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/STG/ - Star Trek General

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Dauntless Edition

Previous Thread >>53544385

A thread for discussing the Star Trek franchise and its various tabletop iterations.

Possible topics include Star Trek Adventures - the new rpg being produced by Modiphius - and WizKids’ Star Trek: Attack Wing miniatures game, as well as the previous rpgs produced by FASA, Last Unicorn Games and Decipher, the Starfleet Battles Universe, and Star Trek in general.

Game Resources

Star Trek Adventures, Modiphius’ 2d20 RPG
-Official Modiphius Page
Playtest Materials (via Biff Tannen)
Reverse Engineered Character Creation.

Older Licensed RPGs (FASA, Last Unicorn Games and Decipher)

Other (Unlicensed) RPGS (Far Trek + Lasers and Feelings)

WizKids’ Star Trek: Attack Wing Miniatures Game
-Official WizKids Page (Rules and Player Resources)

Lore Resources

Memory Alpha - Canon wiki

Memory Beta - Noncanon wiki for licensed Star Trek works

Fan Sites - Analysis of episodes, information on ships, technobabble and more

Star Trek Maps - Based on the Star Trek Star Charts, updated and corrected

/stg/ Homebrew Content
How would /tg/ do star trek if Paramount handed them creative control? Pick a series and re-fluff it to your pleasure.Just make sure it's actually film able (no CGI aliens if you're doing TOS or TNG.)

>Hard mode: Make Enterprise good and appease the studio's desire for fan service at the same time.
We did that in >>>>53444133
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I wouldn't want to re-do any series, going over the same old stuff again and again is hollywood's cancer.

I mean I guess I could re-do Enterprise, but it'd mostly be giving the star fleet museum guy a shitload of money to licence his works and then do a Romulan War based series, a bit like Battlestar Galactica but less hopeless and futile and with a lot more warships.

It'd be more like some war drama with Enterprise at the centre of a battle fleet (it's a carrier after all), shit like decontamination gel showers making a lot more sense because of the lower-tech nature of everything. Still gets in some typical star trek stuff like encountering anomalies and diplomacy with aliens as the fleet moves around. Gets some of that up-close action still because of the fighters that get sent out. A lot of it would just be down to character drama stuff though. Shran still appears a lot because the Andorians are important in the SFM timeline for the war. Vulcantits still happens because the Vulcans want observers on the human ships, and they're welcome for their experience. Captain's dog still happens because fuck it, that dog was the best character outside of Shran. Archer is an idealist, a guy who wanted to explore and meet people but got caught up in leading a carrier battle group, which he's annoyingly good at. Innovative tactician kinda guy but like Picard, would really rather be just discovering stuff.
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So, what is your personal favorite /stg/?
The Klingon duelist armor...
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...The Romulan duelist armor...
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... or the Federation variant?
>Hard mode: Make Enterprise good and appease the studio's desire for fan service at the same time.
Recast the crew so they're all athletic models, male and female. The show becomes about humans wanting to bone every alien they come across, bringing the 1960s hippy free love future to the galaxy. The Federation is formed by seducing everyone into joining.
As always, Romulan is best.
Would you steal a superweapon and embark on a genocidal time-crusade if the federation retconned your alien waifu?
I don't think Voyager would've been done properly if it was like that. It's still Star Trek and Star Trek should still be at its core optimistic. For all the shit that DS9 put the Federation through, it was allying with and aiding previous enemies that saved the day, not simply mass murdering everyone and being grimderp.

Voyager should focus the Federation's strength of conflict resolution and alliance building. I'm not saying there shouldn't be room for conflict and morality testing, there should be. But over seasons, and eventually over the entire series, Voyager should steadily grow a fleet of allies. Salvage and repair the Maquis ship. Come across other travels who see the value in strength in numbers. Eventually when Voyager reaches home it should be with a bunch of alien ships with them.
>Other alien races exploring
>See Voyager as the stranded lost little ship that they have to rescue
>Or at least as some bold pioneers on the other side of the galaxy
>tfw they spur the local powers into starting their own peaceful(ish) exploration
>tfw some of them join the ship or follow it home just out of sheer adventure
>tfw "You've made more First Contacts than anyone since Kirk" isn't just a throwaway bullshit line
Fund it right fucking now. Or ANYTHING that makes the DQ anything more than Grimderp + Lolsorandumb
>crew changes
Archer is the slightly scruffy, very full-of-himself hotshot pilot/helmsman. Basically your typical test pilot bravado, but also very skilled. Best pilot in Starfleet, so they gave him the best pilot job. Has the rank of Captain, which has potential for conflict with ship's captain. Didn't actually get the big chair because he's offended too many admirals too many times, and he kinda resents it.
Reed is still tac officer, but now is also First Officer. Is simultaneously a horn dog and extremely bad with women (basically your typical >tfw no gf anon), making him the comic relief in these situations. Gets along with the captain, because the captain actually listens to most of his suggestions (which Starfleet mostly blew off - muh mission of peace and all that).
Trip is Captain. Younger, but also very skilled, and a natural diplomat, with southern charm (as opposed to being . Could have been chief engineer, but Starfleet made him captain instead, since they wanted a captain with a new mindset, for the brand-new mission profile. Archer is his friend and mentor from way back.
Mayweather is the quartermaster and backup shuttle pilot. Only seen when we need him.
Hoshi is an academic linguist and hacking expert because of course those go together. Is not the ship's telephone operator though - she has an office for herself, like a proper academic. She only comes to the bridge when the UT doesn't work (which is often enough to justify her in the OP). Malcom's official love interest, though she spends most of the series (until the Romulan War) playing hard to get.
T'Pol is merely the science officer, and an observer who has no place in the Starfleet chain of command (at least not until later, when she joins the crew officially - and wears the official uniform). Also handles communications, since all the aliens around are used to Vulcans, and the UT is tuned to Vulcanian.
Chief engineer is some person. Maybe female for more fanservice.
Figured I'd expand on this due to lack of anything better to do:

It'd follow a few season long arcs, not a seven season behomoth, more like a tight 3 seasons, with an end point planned but with plenty of trap-doors built in to the minor details like characters in case of stuff like actor troubles.

Start would be an opening with the Romulans attacking, much of the first episodes is spent establishing the setting, characters, having fleeting battles with the Romulans and eventually drawing everyone together. Archer gets moved up to carrier command from some low patrol boat after showing he's not just a good leader, but good with groups and knows how to do more than point the guns at the targets. A lot of time needs to be spent establishing the crew getting together and working together, beyond just doing their duty. We pick up a lot of characters along the way from other ships and worlds.

There's conflict in how to deal with the war, effects on the home front, strained relations with the Vulcans, maybe trying to find some other allies eventually. Series one ends with the Enterprise being commissioned and leading the battle against the Romulans in the Sol system, blunting their offensive.

Mid point of the show is just the general strains of war, holding the line and avoiding outright defeat. A lot of the usual stuff like Enterprise and the fleet getting fucked over, having to deal with other aliens taking advantage of the war (Orions of course), drawing up the alliance with the Andorians who are up for the fight but don't like Earth's other allies, trying to mediate that along with the Tellarites and Vulcans but not really succeeding, driving the story along up to the point that Earth is finally deploying enough new ships (thanks to spreading the war burden out a bit) to being to turn the tide.
End chunk of the show would be the long, gruelling march towards victory and peace. Plenty of spanners being thrown in the proverbial works, Archer having to deal with a multiple-race fleet and somehow making it work. Showing that there's more to people than just being good at fighting, and there's more to the fighting than just having fancy ships.
Series end it one long thing of the final battles but leading into the peace treaty, which then leads into forming the UFP.

One big thing I'd have to add though is a decent reoccurring Romulan villain selection. A few commanders, the Emperor, that kinda thing. We keep to people never seeing them, but giving them a face for their side of the war is needed for a series in order to make sure they're shown as a smart threat not just a faceless horde. But to also make it clear they lose because whilst they can work together as Romulans, they don't work with the other races by anything but stealthy manipulation. Probably ends with the Emperor being assassinated by a fairly sympathetic character so peace negotiations can happen. But the inspiration needs to heavily be reliant on the TOS Romulans. Understandable, not blatantly evil, though definitely ruthless.
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*(as opposed to being a dumb hick)
Chief engineer would have been a subordinate or even rival of Trip's, older (slightly) but less obviously gifted. Was going for captain of Enterprise, but passed over for Trip. Why not make her Erika Hernandez, because she's still pretty hot despite being older, and fills a couple diversity spots too. Then she can have banter and eventual shipping with Archer. And later she can get the NX-02, much to Archer's chagrin. Then Seth MacFarlane can be the engineer I guess.
Phlox is still Phlox. Trip is more centered morally, so that will counteract some of the dumb stuff Archer was browbeaten into. Also, no dog, so no "A Night in Sickbay".
>other character interactions
-When it's mentioned (early on) that T'Pol is 56, shipping between Archer and T'Pol starts. That eventually goes nowhere, just like on the real show. Eventually everyone learns that later 50's in Vulcan years is equivalent to late 20's for humans, and then official shipping between Trip and T'Pol starts (and influences when she joins Starfleet). Eventually they get married after the stuff from "Demons" happens, etc.
-T'Pol still has all the drama with getting Vulcan married, her mom, and so on.
-The Big Three is Trip, Archer, and Hernandez. They have history and friendship and stuff, so it's natural. When Hernandez leaves, T'Pol takes her place.
-That being said, there is more of an ensemble feel, like DS9. The Big Three don't dominate like they did on TOS or ENT. All the character "cliques" interact as one would expect. Aliens hang out together, scientists/nerds hang out, pilots hang out and talk shop, etc.
-Archer still has his dog, which he gets to keep on-ship because he's the captain's buddy. Archer likes to take him on walks around T'Pol's quarters, because >muh Vulcans.
-Archer is just more of a jerk in general, because he doesn't need to tone it down as the responsible officer. He'll often banter inappropriately on the bridge. (cont.)
Looks pretty good from the front, honestly.
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-Archer will also talk back to Trip a lot, especially when he's particularly grumpy. Trip will get mad at him, pull rank, whatever, DRAMA.
-Shran (when he becomes more of a regular) is Archer's buddy. He respects Archer's pride and bluntness, which is a lot like his own. Trip won't really like him for a while (Archer is enough hothead to handle), but trusts Archer's judgment about Shran enough to give him a lot of chances.
-Hoshi eventually gets some alien assistant. Maybe a Tellarite exchange student.
-Uniforms are a bit more form-fitting. Not even as tight as TOS uniforms, and still functional with all the pockets and stuff, but just a little tighter.
-More excercise stuff, to get everyone to show off their hot bods.
-Decon chamber remains, but is different. No more rubbing gel on each other, but more like showers - high-pressure showers (like actual decon). So everyone gets nekkid, in towels, etc.
-All Vulcans wear the tight clothes T'Pol wears. ALL of them. Old/distinguished Vulcans get those big jackets we see them wear, but low-level people are just like T'Pol, at least for the Science Directorate or whatever she works for. It's more logical to be more flexible, after all.
-First couple of seasons are basically what we saw, just better-written.
-More politics/eps back on Earth (at least in part), especially concerning the building of Columbia.
-S3 starts build up for Rom war. More interstellar politics, especially more Tellarites. No Xindi, no Trellium D, no Neuropressure.
-S4 pretty much as shown. Hernandez leaves, new engineer.
-S5 shows that the Vulcans were trying to hold back Enterprise-class because they were favoring the Daedalus-class, which is just coming on-line, having fixed a lot of problems it had before. Maybe an arc showing how Daedalus is smaller, cheaper, and better, but what really matters is what the crew is like. More build-up to Romulan War.
You seem to have given that quite a lot of thought.

Reminds me of mass effect rewrites on /vg/

(no offence, I was enjoying those too)
-S6 brings us the actual Romulan War. Structured similarly to the Xindi arc - Enterprise going around, trying to figure out where the hell the Romulans are, getting ambushed all the time, Cowboy Planet, eventually closing in on Romulus with the help of the Allies. Daedalus, which was an antagonist before, proves an invaluable ally here for reasons. Shows what the future will be like. Eventually Enterprise wins, NZ established, the end.
-S7 is the founding of the Federation and the aftermath of the Romulan War. All the politics involved with uniting seperate space kingdoms - many of which were hostile to each other before - into one political space empire. Some allies join, most do not (like Denobula - insert some Phlox story there). Also find out Vulcans knew all about the Romulans the whole time, arc about whether, and then how, to cover it up.Stories about integrating the various militaries and stuff, how Starfleet and Earth became the center of the Federation, and eventually synonymous with it (perhaps involving Earth's complete loss of autonomy, whereas everyone else kept a lot), all that politics jazz. Archer becomes the main politics guy, gives the speeches, revels in the glory, while Trip just wants to be a speesman in spees.
We have this kind of thing come up a bunch, I think we've all been gradually refining how we'd re-do Voyager and Enterprise over time.

There's some good takes with a general consensus on what needs to change but how people go about it differs. Anon here >>53638884 is very much character focused, and has some decent ideas on how to change up the glaringly bland, awful characters Enterprise had, where as Anon >>53637274 is very much about changing up the big picture and overall arc of events.

Frankly I'd rather have either of those than what we got. Even having nothing would have arguably been better.
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Star Trek General: Elite Force Edition
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Munro Subedition
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Biessman Sub-Subedition
Who did you pick as your romantic interest: the naggy bitch with no redeemable qualities, or the slut that walks around in a bikini as her professional attire?
Biessman of course!
Option C: my Micro-Photon torpedo launcher.
Bikini, obv, since she has at least two redeemable qualities. Hey-o!
If I had the opportunity to go full Krenim, I'd have:

Established the Romulans as a bigger deal in TOS and carried that over into TNG.

Made some minor aesthetic tweaks to DS9 and then killed Dukat in a satisfying manor rather than all that Pah Wrsith Bullshit.

Made decisions matter more on Voyager. As much as I love Year of Hell and Equinox, I wouldn't have made the show BSG-trek. Voyager should become a grafter's ship. Repaired and augmented by the crew and their allies. And I would absolutely play up the tension between the Maquis and Starfleet crew. But I'd make that more of an internal, quiet struggle than a constant gunfight.

Make the Enterprise more about all the characters, as well as putting all of the characters in wildly different philosophical camps. Archers a test pilot, Reed is a Military man, Hoshi is a civilian translator, Maywether is a space trucker and T'pol/Phlox are Aliens. At this point in the story. All of these people should really be at odds.

But realistically, if paramount made the terrible decision to give me creative control of a Star Trek show, id make something new. Respectful of the established lore but departed enough from established events to allow for creative freedom.
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Has anyone here played Federation and Empire? If so, would you recommend it?
>Voyager should become a grafter's ship
>I would absolutely play up the tension between the Maquis and Starfleet crew
>make that more of an internal, quiet struggle
So, BSG-trek? At least the better, non-shooty parts of it.
I'd take Enterprise but set it back a few years. Start the show in the late 21-teens so World War III is still in living memory. Play up the stubborn determination of humanity get back on its feet after fighting a war ten times worse than World War II. (Seriously, look it up. 600 million dead, and who knows how many more dripping with radiation.)

Don't shy away from talking about how horrible the war was, but only as a mirror to add some contrast to how far humanity's come. "It's been a long road" after all, and we're finally ready to step into the stars.

To add a bit of optimism, maybe add some extra-terrestrial colonies. A small mars base that was just getting its feet under it when the war broke out and had to learn how to colony the hard way. But they're human after all, and that stubborn terran spirit of invention just wouldn't let them die. Now Utopia Planitia is known as a hotbed of engineers as brilliant as they are stubborn. (Maybe someone should build a shipyard there?)

Spend the first arc just getting the NX-01 in flight shape. She's an experimental testbed for a fancy new engine design. The Vulcans tried to offer us their ring-type drives--and we mounted them on a few of the XCV-330s--but Cochrane stuck with his inline design (partly because he saw Big E's and realized that was the way of the future?) But while Enterprise promises to be a *very* fast ship... she's cranky and every few episodes she's back in drydock for a tweak. Play the first bit like The Right Stuff. Faltering and mistepping, but edging closer to the goal with every step.
Archer's salvageable with better writing, and Scott's a great actor. Make Archer a test-pilot/engineer who worked on the NX-project and knows the very persnickety Enterprise like the back of his hand. He's got icewater in his veins--you have to when you're pushing the very limits of what's technological possible--and can think on his feet. Think doing multi-vector calculus in your head while trying to keep your ship from falling off its own tail. Spend more time showing him as insightful and clever. He might fumble a bit with diplomatic relations, but write him as a guy earnestly trying to be diplomatic.

Hoshi needs more screen time. The universal translator hasn't been invented yet, so she should be doing more diplomacy to keep things from getting out of hand. Bump her up to lieutenant commander and make her more equal with the rest of the crew.

Complementing that, give Travis more to do. He's a freighter brat, he should be at least as useful in feeling out alien cultures as Hoshi. She has the academic side down, but Travis knows if that burly looking alien is trustworthy or not.

Make Tripp a martian-born engineer. Always tinkering and fiddling with the questionably-safe reactor to try and coax it into working the way he wants it to. Has developed a few martian superstitions that he carried with him to the engine room. T'Pol at first thinks he's crazy, but eventually comes around. After all... logically calling the reactor "baby" doesn't cost you anything, but it seems to make the ship run better.
Let Reed be the XO/TAO. This Enterprise doesn't have much in the way of shields or phasers. Her armament revolves around throwing ridiculous numbers of nuked-tipped missiles at things she doesn't like and praying her laser CWIS sweeps up the enemy's torpedoes before her feeble shields have to tank the blow. Neurotic, but gets increasingly calmer the more nukes are in the air.

Add Major Hayes from the start, with the MACOs as a combination Marine force/EV-suit team. They do the away mission stuff when it's too dangerous for the main cast to do, and give a supply of muave shirts if we want some kind of danger.


Screw the Prime Directive. Earth needs allies. Star out making friends wherever we can. Maybe there's a world next to one of our colonies that's just starting to achieve chemical-based spaceflight. Dock Enterprise at their space station--that the ship utterly dwarfs--and negotiate to buy some of their crops in exchange for some of our tech. It's cheaper than hauling it all the way out via warp-3 freighter.

Meanwhile, have the romulan war star brewing in the background. Nothing obvious at first. Just an unexplained sensor reading here, or a comment there during a different plot arc. Let us get to know the universe before breaking out into war.
>Beef McLargehuge
Never even seen it before. Kinda looks like a precursor to Ascendancy.
>Tfw there will never be another trek game that lets you explore the whole ship as an add on.
This, this is probably the best one I've seen so far. The whole thing doesn't need to be completely overhauled, the whole thing just needs to be more committed (to each character's backstory, to the tech levels, to United Earth's history, to the Enterprise truly being a cranky yet cutting-edge testbed, and to the whole "this is Trek BEFORE Trek" deal). And no timecop.
I got the collectors edition of that game
It had a pin and a comic and some shit that came with it.
>The whole thing doesn't need to be completely overhauled, the whole thing just needs to be more committed
Best way to sum up Enterprise and Voyager. Both suffered from having great and interesting ideas that were handicapped by making them too safe.
What was in the comic?
I don't have a scanner or I'd post it, but it was about some delta aliens using deactivated borg tech to shake down some other aliens and then coming across voyager and the Elite Force team dealing with it. It ended with Seven reactivating the borg tech and then leaving as it ate the scammers.
That seems kind of fucked up
Kinda in character with Seven, especially early seasons, you mess with her friends or equipment and you get electrocuted like that one Hirogen found out.
Which is ironically, just how the maquis should have been acting.

If they'd not been instantly wasted.
I don't know, the Maquis were pretty heavy on their high and mighty morals
They were heavy about muh lands more than morals.

They attracted a shit-ton of nutjobs, rejects and people just looking for some kind of fight or cause. Morals ain't that high on the scale. Even ol' plank Chakotay had adapted to getting shit done through violence when it seemed like it'd work.

Is there an official timeline/history or any books that cover the development of the Mirror Universe? When was the point of divergence between the two universe supposed to occur?
The TOS one was implied to have changed at the start of the Federatopm, the novel Dark Mirror states that humanity became darker after happened sometime after the New Testament, and that the Starfleet of that book arose out of Khan's actions. There's not a lot of detail unfortunately, because none of the Mirror Universe's history is explored.
That's a shame. I always found it fascinating, it'd be interesting to see an alternate history where Ghandi was some sort of bloodthirsty terrorist and Stalin was a democratic reformer who loved his son, but ultimately leading to a far worse society.
>Ghandi was some sort of bloodthirsty terrorist
...Civilization games are set in the mirror universe?
Now it all makes sense.
Go away, Noye, or we'll set Daniels and Admiral (you) on you again.
We need a goatee mod for Civ, stat.
>mirror WWII
I really, really want to see this explored more now
By the logic of the Mirror universe being oppositeland when it comes to individual morality, Hitler really would be a humble, duty-focused statesman rather than a narcassistic ego-maniac, but I doubt they'd ever cover a mirror WW2 where the Allies are the genocidal nutjobs and the Axis are the democracies, purely because it'd be so easy for misintepretation and leave the creator/s open for accusations of neo-nazi sympathies.

The creators of the alt-history comic 'Uber' got accused of being neo-nazis simply because it shows the (still morally bankrupt) Nazis winning most of the time, and the artist is black.

Plus the rage from /pol/-related sections of the interwebs over Hitler leading a multi-ethnic coalition dedicated to personal liberty doesn't bear thinking about.

Would certainly be interesting though, there's a lot of Trek history in general I'd like to see, both prime and mirror. Seeing how the Mirror universe Eugenics Wars turned out would be interesting, Khan et al clearly still lost since we don't see mirror universe humans being able to bitchslap Klingons across the room.
>we can't see Mirror Hitler because moralfags
Seriously though, any prospective writefags around who might be able to give this a bash?
>Seeing how the Mirror universe Eugenics Wars turned out would be interesting, Khan et al clearly still lost since we don't see mirror universe humans being able to bitchslap Klingons across the room.
They probably won, then descended into infighting and killed each other off. There is a Myriad Universe short story about something similar about that though, with Bashir as the focus character.
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Lately I've been wanting a really crunchy space ship game. Is SFB what I'm looking for?
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I'd do the same thing Babylon 5 did: Establish some god damn Canon and tell small stories each episode which links into the seasons main overarching story. That's how B5 has such a cult following: By the end of the series, if you watch every episode, you feel like you really grew with these characters.

Hell, even recent shows like Burn Notice had a season wide story which made you want to tune in from episode to episode to see that plot advance.
Enterprise implies that the limit of divergence occurred much earlier in human history. Archer says something to the effect of "this empire has endured for over 1000 years". Given the naming convention of the Empire, as well as its solute, I would wager that the Terran Empire is a direct successor state to the Roman Empire or subsequent Bizantine Empire.
Funny enough, they make a point to mention that Shakespeare is unchanged.
Unless it means using a weapon their enemies are quite happy to use against them. Chakotay was adamant about not using the dreadnought against a Cardassian target.
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That's because Chakotay was some pussy college professor who joined up because of his ideals, and ended up in charge of his group because no-one else was remotely capable unless they were a star fleet/cardassian agent, not someone who was doing the whole guerrilla warfare thing right.
One version anyway. Dark Mirror has Shylock taking his pound of flesh from Antonio and killing him. Plato is also different, stating that the perfect government was "fear meted out to the populace in proper proportion by the wise ruler." I do like the idea it was a gradual thing.

Sorry I'm bringing up Beta canon so much, it's the only stuff we have talking about the Mirror U more.
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>Here's the profile and first three decks of the passenger pod. The critical systems don't start until F deck (bridge) so any of the top 5 decks can simply be gutted, put blast doors on either end and you have yourself a flight deck pod. The rest of the recreational areas can be converted into support facilities and crew quarters so the pilots and related personnel can be comfortably stationed in the pod themselves.
>Imagine finding one of these just drifting around in the 24th, heavily modified by the descendants of the original crew and passengers for long term habitation after their tug exploded/dumped them.
>Would make a good horror-themed episode, honestly. With the population turning into Calhoun's Universe 25 experiment on a larger scale, with humans.
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Z760XNy4VM [Embed]
>That would require abundant resources that probably wouldn't be present in a large cargo container to the degree that the Universe 25 experiment becomes applicable.
>More likely would be a Hills Have Eyes IN SPAAAAACE!!!! thing.
>Although a few generations probably isn't enough time for the really interesting deformities to start.
>Some guy did that in a previous thread, except on board a Deadalus class ship
>Context: We were talking about how Daedalus Class ships must be crowded, so thins guy took it to the extreme and wrote what it would be like if there was close a thousand on board.

Post-VOY; retracing the route of Voyager a decade on, sometimes to make good on Voyager's errors, other times to explore, other times, you know, Trek stuff. Crippled Borg micro-states errywhere; slipstream drives inelegantly retrofitted to Federation ships to make the possibility of instant reinforcement unreliable at best. A new ship designed to pathfind and test the new drive; you know, classic Trek crap, but on a wider canvas that doesn't need the forced wormhole drama and can raise genuine questions about Federation expansion and what the Federation and Starfleet do. Old faces cameo; new faces lead. Nobody who did a fan movie for meth gets a cameo. No hanging around particular races unless there's a short arc, no Klingon episodes, no ebin space warz. Judi Durand as the computer.

>Hard mode: Make Enterprise good and appease the studio's desire for fan service at the same time.

I feel like Enterprise suffered more from expectation and franchise fatigue than it did from truly below-par storytelling or production. There's some fuckawful episodes of TNG; VOY isn't as shit-the-bed bad as I remember it, but it's inconsistent in a way that we tend to forget got TOS cancelled the second time as people lost patience with its brain-transplantin shenanigans.

DS9... god, what a shitshow so much of that is. Great characters, great setting, utterly wasted premise. They're on a station but they can't stay on it; they've got the GC to explore but it's not all that different to anywhere else, so the Dominion come along. And then it's just growling and pew pews and endless escalation. Fuck that show. Really nicely made garbage.

You know? Like almost anything you can level at ENT you can apply to any other show too; it just has the misfortune of coming last. Still, four seasons in the early 2000s is a lot harder than 3 in the 60s or 7 in the 80s/90s were. Good for them. Not everything can be a winner. Also, what the fuck happened to Jolene Blalock. Seriously.
>They're on a station but they can't stay on it; they've got the GC to explore but it's not all that different to anywhere else, so the Dominion come along. And then it's just growling and pew pews and endless escalation. Fuck that show. Really nicely made garbage.
They figured they couldn't explore the galaxy, so they'd explore the human (or whatever alien) condition. The Dominion War tested people. Their morals and principles were put on the line, weighed against real consequences instead of Voyager's pat "easy way out" bullshit. They stopped giving a crap about the anomaly/aliens/tech-tech of the week and focused on good, old-fashioned exploration of characters and ideals-versus-reality. And at the end, would the Alpha Quadrant even won if Section 31 hadn't betrayed the Federation's dearest principles and engaged in genocidal biological warfare? Or if Sisko hadn't manipulated the Romulans into the war through forgery and murder? DS9 is where the lines of morality and values get significantly fuzzier, and emphasizes that we need to look deep within ourselves for answers instead of relying on Voyager-style "hurr durr here's a last-second quick fix" bullshit.

It might've been the farthest from Roddenberry's vision, but it was the greatest of Star Trek series because it dared to do what nearly everything else (except Wrath of Khan and maybe The Undiscovered Country) dared to do.
>it dared to do what nearly everything else (except Wrath of Khan and maybe The Undiscovered Country) dared to do.
Didn't dare to do. I'm a faggot.
Roddenberry's Vision got really fucking stupid towards the end.

Humans have no interpersonal conflicts anymore, have no sad feelings about death, think putting children on an exploration ship is a good idea and other such retardation.

Do what Roddenberry did originally: set up a basic premise, hand it to a bunch of mid- and mid-high-tier SFF writers, and let them work, with not too much worry over tone and continuity.

Worst thing they did to Star Trek was make it a *franchise*.
>By the logic of the Mirror universe being oppositeland when it comes to individual morality
But that's not what the MU is. It might be opposite in collective morality (for Earth only - nobody else we've seen is more evil than we'd expect for the circumstances), but there's nothing that shows that anybody is anything else than more aggressive, considering the circumstances in which they grew up. Indeed, that's probably it - humans are just generally more aggressive, so instead of creating a peaceful federation, they built an empire when they could. Judging by the original Empire flag, and the fact that the moon scene in the ENT OP was typical American stuff (and all the WWII scenes were just stock footage), the Allies won WWII, but instead of stopping at a certain point and Patton getting truck'd, Patton went on to Berlin and through the Soviets like he wanted. A more imperialist America during the early- and mid-20th century would create the conditions we see in the MU.
Roddenberry wanted to fondle girls in short skirts and get paid to do it. He got to do just that. All he had to do was pick a subject that was open to the idea, make up a basic premise and then let all the out of work scifi writers go crazy.
That's a lot of the maquis though. A bunch of them were Starfleeters that were disgusted by the treaty, and how the Federation did nothing while the spoonheads did all sorts of obvious violations. That seemed to be a lot of the leadership, for good reason.
>Roddenberry's Vision got really fucking stupid towards the end.
That's because Roddenberry's Vision was something he used to make money off 70's college students. >>53665542 has it mostly right, but Gene also wanted to be known as a great writer, which is why he messed with scripts so much. He was a glory hound, and took credit for a lot of stuff that just plain wasn't his - such as The Vision.
>He was a glory hound, and took credit for a lot of stuff that just plain wasn't his - such as The Vision.
Reminder he wrote lyrics for the TOS opening theme that never got used, just so he could screw Alexander Courage (the composer) out of some money.

He was many things, but above all he was a pretty shitty embodiment of Star Trek's ideals.

In my opinion people bitching about DS9 "Not Roddenberrys Vision" are forgetting that TOS actually had episodes that dealt with war and violence.

Hell Kirk armed some locals with weapons when he found out that Klingos had done the same before. What is different is that TOS didn't have the budget or the technology to do the huge fleet battles DS9 could do.

What I am saying is that Roddenberrys Vision wasn't something Holy Bible some seem to take it, it was more of guideline at start atleast.
Mostly it's the way he battered TNG into having no real fire until The Best of Both Worlds, and even the best episodes were hampered by the series being forced into playing it safe until Roddenberry died as the "Roddenberry Vision" issue. Then Voyager just got treated like the retarded kid that latched on to big brother TOS with a higher budget.
I like the basic IDEA of Roddenberry's vision, and actually believe that it isn't anathema to a good dramatic series, but boy did it tend to be executed badly.
Yeah I like the series in general, it actually wins over DS9 of having in my opinion better ending of the series than DS9 could pull off. But reading what happened behind the curtains of TNG is kinda sad, Roddenberry bitching about some episodes because the humans in 24th Century "would not feel sadness" is retarded, and i agree TNG improved immensly when Roddenberry was not active on it anymore.

Most of it was Roddenberry getting this idea that his VISION was bestest thing ever, even going against what would be considered good show.
Looks like the Orion cruiser from SFC:2
TNG certainly had a better ending. One of DS9's biggest failings was it's underwhelming conclusion. I think the whole prophet timeline was pretty weak to begin with and keeping the wormhole aliens as a semi-mythical force in Bajoran history would have worked out better.

By comparison, TNG's ending is a fun jaunt through the major events and themes of the show.
>VOY wasn't that bad
>ENT wasn't that bad
>DS9 was shit because it wasn't exploring
>no long arcs
>more ayylmaos-of-the-week
>get rid of the Borg's whole monolithic, unstoppable horde schtick
>just make them ayylmaos-of-the-week too
>no war pls
>no conflict pls
>just exploring
>no cameos from actors who genuinely love the franchise
>just the ones who are only in it for the shekels instead
Rick Berman pls go, and stay go. You too, Gene.
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Your taste, it is objectively shit.
I unironically enjoyed Enterprise desu
just felt sorry for the vulcan girl a lot.
I enjoyed it too, at least some of the episodes anyway. By no means was it perfect but it was certainly Star Trek

t. The guy that made the viewing guide
He's right though, who the fuck let Rick find /stg/?
>>DS9 was shit because it wasn't exploring

DS9 was shit because it never figured out what to be and settled for being a war show with No Stakes because you knew it would wrap up by the end of the series.

>show about a station
>show about Bajor
>show about the GC

But never did stick to any of these things and suffered as a result. 7 seasons and how many times did we see anything of Bajor that wasn't a matte? How many times did we hear anything about it that wasn't clumsy exposition delivered by Kira?

The introduction of the Defiant marks the point at which the show gave up on being about the station; the mining of the wormhole, taking it out of action until the end of the series (since nobody ever went through it again until after the war), marks the end of the show being about that.

It was a show about nothing.

>more ayylmaos-of-the-week

Do you not like Star Trek at all? Even DS9 had those.

>no cameos from actors who genuinely love the franchise

No, no cameos from actors who do fan shows for meth. Learn to read.

>just exploring



>get rid of the Borg's whole monolithic, unstoppable horde schtick

It's already gone. Hell, they only ever sent one ship against the Federation anyway, even though they were known to send dozens to assimilate single worlds in the DC.

>no long arcs

Long arcs are a problem in tv generally. Too many shows spend so long each week setting up the season finale that they forget to tell a story. Fuck 'em. You're not magically going to get good storytelling just because you've got a big whiteboard in your office covered in post-its about how everything ties together.
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Surprised at how small the Dauntless actually is
He says, posting Babylon 5
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>a war show with No Stakes because you knew it would wrap up by the end of the series.

You must really hate stuff like Band of Brothers or any other war drama.

Honestly though your entire argument is so full of holes it pretty much has to be trolling.
>literally DS9 but better
>and made on a smaller budget than any trek since TOS
B5 was DS9 done right.
Your flaw is that you assume a show must be about A Thing when it's clear that shows like Star Trek only use A Thing so it can explore peoples' reactions to A Thing. DS9 was never about A War, it was about how the people reacted to handled being in A War, the lengths they'd go to in order to end it, how it affected their lives, and so on. Nobody gives a shit about Starfleet's tactics in the 5451nd Battle of Omicron Kappa Fuckoffistan 3, it was exploring the human condition using said battle as a plot device that was the real story.
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But also without B5, we probably wouldn't have gotten DS9.

Frankly, I am glad we have both.
No please. Tell me how any of the races weren't one dimensional. Or tell me how about characters outside of Londo and G'Kar are actually good.

DS9 was better. Just accept that and get on with your lives.
Are you serious? Barring the Narn arc, B5 was over-theatrical and had far more shit episodes than good. Pretending that the good outweighs the bad is ridiculous.
The good only outweighs the bad in how good it was. In fact it makes the bad seem worse as opposed to the mediocre most of it was.
Alright admirals, we got more info on the mon calamari cruiser we can grind for ourselves this summer!

That's fair. B5 was, for the most part, innofensive. Neither good enough or bad enough to warrant note. It had a few robust storylines but was otherwise rather bland.
Jesus fuck, how much more are they gonna milk timecop?
Until it is no longer financially viable. I actually only bothered finishing the Temporal war arc yesterday and it's as shit as I imagined it would be.

Hey, in fairness, that ship is GORGEOUS. I wonder how it'll look in Aegis gear...
I just realized First Contact explains away the XCV-330/NX-01 difference. Cochrane used paired inline nacelles for Phoenix, so that was clearly his design. But the Vulcans used ring nacelles on their ships. It's not unreasonable for him to look at their more-mature technology and embrace that for a while. At least until it turned out to be a developmental dead-end (which we know because everyone reverted to inline nacelles by the 2200's.)

BUT, in first contact Cochrane saw Enterprise. And more to the point, he saw her twin paired nacelles. He got confirmation that his idea was right, that paired inline engines was the way of the future. With that confirming that his original design was on the right track, he would be a lot more stubborn in resisting the Vulcan attempts to use ring-style engines.
Timerobbers were on Risa one episode, so they get to be the Risa grind ships until they run out of ship types.
We started it, but its long, complicated and wow. If you like detailed long war games with fleets, resources and the like, then great, but you need a lot of time, especially if you wish to play out the entire General War.
Oh come on, that's rubbish and a really poor example. At its core, SFB is simple. Count all the energy boxes on the ship, record them on the energy allocation form and then use that energy during the turn. Each phase you have to move if your speed shows it, and then you can do bits and pieces in strict order. Combat is simple - check the range, roll 1 or 2d6, that shows the damage, and then each damage must be rolled to show where it goes. This is how your ship gets degraded.

Basic rules are not complicated, not at all. If you can roll 1 or 2d6 and then read a table, you can play this. Advanced rules add complicated rules - mines, tractor beams, EW (eeek!) and then yes, crunch crunch crunch.

Ship to ship combat takes about 2-3 hours depending on the ship. Fleets, well, don't. We tried and spent a weekend moving a Kzinti fleet against a Federation fleet. My Kzin drones couldn't get through his Phaser-G's on his fighters and vice-versa.

It's a great game. It's simple, but the tactics are enormous. If you get the basic set, you literally only need 30 pages for Feds and Klingons before you throw in the advanced rules.
Are we talking Twilight Imperium tier? Because I'm not adverse to that level of detail.
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It has a shit-ton of stuff to track, and a ton of detail. It doesn't abstract out much. Even in the basics; that's crunch.

If it abstracted out everything like Battlefleet Gothic then maybe you could claim it's not crunchy. But it quite simply meets the definition.
I haven't played that, but from what I have read, yes. And if you add the expansions, on my!
Well then I must have it.
It's alright looking. Nothing much different from previous Vorgon ships.
That's actually a really good explanation and point.
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Pretty neat, but talk about expensive.
How long would it take to play a regular game, on average?
509 USD!? Bloody Hell!

You could skip half the miniatures, all the dice and get an office store to print you the DM screen and still save almost 200 dollars.

350 U.S. would have been so much more reasonable for this package.

I really hope there is much more on the way to make this product worth such a steep price tag.
>I really hope there is much more on the way to make this product worth such a steep price tag.
Considering the basic rulebook costs $60, I doubt it.
Bump time
As I said above, a cruiser sized ship each will take about 1-2 hours, fleet battles can take weekends or more. Advanced rules (EW, cloaking, mid-turn speed changes etc) will take longer.

Oh, and while there is some record keeping, it's not half as bad as previous anon points out. All ships need an SSD. This contains everything you need, all the weapon data, all the movement costs, the lot. Then you only need the speed chart (which is the above table, which looks complicated but its not as it only tells you when you can move during the turn, no more complicated than the Phase chart in Car Wars) and the DAC, which is how all damage is allocated and requires 2d6. A table like the above looks complicated because anon gave no context to it. The THACO table in D&D or the Ogre Attack Table look complicated until you know what they mean.

The game gets complicated because of all the tactics and that the rules are written in old style wargame speak so lots of exceptions to account for all the rules.

Try the Cadets manual, it starts you from scratch and leads up to the main thing and gets rid of all the myths about the game. It's free too and very recommended.

Yeah that'd make a good episode. No evil alien pathogen or psychic field. Just peoplebreaking down in a contained environment.
Finally got around to watching TAS... I can kinda see why people don't talk about this one much.
TAS is what happens when budget no longer holds a reign over the story you want to tell, keeping in mind most of the TAS scripts were dropped TOS scripts, much like parts of S1 TNG.
The box set without the miniatures is 288€. So, around $320. A bit more reasonable, if still too money for me to spend on this. At least it comes with the PDF bundle of all the announced upcoming sourcebooks.

Still, I'll just get the corebook. Enough for me. I do like the fact they're using original art instead of lazily using screencaps from the shows and movies.
So, the upcoming release list for the STA is:

>Star Trek Adventures Core Rule Book
>These Are The Voyages. Volume 1 Mission Book
>Command Division Supplement
>Beta Quadrant Sourcebook
>Operations Division Supplement
>Alpha Quadrant Sourcebook
>Sciences Division Supplement
>Gamma Quadrant Sourcebook
>Delta Quadrant Sourcebook

What are everyone's thoughts on this?

Dividing the setting material into quadrant books seems like a pretty good idea, although I wonder how they manage to fill the Gamma Quadrant book without it just being the Dominion book. Unless they shuffle all the Dominion War material into that.

I'm less enthusiastic having to get all the division books just to get my hands on various new ship stats instead of just a dedicated ship book.

Overall, I'm cautiously optimistic. The alpha test rules were pretty good, and I like the layout and art samples.
>it's not half as bad as previous anon points out.

I didn't make a single statement on quality you illiterate pleb. The guy wanted to know if it's crunchy. It is. It might not be Challenger 2000 levels, but by all modern standards, SFB is a crunchy game.

Well it doesn't help that it hardly ever got re-runs because they wanted to make sure star trek was a grown-up thing when it was brought back. And yes a lot of it is pretty shit.

It's got a certain charm to it though, lots of trying things they would have never had the budget and technology for when making TOS.
Honestly for that reason alone I'd love to have more animated Star Trek stuff. Problem is though is the anti-animation for adults bias still had in the US despite decades of the Simpsons and South Park and everything Adult Swim does and what have you, I doubt that executives/audiences would gravitate towards an animated show, expecting it to be 'for kids', partly due to TAS.
Not thrilled at the price that will all come to, on top of the core game.
The price seems in line with any licensed RPG book of that size with original art. 368 pages for $60 is acceptable, I think.

But the question is, how much those supplements cost and how much stuff is in them. For comparison, I thought the earlier 40k supplements were great products with tons of material and a hefty pagecount, but the later ones felt like terrible cash grabs with mostly stat copypasta and too expensive for the amount of content.

I don't mind paying money for big supplements. But fuck them if they're asking something like $40 for some 140 page book. I hope not.
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helm, punch in a transwarp to Risa
yo ho ho!

It's 2127, and Starfleet's fancy new high-speed cruiser Enterprise is making a warp-five run. This won't be the first ship breaking the warp 5 barrier. The NX-alpha program made warp five-one. For about twenty minutes before their tanks were exhausted. Nobody's ever made a ship that can cruise at warp 5 while carrying a meaningful payload. (Think of the difference between the concorde and the bell X-1)

Everyone on the bridge is strapped down with six-point harnesses. (It's the 22nd century and inertial dampers aren't all that great yet. And even if they were, everyone's too scared of the cranky new engine to risk it.) The Pilots (it takes two to manage such a tricky engine) are all but cocooned in boards and controls, and in center-seat Captain Archer watches them with nervous caution.

>Warp 4.8...
>Warp 4.9...

Suddenly everything starts going wrong. Master caution alerts buzz, annunciation panels are lit up like Christmas trees. Both pilots and the unseen engineer are talking over each other reading off everything that's suddenly going wrong. Their voices are level, but strained as everyone tries to deal with the sudden tidal wave of Very Bad Things. This is no time for panic, but it's hard to suppress natural human fear. Archer's watching it all, soaking in every bit of information his crew's providing and evaluating it.


Enterprise is really bitching at her crew now. The crew are busy troubleshooting and trying to work the problem when suddenly the bridge goes silent. The crew slump defeated in their seats, and Archer makes a note on his kneeboard. "Congratulations... we're dead." There's a pause as his crew stew in their failure. "So, what went wrong?"

His crew start analyzing their failure. They let the warp-shock get outside of its bounds and the ship literally fell off her own bubble. The abrupt exit from the warp-bubble tore her apart. They start discussing what they missed, how they missed it, and how they could fix it.
Archer's pleased that his crew's treating their failure as a learning opportunity. He expected them to make mistakes when going where no man's gone before, but you can't be an astronaut if you can't learn from your mistakes and stay cool under pressure. His crew's already proposing solutions to the problem to make sure it doesn't happen again (watchdog programs to drop out of warp gracefully if the shock gets unrecoverable, etc.) Obviously they're gonna run this again, so everyone gets busy resetting their switches and setting up for another simulation.

Before they can start again, Archer gets a call from Admiral Forrest. The Vulcans are here, and they want to talk to him. Archer doesn't like the vulcans. His father worked on the NX-alpha program, and he had to deal with their constant second-guessing when he was a test pilot. They're convinced their ring-type drives are the proper technology, whereas Cochrane and Dad-Archer think paired nacelles have more potential. Vulcans kept concern-trolling and trying to push humans into following *their* technological path instead of forging into unknown territory.

Forrest is waiting outside the sim with a few vulcan representative. Now that Enterprise is ready for flight, they've taken an interest in the new drive system. Ostensibly because they want to be there to aid when the engine inevitably explodes, but also because they're astonished the engine *isn't* the giant raging dumpster fire they were certain it was. They want a Vulcan advisor/observer attached to Enterprise. If the engine breaks, she'll be able to fix it/help. And on the off chance it doesn't, she'll let the Vulcans get in on the ground floor.

Archer begrudgingly agrees to her presence. He doesn't like the Vulcans, but he'll accept she might be useful to have around. He's still gonna have some fun, so he offers to show her the engine room.
The Sovereign Nation Of Engineering is the domain of one Tripp Tucker, a Martian-born engineer who's dialed the usual Martian ingenuity up to eleven. It's said that if you leave a Marian alone with a washing machine and a roll of duct tape for more than an hour, he'll have it flying loops, and Tripp's no exception. Enterprises' engine might be Cochrane and Dad-Archer's baby, but he's its babysitter, and he's gotten very good at babysitting the cranky and temperamental system.

T'Pol, the Vulcan observer, gets a tour. The reactor is massively bigger than anything the Vulcans have flown, and makes up for its lack of finesse through sheer size. T'Pol's curious how the humans managed to get clean power off such a monstrous engine, and Tripp admits they didn't. The plasma coming off the reactor (humanity's first operational A/AM reactor for ship use, not just brief test hops) is *incredibly* "dirty".

But the catamaran extensions are stuffed with intercoolers to condition the power and get it at least kinda-sorta clean enough for engine use. T'Pol is shocked the primitive humans are able to condition power that well, and Tripp admits they aren't. The nacelles are just built rugged enough to eat fluctuating power without exposing. Oh, and there's also the static warp-field governor nestled between the cat's that smoothed out the warp bubble without providing any motive power. If you average the three out the warp field stays stable. The odds of all three spiking at the same time are astronomical.

T'Pol's too apoplectic to say anything as Tripp stacks her arms full of padds with all the math proving the engine *probably* won't explode. (Vulcans do research to prove something WILL work. Humans do research to prove that it WON'T fail, then build it to see what happens.)
I could do more if people are interested. Off for now.
Keep it up anon, this is good stuff.
tis nice to see people indulging in creativity here.
>The Sovereign Nation Of Engineering
inb4 grandpa innatubes is a MACO
Has anybody got the Star Trek viewing guides?

There is some hullabaloo while T'Pol is trained how to live aboard an earth starship. The crew show her through a radiation-leak drill, which astonishes the Vulcan. The human crew just about their duties (getting to shielded sections of the ship, popping anti-rads) without much drama. Vulcan ships would throw containment shields down automatically. One of the crew tries to comfort T'Pol by saying core leaks almost never happen. It's usually just a false alarm. The idea that alarms for the *warp reactor core exploding* sometimes just go off for no reason does not comfort the Vulcan.

She later gets her security clearance from Major Hayes, a Martian-born MACO who's doing double-duty as Enterprise's security chief and EV tech. He's used to working in a spacesuit, being a martian and all, and he's got a refreshingly blunt approach to safety that... sort of calms T'Pol. No false comfort, just "if you fuck this up, you will die of a sucking chest wound/severed limb/chewing vacuum/etc." Weapons carried by MACOS are primitive by Vulcan standards (either plasma pistols or even slugthrowers) on the theory that simpler means less that can go wrong.

With T'Pol up to speed, its time for Enterprise to make her first hop. A quick run to Alpha Centuri to pick up a xeno-linguist who'll be joining the crew. (Dr. Hoshi Sato, aged up to justify her knowledge of alien languages.) The initial colony ships took a year to make the flight at warp 1.6, and even modern passenger liners take two months. Enterprise will do it in just under thirteen days. T'Pol finds take-off incredibly rough, only to be informed that was a rather smooth event.
Enterprise links up with a few slower Warp-Deltas in LEO. They might only be able to sprint at warp 4, but they'll be on hand to help if Enterprise finds herself stranded in the black. There's an exchange of pleasantries and teasing between the captains (Erika Hernandez is one of them. She was in the running to get Enterprise for herself before Archer got the slot) and then we're off. Enterprise prepares for her first ever non-simulated warp flight. Everyone's strapped down and doing their pre-flights. This is a much more involved process than we're used to seeing, especially considering Enterprise is a cranky prototype.

Archer makes the call, all stations report go/no-go for warp. One by one each station reports they're go. The music swells as Enterprise vibrates with anticipation. Then Archer gives the word. "Engage."

Enterprise roars into warp, effortlessly leaving her escorts in her bow-shock. (Ideally, use the Star Trek Beyond warp effect to better display "This ship is going FREAKING FAST") But aboard the bridge, everyone's tense. The pilots call out speed as Enterprise smashes her way past records and barriers.

>Warp four-eight...
>Warp four-nine...
>Warp five!

The crew cringe, expecting something to go wrong..

>Warp Five-oh-one...
>Warp Five-oh-two...
>Holding steady at five-oh-two.

For all their training, all their practice... Enterprise punched through warp five without so much as a shimmy. She might be a cantankerous bitch in drydock, but she's a proper lady when she gets to stretch her legs and really *run.* Nervous laughter all around as the bridge crew realize they're now the fastest living things ever. But nobody can shake the feeling that *something* should be going wrong now. Well, except T'Pol. She derides the humans' edginess as an emotional failing. Archer points out it's good to be on-edge when you're doing the impossible, keeps you sharp.

Archer calls back to starfleet command, reporting the Enterprise is underway at Warp 5
Just under two weeks later, Enterprise is closing in on Alpha Centuri after an uneventful cruise. The crew start listening in to Centuri ATC as they set-up for orbit interface. As earth's oldest colony, Alpha Centuri is a busy place and there's a lot of traffic going around. A few Deadlus-class ships dropping by to refuel or drop off their payload. Archer calls in. "This is Enterprise, requesting orbital-interface vectors."

Centuri ATC comes back at him. "Copy Enterprise, we see you at..." a long pause follows. The bridge crew struggle to keep straight faces and a few burst into restrained chuckles. "Uh... two-thousand AU, closing at.. one-two-five c?" He can hardly believe his eyes.

"Yeah that's us." Archer's reveling in being the Fastest Man Alive. "Our instruments show the same."

Another pregnant pause. "Uh... copy, Enterprise."

Enterprise slams out of warp with a flourish and gives the plodding old cruisers a flyby. Unfortunately, that's about all she *can* do right now. Shorty after she dropped out of warp her engines broke. Much to T'Pol's bemusement, the attitude on the bridge is less horror and more "for crying out loud, not *again.*" Archer explains that the warp 5 engine was *notoriously* temperamental in the design phase, and even now they expect to have some bugs to work out. T'Pol is surprised they'd fly such a cranky engine, but Archer tells her sometimes you get a few scraped knees learning to run.

Trip calls up to announce the engine's broke, but he's already drawing up a list of parts he needs to fix it. T'Pol visits him and he explains the engine is actually *very* reliable. It's super easy to fix when it inevitable breaks down. But, he'd still like to take his time and fix it the right way, since he's got a spacedock to play with and all. Archer agrees, and Enterprise docks for repairs while the crew shuttles down for shore-leave.

And booze.

Apparently every ship in orbit offered to buy drinks after Enterprise came roaring in.
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Hrm, not sure if the scale of those people is off or not.
Probably. Compare them to the docking port.
But what's really off is the shuttle. Compare its docking port to the one on the ship.
Seems about right to me.
>use the Beyond warp effect
>actually getting to see the "real" visuals of warp drive for the historic Warp 5
>down-to-earth, blunt-yet-honest MACOs
>the entire training and warp sequence
>the arrival at Alpha Centauri
holy shit, this is great
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Open up those wallets anons. Don't you want a box shaped like a Cube for the low, low price of £249 or $324
The scariest thing I saw when reviewing the alpha material is that there doesn't seem to be any way to allow the character to level up and grow. No EXP for doing complex tasks, slaying enemies, completing missions, or generally getting people to invest mechanically in their character as it relates to missions.
I suppose you could saw that getting promoted could be a level up but there's no insinuation that a character would gain anything stats wise.

Any suggestion that such a thing would come out in the full release or will the player base have to come up with something ad hoc?
I'll just make my own DM Screen with scans of the rules and a sturdier box.
I like how, unless it's a typo, they short-change you on the dice for the Drone, so you only get 2 of each of the d20s, instead of the 3 you get in a normal set, but you still get an appropriate amount of d6s.

They've confirmed there's character advancement on the forums, but haven't gone into detail about it other than it doesn't seem to be a straight point-buy to increase stats.
Good to know I'm appreciated!

Enterprise pulls into the local drydock (or lands, if we wanna make things that primitive) for repairs. Tripp's watching over the docking procedure because nobody--but *nobody* is gentle enough for his cantankerous girl. Archer goes to round up Dr. Sato, while the crew heads out for a night on the town. There's celebrations everywhere, think early space-race parades for the astronauts. These men and women have just done something impossible, and everyone wants to be part of it.

Before long, a few crewmen are shambling drunk in a bar, cheering each other on and generally having a good time. Centuri is nominally a human colony, but it's a hub of trade for all the minor powers in the area. Earth was a little shy about letting people come straight "home", but Centuri served as a semi-expendable alpha-site, and the colonies needed more trade anyways. So there's more than just humans buying drinks for the crew. Including a denobulan who keeps trying to proffer off increasingly-vile beverages. The crew refuse to partake, but accept the intent behind the act. (as it turns out, it was Phlox trying to test hangover cures because he was bored.)

Meanwhile, Archer's meeting up with Dr. Sato. She's part of colony administration, mostly by being the only person who can speak Denobuan, Vulcan, Andorian, *and* Tellarite without having an offensively bad accent in any of them. She knows enough about the cultures to get by without committing any major faux-pas. He tries to get her onboard, but she's initially shy of the concept. Going where no man has gone before isn't her fortay. Meeting new civilizations though...

With the promise of making new friends, Archer gets Sato on his side, and he's able to convince the colonial governor to let her go for a while. Sato says her goodbyes, and goes to pack her stuff. Archer offers to help, after all... there's things about living in space that don't come easily to ground-dwellers.
So is there any reason to get ST: Adventures over other pre-existing Trek RPGs?
Maybe Sato and Archer start to click. She's around his age now, even though her soft people-driven field is at odds with his test-piloting background. In any case, they're bound by their common interest in exploring. Archer wants to see new places, Sato wants to meet new people but they both want nothing more than to peek at what's beyond the horizon.

Meanwhile, T'Pol's nominally supervising the repair work on Enterprise's wrecked engines. Luckily, the ship was designed for just such an eventuality. Even if they break, her engines are built to be easily repaired using parts on hand. It should only take a few days to swap out the broken intercooler parts. Tripp grumbles about how he *knew* they were going to be trouble when he's not asking T'Pol for wrenches and such.

Much to her chagrin, the Vulcan's been demoted to tool gofer. She wasn't complying with Tripp's superstitions "Never *ever* test close the access panels before you test a thing. The magic won't get in." But Tripp's an old Martian and set in his ways. And, as he's keen to point out, it's only a superstition when it doesn't work. But T'Pol kept touching things and treating the engine like a piece of machinery, not a lady who needs to be coaxed into action, so she's not allowed to leave her corner anymore.

Back on the planet, Phlox has become an earnest drinking buddy of the Enterprise crewmen. They like him, he finds them interesting scientific studies (and also, he likes them) everything's good. However even astronauts have their limits, and Phlox takes it upon himself to herd the happily drunk crewmen back to their ship for the night.

Enterprise is repaired and the crew returned for a shakedown run of her engines--plus Sato as an observer. Archer takes her out on a quick jaunt to the local gas giant and back at a leisurely warp four-five to start (so far no trouble.) But before they can do a warp-5 test, a distress call comes over the subspace radio.
A freighter is under attack by Naussican pirates. The local warp-deltas are ten hours away even if they run their engines flat-out the whole trip--which is questionably safe. Archer volunteers his ship to assist. Enterprise can make it in two without breaking a sweat. There's some consternation about if it's wise to take the brand-new Enterprise into a fight so soon, but Archer makes the decision. "Our people are at risk over there, If you're not willing to risk yourself for them, get off my boat!" There's no time to get Sato back dirtside, so she finds an open seat in the back of the bridge (the conference area on the show) and straps herself in. The crew run through an abbreviated checklist and punch Enterprise into warp. Like before, the big ship takes to warp like a fish to water, eager for a chance to stretch her legs. Reed's already heating up the tactical systems, and T'Pol gets called to the bridge to observe/assist if need be.

Meanwhile, the merchant ship is frantically banging away it's maday while pirate skiffs zip around smacking it with lasers and mass-accelerators. Enterprise has radioed that she's on her way, but the pirates laugh it off as a ploy by the humans. *Nobody* makes ships that that fast, not with any meaningful weapons. Are the humans really down to throwing experimental prototypes at them? But then a crewman notices something on sensors. Something closing on them *awfully* fast.

Enterprise slams out of warp with all guns blazing, sweeping the sky of k-slugs with her laser turrets and sliding herself right into the pirates' firing solution. Archer opens hailing frequencies and--with Sato's help--orders the pirates to power down their weapons and set course for Centuri where their ships will be impounded and their crews put on trial. (Archer doesn't like pirates, but is still gonna be lawful here.)
The pirates don't like this, and tries to make a break for it. All Reed needs is a two-word command. "Weapons Free." Missiles leap from Enterprise's batteries, arcing towards the fleeing pirate with all their fusion-powered fury. The pirates' lasers try to shoot down the missiles, and he even gets one. But their speed and jinking is too much for him and the nuke-tipped warheads smash though feeble 22nd century navigational shields and wreck his engines.

Archer again repeats his demand, this time to a more compliant audience.

The two surviving pirates are almost done taking on wounded from the damaged ship when the warp deltas *finally* arrive. Archer's gracious in accepting their praise, and points out it was really his ship and crew that made the difference. The flotilla forms up and returns to Centuri at a sedate warp 2-9. Enterprise doesn't need to stretch her legs, she's shown the world what she can do. Now she gets a turn to bask in her glory.

The crew returns and Archer meets Phlox as the latter tends to Nassuicans wounded in the skirmish. Archer's more interested in what the pirates have to say than anything, but Phlox decides this would be an ideal time to push his services as a medical expert. He's on Centuri in the first place because he wanted something different and exotic from what he was doing back on Denobula. He wanted a challenge and the feeling that he's really doing meaningful work. For a while being a frontier doctor did that for him, but now Centuri's getting so developed he's turning into just another man in a labcoat.

Archer agrees, and after talking with the Colonial governor, lets Phlox join the crew. Meanwhile, he's got another call from Admiral Forrest. There's a chunk of space a dozen light-years from earth known as the Expanse. There's nothing special about it, other than being a huge void on every known map.
The Tellarites haven't been out that far (they're on the other side of Sol from the Expanse, making it not worth the fuel to fly that far.) The Andorians have mostly expanded towards the Tellarites with only a few colonies bordering the Expanse, and don't like to share information more than they have to. But they've been noticing strange things happening on the border. The Vulcans know of the Expanse, but their only response is "Yes, we know of the Expanse. No, there's nothing there. Never ask that question again."

Humans being humans, we just *had* to go and poke it. Mostly because it's a patch of unclaimed space that we can expand into, but at least partially because of the human drive to explore and touch strange new things. Recently, things around the border have been going... strange. probes disappearing for weeks at a time, only for their chronometers to show they were never gone. Shadows in space, spooky shit like that.

(If you haven't figured it out by now, "The Expanse" is Romulan space. The Vulcans don't like to talk about it because the Romulans are an exemplar of everything wrong with their species, at least in their mind. They were exiled from Vulcan for their emotional, aggressive ways in the earliest days of Vulcan space-flight. Nobody really expected them to survive the flight. But survive they did, and it turned them into a people as hardy as they are crafty. The physiological differences (head ridges) are the byproduct of genetic sequencing to let them survive better on their outcast homes.)

Anyways, Enterprise with her great speed is ideal for poking around in deep space. Archer's orders are to link up with the colonial forces on Draken (a handful of warp-deltas and long-range Daedalus cruisers too find anything more than dust when they respond to frantic distress calls) and find out what's going on. Archer accepts, and gathers his crew.

Finally, it's time for Enterprise to start her trek.

(all for now. Hope ya'll enjoy.)
>T'Pol kept touching things and treating the engine like a piece of machinery, not a lady who needs to be coaxed into action, so she's not allowed to leave her corner anymore
this is glorious
>The physiological differences (head ridges) are the byproduct of genetic sequencing to let them survive better on their outcast homes.)
I'd always assumed the physiological differences (V-shaped forehead ridges, no telepathic abilities, no pon farr heat cycle, shorter lifespan, etc) between romulans and their vulcan ancestors are the results of serious inbreeding on the part of the romulans. When the ancestors of all romulans fled vulcan, there weren't nearly a stable breeding population.

Incidentally, my mind automatically inserts a dueling banjos soundtrack into all romulan scenes. I can never decide if this and thinking of them as hillbilly vulcans in general ruins or vastly improves them.

This needs to be capped. (Id do it, if i wasnt shit at capping)
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>Incidentally, my mind automatically inserts a dueling banjos soundtrack into all romulan scenes. I can never decide if this and thinking of them as hillbilly vulcans in general ruins or vastly improves them.

>Tomalak to Picard:
>"I bet you can squeal like a pig. Weeeeeeee!"
Dunno why, but now i have to see a Romulan doing slingblade.
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And once more /tg/ makes me sad.

This could have been a thing.

This could have been ENT.

It would have been awesome.
>Hoshi means "star" in jap
>I picked up a Kaiser Blade that was sittin' there by the screen door. Some folks call it a Sling Blade, I call it a Kaiser Blade.
That is fucking awesome.

Are you planning to write more?
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I always thought they screwed up the numbers on the Bajoran Occupation. 60 million is still a pretty heavy casualty rate. But the whole thing is supposed to been a global, half century spanning military occupation, with all sorts of nasty shit going on. Seems like there should be a higher death rate.

.t Gul Dukat
It's an example of Star Trek writers not being able to into numbers.

Same way as they could blockade a star system using two runabouts in one episode.
Thanks! I might if inspiration strikes me.
That's still over million dead every year of occupation, but the thing is like everything it's not evenly distributed over the years. Some years where worse than others, I might guess that the worse parts of it where in the beginning and end of the occupation, not accounting any major uprisings that might have happened between those two points.
Okay so I'm new and coming over from /swg/ I am looking for a ship dump. Is there a collection of technical manuals or ship info all in one place I could assimilate?

Thanks all.
That was fucking glorious my man, I appreciate the little touches like the nod to the SR71 story.
You want ship picks or something with stats on it as well?
Both. Mostly stats tho. I found one site that has scans of the tech manuals but it's done as jpgs and that would be a huge job to dl and convert
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What is the popular opinion on Enterprise-J?

pic obviously not related
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that was a general question btw, sorry about the redundant link leftover from the quickreply window
Ugly shit
even uglier in STO
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The design fucked up on proportions something chronic, I get they were trying to make something look even more futuristic but in doing so they lost what works.
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Was a decent preliminary design, but shit for a final one.
Interested to see what it could've been if they'd had time to actually work on it, rather than just rushing out the episode with the first model made.
Ugly. Even uglier than the other future ships.

Like holy shit, did they set out to intentionally make it ugly? I couldn't even make something that shit looking if I tried.
Thanks! I was questioning referencing the Sr-71 copypasta, glad to know somebody liked it!

Anyway, the Romulans. The Romulans are a sub-group of the Vulcan people who're more emotionally stable. (Remember, canon Vulcans adopted Surak's teaching of logic because they were so emotionally unstable and filled with passion they couldn't operate *except* by totally suppressing their emotions and relying entirely on cold logic. That's also why I've got them being a little timid when it comes to experimental flight. They don't do well under pressure, so they can't do seat-of-the-pants test-piloting.)

Anyway, the Romulans were able to control their emotions without totally repressing them, and rebelled against the teaching of Surak. (They were also a martial class, explaining their greater self-control.) The mainline Vulcans banished them party for their anti-logical ways, but also because they were an unwelcome reminder of their harsh and violent past.

The Romulans were enraged by what they saw as a betrayal. Had they not been stalwart warriors for the mainline people of Vulcan or all these years? But their rage was tempered by cool scheming. Romulus would rise, but it wasn't a plan that could be rushed. The Romulans coasted though space on primitive warp-2 capable ships before finally settling on what would become Romulus.

The planet was already populated by a primitive indigenous species (Remans. Around.... mind 19th century tech lets say.) The Romulans quickly made allies with one nation-state bloc, uplifted them and helped force a global hegemony with their advanced technology. Then, they started to consolidate their power. For a while, the planet was a kind of space!Rhodesia. Only educated Citizens could vote in the senate (which at first was all romulan, but slowly Remans filtered in as they met the requirements for Romulan Citizenship.)
Almost as bad as Cryptic's temporal ships, and that's saying something.
Aren't Cryptic's Temporal ships based off of the J?
The Romulan empire started to expand, but they were very cautions. The Romulans were wary of the threat the Vulcans would pose should they discover the nascent empire. Romulus was strong, but couldn't match the vastly larger Vulcan numbers and industrial base. So Romulan technology took on an sneeky bent. Their ships are slower and less fuel-efficient than Human ships (and about on par with Vulcan tech) but they lead the galaxy in the realms of encryption and cloaking technology.

If a Romulan ship is at risk of being captured, her navigational database will be wiped and destroyed, and any crewmen who have the coordinates of Romulus memorized will die rather than be captured and potentially interrogated. I'm taking a few notes from the UNSC from Halo here. The Romulans are always cautions, always thinking of the worst-case scenario, always plotting so that even if they loose the battle they'll stay in a strategically strong position.

Romulan forces are also fiercely protective of their space. The Expanse is a giant buffer zone to make sure nobody can even get within sensor range of Romulus, and they interdic anything that wanders into their turf. Ships will get destroyed, and probes hacked to wipe their memory. It worked on the Vulcans and Andorians, but they never anticipated the Human desire to touch things.

Human ships wandering into the Expanse going "ooh... shiny. I must touch," spooked the Romulans, and they get more and more desperate to stop these "spy ships" from intruding into their space. After all, nobody packs *that much* sensor gear into a ship that small without nefarious motives, right? (As it turns out, Humans are just that curious.) With their backs against the wall, the Romulans see no other option but to respond with force to what--in their minds--were acts of war.

This spirals into the Romulan war, where both sides are convinced the *other* side started the war with no provocation.
Also of note, Romulans took to the two nacelle design that the Vulcans liked to ignore.
An abomination in the eyes of Omnissiah and its creator should be converted into a sanitation servitor.
They did by the 23rd century. I dunno when or how they made the switch. I saw some cool art a while back of a hybrid design with a ring-mounted sustainer and directional nacelles that looked like a cross of warbird and U-boat though.
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pic related
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Aww, depressing. Oh well, Lukari shield it is, then.
How about that new shield from wargames set?
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As a fan of space dildos... I quite like this.
That ship always bothered me, it makes me think it'll fire a nacelle like a missile.
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That's... a peculiar thing to think.
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Got anymore pictures?
I need some for research purposes.
what kinda ship is that?
A Vorgon carrier.
It's the current summer event reward ship in STO.

In order to get it, you need a level10 character and then go to Risa to fly through some holographic hoops once a day for about a month until you have enough vouchers to get yourself that thing.
Once you have it, it is unlocked for all of your alts and can be claimed for free at any time.
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Captain Sheridan!
I have just been informed that you are sheltering a Narn Heavy Cruiser. You will surrender it and it's crew at once!

TOS-era Saber?
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Oddly enough design before the Sabre was a thing.
is this lady where FTL default ship has her name from, or was that a different bird/just coincidence?

Anyone screencap these?
MULTI-WARP DORIFTU?!!?!?!?!?!?!!
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Same bird, probably entirely coincidental.

Incidentally I think it'd be a good ship for an RPG. Got that TOS-era wild west frontier stuff but the ship is attached to a station so Defiant & DS9 type stuff is kinda a thing but with longer tours for the ship. Small crew, few officers, still fairly decent but not great facilities and importantly for a small ship: can actually fight or run so not immediately fucked if called upon to.
It's all on the 4plebs archive anyway. But yeah I'll get on it.
I think I have a soft spot for all those smaller ships in Star Trek. The huge capital ships like the Galaxy or Sovereign are just not as intrinsically interesting as a ship that's had some serious design compromises.
>tfw you beat the D'Deridex by clogging its disruptor banks with the debris of your squadron of Mirandas
reminder that more Akiras died on-screen than Mirandas in the Battle of Cardassia
If a Galaxy or Sovereign is overkill for anything short of flagship/dreadnought roles and Mirandas are cannon fodder, what is the ideal middle ground for almost all missions-a refit Excelsior?
Even Ambassadors seem like a bit much for most things, if a little undergunned (nothing a refit wouldn't fix, maybe redesign the nacelle pylons while in the shop)....
It says something when a BB is now your go to jack of all trades hull.
Natural selection, the Mirandas that survived through the end of the Dominion War were uberschiffen that could reproduce and pass their genes on to the Reliant-class
Akiras, Excelsiors, and Intrepids, probably.
Akiras can probably do almost anything thanks to colossal shuttlebays and a heavy loadout that can be swapped for sensors and whatnot (assuming the aft pod is modular like a Nebula's)...
I'd imagine the Excelsiors are getting old, still cruiser-tier but not a lot of room for personnel or cargo compared to TNG-era classes
The Intrepids are clearly tactical/special ops ships: fast and shooty, not a lot of shuttles or cargo space, easily adaptable and weird bioneural circuitry...
Refit Excelsior, Ambassador, or Nebbie if you really want the job done properly.
Oh yeah, Nebula too.
The Excelsior and Ambassador are more like cruisers by DS9, with the war footing Galaxy class being the BB/CV/LHD hybrid. Akiras and Nebbies are the destroyer types - not great for long solo patrols, but torpedo piñatas when they get where they're going.
Eh, the Nebbie's meant to be a Budget and/or Sensible Galaxy, with it's lack of g i r t h made up for by interchangable mission modules. I'd say it's the LHD to the Galaxy's CVN
The Akira is the logical successor to the Constellation class. Small, fast, tons of dakka, but still a better carrier than anything the opponents are fielding at the time. Stuff it full of fighters and Delta Flyers and the enemy is in for a bad day.
The ones that survived to the beginning of the war were probably decorated veterans themselves.
>The USS Totally Not Cannonfodder has survived 23 separate encounters with Klingons, 10 battles with Romulans, and a dozen with Cardassians
>surely today won't be the end of its luck
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I think this is the heftiest board game rulebook I have ever gotten.
>There is still that one Constitution class chugging along at the end of the Dominion War.

The horrors and unsettling strangeness it has witnessed.
Didn't Akiras also have a fighter wing or two inside them?
Or was the whole idea of using them as carriers scrapped?
That was headcanon by the guy who designed it. He envisioned Akira being a carrier with something like fifteen torpedo launchers.

But in the shows and film, it's just a regular ship.
I think she was recommissioned for the war.
Not necessarily. We know that the Olympia was still in service a few years before the Dominion War. A select few Connies may have stayed in service.
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On the other hand, it is modelled with a lot of torpedo tubes and a shuttle bay going right down the middle of the ship.

So it's not not-canon. Just never elaborated on substantially because it's a background ship.
I thought it was originally designed as a ridiculously overloaded torpedo boat, and the carrier thing was Cryptic's doing
I think she was originally designed as a protag-ship, hence why the design was tweaked and reused for Enterprise.
What does one do for Vista nowadays

I spent too much time as a teen playing BotF/Armada/Starfleet command

Star Trek Armada 3.
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also nope

The designer was interviewed in the Eaglemoss magazine with the model; the idea was a sort of fleet-support vessel that'd hang back launching craft and torpedoes. It was designed with the through-deck shuttle bay, that's not a later addition.
The design got picked for extra attention because of the need for a decent glory shot in the battle scene at the beginning of First Contact, and of all the designs thrown together the Akira was picked as looking the best with an unconventional but still very recognisably star fleet look to it. So it got the high detail model and extra work where as stuff like the Sabre and Norway were left simpler and more angular.

For Enterprise they just copied it largely because they liked the design a lot.
Well if you want more Armada, then get Sins of a solar empire: Rebellion and download the mod called star trek armada 3.
If you want to see where the prime universe timeline is going, check out Star trek online.
For latest in trek vidya, check out the Bridge crew (if you have virtual goggles).
The Star Trek New Horizons mod for Stellaris is also pretty great.
Temba, his arms wide, give me more about this. Stellaris is a fun game and I am unaware of a Star Trek mod for it.

Sokath, his eyes uncovered.
Shaka, when the walls fell.

Is there a non-steam version? Asking because I'm a Naussican pirate.
It's a pretty popular mod for Stellaris, readily available off of the steam workshop. They update it regularly to make sure it's compatible with the newest builds of Stellaris.

Honestly it's pretty great. You can play as any race, from the United Earth to the Cardassian Union to the Kazon to the fucking T'Rogoran (Oh what's that? never heard of the T'Rogoran? That's because they're referenced all of once in the entire show. But they're in this mod anyway because fuck you).

And there are specially made maps for the mod. An Alpha/Beta quadrant map as well as a galaxy-wide map that places all of the races in their correct starting positions as well as naming most of the star systems around them based on systems that are stated to be nearby. i.e. Minos Korva is between Cardassian and Federation space, Khiomer and Nerandra lay between Klingon and Romulan space, etc.

Even better, the ship designs advance with the era you're in. So if you're a fed or a romulan in the ENT era and you pass into the TOS era your new ships will look like TOS ships and so on.

No, it seems to be Steam-only. I'm sure you could go looking and find a copy of it somewhere. If it helps, you only need the base game, sans-addons, to use the mod.
The best I can do:

Temba, at rest.

Thanks gents.

Thanks lads.
Bridge crew is pretty disappointing honestly. There's more fun to be had from fucking about than actually playing the game, and even then it's limited.
I suspect this fan project to recreate the Enterprise-D in Unreal 4 was killed because of Bridge Crew. What a shame.


Christ. The more Star Trek ages, the more the star ship designs suck.
The Dauntless is fine, really. Especially seeing as it's whole design is based around breaking through a speed barrier that conventional designs couldn't. At least not consistently. If you wan't to talk about bad designs, I'll humbly point you to the Norway class.
What the fuck is this?
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The Norway is horrible and there is *much* worse out there, but that doesn't make a design *good*. Do you even sacred geometry and golden ratio???

You watch your whore mouth.


Nu-trek garbage.

Anon, you can't just slap the golden ratio spiral on any random image.
Also, I don't think we ever saw the Enterprise in TOS from that angle.
>Defends Enterprise J
>attacks Galaxy kitbash
>Nu-trek garbage

really inverted my tetryons
I personally wish that we could ret-con the TOS Enterprise into the movie Enterprise. Because I think that the aesthetic of the films is much easier to modernise than the TOS aesthetic that has generally aged poorly. And leaves us in the position of trying to reconcile something incredibly retro with a futurist setting. This applies to both the interior and exterior of ships, which were spartan due to budget constraints rather than some sort of artistic vision. I'm undecided on TOS vs JJtrek Connie. I dislike both, I might marginally side with the original, but I do quite like a lot of the pre-divergence designs that we see crop up.

tl;dr Movie Connie trumps budget Connie

Fuuuck. I though >>53711745 was calling the 1701-A ugly. I'm an ass. Yes the J is garbage. May I offer >>53731812 and >>53711745 my sincerest apologies on that one.

But the kit bash still is crap.


I didn't, but the golden ratio still applies.

Certainly. I love the TMP Enterprise.
>Hating on TOS-Connie

Oh jeeze, I thought you were talking about the JJ-prize. My bad. Yeah, the Enterprise Refit's pretty damn cash. I wouldn't agree that it's inherently BETTER than the TOS Connie (Original or First Refit), but it is probably a more generally appealing design overall.
For the exterior, just add some subtle azteking and RCS ports, and it fits just fine. The bridge stuff you can just say is due to alien influence in aesthetics, and add subtle labels to the buttons (even just barebones numbers and stuff, so it fits in with LCARS).
Nah, just update the show version's hull some and detail it a bit and it's fine. Remember that the hull is over 20 years old by the time Kirk takes command, so the Movie version being a clear upgrade and refit/ new class is great.
I am with you on this.

That or have the original as the Phase II design so makes more sense when it changes for TMP, and then we retcon the Enterprise styled Daedalus in.

With the added extension that the entire Star Fleet Museum gets updated to match the changed aesthetics so swept pylons and rectangular nacelles from the start.

I feel like the retro aesthetic is just part of TOS' charm, like the cheap masks or the campy dialogue.
Anybody have that image of Akira class equipped with Reman shields?
The Phase II design was a total engine overhaul. That's why the rest of the ship is relatively similar to the original hull. Do that, and the reason for the refit is lost.
Internally maybe, but since Phase 2 didn't happen, and in this the design would be replacing the TOS one... well that's kind of a pointless argument because there's no need for it to be the case. TMP version can still have a full overhaul with the changed engines.
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Memory Alpha says it was 15 million, spread out over 50 years (so 300k per year).

As I recall they never specified how many people were living on Bajor during the occupation, but if we assume it's roughly 10% of Earth's current population (so around the current population of Europe, spread out over the whole planet) and they have half the death rate per capita that we currently have (not counting deaths caused by Cardassians), that's still only 5 years to hit the 15 million mark.

So, if those numbers are correct, the Cardassians increased the Bajoran death rate by about 10% for a 50 year period. That's definitely not a good thing to do, but it's hardly the apocalyptic death toll we're meant to think it is.

Either that or Bajor has such a small population that 15 million over 50 years is an apocalyptic death toll, but that would still be a case of the writers not being able to into numbers without some kind of extenuating circumstances.
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>tfw Centauri Blockades get run easily by warp capable ships.
On the other hand, you know, maybe it's a testament to Gul Dukat's kind-hearted occupational style that ungrateful fucking children of Bajor simply couldn't appreciate. Those petulant little wrinkle-nosed bitches thought they had it bad because Poppa Dukat cared too much.
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If you accept Enterprise as canon, a couple warbirds pop up there in pic related.
Birds of Prey. But also gah fuck that design, that should be facing off with the Excelsior not the NX-01.
Pretty much, yeah. STO was right to make them the bog-standard 25th century Romulan frigate.
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fuck off newfag.
If you compare percentage of population rather than raw number, more Americans die each year in car accidents than Bajorans died each year during the occupation.
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I always assumed FTL was making a nod to the old Escape Velocity
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>get the white stars
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>responding to literal Rick Berman
>For Enterprise they just copied it largely because they liked the design a lot.

As I have heard it, the NX-model was also something of compromise as the executives greenlighting designs to the new series didn't like the designs for the new Protagonist ship and eventually someone came with the NotAkira design.

The excecutive meddling towards the ship models was also reason why there where Klingon K'tingas in the series as designers just got tired of arguing and constantly tweaking their models they made for the series and just went with a model they knew the people in charge liked.
Which is a shame, because they had a full model for the D5 that they ended up not using.
"Captain, I think we can disable the enemy ship by emitting a beam of high energy antiprotons from out main deflector!"
"Excellent! Evacuate the bridge!"
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Looks bizzare in this shot, nacelles don't fit with the rest of the ship, saucer looks a bit oversized, if they're going to expand the size of the photon torpedo tubes they should have just thickened the whole neck for improved structural strength, I hate the flashlight deflector and I prefer the TOS copper plate dish or the B, D, E, and Voyager deflectors which have more detail in them.
Movie enterprise is fine, but my waifu will always be the Excelsior enterprise. It looks stronger and cleaner, the thicker neck and low slung simple nacelle struts along with larger secondary hull make it much more cruiser-like to me. Movieprise is OK but as I made my criticisms of it in the above comments, the E has similar qualities that I like although I think the overlit nacelles make it look a bit like a toy, trash like the D physically hurts me to look at, it's like they took a more aesthetic ship and melted it a little.
Recently got the NX-Refit [T6] Looks fucking awesome.

Decided to Borg the ever loving shit out of it to make it look like it is a genuinely cobbled together mismatch of parts, some components centuries old. Got Universal Assimilate Console. Looks great.

Nearly got enough shit for the Borg Deflector despite the agonizingly slow accumulation of reputation points.

I've just found out what the NX Refit looks like Full Borg.

Borg Deflector is attached to the upper deflector. It looks shit.
I just find it odd that that thing doesn't count as a science ship, what with the two deflector dishes and all.
It's on account of the normal ship being an escort I presume.
Have you tried her out with any of the other sets? I would imagine Delta looks pretty good.
I wonder how the Romulans got past the radiation problem to be able to put the nacelles in that position.
The problem is that any deflector visual effects come from the top/original deflector.

So have to find one that has no light show, just a colour change and is green to match the rest of the Borged ship.
Unfortunately, the 'color change' you're looking for is effected by shields only. The light show IS the deflector effect.
Welp, time to find another ship.

Going to try 23c Ranger.
It's gorgeous. It's basically the TOS style NX-refit (technically the Columbia class), and it is the best ship Cryptic has ever designed.
awesome, man!
What about with Breen shields? Always thought the visual effect they give looks more Borg than the actual borg shield
>forgets that the Ar'Kif exists.
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Nope. The Ar'Kala's solid, sure, but it's nothing on the Ranger. Hell, even the Avenger's better, and more than decent.
I figure they'd use a Vulcan instead. Just because it would piss off the Vulcans.
The Romulans are a hardier people. Perhaps they were simply able to widthtand the radiation levels. Alternately they didn't care enough about their engineering crews to sacrifice speed in favour of their health. It certaintly wouldn't be the first engine room we've seen that's a radioactive deathtrap.
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Vulcans do not become pissed off. They do raise single eyebrows at the irrationality of humans.
Unless they get an erection. Or spend too much time around a blue rock. Or mind-meld with a serial killer. Or mind-meld with another Vulcan that has not!aids. Or they read too much Romulan literature.

In any of those cases they get quite steamed.
I'm pretty sure Spock's got this one in the bag. The Chtorr aren't that scary in Star Trek, just due to the extreme power level disparity. They slowly and inefficiently bioform a planet. Star Trek suffers a few set-backs for thirty minutes. switches to space wizardry and technobabbles around the problem for five minutes, moralizes about it for five minutes, and has a big hearty laugh at the end as the Enterprise flies off to a new adventure. GG Chtorr.
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