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Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1446: Time Cube Edition

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>Google Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

>Last Thread
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Continuing on https://pastebin.com/DBXDuipL

>Swampborne Stagger
I'll look into it.

>perfect defence primacy
Well the way it works is that there are conditions in which you can't dodge or parry, the way it works is that such things get around Perfects by saying they are not-applicable. Some Perfects are so Perfect they explicitly say you can block even the unblockable/Dodge the Undodgeable. Perfects are expensive and have some odd interactions with such spell and techniques.

>No, you don't.
Er... > A being of any other origin than Kami that has Jumper of Flesh and Spirit gets a free purchase of this as well. Kami with Jumper of Flesh and Spirit will get three free purchases, so six links total.

Yeah you do.

>Having an option even mention in-jump purchases is questionable
I wanted to be clear on what it did and this word is fairly clear.

>The way it is now, the reflections wouldn't even have memories and skills obtained elsewhere.
Are you talking about the Jumper of Spirit and Flesh here or the Duplication Magic? I can't tell with your terms flipping around.
I've been gone for about two weeks, any update on WoW?

Continuation of writechain, in Rurouni Kenshin.
>tl;dr Everything goes wrong. Everything.
Warning: This one isn't very funny.
I get that, it just seemed odd that this spell goes out of its' way to say even Charm-empowered parries don't work.
That's not true. Out of FF1,6,7,8 and 11 Gilgamesh only appears in 8 as a GF and 11 as a random NPC. Until the anon that claimed the other jumps finishes them, you only get 2 Gilgameshes out of FF.
Will you fuck off? We were talking about Fate/GO you sour grape.
It doesn't really go out of it's way to say that, as far as I can tell?

>Once the orb has exploded, the outpouring light cannot be parried and may only be dodged or soaked by means of perfect defenses.
ITT: We start this "nonexistent jump" bullshit again.
Honestly if you wanted to be a salt monster over Final Fantasy you didn't even get all the ones you're supposed to pretend are the only ones we've got when shitposting.
God it's like you don't even like FFTA or something.
Not like Gilgamesh is in that one, but you shouldn't forget it.
How big are the corpses of the Neverborn?
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Unblockable is unblockable unless you have a charm that explicitly states that it blocks unblockable things, at which point Defense Primacy is once more in the parry's favor. It's odd.
I think he means that if you just bought Divine Intervention without anything else, a large part of the perk's effects would do nothing.

Personally, while I like the perk a lot, I think he has a point in that it can be very empty if you don't have the right background or additional purchases, although I disagree with his logic in that even if in-setting Kami do not acquire their abilities through point-buy purchases, the Jumper's own acquisition of stuff through CP purchases is an abstraction that doesn't need to be directly equated with how it works in-setting.

Uh, what I'm getting at here, is that making one Symbolic Link free with Divine Intervention could fix it, even if it's a band-aid type of thing. Your call on whether you should bother doing so.
But senpai the jumps don't exist and you can't look them up in the drive :^)
The jumps don't exist until they're replaced why is that so difficult for you to understand?

My bad on forgetting FFTA
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So I managed to p̶r̶o̶c̶r̶a̶s̶t̶i̶n̶a̶t̶e̶ find enough time to work a little more on Marvel Magic. Here's a minor update if anyone is interested.
Find me FFXV on the drive. Oh wait you can't because we rejected it for being trash.
And given how much you keep pushing this fucking envelope like a politician with something to prove, your intellect doesn't exist far as I'm concerned.

Let people jump what they fucking want to jump and stop pretending like you have any degree of clout you sack of rejected garbage.
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Ah I see! That makes a ton more sense, however he was talking about the clones to begin with which means the Jumper of Spirit and Flesh thing was a valid argument.

If he's talking about that then I guess you're right. Band-aid application might be a thing, just a note that if you have no Symbolic Links you gain one of your choice with the purchase of the Capstone would be good?

Thanks for the explanation!
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They're described as tomb-cities. But spatial dimensions are /really/ weird down there by Mouth of the Void.
Gilgamesh in 11 is a samurai pirate though.

He also shows up in 10 doesn't he? As a summon?
It was never posted to be rejected.
There was a desire for it, but interest waned when people realized that someone was literally running a cyber bullying campaign to fuck with anyone who expressed favorable opinions about it.
So no it wasn't rejected. Someone quite a lot like you was just such a collosal shitter that it wasn't worth the trouble uploading here.

Just ignore them, anons.

Seriously. They do this only to get a rise out of people. Let them fester already.

People are only allowed to jump what I SAY they're allowed to jump.
> devour other pocket dimensions that you gain
Vid-related. Don't actually stop.

Which one of the FFs are up for replacement? If I've played them I'll make a jump for it. Or who has the current claim on them right now?
Fuck off already, hombre.
Would it even be possible to create a time cube planet? What would something like that even take to create?
You're right. Lets argue about perfect defenses instead.

Do you think Sting would be enough to beat Adamant Skin Technique?
I don't think so, but since sting beats everything but magic and conceptual stuff which can merely "stand a chance" I dont' know.
>Gilgamesh in 11 is a samurai pirate though.
Maybe it is a good thing I stopped playing FF
I ask a question and you decide to blow a fuse?
You could replace FF6 if you want.

Heads, Sting wins.
Tails, Adamant Skin Technique wins.
Are multiple purchases of Domain discounted?
Within the Exalted jumps, Adamant Skin Technique.

Out of the Exalted jumps, >>52743356
Does a weapon imported into Soul Sword become unable to harm mundane matter?
Why is being God of a single element and being God of all Magic priced the same? One is far, far better then the other.
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>dimension lord v2 hell edition
I shouldn't like it as much as I do. I'm not even a demon kind of guy, but it's definitely got the kind of swag I want.
I don't think you actually listed the origins?
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Adamant Skin is soak. Sting is something that punches through things by being unsoakable. Adamant Skin doesn't have an 'Soaks the Unsoakable' clause so it'd go to Sting if I'm thinking about these interactions right.
They're just pissed because it's been used a shitposting point for so long and no one has bothered to actually replace the jumps. Nine, ten, twelve, thirteen, fourteen are all up for replacement and a couple of the smaller FFs too, probably look on the drive and just ask to check
>Within the Exalted jumps, Adamant Skin Technique.

Home field advantage?
It's funny how many things are just DC Occult's stuff with a different name and buffed more.
Neat an actual ruling. I was just trying to make a distraction, but it's nice to know there's a real answer.
Not all gods are equal. News at 11. Also, it says that your power and resistances are decreased the broader your domain.
>Black Swans
Whats the background on this? Anyways, can't wait to see it finished.
It's going like garbage because the jumpmaker is actually, legitimately garbage.
Defensive Primacy is mainly a part of the Shinma I think? Been a while since I got into the gritty details.
So why does it give examples for those two types of Gods where the Magic one can cast magic just by thinking about what he wants to happen and the lightning one can call down a lightning bolt. If they're meant to be weaker the broader you are, the perk certainly doesn't reflect that with it's examples. If they're not equal, they shouldn't be priced as equal.
But here's one point you're forgetting, shitposter.

Dirge acquiesced the jumps to Brutus. So technically, you need to ask Brutus for the right to replace them.
There has been, but since it's all been spoilered anonymous posts instead of a pastebin I couldn't direct you.
Thanks. I'll take a crack at 10. Didn't play much FF after that
Would Exalted Shaping Defenses work against Ziz and Behemoth's respective dickery in Worm? Do Terrestrials have access to Shaping Defenses?
>That whole 6+ custom charms argument
I can't be the only one who literally couldn't give less of a shit about charms, right?

When it came to wanking the DnD spells I have, I didn't actually fucking bother to look any up or do the leg work of creating my own, I just fucking made up that I had it, because why wouldn't I? Jumpchain is single player, why should it matter how I wank how I use a customization magic system?

So disallowing custom 6+ charms is meaningless, because what do I fucking give a shit about essence level? You're basically just saying I have to use canon spells exclusively as a wizard above 5th level spells, which to me is just bollocks, because I never bothered to think about what level my spells were as a wizard, so why should I have to think about what fucking essence level my charms are?

The answer is, I'm not going to bother at all. I'm still just going to wank that I can basically do whatever I want with charms up until an arbitrary point where I can't anymore, placing that limitation lower artificially is dumb because you're basically scare someone will have to use their imagination.
No we don't.

Brutus owns nothing but the drive.

You'll need to make it better than the one we already have.
Might want to take a look at it to see what your in for before throwing your hat in the ring.
How are Youko Senki and WW2 jumps coming along?
Did somebody say they were going to redo Familiar of Zero?
Is Incubator stuff from Madoka Magica suffciently advanced technology or genuine magic? Or some weird combination of the two?
Leave it in the last thread bozo.
You make a jump better then the current one and I will live-stream myself setting my house on fire.
Please don't. I like the jump that exists thank you. I'd rather you work on something new than replace a jump that is already serviceable and content rich with something lesser.
Dirge made his stuff open to remakes before then, he gave his jumps to Brutus but Brutus has said nothing revoking that permission.
No. Fuck you. Your word doesn't mean anything when it comes to what stays on the drive.
If you mean what magical girls do after getting their soul removed it's magic.
If you mean the removal process then probably not. Incubators don't have the emotional capacity to be good at magic so I don't think they are using it much..
What difference does it make if he wants to make the jump? He can just make it and upload it for Brutus to decide later if you want to call Brutus the jumpmaker. It seems kind of stupid that you only bring this up whenever it suits your argument but you don't credit Brutus for being the jumpmaker any other time.
There's no in setting justification for why defense trumps offense in Exalted. That's just how their powers work.

Really, I think Sting could get an object inside of a Solar, or even cut their limbs off which is a Crippling effect instead of damage, but they would still take 0 damage from that happening.
>Youko Senki
Does that have a manga, or are the images I keep seeing just from the LN?
So you're going to shit all over Brutus too? Why not make your own fucking drive to manage your own fucking collection of jumps then?

It'll be a lot easier than- Oh wait, it's actually harder than shitposting endlessly. That'd explain 90% of this.
He'll make a jump 12 pages long and say that it's better than the one that exists because it's 'concise'.
The FF10 jump is probably one of the worse ones Dirge made actually. It's good but nowhere near the level of effort of something like FF14 or Ragnarok Online. I could see someone being able to at least equal it.
Could I use the Canon Companion option in Blame to get both versions of Sanakan (full safeguard and Killy-Lite)?
>12 pages

Try five. And it'll be in ebonics like the Viking Saga jump.
Like what? There's Hell Lord and the generic magic perks. One's all but iconic and the other's pretty much mandatory for a jump about magic.
I thought we were supposed to make jumps that reflect the setting, not make a jump that's judged against another one. I liked the game, if it's open for a remake I don't see why I have to match some random standards that no other jumpmaker is held against.
How dare you bring up a Dirge jump.

Be ashamed.
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Rolled 1 (1d2)

1 Sting wins.

2 AST wins.
So the process of creating magical girls is SAT, but magical girls themselves use genuine magic? Alright, I can work with that. Thanks, anon.
See >>52743440 since anon wants to throw Brutus under the bus so badly.
It has an LN, a manga, and an anime. The art from the LN and the manga are both pretty good, so it could be either. If there's text on the page, it's from the manga, though.
The anime art is very much a divergence from either.
Not him, but for a lot of Dirge's jumps I feel they barely represent the setting. Like someone looked at the setting's wikipedia page and made a jump out of it. Like HPMoR.
Wow, that must really Sting.
Because we fucking have a jump and it's better than what you will make. I know, because you aren't going to fucking make it, because you're just using this as an excuse to shitpost.
Got a site I can read the manga on?
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He is actually a pretty cool guy
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Yeah it's ... Chaos-Warding Prana I think?

>There's no in setting justification for why defense trumps offense in Exalted.
Weird I remember there being one.

>Really, I think Sting could get an object inside of a Solar, or even cut their limbs off which is a Crippling effect instead of damage, but they would still take 0 damage from that happening.
Not really a counter point or anything but Unsoakable damage does happen, I mean you could Parry or Dodge Sting, via essence quackery making you perfectly block or dodge the attack in every conceivable dimension, but the damage itself might be Unsoakable. However that depends on how you categories the effects of Sting so a Jumper to Jumper basis would be better.
Because you want to replace it you will need to do better. Otherwise you have done nothing productive and have ruined it for everyone including yourself.
If you reflect the setting better than that is still doing better, but you should strive to be superior in all ways.
ITT: rampant autism instead of being logical and maintaining a personal drive for jumps.

None of you care about this. None of you legitimately, REMOTELY care about the subject you're arguing.

You're doing this just to be assholes.

Not even the 4chan method of just being an asshole, you're being the CUNTY kind of asshole.
I mean, that's just like, your opinion man. And it's also wrong, but still.
>I know, because you aren't going to fucking make it
It'll be made, no worries about that. I'm not going to bother listening to your standards though, not when multiple people here have already pointed out that the existing jump isn't good.

The existing jump is good.
It just isn't up to his normal standards.
Which are miles above yours apparantly.
Botato, or just google "youjo senki manga"
This is why jumps need to just be three pages of numbers.

Nobody reads the fluff anyway. Nobody cares about that. They want the numbers and the crunch.
>It'll be made, no worries about that.
I've seen this posted by antired so many times it's started to become funny.
You are a joke.
I feel it's less the content and more that his personal narrative overtakes the setting itself, particularly with that survey team stuff.
See >>52743522 and >>52743569
Why did you quote yourself?
It wasn't the "by charms" part that confused me, mostly.

Also, that...was SUPPOSED to be mostly a joke because I sometimes write very long combos and ramble on and on until I get a headache and forgot what I was trying to achieve. It's supposed to be total nonsense vaguely based on things I think about a lot; I seriously considered just typing "unintelligible gibbering from beyond the shores of reason".

Although the basic concept may or may not have had something to do with a wild idea I had about EX Rank Concealment, Nobody physiology, Page of Void and using Worldwalker's access to the Nevernever to-nope, nope I promised myself I wouldn't give myself combo brain freeze again by thinking too hard about this.

In all seriousness, as far as I know you just get the one Sanakan since she's her own person not a clone or anything
You're probably right, but FF10 does has some pretty big problems, like a whole load of perks that are exclusive to their background for no reason and a bloated blitzball section with exclusive blitzball perks for companions and a special snowflake mechanic for determining how you decide who can buy what.

Adamant Skin Technique is not a soak. "Perfect Soak" is fanspeak because it works sort of like a perfect defense. If you activate AST, it reduces the raw and final damage of an attack to 0 after all other modifiers, regardless of whether it is unsoakable.
From Ink Monkeys:

>The endless mountain Qaf was once great among the ranks of the Primordials. He was the primeval axis mundi in the time before Creation, when the titans marshaled themselves amidst the Faraway against the first reflexive efforts of the Unshaped to dissolve them back into the primal Chaos. He invented the principle of perfection as a defense against the hunger of the Wyld, a concept he shared freely with his Primordial peers

So yeah, defense trumps offense because perfection was originally invented as a defensive measure, not an offensive one.
The first post you link outright says it's good you donut.
The second is just bizzare. You can't fit setting in jokes into perk descriptions with just a wiki walk.
From what I remember, it's sufficiently advanced tech, because the Incubators don't have emotions and you need emotions to use magic, I think.
So you could say the Incubators have tech that looks like magic, that unlocks actual magic in humans.
I find it amusing that shitposter's efforts have brought us full circle to this. Thanks Brellin, it's like going back four months again.
Fuck you and your antifluff crusade, I care way more about fluff than crunch
>In all seriousness, as far as I know you just get the one Sanakan since she's her own person not a clone or anything
Damn, Diet-Killy Sanakan it is then.
No, because Entity dickery isn't shaping or anything of that nature so much as directing the natural world. You'd be much better off with environmental survival Charms.
Right, so, news for Nocturne. What I'm thinking of is doing something like Infernals, with backgrounds and Reasons being separate, with every background except Demifiend being able to pick a Reason if they want. Speaking of, Demifiend is a background, and in exchange for having more power upfront (and going with the canon of the Demifiend not being able to form a Reason due to being a demon), they won't be able to get the extra goodies from the Reason table. Current background plans:

>Drop-In, based off of Futomimi and Jyoji
>Average Student (name subject to change), based off of Isamu and Chiaki
>Cultist, based off of Yuko and Hikawa
>Demifiend, based off of Demifiend

And then the Reasons will be the canon Reasons. I thought about maybe having a custom Reason option, but I don't think that's really feasible.
Rolled 2 (1d8)

Gonna need another replacement

2.Digital Devil Saga
3.Sailor Moon
7.Peter Pan
8.Goat Simulator

No whammies, No whammies, No whammies
If you're going to use Dirge's jumps anyways there's like 5 Sanakans that he's spread out in his jumps. He was pretty much known for setting up duplicate companions like Lightning and Gilgamesh.
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But it becomes a boring slog to read if it's just one sentence of numbers and "u can do dis nao". And not only that I don't understand the asthetics of whatever I'm reading and am not tempted to write about my experiences in said setting.
If we had your way Modern Action Movie jump would be the gold standard.
Doesn't the demifiend fight and kill things that can destroy countless univereses with ease?
>Adamant Skin Technique

Hah, so it's like Killer Queen except it only works on your body and taking damage?
I don't know what this is
Come on! I wanna stop existing while still existing!

Don't make me crib your style by using the Third to become a fully autonomous source of od/mana that does not require the world to perform magical operations, in conjunction with Nobody physiology and EX Presence Concealment (as you've said), capped off by Rumormonger in order to continually reinforce my ability to hide from reality itself by having the collective unconscious actively enforce the idea that I do not exist. And a fuckton of willpower perks, of course, in order to stop me from legitimately ceasing to exist.
>In exchange for more power
If this is full power demifiend, you're not going to be able to make stuff that offset the level of power you get from going that origin. Not without flat out making shit up/
Hey jumpers!

What's a piece of jumper science you really regret? Come on, we know you have one. You can't hide it.
>Don't actually stop.

Probably. I think that was my intention.

I actually haven't decided on that, yet.

I feel you, anon.

Nah, I keep forgetting about it. I'll add them and the intro eventually. But they're all free.

You know, funny thing is, I didn't even notice how similar Skyfather and Hell Lord are to Dimension Lord and Greatest Magician until after I had already written them out. But then I thought about it and decided that they're different enough to be okay. Skyfather focuses more on the whole "start your own pantheon" thing than the magical power you can throw around and Hell Lord is a smaller and more thematic dimension. And, IMO, they both have less raw power given immediately in return for some neat other things they can let you do.

Not sure what else is too similar?

The Black Swans were a whole thing with Doom, probably won't make it to the final version, I just forgot to remove it.

Here's the thing, anon: gods can actually do that anyway. I probably made it sound more impressive than it is because of the way I fluffed it, but a god of magic isn't going to be simply outdoing all other gods easily. I mean, the two most powerful sorcerers among the Asgardians are Loki, the god of Lies/Mischief/Evil/Stories, and Karnilla, who I'm not even sure is actually goddess of anything. And Enchantress isn't far behind. They got their power though studying and focusing their inborn power.

A god of magic would be naturally extremely talented at magic and have some more oomph to their spells, but they're not naturally going to eclipse everyone else and they can't accomplish something too far beyond what another god could with sufficient time and training. See Ares for a comparison; he's real gud at fighting, but he's not some invincible monster at combat.
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>Adamant Skin Technique is not a soak. "Perfect Soak" is fanspeak because it works sort of like a perfect defense. If you activate AST, it reduces the raw and final damage of an attack to 0 after all other modifiers, regardless of whether it is unsoakable.
Er not to my knowledge but if you play it that way okay I guess. I persoanlly thought that Unsoakable was fanspeak for 'this attacks damage can't be reduced' but I'm no rules lawyer on Exalted so... That's one of those Soak is not Reduced Damage arguments and I have enough of that from the game I play to not try it here where more experience players would ream me RAW.
You're telling me it isn't?

Every thread we have people flat-out admitting they don't read the jumps when they ask questions that are answered within the text.

Nobody here fucking reads.
Less fluff makes it easier to understand what you can do, numbers make things precise and you don't have to guess at how much things are. If the setting is interesting I don't need fluff to figure out what I want to do in there. If the setting is boring why would I want to jump it?
What does it matter what existing gods can do when the complaint was about the option itself being unbalanced, in that some choices gave you lots more then others?
To make a long story short, SMT entities are like Stand users: They can do really wild crap but they need to be in the right time, at the right place and can still be fought normally if you're a strong enough wizard who can get all up in their face. Mind you, you still have to be super buff to stand up to them in a straight fight but there's a disconnect between their battle prowess and their phenomenal cosmic power over things not directly related to battle for some reason. How much has varied a LOT over the franchise.
So it's a mid-powered jump?
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>5 Sanakans
. . .Where. . .
Does Marvel Magic do anything like DC's "Magic always has a price, extracted through suffering" thing?
He's full of shit.
So if I ask how strong it actually makes me, am I just going to be sitting here while people dither over it and never give an actual answer, just repeating the same shit about it being unclear? Or can someone actually say what the level of power you'd actually get from picking that option is, particularly in comparison to what the other origins are getting?
Between blame and sidonia? I know sidonia had a lot of crossover characters show up
Yeah, read Sorcerous Schooling. But it has a price because you're giving favors to cosmic entities.
Can we change the name of I Found It Beneath Me? Because people always forget that the context of that panel is Doom trying to shrug off his utter failure at being a god as it being godhood's fault, not his. That name would go better for a perk that lets you bounce back from failure easily, or something like that.
Nah, that's just hype, hype I myself bought into (which reminds me, still have to change the Demifiend drawback in DDS). In reality, the Conception is a natural process that the Great Will/YHVH has hijacked. What happens is that a universe eventually runs out of energy, and needs to be restarted or it falls into the Shadow Vortex and ceases to exist. The Great Will has been using this to try and find a way to destroy free will forever. Besides all that, the Demifiend has a full party of powerful demons backing him up, so he's not doing it alone.

See above.
If you do it right you can be the cosmic entity and then you don't own anyone shit.
Just sayin.
That's up to Disuanon up there, not me.

I'm sorry to say the answer is yes, there probably will be a fair bit of dithering from everyone else.
So how strong is it actually then if the hype is wrong?
Don't respond to shitposters. And I'm pretty sure Skyfather and Hell Lord are higher powered. Skyfather certainly beats the shit out of Greatest Magician. Greatest Magician starts you at City-level, whereas Skyfather is probably Solar System level at least, since it's more expensive than Elder God Hybrid. Unless that was based more on the other features of the perk.

Not that it matters, being separate jumps and all. Just wantd to point that out.
Alternate theory: The people who do read the fluff and enjoy it and understand the text don't see the point of posting because.... what the hell would they say? "Oh, I read your jump and understood everything perfectly and enjoyed the fluff!"?
There's 3 in Blame alone, I haven't bothered with Sidonia but I'm guessing that if they show up in Sidonia it's in the scenario. I would have thought Biomega myself but I don't remember anyone showing up in Biomega.
This looks awesome!

Just wanted to point out that even though Hell Lord is similar to the Dimension Lord perk from DC Occult, they're different in a good way! Dimension Lord is obviously more suited for people who want to run civilizations in their dimension or use it to summon armies, while the immortality from Hell Lord is great for defence!

Thanks for doing such an awesome job. So many good things to choose from, it'll be a tough decision.
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Digital Devil Saga- OOC: No fucking idea what I'm doing.
Rolled for 25
Free Familiar Face
Discount Music Soothed the savage Demon
Free Stylish Outfit
Mantra Rank 9(Ragnarok)

Silent Protagonist+300

Seriously need that replacement for my rolls.
I think his point is that it IS balanced. Being a god of magic doesn't seem to let you autowin against other magic users, let alone win in general.
That nobody's ever gonna purchase or care about, yaaaaaay.

Seriously fuck off.
How about Tropico?
Practical Guide to Evil
Billy and Mandy

Gave three in case you've already hit one
Again, why do other magic users matter? All I am talking about is comparing one taker of this perk against another. Look at what it describes a God of thunder getting vs a God of magic getting? Do those really seem equal to you?
Try Mario.
Or Paper Mario if you haven't already been.
Or the regular RPG.
Doesn't matter which.
Not Jack, but what would you suggest instead? Who deserves to rule? What men hath wrought?

Wasn't he technically looking for order, not necessarily the end of free will? Seemed pretty happy about the WORLD OF STR his angels were pushing
Clustertruck Gauntlet

I dare you, as it's maker.
If you split up your hate between SoAnon, Dirge, Red, and now WoWanon, you're just going to achieve even less than before anon. Just stick to SoAnon and Dirge, you already had your hands full juggling them.
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I made the Hamhams too warrior like. I fear they may grow bored and start conflict for the fun of it. At least they still recognize me as their unquestioned leader.
Rolled 8 (1d8)

Already been

The fuck is that? And we have a jump of whatever that is?

I'll take Practical Guide to Evil, thank you

Thanks for the suggestions

I'll take Mario as my next replacement, right now.

2.Practical Guide to Evil
3.Sailor Moon
7.Peter Pan
8.Goat Simulator
It's not even him, anon. You're salting at nobody.
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Also the current Bonus Scenarios on the table! Elder Dragon Highlander & Nine Tails Sage (Kitsune Only). If anyone wants me to elaborate please ask.
Would you mind posting the full WiP?
Oh jesus christ.
Don't crash the universe too many times.
Other backgrounds have you as a normal human being, if one that can eventually learn magic, where as Demifiend gives you access to a demon's naturally superior capabilities along with a human's growth rate. At the moment, I'm replaying the game so I can get all the details right, so I can't tell you exactly how buff you will be, but the long and short of it is that with Magatamas you'll be able to gain natural defenses against elemental and physical attacks, to the point of outright nullification for some, as well as access to far more powerful magic/attacks in general.

See above.

For now He's exploring all the possible ways he can gain control. All the Reason endings are just Him looking at different options and avenues from which He can attain victory.
Well you've got me interested since EDH is the only way I even bother playing magic anymore.
Feel free to elaborate if you want.
Or you could keep it a surprise till it's ready. It's up to you.
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some of his companions look interesting to me.

So I suppose you'd be wrong.
... Because you're the same as they are? You could learn the stuff you get from being a god of magic anyway, but you can't just learn to embody fire.

It does. Technically. But holy shit it's way more vague and way less consistent than DC's portrayal of it. So I'm not going to constantly shove it in everyone's face like in DC Occult, because it's not clear snd it's not thematic.

Also, like >>52743798 said, the far more common price is owing some cosmic dipshit a favor.

I'm not sure the dude's a shitposter. I see his point, I just don't share his opinion.

Though yeah, the price is more based on the other effects of the perk and the fact that in some nebulous "some day future you might grow into your big boy shoes and stand up to Odin. But it starts you much lower than that, essentially letting you just focus your lifeforce to make things happen on a very localized scale without the magical training that world normally require. I should make that more clear.

D'aww, thanks anon.


See above. A god of thunder will be more than just thunder. They'll be the raging storm qs much as a person. A living facet of creation. Their shouts would shatter stone and they could make it rain fire. They can feel weather in their bones and call it to them like an eager pet.

A god of magic could do that, to a lesser extent because it's broad, but they could also learn to do do without being a god of magic. A god of thunder, with enough training, could do things comparable to a god of magic and ALSO be the god of thunder.
Dirge has a problem with going beyond just fluff and into rambling. Look at this perk, for example:

>Tools for the Duty 400
>Even if you’re a good pugilist, you can still benefit from having the proper tools available on your journey. But being a Guardian isn’t like being a Summoner, you won’t necessarily find people on the Pilgrimage willing to help you out with items and whatnot. The expectation is that you’ll lay down your life for the Summoner after all, why should people give you anything if you’re not expected to return alive in the first place?
>It’s a good thing that you know how to prepare your own tools and equipment, because not having to depend on others will make the longer legs of the Pilgrimage much more tolerable. Merchants and tradesmen aren’t everywhere
after all…

The entire first paragraph isn't related to anything. Yes, tools help people accomplish things, and lacking a way to get tools is the reason for which I would want to be able to make tools of my own. People don't give away things to people who are on suicide missions and sometimes you can't find merchants, which is another reason to want to make your own goods.

Like, yes, I don't need to have it explained to me why people would want to create tools or weapons. I can figure that part out on my own, thank you. None of this tells me anything about the setting that I didn't learn from reading the intro and the backgrounds. The important part of those two paragraphs is "It's a good thing you know how to prepare your own tools and equipment." Everything else is just words for the sake of having more words in the jump.
Hmm... Not sure if I Found it Beneath Me is on par with the other 1000 CPers. Maybe with some second-best to Doom-tier keikaku'ing?
Oh god uh.

Let me cut out the horribly skeletal parts and sure. I'd be further along but I took a few days break due to new-job-soreness.
Jumpers! Does you have to deal with harem romcom shenanigans or just relationship shenanigans in general?
So fi they can do all this, put it in the goddamn thing because right now god of thunder looks piss poor next to god of magic. And make it clearer that the broader it is, the weaker it is, otherwise there's no reason to go for something more specific. Yeah a God of Thunder could eventually do a God of Magics stuff, but the God of Magic could do it in reverse and easier too, going by the info here.
So, you literally just want to rip out everything that isn't 'u ca nao do dis'?
Dirge isn't known for fluff to begin with, so I'm not sure what bringing him up as an example does except to further emphasize how bad he is at jumpmaking.
Rolled 3 (1d8)

Goat Simulator- I hate whoever suggested this "Bark!" DAMN IT AMMY
Rolled for Free Pick, rolled again for Goat-Ville
Angel Goat

Easiest build ever.

2.Practical Guide to Evil
3.Sailor Moon
7.Peter Pan
But what did you do?
What jump is this, we'll push to delete it from the drive or put it up for replacement.
>justice in sailor moon
Yeah, it's okay. God's are already waaay better than mortals at magic, so being ridiculously better as a god of magic seems fine, since you are compounding bonuses from an expensive origin and a perk, whereas being a God of Storms doesn't directly synergize with your physiology as a God.
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>Sailor Moon
You don't have to reduce it that far. You can include feats. You can include setting information. You can include references to characters that inspired the perk.

But a strength perk doesn't need a paragraph of "Hey, sometimes you need to lift heavy things. And also having bigger muscles makes it hurt more when you swing a weapon at someone." in front of it.
>Dirge isn't known for fluff to begin with, so I'm not sure what bringing him up as an example does except to further emphasize how bad he is at jumpmaking.
Have we just gotten to the point where you will literally spout lies and bullshit in the hopes of getting people who don't actually know dirge to believe it?
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It's just a conga-line of humiliation for Tiger today.

He conquered all the goats. Fucked if I know. It's a universe with little information, because it's just a physics game.

Stalwart Tiger actually.

Anon he's been doing it for months.
Literally months. Have you been under a rock?
I'd rewrite the perk as
Tool for the Duty 400
You can prepare tools and equipment yourself just like how guardians can in Spira.
It's simple and effective.
Good point. I was kinda just scrounging for a name at the time. Any suggestions for a replacement name?


Maybe so.

Say pretty please, sunshine.

No, but really, that's the type of thing I'll spell out explicitly in the notes. That's like half the reason I post in thread, so I can find out what needs clarification.
Here you go. Just know that it isn't for the faint of heart.

Elder Dragon Highlander

For ten years you've toiled and grown in this world and now you feel something. A Gathering, it's the best way to explain the sensation, and with the proper step you are allowed into a timeless place. The event that transpire here, in the Time Rifts, won't effect your results from Kamigawa but now you stand before a being whose dormant spark also has felt the Gathering. This massive dragon, an Elder Dragon, turns towards you and you both feel the powers you've gathered over the years start fadeing. Doing battle with this dragon will take ages, as even though he isn't the beast he'll be 24, 000 years from the date of his entry into the Time Rift he is still a formidable foe. Who is the foe you do battle with in this world where your powers are failing both of you? This is a past shade of Nicol Bolas, Elder Dragon and legendary figure. Victory will grant you 600 CP to spend on perks in this Jump, defeat will merely take you back to Kamigawa as if the battle never happened wiping away all damages done by the Elder Dragon.
Absolutely disgusting. Needs more meat.
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>You don't have to reduce it that far. You can include feats. You can include setting information. You can include references to characters that inspired the perk.
How about you fuck off and stop posting? You aren't the arbiter of what is and is not appropriate for writing perk text.
>Good point. I was kinda just scrounging for a name at the time. Any suggestions for a replacement name?
No, sadly. I mean, you could just swap it with Who Deserves To Rule, I guess.
Sure, but I enjoy the fluff as is. Sure, I don't need it in order to understand what the perk does, and sure, it could technically be cut. But you know what? I actually enjoy that. It makes reading through it easier, I'd be bored to tears if I had to read something as boring as "You can make stuff" for every single perk.

More relevantly to my point though: I'm never going to actually mention I enjoy it because again, what's the use of that? It's a jump. It's well done. I'll tell him it's well done when he posts it, but why the hell would I ever bring it up again? I'm not randomly going to go, "So hey guys, you know [Insert Name Here]'s jumps? They're fun and well written!", because that's just a completely useless post when there's no context.The people complaining about it seem like they're in the majority because to them there is a point in going, "Hey you know [Insert Jump Here]? It's boring/overfluffed/overpowered/underpowered/needs to be remade." so they say it a lot, but if a jump's well done, then... it's well done, and unless I'm building for it, there's no need to mention it because it's already good.
They're being outraged to be outraged dude, just leave'em be.
Nope because my jumper has pretty good communication skills. Despite how Ten's relationship with most of his companions were generally romantic in nature, Ten and I...haven't really hit it off romantically? It's weird.

Main Chain Nika has perks to deal with that stuff so there's like no fighting whatsoever, and Writer!Nika has some weird tension going on with Sage of the Forest and Cu, but overall it's peaceful. Cu doesn't really mind sharing my jumper either, but Sage and Nika are kinda...well, it's complicated between them. Nika doesn't really want to confess to Sage yet because they're unsure if he'd say yes or not.

So overall, no.
>It's simple and effective.
It's also fucking boring and generic. If that's what you think good perk text looks like, you might like mib's old jumps.
Fluff is different from having words for the sake of having more words in the jump, which is literally all he's known for, putting in words into jumps for no good reason. Dirge is known for pointlessly inflating word counts and putting in several hundred pages of filler that wasn't necessary in the first place. >>52743972 points out a good example of it already.

If you want actual fluff look at Red, or Heavens, Digger. They actually write fluff, not just throwing words out in verbal diarrhea.
So Elder God Physiology is way better for sheer power? And is godly lifeforce a soul? Or is it more like Chi?
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I dunno man. Seems a little weak since losing is just a rewind
Especially for that many points maybe putting some consequences for failure in there would be a good idea even if they aren't death.
To be fair, he's also known for having really good fleshed out scenarios.
I don't even disagree with you, but when your complaint is based on not liking a style of writing it just comes off as petulant when there's stuff that's flawed in the opposite direction on the drive like Warcraft 3 and Berserk. Whether or not the jumps you want to replce can be replaced or not, your personal preferences aren't shared by everyone.
Eh, I'd prefer to keep that because it's drawn directly from that scene of Doom laughing off the amped Purple Man to prove a point.
The whole point is to reduce the amount of unnecessary filler. If a perk can be summed up in a sentence, it should only have that sentence. Why does it matter if it's boring or generic if making a build only takes maybe ten minutes anyways? I'll be bored for maybe a fraction of a minute reading it and move on.
It's not like he wants to inflate the word count.
He's asked for people to tell him where to trim it down before.
If it bothered you why didn't you ever give him a heads up of what you think could have been changed?
It's not like he would have ignored you.
>Elder God Physiology is way better for raw power?

>And is godly lifeforce a soul? Or is it more like Chi?
Eh, probably more like Chi? Mortals can be imbued with it to become gods and gods can be stripped of it to become mortal.
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Yeah you're right I'll could remove the whole damages repaired thing and just pull you out at the moment before death. Then you'd have a ton of blue magic mind traps. I could also go the route of no matter what Bolas will remember you if ever you two cross paths again as a clause. How does that sound?
Hey NikaMoth, for You Killed Me, can I have it as them being summoned by the enemy? Because I've only killed villains in the other Fire Emblem jumps (like Validar or Nergal), so it makes sense for them to be summoned by the villains, right?
That's not even simple it's negative amounts of information.
It requires extra effort to even begin figuring out what it does.
It's hardly effective at doing anything.
To be honest, if it really does make you Thor's equal, that 600 seems better then almost anything else in the jump right now. Thor's destroyed things bigger then stars in the past. How the fuck does Ghost Rider match up to that?
I'm not sure where you're getting that from but it isn't true either. All of his scenarios suffer from the same problem that >>52743972 brought up. He turns something that could have been summarized in one paragraph into hundreds of pages that are just walls of text. You can literally go through a scenario and summarize it as "Kill this guy to get a reward and maybe some extra CP"

Literally, his scenarios embody how bad he is with throwing in words for the sake of a word count. Cats and Digger are much better at scenario writing and fleshing out scenarios properly than he is.
That sounds awful. A failure condition that affects other jumps and is indeed only an effect in other jumps is just bad.

Just don't make it rewind. Why does it need to rewind?
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Can Oathkeeper from Kingdom Hearts be applied to yourself?
Well then you'd die, but okay.
You're welcome to your opinion, but you gotta acknowledge that literally everyone else hates what you want.
So what perks would help me deal with Magic God Othinus in Railgun and Index? Considering unlike the other Magic Gods, with Gungnir she has 100% possibility on her side.
Might be a good idea.
I also like the idea of him remembering me even if I win. Although since he's just a time echo that might be odd from his perspective to remember something that never actually happened to him.

How does it affect other jumps?
My dude, Thor's only a star-buster at max wank. Usually he "merely" is a threat to planets. Also, Ghost Rider can hit quite a bit above his weight class, like, he's got some serious force multipliers.
Yes, god forbid a scenario have a potential threat in it. Especially when it offers 600cp.
I wasn't even calling for it to be replaced. I'd prefer if Dirge would come back to /tg/ and post his jumps so that he could get some real criticism. And, speaking as someone who doesn't know any of the settings he wrote for except FF, there are problems beyond just his writing being unnecessarily overwrought. FF10 has most of its perks exclusive to their backgrounds for no reason. FF13 doesn't offer a defense against becoming L'Cie other than the perk that makes you L'Cie, which only says that your focus will be acceptable to you but says nothing about providing immunity to Crystal Stasis or turning into a Cieth. Lightning Returns has problems with offering a ton of OC powers that are vaguely based on the setting while skipping over canon powers the backgrounds should have.

I am both of the people you just quoted, and I disagree. The scenarios spend almost all their wordcount telling you what happens in the scenario.
When the problem is the entire jump, we should have rejected the jump completely. Any jump that has the bogus narrative he tries to force into it would have been removed. If he wants to force a narrative that doesn't belong to jumpchain he should go elsewhere. Every option with more than a paragraph, delete and rewrite. If >>52743972
is any indication, I'm pretty sure people have told him that before, which is a good sign that he doesn't listen to people.
The Emblian Empire doesn't have summoners. That's why they twist the arms of the heroes in their contracts to fight for them in canon. Unless you take the drawback where past foes come back, as they do have actual summoners in that drawback.

So no, you're going to have to deal with them. It's entire possible to summon villains, as Reinhardt can most certainly be summoned by the heroes despite being a boss in the game he was in.
Not him, but I personally like to feel like I'm reading a story rather than looking at some objectives sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy shorter scenarios too like the Zendikar jump's. Way I see it, a little variety never hurt anyone, they're solidly put together and your personal preferences don't justify rewriting an entire jump.
You guys should both go to SB and have fun with PMs.
Okay, here you go anon.

Keep in mind it's still horribly WIP because I took a break. I cut out the worst of the skeletal parts but I'm worried my 2-AM-self left behind shit I missed.
Zarathos fully unleashed is roughly in the same tier as Thor. And the fact that your strength scales with evil means you could become much stronger. Everything else seems about as useful. Being Strange-tier is a 600 cp perk . This jump is actually kind of high-powered if you look at it.
Oh boy. Well, that'll be an issue. Thanks, NikaMoth.
>FF10 has most of its perks exclusive to their backgrounds for no reason
Please don't bring this up again, I'm guessing you don't know how that was tied to why he left in the first place, in addition to this
>post his jumps so that he could get some real criticism
Is Bolas present in this jump? Is him remembering you going to have any effect in this same jump? If not, it's effecting other jumps or has no actual effect. Either way it's bad.
Here's the thing; his not liking the writing style is the basis for the idea that Dirge's jumps are bad and thus should be replaced, because his argument is that his jumps would be better liked by some people than Dirges, which completely ignores that people actually like what currently exists and wouldn't actually prefer something lacking fluff, scenarios, explanations, context, or even descriptive language.

This guy would be a shit jump maker if they weren't just a shitposter and actually bothered to make anything.
>when the problem is
>we should have

You seem to have trouble grasping the simple fact not everyone agrees with you that there IS a problem with the entire jump significant enough to warrant a replacement.
I wish he would come back too. You should shoot some of these critiques at him if you get the chance. I bet he'd at least consider it.
Although if I remember right the reason FF10 has class locked perks is because it was an update and he was trying to keep builds from getting nuked. I don't think it was the best idea, but it wasn't for no reason.

He wanted critique so badly that he made an SB account to get more.
He absolutely would have listened if it was constructive critique.
Yeah, I've been kinda worried about that, compounded by the fact that I'm not exactly an expert on Ghost Rider stuff. I was relying mainly on the fact that it's a fully unbound, true Spirit of Vengeance alongside the hax that a Ghost Rider is capable of. Penance Stare can seriously fuck just about anything with eyes.

Though I am completely open to suggestions.
Scenarios are meant to be objectives, not stories. Leave the storywriting to the jumpers. When you force a story on the jumper it dies warrant rewriting or at least removing the jump. There is already a narrative in jumpchain that Quicksilver set up, we don't need any more than that.
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>I also like the idea of him remembering me even if I win.
I'll add that to the list of maybe's pile but leaning towards no right now.

>Although since he's just a time echo that might be odd from his perspective to remember something that never actually happened to him.
He has fought Time Wizards before and had a similar thing happen then, where he was remember fights from time loops.

Eh, true enough.

Good points...
This, that's exactly what I was trying to say but clearer.

Who the fuck cares what that loser set up?
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Sailor Moon- STOP DANCING AMMY! YOU TOO YUUKI! "I don't wanna!" ...."You're gonna make me suffer this too aren't you?" Damn right I am Raven! If I have to suffer so do you!
Drop In
Free Subplot Sense
Free A Future Friend In Need
Discount Ahahaha, Nope!
Discount Starseed Awakening
The Power of Bonds
Fellow Senshi(Max)- *Ammy, Ilya, Yuuki, Raven, Zelda at minimum, others can be figured out later*
Silver Millenium Technology

Moon Mentor+300- "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Stop. Laughing. Raven. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
Olde Foe+300
Unlucky Target+200- Oh for fuck sake
Reincarnated+200- Wait wha-

You fuckers can't force me to be a magical girl damn it!

Also I need another replacement
Well according to >>52744325 there's some story behind it, but I fail to see how offering a perk to other backgrounds breaks a build. If the perk is new, then it could never break a build. If it's old, then either I'm the right background for it (build is fine) or not (build broken).
>scenarios are meant to be objectives
Given how they started no that's not the case.
It's actually the opposite. Having a scenario just be do the thing get the stuff is doing it poorly.

That's why they are optional now, because people have their own stories they may prefer and would rather forgo getting hand held to live their own path.
We definitely need more jumps with loads of fluff and stories to get rid of the shopping list mentality.
>Scenarios shouldn't have a narrative
>Scenarios having a narrative is a problem that warrants jumps being removed from the drive
I guess that means all of Babylon's jumps should be removed too?
>scenarios are meant to be objectives, not stories

Says you and which army? Seriously, you keep saying this I don't even necessarily disagree with but you're utterly shameless in flaunting the idea your personal preferences should take precedence over everyone else's. If you cared to extend that train of thought to its' logical conclusion you'd be reminded a lot of Jumpchain's evolution has had no truck with what it was meant to be at the start, and everyone has had a say up til now in how it keeps changing. Not
Well I didn't say I understood it myself. There's also a good chance I'm remembering it wrong, but he did have a reason.
Devil Survivor 2.
He made a SB account because Brellin literally brought up the same thing that this >>52744279 brought up, but at the time everybody just looked at the jump and waved it along because it was so long and it was an update to an existing jump.

And the thing is we're not going to get the next update anyways since we're so autistic we'll shit on anything not on our drive
I think I dislike you Mothra. But accepted
>Being Strange-tier is a 600 cp perk . This jump is actually kind of high-powered if you look at it.
It is high powered, yeah. But that perk doesn't make you straight-up Strange-tier. It's a talent booster along with some other goodies. And Classic "upset the balance of power so much that the fucking Living Tribunal showed up" Strange was only so powerful because he was wielding a plethora of god-tier artifacts and had the cooperation of all the big-name mystical and cosmic entities out there powering him.
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HEY GUYS. What did you do in R.W.B.Y.? Who did you waifu? Really, anything.

Didn't he leave because we were shitting on him anyway?
It seems balanced with everything in it's price range. Spirit of Vengeance might be weak, though I'm pretty sure the unbound version is cosmic tier.
We totes could have gotten them all if someone would have bothered to ask nicely instead of bitching at ASA nonstop to try and manipulate Dirge into posting them here.
Seriously what was that nigger thinking?
He left for a lot of reasons. Trying to guess at all of them is a pointless effort unless you can read minds in the past.
He was definitely tired of all the shitposting though that's for sure.
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Justice played the otherwise missing role of Gaston for a joke, which means he 'chased' after Worst Girl while pretending to be incredibly racist towards Faunus.

Tiger hasn't been yet, but I have....plans for Tiger should he roll RWBY.
He wanted to fuck with us. So to ruin our chance of anything good happening, he decided to shit in our cereal and make sure things took this conclusion.
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What horrors have you wrought with the power of Bio-kinesis /jc/?
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>51 pages
>it hasn't even finished the class section yet
Fucking delicious
Not sure yet, all I know is I'm not letting Penny or Pyrrha die.
Uh, last time you said it gave you Strange-level talent, a rep boost, training, and the boost in a give dimension. What else are you missing to be classic strange?
>there's some story behind it
When the jump first came out, nobody bothered to look at it. It slipped over to SB because people loved to crosspost new jumps over, and Brellin let loose on it because Brellin and somebody else were FFX experts and they already had exploits that relied on some things from FF X-2. Dirge took it really fucking seriously since I guess that was the only feedback he got and since Brellin never minces words, Dirge taking it seriously meant he blew up. The IRC tried to get him to calm down, he gave them a fuck off, and everybody took it as Dirge taking SB's opinion higher than the IRC's. Things went south from there.

True to Dirge fashion it ended with Dirge leaving for SB because SB had given him more feedback than anyone here, and that's apparently why the update to FF13 used the CC thing, because that was there to test out how it would work when reapplied back to FFX on the second update. Brellin also shit on how ineffectual the scenario was, so I'm guessing the second update is going to change that too.
I TOOK OVER THE WORLD, OF COURSE! Also, I started shipping the cast behind the scenes while everyone was trying to overthrow me, manipulating events in order to pair people up. I also turned RWBY and JNPR into magical girls and boys, because I thought it was funny.
Are you sure, anon?
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Haven't watched it, any good waifus?
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I ruined all of Cinder's plans and waifued ECERYONE, also nabbed the Grimm semblance just to see what creatures I could make with it.
He was a shitposter, however you look at it. Either he genuinely wanted to get rid of Dirge. Or he was so socially inept, afraid of human interaction and miserably pessimistic he could genuinely think of no better way to motivate someone than negative reinforcement with cyberbullying.

The phrase gets thrown around a lot, but I sincerely wish that the latter was true enough that he killed himself out of self-loathing when his childishness completely backfired.
We hardly shat on him back before the Brellin FFX fiasco. I mean there was only one guy who kept telling him to leave after he came back and maybe one other guy who got pissed because he wasn't allowed to see Dirge's WIP drive, but Dirge didn't become public target until he left to SB.

Nobody cares enough to make a SB account just to ask him in the first place.
...how does the Vampyr option for Undead work? Can you just choose it over being a normal undead or what?
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Excellent. It'll be good to see it done.
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Thor is Best Girl, Belle/Beauty is Worst Girl.
Achilles is pretty great, but has her heart set on Joan of Arc
Some people really like Cinderella's villainous attitude and look, same with her minion Aladdin
Little Red Riding Hood isn't bad, though excitable, her sister Goldilocks is pretty fun.
Snow White is stuck up, but you might like that. Pinocchio is just adorable.
Pretty boring senpai.
>For an additional 100 CP, a mysterious letter finds it’s way to your hands - unmarked but for a wax stamp of a two-headed eagle, and a single name written in ink: Sarth. (Please go to the Quest Journal, page 25...)
>For an additional 100 CP, Juramir will find a raven wearing a pendant, and a mysterious crest. The raven caws one thing: “Rillia...” (Please go to the Quest Journal, Page ??...)

>Quest Journal
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>Any good waifus
Quite a few, yeah.
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Well the first thing I did was fight my way out of the #%!@ ocean, across a thousand miles of Grimm, because that location roll SUCKS.
Anyone who does have an SB account would just not give a shit about it being posted here, and would just use it anyway.
I think the RWBY jump needs an update. At the very least, it needs enough semblances for there to be no duplicates between you and 8 companions.
Yes. I'll make sure to phrase that option better. Sorry about that.

. . .


here's hoping I make faster progress in the next few days.
Is that you, Spyro? Is it possible to use Oathkeeping and Absent Silhouette on the same weapon?
People already have accounts. Anyone could have asked one of them to middle man shit. It was a zero effort thing.
There was absolutely no need to bother trying anything else.
Shit. I asked you to post it because I remember you mentioning a few times that you didn't receive much critique for most of it, and so I had wanted to look through it all and give you some, but I'm getting wrapped up in planning my build.
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Wicked Witch of the West is looks pretty good, too.
Man, you must hate Yoro's Jumps then.
The whole companion permadeath seems like a bad idea. If only because it makes Felsoul Pawn literally priceless for being chainbreaking. Probably bump it up to 400 cp, though I doubt people will take it even then. Otherwise looks neat.
It's quite alright man, this thing's gonna need like... several different review runs before it's properly done.
It looks like it's a general power that can be used on everyone, and it does not specifically state that it doesn't work on you so I would say yes.
... Note to self: Reword that option. I was meaning for it to be up to Jumper choice if the Felsoul'd Companion had permadeath or not.
Haven't been there yet but some of my plans include.

>Save Penny and give her some upgrades.
>Save Pyrrha and turn her into a Spartan.
>Troll Ozpin and ruin his plans.
>Set up a secret alliance with Atlas/Ironwood.
>Infect all the humans with a Faunus virus.
>Steal Cinder from Salem.
She is an edgelord who wants to wipe out humanity because she's an edgelord.

If she just wanted to wipe out the filthy faunus, like a normal person, she'd be okay.
I was going with the characters who would be your 'peers' with the way the jump is set up. Otherwise I would have mentioned The Good Witch of the North. And Belle's mom, not my type looks wise but she's fun.

I also don't know who Team Coffee is supposed to be.
Yeah, I'm not sure yet. I'll deal with that later on.

Off the top of my head, the important stuff that made Strange super buff at his peak would be his position as the actual Sorcerer Supreme, the cooperation of all the big names in the magical world (the Octessence, the Vishanti, the Faltine, etc.), a whole host of extremely powerful magical artifacts (the Eye and Orb of Agomotto, the Wand of Watoomb, the Wings of Needless Sorrow, the Darkhold and Book of the Vishanti, etc.), and the knowledge of how to cheat like a motherfucker. But to pull off the really big stuff, the most important thing is to have the big guys be willing to lend you a ton of power. If you can curry favor with the powerful mystical beings and forces and have the ability to actually channel the power effectively, then you can do some scary stuff.

But yeah, that's what you need to do powerful magic in Marvel: tons of knowledge and the cooperation of higher powers.
That sounds more like her supposed creator, who was an asshole that was jealous of his brother and so tried to destroy everything he created. Salem could just be following orders, we don't really know that much about her yet.
Any idea on how many Companions left to implement? I make it a point to take every free Companion I get and find a place for them within my Story/Chain.
Here's the Rewrite!

Elder Dragon Highlander

For ten years you've toiled and grown in this world and now you feel something. A Gathering, it's the best way to explain the sensation, and with the proper step you are allowed into a timeless place. The event that transpire here, in the Time Rifts, won't affect your results from Kamigawa but now you stand before a being whose dormant spark also has felt the Gathering.

This massive dragon, an Elder Dragon to be exact, turns towards you and you both feel the powers you've gathered over the years start fading, it’ll only be a matter of time before you power wan to the point where you’ll be fighting with only your bodies. Doing battle with this dragon will take ages, as even though he isn't the beast he'll be 24, 000 years from the date of his entry into the Time Rift he is still a formidable foe who has survived the wars of dragons.

Who is the foe you do battle with in this world where your powers are failing both of you? This is a past shade of Nicol Bolas, Elder Dragon and legendary figure.

Victory will grant you 600 CP to spend on perks in this Jump, defeat comes in two flavors either you are forced to flee out of the Time Rift, or you were slain by the Elder Dragon. If slain you chain ends, and even surviving the fight may end with dozens of memories lost to the Touch of Bolas or mental traps prepared that only the Elder Dragon himself will be able to sense and trigger. The risk is myriad.l

How is it?

Captcha that is a toy truck not a vehicle!
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I-I don't know who you're talking about. I'm just a friendly anon offering sagely advice.

Yes to your Oathkeeper/Absent Silhouette question
See >>52744582. The people that could be middle men don't have a reason to give a shit.

I can't imagine him coming back to /tg/ anyways, not with people trying this hard to turn him into the next big shitposter like DDanon. If the price is that we can't use a couple jumps without people shitting on us I think people would get used to that sooner than trying to get a jumpmaker back. In a way it's fucking hilarious.
where can I get a genetic archive of earths animals or something like it?
Yoro's problem with unnecessary wordiness is nowhere close to Dirge's, and whereas Dirge's problem makes every one of his jumps poor, Yoro has jumps where it works well.
I spent my time figuring out what the hell Dust is and how it works. Seriously, why doesn't it work in space? It's weird. By the end of it I had some pretty good knowledge of distilled geomantic energy, though, kind of made a parallel to Materia in the process. I didn't waifu anyone, though I did ship a bunch of people. Just...Ren, Nora is clearly in love with you. "Not 'together' together" is just her being too shy to say it. Jaune, same with you and Pyrrha. Ruby, your scythe does not love you like you love it. Weiss, I will punch your dad to death if it gets you to stop moping, I can do that for you. Blake, your ears gross me out. Nothing to do with relationships, I just had to say it. I'll help with Adam, though.
Okay, anon, I'm onto you. I hope he's doing alright.

Thanks, mate.
Any races & classes yet to be written in there, for one. On top of that there's plans for rewriting the turtle / Shen-Zin Su diet edition, there's going to be an Ancient with an option to be either an Ancient of War or Ancient of Lore, plus a member of each of the dragonflights and elemental types.

I think I've got the Canon Companion options properly tiered down, but I'm gonna need to tinker on pricing for things above Dragon Aspects, Wild Gods, and that kind of thing.

Races left to represent: High Elf, Orc, Tauren, Blood elf, Mok’nathal, Hozen, Goblin, Cenarian, Harpy, Furbolg, Quilboar, Naga, Gnoll, Kobold, Saurok, Mogu, Gorloc, Wolvar, Tuskarr, Vrykul, Broken, Arakkoa, Ethereal, Sporeling, Wildkin, Nerubian, Qiraji, Mantid, Nightborne, spider elf

Classes left to represent: Death knight, Demon Hunter, Druid, Hunter, Monk, Priest
Futurama has that doesn't it
ASA used to play middleman, before that shitposter admitted to attacking him in order to attract Dirge. Not actually sure if he knows about the subsequent shitstorms, but nowadays his account over there seems to exist mostly to build for Dirge's jumps and critique them.

And like you said, I can't even blame him.
Futurama. See if the Encyclopod will be willing to share its DNA archives with you. It has the genetics of everything that's ever gone extinct preserved in its biosphere. Given how many ecological catastrophes have taken place in Futurama's timeline, that would include most things alive today and everything extinct. Also lots of alien DNA. And if you want to make sure of it, just hop in the Professor's forwards-only time machine by a few billion years and find the Encyclopod then. Then just loop around the Big Bang again to get back to a timeline indistinguishable from the one you left.
>not using legacy captcha.
It's just writing two words. EZ PZ. All you have to do is set it in the options and you'll never need to select a street sign again.
Titan AE.
Or you could if someone ever made it.
How would I do spoiler 1?
Is it weird that I actually find the current system easier? I have issues with deciphering handwriting.
Resident Evil can do it, if you want a zero-effort solution. You can buy that in the virus customization section. If you value your CP too highly to do that, just stack biotech perks, I guess.
Sometimes I kinda wish for a restart button on /jc/ with a more firm hand guiding things from the start.
What are the strongest Willpower perks in the chain?
It'd just turn out like Conduit did, anon.

Nigh-almost the exact same way.
I think in Aria you can get a list of animals and plants brought to terraformed mars, which has at least cats and probably a fuckton of fish on it.
The easiest solution at this point is to replace all of the jumps, just so that the people hating on them have nothing left to stand on. Sure other jumpmakers won't make the same jumps for certain, but if we get several new jumpmakers out of it at least the whole thing was a net gain.

Except the thread has this mindset that any jumpmaker who tries has to be held against Dirge's standard. They don't want Dirge back and have no problems shitting on the jump, but they don't want the jumps replaced even if it'll make the Dirgeposting go away.
Using cybernetics and/or brain surgery to physically remove your ability to give in.
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I find it more fun to complain about them. Also I saw Slender Man pics during last Halloween which was neat so I do have fun with the current system just sometimes it goes a little odd.
And how'd that go?
What did we just say about bringing up Dirge jumps anon. Seriously.
>-even if it'll make the Dirgeposting go away.
It won't though.
Could you, uh, elaborate who's who there? I see a couple of characters in what you said, but I'm lost for the majority.
>Trying this hard to justify shitting on Dirge
>pretending like you aren't the anti-Dirge shitposter
Thrallherd became the public abuse-bicycle and people start making their own worlds and shoving them into the Conduitverse anyway.
Piss poor. How would you regulate anything anyways. Half the shitstorms that come up are because of regulations and rules.
Who did you ship?
Get rid of all the jumps.

Replace ALL the jumpmakers. ALL OF THEM.

Yes, even that one.
If he has no ties to the drive, there's no reason to even bring up his name. You could just shut down any conversation that even hints at them instantly.
>Yes, even that one.
You keep your filthy degenerate hands off the Worm.
In all seriousness, I do think it's an interesting thought experiment to think about what early jumps would have been like if they were made today, in the current environment of jumpmaking. There's a more settled pattern to jumps these days than there was when they were new and people were experimenting with ideas, it could be fun to see what they'd look like now. Not that I'm actually advocating we do this, it would cause so much yelling. But if we could alter history or something like that, I'd enjoy seeing that timeline where we were making jumps like this from the beginning.
I don't know how you jump to that conclusion. There's basically SoAnon, Dirge, and DDanon who would fit the bill for replacement. SoAnon outright doesn't want her jumps on the drive. Dirge has given permission to remove his jumps, and DDanon didn't even get all his jumps accepted.

Why would you lump everyone else into that.
Thor = Nora
Belle/Beauty = Blake
Achilles = Pyrrha
Cinderella = Cinder
Little Red Riding Hood = Ruby
Goldilocks = Yang
Snow White = Weiss
Pinocchio = Penny
I'm going to humour you: You have no idea what you're talking about if you think the resident people who hate on jumps obsessively and maniacally are like if you think they would take that as anything other than validation to target someone else next.
Thank you kindly.
It wouldn't work considering who the people that pushed the envelop were. A lot of the ideas that we have now wouldn't have even come up.
Resident Evil is best for custom viruses, but Prototype also has a virus customization section and with enough investment the nanites from Generator Rex could potentially let you transform all life on an entire planet.

If you're feeling especially evil you could modify the Diclonius virus from Elfen Lied, or one of the many genetic viruses from Star Trek.
No matter how much you pretend otherwise, his jumps aren't going away and so you're wrong.

It's a joke, anon. One born of despair and exasperation.
Animorphs - DNA Samples
Eclipse Phase - Animal Genetics Library
The shitposters have proven multiple times that they shit on people who either have no means of arguing back, or they shit on people who have given up on arguing back. That won't change.

We're already giving them the validation to target Dirge, it won't stop them from targeting somebody else at the same time. At least by removing one of them they'll just fall back to the old routine at worst.
Most characters in RWBY are allusions to fairy tales or legends. Not all, but the majority. And everyone except Salem has a color-based name. Supposedly Ozpin isn't meant to have one, either, but I guess they screwed up and gave him one anyway? He's named after (and themed after) the Wizard of Oz and his color is green, that's a pretty clear link.
>his jumps aren't going away
Isn't this where the problem is in the first place? If it was anybody else that had made those jumps, people would be free to use them without getting harassed.
Well, let's see. I shipped Arkos at first only for Pyrrha to once again die thanks to a bad roll, so after that I moved on to Lancaster, which went better. Then there was Ren and Nora, Sun and Blake, Yang got with Weiss, and then I started doing shit like getting Oscar and Penny together because I was bored. Qrow and Winder ended up having a thing, but I didn't do that on purpose, they just hooked up after surviving a fight with one of my monsters.
Winter* Fuck.
I'm not talking about one guy being the only one doing anything and being solely in charge of every decision. One of the best parts of Jumpchain is lots of people being willing and able to contribute. A lot of problems we end up having around here just seem to stem from having no one to go too or no frame of reference and just in general a complete lack of organization.

Half the shitstorms that come up aren't from regulations and rules, but the ones that are stem more from people screaming rules and other people screaming fuck the rules when we've never had really clearly defined or enforced rules to begin with. A lot of our "rules" are basically thread conventions that became so settled in that people call them rules.

I mean, damn, how often do we get new people coming in here completely confused about what they're doing and getting conflicting replies when they ask? How often do we get people who have been around for months or longer just learning about stuff everyone else has known since forever?

I don't want heavy regulation, I just want some sense of direction here.
and then they'll just push and shitpost to remove someone else's work.

You're literally playing right into what the fuck they want. Depriving this place of content.
Linking the name Ozpin to green is a very big stretch, but I kind of see your point.
>You could just shut down any conversation that even hints at them instantly.
That's funny, you're funny.
Ah, I see.
You have shit taste.
It really isn't. The Wizard's real name was Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkle Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs, or O.Z.P.I.N.H.E.A.D. Ozpin" is the head of Beacon. And the Wizard's signature color was green.
If they're replaced why would this place be deprived of content? It's one jump for another.
what >>52745129 said. Also he has a coworker named Glinda, I believe?
Hey, I shipped Arkos at first, it's just that Phyrra fucking died, and then I had no one left to pair Jaune with because Weiss has already made it clear she's got no interest in him, and forcibly altering someone so that they like someone isn't something I'm interested in. And I don't like leaving loose ends hanging, and since Jaune managed to survive the next few rolls, I just decided to go with that instead.
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Since Light My Way from Kingdom Hearts is apparently a power derived from your Heart, would it increase in strength as your soul does?
>I just want some sense of direction here.
Except we do have that already. The current popular format for jumps isn't actually all that different from Quicksilver's original template. The way people jump hasn't changed much unless you're talking about SB's challenge modes. Builds are still pretty much the same.
Isn't it just giving eldritch/soulless beings souls and/or a conscious? How would you make that stronger?
Glinda Goodwitch, even. Ozpin and his circle have the Wizard of Oz as their fairy tail allusion. Ozpin is Oz, Glinda Goodwitch is Glinda the Good Witch, Ironwood is the Tin Woodsman, Qrow is the Scarecrow, and I'm not sure who the Cowardly Lion is meant to be. Taiyang, maybe? And as the young girl marked with silver accompanied by her cute dog, Ruby is probably meant to be Dorothy as well as, obviously, Little Red Riding Hood.
Wait, disregard, I'm thinking of something else.

The headmaster of Haven Academy is Professor Lionheart, and he's sold everyone out to Salem. He's the

>Light My Way (600CP, Discount Wielder): One of the defining features of this world - of these worlds - is the struggle between Light and Dark. As of taking this perk you’re firmly on the side of the Light. The Light in your Heart is bright enough that you can call it to the forefront, bathing yourself in your radiance and reaping the benefits. You can throw out exploding points of light, slash at people with blades of light, launch holy blasts that are either large and dangerous or small and rapid-fire, and channel beams that do devastating damage over time... They’ll think hard before attacking you and yours after seeing your gross incandescence.
He's the Cowardly Lion.* Posted too soon by accident.

Yeah, I mixed it up with another perk. In that case, I think it would be stronger with a stronger soul, yeah. I'd suggest Soul Eater and/or Undertale, personally. Soul Eater especially, since it has a Strong Soul perk and a perk that lets you train your soul and your body at the same time.
>The headmaster of Haven Academy is Professor Lionheart, and he's sold everyone out to Salem.
Ah. I haven't watched the latest season, to be honest. Well, that fits, then.
Oh shit, sorry, didn't mean to spoil.
Rubies are red.
Jaune is french for yellow
Coco is a shortened version for chocolate.
Ozpin is named after the wizard of Oz, whose full intials spell out his name and part of his profession, and the wizard of Oz liked using green with things.

It's a stretch.
Latest season is pretty decent. The first four episodes are especially good. The rest of it is pretty alright. You should watch it.
No worries, I don't really care about spoilers.
You're an idiot-his point is they'll try to exploit your reasoning to get rid of another jump on the drive. And another. And another. On the other hand, if you just ignore and report them they're physically incapable of doing anything to back up the shit they talk.
I don't like Brellin.
Then your premise is even more flawed, because your alleged solution results in no improvement, continued shitposter activity and the loss of jumps some people like.
While we're on a RWBY tangent, ignoring the other dicks: For those who've taken the Abyssal Semblance, what're some of your Grimm experiments and creations?
I'm fine with most jaune ships, but Lancaster is objectively shit.
I thought RWBY were supposed to be Dorothy's group?

Ruby (and her little dog, too) is the leader of the group, despite her inexperience in comparison, and she is also partially a fish out of water due to being accepted to Beacon earlier than her peers.

Weiss is heartless towards others, at least at first, making her the Tin Woodsman equivalent.

Blake is obviously the Cowardly Lion.

And that leaves Yang as the Scarecrow. While not stupid, she does seem to be the worst at strategics- in other words, a lack of brains.
What does the Light actually do? The perk made me think it's just Final Fantasy style attacks, but earlier someone said it can be used to restore entire worlds or some shit.
Yeah, but there are other characters with stretch names, so I think he counts. Like, Nora's color name is that there's a breed of columbine named after Nora Barlowe, and columbines are pink. Bartolomew Oobleck is named for the Doctor Seuss book "Bartholomew and the Oobleck". Glynda's name has nothing to do with a color, but since Glynda the Good Witch wore white, it counts that way. They've got a lot of characters, they have to stretch some of them.
I don't think we've had a jumpmaker in the same situation as Dirge and I don't think we will have another jumpmaker in that situation, so I'm not sure how they'd be able to exploit any reasoning to get rid of somebody else's jump.
I may have watched Zoids and based all of my Grimm on them....yes I did make a Death Saurer
I've been working on disguise grimm.
As in, they are as intelligent as humans, can disguise themselves as humans, and in combat turn back into a grimm.
Yeah, that's true, too. They both have Oz themes. It's just that team RWBY has them as secondary while Ozpin's is primary.
What does this have to do with anything? Did you misprogram your bot or something?
>People seriously fell or and filled another thread with anti-dirge shitposting.
I personally think the way it works, is that the less relevant and overall important a character is, the more obscure their colour name reference will be.
You beautiful bastard.

Huh. Infiltration-type Grimm? Interesting.

I've personally been experimenting with Grimm symbiotes. Symbiotic weapons and something along the lines of Venom. Have yet to hit USM though, which'd be helpful for this.
Remove it at its source and this won't happen again.
Believe me, we all wish we could remove you.
>Ruby (and her little dog, too) is the leader of the group, despite her inexperience in comparison, and she is also partially a fish out of water due to being accepted to Beacon earlier than her peers.
Also, in the book the ruby slippers (hey, kind of a connection, there, I guess) were actually silver, they made them red in the movie to stand out more with their new color film technology. So a girl with a magic pair of silver things, I think that's pretty appropriate.
You're welcome to your opinion man, I was just shipping the main cast with whoever most fit, and then everyone else got shipped pretty much at random. And since Phyrra was, again, fucking dead, and no one else could be shipped with Jaune realistically, I just went with Lancaster. I LEAVE NO LOOSE ENDS! NO MAN LEFT BEHIND!

Really, the fact that Phyrra ended up dying and thus sinking Arkos again in this world was a fucking bummer. I mean, the monster that killed her was only supposed to be the Wake-Up Call Boss, not a hero killer. But then JNPR fucked up their roll badly enough that I had to roll to see who died, and it seems that Phyrra ended up going the way of Mami.
No, it'll just happen with someone else.

Another fucking target.

Because you people hate happiness.
It's a little hard to kill a shitposter IRL anon.
You should've seen some of the more persistent ones targeting Red, then. Besides as someone else put it, nobody wants your solution because it trades some jumps some people do change for the lack of guarantee someone could make an acceptable replacement, all out of fear of people who can't physically interfere with other people using the jumps.

It's like shitting your pants because you're scared a spider got into them. It makes more worse than it fixes.
>He's literally degraded into threatening us with more shitposting if we don't capitulate
I'm not talking about the major structure. We have Jumpchain, there are Jumps where you go to pre-established settings (usually), you make builds for them and move to the next. That's the foundation everything else is built on. I'm talking about the details from month to month that an agreement can't be reached on.

Just using the Dirge stuff going on right now. One side is saying his Jumps need to be replaced, the other side is saying they need to be kept. Whatever personal reasons people might have for picking a side, there's one big overarching reason it's even an argument. It's because both sides have confidence in their chances.

We, as a community, basically have a "majority rules" mindset about rulings, acceptance and denial. Early concepts like concepts of maximum possible power level for a possible Jump, the types of perks that can and can't be allowed, meta concepts, what's accepted to the drive and what can't be have changed radically, sometimes on a whim, just out of popularity's sake.

That's not necessarily a bad thing given it's how we got a lot of the great shit we have now, but it does lead to this current type of bullshit where both sides are trying to sway everyone else on the matter so they can get what they want, inevitably leading to an endless flow of vitriol and arguments.

I just want a guy with enough authority to come in after months of arguing about the same subject to just fucking rule one way or the other so we could move the hell on.
>Phyrra ended up going the way of Mami.
Wow, guess she didn't have a good head on her shoulders.
But if you cut off the shitposter's head, it'll grow two back... Right?
How did Dirge hurt you so much?
He's been like this from the start, anon. He publically cried in text form, alone and unloved, on Christmas because CYOA general refused to shitpost us on his behalf.
>acceptable replacement
If there's no quality standards to measure up against then what's to say that somebody else's attempt isn't acceptable? If you don't encourage the process you're never going to get anyone willing to try.
Fist of the North Star has one so good that you could get back up after dying because of how BS your will is.
Course you'll still die, but the point stands.
He rejected anon's prom invitation.
You ever read The Games We Play? Gamer/RWBY crossover fanfic, has a lot of problems but I'm not interested in talking about those. What I am interested in are the Grimm Riders, possession-type Grimm that spread like a plague. So I made one of my own. Like Conquest from the story, in infiltrates the body, takes over control, and mutates the host into something optimized for using its Semblance. So, say, someone with a touch-range Semblance would get tentacles, or someone who channels it through their vision gets a lot of eyes.
>implying there are more than one person actually pushing for Dirges jumps to be removed or replaced
The process shouldn't be encouraged. That is the point.
I made Grimm based off of some of my childhood nightmares, like one that was a demonic train, another that was a gargoyle/lobster/scorpion thing, another that was a giant king cobra that was intelligent and genuinely dangerous, and another that was essentially a parasite that would drain your life force until you were a withered corpse and then take on your form.

She really got ahead of herself, and it came back to bite her.
H'oh, that sounds interesting. Any resource for that?

is that the fanfic with a lot of Jewish mythos referenced and/or outright used?
The irony is that by flat-out admitting what he really wanted all along, he's discredited the entire position of removing dirge's jumps.
Yes. The one SB loves to wank.
Ah. Shame.

Gonna have to look into that one for my symbiote / parasite Grimm's inspiration. Thank ya.

... Well I can see that getting pretty morbid after you start moving on to more recent nightmares.

>Grimm Train
Oh god it's like DoomTrain and GhostTrain all over again.
>I just want a guy with enough authority to come in after months of arguing about the same subject to just fucking rule one way or the other so we could move the hell on

It can't happen, because anybody who tries would be instantly seen as being too authoritarian and there's no guarantee that they can be free of bias themselves.

For every argument that people have, there's bound to be a counterargument. If you want to use that back and forth bickering about Dirge as an example, the issue they have right now could have been solved easily if we were allowed to choose between multiple jumps so neither side could bicker. But then somebody else is bound to argue that it would only encourage powerwanking jumpmaking.

How would you expect any person to approach something like that impartially when both sides are screaming like headless chicken? And then if one side doesn't like the decision, who enforces it when they start shitting on that decision?
Yeah, it's that one. The fight with Conquest takes place around midway through the story, before the power levels have escalated quite so much.
Way to play your hand early niggerchimp. Hinting that the thread should just accept any crappy replacement that gets pushed out just makes you incredibly obvious. End yourself.
I feel like looking through TGWP would be a mistake, but knock yourself out. It just kind of sounds like overrated trash from everything i've heard of it.
You keep missing the point to go on these pedantic tangents. The "process" as you so put it is an informal forum of bored anons pointing out whatever they see fit to. And if you hadn't noticed, more people than you're willing to admit feel it is acceptable. Your position is untenable by your own logic because it mandates greater cost for uncertainty.

And I don't like to bring majority opinion into these things, but it's relevant in your case when a shitposter's started advocating your idea. Because you're extremely unlikely to gain traction for it when people will want to start doing the opposite of what it wants simply out of spite.
It has some cool ideas. Said cool ideas do not make up for the rest. Taken in isolation, and used elsewhere, I'd quite enjoy them. As they are, buried in the slog...eh. Not worth it.
I don't think his reasoning is all that bad compared to the people who just scream at it outright. If it's a matter of replacing the current jumps with another, it gives us a chance to influence the final product and make something better. It's a win win at the end.
Man, you guys are way to up your own assholes right now. You guy's need to take a twenty minute break to masturbate and take a shit or something.
Actually, to be honest, my nightmares recently haven't been as bad. I have an overactive imagination, but I've also learned to confront my fears, to the point where in most of my recent nightmares I bull rush what ever monster's haunting them. Child me, on the other hand, had the same imagination, but was much more vulnerable. It got to a point where I actually refused to go to sleep until I had no other choice, because I was terrified of going back to those dreams.

That came from a nightmare where I was running from a demon train that ended up with me falling into a pit of molten steel.
>gives us a chance

Which not everyone is willing to take. Also, the fuck are you on about-he's literally trying to bully people into doing what he wants by threatening to continue shitposting. It's the worst reason.
>And if you hadn't noticed, more people than you're willing to admit feel it is acceptable
Mib jumps are acceptable. Bancho's jumps are acceptable. I don't think you're doing yourself any favors with this. It's also sort of sad that you'd resort to the numbers game when others have pointed out the crippling problems with the jumps.
The problem is that replacing the jump we have now will result in losing what we have. And most of us like what we have where it fucking is more than the idea of what you're offering.
That and frankly, I'm not changing my build just because of some asshole having a hissy-fit.

and knowing this guy's argument so far, he's anti-grandfather clause as well.
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What I think is extra stupid is that nobody campaigns to do anything about open jumps that could actually use a redo.
There's plenty of jumps that might actually get some good vibes if someone wanted to do something with them, but nobody ever wants to do any of those because no one will get mad.

Justice for example opened his jumps up due to being unsatisfied with them. That's a genuine reason to want to try and he actually did get someone to update one of them. I doubt anyone would throw a non manufactured fit if someone bothered to try again. At least not if they did an expansion rather than chopping it up and starting over.
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So this is basically done. I'm going to post it here one last time but if there aren't any major problems then I'll put it on the Drive.
>Dirges jumps are Bancho tier
I'm done, trolling like this is so transparent that it's boring, actually responding to this shit is below me.
There's a person who was apparently willing to take that chance and judging by the last time this came up, there were others too. In both of those cases people have shouted at them to stop and told them to fuck off. Are we doing the whole there's only two anons in the thread thing again?
You're doing none yourself, when you admit THOSE are acceptable and then try to convince me someone else's should be replaced instead. I'm just stating a reality to you-fewer people than you think want what you want.
That's mostly because I don't know what jumps are open for claiming. Do we have a list? If you can provide me with one, I would be thankful.
That's exactly it. Updating Justice's jumps will have a positive reaction.

This daft cunt wants a negative one.
Heck Inheritance Cycle got a beautiful facelift thanks to that.
Can you change the formatting a bit so that each Origin has all of it's Perks on one page?
And yet he'd force you to keep certain things in. Seriously, he's one of the dirtiest creeps here. He crapped out a few jumps that even he knew were god awful and then opened them up to remaking straight away. That way, anyone who wants to remake it has to follow his rules while putting in all the actual effort.
No, we've been over this. There's only one anon in this thread. They just shitpost at them self out of some weird masturbatory instinct. Look, I'm even pretending to be talking to someone else now. Christ, what am I doing with my life?
What are you trying to prove? Wow, lots of people don't like the thing you like, big whoop. Please observe how many people just told the shitposter to fuck off and don't insult us both with the samfagging excuse.
What a surprise, people don't want to do Jumps for settings they don't care about.
>What I think is extra stupid is that nobody campaigns to do anything about open jumps that could actually use a redo.
All of the jumps that are being talked about are open jumps anon, that's the whole reason why the people pushing for replacements have any ground to begin with. Otherwise it would have ended with a simple "you don't have permission".

>Justice for example opened his jumps up due to being unsatisfied with them
You realize what the jumpmaker that this shitflinging involves was famous for right? He literally puts Justice to shame in that category. Couldn't you have used a better example at least?
Why replace content when we have so many fucking IPs and settings that criminally lack one?

Fucking make something else to prove you have the chops and the balls, and THEN offer a replacement.

You goddamn lords of shit.
Sort of. Justice still insisted that his ill-informed rulings remain in the second iteration, which were literally the most bizarre, shit part of a frankly shit jump. So eh. It's okay now.
Well if you wanted to redo Avernum I bet you'd get a couple virtual high fives from Justice it if you do a good job.
I don't have a list on me but I do know that's one of them.

>>52745659 said it best. They just don't care, Satan. They just don't care.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Satan.
>when you admit THOSE are acceptable
Anon, you're the one using the word acceptable, not me. I'm just saying what your choice of words implies.
They respond to bait on purpose because they're shitposters too and want to make everyone else miserable.
Hey, jumpers, talk about your waifus or something? What settings did you go to just because it had a character you wanted to meet/bone.
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Changed how Obey Me or Defy Me works in response to Jump Setting questions.
Changed We are Standing Here to clarify it's effect better.
Thanks for being the voice of reason, Satan.
If they don't care about those fucking IPs why would they make a jump. Even the jumps that get brought up for the replacement shitshow are the least obscure ones. It's not a difficult concept to grasp man.
Reminder that it's spring break and he'll be here 24/7 all week because he has no friends.
That's the thing though. They aren't acceptable. Ask the thread if they think they were acceptable before having a bunch of shit changed, and you'd get people telling you that they refused to use them because they basically didn't even belong on the drive.
Fuck spring break, just a few more months till summer.

Then it'll be fucking unbearable.
If they replace it they get a bit of cheap net fame I guess. If they make a shitshow of a new jump they'd just get laughed at, and if the jump isn't anything popular, it would just get ignored.

I've never seen a jumpmaker do what you suggested at all. Not to mention our board of "expert jumpmakers" don't give much critique to newbies.
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Here it is.
Formatting as requested.
>give critique to newbies
>get burned at the stake for "forcing nerfs on them"
>don't give critique to newbies
>watch them get torn apart for basic mistakes

It's a lose-lose.
Much appreciated.
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I went to High School of the Dead for the sole purpose of getting it on with Shizuka. I mean, zombie apocalypses are meh by themselves, but zombie apocalypses with delicious cake? How can I resist?
Bland as some of them might be I have no problems using them like Code Geass or Bleach before the remake. Even if it doesn't have hundreds of pages or whatever you consider quality, I don't think they're not acceptable. People refuse to use lots of jumps usually for personal reasons, the only times I've seen your "didn't even belong on the drive" being used was with SJ-Chan forcing jumps up.

>It can't happen, because anybody who tries would be instantly seen as being too authoritarian and there's no guarantee that they can be free of bias themselves
No, I know, that's why I prefaced all this by saying I wish we could somehow hit the reset button on the entire concept. It's far too late now to have someone fill that role, it'd be rejected every step of the way and garner community-wide hate. This is would basically be the ideal scenario at the spawn of Jumpchain, including said person having the right mindset, or at least manageable.

>How would you expect any person to approach something like that impartially when both sides are screaming like headless chicken? And then if one side doesn't like the decision, who enforces it when they start shitting on that decision?
They don't have to agree with the moral or personal reasons of either side as much as the ruling they represent. All this bullshit right now can boil down to "Can Dirge's Jumps be replaced or not?" and it ends with a simple "Yes" or "No" along with maybe their own reasoning, I don't care.

As for how you enforce it, that's actually super easy, since we already fucking do that. It's the drive, and the fact that only a few neutral parties control it, namely Brutus. If your shit gets shot down, it doesn't matter how much you bitch and moan, the best you could do is make your own drive and no one gives a shit about other drives.

Fuckin seriously, shitposting would not be 1/100th as easy if people could act like fucking adults and not respond to such petty, shallow prompts like someone had kicked their baby. Then maybe we'd get shitposters who had to get creative and actually add life to darker side of Jumpchain instead of this bullshit. When are people going to learn to stop taking blatant lies at face value with the same deep, penetrating pain of marital abuse.
I actually feel very embarrassed by the idea of companioning canon characters, so I usually avoid that kind of behavior and just take OCs along with me even when there are canon characters I want to hang out with. That said, when a F/GO jump is made, I want Demon Archer more than anything else.
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No problem. Anyone got anything to say about the >>52745759 Jump before I toss it on drive?
Have you considered that there is some serious samefagging going on to get it started? Because I think everyone has realized that it's dumb bait by this point, but it doesn't seem to help matters.
Is it possible to obtain passive always active Shaping Defenses in Exalted? Moonsilver tattoos are close but explicitly don't defend against certain shaping effects.
We're too busy shitstorming right now.

Please leave a message after the beep.
I think there's an artifact for that. If not you could probably make one.
If you reset it and instated it early, people would just ignore the idea completely, seeing it as being too restrictive and not worth the effort. This is something that already has a net negative payoff since it drains on free time and it certainly isn't making anyone money. Slap more rules on top of that and you're basically asking for Conduit if it was run by Angel.

>All this bullshit right now can boil down to "Can Dirge's Jumps be replaced or not?"
Well that's just a case where people are being immature, because the objective answer to that question is yes. Permission was given and the thread has taken steps to ensure the jumpmaker can't come back. The question that they're flopping around about is more like "Should Dirge's Jumps be replaced or not?". But that's an opinion question, you can't have an objective answer to that.

Besides, if we started from the get go with jumps like FFXIV, Disgaea, Kamen Rider, most people would be instantly dissuaded from making a jump because most of the time, they compare themselves to other people when it comes to jumpmaking. If the baseline for every jump was too high people would just not bother for fear of being shit on.
>Bleach before the remake
Literally unacceptable. That jump was so fucking bad I advocated for it to be removed from the drive regardless of if a replacement was to be made. It was the worst piece of fucking garbage I'd ever seen, it had no internal balance, was barely related to the property it was inspired by, was badly formatted and written, and above all of that, was just fucking boring and generic.
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I want a Hollow Knight Jump so bad but I don't even know where to start. Could I get an Adult Jumpmaker to make it for me?
>Net negative
speak for yourself kiddo, it's made my life better
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The gudaguda squad are the best servants
She Who Lives In Her Name has a passive Shaping defense, kinda.
Well, less "defense" and more "it reverts any Shaping done to you automatically"
Looks good, toss it up.
Why are you all replying?
Go ask Heavens or another one of the IRC jumpmakers.
What's the best/cheapest way of making your companions immune to mind control?
>That jump was so fucking bad I advocated for it to be removed from the drive regardless of if a replacement was to be made.
Thanks for your opinion? Doesn't seem like the vast majority shared it considering nothing changed at all.
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Er... could someone do that for me? I kinda have to go now and I don't know when I'll be back online enough to do it. This one >>52745759 is the one I need someone to put up please.
It could be one person replying to themselves, it could be some people replying, it could be everyone replying.

Nobody knows.
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I gotchu
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Don't worry dude I've had those kinds of problems as well. If no one else does I throw it onto the drive, no problem. Nevermind looks like someone >>52745945 has your back.
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How are you jumpers with law enforcement?
The fucking worst part is I think you're right. But I'm sick and tired in both the literal and metaphorical sense and needed to bitch about these morons somehow. If they could just spare everyone else by ignoring it all like we do, that'd be amazing. Absolutely fantastic. They're throwing gas on a lit match and calling it water.

You're missing the point. I do not want micromanaging and a ton of rules. I literally, LITERALLY, only want a guy around to slap these month long bitch fits down with an iron fist so people could move on.

It's precisely because people are being immature that I want this. It's precisely because people can't stop acting like a bunch of screaming ninnies that I want this. If people fucking want to replace the Jumps, make the fucking replacement. If it's actually worth a piss it'll go through and if it isn't it'll get fucking smacked down like the piece of shit it is.

All this "do we don't we" pussy footing around is pissing me off. Stop talking, start doing, it's so fucking much easier than people are making it out to be. It's like a constipated colon just compacted with shit when you had so many options for additional fiber in your diet.
I go in-between being part of it, leading it, or being allied to it, depending on the jump. As long as they're at least somewhat moral, that is. If they're hurting innocents, then I fight them like I fight any group that harms the innocent.
I picked up intangibility early in my chain, I just walk away from them. Occasionally laughing while I do so.
Fuck man, Toho is full to bursting with delicious waifus. I'm actually thinking of just going there and blue feathering like half the cast that aren't super evil monsters, and even a couple of the bad ones if I can think of a reasonable way to make them not total assholes.
DOES Haki allow you to punch ghosts?
>I actually feel very embarrassed by the idea of companioning canon characters
So, I'm not the only one that feels this way? Is this a common sentiment?
>You're missing the point. I do not want micromanaging and a ton of rules. I literally, LITERALLY, only want a guy around to slap these month long bitch fits down with an iron fist so people could move on.
And what I'm saying is that it doesn't matter when you started with this, it wouldn't fly. We've always had people that tried, and they've failed.
I believe in you, anon. Just start writing down ideas for the kind of stuff you think should be in the jump. Ideas for perks, items, flavor, backgrounds, drawbacks, anything.

Then just keep adding and refining stuff until you get something jumpable. The worst that can happen is you get to point where you can add nothing further, then you can get advice or even hand it off to someone else.
Generally looking them dead in the eye and not breaking eye contact, not even as I'm being dragged into the sky by a mass murder of crows.
Probably not. I imagine a lot of people would rather not suddenly make themselves the centers of canon characters' lives, considering its one of the defining traits of Mary Sues, arguably as much or even moreso than power overwhelming.
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I do what I want.

What are the police gonna do about it? Send helicopters after my ultra high up Sky Palace? Actually bother bringing me in? I'm a nasty crime moth, through and though.
You totally just wanted to say 'mass murder of crows' didn't you?
don't worry, i find it awesome phrase too
What would you guys think of a Boondocks jump? Could it even be done without causing shitposting?

I feel your pain my brother. I feel your fucking pain. That setting is the main reason why I even accept the damn blue feather exploit.
Normally, the luddites don't appreciate my genius biological creations, so our relationship is rather sour.
Literally who? Quicksilver? Quicksilver was far too people pleasing to ever even attempt this if he wanted too. I have nothing against him, but he couldn't and can't take it. No one has ever tried to become an authority figure after him. Who the hell are you talking about?
It would be a lot of fun.
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I would say that I went for King of Vermin in SMT for the sole purpose of having an excuse to be able to work that in as much as possible, yes.
Plenty of people in the IRC tried. OneArmedAnon threw his weight around. Red did the same before shitposter latched onto her. Look at how they ended up.
I went servant just to pick one up and I can't even decide on who it should be.
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You are being deliberately dense if you don't acknowledge that Quicksilver was fucking hated by our community for making any rules at all and would be shit on anytime he said anything at all, let alone tried to be an actual authority in /jc/.
>What would you guys think of a Boondocks jump?
I want.
>Could it even be done without causing shitposting?
No, it is impossible for any jump to be done without shitposting.
That said I don't think this one would cause an excess amount of it.
That's pretty much just "reality + black comedy", right?
What always makes me laugh about politicians and the rich with their bunkers and shit, is that once they leave them? The survivors are going to be fucking pissed and lynch them. Nobody is going to forget the people who caused it unless they literally sit down in there for a generation.
Make it a gauntlet and we have a deal.

Dude's the biggest limp prick anyone's ever seen here. Literally useless for anything and everything.
How do you body horror in style /jc/?
Kinda. It has some outlandish elements, but alot of episodes basically parody real life.

>unless they literally sit down in there for a generation.
I'm pretty sure that's their plan. Of course they'd likely go crazy within the first few months or years, or the bunker would fail.

Why? It's fine as a black comedy slice-of-life jump.
I would suggest Kaguya.
Body horror is pretty inefficient, all things considered. Also, too much work dealing with pests when I otherwise wouldn't need to. So, I guess I just [body horror internally].
After Prototype my clothes were actually just me.
So I guess any style I feel like wearing is body horror.
You know you're talking about the guy who had no problems shitting on Dirge. Doesn't seem like much of a limp dick to me.
He said all of one thing and then backed down harder than a slapped bitch.
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Shapeshifting and one of those perks that make you pretty no matter what. I also use corpse style from Nechronica a lot, so what you get is a lot of twitchy, unnatural movements, actual breaking and rearranging of limbs, and strange shifts in appearance and shape at a whim, almost like being made of fluid. That includes growing extra limbs and features if I'm so inclined, like your pic.

And of course, the beauty perk is what ties it together, because no matter how much of that I'm doing? People will still think the result is hot. That's what really causes the horror. A shoggoth is just a shoggoth. But a shoggoth that you can't help but be attracted to? Mindblowing.
I avoid law enforcement if possible. Generally I don't go around blatantly breaking laws and flipping off cops. Sadly some of my companions do just that. So I often have to use minor magic to make them forget what they were doing or putting them to sleep. Its rather awkward but better than the alternative.
>He said all of one thing
And with that you've proved that you weren't around and you're just talking out of your ass.
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Full Xeno Queen, but with a military jacket and a Kalashnikov. For the glorious hive comrade!
Purity of Madness Defense, Infernals.

It makes you aware of any shaping effect that targets you and allows you to choose whether or not it affects you. It costs 1 Limit to negate a shaping effect (and one limit per object if you use it to protect your possessions at E3+) but it is permanent. I believe limit goes away post jump for infernals, in which case it is just free once you leave.
Who is this artist?
It's just torment that goes away.
You just get the old limit track back which blows out a permanant point of will for a while if you over do it.
Not like a jumper can't have more than enough will to make it a non issue of course
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>But a shoggoth that you can't help but be attracted to? Mindblowing.

I think you've forgotten how many clicks you are away from /d/ anon.
One? Or is it two? Nah, pretty sure it's one.
Do you have selective memory that fits your narrative? OneArmedAnon wasn't around anywhere close to Jumpchain's inception and never had a chance of claiming a position of authority. Red is just like Quicksilver and no matter what her personality opinions might be, she's ultimately a people pleaser who caters to whoever is criticising her most. We've seen it time and time again that those who support her can't break her out of that habitual tendency. Even ignoring that she has clear biases on many topics that many people wouldn't accept.

Shit talking is only a problem if you actively care about the opinions of complete strangers. If you let it affect you, you're either putting too much stock in the words of some fucking nobody you'll never meet or already carrying that negativity inside of you and using it as affirmation when it's fucking not.

Quicksilver didn't have the confidence to play the role of an enforcer, and he damn sure never wanted to play the role by his own admissions. He was NOT hated by our community though, as you'd like to believe, he was shit talked by SOME of our community, just like SOME people shit talk Dirge now. it didn't make their criticisms or vitriol valid, but it was taken as such anyways because that's the type of person he is.

Ultimately speaking, all three of them are like most of us, which is exactly why they aren't fit for the role. They're using "Escapism: The CYOA" because they want to focus on fantasizing about things that make them happy. Whenever negativity comes their way though, cling to it thinking there's something more.

We didn't need someone who trusted every thread anon with an opinion, we needed someone who didn't give one flying fuck about REEEing or shit posting to just slap us around and tell us when we were being morons so we could go be morons about something else.
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Oh, plenty of us here love it. But for the average person, why, it's prone to drive them to madness!
Point is eldritch fetishism is widely appreciated and understood in local circles.
My clothes are just my Symbiote from Ultimate Spiderman, occasionally she sprouts tentacles to stab people who annoy us or do . . . other things to people we like.
>we needed someone who didn't give one flying fuck
The people who didn't give any fucks left, and we waved good riddance to them. Are you just trying to rub salt in the wound here or something?
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That isn't /d/ though, that's /jp/ with their monster girl generals.
Considering how broad a category shaping effects are this is obscenely powerful.
I do whatever is easiest at the time.
Usually that means running off, but sometimes I have to detain them so they don't get in my way.
I'm a pretty good people person, and so good at reading people I might as well be a telepath despite having no psychic powers, so if whatever I'm doing takes long enough, I'll try to give them some life advice.

Mostly, but there's also some supernatural stuff.
Hell is very real, and apparently the Devil will send you back to Earth if you're looking for vengeance and to fuck things up.

This >>52746336
It's the most chic body horror.
"Shaping" has more to do with the effect than the cause, I don't think it really matters how Behemoth turns your insides nuclear or how Ziz fucks with your brain.
>we needed someone who didn't give one flying fuck about REEEing or shit posting to just slap us around and tell us when we were being morons so we could go be morons about something else.
You know Wakfu pretty much did exactly this. Dirge also did exactly this. You could say that Innomine also did this with his fuck y'all speech before he left. It didn't really make any difference at all. People have no reason to change just because someone slaps them, especially not if they'll put up with the slapping because they think the alternative is worse.
No sir, by definition those guys gave a fuck. They just weren't attached enough to deal with us. We needed someone who took active enjoyment from the concept of Jumpchain but also had the wherewithal to know when we were being idiots and didn't care what we said when we were being idiots, because we're fucking anonymous idiots.
What are you even trying to say? We have told you time and time again, /jc/ will never accept an authority figure under any circumstance, in any condition. Anyone who has ever tried has failed, and you're basically saying that it doesn't matter if we even accept their authority for them to be authority figures; you're even saying the opposite, that in order to be a leader in jumpchain, you have to ignore the fact that no one listens to you and make assertions without any support like a fucking shitposter.

You are a fucking idiot. Leave and fucking never come back.
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Loli is banned on /d/, so a loli monster by definition can't be /d/. Sucks for them I guess, but the Atlach Nacha is terrible regardless so they're not missing much with that one.

That said, it's always going to be different where we draw the line on how far we'll go.
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The madness from eldritch horror primarily comes from the realisation that the universe is indifferent to the plight of man. To our secular society this isn't exactly news, but Lovecraft came at a time when religion was failing and postmodernism was taking hold.

Most normal people are just prone to disgust. They're not going to see your rockin' bod, they're gonna see the 5 extra eyes moments before they start looking for the pitchfork and torch.

Cross boarding filth everywhere my dude.
Listen you can't have an authoritarian leader for /jc/
Specially one that doesn't actually have any real power.
It would never work. Even if he was there from the beginning. Nobody has to listen so why would they?
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>Lunarian scum.
>but the Atlach Nacha is terrible regardless
Personally I think it's pretty hot, but different strokes for different folks.
What and how many perks will I need to take to achieve maximum smug.
>They just weren't attached enough to deal with us
The guy who has literally made the most jumps and continued making jumps despite having an audience of one person isn't attached enough in your books. That's pretty amazing when you think about it.
Yeah, people have no reason to change if there's no reason to change, surprise. That's why I've been propping up this "authority figure here from the start" thing. Wakfu, Dirge, Innomine, none of them had an ounce of authority. Their pimp hand had no weight to it. They could slap all day long, but as individual Jumpmakers, they had no ability to tell the community what it could or could not do and thus the slapping would not matter in the end.

You're also confusing giving no fucks with giving many fucks, since all of those people gave fucks.
Madoka Wraith Arc has smug perks in the Rogue tree.
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Remove mooncoons
I'm going to explain why the world doesn't work the way you think it does with one simple analogy:

It's not like it works anyways. Speeches like Innomine's are basically the ultimate goal of any troll.
I don't mind being turned into a monster myself if it's something cool, but it's just a mindless rape spider. It's both boring and uncool, and kind of stresses that major issue that the MGE has always had in that it describes everything dissolving into constant 24/7 sex. I know he says that's hyperbole and an exaggeration born out of different writing styles in Japan, and I'm sure that's true for most of them, but that one actually does turn you into a mindless rape monster who physically binds with the monstergirl and always has its tentacles inside her.
How NEW are you? I have literally never heard of this working in any internet community, ever, that isn't a circle jerk.
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To what do you question anon?
>Yeah, people have no reason to change if there's no reason to change, surprise
Even with an authority figure there still isn't a reason to change. What is the authority figure going to do, delete the drive when the kids don't play nice? Ban a jump that he thinks doesn't fit? If anything it'll just make this place act more like SB except we can't enforce trips.
You are fucking retarded. No authority figure would have been respected enough to have any relevance. If one existed then jumpchain would have never taken off, it would have failed before it started. If they didn't have actual power of being the only ones running things, then they would have been shitted on by their own community and all their decisions or rulings rejected as stupid and worthless. Jumpchain will respect no authority besides its own.
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That's not really true. Shaping is reality warping, and Shaping Defenses work by reaffirming the user's reality. When reality isn't changed, it's kind of hard to keep it from not changing or change it back. Ziz and Behemoth warp reality as much as a Bloodbender warps reality, just with more precision. On the other hand, since they don't invoke supernatural forces, environmental defenses should still work.
People seeing my freakish moth body is enough. The black sclera, the huge antennae, the fuckin wings, it's enough to freak anyone out. Except when I turn on the perks that make my moth body strangely appealing. Then I get a bunch of people interested.

Writer Chain me has a gooey TOME avatar that can shapeshift into horrific creatures and make tools appear from my body for certain uses. It can freak anyone out who sees a fucking axe protrude out of a eyeless goo monster's body.
Hell have Brutus delete the drive for a week. Let's see how long it takes for someone else to pop a drive up.
I forgot the comma. what I meant to say was:

What (perks), and how many perks will I need to achieve maximum smug.
>I'm a nasty crime moth,

do elaborate, sounds interesting
>if there was a big strong authority figure in Jumpchain all of our problems would magically go away somehow
>even though people can't do shit to each other over the internet

Do you have daddy issues or something?

This also, a few people have already downloaded the whole drive.
Whenever I hear about moth themed anything I always just think of this image.
She doesn't shower.
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How much moth though?
And do you get shit dusty?
Trying to control the community through the drive would just make alternative drives more appealing. I mean let's face it, if SB, QQ, or Dirge had a drive with several hundred jumps that were exclusive to them at a good quality, people would use them without any issues. The only reason why no one gives a shit about external drives is because 99% of the jumps are stored on this one.
I'll break it down for you then. I'm not talking about the current JC, because the current JC already has these ideas, this freedom and these conventions. Of, fucking, course it will not accept someone leading it now.

The "authority figures" you've already listed were all doomed to failure because
A) Quicksilver never wanted the job and puts too much weight into what everyone says.
B) Red was like Quicksilver, but with less legitimate claim to telling others what to do and bad first impressions.
C) OneArmedAnon came in way too late for anyone to listen to him, and also puts far too much weight in what every single person says, just like the other two.

>Anyone who has ever tried has failed, and you're basically saying that it doesn't matter if we even accept their authority for them to be authority figures; you're even saying the opposite, that in order to be a leader in jumpchain, you have to ignore the fact that no one listens to you and make assertions without any support like a fucking shitposter.
Completely off the mark. To have been a leader at all, they would have to have power that forces you to accept their authority. To be a "good" leader, they would have to ignore the vocal angry morons and judge things based on the logic in people's arguments and not their feelings, which are being targeted by said angry morons.

>You are a fucking idiot. Leave and fucking never come back
You're the kind of person that thinks typing "kill yourself" means something, aren't you.
Exalted is weirdly arbitrary about what Shaping is, so personally I'd entertain the idea lots of stuff beyond the setting could be disqualified for all kinds of reasons. A Solar creating a blade of sunlight and slashing everything for hundreds of yards each second while flawlessly missing all their allies and hurting creatures of darkness isn't considered Shaping for some reason, nor is an Abyssal doing the same thing with necrotic energy. And neither is an Infernal screaming at a pitch that hurts Wyld creatures extra hard and turns anything it kills into crystal that can be detonated, for some reason.
Not him, but the basic premise of your idea is extremely naive and presumptuous. Just look at any thread on 4chan, and tell me how many tripfags are universally respected and admired (hint: none). Hell, we came from CYOA gen and they make us look tame 99% of the time.
>To have been a leader at all, they would have to have power that forces you to accept their authority
So effectively no one. Great. We're not going to get our own janitor. You'd be better off telling everyone in /jc/ to move onto a forum.
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I imagine you also have that problem with the Wendigo?

Also, I feel like the point of something like those descriptions is to jack off to the fantasy of a life of pure decadence and hedonism in general rather than the specifics of actually living that kind of life long enough for it to become problematic.

It's why people like Ushi-Oni despite them being literal rape machines that never stop, ever. Because you don't get off to the idea of actually living through that, just of being there in the moment, living the mamono life.
This is 4chan. Your logic is invalid. Maybe if you had a forum where you didn't have anonymous shitposting.
Yeah, that's settling in that that I'm out of outrage and losing steam.
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We also have canon examples of Ushi-oni that stop raping long enough to learn how to cook dinner for their husbands, and that it's not really rape, just really proactive procreation, so it really is hyperbole in their entry.
As long as you have no way to even hold individual users accountable for the post they made, even if no action is taken for being an asshold, just LINKING them to their post... anything in /tg/ is doomed to failure. If the mods did like /qst/ and enabled post IDs, the shitposting could at least be linked to such a thing, but otherwise it's a lost cause.
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Yes. It sucks because most of his recent loli monsters have been like this, rather than independent and less extreme.

Anyway, I'm the kind of person who enjoys actually thinking about a life and relationship during a fantasy, so these monsters that are 24/7 rape or turn you into something unlivable are complete turnoffs for me. I naturally expand the moment into a setting.
Is there anyway to pick up monster girls without resorting to banned or lewd jumps? Like, are there any settings that just happen to have monster girls which have jumps made?
For one thing I periodically break into rich people's houses with some companions and steal their food. They've got tons of money to burn, they're not gonna miss it. And besides, we get bored easily and have a shit ton of magic and inventions laying around. We only steal from rich people who happen to be huge dicks, like that one asshole who bought the rights to a pill just so he could jack up the price on it from 13$ to something obnoxiously bigger. Those kinds of jackasses.

It varies. My "default" form is full on moth humanoid, but I rarely have that form. I use a potion to make myself more acceptable looking when I'm not using my TOME avatar. My typical form is much more palatable. I don't have the freaky hands, but I do have fur, boobs, wings, and freakish bug eyes. Also antennae, can't miss those. Yes, there's a lot of flaking on the scales because the wings are huge. I've gotten used to it at this point--thankfully none of my companions are allergic. But it does mean I have to clean up the warehouse a lot.
Generic slice of life.
The whole premise of Monster Musume just bewilders me. The author can't seem to decide whether the monstergirls want to rape you or handhold you, even though the fact that humanity is evidently fighting a war for survival suggests the former.

I'd rather just go back to rape, to be honest. All the handholding seems trite at best and hypocritical at worst. Dammit monstergirls, if you're going to wipe out my species the least you can do is rape me like you mean it.

Generic Dungeon Maker I think has a thing for that.
>If the mods did like /qst/ and enabled post IDs
If /jc/ moved over to /qst/ and just reestablished there, we'd cut down on most of the shitposting right away. It's not like it would affect the drive. Of course people are going to say that moving will mean we'll never get any new blood into /jc/ ever again but it'll cut down on the shitposting for sure.
...fuck, why did I jump to MonMu? I meant whichever monstergirl continuity Kenkou writes for.
King Arthur.
And we also wouldn't have archives. Frankly, it's not worth getting rid of either of those things just to cut down on shitposting.
I know you're just the shitposter and want to get rid of us off of the board you think you own, bu /qst/ only allows quests. This isn't a quest. It's not happening.

Hell only OP can fucking post images.
Yeah, but jumpchain isn't a quest, so that would not work. CYOA threads are not accepted on /qst/.
PAD? Can get you a full box of them. Elona for sure.
If /jc/ moved though, it would literally die forever and become exclusively a Spacebattles thing.
As someone who's visited /qst/ I hope for all our sakes we do not. All the interesting, fantasy-based quests I found compelling on old /tg/ have been replaced by an overwhelming trend towards shounen and JRPG-themed stuff. And most of them love it.

I know, I know-/jc/ has a large naruto/bleach/whatever community already but at least people do talk about other settings on occasion. I got the distinct impression they wouldn't, ever.
>Hell only OP can fucking post images.
Actually, anybody can. Still a terrible idea that would somehow result in at least one death followed by an immediate return, but facts are important.
You know it's kind of sad that probably most of this thread doesn't bother using archive at all even though the function is there. We keep getting the same questions asked even though they could just search for it on archive.
If Myrmidont or anyone else who got an answer from them on this matter is still around, in the Aoki Hagane Jump, the Locked Drawback, is it the standard "your out of context bullshit is shut down" or is it something more?

Inquiring minds need to know since I'm jumping in as a human.
I use archive all the time, to be honest. I figured some people aren't aware their questions have been already asked, and other people aren't familiar with the knack of using keywords to search for specific topics, and yet others prefer to get an up to date answer. And those groups probably overlap a lot.
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>tfw there used to be an awesome Devil Summoner quest where you were a secret agent Devil Summoner
>tfw it moved to /qst/ with the others, and then died pretty soon after
Because otherwise there would literally be no discussion. I only use the archive when looking up obscure shit like combos. If I have a question about a jump, or a setting, I'm going to post it in the thread because I want to talk about it.
I don't see how moving /jc/ to /qst/ would change what jump are made. People would still make the same jumps. Plenty of people here don't visit the rest of /tg/ to begin with and would have no issues if the rest of /tg/ just disappeared and /jc/ was the only thread left.
>the fact that humanity is evidently fighting a war for survival suggests the former.
That's not happening in MonMu, at all, in the slightest.
Hell that's not even happening in Crab-man's other work 12 Beast.
Yeah, yeah, the naivety reply from that other person ended up striking a chord, think I was just pissed off and being dumb about it. It's like, I don't think jumpchain needs much. I'm pretty okay with a whole lot of things it's doing. I just want less of this petty, pointless bitching.

I have fun lurking here and stuff, but it's driving me insane how 90% of some threads is just pointless arguing in circles. I'm probably just gonna go back to lurking when thread ends.
I use archives and then ask if I can't find anything. And it's almost impossible to find information on the archives dealing with anonymous jumpmakers, as well, at least if you want to find anything that wasn't linked directly to the jump.
...I feel much the same way about how Blorp seems to intend to do Hyperdimensional Neptunia Dorf Quest indefinitely without coming back to Ogre Civ Quest

To be fair in his case he'd done that before crossing over, though

I know, I just said I mixed them up

>I don't see

You gravely, gravely underestimate the power of board stigmata and aversion to change.
Most of our discussion is shitposting. That's pretty much what we're known for by now. Just look at what makes threads move nowadays. We wouldn't have hit post limit without a shit fling pushing it along.
Because the whole appeal of MGE is that all the girls want sex super bad, and once they get laid they are fully willing to settle down and enter permanent loving relationships with whatever random guy they raped. It's pure fantasy bait that makes no sense as an actual setting.
12 beast is shit.
>You gravely, gravely underestimate the power of board stigmata and aversion to change.
Oh no I know that part really well. I mean, that's the reason why we've banned entire drives and invalidated jumps and builds, I don't think anyone can claim ignorance to what /jc/'s board stigmata does.
>Ogre Civ Quest
Ah, fuck, anon. Why did you have to remind me? Those threads were so fun. We turned our home into a giant mech, we routinely broke poor Blorp's mind with our high rolls, we violated space and time pretty much every thread...good times. Good times...
They are fun to run from, and I play with them a lot when I go.
I'd prefer threads that last longer if it meant no more shitposting. We're not running some race here.
Seen similar attitudes in a lot of other /tg/ threads to be honest: (developer) is shit, (forum) is bad because reasons etc. Pretty common across the site as a whole, really; you should see what /tv/ thinks about Reddit some time. It just seems overly optimistic to think things would be different in /jc/ for some reason.

>makes no sense

Yeah, fair enough.

The dubs I've lost.

The goddess of luck intervention I've lost.

Won't stop hurting.

It's like they're all still there. You feel it, too, don't you?

No I'm not the Metal Gear shitposter, Kaz's line just expresses my feelings perfectly
>but it's driving me insane how 90% of some threads is just pointless arguing in circles
The pointless arguing keeps the threads alive ironically. If you don't pay attention to the shitposting and just let it happen, you can be happy that the shitposters are keeping /jc/ alive.
The shitposting won't ever stop, if anything it's just going to get even worse.
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That's bullshit and you know it, we have long productive threads without any of it.

You don't matter. Your shitposting is worthless. You're a malignant tumor, and we'd live just fine without you. If that means only one thread per day then that's perfectly fine.
Speaking of archives, I'm looking in the archives and people keep acting like Oathkeeper from Kingdom Hearts can replenish ammo and similar expendables. Yet there's no mention of this in either the perk text or the notes... So is it a canon benefit people just assume the perk version to provide?
It's different because this place relies on content creators to stay afloat, but I think now that we've got so much content more people are starting to feel that content creators are expendable.

Though I can see how that would be true. We got what, 10 jumps from Wakfu, 10 jumps from SoAnon, 30 from Dirge, and now we get to keep them while the shitposters can use them to keep themselves occupied and other people don't have to deal with them. It can be seen as a win win in some twisted way.
>that content creators are expendable.

If you think about it, none of the shitposting would happen if there were no content creators.
>being happy for shitposters

t. shitposter

I remember when threads were largely kept alive by actual jumpchain discussion. Even (popular setting)posting is preferable to our unwanted residents.

I don't really care if you're an actual shitposter or a delusional defeatist. The threads were propagating themselves perfectly well before they were here, and I've seen plenty of wholesome discussion withou their presence.

>a win

The really sad thing is, I genuinely can't tell who who you mean the win is for.

I mean, you're not wrong.

Theoretically, all of us had a hobby in the mists of time before Quicksilver posted a Pokemon CYOA with a sniper rifle in it.
Man, holy fuck. When did we get 800 jumps?
When you really think about it, isn't all shitposting our jumpmakers' faults?
You realize you are only averaging one thread a day right? This place isn't doing that much better than /cyoag/ when it comes to the numbers.

It's not a race, it's just silly to think that people won't shitpost, because there's no way to make shitposting unappealing. If the shitposters get satisfaction either way it's not up to you to choose whether the threads are slower and no shitposters.

Unless you want to go and kill them IRL. Which if you put enough effort into it maybe you could arrange for it. Pretty fucking hard for a normal person though.
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But Wolf-girl is cute.
'Locked' is basically a 'no violence' drawback, it prevents use of any and all offensive weapons (items, vehicle weapons) and abilities such as spells or other attacks, even punching.
Your non-offensive perks, powers, gear etc. are still available.

/cyoag/ is actually really speedy by /tg/ standards, which are already fast as fuck compared to, say, /co/ and pretty much any board that isn't /a/ arguing about Rei and Asuka again.

And you're forgetting the shitposters have, at great difficulty, been banned. Any reprieve is worthwhile if we can actually talk about something they don't dredge up.

In fact, Jumpers-do you like going on voyages?
I think they're comparing it to Summoned Weapon in the item section, and I'm ok with that.

Go with Oathkeeper bound items replenishing simple types of ammunition over time just like Summoned Weapon does. I'll touch it up in my notes for the next update, whenever that is.
God, I see you and think "This entitled little motherfucker". You complain about this shit, when it used to be hundreds of times worse. A little bit of low quality shitposting every few threads, with rare bouts of longer stuff, compared to the constant, endless streams of shit it used to be? Fucker, we used to be thankful for having a few hours break in shitposting.
Well yeah, that's why in a really twisted way, driving off a jumpmaker after they've provided a quota makes good sense.

Our population has kept level at best, so I'm not sure what you think we're propagating with. It's not like our jumpmakers became any more prolific either. The most prolific jumpmakers have been the same for the last three years. If you want, go back and count how many jumps per thread there were in the early threads versus now. It's probably about the same.
And now we're to the point of "the jumpmakers don't matter, they deserve every ounce of shitposting they get."
It's thinking like this that causes people to abandon all thought of making anything for you fucks.
It's not like they would've made anything decent anyway.
Alright, cool.

Does Absent Silhouette allow items to function as normal? It just doesn't seem like good things would happen if you used it on your zanpakuto or another metaphysically-significant weapon. Also, does the size have to decrease as you move it further away from you, or can it remain the same size?
You hear that? >>52747109

You're past your quota. Get the fuck out already.
Dude, I was there when that shit was going down. Stop being a presumptuous shit. It's that it's lower quality that pisses me off. The shitposters are putting in so little effort and being so obvious. This isn't the vitriol fueled shit wars from JC's inception. That all died away.

We could have really nice threads, it'd be so incredibly easy to have nice threads now. Yet people are biting the bait anyways, people are making the active choice to not improve, to not do something other than encourage it. It's not every few threads, it's every thread, it just isn't swallowing the thread whole in rage like it used too. It's more of a nagging, persistent fly constantly buzzing around your head.

Quit it with the old man who walked three miles to school and back, through the snow, act, fucker.
100%? Everyone else hates the person you're replying to.
Absent Silhouette can function as normal, and the size thing is... a bit poorly worded.

Think of it like this:
Hold a pencil up in front of you, fairly close to you, and compare it's size to something behind it. It looks a lot bigger than it actually is right? Move it away and it suddenly is smaller than the thing it looked bigger than.
You can basically make that effect real, within reason, making something /actually/ get bigger or smaller using your own perspective.
The reason shitposting constitutes so much of the fucking thread is because no one will engage with anything that isn't shitposting. People will ask qustions or try to start conversations about something, and then no one will follow up on it, but if someone randomly starts an argument over something, even if its shitposting, it's guaranteed thread activity.
Well we can try to talk about obscure jumps but if people aren't interested why would they talk about it? There's probably 500% more discussion on Exalted than there is about Code Geass for example.

It's not bad, if we all agree to just stick to talking about Exalted for example, but people would get angry that Exalted is popular and shitpost out of spite. If people stick to the popular jumps or namefag builds, generally discussion is pleasant. It's only when you're dealing with obscure jumps that you get the no responses reaction.
Cool, thanks.

Were you working on a Birth by Sleep jump, perchance? Any news?
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Aaahn~, anon is being so cruel to us. Saying all these nasty things about how worthless we are. It's enough to drive a jump maker wild-to tears!

Honestly now, you either ignore the shitposting or have fun with it. Nowadays it's almost never actually important or vicious enough that you need to pay attention and when it is important,
you'll probably notice. All so low quality too
>Everyone else hates the person you're replying to.
Are they a namefag that we know? Are we talking to DD or Dirge here?
L-lewd. Howdy, Val! How's everything going, you crazy Aussie?
You've put up with just as much shitposting as Red has and you've pumped out enough jumps to put you up at the top. It's just proof that the shitposting doesn't actually affect anything, and all of you namefags are likely to still be here several years down the line
It's kinda fallen to me if I get around to it, but when I'm in a jumpmaking mood I have been working on Khans of Tarkir. If anyone wants to take over BBS they can, since I won't be getting to it until after replaying BBS, which at the moment seems like it'll be a fair way off.
>All so low quality too
Why can't we have clever/entertaining shitposters? All of ours are such utter shit they aren't even worth waifuing!
152. Remember Me
Age: 31, Origin: Edge, Theme: N/A
Perks: Free Sensen, Actually A Doctor, Minored In (Memory) Engineering, Shell Games, Secret Intelligence, A Path To Recovery, Martyr
Items: A Robotic Panda Toy
Drawbacks: Names

>My jumper's name is already Noble Disaster Inportent
>Like I don't take shit for that constantly anyway

Hi, I'm the suicide machine. My specialty is convincing you to live with your sorrow, as it makes your life better to have learned something. Live with it! And IN DOING SO END MEEEE!!! And while you're at it, get some real help. Shit is crumbling around you and the memory erasure technology is poisoning the world around you.

Basically, with this origin, this is a jump about reversing cyberpunk dystopia instead of dismantling it, which presents an interesting challenge. I could take the time to SAVE the world on as many people as possible, and if I kept it the right ones, I can make it work. I can turn the world into tragically beautiful artists sharing dark memories like story times by the fire. Have them seek out darkness as a fad until all the dark memories are dried up. There's also the option to just start forcing them back where they belong. Make an army of digimon to shove memories back into people's heads to make them inescapable.

I have options, and I'll take them all. There's little reason not to.
Alright, you raised my curiosity boner. What kind of shitposters are worth waifuing?
Probably old habbo hotel style shitposting. Like old raiders. They did some creative shit, a lot of them knew their stuff too
I will admit to having started a shitstorm or two in the past just because no one would talk about anything otherwise. Builds, writefagging, questions, or discussion starters all are ignored or generate only momentary thread activity.

Even then, there's no actual discussion, just people talking about themselves into the thread which doesn't care. The only time people respond to what each other actually say is during an argument. Nothing else will generate reply chains.
God this gave me a weird idea for a question but now I have to ask it... What's the weirdest thing you Waifued in your chains?

My answer is I waifued the computer from person of Interest (on accident) I took her to Sekirei and imported her as a Sekirei.
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I'm fantastic. My writing is chugging along like a happy little steam boat. Writing perks for the Kuki Family origin of Majikoi was absurdly fun and it put me in a fantastic mood. Also rewatching Deadly Premonition, possibly one of the greatest works of art ever. I'm only half joking too. Maybe two thirds?

How are you anon?

Oh yes baby, that's the spot. Just a little lower and you'll blow my mind~

Sadly, I don't think we've ever had a fun shit poster.
One with creativity who actually manages to be fun, I doubt we'll ever get one but I can dream.
I don't really do the whole waifu thing, but I got a Crazy Handjob during Smash Bros. It was... crazier than I thought it'd be.
Remember when the Touhou jump came out? Good times.
But that's just the nature of /jc/. I mean look at it this way. If you're a complete nobody and you just post a build with no write up, you're not likely to get any replies. People have better things to do with their own chains to care. When people ask questions it's normally just to benefit their own chains. They get an answer and fuck off back to their own chains. So the most discussion you'd get from that is if the answers are controversial.

Most of the discussions revolve around well known namefags and their jumps. Valeria is known for Fate. Red is known for MCU. Heavens and Digger are known for Kamen Rider. Worm is known for Worm. Arguably the Exalted jumps overshadow their individual jumpmakers, but that's pretty much it, the most popular jumps are generally associated with the most popular namefags for better or for worse.

If you're not a well known jumpmaker and you post a new jump, people are wary of giving feedback. The lack of feedback doesn't motivate the jumpmaker, which puts things into a vicious cycle. The Tron jump was a perfect example of this, zero interest after the initial bit fell off and the jumpmaker's poorly worded requests for help fell fucking flat.
It didn't exactly help that when Tron guy did get help, it was like pulling teeth from a bulldog to actually get him to do anything.
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Might be a little mean but damn, am I glad I never have to spend all night arguing with Moe again. Me and that guy did nooooot get along.
My Troll Empress Chain Waifued the Scenario Reward Ship from Dahak, which probably wouldn't be as weird if the upgrades didn't result in it being a solar system sized clusterfuck of Warped Space, Dungeons, Demesnes, Flesh, and Clockwork.
I'm doing good, thanks for asking Val!
So how terrible are the Up to No Good and Too Far! Too Far! drawbacks in OreImo?

Seems like you'd never have a good time since everyone hates your guts for 10 years.

DFC was the fucking wooorst. I still tell that story about him, the D2 and the Legendary Pokemon from time to time just because of how fun it was to see his smug ass fucked over by random chance.
But what do you expect? For most jumpmakers the whole process is hit and miss, and even the so called expert jumpmakers often don't do well. Jumpmakers like Heavens and Worm are rare. Most jumpmakers have issues that interfere with their jumpmaking. Honestly I didn't find anything too strange with the Tron guy. He just acted like how a normal guy would act when it came to taking advice.

It doesn't help that this place is shit at giving critique and advice. We scream at new jumpmakers more often than we help them, especially when they come from SB.
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>If you're not a well known jumpmaker and you post a new jump, people are wary of giving feedback. The lack of feedback doesn't motivate the Jumpmaker, which puts things into a vicious cycle.
Or you could just do what I and a lot of the other various Jumpmakers did and just talk to the Thread, because that's what we did. I didn't start out with a name, Anon. In fact it was only so others would recognize me as the maker of Exalted Mortal Heroes that I first took up my Name. Folks don't need a name to make a good Jump, they need Intreast, a touch of Self-Confidence, and Willpower.
Obviously what you need to do is take it to FTL, and make it the size of a phone booth.

Then merge it with the Wings of Time from Chrono Trigger.
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Yeah, you'll probably not have a nice time if you like other people's company. You could probably Hiki it up or just do your own thing. They're about as terrible as they say though.

Lovely to hear.

Always makes me giggle when I hear you tell that story, no matter how many times I hear it.
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Yeah, sure, "willpower". Riiight.
sounds magical

>We only steal from rich people who happen to be huge dicks, like that one asshole who bought the rights to a pill just so he could jack up the price on it from 13$ to something obnoxiously bigger.

dig the robin hood theme
Wait, what story is this?
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>Folks post pic for the reaction face and I'm just looking at the writing and wondering what it says.
I've found willpower is a decent word for it. Another is willingness to say no a LOT.
Hmm, so if say, I join the Crew on Iona, it means that we have absolutely no weapons systems?
You kind of made a mental leap from a topic talking about thread discussions to what people need in order to make a good jump, and that's where it comes off as you soapboxing. We were talking about why thread discussions get slow at times, not people making good jumps or not. And honestly, if it was just strictly a matter of talking to the thread, why aren't you one of the most prolific jumpmakers in both quantity and quality?
No weapons! None! Won't work!
Welp, time to figure out another drawback to take then. Thanks for the answer boss!
>Or you could just do what I and a lot of the other various Jumpmakers did and just talk to the Thread
So I guess you're just going to completely invalidate how some people choose to work just because your method works for you? I mean shit, great for you that everything is golden and we have no problems from your perspective but I don't think that assuming other people are like you is very reasonable.

Okay, so DFC/"DeliciousFlatChest"/Moeanon was a smug dick, basically. His Jumpmaking practices aside, he just wanked himself/his Jumper and his perks from dusk till dawn. We're talking Blacklight allowing him to eat Elder Gods on its own.

Anyways, one assertion of his landed him in hotwater in bother thread and IRC. See, he claimed that Jump 1, after denying a normal starter, he went out and caught a Legendary Pokemon as his very first Pokemon. This was before even "Champion in the Making" was in the Jump, and again, it was Jump 1, so he really had nothing going for him that would even hint at being able to do this.

Pretty much everyone unanimously told him "dude, no, you'd fail hard at best." But he kept acting like such a smug cock ass about it until he decided to "humor us" but rolling a D2 or something, in thread, with the odds stacked in his favor that he'd totally pull off this insane bullshit.

Crit 1 Failure on his stacked bullshit roll, and he instantly goes "No wait, that didn't count" as everyone fucking lost it.
Okay, thread, that's nice and all, but what does this line mean?

>Scion of the Trickster 200 discount Other clan
>...Your body stops following normal biology.

It's from Viking Saga.
Concern trolling is so obvious.
He could have used the power of his pure heart to charm the legendary like Ash does.

If you'd met him, you'd know this was an impossibility.
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That sounds fucking hilarious, I'm genuinely sorry I missed that.
He said, talking about the Jumpmaker known entirely for being an asshole who fetishposts.
Take >>52747573 with a grain of salt honestly. If you take it from some folks' perspective, DFC comes off as fucking hitler or the proto DDanon/Dirge. A lot of people attribute bad shit to him like kicking off power creep with Kancolle or being insufferable.

But it's not like people would remember positive moments about him, because it's easier to remember negative than positive shit. I strongly doubt that DFC was really anywhere as bad as the murderer/rapist/powergamer fanaticist that some people make him out to be. People have had normal conversations with the guy, it's just that everyone remembers him for being a shithead.
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>reads perk to explain it to anon
>re-reads perk again to explain it to myself

... actually, I have no idea.
He sounds like the proto-SoAnon to me, that's exactly the kind of shit that bitch would do.
This >>52747298 is the original fucking post. Tell me how that's supposed to be about making good jumps. Like really, justify Gauntlet's response to me.
Proves that you don't know SoAnon? SoAnon was vindictive and stubborn. DFC was overly confident and wanted to win really badly. Hell that's why he's associated with DDanon/Dirge in the first place, because all three of them were known for pushing things without taking the thread community into consideration. SoAnon never bothered with that and always took the safe path out.
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Nah I was just talking to the guy I quoted about the subject I quoted. Had nothing to do with your conversation except the statement was said during it. As for my 'prolific Jumps in both quantity and quality'? Well I happen to have a twisted sense of how to write, which has been gone over, which means I need more conversation time with the Thread in general than others. This combined with my memory being not the best and I tend to need a reminder here and there from Thread about one thing or another.

Which reminds me I am writing the Duplication Magic thing in and the upgrade of Bizzare Form for those anons who care.

As I said it doesn't just work for me. Others do it, heck some anons do it with no problems. If you can't then maybe you should figure a different way? I meant my advice only as advice but if you took it the wrong way I guess that's either my phasing or your readings fault.

See above good anon, I'm just chiming in with my own opinion and advice.
So she's worse. How is being confident worse than being a bitch?

Well, you could have normal conversations with him. There are very few people who can't have an average conversation. He was just also this smug motherfucker who wanked Blacklight into allowing him to basically eat anything organic, made Savage Salvage almost explicitly for the purpose of doing the same with tech (and biotech, and magitech among other things tech related) and literally wanked he caught a legendary as his first Pokemon with no starter before building a chain on such a feat.

He could be a normal dude, he could be a smug dick hole it was the latter. Either way though, he starred in this great story and it makes me smile to this day.
Just comes off as petty talking about somebody that isn't even here anymore. Put it into perspective and that's literally no different from how people are shitting on SoAnon, Wakfu, or Dirge now. A couple years down the line the three of them will have the same infamy that DFC does for you as the bad shit gets passed down.
Honestly he doesn't sound anywhere near as bad as those three.
somefaggit did explain what he meant once
Yeah, okay. Honestly, you just come across as saying this for NuMale points.
Your words, not mine. Lots of jumpmakers share the same faults as SoAnon. Lots of them have different qualities, but plenty of jumpmakers are stubborn, don't respond well to criticism, and have things they're unwilling to change their mind on no matter what.

Depending on who you ask being confident is worse than being a bitch.
Huh. Noice. Thanks, anon.
Because most people know much less about him and newer folk have no clue who he's supposed to be. Wakfu, SoAnon, and Dirge are recent, there's lots of bad shit that people will either dig up or make up to make them look bad. If you ask most of the thread when it comes to worst jumpmakers it's easy to name those three and people like DD and SJ because of how recent they are.
Please don't put SJ on the level of Dirge and SoAnon. She's nowhere near that bad, she just replies too slow. She's not a fucking piece of worthless shit like those two, and Wakfu to a lesser extent.
You know, I'm just happy someone else is dropping puns now. What's a NuMale?
Would Zombie from SDS allow you to immediately restore your body after performing the Third Magic's ultimate ritual?
And to add to this guy >>52747738 if you're strictly looking at what the four of them are "known" for the three make DFC look tame.

Wakfu is known for spazzing out on thread and making weird jumps. SoAnon is known for screaming at the thread to delete her jumps. Dirge is known for deleting his jumps, driving jumpmakers away from /jc/, going to SB, shitting on the drive, and harassing other jumpmakers. DFC is known for being an arrogant fuck who inserted powergaming options into his jumps, but it's hard to dig up more shit about him since he left so early. And of course, depending on who you ask, all four of them make poor quality jumps.

Now sure maybe none of the above is true, but all of it comes from anecdotes from people like >>52747676 anyways, so if it's easy to just take an anon's word for shit, then yeah DFC does look quite a bit better than the three.
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I imagine so
Urban dictionary says it's basically a white knight. I must be missing something, though, because I can't figure out what the connection to your post is.
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Huh, is the Nightmare City pdf opening oddly for anyone else?


A numale is a stereotype denoting a man with no self-respect who define themselves exclusively through a combination of self-loathing, defending women from any and all criticism, pseudointellectualism and paradoxically defending their fragile egos.

Basically think of a hipster who just got dumped. I have no idea what it has to do with you, NuBee, though.

Considering I have fond memories of all of them, I find that rather hard to imagine.

I disrespect you and your ancestors.
I'd agree that SJ's quality is a lot better than those two, but I don't think this was an issue on quality. SJ just wasn't suited for 4chan to begin with. She made great jumps but if it doesn't work, then you can't force things where they don't fit.
>Considering I have fond memories of all of them, I find that rather hard to imagine.
It just depends on who's still here, but gossip and drama tend to only last when it's negative. Remembering the four as jumpmakers that made good jumps isn't as appealing for some folks as it would be to remember everything bad about them. It also makes people feel better about them leaving. There's nobody at fault if the people that left are all shitheads to begin with.

So, what, you think he was just trying to force the pun? It's not as great if you're just tacking them on though.
Personally, I think he was just trying to imply implications and the pun was just incidental.
He'd have to be nuts to just nudge in a pun without any nuance to it. A proper pun is like a nutritious nubbin, still wrapped in its husk. What he tried to do is like giving a nuptial offer in the nude: in other words, trying too hard, as nudniks tend to do.

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Nevermind, just my slowass internet barfing chunks apparently.

Directive, Exterminate

Oh I Am A Hypocrite (Free)
I Want To Be Mighty, Yeah (800)
Infinite Blade Penetration (500)
Mundane Weaponry (Free)
Outside System Knowledge (100)
Destiny Is Calling You (0)
403 Forbiddena (Free)

I'm going to be honest: I'm very confused about what's going on. So the plot is sort of like Blame! and lots of Nier plot elements got mashed together? Is the unknown variable supposed to be a jumpchain reference, or is there a Neo-like guy in the city? Who are the movers and shakers in chief? Why do I have cat ears?

None of this really makes sense, so. I'll just...leave?

Back to the Warehouse. Hey guys, toss me a Defrag Devices, will you? Thanks.

Back to the virtual world. The best solution to rogue AIs has not changed since the era of Microsoft: Turn the fucker on and off again. DD at that AI! EMP right in its' CPU! More babbled initials as one more malfunctioning computer is rejected!


...seriously, are the humans safe out there or not?

I'm not sure if I have to build a bubble where the virtual and real worlds are merged or not.

Eh, I might as well. They look pretty, like snowglobes. But with ones and zeros instead of snow.

That makes sense in abstract, but-maybe it's because I remember giving a lot of feedback and/or talking build stuff with all 3, it's just mindbending to recontextualise them.

I suspect implying implications as >>52747846, mostly because every time I've seen that term used it's been to imply implications.

Well now I'm just sorta disappointed. Maybe this'll inspire anon to work on his pun game and deliver in the future though? I like to think happy thoughts like that. Yeah, anon is gonna make it big in the pun game one day.
I believe in him. Twenty years from now, he's gonna be punning it up on the international stage.

"Hello, mister president," he'll say, "did you hear about the big news? They had to stop the PRESses earlier, ha ha." The president will sigh. Some things never change.

I'm not sure either! I'm also not sure that there really is any such gif. But I trust you.
As it stands there's still barely enough people who remember that they existed as people and not just as shitposters so the whole narrative doesn't really work all that well.

If the people pushing the narrative were a bit smarter it would have been a lot easier for them to do it honestly, people with raid experience generally have a fair bit of experience in terms of manipulating private information and setting up for attacks. But that would demand more effort than the shitposters are willing to invest I think.

They'll succeed eventually because there comes a point when there's no point defending people who aren't even here. It just won't happen immediately.

Yeah! That's the high quality stuff I can see him saying one day! I believe in anon! He hasn't replied since the first attempt, but I can only imagine that he's deep in study, waiting for the perfect chance to woo everybody in thread. I believe in anon.
Was thinking of the Futurama gif/img/meme of Fry not being sure if something is X or Y.
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ok hopefully last draft
You should probably note that it only prevent directly hostile actions, lik punching or firing your lasers at them. Nothing prevent you from using things like portals and/or spacetime fuckery to redirect their fuck-you beams back at them, keeping in theme with the drawback (i.e making it futile to attack you because you'd just warp their attacks back at them).
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I guess deep down, he Nu he couldn't Bee the change he wanted to see.

Say AA, I've been meaning to ask-exactly how do Shiners use magic anyway? Do they do it like other chaos mages, or do they just kind of...wave and focus and stuff happens?

Ironically I actually disagree because people are, in fact, starting to out them as shitposters. From what I've seen here "narratives" definitely aren't set in stone.

I remember similar trends ending. I also remember when DFC was more widely recognised and when Manyfist was more known for provocation, so not all forgetfullness leads to a negative response.

It's like the cycle of fire and dark in Dark Souls. Things just kinda happen except when they don't, and the only certainty is that even if you try so hard, and get so far, in the end it doesn't even matter.

>sweet hats of unreality

Oh god, I thought of a void fedora.

Which is amusingly appropriate for the frustratingly long build I ended up still being in the process of writing up as we speak.
Don't you say that! He'll put up like a real manon one day, you'll see! I believe in manon.
>Ironically I actually disagree because people are, in fact, starting to out them as shitposters
That's just because they're going about it stupidly and they picked some of the worst targets possible. Most of the shitposters don't push the Wakfu card except in terms of questionable jump design and very few people bother to defend Wakfu in that regard.

SoAnon started her own mess by asking for her jumps to be removed, but for a shitposter to shit on her, technically they'd have to go against her and argue for the jumps to stay. If they don't they're arguing from her angle which doesn't really fly either. The people pushing the SoAnon card can't decide on whether they want to support her or shit on her.

They took things too quickly with Dirge when people hopped onto the bandwagon too quickly after what he apparently did to Red. There are some folks on the IRC who don't like Dirge, but the people pushing the Dirge card never thought to screencap anything or use those, and now it's not likely they'll have a chance. So the only thing they have is to go on is OAA's word and pull the low quality jumps card. But it's taken them four months to try and substantiate the low quality jumps card, so by now that argument has lost speed again.

SoAnon is honestly the best chance they have because she openly came out with how she hates this place, but they kind of wasted that opportunity with their poor planning. Dirge is still salvageable for them if they play the SB angle right and try to reinforce the divide between SB and here. If they had support from some IRC namefags like OAA, Red, or Valeria they might have a chance? But Wakfu is definitely a lost cause for them.
And honestly if they want a chance to succeed, they need to actually focus. Half the time when they can get OAA to help them against Dirge, they fuck it up by shitting on OAA instead. They did an alright job making it impossible for a namefag to openly support Dirge, they just dropped the ball when it came to the defamation part.

If they wanted to do it seriously it wouldn't have been hard to fake IRC conversations and really take it to him, rip pdfs and make changes in order to fuck over his jumps, or find ways to get at his private information and screw him over irl. I think that's really where you can see how low effort they are.
Third jump, so I don't have those options yet sadly.
I made a new kind of lion that was as fluffy as its main across its entire body
Back in my day, we called those image macros, and we liked it that way! I understand, I'm just poking fun.

Shiners can, at a minimum, use Free Magic the same way any other sorceror can, by use of gestures, speech, inscriptions etc. They also seem to have innate free magic abilities that they can activate at will: their shapeshifting is free magic, as is Orannis's self-explosions, for example. Information about their casting methods is kinda limited, due to it being very rare for the shiners to do any spellcasting 'onscreen', so there's room to fanwank the details past that.

Looking good!
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I pretty much am the infestationfor more frame at this point
so what are you thinking for the drawback limit?
Went exalted for best girl Adorjan it was a beautiful romance that ended with her freedom and my resumption of her goals why?
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What, are you telling me that you don't go to every setting boning every female or male character that you like?

What kind of boring jumper are you?
I'm not falling for this one again
Thank you for the Batman:TAS jump!!
Hey does anyone know what's up with The Incredibles' jump v1.7?
It's in the upload section of the drive.
Is it really a new version? Is there a changelog?
yeah there were a couple of small changes, check the last few threads.
Ok thanks myrmidont!
I'm bad at searching through the archives, hence why I ended up asking about it here.
But I shall try even harder!
Btw are you working on anything these days?
Working on a few things as usual. Haven't made any progress on my jumps worth noting.
Other than the perks in Overlord and the various Final Fantasy jumps, what perks are there that can improve your summoning spells in some way?
Bayonetta, I think.
Tales of Symphonia I believe has some perks for it.
since when do we allow teenage girls on /tg/ come on
Generic Dungeon Crawl has one
FFXI has some neat ones, they dont let you summon more but you can boost their strength or change their size a good bit.
Yeah but then he would have to jump ffxi. Do you dislike him for some reason anon?
If I purchase the Richter AI in Worm, can they also roll for a power? I don't really have any companions in this chain, so buying the 300 CP option to import 8 companions seems kinda wasteful.
One of those things is not like the others.
By default, no. They can still trigger normally though, so if you have a good enough idea for how it goes down you might as well use the table for one of the unused/OC Shards.
Smh, I gotta learn to read perks completely. At the end of the Cape option it's stated that you can import companions through that. Looks like I'll just do it like that.
I ain't no teenager, bud.
Also I want to say I'm grateful to everyone who participates in this community.
(Except the one person who seems to only deal in toxic trolling.)
It's really awesome and makes my life more fun and more imaginative.
Hurray for you guys!
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