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/40krpg/ 40k Roleplay General

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Ork Militant edition

For all your questions on Dark Heresy (1st and 2nd Editions), Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade, and Only War.
Not the wargame, not Chapter Master, not Space Hulk.

Not sure between starting Dark Heresy 1e and 2e? Pick 2e.

>Why did FFG lose the 40k RPG License?
Because they were bought by Asmodee that caused some sort of licensing conflict.

>Will GW make their own 40k RPGs now?
Probably not. But if they do it will likely be worse than you could possibly imagine.

Book Repositories (If you're planning to download any Rogue Trader materials, read the .txt file in the RT directory)

There is a new Homebrew Megafolder option in above MEGA directory containing several things.

40K RPG tools, a site that contains stats or references for almost all weapons, armor and NPCs/adversaries. Not updated past DH2 core.

40k RPG Combined Armory (v6.48.161023), containing every piece of gear in all five lines. Now includes all DH2e books.
>Now in Homebrew megafolder

Mars Needs Women! (v1.2.10) (Mechanicus Skitarii and Taghmata for Only War)
>Now in Homebrew megafolder

Fear and Loathing in the Eastern Fringe (V1.6.4) (Playable Xenos for Rogue Trader)
>Now in Homebrew megafolder

The Fringe is Yours! (v1.8.4) (More Xenos, Knights, and Horus Heresy gear for Rogue Trader)
>Now in Homebrew megafolder

Old Thread: >>52613343

Would you play a game where the players are genestealer cultists?
At how many Corruption Points should my regimental Commissar execute the PC's? All my player characters have recently taken a lot of corruption points and a few of them have one or two malignancies, I'm just wondering at what point it would be best to simply execute them?
Depends on how well they can hide their malignancies from the Commissar.
So what are the power level comparisons of each game, characterwise? Are DH chars and OW chars approximately equals
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DH: Low power scum bags who later become death gods.
OW: Low power scum bags who may or may not have a goddamn tank
RT: Competent but narrowly skilled. Access to vast resources and a ship.
DW: Ultimate Space Marine Badasses. Equivalent to high level characters of all the other lines.
BC: About RT level, but with some Space Marines and less resources to start.

Characters at the same xp level are going to be sort of comparable, but you have to factor in class and skills a lot. A rank 9 Adept and a starting Space Marine might have the same xp, but the Space Marine will wipe the floor with the Adept in a straight fight, while the adept will have way more useful skills and tricks than the space marine.
>Would you play a game where the players are genestealer cultists?
Yea, I'd dig it.
No real number, if he notices any mutations or things that suspend belief, blam.
What's a good ability to give to a relic power fist called The Gauntlet of Domon.
>The Gauntlet of Domon.
Burning Finger: A character attacking with this weapon can ignore an enemy's Toughness bonus derived soak equal to his willpower bonus.
Heat Extend: Can be fired as a twinlinked combi-heavy flamer.
Heat End: Can be fired as a meltagun, taking up 3 rounds of the heavy flamer clip.
>The Winds of the King!
I was definitely thinking some kind of punching ability, triggered by the player intoning a certain "hymn" to the fist but I wasn't sure what to do.

I wish there was a relic history generator somewhere, because the outline of a history could inspire more details, which in turn could inspire an ability.

Ignoring toughness with WPB is pretty good though.
>Ignoring toughness with WPB is pretty good though.
It actually already has precedent.
There were chainswords in the DH1e Blood and Faith supplement that ignored some toughness soak.
Yeah, I think I'll use that, and give a damage bonus, both only applying to daemons. Make Saint Domon a human who used the fist to strike down a Greater Daemon.

Wondering if it'd be too excessive or overpowered My group is pretty flexible, so overpowered is the greater concern to also give it an unnegatable parry against daemons of a certain daemonic trait level or higher. (The Bloodthirster's you cannot dodge or parry his blow at all ability being what I have in mind specifically).
I wouldn't really be concerned about that because powerfists are rarely a go to item unless you are in terminator armor, and terminator armor is 2nd to artificer if you are looking at it from an optimizing pov.
Hey anons, how often does a re-rollable 43 suceed?
67.51% of the time
About 70%.
By and large, unless you are at 25 or less, it's better to use fate to reroll rather than boost the roll.
Yeah, this guy, yeah...
Thanks anon! Just made a Missionary and was wondering, since he has 33 Willpower.
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>enemy has two force fields
>players overloaded the first
>few rounds later, another attack connects
>"Hang on, let me roll for the second force field"
>Player's face
it was a good session
Anon, you know you can' have more than a single force field active on a single creature at once, right? The strongest one takes precedent.
It's interesting because the genestealer HQ's already fit into RPG archetypes.
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Hey anons, I finished making my character for Rogue Trader, what do you think of him?

Lord Lucius Jerall
Rank 1 Missionary
10 Wounds
7 Insanity Points
3 Fate Points

WS: 42 BS: 32 S: 42 T: 43 Ag: 44 Int: 32 Per: 39 WP: 33 Fel: 43

Noble Born
Savant Zealot
Dark Voyage

Good Chainsword (+5WS)
2xGood Hand Flamer (Reliable)
Best Guard Armor (AP5 all, 5.5kg)
Best Refractor Field (30, overloads on 1)
Ecclisiarchal robes
Aquila Pendant
Censer and incense

•Common Lore (Imperial Creed, Imperium) (Int)
•Forbidden Lore (Heresy) (Int)
•Literacy (Int)
•Medicae (Int)
•Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) (Int)
•Speak Language (Gothic, High, Low) (Int) (Trained)

•Basic Weapon Training (Universal)
•Flame Weapon Training (Universal)
•Melee Weapon Training (Universal)
•Pure Faith
•Unshakeable Faith
•Hatred (Pirates)
•Peer (Academic, Nobility, Ecclisiarchy)
•Resistance (Fear)
I think he knows that. He said the first one overloaded.
Where is that from? I'm genuinely curious.
Fairly average, honestly.
There is far less variance in RT characters than most people realize. It really depends on the group and game to give them life.
Just for future reference, you should always re-roll instead of adding 10 if your probability of success is within 12-88 percent.
I personally consider adding the 10 to be acceptable in a base roll of 65+.
But I get both the 10 and the re-roll.
How can I/can I even convert/move a character from one game to another, I'm trying to mash together characters from Only War, Rogue Trader, and Dark Heresy into a single Rogue Trader game.
I mean you can do whatever you want. In terms of probability, you have a better chance of success if you re-roll instead of adding 10, though.

It's not real significant, I just like probability and odds. Like re-rolling 65% yields 87.75% as opposed to rolling 75%.
So what, you use 2 fate points at once? Or do you just get them for another reason?

I've only done or, not and.
In the RT core book, they have a guide for transferring DH characters. As for OW to RT, use your best judgement. As for plot, there is always a bar to meet at.
My GM does this as well.
As far as I'm aware in DH2e, there is no restriction on spending fate to add +10, and then rerolling it as well, only spending fate to reroll again.
My Talents, Pure Faith and Unshakeable Faith grant a +10 Willpower against Fear and re-roll failed Fear tests.
Is DH 2E compatible with any of the other games given how much less structured it is
This is such a bad idea that it hurts.

Just use your best judgement since a character in DH with equal amount of XP is way stronger than a RT one.
I've played that way as well, I just usually don't do that, because muh fate points

Huh. Enjoy your bonuses, I guess.
So as a general question what the fuck was FFG thinking when they made these games so god damn wonky, changing tiny things for each to make them tedious to combine?
Yeah, I like the Missionary career. Te only one with a higher Fellowship than I is the Tau player, but he's a Tau so his Fellowship will be down the drain with the masses.
Also in what fucking world do the shitty half-perks you start with in rogue trader add up to 4500 Xp points?
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Reposting from last thread.

Alright /40krpg/, time to share some homebrew. This is a conclave I've used for my DH games in a homebrew sector I run and which I've finally expanded beyond three line concepts. Lots of context is lost on you because it refers to other material I've written, I know. But since I intend for these write ups to be able to be taken as written and any references to be like the obscure references in the 40k rulebooks and codexes.

Either way, thoughts? Criticism? Autistic screeching? I'd love to hear it because I've been staring at it so much I'm probably not seeing the flaws. And if you like them, feel free to adapt them for your own games.
Tell me about your worst Perils rolls, /40krpg/
Is there any equipment that improves shadowing?
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The daemon prince periled and summoned a daemon prince.
Was it himself?
>summoned himself
I actually haven't had any bad ones, but I did roll Breath Leech while some Big Fuckers were trying to charge me. Gave me enough time to retreat, which saved my life.

I've got an octogenarian RT who's an overconfident buffoon, usually ignorant of anything but the most obvious goings-on, and with a tendency to come up with the most godawful plans of action. His only saving graces are his relative invincibility, bravery, and mind-boggling capability to convince other people that his bad ideas are good ones.

He survived being burned at the stake by jilted former colonist-employees because he yelled at them to stop horsing around and get back to work until they became too confused to continue with the execution.
The psyker managed to get the maximum duration and near maximum radius on a mass possession in the middle of a firefight in an enclosed space. Thats 20 consecutive rounds of pass a willpower test or gain corruption and be unable to do anything. Lots of malignancies all around on that one, apart from the assassin who managed to start legging it the second it started.

Same pysker did almost exactly the same thing 4 or 5 sessions later. Nobody actually hit the 100 corruption mark, but two characters, including mine, had be retired from having 80-90 corruption and the accumulated penalties from malignancies and mutations making them functionally unplayable.

It wasn't himself. There were four "Daemon Princes" in name, who ended up being special ed chaos power rangers, one for each god, calling themselves the lifeguards (opposite of deathwatch). The fifth was a chaos squat bound to a chaos decimator. We only fought the berzerker, noise marine, plague marine, and sorcerer at first, because one of us couldn't make the session and there was only three of us. The decimator was behind the veil of the warp, pounding angrily. Now, this was deathwatch, but they were still powerful daemon princes, powerful enough to two-shot us. Halfway through the battle, the sorcerer daemon prince bungled his perils of the warp, rolled like two 99's in a row, and got sucked into the warp himself, replacing himself with the chaos decimator. We had barely any anti-vehicle weapons so it became a hairy fight.
Not mine, but 100/100
Just give it the daemonbane trait from 2e Enemies Beyond.
Depending on how far back it goes, only equipment may be compatible with some translation to near-straight porting.
Wait, isn't this from republican commando?
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>30% chance of Righteous Fury
>The target does not get any toughness bonus
I must have misread it before, because I don't remember it being that strong. Toughness is all non-Khorne daemons have!

well, we were recruited from /tg/.
Look at Anointed Weapons from the Daemon Hunter book
Try using 2e daemons as they shit all over daemons stated in other lines, particularly since only daemonic beasts seem to lack armor.
Daily reminder that in 2e, demons don't have Stuff of Nightmares and can thus be killed with poisons.
They don't have Stuff of Nightmares, but they do have Undying included in the Daemonic trait meaning that no, they can't be killed with poisons. Unless if it was holy oils and stuff that counted as Toxic against daemons.
Right, it was the Blood Loss.

You can kill them via cutting off their limb.
How else are you supposed to get daemon skulls and stuff?
Don't forget that you can knock them unconscious with your fists.

It's literally easier to punch a demon to death than kill them with any weapon since they take automatic Fatigue per hit.
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On what planet is the Sanctic Hammer not the super obvious choice here? What am I missing?
Going back all the way to 1e, only some Master class daemons have SoN. Some Elites might have them too, but SoN is reserved for big things.
The part where it's currently broken and in the warp according to its own lore
>Inquisitor Augustine commissioned Sanctus to amplify her and her followers’ considerable martial skills. Crafted from unusually
lightweight materials, each long-handled hammer still packs the same punch as its heavier cousins. Beyond its use in melee, each
Sanctus hammer holds a secret within: a small chamber loaded with purified promethium that gives the hammer a hidden burst of explosive might.
>A Sanctus hammer is a two-handed weapon. It also includes an exterminator cartridge (see page 163 of the Dark Heresy Core Rulebook) loaded with Incinerator ammunition (see page 40).

Is there more fluff elsewhere? Also that would imply there's one, and that's it's unique, not near unique. The fluff above also mentions multiples.
That is the Realitus.
Whoops my bad, I figured that the most overpowered one would be the one that got fucked
What might one expect to find on a desert world in the Screaming Vortex?
One of them blocks psychic powers
Sand, daemons, sandy daemons, atomics, sandy atomic daemons, and war
Sandy atomic daemon wars?
That's the Ebernus which lacks force, and thus, if you're a psyker, the crazy potential damage that comes with it.

But yeah, the Ebernus would give the Sanctus a run for its money if you're not a psyker.
how does one go about playing a seneschal? particularly useful weapons/talents to take?
In 2e, since all psycannons are of at least Good quality, does that mean that the test to get one is -70 with 50 being from Near Unique and 20 from Good quality modifier?
You are there to provide information and insight, not firepower. You are the Daniel Jackson of your team. Your job is to find out everything there is to know about the problem facing you so that you can better overcome it. Knowledge skills are your bread and butter, but skills that let you gain even more knowledge are also veyr important. Tech-use and Security let you gain access to things; Logic and Scrutiny let you make sense of what knowledge you have. Peers are a great way to gain access to information as well as support and equipment.

You are the brains, not the brawn. Carry something to defend yourself in case of emergency, but your main weapon is information.
>>52675977 was mean for >>52675776
Anyone here play Hand of Corruption? How'd it go?
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Also worth noting is that DW Space Marines pay several times the cost anyone else pays for most advances, and with their geneseed and basic training being counted as equivalent to 12000 XP, mortals at equivalent XP to Marines will usually run circles around them. Black Crusade marines, on the other hand, are only at a disadvantage of 500XP vs mortals, which is a steal for all the bonuses geneseed offers, though they do get far fewer starting skills and talents than BC mortals.
Kickass image, by the way.
So basically Sanctified, and versus Daemons it gains Fleshbane and loses Unwieldy? I'd do without "unnegatable parry" since it can't parry to begin with anyway.
>Make Saint Domon a human who used the fist to strike down a Greater Daemon.
Artificer and Terminator aren't really expected of mortals, who do use power fists without power armor all the time, and if you're coming at things from an Astartes optimizing pov (which IMO is the wrong way to come at relic creation) then powerfists are shit anyway since Chainfists outclass them for Terminators and Thunder Hammers outclass them for everyone.
If it's important, it can be worth spending one to boost and another to reroll. You could even spend one to reroll and boost the reroll, but it'd be silly when you could boost both rolls by spending to boost before the first roll.
Yeah, the Assault Marine nailed it for upwards of a hundred damage and it shielded but overloaded. He managed to smack it again later, at which point the second shield came into effect.
Even with RT's Astartes-tier starting characteristics?
>spending fate to add +10, and then rerolling it as well, only spending fate to reroll again
You can only reroll any given roll once, anon. You can spend to boost and then reroll, whether by talent or by spending a second, but you can't spend just one for the boost and the reroll, nor spend to reroll when you've already rerolled.
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They were thinking "this is good but we can make it better." They were thinking "let's iron out the kinks instead of just repackaging the same thing over and over."
Opinions vary on how well they succeeded.
A world where Rogue Trader's Explorers have far higher starting characteristics than Dark Heresy 1e's Acolytes, along with substantially better equipment and access to unique talents.
I haven't really had many bad ones, but I did rather enjoy when my borderline-Feral Shrine World Desperado tried to use Assail to knock down an incoming Plague Zombie but got a 99, failing to manifest the power but triggering Phenomena. It would have just made the architecture weep blood, but the Astra Telepathica background bonus let me shift it to a localised earthquake, knocking down all the zombies in the building instead of just the one thanks to their shit Agility. It also knocked ME down, despite my pretty good Agility, but the rest of the cell kept their footing, and had a little breathing room now.
There was also a Deathwatch game where we were frantically trying to put out our Predator Annihilator after Orks set it on fire and we killed them. The Librarian manifested the Hoarfrost phenomenon somehow, but sadly cooling the area and putting a thin layer of ice crystals over everything was not enough to save Predator-chan.
Kek, that always seems to happen-
Oh. Hello there Battle-Brother.
It has happened to other teams too, though. I find it hilarious when rival Princes end up tag-teaming the PCs.
>He survived being burned at the stake by jilted former colonist-employees because he yelled at them to stop horsing around and get back to work until they became too confused to continue with the execution.
Huh, I never thought to try that before. It's actually pretty fucking metal.
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Check the fluff entries, they have more rules text that doesn't fit the special qualities. I recall something about the Animus hammer boosting PR.
What the other guys said, but also bunkers with hardbitten survivors with questionable loyalties to any cause, eroded hulks that once were tanks and other machines of war, and of course mummies.
I still maintain that this motherfucker is a Daemon Prince of Nurgle.
Get yourself some form of cane weapon just for classiness - RT has a bolter cane, DH1e has an appropriately pricey powersword cane in the Hive section of the Inquisitor's Handbook. You're the accountant everyone knows better than to fuck with, the man the RT turns to when he needs to know something. You're no slouch in combat, and in fact you're one of the few careers to get access to Counter Attack, but you work better as a COME AT ME BRO than someone getting up in the enemy's face - Full Auto weapons are your friend, of course, and Overwatch will let you control the battlefield with a decent ammo supply even without good Ballistic Skill, but iirc you're geared more towards choppy than shooty, and more towards talky and thinky than choppy.
>tfw GM let my melee Missionary ster wth a Best quality Roasarius and a Good Power Sword
I shall be unkillable, and Parry at 62 WS.
What changes would you make to Dark Heresy to make it into a Genestealer game?
What is a good way to balance out shopping time? Give player a few out of session rolls with in-session, in-character chances if they want to get something in particular?
>Even with RT's Astartes-tier starting characteristics?
Haha what

You start with 25+2d10 like most of the lines. Having the ability to spend XP as you choose is broken as fuck though.
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Nasty. Pick up Combat Master quick so that you don't get taken out by mooks ganging up and using up your reactions.
Re-fluff the Hive Mutant to be a Hybrid. Offer specific mutations to that origin as elite advances, growing extra limbs and feeder tendrils and such. Not entirely keeping with fluff, but slowly transitioning into some kind of horrible gribbly would be fun.
For neophytes, give them a background package that gets them deceive, some infiltration skills and a bonus to fear checks so long as they're within the Cult's influence.
I'd probably disallow Tech Priests and Sanctioned Psykers, but make a low psy rating and telepathy available as elite advances too.
Basically, I'd make the split between Hybrids and neophytes similar to the split between CSM and heretics in Black Crusade, but closer in power level. Hybrids find it difficult, but not impossible, to operate in the open, while neophytes lack their raw power.
Generally, I ask characters to think of what wacky gear they want to get out-of-session, then work in ways for them to try and get it in session if I'm so inclined. I really prefer to just let my players have whatever "basic" gear they want, and make the more exotic stuff earned as a reward for completeing their missions.
I thought you still had to do at least 1 point of damage to cause fatigue? Or am I mis-remembering?
>I thought you still had to do at least 1 point of damage to cause fatigue? Or am I mis-remembering?
Depends on the game line.
Holy shit! I just checked my 1e corebook and you're absolutely right. I've been playing that wrong for years. I might have to change that...
OW and 2e fix it just fine.

Gotta do damage equal to or greater than their TB to inflict the fatigue.
That change actually started with the 1e errata. From then on it was needing to do TB or more damage to inflict fatigue.
You can also do it in OW and 2e still if you get a Righteous Fury.

Just punch people so hard that you knock them out through their armor some how.
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Ahh, okay, we must have incorporated the errata at some point then.
Dang. I dunno, I think the tactical option of trying to inflict a point of fatigue instead of full damage is interesting... but I guess it gets kind of silly with things like lightning attack and just bare knuckle boxing your opponent to unconsciousness in a flurry of blows every round.
A lot of Impact based RF can cause fatigue, but the target only takes fatigue from the attack itself if it did damage greater or equal to their TB.
If you get a RF, the attack automatically does 1 damage at base.
Better to invest in grappling as damaging an opponent in one guarantees fatigue regardless if you do damage.

No, it does 1 damage if the attack would have otherwise been completely negated by TB and armor with no further effect.

Any crit effects require the attack to have done at least 1 point of damage past TB and armor.
What happens with fatigue threshold / unconsciousness when your TB is higher than 10?
In most lines, you're in a loop of being between conscious and unconscious until an hour or six has passed.

2e core has that issue too, but was finally fixed in the errata.
Any bets as to how good/bad the new Rollplay 40k game will go? Seems better to talk about it here than in a new thread.
The what?
It's going to be shit.
DH GM here.

I've noticed there's DH2E available, what's up with it ? Is it better than DH1E ?

Also, are all RPG's sets compatible between each other ? (Rogue Trader, Black Crusade, etc...)
> yfw you realise that it's already been covered earlier in the current thread
Will we ever get the OEF version of Faith and Coin? Will FFG ever not copy paste like mad motherfuckers? Toon in never on /40krpg/!
I worship Malal. You've probably never heard of him....
The wide the age gap between them, the less compatible they are. All in all, they are fairly compatible by RPG standards

Honestly, I prefer DH 1e to 2e but that's because DH 2e feels like it's half finished.


This is your Faith and Coin OEF. Get it into main mega.
>No more shitty quality Faith and Coin

... NM. What's up with the 'escaped fragment' stuff, anway?

This guy. Right here.
Would you have the players play as the HQ units in the wargame?
So would it be possible to move a Sanctioned Xenos to a DH game (lorewise) or would that be a terrible idea (I won't even ask about OW or DW because the answer is obviously no)
There are options like that in 2e as reinforcement characters i.e. the option when a PC is out of commission, healing, or just otherwise unsuited to the next mission.
Sorry if I'm spamming the thread with genestealer questions, but would you let a player make a hybrid acolyte in a game of black crusade and say he's been cut off from the hive mind?
Lorewise, sure. I'm sure there are plenty of Radical Inquisitors who are ready to employ xenos without blinking twice.
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There are. There's a canon one whose name I can never remember who has a Kroot bodyguard, she's great.
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Lady Jena Orechiel.

Even had a Inquisitor model, pic related.
So after looking up the Lexicanum I find that the Ordo Mechanium is more concerned with dealing with STCs and supervising mechanicus expepiditions.

Would it make since to have something akin to the Lords Dragon in the Askellon sector?

Easily. The Lords Dragon aren't canon, they're a FFG invention, so it's perfectly acceptable to have customized equivalent organizations in Askellon or other sectors as the GM needs.

I see. Although it would make sense for the Mechanicus to have their own form of internal oversight that isn't the inquisition considering they are technically a seperate empire aside from the Imperium.

Oh well, the role I have for them isn't entirely fleshed out yet but I wanted it to be a good way to get the group I'll have soon going.
I thought the Lords Dragon were implied to be a galaxy-wide organization.
I'm pretty sure that's one of FFGs many copy paste errors, concussive belongs to one of the other hammers for sure

It's a FFG-invented organization that got btfo when forge world invented >>52690152
The thunder hammer on the same page has concussive (2).
They're not mutually exclusive if you want to use FFG's fluff. The Imperium does love redundancy after all.
More that the administratum does.
What's the description for Tempus? This one talks about light materials and a long handle so I can see Balanced, does one say anything about being super dense or something?
You can just grab the books from the MEGA in the op.
Has that anon who wanted to convert DH2e into the Horus Heresy posted lately?
Hello, niggers?????????
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The term Salamander-American is preferred, thank you very much.
What the fuck did you say to me? You sneaky bastard?
What do orks taste like? How many men can a single ork boy feed for a single meal? Are there any health hazards from eating orks?
What's a better weapon in Dark Heresy?

Plasma or Melta?
Depends on what gun and what you're fighting.

If you want range, plasma cause Maximal.
If you're creeping around in the sewers of a hive, melta gun will kill everything in Short Range.

I prefer Plasma personally, just cause you can shot a fucker at a distance with it. Regardless, most things will die in one, maybe two shots from either gun.
How would you guys go about fluffing a Tyranids invasion? I'm going to have my players get dropped into a genestealer rebellion and if they don't wrap it up quick enough their going to get hit by a full scale invasion.

I read a post a few weeks ago about a guy fluffing the spores as slowly liquifying guardsmen's lungs, sky turned red, etc.

Just looking for help fluffing.
Did you ever play DoW II? The questions Cyrus asks about unusual things happening comes to mind.
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For Genestealer Cultists translated to Dark Heresy?
Probably not, unless it was a high level game.
I think there's plenty of fun to be had as a rag-tag band of terro-...uh, I mean, "Freedom Fighters" working for the cult. You get missions from the Magus, whose psychic gifts can give you special insight. You go bomb important targets, convince locals to join the cause, incite riots among the muties to tie down the Arbites, and generally put everyone on edge until the time comes to rise up!
No. Unless you're doing oldFluff, the Tyranids should be a distinct faction from Chaos. They can mix on special occasions, but I wouldn't allow it normally.
You'll get the same effect letting them play as some sort of weird mutant, rather than a Hybrid.
Well, the Inquisitor is by definition a Radical, but honestly it's explicitly canon that Sanctioned Xenos operate within the Imperium. Krashrak the Stalker from the old Inquisitor game springs to mind, he was an alien bounty hunter who sometimes hired out to the =I= and worked with Imperial authorities without serious incident.
You'll run into trouble with monodominants and more suspicious Imperials, but it's not as inherently damning as running around with a Daemonhost, unless the alien in question is something truly horrible.
I would mention excessive vegetation growth. Talk about this year's harvest being incredible, and some people thinking it's a blessing from the God Emperor, though it is in reality the result of early seeding organisms pumping up the biomass.
I'd also do stuff with animals behaving weirdly. Birds start migrating out of season, huge herds of animals begin stampeding as if they're trying to flee from *something*, deep sea creatures begin beaching themselves for no discernible reason. Basically, I'd do a lot with weird, "natural" apocalyptic imagery that heralds the arrival of the hive fleets.
>friend and I playing psykers
>combat servitor
>dude we should push our mind bullets it's gonna be fucking awesome
>managed to both get myself sucked into the warp and have a lord of change try and possess me
>friend summons a blood letter
>combat servitor is dedd as fugg
>somehow manage to beat lord of change in willpower rolls
>tell friend to push again if he hopes to solo blood letter
>he does it and summons another blood letter

I am a bad influence.
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Has anyone got links to those convenient Rogue Trader Warp Navigation programs? Autonav and the spreadsheet, that is. Old links on the FFG forums are dead as fuck.

You fucking RETARD, just read the sticky.
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Generally speaking, would you guys consider it reasonable for a noble house's personal guards to carry bolters? I'm thinking a force of about 100 men or so. I figure that a spectacularly wealthy family could probably equip their honor guard with such weapons, as they don't really have to worry about logistics in the way that a full military force would, and human bolters are expensive but not impossible to obtain/maintain.
Also, what about "civilian" power armor? Could a particularly powerful noble house have "baby Sororitas" as bodyguards i.e. a cadre of trained killers wearing power armor and carrying bolters?
Yeah to both, but it'd be a pretty small honor guard only fully equipped for genuine combat or formal dick waving.
Best ways to build a skitarii vanguard in only war? Should I stick with the radium gun or get irad weapons for spray? Should I focus on being a tough motherfucker or shoot you damage?
would an Eldar ever consider sanctioning by the Imperium? Kroot do when it serves their interests, Orkz do when it means they get more dakka from it, and Tau... I guess sometimes do it, but what about Eldar?
Probably not, unless the Eldar was extremely desperate for Imperial protection for some reason. Sanctioning requires an Aquila brand in a visible location; the mere suggestion would probably have most Eldar vomiting in disgust.
I can see an Eldar faking the brand though.
a) Mushrooms and other fungi. Flavor and texture may vary wildly.
b) I dunno, but I'd assume it's similar to a bear of similar weight. Probably slightly harder to digest, though, so less nutritious, but a fist-sized amount of food is a meal, and Orks have a lot of muscles. You could probably feed a platoon or two lunch off of just one.
c) First and foremost, friendly fire from people disgusted by your choice in cuisine, but Orks are very tough and release spores upon death. It's unlikely but possible that those spores would somehow mix with diners' physiology.

Plasma has longer range, rapid fire, Maximal, and Volatile, but overheats.
Melta is short ranged, but will absolutely fuck over vehicles and even the heaviest infantry at point blank.
Both are compatible with Weapon Tech, but IMO plasma gets more out of it since melta really doesn't need more penetration. The damage boost is nice for either, but a melta's high base pen doubling at halfrange will be enough to deal with most anything short of a Land Raider, while a plasma PISTOL in the hands of a high-Int character with Weapon Tech can oneshot a Chaos Space Marine with a good damage roll.

I rather enjoyed how the Cain books handled that, but I also like going full Zerg with an unsubtle biofleet rolling into orbit and raining fleshmonsters from the skies. >>52696264 has some solid ideas for the subtle stage, but when the bugs go loud, don't forget to hammer the planet's Astropaths and psykers with the Shadow in the Warp.

Yeah, nobles tend to have the dosh and influence for that. The hard part would be sourcing that much power armour without doing some substantial favors for the AdMech.

If they're desperate enough, sure. They're willing to exploi- uh, cooperate with Imperials all the time, so if they're in a position of disadvantage or have a plan that is reliant on Imperial cooperation they might resort to it despite how it wounds their racial pride.
>things that never happened

kys homebrew fag we aren't helping you
Have you looked at Mars Needs Women?
>I rather enjoyed how the Cain books handled that,
That's how they're going to start. Exact rip of Tau insurrection and everything. Going to have them be put in right after the rebellion actually starts though unlike the book where there's a tense nonaggression pact.
Who's used the Navis Prima Navigation rules?

Do you find that it tends to drift toward disaster too easily?
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>DM is having us a do a one off campaign
>Generic Guardsmen with one weapon, mod and talent of our choice, unlimited ammo
>Ask them DM if I can get a integration cannon
>He says yes that's fine
>My face when I fire the first shot tomorrow
I can't wait to see the faces of the party

Way less lethal than the core ones, which is why they made them.
None of them read 2e did they?
Are these statted anywhere?
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Enlighten me... what is an integration cannon?
A mass of gravitation-based rape.

4d10+5 pen 8 with Blast (5) and a special rule that makes so that for 1d5 rounds, everybody that starts their turn in the blast takes an automatic hit from it unless if they pass a -20 Dodge test based off of Strength.
Oh wait, it is 4d10+4, but you get the idea.
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100 meter range
4D10+1 damage
8 Pen
Clip 6
3 Full rounds reload
Blast 5, concussive 0, inaccurate
Near Unique
Is unlimited ammo a normal thing? I've always tracked my ammunition very closely. Do you still have to reload? Because this seems like it become very broken very quickly, as you no doubt intend.
I still have to reload yes, but I'm not worried about spare ammunition basically, I just always have a spare clip ready to reload
There should be something that allows you to reload faster. You should definitely get that.
Rapid Reload and Omnisight
Well we're starting as basic guardsmen so I'll have rapid reload
Oh I already got rapid reload as a generic guardsmen. But can I even use a omniscope if it's inaccurate?
Omni-scopes can only be used with Basic weapons, but Suspensors would help so he doesn't need to brace.
Should try to get a Weapon MIU instead then.

Just full round aim, then fire it as a fire action.
>Attaching a 65kg cannon to your shoulder to aim even though it has Inaccurate
Doesn't have to be attached at the shoulder, just normally is.

Some skatarii use them on heavy weapons. Besides, he's clearly going full HAM, might as well do it for fun.
Weapons with Inaccurate get no benefit from aiming.
>Not going unlimited nuclear hand grenades

It's like you don't want to kill literally everyone.
Which ones are those?
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I'm going to guess that this is lathe worlds.
Thrown SBx3 S/–/– 4d10+20 X 12 Blast (12), † 1kg 1000 Near Unqiue

Lost Dataslate actually
Which book is that in, I don't remember seeing it

>>52712219 >Lost Dataslate
So I'm working on a Renegade for an upcoming mixed party Black Crusade campaign. Hunter in a Mad Max-esque nomadic biker tribe, picked up along with a handful of her other tribesmen, and pressed into an "experimental" regiment. Small forces from numerous Calixian worlds, all experimented on like Gland War soldiers, all for the sake of the Ordo Xebos seeking a super soldier program that totally works, guys(tm). Needless to say, it doesn't work, and the casual discarding of the entire regiment, including orbital bombardment of the holdouts that haven't been overrun yet in "cleanup", ends up being what breaks her faith in the Imperium.

All well and good, but I'm *awful* at names. Normally I'd go with the planet of origin and something alliterative/descriptive... But what about when you're mashing together a bunch of recruits who may not even share a language just so you can get a force on the field to test the subjects? Would it even RATE a name beyond some cryptic project name?
>Inquisition test
No names beyond basic identifiers.
Figured so, and it seemed like the easiest way to do it. Then all the *other* Inquisition projects got fancy names (besides D-99) and I was a bit doubtful.
Then don't aim.
How would non-techie PCs react to a computer console?

My OW squad is searching for information inside a crashed starship and will soon come across a cogitator terminal. But none of them are Operators or have Tech-Use. While none are from Feral or Feudal worlds, I doubt they have much tech experience.

How do 40k computers even work? Is it strictly necessary to anoint them with unguents and recite prayers to make them work properly? What happens if you don't do it right? Will the cogitator still function?
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>Joking with my DM
>He's talking about twin linked weapons and how he can't find any weapons with that quality despite there being a rule for it
>Sarcastically ask him if I can slap that rule on a combat shotgun
>He goes silent for a moment
>Shrugs his shoulders and says sure why the fuck not
>My face when my DM is willing to give me a double barrel twinlinked combat shotgun
By the power of the Omnissiah. Yes you filthy heretic. You anger the machine spirit. Not for you, who have defiled it with your lack of respect.
Just had a weird idea for a Rogue Trader plot, The game would begin with the remaining bridge crew (the PCs) and about 1/2 the crew coming out of stasis to find that they have been adrift for... they honestly don't know. But soon discover that the emperor of mankind has been dead and the Imperium of Man long gone for centuries. Humanity as a species survives, but only as a broken shell of itself, only allowed to survive because all mankind's old enemies no longer see them as a threat anymore.

So now the goal is not just setting up a financial empire, but the PCs are now in the position to rebuild the imperium itself.

probably the first task would be to find a suitable substitute for the Astronomican, as well as a world to host it on.

or perhaps they should establish where the New Imperium's capitol should be? Terra is not likely nearby and not convenient for the PCs to try and reach. Once they pick a place they will probably need to secure it, no sense setting up the seat of power for a new imperium on a politically unstable planet.

or maybe they should go and find local forge worlds and try to bring them back to life, perhaps later...

Any way, just ran through my head, tell me if this premise is worth exploring or if I should abandon it now.
>Getting anywhere without the astronomican
Essentially dead in the void already.
As far as I know, their fucked without the astronomican. Its the only way they can travel the warp.

They might have to use Xeno ships or something. Or just do what the tau do, and that is nothing.
Quick question: do any of the books give stats for a Valkyrie transport? I'm running an Only War game at the moment and I can't find any in the core rulebook.
doing a google search,
Citadel of skulls, an RT book has rules for one.
The thing that stands out most from this is that you seem to buy into the idea that to be an interesting inquisitor, you *have* to be a psyker or a sorcerer. Personally, I really, really dislike that line of thought but I'm willing to give some more of your homebrew a read if you've got more.

That is the only one that exists in the entire 40k rpg line.
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Downloaded and found the entry, thanks guys!
While it doesn't outright tell you, you can give it las cannons. You could also switch it to a vendetta if you wanted too. Just get rid of it holding cargo.
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I was actually thinking more of the planet with all the plateaus and mesas. I believe there was also a Sororitas order being manipulated by a radical =][= in possession of the Shadowlight.
Sweet fuck
I want it... I NEED it...
Really depends on the Inquisitor. The Ordo Xenos has a tendency towards professionalism relative to the zeal of the Hereticus and Malleus, but any of them can be bombastic or serious-minded.
As for existing TL weapons, vehicle-mounted ones often are 'twin-linked so-and-so,' and I'm a big fan of the Reaper Autocannon, which also has the quality.
Pic related is how Techpriests handle it. As I understand things, laymen are usually content to go "yup, that's a cogitator" and then ignore it, maybe lighting some incense or muttering something vaguely technological as they respectfully bow their head in passing.
One piece of homebrew I use is a quad barrel shotgun with 3 fire modes, one gives twin linked and storm. The players like it.
Am I blind, or can I see no talents to improve intiative in DH 2e?
Constant Vigilance has Lightning Reflexes baked into it.
Sadly not as good IMO now I've read it up.

Anyway to acquire extra reactions?
>The thing that stands out most from this is that you seem to buy into the idea that to be an interesting inquisitor, you *have* to be a psyker or a sorcerer
Oh, believe me I don't. I've generally tended towards non-psyker Inquisitors before I started running games in this homebrew sector they're for. So for me, they're kind of a shake up.

>but I'm willing to give some more of your homebrew a read if you've got more.
Uh, sure. I've got the timeline for the sector I could tidy up for a PDF in a couple of hours and some of its planets if you want to read that.
A talent by what name? Or something else. Again feel like I'm blind staring at the talent tables.
Step aside. Only one additional so again not quite as powerful as original Dark Heresy. Not sure if there is a way to get even more.
Unless if you're talking about the bullshit that is ascension, it is a bit more powerful as it combines the other extra reaction talent that applied to parry in it.
not completely, a good navigator can sorta feel their way through the warp without it, but it is not easy, that much is true.
actually, giving it some more thought, I could see some interesting RP coming from having to ask the Eldar for a 'tow'. Heck if there was a xenos artifact that radiates enough psychic energy to function as a substitute Astronomican, they would likely know of it, and then they would have to answer the next obvious question of "why in all the galaxy would the Eldar/Dark Eldar help them rebuild the imperium?"
I'd imagine Chaos or Nids running rampant would do all kinds of awful things to the Warp

Funny, I always imagined most of the more mundane technologies - such as shipboard consoles manned by non-techpriests - had rites consisting of "firmly apply the toe of your boot to the lower panel five times, chanting 'Damn this consarn device, work already!' until the screen is restored to operation."
I apologize in advance, we haven't opened up our campaign yet so I haven't been able to import this into a real sheet.

If I'm going to be working alongside an autocannon-bearing Iron Warriors Chosen, a Slaanesh-aligned CSM Sorcerer, and a Slaanesh-aligned Apostate, is my Renegade going to be able to keep up at least fairly well? We're not going pure combat, so I'm not super concerned about combat utility (I have some, but not a ton), more about being able to do things besides shooting fairly well. Same poster as >>52712770
You made a combat dudette in a game with multiple CSM.
You can't sneak, talk, or infiltrate. Find something to do.
Fair. They're supposed to still be a "combat dudette", considering ex-Guard and all, and the necessary augmentation to proxy that eats acquisitions fast. Frankly, BC is a little more limiting on getting something good together from what I've seen.

Suggestions for refocusing to something a little more sneaky breeki? I'd rather not drop the Infamy boost, since 3 acquisitions is nice and all, though 500xp is expensive. Talking, the Apostate's entire job is talking at this point, they're combat incompetent and horribly unsubtle.
You don't need to be talky, but be sociable.
Build a force via force of arms and vicious charisma.
Also, be the lookout, the bodyguard, the eyes on the prize for the others.
Having someone who can sneak around without power armour penalties can be extremely useful at times, but I'm horribly biased in favor of always having Stealth at least trained on my characters. Still, the Apostate is your face and the Marines have combat semicovered - I'd find ways to protect the squishy apostate, sneekfiltrate, and lay down fire from a position of concealment or cover. A silenced sniper rifle attacking with Surprise is a great way to contribute to combat with Marines without endangering your squishy mortal meats.
I could see my character using something like a Reaver long rifle. Drop the toughness, boost FEL instead, and it'd be a start.
Are there any good character sheets that won't use a gallon of ink to print? I'd love to play these games, but sweet fuck those sheets.
>printing sheets
Both are ideal when you're an Absolute Madman

My insanely pious Melta Guardsman in a game of OW has survived like five sessions on zero Fate points while facing down Chimeras left and right
What are some roles party members that aren't pilots can take on during ship to ship combat?

Thus far I've only come up with repairing and repealing border actions.

shooting stuff
extended action buffs to help shooters
What is the highest amount of MIU weapon interfaces you would allow a single character to have?
Don't see why you'd need more than one, just need more wires to connect more guns IMO.

The point of the Weapon MIU is to let you control it, the rest is just wiring.
By the time you start using either, you've abandoned all pretenses of subtlety, of course.

At that point, I'd use a meltagun. I used a plasma gun in Only War for a long time and had good luck with it, but with all the urban fighting we did I'd rather have had a "armor? never head of it" option to deal with vehicles instead of boarding the damn thing with a satchel charge in my other hand. Dark Heresy typically involves a lot of close range (the game has a lot of urban and/or void focus, especially hives) where a meltagun is king.

BUT BOTH ARE SUBJECT TO OVERPENETRATION. Don't use a meltagun on a voidship. Please.

If you're using the stuff in the OP, go tanky. A Vanguard can create radiation zones and fucks with people just by standing next to them. Get the barest minimum to kill things, like Mighty Shot, then just turn the floor into radioactive lava.
>Hellrifle equipped, destroyed homeworld siege infantry from a Post-Cataclysmic/Daemon world
>GM is okay with this
I can't tell whether he's a cool guy for letting us do this or a retard for not setting limits
The latter.
Reckon that my GM will let me attack people on the other sides of walls with Melta?

There's nothing wrong with a weird game every so often.
It's fine if your regiment has like 300 guys or something.

Just a bunch of turbo badasses

Shooting through cover adds the armour of the cover to your target. Melta give not a fuck, especially at 2x pen distance.
>Don't use a meltagun on a voidship. Please
The fuck is he gonna do? You realize that the hull of an imperial ship is 20m of adamantine right?
If you have some way of detecting them though walls, otherwise it would be using rules for blind firing.
>We just slammed the bulkhead doors down and started to vent the sector of the ship most of the renegade crewmen are in... but some got through and are right next to it!
>Breach bulkhead, because "a single door being 20m of adamantite" would be beyond silly even for 40k
>You all suffocate and die
Seems like an oversight that it didn't even make it into Only War.
>MFW even cats are part of heresy
>MFW I have no face

Is nothing sacred?
The Emperor.

The line got cancelled before an official aeronautica book could be made. There will never be a valkyrie in the games now.
Some of us have irl groups.
Or play at all.
Ok we had a game tonight, someone with a heavy bolter and sexy bulging biceps was cornered on a door looking into a room. There was a bad guy in line of sight, would that bad guy have had partial cover courtesy of the corner forming the door frame or no cover at all?
No cover unless if the target was partially obscured by it.
What constitutes Partially obscured, is there a definition for that in the book somewhere?
As in, can you see all of the target or is his leg or arm blocked by the door frame?
An arm would have been blocked.
Then partial cover on the arm and no cover on other location.
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What would be a good melee weapon for a sister of battle to aim for? Other books are open to DM discretion, but he's pretty accepting so my options are plentiful. All I have is a chainsword for now since we've only played a few sessions so far

Are you a moron?
My DM is such a scumbag, gave the whole guy partial cover and he said his justification was so. Could I draw a line from the facing corners of my square without intersecting cover.

Answer was no: only two.

Reply from GM: Then the guy has 50% of his body covered from your fire and thus has partial cover.

So my DM was being a cockmongling bitch?
A Holy Chainsword

Somewhat. Partial cover from a door frame is about 4 AP anyways and a heavy bolter gives no fucks with pen 5.
No one but you mentioned the hull at any point.
I've had this scenario come up in Rogue Trader, I'm speaking from experience. Subsection of the crew turned Khornate a while after a particularly botched jump with a flickering Gellar field. Only way we could get rid of them was venting them out. One of our characters had liberated a meltagun at some point and tried to use it to take down an industrial servitor near a just-sealed bulkhead, with a vacuum rapidly appearing on the other side. Miss, hit wall, do enough damage to penetrate, congratulations! You now have a hole in the bulkhead and it's very fortunate we all had masks on.

Is that GM fiat? Maybe. But I'd expect others to follow the implications of melta when you're talking about a bloody fusion gun putting holes in tanks.
How would you rule a twin-linked flamer?
Penalty to dodge, of course, and/or a larger spread.
45 degree cone. Agility test to avoid the flame is at a -20. Anybody failing the initial agility test by 3 or more degrees of failure taking a second hit.

Essentially logically applying the rules for twin-linked to a spray weapon.
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Hi guys, my 40k gaming group decided to start a campaign. I (almost) never played rpg's, but I want to be part of it.

We'll be a rather big group (about 8 players), with chaos/renegade marines.
I'll probably play a Dark Aposte that may on may not be possessed. I can't draw well enough, so i'll have a mini to represent my apostle.

Please help me guys : what are the main mistakes to avoid, in rpgs in general and more specifically in Dark Heresy ? Have you got some tips for me to start, like character building or something ?
>Dark Apostle
>In Dark Heresy
Either you're actually playing Black Crusade or some weird-ass homebrew for it that isn't necessary.
First, figure out what game you are playing.
There are a lot of opinions, but something I will hold to is simple: Be able to contribute to the group.
This means if your character idea is someone incompetent, it may be fun for you, but it is not fun for the people that need to look after you or do double time to carry your weight, and shitting on other people's fun is a red light of asshattery.
Other tidbits:
You should be able to implicitly trust your GM to answer questions if you have them and do right by you.
Read the goddamn book. This is a hurdle for a lot of people, but pnp gaming has a buy in of time and often money, and that is what you need to pony up to enjoy the hobby. It is not the job of the GM or other players to teach you the basics of the setting or the mechanics any more than they need to provide you dice.
You are not the main character, even tho times may come where you put on the main character hat. Everyone has a right to be in the spotlight, and the game is about the group's adventure, not any one player/s.
Character death is not the end of fun, it is the start of a different kind of fun.
The danger isn't breaching the outer hull, it's punching through three consecutive decks and puncturing an important conduit
A small hole in a bulkhead in a ship the size of a 40k voidship would hardly be disastrous, even to the people right next to it. At worst it would be like standing in moderate winds.

It's not like the air immediately disappears. You'd only need masks if the life preservers in your section of the ship were switched off, but then you'd need them eventually regardless.

>fag enablers

you are the reason the line died
How does some random dude's game have FFG make a deal that causes GW to pull their rights to use the 40k IP?
Do we have any home brew stats for seismic cannons
>fag enablers
no I'm pretty sure what killed the line was people who were gatekeeping retards that tried to protect their game from anyone with different opinions.
So, I took the advice of the thread (previous thread) and for the Gauntlet of Saint Domon the Devil Slayer, I made it a power fist with Daemonbane, that auto-confirmed righteous furies as per the annointed weapons rules.
In addition, once per session, when the player recites the hymn of Saint Domon, he adds to the damage the target's daemonic traitx10, (so +60, in the case of Greater Daemons).

Hopefully when I spring a Greater Daemon on them later, they'll have a fighting chance now.
The Apostate and Sorcerer should have Fellowship covered, given how FFG handled Characteristic Alignment, but Toughness is always a solid take - it won't reduce damage by much, but every little bit helps when you get hit. Agility is better, of course, for not getting hit in the first place.
First, talk to your GM about sourcebooks. The Dark Apostle is an option in Black Crusade's Tome of Excess, but Tome Archetypes are worth thousands of XP more than the ones in Core, and it's easy to miss the sidebar that says so.
For the 40K RPGs, combat can easily become rocket tag, so boosting your Initiative to go first (a party member with optimized Intelligence and the Combat Formation talent helps there, as does the Lightning Reflexes talent) and investing in the Agility characteristic and Dodge skill are helpful if you plan on fighting, which a CSM party no doubt does. Parry can be an adequate substitute for melee characters so long as they always crowd the enemy so they can't be shot at without risking hitting their opponent.
Low Ballistic Skill characters can invest in Full Auto weapons to lay down suppressing fire independent on their accuracy. Really, check out the 1d4chan articles for Dark Heresy and Black Crusade, and the "how to not die" guide in the MEGA linked in the OP.
Sure, go ahead and ignore all the fluff about meltas on voidships being a Bad Idea. There's a reason the Navy mostly uses shotguns, and it's not just that they're not allowed to be kitted for ground assaults after Horus' rebellion.
High Ballistic Skill characters should be manning guns.
Someone with Scrutiny can Lock On to boost a gunner's BS.
Someone with Command can launch boarding actions or bombing runs.
An Astropath can telekinetically deflect incoming hits, effectively adding Void Shields for a turn.
Since they only allow shooting as a free action when you haven't made any other attacks anyway, I'd let them take more so long as they had an explanation of where they're mounting them.
Hellrifle, or hellgun?
One is an Inquisition gun that fires slugs of wraithbone, the other is a lasgun beefed up to pierce power armour.
>ree badwrongfun stop having fun guys
A Power Maul or Spear would be solid. Repentia use Eviscerators, and while some other Sororitas do too, you're probably better off keeping something you can parry with - Repentia seek death, but your duties lie elsewhere.
A chainsword is a solid weapon, though; they're standard issue for a reason, and you shouldn't need an upgrade unless you go up against some serious shit, at which point a Sanctified Powersword would be advisable.
A bit. The target was out in the open, and your character was behind partial cover from a doorway? Since it's a Heavy weapon and you can't just lean around the doorway to shoot I can see where she's coming from, but I'd generally rule that as cover for you and not the target if you're adjacent to the cover.
I'm a huge fan of sonic weapons, so I'm ecstatic that Seismic Cannons represent a more available Imperial sonic than the fucking Ordinatus Ulator, but I haven't gotten my mitts on a copy of the Genestealers codex yet to homebrew something up.
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Forgot to mention; if you're just using Core, then the Champion is an ideal archetype for a Dark Apostle, and in fact the book suggests as much, but depending on what you want to do a Chosen or Forsaken could be viable too.
>Sure, go ahead and ignore all the fluff about meltas on voidships being a Bad Idea.

I never said it was a good idea, there is a lot of shit in the walls of a voidship that you don't want to damage. I was only pointing out that the consequences of being next to a small bulkhead breach are not that bad when you take into account the size of an Imperial ship.
Hellrifle, DH 2E stats.
>Any weapon with a rarity of very rare or more common can be chosen as a regimental favored weapon at GM's discretion
He let us mix n match from the other games.
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Veteran of the Long War in the Tome of Decay is also worth a look if you're using Tome archetypes and don't prefer Dark Apostle for whatever reason - one of their Special Abilities is to copycat Alignment and one Special Ability from any other archetype - but Champion or Dark Apostle should fit perfectly. If your GM is restricting you to Core (which is probably for the best) consider asking him to let you swap your power sword for an Accursed Crozius so you can start as a proper Dark Apostle - I've heard that the Accursed Crozius was accidentally listed with the Possessed Crozius' stats, though, so check for an FAQ or errata, or just use the Deathwatch errata's version of the crozius introduced in Rites of Battle.

I realize that this is frontloading some arcane and overly complicated information on the heels of the essentials, but I hope some of it is useful to you.
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Seems like some pretty tight fluff then. They're siege infantry whose homeworld got turned into a Daemon World, and they ended up equipped with Inquisitorial shootas after vetting as pure enough to fight for the Emprah.
It's a bit snowflake, but what's the point of 40K if you don't go absurdly balls-out awesome once in a while? The whole setting is wacky 80s metal shenanigans, and I'm sure the GM is having fun cooking up challenges for such a unique Regiment.
pretty much. Basically, Inq mission to determine if planet was too far gone found that there was the singular Settlement still fighting off Chaos, rather than waste resources reclaiming the already fucked up world because who knows if any of the 'strategic resources' that made it valuable are even still there now that the warp's fucked with it, they just evacuated the survivors and made a regiment out of 'em, then it's basically exactly like you described the rest of the way.
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I'm a huge fan of sonic weapons, so I'm ecstatic that Seismic Cannons represent a more available Imperial sonic than the fucking Ordinatus Ulator, but I haven't gotten my mitts on a copy of the Genestealers codex yet to homebrew something up.
there is a copy in the 40k gen thread, bvut here is a screen shot of the cannon

basically its either a 2 (3 for heavy) shot missile launcher at short ranges, then a 4(6 for heavy) shot heavy bolter at longer ranges.
it also has a rule that makes it AP1 if it rolls a 6 to wounds.

i have this so far:
Seismic cannon (close range) Heavy 50m S/–/3 3d10+8 I 8 24 3 Full Resonance 20 kg Scarce
Seismic cannon (long range) Heavy 51m-100m S/–/6 1d10+8 I 5

but am unsure how to do the ap1 part
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> discovered http://messiahcide.deviantart.com/gallery/61600232/Mandragora-Apocrypha
>Emperor is pleased

I am so hard from these houserules
>am unsure how to do the ap1 part
A lot of effects like that just end up being Razor Sharp in the RPGs, but the To Wound benefit could be a bonus to Righteous Fury. Vengeful isn't quite appropriate though, and Armorbane seems like too much.
What does Armorbane do in this context
>waah waah, how dare you have fun
>waah, muh gritty low power game
what are you going to do about people disagreeing with you, cwuai?
kys homo
What archetypes should be in a game where the players are genestealer cultists?
Hey does anyone know of a printer friendly version of the only war character sheets? That background design just kills ink.
Doubles AP vs vehicles and buildings.
Denagogue, Militant, and Skulker? It leaves psyking and lore uncovered, but a Magus is a little past the realm of starting characters, and the Psyker package should cover anyone who wants to work towards it. New elite stuff might be needed for varied genestealer biology.
Making one isn't hard; a buddybof mine did.
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My groups use Google Drive Spread Sheets when we don't use roll20. It's easy enough to mock up a temple. Here's what we use (4chins won't let me upload a spreadsheet).

And it can be easily amended according to specific system/class needs.
Oh, to keep track of upgrades we use +'s.
So Command+10 would look like Command+ under skills.
And WS upgraded twice looks like WS++
Dodge+30, Dodge+++
What kind of special abilities would they get? Would it be better to base such a game off of Only War and use the comrades system?
I might end up having to DM RT for my D&D group since I'm most familiar with the lore of 40k, but I've got some questions.

A specific player has stated that what he wants to do is hunt xeno spacecraft, board and loot them to sell with his preferred weapon being some sort of a flamer.

Are flamers ok for excessive use in ships? I know meltas are a bad idea inside metal boxes, but will flamer use in hallways and rooms cause their own set of problems?

Another question is what sort of flame resistant equipment can people get? I want to let them know about their options to avoid getting teamkilled by him.

I only know about
>'Frost' Thermal Armor for characters from Into the Storm
>Fire Suppression Systems for ships from Battlefleet Koronus.

And the Thermal Armor info didn't state if it gets any actual bonus to resisting flame weapons, only that it has a rebreather for protection from smoke. Does it just negate flame weapons completely and prevent any damage, or just prevent them from catching on fire?
How are you supposed to view the files?
>selling alien technology
There's only one way this can end for them.
Flamers are par for the course in shipboard combat. Enclosed spaces and metal surfaces.
Since you mentioned Archetypes, I'm assuming you're using Black Crusade as a base - I'd just rip the Renegade and Apostate specials directly and give the Skulker free rerolls to Stealth tests. That leaves psyking free to be picked up via the DH2e Elite package if someone wants to build towards being a Magus, while loremonkeying isn't really typical for 'stealers and can be picked up by anyone. I'd also add options for anyone to have certain biomorphs at creation only, probably in exchange for XP from a slightly enlarged starting pool for team balance's sake.
Comrades aren't a half bad idea, but that's up to you.
Flamers and shotguns are very popular for boarding actions, and perfectly counter the Navy's traditional tactic of herding mobs of barely-armed dregs with primitive stub guns in the direction of the enemy. If he wants to be able to hose down his friends with burning prometheum without hurting them, there might be some variant ammo with no Penetration, but getting them armour with the Void-Hardened armour mod, the Machine Trait, or other ways of applying armour against being on fire is a solid plan.
You say that as if those who trade in contraband are always caught. Besides, he could always sell to the Inquisition.
>but am unsure how to do the ap1 part

Double pen on fury seems to be a decent consensus.
That works for the '6 to wound.' Would you leave it at that, or also give it Razor Sharp for the '6 to hit'? If it had Razor Sharp, would the two doublings stack for a trebling (or quadrupling if not holding to the system's usual resolution of multipliers)?

Resonance only triggers on wound / damage, so the To Hit number never comes up. Razor Sharp only triggers on DoS to hit, and the seismic gun in that screencap doesn't care about to hit.
>To Wound and Armor Penetration
My mistake, I read it on mobile while on the move and processed "two kinds of rolls" without registering that they're both basically the same and thought it was "to wound or to hit."
Double pen on Fury fits nicely, then.
What type of sidearm might an Imperial Navy admiral have?

Probably a really nice autopistol, naval pistol, archeotech pistol, or volkite serpenta. All sorts of things depending on how they feel.
Best quality bolt pistol.
Plasma pistol is standard I believe
Bolt or plasma pistol. Probably, but not necessarily of a superior quality.
>Naval Admiral
Admiralty is a big deal, so a Best Bolt Pistol would be a standard but really anything goes at that point aside from xenotech. Plasma is certainly popular among some, and a rare few might have gotten hold of Inferno Pistols. Needle Pistols might suit some's purposes, as Navy personnel or rebellious slaves don't tend to wear armour that'll block a chemcrystal, though it'd be of limited use against boarders. Some might have a taste for a duelling laspistol, or have acquired an ancient Volkite Serpenta or Archaeotech Pistol. If I were designing an admiral I'd probably give him a master-crafted bolt pistol and power sword, plus a digital flamer, digital melta, and two plasma grenades as nasty surprises for anyone going for a decapitation strike of his fleet, but the prospect of an Archaeotech Pistol fluffed as a magnetic accelerator firing heavy slugs intrigues me.
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A space LeMat.
Probably a best Naval Pistol from his previous flagship and a best Power Sword. Both weapons are blessed. The pistol is one of the last remaining relics of a ship lost when the forces of Chaos blew it out of the sky. The sword has been in his family for 30 generations.
Click on them, they are in pdf, there is also download button on the right.

Vol. I is about "civilian" Imperium, and Inquisitional investigations
Vol. II integrates the RT into the DH2 and so much more
Vol. III is about the new and other gamelines Mechanicus stuff in DH2

Also, Dread Mandragora sounds like a nice setting, with its own Pirate Gothic! I hope there will be more, like psykers and OW. It is all things I wanted to houserule, but was far too lazy to.
What is the worst way any PC in your group died?
He died to the first shot of the campaign.

Renegade Guard with a long-las is no joke.
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Vented into the Warp.
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Wanted to ask resident GM's a question. Me, being a GM in our game, players are on a voidship in warp, but the jump was made inside the star system (bad situation). They just killed some deamons with a help of Navy armsmen, but I am thinking, what else should they encounter on such a travel?
My ideas so far : 1) warp crazed mobs of dregs
2) mutaded crewmen
3) maybe some light deamon influences (deamonhosts etc..)
4) ''living'' ship sections.
What else would you throw at them ?
>TL;DR : players in warp-ship in trouble, what warp-fuckery would happen to them
All at once, but may be friendly.
Friendly? Warp is anything but friendly in my eyes.
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Natives of the ship
Ghosts of former crew.
Hungry mutants from the black holds.
A labyrinth of living ship, impossible to navigate unless you can convince the ship you're friendly.
A fragment of your own immortal soul.
New thread when?
>new thread
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