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Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1505: "Anon, We're Disappointed

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Thread replies: 395
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>Google Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

>Last Thread
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>Destroyer of Worlds, Decade! What is reflected in his eyes as he crosses the infinite worlds...?

Jumps contained: Marvel Magic, The Inheritance Cycle, Young Justice, Sword Art Online

I didn't have anything super interesting to write for these aside from the first one. Cat Wizard, slayer of Moons, lives again.
Somehow my message for an irc chat and a post from last thread combined with my shitpost for this thread.

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See >>53317910
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So the assumption of the jump is that you are beginning as a high ranking member of the Sisters of Battle? Well, I can't say I agree it's best but I also can't disagree that the way you've set out the jump definitely fits that better. I'm also not the most experienced with SoBs so getting any deeper would probably not be effective on my behalf.

I do think, if you do continue on to do a Dark Heresy, that you should handle it in a very different way given the focus on you being an Acolyte there, but I'll concede your way is the better option for Sisters of Battle.

As an aside not related to the points thing, love your intro/most of the actual fluff. Always hated doing those and you nailed the voice and the intro at once.

That too. Posting fixed Tomb Kings. Figured out what was wrong. I HAD changed my word document for it but I'd saved the pdf into my WIPs folder by accident, instead of the main jump folder I have. Meaning I uploaded an old version of the jump by mistake and said it had the change. Whoops.
Is the spiderman trilogy a good first jump? Is there something I should worry about in there?
>As an aside not related to the points thing, love your intro/most of the actual fluff. Always hated doing those and you nailed the voice and the intro at once.

It's nice to know that all that sister posting finally payed off.
>As an aside not related to the points thing, love your intro/most of the actual fluff. Always hated doing those and you nailed the voice and the intro at once.
Maybe you should've started with that instead of , "Lol. This is the dumbest shit I've seen in awhile."

I mean, fuck, you've ignored people for less. I think you owe Strike-Chan an apology.
If you're really scared of cape adventures, just leave New York. Nothing in the Spiderman Trilogy takes place outside of that city.
>Tried to post advice last thread but the salt ended the thread before I could post.

Let's see what we've got here
>Ordos Millitant
You might want to swap Seraphim with Litany of Hate or Shield of Piety. If Seraphim makes you stand out in ability compared to the standard battle sister it should not be just a 100CP perk.

You probably should make the Sarissa free for militants as well.

The companion getting 1000CP thing is kind of ridiculous, especially if mixed with Orders Minors. You could get not only 40 Living Saints but they also can get get a capstone and have 100Cp left over. While I'm not the most familiar with The Sisters of Battle I'm pretty sure that Living Saints are rare as fuck and 40 suddenly popping up out of the blue is literally impossible, especially sense Order Minor is discounted to only 300CP for Living Saints. I'd recommend bumping the allotted CP down to 500CP per sister so that they can't purchase living saint as well. At the very least you should forbid them from purchasing the Living Saint Capstone.

Finally the Penitent Engine drawback offers way to much CP for what the risks actually are. I don't think that this drawback which explicitly keeps you alive is more dangerous then trying to take down Guillman. Bump it down to 300CP would be more appropriate.

And finally the Elephant in the room, the whole 2000Cp to start with. While there is precedence in the Warframe Jump for giving more than the standard 1000Cp it's not common practice nor is it really appropriate. Especially since this jump gives the same amount of options but offers 500+ more CP. What I'd recommend is to cut the amount of given CP down to 1500 but give a stipend of 500 CP to be used for items and companions only. That should at least level thing.

Also you probably should bold the amount of CP given, it was difficult to find when I was reading it.

It's a good jump but the funneling of everything into the Living Saint capstone is kind of railroading things.
Well a mad Scientist does build a mini sun that could do a lot of damage before getting put out if events don't happen as the plot demands due to butterfly. Or you could just kill the good doctor before he builds it I suppose.
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Ring-a-dong-dillo, it's Tom-Bombadilo!

Fuck you I want to post it anyway.
>Had all of last thread to post this.
>Godamn fucking still replies to the outdated version.
Good job!
Or just break the AI chip for the arms.
Or better, steal the super rare mineral needed for it for yourself.
Val, are you legitimately autistic? Like, I didn't consider it before, but last thread you reminded me of a competent, Australian, female version of Manyfist.
Going in too deep had benefits it seems. Now just see if you can get out of the sister mindset.

or if you even want to

Anon, let's be honest here. If I had, you'd still be here, posting this or some variant at me.

Sides, we already chatted in private. Things are all good.
Do your Companions have a consistent naming theme?
>we already chatted in private
So despite people in the thread's opinion, Val went behind everyone's back to try and manipulate Strike through the IRC.
Can you not do that?
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Night In The Woods + Fire Emblem Archanea/Valentia jumps are underway.

Does anyone want anything in particular from them? Mila's time travel thing is going to be offered
It'll let someone travel thirty minutes into the past three times a day.

Night In The Woods will have drop-in as a Construction Worker, and origins based on Gregg, that bear guy, Mae, and the goth croc.

I s2g if this posts twice I'm gonna be mad
>chatted in private

Oh god, you ate him and replaced him with a pod person didn't you!
I don't know anything about Archanea or Valentia, so I can't help you.
Actually, no, I wouldn't. It was your methods I had a problem with, not your argument.

But I'll take your word for having a nice chat in private. I trust you at least that much.
You should know by now that the only thing that matters in this thread is IRC cred.
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>You might want to swap Seraphim with Litany of Hate or Shield of Piety. If Seraphim makes you stand out in ability compared to the standard battle sister it should not be just a 100CP perk.

I might swap it with Litany, but not Shield of Piety

>You probably should make the Sarissa free for militants as well.

You've got a point, but the Militant already get a lot of good kit as it stands. I could probably justify it but I unno

>The companion getting 1000CP thing is kind of ridiculous, especially if mixed with Orders Minors. You could get not only 40 Living Saints but they also can get get a capstone and have 100Cp left over. While I'm not the most familiar with The Sisters of Battle I'm pretty sure that Living Saints are rare as fuck and 40 suddenly popping up out of the blue is literally impossible, especially sense Order Minor is discounted to only 300CP for Living Saints. I'd recommend bumping the allotted CP down to 500CP per sister so that they can't purchase living saint as well. At the very least you should forbid them from purchasing the Living Saint Capstone.

Changed to 600cp, and you're right about the Living saint capstone

>Finally the Penitent Engine drawback offers way to much CP for what the risks actually are. I don't think that this drawback which explicitly keeps you alive is more dangerous then trying to take down Guillman. Bump it down to 300CP would be more appropriate.

I dunno, being in a Penitent Engine seems like a living hell to me. I wouldn't want to suffer that.

Everything else you've mentioned is addressed in v0.3 or will be in v0.4. You missed half the thread anon

Burn people and feel good about it. Not much else I want out of life.

Is true. We agreed to disagree amicably and set up our next hate fuck meet.
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Ogre Kingdoms update to give the army option.

Oh my god guys really. We just talked about how there were no hard feelings and that we still liked each other. That post up the top? Woulda been posted last thread if not for the archive.

And seriously, if I was going to go behind your backs, why would I have posted in the thread, with my name on, at all? Strike was in the IRC from the start.
Doppelganger perk? Also, turning into a bigass dragon. Not just a regular one, a bigass one.
Right. I totally believe you didn't abuse your ability to avoid culpability to manipulate him.
>looks at the new version.


uhhhh, my comments about the things not related to the total amount of CP still stand.

Also the Orders Minors was never changed from the 1000Cp given, what would be a good idea is to have all the generic Sister Mooks be given only 300CP while the Named ones be given 600CP as normal.
What was the problem with her methods? The only bad thing I saw her do was say it was stupid a few times.
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Strike-Chan did you get my request from the last thread about having a 0cp drawback where your actions are carried over to other 40k jumps please?, I wanna make sure my Idol Group stays around and becomes a branch of it's own in other jumps
You mean the tritium? That was so dumb. Tritium isn't that rare. I mean, yeah, it's expensive, about thirty thousand dollars a gram. But him claiming that there's only ounces of it in all the world suggests that the path of scientific development in the universe of the Spider-Man trilogy has gone very differently than ours. Maybe it has something to do with how there are no safety enclosures for high-energy physics experimentation. Doc Ock creates an open-frame fusion reactor that's just a big ball of plasma floating in mid-air, and Sandman is created when Marko just falls into a...I don't even know what that thing was supposed to be. It was just in the middle of the woods with no railings, though. Even if people aren't going to fall into it, by some miracle, it being an open system can't be good for the rigor of the experiment. Hard to isolate variables when the wind can blow away half your target sample.
I was disappointed that she posted in a way that she often uses to justify ridicule of her detractors. As someone who's supported her in the past, I expected better. I guess I didn't know her as well as I thought... Then again, everyone has bad days, so I try not to judge too harshly. Regardless, I think that was way out of line.

Anyway, let's not clog up a new thread with more drama, yeah? The two involved parties said they'd put this behind them, so it's no one else's business to continue it.
Will allow you to port decisions from previous 40k Jumps into sororitas, but I can't make a perk or drawback forcing that on other jumps.
Cracker Jack; are the top end characters that can be companioned with the Canon Companion option those in the realm of Thor, The Hulk, and Dr. Doom?
You're my new waifu, Strike-chan
What way did she post like? I'm just having trouble seeing what was so out of line that had people comparing her to Manyfist.
It's bait, Nonny.
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>Will allow you to port decisions from previous 40k Jumps into sororitas, but I can't make a perk or drawback forcing that on other jumps.

I know that each jump needs their own option for that and besides most other warhammer jumps have that option already, besides I'm setting everything up for when I can become a Space Marine or an IG and what the anon 3 posts above me said
Doesn't matter. As I said, she and Strike wish to leave this in the past. This is no longer our concern.
She was being a dick. Being a dick can not be allowed.

Magic 100 (Witches Only)
Magic is an ancient, beautiful thing and no one really knows where it came from, just that it’s here to help. With it witches help those around them and while only a few people in ten thousand might have it they are almost always well respected. Witches are blessed with many abilities, fortune telling, potion brewing, making familiars out of black cats, communing with animals, and flying through the air using only a stick and some bristles. Magic often changes based off the feeling of the witch using it, in times of comfort it moves slowly yet surely to help while in times of crisis it will explode in a burst of sudden mad action. Just remember magic is fickle and will often disappear for a short while if the witch using it loses confidence. No one really knows what makes magic work just that it works best for those with a kind and happy heart.

Animal Talk 200
Most animals can’t really talk, they simply aren’t smart enough for it. Those few that are can are the familiars of young witches who stop needing words to understand them as they grow older. But even though they can’t speak all animals have something to say for anyone who knows how to listen to them, just not in words. You can only communicate basic ideas without words but it’s usually more than enough to get simple things like “I’m going North.” or “Bad thing lives there.” With your own familiar this is amplified to a near telepathic bond and you’ll know just about anything it cares to share with just a single glance. Most animals are much calmer around someone who can understand their warning signs and avoid agitating them, why most animals would be fine hopping on you to hitch a ride if you’re going somewhere they want to be.
How do we know if manyfist is a dude, he could be a retarded cactus for all we know?
Mahou Shoujo?

Flies Like Crazy (400)
Maybe a thin piece of wood and a strong grip aren’t the safest means of travel around but they get the job done as long as you don’t smash into anything. Near misses don’t count towards that do they? Embracing this philosophy as a pilot you take paths few others would be willing or able to at great speed. This utter disregard for personal safety is only possible to do safely because you are otherwise exceptionally skilled rider able to pull the maximums of speed, agility, and acceleration out of your broom. It’ll keep you on your toes and make anyone watching shout in shock but so long as you don’t try anything to insane you’ll never die on a broomstick. Juking through a traffic accident on a broomstick at breakneck speed is just another day.

The Witch of the Town (600)
Things always seem to work out for witches who help others, a kind of good luck or magic reward maybe. Maybe there’s some truth to it because you always seem to find what you need to pick you up when you get down. Magic doesn’t work well with depression and sadness, moving sluggishly or not at all which often drives a witch further into sadness as their powers abandon them during an already bad time. Whenever you get down though something or someone comes along to pick you up. Maybe it could be a friend coming over to visit, you’ll hear a good joke which picks up your spirits, or the weather will turn out just right on a bad day. Bad days are just ones you haven’t found the good in yet now.
In what way is this constructive, NikaMoth? What did you hope to achieve by posting this?
If I spend 200CP on the Muster in the Bretonnian jump how many filthy peasants can I recruit for my army?
>Fire Emblem Archanea/Valentia

Nice, I'm planning on getting it, is it any good?
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200 ugly little muck crawlers. 5 points each for men at arms, which are just peasants with helmets, a shield and a pointy stick. You can even have em wear your colours so they get blood all over it.

You know, you actually have somewhat of a point. I think you're overreacting to an extent but on looking back and comparing, you're right in that my opening lines should have been different given my own responses to similar things in the past.

While I do think you exaggerated it a bit, I'm also thankful that you're pointing it out. So uh, thanks man.
You have no ambition anon.
I'm seriously considering spending all 1600 CP on Squigs and WF:Orks and Goblins comes out.
>1600 points worth of Squigs

Where would you even keep them all?
In his pocket.
Well Squigs have all kinds of uses. You have eatin' squigs, biting squigs, filth squigs, hair squigs, war squigs, toenail clipper squigs, grot squigs, miniature teacup squigs, goliath squigs, squig squigs, purple squigs, and even squigs.
Hey, Val, what happens if you thae both Hail to the God of Fire and The Abominable Ogre together in Ogre Kingdoms?
On top of my enemies.

I even considered updating my Worm Build to swap out Blink, my favorite power, for Tricker's power, so I can swap my enemy's gear with an angry squig.

Mostly War Squigs, Goliath Squigs, and Biting Squigs. Also Riding Squigs.
Icy on the outside, hot on the inside. You get the effects of both as normal. You'd probably look pretty sweet.
How do I make my soul immune to harm without PoD or that unpleasant scenario reward from Tomb Kings?
Have No Soul to Burn- Demons are soulless beings; however, in your case that might
be problematic. So, instead your soul will, essentially, become a non-entity- it can’t be
attacked, stolen, burned, destroyed, possessed, trapped, detected etc. unless you sell or
otherwise remove it from your body, including putting/turning it into a physical object,
or if for some reason you want others to interact with it. It’s important to note that these
protections only apply to your soul since you, as a demon, are able to absorb souls (not
directly; they need to be given willingly) to increase your own power. If you’ve already
absorbed souls over the course of your adventures, they will be included in this
protection. If you absorb souls afterwards, then they will not be protected.
In someone attacks your unprotected souls, either to damage, destroy, remove, or
otherwise harm them, then you may also be damaged by proxy; your protected souls(s)
will still be fine. If you die from whatever they did, then your protected soul is fine;
however your chain will end, or you’ll otherwise pass on. If you don’t die, than your
protected soul is still fine; your other souls may not be. (200 CP, discount Demon)
>Having no soul
So I was thinking. If I taught Bruce Banner the Hercules Method and then used the Brave and the Bodolf on him, how fucked is everything?
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How many Isekai settings are there to go to? As in, settings where the series is already in that genre?
So, what about that weakness to fire from The Abominable Ogre?
Pretty much, yeah.
I subscribe to a Monist perspective on the the self and consciousness, so I never had a soul to harm.
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I just noticed that some people here just seem to respond to bait easily thinking it isn't bait. I think it's constructive because it means that people will recognize it in the future. Maybe. Probably.

The atmosphere just feels cursed here at the moment, to be truthful.
Do you want to watch the world burn?
Because that's how you watch the world burn.
What would happen if I eat and "digest" souls? As in they are no longer souls, just nutrients that were used to make me stronger.
>tfw no way to bring Ace Combat wingmates as companions
Feels bad man. I just realized my efforts at humanizing them for my writing is gonna vanish after this jump.
Hum. Good point. I'd say it cancels it out, having the blessing of the fire god.
But then you gained one by going to non-monist settings.
The update will have companion options. Just be patient.
You'd have to ask a Dementor or a Hollow for an answer. I'm not much of a meta-physicist, nor am I a necromancer.
Bah! Humbug! Can you empirically display the soul to me? Such talk about souls and mysticism is nonsensical without hard proof to the contrary.
One of the best parts about muster is that the Jumper is their own HQ, so you can use all the points that would normally go into them to buy more filthy peasants, with absolutely no cost to moral because a Jumper is leading them.
Is there a Nordic god of the sun?
I think the Jumpmaker has answered this before but I forget what he said.
Well, there's Sol/Sunna, sister of Mani. She's busy being chased by a giant wolf, though, and so is her brother.
How fucking new do you have to be on 4chan to think this way
She's a tumblrite.

No literally.
No, just a goddess.

Old Germanic cultures had a female sun, it was only through latin influence that it became male.
>Can you empirically display the soul to me?
Not that anon, but in some settings you can.
But I get the feeling you just want to shitpost about souls instead of actually talk about Jumpchain.
Will there be a time extension drawback? An option to experience all the games or have the jump end after Electrosphere would be nice.
Thank you, Val. It's nice to see my pleas haven't gone unheard. I just want this to be the best community it can be, and while we have at least one anonymous fuckhead who can't be dealt with (read: shitposters), there are at least some people who proudly wear their names. It should mean something more, I think. Anyway, I appreciate your boldness to say such things with a trip, and if I'd done finished anything of note, I'd wear one so you'd know I'm sincere, but alas I've only lurked so far.

Regardless, you're welcome. And I'm glad you've resolved things with Strike-Chan. As usual I look forward to your work, and hope last thread didn't do too much to discourage you (as yes, there were some obvious shitposters three, too). And maybe I did exaggerate? It's certainly possible, considering I was only mildly peeved. Just be mindful of your posts, and I'll try to do the same. Again, thanks; and also, sorry if I was acting out of line.
I thought Fenris was chained up to Odin's throne or something. Is there another giant wolf.

...Is it Loki's kid, too?

Huh, weird. Other than her and Amaterasu, are there any other female sun deities?
Skoll and Hati.
I only go to /jc/ and sometimes /vg/, I don't really consider myself a proper 4channer nowadays.
Nah, you're good too man. Glad we could be amicable about it all. I'll do my best to keep my posts and my jumps on a good level.
maybe a little...
So if I'm a male Asgardian sun god in Marvel Magic, are they going to pull a reverse Gwyndolin on me?
/pol/, /r9k/ and /b/ are the only worth while boards desu. Maybe with a touch of /hm/
What do you mean "reverse"?
Reverse in the sense he was raised as a girl because he had moon powers.

Funny how none of the lore mentions he snake legs.
In tomb kings could we have our undead form be a bit different than the standard just a skelly? A mummy or perhaps a dried out egyptian themed zombie?
Both are fine. A fair bit of the art of Tomb Kings shows characters with dried out flesh or skin still on bits of them.
No. Consider the fact that Odin himself uses a power, magic, that's usually associated with girls and is considered womanly. You being associated with the sun might get someone to make fun of you, but they're not going to put you in a dress.

Not that Thor needed to be associated with someone feminine for that.
As am I. I just wish more discussions could end on such a note. Doesn't seem likely, but we can hope.
The most manly god in Norse myths is a crossdresser. I think you'll be fine.
Well he did lose his hammer beforehand.
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I'm good, thanks.
Yay, I already have a few skelly forms and this is a fitting place to pick up another cool undead form.
Snake legs are normal.
Does the Marvel version of Odin use the type of magic that requires you to act as a semen receptacle.
>the type of magic that requires you to act as a semen receptacle.
Is that a thing in Norse magic?

...My builds from Percy Jackson and Viking Saga may be a lot different in hindsight.
Wait, update? You are a god among men.
Not even the mythological Odin did. I think I yelled at Angel about this in /cyoag/ a week ago, but the only reason people associate sedr with sex is because of new age wiccans and shit having wishful thinking. The only evidence/justification they use for it is that male practitioners were called by a term that translates to 'unmanly/dishonorable' which was basically used to mean 'faggot'. But that term was applied to men who broke many Norse laws or otherwise behaved in an incorrect manner for men in Norse culture. You got called the same thing if you killed a guy without paying wergild. It is not innately associated with sex, even homosexual sex.

Read above.
...Dirge, is that you?
I don't know why you think I'm dirge.
How do the Obelisks work if they tomb moves? Could we have them incorporated into the tomb itself in that case, acting like broadcast towers that project the effects 5*#Purchases KM away from the tomb?
It's basically an underhanded insult, indirectly calling you a shitposter.
Hey, Val. Mind commenting on the build?

Ogre Kingdoms
1000 CP
Vegetarian +100
Bruiser, The Rock Skulls
Ogre Traits Free
Hail To the God of Fire 200
Thick as a Rock Free
Further It Goes, Harder it Gets 300
Irongut Free
Me and My Boys Free
Tyrant 600
Lean and Green 700
The Abominable Ogre 1100

How hard would it be to fuck off from the kingdoms and go to Empire? Also joining the cult of sigmar as a warrior or if posible warrior-priest? How much of a mindfuck would this be?
Because Dirge seems like the type of person to visit /cyoag/ and correct AngelAnon about mythology? As far as I know, those aren't too common. Also, he did Ragnarok Online. Also also, most people use "Dirge" instead of "dirge". But I guess I'm wrong, so it doesn't matter.
There's nothing wrong with dirge, so I don't accept that way of thinking.
The name is synonymous with shitposting to the point that we call it dirgeposting because it's so stupid.
Is that power even available?
Depends on how the tomb moves. Flying and they'll fly with you. Legs and they might get legs too.

I might add an option to incorporate them in the update but it can't be done at base, since one of the weaknesses for the pillars is that they are difficult to guard and protect from being broken.

You can just leave the Kingdoms. plenty of Ogres do. Depending on where you start, some Ogres might bully you and asks for tolls on the way out, but it's not hard.

I...dunno about joining the cult. Been a long time since I read much about the empire. Kinda reading some of these races as I go along.
I honestly don't remember. I haven't looked at the Worm jump in ages, I've been waiting for the update.
It is in Razzle Dazzle. :^)
I use dirge because I'm a bit of a shithead about proper names and capitalization. I was almost tempted to type it as dirge_. that time.

Anyway, nope, not dirge. I'm just the type to correct people about mythology wherever I go. One thing that gets my goat is modern people projecting their own desires/morals/world view on historical cultures. I also just hate people extrapolating from flimsy evidence. In this case, wiccans wanting to project their own sexual values in regards to free love and pansexuality onto Norse myth based on basically nothing, just so they can justify having sex and it being 'magic'.

For another example of their arguments? Sedr practitioners often carried a staff, and to these people that means that sedr rituals must have been sex related, because staves are innately a 'phallic symbol'. Because, to them, the staff in any situation is innately a surrogate penis, that means that even male practitioners must have taken dick during their rituals to cast spells. This is a fucking logical hoops they jump through to associate sedr with sex.
You probably shouldn't pretend to know what dirge was like if you don't even know why people use dirge.
Jesus, that's fucking stupid. Unfortunately, I see those kinds of logical leaps all the time in other fields.
Man, these people really do have dick on the mind at all times huh?
Are the Lantern Rings from Injustice shittier than the ones in the comics? Just curious because I've never read Injustice.
Same here, they just unfortunately get more credibility for it in regards to history and mythology because of all the gaps in knowledge. You have a degree or just get enough idiots to listen to you and you can claim anything you want, no matter how flimsy and stupid.

Neopagans are like more social legbeards with an extra dose of delusion.
We wuz kangz 'n sheeit.
Why, because the anon was idiotic enough to go around assuming people were dirge_ because he has some half baked idea of who the guy was?
Gentarou keeps aggressively trying to befriend my jumper when she just wants to be cool and mysterious and he's probably figured out she's the mysterious Rider that shows up sometimes to help him fight.

What do?
Tell him that China is superior to Japan.
They can't get any so they hope they can convince someone to fuck them for a magic spell.
It would almost be amusing if you weren't so pitifully sad.
So with all if those options where you get a company complete with infrastructure that follows you between jumps, what happens when you go somewhere it just doesn't fit at all? How does your tech company fit in Game of Thrones? Or what about when you go to a future setting where the tech in your company would have been completely obsolete? Or a setting that's been fucked by a zombie apocalypse or something?
Yes anon, it's super pitiful that some people are tired of the shitposter blaming dirge for everything and whining about him all the time.
I mean, I picked up at least a bit about him during our conversations in the IRC. Next you'll say: "Dirge was secretly a dick in private. No, I don't have proof, because anyone who was around at the time knows it's the truth. Also, he killed my dog and forced me to eat it." And it was more like "hoping", because I wanted to ask him about one of his jumps. If the makes me an idiot, then so be it. Intelligence is one of the hardest things to improve, anyway.
Dirge was secretly a dick in private. No, I don't have proof, because anyone who was around at the time knows it's the truth. Also, he killed my dog and forced me to ea- N-NANI?!
Fanwank. Personally I go with the interpretation that it doesn't manifest in places where it wouldn't make sense.
Depends. A while back, an anon raised to me and Bee the question of whether the company/organisation stuff in Street Fighter changed to fit the setting, like scaling up to fit a setting that focused on a larger scale.

Didn't have a problem with that sort of thing, like assuming a item that gave you a company that wasa worldwide corporation would expend to cover several planets instead in a setting that was interstellar and focused on that. Course, this was just for our jumps and only if you also scaled down. So a similar corporation in Game of Thrones might still be powerful, but it might only cover Westeros and the nearest neighbours. Maybe like that Bank group?
All jumpers are dads. They have a pathological desire to build things.
I'm not sure how telling an anon he's an idiot for assuming people are dirge based on completely nonsensical points is blaming dirge for anything. If there's supposed to be blame it's the anon for being an idiot and making stupid assumptions.

Yeah, it does make you an idiot, because why would he come back to the place that shit on him until he left? You'd have better luck finding him on one of the other generals he frequents rather than here. I heard he stopped making jumps once he heard people finally started replacing his jumps anyways, so I doubt he's going to answer any jump related questions.
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Even female jumpers?
Especially female jumpers.
Even female jumpers are dads, for they also have a pathological desire to build things.
everything in injustice is benchmarked off the mainline DC Universe
Sadly, the only wingman worth keeping around is Chopper (rip in peace)
Fookin' other Belkans being little faggots and killing off the least pussy wingman.
But I don't make dad jokes
What would be a mom joke?
Are you sure you're not thinking of SB fanfiction ?
A snail is walking down the street when suddenly a couple of turtles walk up and beat him up. When interviewed by the police he tells them that he can't describe them, it all happened too fast.
In my experience they tend to be extremely dark to the point of highlighting the dread futility inherit in all things, or videos of dogs, and there is absolutely no middle ground.
I assume that if they can be adjusted to fit the setting then it works.
I could see a tech company in Games of Thrones as being some sort of imitation Maesters who work on practical things like armour/weaponry. I assume the tech scales to the publicly available in setting so if you went to a future/past setting it'd adjust. A tech company in a zombie apocalypse could be a compound of survivors trying to save scientific knowledge and use it to make life easier.

I think it's mainly a case of fanwank what you think appropriate.
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Ow, that Divine Metals formatting physically hurts to read

Also considering there are beings far more powerful than anything in the local Greek pantheon around, I think Pandora's Box should be less "seal anything" and more the canonical "unleash imps of misc. bad things".

Drawbacks: Scarlet Fever, Axis, [UNSOLICITED OPINIONS ON MANY-ANGLED ONES??], Mutated Stomach, Nerves Wrecked, To Love In Hell, Fool Me Twice (2300)

Sorceror, God (2000)

Sorcerous Schooling (Free)
Elder God Hybrid: Oshtur (1700)
Skyfather (1200)
Sorcerous Sight (Free)
By The Boldly Blinding Bolts of Balthakk (Free)
Domain: Magic, Stories (800)
Doctors Without Dimensions (600)
By The Hoary Fucking Hosts (400)
Sorceror Semi-Supreme (100)
An Old Friend: Elodie (0)
-God, Trickster
-Enthralling, Fool Me Once (Free)
-All-Black the Necrosword (400)
-The Greatest Trick (100)
-A Very Different Thing (0)
Spellbooks (Free)
Flames of Supremacy (Free)

I'll save an extended writeup for when the scenarios come out, since I imagine the build'll be reshuffled a bunch at that point. But to make a long story short:

1. Rescue Elodie from Hell before she takes it over

2. I've got to shoot down that GODDAMN magpie before it reaches Loki. It's awkward because I was his son from the original kalpa and he's keen on doing things his way, but maybe I can smooth things over as the "official" underhand of the All-Mother. Then I'll use the ol' Maldacena Paradox and the weapon formerly known as the Double Deity to scoop Old Loki's bits, so they can reincarnate into another Loki.

3. Find Molecule Man. Reverse engineer Molecule Man. Grow Molecule Men in big molecule vats and trouble shoot the worst of Asgard's problems so there's more folks willing and able to deal with the Incursion

4. Attempt relationship counselling with Thanos

5. Kick the Many-Angled Ones while they're down

THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE http://km-515.livejournal.com/1042.html
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Okay, what.

Does anyone know what causes spoilers to glitch out like that? I typed the brackets and slash correctly and only put them around the link at the bottom.

It's weird, last time I did this it worked fine.

Actually Marvel!Asgard is pretty egalitarian compared to Myth!Asgard; the seidr taboo isn't even a thing because seidr isn't a thing, they just look at Odin and go "Yep, there goes the ol' Odinforce pulling our collective ass out of the fire. Again. Is it Tuesday already?"

It's more a general we're-manly-viking-men-and-women thing than any specific prejudice, really. Well, that and Loki making a very bad rep for male sorcerors.

>the dread futility inherit in all things

...is your mother a cultist of the Outer Gods?

Nigga, your spoilers look fine...?
I can honestly tell you that I am currently detailing the replacement nervous system for a supersoldier project and it's starting to span multiple pages.

It absolutely applies to female jumpers.
He means he didn't mean to spoil everything just the bottom line I think
I dunno, man. How do I know you're him? Ever since a samefag killed my turtle, things just... haven't been the same.
Is this some Darth Vader-esque "he killed his former self by turning to the Dark Side"?
How long do you think it'll be until SB starts wanking the jumpable Marvel Magic? I give it... 7 hours.
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Can confirm >>53319552 actually, that's way too many spoilers

The turtle is literally after some peaches she's holding. You can see them in the bag in her arms.
How long do you think it'll be until shitposters start whining about shit that doesn't matter? I give it…

Damn. I was too late. The faggots are already inside. We didn't get the blast doors closed in time.
Grenade options? Can't have the sisters be running out of melta grenades!
You can see why somebody would be confused, right?
That turtle has 'sex offender' written all over it.

…Wait. Isn't it actually a tortoise, with that shell?
I would pay anything for a man-portable multi-melta.
I can see why, but the peaches are pretty obvious. There are even some on the ground, and in the booth behind her.

Also I have no idea. I've never been able to retain the knowledge of the difference between a turtle and a tortoise. People tell me, then the knowledge disappears into the either.
Yo, Cracker_Jack! You know what'd be nifty?

A crown import option for Flames of Regency, mang. Pls senpai?
Subtitlers failing us again, probably. Also peaches are a symbol of virginity in Japan
Can't you just, I don't know, set your old crown on fire with the Flames?
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I thought it's the feet webbing and shell shape? Like, tortoises have boxier shells and no webs between the feet, turtles have flat shells and webbing. Basically it's like pokemon evolutions where tortoises are Ground-types and turtles are either Water or Water/Ground (i.e. amphibious0
I suppose, but there's also the summoning/banishing aspect, as well as the minor aesthetic options that allow you to freely modify its position. I suppose it's not a huge concern, it's just a neat feature that you can be 100% certain will work.
>not having Belkan wingmen
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Alright, so this is it with the edits I agreed to.

>0cp perk for stuff
>Reduced the amount of cp companions get
>Companions can't become Living Saints I mean it wasn't worth it for them any way with only 600cp but... what evs
>Swapped Seraphim with Litany of hate.
>Probably some other things, but not too much of consequence I think.

I also want to do something a bit more with the companions section, maybe expand it so in exchange for that CP you get points to go towards building a 1000 point Sororitas army rather than "Here's your 40 sisters, go nuts." but I think the codex is overly focused on the Orders Militant, so doing this might mean I have to take some liberties.

Also considering adding scenarios with the various Ordos Inquisitors.

Will be added at a later date. The Phosphor 'nades the sisters use don't have to much information on them that I can find.

Was originally intended to be a part of the original jump, but I forgot the name of them. I tried heavy melta and a few other things. Will be coming.

Yo buddy, still alive?
Yep, that's what it is.
Turtles swim, tortoises crawl on land.
Turtles have webbed feet or even full-blown flippers, and tortoises have those stubby little peg legs.
>at CP you get points to go towards building a 1000 point Sororitas army rather than "Here's your 40 sisters, go nuts."
>Harem jumpers grow ever stronger
Why do you do this strike-chan? Don't you see that Harems are Heresy?
And of tits. And asses. And vaginas.

They're many purposed.
What's the best way to post my writefaggotry? Jut link a google drive or something and someone save it in the drive folder or what?
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Yeah, trying to stop Harem jumpers from being abusing a Sororitas jump is a battle I've already lost. I was considering putting a Chaos scenario in there so atleast the Heretics would be readily identifiable and we could all point and laugh at their pathetic Heresy.

Paste Bin is a popular choice.

Speaking of, would anyone be interested in reading my writefaggotry if I was to do some? So many jumps that my chain is based on have changed so I may as well start over. At some point it would just turn to me burning heretics though... Probably.
No need to post images relating to a banned jump, Timmy.
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Can Nisa-chan be made into a companion?
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Why do you have to hurt me anon?
I want to save her Strike-Chan.
Can Living saints do the whole throw holy fire at the heretics thing?

Why is there a time limit and cool down on living saint powers?
>companions becoming Living Saints

Apologies if this is retreading an old argument but Actually yeah, that seems fine to me too actually. I mean, it's all of their budget; as long as the mass import can't take advantage of it that's a fair trade to me

Because you touch yourself at night.
So... Apotheosis from DBZ = Godly Ki. Skyfather from Marvel Magic = Godly Mana. Essence and Mantra is pretty much "divine" already. I mean, what else is there? Godly DNA? Godly Soul? Those might already be covered, though. I guess being a Living Saint is the closest you'll get to "Divine Psionics".
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Well, I think she could fit into a scenario actaully. But it would have to be really symbolic and I don't think I'm emotionally prepared to write about a neglected sister put to the stake.

Bolter to Koroko was fine, it's cute, but I'm not ready to tear my heart out over this, which is what I'd need to do to include it.

Not by themselves, I should add something to the Relic power blade to add that effect though.

As for the second part, Living Saints do not remain on the battlefield for long and their appearances are few and far between. They only appear during the most dire of circumstances and disappear before the dust settles. I felt that these decisions better emulated this part of the lore, and a full week should be enough for you to deal with a prolonged battle.
That is awful, I will now wank that the top layer of that unlimited box of SoB minis is formed of sisters who were all saved at the last minute. Whisked away by the emperor and replaced by non SoB pewter scrap.

Where are those minies by the way?
So will anything else ever catch up to tech-based "Science" and Magic, or will the new Marvel jump just broaden the gap?
Divinity is overrated anyway, anon.
Build yourself up from scratch.
If anyone ever does a Marvel Cosmic jump, it may narrow depending on what's offered, but even if the top-tiers are available a single jump would still have to compete with a shit-ton of fiction that backs the others. Maybe Xianxia cultivation and other "chi-type" things if you don't count "mystical" things as magic, but there's still not as much support for them though some people will try to claim they don't need it.
So, I rolled Medaka Box for my next Jump. What do you guys suggest I do, I'm going to be running Messiah Complex (Must Help Others/Ultimate Good Samaritan) and Book Maker (OOC Powerlock). What do you guys on /JC suggest I do? I'll be posting my build soon-ish, but I just wanted to know what you guys would suggest me to do whilst I'm in that Jump.
"Divinity" is generally just power with some extra (variable) metaphysical potency/primacy. There's no sense in shunning a large portion of the options available to you out of pride. Most of those require you to "build yourself up" from near-scratch, anyway.
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Dang it my pic dropped again.
Depends. Are you a Minus, or are you purchasing Book Maker at full price?
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Neither! Also do you mean Real Eater??
>I'm going to be running Messiah Complex (Must Help Others/Ultimate Good Samaritan) and Book Maker (OOC Powerlock).
Whatever the fuck you want, I guess. It's just generic shonen Medaka fanfiction at that point. Not even self-insert because that drawback fucks with your personality. Just do as a Medaka-er would. I mean, there are, like, three people in that world who matter and you're not one of them.
Lord of Light. Get yourself a Godly Aspect.
>Godly DNA? Godly Soul?
I'd be very interested in getting those actually. My Jumper wants to become a goddess.
Does anyone know where I could acquire officially godly characteristics?
No, I meant Book Maker. Anyway, there's not really enough to tell you what to do without seeing the rest of your build. You could have purchased Athletic Prowess 8 times, for all we know. Probably just sit back and enjoy the ride? Tell someone you can trust your meta-knowledge? Even if you optimized, pretty much anything else that would have made you relevant is gone now, except for Flask Plan.
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Are Charisma Jumpers the most broken thing in the chain?

>Deal Maker (Disney Princess)
> Infernal Fiend Castle (Exalted: Infernals)
>A Golden Opportunity (Once Upon a Time)
>Fate Sphere contracts (Mage: The Awakening)
>Self-Geis Contract (Fate/Zero)
>Unbreakable Vows (Harry Potter)
>Dark Contract (Ravenloft)
>Pledges (Changeling)
>The Name of Life (Chihiro)
>Deal with the Devil+Spirited (Ghost Rider)
>Demigod of Styx (Greek Myth)
>One More Deal (Marvel Magic)

Get loads of charisma and social manipulation perks, such as Perfect Communication Skills (Worm) and Quicksilver Tongue (Marvel Magic), and get every luck perk possible. Call a demon via your local summoning service, or gods using Thoooooor! (Kung Fury), and try to convince them to 'loan' some of their powers to deal with whatever problem they currently have. Having Primordial Psychologist and Peer of Hell (Exalted: Infernals), High Priest Of The Elder Gods (Cthulhu Saves The World), Aniki (Umineko), Friends With the Devil (Overlord), among other similar perks to gain the trust of this entities might help.

Once you have done so, use Faustian Flip (DC Occult) or Angelic Scissors (Jack T Chick Tract) to break your own contracts and keep the profits using THE POWER IS JUMPER'S! (Marvel Magic). Then thanks to Pleasing to the Ebon Dragon (Exalted: Infernals) get away with saying that you're sorry for failing to do what task you convinced them to ask. Proceed to the next entity and repeat the process until you have scammed the entire multiverse for their powers.

Laugh as you leave the setting without anyone being able to do anything to stop you.
Are you asking for god origins? There are a bunch of those.
Uh, try not to die. Good luck. You'll need it.
>Wanting to be a multiversal scammer.
It's your life to do with as you please, but I prefer to be a little less conniving.
I also prefer science to magic, so maybe that has something to do with it.
Spiritual beings just can't be trusted.
Saints kind of feel weak to be honest, they are essentially Daemon Princes of the emperor right? Only a few of the boosted Capstones are particularly strong (those that are are admittedly really good) and what they get at base is somewhat lack luster compared to a canon living saint who are absolute terrors on the battle field. In the jump their only availible ability that directly improves their own personal abilities in combat against anything that isn't a demon is the Inviolable Aura, which is just durability.

I get that you have to cut some bits out, like the resurrective immortality, but this seem to be cutting out a great deal more and I don't really understand why. Would being a full on living saint need to be more expensive than you want the option? Are you uncomfortable with offering fully powered living saint abilities at all? Do you feel the need to tie the powers it provides into the capstones despite some of them not translating well into living saint abilities?

>I felt that these decisions better emulated this part of the lore
Really? Because it seems like a non canon limitation designed specifically to be annoying for the sake of being thematic despite not making sense at all, living saints aren't only around for a "short" time because they can't use their power for very long.

>a full week should be enough for you to deal with a prolonged battle.
No, not at all. Saint Celestine for example serves as a commander for a large chunk of the 13th Black Crusade and continues to serve actively after the fall of Cadia, without any cool down on her powers. Considering this is a war that involved Hive cities it lasted way longer than a week. A week isn't anywhere near long enough for the kinds of fights that go on in this hell hole of a setting!

Despite my complaints about this particular part of the jump I really like most of it, very well made.
Also, Marvel Magic or EMH, for Asgardian or some other kind of God species.
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Cool beans! Flask Plan is on the list. That thing is awesome, if horrific.

I do, in fact, have a plan! Ish... sorta... I think it might work.
Nigga, why you are asking us? I thought you were supposed to be the resident Medaka-geek or something?
I suppose it may not be as much of a coincidence as I thought it was, going Asgardian at every opportunity and incidentally boosting my abilities with fire as much as possible.
Eh, it feels kind of pointless. Yeah, it's great for versatility, but there comes a point where you can pretty much do anything already, or where a lack of focus has made you weak. Sounds somewhat boring, desu, and it almost seems like too much effort for something you could have done on your own. But if that's how you wanna roll, go ahead and do it. But fucking own it, man!

Desu, it's just not my favorite archetype. I prefer "Trickster" over "Con-man".
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I was asking what you wanted to see. Other than a /lot/ of Wiki Diving, a few episodes to get a feel for the Jump, and one thought experiment into the nature of the rules of the Medaka Box Jump my experience isn't the greatest. I don't know where the whole Gaunlet Medaka Otaku thing came from, heck I got told a few threads ago because the wiki wasn't clear enough about a particular power.
well, at least now we know how Draigo does what he does. Nisa-chan protects.
Thanks! Lord of Light seems pretty awesome but I don't get it at all.
Most of them are "little gods" or not-quite-gods though. I'm looking for truly impressive awe-inspiring and undeniably divine nature.
But what would you even do with that many powers? You'd long since shore up your weaknesses and become able to do whatever you wanted... So just loan them out and watch the carnage/as hapless mortals try to figure out the intricacies of web-shotting?
You have Danmanchi, Sburb, Marvel Magic, Lord of Light, The God of the High School, Kung Fury, Superman TAS, Kamigawa

And probably others
Well, Greek Myth and Percy Jackson offer Godly power, but only partially-divine heritage. Though with other god origins you could achieve the nature. Also, Valkyrie Profile and Viking Saga have clearly-divine options. Smite... Man I don't even fucking know. It's a weird jump.
>But what would you even do with that many powers?

Make a CYOA over the internet with them and start giving them away
But that would heavily influence the worlds they're stolen from, senpai! They would no longer resemble canon!
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I see nothing wrong with that
Kinda makes you wonder just how deep that particular rabbit-hole goes...
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Anyway here's my current build.

Medaka Box Jump 107:
CP: 1000
Messiah Complex [+200]
Book Maker [+400]
Origin: Abnormal
Parasite Seeing [-150]
Remodeling [-300]
Screws [-150]
Flask Experiment Plans [-500]

Companion Import [-500]
Ranma (Drop-In) [400]
Label [-400]

Alice (Abnormal)
Parasite Seeing [-150]
Lip Service [-250]

Roselyn (Drop-In)
Devil Style [-200]
Unknown Hero [-200]

Sabo (Drop-in)
Wordplay [-400]

Asagi (Drop-In) [400]
Athletic Prowess (Shooting) [-100]
Parasite Seeing [-300]

Misaka (WORST) Mikoto (Abnoral) [400]
Parasite Seeing [-150]
Unknown Hero [-200]
Suggestion Box [-50]

Yumi (Minus) [500]
Real Eater [-500]

How does it look? I do have a plan! I swear it might work!
>It's another episode of the Jumper created themselves
Although considering we have some 'paradoxical' perks, it wouldn't be that surprising.

>You failed your highness... I am a Jump-chan, like my Patron before me.
A brief criticism of each of the boosted capstones

>The Unforgiving Blade
This one is pretty cool.

>Soul Storm
This is nice, also just a description of what would likely happen to a daemon near a living saint who overflows with the Emperor's light. Not much of a bonus when it is something you could reasonably assume to happen anyway.

>Voice of the Emperor
This is once again something you would just expect to happen when a loyal Imperial hears a living saint talk, a living saint could say anything and have most imperials just accept it as gospel regardless of any perk.

>Mental Fortress
If this ever comes into play for a living saint the battle has been lost already, any enemy capable of affecting a living saint's mind (someone brimming with the power of the Emperor) with the warp has probably already mind fucked the entire planet. Having it extend to allies is a bit more useful but just having one around would be enough of a morale boost for them to put up a decent fight in most cases just though willpower.

>Divine Ministration
Anyone who does not immediately realize who a woman glowing with golden light and wearing power armor represents desperately needs a bolt round to the head, it would legitimately be doing them a favor.

>His Divine Mercy
This one is very good, perhaps too good and has the potential of creating Perpetuals. But still really good.

>Both Divine Soprano and Arbiter
These two are both interesting and thematic, their usefulness is rather suspect but they are appropriate.
Did brutus sort the drive or did someone delete everything?
Everything looks fine to me.
No, I more meant, "How far back does the Jumper>Benefactor chain go?"
So be it, Jump-Chan.
Uploads is solidly empty here. Otherwise it looks good.
He sorted the stuff from Uploads.
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Drawbacks: Not Your First Crusade, Voices of Chaos, The Black Stain, Empire At War (1600)

Drop-In, Orders Militant (1500)

The Corpse-Emperor Protects (Free)
Basic Training (Free)
Sanctioned Xeno (1450)
Litany of Hate (Free)
Rotation With The Commisariat (Free)
The Emperor's Gaze (1400)
The Unforgiving Blade (1250)
Soul Storm (1100)
Living Saint (700)
Divine Soprano (400)
Inquiry (300)
His Divine Mercy (0)
Shield Robes (Free)
Sororitas Power Armour (Free)
Golden Relic Sororitas Power Armour (Free)
Godwyn-De'az Pattern Bolter (Free)
Relic Power Sword (Free)
Sarissa (Free)
Chaplet Ecclesiasticus (Free)
Ring of Suffrage (Free)
Devotional Tattoo (Free)
Reliquary Filled With Miniatures (Free)

I do not fit well into armour designed for women. My Fetich, however, does. The unearthly aura she radiates is put down to her sainthood, as is the private audience the Emperor requested of her.

The actual conversation happens in the psychic barrier we built together. It's been aeons since the bastard cheated me out of a deal made in good faith, and slightly less that since the reunited Necron empire and Ynnead's theocracy have forged a defence pact with the Imperium.

There is /significantly/ less tension between us, now I no longer have an interest in suppressing humanity. Well, relatively.

>Is that...YOU?
>Yes, yes, get it over with
>Well, you're looking more heretical than usual today. Who let YOU into my service?
>The nice lady was handing out vouchers, and the healthcare plans sounded nice. Also technically? What you're addressing is one of my vital organs
>So you're telling me that deep down, you've always had a soft, feminine heart?
>Oh my superstitious-contrivances-of-religion, that explains so much

There's no subversiveness with what he asks for this time. He just wants better flamers for the Sisters. Homing Flamers that can scorch a moon from a planet, endlessly fueled by Primordial embers that heal the faithful.

I NEED to save Nisa-Chan!

>It's been a long siege.
>The remaining defenders are few, wounded and exhausted.
>There is little hope.
>The Emperor Protects, those who remain are faithful and steadfast.
>At least you will fight to the bitter end, side by side with your sisters.
>You will die smiling, knowing that you fulfilled your duty to the end.
>Your Faith Is Strong. The light of your faith is untarnished by the flames and horrors of war. It shall guide you to the Emperor's side when your time comes.
>You pray.
>Yet your prayer is interrupted. Your Sister, Maria-Kun comes up to you and asks you to accompany her to the walls.
>As you come closer to your goal you start hearing a faint noise.
>As you come closer and closer it becomes louder and louder.
>When the view of the surroundings of your fortress is revealed to you it stops for a moment and resumes.
>What you see disturbs you greatly.
>Some guy, cloaked in the Emperor's divine power is punching daemons in the dicks, from which they explode.
>He is screeching terribly and unceasingly.
>Though you are fairly sertain that you are saved, your feelings are uncertain.
>While you contemplate your confusing feelings the guy stops screeching for a moment to take a breath.
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He politely pretends to be senile while I eye the Choir that abandoned my services. Any doubt about their xeno diplomantic missions has been abolished now they're leading the fight against Guiliman's heresy.

I'm...I'm happy for them. No really, separation is worth it if their calling is their homestead. Both Elodie and my Fetich still encourage me to at least say hello. For now, perhaps a little distance is appropriate while I'm still acting by proxy.

Anyway, after some inestigation we discover Yvraine is currently spreading the good word of Ynnead on a Maiden World somewhere else-and the Witch is actually a Slaaneshi race traitor in deep cover. Isha confirms said Witch is also regularly in contact with Miriael. With her assistance, the Emperor promptly manifests, smites the heretics and grounds the spiritual liege for talking to strange elves.

Years of public appearances, politics and general purification later, it's purgin' time. Weaving four Destinies of doom, I and the Emperor storm the Warp. As he focuses on primitive melee psychic skullbashing, I shout Red and Black Truth Correspondence supernovas like a cosmic hype man, incinerating armies of pleading daemons.

And one by one, the Chaos Gods evaporate. Daemons still roil in the Warp-but they flee, for the Emperor protects-and I protect the Emperor's protection.

Kid loki please stay and stay stay

As a self-made god I take offence to that.

A lot. I mean, what a god actually is really depends from setting to setting. For example the mythological Olympians are somehow different from the Titans despite being literally descended from them.

There's one important thing to remember about Marvel gods: I'm not sure about the others, but the Asgardians at least are sort of living narratives as well as flesh-and-blood. What this mostly means is that they tend to have certain trends their destiny encourages them to take, like Thor's heroism or Loki's mischief.
>Kung Fury

Pretty sure the norse gods there are just big guys

>God of Highschool

Aren't they more or less just refluffed DBZ characters?


What can New Gods do that's reasonably godly?
>What can New Gods do that's reasonably godly?

if memory serves darkseid is a new God technically
I'm pretty sure he's pretty exceptional even by New God standards. Otherwise the others would be more relevant.
Friendly reminder that Odin was shown the fuck up by a non-Elder God hybrid, novice, cancerous wielder of Mjolnir. And Mjolnir itself.
Aren't Olympians in Marvel pretty much Asgardians except they don't age?
I think it's more that they're pulling from the same source material.
It's a bit silly to assume there won't be repercussions for all that. Pleasing to the Ebon Dragon specifically only works on punishment, but it would make perfect sense for any other extremely strong entities to kill you purely out of self preservation, and to do so before you have the chance to speak, given that letting a known trickster god type try to strike a deal is basically letting the enemy get his first swing at you.
you know one of the things that's keeping his attention away from Earth is the war between apocalypse and new Genesis, right?
...Senpai why do you hurt me so? That wasn't friendly at all.

Google drive would be best, handles formatting well enough, and it's easy to drop in the writefag section.
>Pretty sure the norse gods there are just big guys
Nah, they have magic and Thor could open portals in time.

>Aren't they more or less just refluffed DBZ characters?
Gods in that series had pretty impressive abilities, including the Taboo.

>I'm pretty sure he's pretty exceptional even by New God standards
They have pretty good magics and technology. To the point that Darkseid does not want to mess with them during all of Superman TAS and most of JL (until he is resurrected and receives a Brainiac-boost).

Still, what are you looking in a god to discard the those three but not things like Kamigawa when they are clearly inferior?
Thank you!!
I'm sorry, could you repeat that? I couldn't hear you over all that [MISOGYNISTIC FILTH] you were spewing.
>writefag section
Is this 2014 again?
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I checked out the page out of curiosity. In all fairness it seemed to be a mix of a) the HAMMER itself suddenly going all girl power, and b) Jane doing some superficial damage that literally amounted to just a flesh wound, before he decided there was no point to the fight. Rather than Jane herself being straight up better.

I mean, it's BAD but. It's not Beyonders-stomp-ever-cosmic-abstract-ever levels of getting Yamcha'd, it's just Jane somehow having all the good coincidences for some reason.

Reminder that this all happened because Nick Fury couldn't keep his fat, prophetic mouth shut.

Around seers, watch you...ears?
Please be aware that while I consider it jumpable it's not done.
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Nisa-Chan Scenario WHEN?
Could you please answer >>53320355 and >>53320631 ?
Did someone... do something to his face?
There's a lot to go through there. I'm working on it. Short answer is I'm pretty solid in my convictions on the matter though.
Yeah, wrong picture.
It's from those threads... Comissar, why x is no y?
Okay, short answer, depictions in the lore are kind of hard to quantify, where as depictions in the games, specifically the Sororitas Codex. So in saying that if you feel that the base upgrade could do anything let me know.

>I get that you have to cut some bits out, like the resurrective immortality,
No kidding. You can't have Inviolable Aura.

>Would being a full on living saint need to be more expensive than you want the option?
Possibly, it depends on what you think needs to be added

>Do you feel the need to tie the powers it provides into the capstones despite some of them not translating well into living saint abilities?
I feel they translate into them fine.

>No, not at all. Saint Celestine
I feel like the Saint of Saints in a story that Ward probably had his fingers in isn't a good base line for the abilities of a Living Saint.

>Soul Storm
In depictions balanced for game play a Living Saint doesn't have this. In the lore they can release waves of psychic energy that hurts abominations. This is a persistent field.

>Voice of the Emperor
On devout Imperial Citizens, sure they might be awed at the sight of you and listen to what you say, but they won't have an internalised understanding of exactly what you mean. Think about how the Emperor's philosophy has been bastardised in his presence, simply because people have, willfully or unwillfully miss interpreted his word. With this perk they simply can't.

>Mental Fortress
I'm fine making psyker immunity baseline for the saint and making the projection of this protection on allies it's booster.

>Divine Ministration
You're probably right in the context of 40k, I'm not so sure elsewhere though. I'll see if I can come up with a way to expand this.

>His Divine Mercy
Well, there is an upper cap

So in summary, if you think there abilities I can add to the living saint base line, let me know and I'll consider it. Mental Fortress can be easily adjusted, Divine Ministration is a bit sparse as it is so I don't mind buffing it, again suggestions are welcome.

Oh, and I'll add that I'm open to removing the cool down, though I felt it did fit the theme and created opportunities for baddassedry. I feel there is an issue with just hanging out as a Living Saint too.
So do I just put it in the submission section, email someone or what? Is there a way I can create a link that'll go to my google drive so I can add more writefag stuff to it when ready and people can browse my work?
It's not worth it, some wanker keeps deleting the stuff people put in the writefaggotry folder.
>You can't have Inviolable Aura.
Isn't that the source of a Living Saint's ability to withstand damage?
Where am I supposed to be put my writefaggotry so I can whore for attention then? Shitpost a google drive link until it gets into the OP?
True, what the fuck am I thinking of?
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Who knows, if you don't?
Captain Nazism can wield Mjolnir.
Nazis clearly worthy to wield it, Thor Btfo.
Sweet, sweet heresy.
There are two things with that name which both relate to living saints, one is the power that protects them from harm and the other is a ritual that renders a living saint's allies invulnerable as long as the shrines used in it remain intact.
There is also something about Living Saints resurrecting on the field. Anyway, what ever that's called, you can't have it. If I gave you self resurrection I'd get skinned alive.
It only works post-Chain. Or only once per jump. The standard stuff?
Other jumps give self rez with chain limits.

Famulous getting a bloodline blessing and eugenics/matchmaking skills would be appropriate - they're not the most subtle Dune reference around.
>Possibly, it depends on what you think needs to be added
One would be things like the burst of energy that harms abominations, another would be something that mentions the rituals that can be done with the aid of a living saint.

No you wouldn't. You've already put a time cap and harsh recovery period on LS power (making non-combat use foolhardy), so it's hardly an absolute defence. Just make it cut the duration down or make the recovery harder.

Though I'd rather the LS abilities just be more interesting and not have the time cap. They just feel like game abilities you toggle on at the moment.

The battlefield buffs could have a passive effect that makes those living nearby gain minor blessings of the same sort - icons being a bit stronger, faithful prayers improving health and energy.
alright, so

>Living saints have an Inviolable Aura that allows them to take punishment that rivals a daemon prince, they take to the skies with golden wings, are immune to the corruptive influences of chaos, can periodically summon a Soul Storm and they inspire all those loyal Imperial subjects that witness them.

So you can summon a soul storm occasionally in combat by default

>The power they wield is taxing, and eventually their form will evaporate. You can summon the power for a short time when not under threat, when you must give a follower a prophetic vision or make a point to an authority. In the face of the Emperor's foes however, you will be able to maintain your form until victory is certain.

I think this is a fair compromise with the lore

>All Living Saints can summon a blast of energy from the Astronomican periodically, but you're connection to it is like an open door. The power of the Emperor's holy light burns continuously through your body forcing lesser daemons and abominations to retreat from you or be burned to death by His divine light. Any daemon able to survive your presence will still suffer excruciating pain.

Adjustments to the Soul Storm buff

>Of all the children of the Emperor, Living Saints are the closest to him. The tendrils of chaos cannot penetrate the absolute territory of a Living Saint's mind. This power can now be extended to all those in your entourage, no matter how many they may be in number.

Mental Fortress

I think this might address some of your comments. Lemme know.
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So I know this question is coming out of nowhere, but I want to ask about a perk in the recent Yuki Yuna jump.

What is the benefit of using the Sea of Trees perk? Like, most of the time perks like that are supposed to be used to prevent collateral damage, and it even mentions that it's supposed to protect living things. However, it also mentions that damaged caused to the barrier during the fight will be cause disasters in the surrounding area once the barrier drops, with the example given mentioning a car crash the kills several people. If damage done to the surrounding area still happens through different means, doesn't that make the whole thing a wash?

So is the purposed of the perk to prevent collateral damage? Are the disasters it causes less destructive than it would have been to not use the perk at all? Or am I just looking really stupid right now and the obvious intent of the perk is to use it for something completely different?
Oh, Kinda implied with best path forward. I can make it more explicit if you want/
>Divine Ministration

So, about the drawbacks... Does the Flagellation have to hurt/be done with a whip? I don't think I've got any whips that can hurt me through my durability, but I could force myself to feel pain with a thought?

I assume Sister Repentia forces you to join them, but the drawback doesn't state that. Only what the Repentia are.

Does the Black Stain give Miriael any additional capability to deal with the full breadth of my capabilities she knows I have?
I did the drawbacks at 1 am so they might be a little incoherent.

>Does the Flagellation have to hurt/be done with a whip?

Don't see why you can't use something else

>I assume Sister Repentia forces you to join them, but the drawback doesn't state that. Only what the Repentia are.

I blame insomnia

>Does the Black Stain give Miriael any additional capability to deal with the full breadth of my capabilities she knows I have?

I dare not consider what counters Slannesh has in store for you.

Sounds good.

Also, particularly in the books, saints come with pretty intense omen effects - spontaneous pious visions, jaded priests rediscovering faith, corrupt ones catching fire during a sermon, two-headed eagles being born, falling bottles not breaking (or not falling) - the attendant side effects of being a locus of Imperial warp sorcery would be pretty neat to have.


It isn't really implied without a very generous reading.
>I dare not consider what counters Slannesh has in store for you.

What if we already killed Slannesh in an earlier jump?
Then you have to worry about Slaanesh.

Or maybe if Slaanesh is dead she takes on the mantle of She Who Thirsts
Fair enough, thanks.

Also, the Devotional Tattoo item... How crazy can I go with this? Covering myself in electoos seems... interesting.
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How exactly does Magic work in Highschool DxD? Would being good at practical mathematics help?
Yes. Most supernatural beings use an instinctive magic system, but knowing what they're doing on a theoretical level helps. And humans are entirely formula-based magic.
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Hail Hydra!
Adjustment to Divine Ministration, who does that jive?

>As a Living Saint will be no question in anyone's mind of the power you represent. Only those who service other gods will be able to resist the divine revelations the mere sight of you triggers. But translating your deeds and actions into a believable story, digestible by the masses will be difficult. With this accounts of your deeds will spread far and wide, third or fourth hand accounts will be just as believable as the first. Your story will form part of the foundation of the Imperial Creed and inspire unfathomable quantities of Imperial citizens to great feats.

>The sisters of the Orders Famulous are well respected advisors simply because much time and effort is spent learning power politics, economics and genetics before they are posted in the courts. The knowledge they learn in their training allows them to advise their masters soundly and guide them, subtly or unsubtly, to their desired outcome through diplomacy, politics and sometimes the dirty game of match making. You have an understanding of politics, economics and genealogy unique to the sisterhood and the ability to apply it successfully to guide your charges towards your desired outcomes, overtly or covertly.

how' 'at?

also those minor things sound rad, I'll add them.

Nothing degenerate or heretical, but if you wanted to turn yourself into a walking cathedral I don't see the tattooist having an issue with it.
The better you are at math the better you can push the limits of magic.
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Say. In Marvel Magic, if you go with Domain: Memes. Then go Trickster origin, pick up All-Black the Necrosword. Could you be Kek?

Would you be responsible for creating dank memes among the universe? Causing chaos, just for the LULs?
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There was a Yuki Yuna jump? Uh..

>like, 15 minutes later

Sea of Trees: If I'm reading it right, the idea is you can evacuate people and things while it's up, so they don't get mushed by the damage when you stop sustaining it.

Also build:

Drawbacks: The Virus, Whip You All Into Shape, Lost My Senses: Touch, Kept In By The Taisha (1800)

Scenario: The Day the Vertexes Came (Hero System)

Drop-In, age 16

Leap Across Kilometers in a Single Bound (Free)
Mankai Form (Free)
The Sealing Ritual (Free)
Udon Cook (Free)
Puppet Master (Free)
Subversive Anomaly (1700)
If You're Troubled, Talk To Someone (1600)
I'm A God Now (1400)
See of Trees (1200)
The Sealing Ritual (900)
Trump Card: Rama (600)
Faery (Free)
Untapped Phone (Free)
Udon Restaurant (500)
Pet Stardust (200)
Hero Club (0)
-Elodie: Upperclassman, It's Okay (Free), You're Likely To Succeed If You Try (Free), The Spark That Lights The Flames Of Others (300), Trump Card: Durga (0)
-Sunny: Spunky Hero, You're (Not) Hopeless (Free), Give People A Good Greeting! (Free), HERO PUNCH! (300), Trump Card: Kali (0)

It's been a trying couple of decades. Even my daughter has had her fill of battle sated. So let's give peace a chance.

As a fellow Aerialdad, I make decent headway after pointing out the Vertexes aren't even focusing on the right target. Wait, what d'you mean the virus is mutating the Vertexes out of control?

Alright, so-now my companions and I have to go around herding these vertexes like unruly cattle. So they can be decontaminated and domesticated.

In the meantime, we're going with plan B: Flex my Atmospherepapa energy, and work with Taisha to ensure some of the locals b̡́e̴̕͠c̡͠o̴̧͢͠m͘͜͜͝e͝ ̵̢̡̨a̢̕s̕͜ ̡̀g̷̀̀o̶͜͝d̵̷̢̛s͟


Looks good.



The sword doesn't have anything to do with memes.

The sword just kills.
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Can you companion her in Marvel Magic?
>Spider Gwen

What's with all the Gwenshilling anyway?
Gwenthor when
>not Captain Gwen, Agent of HYDRA
>not Gwenmammu final villain
>Not Gwenyonder, the Cosmic Gwen
Gwenpool isn't related to the SpiderGwen. This is literally Gwen Poole, she comes from a dimension not unlike our own where Marvel stuff is comicbooks. So she exploits the knowledge she has. She also was/is under impression that because its a comicbook stuff has no consequence.

Eventually she killed MODOK's top agent, by accident. He then strongarms her into working for him.
Gwenper adventures when?
>further implications
>Not Doctor Gwen, Sorceress Supreme
You are really dense
>Not The Ancient Gwen


>Not Gwenphisto, current owner of Peter Parker's marriage
>No one suggesting The Gwenderman
>suggesting old and busted creepypastas that aren't even creepy anymore
Don't talk sass to be Gwenon.
Dare you enter my Magical Gwenalm?

>One More Day was Gwenphisto's attempt to get Peter to marry her instead of that hussy Mary Jane.
>Peter Parker not Gweter Parker & Gwenary Jane.
Fuck it, everyone and everything is Gwen. Yes, even you Jumper!
One of the worst boards on the site. Kys robot.
Gwenchain GYOA when?
Did you see >>53315829? Given that we get 1000 to build our army, setting up a minor order is extra attractive now.
>I also want to do something a bit more with the companions section, maybe expand it so in exchange for that CP you get points to go towards building a 1000 point Sororitas army rather than "Here's your 40 sisters, go nuts." but I think the codex is overly focused on the Orders Militant, so doing this might mean I have to take some liberties.

This is your best jump yet strike-chan so please do
>Perk: Gwentastic (100 GP, free Gwen)
>Item: Gwen Pod (400 GP, discount Gwen)
>Companion: Gwen (2 free Gwen)
>Drawbacks: Gwenless (forfeits all GP)

>to this day, readers are still debating the controversial ending in which Gwenos and Gwen Daughter of Gwens teamed up out of "Gwen solidarity" in order to erase all Mary Janes from the multiverse, retroactively and metafictionally, which was presented as the objective best thing that could ever happen
Can Return be used on multiple settings?
No. Its a one time use.
What do you mean by limits? My magical capacity or versatility? Something else entirely?
You think if I used Oathkeeper along with Class Card Creation that they would have the effects of Class Card Heart themselves?
What do you mean by source?

There are some minor mentions of them in the Sororitas Codex and the Dark Heresy books. Is that what you're talking about?
Yeah, something to read so that I've got an idea of how to set them up and how they'd interact with major orders and the like.
Don't think so, bit too different
Sororitas Codex and Dark Heresy books.

If you can't find those 40k Lexicantum and the wiki should have some information.
If Mardukth's out there-I remember you said something about an Infernals update? Exactly what's getting update again?

Ever since that F/SN revamp I'm still trying to figure out the full extent of what's changed since. That really, really silly idea I had to justify almost a 5th of the Reclaimation being oath'd temporarily might just work...
I don't have the Sororitas Codex but I do have the DH books. Should I start with the Core book or the Book of Martyrs?

BoM would be the better choice - Sisters aren't even in the 1e core book.

Faith and Coin also had a lot of relevant detail.
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>If Mardukth's out there-I remember you said something about an Infernals update? Exactly what's getting update again?
Yeah, I'm working on that. Very, very slowly.

Anyway... There's finishing the Lexicon, and adding Scenarios. I'm thinking of adding Cytherea perks and manse, maybe. As well as a couple of additional items, to be able to fold the existing 200cps under the background discounts. Having the higher Circles of Sorcery be purchasable for people who don't want to go through the effort. Some clarifications of awkward wording, expanding the Prayer Strips item to make it a bit better, possibly looking at companion pricing again, possibly letting bondmates share companion slots... I think that's most of it, but I'm probably forgetting something.

>That really, really silly idea I had to justify almost a 5th of the Reclaimation being oath'd temporarily might just work...
Oh? What's that then?
Book of Martyrs has some stuff I think, so does the Inquisitors Hand book. They aren't in the core book at all.

You won't find much though. Orders minors normally number from 10 sisters maintaining a vigil over an old outpost with some relic in it to 1000 on a holy crusade. They might also develop their own rituals around a particular Saint. How the other orders will interact with them depends on the reasons behind their split. Like a group on a holy crusade might be envied or idolised, while a group exiled for some shame might be shunned.

They are a little vague on these points so you can fill in the blanks when creating your army, though as you look through you might find some short sentences about specific examples. There is a hospitalia group that I remember that are feared because they specialise in palliative care and disposal of remains.
>Bondmates share slots
Just no. Don't get into that.
Anyone know what happened with The Old Kingdom jump?

Buying Orphaned Cub of the Devil-Tiger for all of them, then passing off the DT-concept as one of Oramus' innovations for less controversy. Combining Temple of Thought and Primordial Psychologist in order to translate Sun-Heart Furnace Soul, A Prince for the Queen and Two Hearts As One through both their own charms and the inchoate DT's charms. Finally, using Dual Art, Ensoul, the Cup of Life and Full Circle to incarnate the inchoate DT as a pseudo-fetich 3CD of the Infernal

Boom, the Reclaimation now sorta has 58 members

Finished last I heard? Is it not on the drive?
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Hey, Cracker_Jack... Few questions about Marvel Magic.

Can we import a weapon for Worthy Weapon, or import a crown for the Flames of Regency and Crown of Allurement?

Also, does the Worthy Weapon granting the benefits of Elder God Hybrid do anything if you've already bought that as a perk?

And if you god of magic with Domain, combined with Skyfather (and possibly Elder God Hybrid), would there be much point to buying Sorcerous Schooling?
All of the above?
I still feel like the prices could be doubled, or at least increased by 3/2, and it'd still be a good jump. As is, it's not difficult at all to decide what I'm going to spend CP on, because I can afford everything I want.
He's made his decision, we've had two threads now arguing it, just leave it be anon.
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>Udon Restaurant (500)
>Pet Stardust (200)

There's a problem or two with this build. The pet Stardust should only cost 200, no 300 CP if it's discounted because it's full price is 400 CP.

And I haven't really posted it yet but if you get a Trump Card you can get more via training.
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Drawbacks: The Virus, Whip You All Into Shape, Kept In By The Taisha (1700)

Scenario: The Day the Vertexes Came (Hero System)

Drop-In, age 16

Leap Across Kilometers in a Single Bound (Free)
Mankai Form (Free)
The Sealing Ritual (Free)
Udon Cook (Free)
Puppet Master (Free)
Subversive Anomaly (1600)
If You're Troubled, Talk To Someone (1500)
I'm A God Now (1300)
See of Trees (1100)
The Sealing Ritual (800)
Trump Card: Rama (500)
Faery (Free)
Untapped Phone (Free)
Udon Restaurant (400)
Pet Stardust (200)
Hero Club (0)
-Elodie: Upperclassman, It's Okay (Free), You're Likely To Succeed If You Try (Free), The Spark That Lights The Flames Of Others (300), Trump Card: Durga (0)
-Sunny: Spunky Hero, You're (Not) Hopeless (Free), Give People A Good Greeting! (Free), HERO PUNCH! (300), Trump Card: Kali (0)

>get more via training

Uh...how does that work? I was under the impression they were created by the tree's magic or your magic if you get it from the scenario
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When I wrote the perk, my intention was that it would be used to make an environment where you could hide plus jump around in. An environment that benefitted you, in a way. Kind of like Territory Creation from Fate?

Also, the disasters it causes are a lot less destructive. When the Vertex wreck a huge portion of the trees, it only causes a car accident that kills a few people as opposed to letting them completely wreck the town.

also what >>53321895 said
Well, it's not entirely clear how you get more in the light novel, to be honest. I just figured it was through training that you got more because that was developing your power and unlocking more, like you're refining your own ability to use it, if that makes sense?
...do you mean abilities, or more Trump Cards?
>What this mostly means is that they tend to have certain trends their destiny encourages them to take, like Thor's heroism or Loki's mischief.
Yeah, but it's also canonically possible for them overcome this just by gaining a more human perspective on things. It's part of why Odin made Thor mortal to begin with – by learning to think as mortals did and becoming resistant to his own destiny, he was able fuck things up enough to destroy the Ragnarok cycle. It's also why Loki's plan for changing from the god of lies and evil into an actual Trickster involved reincarnating as a mortal. So I figured that most Jumpers had different enough perspectives, even without factoring in perks, that it wouldn't be a big deal for them.
If you're a Psyker, will Living Saint powers interact with your Psyker powers in any way?
Big E remembers you from that other time, and since you're extra holy that means you get to sit in his lap
. . . will there be headpats?

I would actually pay cp for that.
Headpats for days.
More Trump Cards, like in the light novel.
>every other Sister burning with inconsolable envy as Jumper bounces up and down on a bony, gold-clad leg
Can we get a +0 option to have this take place in the TTS world? If we can't have a TTS jump then I'd like for 40k jumps to start including those.
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What if the emperor had a text to speech device, presumably. At least Text To Speech is what shows up when you google TTS.
What's wrong with TTS?
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Okay, here's the jump I've been working on for the Magical Pokemon Journey jump. I'm interested to hear what people have to say about it.

Oh, and FYI, I chatted with Quicksilver and he gave me the go-ahead with this.
Oh. Yeah. That's what I meant. I assumed they'd know what it was.

If you haven't seen it before, I'd recommend you check it out Strike.
>Can we get a +0 option to have this take place in the TTS world?
Neck yourself
Oh, yeah... um, how would you propose that would work? The Emperor just has a voice emulator and can comment on the state of the Imperium?

No, I've seen it. I'm just down with all the hip slang the urban youth are using these days.
Looking pretty interesting. I like it.
It's a retarded gag

TTS is meme fodder only, ignore them.
Just say it takes place in the same world. A lot of people act differently from canon and everything, so there's more to it than just Emps having a robot voice.
>It's a retarded gag
So is Jumpchain.
So is Living Saint fiat locked to prevent you from keeping it active longer or recovering faster?
>n-no u
I had no idea this was a thing, but I'm reading it now, Mr. Warrior.

La vie aussie.
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Anyone got any good ideas for Domains in Marvel Magic? Wonder if Domain of summoning or Swords would be viable?
It's not going to be locked in the next update, but it will be contextual.

Current verison of the fluff

The highest honour that a sister of the Adeptus Sororitas can be granted, ascension to saint hood by the Emperor himself. In order to become one a sister must be equal in measure of all humanities traits. Equal parts innocent, pure, incorruptible, forgiving, vigilant, kind, compassionate, charitable, selfless, modest, heroic, brave and reasonable, able to dole out mercy to the weak and be merciless to the guilty. Living saints have an Inviolable Aura that allows them to take punishment that rivals a daemon prince, they take to the skies with golden wings, are immune to the corruptive influences of chaos, can periodically summon a Soul Storm and they inspire all those loyal Imperial subjects that witness them. Your very presence will have an effect on the world too, those good men in trusted positions of the Ecclesiarchy will have revelations that reaffirm their faith while the corrupt will be set aflame, glasses tainted with poison will burst while those dropped by the awe struck masses will land on their ends with the drink completely intact, Vermin will be expelled from any establishment you step your foot in while rare and exotic birds, including one which all shall take note of looking identical to the Imperial Aquila. The power they wield is taxing, and eventually their form will evaporate. You can summon the power for a short time when not under threat, when you must give a follower a prophetic vision or make a point to an authority. In the face of the Emperor's foes however, you will be able to maintain your form until victory is certain.
As some offshoot god / patron of magic? I can see that. It'd be less traditional god and more weird Dr. Strange'esq patron.

Doesn't really make sense to me given the Marvel universe.
Well, it says that domains are affected by their breadth, so having one highly specific domain seems to be an intended consequence. Though, the god of "You come when I call you" seems a bit weird. Sword-god of swords might be cool though.
Titlet go and stay go. Mr. Torgue can stay.
I have to admit-the ones I picked aside, I was awfully tempted by sunlight and perfection.

I dunno, I can kinda see a god of THE Sword working given how iconic Mjonir is to Thor. Like this one guy who's merely average-tier by god standards with the other weapons, but give him a sword and watch him make that hunk of metal /dance/ through things.
Perfection seems like it would give you OCD or something to make everything else perfect.
>Like this one guy who's merely average-tier by god standards with the other weapons, but give him a sword and watch him make that hunk of metal /dance/ through things.
Meh. You do you, but it seems more weeb than Marvel.
"Conveniently" read: WAKE ME UP INSIDE, my Charms already enforce that kind of behavior many, many times over. I've tried sharpening my Warehouse key with my fire-teeth because /it's not holy enough/

To each their own, I'm just saying when push comes to shove a lot of fights in Marvel do boil down to a bunch of guys hitting each other. Tyr's god of War thing already lets him forge a sword out of his soul poking from the stump where his hand was, so I can imagine a god of The Sword having sparky sword-energy whizzing around said sword, or boomeranging the blade through an army like a less powerful but more precise and agile Mjolnir.

Also just picking up God of Thunder and /jesus/, don't wanna meet the God of Sword armed with All-Black the Necrosword in a dark alley
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Shadrak go and stay go.
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Probably as some type of magic deity. Like how Kelda is a different flavor of storm god than Thor and Ares is different from Asgardian war gods.

Swords seems fine. There's a god of bombs after all.

>I'm just saying when push comes to shove a lot of fights in Marvel do boil down to a bunch of guys hitting each other.
Well. You're not wrong. Even a lot of Strange's fights boil down to kung fu.

>Also just picking up God of Thunder and /jesus/, don't wanna meet the God of Sword armed with All-Black the Necrosword in a dark alley
Yeah, probably wouldn't be fun.
This is just pokemon: comfy edition.
It's perfect
You know, I was thinking about this and it made me wonder; it there any way in jumpchain to cultivate partial heritage into full divinity? Because I feel like there should be a means somewhere.
So can All-Black turn back into a sword from the armour or is it stuck?
Spacebattles's Bleach jump. Is the only one I know of.
I assume you can probably shape it into whatever you want.
Oh, absolutely. It can turn into one sword, it can turn into lots of swords, spiked chains that can hold a younger Thor. It's pretty much the NANOMACHINES SON of god-killing weapons.
Go home BLADE. Don't care if you're drunk or not, just go home.
Does the Necrosword have anti-divine properties beyond gaining power thru killing gods? Like does it ignore defenses and such? Or is that something you'd gain by feeding it?
I think I saw a Justice League episode about the Visitor capstone.

Can I buy multiple Grandpa Figurines? I would like to acquire at least 50 of them to use as objects of terror.

Does the Pokemon's Mansion follow you between jumps like the Human's House?

I have no idea why anyone would take the author's fan mail collection, except maybe to mess with the characters in the story itself. Which actually sounds pretty fun.

Item pricing in general seems pretty wonky. A house or a mansion is worth a quarter of a fruit that gives indigestion, which is on par with a wide variety of berries and a set of clothes which protect from "all kinds of harm".

Reunion beyond the grave is meta as all hell, and not in a good way. I don't think it's not balanced price and activity wise, it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Fractured Folktales is a nice way to add scenarios without calling them scenarios. A small CP boost and a mission with treasure. Probably taking it all three times. The drawbacks section in total is expansive and great, I think.

Anyway, that's it for criticism time. This jump seems fun and I will enjoy comfy times.
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That's true.

It's been a while since I read it the God Butcher stuff, but I don't /think/ so. Pretty sure it mostly just brute forces stuff.
The Necrosword is made of darkness right, and it is considered a sword, so if I made my Domains Darkness and Swords how much more powerful would it be?
Can you import unlimited companions using the 100 cp import?

Items Overall: Yeah, the prices might be a little off. Part of the trouble was finding enough items to fit each discount area; I had tons of items to choose from for Scientist, for instance, whereas I was scrambling to find things for Ninja. Any suggestions on how I can sort things out better?

Grandpa Figurine: Sure, go right ahead; I mostly made it 1 CP apiece to make up for the +251 CP that Pokemon get (I made it like that since the manga in the U.S. ended during the Johto saga).

Mansion- Yes, it would follow you between jumps; I'll make sure to add that note into the jump.

Reunion Beyond the Grave- Could you please elaborate on the issues you have with it? I tried to balance it out with a high price and the fact that you need to convince the ghost to actually join you (and mind control won't work). It's based on a particularly moving story in the manga, and I had fun coming up with the option.
According to tvtropes, the guardian stalkers in breath of the wild are based on ancient japanese pottery.

Thats right. The pottery is taking it's revenge against link for all those years of being smashed in the hope of rupees.
Oh, hey... Did you see >>53319781 and >>53323094 ?
Goddammit, first the chickens and now the pots! What's next, grass monsters hunting him down?
can you tell me what changed in the new version of Arrowverse?
(assuming you're the jumpmaker)
please and thank you
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