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DnD Character Ideas

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How about a halfling monk who runs around nut-punching people?

Or an old grizzled bard who specializes in improvised weapons and fights like a murder hobo by shanking people with sharpened barstool legs?

What about a wizard who delves a little too deeply into the theory of why magic works and begins to suspect that he's trapped in an imaginary world?

Or a rogue that's an old-timey flim-flam man who spends his spare time as a snake-oil salesman?

Or a lawful-good paladin who has a stuffed animal that he carries around and during interrogations he likes to play "good cop, Teddy cop" as an excuse to beat the piss out of wrongdoers?
The wizard should suspect that he's trapped in an imaginary world run by simpletons because skills, unlike regular knowledge, are not learned gradually, but rather in sudden "jumps"
Does anyone else find people who make characters like this super annoying?

Like seriously, why can't you jack-holes just play the damn game without acting all "lel random!"?

Unfortunately it's a bit harder to samefag these days.
that's a little much effort put in by you to discredit one guy trying to bounce some ideas around, anon.
Fair enough.

My original posts still stand though. Are you for people messing around with character creation or do you think it gets in the way of role-playing?

If you're for it, do you have any additional ideas for whacky characters?
>taking a screencap is hard work
Does your handler know you're on the Internet unsupervised
I like playing 'em straight but without "le dumb barbarian faggy elf" brown foam.
Walk the Way of the Warrior. Study the soul of man and monster. Seek forbidden and lost knowledge. Be a hero that the world doesn't deserve.
Could be both, but I prefer roleplay over whacky.

One idea I've wanted to try is to roll a fighter. Young naive guy, LG, heavy armor. Would introduce himself as a paladin. He'd have the holy symbols, know the religion, act the act, talk the talk. Just looking at him, he's a paladin. He doesn't know what a paladin is, and is thick enough to not quite get it when you explain the difference. He wouldn't hurt the party, or assume he can cast magic, but you'd never be able to convince him that he's JUST a fighter.

On the more serious side, I think playing an ex-martial would be cool. Level 1 caster of some kind who, in his youth, was a high-level martial character. He got old, got bored, got into religion or the occult. You end of with this 60-something /fit/ caster, with age and lack of practice explaining why he can't melee a while army apart anymore.

Drifting back towards whacky, I played a thousand-year-old human that looked like a teen (I know I know). Abducted by a cult, forced into worship, rest of the cult died and she was left the only worshiper of this legit god. The god's energy kept her alive until she was found. She spoke a dozen languages and was a healer, but was more than a little loopy (couple hundred years alone) and insisted on using acid-weapons more than spell-combat. And while she sounds like that randumb fuckhat you hate having in the party, I still solved more than a few problems and avoided derailing the game.
An idea I had on the way home from work was for a "blue-collar wizard."

A gruff half-orc or goliath perhaps, who approaches magic like carpentry as opposed to say an architect's artistry. He's never been the most exemplary wizard or sorcerer, but he's worked at it for a long time. He's not a court magician, he doesn't have a tower, he has a small workshop like a blacksmith. Obviously, some family matter or maybe even just a sense of right sets him upon the path of adventure, but I like the beginning of this concept.
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See, this is the kind of thing that makes my inner GM weep. Call me a no-fun allowed faggot all you like, but I truly despise characters with a cheap gimmick.

Most of what you just described is simply terrible. Unless you're looking to run a campaign where everything operates on Marvel-tier humor, don't do this.

Would it honestly kill you to try to come up with a character idea that has some sort of depth or intrigue to it? Something that actually fits the world, maybe? Christ.

Also, OP, this:
Is just fucking embarrassing. Please don't do this ever again.

I think you might be new-ish, considering a lot of your posts in this thread, so if that's the case, either lurk moar or admit you don't know what you're doing.
You play pathfinder, yeah?
> "good cop, Teddy cop"

Don't you mean "bad cop, Teddy cop"?
I once played a Nobleman Barbarian who was on a quest to eat one of every animal on the plane. The long version is a noble from an influential family who's tutor and guardian developed dementia and had instilled some strange ideas in the man's head when he was young and impressionable. Believing a twisted interpretation of 'you are what you eat,' the character spent his youth and his access to the family fortune acquiring rare and often highly illegal meats. Wanting to avoid scandal, the family shipped him far, far away under the pretense of establishing business ties with faraway lands.

He was fun. Often inquired what funeral arrangements other party members had and would refer to his Rage and Berserk abilities as 'Becoming Quite Cross" and "Having a Spot of the Red Blooded," respectively.
Dude porkbane always roll with pork bane

>'If you don't tell me the truth then I'm going to get really mad,' Teddy said in his shrill voice.
>'Calm down Teddy; I doubt he knows anything,' Sir Beddington spoke with concern.
>The man just looked back between the Paladin and the Teddy in his hand getting; slowly more agitated.
>'Oh I'll so you calm!' Teddy grabbed the criminal's head and slammed into the table repeatedly. [In fact the Paladin grabbed their head with the hand holding Teddy while stuffing the toy into that poor man's face.]
>'Stop it Ted!' the Paladin yeld as he threw his captive's face down again and again.
>That poor man was never the same.
*Made some mistakes there. Sorry I'm tired.
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Closest I've come to playing off trope was a Bard who was merchant trader with a cart of goods that he traveled from village to village with. His performance was basically salesmanship shows with magic to enhance it, and he also smuggled on the side.

It wasn't a fun character to play actually
How about a drunk Druid-Monk with a background in Piracy; who kicks his enemies to death with his Shillelagh enchanted pegleg?
I think the most "gimmicky" character I ever played was the time I played Kanye West as a bard in a fantasy setting.

I ended up dying because I attacked the BBEG in the middle of his monologue with Vicious Mockery by pulling an "I'mma let ya finish" on him

The GM was so grumpy that I just kept pulling crazy Kanye stunts and derailing his game that i ended up eating a lightning bolt.

I think the most fun I've had playing a serious character was my Kenku Bard, Scribbles. Basically, rather than be a thief, he grew up hiding out in a Theatre that was used by a local acting troupe often- and then when the director found him and realized that he could perfectly mimic and memorize lines, Scribbles became an actor. Whenever someone asked him what his name was, he responded with the sound of a quill scratching on parchment- the director furiously making notes- and so he got the nickname Scribbles.

This Kenku becomes an actor, and then decides to travel the world, wanting to become the first true Kenku playwright. The way I played him is that he could only speak Common in Movie Quotes, which were the lines from plays. However, he ended up being a seriously moving and emotional character when it was revealed just how alienated from other Kenku he was because of his devotion to his craft. I'm still playing him.
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