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/cyoag/ - CYOA General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 348
Thread images: 110

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Previous thread: >>53129946

Archives and other resources: http://pastebin.com/vrqYhnpu
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There's two mystery boxes coming up next.
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Realm: Not-So-Evil Hangout

>Affinity: Dark and Illusion
>Size class: Giant
>Race: Celestial and Undead

Boss perks

Race One: Average Undead (Vampires)
>3 Recruiters
>3 Scouts
>2 Agents
Race Two: Average Demonic (Succubi)
>1 Recruiters
>1 Harem

Minion perks
>Talented (Musician)
>Specialty (Charisma)

Realm perks


Plan is to have lair for dragons, vampires, succubi, and other fun-loving creatures of darkness to hide out. Recruiters will spread rumors about this domain in dark circles, but it's hidden so only people who really want to can find it. So like a not-so-secret secret club. Lair is always changing and visitors are watched closely because we don't need any hero types causing mischief. We'd have more fun playing tricks on invaders and trying to bring them to the dark side than actually hurting anyone, except the occasional blood sacrifice of course.....
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??? is objectively the perfect choice
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Remember: Don't be as shitty as a planet as Nasuverse Gaia.
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Why are you still looking? Why weren't you satisfied with ???
I hope someone posts the one with the galactic wives, the one that's an alien noble with a scar shuffled of to a back water is cute.
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If you're reading this, and you know who you are, then surprise!

You're not the only one anymore.

Though honestly yours is still better-designed.
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Divine Ascension 1-2.jpg
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>Magical Prowess
>Perception Prowess
>Charisma Prowess
>Domain Control
>Empowerment x2

>Scouts (Faeries)
>Soldiers (Faeries) x2
>Servants (Faeries)
>Recruiters (Faeries)
>Sorcerers (Fallen Angels)
>Agents (Faeries) x2
>Harem (Fallen Angels) x2
>Chosen (Fallen Angel)
>Hunter (Faerie)
>Witch (Faerie)

Minion Perks
>Talented (Corruption)
>Specialty (Charisma)

Realm Perks


>once a angelic harp player from heaven
>seduced by the wild freedom of the fairy folk
>now live in remote corner of magical forest
>adventurers seek out my realm to drink from the Fountain of Youth
>the path to the fountain is illuminated by enchanting music
>it is a long journey full of detours, distractions, and corrupting influences
>the weak are led astray into the forest and never heard from again
>the strong are offered eternal life and youth in exchange for something supremely important to them

Idk if having my own realm is even all that necessary. I'd probably be happy just being one of the more powerful "boss" types living in another magical-forest-of-the-fey type realm.
Because siren is objectively better.
Maie is objectively the best waifu
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Have you SEEN what's in the ocean? I'm not making that my home.
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oh no

this could go bad
It says none of the creatures of the sea would mess with you if you become a siren. So none of those scary creatures are a threat.
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>realizing you will always at best have a 1 in 5 chance of beating the primeval dragon unless you min max 2 stats at the expense of skills and the only dragon skill has no stat requisites in common with him
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Trirastra Pryslyn

>Goldstrand Elf
>Goldstrand Refuge


>Elemental Magic 1
>Transcend 2
>Summon 3
>Warding 4
>Alchemy 5
>Quickening 6
>Trapmaking 7
>Muffled Walk 8
>Preparation 9
>Meditation 10
>Acrobatics (Dancer)

>Alchemist Targas
>High Priestess Nadir (ELO)


>Dancer 10 Years

>Primeval Dragon

Final Stats
STR 15
FIN 24
CON 24
WIL 29
SPD 18
CRA 20
ELO 24
STA 15

Plan is to become incredibly powerful sorceress and use a staff that's also a spear to cast spells and fight with quickness and finesse instead of strength and lots of magic of course. Will learn how to summon the Primeval Dragon by listening in on the conversations of adventurers while working as a dancer, which will also help me be quick and graceful. Once the dragon is slain, goal is to quest to find the secret to eternal beauty and youth and become immortal sexy sorceress. My companions might also be interested in this quest and join me.
>tfw not sure where to go between Mnsenmyoine, "Lilly," or Ur'scha
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Sure, they aren't a threat, but that doesn't mean I want to ever have to look at them. Besides, with ??? I get to have my own pocket dimension, with immortality and all the kinky sexy times I could imagine. All I have to do is have nice thoughts about her, not exactly a hard task.
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As long as no one brings up feminism we should be fine.
There's only one issue with the CYOA, and it's not even finished.
What's the issue?
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There's different stats for men and women. This caused a total shitstorm last time which got the creator of the CYOA accused of being a misogynist and a SJW and an entire thread was wasted with this crap.
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You ready for fun?


God of Celebration

The Sun

Human women being better than men

But again, it's not even finished.
So for the ones that say I can skip the stat boost and explore another area instead I assume that means it takes the same timeslot? So I could do something like
Burial of kings(skip stat boost)->The Obelisk
Windsong Cliffs(skip stat boost)->Lost Shrine
In a single year?
that's a shame,
I quite like a bit of dimorphism, if done tastefully.

It wasn't, it basically amounted to "You can't have a penis between your legs and cast magic well" but lets leave it at that.
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I can never post Battlemage because I love all versions too much to pick just one, and why bother posting them all?
Still waiting for Archmage as well; super-wizards being cooler than combat-wizards.

Monster Hunter was already posted alongside Domain Master.
I can post Titanlands.
>I WANT [bad cyoas]
what did he mean by this?
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It would make sense going by the stats given, since the year long one gives 4 points when the rest give 2 points.
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ah, well.
some people dig their own graves
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>Sea-Mother Yoonai

>Animal Form (Giant Octopus) 9
>Underwater Affinity 8
>Summon Torrent 4
>Conjure Tornado 0
>Heal (Unaligned 1)
>Lightning (Unaligned 0)
>Arcane Projectiles (Scholar)

>Scale Armor 85
>Staff 73
>Dagger 70
>Gauntlets 60
>Seabeast (Superhuge Shark) 30
>Armours and Attire (DEF) 15
>Armours and Attire (ATK) 0

>Duzelle, Cella, and Pence Owl
>Princess Rescue

>PER 4.5
>STR 4.25
>END 3/5
>CHA 5
>INT 3.5
>WIS 5
>AGI 3.75/6.75

>be adventurous mermaid always trying to explore new places and learn new things
>learn some magic
>save giant shark from fishing net and have pet/mount for life
>get (just a tiny bit) famous while travelling
>joined by some noblesisters who want to adventure with me
>while adventuring, get contacted by High-Elves who need Princess rescued
>flood dragon lair and lightning mooks in the water, shark eats survivors, summon typhoon for cover while fleeing with Princess and arcane bolt any chasers
>court Selra'be
>have 5some with new wife and noblesister companions
No it didn't. It was women were slightly better than men at magic casting
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The "sell your soul to Cthulhu" part worries me.

I think I'd pick Lala. Politicians on Earth appear to being doing really shady and fucked up shit at a fairly rapid pace, though, so humanity might go extinct shortly after we meet.

I'll just cuddle with her when she's not engaged in genocide, I guess.
Yeah, and it was quite bullshit. It heavily favors women as a whole.
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I'm sure Lala could be convinced to only kill the worst of humanity, like the norks for example. Although I'm not a fan of her appearance.
Aren't the blind lizards the best for magic whichever gender?
So men are locked out from being as good as they could be at magic because they have penises, same thing Anon.

Like I said lets leave it at that, this thread is still young and virginal.
>could have been done with my CYOA weeks ago
Make me stop being lazy.
>Non-Waifu CYOA
>Bad CYOA's
whut did he mean bby thIS/
so EBIN :33
Technically no race is superior if you take Mausoleum into account.
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>starts with a waifu cyoa
Magic isn't even good in the setting. It lets you cast fireballs at best. It's not that impressive.
Still wondering why Mausoleum does what it does, and not the University.

Women being better than men at magic does strike me as a bit odd though, especially for the Drachmanians AKA humans.

It isn't finished though, as above mentioned. Things are bound to change. But you idiots basically deterred Onion from ever working on it again.
Wasn't Onion also delusional in the belief that physical combat somehow equalled magical combat?

Swords have better been a match against sorcery.
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>wanted to write a short cyoa
>write a small intro and a few short sections
>end up writing autistically long and complicated power levels
>around 6-7k words at the end

Autism and CYOAs are two hells of a drug. Oh well, enjoy!
Yeah boi, let's get divine up in this shizzle.

>Major themes

>Minor themes
-The home

Eo, god of cycles. Her domain encompasses many things, from the cycle of life, death, and rebirth, to the cycle of the seasons as they go by.
I don't see any reason why it wouldn't have.be a match.
Magic didn't seem that powerful, and physical abilities were boosted to supernatural levels.
>anything that isn't a waifu cyoa is good
Really? This is where we are now?
This, crafting is the real king, able to rip souls out of things at will once you get Siphon, on top of emulating most magic and able to make anti-magic things. Also Cra+Fin is a much cooler combo than Cast+Str.
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Bare-Bones Avatar.pdf
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Dropping some PDFs in attempt to dissuade the current topic.
Since there doesn't seem to be a Jumpchain thread open right now, I'm posting this here. I cooked up Version 0.1 of a Jumpchain-compatible Tom Clancy's The Division CYOA. Feedback is appreciated!

Str is required for 4 Terrors and has pretty boring skills while Cast is required for 6 and has better examples of high level usage in lore and companions.
So Onion hates both men AND magic.

Good to know.
Oh, I remember you anon, you actually ended up making it. Haven't read through it all yet but looks nice. We needed more witchy CYOAs.
It's obvious she hates women because she forces them to specialize in weak magic while men get the privilege of being full physical and raping as much as they want.

Onion is a good girl who knows her place.
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You Died.pdf
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You don't even need NICE thoughts, just not hating her.
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The Heart of Tg.pdf
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Interesting, I'm not sure if the extra item males get would be on average better or not than what they lose
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>should be working on CYOA
>shitposting here instead
You know dumping shit no one will read doesn't actually dissuade arguments, and people will probably want to argue more if you say things like that.
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Onion making women better than men you say?

No worries. Our friend Jean Paul can fix such nonsense.
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The Islanders CYOA.jpg
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Ozoi is cute, yes. But I like science, and there'd be no science to do in her pocket dimension.

The Devourer is the cutest, IMHO, but I just can't go for all the murdering.
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Universal War.pdf
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Too late. I'm dump-happy. I cannot be stopped.
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Hey, I'm not complaining, just saying you're methods might backfire.
>posting cyoas in /cyoag/

Absolute madman you are upsetting the natural shitposting order.
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Traveler - Core.pdf
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Do you think increasing the amount of Culling related content in Monster Hunter would be beneficial?
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Traveler - Allies.pdf
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Seven Sins.pdf
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Yes, it's already a shitpost so by adding more shit it will become more like itself. Things must be as close to their platonic ideals as possible.
I mean, MHCYOA isn't bad. It's just a popular non-Waifu based CYOA. It doesn't appeal to any niche genre that you see some other, more popular CYOA selling themselves to, but it definitely has a nice, well done aesthetic. The culling is only responded to poorly by individuals that have some irreverent fear of, "But what if I die?" These individuals fail to remember that CYOAs aren't actually competitice and serve more as a writing prompt than anything else. Occasionally builds may be compared as a dick measuring contest, but there's no real associated fear with the Culling.
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I shall be the God of the woodland glade, of flower, of tree, of beast, and beard. My domain shall be A E S T H E T I C S .
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The god of Empire

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Other's Gift.pdf
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You Bois ready to get comfy? Nigga, we making a pantheon.
There's nothing wrong with men having better physical stats and women better magic stats.
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Is the comfydark guy still working on his CYOA?
Except realistically men don't have better physical stats than women. One is physically stronger the other is physically more dexterous.

Women have two advantages, men only have one. Tah dah.
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If there was a gap between the post number and the body of your text, I'd guess you were Angelanon with that bullshit.
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>the other is physically more dexterous



He'd be the god of diversions (whether genuine or otherwise), novelty (and new directions in general) and pleasant surprises, especially when meeting new strangers (love domain). Has a negative female aspect, a goddess of hedonism, recklessness and aimless wandering.
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Difference between the two?
its fantasy
There's no reason for women to be better than men at magic.

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There is no reason for women to not be better than men at magic.

>Points: 15
>Free Item

>Level 5 Charms
>Level 5 Witchery
>Level 5 Ravenmancy

I have three free item slots, two for my specialization, and one from remaining male.
>Free Item:Charm Charms
>Free Item:Magic Wand
May I please have a staff or walking stick?
>Free Item:Witch Hut
>Charm: I'll take a level 4 Perception Charm

I will become like Wodin. I will wander this land seeking to learn all I can and to assist people in their troubles.

I do like this one a lot, there's plenty of different builds to do and I like that flexibility. One minor gripe though; there aren't enough general items that benefit everybody, most of the items seem pretty class specific.
Just turn on some jams, sit down, and concentrate.
Going by clichés and stereotypes alone I can think of many reasons.

Witch (male)
+15 Points
+1 Free Item

Powers (16)
- Charms 5 (-5)
- Curses 5 (-5)
- Transmutation 5 (-5)
- Catmancy 1 (-1)

Items (3)
- Wand
- Charm Charms
- Potion of Witchiness

Charms, curses, and transmutation give a good spread of offense, defense, and supporting abilities. In general I'm probably going to get more mileage out of transmutation and charms than curses, but better to have curses available and not need them than be stuck in a situation where I really need to fuck someone up but can't.
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Space Opera.pdf
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5 Gods/Goddesses so far. What's the general hierarchy, if there is one?
Then there are also reasons for women to be better. Maybe mana stores in cavities like the womb.
>Going by clichés and stereotypes alone I can think of many reasons.
I can think of many reasons why women would be better than men in magic based on cliches and stereotypes.
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The Arena.pdf
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Better resolution on this one, perhaps?
I mean, it sounds to me like Empire should be in charge. It's just logical.
Men are generally better than women when it comes to magic in most fictional works, this is quite obvious.

It doesn't mean you have to abide by it.
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Adelheid Klein

>Drivers License
>Solar Predator (with 2 Free Sparrow Fighters)
>1 Lotus Bomber
>Ironbill Dropship
>Finer Fashion
>Plasma Pistol
>Chart (free)
>Lots of free turrets
>Repair Robots for ship
>Novelty Attire x3 (Captain's Hat, Cape, Epaulets)

>Made in Kriegenfist
>Gut Feeling

>Rajat Ambu Kukarni
>Nell Tam
>Donna Walsh
>Walton Quaid
>Tina Haywood

Just fly around having adventures. Little exploring, little trading, little bounty-hunting/mercenarying. Run back to Kriegenfist for protection when I get into trouble.


Actually >>53138653 is me Angelanon.
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Necromancer v2 01.pdf
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Finally, in honor of Scientist and what came before.
Nice CYOA - unique premise, and interesting powers.

Just one question though - can I take a Lobster familiar (pic related) to get its aging type at level 3?

Probably - 15 points can still max out 3 tiers, the items are pretty good, and if worst comes to worst you can trade the item back for a point.
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Necromancer v2 02.pdf
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Scientist senpai, where art thou?
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>Men are better than women at something
What Bizarro universe is this?
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What need do you have of science when you're an omnipotent god within the pocket dimension?
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Necromancer v2 03.pdf
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Throw me a bone, Scientist.
So what's the deal with Gilgamesh, Gilgamae, Enkidu, and Ishtar? Is Gilgamae just a coincidental genderswap or what?
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Necromancer v2 04.pdf
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Ok, I'm all pooped out. You're free.
>There is nothing wrong with big strong men who can easily manhandled weak small women
I didn't want to give males a really concrete advantage or disadvantage since it seems to be a point of autism in these threads.

No cheating for immortality, it could increase your lifespan a bit though. Plus extra grip strength and water breathing.

>Aetherial God

Major Themes:

Minor Themes:
>The Home

Issitoq is the keeper of the law, the guiding force for those who rule, and the enforcer of vows.
God of Youth

The Moon

What do I win?

People seem to think I'm an "sjw" when I'm not. Men tend to be stronger and faster than women. I'm not as sure about other stuff. Doesn't mean women aren't better at other things like communication or social skills (which require brain power). And doesn't mean that if magic were real that women couldn't be better at it.


Irl that's what guns are for. But in a fantasy setting there can be Amazons that are stronger and faster than men.
>And doesn't mean that if magic were real that women couldn't be better at it.
Real world occult societies were dominated near exclusively by men. I'm inclined to believe this wouldn't be the case.

Magic also doesn't exist.
Since people so far have just listed the Gods, I'll give each one a quick description, to make things easier.

Goddess of celebration

Goddess of cycles

God(dess?) Of wild nature (Not agriculture)

God of Empire (Leader?)

God of diversions

The God of Law and Order

Contrary to popular opinion women generally are NOT better at communication with one another than men are, usually it's the opposite.
Does Angel also believe that women are more intelligent than men?

I'm pretty sure there's more women witches and wiccans and some places had women dominated magic like the Greek oracles and Viking sex magic.



And the God of Youth.

Btw, the power levels so far have been (in order of posts)


Good pattern, but maybe we should have some terrestrials. What themes are we missing in a big way? Leadership, nature, and comfiness seem covered.

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>Love, Magic, Offense, Defense
>Marriage, Justice
Cutie Witch, being young is awesome

Level 5 charms
Level 5 catomancy (my familiar would be a black pigeon)
Level 5 witchery

Potion of witchiness
Witch hut
Potions (Panacea, Phoenix, Truth Serum)
Literally the lowest-effort pagan religion. It's all syncretic bullshit with a "tradition" stretching back to about the 1950s.

Reconstructionism 4 lyf.
>I'm pretty sure there's more women witches and wiccans and some places had women dominated magic like the Greek oracles and Viking sex magic.

In terms of folklore and mythology, at least in the West?

When it comes to history and its participants?
Definitely not.

We need a deity for agriculture stat.
A war god/des probably wouldn't be a bad idea.
A deity for scholars.
And a deity for tradesman.
Sailors too I suppose.

Anything else spring to mind immediately?
>my religion is more valid than yours!!!!
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Why the fuck are you idiots feeding the crazy lesbian?
lol Angel you fucking retard

Wizards > Witches
>Le classy fedora tip
Haha. Pastafarianism is just as legitimate as Hinduism or Christianity. Well argued good sir.

Still mostly women trying to do magic.


Well maybe there's a reason women were believed to be more magically inclined in ancient tradition.


That's what I was saying, troll.
>People seem to think I'm an "sjw" when I'm not

All the "Men should be castrated and this world would be better without men and all women are actually lesbians that's been conditioned to like men" BS could have fooled me
>gender intelligence
Men are represented at the extremes far more than women.

Women are generally more consistent.
*not what I was saying

It's ok Angel. Breath it all in. Wizards shit all over witches. We have Discworld as proof of this.
Because the gender magic fags want to shit up another thread and Angel is providing those quality laxatives.
I posted this build before, and someone said I was up to something, no clue what he meant though



>The Moon
Witches are clearly superior to wizards. Why?

Because they're spookier.
Why is it so wrong though? Men have always dominated the occult and magic, whether it be mythology, folklore, fiction or historical hidden societies.

Why can't ONE fantasy setting have women being better at magic?
Celebration did agriculture, but someone a bit more specialized could be good.

Good idea. I think we have Empire, who does the two sides of war, but again, a more specialized deity could be good.
Again, good idea.
Could include general professions, desu.
I don't know. What would it be? Weather and what else?

I think a trickster god/dess could be a good idea.
It's lich not witch you goober.
It isn't, you are feeding shitposters.
Freudian slip. You were right (wrong) the first time.
Liches are spookier than witches and thus better.


I'm just a realist.


Maybe. I like Sorceresses best though.


Demonstrably false.
Yes. Lizards are gender neutral and make the best casters despite what memelords have to say. The only real differences between genders are the Sandnigger Males have the highest strength while one of the Elf Females have the highest Finesse.

Technically there are infinite universes with all kinds of possibilities. It just so happens that Gilgamesh manifested the traits to become a Traveler in two separate dimensions, one in which they are female. Gilgamae was an Angel build, iirc, who tried to use the Fate version of Gilgamesh (genderswapped). Enkidu is based on a build that was made around a close friend of Gilgamesh who notices the 'new' him is strange and something is off, though this version seems more feral. Ishtar was most likely added since we had nearly the whole mythology present.
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Because they need to feed her attention or she will die, I swear if I could block all of her posts and all who replied to her then this general would be paradise

Yeah, no. It's a fact that wizards are superior to witches in Discworld.
Men dominate at everything, it's just in their nature. Even in generally female dominated areas like cooking, cleaning, sewing and being a good cocksleeve cumslut, the best of the best are always men. You can try to make a fantasy world to deny it, but it's just the law of nature, as pervasive as gravity.
What's your general idea? It can be added to the list

Should someone start a google doc or something? Or maybe a separate thread? This one's preoccupied with other stuff, and it would be a shame to talk about CYOAs in a CYOA thread.
Pointing out that a religion is not less respectable than an another (unless it promotes violence an all that) is not being a fedora.

Women are still better communicators and could be better at magic if it were real.


I'm not talking about Discworld.
I mean, I'm not taking Angel's side but come on, man.
I guess god of mysticism
Looks like we got a cuck here.
Yes she lost, get over it.
>Written by a pedophile apologist
>I'm just a realist.

Just like your mom thought this world would be better without you, Anyway I should have known a SJW like you would act this way and don't bother replying
>Women are still better communicators and could be better at magic if it were real.

Except magic isn't real. And if it was, I'm inclined to believe men would be better based upon how they approached it throughout antiquity and history.

I'm even more inclined to believe there wouldn't be a single superior gender over such a purview.

Oh, and women are better at emotion to.
>Follows reliable journalism
>Automatically means I voted for Shillarry
I don't fuck with neolibs, senpai.
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More like getting emotional.
Daily reminder Angel called other authors shit because her CYOA didn't get her enough headpats.
>Except magic isn't real
>I'm inclined to believe men would be better based upon how they approached it throughout antiquity and history.
What makes you think that men's approach to magic is any better then women's, considering you know nothing about magic.
But it's true, women are conditioned to like dick. I'm a girl, and when I first hit puberty all I wanted to do was fuck bitches and lick pussy. But then I discovered the internet and porn, and slowly it turned me into a complete slut for cock. It's the subliminals they put in the water.
>Angel arguing women are better than men at magic

Literally never been the case in 99.90% of fictional anythings.
>considering you know nothing about magic.

Careful now.
Most fiction doesn't even have rules about which gender is better at magic because the only thing it does it cause shitflinging.
>Certain fiction (Mostly written by men) says so so it must be true
nigger magic isn't real. There's no point in saying anything other than it depends on the specific setting. If you think otherwise you're a fucking retard.
>There's different stats for men and women.
As there should be.
There is no superior gender when it comes to magic.

>depends on the setting
Always the case. Though anon is still correct if we go by a consensus.
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I'm not opposed to it entirely, but I prefer a more subtle approach of gender determining the role and diplomacy of a character rather than their stats.
No gender has a better approach to magic, it's just historically men have been dominant in such areas. Men have been dominant in nearly everything.

This isn't something you can argue.
The Twins

The Sun

The Moon

A set of Twin gods who are linked together, yet completely separate. The Brother is God of The Sun, Creativity, and Fertility. The Sister is God of The Moon, Weather, and Nature.

See >>53139245
Count me in! I've got three ideas, so take your pick.

#1: The Eternal Judge, The Black God
>Death, Magic, Wisdom, Order
>The Moon, Justice
He wears a cloak. The priests say it is deepest black, and perhaps they are correct, but his prophets (few and far between) say that his cloak is an ever-shifting rainbow. Pigeons carry the ghosts of the dead to him, and he judges them fairly before sending them to their appointed afterlife...or, if they choose, to live again and do good.

#2: The Scholar, The First-Mage
>Magic, Wisdom
>The Moon, Prophecy, Craft
In one sense, he has no temples; in another, every place of learning is a shrine to him. He seeks to better everyone, giving them magic and wisdom to elevate them from brute animal strength. He challenges everyone, whether they worship him or not, to outsmart him, and he is never more pleased than when they succeed.

#3: Luin, the All-Skilled
>Hunting, Cunning, Creativity, Crafts, Entertainment, Prophecy
"And when Luin came to them, the chief of the clan said to him: what can you do that we cannot? Luin said that he could hunt, but the chief showed him the greatest hunters of the land at his call. Luin said that he could make music, but the chief showed him the most beautiful of musicians. Luin said that he was skilled at the forge, but the chief showed him his blade, forged by a smith there, the sharpest and keenest. Then Luin said, you may have men who can do what I do, but tell me, do you have any who can do all those things? Then the chief was amazed, and welcomed Luin to his hold."
CYOA probably shouldn't have stats desu they really don't add much unless its closer to how Stardust deals with vehicles.
Would have been more interesting if Onion had both genders being better in certain areas of magic, with exceptions being possible.
No shitposting would have spawned, and it would have been far more flavorful.

Just look at Celtic folklore
Masculine magic represented fire, earth, strength and the sun.
Feminine magic represented water, wind, growth and the moon.
Please don't shit up /tg/ with anymore of these threads than there already is.
This won't end well for anyone involved, mark my words little man.
>Women are still better communicators
[citation needed], because they sure as hell can't get along with each other.
>and could be better at magic if it were real.
Personally, I support a slight difference in kind (men tending towards academic magic, women more intuitive), but that has 0% relevance on any specific setting.

It has statistics and graphs. Most of the places I found either marked it as a draw (with men still dominating the highest ranks) or giving a negligible-but-extant advantage to the average man.
Still debunks Angel's theory, though.

I like this
Anon, don't make a new thread until at the very least the current thread has hit the bumplimit.
Loving the concept. Basically all pantheons have sun and moon gods, usually of a male/female dichotomy.

Head on over to the new thread, and we can think in peace.
Are you clinically retarded?
>No gender has a better approach to magic, it's just historically men have been dominant in such areas
That is contradictory nonsense. If neither has a superior approach neither is dominant. And what do you mean "such areas" magic doesn't exist.
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>Implying it's /cyoag/
Jesus, do you people pay any attention at all? I knew this would happen.
It's a thread dedicated to one CYOA, we split sometimes when a certain discussion overtakes us. When v2 Monster Hunter was released we split them into their own separate thread since they were clogging the threads.
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Did that.

Don't be boring.
Do you not see the contradiction in claiming neither is better, and then saying men are historically better?
So men are dominant then? If that is how you want to word things, I guess.
God king is best king.





My people are beautiful and healthy. Looks can open doors that even the best connections can't. They excel at sailing and hunting. From our lands flows endless wares of high quality crafts made from the endless materials nature provides. I shall lead my people as a king and the ocean itself shall overflow with gold, silver, and precious jewels.
He was mentioning that men have been more prevalent in occult endeavors compared to women, far more.
This doesn't mean one gender is superior when it comes to the arcane. It means one gender has went further than the other.

Men have went further than women on many accounts, not just this. Does this make them superior? No.
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I've hit an issue with Libra. I have the basic idea of her character and personality floating around my head, but I can't quite get to the meat of her.
I've always admired ArchAngel/Demon Roommate, Branching Heart, Pokemon Personified, and Picking A Goddess for how well they were able to portray the companions/waifus with so much less space than I'm using and still making every single one feel unique and interesting.
If any authors or just some helpful feeling anons could give me some tips or suggestions for making sure she doesn't wind up boand and forgettable, I would be exceptionally grateful.
If not, I'll just move on the Southern Houses and hope I can figure her out while I work on them.
Well, what do you have?
>Trying hard is all that matters.
Unless they got results it has no bearing on the argument. Further, it's a baseless claim since basically all known occult orders were secret societies, including the ones composed entirely of women, so maybe it just means women are historically better at keeping their mouths shut.
I like to use character traits that aren't commonly associated with each other to give the illusion of depth. That's not to say exact opposites like "She hates everything, but is into puppies and sunshine" but just things that seem counter but aren't actually. This makes them seem a bit more 3D
You're trying too hard to write out history that never actually happened the way you think it did.

I'm not saying one gender is better than another, I'm saying one gender went further than women regarding the occult. That gender not being women.
Sauce on that Dragon's Crown pic for Sorceress? Pretty please?
So far just the outline of the sign I read on the website I've been using as a reference for all of them and the summary of the House.
Right here, if you want to read the first draft:
Head South past the wastelands of Aquarius, through the small but respectable lands held by Gemini that border the capital, and you’ll find yourself in the domain of House Libra. The Line of Libra controls the most land out of any Eastern House by far, though much of it is an inhospitable desert. As such, all of major settlements on the area surround at least one oasis or other form of sustainable water. The glorious city of Alba Harenae stretches across nearly all of the largest peninsula on Zodiac’s South Eastern Coast. Princess Lizette rules over Alba Harenae and all her House’s lands with grace and measured justice, as all her forebears. The Libra line are Zodiac’s greatest diplomats and they have devoted themselves to the arts with a blinding passion. Alba Harenae is a prosperous city, but that has meant that the Princess has spent her entire life in luxury and she is a bit, to put it plainly Your Majesty, spoiled.
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22 points
>potions 5
17 points
>charms 5
12 points
>curses 5
7 points
>transmutation 5
2 points
>witchery 3
-1 points

items 1+3
>potion of witchiness
0 points
>witches hut
>bottle stash
I then proceed to live in a hut, turning my blood into gold whenever money is required, and dispensing potions, charms and curses according to my whims.
What, like "dom but secretly wants to be tamed by the dick?"
Men have done far more than women throughout history. You can't argue against this.
Naturally this includes the occult and its relevant societies.

You're also arguing with a complete moron, just ignore her.
Head here >>53138714
>Went further
Again, unless you mean something other then "But they /really/ tried" it has nothing to do with anything. And as I said, occult societies were secret, no one knows how many they were or what they were all like because no one was supposed to. We only know about the ones that either fucked up and got found out, or the ones that devolved into social clubs that didn't actually do anything occult.
I was thinking, for instance like having a more feminine character with a traditionally masculine interest, but one that doesn't actually go against the rest of her personalty, and would only seem to because of preconceived notions. That way the character seems just a tiny bit less like a cookie-cutter "type"
I mean, I don't think that's 100% what we've hit, but I definitely thing a sort of counterculture to the constant waifu-CYOAs of the past has emerged. I think there's more room for what constitutes a popular CYOA, but what is "good" is really subjective. I personally dislike jumpchain, for example, but there is enough hype around it to constitute its own containment thread.

In a good CYOA I look for nice aesthetic and a good platform for writing based on options chosen. I personally think Battlemages does that well enough, for example. Others may disagree for whatever reason, but I imagine a lot of that hate stems from its popularity and the fact that it might draw in an entire thread or threads' attention when a new version drops.
>was careful to balance genders
>cyoa ironically gets swallowed in a storm of witch vs wizard shitposting that had nothing to do with it

I just found it on a booru. It's not cropped as far as I can tell.
Sorry let me clarify quickly, she would still be feminine in most regards, I'm not simply talking about a tomboy

Going for a attack speed spell blade type
Swiftness + 4
Magic +4
Combat + 2

Major battlemage Minor Rogue
Swiftness + 5
Magic +5
Combat + 3

Concentration - to cast while moving
Swift Fighter - cause i got so much speed.
Combat reflexes. Best defense is to not get hit.

Diana , Iratha
So you're not even arguing history then? Why are you even here? The secret societies that were known were comprised almost entirely of male figures, with exceptions being a given.

If you want to read about well known occult figures that were of the opposite gender; go research Helena Blavatsky and Anna Kingsford.
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Well, it IS cropped, it's just that the cropped image is part of an image set.
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Holy shit!
You just helped me come to concrete basis for her!
Thank you, Anon! I shall strive to make at least one Bride you'll think is worthy fighting for!
>So you're not even arguing history then?
I'm pointing out that you confidence in knowing all about all of the /secret societies no one is supposed to know about/ is retard because you keep bringing it up even though, main point here, trying to do something doesn't mean you're better at it, so the fact males spent more time setting up secret clubs has no bearing on on any hypothetical natural aptitude for magic they may have.
Average Witch
Level 4 Potions
Level 5 Charms
Level 4 Curses
Level 4 Witchery

Items: Potion of Witchiness
You're honest to god retarded, you know that?

No gender is better at magic, you insufferable cunt. The point anon is making is that males have dominated in such areas throughout history, as they have done for pretty much everything else.

If you want to complain about history, go to your nearest university and trade blows with one of their (hopefully) competent lecturers.
Hmmm, you have a strong disdain for blatant historical facts.

I think I'm just going to let you believe what you want to believe. Hidden societies, which may not have even been, are irrelevant in the face of societies that did, in fact, exist.
Cast a spell and make me if you're so good at magic then.
Magic doesn't exist. No wonder you're so fucking stupid.

Isn't Angel some sort of fucking wiccan?
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I feel stupid now, but the image makes up for it.
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Yes it does.
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So... In order to draw the attention away from shitposting, how about some ideas so I can make some OC
Hardware store CYOA.
Tragic Hero CYOA
>knowing all about all of the /secret societies no one is supposed to know about/ is retard
>main point here, trying to do something doesn't mean you're better at it

What facts am I ignoring, the one where knowing history that is deliberately undocumented is virtually impossible or the part we aren't all special snowflakes how get handed whatever we want just because we try to get it?
CYOA built on powers derived from business/self-help books like "Getting Things Done" or "How to Win Friends and Influence People."
I don't think anyone is going to bother with someone as biased as you.

Either you're angel or some fucking retarded wiccan obsessed with the notion that women have done anything relevant regarding the occult.

Go flick your bean or something you fat fuck.
Technomage cyoa, choose various options of being a technomage and various tech powers that aren't magic, but are formated to seem a lot like magic.
>Undocumented history beats documented history?

Are you insane?
>MHCYOA isn't bad
>I have no standards
t. plebian scrub shell of a human being
What is the initiation ritual for the stone masons?
Caveman/prehistoric adventures
Start a cult
Undead brothel
What is the initiation ritual for the cult of Chandu?
What kind of fetishes would you like a waifu to have in a CYOA?
Handholding and adventuring
Oh god you sound pretentious. I'm cringing right now.
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The contract has been sealed
Needs more companions.

and fluff.
Missionary position, leg lock, nakadashi, impregnation. Also this >>53140033
Presumably, bowing to Lugoj and chanting Béla Ferenc Dezső Blaskó, but I'm not the one claiming to know everything about every secret society to ever exist.
Since when did /cyoag/ draw-out and trigger feminist wiccans?

How did this happen?
This CYOA needs a map of Sadira
sounds amazing
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A fetish for purging heretics and heathens.
Its not feminism to point out arguing which gender is better at something not real, and pretending that you could know without further understanding of the setting is retarded
>but I'm not the one claiming to know everything about every secret society to ever exist.

You don't need to know about every hidden society ever to acknowledge that men have been dominant in these areas by-and-large. This is my first and last tribute to your annoying derailment of the thread.
Come to think of it, feminist wiccans are the closest thing we'll ever have to magical girls in real life.

Now I've gone and made myself sad.
interesting and thoughtful characters
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Someone pointed out that men have historically dominated the occult. This ruffled the feathers of a certain anon.

Magic doesn't exist though, so who the fuck cares.
>This ruffled the feathers of a certain angel*
There is no setting. I believe anons are arguing real life here. In which case the male supremacists (an exaggeration) are correct about women not being as prevalent as men regarding hidden societies.
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Looking forward to it anon.

Level 5 Witchery
Level 5 Catmancy
Level 3 Potions

Potion of Witchiness
Bottle Stash

Black Cat Familiar
Reminds me of the Magic Kingdom of Landover
This, people are underestimating the pleasantness of being a very hot witch. (I can understand that some people could want to keep their old body though)
And you can still have Immortality and awesome powers.
Oh well that's definitely true. There aren't a whole lot of major female societies, but I don't think that much merit on who would be the best mage, it only would be so if magic was very lore based mysticism. Though arguing of the prevalence of female secret groups is ridiculous, so i'll agree to that general idea, I don't think there is any Female mason like group, even if the masons aren't the spooky people others make them out to be.

>True Form
Witch (Male)

Witchery Level 5
Transmutation Level 5
Potions Level 5

That Other Necronomicon - Mammon - Delayed Sleep Phase Type Circadian Rhythm Disorder
Witch Hut
Charm - Luck
Bottle Stash

The circadian rhythm disorders can be pretty disruptive if you have to rely on shift work or any regimented schedules. But if you're a weirdo that lives in the woods it's just thematic
We should burn this thread and start over
But if this didn't naturally die down people would bring it up next thread
Become Cowboy(male)
Take Flatty and Mikey
Take Egyptian Magic Tome
They work for PMCs, or are demilitarized in reserve and do civilian jobs.
This thread is piss
The only way to salvage /cyoag/ at this point is to let it die naturally and refrain from making a new thread for a couple of weeks for all the bullshit die down. And then start over from a clean slate.

But it won't happen. There are many people too invested in keeping /cyoag/ alive and in the way it is now it even consider a brief sabbatical. Its just the way things are and it will never change.
This cannot continue.
Someone will just start a new thread because you posted this.

It's reverse psychology.
no need to thank me anon
What are you suggesting we become as, anon?
What would be a good visual representation for something like rules? Specifically illogical and tedious rules? Thank you for your time.
A law book, or a picture of a congress.
A fat referee. Maybe a nun with a bitchy face and a ruler.
These threads aren't that bad, sure there's plenty of shitposting but at least we sometimes get build discussion.
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I generally only read posts containing CYOAS or posts in response to them. I was just thinking that such posts have been oddly sparse. There must have been a shitstorm.

Shitty OC under construction.
Can I become an Old God and infest some parallel universe in a scam to harvest its resources to pay off my student loans?
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Wizard's Mistakes.png
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Looking good so far.
>The Moon Presence was trying to evade the IRS.
No, this is shitty bargain bin magic we're dealing with. None of it has any real combat or world-altering potential. If you're creative you'll get masturbation tools, at best. I'd love to see your build and an attempt, though.

Most of the heavy work is done, just need 2 more shitty spells and to add a sarcastic, shitty waifu section.
>the IRS is stronger then all the gods combined
Aside from the text editing how useful is paint.net?
>Seek Paleblood to transcend the student debt.
>The IRS was god all along.
pls someone.
How desperate are you?
On a scale of 1-10, about a 6.98523.
Potions 5 can used blood that was stored for later use, right?
Human bodies don't have much more than a gallon of blood in them at any one time.
Witch CYOA:
True Form:
>Witch (Male) (+15, +1 Free Item)
>Potions 5
>Charms 5
>Transmutation 5
>Witchery 1
Magic Items: (+4 Items)
>Charm Charms
>Potion of Witchiness
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Yep, thats fine. Just can't use old blood for transmutation.
>True form: sorceress
Because attractive women are my fetish.

>witchery 5
Lots of general utility, gives you a free apartment and makes you basically unkillable. Also I get to design a sexy costume with a big hat.

>Catmancy 5, snake familiar
9 lives just in case, and I can replenish them by being nice to cats. I am now able to swallow objects larger than my head. I also get my own lamia for yuri purposes.

>Charms 3
Because making simple charms sounds like easy money and I already know how to carve wood and shit.

>item: potion of witchiness

I can literally live the rest of my life just stealing whatever I want, throwing it into my pocket dimension apartment and getting away with it every time. I could even murder people by dragging them into space and nobody would ever know. I am the perfect criminal with a sweet ass.
>Have CYOA written out
>have most of the images
>no idea how to use image editors
How do I do this please help.

Sorceress - I can think of worse things to be than an impossibly hot lady

Potions 5 - dat agelessness. Also other healing shit to keep me alive when the agelessness fails.

Catmancy 5 - I can think of harder jobs than running a home for cats, especially when you can talk to them.

Charms 3 - if they stack, I might have to take 3 level 3 luck charms to vegas. Or wear 3 Hardwork charms in my day to day life.

Gift: Potion of Witchiness - may as well. Nothing else is really worth it.
charms dont stack
you also get a second item
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Dark City 01.pdf
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Dark City 02.pdf
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Necromancer v3 01.pdf
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Necromancer v3 02.pdf
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True Form: Average Witch
Potions 4, mostly just that high for panacea
Transmutation 3, did you know a gallon of gasoline has about 13,500 calories. I am the piss baker.
Witchery 5
Catmancy 5 Fox familiar

Wand, alright, now I just need to find 2 tons of cold iron and amethyst. Or maybe just amethyst, can it jump levels? Would it still have the lower levels since the higher grade medium still works?
Potion of Witchiness

Anyways, Immortal (Ageless), very hard to kill, and respawn from death (basically) as long as I'm nice to cats. Hammer space robes, 600MPH invisible flight, make plenty of money selling the lower level potions.
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I remember that this CYOA from about a month ago was supposed to get an update or something. Did that ever happen?

Also I like how this referenced Branching Heart.
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K, in that case I take one charm of Luck, One of hard work and one of veterinary care. I'll take the Charms gift to make crafting charms easier.

Also going to Upgrade Catmancy to Dairy Cowmancy

>Body becomes Fertility Goddess Plus
>Dairy Cows more profitable than cats
>Have something in common with narrator witch, can stay in contact and get witch tips
>Woodwork charm probably good for farmwork

>Fewer lives (although still more than enough for an immortal farmer)
>Dairy Farming might be more demanding than saving cat lives
>Will get sick of looking at familiar's figure when mine is better.
Witchery 5
Catmancy 5
Potions 2
Item: Charm x2 level 4 Stamina, Perception

I'm assuming that I can take 2 charms as my 2 items. Most other items don't make sense to have duplicates, or are explicitly stated to be the only one, but she seems to have plenty of regular charms and potions anyway.

Anyway, high level Potions, Charms, and Transmutation are all too expensive or difficult to be worth investing into. Curses isn't something I want. Consortation is kind of tempting at level 3, but not 2 and I'd rather have a second charm. Honestly though with a Sorceress body I can get the benefits of level 3 consortation the old fashioned way if I want.

Witchery and Catmancy are both basically free to use. Speaking of Catmancy, I'll stick with a cat as long as you can bump "jump/fall higher" to "increased agility/grace".
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Hold up. First it says that purple is the first book, then orange claims to be.
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You have uncovered a dark, terrible and contradictory secret.

Now you must die for it.
>"Because we're selling humanity's one free 'right to own a home planet.'"
No. If I'm all that's left than after whatever it is you just did with my body Humanity is officially extinct. Meanwhile, I'm a gene-modded member of whichever race I picked.

I can see plenty of reasons to colonize a planet and plenty of benefits to "owning" one, but please don't mistake this as "humanities" new home. Even if by some twisted logic you insist on considering me still human, it's still only me. I need to focus on what I need rather than what the non-existent, probably un-recoverable species "needs".
Read it again,
Liber Mortis says
>The very first book of necromancy
Reunu Peremu says
>The Reunu Pertemru is the first of all necromantic works, containing many ancient secrets in the form of a scroll.
So first book, vs first work/scroll. Technically they are not contradictory, even if the Liber Mortis also says all others were derived from it, the only applicable subject there is book, therefore things which are not books do not have to be derived from the Liber Mortis. Though the wording on the two could be more clear and precise on this.
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I thought skeletons were supposed to be friendly
New thread: >>53142063
stop lazy plz
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Going to make a frozen wasteland and fucking dare people to come steal my treasure
A bit bland, but I've got an idea in mind of a lone figure always on the horizon, tracking interlopers, getting closer each day as the cold and deprivation takes it toll.
Standard superhuman stuff
>Domain Control
I can always find you, and the snow and wind conspires to keep you lost and wandering
>Enchanted Armor
>Enchanted Weapon x 2 (Sword and Bow)

I'm planning on not having many minions, but having those ones be dangerous in their own right. Average and large, humanoid and beast.
>Scouts x 2 (which would look and act as weaker versions of me)
>Champion x 10 (Ten mighty tundra beasts; an assortment of giant snow leopards, bears and wolves)
>Talented (Tracking)
My minions are accustomed to tracking and hunting throw the snow and never need to stop for rest or food.


No complications for now; just a giant fucking tundra wasteland only populated by myself, the ultimate tracker and slayer, terrible beasts of the snow, and my lesser clones. Imagine it something like one of the winter areas from Dark Souls, but stretching out as far as the eye could see, with a secret treasure somewhere deep in the snow.

>citation needed

The link you posted is anecdotal and the people involved were idiots. It has nothing to do with gender.
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>Viking sex magic.
Sadr has nothing to do with sex.

Basically the only reason some people think it had anything to do with sex is because men who practiced it were called the viking equivalent of 'faggot', which is just what you called anyone who wasn't being manly/was doing womanly things in viking society. That it's some kind of feminist sexual liberation magic is just wishful thinking on their part.

Especially considering that Odin was the foremost expert on it. He got insulted for being girly over it, but they'd be way more direct if it meant he took dicks in the ass. Especially considering they wrote the Lokisanna, which contains both exaggerations and outright lies insulting the gods, they would have had Loki outright say 'lmao you suck dicks' to Odin instead of 'lmao magic is for girls'.
SDA has some tutorials on how to image edit. There is also youtube and I think there is an html template for making cyoas with video in the pastebin.
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>Women are still better communicators and could be better at magic if it were real.

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>Source: rooshvforum
Now just let the discussion die you turboautist.
This >>53143625 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bwl-aJm3wG4nR2hvU3BBTjluU1k

These tutorials are super easy to use, and a lot quicker than I thought they would be.
I'm sorry I upset you. Have a good day, Anonymous.
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