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Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

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Thread replies: 492
Thread images: 128

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Gothic Architecture Edition
Destroying Gothic Architecture Sub-Edition

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>Warhammer 40k 8th Edition: "Leak" Compilation

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1 for logick
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I don't dislike the attention whore

also genestealers cults are cool
Since nobody has asked: How the fuck do you fire the plasma half?
I think it's the button on the bottom. Honestly though, there's no salvaging that shit.
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Remember the rogue trader era bolters, with the ammo clip almost at the end of the barrel ? Those were hilarious.
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I will re-ask my question. Could anyone recommend me any Tau- and Nids-related novels and books? I want to pick one of them as my first army (like their aesthetic and codice-background) but want to read some more stuff before I choose
That's not a button, that's the plasma canister.
Read everything in the 3rd and 4th edition Tyranid Codexes, and the novel Warriors of Ultramar.
That's the plasma canister. I think you need to flick a switch and then pull the trigger to fire the plasmagun.
What are some color schemes for Bloodletters (or Khorne Daemons in general) that aren't primarily Red that won't make people have a fit?
>First time I saw this picture I thought thy were two warlord titans
>Now realise it's just two knights

They'r pretty fucking big still
There's a bit of Tau in the first Ciaphas Cain novel, For the Emperor. They're plot relevant but not completely relevant.

They are titans. HH Warlords look like the old armourcast and epic titans which in turn looked like the current knights.
Black with red in the cracks on the back and such also looks nice on bloodletters. Like the Balrog from Lord of the Rings is painted.
I wonder what the 8th discussion today will be! Necrons? Ad Mech? Orks?

>City Fight! Remember that!?

I guess?
Why would you expect there to be a Faction Focus article today when they only do them every 2 days? Sounds like your fault

It was cool back in 4th edition.

Then again, everything was cooler back then.
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>have big fuckin guns, swords n shiet
>just let me punch you
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>Then again, everything was cooler back then.
I didn't ask for these feels, m8
I mostly dislike people getting trigger or baiting hard by our regular shitposters

Homo chinaman
GSC Breeder
Why do you people like/hate x?

I just wanted something vaguely interesting.

At this rate 8th edition will be out before they even bother to get to Orks or Necrons.

Thank God we discussed those Imperial FUCKING Knights first though
>That won't make people have a fit
Fuck 'em, anon. Personally I think blue looks dumb on Khorne demons but it seems to be a semi-popular alternative, and if you find a color scheme you enjoy and can live with, choose it. That being said, what about bone/white?
Never seen a titan-sized power fist before?
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I'm going through all my 40k I've collected over the years. Found these guys. I don't know when I even got them...
Remember when GW had dedicated hobby sections for different languages and each one try to be better than the rest?
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Did I do good /tg/?
Anon we still have another 12 days before we even get to pre-orders. Patience.

>Black Library books

well... I liked the Cain books
Can't comment on the two on the left, but Last Chancers and the IG Omnibus are both excellent.
I saw yellow bloodletters one day and they were amazing - also white would be neat
Russian shops opened pre-orders month ago.
Try bone white with bloody highlights, look at AoS' Flesh Eater Courts for reference at what I'm getting at.
Could be neat

Blue sounds interesting, though I'm not sure how well it would fit. I had been considering more bone-white colors, but I'm worried that would look too similar to the daemonettes I've got.
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>MFW the Space Marines who came to help us have horns on their helmets.
Then why didn't we already have a confirmed release date and pricing?

One assumes he's talking about official preorders. Which I additionally assume are coming out the week after Warhammer fest (3rd June?)

Which is also GW's new financial year
Is there any info or news about kill team in 8th?
Cadia is going to be okay right?

> Remember when GW tried.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I do but it's hazy.
Actually at this rate they'll be through all the factions in about a month, if they do every single space marine chapter. Though it honestly might not be until damn near release date.
Damn anon you beat me to it
That looks like those were basecoated grey and covered in nuln oil.
No, and there probably won't be for a while. Age of Sigmar is just now launching their version of Kill Team, and we just had Shadow War: Armageddon which uses stats similar to 8th edition.
Fire caste is billed as a tau book but its far more a guard book but its also fantastic as a novel, let alone a 40k novel. Also the damocles anthology has some good tau stuff, including water caste, shadowsun and human auxiliaries
Nothing yet. I hope we will see a 8th edition upgrade for both KT and SW:A
No, Cadia is kill. You might be lucky enough to die in the useless and purely symbolic act of trying to retake the shards of your dead daemon haunted world though.
Ashen black
Metallic brass
white bony-scales
skinless pink muscles
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When Fantasy was good, 40K was acceptable and all the specialist games were supported.

We shall not see it's like again before the end.
If you can do it, bone with a charred look to parts could be horrifying. Fucked up fleshy colors also work with stretched skin. For some reason it reminded me of bioraptors.
Fucking murdered my side's. I didn't arrange them just plopped them. I didn't paint them either. Tempted to leave the job alone now for that face.
Those actually look pretty neat. Maybe I could go for a sort of grey stone look for them. Have them be like gargoyles.

The Pylons began to shrink the eye, banished every daemon, killed every Possessed CSM (by banishing their daemon half), The Guard had begun turning back Abaddon's forces...

Abaddon, in true jobbing style, like the utterly unironic failure that he is failed to take Cadia and instead had to resort to ramming a beyond priceless, irreplaceable black fortress into it.

You can't make this shit up.

You could only sum it up if the words embarrassing and pathetic had a baby.
Well, I still like this scheme. I would like to see some base color + shades painted minis IRL
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>t. butthurt chaosfag
Right but as long as it's covered in guardsman that's all that matters
I remember when games stores were full
>Cadia is in Chaos hands
>but there are guardsmen bodies on every square foot of land and see
>Chaos never set foot on Cadia

It was just pointed out every Daemon on Cadia was banished including killing all the possessed, your faggoty top knot Warmaster fucked up again.
Paint them rainbow-harlequin style
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Hey man, you're better off running into the Fallen than the other Dark Angels. Seeing the guys wearing hoodies over their power armor means you're at some point going to be bait. Or just left to die because they got distracted. Or just outright murdered because you were on the same planet as something they didn't want people to know about. Or...
Calling it now, they'll count as reinforcements and you'll need points set aside.
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Post memes
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I didn't pain these and I'm now torn on destroying these works of art with a re-do.
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I miss the old style shitposting
managers got a briefing today

preorders for 8th is the 3rd of june, 2 weeks preorder. release on 17th

rulebook is 60$ (yes, it still costs money) and its the same as in the new starter box that replaces dark vengeance. püoint costs, advanced rules, narrative play and all that stuff are inside of it.
there is a small core rules book for free like in aos.

the 5 faction books are like most guessed allready
imperial forces
2 xenos books.
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Holy fuck I remember this thread
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Remember this?
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>rulebook is 60$ (yes, it still costs money) and its the same as in the new starter box that replaces dark vengeance. püoint costs, advanced rules, narrative play and all that stuff are inside of it.
>there is a small core rules book for free like in aos.
Well I guess that settles it, I might as well shell out for the starter set
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Jesus christ, yes anon. I still hope that was false-flagging.
Guess every flavour of SM got rolled up. Makes sense, otherwise the Imperials book would be huge.
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I'll miss 7th ed.
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Will the starter set include chadmarines or manlets though ? No point buying any more worthless manlets.
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selector switch most likely, like how our guns have switchs for semi, 3 round burst or full auto, theres is probably bolt gun and suicide, i mean plasma
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It's either chadmarines only or a mix of both.

But it also comes with new Death Guard.
its chad marines and death guard. chad marines also have assault chad marines and a captain inside. nurgle does indeed got the blight drone aswell as those nurgle cultists
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So, a friend of mine who plays Age of Sigmar tells me that a roll of 1 is not always a failure on saves.

Have we been assuming too much, thinking that it would be that way in 8th ed?

What if a Terminator in cover actually can't be removed by weapons with AP 0?
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What do you think about _lewd_ models? I want to use them as objective markers or just to embellish DE army
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Every now and then I think back to Blitz Brigade

>a roll of 1 is not always a failure on saves
It's literally at the front of the handbook that a roll of a 1 is always a fail.
If you're fine with humor in your novels a lot of Ciaphas Cain books have lots to do with Nids

Alternatively there's... shit what's the name of the book... Valedor? Splinters of hive fleets Behemoth and Kraken are converging on an Eldar world and craftworlders try and stop them.
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Umm try reading next time sweetie
I don't have the Age of Shitmar books dumbass, I'm just repeating what someone else told me.
I'm fine with them personally, but I wouldn't use them in a public setting.
I'm a big fan of the Cain books (actually the first 40k novels I ever read)

Haven't read the others but considering they seem to be omnibuses I'm sure there'll be high points and low points
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I need a convoluted narrative to enjoy the lewds

how would those markers fit in the overall story of the battle?

>"Don't blame me for spreading misinformation without checking my sources!"
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But you are the enter-fag - you are lurking also the aosg so you know that you can just download the GHB
id say he was checking his sources by asking. i doubt he would go buy a rulebook for a game he dosent play
>1200 centuries of battle
I liked that story
Marine to a baby he's holding in his arms
>you're so small
I'm not lurking anything, I'm talking about an IRL friend.

This anon gets it, thank you.
> i doubt he would go buy a rulebook for a game he dosent play
>what is mega
Some of the /40kg/ links are including the AoS stuff - there is no excuse for being lazy
Also aren't most of the AoS books free?
Oh, no no. Basic rules and warscrolls (AoS datasheets) are free. But if you can use mega then everything is free tho
the Cain books are top tier my nigga
however I think that omnibus has the second trilogy because the first one is called Hero of the Imperium and you need to read the first one to make sense of certain events and characters of the second one
Cause their fans/haters bring in a torrent of irrelevant garbage.
Don't worry, I have read the first omnibus. And you're right, it is top tier my nigger.
>Specialist games were supported
Well, those are Trumping their way back in.
But as for the rest...
I'm on the forgeworld site and I can't seem to find the eldar corsair upgrade kit, is anyone else having this issue?
Hey now some of them do have cli-
>Pewter as fuck
if you are interested I also recommend the forges of Mars trilogy, gives a really cool look at rogue traders and mechanicus forces also featuring a detachment of Black Templars going on an exploration trip to the ghoul stars

Eldar fuckery, matrix/ghost in the shell and ork servitors shenanigans ensue

Oh, thank you for correcting my ignorance anon.
Are my Deathwatch dreadknoughts gonna be gud?
Wasn't there talk of being also to freely mix and match units in 8? Could I just dump something like a Dreadnought or a Commissar in, say, an AdMech army without having to take a whole bunch of other dudes?
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>still not Land Raider stats
God damn black library. I want to get the Imperial Guard omnibus but it's out of print. Now I have to pay an arm and a leg for a beat up used copy. Why won't take my money?
Yes. Just make a Detachment sharing the Imperium keyword.
They don't do art, cool conversions, awesome paitjobs, good stories, interesting batreps or content leaks.

They are basicly "Reality tv" people, they just make and/or inspire useless noise and opinuons.
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Uncle Ruckus lives on in the 41st millennium, happy to work for the massas back on Terra.
That sounds fucking sick! It's on the list now, thanks!
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enjoy it anon, and hopefully you will join me in asking when will the
>Mechanicus doesn't innovate for 10k years meme
is will die

also I warn you the first novel is somewhat slow as it's basically the prologue to the exploration, some people have told me they dropped the series after it because of how slow it is, but if you just try to enjoy seeing the Mechanicus everyday life and it's relationship with the rest of the Imperium is really good
I didn't really realize how flexible this new system will be over the old allies matrix. I'd like to see stuff like a GSC-infiltrated Imperial Guard detachment, or a fluffy Gue'Vesa detachment
Really they dropped it? I guess if it doesn't have someones head being blown off every third page it's boring
Sucks for them, they never got to read about the hounds.
>or a fluffy Gue'Vesa detachment
This one I'm not sure how to do since as far as we know, Guard units and Tau aren't going to share any keywords. It might require an actual Tau Auxiliaries supplement with new rules, which... who knows if that's ever actually coming.

The GSC one should be much easier though.
>the imperials are all extremely confused by the man that believes he is an eldar
it's divided in 3 segments
the first one is just the introductions of all of the major factions/characters in the story
the beginning of exploration in unexplored space is how the first book ends

it does have battles but they start at I think the latter part of the 2nd segment
Speaking of Mechanicus novels, was anyone else incredibly bothered by how Titanicus ended?

The way they killed Stefan off was weird,
we never explicitly learned what ultimately happened to Varco and Kell and Kalder/Prinzhorn also weren't heard from again after the final Titan battle.
does nobody have the Shattered Legion audiobook they can dump?
Normally I dont like the really REALLY old models but Storm Troops are atheistic as fuck.
>there's powerful mon'keightry at work here
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I just figured they'd come up with new detachments, like the "Genestealer Cult Imperial Guard Detachment" or the "Tau Gue'Vesa" detachment with restrictions like "All units must come from factions with the keyword "Genestealer Cult/Tau" or "Imperial Guard".

I doubt the ones they showed are the only ones available.
There are only (9?12?) detachments and they're all generic. We haven't seen all of them but there are no Faction-specific ones.
There shall be no faction specific detatchments.

Doubt you're gonna get what you're after.

One deatchment might be an 'allied detatchment' or something though.

Curious how 12 detatchments is meant to fit into a 12 page rulebook along with movement and cover and saves and whatnot.
I still don't understand why you need a mandatory of two HQs other than to milk the player of at least another twenty shekels
Bulk of the rules may only take 4-6 pages, if its AoS style, maybe 8 if its more verbose. I heard 14 pages as the rumor, you could probably fit 6-8 detatchments per page, so 2 pages for those.
Just bought a Roboute. Should I let my Orks "loot" him?
That's just one detachment. I'm pretty sure there was one with one HQ and two troops.
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And that's the detatchment weighted the same as knights.
While no shitposting is ideal I find the /soc/ posts less obnoxious than the /pol/ posts and sealioning. At least you can filter out trips if needs be. I do find myself reporting avatar posts more or less as a reflex action at this point so I don't even know how unfunny cheetah fag is anymore
>same body
>change his head for a warboss head
I was thinking a Tessa coil control unit and goblin with whips driving him forward.
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Nothing you could do with that model would look proppa Orky.

Best grab an Ork vehicle and make a looted Emperor instead.
I'm rather glad the Start Collecting Ork kit comes with a non-Warboss HQ. Having that flexibility with the Painboy is nice.
That is not the orkish way.
like that Emperor ork'd artwork that sometimes gets posted'
better just take the armor and add random chunks of vehicles painted in red
that what I feel your regular Mek would do
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It is.
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Is it confirmed a Blight Drone? Or are people confusing them with Plague Drones?

Pic related is a Blight Drone. Plague Drones are the daemon flies with Plaguebearer riders.

that would turn out retarded
I meant not at least trying to loot a primarch. I will totally loot an emporer a week after forgeworld releases him.
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It looks like a 17th of June release is confirmed. Some guy's LGS leaked this. Might have been posted before I just woke up.
There's the patrol detachment with 1 is and 1 troop. No command points, but perfect for ally dipping
No, not all daemons were banished from Cadia. The text says that some daemons remained but were weakened.

/tg/ has a problem of non-englishfags not knowing how to fucking read REEEE. Get out.
Of course it would be. Some of the most fun games where when my buds and I did absolutely retarded shit.
Starting a Painting Stream
www twitch tv/like_a_hoss
Just seeing the heavy weapons set. Email them if you're really curious.
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Leave em, the current paint job gives em character.
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>holding a tournament within 48 hours of release

I wish I could be there to witness it.
its the blight drone, it looks a bit different (new model and plastic of course)
What sound does speaking in binary make? This is important for my Adeptus Mechanicus tabletop.
How on Earth can you make that out from what I assume is that shitty blurry pic with the landwhale?
varying volumes of static.
I'm stoked if that's true. Been wanting to complete a unit of three of them. Got anything to back that up?
chirping, because traditions
because currently is the managers briefing and we build & painted some of the models aswell as got a look inside the books.
Yeah my dad works at Nintendo too.
Me too.
Just a clusterfuck of units no one's played against in years

Warp Talons fighting Vespids

Las-Preds firing 4shots into an oncoming Swarmlord

Chaos Furies against hormagaunts
you dont have to believe me, see it for yourself on the next saturday in the preorders. little ungreatful bitch :)
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Seems like it.
Ask again later.
What units and how many are in the nurgle side of the starter set?
The day the new edition drops I'm going to make a Tyranid army of nothing but Warriors and melee 'fexes.
29 models for the nurgle side

160$ costs the new start box.
Like geth?
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Alright /40kg/, listen up. Mildly successful writefag here. I've been listening to everyone bemoaning the awfulness of the modern 40k fluff and how, for example, Gathering Storm was really rushed and everything these days makes the setting feel smaller and like more of a superhero comic story centered around a few special characters instead of the vast, epic galaxy at war it's supposed to be. So I want to write something that goes back to that massive scale and feels like a proper military campaign.

I'm taking suggestions for what the location, time period, stakes, sides, plot elements, and so on are going to be for this campaign. Just a few rules:
- Absolutely no existing special characters and no settings that have already been done before (Armageddon has loads of fluff already written for example).
- More than two sides is awesome, but I also don't want a kitchen sink where every faction shows up at once.
I'm looking to see what it is that people want to read, and also what piques my own interest.
Like this.
What about the marines?
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>tfw I actually enjoy herohammer
Civil war
The infiltration of a Genestealer Orkycult!
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That could be pretty good.
Tyranids vs Orks featuring a cult of Bugboyz? Could be interesting.
Anyone else want to either expand on that or suggest alternatives?
This thread went really quiet all of a sudden, I was hoping for more feedback. Maybe I'll ask again in a few hours.
I'm trying to think. I do want more fluff on internal T'au conflict, like the T'au proper trying to get used to new species that join, or something like incidents that happen among the empire between T'au and Xenos, Xenos and Xenos, or even T'au vs T'au that would obviously be covered up to maintain the "utopia" image but many T'au know that's not the case.
>T'au vs T'au
This is enticing but probably difficult to do without including Farsight. I don't want to misrepresent the nature of Ethereals.
I remember when my closest GW hadn't been reduced to a glorified display cabinet...

Feels bad man.
I'm now thinking about combining these ideas. T'au-Genestealer Cults give a reason for internecine conflict of a sort, and keeping the Orks involved would make for a complicated scenario involving at least three sides.

Anyone else have suggestions or ideas?
There is a canon GSC on one of the T'au worlds.
I'm so glad somebody else has read Fire Caste
An amazing IG/Tau/Nurgle book
Are Shadowsun and Farsight on good terms or does she think he is a renegade even after Damocles?
Tau v Genestealer tau sounds neat. Maybe have the remnants of Hive Fleet Media a showing up rather than Orks
That has nothing to do with 40k
>>5 3 3 8 1 6 5 1
>Religion of peace

Okay, there's me /pol/ post
No (You) for you
Don't listen to them, Protocols are just gonna be exactly like the AoS Death alliance save.
Sorry lads just thought you should know. Appalling incident.
>attempting to prime in this muggy PA weather

Wish me luck
Ignore this faggot, they've already said free rules in one of the FAQ sessions, and they're 12 goddamn pages.
This wouldn't have happened if they were at home building and painting their new Primaris Space Marines.
Every day GW does not release the new starter set is blood on their hands.
It is, but I am of the mindset (being many many thousands of miles away) that I am literally powerless to do anything but will pour some out for those lost while browsing this shitheap of a site

Mmmm those muggy Philly summers
God awful if you don't have a/c
>Why did my models come out looking like shit? This primer sucks. What can I do to fix it?
>püoint costs, advanced rules, narrative play and all that stuff are inside of it.
>there is a small core rules book for free like in aos.
Maybe read the whole post you're responding to
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Posting more memes
Don't joke like that anon
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>raining in Houston
>Want to prime so I can paint more models for 8th
>Houston humidity in general
I unironically use las/auto preds.

And the reason no one uses furies is their models cost a shit ton, not because they're actually bad.
Don't do it.
Also which part of PA? I'm a Berksfag.
Okay, I think I'm going with this. Will have to start doing my research. I think the Codexes are an obvious starting point, can anyone recommend novels or, even better, short stories involving T'au or Genestealer Cults?
Fun Fact

USPS has stickers for cremated remains(pic related)

I have attached them to my TSon Carrying case
I'm testing it on something that isn't a model first. It's just shoulders and heads anyway.

It's on and off raining here, but I'm at work, so I can move it into a location with AC

No shit? I'm about an hour from Owl
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You mean the Owl Central by Reading? Great place.
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Any guesses on what the Deathstrike will do? I'm trying to get most of my army painted by 8th, and I'm heavily considering doing it next.

3+D6 Hits, Str 10, Ap1, Damage: D6 maybe?
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Needs a point drop or OBSCENE damage potential.

It fires once currently, maybe
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Might be a reliable size comparison for primaris
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Yea, I love it there, though I haven't had a chance to get up there in a few months, but the crowd there is great. Unfortunately, my friends and I live about 45min from each other, so we've been alternating going to each other's LGS.
>Custodelets with Mk4 overcompensation headgear

I've got most of the bodies of my wyches primed, but not the arms/weapons, and I need to respray some of the bodies.
Now it's raining, and not looking like letting up.
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>rhino rushing is back
>berzerkers now the best cc unit in the game
>ram rhinos into the enemies of khorne before ripping and tearing them with improved chainaxes untouched by overwatch fire
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Then call it a fucking compendium for Menoth's sake.
We can go older
Wow it really looked like a children's game back then.
That really is a fun fact.
>Implying I won't just btfo your rhino while it has to sit in front of my army waiting to unload, killing a bunch of your midget Marines in the process
Is there a starter guide somewhere, for how to get into it?
I have some doubt about how accurate that is. It would be strange if the primarines really are larger than Custodes, if only because Custodes are on 40mm bases and the primarines are not. It are entirely new models, so why not put those on 40mm as well if they are that large.
When Sigmar came out did they release the "joke" unit profiles before or on the official release date?

Trying to use AoS information to try to forecast 40k.
On the official release day. Though I doubt GW is going to use stupid joke rules again to drive away existing customers.
>he thinks he can destroy an entire sea of metal boxes before getting RAM'D on turn 2
>implying the new berzerker kit wont be as tall or taller than your numacucks just like death guard was shown to be
Your death will be methodic, imperiumcuck.
There were no early leaks it all was released at once
It literally came out of left field and it's a large reason why many many people were furious
One week you had WHFB next, a reality bomb went off and everything was gone
Sautekh Dynasty vs 4th expansion sphere T'au
Damn. I was hoping that we would get datasheets for current units the 3rd. I hate having to look at my models and feel no drive to play them with soon-to-be irrelevant rules.
Oh, they weren't jokes.

They seriously gave old armies silly rules to humiliate old WHFB players.
I'd like to see some noblebright secessionists in the Dark Imperium, trying to create a secular democracy in a grimdark universe right before they get fucked over by Tyranids, Chaos, and whatever else you want to put in there. Whether they succeed or not can be up to you.
Are the Black Library graphic novels any good? I didn't even realize they existed until now.
Your move, creep.
>Implying khorne marinelets will ever get a new kit

Kek, you're next in line after sisters.
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Single Combat.pdf
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they vary (the new dawn of 3 tie in comic is terrible at least writing wise ), the space wolf one was great. you're better off hunting for the old inferno stories
Wait for the new edition, there will be a new starting set coming out.
People field those things?

>rubrics get a new kit
>plague marines get a new kit
>zerkers will never be updated g-guise, I swear!
>going into chronic denial out of sheer butthurt
top kek
Considering Khorne Daemons get the new Unstoppable Ferocity rule, i imagine berzerkers get it too. +1 attack and +1 strength when charged or being charged
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We will only get 8th rules for FW that are currently sold.

RIP Repressor
Hello Dread and Knight head Xth!
>people field those?

In an edition were Rhino rushes can stunlock whole gunlines? You bet your sweet ass I am.
See if you can find the Deff Skwadron comic. It's amazing.
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Besides a few botched heads from human error, they turned out well. Thankfully, I'm in no shortage of MKIV heads. Progress!

I know they're so visible
>Deff Skwadron
Was that the one anon posted a few days ago?
Interesting. Depending on whether the new zerkers are as fast on their own as they currently are I might just next the metal boxes and start rolling out some aircraft. Hmmm.

Which army do you play?
Do you think stormtroopers will in the imperial guard codex for 8th ? Since there isn't a tempestus faction on the 8th ed. website, might they be in imperial agents instead?
Aren't they already part of the IG roster?
I dunno, I don't religiously follow these threads.
I'm in the Guard son. Get ready to face down a line of tank traps, Aegis walls, 3+ save guardsmen, and Icarus lascannons.
>It has been confirmed multiple times that FW and GW will have rules for ALL models on release
>Rough Riders already mentioned despite not being sold currently

Weak bait/10

Never mind that;
How the fuck do the bolts get into the bolter!?
The last chancers is some quality reading. It's also interesting because it has some tau fluff from before they had anything bigger than a broadside.
They weren't completely nuts though. Bolt rounds don't really need to be fired down rifling in the first place as they are essentially massive self-stabilized gyro-jets.
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get out of here /k/, we're not trying to be realistic if it stands in the way of fun
Actually they said that models currently being sold, they specifically responding to questions about models not currently being sold saying it was unlikely because they're not currently sold.
To be fair to the other anon, that gun looks pretty retarded.
as long as it kills heretics at 30 yards, why complain? i vaguely recall some kinda level thing that raises the bullets but i don't have the screen cap on hand
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Got more Kriegers!

Just assembling some more infantry right now while I'm on break.
Fuck, thank you.

ov' e been glancing a t it constant ly for a while and couldn' t figure out why itwas bothering me.

The bolts can't get to the fuckin g barel
That's it? Only guardsmen and lascannons? And here I was expecting an actual challange.

I won't even need the rhinos to shrug off your pitiful lasfire and smash into your lines on turn 2.
>10 guys shoot 40 times
IDK anon, that's a lot of lasers
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All this talk about retarded guns made me recheck the new bolt rifle.

At least the ejection port is parallel to the gun barrel this time.
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He don't know about auto-cannon and grenade launcher spam, good luck saving on a 5+
Can somebody that read the books give me a spoiler on Gaunts Ghosts please?
Namely, does it progress as disheartening as Eisenhorn? I mean I get its grimdark, but I really dont want to pour my soul into thousands of pages only for everything to go to shit.
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loyalist scum
i know nothing about guns, why is that bad? is that good?

guardsmen die, the planet the guard are from dies, sniper goes crazy(crazier?) and casually snipes everything, more guardsmen die, at the least they pull out some win each book.
>smash into your lines turn 2

Through tank traps, Aegis walls, and entrenched heavy weapons teams? Have fun with that, I hope you enjoy killing the 50 model conscript squad.
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>into the fire it goes.
It has it's ups and downs, really. But it's a series about an IG regiment. Main characters are gonna die.
Can't catch us on horseback, guardsman.

Thats fine, I just finished Necropolis and it was about a perfect mix of bitter and sweet. But after reading Eisenhorn I was worried it might progress similarly.
>tfw 8th ed will be postponed due to terrorism
>hitting on 6s
Kek. My zerkers will only be out of the rhinos on the turn they charge. We can safely approach the tank traps on the transports, disembark next turn, move and charge. Assuming we keep some of the massive bonuses we have right now in 7th, we should be pulling of 10 inch charges reliably enough, and your overwatch shots won't be a real threat.

And remember, a single zerker makes it into your gunline and the rest of my red horde will no longer need to worry about overwatch.

I suggest you rethink your strategy.

>b-but muh conscript blobs!
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They specifically talk about models being sold.

When asked about shit that has rules but not being sold they dodge the question.

Enjoy rules for doors!
Those kneepads look so impractical ... Like the marine can't fully stretch his legs because they restrict his movement that much.

they look like cricket pads. probably pretty easy to run in them.
Commisars. Seriously, my guys are dirt cheap. Try harder.

And even if you have some chaos snipers take out the Commisar, so what? I can literally throw conscripts at you by the handfull. Also, you seem to think that your rhinos (who have been confirmed to get a price increase on FB) will reach the tank traps unharmed.
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>i know nothing about guns, why is that bad? is that good?
I meant that as a good thing. The barrel is still too fuckheug for it to make sense (either the ejection port is too small or the bullets are too big for the barrel), but it's a huge improvement over pic-related.
Grey? White sounds more likely. Grey with Nuln Oil washed over would look way darker.

Though I think doing that and a few more washes would look damn fine. Like multiple washes on the arms and legs going from the elbows to the hands and knees to feet, getting darker the further from the main body. Possibly ending in a glossy black.
I honestly have no idea.
It wasn't mentioned in the faction focus though so it's probably complete shit.
Y'know what we haven't seen in a while?
Choose your faction.
If I get first turn? They will. If I don't? They'll lose a few wounds and still reach them.

>muh commissars!
Drowned in the sheer wave of attacks.

>muh cheap conscripts!
See above. They'll last two turns at best before the commiesar is killed and they scatter.
Anon, did you not read the stuff about cover that GW released today?
Granted, it was phrased a bit wierd, but nobody but infantry can kool-aid man through terrain now.
If an opponent uses tank traps, you have to either get out and walk or go around.
Plus, the way transports now work, any charges from rhinos are going to happen turn 2 at the earliest, more than enough time for a platoon or two to eliminate anyone who has come too close.

Now, of course that's not to say that you aren't going to be able to get them, but you're a fool if you think it will be as easy as drive up and elimate anyone in your path.
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>If I engage one unit my army is immune to overwatch!
Are you mentally I'll?

Zerkers will be great and all but they are not the unit to break a fortified guard position. You still want forge fiends or some shit like that to back them up.

But let's get back to the main point, charging rhino's aren't going to be as OP as some people are screaming.

Also we've only seen one narrative deployment type why do people think all of them will have an 18" no man's land rather than 24?
See >>53383166
If AoS is any indication, necron reanimation protocols could be similar to the undead unit effect of adding up to d6 (d3 for elite units) models to a unit up to the unit's starting size.
... why would my Commisars join the fight? Independent characters dont join swuads to give bonuses anymore.

Also, why are you wilfully ignoring my Icarus Quad Lascannons and Heavy Weapons teams? Do you think that I plan on killing everything with Lasguns?
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Would it be weird to add a squad of vostroyans to my valhallans? My valhallans are blue. Should I paint the vostroyans traditional red or blue?
Eldar here, we promise to gratefully accept the upcoming nerf. I need to get around to getting more aspects
>If I engage one unit my army is immune to overwatch!
If I charge a gunline? Of coursh! Everything witin 3" is automatically pulled into combat, which means it can't overwatch.

>Zerkers will be great and all but they are not the unit to break a fortified guard position. You still want forge fiends or some shit like that to back them up.
First off, ranged weapons are for faggots. Second, what good are forgefiends against the 3+ guardsmen from the Aegis Wall? I'd rather just charge then and ignore the cover bonus altogether.
I think relying purely on zerkers in rhinos to break a fortified Guard gunline is optimistic at best. The guys you're able to assault will exist literally just to die.
Now zerkers in a claw, those will fuck shit up. Turn his command squad into ground meat.
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Hey dudes, here is what I have done for my Sons of Malice kill team so far.

Does anyone have any ideas for more mutations without getting samey? Or any other ideas for making mark 3/mark 4 armor visually chaos.

C+C appreciated, thanks
>Ranged weapons are for faggots
>Khorne Berserkers come with ranged weapons

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>... why would my Commisars join the fight? Independent characters dont join swuads to give bonuses anymore.
I completely forgot ICs could not join units anymore, my apologies. That just means I can charge him with my Juggerlord or my flying Prince and add his skull to the Bloodfather's throne, returning your entire force to their craven nature in the process.

And your lascannons lack the rate of fire to seriously threaten my zerkers, and you can't pick off my HQs unless they're closest. Your defense force will be picked off methodically, cut down and scattered as we are showered with the blessings of the God of War.
Do WAACfags get banned at your FLGS? They can really sour the experience of newbies and that's bad for everyone.
That is also a possible approach, though I'd still have to mix it up with the metal boxes since I can't deepstrike more than half my army.

And almost never use them fluff wise.
So, Xenos then?
Nope, they just can't get games. At first people usually try to reign them in a bit when they're new, but those guys that refuse to adapt or even acknowledge what their are doing soon get zero replies when they ask for a game.
The Quad Lascannon are for your Juggerlords, Flying princes, and other winged beasts, who you literally just said will be flying past my front line, and therefore all your other units, to get to my commisars.

The Zerkers will be killed by the entire rest of my army, of which there will be a lot.
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So far the only rule giving more than a +1 to armor from cover is if you are playing city fight. I'm not convinced an aegis will give more than +1 so yes I think a gun with lots of shots that will likely be -2 AP will do a good job making a hole for a CC Chaos squad to fuck is a good idea.

>First off, ranged weapons are for faggots
Well I do play Slaanesh so...

>If I charge a gunline? Of coursh! Everything witin 3" is automatically pulled into combat, which means it can't overwatch.

Only if it's in range for you to consolidate into and even then only in the fight/melee phase, at most you'll catch two units side by side, everyone behind them will be unengaged to shoot in the next turn. With no blast weapons or temples guard are free to make tight lines with their squads than can be easily spaced to avoid getting caught by assault units.

Bubble wrapping against deep strike is easier than ever.
What's the difference between a waacfag and someone who chose knights as their first army and got attached.
Yeah it just tends to happen naturally. They either change or never come back to the game store.
Anon, please use your brain.
A single 10 man squad of berserkers will be BTFO'd by a platoon of gaurdsmen.
Let's assume the platoon is:
Command squad with Lascannon HWT
3 GM squads with autocannon HWTs
3 lascannon HWT
1 50 man unit of conscripts
Then lascannon teams will utterly obliterate the rhino, unless rhinos are absolutely ridiculously powerful, as in T9 10W, which is not going to happen.
The lasguns alone FRSR firing will do 13.7... Wounds, which will kill the zerkers. The autocannon HWT will ensure that unless the IG players is rolling absolutely atrociously, the zerkers are dead.
So no, a single zerkers squad will not obliterate a platoon of gunline gaurd.
A whole army of zerkers will, but you said "a single zerker" and even a khornate like you has the mental capacity to understand that a single zerker and a whole army are not the samething
Not that I particularly care, my Primaris and grav guns or Rubrics and daemons will obliterate Khornelets either way.
>I doubt aegis will be +2

I more meant my Conscripts will be going to ground every turn, since they only hit on a 5+ base and only have lasguns.
It seems you misread the new IC rules. They can only be targeted if they are the closest unit to the shooter, I can easily hide them behind the zerker horde until they're in range of either your quad las or your comissar. They'll come out of the horde like a panther leaping out of a bush, then start killing your characters and weapon teams as they consolidate from one curb-stomp combat to the next.

>b-but the rest of my army will kill you I swear!
With what? Bayonets? Snap-shooting lasguns? Top kek.
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Is going to ground still a thing?
First, why would my commisar be near my heavy weapons team or my other characters? They're there for the Conscripts.

>Bayonets? Snap-shooting lasguns?
Why would my lasguns be snapfiring? And I was reffering to all the special weapons, heavy weapons, and IFVs.
>Juggerlords not being too big to hide
>Caring about walking ICs
Wow reading must be hard to you. I obviously meant that only a single zerker needs to survive in a squad for him to pull other units into combat. And if he spreds his army horizontally it will severely limit their ability to target the rest of my army. Link related, horizontal gunlines dont do well against World Eaters.

... I don't actually know, just assumed it was. You're right though, without presuming anything my guardsmen will be 4+.
>Bubble wrapping against deep strike is easier than ever.

Yeah ... depending on deploymentzones are gonna look it might be more usefull to deploy all your units anyway because you gain zero distance
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>be an eldar
>just finished becoming a master chef. can slice a banana into a thousand pieces with just a spoon
>oh no an event in the future might kill a few elf amishs, gotta divert them into a nearby human planet
>yawn as the autarch explains this will kill a few billion humans
>join up on guardian duty, fire off some big guns, smack up some orks
>boring job but the sounds of orks dying is amazing
>get a taste for blood
>decided to join up with the SHADOW SPECTRES
>now you can scare orks while bullying them
>accidentally jump shoot jump into an ork that can aim
>end up in a wraithlord
>another tuesday for the elf race
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"Soft" ban like this sounds right, tournaments might still be a problem.

The casual knight player won't waist your time if you can't beat him or complain when you turn down a game for above reason.

It's also likely they will pick up another army they can ally with so they don't just bring a wall of knights to every game, mix it up with guard or marines or whatever.

The WAACFAG will bitch and moan that you tailored your list beat him if her catches a whiff of a chance he might lose. Other bad signs include insisting on playing tables with way too little terrain, like 10 inches between buildings so his knights can leap frog but nothing else can, unless your Eldar.
Someone told me one of the podcasts leaked a bit of 8th DE after their faction focus article came out. Apparently they're doing really well in 8th, especially their vehicles, but the article dropped the ball on explaining that so they wanted to set the record straight.
Anyone know which podcast that was? I need my DE to be usable again
>First, why would my commisar be near my heavy weapons team or my other characters? They're there for the Conscripts.
When did I say they would? My point was that my HQs are both mobile enough to hide behind other squads until they're at range to move 12" then charge.

>And I was reffering to all the special weapons, heavy weapons, and IFVs.
Which will all snap-fire because the only kind of shooting you will get against my actual marines will be overwatch (assuming we are still sanic fast in 8th).

Well the Lord probably is, while the Prince will be flying so again snap-shots.
Those points costs don't seem to add up anon.

Tit for tat you're looking at quite a few more berserkers. Guns're expensive.
>Shadow Spectres

Yeah buddy enjoy your pretend aspect.
I'll be over here playing in the real world.
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my mistake, have this instead
Knights aren't that great as a standalone army so they're not being WAACfag.

They're just someone playing an army that's boring to fight.
>Wow reading must be hard to you. I obviously meant that only a single zerker needs to survive in a squad for him to pull other units into combat. And if he spreds his army horizontally it will severely limit their ability to target the rest of my army. Link related, horizontal gunlines dont do well against World Eaters.
A single zerker is going to be able to entangle two, maybe 3 squads, and even then that's assuming the IG player has absolutely horrible postioning.
Also, you can only charge units you declare a charge against in the charge phase, a zerker won't be able to entangle multiple squads until the fight phase, after overwatch is done.
So no, a zerker is not going to nullify the overwatch of an entire platoon. Unless he decides to charge the entire platoon in the charge phase, but they would kill him with all the overwatch they would get against him.
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I have a frund.

He bought knights first up. He's got 5 now. Loves running the baronial court.
We told him to get some allies, so he got DA and now has Ezekial putting invisibility on the knights.

He does own some eldar though. Last game we played he brought nothing but shadow spectres and a revenant titan.

But he says he just likes Knights and doesn't care about winning or losing.
Oh, I never once claimed the points match how many zerkers you get.
That was an average platoon vs a single zerker squad in a rhino.
Just Gaurdsmen vs equal points of zerkers will end badly for the gaurdsmen.
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Ah. Striking Scorpions.
Good choice.
Ohhh, thats why berserker-anon is up in arms

last hour or so makes more sense
I think it will just need more coordination in some cases. For example if there are still points to control mid field having a squad in a pod and saving them till you know how a certain part of the field will shake out then dropping them to take a crucial point. It will actually be tactical rather than 7th ed tactical, deep strike melta guns next to tank maybe take a skyhammer annihilation force.
>What is dirge casters
So many things to address here. First off
>Flying equals snap firing
Fliers aren't a thing anymore boyo. ffs.
>Move 12" then charge command squad
Yes, of course, my command squad will be in the open with no one between him and the enemy. Obviously.
> le overwatch
You keep saying this, but why? Some rhinos are getting popped, and your rhinos moving what, 8+d6 at best isn't enough to get across no man land, even assuming I deploy on the very edge of my deployment zone like a tard.
Also, me only firing on overwatch is reliant on several things.
>I don't pull conscripts back
>You kill the unit of conscripts in my turn
>You make every single charge ever
Fuck you are one dense motherfucker. Only one zerker has to SURVIVE OVERWATCH to pull the other units into combat in the fight phase. Then I'll just need to charge the same squad with another intact unit to bypass his overwatch and ensure victory in the actual fight phase, and they'll slowly mop up the squads that are pulled, unless they try to run away which will just leave them open to further charges.

It was just an example anyway. I highly doubt any of his units will be able to kill 9 out of 10 zerkers just by snap-shooting.
You might need to reread the rules.
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>Ranged weapons are for faggots.

These gents would like a word with you.
Flyers literally have their own FoC slot now. They're a thing
Being able to choose when a unit comes in is amazing. Right now you regularly see anything without a special rule arrive by turn 4 when the battle is already lost, whilst the 5 tactical marines in a drop pod to score objectives near the end of the game came in on turn 2. It is so random you almost can't plan around it, unless there are special rules involved like Drop Pod assault.
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>Fliers aren't a thing anymore boyo. ffs.
Maybe in your fantasy world. Last time I checked they got their own slot.

>Yes, of course, my command squad will be in the open with no one between him and the enemy. Obviously.
They don't need to, I'll just fly over any obatacles and massacre them.

>You keep saying this, but why? Some rhinos are getting popped, and your rhinos moving what, 8+d6 at best isn't enough to get across no man land, even assuming I deploy on the very edge of my deployment zone like a tard.
Try 12" +d6. That is close enough for my zerkers to charge the turn they disembark.

>I don't pull conscripts back
And open them up to further charges and deny their shooting? By all means run, coward. But there is no escape.

>You kill the unit of conscripts in my turn
And if I don't, they'll just consolidate into another combat without having to face ANY shooting whatsoever!

>You make every single charge ever
Nigga do you know who you fucking with? Pic related, of course I will.
Yeah, and they'll have their own special rules. Universal "hard to hit" rules are gone.
And why would a winged prince take up a Flier slot?
Well since you need to start with half your units in play now there may be a drop pod assault rule that will let you put everything in a pod but then have half show up during deployment, kind of like infiltrating.
>Not the height of faggotry

Not really
>g-go read x!
Not an arguement.

Even they can melee quite decently. Which only proves the ordnance is used only as a means to an end.
why the fuck do you think Rhinos are going to have m12"?

You seem to put a lot of stock in me deploying units within 6" of my "born to die" conscript squads.
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>Rhinos moving 12"
Your thinking Trukks and Taurox prime, a rhino will likely be 8" max
Why are you still replying to bait.
Anon, the fight and charge phase are 2 seperate phases.
A model gets a 3“ move they can use to pull in new units into the fight without overwatch in the FIGHT phase.
But units can only charge in the CHARGE phase, so if a zerker does pull new units in, then it will be an entire turn before any other zerker units can charge those units pulled in by the zerker in the FIGHT phase in the next CHARGE phase. If the single zerker survives until then (which mathhammer-wise he won't.) then those other units can benefit from no overwatch.

But no, the rules do not allow them to just Charge>pull in other units>other zerker squad charges in just one turn. You are absolutely wrong about that
it's also worth noting that they have said that disembarking happens before the vehicle moves.
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What's your favorite cannon? Mine's the rotor cannon.
Oh, and just to back up those claims:
>Units that activate gain a free 3″ move towards the closest enemy. This can be used to get within 1″ of other enemy units, if you’re cunning, dragging more foes into the melee and preventing them from shooting next turn, even if you didn’t charge them directly (giving them no chance to overwatch). Enemy gun lines will need to be careful about how they position their supporting units, so as to avoid getting dragged into the fight too.
From: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/05/02/new-warhammer-40000-fight-phase-may2gw-homepage-post-4/

>You also can’t move within 1″ of an enemy you didn’t declare as the target of your charge, so if you want to engage multiple units, you’ll need to brave the overwatch fire of all of them. Overwatch can also be fired multiple times per phase, but as soon as the unit is engaged, they will no longer be able to fire back.
from: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/05/01/new-warhammer-40000-charge-phasegw-homepage-post-4/
Because I'm easily triggered. I know it's obvious bait, but I just can't help myself.
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Khorne is the god of all methods of war, not just axe to face. Many of his daemon engines are walking artillery pieces for crying out loud.
This should be no surprise to you but Berserker anon and Cheetahanon are the same person.

Well if a rhino could move 12+d6 turn one then disgorge the troops who walk 6 there will be 6-d6 inches left of no man's land so depending how close the enemy deployed that not too bad.
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it's not a cannon per say, but it does the job just as well.
What are the top armies right now? Dark Angels, Ynnari, Necron, and Tzeentch?
Ravenwing spam, Ynnari in general, Riptide spam and Daemon summon spam.
Do you think any of it will remain strong going into 8th(excluding daemon spam) or is it still too soon to tell?
sure it could set you up for a turn 2 charge but the opponents army is guaranteed a shooting phase against it before you get to charge your dudes into their lines
if ynnari keep their free shooting and other shenanigans then yes
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this bad boy.
>slaneesh player is on space meth again
top kek

Anon I don't have a crystal ball to predict the next change to your imaginary deployment zone. I'm going off by your claim that'd you'd be using an Aegis defense line with tank traps, and why I think it's an inneffective strategy against my horde of metally boxed berzerkers.

8" + d6, which is 12" on average. More than enough for me.

Anon, what part of

>Then I'll just need to charge the same squad with another intact unit
Do you not understand?

Yes, artilellery, not 'guns'. They are necessary to soften up the enemy but still inferior on the Khornate scale to melee, which is why Brass Scorpions, Chariots and Lords of Skulls still have some very mean cc capabilities.
>muh cheetah boogeyman! everyone who triggers me is cheetahfag!
top kek
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The wording on that pile in is very important, you're going to need at least two models in the charging squad and have one be closer to a different unit than what they charged. Easy enough for a mob of orks or nids but harder for elite units.

Exactly, the khorne fag yelling about first turn charges out of a rhino is talking out his ass. Even if he goes first and rhinos are move 12 it will go:
Turn 1: Advance -> get rhino's,princes, and lords shot up
Turn 2: Charge bubble wrap -> Bubble wrap dies or falls back, more shit gets shot up by massed guns.
Turn 3: At this point it all depends on who had the favor of the dice gods.

>Yes, artilellery, not 'guns'. They are necessary to soften up the enemy but still inferior on the Khornate scale to melee
Hypocritical bait detected, I'm done time to bail out and fap
Go hard or go home.
Man, I'm not looking forward to scrum meta.
>>Then I'll just need to charge the same squad with another intact unit
>Do you not understand?
That is literally no different than the current edition. One zerker, a thousand zerkers, it doesn't matter, you are talking about something that hasn't changed and acting like it has.
Now you're just relying on someone having absolutely piss poor positioning so you can drag in more squads, but that's just beating a retard, which isn't hard no matter what edition it is.
So you really don't have much besides
>If I play a retard who can't into basic tactics for gunlines, I can obliterate them
Which means absolutely nothing, but you seem to think it's a massive game changer.
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Goredick cannon
>I'm going off the claim that you'll be using aegis defense line with tank traps
Seriously? So you assumed that due to those two things, I'd do the most retarded thing possible by deploying everything I have behind a single defense line, and put the defense line on the very edge of deployment?

Seriously, if someone was going to do a single gunline, then they wouldn't put it as close to the enemy as possible. If someone was doing a multi-layered gunline, then they wouldn't stack them as close to each other as possible.

Yes, you're right, purposefully gimping yourself is an ineffective strategy.
Do any of them rotate like the rotor cannon though?
no but the ulator in the current edition shoots out a line the width of the large blast template for 72" and kills pretty much anything it hits with it so im fine with it not rotating
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Khorne is perfectly okay with both guns and guile. It's the killing that matters, not how you do it.
>has to talk shit behind my back to reassure himself because he knows he's getting btfo

>Turn 1: Advance -> get rhino's,princes, and lords shot up
>m-maybe if I pretend he didn't say he would hide the HQ behind the rhinos
Full damage control aren't we?

>Turn 2: Charge bubble wrap -> Bubble wrap dies or falls back, more shit gets shot up by massed guns.
Top kek have fun hitting on 6s.

>Turn 3: At this point it all depends on who had the favor of the dice gods.
I highly doubt a mass of conscripts will die on one turn with the commissar still alive. No, most likely they will stay in combat or fall back, both are situations which benefit me. Due to pile in moves my Lord will easily slip between the newly formed cracks in the bubble wrap, moping up the squads behind as the Princes just flies over everything and fucks his comissar to death with a Berzerker Glaive. It'll just go downhill for him from there.

>i-if it blows me the fuck out it's bait!
>proceeds to run away back to his pornography like the bitch he is without even refuting the argument
This is some A-grade sides rape.

>implying i could pull other units into combat for free before
Do you even play the game?

Well that's what your argument came off as, maybe learn how to express yourself if you don't want other people to think you're a retard.

Not like it even matters. A multi-layered gunline means less ground for me to cover before I charge. A single layered one on the edge of the table is simply a dreath trap.
no psykers though
Well I hadn't read that part, it's definately a retcon of established fluff.
>So you assumed that due to those two things, I'd do the most retarded thing possible by deploying everything I have behind a single defense line, and put the defense line on the very edge of deployment?
Even then, he's an idiot. A single defense line is more than enough room for up to 3 squads of gaurdsmen to deploy and be out of the 3” movement range in the fight phase. Could probably fit 4 or 5 if you really smart and meticulous about deployment.
Except it's not, there have been various ranged daemon engines of Khorne in the fluff for a while for instance. Khorne has never cared how blood is spilt, just so long as it is spilt. Only exception is not using psychic powers.
>I'm going to use aegis defense lines and tank traps to make a Guardsman gunline
comes across as
>I'm going to stack all my Conscripts, infantry squads, heavy weapons teams, characters, and command squads into the forward 6" of my deployment!

>multi-layered means less ground to cover
you were already assuming that you had the minimum amount of ground to cover.

>Single line farther back is a death trap
Pretty sure the real death trap is going to be those Khornezerkers walking across my entire deployment zone because I put my tank traps as far forward as possible.
>Do you even play the game?
Do you? You're acting like pulling units into combat is a big deal, when all it means is gunline armies have to deploy their guys >4“ apart from each other. Even deploying them 4.1” apart will negate that benefit.
Like I said, only a complete retard would ignore that fact, so you're bragging about beating an utter retard who is playing an army they clearly don't know how to play.
>Well that's what your argument came off as, maybe learn how to express yourself if you don't want other people to think you're a retard.
Not him, but to nobody except you.
Nobody reads "IG gunline with Ageis defense lines" and thinks "brain dead deployment that makes wiping it out in two turns a breeze."
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Khorne has an entire Daemon Legion that specializes in shooting shit to death with loads of artillery. It's perfectly in-character.
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ork faction focus tomorrow
Except none of the current non-retconned ones are fully ranged.

>you were already assuming that you had the minimum amount of ground to cover.
What are you even talking about?

>Pretty sure the real death trap is going to be those Khornezerkers walking across my entire deployment zone because I put my tank traps as far forward as possible.
>implying it matters
As I said I only need the rhinos to move like 12" to reach you next turn in most tables, assuming we keep our charge bonuses and movement relics from 7th.

That's what his claim, and yours for the matter, came of as. Fuck you're the one who said he could easily pack the conscripts into each other in an Aegis defense line, don't try to move the goalposts now.

Sure thing IGcuck, I thought intellectual dishonesty was a tzeench thing.
is it? Oooooooooooooh I'm zogging excited
My body is ready. Give me lootable vehicles.
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Right. I'm sure this old Apocalypse unit that is literally 4 huge cannons on wheels is a very recent change to Khorne's doctrine.
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I prefer the rotor cannon.
Artillery, a means to an end even in regular human armies, is a tad different from void war.
>old rectonned models
top kek
Maybe it bites people.
It will be Necrons.
Or Marines.
Maybe Sisters.
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Not being sold anymore doesn't make something retconned. I'm not even really sure why it matters if some fully ranted or not. It shoots, Khorne approves of it, ergo Khorne approves of shooting.
I sort-of agree.
IMO Khorne disdains ranged attacks like boltguns, but loves him some artillery 'cos "machines of brass and blood" makes his dick hard.

So I'd say he prefers the skulltaking precision if you're actually in range to do anything about it, but otherwise as long as the blood flows.
>Fuck you're the one who said he could easily pack the conscripts into each other in an Aegis defense line, don't try to move the goalposts now.
On what planet do you think anyone has been saying "1 aegis defense line for the whole lot?"
Christ, the original claim was
>Aegis walls, 3+ save gaurdsmen and icarus lascannons
The S on the end of walls means more than one.
You were the retard who assumed it was one ADL with everyone packed behind it, at no point did anyone claim as much.
When you're the only one who misinterprets something, it's not the fault of everyone else, it's your own damn fault.
That word doesn't mean what you think it means.
>not sold
>not mentioned in fluff
>doesn't even have rules
>it isn't retconned i swear!

More or less.
Apparently in Khornefags world, assuming that people don't play like morons is intellectually dishonest. Good to know.
The Gorethunder Cohort isn't described as softening folks up for assault with artillery, but explicitly as using it to pound them to paste from distance. The Blood God is just fine with guns.
>implying i didn't show you a fucking batrep explaining why even multiple aegis are retarded against World Eaters even in 7th
You're just beating the shit out of strawmen at this point.
It appears in Tome of Blood for Black Crusade and is one of the daemon engines fighting alongside Kharn in Traitor's Hate.
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Oh, my mistake. I thought you were arguing that we were talking about ranged warfare being old fluff for Khorne, and that they changed it since to be close-combat only.

No, here's the new unit that does that.
I'm pretty sure the idea of his post was to disprove the idea that it's retconning fluff by posting such an old thing to say that the idea was there this whole time- even in older fluff/rules/etc.
Please, be consistent anon. You're expecting them to be.
>one data point proving anything
Top kek, might as well say
>I saw this ork player beat a taudar list once, so orks can't be bad in 7th
When the guy specifically stated he would play that way? Of coursh!

They're clearly a support cohort. And fuck, even them are all melee capable and proficient. As I said, means to an end.
That end literally just being that blood is spilt.
>When the guy specifically stated he would play that way
He did? Shit, mind linking where the guy said he'd put all his models within consolidation of his front line? Because I seem to recall him spending most of the thread telling you that his damage dealing squads weren't close to his Conscript forward line.
>When the guy specifically stated he would play that way
Link the place where he said
>I'm going to deploy like an utter tard
>black crusade
You mean that 2011 rpg? My sides

>only appearance in GW fluff is a cameo

>ranged only
>shitposting without even playing the game

Your post doesn't even make sense.

>it's not evidence because I say so!
lmao anon it's not like you will die if you admit you are wrong kek
>litterally claiming that one example proves that something can never work
Do you not know what anecdotal evidence is?
Because that is literally what that video is: one single event which you are using as proof that ageis defense lines and IG gunlines will never beat zerker spam.
That's practically the definition of anecdotal evidence
In melee, yes.

>Shit, mind linking where the guy said he'd put all his models within consolidation of his front line?
I did? Shit, mind linking where I said he'd put all his models within consolidation of his front line? Because I seem to recall me spending most of the thread telling you that my DP would be flying over his conscripts and Aegis line to asssult the command squad with the commissar.

>implying anyone suggested that phrase
>strawmanning this desperately because he knows he's getting raped
Praise kek.
>I-It still exists but doesn't have a current model so it doesn't c-count!

Sweet Khorne how autistic are you? Khorne is fine with using ranged weapons to kill, all the evidence says so. Provide proof to the contrary or be dismissed as idiotic faggot.
It's hardly a strawman to say "retarded deployment" and "brain dead deployment that makes wiping it out in two turns a breeze" are the same thing.

So where did anon claim that he would do that? where, you fucking faggot?
Admech or dark admech releasing Agre of Strife demon computer viruses on tau for shuts and giggles. Fires will never come out and Tau would win regardless
>videotaped experiment
>anecdotal evidence
I doubt you're even fooling yourself at this point. But keep gaslighting you faggot.
Wait, what? Why is the commisar in the command squad? How is the commisar in the command squad? What is the commissar doing closer to the command squad than the conscripts? How are you multicharging with a single model?
>ranged only

If that's your counter argument, then I'd point out that even a Fire Warrior can swing in a fight. That doesn't mean it's the role of the unit.
Do you not know what an anecdote is?
>An anecdote is a brief, revealing account of an individual person or an incident
Yes, a single video about a single game would in fact be an anecdote.
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Tower of Skulls still has rules and is still currently legal to use.

>In melee, yes.
Show me the bit of fluff where this is stated.
What the fuck are you talking about? How is calling an anecdote an anecdote gaslighting?
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Sorry for not making sense in that first post anon, I just woke up and all I saw was arguing so I decided to respond before my mind was at least a little clear
What (I think) I was trying to say was: You said that the thing he posted was a retcon of old fluff and seemingly had a problem with that too. Because of that, he posted the doomblaster to show that even in older fluff there was dedicated artillery with seemingly no melee and such. Then you responded by complaining it was an old, retconned model. That's inconsistent in some manner, is it not?
>no rules
>no model
>no fluff
>i-it still counts, i swear!

>"brain dead deployment that makes wiping it out in two turns a breeze"
>first strawman gets called out
>beats the shit out of another
Like clockwork.
That thing looks so god damn retarded
>>"brain dead deployment that makes wiping it out in two turns a breeze"
Literally a direct quote from
The post you called intellectually dishonest, which you then said was true such because that's exactly how anon said he'd deploy in this post
And then people asked you to show where he'd deploy like that. Which you have yet to do.
So do it faggot.
>literally claims that the gunline would be deployed in such a way that the gunline will only ever be able to shoot at them in overwatch
>"Where did I claim his deployment would be braindead? Stop strawmanning!"
Tower of Skulls, retard. 100% ranged, 100% Khorne.

By your logic Rough Riders must not exist.
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He implied the comissar would be there faggot.

>implying the chariot isn't about as good at melee as it is at ranged
The desperation is real.

>1 hour video of a game where the hypothesis is tested
>brief, revealing account of an individual person or an incident

>Show me the bit of fluff where this is stated.
Nearly all Khornate fluff. Stop playing dumb just because you're getting rekt.

>Tower of Skulls still has rules and is still currently legal to use.
>a single unit in the entire game

>pretending i posted an anecdote instead of a video experiment
>oy gevalt i was not gaslighting i swear!
This is a whole new level of damage control.

No, CURRENT fluff had retconned the doomblaster before FoC retconned the ranged inferiority.
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Khorne says you're a massive faggot bringing shame on his name. Everyone knows the Blood God doesn't lie, yet here you are making random bullshit about

>Lol Khorne hates guns and all evidence to the contrary is wrong because muh feelz XDDD

Go suck Slaanesh's cock you disgrace.
>nearly all khornate fluff
>the blood pact is a khornate warband who's entire claim to fame is being a disciplined army who makes heavy use of ranged weapons and tactics and has been in the fluff since at least 2005
wew lad
ignore khorne discuss rotor cannons
>>1 hour video of a game where the hypothesis is tested
>>brief, revealing account of an individual person or an incident
Yes, those are the same thing.
An hour isn't that long, and it's a single game.
And if you think one data point it all it takes to prove a hypothesis, never become a scientist, you'll be wasting everyone's time.
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>b-but you said X!
>here is a post from someone else saying it to prove it!
We are reaching levels of gaslighting that shouldn't even be possible.

>implying it was because of the way he deployed and not because of the speed of my berzerkers
Even more gaslighting. Starting to suspect samefaggotry is at play here.

>a single unit in the entire game
top kek
>He implied the commisar would be there faggot

>him saying the exact opposite

>you claiming that you never thought his commissar was close to his command squad

So you're just shitposting. Got it.
Here >>53384640
you admited
>Well that's what your argument came off as, maybe learn how to express yourself if you don't want other people to think you're a retard.
Now, what did it come off as?
This post says:
>I'd do the most retarded thing
Which is what you said that
>it came across as
So no, not a strawman, you literally admited the argument came across as "doing the most retarded thing."
So where? Where did anyone besides you claim that was anyone would do?
>implying i ever said he 'hated' guns
Is gaslighting the only thing you tzeenchcucks can do?

>blood pact
>significant part of khorne forces
>don't even get blessings from khorne

>recorded experiments are anecdotes
Who do you think you are fooling Tzeench? You can't gaslight Khorne's chosen.

Now prove it faggot, because you've already said in your own words that "it came across" as "doing the most retarded thing possible
>speed of muh berzerkers
so your berzerkers get a ridulously long range consolidation? Because I thought everyone had the same consolidation range.
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>MFV thread is near death but you don't wanna start a new one cuz it'd be wasted on faggots having a shtiposting contest.
This is the same guy who was insisting that lascannons did D3 damage not too long ago. He's a troll and you're stupid for replying to it.
Do it faggot
Oh shit, I forgot about that. Damn that thread was funny.

But it's the end of the thread, I doubt anyone takes this that seriously.
>implying he didnt post >>53383983 implying the comissar wasnt part of the command squad soon after
>m-maybe if i keep gaslighting it will work
Never again, faggot.

What are you even talking about? Your post doesn't even make sense mr. gaslight.
>Khorne doesn't use guns because I say so REEEEEEE

Top kek. But you still have to go back.

Forget it guys, it's the 'muh gaslighting' fag
>If I record it that means it isn't an anecdote
So if I take a picture, it's not an anecdote? What if I write it down, is that not an anecdote? What if I just tell it to you?
Something being true or not isn't the issue with anecdotal evidence, it's that it's one singular thing. It's like saying "person X likes oranges, therefore everyone likes oranges."
You're taking a single data point and making a claim about everything based off of it.
That's the very reason that anecdotal evidence is flawed because:
>Where only one or a few anecdotes are presented, there is a larger chance that they may be unreliable due to cherry-picked or otherwise non-representative samples of typical cases. Similarly, psychologists have found that due to cognitive bias people are more likely to remember notable or unusual examples rather than typical examples.Thus, even when accurate, anecdotal evidence is not necessarily representative of a typical experience.
>inb4 bitching about Wikipedia
yeah, once I realised that it kinda took the fun out of it for me. I thought we were dealing with an actual butthurt khornefag for a moment.
>gaslighting by implying the only sign of speed in 40k is consolidation range
I can see that now.
When he does that, it means he knows he's wrong, so no need to reply to him. Rather pathetic really, to childish to just admit he's wrong,
so, we getting a new thread or what? This one stopped being fun.
Too many keks, cheetafag. And not one faggot. You've gotten rusty.
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>this thread
>m-maybe if i scream troll and run away crying i win!
Lmao retards, eat my improved chainaxes.
If I was autistic/bored enough, I would spend the rest of the thread claiming he was gaslighting me to get him upset.

Honestly, at this point I wonder if it's some advanced bot designed just to argue using buzzwords.
Oh hey cheetahfag. How many posts do you think you can get off this time to try making people mad before you get b&?
Top kek
nah, too much desperation as people stop replying. That'd be a fun programming project though. Just need to deal with these fucking captchas.
>t. 1d4ddit newfag who doesn't even know who carnac is
Ah. I wasn't too sure if that was you- it seemed quite like it but I couldn't know for sure. So does that mean that you, gaslightanon, and "khorne doesn't like ranged" anon are all the same people? How deep does the lore go?
>how deep does it go
See >>53385579
>a fucking 2012 newfag
>an unironic exodus fag
>all the shit memes he named are incredibly recent

You are like a little baby.
Oh and the whole argument about the reason people like Nids from yesterday was me as well (the guy who asked the question at least).
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Holy shit, that's some pretty deep stuff. You're not a good boy at all, are you anon?
>nah, too much desperation as people stop replying
That wouldn't be too hard to code. Set some sort of variable that counts how many posts have happened since the last reply and if it gets large enough then start making posts about how you've "won" and other such stuff that looks desperate for replies.
>Then what is everyone who came during the last 5 years
Pathetic newfags from reddit or funnyjunk.
You fucking rotor cannons
I'll buy them off you if you dont want them

New Thread - 8th Edition RELEASE DATE

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And the next one will catch the retardation.

Gonna air-gap the threads, establish a quarantine break to make the fuckheads get bored and go do do something else.

Unless one of you want to be bombarded with reply nitrification every time some genius successfully regurgitates a meme or >implies shit
>leddit tard says "what's wrong with leddit"
Can't make this shit up!
Thread posts: 492
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