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/5eg/ Fifth Edition General: UA "Food and provisions"

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D&D 5th Edition General Discussion

>New Unearthed Arcana: Wizard Revisited

>Official survey on Unearthed Arcana: The Mystic Class

>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v4b

>Pastebin with resources:


>Previously, on /5eg/

Let's discuss the arcana we're about to get! Who's hyped about the upcoming rules on feasting and expanded hunger mechanics?
Reposting here.

Assuming the warlock has a 16 in Charisma at all levels, it would be

17, 17, and 34. Obviously, the 10 in this scenario is one level below when it gets its third beam. Which would be 25.5.

Of course, if we were to assume our warlock has a +5 modifier, it changes to

21, 21(31.5 at 11th level). and 42.
Gonna post it here aswell, see if I can get some more tips;

So, we have a SKT game coming up and one of our players is going to do a deep stalker ranger.
I got an idea to do a rogue1/deepstalkerX goblin sidekick, sort of a Igor to Frankenstein type of master-servant relationship.

Is this entirely retarded or feasible?
How the fuck should I go about building this little fucker?

I was thinking maybe doing a deep stalker 3/rogueX to differentiate from the other PC, and using melee as he is using ranged. Thoughts?
We have a cleric and that makes rations obsolete and negates any need to forage for food or water.
Food, Provisions, and Crafting!

I can't wait!
I'm surprised more people aren't worried that Wizards D&D financials are so lacking they can't even afford to print hard covers any more or hire writers/rule lawyers.
In that case, you'll LOVE the new rules about different kinds of diarrhea caused by eating exclusively goodberries.
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I'd like some non-garbage magic item crafting rules personally.
In about two hours, stop being an impatient child.
Create Food And Water breh
How did you come up with these numbers?
Alright thanks.

Now Bladelock with no extra attack, improved pact weapon and 16 CHA at 5 can do 1d10+5+1d4 from an ELEMENTAL WEAPON SPELL. People were talking shit about it being on there for Hexblades but it makes them good. At level 6 that doubles and it also has a +2 Attack that EB can't get. So level 5, 13 and 26 at 6.

Level 10 rolls around we have 1d10+10+2d4 all done 2 times with a +4 Attack EB doesn't get. So that comes to 41 damage with a pretty big Attack boost.

Level 20 we have 1d10+11+3d4 done two times with a total Attack bonus of +16. So an Average damage of 48.

With a Charisma of 20 they get +1 damage per attack obviously.

I know this requires a whopping 3 invocations and one isn't needed to 6 and another to 9 but that's the price of better damage. Also yes you have to use a spellslot. Point is it does more damage and has a total of +6 Attack EB can't get.

Put a Quarterstaff and PAM in and shit gets even more funky.
By taking the average?
Magic Induced Diarrhea, much like only eating icecream, only eating magical food has nasty side effects on your intestines
Help me decide, anons. I'm playing a paladin and I'm coming up on level 8, with the Oath of Devotion. So far I have 18 str, 16 charisma, Sentinel feat and Halberd master feat. Should I go for 20 str or Great Weapon Master?
Our DM threw a fight at us that she knew we couldn't win (for stupid reasons, that's beside the point), and then had the enemies retreat when we were almost dead, though we'd killed a few of them. We received 159xp each (having earned 59xp after splitting it 7 ways, then 100xp from DM fiat). The fight took two hours to get to that point.

Later, three of us made attacks for minimal damage against a banshee, with the DMPC (who is a level higher than us) doing almost all the damage. We received 600xp for us three, and the DMPC got 600xp. The fight took about 5 minutes to resolve.

Ignoring the obvious >DMPC, not even once, and >female DM, is it a reasonable decision to give such minimal amounts of XP for such a massive battle that she knew we couldn't win, and then masses of XP for some of us when she did most of the work herself?
20 strength.
Ask yourself this - are you hitting enemies reliably enough? Do you want +1 to attack and damage, or do you want huge damage bonus, but greatly reduced accuracy?
>using XP
What method do you prefer, random level ups after milestones, or day by day?
XP has nothing to do with how much work you did, it should depend on how challenging your enemies are, and how many of you are there.
Milestone levels work a bit better in my opinion.

It lets you balance encounters however you please, rather than having to worry about how XP would be distributed.
Milestones, just arbitrarily getting stronger because X days passed is dumb.

Just don't go full retard and give a level per session (Outside levels 1-2 or 3)
You can still use XP boundaries to map it even if you're not handing out XP.

It just seems off that we spent all that time planning strategy and such for such minimal gains, and then something the DM did essentially solo gave loads.
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Drunken Master, Oath of Redemption, and Monster Hunter (now ranger)
Would you rather gotten the 600 from the big battle and the smaller amount from the small battle? You end up with the same amount so what's the big deal.
THis is it?
>Armour of Peace

NOOOOOOOOOOO this isn't real. this can't be.
>When you expect nothing but they still manage to disappoint you
The issue I have with milestones is that you can't really track smaller events unless you keep a personal count somewhere. There's less of a sense of achievement for achieving smaller goals.
>Oath of Redemption not about paladin redeeming self
>Slayer's eye
>No rest-uses.
>It just fucking WERKS
I want this cancer.
To be fair a lot of clerics already have high ac similar to that
Alright. Monk and Paladin are shit but the Ranger one isn't too bad.
It doesn't feel like there are enough "Ranged Spell Attacks" to make Spell Sniper worth it.
I actually like this. Though I don't like paladin's fluff.
>Made Oathbreaker who was a pacifist healer bitch before going full coldsteel the hedgeheg
Neat, now I've got something to revert to if they stop being a murdering dick.
Give me one reason other then PAM for a Paladin to go Strength now.
Warlock spell level caps at 5 anon. +2d4 damage is the most you get out of Elemental Weapon.

In any case, you're using Hexblade curse so it's good nova against a single target per short rest whereas EB works all day every day.

PS with a spell slot (Hex) the damage on EB @CHA16 is 21 at 5th and 31.5 at 11th. But if we're truly optimizing DPR, you'd likely use Darkness + Devil's Sight rather than Hex.

Committing invocations and feats, Hexblade patron does more damage meleeing than EBing. There's no surprise here.

Doesn't compare to Sorlock.
Because they're playing any of the other oaths
Oath of Redemption with one monk level fully benefits from martial arts, letting you Quarterstaff with Dex and PAM anyways
Easier multiclassing.
How's it Cancer? It's following the same set up that the Horizon Walker and Primeval Guardian did with it's first ability
To be strong. Finesse weapons aren't all that great

>Drunken Master

I quite like the flavor and such of the Drunken Master.
>Drunken Master was your favorite PrC
>no drink based fire breath or AC bonuses
>no abilities to run over difficult terrain or on walls to flip


I think having 21 AC, better saves, better skills and better initiative is worth changing your 2 x 2d6+5 to 2 x 1d8+7 and >>52395646 means you can hit three times doing 1d8+7 twice then 1d4+7 with PAM.
>Mystic so non-canon
>Druid so it's fine since it's a caster
this is from a martial. That's not fine and it's OP it can just demand the stat block.
>AC bonuses
You already get that.
>no abilities to run over difficult terrain or on walls to flip
You already get that.
Hey guys any advice on playing monk in 5e?
>Mystic so non-canon
Is it you again, you mouthbreathing retard?
>drink based fire breath

Isn't there a potion for that
>The ranger, master of nature and relying on years of experience with a favored enemy, using the subclass that is entirely focused on hunting the most dangerous prey and mastering them
>Fuck you (half) martial, you don't get to KNOW things about the monster!
Cuck off
>pop in to reply about how they finally made a proper Paladin oath that does the shit a Paladin is supposed to do
>people are already poo-pooing it because it isn't another edgy crusader-styled WoW-inspired grimfest
how about fuck you
so why does the couatl in area 42 of the Hidden Shrine of Tomoachan lie to the party about there being toxic gas? aren't they supoposed to never lie?
Not based on drinks. It's supposed to be like Jackie Chan's drunken master where you literally drink and have to balance it.
I'm okay with the flavour, I think the armor thingy is a bit OP and the "I take damage instead of you".
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>Paladin oath that's all about doing good, bringing out the best in others, and suffering in their stead and it doesn't have baggage with nature hippie shit or muh kingdom
My dick
>Unarmored Paladin
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3.0 Drunk Master BEST
Dex > Wis > Con
Use weapons on your first few levels.
Way of the Open Hand.

All ASIs go to stats. Maybe Mobile if you can spare it.
How about you eat a bag of shit, and then re-read my post, you illiterate cumguzzler?
>Abloo abloo it's fine to bypass clever DM'ing and descriptions because I'm a martiiiialll!!!
>Even if I get halfspells which are Op and no downsides for it (lold10hp)
No YOU cuck off!

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Thanks man
>no abilities to run over difficult terrain or on walls to flip
Monks already do this
they have enough movement to just JUMP over obstacles
nothing stops you from saying you're running along a wall or backflipping
your level 9 movement explicitly lets you run up sheer surfaces or across water
and you don't need a class feature to let you go Last Hurrah for Chivalry on suckers
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I've been saving this picture just in case you show your ugly mug again.
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Stay away from Wot4E unless using the reworked version floating around. Main thing you'll be doing is focusing on mobility to get to enemy back line. Focus casters and ranged enemies, open hand is really solid, shadow monk is rogue style with some nice stealth capability and Wot4E is one of the few if only trap options in 5e.

Haven't checked out, or played, the UA monks so it'll be up to your DM if they'll even allow those options.
>either "I don't like the fluff" which refers to the fact that the class is about redeeming others
>or "wah it's not about redeeming yourself" which also refers to the fact that the class is about redeeming others
Very unpaladinly behavior, son.
Fucking this, I want some 'your entire life's work, requires lvl 18' Artificer formulas, like a Philosopher's Stone or something. Alchemist Artificers are glorified parlor magicians/pyrotechnics roadies right now and it passes me off.
Cool I'll see what he says
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>been playing monster hunter fighter
>monster slayer ranger is released

>can store booze in yourself and convert it to cure or spit fire
>can drunkenly charge over things and headbutt stun or fall prone
>bottles and chairs do bonus damage
>you get to sway your hips for bonus AC


Yeah this is way better. Gonna comment on the UA to have it more like this.
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>"Clever DMing" is stacking nonsensical resistances and caveats on statblocks
>Knowing a handful of game statistics invalidates the DM's describing monsters when a player's character is a supreme expert of monster hunting
What strange alternate universe are you from? In this timeline, the only time Rangers were notable was in 4e where they were non-casters.
4e had martials using magic, why dont' martials use magic? Hurr durff.
This is your logic, retard. KYS
all of you should kys yourself
no you kiss your shelf
Hi there autist and shitty DM, come to >>52391537 where I BTFO all of you, multiple times and I explain IN DEPTH why I'm right and you're a fucking retard, and to boot that why this kind of ability IS OP and I would just ignore it or not give the full list, since that would be bad DMing AND metagaming.
Anyone have any input on this?
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>take the Ranger archetype on a Fighter instead
>the Monster Slayer spell list is replaced with "you can cast each spell once per long rest"
??????????????? shit's easy, anon
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>Monster Slayer

Is it finally time?
That.. that's not advice at all.
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Why you're right about what? Why the hell are you calling something "OP" if you say it's useless compared to your superior Viet-Cong tactics and problem solving skills?
How is it metagaming when you glean the information from personal knowledge and the ranger is using his character's knowledge?
Eldritch blast from like 600 feet is where the money is at
She's more of a horizon walker in my opinion.
Now that you mention it, you're right.
>WH-why is OP to be able to do something someone else does roleplaying without having to think at all and just demanding it?!?!?!
Jesus fuck you're SOOOO dumb kid.
Go be a metagamer somewhere else, fucking D&D muh balance retards.
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>Redemption Paladin
>the party's wagon is now a wagon train with a guardsman hench and a large cage on each
>every trip to a dungeon or adventure area requries the party to return to civilization to offload its prisoners to the authorities

I'm fine with the power but he should at least have to make like a Knowledge Monster check or something.

Insta ID is some Naruto sharingan bullshit. Like an extra planar creature he's NEVER seen, he knows the weakness and immunity somehow.
Redemption Paladin can just club women to 0 HP and then they're charmed n o s a v e and have to obey him.


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>he doesn't have Monster Info Cards
Right series, wrong power.
>Why does the Barbarian get bonuses to raging while others have to RP it out?!
>Why does the Bard play magical music while others have to RP it out?!
>Why does the Cleric get divine intervention while others have to RP it out?!
>Why does the Druid get to turn into an animal while others have to RP it out?!
>Why does the Fighter get to knock people around with his attacks while others have to RP it out?!
>Why does the Monk get to fight unarmed and unarmored while others have to RP it out?!
>Why does the Mystic get mind powers while others have to RP it out?!
>Why does the Paladin get to smite evil while others have to RP it out?!
>Why does the Ranger get to identify enemies while others have to RP it out?!
>Why does the Rogue get a sneak attack bnus while others have to RP it out?!
>Why does the Sorcerer get to cast inborn magic while others have to RP it out?!
>Why does the Warlock get to have an imp pet while others have to RP it out?!
>Why does the Wizard gets to automatically copy spells but others have to RP it out?!
News flash: The purpose of class features is to grant abilities that you didn't already have, or to improve your capabilities in something you did
>no Alchemist
I agree with this; either some sort of check or saving throw to gain SOME information, like "Wis mod resistances or weaknesses" or "How to stop regeneration" and keep the combat mark mechanic. That way they need to observe it for a while and spend action economy on the study, but keep the combat feature, and have a guaranteed way to do it (since without it DM fiat probably makes the party bard and rogue better at the abritrary knowledge checks)
That's how you become a blackguard.
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Are lizardfolk any good?
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Shit, I forgot.
>Why does the Artificer get GUN and robot blowjobs but other have to RP it out?!
>you will never play a Monster Slayer who travels around the world getting into fights with random beasties so he can write down all their stats on a bunch of cards, collate them, and sell them in packs to upstart adventurers like some unholy fusion of Volo and a Pokemon protagonist
They should at least scale it over the levels though. A level 3 monster slayer as written knows every creature!s weakness, immunity, and special ability reaction to damage, even if you make your own monster up or one from another plane appears. It's stupid as hell. That's beyond wizard tier autism and is like memorizing the phonebook.
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How is lore mastery compared to the other wizard options? From what I am reading it seems pretty decent.
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So what are the UAs that are close to "Balance enough to be promoted to printed version in a future splat"?
I'm trying to work out a system where one of my players wants to make potions from herbs and such. The main question I have is does anyone know of a list floating around for what each potion would need to be made? Also for any decent potions I feel like requiring them to be at a place that has alchemist lab and tools is a decent idea and wanted input.
I mean
It's fine if that's what you want to play
Anyone played through any of the dungeons in Yawning Portal, yet?

Which one and how did it go?
If you make them Str Con instead of Wis Con, yes.

>strong crocodile people that bite shit all day have no Str mod

Fucking moronic
kits of old
Depending on your (ab)use of the features and DM ruling; absolutely insane and blows several out of the water Diviner of course still stands, since that ability is so unique/good
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>Wizards study for years to be able to turn invisible
>you can't have spent that same time reading up on monsters, biology, taxonomy, comparitive anatomy, and phylogenetics
I'd like to think the Warlock ones. Raven Queen and the invocations, at the very least.
>player goes Monster Slayer
>tells me to give him the stats of my monsters
>I was just fudging everything
>Wizards know every spell at level 3

I never said they can't. I said spread that shit out.
Why so much disappointment in the Paladin? It seems to me one of the best durable paladin/class/subclass ever. It gets tremendous AC (Armor of Peace + Shield), and the level 15 feature is bloodied regeneration
>Refluff Slayer's Eye into a pokedex
This must be done.

My players all died to this.
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So, can anyone give recommendations on a toolkit (preferably usable offline) that can be used to create dungeons? When I plan dungeons, pencil and paper never really cuts it seeing as how my handwriting is horrible and I like changing thing around as I go on. I'm planning on making a megadungeon campaign with several expansive floors.
Overpowered by a country mile. Better as a sorcerer rework.
It's called divination, anon. Do you think locate object casters memorize the location of every object that ever exists?
Never underestimate the stupidity of PCs my friend.
Maybe I could come over, we could share the evening, maybe I dunno have some mansex, then I can head out to my trunk and get the colored markers and posterboard and we could hash out a dungeon. Maybe. What do u say
How would you go about a character concept's that just wants to film a documentary? Writing codices has been done too many times, I need some magical recording or some crap.
>fully admits that his party casters were playing subpar in order to be useful
If it's divination it wouldn't work in an anti magic zone or on creatures protected from div/scry effects, but this is NOT a magical ability.
Who needs balance when you can just ask your party to play like shit?
Just a gnome with the Gnome G7 Powershot steam powered camera system recording some adventures for the Techno Union.
Probably a wizard with a magic item for taking photos.

If you want a more dramatic character, warlock with silent image invocation can make silent movies. Plus charisma to hype it up.
Yes we want storytime
Anyone mind if I dump some celebs?
but they need to hear my David Attenborough impersonation.
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Need advise

>DM forced us all to sign contracts with a devil to sell out soul.
>For context my character witnessed the devil one shot two other PC's during the negotions
>I was playing a The Seeker Warlock now I've been made a pack of the fiend warlock.
>I was a pretty good guy so far.

The way I see it I have 3 options from here

>Go full devil worshiper dickbag evil
>Find a way to live forever so they never claim my soul
>Find a way to break the deal and survive

I want to try and get back to my Seeker patron but from the sounds of it he's been shafted
Always willing to see how much porn someone can post on a blue board before being banned.
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It's a classic, it's probably happened to hundreds of parties throughout the years.
Instead of reaching with a pole or hand searching for the door's lever inside and pulling back a stump as the Orb of Destruction deletes anything that enters it, the rogue jumps head first in and vanishes. The others assume it's the secret way past the door and follow suit.
As long as they're regular celebs and not e-celebs
You don't have a soul to sell, dumb ass. It's already the property of the Seeker. The DM played himself.
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>DM forced us all to sign contracts with a devil to sell out soul.
>forced us
>didn't even let your current patron step in in any way.

option 4, find a new DM
I questioned this and he said it was taken care of
Then the Seeker sold your boipucci to the devil. Thems the breaks.
It's more common than you'd think. I had to multiclass from Rogue to Warlock by one level, GOO, because I got sacrificed and had to sell my soul to keep my character in the game. Even that was only an option because the DM read the room and realised she was going way out of line with the kill.
Making a deal with a different patron should be what you do. If this demon is strong enough to hand out warlock levels he may be out of your party's reach.

Make the deal saying to break the bond that the demon holds on you and you do as he says. Simple simple.

It may be important to ask the DM if he is giving you the power or if he is opening you to some channel that gives you fiendish power by nature. That will give you an idea of how powerful he is.
Acquire additional souls. The Devil has claim on (one) soul from you. When you die, the Devil only has a 1/X share of your afterlife. Offer additional souls in exchange for reincarnation.

Bonus points if using phylacteries counts as subdividing your soul.

Also this. Tell your DM that the Seeker should pursue some damages for the broken contract. You are put under duress when making this new contract, maybe the Seeker doesn't care about that, maybe it does. Unless the devil bought out the contract.
HA, haha hadlhsdfalsdf oh wow.
From what he's let slip this devil managment system goes all the way to bottom of the 9 hells
>not selling your soul to as many fiendish entities as possible so that you reap all the benefits of their boons in life but when it comes time to collect they are forced to squabble with each other over rights for your soul
>the case goes to Demon Court
>turns out you also made an arrangement with Gargauth, Devil-God of Lawyers
>he gets you off on a technicality
>flip the collective Hells the bird as you board a soul-plane to Mount Celestia
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Stat her, lads
Actually, I like all of these. I like this better than the whole Mystic class.
Not even calling after him or anything
+2 Str, +2 Con.
Is this what it feels like to have a fear boner?
She looks like some sort of fae creature slowly breaking apart.
they all deserve it.
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It's actually anti-climatic for a storytime.

They thought that with the scary green devil face and the arch of mist being near each other, the puzzle of this part of the dungeon was "nothing is what it seems!" and thought the green devil face was the real portal and the mist portal was the fake.

The damn Paladin even used Divine Sense and I said it was had bad mojo and they still crawled in to it based on the "don't judge a book by its cover" thing.

They all climbed in and died thinking I was being "clever and mysterious" whenever I go "Are you sure?" many times and describing how the rogue's entry has him disappear from existence and shit. It's still worth the look on their faces when I pulled new character sheets to them.
> It's "questfags shit up the board" episode again
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Anyone got the screen cap of the TF2 medic bartering his soul with the devil? Seems very applicable.
Max your primary: in a game about statistics and averages, the sooner you get that out of the way, the better. Then you could think about GWF.

We FFstyle Libra magic now with the slayer's eye.

so i have xenophobic elfs to the north, barren swamps full of weird shit to the south, and expansionist human feudal states in the middle. There is also a mountain reclaimed slowly by the dorfs.

pretty cliche, got my players in, introduced them to the world and realized its so cliche that i can't really come up with something original as a catalyst for conflict. Ive seen so many of then that i can't even come up with anything even remotely resembling an interesting plot twist.

i might abandon ship and run another system entirely
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Probably easier to turn evil then.
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Crash a spelljammer ship into the setting and make them deal with ayylmaos.
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>planar/dimensional shit
>plot twist, it's actually just a hyperrealistic farming simulator
>typical fantasy plothook with evil lich lord or what not trying to fuck everyone up
>intrigue about some conspiracy involving the power struggles of the human states, attempting to stop or organize a war of succession
>it's actually all an illusion and you are being farmed for your psionic energy deep within the earth, in a mind flayer colony
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ain't that bad of an idea actually, i might run spelljammer or planescape even later on

any ideas to make the factions mad at players?
dorfs and elfs wouldn't be bother even with ship like that and humans are so busy with incest and fighting each other they wouldn't even notice

at this point i could come with something but i rolled the ball so might ask for help full frontal
Ayylmaos may not be a bad idea. You need something to make the setting your own. Eldritch horrors for fantasy. Maybe throw in charismatic ghosts who are trying to reclaim heir lands by claiming ownership or killing whomever gets in their way.

The party finds strange weapons that are able to hurt the ghosts, a rarity in this world, and they take it upon themselves to push forward and send tr ghosts packing.

Throw in poltergeists, ghosts that don't know they are dead, and ghosts who want to rest but cannot, and you have a spooky campaign.
what's the context on this?
My Warlocks backstory is he's a lecturer at a university in the setting so he's got the inteligent to learn medicine and graft 8 more souls onto his.

>Bonus 1 - We got teleported back to his university which is now abandoned so it's got all the infomation he could possibly need
>Bonus 2 - The devil gave my buddy playing my bodyguard a mace which steals souls.
Dwarves would DEFINITELY want that sweet space metal to forge stuff. Humans want the ayylmao raygun tech to laser each other. It crashed in the elven woods. Now everyone is involved.

>lore master is overpowered meme

Makes me laugh every time.
>Force damage fireballs with Charisma save
That's totally normal.
>Int save radiant fireballs a mile off with +2d10 damage
At least the Sorcerer can give his allies advantage on their save against fireball, haha
>str hold person
>int forceball
it's pretty strong, stuff is balanced around what score the save applies to and changing elements just let you ignore all resistances ever.
I think it's from that music video Spike Jonz just did where a chick half-contorts and freak-out dances all over LA music hall.
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Anyone else pissed that the Redemption Pally's aura steals the cool thing about the Crown oath except it's better in every way?
The (only) cool thing about Crown oath is Spirit Guardians spell.
What's the difference between school and archetype? What makes divination so powerful?
yeah here
>fiend warlock multiclasses into bard.mp4 or some other obvious greentext joke

>waste three spell slots for a very small margin of damage

Wew lad

Spelljammers are typically not pew-pew lasgun type technology, they are more steampunk in general.

That being said an extreme high tech ship that has crashed into a remote area and everyone is trying to salvage it is a fun if not completely original plotline.

It could be fun to have it be infested with neogi or maybe an escaped menagerie of animals

It's usable once and than your spent for the rest of the evening, and that's if they fail their save. Wow, so overpowered.
School is just a group of spells.

Archetype is like your subclass. Ie Rogue has Assassin or Arcane Trickster or Thief archetypes to pick from.

Div lets you reroll dice and force others to as well. It's busted.
School is that little tidbit of text on your spell that says to which school it belongs. It's occasionally important, but more often that not, it isn't.
Archetype is your subclass that you choose on level 3, and divination is by far the most impressive of them all.
The ability to say "No, BBEG rolled 1 on his saving throw" or "Actually, our paladin DIDN'T get get crushed by falling rocks" is very powerful.
Oath of Redemption Pally with 3 Levels of Warlock pact of the tome pick up shillelagh to reduce MADness.
You don't reduce MADness this way, you just change your main attribute from Dex to Cha. You probably still want dexterity for armor class, right?
to reduce madness just don't be redemption, they're terrible

its mostly a classical dnd but with a low-magic overtones so the ship is actually neat as fuck
an high-magic insert

i will do this senpais

thanks for help

pay in standard (You)'s still acceptable?


With heartfelt thanks of course.
enjoy your strength based sniper feebleminds vs wizards, your intelligence based everythings for everyone else

I don't think there's any requirement that you "fluff" it, just that its "fun" if you do so.

if fluff is a requirement the str based feebleminds the wizard going IM CRUSHING YOUR HEAD and you have to struggle with all your might to keep from squishing it
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So is the whole Food and Provisions thing a meme or are we actually getting that kind of thing in a future UA? It would be highly relevant to my next character.
No, because its other features are
>Unarmored Defense, which you can use to have comparable AC to just wearing armor/shield
>Persuasion buff or damage return on one attack that ripped your wizard in 2 already
>Utility ability when you knock people out while gimping yourself on weapon choice, that doesn't synergize with unarmored defense because it requires Str weapons and encourages use of a shield
>Shit that doesn't enter 80% of games
>Shit that doesn't enter 90% of games
>Unarmored AC of 16!!!! + dex
I understand that multiclassing UA material is Haram, but I really want to run a tranquility monk redemption paladin multiclass.

Low Fantasy - High tech is definitely something that was a part of early D&D (blackmoor in particular) so incorporating that into a 5e game can definitely give it a retro feel especially if you go full Heavy Metal.
>Sorry DManon, paladin actually rolls a 20. He's gonna 3rd level smite too! What's that be paladin? 70 damage?

Diviners make me angry.
But doesn't it say that you have to call the roll before they roll it?
To be perfectly fair, what are the odds of a diviner rolling a 20 on his portent? He's not going to do it all the time.
>Warrior of Reconciliation
>Literal weaponized stockholm syndrome
What the fuck is this
I never realized domestic abuse was such a lucrative business

>multiclass Warlock for Mace of Dispater

I wish not to hurt you, my son. But if you come, you better come correct.

The warlocks, the bards, the monks, paladins of treachery, and the Barbarians
>tranq monk
>redemption paly
trash as fuck, even without the connotations of UA
Yes, but
1) I'm yet to see a DM who cared about "you must choose before rolling" rules - for either portent or inspiration
2) It's still powerful even considering that.
>>no abilities to run over difficult terrain or on walls to flip
Why wouldn't you just use Acrobatics for this? fuck's sakes not everything needs its own little ability
spelljammers are usually just normal sailing ships with thrones that suck out all your magic for the day to power it, elves use bio-engineered giant plant butterfly things that in true elven fashion have no mechanical advantages or any point other than looking neat.

Dwarves of course have the best spelljamming vessels by a mile, asteroids that produce vast amounts of wealth, are 3-7 times as big and tough as the biggest elven ship, don't require a high level spellcaster to give up his spells for the day, and are made of durable stone. They only cost money and require derfs to work. Plus they can be made almost impossible to board, whereas most ships are crewed by one hit wonders.

Regular, tech based space ships crashing have been a thing for decades though and they confirm in Volos (or imply, I should say) that froghemoths and vegepygmies are still spess monsters.

Sunless Citadel as intro to Curse of Strahd. So far it's perfect.
>The Druid will show again in Yester Hill
>The Dragon is the long lost heit of Argynvost
>Gulth Tree is the only portal to Barovia
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>Fluff the mace as a belt

This, most of your stunts can be handled mechanically with proficiency in athletics/acrobatics
Shame our Wizard went with Evoker, Portent sounds table-flippingly fun to use.

>Oh, fancy that! You have a Smite spell prepared and your highest-level slot unspent? Critical hit, Paladin.
Sounds reasonable enough to me. But how? By CR?

Because being able to charge in a non straight line and up a wall is not an Acrobatics check.
You can already do it as a straight monk.

2e style Helms are really crap for most5e campaigns though because sucking down all the spells from a caster means that you end up having to constantly wait an extra day to send an away party to the adventure site of your choice.

So unless you incorporate an NPC that is more or less stuck being the designated driver standard helms are problematic for gameplay.

Artifact helms however are fun as fuck.
You cannot charge in a non straight line as a Monk, straight or gay.
You're right; instead it's something you can do with the built-in disengage DrunkMonks get and the level 9 monk mobility feature
Variable levels of tradeoff drunkenness and tricks like fire spitting would be cool, though.
Let them pick a type when they hit level 3 (Beasts, Undead, etc) to reinforce the whole 'this nigga HUNTS monsters' and let him grab types as he levels. Makes way more sense.
What's missing is single target damage, but you get 4e-like multitarget flurries.
Breath of fire was cool, but what of the iconic drunken charge, with sneak attack and extra damage thrown in?
>dex paladin
>21 AC Dex paladin
Where is weapon table anon with his neato create a weapon. I want to make me a finesse bludgeoning weapon (possibly a tonfa) so I can smack some sense into some bitches.

>not playing D&D theater of the mind

What's it like being a pleb

>theatre of the mind

go gird or go both
>theatre of the mind means I can break the rules haha

Dunno; what's it like being a fag?

Would something akin to 'improbability engine' powering the thing work? Instead of siphoning mages it would power itself but broken ship would just fuck up reality around it 'Stalker'-style.

It might give players a reason besides feuding factions.
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One of those
>Gets powerful the more you use it weapons

Which seems a bit silly without a good reason. Such as, trying to make itself seem less powerful than it actually is to keep treasure hunters off of it until it finds a proper owner. In which case, why is it so gaudy?

The action's pretty weak, too.
>Action to start channeling
>You then have to wait until next turn
>Action to then cast cure wounds for normal level of healing and a rather insignificant AoE, though at least it can't be resisted

Change the wording on purifcation to say ''As part of the action, you cast cure wounds with a spell slot" so it doesn't take two actions to use. Annnnnd... Then it's totally completely fine.

But personally I prefer the 'you have to find out more about the weapon to unlock its true potential' rather than 'uhh, I guess the weapon just gives you move power when it feels like, because it's a tempermental bitch.'
I am an idiot and posted this is the old thread.

Rate my custom magic item, its for my cleric player, life.

Mallet of Holy Might
Weapon - Warhammer, Vestige (requies attunement by a cleric or paladin of a good aligned god)

Increases the range of the spell cure wounds to 30ft

Can use an action to channel Purification – Once per long rest

Can be used as a holy symbol for any cleric or paladin of a good aligned god.

Purification lets you purge enemies surrounding your damaged ally. When you cast Cure Wounds you can chose to deal radiant damage to all enemies within 5ft of the target. The damage is equal to half the health restored with the spell cure wounds.

This holy mallet has a handle of magically infused stone carved with different symbols all representing light and life in Celestial, and has a head of some sort of bronze coloured metal. Among its many enchantments seem to be some sort of weight-reducing spell since the mallet does not weigh more than a usual warhammer.
A Vestige can reward its weilder with additional powers if it deems him/her worthy of them.
I really can't understand how theater of the mind works. There's so much wonky shit - auras, attacks of opportunity, speed differnces.
ANYTHING works. Spelljammer is fucked up. There are beholders that pilot larger hollowed out dead beholders as spaceships.

If it sounds remotely plausible, do it.
>Casting Cure Wounds in combat
Jesus Christ, I've thought only uneducated savages from Siberia do that.
Not exactly what I was looking for but definitely works. I was looking for that one anon who redid all the basic weapons according to a strict point system and worked them all out so there was one damage type weapon for every damage dice and you could sacrifice a step on damage dice for a good weapon trait or increase it by putting some kind of malus.
Yea he is played last in 1ed, and idk if he really thinks its good in combat or just does it for fun. He sometimes spends his hole turn running towards someone to CW them the next turn so I thougt giving him 30 range would be good.
The only finesse simple weapon is a dagger, and it's a 1d4 weapon.
Don't go for GWM.

Once you hit level 11, you deal too much damage for every attack for it to be useful (Improved divine smite).
The bonus action attack it gives isn't significant enough.
Devotion's +CHA hit chance isn't really enough to justify GWM when you're so close to level 11.

With polearm master, getting your strength to max is not a bad idea at all. However, +2 charisma isn't a bad idea either if your DM throws saves everywhere, considering you do get +CHA to hit chance with a channel divinity sometimes.

... Probably just go 20 strength.

In general I don't actually mind battlegrid but I dislike how much people let the grid dictate their interaction with the setting.

In general theater of the mind helps remove some of the obsession with two-dimensional positioning that's common with grid based combat.

Of course keeping track of all the environmental things like auras and spell effects is often easier to do with a grid.

It's also a generational thing as I've noticed that people that grew up primarily playing AD&D are much more likely to use theater of the mind.

5e is nice in that it supports both playstyles as opposed to 4e which was pretty much go grid or go home.
Point him in the direction of Healing Word spell - something actually intended for and useful in combat.
Ah, this one https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/4xpo4y/dd_5e_weapon_creation_table/ ?
Couldn't find a pdf of this one.
Oh and I forgot. For deck plans, you can use basically any normal dungeon map, especially cavernous, so long as there's a room for the Forge Helm, and for a mini, you will need:

>a fucking rock

And that's all. They are often decorated, but there's no exhaust ports or anything needed. The citadel itself is relatively cheap for its size.

They're crap before 5e as well, of course. The regular helm is good mainly for saving money.
I've been looking around for alchemist items. Just like a giant list of stuff and what they do. Anyone have one for alchemical stuff or items?

Having a dedicated healslut is a) not necessary and b) a waste of player resources

5e is largely geared towards non-combat healing with in-combat healing largely being reseved for bring critically wounded PCs back from the brink.
Virtually anything works. SJ is typically "LOL I STUCK A CHAIR ON A BOAT xDDD" but that doesn't mean all D&D ships have to be wizard powered.
So PCs should be constantly tethering on the brink, facing the abyss?

The only advice I can give is be very careful about incorporating too many of the LOLrandom elements from Spelljammer.

Avoid having gnomish helms being powered by giant space hamsters for instance.

The Elven Guyvers are also high suspect.
I agree with this, for the most part. So far my favorite way of running D&D is on a grid with the understanding that the grid is only a way of representing what's understood to be happening in a "real space," not some kind of big Fire-Emblem grid. It helps if the DM has at least some experience with gridless theatre of the mind. Each square is understood to be roughly 5 feet, and obviously we use those to adjudicate areas of effect and ranges etc., but it's all just a tool for understanding what the battlefield would look like.
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so I have player that is.. lawful retarded, a fine line between chaotic stupid, because lawful retarded does not act randomly. Instead the player has such a poor grasp on the setting, consequences, and general mannerisms that his decisions are much like electricity in that he takes the path of least resistance, resistance to intelligent reasoning.

>warlock, LMoP
>Kills Sildar, an important NPC simply because he didnt want to bargain with a goblin
>Kills all goblins and doesnt interrogate any
>Pisses off everyone in town by being rude and arrogant
>walks into the hideout of bandits who control the town, almost dies, it's only a passing citizen that picks him up and heals him before he bleeds out
>Fireballs the bandit leader twice in his room, destroying relevant texts to the cave and KOing two other PCs
>Kills the innocent goblin servant
>After liberating the town from bandits, he demands several free things from a shopkeep
>He fireballs and kills the shopkeep, burns down his building
>immediately impaled and almost instantly killed by the blacksmith, across the street who saw him kill his friend
>party heals him and runs off
>they go to a ruined village to talk to the druid, they go talk to the dragon
>venomfang, an adult green dragon, they are level 7 because they went on a crusade in wyvern tor hunting orcs and fighting an army for 4 sessions
>warlock goes invisible and fireballs the dragon, because "dragons aren't that tough in wow"
>warlock proceeds to get obliterated, party kills the dragon, barely. He is at 5 HP after being revived
>warlock decides to eat the dragons heart to try and gain it's powers
>I tell him the heart is about as large as your head, green tinged with soft scales, it stings your skin just holding it and oozes some kind of thick membrane
>he eats it anyway, even after I force him to do a constitution save to vomit it up because it burned his mouth
>make him take acid breath damage since he just ate poison/acid heart
>dies "wow, really?"
Congratulations, this is textbook murderhobo.

The action economy in 5e means that using an action to heal is rarely as effective as using that action to do damage or deny the opponent an action.

So yeah it's about spamming stuff like sacred flame and less about spamming cure light wounds.

This was some of the advances made in 3e and then perfected in 4e and 5e that are a vast improvement over AD&D.

Non-action passive healing is one of the few exceptions since it's basically a combat buff.

Sounds like DSP

>wooow really
>I don't get acid power for eating acid
>wow nice game
>Drunken master
>Level 3: You sometimes get mobile feat temporarily!
>Level 6: You can.. Once a rest make someone hit someone else? When someone like a wizard can do it as often as they feel like? When you're playing a character that should be running away with mobile from melee combat all the time anyway?
>Level 11: Drunkard's luck is just an extension of diamond soul
>Level 17: Actually okay.

The flavour idea for drunken monk is great, but it's barely reflected in the mechanics other than 'a monk who took the mobile feat as part of their class archetype and flurry of blows more than stunning strikes'.

Peace paladin
>Level 3: Okay, I guess you're a dex paladin now.
>Level 3: Except it works best with quarterstaff if you want to stun-charm everyone. So what're you doing?
>Level 3: Okay, we just went from 'peace' to 'Channel divinity: rebuke people in a way that could kill them.'
>Level 7: Yeah, sure.
>Level 15: Survivor, but better. Yeah, sure.
>Level 20: VENGEANCE the avatar of peace that hurts people!

They really seem to support 'an eye for an eye' with the level 3 and 20 abilities. Why not more focus on peaceful abilities? Why go for peace AND vengeance attacks?
Not bad. But not great.

>Monster hunter
>Only gets extra attack if you're playing the better ranger
Wow, gee.
>Anti-Strahd: The level 11 ability

Well, overall, monster hunter still has great flavou but feels a bit lacking mechanically compared to just 'hunter'. Hmm.. No, actually, I think it's good.
You fight with 1 hp left just as well as with 80hp left. If you fall unconcious, even if several of the party members do, cleric can raise them back up with a single bonus action spell, and they can keep fighting.
This is why on the early levels, paladin is arguably a better healer than cleric is, because he can lay on hands and restore 1 HP, instantly bringing an ally into the fight, five times per day on level 1, 10 times on level 2.
When you finish the fight, now is the time for actual healing. You do it with a spell called Prayer of Healing, most of the time - extremely powerful, but impossible to cast in combat.
It's almost if game designers are trying to tell us something.
>once a rest make someone hit someone else but only within 5 feet and if they miss you with that attack
>This was some of the advances made in 3e and then perfected in 4e and 5e that are a vast improvement over AD&D.

What? When was mid combat healing the primary focus in AD&D?

Just the Heal spell.
Is that different to how the grid is normally used, in your experience? I've never seen anyone play it as anything but an abstraction.

On the subject of grid based play, does anyone else play with somebody who can't understand the combat unless they have a visual reference?
That person is me. I just find it far easier to have everything on the field in front of me than to constantly ask the DM about the relative position of every creature in the encounter.

Congratz you got THAT GUY playing as part of your group.

Does he do other needless edgy things that make the lives of the other PCs hell?
4E. There are literal abilities that cause you to shift yourself or an enemy a specific amount of squares. Rogues in particular had them.
>>Only gets extra attack if you're playing the better ranger
Extra attack is already a part of the PHB ranger's chassis, it would be redundant

In AD&D your spell resources as a Cleric were almost exclusively focused on healing spells to the point where getting a player to play the Cleric was a challenge.

NPC Healbots were commonplace as result. Completely gash at fighting but can swing a mace if needed but excellent at spamming the heal spells.

AD&D clerics were better front-line fighters than the thieves obviously due to better AC and better saves and HP but still having to save almost all your spells for healing either during a fight or post-fight sucked balls,
>perfume comercial
that's one pretty dress non the less.


he doesn't know how to RP... so he says things in weird, redundant ways. If he isn't RPin, he is just a cholo.

a cholo tiefling
I have issues with spatial reasoning in my head, honestly. I prefer having it laid out on a grid. I don't even need a big in depth map with fancy tokens. Just like... "This X is a big rock, these squiggles are rough terrain, blue pieces are ally, red are enemy"
So for my next campaign, I've talked to my players about this and we all agree that running a pirate campaign would be awesome. So I'm coming up with stuff for that right now. I've got a lot of ideas so far and I'm pretty excited.

One thing I'm uncertain about, though, is what the party's boat should look like. The party itself is only four PCs, so if their boat is going to look anything like the big ones in Pirates of the Caribbean, for example, I figure they'll need a crew. And secondly (perhaps more importantly), I'm not exactly sure what the details of what a boat that size ought to look like: how many decks it would have, where the sleeping quarters/head/kitchen/masts/cannons etc. would be, basically anything at all about the structure of the ship architecturally speaking. Does anybody happen to have any maps of pirate ships I'd be able to use for this purpose? I don't plan on having everything happen aboard the party's vessel, but if (for example) they get boarded, or want to board an enemy's ship(s), or have to fight a giant squid, I'd rather not have to completely improvise what each boat would look like.

TL;DR: Does anybody have any resources that would be useful for a pirate campaign, especially as they relate to pirate vessels and necessary crew? Thanks in advance.
Not really, but I figured it might be. And yeah, I've played 4e and it was a bit Fire-Emblem-y. Not that that's a bad thing, really, but it's different from what I like best for D&D.
Even in 3.5 getting somebody play a cleric was a challenge, until Codzilla became a popular meme.

4e is explicitly tied to the grid as a huge percentage of the abilities are about causing or benefiting from various positioning powers.

Yes in theory you can play 4e in ta Theater of the Mind mode but why? 5e has it's issues but one of the the things I do like is that you can fairly easily play 5e with or without a grid.
What's the point of alchemist jug making mayonnaise? Is it just a meme or has anyone ever found it useful?
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Anon, it's time to switch the Wave Echo Cave with this.
I've just realized, you could very easily refluff Oath of Redemption as something very Lawful Evil, perhaps Oath of Domination or something.

>Armor of Peace
A real slave master wears the finest of fashion to display their status, no need to rely on bulky armor. That's for slaves.
>Warrior of Reconciliation
Beat down those uppity wretches with your stick until they know that you know what's best for them. Tell them to jump into the slave cart and put on the manacles before they pass out.
>Emissary of Peace
Comes in handy when you're talking your way out of a difficult situation because hey, slavery's illegal in a lot of places.
>Rebuke the Violent
If someone harms your property, those assholes pay the price.
>Aura of the Guardian
A good slave master knows when to take care of his chattel. What use do you have for a pile of dead meat, after all? Know when to protect your investment.
>Protective Spirit
It's always a good idea to have an educated slave around to tend to your wounds whenever you get into an unpleasant scrap.
>Emissary of Redemption
You're above taking part in the fight at this point. Let your slaves and 'allies' handle it for you. Just remember to look after your property and keep them fearful and loyal.

Mayo would make for a pretty convincing grease spell substitute.

Plus it's always useful to have Mayo to make your trail ration sandwiches taste better,

i don't know Spelljammer well but im to much of an bitter fag to go full 'lol randum'. I detest it to be honest. But fresh ideas and a bit of strangeness might be good tho. Time to write and sleep. Thanks again guys. Wish me luck,
Crew options for when you don't want a crew :

- zombies/skeletons that just do their job
- sailing golems
- the ship is sentient
- the ship is just a wooden box saddle for a sea creature

>Drunken master has to rest before using his lvl 6 feature again which is only a reaction that gives a situational AOO.

At least the capstone is great with FOB dealing extra hits.
>an endless supply of mayonnaise
Not really endless only so much a day
Would Drunken Master level 6 be better as a 1 ki ability rather than 1/rest?
Yeah and even then it'll rarely ever come up. It's total shit.

I mean, I was introduced to D&D through 4e, so I understand that. I suppose that the rigidity of the grid rules didn't really break my immersion that much in practice.
I am an avid tacRPG fan though, so its almost comforting when a game is that precise.
I'm new to DnD and I wanna make a cook knight, a guy who hunts big monsters and cooks them. Is battle master fighter the way to go?
Also, what are some other cool character concepts that do not fit race and class stereotype?
It's completely non-synergetic with the rest of the kit. I doubt it's going to come up more than once per rest, if it even comes up at all.
Ranger sounds like more fitting class. Be careful not to play default ranger, though, look up "ranger revised".
Ranger with improvised weapons. Maybe guild artisan background so you can be a cook with proficiency with the cook's utensils
there's a gourmand feat for you culinary needs, outside of that, anything fighter or ranger should suffice as a chassis.
variant human, take gourmand, go ranger and make your favorite dish your 'sworn enemy' and have fun.
Dunken master is kinda dissapointing.

The lvl 6 feature could have been included into the lvl 3 feature without the rest clause.

Lvl 6 should be replaced with improvised weapons as monk weapons.

The lvl 11 feature is allready redundant and should be replaced with the capstone of the current Drunken Master.

New capstone should be alcoholic breath attack.
Are there any guides for homebrewing class archetypes and/or sub-races?

I've seen Plane Shift: Zendikar, Plane Shift: Innistrad and Plane Shift: Kaladesh. This seems to be a new theme going with Wizards, releasing a free MTG Supplement for D&D 5e.

My favorite MTG plane is Ravnica, and I would like to homebrew my own 'Plane Shift' stuff for it.
>Pair of Dire Wolves crit fail and end up fighting a level 6 drunken master. Attack misses, have it attack the ally within 5 feet of you. Hits, dire wolf failed its save, prone. Greatsword damage plus prone all in one reaction.

I don't see a problem with it, plus big hitting enemies that hit each other probably would be good for you. Giants hitting other Giants is exactly what I love to hear.

This also works for spell attacks, so inflict wounds or other melee spell attacks probably would be dangerous at this dude if you have any allies.

Probably would be too evil to make it an enemy against a cleric with that and a fighter who likes standing close.
>take UA drunken master
>drunken technique gives you disengage OR dodge (disengage is probably still better)
>Improvised weapons count as monk weapons
>while intoxicated, advantage on str/dex checks, disadvantage on int/wis/cha checks
>the advantage is probably enough to cover things like tumbling, disarming, etc
And then perhaps a 15ft cone fire breath weapon if you drink/are wielding a torch, but the only reason to have that be a class feature is to help the people that wanna do it and their DMs are unfunded bitches.

Assuming that your cook knight is eating the monsters to gain their power I have to say that D&D in general is really light on Blue Mage shenanigans.

But if you have a cool DM you might be able to convince him to incorporate a short term boon system where the PC gets small buffs the day after eating various monsters.

Eating a troll might give you regeneration for a couple of hours, eating a mephit might give you resistance to the element that the mephit came from , etc.
>gourmand feat
That's amazing, thank you.
Battle Master can net you proficiency in cook's tools, in addition to being a fun archetype with plenty of options in combat. Its a solid choice.
As for your other question, I'm rather fond of characters seeking enlightenment, travelling the lands in order to better understand others, and through understanding others, seeking to understand themselves.
Gourmard revised ranger+monster slayer.
Unfun*, thanks phone
That head is basically a big sign saying "you must be at least this smart to enter my tomb", and it filters out all the complete morons.

sounds good to me.
In the DMG.

yo what is that
Tomb of Rape

It appears to be a trap
Is Catapult essentially just guaranteed 3d8 bludgeoning damage?

>In AD&D your spell resources as a Cleric were almost exclusively focused on healing spells to the point where getting a player to play the Cleric was a challenge.

That's a bit of nonsense player attitude that I have never seen in play. A cleric is a holy knight, maybe mildly worse at fighting (at least before he gets his spells) and much more survivable. If one counts Bless or Aid they're probably pretty close.

>but still having to save almost all your spells for healing either during a fight or post-fight sucked balls,

But you don't. The role of Cure Lights are mostly when you reach the stage of the game where you arrogantly discount low level spell slots.
Is greatclub redemption paladin the way forward?
No? They get to make a dex save.
Any ideas where I can find lists of alchemical items and lists online?
If the object would strike a creature, that creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the object strikes the target and stops moving. In either case, both the object and the creature or solid surface take 3d8 bludgeoning damage.

The "In either case" thing confuses me
>only simple weps
>has two hands free because no shield
>could nail holy symbol to great club
>needing strength to wield club means not immediately putting all points in dex, so no 21 naked AC until 8th most likely
>speaking softly and carrying big stick
Seems great club is the only way to go, anon.

I get it

The "in either case" refers to striking a wall, or failing the dex save


I'm a little retarded.
What kind of character should I make for a 2-man party where the other player is an undead necromancer?
It's depending if it's an object or creature. Either of them would take the damage no matter.
Oathbreaker Paladin, death knight in training. Flavor smites as necrotic damage.
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Can someone post the picture of Harshnag's map from SKT? Google fails me
where's a 5e tomb of horrors? Can't find it in the trove
Isn't in TYP
Actually, it doesn't. The ability allows you to know the inner workings of a monster's defenses while staring at them with your special eye. It's not that you study monsters and thus gradually build up knowledge about them, it's just a magical eye technique. If three creatures show up you've never seen before, you can use your bonus action to know only one of their defenses.

It's not like divination, it's like hex or hunter's mark.
Flowery druid that celebrates life
Street-smartest rogue that constantly compares living on the streets to fancy book learnin
Low-cha Barbarian with a shovel that follows him around and digs up corpses; hunchback optional
Holy boy paladin that somehow overlooks or manages to justify to himself the dark deeds his partner does
A bard that (de)composes songs about his dead buddy about how much he smells and how he casts his spells
A ranger that is escorting him as a dangerous prisoner but they keep getting sidetracked on the way to prison
Am undead necromancer that was once a raised minion but has risen to the station of his master
Oh, right.

Yeah, makes sense. It's easy to forget because beast master kinda gets some weird 'just throw away your extra attack' thing.
Oathbreaker paladin, definitely.
Mearls i know you hate monks but get your shit together man.

Here's how you do it.

LvL 3 Drunken monkey technique:

>Improvised weapons count as monk weapons for you.
>If an enemy misses you with a melee weapon attack you may use your reaction to redirect that attack onto another target within 5 ft of you.

LvL 6 Infuriating drunken dance:

>You gain the performance skill, it uses Dex instead of Cha for you.
>Once per round you may make a performance check using your Dex instead of Cha to provoke a single target within 90 ft of you. The target makes a Wis save and on failure can only use it's action to dash towards you o attack you untill the end of its next turn.

LvL 11 Tipsy tumble rumble:

>While using your FOB feature you may use it to make up to 5 attacks instead of 2 as long as you don't hit the same creature more than twice.

LvL 17 Way of the drunken dragon:

>You can gather intoxicating ki in your mouth and spew it out in a breath of irresistable flame.
>As an action you may spend 6 ki to execute a 60ft cone breath attack that deals 6d10 fire damage on a failed Dex save and half of that on a sucesfull save. You ignore any resistance to fire damage with this feature.
where do I find a 5e version?
Shillelagh PAM charisma paladin who uses enemies as meatshields and hostages.

Because honestly redemption is a hostage paladin, not a peace paladin.
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Race: Lizardfolk, in Volo's Guide
First feat: Gourmand, in Unearthed Arcana
Class: Fighter, Battlemaster, get proficiency in Chef's Tools.
In the new book I'm pretty sure
>it uses Dex instead of Cha for you
you do realize you can already do that, right?
>violence is the absolute last resort: the oath
I think that would constitute the quickest way to become an Oathbreaker, sure. You're not wrong about the mechanics, though.
That's only if the DM allows it.
Sometimes it's better to explicitly state it so DMs don't ruin the fun.

Just imagining a drunken monk dancing on the table pretending to hump some guys mother to infuriate him.
>violence is the absolute last resort

>Yet has abilities that deal damage that can kill people
>When there are other paladins that have abilities that don't deal damage at all and instead help by doing things such as restraining enemies

But I guess I'm arguing mechanics there. Flavour it definitely seems to be more towards violence-as-last-resort.
I'd play it
Oh he lightly touched the fighter we have no choice but to kill him
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Get FUCKED Champion
>Be walking down the road
>Avatar of whatever mode: Activate
>Big bad guy comes up to you
>Catapaults a peasant at you
>Deals damage to you and the peasant
>You deal extra damage to the peasant because the peasant hurt you
>You kill the peasant
>BBEG runs off laughing
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Why do I want to make a BBEG who does shit like this now?
The only thing they really go into detail with is subraces and I couldn't find anything mentioned how to make new class archetypes when I was looking through it.
could a deuger Druid use its enlarge reduce spell than wild shape into a creature one size larger
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>Redemption pally fluff and mechanics

Finally I can be the paladin that plays like a cop from a bad cop movie that I've always wanted to.

>no armor, just a typical cop uniform
>use a baton to submit vile lawbreakers
>ladies love a man in uniform, +5 to cha checks
>hurt my partner, invoke my wrath
>can dramatically take the bullet for someone else

It's all there.
>Transforming doesn't break your concentration on a spell you've already cast (pg66,PHB)
Go for it. You have the rule's blessings.
They really weren't even fucking trying when they wrote this archetype.
Odd that the paladin does not get sanctuary.
I honestly hope the next arcana is more expanded traveler gear including food and possibly a potion reagent system involving some Monster Hunter-esque gathering. That or more low-tier wonderous items to help in adventuring.
New thread.
At 6th level you can wildshape into a huge sized giant constricter snake +1 size would be gargantuan
In a week and a half.
So? RAW, that's fine.
I mean, your DM might have some problems with it, but that ain't my business.
The campaign I'm in now is like that. We're on a clockwork boat with clockwork people. We've encountered orc warships, snooty elves with a magic cloth ship, a giant bird who can't fly, and many other ships.

Ours whistles really loudly when it sails, but can modify itself over a few days to prep for obstacles
Is this adventure even fun? Or is basically "I wanna be the guy " Dnd edition?
Those aren't mutually exclusive for some people.
actually I had a homebrew like that in my head for my group a month ago... I just cant imagine any group dynamic in this. The travelling game builder/researcher always seemed like a solo gig to me.
I don't understand crossbow expert. What about a crossbow makes it capable of attacking more times in a round than any other weapon?
The logic is so completely backwards that it really boggles my mind.
>very small margin of damage

>double damage vs undead
>on an int saving throw which they cannot ever get
>+ additional force damage
>while completely free of all reprisal
I'm fine with blowing spell slots to completely invalidate an entire encounter.
>If someone harms your property, those assholes pay the price.
It only applies if somebody hurts YOU, though, not just your property.
>It's always a good idea to have an educated slave around to tend to your wounds whenever you get into an unpleasant scrap.
>letting someone you hold life-or-death power over normally hold life-or-death power over you

I mean, I get what you're saying, primarily for the "Warrior of Reconciliation" charm effect. That to me did feel pretty damn skeevy, there are very few uses of "charm" effects that don't and this one was no exception for me. But really, this is no different from pointing out that Evil characters can totally still cast "Cure Wounds."
Do you happen to have a map of what the deck looks like?
Rebuke the Violent is a reaction against any creature within 10 feet that harms one creature other than you.

So, you're wrong on Rebuke the Violent.
Ah, my bad. Thanks for the correction.
Shit, I would have rather the pacifist monk had this at an earlier level than as his capstone ability, I really like that.
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