. Ruleset campaigns usually last 6-24 months. Our next foray will be into the weeaboo lands of L5R, because I feel like it. That being said, none of us have done it before so all experience levels are welcome.

This coming weekend will be character creation and talking about stuff, and the game proper won't start until 6/24.
>GM or Player
Battle Century G oneshot
>Time availability
June 24th, 2017, at 7:00 PM EST
>Test or Voice
>Contact information
>Additional information
In an advanced arcade game, the boss' AI went out of control and started keeping players trapped in the game. You play as expert gamers who are gonna beat the boss and free the kids.
Tonally, think something along the lines of, say, Kid Chameleon. But with giant robots.
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>GM or Player
Looking at Sunday 7pm BST
>Text or Voice
Text using Discord and Roll20
>Contact Information
I have a discord handle JackieDan#1114 but if you want to reach me some other way just ask
>Additional Information
Looking for a few players to start up this game. The game is heavy on the anime. The game involves the players taking on "Arimitama" which are considered the big bad enemies in this game, you can think Witches from Madoka Magica and the like. All is not set in stone but I'm looking to run this as a campaign as opposed to a one shot depending on how well things go.
>GM or Player
5e, but up to learn.
>Time availability
Not sure how it will look in the near future, but probably 8:00-12:00 pm PST
>Text or voice
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
Not very experienced, only completed one campaign with some friends and done a few two or three session games, but willing to learn and eager to experience more. Up for any setting, but feeling like space opera right now.
>everything good for me but the time
good luck

Dude I'm in the same boat.
The time might be negotiatable, as they say nothing's set in stone, so they might be happy to change the time
There is a Gamefinder Discord! Just click the link!

Time is totally negotiable, the main reason I set that particular time was because I have two players from a previous game that just finished a few weeks ago and we kind of just took over that particular timeslot. I'll put a word in with my players and see what they think

Let us know what times are okay with your existing group?
>all these GMs
bump for games
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>GM or Player

Looking specifically for a DnD 4e game right now.

>Time availability
Evenings or nights CEST time, any day, except the nights of saturday and sunday.

>Text or Voice

>Contact Information

>Additional Information

I am looking for a D&D 4e voice-based non-homebrew game that would start out with all characters at level 1 and, preferably, would use only a limited amount of rulebooks.

>except the nights of saturday and sunday

As in, the nights before those days. Meaning the nights after friday and saturday days.
>GM or Player
>Time availability
Monday-Friday 7-10
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information

>Additional Information
It's based on XCom, and X-Com, and Long War
shit, forgot the link
one quick Bump before bed.
Many bumps a day keep page 10 away.
>GM or Player
Starwars SAGA, Shadowrun, DnD5, Blade in the dark, Iron Heroes, The Dark Eye
>Time availability
Eastern time, evenings
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
[email protected]
>Additional Information
I am looking to try some lower magic settings or sci-fi settings. Fantasy is good too but I really want a good thief game, something where we plan heists, bribe politicians and flirt with the cute commander of the guard kind of deal.
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so many GMs, so few bumps
How about a bump, for luck?
So I talked it over with my players, 2/3 of them are pretty much available mon-fri in the afternoon but the other player can only seem to make it on Sundays. I'll keep you posted if I can sort of make something work. Any of you interested players could you give me a list of availability and I can see if I might just be able to jam this open.

I'm actually


So Basically Thursday and Friday after 12pm PST is fine with me.
Evenings EST on Friday works for me.
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Sometimes a man needs players. Or in my case one, just to add a bit more meat to the party numbers.
GM or player

>Game is at 8:45 EST on alternate Wednesdays

Text or voice?

>Alpharius#8208 on discord
Mostly looking for one more player to fill out the kill-team a bit after we lost a previous player mid mission. I'm more comfortable with 5 people, since if we're down one we still have enough to play. Techmarine and Librarian specs are both open, but not like you have to pick an unpicked spec. Can talk more on discord if interested.
Mid mission rather. They had reasons to drop so not really too mad, but I do like a certain number of players.
Do you have any more information you could tell us, like what sort of game it'll be or any story things you could let us know?
And spot filled. That was fast, thanks /gfg/
You've GOT to be bumping!
Would anyone want to teach someone who always wanted to play D&D/PF how to play?
most people don't mind. it's not super hard though.
It's super easy, man. Put up your info and see if anyone bites.
>GM or Player
Looking for Vampire the Requiem, though I could easily be convinced to do other CofD games
>time availability
Saturdays EST are best
>voice or text
Text preferred, voice possible
>contact info
Shada#1090 on discord
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>GM or Player

Eclipse Phase

>Time availability
Wednesday to Saturday, anytime ET.

>Text or Voice

>Contact Information
Discord: Rando#9507
Roll20: Rando

>Additional Information
I'm open to any other scifi games if you give me time to get my head around the rules.
bump in honor of all the gms posting today
double bump
a bump before bed
That girl has a dick...
>Monday-Friday 7-10
I assume this is GMT?
>GM or Player

Looking for a D&D 4e or Fantasy Craft game.

>Time availability
10/11 am to 2/3 pm PST, Monday through Thursday. I can only play once per week, but wouldn't mind once every two weeks.

>Text or Voice

>Contact Information
Discord: Jacklepie#8622
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you cant say that and not provide a link
But seems like most people here don't even get replies.
Most people don't reply in the thread but you'll get a steady trickle of people contacting you in Discord or whatever.
>GM or Player
Shadow of the Demon Lord
>Time availability
We play Fridays, starting at 9:15 PM EST, going for 3-4 hours
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
My discord is: mattmort1491#7038
Ultimately we will probably be playing by Skype though. Haven't figured that out entirely yet.
>Additional Information
A member of my regular group had to drop out and we're looking for 1-2 more for a new campaign that will be starting next Friday.

Shadow of the Demon Lord is a fantasy RPG with a lot of mechanical similarities to 5e D&D and a setting similar to Warhammer Fantasy. It is streamlined in a lot of good ways and has a lot of character customization.

We are all playing it for the first time, so don't worry if you haven't played before.
Doing God's work, Anon.
There is no God for me Anon. Not anymore...
>My discord is: mattmort1491#7038
Oh cool a discor-
>Ultimately we will probably be playing by Skype though. Haven't figured that out entirely yet.
>GM or Player
Player or Observer
Barbarians of Lemuria
>Time availability
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
WarWeasel#4544 on Discord
>Additional Information
I want to see this game run, I'd love to play but happy to watch. I'm looking for a very rules light, quick moving game for people who don't have the time or interest in learning lots of crunch. It's my understanding Barbarians of Lemuria is a good choice.
I have a discord made with some random anons. We are going to be playing 5e I think, don't know. so far it's 2/6 of us plus a GM. Me and the other player are kinda new so if you don't mind, anyone want to join us later tonight and play?
Why would you ask to watch a game? You could justyoutube it or find podcasts
That's a good point, I looked on Twitch and found nothing, but YouTube is worth a check. Thanks!
a bump for the road
Where'd all the bumps go?
Did these GMs steal them?
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>GM or Player

L5R 1e/4e, Shadowrun 5e, Black Crusade/Rogue Trader/Only War

>time availability

>voice or text
text preferred, voice possible

>contact info
to the bump to the bump to the bumpity bump
a bump before bed
help me out anons
You get out of here Ytnom Snrub! You've tricked me for the last time!
>GM or Player
Primarily 5e and a bit of others, but quick to learn
>Time availability
Reasonable times for GMT +10, any day except Wednesday
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
Really I'm good for anything.
Can I play a snake
skinning snakes for suits will be a thing, yes

Sure thing man.
I hate being so limited in opportunities, what with having a full-time job and living in an awkward timezone (i.e. not American).
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I know that feel bro.png
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You've quoted a post from a guy having his finals and living in EU.
Third sufferer here, all I can play with is EU people (if they wake up early enough), Australians, and weebs living in Japan.
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>GM or Player
Street Fighter the Storytelling Game
>Time availability
Sunday 1100 CDT (1600 UTC)
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
Campaign is currently in session and I am looking for a new challenger to join with the current crew.
Bump, and join the discord >>53699217
There's a ton of people in there.
A ton of people who could and should be bumping the thread.
Why not just post in the thread? A lot of people don't use Discord.
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Looking for someone who can GM a game today. I have a group with at least 3/4 players that played 5e and Pathfinder before. If anyone is interested GMing a game today let me know asap.

Openings were filled, thanks for everyone's interest!
bump this up
There is a GM for just this who advertised in the Discord.
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>GM or Player

D&D 5e

>Time availability
Free on weekends, flexible schedule for them.

>Text or Voice

>Contact Information
GreenNeko#8736 Is my discord.

>Additional Information
Been working on a homebrew kind of like a shadow of the colossus idea. It's hardly developed, but I could use the motivation to put work into it.
>GM or Player
D20 modern/D&D 3.5
>Time availability
every weekend from 9am-12am
>Text or Voice
Discord:Meme King#8955
Roll20: Tiptoe Through the Tulips
>additional info
im just doing a tiny oneshot, players should be ready to play for ~6+ hours
>GM or Player
Player preferred
D&D 4e,5e
>Time availability
Friday nights or anytime Saturday, too much work
>Text or Voice
Voice through Skype, Discord
>Contact Information
[email protected]
>Additional Information
Haven't had any time to play tabletops for close to a year and a half, may take time to get back into it but I had been doing it for years before that, I just need to get back into it after some time.
>every weekend from 9am-12am
>im just doing a tiny oneshot, players should be ready to play for ~6+ hours
Could you clarify this, Satan?
Im holding a oneshot gamma-world game today until midnight, if interest sparks and it goes well we can continue the next weekend at a scheduled time until ((you)) retire your characters.

Is this a red flag?
>>GM or Player >>GM or Player
>>Time availability
Mondays, Tuesdays after 3pm EST. All day Thursday, Saturday, Sunday EST
>>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Whatever the DM wants to use. No pay, I guess.
>>Text or Voice
>>Contact Info
[email protected]
>>Additional Information
Have a kind of set schedule mon-friday, but sometimes switch morning and afternoon shifts. Usually available after 6:30-7pm EST though.
Only played (and DM'd, poorly) a few irl sessions so far but I really enjoyed it.
oh and my discord is Lucas#6863
bumping before bed
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I'm just gauging interest for now, not gonna run anything immediately, but would anyone in North American time be down to play MAID sometime in the near future?
>Maid with randos
I'm almost morbidly curious enough to watch this train wreck.
Bum hamburgers
>GM or Player
EoTE, willing to up a new system.
>Time availability
Australian EST, Friday-Sunday, all times. Weekdays: 6PM to 12PM.
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
Discord: Valiant#0083
>Additional Information
I'm relatively a beginner in EotE and in Tabletops in general, but I was raised on RPGs and freeform and I can easily pick up a lot of systems if I get the resources. I'm mostly looking for sci-fi, but other settings/homebrews are appreciated.

In a few more weeks I'll be free at all-times unless a miracle happens and I get fully employed.
>GM or Player
Would like to try out Shadowrun, recently got into the setting. Know FantasyCraft, DnD 2, 3.5 and 5 and can quickly learn rules light systems.
>Time availability
PT, but I work a swing shift. Would be available past ~2000PT/0500GMT.
>Text or Voice
Either or
>Contact Information
Dustyny on steam
>Additional Information
Willing to do homebrew or some system I didn't mention if GM is willing to have a learner. Looking for a sci-fi/cyberpunk style setting.

You'll get bites. There is an oppressed class of weebs here that are desperate for weeb games.
It just might be that I found a game due to this thread. Huh. Might wanna give a report after the first sessios.
Anti-weebery is so retarded. These self-important assholes should fuck off to a website that /wasn't/ created to discuss anime/manga and Japanese culture.
For what purpose

These gamefinder threads do normally work you know
>North American time
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>GM or Player
Either Wild Talents, Edge of the Empire, or Mutant: Year Zero
>Time availability
I'm looking to set this up Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, from 6-7pm, for around 3-4 hours. My timezone is EST.
>Text or Voice
Voice (Discord), Roll20 for rolls and sheets.
>Contact Information
Turncoat#8071 Discord
[email protected]
>Additional Information
I'm looking for around 1-3 people to fill out a compliment of existing players on a discord channel. We're still talking over what game to play, so you'd get some input on that as well.
>GM or Player
>Time availability
weekends 1:00-9:00 PM PST
>Text or Voice
text preferable, voice possible, not always.
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
in addition to 5e I've been holding my fingers crossed for someone to rum Mongoose's Infernum.
How the fuck did this thread live this long?
People found games in old threads, so no one was looking for a while, which is why recent threads died so fast. Then all those games died and people came back here. It's the natural cycle.
No, I just got nicknamed that once and have stuck to it.
Bumping a quality thread
You give the people GURPS, I've got more esoteric systems to test out.
all i do is gm
i need relief
How welcoming is gamefinder to homebrew system DMs?
I'm thinking of running a GURPS game but that's like 2 months from now.
good for me brodie
Well, I'll post in one of these threads when I'm ready.
>GM or Player
Black Crusade
>Time availability
Saturday, GMT, 4pm
>Text or Voice
Voice, r20
>Contact Information
Discord: V&V#2394
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I would like to do it but the time doesn't work for me.
Shit, this is actually 7:30 EST.
>Black Crusade

any leeway on time at all? barely see any GMT games on here and at 4 im halfway through a coc session.
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Dawn of Worlds
Play by post. I'm based out of EST.

Dawn of Worlds is a world building game in which the player takes the role of a God. Roleplaying is entirely optional, but flavoring your posts is highly recommended. Creating races, building cities, sending armies to do battle, and raining down celestial fires of vengeance are just a few possibilities.The system is simple, it takes about 10 minutes to get a full handle on. See the attached PDF.
As long as you have a game to run, there will be players.
You mean "how welcome are players to joining?" or "how compatible/easy is the system for homebrew?"
This sounds fun, and the time is perfect, but having only ever played dnd 5e I'm not sure if I'd be able to keep up. How do those systems compare to 5e?
>GM or Player
Cyberpunk 2020
>Time availability
Either tuesdays or thursdays, at 6:30pm EST until about 11pm EST.
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
[email protected], AurumDude
#9225 on discord.
>Additional Information
Looking for 2 players.
Oh, hey, I've been wanting to play CP2020 for a while...
>EST evening
Such is life in Oceania.
>GM or Player
A group of 4 players, looking for a GM
DnD 5th Edition
>Time availability
Most days after 6PM EST. One of the players is a nurse, so his schedule is a little hectic.
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
Alabaster#1698 on Discord
>Additional Information
Small group of fairly flexible players looking for a new GM. We're fairly open to play whatever, and can work with the setting as required, and we're not set in stone on characters we want to play.

Looking forward to whatever might come of this!

Would you care to play a homebrew edition of DnD instead? Something more based on old school editions of DnD. I would be willing to dungeon master for your group and have some fun, if you'd be willing to try it out.
What about Tuesdays, 8:30 EST?

Also, a different edition.
Shame. Hope it works out for you eventually.
Also if you've messaged me, I've accepted your friend requests. Please send me a message in response, as I've gotten a few messages and don't want to forget you.
Slightly concerned bump
Sorry, no take-backs.
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Why I'm here.jpg
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>All these cool games
The joys of having messed up hearing.
At least you don't have a broken jaw. I miss pretzels.
>GM or Player
5e Recon, I really want to play the A Song of Ice and Fire RPG
>Time availability
generally anytime, just not available Saturday or Tuesday nights. Central Time
>Text or Voice
Prefer text, I find easier to be descriptive, but I will do voice too
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
I'm open to playing any historical based RPG too
Worthless, stupid underagedb&.

but ill be back
Come back when you're older.
Did the old group die?
>A group of 4 players, looking for a GM
I have a tip for you. Run it yourself.
Shot you a discord friend req; My group and I play Palladium HU in case you were interested.
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>GM or Player
GM. We have a pretty solid group, just looking to add another player to our discord.
Palladium Heroes Unlimited
>Time availability
We usually play on Friday, or Saturday nights (EST) if Friday isn't good for everyone.
>Text or Voice
RP is text but we like to get into voice to fuck around for OC. You don't have to talk but sometimes the DM would rather talk combat out than type it so it's good to at least listen.
>Contact Information
Discord: Lex#4637
>Additional Information
Right now we're playing a modern supernatural game set in a haunted college. We're college kids trying to solve mysteries, and when we get a little bit in there'll be a big flash forward where we'll have traits assigned to us according to how we acted in session.
Sometimes we switch it up and play super hero games. We're just taking a little break right now. The group hangs out and plays video games almost nightly together when we don't play so it's a pretty good time. No pressure to hang out with us outside of the game tho. Have a good sense of humor and be cool with banter. Don't be under 18, and don't be autismo.
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>D&D 3.5
>Mon-thur pretty much all day
>Telegram: Sondrous
email: [email protected]
> This is meant to be a dark, spooky style game involving players traversing the remains of a major city, as it slowly dies due to a strange, mystical plague which has already turned most of the population into mutant monsters, while a military force attempts to quarantine the city from the outside. It's a standard D&D swords and magic fantasy setting, which the exception that its meant to be a revival civilization after a cataclysmic event fucked reality up on earth, so fantasy races and such are perfectly fine, most splats are also fine, just vet your ideas through me first.
>Satan trips
>Meme King
Checks out
>Year Zero
>not Heir to the Apocalypse
a cruel world
>don't be autismo
No, I first asked a discord community I play with if they were interested; some responded yes, but I have less than 6. Aiming for six players.
I mean, I know of a Cyberpunk group that would be playing via text if that's what you'd like. West coast based, I think they play on thursdays? I'd need to ask the GM if he's looking for players but that'd likely be a formality. They use Interlock Unlimited which I can't fucking stand but oh well.

>and don't be autismo.

And there goes my interest in that game
>Time available
EST Mornings
>Text or voice
>Method of play
Will decide later
>Contact info
>Additional notes
TL7 Spy Thriller set during 1963 Cuban Crisis. Gritty, James Bond-ish.
>GM or Player
7th sea, Games already started. Need 1-2 more players
>Time availability
Thursdays at noon, CST
>Text or Voice
Skype for voice, Roll20 for play
>Contact Information
Skype: leon_belmont671
>Additional Information
The Game is 7th sea with a few minor house rules around the skill system. The Players are Members of the Montaign army going back to Charrous to play politics in the emperors court.
>See below
>Monday, Wednesday, Thursday evenings EST
>Either text or voice
>argentAegis #1547 on Discord

There comes a point in every person's life where they are no longer amused by the mundane, the typical, and the things that appeal to the masses. I've grown jaded of the typical D&D, WoD, CoC or FATE. It's all so woefully trite and boring. In my state, I crave things that are more exotic. I am looking for a group of any of the following:

Houses of the Blooded
Eclipse Phase

Anything to break the monotony. And please, if you wish to offer me the plebeian fare that is one of the games that appeal to the unwashed masses, because you have a "oh-so-unique idea or setting," do me a favor, and don't. No doubt I have come up with, or have heard some variation of it, and when you're working with sub-standard tools, you can't expect to make something truly decent or memorable. Just move along until you learn a real system.
Fucking hell you sound pretentious.
>Making this low quality bait
Whew lad!
>3.5e or Pathfinder, as that's what I know (although I admit that I don't know much)- however, I won't turn down the opportunity to learn a new system
>Pretty much any time, although I'm in Central Time time-zone-wise.
>Either text or voice is fine
>Lunamann#3921 on Discord
>Additional Information
If we do play Pathfinder, I would like to submit for your approval a custom race I created. However, I'm perfectly fine if you don't want to deal with such, and will gladly instead pick a standard race.
>GM or Player
Willing to learn anything! Most familiar with Edge of the Empire, 5e, and A Song of Ice and Fire RPG.
>Time availability
Any evening or afternoon except Saturday. I am busy Saturdays. Central time.
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
Oro#8603 on discord
>Additional Information
Down for about any setting which doesn't wallow in its darkness. Big fan of black powder era, even though I know it's hardly touched on.
> Player
> Systems
Anything more streamlined than D&D, with less RP than Dungeon World. OSR-ish games like Shadow of the Demon Lord look promising, but I'll try anything in these bounds.
> Time
PDT (UTC-7) afternoon / evenings
> Text or Voice
Either is fine
> Contact
more streamlined than 5e* D&D

Sorry for having an opinion that's better than yours.

>everything I don't like is bait
Tell us if some madman actually invites you.

They already did.

>wahhh people talking bantz on 4chan can't be normal people otherwise

Tell me what's it like having shit taste AND autism?
Were they offering Earthdawn? If yes, hook a nigga up.
Prove it, faggot.
I'm just saying, like, figure out how to have fun and don't rules lawyer and.. generally don't be retarded. If that deters you, well.
gonna bump this before I sleep \
>GM or Player
D&D 4e
>Time availability
9PM GMT+3/Helsinki time
>Text or Voice
Text only
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Discord: natuprunk#4154
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I'm running a high fantasy campaign set on a floating continent.
The players take the role of mercs or explorer-adventurers working for a guild funded by scholars and nobles. Story-heavy with visuals and music played on roll20.

I'm a fairly inexperienced DM, as are most of the players. Got room for one or two.

And maybe next time don't go tossing shit like "Autismo" out there like your fucking 12.
Anyone running, just like, a regular Pathfinder game? Just an adventuring party? Im in the mood for something classic.
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