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MTG Modern General: Sequencing Cantrips and Rituals Is The Hard

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Thread replies: 321
Thread images: 52

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How many of your decks have gotten the funhammer? Have you avoided buying into a deck in case it got banned too? Will Twin be unbanned before WOTC drops all Modern support and transitions into Standard and Frontier only?

Playing, hating, brewing, sideboarding?

>Current Modern Metagame
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Go back to bed, Karn. You're drunk.
4 damage to target creature or player. Target player gains 4 life.
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>all of this tryharder solution to DSJ when you just need a pair of lightning bolts...
Just hard remove it, holy shit. This is a shit response to deaths shadow
Are black people welcome at FNM?
What are the advantages/disadvantages of grixis shadow over regular jund shadow?
It's worse. It's not better. It plays blue cards
there's this old black dude at my LGS that likes to wear all white and plays white eldrazi
cool dude
Not paying for a playset of goyfs
grixis pros
>don't die to bolt
>serum visions
>snapcaster mage
grixis cons
>no tarmo
>no traverse the ulvenwald
>no ghor clan rampager
Fatal Push should have been in white instead. I get that that might have made standard worse but holy fuck the game really didn't need another good black card
I've played magic for years no problem. They people who were shitty to me I feel would have been shitty if I were any race. There are some stores I avoid because the atmosphere is bit too rednecky.
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>wanting to give fatal push to kithkin tribal
Most retarded post I have ever read
Not funny
Everyone complains about blue when white is almost nonexistent in older formats. Wizards isn't helping either by taking away low costed exile removal and protect. And they haven't printed a relevant hatebear in years.

The goal is actually to be a slightly bigger lightning helix

I just made it target to have edge applications
>white is almost nonexistent in older formats
Of the cards that don't make up DnT and see play across multiple decks the only real noteworthy cards are Mentor, Swords, Thalia, and Stoneforge, and the various tech cards in white
White needs a serious overhaul for older formats IMO
>inb4 someone gets pissy because of Miracle's meta share
This is the modern thread. Why do you think people care about blue in modern and not white in older formats?
Christ this place is ridiculous
Me and my friends all got into mtg recently and we're all having a good time with it so far. I was thinking if making a fun mono-red deck with goblins. Any recommended creatures/spells I should add?
I'd recommend checking the thread you're posting in
Yeah I just realized this us modern format. Sorry.
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You're a few years too late anon. There's a General for custom cards btw, and if there's not just make one.
If those were a hybrid RW I'd be happy

And na I just felt like funposting, fuck custom cards
I'm saying that white needs a buff in older formats (MODERN, legacy and vintage) more than blue. And they need to stop giving the best tools to b and the gb hybrid cards.
My abzan coco deck uses plenty of not-path white. I don't know what you're talking about
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What are the best gifts packages in modern?

>Unburial Rites

>Noxious revival

>Ravens crime

What am I missing? Anything?
>low tier 2 deck

You really disproved my point.
You're the type that's useless to converse with.
Living end is best combo deck
It is also the most boring

How about someone else phrase it in a more reasonable way

The cards you are using in your deck, such as Anafenza or a few other cards like in D&T (Displacer, Arbiter, Flickerwisp, etc), have specific synergies that does not lend them to general usage. Path and bullets like RIP and Stony Silence are some of the only general use cards white has in the format, which is why the couple decks that run white generally stick to those core tools and Lingering Souls which requires black anyways.

Your deck is not a great representation of the fornat, which is widely dominated by jund colors for its primary strategies.
How? You actually have play with your opponent unlike valakut or ad nauseum.
It's mostly cycle idiots into cascade but post board and against blue decks the matches are more skill intensive.
That's an odd way to spell Amulet.
That's not ad nauseum
I'm sorry anon. Bloom is gone and the new version is meme tier
Lingering souls is good in most value gifts piles
>gets Bobby to 16th place on his first try in a GP since the ban, top 32'd before that
>turn 3 Titans are meme tier
Whatever you say, Mr. Pro
And living end placed even higher recently. Just saying I've played against the new amulet and it seems much worse then before
Wizards doesn't really specifically design for older formats.
Legacy is regarded as a format of mistakes. They don't ever want to purposefully make something powerful enough to see play there.
They just don't really care about modern and designing something specifically for modern will often be too powerful for standard.
>grixis opponent has 3 open mana
>I'm on two lands with simian and outburst in hand
>decide to bait him with a dryad arbor
>he takes the bait and terminates, thinking I'll be stuck in two mana
>simian, outburst into end for 6 creatures
>gg ez
I'd say it has more to do with how Living End (if uncontested post-board) is a hard counter to DSJ, Eldrazi and anything creature beatdown (so the current top meta) really than the fact that it's just strictly better no matter what. Amulet has more explosive draws and an unreal late game.
I want to build owling mine for dirt cheap as my first real modern deck but all my friends play burn or aggro.
I enjoy shitting on tron with fulminator, beast within and sideboard avalanche rider
>cracked two boxes
>2 damnation, one of each fetch sans tarn, blood moon, and goblin guide
>foil goyf and foil marsh flats
>bunch of other edh mythics

>1 path to exile
>0 inquisition

what the fuck is this
>the fuck is this?

You falling for the "Buy a box, guaranteed value"meme.
>buy my first pack of mm17
>another guildgate
>oh this is going to be good
>Liliana of the Veil
>neat, might as well ruin my good run
>buy a second pack
>Misty Rainforest
And that's why I'm not opening anymore packs.
if you want to timewalk aggro into oblivion on the cheap, just build soul sisters

i think living end is marginally more exciting than AN and valakut titan decks
>tfw we're never gonna another cool, powerful combo deck in modern
>tfw even if we do it will be banned
Desperate Ritual, Pyretic Ritual, Manamorphose, Past in Flames
>tfw we're stuck playing the same extended combo decks until the format implodes
>average storm player can't even reply properly
@52273529 who do you think you are to start calling people out? Let's see your deck, scrub
>all my mythics were red
>only foil rare was Advent of the Wurm
>best pulls were Misty, Arid Mesa, Marsh Flats, and Blood Moon
>1 Path, no Inquisition
>Saheeli Rai+Felidar Guardian
Fucking MM17
>4 packs summoning trap. grafdiggers cage, fiercy justice, misty

Misty was fine also foil izzet signet but fuck dude
>I'll take white removal in modern for 1 basic tapped please
What is path?
Dont forget
>flame jab
Nigga he got a shit load of value
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My box was literally worth 50 dollars. Zero fetches, zero good mythics. I was pretty mad, most valuable card I got was path, hehe......
>serum visions
baka senpai

>oi vey, don't crash the price of path to exile
>we actually sell large numbers of that card at hugely inflated prices
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how'd i do, lads?
>didn't sleeve 10+ dollar cards instantly
Pretty bad.
That's pretty awful actually.
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I assume you pulled that from a box you purchased, so good job you fucking idiot, you could have literally bought all that shit for less than half of what you bought the box for.
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rat cunt
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how much of a tool do you have to be to post your awful fucking pulls from the box of modern jewmasters 2017 remember the six gorillion distributed by Kikes of the Coast who narrowly escaped the final solution oy vey good goy.
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Honestly you did pretty fucking awful, and you're a fucking douche.
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Hopefully you get hit by a car soon, and become a paraplegic for the rest of your worthless existence, you fucking waste of space, please fuck off and kill yourself. Consumerist pig fuck.
>all this samefagging
Jesus christ, sorry a box is expensive for you
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Good goy / 10, please continue to support oven dodgers of the coast with your delicious shekels, oy vey.
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Everyone point and laugh at this dumbass, how fucking retarded do you have to be to open one of these merchantcontainers, you literally paid to get shit you simply could have bought singly for a fraction of the price and you probably did it with a smile on your face you literal potato faced retard cunt twat.
it was a gift. also i had fun
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How are people not embarrassed to post proof of themselves getting ripped off.

Do you want us to validate your stupidity anon?

Because sure, you did a good job bud, you got fucked in the ass and your proud of it, good job, you are literally aids.
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Cancer / 10

kys faggit.
>all this fucking samefag
unironically kill you're self
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Lmaooooo, and thats probably considered a """"""good"""""" box, holy shit these newfag customers cannot be this stupid.

>Literally buying a box of modern cucks 2017
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can you just imagine this dude stroking his fat chode while his sausage fingers are struggling to open the next pack, sweat beading off his 3 forehead down to his 6 chins, fully erect as he finally finds the fetchland, and climaxes all over his hobbit toes, he's finally made it, he finally got the fetchland he paid 240$ dollars for holy shit.
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> g-guys, h-how'd i do
>i-i did g-good right g-g-guys
>pls g-guys
>Im not a loser faggot cuck twat r-right
White is perfectly fine you mong.

Just because you can't play fucking kithkin tribal and win doesn't mean the color is bad.
Hybrid mana was a mistake. You were a mistake.
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Is this the worst post of all time on /tg/, its kind of difficult for me to wrap my head around why someone would possibly think this is a good thing to post, it only proves how much of a total tool you are, and that you've got the intelligence of a tangerine.

This faggot and faggots like him are why I eagerly await the end of this fucking card game
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Getting angry at decent folk won't change the fact that your dumb ass overpaid like a fucking idiot.

Stay mad, customer.
>bought my mm17 box
>UR fetch
>B/G fetch
>B/W fetch
>R/W fetch
>Foil Abrupt
>3 inquisitions
>2 paths
>foiled Might of Krosa
>still 8 boosters left

my dick
>only people who bought overpriced cardboard disagree with me

I don't even play this fucking game i come here to shit post
That lil dwarf has more character than all of the Kaladesh dwarves combined.

how fucking sad are you that you wait for the end of a card game you don't even fucking play. You are aids embodied. What a waste of space.
I wait for the end so I may shitpost about it. How sad are you that my hobby upsets you this much.
lmao, what a fucking loser
Not even him but holy shit you are pathetic.

fucking douche
Call me whatever you like. It won't stop me.
>Mono-Red Burn is a combo deck.
Is Seth (or SaffronOlive for you gays) retarded?
>I spend an hour posting reaction images and thinking up ebin replies
I wish I was this sad and alone lmao
Can we stop jerking off the faggot trolls and grt back to the thread? When's the best time to pick up fakes from my friendly neighborhood chinaman ?
>being so retarded it takes you an hour to troll modern general

Holy shit, were you dropped on your head as a child?
Never. Alternatively right now and as soon as you get them, assuming they even get depivered, use them to set yourself on fire.
lol what's it like being so cucked by jews of the coast?
You made the right choice
Considering some of the against the odds decks yes
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I want to buy these while they're cheap.

Are they getting any cheaper or should I buy them now?
You aren't ready to handle BGx
You literally can't read.
The easiest colour combo to play? I think anyone can handle that
Neither can you.
I can read fine. You're actually retarded. I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone. Life is shitty enough for you already
>another thread ruined by teehee chinaman fakes p-please buy them! S-stop spending your money on other pieces of cardboard c-cuck Jew f-faggot poopy dick

Thanks modern general
I think they are going to keep going down/stay low until people stop opening mm17, then they will start to creep up again. So probably in about 1-2 months is when most rares/mythics will hit their low. Of course there is the possibility that wizards decides to do more print runs.
You can't handle the fury
Great post. So much better than chinaman posts.
What's the better meme color, Mardu or Sultai?
I assume you mean for midrange snoozefest? Mardu
Chinamen shills are the fucking worst
Where does this line of thinking come from? Im not cucked by Wizards I rarely if ever buy supplemental product for draft or just to crack. 99% of my card collection is singles ive purchased from my LGS or CardKingdom which doesnt give WotC any money.
The only people giving WotC money are those who buy packs for draft and boxes of standard sets or The Commander Precons. Buying old modern and legacy staples does not give wizards any money.
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Fuck yeah, Jace, Karakas and Crypt last year and this year all this awesome shit. One masters box a year is totally the way to go.

Interesting to see that all four rares/mythics that came in foil also came in non-foil version in the box.
>enemy fetches are climbing in price every day
The set JUST came out. What the fuck is going on?
You naive fucker
Demand. Every one and their grandmother wants enemy fetches, because it turns out when you print a card that literally everyone NEEDS just so they can play, everyone wants that card. One limited print run will not satisfy demand.

What WotC needs to do is take the top 250 most expensive cards and reprint them in an unlimited Masters set. Do this every year for both Legacy and Modern. Cards should be no more than $10 a piece.
Just won my LGS's Modern Monday with Ponza.

Bye, only 7 players so someone had to get it

2-0 vs Jeskai control. G1 he had no interaction and I just played a Chandra Flamecaller on turn 5 or something and activated her a couple times. G2 was a slogfest. I took an Emrakul to the face like a champ and Swagtusk got me there

2-1 vs BtL Scapeshift. He had interaction G1 and I couldn't stop him. G2 and G3 I just dropped a Blood Moon and swung on through.

Was kinda lucky in the rounds I won but hey, I'll take it. I mean, if I'd been hit by Emrakul a turn earlier I didn't have Swagtusk, and he just happened to draw Emrakul that turn and was forced to waste a turn. Against Scapeshift I was attacking with Inferno Titan and had it been any other creature I would've lost due to clock speed. Deck really needs Gutteral Response in the sideboard.
The problem is, anon, fetches literally cannot go down in price with a limited print run.

We need a khans level reprint of them for prices to go down.
I'd be totally fine with this.
>what is chronicles
An event you're likely misinformed about
We don't like fetches in standard :^)
Knightfall with or without combo?
Neither, but without the combo what's even the fucking point? Might as well play BGx with better cards at that point.
Yes with combo. What kind of question is that?
Asking because almost none of the recent decks have the combo

>Haha my wife didn't want to come because it's too intimidating and she thinks only weirdos play
>This happens every week

Way to say you think you're too good for play FNM because you think being a girl is something special to fawn over.
Well that's interesting I guess. Although, it's not Knightfall without Retreat to Coralhelm. It's just Bant CoCo.
Probably has something to do with how those decks are just Bant Company. What do you think the -fall comes from?
I guess beating down with a fat knight and kessig is just as good as comboing?

Where you think -my dick- comes from?
My palms get sweaty, and I really get nervous in competitive Magic. Even during drafts my heart will be pounding and my face beet red as my opponent wrecks me.
Is there something you want to say about my post? It's unsettling to have players think they're too good for FNM because of their gender.
Your wife sounds like a cunt, dude.
Your post indicated nothing to do with gender. You just sound like a woman hating/fearing sperg
No, retard. I want women to come play. Then I get to play with their husbands who joke about how everyone is too unkempt for their wives/gfs to come play with us schlubs. I'm saying gender doesn't matter. It's just being a retard to go around saying that sort of stuff. Everyone is welcome, you get me?
If you're interested, the deck after today is:
4 Arbor Elf
4 Utopia Sprawl
2 Birds of Paradise
2 Beast Within
4 Stone Rain
4 Blood Moon
3 Mwonvuli Acid Moss
1 Obstinate Baloth
1 Chandra, Torch of Defiance
3 Thragtusk
3 Primal Command
1 Stormbreath Dragon
3 Inferno Titan
1 Chandra, Flamecaller
3 Bonfire of the Damned

4 Wooded Foothills
4 Windswept Heath
3 Stomping Grounds
9 Forest
1 Mountain

2 Grafdigger's Cage
2 Boil
2 Guttoral Response
2 Obstinate Baloth
1 Dismember
1 Lightning Bolt
1 Ancient Grudge
1 Acidic Slim
1 Relic of Progenitus
1 Anger of the Gods
1 Nourish
i.e. people need to stop pretending Magic is gender exclusive. It isn't and if it's happening a shop can get in a lot of trouble. There's no reason not to attend FNM because you're a girl unless you think too much of yourself.
You know most girls aren't into magic and similar activities, right? Regardless of the hygiene of fellow players



Dude. We don't give a shit.
The point is going completely over your head.
The point is going completely over YOUR head.
Don't enter the discussion if you're going to dodge it.
This. The truth of the matter is that the women who want to play will play regardless of the people around them. And the guys who make women uncomfortable will make them uncomfortable regardless of the venue. They're the same guys who try to push women out of anything they do for any reason they can come up with. It is not the hobby's fault of these guys play and it's not right to discriminate against Magic players as a whole because of the acts of a few.
So women who are too uncomfortable to play because of the few should just stay at home?
No, nobody is saying this you literal social justice warrior
That is one option, sure. Another is for those women to grow a spine and not take things so seriously. Also, for us to tell these guys to stay home if they're going to act creepy.
>Another is for those women to grow a spine
This. They are humans just like us and don't need to act so fragile and meek
Excuse you!

If you called me that in person I'd report you to the LGS owner.
Right try going around calling girls sjws in real life and see how that works for you Drumpf.
I literally do this all the time. Get bent baby
Anyone play no banned list? Getting a group going here but not sure what I want to play yet.
You play Affinity with skullclamp and the lands
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Play 12post or Blazing Infect.

or Twin
Yeah, Blazing Infect would be my answer. Or Hypergenesis.
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>6 of my friends bought at least 1 box, I just bought some blood moons
>not a single one of them opened even 150 worth of cards in a box, no goyf no lili
What did wizards mean by this?
good job
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Trump seems like more of a pod guy desu
Obviously, the man has taste.
Is this normal? Seems like the rare time I bother going to the shop for a few games the majority of people I'm up against are constantly bobbing their legs, or frantically shuffling their cards in hand.
theyre all tweaking on adderall
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They're at a game store playing a children's card game on a Friday night, what do you think?
That's just a nervous habit. For example, I often shuffle the cards in my hand because I like to keep my hands busy while I think.
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Guilty of franctic shuffling, helps me concentrate in more serious games.
new phyrexia was a mistake
If I had more time I'd make one with Karn poking his head out of that.
I beg to differ. It was one of the greatest set ever made IMO. Powerful cards, good mechanics, good fluff.
>good mechanics
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norn weebs ruined it
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Just wondering, not saying they will ever do this, but will they ever print a brainstorm for 2 and put back or honestly even 2 in modern?
I mean I was just thinking, is that too powerful for modern?
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Would a new Pod be okay to print if there was no phyrexian mana for it, just green?
Probably wouldn't be very good desu. Turn 2 pod was literally the best play in modern, you really just could not beat it. Coco is the best you'll ever get.
Turn 3-4 Pod in standard could be good though
Who gives a shit about standard
On the draw not fantastic though, as it gets blown out fairly hard by kolaghan's Command
not wizards for one
Honestly, those decks are pretty fun.

The whole stifled creativity sucks though, yeah.
>Go to fnm one time when they're playing standard.
>Literally every single person there was playing copy cat or vehicles
Fucking ridiculous honestly. Like I'm dead serious everyone was playing one of those 2 decks I saw. Like seriously how fucking boring and gay can you get.
If that is diversity by wotc standards those fucks need to unban DTT, Pod and Troll.
And that is why we need to unban Emrakul
And people say Modern isn't diverse.
d e l v e r
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>standard sucks dick
>wizards bans 3 things which is the most since fucking CawBlade
>standard sucks even harder now

When will wotc admit they have to change how they are designing sets? "Battlecruiser Magic" is pure cancer and there's no way it will ever get better unless they change their design attitude
Satan trips of truth, but we can't have timmy and all of the new players get confused or frustrated with the format anon :)
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>we can't have timmy and all of the new players get confused or frustrated with the format anon :)
Fuck that. I'd consider myself the timmiest of timmies and even I can see that standard is a complete shitfest right now. I don't want to keep track of clusterfucky board states, I want to cast fatties and win.
Unrelated, but could someone whip up an imagine similar to that gif but with Karn? That'd be really helpful for future modern threads, I feel.
>but we can't have timmy and all of the new players get confused or frustrated with the format anon

It's so weird. WotC has this exact line of reasoning but all the timmies at my LGS flocked to mtg during khans standard and there was a lot of "no fun" cards like counterspells, super fast red creatures, planeswalker removal but like standard was huge around here.

Now it's just midrange slog vs midrange slog and everyone hates it. They can't even fire standard often.
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>midrange slog vs midrange slog
>65% of the meta is aggro or Combo
Choose one
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>They can't even fire standard often.
My LGS cancelled Standard FNM in favor of Modern a few months back because there aren't enough regular Standard players for it to fire. It's pretty awesome because now I have an event to attend every day of the weekend if I'm not too busy drinking away the pain of being alive
>aggroish-midrange with cards like Gideon, Balista and 3 mana removal spells
When are they banning Death's Shadow, Goyf and Puresteel Paladin?
Which do you use?
4 color saheeli plays a mid range game so they can win even when you're holding up mana to stop the combo. Jeskai saheeli is more focused on the combo with counters to protect it.
This meme is stale desu cheerios is trash
But how am I supposed to build shitty janky combos that automatically lose to discard when a better version of that already exists
For Abzan CoCo, if I have the mana to cast chord on 3 and have zero/only 1 piece of the combo out on the board, is it better to just Chord for an E-witness to get more board pressure (barring that its safe to Chord at that point)?
A 10 year old girl plays standard at my local shop. But generalize what people do and don't like
Have you considered introducing her to a less shit format? Don't let kids fall into the Standard trap.

no one said "zero females have played magic ever"

People are just saying that females tend not to get into magic, at least not at the FNM/regular REL level.

My friends try to get their gfs (if applicable) into mtg all the time, they'll play maybe one game of EDH or a limited format then never touch the game again. No one here is actively bullying them or harassing them or something. They just don't like it that much to pursue it like we did. And there's nothing wrong with that.
You're better off with:
>Other Bullet
>Bring to Light

They basically always have to give you the worst bullet and Bring to Light. Noxious Revival is just not good enough to earn a slot. So like Maelstrom Pulse, Abrupt Decay, Snap, and Bring to Light. You are always going to get the Pulse and Bring to Light. Most decklists can only run two copies of a Wrath; running three usually isn't what you want to be doing so you have to get Snap, Wrath, Worse Bullet, Bring to Light so you can get the other Wrath with Bring to Light. Or you can just go with Wrath of God, Damnation, and Day of Judgment; really I'd keep at least one of those in the sideboard.

>Tectonic Edge
>Raven's Crime
>Ghost Quarter

You can play the Sun Titan + Phantasmal Image package but I personally feel those cards are just shit compared to the fatties.

If you have a Liliana online and 5 lands you can just outright Rites, Fatty, two other spells for free value because you will be able to discard the fatty with Liliana.

My recent favorite out of nowhere (also shit) combo is Loam, Academy Ruins, Thopter Foundry, and Sword of the Meek. Basically they will be forced to give you the Sword and Loam because it will cost you the most mana to get the combo rolling and you have to do it next turn because of how Ruins works.
>started playing Magic too late for Pod-era Modern

What can I play in Modern that's like Pod
This might be a stupid question but I'm asking this because I haven't found an answer.

I know you can only have 1 planeswalker of a specific type on the field at a time, like 1 jace and 1 kiora. Can you add a loyalty counter to both planeswalkers or only 1 of them will get a loyalty counter?

You're going to have to provide more detail as to the exact situation to get a good answer.
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>pick up MM box from LGS
>grab an extra pack for the walk hom
>blood moon
>not bad.jpg
>open box
>fucking pic related

My only modern deck is naya burn. What should I do?
>Buy a box instead of buying a pieces of a new deck
What are you - stupid? I don't care if you came out on top in terms of money, your box could have easily been trash.
>tfw MM17 boxes are like $360 dollarydoos

No matter what you open, you're not getting your cash back or making a profit.
Won last Modern FNM with meme RB Eldrazi.

Dunno why ppl started playing Jeskai Control and Naya Burn.I just ate them alive.
I looked up the rule of how planeswalkers work and you can have 2 different planeswalkers. So let's say jace and kiora. At the start of your turn you can add a loyalty counter to your planeswalker. Normally you see 1 planeswalker out. What if you have 2 planeswalkers, such as this case of jace and kiora. Can you add a loyalty counter to both jace and kiora or is it only 1 loyalty counter per turn regardless of the quantity of planeswalkers?
I got memed by Mill last Friday. It wasn't the mill but the Crypt Incursion gaining him 40 odd life twice when I had him at 1-2 life.
1 each
Part disposable income, part tradition with my friends to get a box of each masters set and play whole box sealed.

>TCG currently has tons for $200
>At the start of your turn you can add a loyalty counter to your planeswalker
that's not how planeswalkers work at all
Once per turn you can use 1 ability of each planeswalker
I'm in Australia.
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play moon rats

also dont buy fucking boxes you fucking mongoloid
Hypothetically boxes contain $120 worth of draft value (8 players x $15/player). But let's be honest here, the vast majority of retards buying this product didn't draft it. And even then most boxes aren't going to contain $240.

To be clear, you may activate one Planeswalker ability per turn. That means you can use a "-" ability or "+" ability or "0"; loyalty counters are added or removed as a cost to activating the ability. If a Planeswalker lacks the requisite number of counters to activate the "-" ability, it can't activate it but it will always be able to activate the "+" or "0" ability.

So, if both Planeswalkers have a "+" ability, you may activate both during your turn, one at a time, only when you may cast a Sorcery. So in your case you may activate your Jace's ability, then Kiora's ability once Jace's resolves, during a main phase. If it's a +1 ability, the Planeswalker gets one loyalty counter when you activate the ability. If it's a +2 ability, the Planeswalker gets two loyalty counters when you activate the ability.
>tfw MM17 boxes are like $360 dollarydoos
Even SCG has them for 250 USD.

>At the start of your turn you can add a loyalty counter to your planeswalker.
No. You can only add loyalty counters by using the PW's + abilities or other cards. There are no free loyalty counters (except for the ones they enter the battlefield with).

Try ordering from Hong Kong or Japan?
>Part disposable income, part tradition
Just because you have the money and it's tradition doesn't exempt it from being a shit spending decision.

I do shit out of tradition and having money all the time; but I'll admit it's a shit way to spend my money. But at least I care to not buy a shit product.

The reason why we shit on people who buy this garbage is because it's a shit product and the fact people like you keep buying it means that the product will continue being shit because Wizards knows they can get away with it.

In an ideal world this product won't sell for the price it is, with only 24 packs, with such shit EV, with bullshit rarity boosts (arguably Snapcaster can actually be an Uncommon at worst Rare; even the fucking fetchlands can be Uncommons), with game-ruining cards like Olivia Voldaren, Obzedat, and Bonfire.

But it's not an ideal world. Because people like you keep buying it without thinking that your money just gives Wizards permission to hack together a garbage product.
I meant the plus ability. I say it as if you just add a loyalty since typically that's what you would always do anyway.

Thank you.
I don't know what you're asking. You don't have to activate a Planeswalker's abilities every turn; it's always optional.

Read this:
Isn't it usually a good idea to + the planeswalkers? That's what can change the game, isn't it?
No, some situations you don't want to activate the + ability every turn. Some Planeswalkers have symmetrical abilities for example where all players have to discard cards.

Sometimes you don't want a Planeswalker to get enough counters to activate their ultimate ability because your opponent can steal your Planeswalker and activate the ability on you thus losing the game for you.

Sometimes you want the Planeswalker to actually be within kill-range to bait the opponent to make the wrong attack/burn it so they don't attack/burn you.
How would you guys rate MM17 draft compared to other recent sets?
Abzan Company is podless pod. Unfortunately, you're basically playing the odds of hitting exactly what you need off of collected company every game.

I play it, it isn't all that fun unless your opponent just doesn't want to interact with you
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Am I retarded for wanting to test this out as a one-of in Bant Eldrazi? I have one flex slot in my 75 that I ideally want to fill with a creature.

You can't do any cute strategies because they included nut Rare/Mythics that utterly undo all the effort that goes into a dedicated deck devoted to mechanics like Populate or Sacrifice or RB spells. Either you rip perfect or some (plentiful) Rare undoes everything like Olivia, Entreat, Mizzium Mortars, Cyclonic Rift or even innocuous crap like Call the Herd. It's absurd to think that Vampire Nighthawk needs to be in any Limited set at all because of how it just stops anything you want to do; why the fuck would you invest in playing 1/1 tokens or Grizzly Bears when nearly every fucker is a X/3. Some fucker is going to open a Fetchland while some other guy is going to open some nut card like Hellrider or Extractor Demon and run away with the game.

It's just staggering how bad many of the common and uncommon cards are. The set is built around durdling as hard as you humanly can (and you can) and value-towning the other guy to death.

Personally I put it in line with NPH-MBS-SOM or DGM-GTC-RTR draft, just a clusterfuck of nothing coming together and in the end you just out-power the other guy.

Wizards has no fucking clue how to design Limited anymore. Fucking Bonfire? And Mortars? AND Pyroclasm? What the fuck is wrong with them?
>people being this mad about value.
>Not building for fun casual decks with the draft chaft from the box because the draft chaft is actually fucking good.
>Not having friends to play 60 card casual with.
>Not wanting to play casual UW or Esper Blink.

I KNOW I wasted like $440 on two boxes. I know I could have spent that on singles. The first box was the one I opened, but the second one is for drafting with my pals this saturday. But if ya'll niggahs getting this mad about sealed product, cool off. And to those whom bought boxes thinking VALUE, you're fools.
these are the best feels. The masters chaff this year is miles better than last year. I came out way on top money wise, but it's all a bonus to drafting with friends and all the deckbuilding inspiration!
Hes not bad, he can help push through damage and draw cards. One of shouldnt hurt.
Holy fucking asshurt batman! How butthurt can you possibly be that other people bought a box with their money? Yes everyone already knows that the best way to build a deck is to buy singles but if someone wants to waste their money why does it bother you? Boxes will NEVER EVER contain more value on avergae then what you spent on them thats just how economics works.
i did 1 box
>foil scalding tarn
>marsh flats, cavern, snapcaster, griselbrand, voice of resurgence, foil junk rare, 1 exile, 2 kozilek, 2 serum visions, 2 might of old krosa
What is turn 3 Karn turn 4 Ugin.
>WotC wants to push "diversity" in mtg
>standard meta is less diverse than a fucking KKK rally
This is why I've stopped buying sealed. For every guy who pulls nut value there's at least 15 saps who pull jack.
>tfw you beat the shit out of your opponent g2 and 3 after they feel themselves with their jank deck g1

Why is this so satisfying?
trying to make BUG work is suffering.

>inb4 just play Jund
>inb4 bluebabby
>inb4 lern2side

after a few hours of tinkering this what I've arrived at. played a few games on Xmage and it won me a few games (not that that means anything). sideboard is just a list of cards for main and side that I'm still considering.
>Hand disruption
>Calling the deck control
Please just shut up and go back to standard.

>fall back into the standard trap

sorry about that. i felt it wasn't midrange enough when i was testing.
Fuck you, control is not only counterspells or any specific card types.

Control is about reaction and answering everything your opponent does and denying their plays. Stripping cards out of their hand, destroying their permanents, countering spells, denying them resources like combat phases, mana, turns, cards.

Lightning Bolt is as much a control card as it is an aggro card.

That deck is much more reactive than pro-active and that is very much a quality of control.
ashiok is bad
>Lightning Bolt is as much a control card as it is an aggro card.
This desu
I can confirm this as a burn player
>control is not only counterspells or any specific card types
I'm fully aware that control is about answering your opponent's shit while generating some form of advantage that wins you the game in the end. What's your point? That Thragtusk is REAL control?
>That deck is much more reactive than pro-active
What the fuck deck are YOU looking at?
As much as any win con used by control
If your argument is that hand disruption into efficient midrange creatures is control, why is Jund commonly listed as an aggressive deck? Your deck is EXACTLY what people would think of as a blue version of Jund. Except without Lilly because apparently when you want to generate advantage you don't want it in the form of a card that can kill multiple creatures.
not his ( >>52286601 ) deck, but i feel you guys on the ashiok. it really only found it's way in because I was to worried about LotV's symmetrical discard
Ashiok is legitimately bad though. He doesn't DO anything. If that guy would drop the pretense that his deck is control he'd do much better. Throw Lilly in and watch as you actually win games.
it's not his >>52286528 >>52286601
deck though, it's mine. I even admit here >>52286525 that it's not really control
Well, I just lost a million points of faith in this fucking place; I didn't think there was much more to lose but I was wrong. I wanted to believe that we were above dogpiling on someone over shit like that.

Could you resist posting if I referred to Alesha as "she"?

Christ, I'm out. It's bad enough that it's like this in real life; I thought we were better.
dude it's a joke; ashiok is a genderless nightmare being. do you really think fa/the/uys are pc?
This is the most Reddit post I've seen today.
>inb4 gas the mobilefag
I was being sarcastic (don't see a reason for sub-5 round tournament reports myself) but thanks for the list. How do you find Boil? Seems like t2 stone rain/moon is good enough vs Grixis and UWR. I'd run Feed the Clan instead of Nourish.
>foil scalding tarn

Muh dick. I bought a shit ton of every set that ever had fetches in it, Onslaught included, and have never even seen a foil one.
What are the Modern equivalents of;
Illusions of Grandeur
Siren's Call
Dark Ritual

Donate is the most important I need a reliable way to give my opponents Abyssal Persecuter pls
other cards just have to be vaguely similar or useful
Have you tried
Serum Visions for Thoughtscour
Ashiok for Liliana
Thragtusk for Gurmag Anglers
Damnations for Snapcasters
Visions for Remand
Demonic Pact
Idk, that's not really a playable effect
Desperate Ritual
Harmless Offering
Damn it I was worried you'd say Harmless offering I need them in blue black.
Incite War for Siren's Call. Keeps the deck mostly in red to boot.
Avarice Totem is colorless.
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That's a little pricey on my mana curve
Well this is my deck minus those cards I'm trying to replace
Man, Junk feels awful and so god damn clunky.

Are Nobles really good enough for the inclusion? Yeah T2 souls is good, but T3 BB (sometimes T2) is too important and it's difficult to get. Not to mention having to decide between T1 discard or Noble.
So go Grixis. It's not like you'll be the only tri-color deck in the format.
I'll give it a go.
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Alright how'd I do?
I always wanted to buy snapcaster (with decent image) and some scalding tarns. Should I make RUB Death Shadow, grixis Delver or is there a better deck for this 2 cards?
What's wrong with you?
yeah both those are wrong, the correct term is UBR
>Not using Shards officialâ„¢ names
shard names are redundant and only shorter phonetically, no reason to use them at all
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I want to build something with Blood Moon in it.

Ponza? Free Win Red or whatever the fuck it's called? Skred?

My store is full of tron and E&T, and one guy plays lantern control. I personally like the 3 decks, and budget isn't a big constraint. Maybe Ponza is overkill against Tron, but it'd feel so good
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I'm really happy, I finally completed my set of Foil Ravnica Lands. So pumped. You gotta wait for those deals though honestly. But fuck yeah man, finally finished it, and I love the artwork and shit on the Ravnica lands, looks so great. Share in my happiness bruhs.
I don't understand why you want all the "force opponent to attack" cards in this deck. How do you punish them for that?
Blood moon isn't good against tron and quite frankly none of those decks are tronkillers.
But I want to "RUB" my victories in my opponent's face...
Nevertheless, should I go Grixis Death Shadow or Delver?
Tidehollow Strix, also some small monsters are held back for their effects so they don't get killed by larger monster. It's easier to control which monsters fight who if I can force him to attack and declare blockers.
Siren's Call was originally an anti Wall thing on top of that but the potential to entwine first strike onto my monsters, or just give them first strike could be more useful in some situations
Honestly though this deck is mostly theme and flavour.
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>Blood moon isn't good against Tron
Fucking love this meme. If they don't remove blood moon then they're playing the exact game you are, just with really high costed creatures. If you're losing with a resolved blood moon, it's cause you have no clock and wouldn't have beat them to begin with.

Play infect.
We have enough land tutors to get to 7 lands and cast our threats under a Blood Moon
Damn dude.

>some guy plays blood moon against you
>does literally nothing else the other 6 turns
>wow look how shit bloodmoon is against tron
do you think stony silence is bad against affinity? Why even play removal, your opponent will just draw another copy of that creature given enough time. Karn himself is shit, they'll just replay whatever you exile with it.
Sorry, I've been drinking and it's 1am, going to bed soon.
Anyway you know what I meant.
I gotcha. The First Strike with Tidehollow is pretty spicy.
>Meme combos
>yfw if they had just printed baleful strix in this standard, it would probably be fine
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>If you're losing with a resolved blood moon, it's cause you have no clock and wouldn't have beat them to begin with.
That's just the thing, no deck that plays Blood Moon has any real clock so in all actual scenarios Blood Moon is bad vs Tron, it's so bad in fact that it's legit for Gx Tron to play it in the board themselves vs Valakut, Amulet Titan etc. Ponza doesn't kill fast enough with Inferno Titan and cannot win through an Oblivion Stone.
New thread:
Blood Moon is "good enough" against Tron
Why do you think it's a potential sideboard card in GR Tron for the mirror? You just need to know how to play around it

Moon is 3cmc, you should already have assembled Tron by the time your opponent cast it. You're not gonna wait 6 more turns after that, 4 tops.
I said this a couple threads ago but noble just isn't really that good in the deck. Like you said, it makes for explosive starts but that not really what you're trying to accomplish in the grindy value deck. Exalted is rarely relevant and it's an abysmal top deck. I personally don't think that Grim flayer is good either but that's a different issue

>implying tron has any answer to a t2 glistener kill
eldrazi you might have a harder time against but inkmoth still gets in.
Wow. What a fucking baby.
Build rug delver and put 3 in the side
Much better than those other decks you mentioned. Not to mention Skred gets murdered by tron
>being this retarded
Only time exalted has been relevant for was when I was swinging with 1 souls and holding the others back.
how is knightfalls matchup against dsj?
im thinking of getting it, just need nobles and horizon canopy but i dont like the idea of buying into an auto lost matchup that is 30-40% of the lgs
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