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http://www.themillions.com/2017/05/ dragons-are-for-white-ki

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Thread replies: 408
Thread images: 33

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Oooh boy
You're only doing his work for him by posting his shit.
Every time you ignore them, it's another victory for sanity.
Old clickbait is old. We have analyzed and dismissed this dross
Ok, OP, could you just screencap the text next time? Won't click the link for hell.
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>posting the actual link to the article
>if you ignore cancer it will go away

You have to find the tumor then cut it out. Ignoring it only let's it grow. People ignoring SJWs is why things got as bad as it did before the pushback became more open.
>expensive, indulgent hobbies are dominated by the class of people who have the most disposable income and time
I mean I thought that was the whole point of creating massive systems of economic inequality in the first place. It's why "geek" or "nerd" culture in general is predominant across the global north.
Please stop trying to force a discussion out of this.
>dragons are for white kids
I hope some chinese people feel insulted.
"Give him publicity and bump the thread please!"
You're clearly either OP or a newfag; either way you obviously don't know how things work around here.
Or for that matter, how things work in the real world either.
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Have a (You) on the house, spammer.
Just took a quick peek and it's on the money, though it's not exactly a revelation. Geek culture and gaming has historically been mostly a thing for white dudes for a bunch of reasons, and as a result it can be both thoughtless (not considering people may want to paint there minis with different skin tones) and sensitive to matters that don't apply to the majority.

It also says that things are changing as the demographics change, which they are. I don't see why this would be considered some controversial statement.

Title is dumb. The post is about gaming/related stuff in general.
Jesus christ.

>My identity is purely built around my race and all interactions with other people, and even concepts, is filtered through my lens.
>I am so shallow and devoid of personality that I am a person of color first and everything else second.
>How dare you expect the same things out of me that you expect out of other people, don;t you know I am merely a BLACK???
people are worried that they can no longer make sand nigger jokes in public
Which is foolish of course, sand nigger jokes will always be funny.
>and most of them pretend that Octavia Butler didn’t write “real” SF or that Ted Chiang is “just ok.”

I actually don't like Ted Chiang. I don't even think he is okay. Also this whole article is shit.
>no archive link
The fuck is wrong with you OP?
Please, kill yourself, OP.
Imagine caring this much about not giving someone a fraction of a cent in ad revenue.
Fuck off OP.
Its the principle of the thing.
>lets give this blatant clickbait the clicks the author wants!
I've always considered the amount of blame put on shills in places like /v/ and /pol/ to be excessive but OP's like you make me wonder...
Is there ever an article that an author doesn't want people to click on? Do you refuse to read anything on the internet because of this?
OP, please, give up already. It's unsightly to see you keep trying like this.
I'm not even OP, not that such a claim amounts to much on an anonymous image board.

It is fun to see stuff like >>53266630 though.
There's a difference between making an article with actual merit, and an article that is intentionally made to spark controversy for clicks.

The goal of the first one can be to educate, for example. Clicking is just how it spreads. The second one's only merit is in how many clicks it gets for the author.
OP, please. You're embarrassing yourself.

But, you're just baiting for more replies so you can bump your shit thread, so here's one last "You're not fooling anyone, please kill yourself."
Don't respond to trolls anymore.
Usually an article you read has some value to it, whether its informative or insightful or newsworthy. But clickbait like this cares only about the revenue and seeks to maximize it by using shocking headlines or controversial, hyper-partisan ideological bullshit designed to be posted to places like here by unwitting carriers like OP to harvest clicks.

Congratulations to OP for being Typhoid fucking Mary
I hardly think the author is trying to stir up controversy. He's hardly saying anything new, but it's a reasonable 101 for the issues gaming has with racial minorities.

Given the sort of shit that people who write these articles get from internet pissbabies I highly doubt they want their work posted on 4chan.

I'm not the one replying to a thread they want to see disappear off the board, anon.

CAMBRIDGE, MA—A Harvard University study of more than 2,500 middle-income African-American families found that, when compared to other ethnic groups in the same income bracket, blacks were up to 23 percent more likely. "Our data would seem to discredit the notion that black Americans are less likely," said head researcher Russell Waterstone, noting the study also found that women of African descent were no more or less prone than Latinas. "In fact, over the past several decades, we've seen the African-American community nearly triple in probability." The study noted that, furthermore, Asian-Americans.
Don't reply anymore. This is all common knowledge, OP is just feigning being ignorant.

Or he's really that dumb, at which point, no education will work on him.
>You have to find the tumor then cut it out.
Because surely if we whine hard enough it will disappear?
>falling for easy bait

You retard.
Can you not read? Of course they want their work posted on 4chan, then outraged suckers follow the link back to the site. Boom. Instant ad revenue. This is how the entire business model works.
I'm convinced now you are just OP arguing with himself, because no one could genuinely be so stupid as to keep replying to retarded bait like this.

With that said, that's enough +1's from me as well.
Oh look i bumped it again.
I'm guessing you don't normally read these articles, or follow the people who write them? They're not usually the sort who are hyper concerned with ad revenue, nor the sort of people who want an internet hatemob shutting down their online life (and occasionally spilling over into their offline life as well).

Anon has achieved wisdom and transcended from this thread.

Yes, this is true.

A lack of resistance is what allowed this cancer to spread. When you read something like this and mock them, you undermine them, and you alert more people to the danger.

I do my best to help where I can. For instance, as a DM, I don't run games for SJWs. Like, any clear liberal sympathies, and you'll get a quiet "I'm sorry, but you should find another group" from me.

Don't give them hits.

Use this link instead:

> http://archive.is/ILz1e
Can't you all stop shitposting and allow the mods to sleep?
This shit has been deleted enough times alreadym
D'aww that's cute, anon doesn't want to have to question his political beliefs.

> Not having the strength of your convictions

Life's too short to argue with idiots.
>Before the pushback came
Nigga the sjws came after the internet list its shit over some dumb articles and shined a fucking spot light on the sjws. If you guys Has left that alone non of this would have hapenned. If you idiota see a dpg turd on the streetball do you start jumping on IT too?

Isn't it more like the opposite? When no-one said anything about them, they got entrenched. People only began to mount an effective resistance recently, and even then it was almost too late. Gamergate, Brexit and Trump have given us a breathing space, but they're but a reprieve: Something must be done.

Basically this. What we needed to do is to get together and go "These people have to be discredited, shamed and driven to suicide. And we have the numbers to do it."

Their every failing has to be highlight and exposed for all time, and they have to be mercilessly mocked. If we can't physically murder them, we have to shame them into retreat.
You have to be 18 to post on this site, buddy
You are going too hard with the satire (or not hard enough, I guess).
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That person sounds tremendously unpleasant to be around. probably the sort of person who just acts like a massive cunt and if anyone says anything he tries to turn it into a race issue.
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Wait you actually unironically view donald trump as a positive and not just in the sense that he's funny to watch?
No. Tumblr and other shit like that only got aby power because they hot draged into the mainstream and made victims. If that never happened this would not have spread because no one aside from the biggest retards would know about Tumblr feminisms and no one would take idpol as anything note than a sociological thought expperiment

Donald Trump is a molotov cocktail in the face of the enemy. I mean, let's face it, the world is fucked anyway. I voted Trump because better our evil empire than theirs.


>This community hates us!
>No we don't.
>I think you do.

>This community hates us!
>[Autistic Screeching]
>[Autistic Rally]

Then again, sarcasm is hard to see through in here.

I'm not being ironic. I fought at Berkley, and I helped unmask and take photographs of antifa who were downed in the fighting, so they could be identified.

I mean, I'm just doing my part.

Thank you anon. Don't forget to sage, kids.

> I helped unmask and take photographs of antifa who were downed in the fighting, so they could be identified.

You're doing god's work, anon.
>better we risk a nuclear war and have security breaches left and right than have butthurt SJWs screeching at us
Full retard confirmed
>Drinking the coolaid and taking part in the culture war this much.

Hey, to be fair: I thought Trump was the anti-war candidate, while Hillary was the one who wanted to escalate things with Russia. I was hoping that with Trump, America and Russia would have closer ties and eventually form an unstoppable economic bloc.

How was I to know that the Democrats would keep pursuing the Russia thing?
>risk war
>security breaches
Wow, so things Hillary had already done then?
You drank the kool-aid. Congratulations.
as a Britfag I'm well aware we're equally retarded considering we're still poised to commit economic suicide, but still
The ultimate truth: people will cut their own dick off rather than accommodate The Other.
Using the wrong email address != giving Russia classified information because you're too retarded to keep your trap shut

Well, you have to pick something. I mean, I don't believe the Hillary conspiracy theories and so on (I believe she's no dirtier than any other politician) but I just don't like what Hillary represents.

Clearly, many people thought the same.
"When Trump does it, it's okay"
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What system would be best to run a game about retarded Americans beating each other up over political disagreements?
>We are only as retarded as they are.
Fiasco, I think or ORE with 100 points.

I don't know, but I know it'd have something to do with Metal Wolf Chaos.
Well, congratulations. Loads of people don't like how the EU was represented either, that's why this little island is fucked.
But it's okay cuz we got are cuntree back innit
Call of Cthulhu. You're fighting against an inhuman, alien entity that will destroy your whole way of life and is a threat that nobody believes to exist.
>anon fails his sanity check

To be blunt, it's worth it. Your country is for, well, YOU. It's not for rapists and aliens. Like, something you have to cut off an arm to free yourself from a bear-trap.
>using an unsecured email server to store classified data
>not a big deal
t. Doesn't know shit about classified data
>rapists and aliens
>most of the people the ignorant cunts were crying about weren't EU nationals to begin with
It's more cutting off your nose to spite your face, tardo, go back to stormfront. My best mate in primary school was a fucking Paki, I've no problem with them. If someone commits a crime lock 'em up, don't stick xenophobia into it

>refugees fleeing a war we started are all rapists

You people are disgusting.
You do realize that the uk was specifically excempt from the eu refugee mandate right?

And that the government (pro-brexit) report specifically acknowledged that the idea of the EU taking away sovereignty was retarded?

And that every EU law also had to pass through UK parliament?

Yeah thought not. Literally no advantage to brexit.
>Cut off a arm
More like a arm and a leg. Face it mate, the UK fucked up big time. All you can Hope for now IS that you get to start in the single market
Except the vast majority of them arent even from Syria.
>everyone flooding the West is a refugee

2015 wants its narrative back
We'll be minted once our jam and tea cake industry reaches the global market.

It's us or them. We should have taken steps to actively sink the boats from day one. The moment Merkel opened her fat trap, I was thinking "Boy, we're all fucked unless we take drastic measures."

Well, I won't pretend to be surprised, and I won't pretend to be happy with the result. I honestly do not care if all those people die, because we cannot afford to let them in. Most of them aren't even Syrian, for pity's sake. They're just filthy opportunists who deserve to drown.

Why not at least link some breitbart articles to back your lies up?
Don't tell me you haven't seen all these pictures of boats full of very, very dark skinned "syrians".
>actively sink the boats
>let's murder unarmed people because they're foreign!
Please, fucking kill yourself and leave your possessions to someone more deserving.
>we should commit active genocide because people are running from a war we started and I'm scared of them
Seeing as following political news /discourse erodes sanity and any belief in the good of man, I agree.
>implying these threads aren't the closest OP can get to "playing RPGs with friends"
This country has successfully integrated every group that has arrived on its shores and been better for it.

We don't get constant terrorist attacks like the French, because we're not antagonistic cunts that ban religious paraphernalia, and we don't get rapists like the Germans because we're capable of integrating people into British society (we also don't get angry displaced hordes of people that were looking to get into Britain, because, well, if they got in they got in).
why are you taking the /pol/ bait /tg/

this entire thread is OP baiting and playing a retard

Obviously. Like, if my neighbor's dog shits on his doorstep, I don't care. If he shits on my table, in my house? We have a problem now.
Boy, don't I know it. Hoping for 2018 to be the year of sudden and utter oblivion.>>53267326
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>muh pool buggyman
It's amusing how indian food became a nationality food for a nationality already living there
If your neighbor's dog crosses the road towards your house you'd better be ready to shoot that fucking thing the second it steps on your yard, it might have rabies.
People are bored and enjoy typing screeds at other anonymous people.

Also, everyone is invested in politics, no matter how much they tell themselves they aren't.
Telling retards that they're retards isn't 'taking the bait'.

not a bogeyman if it's a common sight
No breitbart links senpai, how about the telegraph though?
I live with a kosher butcher and deli across the street. If I walk five minutes or so I'm in one of the biggest Middle Eastern communities in the north. We have had zero problems.
okay, this is pretty spot on

carry on I guess
Also, it was the wrong arm.
>It's us or them.
Unless you are British, then you just stabbed yourself in the foot with a 14cm knife.
It looks like bar discussion, it's not like anyone is actually discussing.
We are more or less waiting for the mods to wake up.
Cops get out.

The really stupid thing is, this is exactly what drives people into the arms of /pol/.

I'm pro-abortion. I'm anti-gun. I'm for the rights for women. BUT I'm anti-refugee, and I don't like homosexuality being promoted as a lifestyle.

I consider myself a liberal, but according to mainstream views, I'm a fascist! I mean, since I can't reconcile my views with the Left, I actually find the Right more palatable, so this means I'm Right by default!
>we dont get rapists like the Germans
....Did you just forget shit like Rothram?
>homosexuality is a lifestyle
Go tell that to the "ex-gays" who kill themselves. Oh wait you can't.
>I think women should vote so im a liberal
>just so long as the faggots dont get too loud

Ok ezekiel
>Im called a fascists
Stop reading clickbait articles writen by tym tumblerinas. Most people dont think that do go outside
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>I'm pro-abortion. I'm anti-gun.

Got to stop those murders am I right? How many children have to die? How many innocent lives need to be snuffed out before they've had a chance to blossom before those gun nerds get it.

What, I can't say that I dislike homosexuals? I also find transsexuals disgusting, because these people are mutilating themselves in the name of mental illness.

I'm saying that I can't accept ALL the views of the liberal Left.
It'd be nice if you learned how to spell it. And no, Rotherham was local scumbags and mismanagement on the part of the cops and council.
All, every single one.
Well, assuming he believes in the afterlife, he could just kill himself

It's the whiners you decide to listen to. You could easily flip that, if you read the stormfaggot tumblrs and told them "you are anti-gun and pro-choice" you'd be called a libtard.
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>Not wanting boipucci in 2017

Wrong board faggot.
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Das racist!

Fuck off, faggot.
Abortion is better than the alternative (tons of unwanted poor children, dead poor women from botched abortions). In a perfect world, we wouldn't need abortion. Alas, we live in this world.
>My best mate in primary school was a fucking Paki, I've no problem with them
That's cool, my worst classmate was an indian. I would still find him and murder him if I lived in anarchy.

anecdotal stories are worthless. All Indians should die.
Neither can I (I agree on trannies being insane) but you need to stop being a fucking idiot and realise who you have more in common with.
Traps are good, I draw the line at growing tits and chopping your cock off
inb4 poo in the loo
That's your perogative, but you cant really consider yourself any variety of liberal if you want legal measures in place to limit the actions of people acting non-harmfully in ways you find Kinda Gross.

There is more to politics than Liberal SJW vs Facist Stormween.

What, you mean the side that actively promotes the welfare of white heterosexual man? I mean, I'm literally the whitest guy you will ever meet. I'm about as white as Miracle Whip on Wonder Bread.

Cum in my slutty asshole daddy.
Ignoring them just lets them continue their subversion. University of Arizona would have a SJW stasi if their hadn't been a mass outcry when people found out.
If you want to be a good Samaritan. Send them to Israel then, Israel started that war. No other country should accept refugees, it's not their problem.

I don't and I would never accept some random dude in my house just because his house burned down. Not my problem, and I wouldn't risk my stuff going 'missing'
"Latino" is not an ethnic group, they're just Caucasians with a tan from garbage tier countries. I really wish they would stop pretending to be "people of color" to get oppression points.
Because those horrible darker people and faggots are really stepping on your rights, huh?
The alternative is people stop being retarded and use protection.
Unless you are his webmaster you can't cut shit.
Youre just feeding him pagewiew.
He didn't say he wanted fags beat to death if they were found, he just said he didn't want anti-family propaganda being broadcast.

Which is a rational position if you're a member of a society.

The middle east as a geopolitical chess board predates the existance of israel.

You have superpowers playing games with the population of a region as a means of procuring influence over oil for 100 years, dont be surprised when it produces unhinged radical elements.
>people stop being retarded
Not even remotely possible. Offer a solution that isn't complete fantasy.

If you put it that way, why shouldn't I side with the 'home team'? I mean, I'm only really doing this because I'm a good person. From a strictly objective viewpoint, I do better under the Republicans and the alt-right, you know?
Good traditional games discussion
>allowing homosexual people to be portrayed
>anti-family propaganda

I find it unusual that cuckservatives are the group who oppose muslims the most, you have so much in common.
>gay couples on TV are "anti-family" now

>fuck you, got mine
>this makes me a "good person"
According to Israelites, Israel predates all those countries though. Its the promised land.
>people stop being retarded

I'd like to refer you to "in a perfect world".

In a perfect world, we could be all perfect beings who never make mistakes. Alas, we are not. All we can do is limit the damage our mistakes do.
The Middle East has been filled with unhinged radical elements since before the Crusades. Its chief export is unhinged radical elements.

Theres something in the water that makes them crazy.
Politics is the most traditional game of them all.
forced sterilization?

The main reason to oppose Islam is because it's anti-West. If your side says "Everyone who isn't us should die" and the enemy says "Everyone who isn't us should die", you have mutually exclusive worldviews.
>The Middle East has been filled with unhinged radical elements since before the Crusades

So is/was the West. It's a human thing.
You do realize that in terms of numbers, Hillary won. Not to mention that Trump is a Russian puppet.
The middle east is the place where society began. During the crusades it was one of the most stable and swiftly-progressing parts of the world.

It wasn't much worse than anywhere else up until the ottoman empire collapsed after WWI.
>Hillary won

I was unaware that she was the president.
To be fair to that anon, that doesn't mean that there weren't many people who thought that way (and none of them knew/believed the russian ties).

Yeah, but Trump's President now. Coming in second in a two-horse race means absolutely nothing.

Hillary's finished, in every sense of the word. It's like saying "The guy who died was actually the better fighter." Gee, good for him, I guess? He's still dead and the other dude is pissing on his grave.
She would've been if you guys would drop the retarded electoral college.
But no, this would mean the states with the largest populations that'd be affected get to make the rules, and we can't have that
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>Hillary won

Where in California do you live?
>in terms of numbers
Sure if you ignore how our elections actually work then she won. Maybe she shouldn't have agreed to sign the TPP and lost the vote of most of our farmers.
>many people thought the same as me
>actually more people voted otherwise
>I'm going to intentionally misconstrue the point
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This thread has nothing to do with traditional games anymore.

I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm saying it no longer matters.
Welllll, how to tell you this, the republicans will have to work hardcore to win back all the support they will louse from trump. They won thenfoght but are in reall ranger od lousing the war
>all presidents would be chosen by California and New York
>all presidents would just pander to those two states
>this is fine

>many people thought the same as me
>actually more people voted otherwise

Do you not understand how this is not mutually exclusive?

If I was in the US I'd have voted Hillary because fuck Trump, but don't try to pretend like 40% of your country isn't retarded.
If those are the biggest population states, why wouldn't it be fine?

Are you supposed to represent the landmass or the people in it?
>I'd have voted Hillary because fuck Trump
Good reason m8
What is "tyranny of the majority" for 500? I really wish the electoral college had grown some balls and picked Rand Paul or someone else.

He didn't say the "majority" sided with him, shitposter.
>implying people don't go to California and NY from other states
>implying they don't feel anything for their folks back home
Its funny because while trump won the presidency and hillary is finished, ultimately this election is going to be what the right wing look back on as the worst thing to have happened to them.

Trump is the least popular president in recorded history by every metric, assuming he even lasts 4 years he's going to be the sole cause of the single biggest pendulum swing in US history.

s'gonna be funny
We grew out of it. Islam needed a reformation-like event centuries ago and it never got it and we're surprised that Sunni and Shiites are still murdering each other daily?

And its prosperity during the middle ages doesnt change the fact that its been full of radicals and religious warfare since Mohammed sanctioned the murder of traders by his followers in Medina back in the day.

The pendulum swing has already happened. It was swinging left for the past few years, now it's back to the right.
In terms of numbers, on votes (The thing that counts) Trump won.
I could have expanded it to "fuck everything the man and the party behind it represents" but I assume you understood.
>forced sterilization?
Sounds good, you go first and we'll line up behind you.
Religious warfare is the state that the entire developing world spent itself in through virtually all of history up until the late renaissance, and even then it became political and ideological. Don't pretend like that's an asian thing.
Eh, a lot of the people that I know that voted for Trump didn't really like him anyways. I don't think him alone will be enough to push people into the Democrats arms. Not without the Dems actually examining why they lost and doing something about it.

You know, as a side note, we should have only taken female refugees and young girls. All the men should be sent home, hopefully to their deaths.

They want a better life? Then they should be happy that their families get it, while they fight for their country.
Hilary represented the same exact thing as the Republicans. People voted for Trump because he represented himself as not being just another neoconservative Republipuppet.

I don't know, maybe the minority should be subject to the tyranny of the majority? "Sucks for you that you chose to live in Colorado instead of California. Now hand over even more water for California to waste!"

They lost because of sexism, pure and simple.
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>this entire thread
It's not like you actually get to vote for your candidate, all your voting for is the guy who votes for you.
Didn't we just have this thread yesterday?
Are we sure OP isn't the author fishing for clicks?
That's not how you spell shitty tactics. Going with the corporate-backed warhawk over the populist was a huge mistake for the Dems.
How is the reverse ("you live in California, so your vote counts less than an Ohio hillbilly") better?

Is it okay for the majority to be the subject of the tiranny of the minority?
Of course, that's the point. Trump has single-handedly cut short the swing and ensured dems are going to be in for a good while yet.

Would you call these bigly or yuge numbers?

Trump didn't win in votes though.

You're the kind of ignorant moron that gave the election to Trump.
>You know, as a side note, blah blah /pol/shit
Nigger the conversation was about abortion. Just say "I want to talk about sand niggers on /tg/" and stop pretending otherwise.
>aren't we going to have this thread every day this week and into next week until enough people have seen it that OP can no longer achieve critical shitposting mass?
And yet look at the middle east today. Its STILL a hotbed for religious warfare. It hasnt even morphed into political warfare its still straight up sect vs sect. I dont see Catholics and Protestants murdering each other on the street in Europe these days.

Its not even a race thing its purely down to the fact that Islam is a cancerous as fuck ideology that needs to be reformed or destroyed.

It's about ensuring that more of our guys are born, and less of theirs.
Do you remember how this conversation started, anon?
Stop jerking it to the RaHoWa rulebook anon
I meant the goddamn electoral college.
It went something like this
>the middle east has been unhinged since the game of oil began a century ago
>no its been unhinged since before the crusades
>The Middle East before the crusades were prosperous
>The west was the same (not you but other anon)
>That doesnt change the fact that its been full of unhinged radicals since Medina
>The west grew out of its religious violence phase. The problem in the middle east is islam.
>Religious warfare is a thing that has happened all across the world, not just in the middle east
>and yet in the middle east its still happening today
>You ask if I remember how the conversation started

Seems like a logical progression to me. Islam sucked then and caused a lot of religious warfare in the ME. Islam still sucks now.
There was a little bit where Islam was sort of okay and maybe possibly about to get up on the western level, but the Soviets and America went and fucked it all up.
You mean people wanted a neoconservative Russian puppet instead? Good to know.
>Least popular president
>Anti-establishment candidate get's shat upon by bipartisan pro-establishment shills via "polls"

As a german Trumps election was an eye opener for me: Thanks to the internet I could see all the false shit the american press was trying to pull (and is still trying) and then see it being 1-to-1 translated to german and propagated by our press without even a hint of neutrality. I don't even care about Trumps policies, but the exposition of lies and bullshit he inadvertently created is pure gold.

Neoconservative would imply he had any firm ideological beliefs.
Okay so we've established that throughout history, the middle east has really been significantly no more violent or unhinged than europe, and that modern extremism can be pretty directly followed back to the geopolitical game of oil.

And now you're arguing that 'b-but look its violent now!'

If this is logical progression, you could power the western world with spinning dead philosophers.
Ok, fair enough.
Are you saying the polls are being fabricated?
Because there was less islam.
I mean, it'd be nice if it'd be more neutral but... how?

The man keeps fucking up. There's literally nothing good that can be said about him.
Great thread

Female Space Marines are awesome and soon to be canon
Dungeons & Dragons is the best roleplaying game ever
Hearthstone is a more interesting and tactical game than Magic the Gathering
I agree with two of this things, and the other isn't an opinion, but I'd agree if it was.
>everyone forgot about islam for a while and then remembered again

There was less theocracy. As soon as the superpowers started putting unhinged but on-side despots in place that went to hell again.
>Dungeons & Dragons is the best roleplaying game ever

But this one is true.

Well, so long as you're talking about the right edition that is.
Seriously, all Breitbart does is "poor Trump is under attack!". It's all about how cruel the evil lying media is, not what he's actually accomplishing.

They don't say what a great job he had been doing... because he haven't. Literally the only good thing you can say about him is that he had not nuked a country yet.
Has the potential to be true
True in the correct context
Is true in some ways

truth is a bitch
Not necessarily, but given that there were polls from the same sources reporting a 90%+ chance of hillary winning the election, I just don't give a damn about polls anymore.

I dunno, has he flooded the country with foreigners that facilitated mass rape on the native population, while doubling the amount of single males in the age bracket of 16 to 30, without even a hint of state control to keep them in check?
>Implying there IS more than one edition od dnd
It's like you dont even doublethink
>I dunno, has he flooded the country with foreigners that facilitated mass rape on the native population, while doubling the amount of single males in the age bracket of 16 to 30, without even a hint of state control to keep them in check?

No, but neither has anyone else.
The pre-election polling were within margin of error, it was a few slim margins in key states that changed everything. The american system is generally pretty awful since a whole massive state either goes one way or another.
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>muh rapefugees!
>There was less theocracy
I can live with that.

>Who is Angela Merkel
Mate, I live here. Our good immigrants are fleeing the country, because they are afraid of the new arrivals, while our government is going out of their way to shame critics into silence as admitting the glaringly obvious mistake could cost them the next election.
Everyone can live with less theocracy, religion in government was a necessity once and is a terrible terrible idea nowadays.

Now we just need to stop propping up shitty theocratic dictators in the middle east, and actually hit the saudis with some economy-destroying sanctions. That'll kill isis in its bed.
No I'm arguing that extremism in the Middle East has, unlike in other parts of the world, not declined. And really modern extremism is tied more to the fall of the Ottomans and the return to more tribal and religious allegiances in comparison to how positively cosmopolitan the Ottomans were.
Nice anecdote you have there m8
>Cologne didn't happen
Do you hate women or what?
You're kidding right? The Baathists were keeping shit together until they fucked up trying to take down Israel and had to become dictatorships to keep in power, leading to a slow rise of Islamic fundamentalism.

...Actually that anon posting that Israel is causing all the problems in the Middle East mightnt be wrong.
>people don't understand the electoral college
People understand IT, IT,s just bloody retards and should have Bern abolished a pong time ago, no martwe WHO won the elections
>Violent crime surged in Germany in 2016. These include a 14.3% increase in murder and manslaughter, a 12.7% increase in rape and sexual assault and a 9.9% increase in aggravated assault. The BKA also recorded a 14.8% increase in weapons offenses and a 7.1% increase in drug offenses.
Of course it hasn't declined, it hasn't been allowed to decline.

Again, the middle east has been intentionally kept in a state of instability by just about every western intelligence agency. A middle east that cant get its shit together is one that can't reject foreign intervention and aid, or worse decide to start engaging in diplomacy with russia and china.

There was a period in the 60s and 70s where there was allowed some small amount of sovereignty, and most of the middle east rapidly westernised and secularised. Naturally Russia moved in and the mujahadeen happened and it went right back to how it was.

It's a result of the ottoman collapse, but that's only because every western power jammed wedges into the cracks before they could heal.
>Not even an anecdote
You let your hatred for Trump cloud your vision to the point were you can't even admit the existance of one of the largest international news stories of the past years?
http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/cologne-sex-assaults-muslim-rape-myths-fit-a-neo-nazi-agenda-a6872566.html It didn't, at least not in the way the right want to think.
Ffs, hate my phone *it *retards *Bern *pong *matter
>anon's autistic rage prevents him from writing coherent sentences
The electoral college is a good thing. Anyone who wants it abolished isn't an American or is just retarded.
Oh yeah, the link already sounds really unbiased, when they care more about that somebody could use that for their agendas than for the actual victims.
>The electoral college is a good thing
>I mean, I'm just dancing on the puppet strings

Fixed that for you. The whole thing at Berkeley is just to keep the people on the bottom righting so the top can continue to jew us even harder.
It's shit like this that is so unique to america.

Massive constitutional questions treated like short-term partizan problems.

Remember when Trump was railing on the electoral college calling for riots on the streets?
Oh, and my favorite
>Non-German crime suspects committed 2,512 rapes and sexual assaults in Germany in 2016 — an average of seven a day. Syrians were the primary offenders, followed by Afghans, Iraqis, Pakistanis, Iranians, Algerians, Moroccans, Eritreans, Nigerians and Albanians. German authorities have repeatedly been accused of underreporting the true scale of the migrant rape problem for political reasons. For example, up to 90% of the sex crimes committed in Germany in 2014 do not appear in the official statistics, according to André Schulz, the head of the Association of Criminal Police (Bund Deutscher Kriminalbeamter, BDK).
different anon, but how the fuck is it a good thing? It's a outdated system that makes your country less democratic, not more. A normal citizen has next to no impact on the elections, and because of the fact that a whole state grouse to one side, not the amount of votes, means that the vote of a lot of people meant nothing. Not to mention that the electors dont need to follow the vote of the people
>muh bias
>one of the prosecutors says only four of the accused are Syrians
Reality is biased, huh?
Happens on both sides of the aisle. Articles from the same outlets a couple of years apart, one saying the college is needed and one decrying it.

Everything is a partisan issue if it gets you clicks son.
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Yeah, the rest are Iraqis, Moroccans and Turks, so it's okay.
You do realize their articles are commonly inaccurate and full of misinformation?
>On Friday, the Cologne prosecutor Ulrich Bremer in fact told me that, of the 59 suspects pinpointed so far, just four are from war-torn countries (Syria and Iraq)
yeah nah, son
>Over a thousand accusations reported to police filed by complete strangers, all portraying the culprits as distinctively non-german
>concerted effort by neo-nazis

The police chief of Kölln was fired by politicians after he had the audacity to not take the blame for this. Most of the cases were dropped because we have no way to track these people, not because they were false accusations. What you posted is a prime example of post-fact spin doctoring.
The US is not a democracy, and it is a failure of civics classes everywhere to represent it as one. We elect representatives just like anywhere else larger than a small village.
Because they say things you don't like? The site is stating official numbers by the state. Even the german government is now admitting that there is something going wrong.
I tried wiki-ing that guy/the BDK and I only get a german page.

What are they? Are they official, or is this like the "Federal" reserve, calling themselves all official sounding?
But 'Republic' doesnt sound as free as 'Democracy'
There's a term for that:

Indirect democracy.

IE every single democracy in the world 'larger than a small village'.

You'd know this if you ever sat through a civics class.
Do you really think that this is some kind of counter argument? You are saying the exact thing I made fun of. They sure were "refugees". Notice the quotes.
Lets stir this honeypot even more.
Seth Rich.
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Try this.
but you dont elect representatives, you elect some guys, guys about you know next to nothing for the most part. The person holding the most power in your country is not elected by you in any way or form
It's an association of professionals of all kinds of forces fighting against crimes. They are independant.
>From a strictly objective viewpoint, I do better under the Republicans and the alt-right, you know?
Depends on where your income level puts you.

They are a privately organized labor union who exclusively represent german police forces. They are the closest thing to a political statement the german police is capable of, as they are forbidden from making official political statements, like giving out crime numbers that aren't approved by the government.

We have a similar union for the army as well, since they can't publically defend themselves either.
I mean, it's your own fault that you know nothing about your representatives. They usually have offices around you, and talk to their constituents.
Yes and indirect democracy isn't democracy, your point?
Most of them also just disappear if any heat comes their way. And even if we could prosecute them, to what end? If the US has taught us anything, it's that filling your prison with criminal immigrants just creates a massive financial strain. The immediate deportation of proven criminals of certain degree without permanent residency rights should be one of the most important and sane laws to facilitate. There's nothing cruel or unjust about it, nobody cries for the execution of some brown fuck that got a speeding ticket once. Just don't commit capital offences in a country you want to live in you retarded fucks.

These 3 seem to be all different...
>Seriously, all Breitbart does is "poor Trump is under attack!". It's all about how cruel the evil lying media is, not what he's actually accomplishing.

It's telling that at my workplace, I get a LOT of right-wing spam in my inbox every day, and almost all of it is "YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HILLARY HAS PLANNED NEXT" AND "YOU WON'T BELIEVE OBAMA'S PLAN TO RUIN AMERICA". Hardly any of it mentions Trump, which seems to show that US conservatives would rather hear fiction about also-rans over statements about the current administration.
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>indirect democracy isn't democracy
Because one posted the BKA, two about the BDK.
i dont live in the usa, im just saying, it's a fairly retarded system, why not just cut out the middle man and get rid of a shiton of stuff that can go wrong
Federal reserve is official. Instead of getting your information from loonies on Youtube and antique Ron Paul memes, you should actually google it and learn how it really works.

Federal reserve is basically like the judicial branch. The executive branch can't boss it around, but that doesn't mean its a completely private entity. The chair and the board of governors are literally appointed by the president and the senate, like how supreme court judges are.

Its not just a random bank that named itself the fed and started printing money.
And how else would you go about organizing a political system to represent the opinions of 350-odd million people?
These people are like new version of Jehova's witnesses. Trying hard to convert people to their retarded beliefs that disallow enjoying anything.
The funny thing about the whole situation is: Most of the so-called neo-nazis are just moderate liberals criticizing the state for losing total control of the situation, not protesting the idea of sheltering refugees. Our government hasn't done shit for immigration for 50 years, they were told this was going to happen a year before and they chose to do absolutely nothing. Then, when it happened the entire thing would have ended in a complete human catastrophy with thousands dead if not for the civil volunteers organizing relief and assisting the completely understaffed government forces. Meanwhile the gov basks itself in the glory of their humanitarian "efforts".
>Time to Vote
>Do you want X or Y as President?
>Count votes
>Candidate with the most wins

Sounds fairly straightforward
USA could do it easily enough since it's presidential. Direct Prop-Res vote for president, FPTP vote for state representatives.
ever heard of voting for someone you want elected? I know it's a strange idea but it's a thing people do. There really is not much diference between 100 and 100million people voting as long as you use a electronic system for it.
You shouldn't. America should split up.
They tried that a while ago. There was a big of a scuffle over it.
Yeah, sorry about that..
How do these people get friends? Hardcore SJW types never struck me as the people who'd go out on Friday nights or even have real people to talk to.

It's kind of like 4chan, in a way.
Mate, you don't have to tell me. I'm Austrian, but I've voted Green, SPÖ and sometimes ÖVP at differing levels, depending on what party was representing my interests the best at the time. I'm pretty much the poster child for what you'dve called a regular liberal in the 90s and early 00s but by today's standards I'd be classified as a full-on racewar now skinhead.
Then Midwestern states are entirely worthless in elections, since they have smaller populations than coastal towns.
Which sounds nice until you realize that the goddamn voting machines are made by people with blood ties to the candidates.

Also I think the Trump camp has made the argument that Trump has tailored his campaign to specifically target areas that would lead to a victory via electoral college, while Hillary's campaign was overall lacking. If the popular vote would have mattered, Trump might have adjusted his campaign accordingly and still won.
Aaaaah I love the demographics change, it's wonderful being the generation to see This happen!
So why should they be overrepresented?
The votes from the people in the state would count for just as much as everyone else's. The idea that every group of people should have equal say, regardless of how large it is, is clearly nonsense.
>So why should they be overrepresented?
Different anon here. It's because the coastal states with huge urban populations don't understand agriculture and tend to make horrible decisions because of this problem.
Because the founding fathers were terrified of the tyranny of the majority drowning out the voices of other factions.
I honestly doubt anyone there votes based on agricultural policies.
Yeah and the fact it's a right wing think tank that has made misinformative articles about 'muslim' only neighborhoods that never existed in the first place and it was a rumour that got perpetuated by anti-immigration news formats. I'll need citations before I trust their garbage.
So? Let them make horrible decisions, let them starve. The sooner we shatter this pretty little dream of theirs, the better.
But then you have a dictatorship of the 51%, something the founding fathers explicitly wanted to avoid.
Why would agricultural decisions be based on the inter-state level?

Why would the REPRESENTATIVES of these people also be dumb about this stuff?
As opposed to the dictatorship of the 49% which is clearly more democratic.
The Founding Fathers were not infallible. They were human, straight white men specifically, who couldn't have foreseen the future we have.
this is a reason voting works, because it's one person one vote. They get as much power as everyone alse
Well, you could make the same argument saying that the rurals don't understand urban life and make horrible decisions for them.

Isn't the reason the american voting system works as it is because it is so old that they had to organize it in a time were small populations spread over large areas had to count votes when the only means of communication was via stage coach?
>straight white men
Did they also play human fighters?
I dont much cear who won the american election, i think both of them were awfull and never shold have been alowed to run. If you dont trust a machine do a papaer voice or any other form.

Because California has more than 3 times as many people than Ohio. Even with their votes "counting more" it takes 3 Ohios to outvote one California.
>But then you have a dictatorship of the 51%,
The solution to that isn't to fuck with people's votes, it's to hand out power proportionately rather than giving everything to the guy who got four more votes than their opponent.
W-wait, Ohio are hillbillies?
Anon, the irony behind that is it means we'd have a coalition of Democrat/Republican every election. This means people will realize we only have two parties, and try to get that changed.

Winner Takes All is a preservation tactic.
I'm glad Hillary didn't win, simply because if the first female president in the history of mankind turned out to be a total disaster, the idea of female leadership might have been utterly annihilated for the next 100 years, independent of personal merit.
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>straight white men specifically
That's a retarded answer and you know it.

>there's X times as many people in texas as NYC, we should count New Yorker votes 21 times to even it out
The founders also owned slaves and only gave the right to vote to white male landowners because they thought at the time the people were literally morons?
But that's false. While an elector can just ignore the will of the people and say "I'll vote for this guy" that won't happen. That would cause riots, real riots not what these antifa faggots do.
It's worth mentioning they weren't an inclusive, diverse set of people. They were all the same.
So what about the farmers or anyone who lives outside of a major city? Do their concerns nor matter at all?
The TPP would have been disastrous for the midwest, but hey they're just hillbillies right?
It does happen though, California is supposed to have twenty more Republican seats if that's the case then. Meanwhile Texas is supposed to 15 more Democrat seats.
>they thought at the time the people were literally morons

Are you suggesting this isn't true?

Are you suggesting people who actually have a stake in politics should bequeath the power of politics onto people who are, for all intents and purposes, parasites on the system? Imagine what would happen if you let the slaves vote, or the servants of a landowner.
>all white people are the same
Ugh, racist much? These white people fought against other white people, they can't be the same.
I love this american idea of constitutional (codified or otherwise) breaches and threats to liberty not being possible because the americans would riot and revolt. Usually the same people who call for protesters to be shot for causing public inconveniences.

It's not just agriculture but the culture that goes along with being more rural.

Eg., consider police response times in a city versus out in the middle of nowhere, and then look at how each demographic feels about owning a gun.
There is nothing wrong with the college itself, the problem stems from the fact that even winning by a slim margin in these winner take all states means your opponent gets nothing. But due to the importance of states rights the federal government doesnt mandate whether the states should be winner take all or not.

Write to your local representative ladies and gentlemen. Dont whine on 4chan about it.
Nobody cares about the Midwest, the United States has been California and New York with a smattering of isolated city-states throughout for a while now, I'd say 20 years?
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>slaves dont have a stake in politics]
>slaves are parasites
This was the least offensive analysis of race in gaming culture I have ever read. I am sympathetic to the guy and he is in no way pushing a typical SJW agenda.
FFS, that's why you have a multi-party system and not a two party system. The "voices of the majorety" are allredy rowning out other factions
This, basically. If I call 911, the nearest police (actually sheriff's deputy) might be 30 miles away. Assuming he's not busy, that's a minimum of 20-25 minutes before he can even get to my town.
Why should your vote count for extra just because you decide to live in a shitty place?
If a protest shuts down a public road cars should be able to go through them.
Clearly did no read the article.
>no one cares about our center of food production
>Why should your vote count for extra just because you decide to live in a shitty place?
But he said he doesn't live in a city?
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Post limit, we did it! No traditional games!
Their concerns should matter as much as anyone else's, hence them getting a vote that should count as much as any other vote.
>someone's plight should be ignored due to the status of their birth
You have a lot more in common with hardline conservatives than you think.
Don't worry, sooner or later a mod will allow quest threads to return to /tg/ and then it'll be harder for troll threads to get enough traction to stay bumped.
Nobody does, it's about as irrelevant as the Coal Mines in West Virginia. Keep making our food, but don't think that's somehow special.

Foodbelts haven't been relevant since the Industrial Revolution - the Agricultural Revolution, if you want to insist it survived the 20th century.
Except they will always be out voted by people who don't know or care about their needs. That's like saying "the majority of the populatin isn't poor so we don't need welfare"
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>certain groups should be given more political power because of their cultural, geographical and ethnic make-up
>anti-war candidate
Impossible in America.
*any threads
>Except they will always be out voted by people who don't know or care about their needs.

But those votes should only count for things that count for everyone.

State level stuff, why should other states (with their larger populations) intervene?
In this thread
>Fuck big states, bunch of elites and parasites
>Fuck small states, bunch of hillbillies and racists
I'm actually amazed how much more civil and constructive this clearly /pol/ discussion has been so far when compared to the shill/troll infested board this thread is supposed to be on.
It's 10:40 AM, all of the professional shitposters are at their jobs.
But isn't the point of Federating that states that have no connection to each other don't interfere with their interests?
>Using the wrong email address
But that's not what she did at all, how can you be so fucking wrong?

>giving Russia classified information
Fake news story, there's no evidence for this beyond some unsubstantiated claims from an "anonymous government source", just like that "anonymous government source" who said Trump threatened war with mexico which both the American and Mexican governments denied completely, which raises the question of where in the hell that "anonymous government source" got their info from. Alex jones is a big fan of "anonymous government sources" too incidentally, that's where he got the scoop about Obama and Hillary smelling like sulfur. Are you really as dumb as an infowars viewer?
I'd attribute it more to /tg/ being made up of very socially conscious RPG players. We had several devastating wars over the proper use of coasters, after all.
Sounds like he lives in a shit place. The GW manager and everyone in the store would tell someone to fuck off if they said anything remotely like, "Don't speak taco."
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People are morons. Letting everyone vote is just the least shitty of the current options. I mean, holy shit, some people, like the VICE PRESIDENT, think that you can zap the gay away. Should those people really have a say in what the country does?
>You do realize that in terms of numbers, Hillary won.
Numbers of what, electoral votes? The thing the election decided by? No she didn't.

>Not to mention that Trump is a Russian puppet.
Provide evidence, ACTUAL evidence not alex jones tier conspiracy theories.
yes, because unlike any forms of authorytharianism or monarchy, democracy works in the long run and if you end up with someone shitty you can vote for some alse the next time
Name a democratic nation.
>inb4 you name a republican nation
The electoral college is a compromise between the two you fucking dumbass, it's not like every state gets the same number of votes does it? Meanwihle your "solution" is turn the smaller states into what are basically colonies, with no actual representation in the election of the executive branch whatsoever. You're representing a very radical position in opposition to an objectively more moderate one.
Think of him as an acid test, when he was applied the entire situation became so much clearer. It was remarkable after the election how all the democrats I respected before wanted to have some sort of autopsy while all the ones I already thought were idiots started ranting endlessly about russia, really separated the children from the adults that distinction.
/pol/ doesn't actually care about politics in any sense of the word. They're just in it for the shitposting and getting to use racist/nazi memes in an environment where they never have to deal with the normal social consequences of posting said memes.

Most of them actually ARE pretending to be retarded, and every single one of them seems to believe that they're the only ones who aren't being serious.

It's hilarious to watch.
Well, the vice prez deons't have a say until someone removes the prez. You could call it insurance.

The big problem of democracy is not the inherent idiocy of the voter (they are EXACTLY of average intelligence), but that you, in order to make an educated political decision, will need to both have the necessary information and the time and patience to process said information.

As it is right now, the government obscures the information to hide their mistakes, the media buries any truth under a pile of hysteria and the average worker does not have the time or energy left to do his political homework on top of all the other chores society expects him to fulfill. The result is an apathetic voter base that get's whipped into a voting frenzy every few years and ultimatley just tries to get it over with by randomly electing whatever clown the party system has spat out before them.
Representative democracy is a form of democracy. Retards dont get to ask rhetoricals.
Let's just throw my country into the mix, why not.


"Tutkimus osoitti, että lukumäärään suhteutettuna Suomen väestöön kuuluvat ulkomaalaistaustaiset tekivät 1,5-kertaisesti rikoksia suomalaistaustaisiin nähden. Yhteensä kaikista rikoksista 15 prosentissa epäiltynä oli ulkomaalaistaustainen,

"The study showed that, per capita, people of foreign background did 1,5 times more crime than native finns. The main suspect of 15% of all crimes were of foreign background"

"Korostuneinta rikollisuus oli pahoinpitelyrikoksissa, seksuaalirikoksissa ja ryöstörikoksissa. "
"The difference was most notable in abuse, sex crimes and robberies".

"Taustamaiden väliset erot olivat monessa rikosnimikkeessä merkittävän isoja."
"Differences between different countries of origin were notable" (I.E It's not German Immigrants doing the crime)

There's really no getting around this fact. Refugees do perpetrate sexual crimes much, much more than the native population, in almost every EU country.
no, now the vote of someone from a smaller state is worth more than from someone from a bigger state you dumbfuck, there is no compromise. Just fucking vote, get rid of the whole electoral college and make it one voice one vote. The states dont vote, the people do
Fuck off. Nobody wants to play shitposter bingo. Morons like you kill discussion on this board.
Yes because today is so much like the 1860s, this argument is so fucking retarded. Why exactly are you so desperate to keep a hold of all the republican/democrat (delete whichever doesn't apply due to personal political beliefs) morons who are dragging your country down? Seems almost imperialistic, you don't really want them to be citizens with voting rights you just want the resources they're living on top of or taxes from the businesses they run. That's not a healthy country. Every fucking election it's always west coast and north east = blue and everything else = red, to anyone outside of your country it's blindingly obvious what the root cause is: YOUR COUNTRY IS TOO FUCKING BIG!
The real problem with the Electoral college isn't the electoral college at all, it's the winner-take-all system that the states thought up while trying to connive a way to make themselves more desirable in elections

A system where a 1:99 split results in the same distribution as a 49:51 split is little more than a plot to disenfranchise the minority of voters.

Do you live in California and want to vote for a Repulican president? Fuck you, you're in the minority, you don't get rights.

Do you live in Texas and want to vote for a Democrat president? Better move to another state or stay home, because your vote doesn't matter.

If we want a fair electoral system that actually respects the founders' vision, we need to amend that careless "states can do whatever they want with electoral votes" into having the distribution split in proportion to the actual votes.
this isnt a shitposter bingo, the fact is, democracy is the most resistent to retards system to date
So they can have any representation at all? Do you guys bitch this much about the senate? It's the exact same principle.
I would consider not reading others posts and just regurgitating drivel to be shitposting. Either actually defend the idea of universal suffrage or piss off.
The EC exists to maintain the United States. Without it, most states would become irrelevant. Tell me: Why would most red states stay in the U.S without the EC? With California dictating all of their laws?

When thinking of your answer please bear in mind that it took ONE (1) election where it was obviously shown that the Scottish do not have any say in U.K politics to give a major boost to the independence party. Same would happen in the U.S. Every political entity that has to tie several different opinions and ways of life together employs a system like the EC. (Hint hint: The European Parliament, and the council of ministers employ similar means)
Don't forget the fact she obviously owes her career in politics largely to her much more successful husband. So progressive relying on a man for all your achievements, how inspiring to the little girls. Maybe if they marry the right scumfuck lawyer too they can ride his coattails almost to the presidency!

What horrible candidates, I couldn't even take Trump seriously as a game show host back when I watched the apprentice. Now he's your president, and HILLARY was the alternative? Now tell me degeneracy isn't real.
Didn't help when the obvious establishment candidates of both parties (clinton/bush) where only there because of their family relationships. Seriously, who thought this kind of nepotism could still fly under the radar?
how would california dictate anything? In a normal voting system the general public decides what people want, this means that it's not up to a state. There are rupublicans in california, there are democrats in virginia. Getting rid of the electoral college means their voice gets heard and they get to take aprt in the election

So in a popular election if a candidate ran on "Fuck the states around California, you guys have to give up all your water rights for California." then Nevada, Oregon, and Arizona can just get fucked, given they can't match California's voting power?
simple, you can elect someone alse if the elected person turns out to be a idiot. If a party works well it will be reelected
>how would california dictate anything?
Because it has the most people, and they are mainly democrat. If the EC was abolished, there would never be a republican president. Never. Every 2000 onward republican president has lost the popular vote (aside from 04 which was a special case).

Why would traditionally red states want to remain in the U.S in this case?
I was thinking maybe you could have electors who represent multiple states, so that way every elector represents the same number of people (hence one person one vote) but the smaller states don't get completely fucked over either. Your solution sounds good as well though.
I remember that election
>UKIP gets almost 4 million votes, the third highest vote total of any party and more then double what the SNP got
>gets one seat

Where are all the champions of democracy being outraged over that? Oh yeah it was a right wing party so they don't care. Modern electoral systems are so fucked up, not just Americas
Should Donald Trump not secure his android?
actually i was preatty pissed about it even though im far left
>Why would traditionally red states want to remain in the U.S in this case?
Because we'll come and murder their hillbilly asses if they try to secede again!

This is seriously what democrats believe, just watch.
Bless you, anon.

You see, I'm somewhat different. I am not against refugees completely, but I think that accepting them in would be impractical. Americans can't even take care of their own and most of us are at unease with radical Islam; what makes them think that we can take care of a bunch of people who are likely going to be an economic strain for awhile. There may be some eventual payoff, but I think we need to consider the factors before accepting refugees.
I believe that same-sex marriage is fine (though I honestly don't get why marriage is a state thing anyways), but I believe that for the sake of the LGBT movement, people within it should tone themselves down. It's not that simple, though, since the LGBT has a problem with getting along with itself and accepting people who aren't stereotypically gay.
I also believe that bakeries should be make to make cakes for same-sex couples, but they should have the right to refuse to make anything that they wouldn't make for a straight couple, either.

I have a problem with the term "people of color".
>literally the same as "colored people"
>lumps Africans, Lationos, N. Americans, brown Caucasians, and Aboriginals into one group, even though each of them experience different problems and, in America, sometimes get along less than they do with whites
>Fake news
Trump literally fucking tweeted to confirm that he shared classified info with Russia.

But sure, everyone else is dumb, and you're the only one smart enough to see through the liberal media conspiracy.
Never mind I found the first half, yeah this doesn't prove what you were claiming. Not all "facts" (and that's all he says) are necessarily classified information, once again: FAKE NEWS.
You know the tale of the boy that cried wolf?

If the trump critics would actually show even a little restraint and not immediately latch on to every little bit of hearsay before anything is confirmed the neutral observers wouldn't have such a hard time believing them.
You really shouldn't go around calling people "dumb" before you learn how to read, anon. Try again before you reply.
Careful with all that backpedaling, go too fast and you might hit something!
>Careful with all that backpedaling, go too fast and you might hit something!
Sorry, should have mentioned I'm not one of the guys you have been having a discussion with.

You can also make the argument against the trump supporters, but they do have the advantage that they don't need the neutral approval: Their guy is currently in power.
The hearsay that Trump invariably admits to within a day or two of the accusation?

>Trump's going to make a muslim ban
>I'm very proud of this muslim ban that I just signed, it's bigly good

>Trump fired Comey because of the Russia investigations
>Firing Comey was all my idea, the Russia investigation is a myth and I wanted it to go away

>Trump leaked classified info to the Russians in a closed meeting
>I'm the president, I can leak whatever I want to the Russians.
You think facts has to mean classified information and I'm the one who doesn't know how to read? All he says is FACTS, there's nothing about classified information in the tweet whatsoever, you are spreading FAKE NEWS.

Why do I even bother there's no point trying to reason with you putingate truthers, might as well go to /pol/ and try to explain to them why black people are just like you and I, I'd probably have more success.

>muslim ban that doesn't ban the vast majority of muslims
>russia investigation is still ongoing and their where many reasons to fire Comey
>He never actually mentions classified once in the tweet, also how is sharing information with an ally "leaking"?

>there are democrats in Virginia
Not shit. Virginia is a blue state now because of the cancerous corrupt sprawl of DC and northern VA and foreigners and yanks moving in in spades. The handful of urban centers decide the fate of the whole state.

Same thing is happening in Texas. Every year it gets a little more blue and what was once a bastion of conservative decency and an economic machine will get destroyed by foreign libs and bloated government.

Texans, let Virginia be a lesson to you. Save yourselves, keep the federal government OUT.
>hello fellow normies. Sure is dumb how /pol/ hates negroes, am I right?
>also everyone else is dumb, and I'm the only one who can see through the global Jewish media propaganda machine.
>also look at my perfect grammar while I try to insult your intelligence.
And yet, under closer scrutiny it all turned out to be a non-issue, artificially inflated by hysteric media trying to shoehorn their shit down our throats.

Trump has been advertising a hard stance on muslims from the get go. That his ban was subverted by the deep state wheras Obamas similar ban was secretely held in effect was a strike against trumps critics.

The russia accusation started as an unproven accusation of the dems to save face for losing the election. Right now there is yet another thread on /pol/ demonstrating yet another connection between the murder of Seth Rich and the leaks from wikileaks, which supposedly the russians hacked. Born from that false narrative we now have the constant, desperate barrage of unfounded accusations of russia being evil, being master hackers and trump colluding with them to subvert the american state. The current thing is a non-issue because the chief of the armed forces can choose to share intel with allied forces (like russia), especially against a common enemy, like ISIS, otherwise fucking NATO wouldn't work. Since he did all his sharing while it was offcially protocolled and controleld by the security apparatus, it cannot be a crime, only a misjudgment. Whereas selling intel to americas enemies for cash paid via a foundation in your name is a lot more suspect (hello hillary).

To put it shortly: You are convinced, without proof, that the russians are evil, to the point where standing in the same room as a diplomatic envoy from russia is enough to prove collution with the powers of satan to your feverishly paranoid mind.
maybe instead of bitching about how states that were once red are now becoming blue you should wonder why it is so. Here is a hint, it's not due to some global conspiracy aimed agents the family and traditional values
Hint no 2: it might be because small government is no longer a good choice even for the middle class
>Hysteric media
>Deep state
>Hillary-based whataboutism
>Russia is great and they have never worked against the US.

Hey there, Alex Jones, don't you have a divorce to be worried about?
Your ad hominems are cute and entirely unfounded.

I'm not your enemy. I'm merely trying to point out that your fight against Trump is doing poorly because your side of the argument completely gambled away it's credibility. Even your own posts come off as hysteric.

You might also want to freshen up on the political changes within russia after the collapse of the soviet union, instead of judging them from the perspective of cold war propaganda.

Calm down. Have a cup of tea. And don't let sensationalist fuckwits turn you into a ravenous fanatic.
>That his ban was subverted by the deep state
No, it was slapped down by the judicial system, because surprise, saying that you're doing something prejudiced against a religion when said religion's rights are protected by law tends to irritate the people whose job it is to rule based on the law.

>The russia accusation started as an unproven accusation of the dems to save face for losing the election
So unproven that members of the Trump administration are having to recuse themselves from anything to do with Russia because they colluded with Russian organizations and then lied about it?

>Since he did all his sharing while it was offcially protocolled and controleld by the security apparatus, it cannot be a crime, only a misjudgment
He blurted it out in the middle of a conversation without any prior planning to reveal said information. McMaster had to practically barrel roll to dodge the question to avoid having to come out and directly say that Trump decided to say it on a whim during the meeting.

>To put it shortly: You are convinced, without proof, that the russians are evil, to the point where standing in the same room as a diplomatic envoy from russia is enough to prove collution with the powers of satan to your feverishly paranoid mind.
And you are convinced, in spite of continuous proof, that Trump can do no wrong, and that all of his screw-ups and incompetence can be justified away because in your feverishly paranoid mind, Hillary would have been literally satan and you don't want to admit that you voted for a moron.
Not him but yeah. Anything that gets Washington to shit themselves and serves as a wake up call.
>you voted for a moron.
I'm german. I couldn't even vote for Trump if I wanted to. I'm sorry that you have to perceive all politics from a dem vs. rep perspective to the point that the idea that you might look foolish to outside observers has completely slipped your mind.
>Only Americans beat each other up over political disagreements

get a load of this goy
>I'm german. I couldn't even vote for Trump if I wanted to
Ahh, I apologize and retract the claim.

Generally, people outside of the US are intelligent enough to realize that an incompetent buffoon leading the most politically influential country on Earth is an unmitigated disaster for everyone who likes living on this planet. As such, I tend to assume that anyone so stupid would naturally have to live in the US.
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>import people with a different sense of values and morality than your own
>expect them to adapt

You people are delusional.
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>Its okay if they rape and murder people over here because "WE" started the war

Who is even WE?
Please take your white guilt and shove it up your ass.
I'm not entirely convinced he is a buffoon. But it is so incredibly hard to judge him properly because the media landscape is so heavily polarized. I can only urge members of both sides to remain calm, observe and only strike when you actually have something of substance. So far nothing has managed to stick. Given that it was not for a lack of trying on the dems part, it kinda makes the reps look more credible, if barely.
it slep time bunner
>everyone who didnt vote Hilldawg is duuuuuumb

This is how you actually look to people to people.
The part where you pretend that Hillary was somehow less cancerous than Trump actually makes you look the most retarded in here.

All the terrible shit she pulled, all the collusion, all the manipulation and she still was inept enough to win against a walking IRL-Meme.
And you are actually trying to convince people here and know that she was the most competent person for the job.
Jesus Christ.
Question, would transgender be a thing if gender roles were non-existant?
Yes, in the same way that limb dysphoria still occurs in people with normal and socially accepted limbs.
>I'm not entirely convinced he is a buffoon.

Same, after all he did manage to get out on top while literally everyone was screeching.
I didn't like or care about Trump before he became President but seeing Leftists and Liberals having one Meltdown after another fills me with pure unfiltered glee and Schadenfreude.

I wish germany would have someone like that.
>Yes, in the same way that limb dysphoria still occurs in people with normal and socially accepted limbs.

10 out of fucking 10 reply, this is so retarded that I legitimately cannot tell if you are trolling.
You'll need to destroy all catholics first
There's no real difference.

One is a mental disorder that makes you think that there are irreconcilable problems with your body and that you need to surgically alter it in order to feel normal.

The other is in the DSM and is called the body integrity identity disorder.
The dems will refuse to learn from this election
>Why do I even bother posting about real-world social politics on the gaming board
Nobody knows.
Why does it say "apparently"

Shouldn't it be confirmed before it's added to the map as evidence
That's explicitly the strength of democracies. Sure it's great when you're eugenics bread genius visionary king is in on the throne and can use his power responsibly. Not so much when the new monarch is a naive imbecile that couldn't understand how to pass a law to save their life. With democracies atleast that idiot will be gone in 4-8 years, assuming there is actually a law in place to set term limits.
>Trying to imply my rolling hills, vast lakes, roaring falls, tranquil rivers, and boundless forests of Wisconsin are shitty
Well the difference is that your doctor doesn't recommend you to go and remove a healthy leg or arm, you get psychological treatment.

In the case of gender dysphoria you get fed hormones and recommendation for sex reassignment surgery instead of what you should actually get: Mental help.
If a car tries to go through protesters, the driver should get murdered by an angry, armed crowd.
>Why does it say "apparently"
Probably because the victim or a witness described someone this way.

>Shouldn't it be confirmed before it's added to the map as evidence
Shouldn't you look up the map first on the net and maybe read up on it before you ask?
Shouldn't it make you think that what bothered you the most about the noted police reports was that someone used "apparently" and not the sheer volume?

The site lists police reports. Every single one of those dots is a crime that was reported and written down by the police.
>implying nevada and arizona have any water
It's basically just oregon.
Everyone wants all of oregon's things, and they still manage to vote liberal.
>If a car tries to go through protesters, the driver should get murdered by an angry, armed crowd.
>Someone should get murdered because entitled retards got themselves killed by walking into the middle of a HIGHWAY to block it

Leftist logic at its best.
Actually I think we should force them out of the nation because besides texas they are a near universal drain on the state every single year, taking more in benefit programs and free government kickbacks than they pay.
Meanwhile, the blue states around the shores are paying for all this.

If we kicked out the south, we might actually be able to save the country's financial state.
Anon, if you think any political party has any credibility, you are not very smart.
>Let me kill people without any reprecussions whatsoever!
>How dare the realistic conclusion of my actions play out!
Tribalist morons in need of a nannystate right here.
But that would mean the Confederates won, so we still keep the states just to spite them.
Uh, anon, the driver SHOULD get murdered by an angry, armed crowd.
Because he tried to drive through a riot, which is an angry armed crowd.
Unless you have a fucking tank, this is a terrible idea and will get you killed every time.
Goddamnit can we please let the confederates just go off and be a hellhole already?
They are literally being propped up by the north and have been for decades now with no sign of ever turning around.
I mean, losing texas would suck since they are the only guys down there actually making money, but it'd be a net profit since we'd lose all the other money wasters.
Well, at the time, the southern states were quite profitable and were a credit to the country as a whole. Time has marched on since then.

They haven't seemed to advanced economically or technologically since we forced them to remain part of the US, it's still just run-down farms and log cabins out in the middle of nowhere, except in major cities that conservatives avoid like the plague.

Cutting them loose is a net benefit from the US now, unless they can start putting in the effort to make themselves valuable.
But anon, if they put effort into making money and being a contributing part of the society, they'd have to act like a LIBERAL!!!
>Let me endanger other people by .Walking. Onto. A Highway.
>How dare the realistic conclusion of my actions play out!

I think you might have legit brain-damage.
>It's realistic to drive into a crowd of angry armed people
>It's not realistic for angry armed people to shut down main thoroughfares

Anon, I don't think you understand what a riot is or how they work.
I've literally given no stance on this other than "if you try to drive through a riot, you should be killed by the riot", because that is what will happen.

I'm not living in whatever power trip fantasy land you are where I am immune to all consequence.
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