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Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1542: Internet Police Edition

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Thread replies: 855
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Jumpchain CYOA.pdf
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

>Last Threads
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Give me the update on what's going on in your chain.
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Bancho there is nothing wrong with the jump, it is not a work in progress, it is finished and in the complete with image section, heres a screenshot.
As I said, I can see it; I'll experiment with it when writing my next couple of jumps.

Good call, will do.

I'd really prefer not to. I hate having "generic" drawbacks when they're not justified by the setting (for example, Amnesia in Negima made sense, but here it really doesn't), so if I did that I'd end up just cutting it completely. I know it's a serious challenge, but in my opinion 300 CP drawbacks are supposed to be serious risks; and after all, slaves DO escape on their own, even without any outside knowledge, help, or skills.

New drawback for Carmen Sandiego:
What In The World Is Carmen Sandiego?: +300 CP
Well, now there’s an explanation for Carmen’s impossible thefts. Unfortunately, it’s not exactly kid-friendly; as one of the Tindalosians, she’s actually from a place outside the normal angles of reality, with slightly… different perceptions of “legality” and “property” and “Time and Space.” If you want to retrieve the things she’s stolen now, you’ll have to end up journeying to places like dread Rl’yeh to bring back the concept of cause and effect, and if you don’t undo her crimes the entire world will suffer for it (It’s really rather important that nobody steals away the Forbidden Plateau of Leng, otherwise about six different apocalypses will occur at once). Further, her minions are no longer just humans with silly names, but other horrors from space, such as Shoggoths and Mi-Go.
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Jumper is probably having kids in Naruto. It makes sense in the context in the chain, good time and everything, probably something they'd pour all sorts of love into and whatever. I just have no godly idea what the hell I'm doing in regards to designing the kids or figuring out what's happening in the plot or how to bring them up to speed. I don't know how to deal with this.
. That was not my understanding of things. My sincere apologies
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I mean I was SUPPOSED to be writing up the current events in Worm but now I'm distracted by Dies Irae.

I can tell this is going to be a ride.
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>Your choice. Either nobody else can use that name, or they just can't apply that name to you.

>Basically, artwork, portraits, and sculptures. Newspapers, posters, photographs, portraits, or Mt. Rushmore, yes; a random piece of road or their own eyeball, no.
Mhm, alright. Sounds good. Might be good to elaborate a bit on what counts in the pdf, maybe?

>2 Drawbacks, which means 600 CP.
...Ugh. Can that just be 600cp, and however many drawbacks you want?

Both because I despise the 2 drawbacks style, and because if you then take My Greatest Theft Ever for no points, you'd only be able to get 300cp max.

>She stole it anyway, whether it's an island chain, portals, or your ancestral moonbase. That's rather the point.
Does it take things attached to my soul (mainly thinking my inner world)? And does it stop things I can summon to me from travelling towards me?

Also, I'm almost tempted to just keep Look Behind You! for my entire chain, just to have an excuse for my jumper to be lazy.
Well, Bancho, your understanding of things is shit at best and absolutely fucking abysmal at worst.
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So I've chosen to go with Cute Zergling being a Meatball + Fiber Body for maximum spook potential. Going to try to become the Pillar of Peace. Any advice?
>shitposter antagonizes man who accepts, admits, and apologizes for being wrong
Limit the amount of traumatic takedowns within public perception, like crumpling people into flesh balls until they're in custody and such.
>for example, Amnesia in Negima made sense, but here it really doesn't
Speaking of, would you consider adding a few more drawbacks to Negima? It's just annoying that you can't take max drawbacks without being both amnesiac and powerless because that effectively means you're just a normal person.
i have conquered the world of Warhammer fantasy in its entirety, next step is to get my populace soul stones so that their safe from the predations of local spirits when they travel with me
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Speaking of DI, Jumpers, have you ever did a large ritual to empower yourself? Could you detail what did you do? Was there any special external conditions (planets aligning, eclipse), places or sacrifices needed for the ritual to succeed?
Wait Dies Irae is getting translated? Holy fuck this is a nice surprise. The Japanese is way beyond my level.
Befriend deku and allmight.
It's on Steam right now. First Chapter is free.
One route's free on Steam, the other 2 packs that hold specific routes are like 17 bucks each
or you can just download the trial version and apply the appropraite bypass patches
It 'got' translated actually, the translation just came out a few days ago. I think it's already on Steam.
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We landed in Worm a few weeks ago. The new powers are pretty nice, but some of these villains we're running into on the streets are really dangerous. I've never read or heard of this universe before so maybe that's just the way things are here. It's like a way more intense version of Batman, but a ton of people have superpowers and major developmental issues.

So, Batman, basically. Rim shot.

>Marceline: "Hey, Yoro, you might want to look at this."
>M: "Been going through that free copy of the Canon material we all got..."
>M: "Well, I mean, just read this part."
Leviathan? That doesn't sound good. Brockton Bay is just across the border too, isn't it?
>M: "Mmhmm."
... You can't be serious.
>M: "Oh, it gets worse."
>M: "Wait until you get to Jack Slash."
>M: "The bookmark. Flip to that."
>M: "Wow. I've never seen someone rip a tablet in half before."

Excuse me for a little bit Board. Something has just come up.
Drawback Added: You Needed Worthy Opponents.
the thing is, you're both at least half right. So be cool. Everyone>>53657299
Speaking of DI, Jumpers, have you ever did a large ritual to empower yourself?

nope. Those things are usually pretty evil,I did pack a micro-verse battery with paragon resource generators and machines that turn electricity into mantra that incorporated into my cyborg-HinduGod body.

Could you detail what did you do? Was there any special external conditions (planets aligning, eclipse), places or sacrifices needed for the ritual to succeed?

Sacrifices? That's the kind of crap were trying to avoid!

Elaborated upon, will update momentarily.

No, I actually do that intentionally. Drawbacks are (or at least were) supposed to truly be difficult. I don't design for people to be able to just take a bunch of minor annoyances and end up with 1600 CP: in my opinion, if you want max CP, you should be having to spend serious time planning or taking major risks. In this case, I might end up changing things just so you don't end up with the limitation, but even then I'm unsure; as it stands you're basically paying 300 CP and working injump to get what's inarguably the best companion in the setting.

Yes, and... not sure, but probably yeah, otherwise it would just be too easy. At the least it definitely stops all the "if you lose it it turns up in your pocket in 24 hours" stuff, or even the Warehouse key would magically reappear.

Possibly, but probably not; see above for my rationale. That particular combination is harder than most, but is also pretty thematic with the jump.
Didn't the Zergling Jumper die ages ago?
And it'll keep happening until the fucker gets the message and leaves. Nobody wants him here, and even his fucking shrink told him to stay the fuck away. But he JUST. WON'T. LISTEN.
Neat, there goes my evening.

I prefer to support VNs but I'll keep that in mind.
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Just left Shadow Realm, now I'm an incredibly buff Blue Eyes White Dragon, having taken both the Blue Eyes perk tree and the Wild perk tree, thus being an alpha predator even among their ranks. Next I'm heading to Generic Zombie to introduce the legions of the undead to my "Fuck You Dragon Beams".
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I've saved Hitler,stopped the Jews and secured the future of our white children and now I am making mobile suits so that the future can continue to be secured. And then I can continue my chain and not worry about Jump chan getting angry at me.
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Of course! It's not like I'm just going at this willy-nilly but One for All on top of my Cuteling Quirk Marriage is going to be great! Because of Fiber Body my body is tougher than normal humans and with Meatball I can, maybe, realign myself with a few hours if I go overboard with the All for One stuff.

Deku might not even exist in the timeline that Pillar of Peace happens in. Not sure. NuBee?

I'm a new Cuteling Jumper! I'm actually still kinda at odds. While Meat Ball + Fiber Body Is cool. Fiber Body + Fiber Master is more potent, in my opinion.
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>That particular combination is harder than most, but is also pretty thematic with the jump.
No? It's not even hard because chances are you won't end up on Mars. You'll probably just be left behind and then live out a relatively normal life for a decade. So you effectively just used the jump as a shopping list, waking up in another jump without having meaningfully interacted with Negima's setting or characters at all.
Anyone else try to learn the magic from Star Wars? Do anything interesting?
>No, I actually do that intentionally.
For shame, man. For shame.
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With D-day being today, what did you do during WWII?
There is no magic in Star Wars. Only exotic applications of the force outside of commonly accepted Jedi practice.
What? Sith Sorcery? What can it even do?
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Magic nazi time
I stopped Japan from bombing the US and thus prevented the US from joining the war, liberated France, prevented any invasion of Britain by Germany, and halted the Soviet invasion of Germany.
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Create shields like pic related, control the minds of thousands at once, summon spirits and the dead, empower people into hulking beasts like Savage Opress, among many other things.
>No, I actually do that intentionally. Drawbacks are (or at least were) supposed to truly be difficult. I don't design for people to be able to just take a bunch of minor annoyances and end up with 1600 CP: in my opinion, if you want max CP, you should be having to spend serious time planning or taking major risks. In this case, I might end up changing things just so you don't end up with the limitation, but even then I'm unsure; as it stands you're basically paying 300 CP and working injump to get what's inarguably the best companion in the setting.
While I vehemently disagree (and I'm not even sure how the current 300cp drawbacks are supposed to be truly difficult. All three of 200cp ones seem worse to me), I suppose I'll accept that for now.

>Possibly, but probably not; see above for my rationale. That particular combination is harder than most, but is also pretty thematic with the jump.
What, why? There's no amnesiac and powerless people in Negima.

At best, you could cite Asuna, and she only lost her early memories before leaving Mars, not any powers.

I don't see ANYTHING thematic there?
Deku still exists in Pillar of Peace, he just doesn't obtain One For All from All Might.
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I just started a new Alt-chain, where every jump will have at least a minor amount of writefaggery. A Native Chain, from Assassin's Creed.

He exists, he just doesn't get One for All.

Stalwart Tiger ended up fighting with Britain, with Amaterasu on his side
The Japanese were not happy.
>Honorverse WIP last thread
[obligatory SV "...Mahan exalted as a Solar and beat up some Shinma so Decisive Battle doctrine is flawless and dominant, forever."]

Man, that was a fun Let's Read.
>she only lost her early memories before leaving Mars
Isn't that the entire first half of the series she lost then?
Super Hitler looks like a troll doll
On a scale from 1 to 10, how good do you think Deku would be in the Support class?
>Possibly, but probably not; see above for my rationale. That particular combination is harder than most, but is also pretty thematic with the jump.
How is it hard? You just go to school as a completely ordinary person, and get out fine.

It's not harder than other combinations. It's just more BORING than others.
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Platoon was a fun Jump, I started off with the Russians and then Jumped ship to the Germans after killing Stalin and took care of key figures that would made thing to difficult, Except for Patton that glorious man. Pic related was my right hand man during the whole war. Also Mechs


Raise the Dead, Teleportation, Enhancements, Alchemy and much more
I see the drawback rules lawyer is back again.
>Jumper is probably having kids in Naruto. It makes sense in the context in the chain, good time and everything, probably something they'd pour all sorts of love into and whatever. I just have no godly idea what the hell I'm doing in regards to designing the kids or figuring out what's happening in the plot or how to bring them up to speed. I don't know how to deal with this.
How are you gonna bring them along?
What? No. Those memories were erased long before the series started.
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Except that you're still a part of class 3A, and even most of the "normal" people in that class ended up going on the field trip anyway (and those that didn't still got involved by the end). Including the person who's an Amnesiac and the person who's Sealed. So while I generally agree that "Amnesia" perks are kind of a cop-out, the fact that one of the big goals of the series is a character struggling with hers (and again, the fact that this jump was very early) made it fit there. Besides, you'll keep your memories of your time in Negima afterwards, so to you it won't be like you slept through the whole thing.

I'm sorry that it's a problem, but I think it's important. My standard is 1000 CP, not 1600. If you want extra points, you should have to work for them.

Updated Carmen jump attached, updated Honorverse coming with next post, hopefully both are ready for Complete.
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M is dealing with deeply weird shit by using even weirder things...and excessive amounts of firepower. Feels good to jump a horror setting and be the top of the food chain.
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I used crossing dragon streams from persona, lithomancy from zendikar, enchanting combo (too big to post in same line), kanji magic from kamigawa, and gemcraft pools to create leylines in the shape of a massive rune spell so it is both funneling mana and compressing it into a massive gem in the sky that currently resembles a sun in the sky of my inner world.

Basically I am taking all of my inner worlds magical potential (of which there is a lot) and over time layering it onto its self and compressing it more and more over time.

The more mana it gwts the more compressed the crystal becomes, it cannot explode because the compression prevents it even though it is conatantly being added too. This has been going on for a long while now.

Shortly after I altered the spell and made it also layer in the ki I had been building from xianxia jumps (also made into pools, thank you gemcraft) so that it is basically a marbled diamond of massive size just floating above my inner world made of mana and ki.

I am unsure what I want to do with it at the moment. I think I might eat it later once it gains enough mass to start displacing the gravity of my inner world. Or I may just slowly move it out from my land in there so it looks small and keeps growing.

I mean I am not surr why I even built the thing, it just seemed like a good idea at the time.
Can I replace Gilbert Grape?
I do not know if it counts as a ritual, but it is similiar to DI guy did. Basically I used the 2nd true magic to go to worlds where everyone was morally 'evil' then killed them all and absorbed them with Dark Binding, empowering myself. Sometimes I used my EX Charisma to make them come to me and kill themselves to do it if I am feeling sadistic.
Stopped Hitler from going any further than reclaiming German land lost after WW1, stopped him from actually killing jews and convinced him to deport them (with all their belongings), walled off Germany, and got them to focus on technology and shit. They ended up taking over the world eventually, but their leadership had mellowed out by then, and it was for the purpose of uniting and uplifting humanity as a whole instead of one race. They were still big on racial purity though.
>and even most of the "normal"
No, a relatively small part of the class actually went to the magic world.

>and those that didn't still got involved by the end
You mean they all effectively molested Negi at some point and then did nothing of real importance afterward.

Also, if the Sealed is really based on Eva, there should be a way to break it both temporarily and permanently.
>they took over eventually
Well he did warn you about the jews.
What is dies irae?
made the every nation in the Axis powers into a Pile of ash and obsidian with a platoon armed with wands of universal fire
>I'd really prefer not to. I hate having "generic" drawbacks when they're not justified by the setting (for example, Amnesia in Negima made sense, but here it really doesn't), so if I did that I'd end up just cutting it completely. I know it's a serious challenge, but in my opinion 300 CP drawbacks are supposed to be serious risks; and after all, slaves DO escape on their own, even without any outside knowledge, help, or skills.
Let me put it this way. I'd like to take the setting appropriate Bad Start "your background is changed to genetic slave and location to the slave pens" option for the roll playing and story telling potential it represents. You currently have it bundled with a non setting inspired generic drawback that I won't touch with a 10 - foot pole.
One, the cost to benefit ratio just is not there once no warehouse access/outside items started getting bundled with no powers for the same price.
Two, even it if was and I was in a safe lifestyle and starting position where I might consider it, I have plans for certain actions in the setting that involve blatant power use, like all the sexually active men on the planet Masada getting turned into girls after a voice from the heavens condemns their nations disgraceful actions toward their women as making them unworthy of being men at all.

Just don't weld the drawbacks that are a good fit to the setting with the generic bland ones, is what I'm saying. If you hate "generic" drawbacks, remove the power loss portion entirely and just keep the you are begin as a genetic slave part for less CP.

Hrmmm, not remembering the full role of a Support Class in MHA, Deku seems like he'd be incredible in a coaching and training role. He's very analytical when it comes to people's potential as heroes, how they might be able to use their Quirk, how they might be able to work with others, in depth strategies, even keeping extensive notes collected over years of developing this habit.

I can't remember if Support included anything other than what Mei does (making equipment), but if it does, I imagine he'd be on the upper end, maybe an 8.

Quicksilver ruled a while back that Sapient beings you make can be counted as companions specifically for this kind of scenario.

I believe it was mentioned he came in last out of the people who managed to pass the test. Score better than him on the U.A. Entrance Exam and you probably bump him out of Class A.
Sounds like you genocided a bunch of innocents again.
I meant it as a joke, but you actually did it. You're awesome, Marvel Anon.
if they are complicit/aiding in the system that causes it They are not innocent.
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Aw that's sad...

Hey NuBee if I buy Deku as my Canon Companion can I give him CP with "Backup"? Because I would totally like to make Pic Related happen. What would that be? Weak attraction + [I can't find a good fire Quirk]
I imagine that even if it was JUST the equipment stuff he wouldn't be half bad, at least as an idea-man that directed the actual engineers.
Nah, I don't do big rituals. I prefer iterative improvement, slowly building myself up into something greater. Big rituals are for chumps who are unwilling to put in the effort for constant gains and would rather stake it all on one big push.
Quirks for ANTS
Sounds like you genocided a bunch of innocents again. You fucking monster.
It's certainly your right to disagree, I'd just like to hear some reasons for why beyond wanting to take minor drawbacks and end up with major points. And I could see arguments for those being poorly balanced with each other; I'll freely admit drawbacks and drawback balancing is one of the worst parts of jumpwriting for me, one of the reasons I have so many rules about it.

Well, Asuna lost all memories of her early childhood and doesn't get them back until near the very end, at which point she's memory-wiped AGAIN. Including losing several parts of her powers until she started to regain them through contact and contract with Negi. Admittedly, it's been over three years since I reread the series, but that was the intention then, when I had just reread it.

And Eva was totally powerless most of the series, because her powers were Sealed by the headmaster. She couldn't do anything supernatural at all except on specific nights or when granted specific dispensation, which was the whole reason they trained in the resort and why she and Setsuna had their tournament battle inside their minds.

Sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about.

I honestly can't imagine any world where going to school in Class 3A at Mahora would be boring or safe.

Certainly not going to argue with you about specific numbers now; I remember it ending up being most of the class, but it could be wrong. Either way, enough "normal" people did go that I'd call it a fair assumption that you could easily write yourself going if you cared to.

Probably should have done that, and even thought I had, but if not it's too late to change it now without a major update.

That's a very good point. I'll change it to a 200 and get rid of the power loss, though that leaves me with too few 300 CP drawbacks. Any ideas?

And yes, that's in there.

Thank you, I try to be receptive.
How do you feel about london right now in light of recent events?
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I was a grease monkey and battlefield mechanic for the Valkyrie Special Combat Unit during Ring of Red. It was a mostly all-female unit that centered around Armored Fighting Walker use in the European Theater. Admittedly, they were the first generation units, so it wasn't a walk in the park. I spent more than a few firefights dangling from the side of an AFW patching lines and putting out fires to get a unit walking again.

At the time I had significantly less power than I do now, but I did cheat quite a bit with my Clockwork Necromancy to cause the German AFWs to suffer sudden and catastrophic failures from time to time to save those in my unit. Yamato showed much less restraint and was all but barred from using his Necromancy magic after unleashing it on Normandy. I'll tell you what though, those German bastards started running for the hills after they discovered putting a few bullets into the landing forces didn't mean they'd stay down.

Of course, after that came Operation Downfall, which was not a fun experience but we managed to pull through.

Yes, I know, the Valkyrie Special Combat Unit isn't a real thing in this world OR Ring of Red. My Coordinator was being a dick and stuck me in a harem anime version. I complained, but I secretly enjoyed every minute of it.
That's an odd way to spell crushing Nazis by removing There support structure.
what recent events?
>Quicksilver ruled a while back that Sapient beings you make can be counted as companions specifically for this kind of scenario.
That's nice. Man, that really needs to show up somewhere.

I'll give you some advice right now bancho, Just let it go right now before they get you in a long winded argument about morality and stuff again
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Actually thread does anyone have any ideas for what to do with a giant hypercompressed mana/ki crystal?
>Sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about.
David Webber fails at strategy.
You know if Deku got a combo of his parent's quirks he might be the perfect counter to Bakugou, and that is hilarious.
You realize that many Nazi soldiers, like other countries' forces, were drafted, right? And that women and children, the elderly and infirm, milk-men, farmers, writers, doctors, artists and so on exist in those countries? You realize that Germans, even Nazis, aren't evil, right? They're human beings with thoughts, feelings, and dreams. You can't say, "you live in this particular area at this time, so you deserve death," without becoming worse than the people you claim are monsters.
I don't mind those actually, talking things over is how I learn.
And what of the children? What of the adults who worked to undermine the system, of which there were plenty? The adults deluded by propaganda and who didn't know the horrors being committed, and would be appalled to learn? You can't just go "everyone burns" and end it at that, you need to extract the people who don't deserve to burn first. You always want the fast and simple solution, but you can't be hasty when it comes to mass murder.
But I like arguing about morality and stuff!
The Fallout jumpchain has disappointed me greatly.

It lacks a drawback to make you Chinese.
The recent attacks in britain with all the recent deaths and the complicity of the government in it.
Mmmm, sure. As for a Quirk, perhaps Weak Attraction + Lighter + Empowered Quirk?

Like a project manager or concept designer? I could definitely see him doing pretty good in that role too. With the way he studies he could probably really improve in the actual inventor part of the curriculum too.

Yeah, really opened my options up. It'd be nice.
/pol/ get the fuck out.
See if you can use it as the substrate for a computing device, find out how effective P-N junctions working on mana instead of electrons are?
You punish the Nazis by killing the people who aren't Nazis. Sure, yeah, that sounds like a really fucking good idea. What gives you the right to be the judge, jury, and executioner for people who have nothing to do with what you're dealing with?
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Deku for ants!
Why would you want to be a dirty chink?
>I don't mind those actually, talking things over is how I learn.

Fair enough but you can't say I didn't warn you


Your Morales are wrong and mind are right
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>You realize that Germans, even Nazis, aren't evil, right?
>Nazis, aren't evil, right?

Go back to /pol/

I literally have machines of karma set up to short them out and give them new bodies automatically,You know that right?
Around 100 or 200 CP.
>Go back to /pol/
Oh, Bancho. And you were doing so well.
Passed the allies tech which let them utterly crush the Nazis and IJA in ground wars while also blasting their navies from space.
Ah thanks! So If I push both of his Tier 0 Parents Perks to Teir 3 what can be expected?
>I literally have machines of karma set up to short them out and give them new bodies automatically,You know that right?
>I'm going to murder people indiscriminately, but it's OK because I'll give them new bodies
>No, it wouldn't be easier to just NOT kill them
>No I'm not going to do anything about the mental trauma of being murdered.
Kek, Racial Holy War jump when?
You're still a monster that's even worse than the people you're killing.
Think about that: You are literally worse than Hitler, you fucking retarded hypocritical son of a bitch.
Some Nazis didn't join up because they were evil, or because they wanted to kill people for no reason. They joined up to fight for their home, or because they were drafted or conscripted. There's more reasons than "LOL 4 THA EVULZ".
Stronger fire generation, maybe even from places other than his hands. Stronger attraction ability, they might work together even better.
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You don't get to claim that every person in a political party is universally evil.
Is there anything that would allow me to remove someone's ability to use supernatural powers?
>I literally have machines of karma set up to short them out and give them new bodies automatically,You know that right?
No. How could I know that? All you said was that you melted Germany to the bedrock. You need to supply details, or else you come off as a huge monster. Though I'd argue that even this is an overly reductionist plan, and that it causes unnecessary suffering to innocents even if you revive them. Are you planning on wiping their memories of the pain of burning to death, too? And then reconstructing their damaged homes and surrounding environments? And instituting law and order, and overseeing the long and difficult process of rebuilding a nation so that the chaos caused by the majority of their military and government being reduced to monoatomic vapor doesn't cause Germany to collapse into a post-apocaylptic wasteland?
Would attraction work on other places then his hands too?
Bancho never 'does well'. You just let yourself have some empty hope that he might actually be growing as a person. That won't happen. Ever. And we are stuck with him until he finally takes his psychiatrist's advice and leaves.
>Well, Asuna lost all memories of her early childhood and doesn't get them back until near the very end, at which point she's memory-wiped AGAIN. Including losing several parts of her powers until she started to regain them through contact and contract with Negi. Admittedly, it's been over three years since I reread the series, but that was the intention then, when I had just reread it.
>And Eva was totally powerless most of the series, because her powers were Sealed by the headmaster. She couldn't do anything supernatural at all except on specific nights or when granted specific dispensation, which was the whole reason they trained in the resort and why she and Setsuna had their tournament battle inside their minds.
I suppose. I meant that the combination's not thematic. And neither them was as absolute as the drawbacks are.

Evangeline wasn't /totally/ powerless anyway. She was very restricted, yes. But she was still able to do a whole lot of things.

...Why not just change Sealed into something that actually behaves like Evangeline's curse, instead of straight powerloss anyway?

>I honestly can't imagine any world where going to school in Class 3A at Mahora would be boring or safe.
You're Generic Background Character #1.

You have no memories, no power, and no skills. You have nothing special about you, and no reason to involve yourself in anything dangerous, no reason to interact with your favorite characters, and no reason to do anything about the plot.

At best, you're a bystander watching canon unfold.

...Honestly, I'm going to calm down now and make a simple request. if you're not willing to change these drawbacks or the '2 drawback instead of just 600cp' thing, then please, PLEASE... Add other 300cp drawbacks. Anything more interesting than "You can't interact with the plot at all, or with the characters you like (having no reason to do so), or do anything meaningful at all, really".
Sever force in the star wars jump works if they rely on an outside source
see that's part of the plan. If you don't erase the memory of what happened They will remember what happens when you try this crap . And when enough people remember, the world remembers. besides, have you seen what wands of universal fire can do? They Carbonized too quickly to feel anything.

>They joined up to fight for their home

this falls under the " cool motive still murder" idea.

>because they were drafted or conscripted

and they are sorted accordingly by the machines of karma

yeah the jump ended before I could get to that part
And I don't want to think about what that would do to the surrounding ecosystem.
You do realize that if they hadn't started invaded other nations that what the Nazi Party was doing would be no different from what happened during the French Revolution right?

Some Jewish families were completely and utterly FUCKING the Germans, and starving them for their own profits. The Germans reacting by striking against all jews

Some Noble families were completely and utterly FUCKING the French, and starving them for their own profits. the French reacted by striking against all Nobles.
Gonna eat the Nazis, but also assassinate Stalin because Stalin is a huge asshole and if he's allowed to be on the winning side nothing good will come of it. I'm also going to make Hitler live to see his trial and get executed because if he commits suicide it'll be a huge cop-out. I want him to suffer the full consequences of what he's done, and then I'll let him die. I want him to see how much he has failed. But before that, I'm going to take him into the future and show him how demonized he is.
>yeah the jump ended before I could get to that part
How fortunate for you that you didn't have to face the consequences of your actions.
Bancho, you're the only who deserves to be genocided.

Most population during the WW2 didn't know about the stuff going on in the labor camps. In fact, the only gas chambers that now are accepted to exist (because half of the ones presented in the Nuremberg trials were later disproved by the own Americans to not actually been used in extermination neither containing gas chambers) are not in German territory.

Also, the allies probably killed many more innocent civilians that the nazi army did with their indiscriminate bombs. The nazi army was pretty well-mannered in that aspect.

You should be bombing Russia instead. And even them there was so many factions inside of it that if you actually helped a few of the poor slavs they would collapse the whole thing unto itself.

Or just fuck with the Chinese and Japanese.
There's a force Power called Sever Force, I think. That would permanently disable any supernatural power dependant on an external source. I think it's in the Clone Wars Jump.

I see where you're going with that. Lewd!
I don't see why not, higher tiers also increases versatility not just raw power.
Dude, it's Bancho. He literally CANNOT think! He doesn't do plans, he swoops in kills everything and irreversibly fucks up anything that survives and LOLNOPEs the fuck out before the consequences truly kick in. He's a fucking retard.
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I tried to warn you bancho, every time it comes to talk of morality you always get hot headed and fly off the handle and never listen.
>this falls under the " cool motive still murder" idea.

You are clearly not one to talk.
That doesn't make it right. The French Revolution was pretty awful in a bunch of ways, too. And there were a lot more innocent Jews than there were innocent nobles. A lot of German Jews were pretty poor and in no position to take advantage of the rest of Germany.
>If you don't erase the memory of what happened They will remember what happens when you try this crap
>I am going to punish and traumatize children for the crimes of their parents or grandparents.

You are a fucking monster.
Dragging in the heat to make greater flames? Attracting heat to snuff out flames?

On a different note Airburst and Lighter pushed to Tier would be at will fireballs wouldn't it. Big ones at that?
He's pulling heat & smoke away from something. If at T3 he could pull heat away from something enough to freeze it over, while adding heat to his flames making it hotter. Or he could pull heat away from his flames to have a "cold fire". Pulling larger objects towards him as well besides small stuff.
I know. I just have some sort of futile hope that maybe if I keep reminding him of the consequences of his actions it will stick one day. It's clearly pointless, but I guess it's a sunk cost fallacy.
Sure. Any ideas?
In Platoon, would it be too late to prevent the Soviet mass starvation, executions, and gulags that resulted in the deaths of 12 million?
Sounds more like a living catastrophe.
Those poor people just living their lives in those jumps and whoops, here comes bancho-cthulhu to fuck up their entire world.
I'm not saying it makes it right, I'm saying "It's no worse", and yet people act like the Nazis were the evilest group to ever walk the earth.
actually it kind of is since they went after all the Jews,gypsies ,homosexuals etc. Whereas the French just Went after the rich folks
You could prevent some, but not all of them. A lot of that goes all the way back to the Revolution, or earlier.
What I want to know is just how evil his benefactor is to let this retard loose on all of these worlds, knowing he's gonna fuck everything up horribly and irreversibly?
There is a certain pleasure in beating your head against a brick wall, isn't there.

That sounds a lot cooler than he deserves.
Mmmm, just off the top of my head and borrowing from the pictures posted above, I imagine it would be really good fire control/generation and mild yet precise telekinesis themed around that. Lighter's mechanics pull on the air in your lungs for its flame, but after repeated upgrades I imagine Deku would be able to get a kind of internal supply that he can draw on to start and sustain fires. Out of the contributions from Weak Attraction, I imagine Deku would be able to exert a ton of control over fire, smoke, ash and possibly even pulling/pushing/moving things currently on fire up to a weight limit.

It would make him really good in a Firefighter role I imagine, redirecting all the dangerous things in a burning building away from him, moving burning wreckage, keeping the smoke away, holding the roof and ceiling together just long enough to move past while trying to get out, things like that.
>If you kill them you'll be just as bad as them
Not the rich folks exactly, the bourgeoisie was left largely unscathed (since they were the ones in charge in Parliament after the Revolution). The aristocracy is the one that got BTFO'd.
That's not the argument I'm making, at all.
well then I guess Robespierre didn't go far enough
>in the platoon jump you just roamed Russia in your giant wolf form becoming a local legend, not caring about the conflict and just attacking when someone attacked-
Most of it has already happened. And to be fair, most of the Holodomor wasn't completely Stalin's fault.
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>You deserve to die for being rich
You are worse than the Nazis Tera.
Airburst + Lighter is invisible incendiary grenades and stuff, for sure. The higher it gets pushed, the bigger the blasts I imagine. Maybe even forming them in your general vicinity at upper levels instead of needing to hand pack them yourself.
Shit, there's evidence that implies that they DID NOT indiscriminately kill everyone, namely that severe lack of extermination camps, no mass graves to be found, and the fact that he was actually trying to SEND THEM TO ISRAEL. Plus, if they were trying to kill all the Jews, wouldn't they have, you know, just killed them right then and there instead of wasting valuable time and resources to send them to camps where they just wasted more resources to keep them alive? Plus, absolutely no acknowledgement of any sort of genocide at all by the Nazis during the war. At all.
I do have to agree with Bancho that if you'd willingly be part of something like the Nazi party – not just a German soldier, but an actual fucking Nazi, Which is different – then your reasons don't matter. Nationalism is not excuse for violations of basic human rights.

And yes, obviously there are plenty of other groups that similarly need to be fucked in the eyesocket. But Nazis are the most prominent in most people's minds.
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The "On Horatio Nelson" bit was better than that one, IMO.

>Take the Battle of the Nile:


>It looks like a real fuckfest. That's because it was. It was a confused night action (which is to say, a night action) where basically the first thing that happened was a British warship running aground and the other ones falling out of formation.


>The French fought ferociously, and got some pretty good licks in (an alien concept in this thread), but the British tactic worked, not because Nelson was some perfect chessmaster, but because he trained and instilled into his crews the purpose behind their actions. When the plan began to unravel, individual captains relied on their own initiative and their own skill to follow the spirit of the plan and rescue the situation in spite of difficulty.

>When's the last time a ship captain in an HH fleet engagement had to rely on personal initiative? You can replace them all with a sign that says "stay in formation."

>"What do we do, captain?" *looks at sign* "Oh yeah."

>Notice how nice and organized the French fleet was? That's because they chained their ships in place, fully intending to fight from anchor. This was not some hilariously stupid thing. They knew they weren't as good at sailing as the British, but were pretty good at fighting, so they secured themselves in a line of battle formation, close to shore. It didn't work out in the end, but against a less inspired commander, it probably would have.

>How did Nelson know they'd fight from anchor? He didn't. He had a whole different plan for if they'd sailed out to fight him.

>In HH, Honor/Nelson would have magically predicted exactly what the enemy would do. Not that it would matter, since combat in that universe is about as complicated as doing your laundry.
Now I kinda want to unlock his genetic potential. So he can pwn Bakugo. But he won't be able to be OFA.

Would he still be able to become greatest hero if he doesn't have OFA?
>Good Nazis totally exist, guys.
I don't see why not. He's got the brains and the drive for it, and he's damn good at figuring out an enemy's weaknesses.
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So basically I could pull a pic related, just with air and fire?
Thank you. Seriously, thank you.

First thing that comes to mind is basing one on Negi's troubles with Magia Erebea. Having to duel an Eva copy in his mind, being corrupted by it, and so on.

I'll try and think of more, but it's been /quite/ a while since I've read the manga... Maybe being turned into a small puppet like Chachazero?

>Imagine if Weber had used his authorial fiat to make a combat paradigm that was actually anything like the age of Nelson. Ships could fight slow and at short range, occasionally resorting to boarding actions. Communication could be difficult and unreliable due to jamming, forcing captains to rely on their judgment rather than simply relaying orders a computer already relayed for them. Ships could FTL up to one another and then lumber about slowly, producing dramatic set-pieces.

>I believe they tried this before. It was called "all television, movies, and video games."

>If you wanted to be more Nelsonian than that, you should've had cannons shooting off the gravitic mainmast, before the subspace wind shifts, suddenly putting one side at a disadvantage.

>As written, HH is one of the less age-of-sail sci-fi universes out there. People only call it that because apparently they'll believe any goddamn thing they're told.
We're not sure how he gets there yet, but One For All is incredibly strong and makes many contributions along his journey. He definitely has the heart, the brains and the drive for it for it though.

Just dropping in to say that I completely agree with that anon. More drawbacks in general would be pretty nice, although I do like the current 100 and 200CP ones (even though Idiot is something nobody would ever take, I'd imagine). As for ideas, a drawback that seals all abilities you got from other jumps would be neat, those are always "thematic" (because those abilities don't actually exist in this universe). Despite planning to read the series I haven't done so yet, so I can't be of much more help there. Perhaps an "X hates/wants to kill you" drawback if it fits? I've heard about the journey to Mars being extremely dangerous, though I've got no clue if that's true, so maybe a plotbound drawback that ensure you'll fight all the big enemies. Other than that, it's a harem, so perhaps a 100CP drawback that ensures you'll have actual romantic problems all the way and won't coast by like Negi. Really, there's lots of stuff you can make into drawbacks if you're creative and actually know the series.
Now. Now. Perhaps bancho is on to something here.
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I had to stop Hitler from obtaining the Spear of Longinus. But Russia didn't have any of the crazy magical bullshit all the other countries had, so I had to supplement them with super science. We used weather machines to take advantage of the cold Russian blizzards and unforgiving terrain, and giant forcefields to fortify our positions. But those were defensive countermeasures. To actually fight back required us to utilize armies of power armored soldiers, with supplemental robot infantry and the occasional large mecha. But actually securing the spear required more finesse. It required the use of a special ops team, working under stealth so they wouldn't know to try to move its location. Once it was secured we were to deliver it to Stalin, but it was "lost" during the transfer, never to be found again.

I'm not sure where I put it. I think it's behind a crate somewhere in the warehouse basement. There's a lot of old junk back there.
Spent Sabaton jump with the Armia Krajowa. It was one thing to hold Warsaw against the Germans, especially with companions tearing their command structure to ribbons. It's another thing simultaneously keeping the Reds from stomping on in without undermining the allied war effort.
Please tell me we aren't going into holocaust denial...
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>But Russia didn't have any of the crazy magical bullshit all the other countries had, so I had to supplement them with super scienc
Konata, did you make it happen?
But you never learn anything.
>be part of something like the Nazi party
Assuming that they had perfect knowledge. Which few if any people joining the nazi party actually had.
That's not what the dude's saying though.
Didn't the Chinese starve 100 million of their own people under Mao Zedong?
Going by raw numbers, wouldn't that make the Chinese worse than Nazis?
It's not like some people are worth more than others. A life is a life.
>And Eva was totally powerless most of the series, because her powers were Sealed by the headmaster
No, her powers were sealed by Nagi which is why it was explicitly beyond the power of the Headmaster to permanently break.
They did actually. They tried and failed to assassinate Hitler.
I've only been to one so far. I made 6 enchanted rings that would turn their wielders into magical girls. Soldier Wind was an American Air Force Pilot. Soldier Water was a British Navy Man. Soldier Earth was a French Resistance Fighter. Soldier Nature was a Russian Infantryman, with a bear sidekick. Soldier Fire was an Italian bomber. Soldier Nuclear was Oppenheimer.
If you don't know about this guy, you've been living under a rock.

This scientist just worked on computers, and his work got interfered with by the war.

This guy is a composer, and he's demanded that all royalties from the war period go to the Red Cross.

I didn't even know about the last two guys till I just clicked around randomly on the list of Nazi party members on Wikipedia.
I learned some things very slowly. Why do you think I didn't go back to my old handle when I was found out?
There's a first time for everything, anon.
Come, listen to bancho. Let his wisdom flow through you. Come to the bancho side of the force. We have genocide... I mean cookies.
Oh, alright. I'll agree with you on that. There's no arguing that the Nazis were evil, but the way they're used as the gold standard for evil is pretty silly. There have been worse groups. I mean, we allied with Stalin to fight the Nazis, and he killed somewhere between two and five times the number of people they did, depending on what analysis you use. I think it's probably just because the Nazis were stylish evil, you know? They've got an appealing aesthetic to them, makes them almost comic book characters (doesn't help that we had so many golden age comics about fighting Nazis, of course), and that left a strong impression in the collective unconscious that they were what evil looked like.
No problem, like I said I'm usually open to ideas. They're a lot easier to work with than people just telling me something's wrong with no way to fix it.

Could do, I guess I'll be rereading the series and trying to write something.

That could be added, but it would probably be 100 or 200 at most. There's no real risk, it's mostly an annoyance; might be 200 if it was particularly un-lifelike and needs magic to keep running or something.

Like I said, I'll be happy to take ideas.
On the other hand... no offense, but I can't use most of those. One of the ones we've been arguing about is an existing power loss drawback, although most kinds of fantasy abilities (from magic to superfighters to space and timewarp tech) do exist in the universe. IIRC you're pretty well tied to the plot from your insertion, and I do detest having "X Hates You" drawbacks unless there are absolutely no other options (Again, they're way too generic most of the time). Might add a romantic troubles one, but I've already got a harem-linked drawback in it.

I apologize for asking for help then arguing with your suggestions, but... I just don't know how many of them I could work in.

I apologize, you're probably right, but it's functionally the same; powers are sealed, can't use them or leave specific area without specific tasks or coincidences.
I am actually unsure as to the computational properties of compressed mana/ki.
You learn them so slowly that it's basically you not learning at all. You regress a lot, and you're still a massive hypocrite. You get hot-headed and fly off the handle when people disagree with you, and refuse to take any criticism into consideration.
Membership was essentially mandatory, cretin.
>Soldier Nuclear was Oppenheimer.
>makes them almost comic book characters
Musolinni was a better Super Villain.
Man had buildings with his face on them, surrounded by the word "Yes"
>holocaust denial...
From what I udnerstand of the sane arguments of this, is that the holocaust happened, just less an act of malice as it's been presented and more a form of horrific neglect.
Personally I find that more horrifying not less, but some people take it as an effort to minamalise or understate the holocaust and flip their shit about it.

No. I am a rational person like my father before me!
You've failed, anon. I will never turn to the bancho-side.
>No. I am a rational person like my father before me!
Lucky bastard, my birth-father wasn't rational at all.
I rather like that artwork. Im not sure why but it just seems really appealing to me.
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>Asked question about what jumpers did in WWII
>Sparked /pol/ debate and Bancho flame war
I think the way we remember them is tied to how jewish people were treated. It's unthinkable today to treat someone differently for being jewish, but before WWII, anti-semitism was if anything the norm.
WWII was used, wisely as a means to get rid of that, and was spun to do so. That's why you didn't hear about the gypsies and homosexuals and disabled people that were killed until decades later. The focus had to be on jews in order to demonise anti-semitism in order to get rid of it. And it was a major success.

Something to bear in mind if you jump to a time period immediately before the war, or immediately after.
Well its tim curry. So yes.
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Rockwell is pretty well known, anon.
To be clear. I think that was a very good thing.
Not criticising. Lauding it if anything.
Some good had to come out of it after all. Might as well be in the form of getting rid of an old and persistant stigma.
It's not so much horrific neglect as them having to choose between their people and everyone else. Most prisoners died during the latter part of the war after supply lines had been cut and they weren't able to get necessary things out. Shit, the camps had recreational amenities like swimming pools and areas to play sports, as well as BROTHELS for the prisoners!
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Don't forget camp scrip.
Ya forgot to mention that the reason and motive to do this was because the people behind American media, especially anything based in Hollywood, were and are largely Jewish.
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And weddings.
He certainly didn't have an issue with some Jews working with him in some capacity, like that little scamp Soros.
Wow. You don't see that in Schindler's List.

I have to admit that I did find it strange, that with circumstances as horrible as reported, that as many people survived the camps. I mean given how long they had been in the camps, under those circumstances that they were found in near the end of the war should have been lethal if sustained throughout their time there.
What you said does offer up an explanation to that.
4 beds, 5 couches, multiple cushions, and my cat prefers sleeping on Carhartt pants lying on the hardwood floor.

What quirks do your pets have, jumper?
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Jump # 136 Europa Universalis
Origin: Merchant (100)
Gender: Female
Starting location: Paris
Nation: France
*Of rules and regulations (50)
*Loyal Subordinates (100, Discount)
*Starting Wealth (50, Discount)
*Trading Port (300, Discount)
*East Jumper Company (400, Discount

Ok, so mistakes were made. Honestly for this jump I was tired of war and ruling and politics. Just making money seemed to be the most tolerable thing.

Things were going well enough for me I was raking in money hand over fist and had plenty to invest in new ventures. I choose to go easy on the introducing new technologies. I did advance the medical field quite a bit and was a big proponent of treating the poor like people and helping the poor.

Well with such a great start I started acquire enemies. Usually that isn’t much of a problem and here it shouldn’t have been however despite my many luck perks I started to run in to trouble.

Sometimes it was bad weather sinking a boat, or Pirates… or simply making a bad investment. With my fellows working to sabotage and under cut me it was very hard to recover.

In the end despite having knowledge of the future to work with and super powers the only thing really keeping me afloat was money I got from other purchases in the chain. I survived… certainly though I had to relocate after the revolution broke out. It just was a long period of frustration. Well can’t win them all I guess and I got to spend my time amid my family so I can’t truly call it a loss.
>after supply lines had been cut
So you could say, that the allies were the ones responsible for all those deaths and covered up their responsibility by claiming the nazi's has a moustache-twirling agenda of really impractical and wasteful genocide.
That's tragic and sad.
Sorry to bother you, but while you're here, a question about Platoon:

>superhuman though you may be, even the toughest Jumpers will be killed by a direct hit from an 88, not to mention the effects of saturation bombing

Is this just fluff, or is it a fiat guarantee that such things will instantly kill you?
More like the Soviets. All of the "Confirmed" Death Camps were the ones checked by the Soviet forces.
Why would Soviet forces, with their incredibly inhumane actions, want to paint the Nazis as pure evil I wonder.
Plus there's the fact that they had a pretty good fucking reason to hate the Jews: have any of you heard of the coup that a group of communist Jews tried to pull off? They ended up killing thousands of Germans before they were stopped? It was still very fresh in the minds of Germans when all this shit went down. Plus, there was the fact that major Jewish familes had their economy in a quite literal stranglehold that only ended once Hitler told them to fuck off and kickstarted it back into high gear.
The Holocaust happened, and it was bad, but the Germans had good reasons for the hate that they held.
It's fluff, from the early days of /jc/ when every jumper could be killed by that.
>No problem, like I said I'm usually open to ideas. They're a lot easier to work with than people just telling me something's wrong with no way to fix it.
Fair enough. I really liked the series, so having a bit more options to interact with it in-jump seems great.

>Could do, I guess I'll be rereading the series and trying to write something.
Sounds good. Again, thanks.

>That could be added, but it would probably be 100 or 200 at most. There's no real risk, it's mostly an annoyance; might be 200 if it was particularly un-lifelike and needs magic to keep running or something.
Yeah, I suppose that one isn't as bad as the others...

...huh. If you're going to add things anyway, would there be any chance of an option to take people along as companions?
Fluff, unless you're not specc'd for high-level combat.
Platoon is so old that it was literally the power level at the time. Jumpers couldn't survive a direct hit from such things and that was commonly accepted. Treat it as fluff now.
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obsession with sucking chakra, moon rabbit pets have high upkeep for some reason.
>thinking about Naruto jump
>remember I took Upon These Stones in Les Mis which gives memories of "the war" and sometimes war buddies
I could be a Third War vet?
If I remember correctly, the same thing happened in prison camps towards the end of the Civil War. Especially on the Union side, because yankees are and always have been massive cunts.
The English would agree with you, though they have a different definition of Yankee.
None taken. Although, I've got to say, amnesia and power loss drawbacks are already pretty generic, even if they happen in the series. And Evangeline would be pretty fitting for who you'd need to fight, especially if she got told by Jump-chan that her seal would be broken if she defeated you. As I said though, haven't read the manga yet, so it might not fit at all.
As for the power loss drawback itself, of course they'd have those abilities in their own system, but the ones a Jumper would have from other jumps would be pretty different, working on other metaphysics and such. And I generally just like those kinds of drawbacks much more if we get to keep the powers we purchased in the jump. They are actually fun to write/think about; "how would I do with only that stuff available to me?". Although I might be a bit biased here, as we do retain our technological skills. I just hate to use them, I'm more of a magic guy. Maybe a toggle would be appropriate, to change the drawback between the two options for a loss/gain of 100CP? But in the end it's just a matter of taste, and I'm not that invested in it anyway. Just throwing around suggestions.
I do think the harem drawback would fit though, a nice contrast between Negi's classical harem vs your "horror-harem", or whatever form it would take.
I feel like there's a massive bout of samefagging right now
You'd have to be pretty fucking old for a Ninja Academy graduate, but if you want to be in your late teens and graduating with 12 year olds...
Fluff, now. At the time, it was actually true (following diminishing returns, the toughest jumpers could get was a little bit tougher than tank armor) but now it's just fluff.

There already is one. Your Pactio partner comes with you. While that limits you to non-pactio'd people, that was intended as balance; you can't get Rakan or Eva, as they're both pactioed before the series starts, but you can get pretty much anyone else.
>That's a very good point. I'll change it to a 200 and get rid of the power loss, though that leaves me with too few 300 CP drawbacks. Any ideas?
Perhaps being made a keystone of the plan to destroy the magic world. Basically a forced into the central conflict of the plot as a key player drawback?
Reminder that the one of the main reasons the South sided with New England in the revolution is because the British troops in the area kept shitting on the locals.
Hey NuBee sorry for all the My Hero question, but I've got another one. Can a Companion take a Scenario?
Well, the English can take their definition and shove it up their tea-drinking, scone-eating, knife-binning asses.
I design them all to be sociable and respond well to physical contact. I don't want them to be naturally unfriendly if I end up leaving some behind, so they're easily trainable even if they're inherently loyal to me. As a side-effect of their friendliness, I end up at the bottom of a pile every time I lay down.

It's a big pile. Never so big that anyone is hurt, but movement is difficult.
I wouldn't go so far as to say they had a good reason to hate an entire group, anon. Individuals, of course. Communism is always a cancer, and the rich are often abusive monsters. But targeting even the poor for a religious and pseudo-racial association? Nah.
reminder that she was made from Madara's body.
A Mets fan would also agree with you.
My dog keeps trying to eat the moon. He hasn't been successful, yet, but he's getting close. I should not have engineered him to be so big.
>. Shit, the camps had recreational amenities like swimming pools and areas to play sports, as well as BROTHELS for the prisoners!
Gonna need you to cite your sources there, mate.
It is happening today, even if you want to keep it non political you have race riots in washington state and san fran destroying property and injuring people. Much of it in support of largely communist/socialist agendas.
It's alright. Companions may not take Scenarips, no.
We really shouldn't turn this thread into full 1488. If you want sources, /pol/ will happily provide them.
Alright, thanks. I thought as much, but couldn't find anything explicitly stating one or the other.
Well, nowadays there's really no need to keep a Jumper from being able to companion them, as we've got much, much stronger companion options now. Would you be amenable to changing it?
Put your name back on Strike-chan.
>BROTHELS for the prisoners!
Which they forced other prisoners to serve in.
problem is that humans are really goud at group thinking.
make them hate a few people that are part of a group and bam they now hate a group.
the only things you can really do is when you see your "group" leaning hard one way, counter lean so at least people will get "what if he's a good one" responce
>There already is one. Your Pactio partner comes with you.
Huh. I didn't realise they would come along, since that isn't mentioned at all.

Can you buy it multiple times then?

>While that limits you to non-pactio'd people, that was intended as balance; you can't get Rakan or Eva, as they're both pactioed before the series starts, but you can get pretty much anyone else.
...uh. No, it doesn't.

Albireo and Setsuna both had multiple Pactios as the Ministra. And Negi had a fuckton of them as Magister.
Most brothels had people being forced to serve in them, on both sides of any war ever. It's wrong, but you can't act like the Nazis are especially evil for doing it.
Yeah, but those riots are largely made up of whites, with some blacks involved. It's not a RACIAL riot, even if many are targeting a race (ironically the same as most of the participants.) And the ultimate motivation is, as you said, a communistic one. That is an ideal. They are happening ultimately because of an ideal system, not because of a race engaging in a conspiracy bent on destroying the west.

Please stop being an idiot.
You think I kept her in that? hell no, that's what homunculi are for.
Rolled 807 (1d816)

Rolling for thread jump
The Nazis openly embraced and propagated ruthlessness, cruelty, and an amoral "strength is all that matters" perspective.

Stalin himself had a similar mindset, and did much more evil, but he didn't attempt to poison the minds and hearts of his people with it. For Stalin, genocide was a means to an end, and a tool in his toolbox as a ruler - one that nobody else had any business wielding, or for that matter even understanding.

The fact that the USSR was communist is only really incidental in this case. If Stalin was head of state for the USSR under the same circumstances but with some other ideology, his actions would probably have been similar.

With the Nazis, their ideological ideas themselves very openly espoused elements that most people now (and even then,) would consider evil. And while soviet union communism also made some attempts at this, the Nazi ideology especially emphasized evil actions toward scapegoats as a way to rally the people and foster unity against common foes through in-group vs. out-group behaviours. This was the lion's share of its driving force.
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Why must evil baitets do this, why!?! MAKE IT STOP!!! NOW!!!
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>Nazi ideology especially emphasized evil actions toward scapegoats
I'm not even mad you've gotten me to go full /pol/.
Because they know, with the SB thread locked, if they kill this thread the game will be on life support.
What about Communism then?
They did address communism, read the damn post.
Jump 807 is... Yoshi's Island!

This is a fun jump. The mandatory drawbacks for every race was an interesting way to handle the different racial personalities. On the one hand, it denies previous jumps that might let you not act like usual members of your race. On the other, it makes it so you don't carry those instincts with you if you use it as an alt-form post-jump. I really like it.
>(((August Bebel)))
>communist is only really incidental in this case
Yeah that's why Mao, Pol Pot, and myriad other Communist leaders didn't commit genocide.

Oh wait.
>Conversations I don't like are bait
Nika, you might not know this about 4chan, but people honestly and earnestly do not believe in things that you do.
Maybe. I'll see if I or anyone else comes up with anything that has more of a spark or is less duplicative.

Maybe. I know I'm being picky, but again, "you have to follow the PLOT" always feels generic, especially if there's not an added element of risk. Maybe if you had to be used as a sacrifice... but then you're just running into "X wants to kill you."

No problem. Thought I had stated that in thread before, though. Know I have in the IRC at least, and I try to duplicate rulings I make there. Personally, I've had Mana Tatsumiya running around with my jumper.

Sorry, thought it was taken. No, no multiple purchases of perks unless explicitly stated; I thought that was standard.

Yeah, it does (or at least I thought so). Everyone with multiple pactios was either using the "trial" version, where you could have multiple and the bonding wasn't as... intimate, or was Alberico, who basically had "Turn into other people's powers and pacts" as his artifact (and IIRC there was more going on to him then it appeared at the time, but mostly got skipped in the weird ending stuff).

So, adding a 200 CP Doll drawback, and I guess clarifying that a Partner is a companion. I'll try writing up a "you're a keystone of the plot" drawback, but it may get scrapped; same for a "you can't get no harem" one.
But the baiter in question admitted to doing the bait...you fool.
I know you can just ignore what you don't like over on Tumblr, but that shit ain't how we do it here. You gotta deal with it.
Show proof.
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Yoshi Island JumpChain.pdf
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Yoshi Island!!
Here's the Jump for y'all convenience.
How about that folks??
Yeah, just checked the wiki: Imma had a bunch of pactios, but all of the partners were dead except Nagi. So it's like Mana.
Somebody help this poor cat, eyes that big can't possibly be healthy desu.
No shy girl drawback/10
Alright, but nobody else involved is baiting. They just believe in things you don't. They were simply fooled into this conversation.
>Sorry, thought it was taken. No, no multiple purchases of perks unless explicitly stated; I thought that was standard.
Usually, yes? But this isn't a perk, it's a companion option.
>implying it's not the shitposter pretending he started the conversation in order to promote more shitposting
Mhmm...but they still started this nonsense. I don't think multiple people all decided to start baiting, that's some immpressive fanfiction you wrote though.
Even someone being malicious can inspire people to begin and engage in meaningful discourse. How it starts doesn't limit it.
Maybe it's not bait and we were actually having a conversation. Did you think of that, or are you just trying to come up with reasons why we don't think like you?
It should be impressive, we're on an indonesian fanfiction smuggling forum after all.
>I don't think multiple people all decided to start baiting
Funny, that's exactly what I think is happening.

I mean, fuck, where do you think we are?
>Yeah, it does (or at least I thought so). Everyone with multiple pactios was either using the "trial" version, where you could have multiple and the bonding wasn't as... intimate, or was Alberico, who basically had "Turn into other people's powers and pacts" as his artifact (and IIRC there was more going on to him then it appeared at the time, but mostly got skipped in the weird ending stuff).
Evangline also had Chachazero as her Ministra first, before swapping to Chachamaru.

Sorta. Don't think they got Pactio cards, which would mean Eva would be open to take along with that anyway.
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The issue is that you keep calling all the posters 'bait'. That's not how it works. Arguing when you don't want an arguing, saying things you don't like, they are not bait. They are only bait if they were posted for no reason other than to cause shitposting. An opinion earnestly expressed with no ulterior motives is not baiting.
It's in the perk section. It follows the perk tree structure for its background. It's a perk. Even if it wasn't: No, it's not purchasable multiple times, and I don't intend to make it so.

Just pointing out, this is part of the reason I hate doing jump updates; we started with one person disagreeing with the wording of a drawback, and now I'm adding several more, possibly rewriting others, and having to make rulings on perks, all for a jump over three years old where any change affects lots of builds. Sorry to whine, but... yeah.
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Part of what made the jump challenging was I basically had to use these guys to help fight off the Nazis, but at the same time, I was pretty sure I didn't want to just hand the keys to being a world superpower over to Stalin. So it was pretty touch and go, trying to figure out a balance between not getting stomped by Nazi superscience and occultism, but not letting us just steamroll over every other country.
So no, that actually didn't happen.

Russia ended up with something more akin to Fallout tech, which didn't even include the really GOOD robot designs. Hence stuff like "power armored soldiers" instead of "just send an infinite wave of robots".
Our offensive capabilities, while cool looking, where honestly kindof slapdash.

The huge forcefield generators and blizzard machines were top notch, though. I was really impressed with myself there.
Really struck a chord on the whole idea of the "Iron Curtain".

Tim Curry is a national treasure.
I'm... not sure how that would have worked, though I don't doubt you. I do know that they got cards; we saw Chachazero's at one point, though I don't remember seeing Chachamarus (and it was a huge deal that Negi was able to pactio Chachamaru, much later). I think that she was just serving as her ministra, in the "front-line fighter while the mage casts" sense, rather than actually being one in the magical sense.
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No problem! Now for something you've earned by helping me through this!

My Hero Academia
Quirky (+100)
Tragic Backstory (+200)
Growing Pains (+300)
Scenario: Big Bad Conspiracy:
Origin: Drop-In
Quirk: Fiber Body(-300) Made of cloth that’s tougher than the average human? Neat!
"Superficial Mutant" (Free) I’m purple. Like, all of me save for my sharklike eyes
Quirk Marriage (-300) Fiber Mastery
Undiscovered (Free)
What? Who? (Free)
Industrial Support (-300)
False Certifications (Free)
Industrial Support Workshop (-300)

Canon Companion + “Backup” (-400):
Origin: Student
Quirk: Weak Attraction Tier 3
Quirk Marriage: Lighter Tier 2.
It Might Be Destiny
Push Through
All Might Memorabilia (Free)

I've chosen to be less monster of flesh and dna and more cute kid who is kinda creepy. My parents were killed in one of the last All for One raids, though I don't know that, and it was years before anyone managed to find me, I'd been a cloth being my entire life and turning into threads to reshape myself had been one of the first tricks I'd learned to get away from the bad guys. Which meant I've heard some things over the years. I have to get this to someone, anyone, who'll listen. But the way things are no one believes me, 'trauma' they say in those pretentious tones.

Well that's fine. I can help Deku out as he becomes great, his mother and father had saved me from the streets it's the least I can do now even if she thinks I'm a tinfoil hat wearing nut. Heck if it weren't for my efforts the addition of One for All would have been too much for his body to handle, even given the fact that he'd gotten utterly shredded in a few months. However the suit can only mitigate so much of the massive damage the strength that One for All brings to causes, maybe 50% at best. Thankfully he mostly stick to his inherited Quirks which I've made the suit adapted to for years.

Will One for All pass Deku's powers forwards?
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Jumpers how many of you have endured Teen Titans GO?
I would rather die.
>Geometric Blast
>Regardless of the target, it does exactly an eighth of their maximum health in damage.
...Holy shit. An attack that explicitly does a major fraction of damage to any target, literally any target. Explicitly. That sounds... too good to be true. I understand it has some drawbacks, but not anything that couldn't be mitigated with teleportation, time-stop, or portals.
I would also rather that guy die.
>Will One for All pass Deku's powers forwards?
We don't know. Nana had powers in addition to One for All, but we don't know what those are or if they passed with One for All.
What's that? Some kind of Gogurt commercial with Teen Titans?
I've braved Lovecraft, Commoragh, Food Fight, and Sonichu... But I will never subject myself to that.
It's like if the Nutshack had a baby with the original Teen Titans.
Actually the running theory is that Nana had some kind of super charisma or something in a few sites I've looked into it
Yes, but we have no evidence for any power in-story. The only even kinda-sorta idea we have is Hand-man's power, and that could be from a parent unrelated to Nana, or it could be something All for One game him.
What the heck it cut out a part:
>Actually the running theory is that Nana had some kind of super charisma, the actual transforming thing, or something in a few sites I've looked into it
What are your thoughts on the powerwanking-fest that is Marvel Magic?
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I would do it.
yeah... no I think I will have to go with the, would rather die crowd. I am honestly surprised no one has made it it's own jump just so people can force it on Roll Chainers like they do the Room and Garzy's wing.
I'd jump there just so I can bring the grimdark and ruin everyone's fun there because I'm an immature bastard when it comes to things I don't like.
Why not? It seems odd to only allow people to take one person at all, especially in a harem story...

You'd have to split up the cheerleaders or Konoka and Setsuna or Nodoka and Yue, and so on...
What the fuck!
In suddenly understand why noone wants to go into Teen Titans Go
>>53659963As your actions in this thread have demonstrated rather adequately.
Starfire lkterally comes from a hellish world where there is only only war, the air is made of burning chemicals, and there is no fun. She is so happy because otherwise she would be dead from grief.
Damn, that sucks. Alright, I won't do it then.
Haven't read it yet. Also, might want to bait that hook a little better.

Test Drawback:
Jumperzero: +200 CP
Rather than having your own fleshy body, you’re instead locked into a magically-animated doll of wood and cloth, no more than two feet high and dressed in a maid costume. You still have all of your senses and sentience, but it’ll take powerful magic being fed into you (either from the environment or a willing mage) to give you the ability to do more than talk and move your head. Even when you regain motion, there are some things you just can’t do (or can’t appreciate) in a doll’s body.

Because that doesn't fit with the rules of permanent Pactios in setting. Additionally, though I admit they're weak arguments: at the time more than one companion, and canon companions at all, were still pretty weird (Pokemon excepted) and while this would be a better than usual case, I'm still not sure it's justified; Doing so now would make builds require lots of changing; and I feel the inclusion of the (first) free mass import and sex change got across the "harem for everybody" feel well enough without turning the jump into nothing but a shopping cart for powerful waifus with artifacts.
I Stand-battled Hitler on top of a zeppelin over burning Berlin for control of Nazi Germany

You asked me what my plans were and now that I've completed them Jump chan won't be mad at me anymore
don't forget how beast boy dies from dysentery one episode.
Feed me your tears. They sustain me!
You better have pulled at least one "The next thing you're going to say is!" on Hitler. Or said something about German science being the best in the world.
>Haven't read it yet.
Don't then. You'll probably have an aneurysm.
Don't forget how Beast Boy is literally a Green Lantern construct in one episode, and has been one all along according to that episode.
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Can I convince Ichigo to become my persona if I have wildcard?

Or /a/ shinigami, if not him?
I'll...I'll CURE HIM with the power of JUMPER SCIENCE!

I will no longer do grimdark things, but I will work on making it actually funny...I will make a better world, with these hands. Teen Titans GO will become a better place, and I will put that effort into it.
That... actually sounds pretty amusing, in an insane way.
Why is that chibi so ugly?
Why do you think he is green and can change shape?
It's a Funko Pop, they're horrifying. And there's more where that came from. It's like if a robot looked at what made things cute and decided to imitate it but didn't understand WHY they were cute.
To explain, it's an episode where all the Titans are giving origin stories for themselves, which are obviously twists on actual super hero origin stories. Then, we get to Beast Boy, who's backstory is exactly Green Lantern's. When Robin calls him out on this, Beast Boy tells him that the reason why is that he's a Green Lantern construct, and has been one along, before promptly fading from existence. John Stewart is then seen laughing behind a potted plant.
The Jam Semblance from RWBY
Because he is an avatar of the Red, the metaphysical force/consciousness behind all animal life in the setting?
Don't blame the chibi, blame the source material.

But more honestly, no clue.
So why do they get money?
Wait, really? Is that what he's actually supposed to be?
Because they look extremely collectable, and it is inexplicable human nature to find and collect EVERYTHING small and unique enough to be different but follows a uniform enough pattern.

The human mind is truly a truly dark and frightening place, to find such horrors "collectable"

that's sarcasm about the 'human nature' part
Now I want to watch that episode.
The show is amusing in an insane way. A lot of schadenfreude, a lot of mean-spirited jokes, a lot of in-jokes for comic fans. It doesn't waste time with things like empathy unless it's to punish someone later on, or even pretend it has anything resembling actual continuity outside of some recurring villains. It can even be clever sometimes, but that's something like 1 in 40 jokes.
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He kinda is in some of the comics.

It would make sense.
Naw fool, its because hes a hard light construct. Duh.
Mean-spirited humor is for chumps
Well, Hitler was a cyborg, so it was more a corny dialog in the style of
>Good thing I'm not from this world then
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Hey jumpers, I've got good news and bad news. The good news is that I finally finished imaging and adding the last few changes tot he Samurai Jack jump. The bad news is that it's now 13MB, and I can't make it any smaller without it looking like shit. So I'll upload the HD version to the drive and if anyone wants It I'll post the slightly lower quality version here in the thread.

Changelog 4
>Spelling and grammar fixes.
>Added the size limit notes to "Shapeshifting".
>"Natural Weapon" can be purchased multiple times.
>Improved the description for "Energy Beams".
>Added an explination to the item section header saying that anything purchaased from that section respawns.
>Added an explination to the companion section header saying that companions respawn.
>Merged the two notes detailing Teleportation.
Well, it's for kids. Kids are the definition of chumps. That's why they like Johnny Test.
Shouldn't there be a competing company with a similar business model but actually cute designs? It's not hard, you just need a rounder head, more human/anime eyes, and a less stupidly placed mouth with an actual expression. There, you have chibis that don't look like fat mouse pinkies with down syndrome.
>Johnny Test
>reminding us of a Wakfu jump
Yes, much like how Swamp Thing is one for the Green, the metaphysical force/consciousnesses behind all plant life in the setting. There are others too. Basically anyone with animal or plant based powers is actually tapping into the Red or Green on some level.

Recently they've decided to split everything water related into the Blue, which is the metaphysical force/consciousness behind everything in the ocean, plant or animal or algae. No, it doesn't make a single bit of sense.
The way I heard it, nobody liked Johnny Test. Not even kids. The ratings were actually really bad.
The thing was, though, that it got by on that law that requires a certain amount of Canadian broadcasting to be produced in Canada, so they got government subsidies and it was really fucking cheap to produce. Hence, it could be aired for basically nothing.
Why is his fly so huge and prominent?
Okay. Makes sense, but I would've thought that the Avatar of Red would operate on a higher scale than anything I remember Beast Boy doing.
...Beast Boy got bit by a rattlesnake and he didn't shift into something that can take rattlesnake poison.

Still, shitting yourself to death is a really undignified way to die. Dysentery in general sounds horrifying to experience and I should know because I took a biology class ALL about infectious diseases.
My nieces and nephews like it, but the oldest of them is 7, so most of them will laugh at the word coconut if you say it out of nowhere.
My nieces are the same age, but they stopped liking it and watch The Loud House now.
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So I'm the guy who brought up Marvel Mutants last thread but I went to bed a while before Marvel_Anon showed up and I'd like to give a counterargument now.

I'm not interested in making Mutants for more power. To be frank, Marvel Magic already offers more power and versatility then anything I'd be able to offer in Mutants and there are far more jumps like with more power then mutants outside of the Marvel range. The reason I want to make Mutants is because X Men and associated groups have been a big part of Marvel for decades on decades. They have so many stories and unique characters, good stuff and hilariously awful stuff, and I've followed them for years. That's why I want to make the jump, to give more focused to that part of X men and their associated characters, the stuff in the comics that is specific to them.

The current jump...while I won't give comment on it's quality, I do think it is 'too' generic. It barely covers anything. Sure, you can say mutants wouldn't offer any new powers (Though again to be frank, this is only because the Marvel jump is almost nothing but powers) but Marvel magic is kind of in the same boat. A lot of it's powers can be replicated by saying your perks power source is magical, since as I recall you can do that in the jump. Obviously they won't be at the same level of power but...that's kind of the same situation with Mutants. And like I said, I wanted to make the jump for stories and characters and groups of the comic mutants, not for their powers. The powers would be entirely separate from the perks.

The same thing is the reason why I'm not all that interested in X Men Evolution or the like. Yes, they're similar but I like comics mutants, despite all the problems, and I want to make something to show the good parts they have, as well as show off the dumb bits for people to laugh at. I don't want such a big part of Marvel Comics to be relegated to a single drawback that just makes people think you're a mutant and be mean to you.
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He has turned into everything from a T-Rex to a Roided up to Human Beast thing (Adonis and pic related) and an alien in the original series of cartoons/comics.
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What is there to in the Madoka jump?
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They do, it's called Nendoroid (And they're posable + have swappable face plates for maximum hilarity) but they don't really offer their products overseas like Funko Pop does iirc, thus it's pretty expensive.
>if anyone wants It I'll post the slightly lower quality version here in the thread
Please do.
Greg Baldwin did a thing.

Fuck off, powerwanker. It's clear you're just gonna make another Marvel powergrab.
sounds good to me
Adopt Daughterus.
I'm sure SB would be more appreciative of your "efforts"... oh wait.
Really? You had to resort to samefagging? Pathetic.
Since you're considering drawbacks for Negima how about something which makes you unable to do either long term planning or massively indecisive about short term stuff
To capitalize on the whole Smart vs. Stupid thing from the Mundus Magicus arc
He also became a demon beast thing in hell.
Just do a Muh Phoenix jump.
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Samurai Jack JumpChain-LQ.pdf
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Punt Kyubey.
Eat Kuubey for an infinite food source. Don't let the rat bastard even eat his own corpse to recycle it just to spite him.
So, I want to start a chain relying as little on perk power as I can manage. Building skills, modifying the body, anything so long as it can be reasonably said to be separate from perks. Any advice?
I am not an expert on it but if you could find some way of avoiding the heat death of the universe that doesn't involve conning girls in to becoming magical girls then letting them turn in to monsters when they eventually and nearly inevitably fall in to despair. That would be a good thing.
Another thing thing is use stasis pods (or canan companion options if your taking Madoka wraith) to save the girls from the messed up universe they are in.
Do learning + softcap perks count? Because you're gonna need them.
What are some ways to duplicate stuff in-world? (Other than Minecraft: Cheat Mode)
Mutants have strong themes and tons of background material that give you more than enough to work with to make a good jump that is completely distinct from the generic Marvel one. I say go for it.
I support you.
Also stock up on shiny toys since you have all that free CP.
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Just calming down people from the new mechanical moon in the sky. It's okay guys, I kept telling them, it'll totally be worth it once your metal plants start growing.

Also I had the weirdest suicide intervention I've ever been involved in, because the guy wanted to stay extra did so he wouldn't be yanked out of his comfy afterlife.

>What in the World is Carmen Sandiego


In Dogs of War, I decided becoming an Incarnate of High Magic would be useful for surviving the incredibly awful future. So in between the Dark Elf version of a siesta, I kept sneaking off to work on a Greater Grail.

Long before I'd formally fused the systems, I found the First and HSDW helped a lot. I used Kemmlerian necromancy to kickstart the system, using countless zombies of dead plants to covertly siphon all the death energy off battlefields and feed it into the grail. I wielded Soulfire through the First, to actualise a subtle unravelling/re-ravelling of the Vortex-one recombinant holy air current for each wind. High ranks in Item/Territory Creation let me reinforce the vessel against Warp interference, convert the root zombies into space-warping lifeforce leachers and vastly amplify it's energy output by creating a Bounded Field NP based on a shard of the Lordvessel.

Even so, I needed both an Angelus Stone (to stabilise the amplified Winds) and the boosted Perfect Vessel (to withstand my spell; I had to ad-lib something with Refined Casting since I had no wishcraft at the time) to perform the rite safely.

As for where I did it-I did promise Morathi I was going to kick off her birthday with the best party trick ever, and nobody wants to peer into a dark elvish royal basement. Not even other dark elves.

We may or may not have both been high on powdered warpstone at the time I came up with the idea.

It was one of those HOLD MY BEER GOBLET moments that just kinda snowballed into legend.
Because we obviously need more comic and capeshit jumps.

Oh wait, we're saturated. Just like with japshit.
Carmen Sandiego.
Played the game as a kid, but it was not near as entertaining as the game show. Also, I notice the Player (Drop In backgroind) only has two items. You could rearrange things and have give them three items like everyone else, one of which could be a ACME Detective Agency/WitWiCD Game Show, (which would dovetail wonderfully with the C-Five Corridor and Car, even if price prohibitive)

>Drop In
change name to Player (Drop In) since perk/item discounts list Player as the Background Name.

>Age & Gender:
change cost to select both to 50 CP. It's not worth 100, and give more 50 CP options.

Ditto the paying CP to choose.
Also in this jump the ability to start anywhere in the world should be free to the Thief background for reasons.

Also, I was expecting some perk that would have given local knowledge and a talent for getting to anywhere quickly & quietly.
New Items:
>World Almanac Books Reference Bookshelf (w/ lifetime subscription)
Published yearly from 1868-1875, and every year from 1886 onward, you have a the editions for every single setting and world you've ever been to, for all the years you were present there (even the unpublished years). Other then reappearing in the included bookshelf in new condition if lost or damaged, these are otherwise mundane if well written and researched books. The Bookcase is a well made and attractive solid book ebony bookcase suitable for any Lawyers Office or Ivy League Library, and that can amazingly hold all the World Almanac books on just one shelf, no matter how many you have!.
This is your FREE gift for agreeing to appear as a contestant in the Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego Jump. Lets have a big hand for our sponsors Jump-Chan, the Benefactor, and Marvel Anon!

But if that's not enough...
>The World Almanac and Book of Facts, Expanded Deluxe Edition (50 CP, Free for Been Around the World)
Though still well written and researched, this is no mundane reference text. Containing infinite pages and a comprehensive and context sensitive index in a package the size of a normal World Atlas, you can find data on any place you have ever been, containing all the information the World Almanac Reference Bookshelf has in one easy to search book, as well as more comprehensive info on smaller locations, because it is also a National Almanac & Book of Facts for any Nation you've been to, a State Almanac & Book of Facts for any State you've been to, a City Almanac & Book of Facts for any city. and if Space Travel is a thing can scale up the coverage area to Solar Systems, Spiral Arms, Quadrants, and Galaxies or Galactic Clusters as appropriate to the setting.
Nigga, we have just as many jumps of Western literature and videogames as capeshit, probably much more.
New Perk Idea
>Been Around the World (100 CP?)
This gives you all the information in The World Almanac and Book of Facts, Expanded Deluxe Edition without ever having to pop open the cover. You don't need the book, you ARE the book, and all information that could be found there can be accessed with a thought.
>Go to class for the last five hours
>come back, people've drunk the Iranian kool-aid
>there's shit smeared all over the walls
>My couch is out in the backyard on fire

This is the last time I leave you fucks without a babysitter.
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Everyone's a sociopath, there is no consistent characterization, event sequencing, or backstory, people die and/or are maimed for the sake of comedy, and occasionally an entire plots will be dedicated to making fun of people who dislike them.

I would rather be torn apart by wild dingoes.

But Cyborg has good taste in music.

> goto Samurai Jack jump
> take the time extension drawback
> show up at the final battle
> Jack and Ashi go through the portal
> yfw Aku just starts singing this song

Holy shit that would make up for everything.
Rust has Duplication for mundane, manufactured stuff.

You could also just use Sburb 'alchemy' to duplicate stuff.
What's the point of the items then? It's 50cp more for not having to lug around a book everywhere.
Four-Seasons Changer from The Polity is a solid starting point.
It's... well, just read the Polity short story it was featured in: http://www.infinityplus.co.uk/stories/adaptogenic.htm

Eclipse Phase is also excellent, especially with the +0 lore-compliant-homebrew-is-OK drawback. Then you can get stuff like this:
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I fought on the American side-and quickly got annoyed they were a lot more interested in using my daredevil dogfighting stunts for propaganda, than actually using me and mine for commando missions. In the end I just went rogue, tossed Jack Churcill a high frequency claymore on the field of battle and used the subsequent slaughter to start working with Ian Fleming on covert ops to end the war. Daedric summons behind enemy lines, Atlantean sunlight lasers to shoot down enemy aircraft, illusory giant Roosevelt heads to scream about Manifest Destiny at enemy soldiers.

By the time >>53657581 showed up, there was a joint British-American not!BPRD ready to deal with him-including one Dremora that went native and started calling himself "Captain Anglo-America" because he couldn't decide whether the Americans or the British had better bloodlust. Sadly their involvement had to be covered up since the Greatest Generation was still mostly Christian.

Original timeline: Magical girl gangwars with a side order of despair, but the pinkette will take care of the worst

Post-Madokami timeline: Fun wraith shooting adventures. Might want to convince the Incubators to stop poking at eldritch things beyond their understanding, though. Love and despair, specifically.
Know that if you go through with this, you will no longer be welcome in this community.
>This is the last time I leave you fucks without a babysitter.
Your not my real dad!
>Just like with japshit

You say that like anyone except you actually thinks that's a bad thing
Go ahead and do it. Shitposters are out in force tonight.
You haven't been welcome in this community for a long time boyo
You were explicitly told this was a bad idea by the actual jumpmaker. Thus, you don't have permission and can't do it even if anyone wanted you to.
I still don't see how you think you're relevant anymore. Your Marvel jump's outdated and irrelevant. Get over it, let anon make Marvel Mutants.
I don't know who you think I am, but at least I've never tried to get my shit onto the drive.
You're one of those cunts who speak for everyone else
Go ahead. I look forward to it.
Please ignore the shitposters. They somehow managed to get out their cage.
Do it.
That's a tricky one. Personally I don't think the increased learning speed perks would count, but softcaps might depending on how they're worded. However, I think perks like Savant or genius perks (that just give you better memory/intellect) would be a no-go, which necessitates jumping to a world that has Sufficiently Advanced Technology to make any appropriate changes.
I'll check out the short story, and Eclipse Phase with the homebrew is a fantastic suggestion, thank you very much.
Can you at least read through your Marvel jump? Update the formatting if nothing else? Because it's all over the place.
...Can we have an X-23 companion option? But like, a clone of ourselves instead of Wolverine?
Go for it.

But make sure to include a perk/drawback called something like "Prospective Phoenix Force Host" that does nothing but give you a red hair and possibly a female form (and maybe some Phoenix Force fuckery trouble if it's a drawback).
So you are saying that Anonymous won't be welcome here. Welp, feel free to leave right now, idiot. Don't let the metaphorical door hit you on the way out.
>It's enhanced speed. And I think it's fine.
Flight is 200 CP for 100 mph flight.
Enhanced Speed of 400 CP for 60 mph running.
This means that even for someone with the Physical Enhancements discounted, it would be a choice between 200 CP for 100 mph flight or 200 CP for 60 mph foot travel, and they gain more by NOT buying Enhanced Speed even at a discount to gain a faster and more tactically advantageous movement option at the same price by buying Flight undiscounted..

In this case, what you think is fine pales in comparison to the realities of cold hard math.
>Other people ask questions
>"How dare you be asked questions! What you think you're relevant just because people treat you that way?"
I'd love those. Also maybe something involving the Goblin Force and le Bette Noir. Entities that are kind of like the Pheonix.
He's an Alaskan, anon. S'far as I'm concerned, he might as well be an Australian. And we all know what they say about those...
Maybe something like our own version of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters that follows us between jumps?
>people just flagrantly ignoring his wishes
>still relevant
Choose one.
Offered this before, not sure you responded. Do you want my notes from xmen legends?
He's been gone from the community how long, and his shitty jumps have been left in the dust by how many other jumpmakers?

He's not relevant.
I'm waiting for Marvel_Anon to respond mostly. I don't want to get any ones hopes up before I have permission. If I do, I'd love the help, as long as you're sure you want to give it.
Is the SB thread still kill?
Actually, looking back over them, they're kinda shit. Im just gonna go polish them for a bit.
Who cares what Marvel Anon thinks. You should work on it regardless.
>The end was quick, and EXTRA THICC
Oh god, my sides
That looks plenty high quality to me.
That they're awesome?
>And we all know what they say about those...
How do these madmen survive in a place where everything's trying to kill then?
I laughed harder then I probably should have.
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Make a hellfire/jean grey school jump.
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So you drank the kool-aid, too? Someone might have to put you out of your misery. Unfortunately, I'm heading the other direction... How long has it been? It's probably too late.
>you've actually been gay this whole time drawback
This is at least the second time they've broken the site rules if not the third, so it's probably permanently kill. No big loss.
Just base it on thte 90's cartoon.
Jump # 137 Crusader Kings
Government: Feudal (150)
Religion: Catholic
Focus: Stewardship (100)
Location: Rome
*Absolute Haram (100)
*Good with Money (50, Discount)
*Jumper the diligent (300, Discount)
*Christendom united (100, Discount)
*Crusader King (200, Discount)

So we chose not to go for the optimal victory condition. We decided we weren’t ready to have more children; though it started a discussion… We also had a problem with the dying and respawning as our kid/descendent thing.

I have ruled kingdoms before, Something I am always grateful for when this job is thrust upon me. I actually knew what to do. I set about delegating responsibility to those that I trusted and creating laws so that the peasants of my land were treated fairly and protected by the Nobility.

Having gained keen insight in to economics I started to change my little realm in to an economic powerhouse. My companions and I worked together using our powers subtly to help it grow… and grow it did. Sadly as is inevitable with any kingdom for any amount of time there were wars, we usually didn’t start them… but we finished them. Both with military knowledge I had gained over my travels and my companions who were able to defeat armies single handedly.

We we grew far beyond a vassal state to an empire of our own. We could have likely expanded further but we weren’t out to conquer the world. I can say that by the end my people were the ones with the highest standard of living, literacy rates and the longest life expectancy.
What caused the first / first two times?
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We obviously haven't been talking about Hero Academia enough, so help me be creative.

I love the idea of Attraction+Graffiti letting you just pull the colors off of things, but that seems like just a "better range but far more narrow effect" version of what Graffiti can do by itself. Does anyone have an idea of a way to make this a bit more interesting?
Once was a NFSW violation I think and the other was the same argument that got out of hand.
If so then they'll move to SV.
What is dead can eternal lie, but rise again, harder and stronger. JU'mp'cha'n fat'aghn.
Ignoring assorted shitpostery and Marvel comments (sorry for those of you with relevant concerns, but I'm in the process of revising three different jumps right now, that'll have to wait)...

Drop-In only has two items because they're free while other backgrounds cost. They effectively don't get a 100 CP item to equalize prices.

Think I fixed that after the first draft posted here; everything in the V1 has Drop-In, at least as far as I can see.

Honestly, if I just keep picking both at 100 then I don't have to have any 50 CP anythings at all, which simplifies everything enormously. Also, to be blunt, I've barely seen anyone make use of that anyway, and there's no gender-changing or age-changing in the world or anything that relies on gender or age, so it's truly not vital.

Ditto on the paying CP. Having Thief choose free is cute, but makes backgrounds at least a little unbalanced; I'd feel the need to come up with something to balance them out again.

Pretty sure I had perks for local knowledge: there are things for local trivia, for languages, for connections, and for blending in, so I think it's pretty covered. Getting places quickly, you have the C-5 Car, Corridor, and a perk that ensures you'll at least be getting to the right part of the country, so I thought that was covered too.

Thank you, but I'll probably pass. That's the kind of thing you can easily know with Trivial Pursuit anyway; having it as an item just devalues the perk, and while I've got to admit reference materials would fit the game-show theme pretty well, they feel odd enough for the world that I don't think I'll put them in. Also, see above for 50 CP rationales.
If I thought this was really important I would've fixed it in the update.

The color is slightly off from the full quality version, and If you zoom in far enough you can see the compression artifacts, especially around the text.
So I've been looking at that one hybridization perk from Noblesse for awhile now, the one that allows you to create perfect hybrids with grafted flesh.

And then I remembered that one of the weapons you can buy in Bloodborne is an Amygdala arm.
Did you just call the Benefactor fat?
Pulling the color out of peoples eyes. Blinding them.
They hate SV with the same passion that people here hate them. I don't see any of SB's jumpmakers making that transition.
Would The Power is Jumper's allow you to retain a Requiem Stand after removing the arrow?
Fanwank something
Chaameleon invisibility, pull the colors from your surroundings onto your self thereby camoflaging yourself.
...I love how you made a cthulhu references to that, since it's his thread, and he'd likely be the one to do it on sv.
So we don't have to deal with SB any more because they had to go full retard? OH HAPPY DAY!
The CP cost for non Drop In's. Same issue as Honorverse.

About Companions. The Hands charges CP to import without giving them anything. An Import where they don't gain CP to spend is usually free.

How about something like:
(New Perk Idea)
>Rhythm & Rhyme & Harmony
You can sing, and sing well. You don't need any background music to carry you, no sir! You also have a talent for working with others musically and putting together off catchy off beat lyrics.

New Companion Option
>Jumperpella (Free)
Sometimes you just need to unwind. These guys (or gals) are good at keeping you entertained in the down time.
Import up to eight companions into the world, giving them a history as a past member of the A Capella group "Rockapella", as well as "Rhythm & Rhyme & Harmony" for free. If you don't want to import a preexisting companion, you can have a new one who is a past member of the A Capella group "Rockapella" If you have at least 5 Jumperella companions, they can be the actual Rockapella a capella group.

>Hands (50 CP - 400 CP)
Import up to 8 companions. They each get a free choice of background, and twice the CP you spent on this option, from 100CP to 800 CP.
>Not having a quirk that just rips out people's eyes
Maybe Attraction augments Graffiti, so it's basically Graffiti with all the functionality that entails, but you can also rip the color out of things, collect it and throw it around so it splatters into a disorienting mess of rainbow barf in the area depending on how much color you pulled together to begin with. Effects probably temporary as before, but it's a bit more utility. Not sure what the upgraded forms would be.
That's a dumb decision on Nendoroid's part.
Sickest weapon in the game, straight up.
Is there anything that would allow me to treat with my Greed Charyeok as if it were an actual person without just straight-up giving it sapience?
>moving to SV
Not even SB deserves that fate.
>Import up to 8 companions. They each get a free choice of background, and twice the CP you spent on this option, from 100CP to 800 CP.
Ew. Fuck no. Don't do that godawful system of Kotors taht fucks over anyone who doesn't import 8 companions
>Not sure what the upgraded forms would be.
The description makes it sound drawing inspiration from Splatoon would be interesting, but squidkid stuff is probably too far removed from the base abilities to work as an upgrade.
It took over a year to get my Ainz nendoroid. After I paid.
>Thank you, but I'll probably pass. That's the kind of thing you can easily know with Trivial Pursuit anyway; having it as an item just devalues the perk, and while I've got to admit reference materials would fit the game-show theme pretty well, they feel odd enough for the world that I don't think I'll put them in. Also, see above for 50 CP rationales.

I thought the World Atlas was iconic to the series. The first edition had one included with the game, which was build aaround it. (And it tried to make it sound really cool)

>Honestly, if I just keep picking both at 100 then I don't have to have any 50 CP anythings at all
They are not really worth 100 CO though, and I'm trying to give you some more 50 CP stuff like here:
where a popular companion option could use increments of 50 CP, and 50 CP perk idea.
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>not muh moonlight


Also there's a crown in Dissidia that does that, I think. You could also try doing some kooky talecrafting stuff with it, but you'd have to go to Changeling for that.
>taht fucks over anyone who doesn't import 8 companions
Not really. you DON'T have to use all slots. And the cost is scaleable to the amount of CP you want to invest in them.
Except anyone who imports more is getting much more then anyone who imports less, for no extra cost. You still need to pay 400cp if you want to give a single companion 800cp, even if another guy is getting 8 companions with 800 for the same cost.
>If I thought this was really important I would've fixed it in the update.
It's only important if you want anyone to ever buy Enhanced Speed instead of Flight.

Have one option objectively inferior in every way to another option in the same jump is just crappy design.
What are some good perks with which to supplement my FTL Stand?
I hadn't thought about that actually, just went with what the other guy said and tried to extend it. Splatoon could be good inspiration for this kind of thing though, like giving color weight, bogging someone down in a torrent of color, spraying color like a firehose sprays water and such. The attraction side of things allowing you to direct the color tide or whatever.


Eat shit, nothing will ever be more metal than taking an eldritch god's finger bones and beating shit to death with it. Your glowy laser sword can get the hell out of my face.
If you aren't bludgeoning your enemies to death with the severed arm of a being beyond knowing, then what are you doing?

Attaching it to your body and growing a half dozen or so more of them, in this case.
Gonzo sung it better.

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How is this NOT the metalest, being eldritchly influenced so hard you stop being a gibbering oaf?! He's gonna cut someone with the power of the cosmic abyss! That's pure power metal!

Not getting Great One germs on your hands, for one thing.

You don't even know where that shit's BEEN. Kos (some say Kosm) looks like a godsdamn tapeworm.
That's the fucking spirit, become Asura's Madness.
That's not metal, that's not metal at all!
Confirmed for the reason NuBee actually won't add Moonlight Greatsword.

He's just racist.
That sword ain't made of metal, but it sure as shit's metal.

The real power metal is using your Amygdalan Arm to wield the Moonlight Greatsword.
Warp space and wear it on your finger?
Naw dude don't get me wrong, Ludwig himself is probably the most baller thing in that game. But as a weapon? I just gotta go for the arm.
With a little extra emphasis on the madness here.
We never had to deal with SB in the first place. People just insisted on dragging SB over here. What this does mean is that claims and jumps from people like SJ-Chan and Dirge are no longer valid, so there's no longer any need for the shitpost debates that start up.
Sorry. I spent that time writing a thing on my reasoning about companions, and then just lost it all when 4chan blipped. Give me a minute more, but tl;dr: I don't like giving CP to companions, I think it's mostly against the intent of companions and of imports, and I try to avoid it whenever possible. I also try to make companion options/imports fit the setting, and Carmen Sandiego isn't one where there are bunches of large groups of people running about with skills; it's mostly one or two on each side. I might change Hand to scale better for people with few companions, but probably can't be convinced to have it grant CP.

Same response about CP costs for backgrounds as Honorverse, but more so, as it would also mean I have to add an item.

Might add you singing and dancing to the background music perk, but don't think it was really important enough or unique enough to add a second musical perk.

I never got one with any of my games, or saw it in the cartoon or the show I watched, but I could very well have just missed/lost/misremembered it. Might add it as an item, maybe. I would REALLY prefer not to have to add 50 CP stuff, because then I have to come up with 4-5 50 CP options even over what you've got so far, and creating cheap but unique but still worth purchasing stuff is annoyingly difficult for me.
>I don't like giving CP to companions, I think it's mostly against the intent of companions and of imports, and I try to avoid it whenever possible.

Seriously, what? What the fuck do you think the "intent" of imports is then, if it does absolutely nothing?
How are you at making school settings?
>I don't like giving CP to companions, I think it's mostly against the intent of companions and of imports,
So basically you're one of those super speshul jumpmakers who is absolutely convinced that his vision for the thread is the correct one. Kay.
>I don't like giving CP to companions, I think it's mostly against the intent of companions and of imports, and I try to avoid it whenever possible

The entire point of imports is making your companions part of the setting and buying them perks. Every jump that allows imports does this. You may need to step back and look at them.

What the fuck have I been telling you people. You're talking to someone as bad as Red when it comes to clinging to the old shit.
Usually companions get between 3 and 600 cp marvel.
Not that guy, but it sounds like he's super old school, and leans toward how Quicksilver handled companions? (i.e. when Pokeballs and Stasis Pods were the only methods)
So, an outdated piece of shit that should go the same way Quicksilver did.
I know you have been gone a while but have you actually seen how other jumps do imports?
So, here's the thing about companion imports: The whole point of companion imports was always so that your companions have a history in the world and the basic skills and talents people there have (i.e., magic in Harry Potter). As such, I make sure that the companion imports I provide, when I provide them, give you those; just like here, they have a history, they have connections, and they have the skills of competent but not protagonist-level characters (the vast majority of the characters we see are at or below the level of ace ACME detectives or villains). Rather than giving them minimal CP or just giving them a bunch of 100-CP perks, I try to do that through the import option itself. Partially, I also think giving companions CP diminishes the role and uniqueness of the Jumper and of major characters in the setting; if there are 10+ different Carmen Sandiegos running around, then the whole theme is lessened (Insert Syndrome.gif here).

As part of that, I try to price things appropriately; my imports are usually very cheap, and often free, depending on the setting. And the setting is very important there; in places where there are lots of characters involved and lots of special abilities (like Negima, or differently, Platoon) I offer lots of cheap or free imports (in fact, Negima was the first to do that). But that's not the case in Carmen Sandiego; it's mostly one or two people up against one or two people, so massive groups don't fit. If you want to use them, you can, but offering them as a purchase would be as weird as offering magic.

Another reason has to do with build variety and options. Offering lots of companions with CP seems to both expand how long and how much builds take, while actually reducing hte number of "viable" builds. If I did as you suggested and offered an option for companions to get up to 800 CP, in a jump as small as this the jumper and companions could buy literally everything, not even accounting for freebies. Cont

Still working on Ashbringer, but here's what I quickly pushed out for Strom'kar, anon. Enjoy.

Stromkar, the Warbreaker (Discounted Arms):
Human history is not complete without mention of Strom’kar the Warbreaker, the Trollbane, the blade under which the warlord Thoradin united humanity into a single nation. The sword represents the united tribes of all humanity, forged from the weapons of all the human warlords into one blade. To the trolls, Strom’kar is a nightmare - the king who wielded it a demon who cowed the Amani into a bitter shell of their former self. And for years, the blade was thought lost to time.

Strom’kar’s story is one of violence and bloodshed, cunning and desperation. Yet in Thoradin’s last moments, at the depths of the Tomb of Tyr as he stood against the great C’Thraxxi General Zakajz, it came to embody both courage and sacrifice. Thoradin gave his life to prevent the old monster’s rise, burying Strom’kar within Zakajz’ skull and throwing him into dormancy.

Indeed, that sword kept Zakajz in a deep slumber for the next hundreds upon hundreds of years, for the enchantments wreathed along the blade kept the beast from regenerating - and will negate the regeneration of any of your future foes. To your foes who feel it’s strikes and all others who attempt to lift it, the sword bears an immeasurable weight - yet in your hands is balanced and light. And it’s years buried within a Void monstrosity’s brain has lead the enchantments and steel to absorb the shadowy energies - augmenting it with, and allowing the sword to further feed upon, the void and similar forces of darkness.

(Should you have a greatsword or similar blade, you may import it to gain the history, force, and capability of Strom’kar the Warbreaker.)
No comment. I actually don't know why/what happened with Quicksilver, cursory research didn't turn it up and I'm a relative newfag.
Don't make the same mistake that other failed jumpmakers like Wakfu, Dirge and Brows did. You won't get anywhere trying to stick to the old methods when people don't like those methods.
You're so high on SB dying that you actually fell back into redposting, ha.
It's been a while so you might have forgotten, but the old shitposter is still autisming it up, and he's spamming samefag replies at you.
>clinging to the old shit
1500 CP. :^)
It might be time for you to retire from JumpChain.
Then dont give 800 cp give 300 plus freebie perks and dont let companions buy items, like most jumps do.
It's bait. The first guys might have had a point, but the posts piling on are just trying to rustle someone's jimmies.
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A Super Mario Thing.pdf
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Cataquack Warrior here. I've realized that I need to clarify a lot on the setting in A Super Mario Thing, given how strange the fan games are.

Therefore, I have made a number of key changes to the jump. In addition to adding photo illustrations for the starting locations and most of the items, I expanded What Is This Game? into its own section and also added a Species Guide and a Worlds and Levels section, with samples of some of the levels you'll encounter in the games.

I hope that all this will make the content of the jump more comprehensible to people unfamiliar with the series. If you have any more questions, please let me know so I can address the confusion in my notes. And if you see anything else in the jump to change, please point it out to me.
I like it. This is good. I can't wait for the others.
Rolled 1 (1d8)

testing this for later Jumping.
What jumps help me HULK OUT and go MAXIMUM BESERKER?
cont. So, at that point it becomes less a choice of what cool things you want, and more a laundry list of all the new powers you've used Sacrifical Bestowment or hack-of-the-week to transfer stuff, or just the list of stuff you assume you have. I hate seeing CYOAs where there's no choice involved, so I try to avoid it.

I've been willing to change that up when it fit the setting; having companions get CP in Marvel so they could use combos and get powers rather than handwaving, or giving CP for artifacts in Negima to Pactio Partners. However, a jump like Carmen Sandiego (or Honor Harrington, for that matter) doesn't need to have 9 different people all buying Jumpchain perks to make them special even for the setting.

Like I said before, I could be convinced pretty easily to scale Hand to work better with small numbers of companions; Where it is now is partly a response to not having many ideas for Drop-In items, to which adding a whole 'nother tier partway through added more complications, and trying to avoid getting stuff at 50 CP. If people had suggestions for other Drop-In items (like the almanac, which I appreciate) that would make the change easier to fit.

I apologize for the poor wording, and I may have skipped over some concepts; like I said, I had it all written out then lost it.
I like you Marvel Anon but nobody is going to pay 200 CP for the companion import as it stands. Not unless they have some rule about having to buy every companion import option.

Nobody taking a thing is also not great for build variety.
Street Fighter with "Satsui no Hadou".
One day, I will see some prime bait. The freshest bait, dragged straight from the briny depths. I will watch it writhe about on the deck, a thing of sound and fury, drawing all eyes and ears. I will look at it...and then I will look away, knowing it for what it is, and grant it no further notice. On that day, I will truly be a man. But that day, sadly, was not today.
>of all the new powers you've used Sacrifical Bestowment or hack-of-the-week to transfer stuff
>assuming everyone takes that perk
>literally inter-jump balance
>he thinks he will ever escape the bait
God it's obvious you don't belong here anymore.
>build variety.
Build variety stopped mattering a long time ago.
>literally justifying poor design decisions with stuff in other jumps
Wow, I thought you were better than the worst SB jumpmakers, but I guess not.
There never was any bait, it was a lie just like the cake.
Looks like we've found Timmy's new target! You better get ready MarvelAnon, because it's gonna get shitty in here.
>I never got one with any of my games, or saw it in the cartoon or the show I watched, but I could very well have just missed/lost/misremembered it.
The original Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego came out in 1985, and computer programs having physical, doorstopper manuals was a standard thing.
What made it noteworthy is it was not some stripped down clubhouse edition made for the game, it was the actual retail almanac sold in bookstores. I know later versions were not as nice. I remember having one later version (cannot remember if it was World or USA or another Sandeigo game) where the included book was one of those stripped down affairs. It basically had the answers to only the questions the game might ask as opposed to a being a real reference with stuff the game never covered.

And remember the first item (the world almanac reference set) I suggested be free, so no 50 CP issues there.

The fancy one could be bumper to 100 CP, or only offer as a set with the "Been Around the World" perk as a multiple of 100 CP (And come on, just from the name only you KNOW it is a awesomer perk than that trivia master one. And is a good nod to the original game, where learning that stuff was the point)

Not giving companions CP is fine. But you can bring them as Drop Ins anyway for free. An import with out CP is not a problem, but basically only give them a backstory and legal identity, which won't carry over past the jump. My point was temporary this jump only benefits like that should not be charged CP for.

Jumperella was supposed to be a fun setting appropriate take on the "legal identity, but no actual background or CP" idea. Since Rockapella was there and part of the show, but it's focus.
Maybe the real bait were the shitposters we met along the way.
Can someone give me quick rundown on why this place is a huge pile of shitposting right now
>Wow, I thought you were better than the worst SB jumpmakers, but I guess not.
He is better than the worst SB jumpmakers. There's literally no one here that's worst than the worst of SB.
They are celebrating over how multiple jumpmakers quit or were forced to quit, so they're riding on momentum.
It always gets like this at this time of night. But the SB community is also on hiatus, so there's probably some extra people here that wouldn't normally be.

Go play a game for a few hours and they'll all go to bed.
I can see where you're coming from for Carmen Sandiego, where the games would have a full cast of less than 8 people to start with, but c'mon. Honorverse has a full galaxy or something, it can handle having 9 heroes in it at once.

Mechanically, the point of mass importing is that it gives you extra CP at the cost of having to spread it around your entire group, so rather than one jumper with all the powers, you have a somewhat less versatile jumper and a band of weaker allies. There's no point in importing people if they're each going to get even less out of the CP I spent importing them than I would have. Barring the edge case of someone on their first few jumps, it's mathematically a strictly inferior option.

>Sacrificial Bestowment
Interjump balance, yada yada yada. It doesn't even work to stop the combo. If a jumper is really set on raiding your universe for powers, they'll hold a gun to someone's head, force them to make a magatama, then hop in a hyperbolic time chamber to finish absorbing it during the jump. Barring imports won't stop them.
Hell, our worst are better than their best.
Mostly because they have no more Jumpmakers, but semantics.
Even if their circlejerk wasn't kill our worst is still better than their best.
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I can have dreams!

So long as it doesn't turn out the shitposters were inside us all along.
You do not make a jumo in a way just to screw over people who bought stuff in other jumps. Honestly if you do not want jumps interacting you should go to cyoa.

Im not trying to be rude but the entire line of thought that you are going to make the jump have more variety by basically pricelocking companions for inter jump balance is just stupid. Nobodh will buy them at that rate, they will just give them perks with the same ways you act like you dont like.
Pretty good, it could probably be uploaded at this point.
>Justice League Dark
On the one hand, I want to companion Zatanna. On the other, I'd be cucking Constantine. But on the third, he probably deserves it, right?
Getting schlonged by the long hard dong of the shitposters
Knowing Constantine, she'd probably die because of him somehow. Waifu her and save her from her inevitable fate.
>Hates jumps with no choice

>Takes away choice

Yeah sure.
On the fourth hand, you'd be getting tangentially involved with Constantine, and any contact with him will likely end badly.
That line of thinking's been dead since the beginning, homeboy. Either rethink it or, well, you might be better off going somewhere else. I hear SufficientVelocity is nice this time of year.
>Sacrificial Bestowment to justify shitty companion import
Well, shit. If you're going to use inter-jump balance that way, then I guess I'll just go to one of your jumps and use one of the less-limited power transfer perks to acquire literally everything to spite you.
You have not read a single jump since 3 years ago have you? That is not how things work.
I guess we're rejecting some jumps from the drive then, today.
>I hear SufficientVelocity is nice this time of year.
It's been dead for a while anon. QQ and Reddit have more jumpmakers than SV.
Fair point, and like I've said I'm already planning to reduce price, and would be happy to add other drop-in items to replace it to grant me more flexibility if anyone would suggest any.

Just in case you weren't aware, I wrote those jumps. So I'm justifying myself with... my jumpmaking philosophy, which seems to fit pretty well to me. And am in fact pointing out that different jumps deserve different things.

Yeah, I'd noticed.

Yeah, mine had manuals (I've still got them somewhere) but they must have been the later versions. I'll see if I can rewrite the manual to be sufficiently different than Trivial Pursuit; in that case, I can have a 100 CP DI item and avoid background imbalance upon removing costs from the others, though apparently I'm making a new 200 CP item for them too. If you have any ideas there, I'd be happy to take them (also still accepting 300 CP drawbacks for Negima and Honorverse!).

Well, in addition to the identity they do get skills of a world-class thief or investigator... but as noted, I take your point and am making it cheaper and trying to rewrite it.

Right, which is why there it's even cheaper, and where they do effectively have equivalents of the first few perks of your background's tree.

I'm not going to try to make a mechanistic argument about the efficiency of spreading perks out rather than concentrating them; avoiding that kind of consideration is why I'm not allowing them access in the first place. If I balance things for one jumper, I end up with a totally different jump than if I balance for 9 with less CP. I'm not going to try to balance both at once.

>I guess we're rejecting some jumps from the drive then, today.
Yeah right, we still haven't gotten around to removing the SB jumps from the drive and you think we're going to reject jumps?
Just get out already.
Canonically they re-broke up for good after narrowly surviving one of ASA's waifus because she realises what a shit Constantine is.
>If I allow companions I have to balance it for 9 people.

No you literally do not, just look at literally any jump that allows imports.
>As such, I make sure that the companion imports I provide, when I provide them, give you those; just like here, they have a history, they have connections, and they have the skills of competent but not protagonist-level characters (the vast majority of the characters we see are at or below the level of ace ACME detectives or villains)
>they have the skills of competent but not protagonist-level characters
This sounds like a disagreement in presentation.
Something a lot of people like is to package basic competency like that into a backgrounds 100 CP perk that they get free. No ambiguity about what the import gets them. You say imports get a background and all freebies but no CP, and the skills the import gives them are spelled out somewhere explicitly and there is no confusion over implied skills.

Like Harry Potter, before CCDT updated the jump to give companions a small CP budget they still got 100 CP perks representing their houses iconic attributes, for example.
No problem, anon. Glad you like it!
>If I balance things for one jumper, I end up with a totally different jump than if I balance for 9 with less CP.
By your logic there's a very large number of jumps that we could justify removing right now because they're all imbalanced. Many of them even worse than yours.
Wasn't it because he used his love for her as the price for a spell to save them or something?
Your line of argument just seems to boil down to you stamping your feet and saying "but I dont wanna". Companions when imported get cp or they generally don't get bought.

You know what kills variety? Stupid fucking persistantly bad ideas that nobody likes.
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Reminder that everything is Decade's fault.
Oh, you wrote Shin Megami Tensei and literally every other jump on the drive? Good to know, I guess.
Basically, the SB community died, so the shitposter is masturbating really hard and high on adrenaline. Despite him having had nothing to do with it. So he's very excited, and spamming shitposting in the thread in the hopes that he can kill us and eliminate the concept of jumpchain because he's autistic.
You wrote the SB jumps? What are you saying there?

And no. Nobody is going to pay for a companion import which literally is just a waste of cp.
I'm not trying to do anything with interjump balance. If you want to do that, you certainly can, and there's nothing I can or will do to stop you. And I'm not really trying to stop the "combo:" if you want to steal what people in the jump have, or learn what they have to teach, or share it with them, that's the purpose of those perks. But adding on the capability to share around more perks and "Jumper Stuff" that goes beyond what you could strictly steal in the setting isn't something I feel the need to add in. Just like with items in general: If you'd like to steal the in-jump C-5 Corridor rather than buying one, feel free. It won't be guaranteed to work in worlds with other means of physics, and may not automatically adjust to have new backgrounds and the like, but you also don't have to pay 400 CP; that's a choice that you can make just fine. Being able to instantly have both, though, isn't a choice at all.
>masturbating on an adrenaline high
That, uh, that sounds dangerous.
Yeah, mixed it up a little actually-they broke up befor that, and then they had to stick to each other, and then that happened.

Point is, John isn't good for her and at the end even he admits it
Consider that Zatanna got with Constantine when he cucked her original boyfriend. So he deserves it. Also consider, though, that this means Zatanna is a shit and you're better off without her.
>Basically, the SB community died
It didn't die, the mods locked the thread because there was an argument between users that got lots of reports.
>Right, which is why there it's even cheaper, and where they do effectively have equivalents of the first few perks of your background's tree.
Then you should make that explicit, because I don't read people being imported as "other members of your squad" and assume they're supposed to be experts of every weapon in the setting and trained in wearing armor and masters of martial arts like the first two Marine perks would make them. It also seems like importing people when you're a Drop-In would do nothing at all. Was that intentional?
...no? I though the was complaining about me justifying choices in Carmen Sandiego with choices in Negima, Platoon, and Honorverse.
We can only hope, anon. He's probably tremendously fat too, so he might have a heart attack and die. That'd be great.
That is literally inter jump balance you fuck!
Looking good, but... how does this world even function? Some really wacky shit going on.

Yukkuri army, here I come.
>But adding on the capability to share around more perks and "Jumper Stuff" that goes beyond what you could strictly steal in the setting isn't something I feel the need to add in.
So you're screwing over literally everyone else who doesn't have those perks because you felt the need to prevent the use of a perk that has nothing to do with your jump? You being gone wasn't a huge loss, I see.
For the shitposter's intents and purposes it's as good as dead. If Brutus went and removed the SB jumps from the drive now the shitposter might die of a happiness induced heart attack.
You do realize that when companions buy a perk the jumper does not automatically get it too right?
I'm patching stuff up with the waifu in Avatar: The Last Airbender because our marriage took a real nosedive in Inside Out.
How is saying you don't want companions to learn stuff in any way a good idea? You are saying that because you do not like perks from other jumps you are going to screw over anyone who wants companions.
Not to agree with the over all shitposting tone of the thread but seriously are you trying to joke here or are you purposefully being dense? I suggest you actually look at some jumps before pushing your super speshul ideas.
>he deserves it!
>she deserves it!

I know the most popular shitstorm right now is on a different subject but goddamn you sound salty.

People make bad choices in life when they're young and high on magic, whoop de fucking do.

Constantine may be a shit and Zatanna does make some questionable decisions once the pressure of leading gets to her, but purityfags are pathetic
To be fair, far as I can tell he's been out of the loop for a literal year or two

Protip: Stop caring what the shitposter thinks. Because he doesn't.
Someone was unsure on the moral issues of his actions. I described why there was no issue, but then explained why it was a bad idea. You're inferring far more emotional investment than there is.


>Defending cheating on your partner
Now that anon, is painfully stupid.
Sorry dude, but if she's cheated once she's gonna cheat again. That shit don't work.
Purity =/= being against NTR, idiot.

I don't care about virginity. I do care about cucking though, and someone being into it or doing it is a huge red flag that they're a shit person.
You're going through the same motions that Dirge did before we kicked him out. Do yourself a favor and take a step back before you make even more mistakes.
I mean its fair that hes been out of the loop but at least pick a random jump and get reaquianted. Heaven forbid someone ask about an OC companion option.
There's that word, skidmark.
That's also true. Mainly just feel bad the guy's walking into a minefield blind.


Timmy, your hateboner will not get bigger the more you stroke it. It will always be smaller than your ballsack.

I love Dirge jumps, eat my ass.
I'm sorry if I need to make that more explicit, I can do so. And... yeah, I guess? I honestly can't imagine how you would be having companions share your background when you, by definition, don't have one. Thinking back, I've usually had them just turn up in the same alley or whatever that you did, and I didn't include that mention here. I guess I'll have to figure that out.

I really am sorry, I don't see how it's screwing you over in that case. You pay a little CP, and get your companions the history, contacts, and skills to compete in the world. No, you don't get them the super-special jumper-only stuff, but neither does anyone else?


Like I said above, I'm perfectly fine with them learning stuff from the setting. Like I said, if you want to use perks to share or transfer stuff that's fine too. I just don't see a reason for imported companions to get access to the top-of-the-MCs stuff perks represent.

I really don't understand what you mean, I'm afraid. I've continued looking at jumps and making builds even when I was absent; I may have things out of order, or be unaware of furor over specific options (I could only get about one thread a week), but I certainly didn't get a memo that all companion options had to have CP or they were banned. I mean I literally rolled Dodgeball last night (drive said it was new this year) and it had effectively the same thing: Companions got your background, and skills similar to yours, but no CP.
"Universe" is probably a better term for it; in A2XT the team goes to multiple planets.

As for what's holding this crazy universe together, I truly have no clue.
I feel I should also add I posted both of these as WIPs, with companion options included, two months ago and received no comments on this then. So if something's changed it apparently did so in the last two months?
Something something Wormposting.
His power was pretty neat though
>Like I said above, I'm perfectly fine with them learning stuff from the setting. Like I said, if you want to use perks to share or transfer stuff that's fine too. I just don't see a reason for imported companions to get access to the top-of-the-MCs stuff perks represent

Then dont give them 1000 cp! Give them like 300 or even 400, my god are you unable to read?
Only thing changed is that the shitposter is on and overly active.
If you like them so much then go back to SB. Oh wait, you can't. Guess your SB white knighting days are over
Not him but this is why open relationships instead of waifus seems like the way to go for harem jumpers

"Waifus were a mistake"

Anon, 2017

Like I said, sorry you had to find this out the hard way. But from what I've noticed, in the past year or so there's been a general trend towards CP budgets being acceptable for companions. Never had much of an opinion either way on it, but it be what it is.

Maybe even earlier-Scott Pilgrim had budgets too in the 300 or so range. In general from what I've seen it seems to be OK'd as long as they have less than Jumper starting CP without drawbacks right off the bat
>I really don't understand what you mean, I'm afraid. I've continued looking at jumps and making builds even when I was absent; I may have things out of order, or be unaware of furor over specific options (I could only get about one thread a week), but I certainly didn't get a memo that all companion options had to have CP or they were banned

If you think that companion imports getting no cp was standard then I doubt you have been doing shit here.
>This is why...
No it's not. Jumper issues have nothing to do with Zatanna choosing to cheat on her boyfriend. I don't see how you can fucking remotely connect having multiple wives with that situation. Are you high? Are you just trying to push your own favored social arrangement on others? What?
Cry harder, baby bitch. Plenty of his jumps are on the drive, and you nor your imaginary "thread" can't physically do shit to stop people from using them.

You're a worthless prat who can't even stop the things he hates from happening, and that's all you'll ever be.
>But from what I've noticed, in the past year or so there's been a general trend towards CP budgets being acceptable for companions.
This has been a thing since like the first year. Even SB caught on to the idea of companions getting CP.
>You pay a little CP, and get your companions the history, contacts, and skills to compete in the world

Except you could do that for free, yeah really nice way of increasing build variety. Make a bunch of useless shit nobody will buy!
What yourself? I'm not him, I'm just commenting on you guys' train of thought.

I was just saying since it's easy to pick up a harem with the right perks you may as well establish you can't be exclusive if you're not intending to be.

If you do only have one waifu, good for you, you don't have to worry about all this heartache crap.

Yeah, been hard to keep track of time
So you read one jump and decided to overprice companions and give them nothing for it? That's stupid.
I mean, you say super special jumper stuff but...your perks aren't exactly things no one in the setting has.

Dodgeball is also several years old. The drive was entirely replaced, meaning none of those dates are accurate.
So why is it so important that your companions have to share the exact same background as you? I imagine you're going to say that otherwise you'd just get all the low CP perks, but so what? Maybe I want to be a Commander and import my companions as Marines so I have somebody to command in future jumps. Or even have a friend in intelligence who's a Spy instead. This is especially bad since it makes Drop-In unable to import at all.

I normally skim past import options when reviewing jumps. If nobody else had pointed it out I likely wouldn't have noticed until I was making a build and needed to see exactly how much my companions got.
You're not commenting on the conversation at all. You're dragging up some unrelated bullshit out of nowhere to push your favorite social arrangement. The fuck do harem perks have to do with it? Where were they mentioned? Read, idiot, read.
>Plenty of his jumps are on the drive, and you nor your imaginary "thread" can't physically do shit to stop people from using them.
Isn't that why he shouts at people that bring up the jumps? I'd say it's pretty effective. I'm looking forward to the replacement jump just so FFX can break free of the dirge curse and it can be treated as a normal jump again.
It is screwing over anyone who wants to import their companions by way of gimping the companion, you can already bring them into a jump just without backstory for free, if all your imports do is give backstory and no perks then they are literally a waste of points.
Why does everything have to be "pushing your favourite social arrangement" with you? Christ you sound triggered.

You fucks were literally going on about cheating.
Harem = multiple wives
Open relationship faggotry - fucking everyone and letting your wife fuck everyone.

See the difference? One is ostensibly about love, while the other is getting your dick wet with no love for anyone. One is still within a limited circle of people, maybe even exclusively targeted at you, while the other is cuckery with everyone random person around.

Stop pushing for it.
It's not a total waste of points. But history and contacts in a single universe that you can't take with you and basic skills aren't worth the CP that you could be spending on "special jump stuff".
The conversation is about Zantanna and how anons who don't like her having cheated aren't purityfags since it's a different thing. That had absolutely fucking ZERO to do with harems or jumpers or anything else whatsoever.
>Companions got your background, and skills similar to yours, but no CP.

Thereby no variety. Nice job increasing diverse builds!
At the risk of triggering the invalid jump anon, there are jumps that have done companion only shit as special jump stuff. Except most of them also give CP. So it's not even as if it's exclusive.
>I'd say it's pretty effective

okay right off the bat that looks like a pretty obvious samefag. I'm open to the idea you're not actually, but it's not a good way to start

>I'm looking forward

That thing that isn't happening you mean? Haven't seen any work on it this year.

This whole idea is so stupid it makes my head hurt. You're so scared shitless of one whiner with abandonment issues you want to kowtow to him, suck his dick off and do what he wants? That's stupid. You're stupid for being social pressured by one idiot with a grudge.

Long as you don't do something bullshit or use something not on the drive, jump what you want to jump. Nobody should give a fuck.
Fair enough I guess, but I would buy a 50 cp bag of sand instead of wasting it on a import in that case.
I use Dirge jumps all the time, and I disagree.
So why would anyone waste CP to import companions for things you could give yourself when I could spend that CP on - in your words- "super-special-jumper-only stuff"?
That anon is the shitposter, he's tried to advocate people do what he wants while pretending to be someone else before.
>About love
>Exclusively targeted at you
You keep telling yourself that's how harems work outside imagination games.
Fucking knew it.

Well, jokes on you. Sucking your own dick only lets people see just how small it is.

Face it, you'll never stop people from using Dirge jumps.
Luckily for everyone here, this is an imagination game.
Did you do it when people were on? Or in the dead hours? Also sometimes jumps get looked over sometimes they dont, making a shitfest over interjump balance is a promise to get your jump noticed in all the wrong ways.
Top of last thread, I think

Some things are too unbelievable to be true. Your chinese cartoons are one of them.
What about Entropy though?
Oh, some people have been doing it all the way back since year one (I've been informed Naruto, and that sounds right, but I admit I can't remember). Having apparently be absolutely mandatory, when I've given no CP in the vast majority of my jumps to this point, is new though.

Yes, you can, if you're willing to spend the time and effort in jump and have the skills for it. Just like you can learn to be a thief or get good at riddles. It just won't be quite as seamless and takes effort and isn't quite as good.

No, but they are top-tier protagonist or antagonist, which means "not the assorted minor characters." If they were things no one had, they shouldn't be in the jump.

And sorry, I knew the drive moved but hadn't realized that changed dates.

That is an actual critique I can work on! Sure, I can do that; open up imports to other backgrounds while I make their skills more explicit. And like I said, I do need to fix Drop-In.

Thank you for the explanation, but somehow I doubt that's all that's going on for everyone.
Luckily for everyone here, you can literally go to chinese cartoons in this imagination game.
Never been to any myself, faggot. Like I said, too retarded to live through.
I seriously doubt every single perk is a top tier protagonist or antagonist ability. If it is, you're probably already having balance problems without this companion issue.
Excuse me, my jumpchain is one hundred percent real and not at all fake, please retract these damaging words or I will sue you for libel desu
Yeah, agreed, but the guy could stand to pull himself off his dildo saddle and get down from his high horse with his "M-muh harems are pure, open relationships are nasty!" shit
Sounds like personal damage to me, friend.
Fate meets Hellsing, from what I heard. Bishie boys are spirit bonded to apocalyptic weapons or something, and during WW2 both sides want to use them as weapons

What ABOUT entropy?
I am waiting for that one anon to post the same message he has been for the past several threads 'what is he compensating for /jc/ ' it has been a recurring theme lately.
You don't get to pretend you weren't just arguing for your own favorite arrangement then go around and get upset people don't like that arrangement, anon. That shows that is exactly all you were doing.
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Which jumps have the cutest, and therefore best, familiars?
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>Luckily for everyone here, this is an imagination game.
>mfw so much bullshit over an imagination game
Hey, you're the one who wants to live in a magical world where multiple people focus exclusively on you but somehow you're also above moral judgement
>Having apparently be absolutely mandatory
Just for future reference, there probably wouldn't have been nearly enough of a shitstorm if you just left the imports as-is and didn't use a perk from another jump as half of the justification to not offer something in yours.
What, did you take the portal to Gensokyo?
>some people have been doing it all the way back since year one (I've been informed Naruto, and that sounds right, but I admit I can't remember). Having apparently be absolutely mandatory, when I've given no CP in the vast majority of my jumps to this point, is new though.

Not mandatory, just dont expect people to buy it for a high price like you want.

>Yes, you can, if you're willing to spend the time and effort in jump and have the skills for it. Just like you can learn to be a thief or get good at riddles. It just won't be quite as seamless and takes effort and isn't quite as good.

Literally 0 point or reason to import then.

>No, but they are top-tier protagonist or antagonist, which means "not the assorted minor characters." If they were things no one had, they shouldn't be in the jump.

So what if they are protags? Why does it matter?
In Highschool DxD, are Sacred Gear bound to the user's body or to their soul?

If you switched bodies with someone who had a Sacred Gear, could you use it?
What moral judgement? I just see you getting upset and whining about realism and hating anime.
Aren't all familiars just regular animals?
Are you going out of your way to make yourself look bad on purpose?
This. At least half the complaints are just anger over using that SMT perk as a reason. People have done companions differently enough that more anons would just be annoyed with the complainers then complaining along with them
It was bound to the soul I believe.
I think this salty storm has saddened him too much to post.

You're not helping.

I've noticed you do this a lot, when you look at something you don't like. You leave a passive aggressive offhand comment for reasons I can't fathom. It's not going to help the situation, you evidently don't like this state of affairs and realistically it'll blow over next thread or when someone comes up with a more interesting topic.

I'm probably going to be lynched by people who confuse me for Antired, but I have to speak out when you also seem to care a lot about not being brought up in times like this.
The Benefactor is strong and real and she is my friend

While you are here could you look over my Marvel Comics Jump Build? I made my power a perfect bonding/symbiosis with the quasi-sentient extra-dimensional energy/matter known as Darkforce or Zero Matter. Because of the many ways it can manifest I started with the 'Knockoff Lantern Ring' as a base

1000 CP
+300 CP Parker Luck
+300 CP Mutant

Free Energy (Free Drop In)
-100 CP Toughness
-300 CP Kinesis
-250 CP Shapeshifting
This is the basic utility, modeled after a Power Rings ability of construct creation

Free Blade (Free Drop In)
Free Unstable Molecule Uniform (Free Drop In)
There are just freebies I'm folding into the above power to represent stuff it is especially easy to do without effort. A personal shield/force field to offer basic protection, modesty, and damage those touching it.

-150 CP Super-Juice
The perfect bonding part. I am infused with the Darkforce in my body and bloodstream at all times, doubling my powers with with the darkforce.

-200 CP Friend of the Media
This is being comboed with Super-Juice. I'm using the 'Seen in the Best possible light' aspect of friend of the media to modify the 'Drugs are BAD, m'kay' aspect of Super-Juice so it is a always present naturally occurring part of me (like my blood) removing the mentioned side effects.

-500 CP Life Model Decoy
This is not being used as a companion, it's being used to duplicate the old 'animate your shadow and send it off on its own to do stuff' where the darkforce responds to my desires and acts like a familiar.

-100 CP Brains
This comboes with Life Model Decoy Shadow listed above to create a mental link between it and me when separate, so it can act on its own, or I can chose to control it directly like a drone.

So there it is, a 1,600 CP Darkforce power. Does it look kosher?
Always falling back to redposting when you get bored, huh?
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Well, I don't know about familiars per say, but Kirby has a perk that gives you an entire army of Waddle Dees as servants, and...well, just LOOK at this. They're super adorable.
>So, at that point it becomes less a choice of what cool things you want, and more a laundry list of all the new powers you've used Sacrifical Bestowment or hack-of-the-week to transfer stuff,
This is fucking stupid. What's available in one jump should have no bearing on another.
Imports are used to import and give your companions stuff, if you dont want them buying a lot fine, dont give them 1000 cp. But saying no cp at all because my super special jump would be robbed by sacrificial bestowment is just fucking retarded.
>Haven't seen any work on it this year.
You'd have to try real hard to shitpost this badly, when the jumpmaker put out a WIP no more than a month back. Even took up the name FFXanon.
>open relationship faggory
>implying "love" happens automatically and unconditionally

Anime has shit writing, news at 11
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But Red! They're having fun the WRONG WAY! It is our DUTY to type up posts on the internet telling them they are wrong!

Don't you get it?!

Don't you see?!

Someone is WRONG. On the INTERNET!
Luckily for everyone here, anime is real in this imagination game.
>People are mad and express that they're mad
>This is bad, somehow

Nice try lmao
And you're not trying at all over something that can be disproven with 4plebs
She is FAKE and GAY.
How else would someone get there? After all, they don't have any buses.

Don't say something you can't take back, anon.
Oh yeah?! Well, your FACE is wrong! How about that?!
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How could you lie on the internet? How? Lying on the internet is an unspeakable act of the highest magnitude.
I'm sorry you get shitposted at and accused of being Red for pointing out a common issue.
Because they want their companions to fit into the world and not be random hobos who don't show up on records? Because they want to share a world with them and give them new memories? Because they want to give them the skills of a world-class globe-trotting thief or detective? Because they're one of those people who imports everyone everywhere? Because they want to not have to bother explaining things/hacking records/buying them houses themselves and want them to just magically exist? Because they want new companions (reminder, the same option also gives you those)? Because they want to force their companions to accept horrible punny names for the rest of their days?

Like I said, a few months ago. COuldn't tell you the time or date, but I reposted them a few times and a kind anon even made them PDFs for me (Bandwidth sucks in bush Alaska).

Now you're commenting without having read it, which is not very helpful.


As I've already said, I priced it to high and will fix it. I think that's the... 4th time this thread?

I certainly think that's a good enough reason; however at that point we're just arguing about whether imports should even exist.

I'm really not sure where to go with that last point. Companions aren't the same as the jumper, that's the idea; they're the pokemon to their trainer or the rest of their party, not the main character duplicated. If we disagree on that, then there's apparently an even deeper disconnect than I thought, and I apologize.

No. I admit I've gotten more sarcastic than I should have, and I apologize for that and am sure I'll feel (genuinely, not sarcastically) guilty in the morning.
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Is right now a bad time to ask for an OC companion buy?
>That is an actual critique I can work on!
Incidentally, you can work on the critiques of all the people telling you to give companions a little CP by giving them 300CP each in exchange for bumping up the import cost to 300CP.

For comparison, let's say you have 1600CP after drawbacks. You can get three capstones on that budget(300 for yours, 1200 for two more). Or you can get two capstones (300 + 600) and import companions (300) who get a capstone each, meaning that you're no longer a hyper competent super expert, but that your team is diverse enough to have all four backgrounds' areas of specialties covered. It's a totally balanced choice, unless you start bringing in perks from other jumps.

You say that there's no reason for companions to have protagonist stuff, but if you're a companion focused jumper who spends a third of your initial budget on importing them all every jump? Then the whole team are protagonists of the chain, just like any superhero team.
You think someone would do that? Just go on the Internet and tell lies?
You seem to be under the impression that I was involved and had a dog in this fight before now. I don't give a fuck one way or another what people are doing in their chains or what makes people happy, but it's just too hypocritical to call open relationships trash and then say harems are innocent while acknowledging it's all about you.
They're bound to your soul. In fact, later in the story Issei gets his body destroyed and his soul transplanted into a dragon god's body, and he keeps his SG just fine.

On the other hand, the villains use the remains of his original body to create (flawed) clones of Boosted Gear's powered mode, so who knows.
Yes, that looks fine.

IN what jump? There is one in Carmen Sandiego, though you probably don't want to build on it yet because it's about to get cheaper.
>I'm really not sure where to go with that last point. Companions aren't the same as the jumper, that's the idea; they're the pokemon to their trainer or the rest of their party, not the main character duplicated. If we disagree on that, then there's apparently an even deeper disconnect than I thought, and I apologize.

Obviously, because everyone is jumping wrong according to you.
There is not a single world in which the benefactor is less than perfectly real. Their sexual is up for debate however.
>they're the pokemon to their trainer or the rest of their party, not the main character duplicated
I think people want CP because it helps flesh out their companions and make them less generic. You can say "your companion has a bunch of skills," or you can give them a handful of CP and let people choose what skills their companions have, then they have more depth than a nameless NPC.

I also don't use companions though, so what do I know?
I said possibly and outlined the differences explicitly for the guy trying to force them as a topic. Also, I don't care at all that it triggers you that some people think your marriage arrangement is pathetic/disgusting.
Honestly the more you post the less I like the idea of you even making a jump because you seem to have this bias as too a CORRECT way of jumping.
>Because they want to give them the skills of a world-class globe-trotting thief or detective?
Maybe I'm not up to date on the lore of the Carmen Sandiago franchise, but the jump says "with the skills of an ace ACME detective or V.I.L.E. henchman". "Henchman" does not say "world-class globe-trotting thief" to me.
Nah, I don't care about mine, I care about you trying to sell yours as not as pathetic as everyone else's.
Is it bad that I just want everyone to shut the fuck up so we can find out whether we'll be getting a Marvel Mutants jump or not? Cause I really wish that guy was getting answered instead of this endless bullshit back and forth that won't result in any change.
Back in the era of imperialism, people understood that it wasn't a big deal to off a few chinks. There's more than enough of them, you what's a few million deaths?
It's definitely less pathetic than outright cuckery like open relationships. Probably worse than monogamy though.
Nah, that's not bad. Just wait until next thread, we should be past this by then.
>Their sexual is up for debate however.
Jumpchan is short and flat, she has the body of an 11 year old. She has a complex about her appearance. She could just use her power to fix this, but she doesn't want to because it "wouldn't count."

This is canon, QS broke into my house and wrote it on the wall in expired mayonnaise, then bit me and ran away.
If you are a law breaking thief going around stealing priceless artifacts who gives a fuck if you do or dont have a birth certificate?
Consider whether or not the guy who refuses to budge on a relatively minor issue even as the entire thread yells at him just because he wants to enforce his own opinions of what companions should be in a chain is going to reverse his arbitrary decision about what does or doesn't overlap with his jump.

You already know the answer.
You can try to deny that he exists but if you're going to try and pull the 4plebs card couldn't you at least check so you don't make the rest of us look like asses.

Just because not all of us like the attempt doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
>then bit me and ran away.
You're gonna turn into a catboy/catgirl now. QS was working on a Catperson virus.
Since the thread is basically dead anyway, what are your creepiest perk combos?

I don't mean your creepy-pasta combos, I mean the ones the make people uncomfortable and cause 50+ posts of people asking what's wrong with you.
You seem to be winning the argument I guess, people look like they are getting tired of talking to a wall, I know I am. So I am bowing out of this, if the entire thread tells you its a bad idea then maybe, not all the time, but maybe it is a bad idea.
To be honest, I was there when you posted them as pastes, and did not make any comments then because I feels it was better to wait until you was out of Alaska? and somewhere with more stable internet access. Since being in that situation would stress me the fuck out, and you did not need anymore stress from debating with someone over a jump on 4chan.

(I also have a bad habit of not noticing pastes or links, since I search for new jumps by Control+F the word pdf, and the other stuff does not show up there.)
Please share with me your mental gymnastics where upon a man or woman monopolizing the time, attention, money and love of multiple people while giving/contributing far less in return is better than a focused relationship between two people that give what they get out of the relationship yet sleep around.
Like this anon>>53663667
I dont touch pastebins, most people post pdfs. Pastes just get lost in thread.
It's like arguing with SJ-Chan all over again.
Fuck off.
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I came back from eating toast to find...this

What's even happening right now

Just curious-does When Worlds Collide apply to Reality Marbles, the Gunnerkrigg Court otherworlds as well as "permanent" personal realms?

I just thought that making a border for a place that doesn't exist most of the time might be a little odd. If it does, how does that work?

The doggos from Okami, maybe?

One of the mini-Yozis from Infernals?

A space kitten from Gravity Falls?
>There's no way to tell which it will be until it happens
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Stupid question thats probably gonna get me chewed out but did you only come here because spacebattles got shut down?
Huh. I was going to argue against anon, because Flight is "just" flight while Enhanced Speed is not only land speed but reaction speed - but then I see it is indeed only land speed because reaction speed is instead purchased via Enhanced Reflexes.
See, you're defending it with such fervor it's obvious you DO have a dog in this race. You want to defend your sad lifestyle.

>Sleep around
Nope. It's essentially financial parasitism, somebody is getting monetary stability out of it while fucking whoever the want with no real emotional attachment, while some other person is pathetic enough to just take it, or is just an idiot for monetarily supporting someone they don't need to.
It would have taken Marvel all of 20 second ds to reply. He's specifically avoiding it because he's going to tell Mutantanon to piss off and he's already seen the support that guy was receiving for the idea.
I guess Enhanced Seed could also be combat movement speed, not just overland travel. Not as good without reactions included but it is still more then just how fast you are moving overall, like what flight is.
I like combos.
Killed FDR, Churchill and Stalin. Shelled New York in a false flag. ALLAHU AKBAR'd London a couple time in the name of Communism*. Poked the War Department so they wouldn't shelve some prototypes and would develop others faster. Generally caused a shitloadof if tension between the Allies. Invaded Russia. Killed Russians. Invaded Japan. Killed Japanese. Invaded Italy twice. Didn't bother killing Italians since being Italian is punishment enough.

You know, typical Jumper things.
More like I didn't want to bitched out of I called anon a boy and they turned out to be a girl. It's happened on other boards, and I just don't wanna deal with it.

That is how QS thinks yes.
I can't argue with that.
I'm wondering why no one has ever asked me the morality in messing with servant souls or digitizing them or converting them into Servant Eyecons for funses.
Personally I see them as the Brock and Misty to my (slightly) less retarded Ash, than the rotating set of monsters. They are written up as characters in their own rights, with monsters of their own, and skills, focuses, specialties that are different from my own.

As an example, I'm a magic jumper. I take all the magic options. I have a companion who is a scientist, and takes all the science options, and another who started as a blacksmith and could now make mecha's and weapons fit for gods.

These are all separate from my own capabilities, and only possible due to generous imports. Now, while I could go to SMT and get Sacrificial Bestowment, I won't. I have several reasons for that. One, I don't know SMT and thread makes it sound variably high power. Two, I don't want to shove maggots in my eyes, and I don't think my companions would appreciate it either. Three, from a metagame perspective it just isn't interesting to me. A dozen people with all the same powers is less interesting to write about than nine people with their own individual skills and abilities.

If you're giving imports good detective/thief skills then I'm honestly fine with that, but I do think holding up one way people play as a reason to not let me make my thief companion even better is... A little off point.

This is my only contribution to this conversation, and I'm doing it just because I think there's a misunderstanding here and have the, probably futile hope, that different perspectives might be able to finally end this discussion.
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Now, why would you kill FDR? Churchill and Stalin I can understand, but FDR? Explain.
Because that's chum change compared to the days when people discussed which worlds to genocide so that they could make marbles, or who they would rape before turning back time so they could rape them again for the first time
The Jumpchain had gone on too long. It's perverted the cycle of nature. SB's thread faded into darkness, into the next cycle. But what of us? Will we go gentle into that good night? Or will the Chosen Anon rise up and Link the Thread?

Had it right the first time.
Because there's no reason to. Jumpers have fucked up moral standards, to the point that there isn't really an argument about whether or not something is acceptable until you start doing things that are almost unambiguously evil and monstrous like genocide and rape, at which point there will still be a contingent of people who will find a way of justifying it.
>When Worlds Collide
What jump is this from?
>but then I see it is indeed only land speed because reaction speed is instead purchased via Enhanced Reflexes.
Yeah, I noted that the first time I brought it up

>Should Enhanced Reflexes be part of Enhanced Speed or Enhanced Agility?
Endhanced Speed like flight, but slower, land bound, and more expensive.
Why even have it in the jump at all?
There is literally no logical reason to ever take it.
.........this is not my day.
Yes, I apologize, that would be some of the over-sarcasm I mentioned. I really don't agree with the philosophy, but I guess I could instead just give them the lower-leveled perks for whatever background they're getting. Then there's at least still some division between them and jumper options and you can have some more diversity and specialness than the existing skills.

The henchmen are all genius thieves that singlehandedly swipe everything in the Louvre. They're just not able to steal the Louvre itself, which is the distinction I'm trying to fight over.

I'd really just like to be able to go back and drop the price on the option and rewrite it some, and come up with more Drop-in items and drawbacks for the assorted jumps. So... me too?

Point. On the other hand, not instantly pinging on every scanner as someone who doesn't exist (and starting with the skills and connections of such a thief) is still worth something.

I apologize, I'm really not trying to be that way. I admit I screwed up with one of my justifications, and probably should have had more give and compromise. On the other hand, it looks like there's only one person interested in suggesting solutions and new perks and items rather than just telling me I'm bad and should feel bad, so... sorry. Again, I'll call thin skin or lack of recent exposure.

Sorry then, but someone did PDF it. I appreciate your thought but getting the basic idea this was a bad call sometime before... now... would have been nice.

Heh. No, I've never posted/worked in their JC thread, and have been in this community since before we had threads of our own. Just coincidence I got back from AK at the same time, apparently.
>I'm doing it just because I think there's a misunderstanding here and have the, probably futile hope, that different perspectives might be able to finally end this discussion.
They want him to change his decision. He's spent the last two hours or so arguing why he won't change his decision. They get angry that he won't change his decision. He tells them to fuck off. They tell him to fuck off. Neither side is going to fuck off.
I'd say you can connect temporary worlds and permanent worlds. If you do, though, you can't cross the border into a temporary world unless said world would actually exist.

The Old Kingdom.
>What jump is this from?
I that the perk from Abhorsen that lets you make boarder areas where people can physically cross from one world / dimension to another?

Like making Detroit share a border with Hell?
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>>53663763>ALLAHU AKBAR'd
>in the name of Communism

But anon, Communists are godless

Please return your comrade card to your nearest designated party official, citizen

also what the SHIT are you doing, you're leaving China in a position to inherit the world

>A dozen people with all the same powers is less interesting to write about than nine people with their own individual skills and abilities.

I know what you mean.

It might be a futile effort, but I've always liked the idea my companions can outdo my Jumper at specialised fields simply because said Jumper's a monomaniacal autist.

We are born, of the thread. Made men, by the thread. Undone, by the thread.

Also, though it pains me to admit it I can't argue with >>53661778's logic


When the world is temporarily out of commission, what do people see at the edge of the barrier? Darkness? A big swathe of Nothing like in the Neverending Story? Fanwank something?

Also gotta ask-what's the weather in Alaska like this time of year?
>On the other hand, it looks like there's only one person interested in suggesting solutions and new perks and items rather than just telling me I'm bad and should feel bad, so... sorry. Again, I'll call thin skin or lack of recent exposure.
How is that different from anyone else? I get that you don't follow thread much, but feedback has never been the thread's strong suit.
>Point. On the other hand, not instantly pinging on every scanner as someone who doesn't exist (and starting with the skills and connections of such a thief) is still worth something.

If you dont exist why are you on their scanner?
Hey faggot, you were the one who said he had a name. I looked for the name, couldn't fine him

Keep hauling those goalposts, they're never going anywhere
He's saying more like when you're at the border and you don't have a passport to show so you "ping" as an illegal immigrant or something
>On the other hand, it looks like there's only one person interested in suggesting solutions and new perks and items rather than just telling me I'm bad and should feel bad, so... sorry. Again, I'll call thin skin or lack of recent exposure.

Multiple people have said it, I have said it, if you dont want them getting everything then give them less cp, 300 nets them 1 capstone at most with discounts and that means nothing else at all.
I don't know why I expected anything from a moth.

They are basically flies with a perpetual bad hair day.
People have been saying what the problems are you just jeep insisting the problems are features.
I mean ok, but you just stole from the louvre getting past boarder patrol should be easy anyway.
OI! They're not flies with bad hair, they're fluffy butterflies!
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Tell you what. If you can think of a good new 400cp Physical Enhancement, I'll package Enhanced Reflexes in with Enhanced Speed.
>The henchmen are all genius thieves that singlehandedly swipe everything in the Louvre. They're just not able to steal the Louvre itself, which is the distinction I'm trying to fight over.
Okay, part of the problem is that the jumps are really underselling what the companion import is supposed to do.

>On the other hand, not instantly pinging on every scanner as someone who doesn't exist (and starting with the skills and connections of such a thief) is still worth something.
According to standard background pricing, it's worth about 100CP. And really, after a few jumps of having people be Drop-Ins, you're going to figure out how to make connections with the underworld and get some fake ID. Illegal immigrants manage it, and they aren't interdimensional travelers with a warehouse full of gold. It cannot be that hard.
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That's a bit far, man.

Moths don't lay their larvae in your flesh so they eat its' way out of you as they grow up

More like butterflies with a bad case of dandruff. I've seen plenty of fluffless moths
How wide/tall are the borders? Is there enough room to directly fortify them? What form(s) do they take?
Optical senses, synesthesia that lets you choose how to rearrange your 5 senses.
You resort to trying personal attacks quickly when you think you're wrong or am I special? I enjoyed your gymnastics routine anon. Open relationships being a case of parasitism where one person gets everything while the other person just slaves and works to support them. No love or mutual benefit to a relationship to be found unless both sides have the other's genitals on lock.

That's why harems are better, you get to claim more people's genitals. Harems totally aren't parasitic relationships where multiple people make numerous sacrifices for one person who doesn't sacrifice anything in return while raking in the benefits.
That's also a fair comparison (though the first companions the whole thing was based on were, literally, pokemon). And as I've been saying, you do get those "important character but not THE HERO" skills, and I may even give them low-ranking perks. On the other hand, unless I'm remembering wrong, Brock and Misty never forged bonds with Legendaries or challenged the Pokemon League with a fair shot. And yet again... I have no problem making companions better. I've offered teacher perks before, and personally love to take them. But to me there's still a divide between spending time and using skills to train each other in new things and giving them access to the Jumper Toybox of perks.

Where I was, it was 50-60 F during the day most of the time, with 22 hours of daylight and about 30 minutes of true darkness. On the other hand, we had hail last week and they called for snow this week. And the mosquitoes are killer.

Then maybe I am remembering wrong. Besides, it's probably worth it for the couple of people who help anyway.

Well, you'll get fingerprinted or scanned sometime and not showing up at all immediately sets off ALL the flashing lights. As >>53663951
pointed out as I typed.

I'll probably end up giving them some of the low-ranking perks that fit, which accomplishes the same goal.

Apparently I did the same in both and undersold the existing skills. I'm sorry, I'll rewrite that to emphasize.

Yes... and I've already said that's why it's cheap, and should have been cheaper.
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You...take that back!!!
>I'll probably end up giving them some of the low-ranking perks that fit, which accomplishes the same goal.

It really doesnt. It just makes them bland cookie cutter mooks.
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>in THAT climate
>those ungodly hours

Jesus, that's harsh.

Sorry I couldn't come up with any perk ideas. Legit too far out of my depth here to think up anything.

Dammit, these avatars are terrible for expressing any emotion other than smug.

>linked to a post about flies

You brought back some very, very dark mental images from something I saw on youtbue. If you don't know, don't ask. You do NOT want to know
But anon, that's what Companions are supposed to be! Don't you think it's better to be deprived of the choice of how to build your companions and instead have them relegated to minions with basic skills instead?
>I appreciate your thought but getting the basic idea this was a bad call sometime before... now... would have been nice.
Sorry. You dropped the pastes and that was all I saw with your name between then and the time an anon dropped off the PDF conversions.

I saved them in case you never showed up again, but was content to wait until you were HERE here to talk about them, not just stepping in to give a progress report.

And you kind of getting dogpiled now so I was staying away from the cluster fuck. But if you are soliciting responses, my votes were for:
1: All backgrounds free for everyone.
2: 100 CP perks and items free for everyone, even Srop Ins
3: Not opposed to not giving Companions CP, but if so please don't charge much for them (free or 100 CP for a group of no CP imports)
4: spelling out they do get the skillz to be a competent professions at their jobs is good, and having that laid out in some 100 CP perk format is better, and makes it feel like companions are getting something. (The Background and all freebies but no CP approach)
5: World Almanacs are awesome, and should totally be in the Sandiego jump.
6: the "You know all this useful world information" should be a general setting perk for everyone, and not part of any particular background. (Carmen Sandeigo jump only)
7: I hear you need ideas for a new Chief perk and a couple +300 CP drawbacks, buy my brain is tired, and the magic 8-Ball says try again later. Sorry.
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I feel afraid now.
Why are you so dead set against companions being good at something? Youve been given plenty of input and good reasons but you still insist on not budging from a stupid position and it makes you look bad frankly.
The original version that connected any sort of world / dimension together ended up getting beaten with the nerf bat, for various reasons. Now it only connects pocket dimensions/realities/spaces that you control. But yeah, that's the one.

Fanwank is encouraged. Both of your given examples work just fine.

The contents of the connecting border depends on what's being connected. For typical areas, the border might be a strip of land that gradients from one side to the other. For private galaxies, the border might be an additional stretch of empty space. For pocket buildings, it might consist of a wide hallway between the two.

Generally speaking, the connecting border should be large enough to build a fortified wall along its length, and as tall as the connected spaces.
Because he was President. That was basically it.
I should add that I was false flagging as a false flagging Sovietaboo. Basically, I wanted to give the West a reason to say fuck it and invade the USSR. Because A) fuck Communism and B) I really wanted to see what kind of nifty prototypes and production equipment would come out of it. But mainly because Fuck Communism.

If it makes you feel any better, I took no joy from my job.
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Pic related is my entire companion group after what the jumper did in Akame Ga Kill.

Turns out "I'm An S" combined with his M.O of restricting his cruelty, desire to tempt people into hedonistic selfish actions and desire to flamboyantly one-up and humiliate people to "Hypocrites, tyrants, and false saviors" combined with a prodigious ability to make people suffer and destroy their lives with a few quiet words...is a bad combination

Currently arranging for the jumper to get a bit of a humility check as well as some time to think on their methods and actions before moving onwards.

Was suggested a good place, though not one I expected.
Uh, okay.
Shoggoth alt-form + touch-based disintegration spells from TES.

I AM the hentai that you've seen. You know where this is going.
You know what just fuck you it is exactly like sjchan all over again.
I call 'em like I see them. They're only 'personal attacks' because it irritates you to it pointed out. The terms you use also make it pretty clear that you support open relationships. In fact, this very post with its whole 'evils of having genitalia on lock' just reinforces my point. That whole venom towards the concept of exclusivity is not something a neutral party will have.

And yes, there's no love. You don't love someone as a partner if you need to find emotional and sexual solace in someone else. Welcome to human relationships 101, sorry you got the lesson so late.
>Moths don't lay their larvae in your flesh so they eat its' way out of you as they grow up
Epipyropidae moths do, for certain values of "you."
>Keep hauling those goalposts, they're never going anywhere
What goalposts? You told the guy that 4plebs proved the new jump didn't exist when it does. Yes, this does make the rest of us look bad, because how are you any different from the dirgeposter when you're basically screaming NAH NAH IT DOESN'T EXIST. Never mind that you're defending a jump that's already two versions out of date, but now you're going to be an ass about it too?

It can't be that fucking hard to use 4pleb, especially not when a namefag is involved.
>Now it only connects pocket dimensions/realities/spaces that you control
Do you have to control BOTH sides of the border? Because while I may not be Mayor of Detroit for that side of the boarder, Hells and other netherworld's, THAT I got!
Ehhhhhh, not really. The China of the forties was really in no position to do anything of note. They certainly aren't the China of today.
>"I'm An S"
From where and does what?
It's not really a perk combo, but in one pocket dimension I've created a town populated with memory-imprinted clones, where I introduce psychic stressors of various kinds before setting up 'peak events' that plunge the town into chaos, like the Kindergartners eating their teacher or every dog going rabid at once. Then once they're all dead, I repopulate the town, usually with people who are similar but have other qualities I want to see. The whole thing is just set up because I think it's funny.

Then there are the non-euclidean hell mazes that I like to drop entire races of neurologically reworked creatures that might look cute being eaten by a wall.
Thing is, unless you give them heaps of points (not what I'm suggesting, at least), they'll still fall behind the Jumper just because of the amount of CP available to Jumpers, so you still have THE HERO and their competent backup, instead of THE SUPER HERO and their /in/competent backup. I don't think giving them a huge amount of CP is necessary, but maybe enough to get one capstone, or an assortment of lesser perks or something.

As I said, them getting /something/ out of importing like the police/thief skills you've alluded to may well be enough for me, but I can see where others are coming from. Not everyone treats their companions as an army, and in fact in many jumps my companions are off doing their own things, with only one or two sticking with me for most of it.

In the case of this jump that would almost certainly happen. We may even end up doing 'teams', with a set of thieves and a set of detectives, perhaps pairs or something, and all go off and do our own things. Doing that with only one character having serious thief skills would be a quick way for the lesser thieves to spend 9 years 6 months in jail, so I wouldn't be adverse to them being able to buy better skills, while my thief companion either doubles up on his skills, or maybe expands his options.

But this is just me rambling on about my ideas about companions. It doesn't really help find a solution, so I think I'll leave it at that.
So the dividing line between "good companion" and "cookie-cutter mook" is whether or not they get the capstone? Because that's the only difference I can see.

Thanks? But other than the sunlight, it's not bad, especially compared to winter.

Already doing 1+2 for Sandiego... and at this point maybe both, we'll see.
Already 50 CP in one jump, and going down to 100 in the other.
DOing #4.
Will try to find a way to make #5 work.
6: ... I'll see, I guess. Everyone except Investigator has access to such things as is, so making a universal perk would require a rewrite more comprehensive than the other stuff.
7: New drawbacks for Negima and Honorverse, and new DI items for Sandiego. Anything in general is always appreciated, though. Thanks for trying.

I really, really am not. I see a difference between "good" and "MC-based perk," but I really am trying to compromise.
Akame ga Kill, pretty much makes you a Capital-S Sadist.
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But they don't use human hosts, so HA!
Don't bother with him the shitposter's been known to play both sides and samefag just to keep the argument going. He knows that as long as he keeps going through the motions of shitting on Dirge then defending Dirge everybody's going to get tired of Dirge sooner or later. He doesn't actually give a shit about anything Dirge made as long as he gets to use Dirge as a shitpost topic.
>So the dividing line between "good companion" and "cookie-cutter mook" is whether or not they get the capstone? Because that's the only difference I can see.

Then you are blind. Giving them cp lets you mix and match what they can buy, giving them exactly the same thing is the definition of cookie cutter.
>really, really am not. I see a difference between "good" and "MC-based perk," but I really am trying to compromise.

You aren't Compromising at all you are saying "this is what I am doing, piss off" that is not a compromise.
>I'm an S + that thing from the PPC jump that makes you good at ironic punishments
>pretend to be retarded
Thats a bold strategy cotton lets see if it pans out.
There actually are two species of parasitic moth that can prey on humans. They are vampiric moths with piercing mouthparts native to Eastern Europe. Fairly rare animal.
We honestly don't even need to shit on Dirge anymore, the spacebattles thread is dead, so Dirge is officially gone for good.
You successfully stonewalled till thread end, congrats on ignoring everything everyone said to you.
Now we just need you gone for good.
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I love nature.
Before this drops off, and so I can consolidate what I'm actually doing:
Adding 300 CP drawbacks to Negima, clarifying that Partner is a companion option.
Dropped Jumpower to 200 in Honorverse, removed power nullifier, adding new 300 CP drawback, clarifying skills and maybe perks for imports, and making all backgrounds free+normalizing discounts.
Adding new DI items to Sandiego, rewriting import to be cheaper, clarify skills, and add low-level perks. Add some kind of almanac item? Some kind of rockapella import? Some kind of generic knowledge perk?

Ah, okay. Though in that case why not just make them that background...? Whatever.

Already doing... all the stuff I said up at the top, none of which I planned on doing. I'm opening things up to grant more power and skills and doing some of what people wanted, but not all of it, which is pretty much the definition of a compromise. Though I know I shouldn't respond to this one.

Yes, you've got it, this was my plan all along. It totally wasn't based on me doing the same thing for my previous jumps and when I posted it before. Though again, bait.
Are you talking about this?


It drinks blood but not excessively so. Although the bites are worse than mosquito bites, iirc they're not a threat to humans like mosquitos are (I think that means it doesn't transmit any known diseases that affect humans).
>Ah, okay. Though in that case why not just make them that background...? Whatever

Because you want a noncriminal who can steal if they need to?
Seriously you say you aren't getting feedback but looking at the thread you got plenty of feedback, just not what you wanted to hear.
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Red-Eyes doing stupid things for power?

>"I must have the power of the Fall Maiden!"
>"Cinder already stole it."
>"Then I will take it from her!"
>"Only women can be Maidens."
>"Find me a surgeon!"

>"Drink, Hellscream. You will all be conquerors."
>"Yoink! Glug glug glug glug."
>"What the Fel?"

>"I am told you are the most powerful man in this realm, Lord Minaka. I demand to know your secrets."
I could swear this exact conversation has happened before. Or maybe I dreamed it.
>Though in that case why not just make them that background

Because people want, stay with me now, variety! The very thing you espouse up top.
You're really trying to drill that point like it's right. They're personal attacks because you're trying to make it personal instead of tackling the conversation at hand, since you think you need an edge, since your opinion is trash. You still don't get that I don't hate harems or exclusivity, all this "venom" is because of your pretentiousness to link everything to sex and claiming harems are somehow loving relationships and open relationships somehow aren't when they're so close to being the same.

Harems aren't about exclusivity or they'd never form, it'd be two people who love each other equally and promise to keep it that way. What, are harems in your mind just three or four or more people who all really love each other and all decide to form a relationship together and that relationship being concrete? They start specifically through what you hate, one or more members looking for more than what one person can give.
Yes. They are ectoparasites.

Personally, I plan to eradicate the species when I get back.
This exact convo happened with SJ-chan, they wouldn't budge on a dumb decision either.
>So the dividing line between "good companion" and "cookie-cutter mook" is whether or not they get the capstone?
The difference between a Companion and a Cookie Cutter Mook is that a Companion should be more special and unique than any random thug you can hire or clone. Giving them a CP budget allows them to have their own things, be useful on a practical level, and the opportunity to differentiate themselves.

I'm sick of trying to argue the importance of good Companion imports with you, so I'm done with this post. Whether or not you actually change it, this stupid argument and how stubborn you've been has significantly damaged any respect I had for you, and since I fully expect you to stick to your stance until the end, I'm just going to preemptively tell you to stop pretending you care if you don't actually intend to change anything.
I don't care about defending harems, anon, only about criticizing your lifestyle.
So we really have just been in this place before? Higher on the street?
>expecting a hypocrite to comprehend his own hypocrisy.
Man-skining amazon princess
Murerous voodoo doll grenade
Afraid so, yeah. You've got to own both sides of the border. You're not entirely out of luck, though. Bringing an area in the outside world under your power would let you connect your pocket dimensions to it. Alternatively, some pocket dimensions can be connected to the outside world intrinsically (Oblivion Bar, Warp Paintings, and Cosmic Warehouse for example), so you can connect [desired dimension] -> [connector dimension] -> [outside world] to get from A to B.
Go with the voodoo doll.
Fair point, will provide a way to switch it out.

You're probably right, though I'll note things like >>53664366 help a lot less than >>53664115 or even >>53664123.
But I don't have that lifestyle. I just hated your ego about the whole thing.
Haha, great!

More, more!
Is Red-Eyes basically Doom?
Murderous man-skinning amazon princess voodoo doll grenade
See, now I want a Wizard of Oz jump even more, because combining that with this would be amazing.

>"These Ruby Slippers possess immense power? Then I must have them!"
>"But...you have to wear them."
>"Yes, and?"
>"They're, uh...a little small for you..."

>"Who is your ruler?"
>"Oz, the Great and Powerful!"
>"Great and Powerful, eh? Then I must have his power!"
>"...about that..."

>"Clearly, the power of the Witches come from their Wands, or in the Wicked Witch's case, her broom! We must steal them!"
>"Do you even know how to use them?"
Doll. Who do you voodoo with it?
As a wildcard, can I take a bleach shinigami as a persona?
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You have made a powerful enemy, sir or madam.
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Why not Both?
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Believe me, i have a damn laundry list of the perks and items that can paint a picture of what kind o hellishness awaits people.

Less of a firestorm destroying the city and more a plague that strikes from the shadows.

for one thing, damn near the entire Moriarty perkline and gearline from Sherlock. That thing DEFINES a calm, collected, deliberate wickedness that defines the Criminal King.
All this has happened before and will happen again.
Alright, I take back what I said. You /should/ read God of Highschool, DC Occult and Marvel Magic. Only then will you understand how far these powerwankers have fallen, how truly irredeemable they are. You're fighting an uphill battle, to be sure.
He's going to continue shitting on Dirge for as long as Dirge's jumps are still on this drive, even ignoring the fact that most people nowadays don't know who Dirge is outside of Dirge is the SB shitposter/jumpmaker. Dirge is basically his shitposting golden goose because a few people still remember him and get offended over something trivial.
I refuse to tolerate human-preying parasites in any form.
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Jumpwise? Heading into akame, as a nice vacation jump to gamble and have time to reverse engineer some things and work on my Armor and spend quality time with my waifu.
Meta? Putting off jumping the exalted gauntlet until i can find the build that i drew up on a notecard... somewhere. I really should keep a folder or something.
Honestly, I'm just curious if that anon who was responsible for the clone drawback last night and "totally didn't" post those Tumblr pronouns was actually serious about making a jump.
so in the worm jump how does the enhance mastery power correlate
Probably not. Sorry.
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Hey Digger, can the soldiers from Castle Walls from Shadow Realm be goblins? I'm trying to obtain as many goblin minions as possible so that I can become the Goblin King.
>I don't have that lifestyle
>Has a special interest in defending the idea of open relationships and them somehow being healthy
Anon, come on.
Why would you think he was? He was obviously just bringing up some stupid bullshit to argue with the thread over. It was transparent from the fact that he didn't have anything else to show other than a Drawback, which itself was a trap option.
Would you mind saying what is was, then?
I also eradicate any human predator.

Also moths are one of my animals too, so I feel like winnowing problem species is my right.
>Assuming a faggot on /jc/ of all places could be in any sort of relationship.
I'm thinking it was Tales of The Abyss. I don't know for sure, but I have a feeling that's what it was.
I am serious about doing it.
Anon, if you want an outside perspective, you're definitely coming off as a belligerent asshole who's shoving words in other peoples' mouths. Go argue this on /pol/ or something.
Serious about the jump, or the gender pronouns?
Please, don't call your opponent belligerent when you've been spending quite a long time getting upset and whining at them.
The jump. You can already see my reaction to you idiots falling for the shitposter up thread.
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I don't see any reason not to, after all it's not like Goblins are really any more effective than human soldiers...I'm 90% sure.
I wasn't defending open relationships, I was attacking your opinions since you're being a smarmy asshole.
Anon, I'm not your "opponent". And if anyone's been whining, it's you.
>Implying anyone believed you weren't shitposting
I'll believe you're real when you show up with content.
Awesome, thanks Digger.
Wasn't that last thread?
You made a presumption about my opinion and tried to attack something I don't care about while I continued to criticize your lifestyle.
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>"Did you say this was called the Power Glove?"
>"I will take all of them."
>"That'll be-"
>"I did not say I was paying."

>"You're powered up! Get in there!"
>"This was a bad idea."

>"You say this 'Esdeath' gained her power by drinking all of the blood of that creature?"
>"Bring me ten."
>"What is wrong with you?"
>"Bring. Me. Ten."

>"These fruit contain unimaginable power?"
>"Yes, but-"
>"Where are the others?"
>"Lots of pirates have them."
>"Then I must steal them all from the pirates?"
>"You can't eat more than one! It'll destroy you!"
>"We'll see about that."

>"Wait, you mean it? You just want power?"
>"Power is the destiny of my clan, Zarm! Now, the gauntlet you promised!"
>"Gladly, my conqueror. Gladly."
>somewhere, Gaia felt a chill run down her spine and wondered what unholy deed had just been done
Don't care senpai.

Oh, yeah it was.
Does Progress in Skyrim give you gameplay growth speed for your skills/abilities?
Do we have any good anti-corruption perks?
There's plenty.
No, that seems way too OP.
And there you go continuing with trying to defend the same thing you criticize. You're making a lot of baseless assumptions while trying to claim that you had no attachment when this all started off of the things you said.
Honestly, I'd rather you just tell the thread what you're working on and drop it so someone better can work on it, because I have no faith that you won't add in a mandatory 'you die and someone else takes your position as jumper' drawback in.
Maybe? I dunno how good that'd be.
>you idiots
There you go again.
You can hardly expect anyone to take you seriously when keep trying to insult the whole thread.

Regardless, I'd advise against trying to push your clone drawback again. People will either never touch or take it as free points.

It'd also help if you told everyone what the jump is.
What kind of "corruption"? Like, conceptual, metaphysical gunk or internal?
Any specifics come to mind?
Then what does it do?
Anon, you're the one that says he's unattached. I'm saying my issue isn't the one you thought it was.
>that last one
I'm pretty sure Zarm would adore a Red Eyes. They represent everything he is.
Not that.
Exactly, anon. Exactly.

Honestly, the only way to stop him from going for more power would be to make the method so embarassing that the tiny scrap of dignity he doesn't even know he has prevents him from doing the thing.
Is it just me, or have the recent threads been ridden with posts arguing about how perks don't do what they say they do because somebody thinks that'd be 'too strong', without any supporting evidence from canon or jumpmaker ruling?
Not right now, sorry. Pretty tired honestly.
(sorry for not bundling these)
Like general not becoming evil when stepping into not!mordor or when being hit with "evilness beams"
(not sure if i got the point across)
Yeah, I've noticed it too. Might be a new shitposting tactic, or just the same few autists.
He's tried that shitposting before, probably doing it again.
Ok. Thanks anyway.
You're still this salty that real eater doesn't work like you say it does huh?
Ah. American McGee's Alice has complete immunity to external corruption as a 400 CP perk, iirc.
Does he care where the power comes from?

Magical Girl Red-Eyes when?
I think evo has a good anti corruption perk. Maybe kantai?
I think so, but the amount of progress you could make in one day would probably be comparable to the amount of progress you could make in one in game day rather than the amount of progress your character could make if you played the game for a whole day.
We've had that ever since 'powerwanker' became a slur. It slowed down and almost vanished a while back but it seems to have come back in vogue or something.
Haha. Wonder if his ability to take power into himself without dying/exploding will be enough to take multiple devil fruits...

It could be fun seeing a little chain done up like this.
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>Shill tech activated

If you want to go a different direction with it, have you considered taming corruption into power? Such as with "Dive too Deep!" and "Never Surrender" from the Kamen Rider Neo Heisei jumps? (NH part 3 and Gaim respectively)
Like the refugees in Europe, the SB fags have come here.
That's the opposite you moron. SB is all about powerwanking, not saying things are too strong.
A Red Eyes would probably agree to be a Magical Girl without a second thought, though you damn well better make sure he's a pretty magical girl. The Red Eyes have a long, not-so-proud history of using everything trick they can to obtain power. These guys literally make deals with the Archfiends, aka the love children of the Great Old Ones and the Legions of Hell, and usually end up scamming them. That's just how they work.
>You're still this salty that real eater doesn't work like you say it does huh?
No, but I recognized a pattern that goes back farther than the last couple of threads which seems to indicate that you're either an autistic sperglord who can't stand the idea of things working like how they're supposed to, or a shitposter.

Probably both. Tell me, do you think Minecraft's EE perk? Do you think that it would count as magic? Could you apply the principles of it to things outside of minecraft?
You know what, I think I will. Native-chains are fun.
>that speech

Well fuck, now I can almost see why Cap and the Punisher signed on.
>Anon, you're the one that says he's unattached. I'm saying my issue isn't the one you thought it was.
>I don't care about defending harems, anon, only about criticizing your lifestyle.
So which is it, are you attached or are you not? Were you trying to make a point or were you trying to throw flimsy criticism using baseless assumptions? Because you're not doing a very good job either way.
Why? It's not a good speech at all.
Thank you very much!
That would be a pretty interesting idea. I'll have to consider it.
Pretty sure he has several of those guys in the crowd become suicide bombers in the next page.
No, it's not, but it's a better speech than anyone ELSE in Marvel can give. Except Cap.

I didn't say he was RIGHT.
They only did that because someone realized they'd made the speech too sympathetic and reasonable. Had to make us know he's the villain!
He must be one of those sheeple that somehow let themselves be convinced by a literal Nazi, who isn't even as good as Hitler at selling propaganda, to strap on an explosive vest.
I'm attached to criticizing your lifestyle, this isn't rocket science here.
I know he's just playing these fuckers and on the next page he's getting these guys to put on explosive vests, but it's like he's hitting psychological pressure points or something.
>muh homeland
>muh freedom
>muh culture
It's some sort of kneejerk reaction. Are we sure he's not some sort of Exalted?

>Threadly reminder to act as CPS on Kobik's behalf.
No one deserves her. Neither heroes nor villains. She's too pure.
Can't you just kill her?
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Not really. Not yet. Unless the whole "Consuming enitre planets" thing counts.

Biomass, minerals, souls, every aspect of every living being is either stored in some way or consumed for power. From there the rock, mud, sand, etc. is also all consumed, and the liquid is drained into storage microvats.

Big power boost, big boost in resources. a planet can do a lot. I still haven't figured how to harness stars to any advantage, though...
something-something teamed up with russians and spread equal ethno nationalism throughout the world, developed south america, eliminated any and all marxists and anarchsits from the world through a fascistic empire that spanned almost the entire old world. Cold war between hemispheres lasted a few months. Won the war, restored national santity to the WW1 era in all aspects apart from space travel
Eating cheerios by airbending them. I dunno, just a habit i guess
Do it
Or whatever Marvel Anon says, he's a good fellow-
Whoa that's a lot of posts that im not gonna read, just do it anyways
Well if you're not even going to at least put up a token effort anymore, I guess I'm gonna stop replying then.
You should have stopped long ago when you realized we were having two different conversations. If I'm not interested in debating your point, I'm not going to change my argument to the subject you desire. I'm going to stick with what I intended to talk about.
I'm not a monster.
For all intensive porpoises, Kobik is a 4 year old girl. Couldn't go through with it.

Also Kobik is a cute. I just want to get her some ice cream and be good role model for her.
>They only did that because someone realized they'd made the speech too sympathetic and reasonable
It wasn't sympathetic or reasonable at all though. It was a shitty speech filled with inflammatory rhetoric and emotional appeals, without any rational or logical basis, and no actual authority to support it either; intended purely to incite base tribalism from the retarded masses.

No one with half a brain wouldn't look at those people and respond 'what a bunch of idiots and morons.'

No one with half a brain would hear him talking and not throw salt at his disgusting skinless face, because cripples like him are the real problem with our society, holding everyone back through affirmative action and lobbying in congress to force the little guy to accommodate for their weaknesses. If only they would all just die already, our society would be free from the leeches keeping us from achieving our full potential.

If that sounded like bullshit, it's because red skull's speech is also bullshit, you just have a confirmation bias and are willing to agree with anything telling you that you're right, even if it's stupid.
Now that's not fair, anon. I went into this relationship under the assumption that we would talk about what both of us wanted. If you're just going to have other conversation threads without me, then that just won't do. You need to commit, too.
Looks like you're one of those retards who think the west should take in a bunch of muslim refugees to rape everyone and blow shit up.
Yes anon, protecting your nation and your people is wrong! Open yourselves up to Africa and Islam!
Why don't you strap on a ballistic vest of your own then if you agree with him so much?
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