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/5eg/ Fifth Edition General:

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D&D 5th Edition General Discussion - Fighter Edition

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Previously, on /5eg/:
Best races for fighters?
any with a physical stat increase
and as always, v. human
How do I actually add the 5etools Roll20 userscript to Chrome?
All that happens is it downloads the js and then chrome says I can't add an extension from that page.
Variant human for compulsory weapon feats.
As with all classes, the answer is variant human.
humans and anything that is big and tall.
Variant human is only the answer for classes with compulsory weapon feats.
Pay the feat tax.
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Bullshit. Feats are always nice to have - and when you're out of compulsory ones, you can finally get to the fun stuff. Have you seen all the racial feats recently, and skill feats too? Things will only get better for variant humans from now on.
Usually if you want a feat as a person who doesn't have compulsory feats you can just wait until level 4.

Starting with effectively +3/+1 isn't worth it over +2/+1/+nice racial features.
What sort of ridiculous rule exploitation has been found in 5e? Stuff that any sane DM would veto but technically work according to the rules?

Something along the lines of older editions where you could drown yourself to save yourself from massive negative damage
Close your eyes for disadvantage, then use lucky to pick the best of 3 dice you roll for super advantage, as opposed to attacking normally and using lucky for normal advantage.
Nuclear druid comes to mind.
UA Gothic Heroes allows you to do that, as long as you are a revenant.
Net fighting. You can make a melee weapon attack with a net to avoid disadvantage and deal damage with sneak attack damage.
A lot of UA shit like nuclear druid.
What's that?
What everyone opinion on Tunnel Fighter style?
Does it work is sentinel?

If you exploit one of the UA Druids' features, you can *technically* do an astronomical amount of damage with Magic Missle. Any DM who allowed it would be foolish, however.
Pathfinder is to 5e like Broodwar is to Candy Crush

Seriously, no options, no customizations everything dumbed down... why play it
For fun and because we don't want to play a spread sheet simulator
What did he mean by this?
When I play 5e and want to create a fighter wielding a sword and a shield, I just make a fighter.
When I play pathfinder and want to create the same, I need to dig through five thousand splatbooks and dozens of internet guides to create an optimal build, and then I'll still fail to contribute because 3.PF is a caster game.

Also, 5e playerbase is not infested with weebs and furries.
Black men.
Are you mad that 5e is stealing potential Pathfinder players?
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My party finished the Barber of Silverymoon. In the end one PC ended up transformed into a Yuan-Ti Pureblood and the Dwarf's hair, mostly consisting of beard, became a gateway to Ysgard

The first PC was a teenage Human Noble and this is super not cool. What are methods a PC might change their race in game?

Also what information/material is there for Ysgard? The DMG is really sparse on it.
Yeah, it's infested with X-Card wielding snowflakes.

Or is that certain man with a certain rainbow avatar doing it ironically
>Teenage Human Noble learns that reptilians have been controlling human society for years.
>Because he is one of them.
How is this not super cool?
Does radiant damage break things, such as a chair for example?
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Her parents will be pissed fer sure and how is she supposed to get a date to the homecoming dance now?
Don't purebloods look exactly like humans? If so, either he was too ugly to get a date anyway, or he'll have no problem since some girls like the aloof bad boy type.

Whoops...just realized its a female that got turned. Either way my statement stands. There's guys and girls out there who like that type.
Where does /tg/ gets this idea of PF = furry userbase lol
It's not technically, it's obviously. They intentionally made their ridiculous errata to multi hit spells when it comes to adding your damage modifier, but decided that "simultaneously" hitting with multiple missiles somehow means you roll once for all missiles, meaning you add your damage bonus to all missiles.
My pet theory: The emphasis on shitloads of stats and rules spread across 500 books appeals to the autistic behaviors commonly found amongst furries, weebs, and bronies.
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>pathfinder is brood war
You wish.
They can "pass" as humans, and as it stands she has fangs that conceal like a rattlesnakes so that's not a huge problem. But under close inspection purebloods can be rutted out. She has some scales under her clothes. Another side effect is that her hair is green and scaly, easily concealed with a hood etc.
Nigga if you don't think Pureblood women are hot as fuck, then get out of my face.

I played BW back in the day, but what's going on here?
What's an X-card?
What makes Variant Human so good? And how is it different from regular human? Sorry if this is obvious I'm new.
Are there any useful Android apps?
Magic Missile is worded that you roll 1d4+1 damage, and each missile deals that result, rather than rolling 3d4+3.

This means when you combine it with features that add spell damage, such as for example a wizard who adds INT to one spell damage roll, so instead of doing 1d4+6, 1d4+1 and 1d4+1, it does 1d4+6 multipled 3 times, potentially against the same target.

This is then used with the Twilight Druid, who can empower spells with necrotic damage, adding at peak 10d10 Necrotic damage to a single spell cast.

So your magic missile now does 1d4+1+10d10 damage, an average of 58 damage. And if you use a 9th level spell slot, you're launching 11 missiles for an average of near 600 damage that automatically hits with no saving throw and can be distributed between multiple creatures.

There are multiple builds that focus around different methods of this, such as using Magic Initiate, or a single level in Cleric for the Arcane Domain, often splasing Fighter for Action-surge to fire two rounds at once, or taking Grave Domain for channel divinity to mark a foe with vulnerability to necrotic or the like.

But the general idea is to get a no save, no roll to hit 500-1000 damage spike, thus the name Nuclear Druid.

There is also Nuclear Monk, who uses the "Peace and Serenity Pacifist" style because at level 17, when an ally is dropped to 0 you gain +20 damage to your damage rolls for one turn. You then pull out a wand of magic missile and empty it for 1d4+21 multiplied by 11 darts.
Humans get +1 to every stat, a very questionable bonus, since you don't actually need every stat. Variant humans get +1 to two stats, a free skill and a free feat.
A feat can be used on many things. Rogues want Crossbow Expert. Martials want GWM and Polearm Master, or at least a Shield Master. Casters want Resilient. Everybody wants Lucky.
Versatility and a jump start at early levels.

I don't understand why people think it so good though. Maybe cause no one here get past level 7 or something.

It really loses steam to other races later on
>Magic missile is overpowered and unbalanced
Who would have thought?
Oh, that's pretty wild. Thanks for the explanation.
WoTC literally did a survey and found out that 90% of games don't get to level 15. It's level 5, or level 10 if you're lucky.
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Not my call. These are the worries of a teenage girl, I don't have an opinion on the matter. I'm just wondering what options she could pursue to resolve this.
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He sent his arbiter into the base, but for some reason, probably due to having it in a control group moved it back out, and recalled just to the right instead of where he thought it was.
"The X-Card is an optional tool (created by John Stavropoulos) that allows anyone in your game (including you) to edit out any content anyone is uncomfortable with as you play."
Basically the concept that at any point anyone does or says anything, including the GM, that you do not feel a hundred percent comfortable with you flash your X-card and the event never happens and they must come up with something else, to ensure that every tabletop is a safe space for everyone.

"The Dread Pirate Bludfang has been raiding every port along the shore, him and his crew slaughtering the militia, raiding the houses and leaving with nothing but ruin and a few bastard children in their wake, the Young navy captain who hired you to take him down being one of those sons."
"B-but that is R-r-rape! I'm starting to get t-triggers X-card!!"
"Oh uh, they uh.. Lovingly seduce the maidens into consensual relationships while raiding their homes and murdering their husbands?"

"Aha, now that we're at the tavern, I flirt with the pretty barmaid."
"Oh my GOD do you know how sexist that is? X-Card!"
"I guess I get a drink then.."

"The Dwarf Guardsman spits at the mention of orc raiders, "Ruddy Greenskins."
"What the hell? Racism like that really makes me uncomfortable DM, X-card!"

The Fifth Edition Character sheet app is pretty good for making a build quickly, and saves at each level so you can go back and tweak things.

I also use the D&D 5 Spellbook Cards app for quick spell reference, and the D&D Quick Dice app (mainly for large damage rolls).
>not using it to nix Godfreys homosexuality in CoS
That why more people should get into the habit for starting the campaign at around level 9 or 15.

If you already know what you doing, it's no fun to start at level 1 or so.
>not calling them Piggers

The fuck are you guys even doing?
+1 to All stat isn't good, because most characters only use 2-3 stats anyway.

What use is +1 Int, and +1 Charisma to a fighter?

What use is +1 Strength and +1 Wisdom to a bard?

What use is +1 Int and +1 Dex to a Cleric?

Plus Feats being so scarce since they are at the expense of a stat-up that you don't get until 4th level, and even by 20 will only have had 5 chances to get.
I find 6th level is prime to start at, people tend to have a decent class feature or two, martials have extra attack, casters have enough spells under their belt, everyones had at least one ASI boost or feat if they need, all have enough HP that two hits from a goblin isn't death.
A number of feats are practically required to be good at your class, and variant human unlocks them at a level you'll reasonably be playing at.
Classes that could seriously benefit from at least one feat, often a weapon feat are paladins, rogues, monks, barbarians (not barbarogues), fighters and rangers.

Basically feat taxes.

Regular human is only ever really good on a paladin and even then variant human gives them PAM so you might as well go variant in that case.
This is precisely why I boost XP gain and intentionally pace my games to have most of the PCs level 20 inside of a real life year.
So you admit to favoring casters while shitting on the fighters because it's more realistic for the casters. Guess what you blithering autistic retard, you're playing a fantasy game.
Stop being a no fun allowed severe autist and learn to properly DM.
Probably because /pfg/ has had nothing but kitsune anime stuff for every OP image I've seen in the past two weeks
If you insist on realism in d&d then you are brain dead, realistically monsters can't exist, realistically the arcane and divine casters can't exist.
Stop being a complete autistic retard.
Trying to come up with a critical wound table system for D&D 5th edition but it's pretty tough since most tables tend to have results that are either "Yeah, get a new character sheet." or "Hah, you're bleeding 2 points of damage every turn until you use a DC10 medicine check or charge from a medicine kit or receive a healing spell of at least 2nd level!"

Rolling on the table will occur for critical hits, and for hitting 0hp, to add an actual downside to getting knocked to 0 other than the cleric immediately casts healing word and you're back into the fray at no expense.
The fairest way of running this is so that it only occurs whens omething like hitting 0 HP occurs.

For example, if running with a secondary HP pool instead of death saves, you'd roll when the secondary HP pool takes damage. Or, like you said for normal ones, when you hit 0 HP.

That punishment for hitting 0 HP in a game that uses death saves prevents people from wanting to just get up after being downed on 1 HP every time.

Also, it's fairer because 'you could have avoided this by playing safer and not fighting until you hit 0', unlike with crits which are 'yeah, you got fucked by random chance'

Of course if effects aren't permanent then it's probably fine to have it rolled from critical hits, too.
So don't. It's a bad idea in general for the very reasons you already described.
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holy shit are you even fucking trying.
this is a pretty pathetic level of trolling.
I espicially like the parts where you completely ignore 80% of what I said and missrepresent the rest.

honestly it was really good trolling, the fact that you displayed how thirsty you are for me to see it gave it away though.

7/10. thats a good score, keep your chin up.
I'm hopefully going to be running and game for a group of first timers soon, myself included.
I've got a general idea for a setting and campaign, wild west with swords and magic.
I'm wondering if I should adapt the starter kit quest to start out with or just have them jump into it.
Also aside from the DM Guide, Player's Handbook, and Monster Manual are there any supplement books that I should check out?
Any general advice for a first time DM would be appreciated too.
I did something similar in my game just to keep the fear of death alive

When drop to 0, critical wound must be stopped before healing can begin.
Can stop bleeding with medicine check and cure wound.

I also employ Matt mercer's rezz rules so that they can't just risk leaving their peeps dead on the battle field and rezz them later
Easiest house rule ever, betting knocked unconscious grants one level of exhaustion to represent whatever various wounds and weariness occurs
My DM doesn't like playing with tiles. I don't mind this, but it makes opportunity attacks almost never happen. Any tips for keeping track without tiles?
Didn't meant to post this early.

Looking for effects that are pretty much all significantly bad, possibly lasting at least the end of the combat or day, possibly even a couple days, but nothing that means your character is dead or crippled. If you're a GWM fighter and suddenly an arm gets cut off then you may as well reroll unless you're close friends with a 13th level cleric or higher. Obviously also nothing so insignificant that they can just brush it off as "Meh." although I do want at least one result that is favourable.

The table we used in one of our games was a little.. Well, either players would have entire limbs cut off and they would roll new characters, or it would be minor things that they just ignored or healed instantly, people weren't worried critical hits, they were scared of the dice saying "Oops, you die instantly.".

Some I have so far.

Player is knocked back 5ft, falls prone, is stunned for 1d3 rounds and drops any held items within 5ft of their new location.

Player is reminded of their own mortality and becomes frightened of hostile creatures for 1 miniute.

Player is struck with gut-wrenching nausea and is poisoned for 1 miniute.

Player immediately loses half of their maximum hit die, meaning they may be forced to long-rest early or consume more healing magic than others, as they don't have their own reserves to draw from.

Player is struck with a crippling blow and suffers -3 to attacks, saves and ability checks, reducing by 1 each long rest.
How is the Arcana Domain for Clerics?
I like it, but it's overshadowed by Arcane Theruge for Wizards.
Can someone define "well built Paladin" for me pls; I'm inexperienced with the class.
Polearm Master.

That's about it.
That sounds fun, but if you do that there's no way to get the pact weapon smite with the thing, is there?
Orcs and half-orcs make good fighters, but better barbarians
Never heard about it. Is it an actual thing in Burgerstan? Jesus, you're pathetic.
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Anyone have a recommendation for a magical item (Very Rare) that could fit a Zealot Barbarian? He's an old man (rolled poorly for stats), so he's in dire need of something to keep him from getting hit.
have you ever done party bodyswapping shenanigans? how did it work out?
I'm having a hard time coming up with a character concept for a wizard for an upcoming Curse of Strahd game

What kind of hooks could draw in a strictly magic user in that setting?
Your master has disappeared and you're looking for him.
What would be an interesting multiclass dip for a Battlemaster?
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Anon with the Unseen monsters here, i've patched them as suggested in the previous thread. Would anyone be able to let me know whether they seem appropriate for their CR, and whether or not they sound frustrating to fight?

>Cinial Unseen
The Cinial is the most common variant of Unseen, as well as the weakest. Requiring only a sufficiently large mass of volcanic rock and a months labour from a dedicated magical theorist, they have historically been used against weak massed enemies, with a single one capable of disrupting and scattering an entire formation.Should their master fail to bind them or allow them to escape their servitude, they revert to an animalistic intelligence. A freed Cinial will likely build a lair full of flammable objects to ensure it cannot be deprived easily of a smoke veil, and then periodically embark on hunting sprees in which it attempts to kills and burn away any animal larger than a rabbit.

The cinial is normally engulfed in a cloud of noxious smoke, but this can be removed by high winds, heavy rains, or similar effects. Seen outside of its cloud, a Cinial has pockmarked grey skin, a roughly humanoid upper body, and three legs arranged equidistant around the base of its torso. Its face is completely blank, but can split open into a vertical maw to speak or eat.
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With the stelliger here, I also simplified its non-veil abilities, because they were more complicated than they needed to be.

>Stelliger Unseen
The Stelliger Unseen was devised for war against the undead forces of Iberia's Divine Marriage. Engraved on an alloy of copper and gold with a diamond-tipped stylus, this Unseen is physically smaller than the Cinial, but of significantly greater mystic potency and durability. To most, it appears merely as a sphere of blinding light, lashing out with hair-thin filament. Should one somehow see through the glare surrounding it, or should its veil be dispelled, it appears as a parody of the human form - sickly grey and no larger than a child, its arms and legs stick-thin and many-jointed, its entire body tangled in its knotted grey hair, and its face lacking any features beyond a pair of burned-black eyes.

Should a stelliger escape its bindings, or be invoked freely, it is likely to seek a hiding place in which to lair. These creatures dislike heat and open spaces, but also possess a yearning to be nearer the sky. These urges often lead them into high mountain caves and ruined towers in the far north. Once settled, they will begin cleansing nearby areas of any undead life. This crusade has led them to be mistaken for Celestial beings, but their amoral nature becomes evident once their initial work is complete - they will make a point of monitoring any humanoids nearby, and slaying the elderly, diseased, and any others they consider at risk of dying, to ensure that new undead do not rise up. Despite this, they are not averse to forming alliances with mortals against powerful undead - although their inability to speak or be seen makes communication difficult at best.
Don't lump me in with them, I don't play by tumblrite safe space rules.

Any more info on what items he already has, or what feats and fighting method he uses, no point suggesting a mighty shield if he is a GWM wielder ect. What stats does he have that are good or what race does he have, things like that.

Definitely run Lost Mine of Phandelver first. As a first time DM you'll have a lot to learn without having to plan out the sessions as well. Besides, it's a really good campaign, and quite adaptable to a Wild West milieu. Just make everything set in a desert.

Alternately, you may wanna run a one shot first where everybody can get a feel for the game without having to commit to a particular character.

At any point, don't go full improv to start with. Learning how to run combat takes time, as well as figuring out the proper flow of a session.

Also, I hate Initiative. It grinds everything to a halt, and is tedious. I started having all my players pre-roll Initiative for four or so rounds at the beginning of each session. That way I have a nice table I can refer to at the start of each combat, and the game moves faster.

You don't *need* any extra books yet, as I imagine the starter material will keep you busy for a while. That said, Volo's Guide to Monsters is an excellent supplement. Also check out the Elemental Evil Players Companion, which is free online.

The adventure supplements are mostly good, with the exception of Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat (though some say it can be fixed with *a lot* of work). I ran Princes of the Apocalypse, and quite enjoyed it. Tales from the Yawning Portal is also one I'm using at the moment.

Make it clear during character creation that the point of the game is to cooperatively solve problems and kick shit, not turn on each other or play as a bunch of loners. If anybody gives you shit at the table, take them aside. Do not hash out conflicts at the table.

Good luck Anon, let us know how it goes.
There are SOME hooks, but you should probably discuss it with your master due to spoilers.
How is tunnel fighter knight sentinel? Is it worth going pam on top?
>every player starts with a free feat at first level
Could I make this work? I'm going for a pulpy, super-heroic sort of feel and I think this would help sell that. I'm also including most of the optional rules from the DMG that would empower the players.

As a side note, I probably won't allow variant humans (ie. you can't start with two feats because that's insane), but I do wonder if they'd be more or less OP, relatively speaking, than they normally are.
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And the Deprensus, because I like the idea of invisible shoggoth, in ur village, reading ur lore.

>Deprensus Unseen
While the Cinial and Stelliger Unseen were great successes as weapons of war, their very nature denies them the possibility of subtlety. The Deprensus Unseen was an attempt to bypass this limit and create a specimen equally capable of gathering intelligence and slaying armies. While the experiment was clearly successful, the nature of the beast limited its use - the living mind simply will not perceive it. The weak-willed ignore its presence completely, save to subconsciously step out of its way, while those of great mental fortitude can force themselves to notice it as an absence, a sucking void that will appear to close itself if their attention wavers for even a moment. The master is not immune to this effect, and as such, most sorcerers prefer more reliable minions, such as familiars or bound devils. The requirements to create a Deprensus further limit its use - it must be carved into a single piece of living human or elvish flesh massing at least eight hundred pounds, generally requiring the sorceror to graft several living individuals together before beginning their work.

Should a Deprensus gain its freedom through luck or hubris, it is likely to occupy a small and isolated settlement. These slothful creatures may simply steal food, but more ambitions specimens may cast themselves as an unseen god or spirit, granting what minor favors they see fit in exchange for tribute and worship. Once secure, they may also attempt to gain the knowledge of how they were created - for they alone among the Unseen possess the desire to reproduce, possibly due to their fleshy origin. More than one Deprensus-cult has been rooted out when authorities either caught its minions stealing tomes of lore, or discovered the failed results of its experiments.
tweak normal human so they are actually viable over half elf
Wont break anything. You could say no stronger feats like gwm etc if you're worried
>Make it clear during character creation that the point of the game is to cooperatively solve problems and kick shit, not turn on each other or play as a bunch of loners.
This is extremely important. My LMoP campaign fell apart due to unchecked munchkins. My fault, really, as DM. I should've seen it coming and stepped in.
For Knight you probably don't need PAM, it's more about keeping people near you. It's main trick is doing the thing everyone Fighters can do, but they have no mechanical way of performing it, Tanking.

Basically you want some good defences, Sentinel and honestly I'd recomend Sword and Shield with defence or Tunnel Fighter. You want to throw yourself into a group and stop them from going anywhere.

You can lock down two enemies per turn from having good reason to attack anyone else, and then you can hit one with a stopping OA. So you can try to lock down 2-3 enemies pretty well. On top of that, if more then one enemy tries to do a runner or you REALLY need to stop someone you can use your 3/short rest super attack.
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I've only played using Core races/classes but my group is going to be running a game where everything will be available.
I'm planning on playing a warforged that was made to protect a sacred garden and became an adventurer to find a way to restore life to it. What would be the best class with this type of character in mind? I tend to lean towards tankier martial classes.
>what items does he already have
None. It's a fresh campaign with a level 10 start, running around in a mysterious "you wake up with no recollection of how you or your party members got there."
>what feats/stats/race
Dragonborn with a current array 20, 10, 14, 8, 12. Have the new fancy smancy Feats for Races Dragonhide thing, so he has a +1 AC on top of his abysmal bit. To add to the shitty array (especially given the ASI's), he's only at 66 hp thanks to what felt like an average health gain roll of 3.
>fighting method
He's a Zealot, old, and, as the stats kind of show, past any sort of prime. As a result, he dives in, probably dies, and then gets revived by divine favor.
Moon Druid that turns into giant wooden animals, Ancients Paladin is pretty generic for it, Revised Ranger could be cool.

I'd highly recommend a Primeval Guardian Ranger, they turn into a giant tree form and become huge tanky guys with nonstop Temp HP.
What are the best things to summon with Conjure Animals other than 8 wolves? We're fighting giant's so the knocking prone isn't exactly important.
More Battlemaster.

You've heard of ancient and forbidden magic that can only be found in such a place.

Your research has lead you in pursuit of an old forgotten wizard and his tower, all you know about him is that "His Word Was Power."

You were hired as an adept mage, following one of the other party members.

A strange troupe of travelling folk known sold you some faulty goods and some fake potions, you're looking to give them a stern talking to.

So no weapon feats, other magical items or preferred fighting-styles planned? Why does he have 12 charisma?
Are there any resources for official gameworlds like Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms, etc, that aren't edition specific? Like just atlases that contain lore, important locations, maps, stuff like that, without rules info? Sorry if this is a dumb question.
You just made human useless really. I speak from experience as a DM.

I usually reward a free feat of my choosing base one playstyle or roleplaying at a later level. Usually like free martial adapt for upclose and persoal fighters or Elemental adapt if I see a caster favor a certain spell over others.

Usually feats no one would bother getting
Suggestions? Maybe something simple like an extra skill, or an extra point into a chosen attribute?

I don't want to ban a feat outright, but I might nerf GWM a bit, now that you mention it.
>martial adapt
>Usually feats no one would bother getting

Battlemasters/Spelless Rangers/Whatever other Fighters use them who aren't GWM+PAM can find use for it, it's not too bad and gives them more options.
2 Giant Octopus tend to do great things, or if your GM is a bit of a pushover, Giant Roctopus. But at that point you might as well go Giant Half-Red-Dragon Roctopus.

8 Giant Crabs are also pretty potent at controlling the battlefield since they really hold folk in place.

A guy fighting a crab has to spend his action to escape the grapple, and not get hit by an attack when he moves away. Don't forget that they can move and drag foes along, especially great if there are water-hazards around.
Because it was either have an 11 in Dex AND Cha, or go for a starting 10 and 12.
I'm not saying it bad.

But there are usually way better options.

Also it's case by case basis on what feat I give people. It never stuff they want 100% but can find a uses for.
Your DM is an idiot
Why not get 12 Dex and 10Cha.
>I usually reward a free feat of my choosing base one playstyle or roleplaying at a later level. Usually like free martial adapt for upclose and persoal fighters or Elemental adapt if I see a caster favor a certain spell over others.
I like that idea. Even if I don't use it for this campaign, I'm stealing it.
That Pathfinder is like Starcraft 2: Brood War, a wall-crafted and flawlessly executed masterwork of game design, and 5e is like Candy Crush, which is like bejeweled but sucks more.

Its a pretty stupid thing to say.
Have you ever looked into /pfg/?
If he's a suicide barbarian, maybe try to play into that. Maybe give him a weapon that gives him low amounts of temp health per hit. A trinket of 'once a long rest, have your health reduced to 1HP instead of being downed'

Think my man
Because dragonborn get a +1 to Cha and not Dex?
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>Starcraft 2: Brood War, a wall-crafted and flawlessly executed masterwork of game design
Currently dealing with magic items listed in the DMG.
Thanks I'll look into this.
I don't think we'll have to much issue with them turning on each other or anything like that as we've all known each other forever and know when to work together.
What's a good level 1 feat for my Totem Barbarian that turns into a werewolf (no mechanical changes) when he Rages?
Homebrew barbarian path, based on the idea of "fuck your tactics and plans, I'm 300lbs of in-your-face screaming muscle, you're gonna focus on me before touching my friends"

>Path of the Furious Guardian

Few would call the Furious Guardians tricksters, but nevertheless those who fight against them too-often find themselves lacking in judgement, abandoning plans and tactics in order to face these hulking threats. To these Barbarians, rage is more than an emotion - it is a performance, and a demand. In their voice and in their stance, foes find a primal, unworded message: "See me! Fear me! Fight me!"

Bind Wounds: At 3rd level when you adopt this path, you gain proficiency with the Healer's Kit. Additionally, you may spend ten minutes and one use of a healer's kit to treat any wounded individual, healing them as though they'd spent a number of Hit Die equal to half your level. You may only use this feature once per short or long rest.

Ferocious Presence: Starting when you adopt this path at 3rd level, you can draw attention to yourself when you begin your rage. Any enemy within 30 feet must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Charisma modifier) or be forced to view you as the greatest threat present, and as someone who must be defeated before they can harm your allies. Enemies have advantage on this saving throw if your allies include anyone at least two levels higher than you or a monster with a CR at least equal to your level. This ability lasts until your rage ends or you are incapacitated.

Self-taught Treatments: At sixth level, you may spend ten minutes and two uses of a healer's kit to duplicate the effects of Lesser Restoration. Once you have used this ability, you may not use it again before completing a short rest.

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Okay I posted this shit in the last thread, I tried to put the damage / round in line with what the DMG said, but also keeping it in line with the original 3.5 monster. I got a shitload more (you)s than I expected, and I realize it should probably be nerfed? But I was confused by the comments so I will ask some more specific questions:

(1) I know SoS abilities aren't really a thing in 5e so much but mind flayer has mind blast which can stun I believe, save ends. Should I make the aura of pain only deal necrotic damage? Should it be less damage? Should it deal the stun effect with no damage? I'm curious.

(2) Should the melee attack deal more or less damage? The damaging aspect of the aura was to get the creature more in line with expected damage for its level from the DMG table.

(3) How should I make the vorpal bite work? The only other 5e analogy I can find is the extra damage from balor's longsword on a crit. Should I adapt that? I obviously don't want to make it insta-kill as that is a huge 5e no-no, though in 3.5 that was most of the creature's danger.

(4) What else should I do to make it CR 15? I tried to make the numbers match up, I think I got almost everything, but maybe the aura is too much?

Thanks for all the feedback in previous thread, I'm just not sure exactly where to go with it. I have a bit of experience with 5e (have run a campaign that just got to level 4, and played some AL) but I still don't have a "sense" of things yet like I did for 3.5, I know the expectations of 5e fairly well (no SoDs, rare SoS, damage sponge monsters so they can actually stand up to a party, lower to-hit numbers, no stats over 30, etc. etc.

So, sorry for posting twice in a row this, but I would really appreciate some more advice. You're helping me a lot.

Blood Stokes the Flame: Starting at level 10, when an ally you can perceive is successfully attacked or injured, you may focus yourself on their attacker. Until the end of your next turn, you may attack that enemy as a bonus action. On a successful attack, they must save against your Ferocious Presence as though you began a new rage.

Brutal Redirection: Starting at 14th level, when an ally would be targeted by an attack or caught in an ability's area of effect, you may use your Reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the attack or ability's user. If your attack is successful, you deal no damage but your enemy's action is resolved using a valid target of your choice instead.
Well then a +2 hide armour I guess
Why isn't Hunter's Mark a feature applied on a weapon hit at the expense of a resource instead of a spell?

If it didn't cost bonus actions and did not compete with other features for action economy, many of the ranger's problems would be solved.
Oh, that is a fair point, honestly at this point, have him put the 14 in Dexterity instead of Con, and give him an Amulet of Health. Will slap 20hp and 4 extra AC under his belt as well as giving him a slight vulnerability (Oh shit where did the amulet go!? That thief in the night must have taken it, we HAVE to get it back!).

Although it's very rare so maybe make it have an extra bonus on it? Make it "Amulet of the Ancient Wyrm." that grants him a high constitution score and improves his breath weapon and makes him not feel young, but feel as an old dragon should, ancient and powerful.

Hes got shit stats so who gives a fuck how powerful it really is?
Sentinal, for faceraping squishy targets
Plus considering that wolf totem works kind of like a pack hunter, the reaction attack works well with a paired PC

Okay, you see that Aura of Pain? Tone it way the fuck down. A Balor's aura is 3d6, and while it does that when you hit it in melee in addition to at turn start, it's still a fuckin' Balor - a famine spirit shouldn't do more than triple that. Also, while a save-or-suck aura isn't unheard of, you need some way to snap out of it - either "save at the end of each of your turns" or "you snap out of it when hit or your friends do X", where X is thematically appropriate.

The bite isn't necessarily too much now, but I'd say it's important to note that the creature focuses on those who are still up before taking its time with paralyzed victims, just so you don't wind up with "alright, you failed your save, now take all the damage, all of it"
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What's a good class for solo PC? I am thinking about DEX Eldritch Knight.
Does /tg/ have any recommendations for fairly sturdy, cheap miniatures suitable for grid-based play?
From my (albeit limited) experience, single-player campaigns are horrible. All I can say is, don't play a full caster.
>Eldritch knight
>Posts blaster sorc
What did he mean by this?
If you're restricting yourselves to them then you're kinda fucked already, there isn't anything in the DMG that can really fix this trainwreck. You can give him a +3 Shield or something but +5AC would be better making say the cleric really tanky compared to the shitty low hp barbarian not a bitch.

Maybe give him a Defender Longsword? +3 Longsword that can instead give him +3 AC means that he has flexibility between "I want to hit hard, using reckless attack and a +3 sword." or "I don't want to be hit, I'll channel 3AC and not use reckless." or anything inbetween. With a Shield he will have up to 19AC which is still not very good and once more would be better making anyone else good rather than him not-shit.

Cloak of the Displacer can give foes disadvantage to hit him but doesn't exactly scream venerable old barbarian.
I will say what I said in the last thread, when homebrewing, if your creature can rip the asshole out of any other creature in it's CR range, you need to reevaluate it.

Yes the aura needs to be toned down, ESPECIALLY with that bite rider, since a paralyzed creature is always crit.

again, look at purple worms and adult dragons. THAT is what this creature should be balanced around, don't rely solely on the the monster creator rules.
delet these
An aura of pain would not inflict paralysis. Use the incapcaited condition for this result.

Paralisis is literally frozen in time cannot move a fraction of an inch, wheras flinching in pain would be more incapacitated, you can still squirm away from a foe but be unable to move, act, fight or talk beyond yelping in pain.

Remember, incapped is not unconcious in 5th edition. And give it a save out option.

I'd also SIGNIFICANTLY reduce the damage.
Single player campaigns are loads of fun. I was running one and it was SUPER tense. The PC is general was pretty afraid because he knows I loved Dark Souls and assumed I was gonna destroy him.

Lots of fun when you get to run all these combats that are 1 on 1 and are essentially duels.

I can imagine Full Caster would be an issue, but I think it is on the DM to tailor the campaign to the PC's class, and for the PC to pursue avenues relevant to their class.

EK, Ranger, Paladin are probably the best for this kind of stuff imo. But realistically I think any class could work. Just dont expect to beable to do the things a Fighter can do if your playing a Wizard.

Go into the fray and slice up goblins

Investigate the source of the conflict and use magic to resolve said conflict

Though honestly, I think playing a Rogue in a Thieves Guild would be the most fun 1-on-1
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Update on this
>In a group chat with them and they all have anime profiles but its cosplay
>everyone encouraging me to heavily participate in the pregame prep
>DM messages me and tells me we need to RP in discord
A matter of preference, really people presumably do it because it is a streamlined experience, because it is easier to come to grips with, and more often than not it is also faster when it comes to combat as a result.

I think the real question here is why someone would enter a thread dedicated to something they appear to actively dislike.
Does the pact of the blade simply not allow you to bond with a sentient weapon? Or is it that you just can't temporally displace it for storage?
I want to make an original Drow for our underdark campaign. Pls no ranger. What class?
Okay thanks.

>I'd also SIGNIFICANTLY reduce the damage.

For the aura or overall? I was trying to ahve it be in line with what the DMG said but I am not sure if that is the damage the creature is meant to be putting out on average per round, or just what his attacks/round should total to if they all hit.
Seconding druid
>For the aura or overall? I was trying to ahve it be in line with what the DMG said but I am not sure if that is the damage the creature is meant to be putting out on average per round, or just what his attacks/round should total to if they all hit.

again, go look at other CR 15 creatures, they will give you clues on how much damage this thing should do overall/
Play a Drow Samurai. Make sure you pick up the new Drow only feat as well because it's awesome.

Huh. Didn't even consider it. Any concept ideas?
Probably also due to the fact that they have basically every furry, scale or weeaboo species you can think of already in the game as separate, playable races with unique stats and rulings.
Fighter w/longsword and bow?
You'd want a Rapier to use your +2 DEX. I'd suggest a bow build though because the 120ft. Darkvision will help you with that and the Samurai gives all those attacks Advantage for 2 turns per use.

Probably pick up Sharpshooter at level 4 and then the Drow High Magic feat (If allowed) at level 4 or 6. Use the rest of your ASI on getting stats up or flavor feats.
Exploring and evading traps is perfectly fine in a single-player campaign, but how do you spice up the combat? Without the level of strategy provided by multiple PCs, a one-on-one melee fight can often devolve into two guys wailing on each other until one of them dies. Things open up a bit at higher levels, I guess, but it still feels like the combat is missing a critical dimension. What's the secret?
My gut would go with a Drow who embraces a Survival of the Fittest mentality and embraces a real Pack mentality with Alphas and Betas and all the like.

desu in my DM's setting the Underdark isnt even a thing, so I have no idea for backstory recommendations.

Maybe the Drow was lost or something, and came upon an ancient ruined castle and in the courtyard of the ruin there was a Garden. The Drow now lives in this ruin and has become a Caretaker for this garden, and has developed Druidic powers due to their connection to this ancient garden.
Play Reinhardt personality cleric of some sort. Playing the handsome paladin will be too obvious and tryhard.
No feats or variant human

What's the best route to go for a Cleric?
wood elf
I like it. And I'm pretty sure that'd be his mentality. The Underdark mostly takes care of itself, after all.
V. humans can't access like 90% of the racial feats though.
Which domain and what sort of role do you want to serve in the party? Do you want to be a pure healer, a tank, or an almost-Paladin with cantrips?
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Keep cool and one day soon you'll be giving them the D
I dunno the only other casters in the group are a newbie Warlock and his kid sister Wizard

so maybe something that's good at casting spells? Or keeping the heat off of them?
Play a Charismatic bard. Proceed to lay all of them as campaign proceeds.
Well a Drow has good Dex and Charisma, which would make them excellent Battlemaster Fighters.

>Real pack mentality
>Alphas and betas

Anon, the reason we think wolf packs do the whole Alpha/Beta/Omega thing is because back when we first started studying wolf behaviour, we studied them in zoos rather than in the wild. Alpha/Beta/Omega isn't nature, it's the wolf equivalent of Big Bubba, his fellow prisoners, and Bubba's prison bitch.
If it is them in cosplay.

Run hard, run far. Do not stick your dick in /cgl/ brand crazy.
Real Wolf behavior isn't wildly different, it's just more reasonable; Packs are organized by age and experience, with the oldest wolves (typically the mother and father) leading the younger wolves.

Umm... Can you guys just not? Are you even listening to yourselves? You're assuming since these women are single and cute he somehow has a reason to try and force himself on them?
Why do drows have high charisma again? As far as I recall every living being fucking loathes them
charisma isn't likeability, it's force of personality.
>Why do drows have high charisma again?
Drow turn heads whenever they enter the room. You might hate them, but they tend to ooze personality and sex appeal.
If they didn't have high charisma people would kill them on sight instead of just hating them.
Charisma also handles intimidate and people are fucking scared of them
Everyone wants to fuck the foreign dark elf
Chrisma isn't how much people like you
There's a few different layers to it.

There is only 1 PC in the dungeon, even if he/she steamrolls everything, he/she is going to be MUCH quieter than a party, and much harder to notice. So I always made the enemies unaware of his/her presence. There were alot of moments where the PC walked in on enemies doing something and they were distracted so they could take time to plan things out

The PC fights multiple small minions charging at them from afar so that they can kill 1-2 on the way to them
The PC fights a singular enemy who is trying to do something else while the PC fights them. This has come into play as the Dungeon Boss performing a ritual or even fighting something nastier in the dungeon. The major thing to keep in mind, to the Dungeon Boss, the PC fighting them is a nuisance and the other task is a priority

I do alot of "Contests" where the enemy tries to do X and the player needs to contest it with Y skill or save.
Every couple rounds or so, to break up the combat. It is almost run like a lite version of a Skill Challenge imo.

There is always a secondary element for the player to be aware of, and it is time sensitive. The Clock is always ticking.

There's alot of roleplaying coming from me in regards to what the enemies are doing. It keeps the player engaged
One time the player came upon 3 goblins. Upon seeing the PC the Goblin boss slapped one of his henchmen and pushed the other one down. Then I, as the Goblin Boss, pointed at the player, shouted something guttural(because I imagine thats what a goblin language sounds like) and rolled dice.
For a fairly big party with no other healers, I'd go for the Life Domain for those healing bonuses. Wood Elf or Hill Dwarf for agility or tanking, respectively.
What makes Lore Wizards so powerful?
Reading up on the Lost Mine of Phandelver it actually fits really well into what I had in mind.
The BBEG is going to have several lieutenants each with their own gangs working under them. And I'm having him searching for some ancient mcguffin, an artifact of power or well of magic or something.
This Black Spider character and his interest in Wave Echo Cave can easily be worked into this.
You're right, I'm playing my X-card on this conversation!
Your meme is stale
I just read the UA and it's all I ever needed/waned
So you have no actual argument and instead just call us trolls. Did we hit a nerve, little autist?
Stop being such a little shit.
Str or dex save hold person, they auto fail for one minute if it takes hold. That's the easiest thing there's all kinds of goofy shit, mostly using meta knowledge to target enemies weak saves.
>Someone brings up a valid point
>I know, I'll call it a meme
To him roleplay is the main thing to focus on, which means picking a weak class like purple dragon knight and focusing on roleplay. That is an actual argument he gave last thread, just let it go to him immersion means only magic users can do crazy super human stuff, while martials have to stick to real world physics and possibilities.
If you'd payed any attention he had a crush on the DM before this, so yes your meme is fucking stale.
How is Oath of the Crown? I wanna make a cliche holy knight with a flail and shield.
>If you'd payed any attention he had a crush on the DM before this

Why the fuck should "I have a crush on her" change anything? Does wanting a girl suddenly validate lusting after her?
>You're assuming since these women are single

He stated they were all single in his first post about them.
>Oh, that enemy is resistant to fire? Suddenly your fireball is a blob of acid!
>oh, that enemy is vulnerable to cold? Suddenly your fireball is a localized blizzard!
>Oh, that enemy has really high dex? Too bad your attack now makes him save off charisma or some shit. What kind of dungeon beast has charisma?
>Oh, your character isn't actually supposed to know any of that? Your int checks use double proficiency, so yeah your character probably does, in fact, know all of that.
>Cast any spell. ANY FUCKING SPELL; you don't care. Suddenly your Fireball is a Call Lightning; all the above rules still apply. Suddenly your call lightning is raining down beams of holy, radiant light on the vampire's heads. The save is also 2 dc higher.
Is that Santanico Pandemonium?
Anon, are you even reading his post? He's saying that being single and cute does not mean you have the right to be all aggressive in pursuing (ugh) them.

Just because I don't have a boyfriend does not mean you can just creep on me.
The dude obviously has fuck all for confidence so he's already at that point and doing nothing about it. So you give him a little push make him believe he has a chance so he doesn't stay stuck in a loop of lusting after her since it's so repulsive to you. This way he tries and either gets rejected or gets what he was hoping for.
Sorry nobody ever responded to you. I think you just have to copy the entire script, since Chrome doesn't want to run an unsigned script like what 5etoolsR20 uses. Throw it into Tampermonkey and it should work fine.
>This way he tries and either gets rejected or gets what he was hoping for.

Welp, I guess we know he's going to get rejected hard because he'll come across as a creepy loser.
Just got in this argument.

He has every right to try and flirt and there's no reason he shouldn't be allowed to if he believes that somethings there. If you shoot him down and say you're not interested then he should stop though.

If no one was allowed to try to flirt with someone ever then there wouldn't be many relationships out there.
>Implying that wasn't the already likely out come

How dense are you?

Also for some people fake it till you make it works.
No you're supposed to know this only guys they deem acceptable can flirt the rest are just creeps.
Is there an official answer to this? The closest I can find is a quote of a sage advice tweet that I can't actually find on the sage advice website.
Uhh, maybe you shouldn't be flirting with someone who wouldn't be interested in the first place? You do know that having some loser flirt with you is super creepy and can totally ruin an evening. You're basically saying catcalls and creepy men on the street saying they wanna date you is okay, that's literally rape culture.

Fuck off, Make America Great Again, and get all that dye out of your hair. :D
Nvm, turns out you need to search for "pact weapon" to find it instead of "pact of the blade."
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>it's another episode of I was pretending to be retarded
Just gonna drop this in here. Being gay really is a choice, and it's a really fucking good choice these days.

Maybe they don't realise they are creepy. If an individual is creepy it's normally a lack of mental capability or a shitty upbringing that makes them believe what they're doing is an acceptable act.

You have every right to ask them to stop what they're doing and try to teach them for future reference that it's wrong. You can't assume that they have previous knowledge about their actions however.

Hair dye's great though.
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I want to hear some stories about characters using the Actor feat. Have you taken it? Has it been of any use?

Last session my bard managed to convince a world ending demon that he was his master. Despite not being able to understand what he was saying in his demonic language we managed to finish the encounter without combat.

All went perfectly until our evil demigod antagonist showed up and ruined everything. We survived through some divine intervention but everything ended up blowing up anyway. I still didn't break character.
Why is it that every time someone starts bringing up social views that are completely in line with both Wizards of the Coast and their vision for DnD you guys just fall apart?

This is literally the sort of dialogue they want, and you're shutting it out like a bunch of scared nerds.
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>Hair dye's great though.

Only for 2D hawties. Not you.
Just because it's their beliefs doesn't mean it's mine, and since I still haven't seen actual compelling arguments as to why I should support such policies I'll keep laughing at you assuming everyone should agree with you by default.
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Thanks for the advice, Anon. I have a friend who wants to do a single-player campaign as a Barbarian, which seems like it could either be disastrous or very entertaining. I might throw in a DMPC healer for the first couple of levels, just to be on the safe side.
Because we're not WotC, we're people with our own set of views about the world. Just because I watch a movie featuring an actor who uses drugs doesn't mean I believe in drug use.

In fact if you enter the movie lobby and start trying to interrupt everyone's conversations about the movie with "X uses drugs and so you muse enjoy drugs to watch this movie" you will be considered the creepy person there. No one will care about the fat lonely guy who may or may not have leered a little at an attractive woman.
>These views are in line with x
>Therefore everyone involved with x must believe and follow those views

Wew lad
Goodluck! Hopefully my advice can be useful in some regard.
>Just because I watch a movie featuring an actor who uses drugs doesn't mean I believe in drug use.

Oho, you're calling DnD a movie now? I thought this shit was interactive. That means it's more video game than movie.

And when it's a video game, you can't just "ignore" the drug issue. This isn't something where the character is noted in a biography that they've partaken of the herb, you're toking up right in the scene.
Actually yes you can because there's this handy little warning on the box about it. It lets you know if you don't like that kind of stuff don't buy it.
He didn't say they're cute, and if they're cosplayers, single, and not cute, then he probably has to worry about the reverse.
> Uhh, maybe you shouldn't be flirting with someone who wouldn't be interested in the first place?
>Pretending that you know a priori what everyone else is thinking instead of checking whether your supposition is right is good
>Saying no is hard, if you force me to you're raping me :(

What a shit attitude. Small wonder there's so many leftist echo-chambers - they all think they're psychic and must agree with each another.
Ugh that's perfectly acceptable because he's a man and should be thankful to be getting attention from such goddesses.

Sarcasm because I know it's hard to tell when people like that are being serious or not.
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>Bro the secret to this game is... Not to play this game!
>This is literally the sort of dialogue they want
Um no sweetie. "I've come to kill you foul wizard, this land will no longer suffer under your corrupt rule!" is exactly the kind of dialog they want.
It's not so much as psychic as they just say the same shit what every figure head they follow has said. It makes it so there's no confusion and it's easier to single out "problem members" and then shame them, but that's ok it's only not ok to fat or slut shame.
I can enjoy a character who uses or doesn't use drugs, I don't need them to be an exact simulation of me and my beliefs.

I nonstop take opiates, doesn't mean I can't do a quest to bring down a drug lab.

I'm not religious, doesn't mean I can't play a religious character.

I believe people have a right to say they're whatever sexuality or gender they believe as long as it doesn't step on anyone else's rights, doesn't mean I won't play a setting that is a strict matriarchy/patriarchy in charge.

The game doesn't need to always reflect the exact beliefs of the creators or players. In fact I'm pretty sure for how WotC is pretty accepting of all individuals there's cases where they specifically go against their beliefs.
>it's a wizard
>it also has retarded rule interactions the devs never thought about (auto fail saving throws)
>it gets expertise in a laundry list of things in the way other archetypes get ribbons
>it rubs its balls in the face of sorcerers then whispers "WIZARDS of the coast..." three times in your ear
>begs you to summon mephits in the King's room from a mile away with zero repercussions
>it's a wizard
No, they have a lot of this pretend psychic play at hand, what with prescribing motives and beliefs to people they hardly know anything about.
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Don't like something in a game, buy a different one that is more palatable to your tastes it's really simple.

Just because you disagree with something or don't like it doesn't mean it should be silenced and removed. I'll also let you in on a little secret alot of these companies are using idiots like the left, because they've learned so long as they promote some tiny thing the left champions they'll eat it up even if it's shit.
>because they've learned so long as they promote some tiny thing the left champions they'll eat it up even if it's shit.
Oh yes, because that's worked so hard for all the other companies that pandered to the left to the exclusion of their core base.

Let's face it, ignoring the issue and saying to just turn the other cheek is exactly what allowed these people to get so strong in the first place, and before long we'll be getting the infamous "Male Pregnancy" or "NPC that isn't presenting, use these pronouns" tables like they had for White Wolf products.
That is actually a fair point, I figured it was more of them just stereotyping to help ensure their arguments hold up. However that would explain a lot of what goes on in such crowds.
It's basically the same way cultists operate; seek out insecure, vulnerable young people. Call them special, soothe them and isolate them from old connections that are "problematic."
As a ranger, can urban be one of my terran choice? I am predator in the city.
Plz halp /5egg/, I need a level 1 AL legal character by tomorrow evening. Current party is War Cleric, Nature? Cleric, and some kind of Bard. Lend me your crazy ideas and broken builds, as I'm playing with friends.
This map doesn't really jive well with it though
Any recommendation for a good map maker?
Something I could make a whole region/continent would be good
No where in there have I said ignore the issue. Ignoring the issue would be calling for bans on this type of behavior or that type, that's how you strengthen a groups cohesion and make them feel like the victims they pretend to be.

No instead you discredit and debate them for all to see the flaws within their own ideology. Some are actually trying to make the world better, unfortunately that cause has been hijacked by idiots.

Ignoring an issue is the worst thing you can do, tackle issues head on and keep doing so even if someone is doing it as a bait attempt. Why do you think I'm still here instead of asleep?

If you want to talk about ignoring maybe talk about the sudden shift in 5eg op pics, instead of more general fantasy they're all including some PoC and not a word has been said.
Go paladin either devotion or ancients.
Depends on how your DM rules, because that isn't standard. But I would allow it, and I think yours would allow it, but at the same time, it negates a lot of the benefits of terrain choice. Foraging in cities? Not usual,unless you're dumpster diving. And difficult terrain? It's a city, it's built to not have that.

Try and go Revised Ranger anyways.
They get every terrain as chosen terrain.
With that group, why paladin?
My bard got an instrument of the bards at level 6. Damn those things got a lot of spells.
Well, they generally don't believe that they are telepaths, just that they know people *reeeaaaally* good by applying some scientific theory. Psychologists and sociologists can be prone to this IIRC most of them are left.
Why this weak-ass leaf shit? Its the Underdark, bro. Rock druid. Lava druid, even. No need to import greenery into the Underdark, there are lots of natural forces to adhere to.
More upfront capability and buffing the war cleric I'd assume is up front. Those auras can really help out.

Another is Totem barbarian, for straight tank bear at level three for more team orientated wolf.
Nobody said anything about forcing anybody anything. Those are clear advocates for seduction. You need to develop a healthier attitude toward sex. I can fuck an entire gaming group and not have hurt anybody.
>If you want to talk about ignoring maybe talk about the sudden shift in 5eg op pics

That has already been discussed and promptly shot down as someone just trying to get a rise out of /pol/
>Does wanting a girl suddenly validate lusting after her?

Yes it does, anon!

You can lust after anybody you want as long as you're not a creep about it! Welcome to the 21st fuckin century, you creep.
I can see that, especially with the rhetoric being pushed in every form nowadays. The problem is they've given rise to the very thing they hate, by shaming and trying to tell people "you can't think that" or "you can't say that because it might hurt someone's feelings" instead of appealing to their logical side has caused the backlash currently happening.

Instead of slow and steady they wanted it now, instead of compromise they wanted it all and now we'll see what has been created because of that.
Hi, my name is Dan Coleman and I've been publishing adventures through DriveThruRPG since 2015 (you might know the Dungeons on Demand series)
I've been developing Ebonclad, a thieves' guild campaign setting for 5e, for about a year now. It's coming out this summer.
It's all about a thieves' guild, with tons of new options and adventures. Here's a sneak peek of some stuff from the book: custom chase complications that can be applied to any large city. I hope you enjoy it!
Yeah, it started with an ugly elf OP. Or maybe orc. In fact:

At least she isn't an elf. Or I don't think it's an elf.

honey, you're on 4chan, stop pretending you're not a creepy loser
>they wanted it now
Because somewhere someone is suffering, and if they don't do anything about it, it will get worse.

And it's easy to do a token amount of effort without staining hands.
Having mini-nuclear druid build inherent to their class is pretty brutal.

Cast magic missile at highest slot, spend another spell slot to make it 1d4+2d10+1 autohitting no-save brutalities for an average 15 damage per missile 5 times a day, that can also be tweaked to target vulnerabilities.

Having your monk stun people and then throwing auto-fail saves in their face.
Yet it's ignored as that and may I present the not so subtle shows of subversion. Continual questions of diversity in the op question to accompany them, the now several thread spanning left rhetoric not of the moderate type, the questions of 5e promoting diversity as a priority, let's face it attempting to keep the general neutral is difficult because it can be dismissed with the /pol/ boogyman.

I'd prefer talk of these issues being left in /pol/ however it seems that "bait" has come and will lead to people believing that is a general consensus of the general as a whole.
Not to be rude, as this looks pretty nice, but does anyone actually use the chase rules?
It was an ugly elf that a couple people commented on, there were jokes as far as I could tell of her being a orc because she was black.
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Our DM has made the terrible, terrible decision to allow players to create their own / make modifications to spells.
What's the dumbest thing I can get away with?
How do I make Continual Flame not hilariously overpriced?
They seem to fit in a city setting.
Varient Half-Elf (High Elf Heritage, take a Cantrip, Booming Blade.)
Rogue, leading to Swashbuckler class.

Walk up to things, Booming Blade Sneak Attack, walk away.
What are the rurrrrus to the modifications?
I've used them I think once or twice, they are situational but most of my campaigns aren't centered in cities. You could easily use them alot more if it was an adventure inside the city.
Arcana Cleric, to focus on the magic-arcana side of things while Warcleric handles the tank-face-punch and Natcleric handles the nature animal stuff and Bard folds the thief-partyface stuff.

Be the literal joke that is "Three clerics and a bard walk into a bar.."
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1) Don't be an asshole about it.
2) DM has the final say.
3) As a reference, changing damage types will take 1 month of downtime. Example: Fire Bolt becomes Ice Bolt with cold damage instead of fire. Same damage die.
4) Strict improvements on a spell are more expensive time- and money-wise than a sidegrade. Example: Magic Missile always firing 4 shots is a lot harder than Magic Missile firing two shots for higher damage each.
5) Don't be an asshole about it.
I am also interested in this.
Most of my knowledge of forgotten realms comes from random YouTube videos, an official source would be something I'd buy
How about Color Spray that originates from a point (or a line) assigned by the caster?
Understandable but the demand of now has led to rush decisions that never bothered to account for potential backlash or if they were the best decisions in the first place.

I'd love to help more people but we hardly help ourselves nowadays, and most don't know how, so how on Earth are we to judge what makes another human happy when we don't even know what makes us happy most of the time? How are we to know this will actually solve the issue instead of compound it and make it worse?

Caution is something I think all of us need a little more of, be sure the issue being addressed is actually the problem and not merely a symptom. Also for God's sake enforce the rules across the board, if one group can deny service for a belief or view so can another period.
I've only been in here for one thread, but that is a consensus I've made about this system for a while; WOTC was pushing the more diverse, inclusive angle for this system for a while now, and the threads have just confirmed it. Mostly from the way you guys shuffle around and look at your feet when people notice this shit.
How do you stat your guards? Of course there's the normal guard stat block in the MM, which I use just fine for your average guy

But say for the personal guard of a king that rules an extremely wealthy nation, he'd have some much more dangerous guards than what the MM has for npcs
People want NOW because we've been born and bred to expect NOW. The attention spans of people have gotten shorter and shorter.
How do you people feel about the weight of weapons in 5e? Does it make sense?

I'm considering changing the weight of all armor and weapons to reasonable amounts in my games. We already follow a home rule that says "if it's more than 5 lb, track it".
I should probably have posted my spell list at some point, since I kinda want to modify those first.
>Fire Bolt
>Mage Hand
>Control Flames

1st Level:
>Magic Missile
>Feather Fall
>Mage Armor
>Detect Magic (R)
>Guiding Hand
>Comprehend Languages
>Burning Hands

>Flaming Sphere
>Detect Thoughts

I really like the idea of making cone spells vector-targeting, that's neat. Should I just act like I'm using metamagic on them and go from there?
Use thug, use gladiator, use veteran, use knight - whatever fits better.
Same category as guard, there's a block for "Knight", i believe that's what it's called. It's a CR 3, heavily armored dude.
For the personal guard of a noble, use a Knight or Veteran. For a king, use a Champion.
What needs to be tweaked here, 5eggs?
Sounds pretty cool. I'll have to take a look at it when it comes out- Thanks for the preview!
Other than Tieflings getting 2 feats, I guess. Typo.
What about the Veteran stat block? Just swap out the weapons for something more appropriate for a guard, like a spear or halberd with a shortsword as a side arm.
The personal guard of an Emperor should be Paladins or Varangian Guard*

*Greek exclusive
The reason people shuffle their feet about such issues is it's a /pol/ thing and anything towards the right of the spectrum gets a
>/pol/ please go
In all technicality it shouldn't matter one way or another but people are now pushing that rhetoric and it's being dismissed as trolling.

For 4chan believing itself to be so smart it's surprisingly easy to fool. If you had been around when CoS came out it was a shit storm over the way they changed Strahd's character, along with a couple of the others.

Personally you want my opinion, I don't give a fuck what agenda Mike is pushing. I'll still adapt the material to not be riddled with it because I know how people will react.
>/pol/ please go
It's clearly 1 feat and -1 feat, as the Gods enjoy shitting on Teiflings.
It's a little thing called built-in hermaphroditism!
Modifying the product to be more heteronormative is problematic, anon.
>Should I just act like I'm using metamagic on them and go from there?
Maybe. I'd say alter spell shapes and targeting for some easy, potentially broken modifications, and moving on towards combining spells for some real cheese. Jump/Grease combo tripping AND making enemies bounce, for instance, while retaining the flammable goodness.
Imagine dumb shit like using Feather Fall on a staff, making shove-to-prone better because people fall in a suspended animation
>Where do those awe-inspiring powers come from, Sorcerer Th's'latrax?
>Why, from my genitalia of course!
>H-How.. But we all have genitalia, sirrah. What makes yours any dif-
Wizards carry phallic symbols as a focus for their power, and Tieflings can have TWO penises! That's double the phallus for double the power!
So I am not the only one who notices the sudden amount of niggers in /5eg/?
Yes and? What is Mike or anyone for that matter going to do about it? If that is what my groups want then as an entertainer I'm compelled to give it to them. A game such as this shouldn't be riddled with the personal agendas of either side, it should either be neutral or give an example of each side to let people come up with their own ideas or use the one that is closer to their groups preference.
5eg has never been this entertaining

Yeah, whomever keeps making the threads is triggers as fuck. I find it pretty funny.
If the source can target objects, sure.
Man, I want to be a fly on the wall when you start up a White Power Hour.

/tg/ needs to port Kohr-Ah to D&D for mad bantz and triggering.
What weapon's the coolest? Power doesn't matter at all, just coolness.
>Oh man he dislikes either side trying to force their agenda
>Must be a white supremacist

Then again you were only pretending to be retarded weren't you?
My group tends to get annoyed whenever I start ranting about greatness of white race. Which is understanable, since none of us are white.
Human wizards are weak, knowing only the power of the arcane. They hide, studying in their great spires, towering symbols of the lascivious thaumaturgical dominance of the wizardly profession expressed in architectural form to compensate for their inadequacy and to express their believed supremacy over female oriented earth magic. The naturally hermaphroditic Tiefling race is able to control previously unimaginable power by not only mastering the arcane, but also the magic of the natural world, topping it off with the dark magicks of the Lower Planes.
Belated thanks; the DM is considering cutting my character some slack considering how snafued my shit is and is allowing some non-DMG mcguffin for my old man.
i fixed it
Eight Giant Poisonous Snakes. +6 to hit, 1d4+4 piercing, 3d6 poison DC11 CON save for half.
>the dark magicks of the Lower Planes
Would you say... magic of the Nethers?
Conqueror Paladin, for shits and grins.
The Black Elf's burden
Going by point values, let's go down the list.

V. Dwarf: 17
V. Elf: 16
V. Halfling: 13
V. Dragonborn 10
V. Gnome: 19
V. Half-Elf: 14
V. Half-Orc: 15
V. Tiefling: 15

These normally would be 20 points higher, but every race gets a free feat anyway so I didn't bother inflating numbers.
So the game I DM is starting to get a little stale, anyone have any ideas on how to spice it up?

Here's the situation. There's a newly proclaimed 'King' of the sword coast who's going to take the players lands and declare them fugitives in a month. Despite this prodding, they don't seem super invested in the story at hand. Any suggestions on how to make shit interesting?
Start sending some of his men to come kill them
Take their stuff. Nothing's better to piss off and motivate the players.
I did! They kidnapped the parties kid brother who they were training to become an adventurer. They did not give a shit.
Those are meaningless, take their items
No, you don't understand. Take their gold. Take their magic items.
Nonono, you're thinking too big here. You need to have someone take their gold, or their boots, or their hair. Think from the perspective of a murderhobo.
Oh fuck you guys are right lol.

Got it. Steal all their shit.
you gotta remember, player characters are sociopaths, they only way to hurt them is to have some sort of numerical effect on them. Something they can see, feel, etc. Like the other anons said, taking their stuff is great, but there are also other ways, such as taking loot before they receive it. Set up a quest with a big fat reward then "LOL, NOPE, can't be giving that to traitors of the crown!"
Hit squads sometimes also work, if they RP at all.
Not all of it, just enough to piss them off.
you can also go 1980's teen comedy villain and turn their local rec-center (aka favorite drinking spot) into a tax office or something.
>Oh wise and majestic Smaug, I implore you as a Chartered Accountant to liquidate 30% of your luxury jewels and re-invest them in capital producing businesses. Inflation is slowly eroding the value of your majesties gold and precious stones, you would be wise to speak to a merchant elf about diversifying your current holdings, perhaps establishing a joint venture with the mining orcs who mine themselves from goo or someshit.
So is Elven Accuracy really that good on a Barbarian or will I need to specifically build around it? I'm planning to make either a Human or Half-Elf Barbarian and I can't decide.
Fuck off!
That's a retarded argument because you can play with whatever class is available.
The fact he's completely unashamedly biased means he's a complete shit as a person and he can't run games for shit.
>a very questionable bonus
My autism for even numbers appreciates being able to put 9's in dump stats and get away with no negatives at a very low cost. Optimization be damned, having even numbers and no negatives is more fun for me than power gaming. Plus I find the emphasis on specific classes picking specific feats every single time pigeonholes the classes into generic archetypes with little room for variety. coincidental that "variant" human is the perfect choice for fulfilling these archetypes as early as possible.

It's also beneficial for general multiclassing and some versatility since, thanks to bounded accuracy, many challenges have a low skill floor.
Psychologist student here, it's all lefties. Sociologists are mostly lefties as well, but there is a significant righty group.
Now VHuman is trash, just above VDragonborn. Congratulations.
Just give everybody a free feat and introduce racial feats of your own design and remove compulsory weapon feats.
what word would a pile of bones reanimating into skeletons make? i just need a descripting word and I'm having a mind blank..

eg. "If you listen closely you hear a faint ______ sound coming from the other room."

help plz
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