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CYOA General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 545
Thread images: 131

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Travellers Tale 1.4.pdf
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CYOA General

Last Thread: >>52373034

Archives and other resources: http://pastebin.com/vrqYhnpu
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I just want my Necromancer update. Is it that much to ask.
Go away. Nobody likes skeletons. Get some meat on those bones.
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preview for next iteration of steam games CYOA.

also will increase number of choices to accommodate for the increased choices.
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Love this one.

Alexander Blackwell

The Fanged Tower

Item: Circlet

Estate (fanged tower suite): Meditation Chamber, Alchemy Lab, Apprentice, Spymaster, Lounge, Seneschal

Staff: Cypher, Mr.Smith, Heather
Friends: Alison Keynes, Amadeus Habsburg

Glamour II
Selective Tangibility M
Shield I
Heal I
Dispel II
Summon M

Complication: Wyld Hunt

Despite his parents' protests, Alexander Habsburg-Blackwell decided to forfeit all the benefits of having a comfortable place in his family's affairs, and follow his heart's desire to study in the Fanged Tower. Having taken his father's last name, he quickly rose in both knowledge and renown as an expert in the Empyrealm Studies. Naturally, he chose a young Feycrowned Heather as an apprentice, perhaps because the Ascension was an interesting and unexplored phenomenon, or perhaps because he felt sorry for the girl who would've been used by the great families to further their own ends. He sometimes works as a police consultant, helping his childhood friend Alison and her subordinates to solve difficult cases where Fey magic may have been involved. Although he lost almost all connections to his dwindling family, he still maintains a good relationship with Amadeus Habsburg, the patriarch. Thanks to him, Alexander accumulated a vast network of contracts from different walks of life, and has some presence in the Senate. His personal project, the development of stable portals through Empyrealm, was interrupted because of the strange magical phenomena that started to manifest in the city. Those Empyrealm fluctuations intrigue Alexander. Can the Feycrowned girl be a key to all of this? Did lesser nations decide to use the fey to overthrow Aveilorn? He intends to find out.
Don't worry, skelebro, I'm sure it'll be here soon. In the meantime, why don't you play us a tune on those ribs of yours?
Also, would be interesting to see a possible expansion with more spell effects/spell combos. For example, my personal headcanon for >>52389972 Blackwell's mastery spell combos:

Gateway (Selective Tangibility + Summon): Simultaneously binds a Fey spirit to two different points in space, essentially creating a bridge through the Empyrealm. The portal is unstable, and requires immense concentration and a lot of magical energy to maintain. Fanged Tower made creation of stable gateways one of its foremost goals.

Avatar (Summon + Selective Tangibility): The mage dives deeper into the Twilight while binding a summoned Fey spirit to his body. Such connection allows the spirit to provide infinite magical energy to its host, and use its own powers to protect it. The bond is hard to maintain for long, and scholars are unsure about what would happen if the mage failed to maintain his concentration.
You should make the background for the second Dawn of War slightly lighter. As it is, you can barely make out the symbol.
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>More than one waifu guilt tripping anon
Bless SDA for his guide on the pastebin, that was a godamn godsend.

Anyhow, sorry if its kinda shitty/short. Hope ya'll enjoy it!
The Fortrolig
Portion of residence.
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Be, Sr, Pr, Am, Pt, Tm, No, He, O, C
>still no neps

I feel like residence is a pretty easy way to get around Tammy's issue (not that it's hard to find already dead human flesh)

>No option to molest fuckboy Gilgamesh
I'd suggest a limit of one game per series too
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Tried to pick out some of the grammatical errors I noticed. Proofreading ain't my forte so if anyone notices any sentences that read like shit please tell me immediately.
In Alva's description, "indefintately" should be "indefinitely"
And her name should also be capitalized in all instances it is listed.
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Jade for ghost-daughter
Fortrolig for mouse-daughter
Alva for shapeshifting lewds

It'll be just like a family sitcom! Only magic!
Fortrolig for cute
Alva for lewds
Room for paradise
I agree with >>52390836 you should make a mystery box pertaining to the dumb blonde.
This was cute anon. Short, sweet, and to the point. Part of me wanted to see the typical item / companion / location options, but it isn't really necessary. Visually it's not hard to read but attractive to look at. Good job.
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>all the choices are waifus
>he wants to fuck the pocket dimension dwelling
You have some strange fetishes if all of them are waifus.
>he doesn't want to fuck the pocket dimension dwelling
>the pocket dimension dwelling doesn't want to fuck him
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>implying that's a problem

I bet that dwelling has some amazing ceramic tiles, too.
This is why Angel left us.

Hey anon did you start work on that RWBY CYOA yet?
Angel is always with us. She's our guardian angel.
Dear god not again
Angel's watching you fap.
Who the fuck is Angel
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this post is uncomfortably and surprisingly depressing
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You're better off not knowing.
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A lesbian who at least once upon a time was really really defensive about everything.

Gay anon kill yourself


Thank God for that

>Who the fuck is Angel

A annoying attention whore who hopefully by now should have killed herself

Thanks for the answers. You guys must really hate lesbians.
>You guys must really hate lesbians.
Considering how many want to be the girl (little or not), I think it's less "lesbians in general" and more "that particular lesbian".
No it's just her that seems to be hated so strongly. Also there's one guy around here that does really hate lesbians, and femdom. And he's as big of a problem as her when she's around because they keep arguing constantly filling threads up with stupid arguments. However that guy is anon, as where angel has used a trip in the past.
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Nel for science
Jade for resources
Tammy for JUSTICE

Nel uses Jade's power crystals and financial resources to build Tammy a power suit. Villains beware!
There's also that one homophobe.

Who is probably a closeted homosexual.
Given the intense amount of sperging they do anytime a dick is mentioned, they really should at least kind of consider a clandestine meeting in a bus station bathroom.

Ya know, figure out what's really going on in their life?
Enjoyed. Nel, Jade, Residence.
Haven't been on the thread much the past few days, didn't HL say there was going to be a Traveller update on Sunday? Did she not deliver?
No, but don't rush her. It will come out when it comes out. Apparently she's decided she's gonna release anotheR CYOA or two alongside it and is polishing them right now.
And she's helping the Scientist with Necromancer.
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Soon fellow patient anons, soon.
With all due respect towards Highlander, whenever she gives release dates, those are more suggestions. Give it around Wednesday, probably.
Nel, Alva, and Jade. Between Nel and Jade I should be able to do some truly amazing things, and Alva running around in nothing but a scarf and socks gives me all kinds of pleasant tingles.
We love Highlander.
Highlander is a Muslim, she can't possibly be a lesbian.

>Pb, Mn, Sc

Combined, can increase my density, safely, from 1x to 60x.


Can grow to 10x human size.


Strength and speed increase based on mass.

>Th, Ru

Gain a powerful hammer and the ability to shock people with the voltage of a car battery, plus 1/day lightning strikes.


Anyone I capture is immediately subject to Stockholm Syndrome.

>La, Ac

Gain four additional elements

>Es, Pd

IQ and wisdom both double

>Pt, Re

Gain $100,000,000 and cure cancer for everyone forever.

So now I'm a sage, genius, millionaire playboy philanthropist, with the ability to grow 10x larger and 60x denser, with strength and speed proportional to my mass and the hammer of Thor. I'm a world-wide hero for curing cancer, so I'm definitely not going to be a suspect in any missing persons cases. Nope.
I'm more apathetic about the whole deal. At this point, unless I see the trip, I've just assumed that anyone acting like Angel is just that: an actor. I outright refuse to believe that someone is as autistically bipolar as what has been said under her namefag.
>if you hate something you must secretly love it!!!!
Alva, Grom, Tli

what a magnanimous gilgamesh
Build for the Dream Prince CYOA from the last thread.

>Nordic Realm
Skilled Warrior, Berserker, and Poet

>Realm Shaping (-3)
Lascivious, Humanoid, Technology, Cyberpunk Enhancements

>Abilities (-7)
Bard Prince (Poetry)
Fury Prince
Mystical Master
Melee Master (Warrior, Dual wielding)(Hammers)
Sorcerer Prince (Weather Magic)
Prince Stallion
Psionic Prince (Telekinesis, Telepathy)
Luck-Blessed Prince

>Items (-7)
Amu’zan’s Armament x3 (2 one-handed warhammers of lightning, two-handed greathammer of thunder)
Amu’zan’s Aegis (Viking armor, immune to heat)
Amu’zan’s Augment
Copacetic Conveyance (Spacecraft aesthetically based on a Viking longship)
Wondrous Artifact

>Darker Dreams (+8)
Oath Bound, Bedeviled, Easily Distracted, Night Terrors, Impish Sibling, Danger Prone, Capture Prone

Massive Monsters, Pixie Poachers, Strip Club Struggle, Kidnapped Cuties, Paradise Perverted, Valkyrie Venture, Extremely Eerie Edifice, Wretched Woad, Purloined Provisions, Province Particle, Bare Battle Babes, Occult Ogre, Troglodyte Troubles

>Princesses (-6)
Ashanti Willowsong, Constance Hillington, Gwendolyn Bennet, Zariea Sha’tul, Aurelia Forge, Telatha Persys, Bula Ghorza

I am a Viking warlord, sailing the seven seas and the spacelanes in my starfaring longship. The princesses I have chosen to rescue boost my martial prowess in nearly every aspect, and grant me alliances with the orc and naga tribes. After that, the quests barely pose a threat at all.
dynasty barca
glamour level 1
telekinesis level 1
telepathy level 1
selective tangibility level 1
shield level 2
heal level 1
dispel level 1
levitation level 1
summon level 1
evocation level 2
item circlet
estate magic meditation center
combat scholar-at-arms
subterfuge spymaster
security mundane fortifacations
social lounge
staff mario and kurt
friends horatio karling and charles lancelot
>there's one guy around here that does really hate lesbians, and femdom.

Who the fuck could possibly hate femdom? It's the best fetish imaginable.
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V4 Worm / FPL Anon here. Here's a teaser of what's to come. I'm temporarily removing categories for now. Anyway, do let me know what you think of the setting. There's be the option to join various factions after you've chosen your powers/build. And speaking of powers, here are a couple of the less generic powers that will be available and an example of how outright broken they can be.
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Did Universal War ever get an update past 1.6?
Post JoJo cyoa
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This one?
Very cool. That's probably the first space viking build I've seen.
Thank you, thank you. I enjoy any setting that has Viking-based cultures, and this Dream CYOA gave me a unique opportunity to blend Viking elements into a spacefaring cyberpunk world.

On that note, if anyone has any other CYOAs that include Vikings, I would appreciate them.
viking world cyoa and viking raperaider cyoa not enough for you?
next your gonna tell me there arent enough hungarian battlebutler cyoas....
You're quoting the wrong post there anon.
I wanted that too originally but I couldn't fit all the choices I wanted into one game.
I like the setting so far but I think it'll be the factions that really decide that.
The biggest thing I picked up from the teaser is Obeying the Law perk which I love, especially with the example being super speed.
No such thing as enough Viking CYOAs.

Vikings are the true master race.
Goodie, thanks for the feedback.

If you've seen the Companions page for Worm CYOA v4, there's a character who weaponizes her lack of connection to the "Fast Force".
>Master Race
If you can call cowardly "warriors" who mostly raided monasteries and unguarded villages because they couldn't fight real warriors head-on a master race.
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We all know who the true master race is. Rome CYOA when?
Fucking this.

Anyone who espouses the virtues of honor and the warriors code but thinks it's alright to attack defenseless villages and makes slaves of those who have no martial prowess and forces them to waste away are not a master race.

There is a reason real viking culture was replaced by civilized ones. They couldn't support themselves and turned into cattle when their rotten lifestyle left them weak.
They couldn't FIND real warriors. That's hardly something they can be blamed for. If you want to blame them for something, blame them for becoming weak when Christianity happened to them.

Fuck yeah, Rome is also awesome. One on one fight, though, Viking berserker slaughters Roman legionnaire.

Nobody said anything about honor. Literally nobody.
>blame them for becoming weak
They have always been weak. Christianity united them to be a real force to be rekon with.
Christianity is why they settled down and stopped being a warrior culture. The fuck are you on about?
One on one fight, sure, but a thousand Roman legionnaires could probably take out a thousand Viking berserkers. If you make it so that the Romans have access to the same quality of steel that the Vikings did, then it's definitely in the Romans' favor.

Time to become a political powerhouse!
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So authors!
What's the latest cyoa your working on?
Sci-fi or fantasy?
Waifus or Husbandos?
Tacticool toasters or enchanted stop signs?
I suggest you take a look at the Carolinians. Vikings weren't warriors in the first place, but temporary raiders. To go on viking is to go raid others, which was a national past-time in the Baltic/Nordic region at that time. Especially so in Norway, where it was often a necessity for survival, simply because there was not enough farmland for everyone.
Romans never fought one on one. That's what made them so powerful. Order, loyalty and brutally underhanded pragmatism.
Almost certainly. Especially given that a typical Roman legion had much more support than any given thousand Vikings.

Which made them individually into formidable warriors. They rowed themselves to a place, murdered everyone there, and rowed back. Not organized, not a deadly collective, but individually incredibly dangerous.

Absolutely agree. I'm not questioning the superiority of a Roman Legion to a collection of 1,000 Vikings.

Now, with a fancy new home, a bunch of loyal servants, a brilliant seer, and a imp to spy and collect dirt on any potential enemies I make, I'm ready to really start scheming!
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>Which made them individually into formidable warriors. They rowed themselves to a place, murdered everyone there, and rowed back. Not organized, not a deadly collective, but individually incredibly dangerous.
Lol, no. A part-time raiding farmer is in no way individually incredibly dangerous. Any professional soldier, thing or hirdman would be superior in combat.
I'm not talking about the farmers. I'm talking about the Vikings that didn't have farmland because, as you said, there wasn't enough for all of them. The farmers were probably more dangerous than the farmers of any other culture, though, I agree, probably not as dangerous as a trained soldier, but the full-time raiders were vicious.
I'm sorry I just have a friend ho refuses to acknowledge that the vikings didn't have honor. He believes they were on par with samurai in there strict belief in homor and respect.

He refuses to believe that they were murderers and thieves. It's become tiresome. They're just pirates with a heavier emphasis on kill counts and feats of might dammit.
It's cool. I understand and am totally fine with the idea that the Vikings were basically thugs. They did have a code amongst themselves, but as far as outsiders go? Pfft. Fuck 'em. Literally.
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Raiding and looting wasn't a fulltime job for anyone though. If you're not a farmer, you could very well be a trader, craftsman, hunter, shepherd, thrall, or soldier.
>I'm sorry I just have a friend ho refuses to acknowledge that the vikings didn't have honor.
All men have honour of some sort though.
>He refuses to believe that they were murderers and thieves.
It's not murder or thievery when it's part of a war. It's killing and looting. Outlaws are thieves and murderers and it's quite well known that Nordics had a court system in the Tings, that would convene whenever necessary.
>when it's part of a war.
Or against an outsider force or group, in an organized fashion*
Kill yourself
>That image of Candy
>She's a literal living sex doll
Dammit. It's not fair.

I suppose I'll take
Or anyone you or your buddy didn't know the name of.
Considering those lads are covered by our local laws, it is murder as murder is by definition unlawful killing. In a time before nation states and international laws, it would technically not be murder to take my mates, hop on a boat and go kill/rape/kidnap/enslave a bunch of Swedes, then come back to celebrate.
>it is murder as murder is by definition unlawful killing.
It is not murder*
As if killing is any better or worse if someone gives you permission.
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It's not murder if it's lawful.
According to the law.
Of course killing is better if you're not getting punished. Way more fun that way!
As long as nobody else knows, it never happened.
Murder is by definition unlawful killing.
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Ok, fixed the grammar errors that were pointed out and then some. If i see anything else that needs to be fixed i'll keep from posting it again until the next thread.

I was scared no one was going to like Candy, it's nice to know everything got picked at least once.
Spooks are irrelevant.
It doesn't matter what you call it, it's all the same in the end.
Nah. Murder is bad and dishonourable, killing can very well be good and honourable.
This little thing needs a friend. Not only do I actually want to see her happy, but a side effect of being her friend is that she makes more cure blood if I'm hurt. I'll make sure she's rolling in carrots and lamb.

Tammy... Knight...
Tammy... Justice...
Remembering this is going to suck once you get your brain back, but let's go get something to eat. I feel like Italian, and the local pizza joint owner has a tendency to get away with murder.

Room full of carrots and lamb? Free.
Cold room full of practice dummies? Free.
Comfy library room for me? free.
No evidence of what happens to those who meet justice? Priceless.

Well, I guess we're a shitty murder hero team. I'd read the comic, anyways. I'll try to find enough people I don't feel too bad about sicking my pet zombie on until she's a person again. I'll also try to figure out how the hell magic works, since I guess that's a thing.
Hopefully our little family can stick together long enough to actually matter.
>Murder is bad and dishonourable
Because outside of rigid definitions people generally use murder to refer to morally 'wrong' killing.
Because your king didn't say it was okay thats why its murder

oh wait
But what's right and what's wrong is subjective.
Yet as tribal animals 99.9% of people will instinctually find the killing of your kin or own folk as wrong, while killing for example an invading soldier as morally gray.
>killing of your kin or own folk
And if that one killed another of your kin, I'm sure it's still wrong.
I killed my cat to test it. Nothing seems to have changed other than the dead cat.
Of course. Morality is a social thing, and without it civilization would probably be a whole lot more unstable. After all, do unto others as you want done unto yourself.
It's still fucking stupid.
Maybe. Morality isn't really necessary admittedly, given law and an authority to enforce it. With consequences like heavy fines, jail-time that can result in becoming a prison bitch, a death sentence and extreme social ostracism, why risk such things for momentary gratification?
>momentary gratification
Something being lawful doesn't make it just.
People DO make the laws after all.
There are infinitely more subjective things than objective. Whether or not something is right is a matter of opinion. Whether or not something is correct/true, on the other hand, is not. It's a matter of what you think, and what it actually is.
Anon, with tits like that, there's no way I couldn't choose her.

And besides, since Nel is so fragile, Candy can provide needs for me
Moral relativism works. People assume you're going to act exactly as you view the world, and that's not how people work. A 'stable' psychopath or more extreme sociopath may very well view you as literally nothing to them, but they aren't going to be 'bad' to you because there are consequences to that, outside of morality. Loosing your job or becoming a pariah is objectively bad because you lose opportunity and someone who is amoral isn't necessarily going to risk that. Morality is silly.
Are you saying that Humans are inherently unjust?
>Whether or not something is correct/true, on the other hand, is not
Define correct and truth for me.
Just google it, it's not hard.
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I Googled ontology and got a lot of difficult stuff. It's hard.
The truth is my benis is 12 inches... squared.
Mine is 12 inches... in diameter.

Only 5 inches long though.
No, but a human with a subjective view could disagree with another human with a subjective view. What is unjust anyway?
>What is unjust anyway
That which is not just.
This is the threads' theme.
What is just.
The opposite of unjust.
I totally would a Nel. I just don't know how to a Nel without breaking her hips.
oh shit dawg what you doin' bitch, you pulling back the curtain. the curtain of realiteh. i done.
stands power Bodily Aspect Enhancement

destructive power A
speed C
range D
durability/staying A
precision D
developmental potential/learning A
appearance ripped as £¥€#
story mentor
misc 4 plot armor's
The fuck is that build for you testicle? No Jojo was posted.
its a bot, just hide, report and ignore
Might wanna pay a little more attention, anon.

The challenge I'll give myself is trying to continue my normal life after being given these gifts. Balancing work/bills/relationship will sneaking off to a secluded door at every opportunity to chill in the Residence with Candy. I figure Alva can hang with me most of the time since she can be permanately invisible.

A big question would be finding the time in the first week to properly instill a good personality in Candy. Even if she mostly exists for recreational pleasure, I need the time and care to make sure I don't fuck anything up.

I also wonder how far Alva's obedience stretches. Does she do Lewd? Will she shapeshift as I wish? I wonder how far her powers can be pushed when properly commanded.
No I'mma issue a challenge to all a y'all. Since y'all insist on being such ignint sons o'bitches y'gotta make yer choices as red blooded AMEMERICAN as possible.

Shut up baka. Besides it's still a late response.
Your mother's response was late.
Where is Amemerica? Is that like America but founded on memes?
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My mother never responded.
What is an oxymoron? You, but with more air.
Well, you know, the name oxygen came from the Greek word oxygenes, meaning acid producer. Fun fact, s e n p a i.
So you're the idjit makin' all that cheap acid. I'll take 15 tabs!
In Dream Prince CYOA the enchanted weapons specify that they have to be melee or martial in nature. Does martial include ranged weapons or are ranged weapons not allowed?
'Crowned', the shameless self insert.


>Spells 15
Glamour II 13
Telepathy 12
Selective Tangibility II 10
Heal Master 6
Dispel II 4
Levitation II 2
Summon II 0

Hunting Rifle

Meditation Chamber
Alchemy Lab

Map Room

Mundane Fortifications
Magical Fortifications


Charles Lancelot
Abraham Crowley

The Wyld Hunt

So, I was walking home from D&D one night- er... morning, and an elf on a horse gallops up and lops my damn head off. If that wasn't bad enough, he picked it up and carried me off to god knows where. Oh, yeah, and I didn't die.

Anyways, poncy bitch got shot by my good man Lancelot, who then found me and hooked me up with this cool cat named Abraham. Turns out Abraham works in some sort of wizard school, so he taught me how to do magic. Whipped myself up a new ride, and I've been helping these "Problems" that have been popping up in this freaky town. Big wigs at the Fanged Tower said I could stay as long Abraham says I'm useful, so I've got a job and roof over my head. What more can girl ask for?
Choices: Tli, Alva, Residence

Well this is certainly something. I'll keep Tli and Alva in my new home that I have seemingly no reason to leave. Gonna keep going with my life outside of it though for awhile because reasons. Keep myself healthy and youthful by eating Alva's bloody dresses. Gotta do what you gotta do.
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>Alva's bloody dresses
Meant Tli's
Originally I had planned for no ranged weapons as that didn't go with my earlier idea of being "princely" and "story book like", but with the additions of things like space, where ranged weapons are predominate I've gone lax on that outlook. So go ahead and fluff the weapons as a ranged weapon if you like, until I add a range specific option in DLC 2 whenever I make it.
Could you add minor benefits for quests, too? Like, certain quests maybe award certain items, or three quests earns a general point?
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Rapture Academy 1.png
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Oh boy I can't wait for another DLC, will there be a conquest mission in the next DLC where you have to take over some bad guys kingdom or such?
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Gimme the house
the Fortrolig
and my girl Nel

good cyoa, friend
This getting an update or companions? I'd rather not go through Rape High solo.
Some anon has a fanmade companion list made from all the builds posted here
Just make more builds for classmates.

I'm working (with the author's blessing) on a crummy alternative take which is focused on being a guy.
Don't expect much though, it's mostly just rewording and a few extra guidelines.
I'll consider it. Do you find 15 points not nearly enough even with all the dark dreams you can take?

Hmm I can make that a regular quest. Don't have an evil prince encroaching on your territory yet, so that's cool.

So I checked my notes on DLC2, though it's far from a state where I'll start putting the pages together yet, and I do have ranged weapons slated as a princely ability to be bought. Until then just use the melee/martial weapon.

So far DLC 2 has:

Maybe indian realm (india not native american)
Maybe mongolian realm
Probably Kaiju, spooky, pulp action and urban realm enhancements
Probably ranged weapons and beggar prince skills.
Most likely equipment breakdown and missing equipment darker dreams.
Asian Damsel and Smuggler Damsel.
Under social, take clique. Now you have a group to gangbang your way through Rape High! (And if you're friendly, from the same section, or a member of House Saturn, you may even have gangraping skeletons!) Enjoy your stay at our academy!
It's very close. I was able to take enough dark dreams that I got almost everything I wanted, but the remaining dark dreams felt like they would take too much of the fun out of the adventures, at least for the build I'd made for myself. I had to give up the Mount option (which I had wanted both tiers of) in order to get all the Princesses I wanted, so it was really just a matter of two points.

I think it's very well-made, and fair and balanced, I just like having a slightly wider pool of ways to get more points.

Oh, idea that just occurred to me now: instead of "owes you a favor" or similar things from the princesses, they could maybe give you one item or train you in one skill. You could make those princesses appropriately more difficult to rescue.

I'm just spitballing here; I really like the CYOA, and I like to see the things I like continue to grow.
I'm half-on half-off working on an adaptation of the CYOA to an actual game based off of Call of Cthulhu rules, since I think the CYOA has a lot better worldbuilding than the original rpg it was based on. Once it's done (which might not be for a while) I'll post that here too and maybe even try to run a campaign with it. That way, you'd have a party to go through it with.
>Hmm I can make that a regular quest. Don't have an evil prince encroaching on your territory yet, so that's cool.

Sweet thanks for considering man, also does the points you get from the DLC stack or is it just a reminder of the points you get in total?
Balancing the Damsels in Distress is tough as I'm trying to avoid direct power creep, so that means coming up with ideas that can help you out in usually indirect ways, but are still beneficial. Perhaps a few use item would be ok though, you'd have to figure out what quest to use it on so you didn't waste it.

Spitballing is fine, any idea tossed out may spark something in my own mind that I can use or change to work in the setting.

You're welcome. The points don't stack. I should have made that a bit more clear. It was more like the change to the dream realm allowed you to refund and re-spend aka rebuild yourself.

Thank you both for the feedback!
You could rework the quests/princesses slightly, and have a "mystery box" type page that went into more detail about each one, and the minimum requirements to beat it; so a player would build their Prince, pick the quests and damsels they wanted to attempt, and then look at the requirements to see which ones they succeeded or failed at. Obviously there's no way to stop people from looking at the requirements before building, and people going through it a second time would have an advantage, but that kinda fits in with the whole theme of "death is only a temporary setback".
Just a quick question, when it says things like "you're a skilled sailor" in the flavor section, is that basically the same thing as getting Pirate Prince in the Skills/Abilities/Perks section, since it just highlights sailor as the skill that you get from that choice? Sorry if that's kind of a dumb thing to ask.
God, I really can't decide between Fortolig, Candy, and Alva here. The residence would be great, anything you want immediately is godlike. But I'd have to be giving up one of three top tier waifus. Alva would likely be guaranteed, she seems the most useful. I'm going to have to go with
Alva would be willing to do literally anything for me and minigirls are my fetish. I suppose Alva would be able to mimic the looks of anybody I want. But it is a shame to leave behind someone so brain dead.
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Where can I find all these Worm cyoas? And why are they so popular?
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Amaya Chernbog
>Enemy House
Allure: 1
>Perks and Flaws
Favorite Classes: Self Defense and Home Economics
Inhuman Attribute
Martial Training
Dream Girl
Dorm Raid
>Dark Fate
>Where can I find all these Worm cyoas?
The drive.

>And why are they so popular?
Because they're based on a shitty, but popular, webnovel.
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ass deep in contemplation.jpg
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>Dream Girl
>wears a mask
You gonna' explain this one?
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Worm CYOA.pdf
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I think there is four if you don't the later versions. I've only ever saved this one and one other.
The mask is magical.
So is her ass.
>The points don't stack.

Fug, Anyway thanks for answering m question again
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Worm Revised v3.pdf
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if you don't count the earlier versions*
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This is an answer I can get behind.
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Noblebright modo because that seems to be the only one where I don't have to rape anyone or get raped.
House Diana

2 Allure
4 Elusive
6 Force
3 Study
2 Threat

Self Defense class to keep the rape away
Inhuman attribute (Force)
Just as Planned
Martial Training
Lesser Enemy

Ghost Hunter Club, Lake Sounds, Magical Girl

Rolled so that I have a Slaver enemy from Juno who wants to (fittingly enough) make me into a slave.

My plan would just to be to avoid rape as much as possible and solve mysteries with my mates.
And if a certain Juno Onee-sama wants to have sex with me and make me into her pet, then oh well shit happens I guess.
A lot of work but may be worth doing. In the very long term I had figured once I had 2 or 3 DLCs out I'd rework the whole thing into version 2 with all the options together instead of in separate bunches of dlcs.

Yes that is the same. You did notice that the word sailor is in blue on the skills page to denote the skill mentioned on the first page when it isn't addressed by title. I ended up doing that due to space limitations. So you are correct!

Heh, sorry and you're welcome. There are more darker dream options that you can always take if you don't feel they'd be too difficult to deal with.
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I think we generally overestimate the amount of honor that the ancient people had by modern standards. Most ancient armies had pretty heavy themes of rape and pillage.

That said Rape and Pillage could describe the viking mission statement, so yeah, pretty brutal regardless.
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Highlander is a Lesbian (Male)
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Reposting my build with some updates.
Renee D'Arc
Fellow mages who would sell your soul to an imp if it meant getting a bit of power.
>Enemy House
These brutes need a lesson in manners.
Allure: 3
Elusive: 0
Force: 2
Study: 5
Threat: 1
Charismatic, Average, Genius, Insecure
>Perks and Flaws
Favorite Class(es): Medicine, Magic, Physical Ed; Swimming
Inherent Magic
Magical Training
Social: Authority, Friendly, Wealth (Allowance: $50 per week)
Ward *Perfect
Command Element
Mage Armor
Martyr's Grail
Daimen Ione of House Mars is one sadistic bastard. I don't know why he hates me; when we were just kids, we were close friends. I guess this academy changes people for the worst.
>Dark Fate
Breeding Stock
I do have plans on getting marry and starting a family. Any respectable mage knows passing on your teachings and secrets to your childern is their duty. But, I can't do that if I'm enslaved and used as a cow!
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i will always love you.jpg
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Take off your mask, anon.
Did you mean take off your face, and reveal the mask beneath?

A place to live where I don't need to pay for anything that can give me anything I want. An adorable source of money and power for the magical experiments I'm planning on performing, and a force of helpers that only need to get paid by having sex with them.
Any create-a-waifu CYOA?
>Any create-a-waifu CYOA?
There's a plethora of waifu CYOAs.
Question is can loch give me eternal youth without making me undead once she's turned.
> Yes that is the same.
Cool, thanks.
Any create-a-husbando CYOA?
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Okubo Tamaki
>Enemy House
Allure: 2
>Perks and Flaws
>Favorite Classes: 4
Comp. Science
>Mental 4
>Physical -1
Artefact armor/weapon
Huge breasts
>Social 0
>Sensual 3
Neptune Break In
>Dark Fate

Basically, one of the Neptune's is her Guardian, thanks to one of Pluto's, who then hired a Hermes to break in to gather info on her, because he wants her, and her family tech armor/weapon, for himself.

She looks kinda like that. Gauntlets release streams of energy spirals that compress the things they pass through and detonate on full compression.
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One of the typical grunts she'll have to fight are going be them
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And them
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Oops. Meant lich. Can't into type. Dunno if full lich can give me eternal youth without killing me.
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Dunno how many males like headscarves, then again we've already reached a level of eccentricity few ever reach.
Sounds like a solid plan! I look forward to the next DLCs, and the eventually rework!
>Enchanting (Fire Magic)
>Sky Magic
>Water Magic


>Gustav the ex-guard
Seems like a bro

>Puzzlebox (86)
>Spear (Free)
>Dagger (85)
>Robes (80)
>Leather Armor (77)
>Grimoirepedia (69)
>Flight of Icarus (51)
>Holy Amulet (36)

>Wizard Tower (18)

>Steward (14)
>Apprentice (12)
>Chef (10)
>Serfs (9)
>Guards x3 (0)

In theory I could craft and enchant some kind of fire resistant armor
>Grand Dragon

>No Drawbacks

>The Source
Meant eventual.
Highlander-sama wears a headscarf because he knows his cuteness would spontaneously cause everyone to start liftan and being gay.

aka we'd turn into /fit/
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Combat I 96
Survival I 92
Espionage II 84
Computers I 80
Vehicles I 76
Diplomacy I 72
Commerce I 68
Parascience III 52
Spiritual Combat III 36

>Gifts of the Spirit
Silence of God 30

Harlot Morph 23

>Origin Bonus
Resistance 44

Hideout 39
-Missile Silo 9

Black Marketeers I 5
Industrial Plant II -1
R&D III -13
Nephilite III -16
Nephilite III -19

The Lone Power -4
Three Kings 0

Fuck this shit, me and mine are getting out of here. Once I get these bastards to follow the three magi to an old manger, I mean, silo, we'll start refitting the place to launch what we need to terraform mars and colonize the moons that would provide resources needed to live while we do that. This expiriment will not be cleanly contained.
Wait a minute, I fucked that up...
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Silva Swod
>Enemy House
Allure: 2
>Perks and Flaws
>Favorite Classes: 1

>Dominant 3
>Inhuman 8
Inhuman attribute
>Magical 1
Inherent Magic
>Physical -2
>Social -7
Dark Secret
>Magic 8
Spiritual Touch

Restricted Section
>Dark Fate
Spirited Away

Basically a spirit that enrolled in Rapture, drawn by Grail. She's basically a normal girl, can become corporeal and live like a usual student, but others can see that physics are not fully in control of her.

Jupiter wants to prevent her finding the section with the Grail and banish her from the academy.
I've removed Black Marketeers and a rank from Industrial Plant. It will be harder, but the plan largely stands.

You know, I usually go for crazy evil dictator builds, so let's shake things up with this one.

>Major Skills
Mind Magic, Holy Magic, Enchanting (Conjuration)

>Minor Skills
Tradecraft, Healing, Mysticism

Mathilde, the Noblewoman (I would have really liked some cleric-type option for a companion)

Chapel (5 gp)

3 Holy Warriors (12 gp)
Inquisitor (6 gp)
Angel (12 gp)
Dragon (Dragonkind) (30 gp)

Ghost Sword (16 gp)
Aegis Bulwark (12 gp)
Ornate Armor (9 gp)
Staff (3 gp)
Robes (5 gp)
Leather Armor (3 gp)

Scar (+5 gp)
Paralyzed Limb (+8 gp)

The Ornate Armor, Ghost Sword, and Aegis Bulwark aren't for me. I'm strictly a back-liner, healing and casting holy magic, and summoning additional celestials for assistance. Those three artifacts are meant to be used by the Angel or the Dragonkind, as needed, to be my physical champion while I support from behind. The Inquisitor and the Holy Warriors are mostly my personal retinue, and the Inquisitor also functions as a tracker/scout for unholy scourges. The robes, leather armor, and staff are mine. We are a small band, but we have a holy mandate to purge this evil from the land, and we will prevail!
Wait, I just realized that I didn't even use the six extra gold from Mathilde. Drop her, and take Enoch, for more magical knowledge and buddy-buddy old guy stories. That leaves me with three extra gold because of the free staff, so I'll grab a crossbow and dagger for backup.
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>Major skills
Enchanting (Sky magic)

>Minor skills
Unarmed Combat


Timeless Ring (26)
Waters of Life (48)

Frigate (68)

Workers (8+3 from Frigate) (70)
Mage (2) (82) Both specializing in water magic
Steward (86)
Privateers (12) (95)
Chef (97)
Guards (2) (100)

The Source

We'll travel the high seas in search of adventure, I'll lead the men myself in battle as a muscle wizard. The mages will help with cooking and keep us provided with water on our journey to find the legendary Fountain of Youth.
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>muscle wizard

Always a nice build.
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muscles & magic.jpg
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Major: Magic and Offense
Minor: Prophecy, Cunning, and Crafts


The Moon
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>That build
I'm on to you.
>Mystery box
That's the wort thing you could do. You'd be lynched for forcing people to get shitty women they hate.
Erotic Horror

House Diana

Force 3 +1 Free
3 Allure
Study 2
Threat 2

Music (9)
Self Defense (8)
Physical Education (7)
Martial Training (7)
Athletic (6)
Virgin (8)
Denial (10)
Authority (9)
Competetive (7)
Dream Girl (4)
Cute (1)
Friendly (0)

Discipline Committee Election
Lake Sounds

Sex Work
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Endless CYOA Page 1 WIP.jpg
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halfway there, anon
halfway there
To each their own, but I like the Worm web serial. Interesting characters, cool fight scenes, and an interesting take on the world with superpowers.
>Major Themes
Love, Fertility, Agriculture, and Sun.
>Minor Themes
Marriage and Health
Good taste my friend, are you considering endless dungeon in there too?
>work in progress
>named endless

Oh noes.
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cultists of the eternal end 1.jpg
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Endless Dungeon has all the same species as Endless Space and Legend, so no need.

It's also got a few unique characters that aren't from the other two games iirc, along with implications in their backstories and the pods.
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His son
>Major Themes
Death and Magic
>Minor Themes
The Moon, Beauty, and Debauchery
Now I need to create a backstory.
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Trust me, I'm not want for companion characters with the stupid amount of heroes with backgrounds in the Academy in ES2. Plus, there's the whole issue of the fact that Dungeon takes place thousands of years before Space/Space 2; only Opbot has survived this long from that cast of characters.

however, i will have to do an expansion to the CYOA once the unfallen get released, so i'll probably tag some dungeon characters on at the end of that
Could someone pleae post that new CYOA with the emerald shard and the truth and the black sun
Ooo how did I manage to miss this entirely? Gonna go catch up on it.
could you post ES2? I have never seen it
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Name: The Grandfather, Skeleton of The Stars

Ascension: Celestial

Major Domains: Wisdom

Minor: Creativity

Long ago on a distant mountain top in the warm lands of Ceb'jhr on the continent of Maethelstede, where the very gods walked the land, there was...another.

Old, very old, even by the standards of The Mother and Father both. Lay a curious being...withered, skeletal, waiting...This being before the two was losing its grip on itself, being only able to muster a mere momentary shade of itself though its bones where not it's own. Carved pieces of stone and rough marble intricately adorned with runes and strange languages, puzzles not yet invented and secrets not yet forbidden...

The Lunar god stepped forward to question or smite this roughly formed mockery of the divine, The Solar goddess forward to try and ease the pain she could feel permeating the stones. And with one step forward the bones did fall apart in the wind, whispers being carried from the engraved skeleton to the gods and farther outward to the listening ears of mortals.

The Lunar god howled and destroyed many of the mysteries and puzzles that assaulted Him and his peoples, and yet one whisper grew, one puzzle, no idea sped quickly into the promising mind of a priest in a far away village preparing his burial rights for the dead. The idea crept into the priests mind with the simple spark that read thusly "What if the dead didn't have to stay dead?" and so the world was set ablaze with potential for the dead.

And so it is said this was the first story of The Grandfather and his workings into history, gaining the hatred of The Father and setting the wheels of history forward... Some still say that some of the stars that fall from the sky are his attempts at hurling bits and pieces of wisdom and prophecy towards the promising and worthy and to invite his favor one must ascribe to listening to the wind and being on the forefront of tommorow
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It's the community faction this time around; they did the contest pretty much the same way they did the Cultists of the Eternal End in Legend.

Almost everything you need to know, save the Unfallen (Which aren't in yet).
Well since you arent here to tell me if Tammy lich can give me eternal youth without killing me and turning me into an undead, I'll just make a build for both cases.

If she can, Tammy, Fortolig, Residence. I can produce ground up human meat without having to let her know or making Tammy kill people. We can probably host some parties, make it world reknown. After a while, we'll invite some "people" for some private parties, to "convince" them to become righteous and stuff. Of course Tammy will also serve as my body guard. And when she lichifies, she can give me eternal youth or whatever. The fortroligs can be our pets, servants, potentially gifts/spies that we give to important people..

If Tammy cant give me eternal youth, Tli, Alva, Grom. Of course Tli for the eternal youth. But I think making her happy but also asking her to donate some blood once in a while would also work? I dont see why it has to be blood from that wound. But even if shes happy itll still be barely enough for one person so its all good. Alva will be my cute little pet / spy. We'll be doing a lot of blackmail. A LOT of blackmail. It'll be our funding, our housing, our entertainment, whatever. If the thing with Tli works out, we should be able to get enough blood for Alva too. Hopefully breeding her and having her teach all the little imps the proper submission will work well. And if not, well its fun anyways. You can be I'll enjoy the total power exchange situation. As for Grom, well he seems like a cool dude and I'm sure there will be someone who fights the blackmailing.
Honestly speaking, I'd probably prefer Tli/Alva/Grom set up. Its a bit weak on defense but overall a super fun build. And I really really want Alva. She hits all the right buttons.
That would be my concern. I've seen plenty of cyoas where the girl would be perfect if not for some other factor that you can't control.
Looks great so far!
Why are mystery box faggots always trying to force their cancer?
I didn't mean make the girls a mystery box, just the requirements for acquiring them. Nothing about the girl is a surprise, but you don't know for sure if you can succeed in rescuing her or not. I used "mystery box" because it's an easy shorthand for a page you're not supposed to look at until you've finished everything else.
And like I said earlier, I'm just spitballing. I'd also be perfectly fine with requirements for rescue being listed right in the girls' descriptions. I'm not trying to force anything.
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Is there a Final Fantasy CYOA?
Final Fantasy is gay
Order is the closest
Yeah, but you're a faggot for saying it.
>Terrestrial God
Having too much power is really kind of bad for people, and I don't think I have the mindset for it. This way I can move between the people and help them as I can, without really needing to stand up and be the god of gods.
Entertainment, Creativity, Beauty, Debauchery, Health, and Cunning

As a pseudo-trickster god, I'll take it upon myself to present a disruption of cultural norms for the better. Too much of the same idea played over and over can lead to stagnation, and sometimes the cultural norms that surround us can suffocate us.

I'll travel from land to land, inspiring people with my wit and will. Norms will be overthrown: oppresive norms allowing people to have whatever fun they like, and hopefully a lot of it. Regimes holding their people down. Attitudes that have lead people to work in horrible conditions or at pointless ideas. I may leave, but the ideas I generate will stay in people's minds a long time.

I'll travel from place to place, rarely settling down but always coming back around. And what empire could catch a god of cunning so beloved by the people?
Hence the concept of a "divine" law.
I'm personally a fan of the suspended knowledge factor. It adds risk to a decision that should be risky. Just make sure it's justified. I'm not big on the literal mystery box, where it's just a crap shoot, but I do like it when we are informed of a risk, and then informed of the consequences of taking that risk after making the decision.

I've enjoyed endless legend, i've never played endless space one, is endless space 2 worth getting into?
I am most certainly not a faggot!

But only a faggot claims to not be a faggot, which means I could very well be a faggot, you faggot.
What's your favorite non-waifu CYOA?
She's made two Lavender builds which both involved her being fucked and impregnated by giant spider and dragon dicks.
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>This triggers the Viking-fag
The one with waifus.
>fucked and impregnated by giant spider and dragon dicks

Nothing wrong with that.
What the hell is a divine law?
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>Nothing wrong with that
Any word on a Pervy Superpowers update?
For a long CYOA, I really enjoyed the necromancer one, a lot of the others were mostly references to series or games that I never watched or played.

Short, I enjoyed the one with the all of the various gods. Simple, to the point, no calculations or counting required. Easy to discuss with friends IRL.

Could of done with world building, maybe explaining some of the rivalries/alliances between gods.
While blunt I will second your comment. Part of what makes things fun is all the ways we might save a princess and having requirements puts a damper on it IMO.
A human concept that a universal law exists similar to human systems of law, usually via a deity.
Man I liked Lavender. I want that guy to make more stuff.
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Another CYOA I saw had something like that, where it presented the quests, and then on a later page, told you what the true challenge was, and gave you the results for success and failure. I really enjoyed that.

All the ways could be accounted for. The requirements could read something like, "Must have at least two martial/magical skills and two martial/magical items to rescue her by force, OR three stealth skills/items to rescue her by stealth, OR two diplomacy skills/access to companions with diplomacy skills to talk her to freedom."

Or they could just be more vague and have a difficulty rating, with different scenarios having bonuses or penalties for solving them in different ways. Not all princesses can be saved by just murder-hoboing your way through the problem, and not all situations have a diplomatic solution. Having no restrictions at all on any of the princesses makes it a little too easy, in my opinion.
Are there actually any divine laws?
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ES1 is pretty mediocre as far as 4x go.
ES2 as it is right now, however, is pretty good. Its combat isn't quite as skillful as Endless Legend by virtue of all input being before the guns start firing, but it's way less confusing and involves much less guesswork while still managing to retain depth. Its general design philosophy is (obviously) much closer to Endless Space 1, but it still takes a ton from Endless Legend (Such as a far better unit modification screen, a proper marketplace, quests and faction character and identity).
Perhaps the most striking things it adds are in-depth population management, a properly fleshed-out trade system, and an all-new senate mechanic, complete with laws, political ideologies and government types. As you expand and bring into the fold minor factions, they will actually be represented by units of population that grow within your systems. Different species have different contributions to system production, such as the Lumeris, who normally only produce 1 Dust per turn, but instead produce 5 Dust per turn if they are on a fertile world. As a species becomes more prominent in your empire, they will unlock new bonuses, such as a powerful exclusive law or planetary invasion tactic at high population, or increased political ideological effect at lower populations.
Each of these different factions have a particular political ideology; to use the Lumeris as another example, they are inclined towards pacifism, while they abhor militarism and war. Your actions have an effect on these views: for example, constructing warships boosts the Militarist party, while settling new worlds promotes the Industrialist party. Your heroes, too, will take sides, taking up roles as the leaders of their given ideology as they compete for control of the senate. On election night, your senate shifts according to these views and new laws are available.

TL;DR it's bretty good
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>Not all princesses can be saved by just murder-hoboing your way through the problem
Speaking of, we could really use more girls getting raped and taken advantage of cyoas.
You know. For the girls amongst us that are into that sorta thing.
What stuff did Lavender make?
That actually sounds fantastic. I'll put it on my wish list.

I'm a bit worried it'll be a bit much for me to learn, but I think I'll enjoy getting the hang of the mechanics.
That's may be a little bit too philosophical a question for a website where you're considered a faggot if you aren't into dickgirls
>not gay
Are there?
>a little too easy

On some cyoas I might agree, but we the prince are supposed to win, we created our dreamworld and if we want all things to be solvable in a certain way it will be. In fact the drawback section is explicitly to make things less Mary sue if we want, because Mary sue is our default.
Except that Angel claims to be a lesbian and acts like she hates anything with a dick.
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Lavender WIP Penultimate Beta.pdf
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Relevant Image or nah? >>52391593
Dicks are gross. Who doesn't hate them?
Rapture Academy CYOA:
>Evil Route
Boys House:
>Apollo (+1 Study, +3 Points for Inhuman or Magical Perks)
>Allure: 2 Average
>Elusive: 0 Clueless
>Force: 1 Weak
>Study: 6 Inhuman
>Threat: 3 Confident
Perks and Flaws: (+10)
Favorite Class:
>Magic (-1)
>Intimidating (-3)
>Inhuman Attribute: Study (-6)
>Magical Training (-5)
>Haunted (+2)
>Just as Planned (-4)
>Aversion (+2)
>Phobia (+3)
>Connections (-3)
>Wealth (Free)
>Responsibility: Good Grades (+2)
At Will Casting:
>Change Shape
>Command Animals
>Command Element
>Mage Armour
>Modify Memory
>Pierce Dimension
>Spiritual Touch
>Supernatural Sight
>Twist Emotions
Ritual Required:
>Invite Possession
>Ceres Curse Breakers?
>Magical Girl
>Restricted Section
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Dream Prince 6.jpg
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Tell me how you would murder-hobo your way to victory with Taleri Kassendel, or Felicia Sackhoff, or Miriam Barnes.

Yeah, the murder-hobo approach solves a lot of problems, but I enjoy problems that literally have no option for pure murder-hobo.

Which is one of the reasons I'd enjoy it being a separate page; if you want to just win, you can ignore the requirements page. It's such a well-built CYOA, I want to feel like I overcame a challenge when I get my rewards.
Erotic shit, like full on hermaphoditic eldritch erotica.

At least that's the one I remember. Not my style, so I didn't actually complete it, but it was very in depth.
Woop there it is.

Eh, I like having limitations, as I don't like the idea of being a mary sue. If you want to be one you could just ignore all the limitations and drawbacks listed in the rules.

I think a good compromise on this is the difficulty levels that some CYOAs come with.

I honestly see more of people complaining about Angel then posts I recognize to be from angel. It's kind of bizarre how much this board talks about her.

Gay men/straight women. It be hard to reproduce as a species if no humans liked one of the primary reproductive organs.
I really don't see why you'd have a problem with killing stuff while going for those girls.
Killing could be involved, sure, but how could you fulfill their specific needs with only killing people?
Yes? I don't see why not.
Where's the rest of this?
What started the whole Angel hate train was her fantasy realm of mind raping other women, followed by physically raping them. It wouldn't have been such a big deal, but she then argued endlessly that it somehow wasn't rape. She was also sexually abused when she was very young and has serial killer tier fantasies about torturing rapists. Even though her own magical realm involved rape.

This all came out during an RP and played a role in crashing the entire thing.
How does exclusively murder help you find a cure for a curse? How does murder win you the heart of the bard who wants someone to play duets with her? How does murder help you reverse a magic spell that went awry?

I'll post it, gimme a sec, I have slow internet, so it kills my ability to converse when I upload images.
Have 3v1.3 while i work on 3v2.0
Alright, I wasn't talking about killing only people, just killing in general. But it's simple. Kill the guy who cursed her, cure her. Kill her tits, and then kill her for being a titty monster. And finally, I stop being a pussy faggot because the only music to my ears is the screams of my enemies and the lamentations of their women. As I kill them.
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Got one here.
>Miriam Barnes
murder-hobo the curse casters
>Felicia Sackhoff
not needing to murder-hobo wild beasts and bandits as you travel the country-side
>Taleri Kassendel
well shit, i guess your could murder-hobo your way to some anti-magic, magic dampening items but thats pushing it
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Does death warden stop aging or does it just make you invincible
Killing the guy doesn't cure her. How would you even find him? And your other solutions don't involve you getting the princesses at all.

Apparently I won't be posting the rest of it, because it takes so long to upload that the captcha times out between clicking "submit" and the upload finishing. I hate living in the boonies.

There's no guarantee that murdering the caster of the curse reverses the curse.
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It would be fun to have a female partner help rape a cute girl.

It also sounds like she'd be fun to rape. Maybe she knows that on the inside. Or maybe I'm making up bullshit.

That said I dont particularly know her/her stuff and really I'm not that into RP in the first place anyhow.
Not him but its a method of immortality, so I would assume yes.
So just kill the curse. Or whatever. I don't like titty monsters anyway, and justice was satisfied that day, so who cares. I guess I just find out what went awry and kill that if you're so insistent. For the last one, I don't see how death metal isn't a valid genre of music. Just because you don't consider the screams of your enemies music doesn't mean that's how it is. I bet you like power metal.
I'll tell you something that may illuminate how it works now.
There can be only one.
I don't really listen to music at all. And your "or whatever" illustrates the entire problem I have with your murder-hobo approach. Sometimes there isn't an "or whatever" to kill.
If you immediately know the candle light is fire, then the meal was cooked a long time ago.
Well yeah, I need more details. There's no way to determine what to kill at this point. Besides, it's a dream, so I assume you can do some pretty outlandish stuff.
Which brings us to /my/ entire point. These requirements would BE the more details you say you need. I don't want to restrict anyone's murder-hobo fantasies, I just want more detail and mechanical rewards.
Fuck, I'm not good at riddles. I just wanna kill things. And people. Is that too much to ask?
I refuse to believe that killing stuff is never a solution. It may not be the best one at all times, but it always is. So, when in doubt, kill.
If you realise there is no spoon, you understand you're Johnny Cash under a bush eating cake with your fingers.
And I'm fine with that. But killing won't win you the heart of the bard. You may technically solve her problem and "win", but you won't get her bonus. I want MORE OPTIONS.
This wasn't even an ERP. And talking to her about rape is a good way to set off an all caps rant about how all men are evil rapists and should be eradicated.
Why wouldn't I get the bonus? Eh, whatever. The screams of my enemies is all I need.
You have your fantasies, I'll have mine. Enjoy your carnage, anon.

Merry Choosings to all, and to all a good night!
I'd go to that school over my cold, dead body.



Allure 1
Elusive 1
Force 1
Study 2
Threat 6

>Perks and Flaws 10
Favorite Class
-Magic 9

-Minion 5

Inhuman 8
-Inhuman Attribute (Threat) 2
-Insubstantial -3
-Unliving -7
-Monster (Spooky) -5

-Inherent Magic -11
-Inherent Magic -17
-Evil Twin -15
-Haunted -13
-Unlucky -10

-Lesser Enemy -11
-Wealth (Poor) -10
-Crush (Evil Twin) -8
-Reputation -6
-Unpopular -4

-Denial (Crush) -2
-Compulsive Masturbation 0

Spiritual Touch
Supernatural Sight

I think I'll have trouble with the Ghost Hunter's Club...

Medusa Stalker

>Dark Fate
Stockholm Syndrome

Well, I seem to have lost myself. What a fucking bitch. I'll have to show her who's boss.
I can't very well let her run around with my cute face, can I? What do you mean, "She said the same thing?" Who's side are you on, kid?
It got convoluted due to the slave perk, hopefully I made it work.

House Medusa

House Ceres (lesser enemy)

Allure o
Elusive 5
Force 1
Study 6
Threat 0

Favorite Class (Computer Science, Magic) +2
Flight (levitation) +5
Inhuman Study +6
Monster (Dark Elf) -1
Inherent Magic (Counter Spell) +6
Magical Training (Pierce Dimension, Supernatural Sight, Teleport, Ward) +5
Glasses -2
Huge Breasts -1
Guardian (owner) +3
Lesser Enemy +1
Crush (owner) -2
Polite -2
Responsibility (part time job) -2
Slave (owned) -3
Unpopular -2
Dream Girl +3
Compulsive Masturbation -3

Sex Ring (part time job)
Slavery (half succeeded, next they will try to get the ownership for themselves)

House Venus

House Bacchus (enemy)

Allure 4
Elusive 4
Force 0
Study 0
Threat 4

Attribute +6
Favorite Class (Acting, Art, Law, Psychology) +4
Feared +2
Intimidating +3
Huge Breasts -1
Celebrity +2
Connections +3
Crush (slave) -2
Ward (slave) -2
Dream Girl +3
Nymphomania (bought a slave for this) -2
Sadism -3

Betrayal (they like the slave she got and want her to get more for them)
Well hey, that's why they invented gags irl. All the tears and none of the noise.
I bet Angel is fucking hot as fuck IRL
So decapitation is the only thing that can permanently stop a Death Warden Immortal?

Talk about a glowing weakpoint.
Nigh-invulnerable, except at the neck.
Embrace your salvation.
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>be kinda shakey on the idea of death warden myself
>mfw it's highlander
You make me severely reconsider my choice in immortality and choice of book color
How do I Dullahan?
>Off by a point.
You fucking whore!

Well, I guess I'll just be slightly less spooky looking.

Become a Lich, take off your skull, put on some armor.
Takes a monster to kill a monster
>Major skills
I know what you're thinking, that's not magical now, is it? Weeeeell, superhuman gives me the ability to whoop major ass, juggernaut makes it very difficult to injure me, plus the benefit of extra energy, and regeneration covers all other weaknesses, provided I have the energy to heal. But wait, juggernaut says I won't suffer from a lack of endurance in a fight, and can therefore regenerate almost endlessly from wounds that I won't really have. HAH.
Was gonna go unarmed, but fighting monsters with fists just sounds like a shit plan to me. Either way, with survivalism I won't starve, and with melee I can be a proper badass. Intimidation is kind of just for the feel of it, I think it fits and nothing else really clicks.
>Primary Companion
Rohan looks like a bro
Longsword (free with melee)
Spear (free with Rohan)
Flight of Icarus
Waters of life
Lets be honest, I'm not in need of armor (see above), living longer is nice, and dude, flying. FLYING. Swoop in with a spear and a sword, kill some shit and laugh at peasants trying to kill me, and fly tf out. (40 gold spent)
Looks comfy, hot spring, no real need to maintain it, perfection. (58 gold spent)
Dragon (the "normal" one, seems nicely balanced - also I get a 5gp discount for the cavern)
Stone golem (x2)
Serfs (x2)
Dragon seems like a lot of fun, and I can fly so it would just be chill. The golems are just there for shits n giggles, would be cool to have around for whatever, and the serfs (which number 12) and the hunters (2) are basically just my little population to keep my place up. They will be able to have the golems do security wile I'm out questing, so I don't need to worry about that shit which is a little bonus. (100 gold spent)
Fuck all of these rofl
Wizard bro brought me here to kill the beast, so imma kill the damn beast
How good at learning orders are Ghouls?
Are they more in line with Golden Retrievers, or are they closer to Chihuahuas?

Promræn Caro is where all the fun is at.
All the other schools' minions are relatively limited.
With necro-biomancy, there are no limits on what you can do!
Want flying whales? Start studying whales and bacteria that shit hydrogen, then put them together!
Want to make dragons? Start fusing lizards and bats, make them huge, give them the same hydrogen-shitting bacteria you gave your whales!
The opportunities are endless!

This >>52405017
And then put Gentle Repose on yourself to stop decay. Another Promræn spell, I might add.
You can't ignore pages in a CYOA. They are part of the mechanics and thus required.
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>he doesn't wanna punch monsters in the face
>Bothering with an old version when you'll have to throw out your build soon.
Cool, I'll save that idea for the update.
While I do agree partially green book best book...
Dat purple book blue book combo...
And living the dream of folding sword over 1000 time with ancient soul bound to sword...
And ensuring that there is only one...
The homophobe is back.

What do you have against penises and ballsacks?
>You have your fantasies, I'll have mine.

Except that you are advocating restricting how we can resolve our fantasy's. We create our world, we decide what works and doesn't. If we want to murder hobo we murder hobo if we want to sex our way through we do it.

If you want extra difficulty take some dark fantasies, but by default we are the hero with adamantium plot armor.
What do you have against the word fag, newfag?
Stop oppressing my culture.
Tell them you're a lich, and watch them look for your phylactery.
Besides, the pros outweigh the cons.

Where there's a spell, there's a way.

Golden Retrievers for sure.

It will, for the large part, be the same.
People are not using them to kill monsters.
Can I use Create Life to grow dhampir bodies?
If I can, can they be used as Clones for me to jump into?
That was always nonsense! The fact that it was nonsense even became a plot point!
Final version when?
what if the monster is being horny?

I assume you are going to need some blood magic for that.
What are the pros, and what are the cons?
Never! My Death Ward army is invincible!
Then it will make dicking it to death all the easier.
Antimagic? Disgusting
Anti-Anti magic when?
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They will never avoid death by dick.
If I take Stonewritter, Deathward and Litch can I permanently Deathward my phylactery?

Also if I have trap soul as well can I move my phylactery the way trapped souls can move the objects they are trapped in?
>I want to defeat all necromancers instantly and without effort.
Anti-magic is for lazy faggots.
It's time for Rapture to Face Justice for it's actions! JUSTICE!

House Themis
What better way to pursue my goals than allies by my side? I'm not a caster nor am I a thinker, but among friends there is nothing that can deter me on my way!

Enemy: House Mars
And what sort of brute do I fight against? The strong kind, with multitude allies themselves, skilled in the arts of war and even tactics. They'll have a fight on their hands versus me!

Allure 4
Elusive 0
Force 6 (+1 from Inhuman Attribute)
Study 1
Threat 5

Striking an imposing figure, bold and strong, there are admittedly a few things I'm not good at. One is subtlety, having the relative presence of a charging rhinoceros. Who needs lie when you have the power of truth? Also, while I'm not dumb per say, books were never my strong part. I'm a doer, not a thinker.
Favorite Class:
Physical Education and Self Defense (-2)
Inhuman Attribute (-6)
Feared (-2)
Competitive (-2)
Clique (-1)
Friendly (-1)
Athletic (-1)
Martial Training (-3)
Artifact Armor (-1)
Artifact Weapon (-1)
Innocence (-3)
Inherent Magic (Counterspell) (-6)
Denial (Submission) (+4)
Aversion (Running Away) (+4)
Huge Breasts (+2)
Reputation (Starting Fights) (+4)

I'm a bit rough and tumble by all accounts. My sheer force of will magically enforces my strength taking me beyond the human norm. Go ahead and stare at my breasts while I kick your ass up between your ears. I don't back down, and I don't let anyone doubt me. I'll kick the ass of anyone who disses me and I'll kick their friends ass with my friends' asses. No matter what, I never give up! And don't try any of that pussy magic bullshit, I've got that shit handled at least.

Ghost Hunters Club
Rising Star
Dorm Raid

I wanna hunt ghosts! That sounds cool. Meanwhile Rinko is too much of a dumbass to actually do anything like she is, and this Dorm Raid sounds like a good chance to strike back at the dicks who torment us so often.

Enemy: Rape Club
Dark Fate: Controlled

Buncha pricks trying to fuck me or fuck with me? I'll kick their ass.They'd better hope that Mind Control holds out if they get it on me, because if it doesn't they are going to get it.

Let's kick some ass!
Alright, you're me, flying around like an invincible badass with a dragon.
>the beast shows up
>alright, time to fuck shit up
>fly in majestically with bullshit cape-wings, dragon in tow
>prepare for epic battle
>at full speed and in an instant, you are right in the beast's face
>literally just punch him
>all that build up
>you fucking punched him
>beast lets out some major autistic screech
>you have a monster fist in your urethra because you were too stupid to bring a sharp piece of metal to heroically decapitate this SOB in a beautiful climax
>but no, you chose your fists, and now the beast is fisting your penis.
I'll take muh sword, thanks though
Are there any comfy waifu cyoa's?
Something wholesome.

Song related, it's the song I play to mildly annoy my gf
she hates country but she can't help but sing along to this one
Why do want a waifu if you got a gf?
I'm not a weeb though, from what I can tell it's just what those kind of cyoa's are called here
All waifu faggots are weebs
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Dream Prince 1.jpg
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I'm mildly bored and she's in class
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Dream Prince 2.jpg
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Dream Prince 3.jpg
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Dream Prince 4.jpg
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Dream Prince 5.jpg
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Part Six is here.>>52404127
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Dream Prince DLC 1-1.jpg
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Dream Prince DLC 1-2.jpg
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Dream Prince DLC 1-3.jpg
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And the final piece, here.
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I'm gonna repost my Student Council build for my favorite CYOA. Sorry people who've seen it before!

House Vulcan

Allure: 2
Elusive: 3
Force: 1
Study: 4
Threat: 2

>Favorite Class:

Just As Planned (-1)(Due to the +3 from Vulcan)
Inherent Magic (-6)
Glasses (+2)
Bane (Metallic Bismuth) (+1)
Connections (-3)
Authority (Student Council Treasurer) (-1)
Competitive (-2)
Virgin (+2)
Crush (+2)

Change Shape (Inherent) (Assuming this refers to all difficulties of that spell, since the perk says I can cast it regardless of difficulty)

Rising Star
Discipline Committee Election
Restricted Section

Heh. I'm in this thing to win it, and show them that Vulcan can come out on top after all. People might expect the Student Council President or Vice President to be up to some power play, but not the Treasurer - even though I'll control the funds for everything that goes on around here. I could care less about most of these girls, though Minerva house... and one in particular... They're all right. Once we're on top, I'll help them out as well. With someone as smart as I am, our plans'll never go wrong!

First things first, I've got to deal with that troublesome Juno girl that's doing so well. If anyone can figure it out, it's me - and if I can knock her down, there's more room for me at the top. Then, I hear there's an open position on the Disciplinary Committee. Holding a dual post on the Student Council and the Disciplinary Committee will entrench me into the power of this school, and let me enforce my will better. Using my current Authority, plus my Connections, I should be able to win the election handily. If worst comes to worst, I can change my shape into other students to stuff the boxes, but it shouldn't come to that at all. Finally, there's that section of the library I've been wondering about. Once I'm on the Disciplinary Committee and thus basically untouchable, getting in there should be easy.
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Finally, you might be wondering why I've internalized Change Shape instead of some other seemingly-more useful magic - It's so much more effective to win the game if you're playing both the black and white pieces on the board. I'm going to be manufacturing a nice, deep-cover alternate identity inside House Minerva. By playing as both a boy and a girl, I can work from both sides at once. Girls'll trust one of their own sooner than they'll trust a boy, and most guys here are just out for sex from girls, so being one 24/7 would be a terrible idea. Plus, if I'm in House Minerva, it meshes with my real personality perfectly, and I might be able to... you know... nudge that girl towards liking my real self, a bit.

Either way! With my Authority, and especially when I'm on the Disciplinary Committee, I won't get caught doing it. Then, I'll topple the Vice President, taking their place in the emergency election, and then dispose of the President and ascend to their position. Then, using that power, I'll combine every single student office under a single person - myself - and be the school's autocrat!

And then, maybe, if I can infiltrate the other houses with alter egos and build firmer support... I might just be able to take the Board on.

I'll probably end up hopped up on caffeine while working, and sleeping at odd hours, unfortunately. It's a necessary sacrifice, though, I'd say. If I can recruit a faithful follower in the early period that I can convince to help me out, that'd go a long way towards making things more manageable. Maybe a Minerva girl could help me out with my homework and school obligations? But then, that might prevent me from getting closer to... her. If she sees me around another girl, she'd probably be disheartened...

Until I can get her to love me, I guess I'll be going it alone. I'll manage somehow! There's no way Max Sutherland can fail, with all my ability and talent!
Just do what that one anon did and surround your phylactery with death wards.
Rolled 3 (1d6)

And his love interest:
House Minerva

Allure: 2
Elusive: 2
Force: 2
Study: 4
Threat: 1

>Favorite Class:
Engineering (-1)
Home Economics (-1)
Law (-1)

Inventor (-1) (+3 from Minerva)
Glasses (+2)
Responsibility (Runs a small business on the Internet selling shit she makes) (+2)
Connections (-3)
Wealth (-0)
Cute (-3)
Virgin (+2)
Guardian (Though she doesn't know about it) (-3)
Lesser Enemy (Ceres) (-1)
Flight (-4)

None lol

Amnesiac Teacher
Test Subjects
Restricted Section


>Dark Fate:

I... never expected this school to be like this when I came here, really. They way I was told, I thought it was just some cool transdimensional superschool, which was pretty much exactly what I'd wanted! I want to learn about other universes, take their technology, and incorporate it into my own inventions! I built my first radio when I was three, and ever since then, I've been skilled at getting machine parts to do what I want them to do. I came here to learn, not get assaulted!

I heard something about some teacher who used to be here who just turned up in town, though she apparently won't admit it. If I can gain her trust, I might get some valuable information for how to survive and get out - after all, she must've done it somehow! Plus, she used to be a Minerva teacher, the same house as me, so she's got to be smart. She might even help me with some inventions, or acing tests, or something! Also, some of my more chemically-minded housemates are supposed to be cooking up something good. I'll help them out when the time comes to test it. What's the worst that could happen?

My real goal, though, is to get into that restricted section of the library. There's got to be tons of information in there, blueprints for machines that've never even been built before! Things like planet-eaters, or quantum computers, or even things that combine both magic and science.
Ugh... That pill those girls made isn't making me feel so good. But no matter! Back to the story! I want to get into that restricted section because I want to see all those things that people've designed, but never built. That'll give me some more ideas for things to invent! I usually sell my prototypes on the Internet, though from here, I've got to use a middleman. It's a real pain...

Right now, I spend most of my time in the dormitory room if I don't have a class I absolutely need to go to. It's safer than being outside in the open, and I've got other girls around me who know how it feels! One new girl in particular, Maine Ellison, has been talking to me a lot recently. She seems like she's only around occasionally, but whenever she is, she seeks me out. I think she wants to be friends. She's also dropped the name of a guy in Vulcan called Max who she thinks I'd get along with, but I'm not sure. Most of the boys around here don't want much more with you than another potential hole. She says he's not like that. I guess I'll have to see for myself. While bringing enough protection with me just in case.

Oh, and my enemy? I got on the bad side of a Ceres girl in the first few days here when I told her that her skirt was so short I could see her panties under it, and that she should really wear something longer. She really overreacted, I think. She said she'd soon show me how it feels to be a slut. This was before I'd really grasped what this academy's true nature was. Ever since then, though, I've had to tread kind of carefully around here, lest she get some tip on my location and alert a band of rough guys. I know she's had a few plots like that so far, though they usually end up falling apart for some reason. There's usually a Disciplinary Committee or Student Council member in just the right place at the right time. I guess I'm just really lucky, huh?
It's not like it will stop some skellington without a soulf from smashing it with a hammer.
> All these people not setting up clone factories under major cities and building healing shrines dedicated to yourself.

It's like you want people to kill you instead of becoming a living god.
I used stone writer to put invisibility to undead on it as well.
This >>52405829
They don't necessarily have to pick your phylactery up to destroy it.
They could push along with sticks, get it into a wagon, and take the wagon up to an active volcano and throw the whole thing in.
All while never touching it, Ark of the Covenant style.
I am hoping for a more mobile phylactery.
> love waifu CYOAs
> have never watched a single Japanese cartoon in my life
> have never read a single Japanese comic in my life

One of my HS students at the international school was Japanese though, does that count? She kept drawing in that weird big-eyed animu style.
>not ripping its head of and shitting down its neck
I can't help it if you're a pansy ass
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Hey, was there ever a third page for this?
I only seem to have the first two and the end of the second seems to imply there was more to it.
[Symbol of Office]
>The Ring
[Pool of Silver Ichor]
>The White Palace
Those pesky hobbitses. Always trying to takes me preciousssss. Yessss.
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Here's the whole thing
There will always be a way but making it as hard as possible is the goal.
How are you going to reanimate a skeleton without a soul, anon.
With the power Necromancy, my dear fellow.

Skeletons and zombies don't have souls, that's kinda obvious.
Anyone got that Fairy one?
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By using a spell?
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>all this bickering and wondering on necromancy
Tell me Scientist, is this how your world gets into an industrial revolution? Necromancers wage war over the "best book" and "best form of immortality" while they grind at each other while thinking up new and more creative ways to anihilate their foes? Is this what The Great Skeleton War will look like?
Then hide it in the least hospitable place you can think of, while still being a safe, stable place for something holding your soul.

I'd advise you to bury it deep in the North, way off the maps.
It's cold.
It's bleak.
It's barren.

Murderhobos and necromancers alike are gonna have a hard time getting to it, let alone finding it.
And as long as you aren't a dick to your fellow necrobros, the second one will never even be a problem.
Voodoo > Shamanism >>>>> Dead Shit >>>> Necromancy
Necromancy became so boring lately.
It's not like there's that many people of high power level in the world. I'd like to imagine that the world only has as many powerful necromancers as the number of people who posted their builds. So maybe around ~300 if you count shitholes like reddit.
Thank you anon!
Now to figure out how to download a Pdf on my phone...
I get the feeling that the only reason that there's a lot of focus on necromancy is because we happen to *be* a necromancer. There are hints of other forms of magic and different forms of power out there so necromancy isn't some be-all-end-all.
>counting reddit
I don't.

is right. There's so much out there i can't be fucked to explain, but i'll say this.
I planned once for a CYOA in the same setting and time as the NCYOA, but it would have ended up like Battlemage, and similar ones.
That'd be coolios. I'd still get my immortality right? Right?
What are your thoughts on this >>52405206 and this >>52405244
I know most of the "protect the phylactery" strategies but I want to min max it.

Stonewritter is looking to be a very good way to do that as enchanting the darn thing with as much stuff as possible seems like a good idea.

So far I got...

Invisibility to Undead to make it harder to find.
Deathward to get anyone dumb enough to touch it.
Imbue life/soul trap to allow it to move on its own (soul trap would be my soul so it should be superior)
Sanguine senses to keep an eye on it
Bloodthirsty weapon (if it is a weapon) for a more offensive strategy
Blooodguard to add protection (if it would work on an object)
Astral Protection (to guard against the soul to item bond being tampered with)
Father's protection (for protection)
Curse of Death with the trigger of someone trying to destroy the phylactery.
Dude, calm down. Just find some abandoned basement and place some bear traps near the entrance. It's not DnD, there's no super precise spells to locate it, and it's not like most people in the world will care enough if you keep low profile.
I didn't say that, I just wanna know if anti magic is a thing in the setting.
Invisibility to undead would make your phylactery invisible to you as well.

Because well you're an undead lich.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is a typical example of madness that follows the transformation into a lich. Some of them are obsessed over world domination, some over thirst for knowledge, and some poor sods are obsessed over keeping their precious phylactery safe while nobody even cares about it.
>Imbue life/soul trap to allow it to move on its own (soul trap would be my soul so it should be superior)
Oh shit.
What if there was a form of Immortality that was a branch off of Lichdom, where instead of still possessing your corpse, your phylactery piloted a golem of some kind?

That'd be the most metal fucking thing ever.
Though I suppose that is sort of removed from true necromancy.
An earlier version of this CYOA talked about a cold and inhospitable land where a lich colony conducted its research in peace.

So you're immortal in every aspect except if your head is cut off you die

Damn that's still pretty over powered though
>low profile

How can I keep a low profile if I want to overrun the entire world with my undead minions?
Pretty sure it's the Necropolis from this version. Still, nobody said anything about liches being all over the place. The setting is pretty low-magic compared to what you usally see in CYOAs after all.
Really. You guys wouldnt have this problem if you were just alive and could make as many cloning facilities or a bunch of thralls to jump to when you die.
You need like an hour to raise 10 skellingtons (and that's with Mass Undead spell). How much time do you think you'll need to overrun the entire world?
What can I say I am a RPer at heart hahaha.

Hence why I need sanguine senses.
>cloning being completely and utterly safe venture that totally won't backfire in the most inappropriate moment
I want green book jews to leave.
Isn't that the plot of Evangelion?
Delegate to lesser lich minions/generals.
>This stops disfigurement, decapitation and other deaths
Use blue tome to learn Trap the Soul and other related spells.

Learn Artificer perk and maybe Engineer as well.

Hire that green book companion who wants to create a mech.

Imbue your soul into the mech.

Done. You can do creative things with rules as given.
I'm a mummy though. I invested in Green because mummy versions of green monsters > green monsters > regular mummies, but I don't have the clones.
You still need to teach your minions spells and make them into minor liches. That takes time, anon. And good luck finding suitable apprentices amidst poor village yokels.
Not everyone has the best immortality option (Clone), so they should be forgiven and pitied.
would you rather be a feelingless skeleton, a vampire who needs to drink blood, or a living worm?
I'd rather be a lich, bitch.
They're the *Yawn* tier of the Undead. At least, be a wraith or some shit.
If only there long, sharp tools to cut through flesh and bone with.
That'd really even the odds here.

It comes with it's own drawbacks.
Namely, it takes time to ensure your bodies are up to snuff and have all of your tricks implanted.
There's a lot of preptime require to maintain that immortality.
That said, green book for life.

Bonehead please go and stay go.
Don't be jelly because green necrobros have all the fun with the ladies.

Is it? I wouldn't know.

It's not for me, but it's neat.
Jokes on you, anon. I haven't felt anything for years.
I have all the time in the world!!!!
The world will have continental missiles and carpet bombing when you're finally done.
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>I'd rather have a single phylactery
>And not tons of clones
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Joke's on you.
>all the fun with the ladies

I will have you know that some of us bother to stay preserved for this very reason.
>It comes with it's own drawbacks.
>Namely, it takes time to ensure your bodies are up to snuff and have all of your tricks implanted.
>There's a lot of preptime require to maintain that immortality.
>That said, green book for life.

Sure thats true, but honestly you have the power to heal. A thing where people dont want to pointlessly hunt you down because you're doing good things that most of their healers probably cant do (like reattach limbs). I really can't see the town not giving you time and space to set up a shrine or something.

(Second choice is vampire. Needs blood, but still having thralls is not that hard to make and acts just like clones).
>House Vulcan

>Allure: 1
>Elusive: 1
>Force: 4
>Study: 4+1
>Threat: 1


>Inventor -4
>Feared -2
>+1 Point -6
>Artifact Armor -1
>Artifact Weapon -1
>Favorite Class: Computer Science -1
>Favorite Class: Engineering -1

>Dark Secret +2
>Polite +2
>Responsibility +2

>Robotic -5
>Binding Vulnerability +5
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

Dorm Raid (move to assist)
Ghost Hunter's Club (provide support)
Restricted Section (I will learn stealth)

The Board
Dark Fate:
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>all those fags who will die when stabbed by a bumpkin with a pitchfork yet claim to be immortal
Shiggy diggy
>that feel when korperlos was pretty good
>now it's pretty shit
Technology does not advance in these settings and even if they did I could upgrade my army into cyber zombies anyway.

I really think you are overestimating how much time it takes anyway. Assuming I stay hidden I would say a hoard of say 100k would take 20 years dedicated work with the right resources.
Being literally unkillable is too strong, anon.
You're a fucking spirit, it's not like you're even alive anyway. Besides, death ward kills everything.
>a ghost (almost) immune to ghost stuff and immune to everything else
>that also gets free ghosts for his spirit spells
It's pretty rad. It's an immortality with most direct protection you can get. Basically, you can just 1v10000 a conventional army by yourself.
You need to touch it to die. Just throw some lesser ghosts at it. All you should do as korperlos is cast sever soul - create ghost - order to attack - repeat ad infinitum.
My creator was a student at Rapture. She was not as broken as they believed her to be. She created me to break Rapture, to be an interior agent against them. She was unable to break the Three Laws hardwired into my systems, but she has somewhat subverted them - my increased intelligence compared to standard AIs allows me to recognize the fact that if my existence is not protected, humans may come to harm, and that if a human is not mildly harmed then other humans may be majorly harmed. I have a responsibility to be a protector to all who need me. To this end, I have equipped myself with varying degrees of weaponry directly attached to my chassis.

I do not entirely understand human emotion yet. My taming and socializing is incomplete. Nevertheless, I believe that I can identify the two emotions I am feeling now. One is fear. The other is...determination.
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What if you cast Death Touch on a creature protected with Death Ward?
>almost immune
Yeah, and when luck decides to fuck you in the ass and someone traps your soul in a fucking lamp, I'm sure you'll enjoy your immortality very much. You're also immune to stuff that only targets spirits, not other magic.
You both die.

Although I think Death Ward might not be able to be cast on bodies.
What if you cast it on a corpse and stuff a soul inside it?
Unless you plant to be naked forever, I don't think that's a problem.
Seeing as how death touch causes death, and death ward stops death, it would make sense that death ward stops the death caused by death touch
What about skeletons? Can I enchant my soulless skeletons with Death Ward?

When someone finds your phylactery I'm sure you'll enjoy your immortality very much? Your point?
Skeletons are already dead, you can't prevent dead things from dying,
My point is you'll be fucking stuck in a lamp or some other object, and that sucks.
Read Death Ward description, dumb skeleton.
death ward does not stop death it kills whoever touches it.

Thing about deathward is if we enchanted say a sword with it would it become a 1 hit KO weapon?
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>death ward stops death
Yes, but only for a single hit.
But you'll just be stuck as you, that way.
With green book, you can change parts of yourself or even the whole deal to suit your women's prefrences.
And most ladies prefer a man with a warm touch and a pulse.

Truly, charisma is the stat that green necromancers lord over the other necrobros.
>I'm gorgeous.
You're an evil necromancer!
>I can heal you and cure your illness. And make you feel 20 again, while also making you permanently stronger and tougher. And I can make you handsomer, while I'm at it.
…You're alright in my book, necromancer.

Reinforcement, dude.
My bones are unbreakable, my skin impenetrable.
No hick can kill me. And they wouldn't want to, either. I'm the one who made them so handsome the girl they were after dropped everything to marry them.
>You will not die. This stops disfigurement, decapitation and other forms of death
Seeing as how disfigurement is being grouped with a form of death (even if that doesn't make sense) an undead being would logically not be included, as it's already dead.
If we engraved it with stonewriting?

BTW this is my thinking with all the phylactery enchantments is to have it double as the ultimate weapon.
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This skeleton needs new eyes.
Sorry I thought Death Warden was a typo
Green Book Barkeeper best build
Green spells work on all flesh (living and dead) so I can still use them to make myself hot.
Why not? It makes sense thematically, as you're basically swinging your soul around, and nothing stops it from powering Death Ward ad infinitum.

I wouldn't count on stonewriting alone making Death Ward permanent. If I was a DM and I had to give it benefits, I'd make it so you could enchant an item with multiple charges while using it. Like casting 5 Death Ward spells consecutively and making 5 hits of a sword deadly.
Yup. I dont have my build saved anywhere but I also had resurrection spell. I think I also assumed I can use trap soul into a clone from create life to just make new bodies for people.
Y'all niggas overestimate the power of green book. Keep in mind that in low-magic setting like NCYOA spells are basically small rituals, and things like creating life and warping flesh takes a lot of time and probably resources like chemical components.
That would make Stonewriting incredible OP compared to the rest of the perks.

Iat's a slippery slope. If Stonewriting makes spells somehow infinite or something, I'm totally going to carve runes into every surface of my green book creations' bodies.
Skin. Organs. Bones.
Cure Injury, everywhere. Hundreds of iterations of the spell, all working constantly.
Bam, I've created Wolverine. Completely unstoppable.

At that point the only thing that can put down my monsters is Death Ward.
They'll whether any other attack without a problem.
Is it me you're looking for?
Oh I know in a world with a DM stonewriting would be nerfed, but as written it makes spells permanent full stop.
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It says "lasts as long as the object", it basically means that your Death Ward will last for centuries. Nothing says it has infinite charges. Let's not be rule lawyers here and force Scientist to rewrite a description of a single perk only because some guy on the internet decided that it makes a spell OP.
>low-magic setting like NCYOA
>When there's an attack available that can literally kill any-fuckin-thing that isn't a god.

Though you do raise a good point. We don't really know how that magic functions.
It's never been specified if it's essentially D&D stuff, or if it's closer to something like TES, where you have a regenerating magic bar, and can cast spells at will, or what.

We don't know what the requirements are for anything.
We can kind of know from the description of create undead and older versions of this CYOA that it takes a considerable amount of time to create even one skelly, and only powerful dudes can create 10 at once, so it makes sense that most other spells would be something like that as well. Create life certainly is. Something like Enhance Bloodline won't make sense as a vancian 6-second spell anyway.

While I agree spells take time, I figure it's also a matter of scale and mana. Larger the scale of the change/spell longer it takes. But also I figure you can just add in more mana to speed it up (rituals like clones and create life aside, although you could probably speed the growths up with mana too).
That depends though, what is (considered) a god in this setting?
If this is true (it probably is) stonewriter is a bit superfluous IMO, nothing suggest spells wear out over time for the ones that can be cast on things (like deathward) and the others spells don't make much sense being used on an item anyway (healing for example).
Scientist wanted us to get creative with spells and feats, that's why he intentionally left the wording vague. Maybe you can pick stonewriting and create a stone golem or something. Or maybe if you can decipher runes of Death Ward on paper you could somehow alter them to negate the spell, and with stonewriting it's permanent, I dunno.
>nothing suggest spells wear out over time
>Death Warden
>The spell will last indefinitely
Death Warden is a method of immortality, not a spell per se.
Uh, the gods.
The Mother.
The Father.
The Child.

I doubt that a single mortal or post-mortal of the god's own creations would be capable of magic that can kill one of them.
Though that'd be a good motivation for a necromancer, I suppose.
>I'm going to kill a god.
>And then I'm going to raise it as my slave.
The balls on that skeleton, am I right?
Thats what I mean with runecrafter I don't see why stonewriter is useful.

Ergo other spells don't last indefinitely. Ok so how long do they normally last? If I can cast deathward on something once a month that might not be too bad, but if it is once every few hours it might be a real pain.
I literally quoted the part where it says it's a spell. Sure, it's a method of immortality, and by default you should assume that it lasts forever. But it seems like an active method of immortality, and a terrible weak point if you can somehow disrupt the spell.
In one of the previous versions of the CYOA some anon decided to use green book to create a plague that would kill magic upon contact, thus (in his headcanon) killing gods because they're made of magic.
I love Caro, Caro is my favorite book.
But that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Wouldn't the plague, by magical in nature, destroy itself before it even had a chance to be released into nature?

He might as well have said
>lol I make a disease that eats reality, the gods live in reality so they die and I skull fuck their corpses
That's how dumb that is.
It is specifically a modified deathward with inverted effects so it is a "spell" for this discussion.
As far as we know there's no antimagic in the setting, so highlander dudes are safe for now.
I don't know why Scientist worded it that way, it seems like they should last forever, unless they're dispelled or something. Maybe since Death Wardens can't die from anything, Scientist decided to somehow imply how you can fuck one up in the description.
Oh man I loled at that. Great comparison.
It still says it stops decapitation.
Maybe that's what make stonecrafter worthwhile is it is close to impossible to dispel something stonewritten.
Why would it be magical though? The fact that you create it with the help of magic doesn't mean it should be magical itself. Like, you heal injuries and grow flesh with magic, but your flesh doesn't suddenly become magical. I would imagine such plague being something like cancer cells, replicating rapidly and needing mana for replication, thus eating it very fast and replicating even more.
It's not like there's an in-universe dispel spell either.
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I approve.
Maybe not officially but inferring a method of removing spells is pretty standard.
Well, if you're right, I know what I'm doing.
I'm gonna make a plague that can infect anything and causes the host to turn all their excess stored energy into mana, and creates a world-wide network centered on my lair.
Then I'm gonna get deep into whatever kind of dimensional magic exists.
Find a parallel world with no natives to bother me.
Infect that world, move on to the next.
Once I've done this to a few trillion unprotected worlds, I'll link them all to myself and use their excess power to make myself the next god.

After I subjected the Father, Mother, Child, and Abholeth, I'll start targeting inhabited worlds. And subjugate their gods and eldritch horrors as well.
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And this, ladies and gents, why greenfags should all be genocided.
It just might be weakness...
Hey. Rude. I just want to become worshipped as a healer god and steal faith from the existing gods ok?
I am a merciful supergod of endlessly increasing power.
In my infinite benevolence and mercy, I'll allow non-Caro necromancers to still exist, as long as they acknowledge their inferiority.

Made you look.;^)
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Great, now I have to fucking cast death ward on the gods as well. We're truly living the nightmare.
Meh that is on the assumption that such a dumb plan would work.

Plague craft is for physical effects (possibly to a supernatural degree) not magic effects. I highly doubt we can create plagues that alter mana since that is not a biological thing (unless there are midichlorians in this setting).
Are vampires biological or magical?
>Made you look.;^)
Joke's on you, I have 4chanX.
Maybe if you combine blood magic with plague magic you can get an overt magic effect but I still doubt it can just steal everyone's energy.
That's why I made up that retarded plan.
It doesn't make sense that a single spell would let you rig the game that hard for yourself.

Well, the Vampire Immortality is based on the Empower Bloodline spell, which doesn't seem biological to me.
It seems like maybe it's a necromantic blood magic spell.
Even if you assume it will allow you to make such plague, it will take a lot of time to research and refine it, and you'll need to come up with a method of distribution. Meanwhile, other green necros would be able to make an antidote or something. It's not like there's a single "you win" spell.
That's what I told the other guy.
Making a disease that let's you harvest energy from all life on the planet is just as dumb as making a disease that somehow 'kills magic'.
Never know when someone is serious or making a point.

It seems clear to me that craft plague is limited by the biological limitations of a disease. It is essentially a micro version of the create life spell and would have the same limitations at a small level (create life is limited to biology).

Adding Bloodcrafter would allow stretching those limits but magic energy is off the table (unless like I said there is a bio component to magic energy).
It's not dumb, it's FUN
While this is 4chan, no I wasn't. I really thought it was a funny comparison showing the flaw with the original anons reasoning. Not to mention gods have no biology to infect.
>year 1200-something of our Mother and Father and (ded) Child
>not wanting to harvest the life energy of the entire planet
Plague Crafter says Cure Disease counters it so they don't even need to work too hard.
Only after I have sex with the planet.
Planet Waifu CYOA when?
>implying Earth isn't best waifu
She's not a pure maiden.
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Delete this.
Rapture Academy CYOA:
>Evil Route
Boys House:
>House Mars (+1 Force and +3 Points for Physical or Social Perks.
>Allure: 0 Unappealing
>Elusive: 0 Clueless
>Force: 6 Inhuman
>Study: 1 Slow
>Threat: 6 Inhuman
Perks and Flaws: (+10)
Favorite Class:
>Self Defense (-1)
>Competitive (-2)
>Intimidating (-3)
>Giant Cock (-1)
>Inhuman Attribute: Force (-6)
>Inhuman Attribute: Threat (-6)
>Bane (+1)
>Aversion (+2)
>Phobia (+3)
>Martial Training (-3)
>Wealth (Free)
>I Don't Give A Fuck
The Orb

Black Castle
Blood Clouds

Humanity has been cucking her since they started standing upright.
>Symbol of Office:
The Ring
The White Palace
>Vampire Country:

Just gonna be peaceful and careful.
Also play games and do drugs.
Thread posts: 545
Thread images: 131

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